Memo to the “progressive” Democratic Takers

Intro to ‘Memo to the “progressive” Democratic Takers

By Justin O. Smith

John R. Houk, Editor

Posted 5/18/17


Many Leftists like to describe themselves as Progressives. I have never liked that description because in my “Progressive” denotes a positive step forward.


There is nothing positive about a Leftist especially relative American Liberty and Freedom. Everything about the political Left is about government control of individuals deceptively masked as a progressive betterment of human society.


The thing is moving Left always results in some form of elitist totalitarianism. History demonstrates that if one decides to examine it, massive deaths of human lives all in the name of the some mythological greater good for the betterment of humanity.


According to Stéphane Courtois’s The Black Book of Communism, Communism is responsible for 100 million deaths, a number total that far exceeds Nazism, which left 16 million dead—and it eclipses the 20th century death tolls of lung cancer, diabetes, and homicides. (Communism: The Leading Ideological Cause of Death in the 20th Century; By Jim Liao; The Epoch Times; 1/25/17 12:20 PM – Last Updated: 3/16/17 2:54 pm)


The number of genocidal deaths may differ among demographic experts but not by much. Also, I find it interesting that most people view Nazism as a Right Wing phenomenon. People forget that Nazi is an acronym when translated into English is “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”. Note the word “Socialist”. Socialism is a Leftist term. Thus, you can add Hitler’s Nazi regime accredited 16 million deaths to the Communists as far as I am concerned.


Hitler, Mao, Stalin & Pol Pot


With all the efforts of the Dem Party to undermine President Trump with hypocritical fake conspiracies that when compared to the real conspiracies attributed Obama, Slick Willie and Crooked Hillary; Americans concerned about Constitutional heritage should become extremely upset! And at the very least NEVER vote for a Dem Party candidate for any reason! Justin Smith goes into greater detail about the counter-American Marxism the Dems are leading America toward.


JRH 5/18/17

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Memo to the “progressive” Democratic Takers


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 5/17/2017 7:50 PM


To ALL Democrats and Socialists out there:


While You may not be a Marxist, You definitely support many of the anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-Constitution/Bill of Rights/property rights and anti-American ideas that have derived straight from the Ten Tenets of the Communist Manifesto [SEE Analysis], however inadvertently or knowingly that may or may not be.


When You ask for Us to “come together and make a change that works for all of us”, I am reminded of the numerous times that Progressive Democrats pushed for “compromise”, so long as that compromise was heavily lop-sided in their favor and pushing the country farther and farther towards full blown communism, just as Bernie Sanders Socialists now do.


Compromise is fine, where room exists for that compromise, but one can never compromise with Evil and proposals that VIOLATE core Truths and moral human decency and principles that support and defend liberty.


The party of Marx — the Democratic Party — has pushed their agenda too far, and You are still pushing even though You lost the election, as You riot in Our streets and attempt to burn down Our cities, clamoring for privileges to be made into “rights”.


Americans who love God, their family and America are working to move this country back closer to a government that is limited in scope and aligned with Constitutional principles, in response to the abrogation of much of the Constitution under Obama and through activist judges who departed from any rational premise based upon “the law”.


And before We see this nation chipped away at, further destroyed, by people who demand wants and desires as “their right”, many of Us are prepared to fight, to pick up arms if necessary, because once the government can determine that privileges are now “rights”, you can expect to see a tyranny unleashed in the nation never seen before, with citizens forced to bow at the altar of the State for survival and the country reduced to the lowest common denominator in poverty, a “utopian” Third World hellhole.


So I don’t really think We have so much in common at this point. Before I die on my knees begging for sustenance from the government, I’d rather fight for my God-given Rights as a Free Born Man to live my life as I see fit without government intrusions in areas that do not concern our so-called “leaders”. And before I see America lurch further into the Dark Red fields of Communism, single-payer systems-Medicare for all, total government control of natural resources including water, over-regulating businesses out of existence, I would rather fight to Live Free, but because like my Ol’ Daddy told me, after fighting fascists and communists in three different wars, “Better Dead Than Red”.


And I plan on Living Free or Dying in the Battle, in order that Freedom and Liberty are preserved for America’s Children and Their Children and generations beyond.


Some of You might live fairly decent lives in a humanist sort of style, but rather than reach out to Us, the Conservative Americans, You and Your people need to look inward and see that perhaps the nation has already been soaked of all it’s willing to part with. We’re $20 trillion in debt and rapidly approaching economic collapse, due largely to socialist programs that have caused a convergence of capitalism and communism, that will certainly fail. It’s past time for All Americans to look to themselves and their own personal responsibility to their families and, wherever it may apply, to each other.


May God Bless America for All Eternity.


Justin O Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

All links as well as text enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith


U.S. Communists fret as some progressives shun Hillary

CPUSA & Crooked Hillary

This article was originally posted on WND. The writing is about how the U.S. Leftist Communists are concerned that Crooked Hillary is alienating some Dem Leftists. The article uses the pc version for Leftists with the word Progressives.


JRH 8/29/16

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U.S. Communists fret as some progressives shun Hillary


Posted by Dee Fatouros

Sourced from WND

August 28, 2016 07:26 PM PDT

The Realistic Observer


 The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) has infiltrated the Democrat Party far more than most realize. Its influence has been steady and pernicious like a slow growing cancer. It has now taken over the entire body politic in varying degrees. Although much of the electorate remains uninformed or in denial as to this phenomenon, many exist who do recognize that something is not quite right with the Dems.

Numerous progressives remain idealistic and cannot neither relate nor stomach what they are seeing in the present party as corruption, hypocrisy, and betrayal. (Many in the GOP have the same disgust with their party, but that is another story).

Witness the rise of Bernie Sanders. Was it because his supporters were true hard core Socialists/Communists or because they were fed up with leaders who talked out of both sides of their mouths and saw him as “the real thing”.

The following post discusses the dismay of the CPUSA over the fact that not all Dems seem willing to support Hillary. They are concerned. She must win in November in order for the agenda begun in earnest by the present WH occupant to continue.   

These voters have apparently abandoned Hillary and possibly the party.  


Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton (Photo- Twitter)Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton (Photo: Twitter)


They deeply despise her ties to Wall Street and call her a warmonger and a liar’


WASHINGTON – How deep and wide is the Communist Party USA’s support for Hillary Clinton?

It’s unambiguous. It’s 100 percent. And it’s uncompromising.

A new editorial on the party’s home page calls any thoughts about voting for the Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein or not voting for the top of the Democratic ticket “a flawed strategy.”

The CPUSA, birthed by Josef Stalin’s pocketbooks and sustained through the fall of the Soviet Union by KGB subsidies, is all in for Hillary.

The party is also excited about America’s corporate press jumping on the bandwagon with support for its candidate.

“Unprecedented early endorsements of Clinton have appeared in the Washington Post and Houston Chronicle, which described Trump as a ‘danger to the Republic,’” the editorial states with approval. “Many refer to Trump as an extreme authoritarian or worse, as a fascist.”

On the other hand, the Democrats meet the political litmus test with flying rainbow colors:

“The message from the DNC was the polar opposite. It reflected the broad electoral coalition backing Clinton, including the labor movement, African American, Latino, Asian and other communities of color, women, the LGBT community, youth, environmentalists, immigrant and disabled rights advocates.”

However, the CPUSA is concerned that not all ‘progressives” are on board for Clinton.

“But there are still some progressives, including some Bernie or Bust activists, who refuse to support Clinton,” the editorial says. “They deeply despise her ties to Wall Street and call her a warmonger and a liar. They see nothing positive in Clinton, her historic candidacy or the Democratic Party platform. They dismiss the broad electoral coalition, including the labor movement, that is backing Clinton and that has shaped the platform, a coalition with obvious leverage. To them, she is as bad as Trump.”

It continues: “Some are voting for Green Party candidate Jill Stein to ‘send a message.’ Still others hope a Clinton defeat provokes a crisis in the Democratic Party leading to its break-up.”


Jill Stein of the Green PartyJill Stein of the Green Party


Sounding like a press release from the DNC, the Communist Party editorial explains: “This is a flawed strategy. First, like it or not, we have a two party system. One of the two major parties will win and govern. If this were a parliamentary democracy different tactics would be called for.”

“To call for a vote against Clinton is to separate oneself from this electoral coalition,” it states.

Not only do the Communists want Hillary to win, they want her to win big, explaining “mandates are real. This election will be a national referendum on racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia and Islamophobia. The aim should be a landslide defeat of Trump and a decisive rejection of hate. The election of Clinton as the first woman president would make history. A landslide would not end sexism, but it would represent a mighty blow just as the election of President Obama was a blow against racism. It would advance democracy. A landslide makes it more likely that GOP congressional and state legislative majorities can be ousted and an end put to the politics of obstruction. Most people tend to vote straight ticket.”

“A landslide will give added weight to the progressive platform adopted at the Democratic Convention and give encouragement to appoint progressive Supreme Court justices,” the editorial continues. “It would be added pressure against backsliding on opposition to TPP and other trade deals. It will put public opinion and the movements in a better position to pressure against Clinton’s tendency toward military adventurism and policies of regime change.”

Again, the CPUSA warns off against voting Green.

“Voting Green Party separates activists and voters from these key forces,” the editorial says. “One cannot credibly engage in mobilizations of labor, civil rights, women’s organizations, LGBT community, and environmentalists while also advocating voting Green Party.”

The Communist Party “press” was out in force at the Democratic National Convention in full support of the Dems and their nominee from the beginning.

Joseph Farah, the founder of and a former revolutionary communist himself in his youth, said the CPUSA’s coverage was so effusive in its enthusiasm it put MSNBC to shame.

“Back in the day when Stalinists Gus Hall and Angela Davis were regularly nominated by the party as presidential and vice presidential candidates every four years, the U.S. Communists actually had beefs with the Democrats,” he said. “But, in recent years, the party ceased those efforts in favor of a united front with the Democrats, with whom they have very few differences, if any.”

The Communist Party was so eager to endorse Barack Obama for re-election, it couldn’t wait until 2012.
It did so a year before the campaign officially got under way. The party was jubilant in 2008, when Obama won his first race for the presidency.


Saul AlinskySaul Alinsky


Hailing Barack Obama’s win as a victory for the “working class,” the Communist Party USA called on the president-elect to carry out his promises, including his noted commitment to “spread the wealth.” An editorial by the People’s Weekly World, the official newspaper of the party, said the victory was for “workers of all job titles, professions, shapes, colors, sizes, hairstyles and languages.”

In 2009, President Obama’s leadership was “one of the best opportunities that Americans have had in decades,” declared a civil-rights activist addressing an overflow crowd at a gathering sponsored by the official newspaper of the Community Party USA.

The party was never disappointed by Obama. Here’s how it critiqued Obama’s final State of the Union Address earlier this year:

“In his final SOTU address, President Obama projected a bold vision for a more socially and economically just nation while appealing to the hopes of the American people. … President Obama pointedly rejected right-wing-Republican policy solutions including repeal of Obamacare, aggressive military buildup and action, tax cuts to the wealthy, blocking common-sense gun control … He also rejected efforts to exploit the fears of the American people using hate, anti-Muslim bigotry, racism and division.

“The challenges facing the nation and planet are immense: climate crisis, massive concentration and inequality of wealth, growing poverty and declining wages, joblessness, including skyrocketing unemployment in the African-American community, over $1 trillion in student debt, a crumbling infrastructure, underfunded schools and social services, lack of affordable housing, a frayed retirement security system, etc.”

David Kupelian, managing editor of, had this to say earlier this year in a commentary on the shrinking divide between the two parties: “Amazing as it may seem, Barack Obama has dragged the entire Democratic Party so far leftward over the past seven-plus years that today’s Democratic Party has become almost indistinguishable from the Communist Party.

“If that sounds hyperbolic to you, just stop reading right now and pull up the CPUSA’s website,” he added. “Spend some time reading and digesting it. Try to discern any major differences between the Communist Party’s concerns, sensibilities and solutions – on issues from ‘gay’ rights, to unfettered immigration, to renewable energy, to wealth redistribution, to condemning cops as racist, to universal health care – and those of today’s Democratic Party.”

Hillary Clinton’s association with radical thought dates back to at least 1969, when Obama was just 8 years old, himself a protégé early on of Frank Marshall Davis, a loyal Communist Party activist. Interest has been largely fueled by Clinton’s suppressed and later released 92-page senior thesis for Wellesley College offering an extensive, largely positive critique of Saul Alinsky and his work.

Clinton’s 1969 Wellesley College senior thesis was titled “There Is Only the Fight … : An Analysis of the Alinsky Model.” The thesis received attention when it was released after the Bill Clinton presidency. According to reports, in early 1993, the White House requested that Wellesley keep the thesis on “Rules for Radicals” author Saul Alinsky confidential and not release any copies.

Clinton was said to have met with Alinsky several times in 1968, when she was writing her thesis. In her most recent memoir, Clinton wrote that she rejected a job offer from Alinsky to instead attend law school.

Read the history of the attacks on marriage and the family, from the days of Karl Marx and Margaret Sanger to those now pushing for mandatory recognition of same-sex “marriage,” in “Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left has Sabotaged Family and Marriage.”

Last year, WND found that long after Alinsky’s death in June 1972, a group Clinton co-chaired maintained a working relationship with Alinsky’s main community organizing outfit, the Industrial Areas Foundation, or IAF. The partnership extended into the 1990s and yielded influence over the education policy of the Bill Clinton presidency, it can now be disclosed. Founded by Alinsky in 1940 and run by him until his death, the IAF is a national community-organizing network established to implement Alinsky’s expansive organizing agenda. After Alinsky’s death, the IAF was taken over by his longtime associate and designated successor, Ed Chambers, who became the group’s executive director.

Dick Morris, a former top political adviser to Bill Clinton both as governor of Arkansas and as president, noted to WND that education reform “is the key issue Hillary Clinton used to propel herself independently to the forefront of Arkansas politics during Bill’s governorship.”

“The revelation of how closely linked her efforts were back in the 80s – and have been since – to an Alinsky radical front group is deeply disturbing and expands our understanding of Hillary’s fundamental radicalism and commitment to the new left of Saul Alinsky,” Morris said.

David Horowitz, whose parents were members of the Communist Party and who himself became a leader in the new left movement of the 1960s and 1970s before rejecting it, said the revelation is significant though not surprising.

“When radicals set out to fundamentally transform a society, the first institution they attack is the educational system which under their influence becomes a system of indoctrination in radical ideas,” he told WND.

Interestingly, the Communist Party USA has not changed its stripes in any significant way. It hasn’t walked back its 100 percent commitment to Communism. What has changed is the Democratic Party.

The drift leftward hit warp speed beginning in the 1990s, according to Farah. That’s the year Bernie Sanders was first elected to Congress and founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

“One of his first actions in Congress was to found the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which was partnered with the Democratic Socialists of America,” recounts Farah. “No surprise there, because most Americans have no idea of what the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Democratic Socialists of America are really all about.”

Farah reported on the antics of the caucus in 1998.

“Back then the Congressional Progressive Caucus shared a website with the DSA,” he wrote. “In other words, these two organizations, one government-funded and the other a tax-exempt nonprofit, were of like mind and on the same page politically. What I found back then was astonishing – even for me. On this shared website, that was quickly scrubbed after I exposed it, was a collection of songs I can almost hear Bernie, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and other members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus singing in harmony. One of my favorites back then – was ‘Red Revolution’ sung to the tune of ‘Red, Red Robbin.’”

Here are the lyrics as they still appear on the Congressional Progressive Caucus website as captured by the Wayback Machine: (The original site was scrubbed within hours after it was exposed by WND)


When the Red Revolution
brings its solution
along, along

There’ll be no more lootin’
when we start shootin’
that Wall Street throng

Wake up you proletarians
Don’t act like seminarians
Expropriate barbarians
Build a workers’ republic

Exploitation and degradation
you won’t find here
Surplus value and capital will disappear

I’m just a Red again,
saying what I’ve said again,
When the Red Revolution … da, da, da, da
brings its solution … da, da, da, da, da

“How do these people get away with denying they are redder than a robin’s breast while singing songs like this – and printing them on the Internet?” asked Farah incredulously.

The song list also included lyrics to “Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie,” sung to the tune of “Frere Jacques.”


Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie,
And when the revolution comes,
We’ll kill you all with knives and guns,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie


“For those not trained in the lingo of communism, the dictionary definition of ‘bourgeoisie,’ is, and I quote: ‘(in Marxist theory) the class that, in contrast to the proletariat or wage-earning class, is primarily concerned with property values,’” wrote Farah. “If you’ve got property, if you’re part of the middle class, these people not only want to raise your taxes, they want to kill you with knives and guns!”
Source:   WND

Edited by John R. Houk


The Realistic Observer posts everything in bold text. Honestly I find that annoying thus I took away most of the bold text. I indented the short verse prose in the post.


The Realistic Observer Homepage


American Left can be seen in Nazi History

Hitler- BHO & Hillary

John R. Houk

© May 27, 2016


I have noticed over the years that Lefties (aka Liberals, Progressives, Left Wingers, Moonbats, etc.) have smeared Conservatives as Nazis or Hitler-equivalents. The irony is Hitler’s Nazism was a Left Wing Movement that employed the nationalist-corporatism of Fascism which is ultimately State control of the industrial complex.


Karl Marx’s Communism envisioned Industrial workers rising up in revolt over the means of production and who controls those means. Which ultimately played out of State ownership of everything from property to the industrial complex under the illusion that the people (aka workers or the proletariat) controlled society’s living conditions and the mode of production. In essence the State assumed the role of the people by proxy.


Nazism was not so much interested in the illusion of who controls production as much as every citizen serves the needs of the State paying homage to the elites of State that made the lives of true citizens prosperous. Consider how the word Nazi Party gained its appellation:


Acronym Finder


What does NSDAP stand for?


NSDAP stands for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NAZI Party)







1930, noun and adjective, from German Nazi, abbreviation of German pronunciation of Nationalsozialist (based on earlier German sozi, popular abbreviation of “socialist”), from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei “National Socialist German Workers’ Party,” led by Hitler from 1920.

The 24th edition of Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (2002) says the word Nazi was favored in southern Germany (supposedly from c. 1924) among opponents of National Socialism because the nickname NaziNaczi (from the masc. proper name Ignatz, German form of Ignatius) was used colloquially to mean “a foolish person, clumsy or awkward person.” Ignatz was a popular name in Catholic Austria, and according to one source in World War I Nazi was a generic name in the German Empire for the soldiers of Austria-Hungary.

An older use of Nazi for national-sozial is attested in German from 1903, but EWdS does not think it contributed to the word as applied to Hitler and his followers. The NSDAP for a time attempted to adopt the Nazi designation as what the Germans call a “despite-word,” but they gave this up, and the NSDAP is said to have generally avoided the term. Before 1930, party members had been called in English National Socialists, which dates from 1923. The use of Nazi GermanyNazi regime, etc., was popularized by German exiles abroad. From them, it spread into other languages, and eventually was brought back to Germany, after the war. In the USSR, the terms national socialist and Nazi were said to have been forbidden after 1932, presumably to avoid any taint to the good word socialist. Soviet literature refers to fascists.


The Wikipedia entry for “Nazi Party” goes into greater detail if you are interested. At Wikipedia the focus is more on nationalism combined with racism more than Socialism.


Either way, Nazism and Communism were political vehicles to control the masses under the direction of an elitist oligarchy.


Matt Barber has written an essay that I located on highlighting that Adolf Hitler was an anti-Christian pretending to be a Christian with Left Oriented Socialism in the backdrop.


Who does that sound like today in 21st century America? Since Barber doesn’t mention any modern day similarities, allow me to name a couple:


  • Barack Obama


  • Hillary Clinton


JRH 5/27/16

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No, Hitler Was Not a Christian… He Was More Like Modern-day “Progressives”.

 US Flag with Nazi flag paperclip

By Matt Barber [webpage lists him as Guest Columnist but at the end the essay attributed Barber]

May 26, 2016


[T]he only way of getting rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.

– Adolf Hitler


Yes, there have been evil men who have done evil things in the name of false Christianity. To a limited degree, Adolf Hitler was one such man. Still, and as even he frequently admitted outside the public eye, he was no Christian.


As a counterweight to stigma associated with the tens of millions slaughtered in the 20th century alone under the atheist regimes of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, et al., the secular left is quick to thunder, “But what about Hitler? He was a Christian!”


Bad news, kids. Herr Führer was your guy, too.


“I shall never come personally to terms with the Christian lie,” Hitler confessed (audio transcribed in “Hitler’s Table Talk” [1941-44]). “It would always be disagreeable for me to go down to posterity as a man who made concessions in this field [to be labeled a Christian].”


Did Adolf Hitler ever call himself a Christian? Certainly. He did so, and as he would later admit, for the singular purpose of disseminating political propaganda.


“To whom should propaganda be addressed?” he wrote. “It must be addressed always and exclusively to the masses. … The whole art consists in doing this so skillfully that everyone will be convinced that the fact is real.”


The Nazi Germans of the 1930s and ’40s are not alone in swallowing Hitler’s Christianese-peppered puffery. Today’s secular- “progressive” establishment likewise bandies about a handful of carefully crafted Hitlerian quotes released for public consumption. His “pro-Christian” proclamations in “Mein Kampf” and elsewhere, for instance, were universally a perversion of biblical Christianity leveraged for the sole purpose of justifying the extermination of the Jewish people.


“My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter,” he wrote. “In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge [the Jews] to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. … For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.”


That was the extent of Hitler’s plastic “Christianity.” The Bible, always taken out of context, served as a twisted weapon to justify the mass slaughter of over 11 million Jews, Christians, disabled people and other “undesirables.”


In reality Hitler insisted, “In the long run, National Socialism and religion will no longer be able to exist together.”



What Brutal Hitler and Softer Modern Day Progressives Share in Common


Sounds an awful lot like today’s American church-state separatists. Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU, for example, held, “I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself. … I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”


Indeed, the ACLU’s promotional materials similarly advocate anti-Christian intolerance and mirror Hitler’s directive that, “Socialism and religion will no longer be able to exist together.” “The message of the Establishment Clause is that religious activities must be treated differently from other activities to ensure against governmental support for religion,” imagines the “American” so-called “civil liberties” union.


That’s viewpoint discrimination and it’s unconstitutional.


This is secular socialism in a nutshell. It’s a religion, and its devotees, be they Nazi Germans or American Leftists, are Communist Manifesto-thumping fundamentalists.


“There is something very unhealthy about Christianity,” Hitler opined. “As far as we are concerned, we’ve succeeded in chasing the Jews from our midst and excluding Christianity from our political life. … The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. … Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless.”


Indeed, Hitler’s robust anti-Christian hatred lives on beyond the death of the Third Reich. Modern-day progressives like Hillary Clinton, though, tend to take a kinder, gentler, more surreptitiously totalitarian approach: “Rights have to exist in practice – not just on paper,” the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee recently said in the context of some phantom “right” to exterminate undesirable infants. “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”


Yikes. “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”


While Hitler was more direct, he nonetheless shared Hillary’s secular socialist vision: “We’ll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State. We shall continue to preach the doctrine of National Socialism, and the young will no longer be taught anything but the truth.”


Sound familiar? Progressive “truth,” of course, invariably means Christian torment.


Hitler, borrowing from socialist icon Karl Marx, said that all Germans must “free themselves from the drug of Christianity. Let’s be the only people who are immunized against the disease.” Marx, a hero to the secular socialist left, famously called religion, “the opium of the people.”


Hitler a Christian? No chance.


Anti-Semitism, Islam and a Dash of Darwin


Moreover, like the preponderance of today’s similarly anti-Semitic secular progressives, Hitler, too, was an apologist for Islam. As America’s own Dear Leader has done, Hitler partnered with Iran, present-day “Palestine” and other Islamist regimes in the shared goal of eliminating the Jews:


“The world had fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing was Christianity!” he fumed. “Then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies heroism and which opens the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so!”


Hitler also parroted the godless ideology of modern atheists. Like so many of today’s secular progressives, he was an avowed materialist, neo-Darwinian evolutionist and hardhearted God-denier: “When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.”


“Christianity, of course, has reached the peak of absurdity,” he said. “And that’s why one day its structure will collapse. Science has already impregnated humanity. Consequently, the more Christianity clings to its dogmas, the quicker it will decline.”


Two thousand years and still waiting.


And so Hitler endeavored to assist “natural selection” and, as he wrote in “Mein Kampf,” “establish an evolutionary higher stage of being.” He placed his hope in Germany’s youth because they were “absolutely indifferent in the matters of religion.”


A beloved Hitler Youth marching song captured the Führer’s heart on matters of Christ and Christianity:


We follow not Christ, but Horst Wessel,
Away with incense and Holy Water,
The Church can go hang for all we care,
The Swastika brings salvation on Earth.


Today’s progressive “social justice” warriors are angling for a dystopian, Swastika-free repeat. Their hope, too, lies in the youth (witness the socialism-fueled anarchist insurgence occurring on college campuses nationwide).


Like then, progressive secular socialists endeavor to rule the world.


And “Christianity alone,” to update Hitler’s own words, will “prevent them from doing so.”


Matt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of He is author of “Hating Jesus: The American Left’s War on Christianity,” a columnist, a cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).


American Left can be seen in Nazi History

John R. Houk

© May 27, 2016


No, Hitler Was Not a Christian… He Was More Like Modern-day “Progressives”.


Copyright © 2016 The Constitution. All Rights Reserved.



Honor and Sacrifices

U.S.- Duty, Honor, Country

Here is an awesome Memorial Day message from Justin Smith that honors veterans who lost the lives defending American Rights. Justin then deftly moves to criticizing the Obama Administration’s moral destruction of American military capability through the President’s Foreign Policy decisions.


JRH 5/24/15

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Honor and Sacrifices


By Justin O. Smith

Sent: 5/23/2015 5:29 PM


“God and the soldier doth all men adore in time of war and not before; when the war is over and all things righted, God is forgotten and the soldier slighted.” — signed by the 16th Regiment of Foot on January 30, 1770


Freedom is the most precious thing to all men and women, and since the Civil War, millions of Americans have placed their lives in harm’s way in the defense of God, family and freedom, with over one million making the ultimate sacrifice during the course of several wars from WWII, Korea and Vietnam to the present wars in the Middle East. The empty seats at family gatherings bear witness to this sacrifice by these honored dead, and we the living must be resolved that these soldiers “last full measure of devotion” and their lives were not sacrificed in vain.


Today Americans, who love this country see far too many others, malcontents, more than willing to sow the seeds of strife and discord, as they trample on the American Flag and dishonor the memories of those heroes we honor each Memorial Day. These fallen soldiers would least understand the twisted logic of these anti-American fascists, since our fallen often laid down their lives on the field of battle to stop the enemy from burning their flags, fighting to the death rather than suffer disgrace at the hands of their enemy.


On the foreign front and without any virtue, Obama has dishonored all U.S. Armed Forces members, those living and those killed in action, and their many sacrifices, through Middle East policies that have allowed the Islamic State to grow into a real security threat to America. His hasty withdrawal from Iraq, aimed at keeping a campaign promise, has been a direct factor in the fall of much of Iraq, including Ramadi, and this in turn ensures more long wars of attrition yet to come.


Scores of U.S. soldiers died defending Ramadi and hundreds more were wounded between 2006 and our final withdrawal, and about a week ago the world sat by idly watching as Ramadi fell to Islamic State fascists, who immediately murdered over 500 people and set the exodus of 25,000 Iraqis in motion; during their two month advance on Ramadi, these Islamofascists have forced 147,000 Iraqis to flee to refugee camps.


The images of Ramadi falling to the Islamic State and their black flags being raised has sent a chill through many Americans who fought in Iraq. They are more than disgusted that their sacrifices have seemingly been made in vain, for nothing.


General Douglas McArthur once noted that “Duty, Honor, Country” reverently dictates what each of us ought to be and can be, in regards to finding courage, faith and hope in the face of any crisis. Too many on the Left and too many in the top echelons of the U.S. military, including General Martin Dempsey, no longer seem to have a good grasp on the meaning of these words.


Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey is politicizing the U.S. Armed Forces, and he has become Obama’s echo chamber. He didn’t send extra security to Benghazi, because he “never received a request”; he never saw evidence of Iran’s military fighting in Iraq, even though Iranian Quds Forces have been in Iraq for most of the decade and 20,000 Shiite Popular Mobilization Forces have been there since last year. Dempsey’s habit of parroting Obama’s policies has resulted in a consistent record of failure.


During October 2014 Dempsey said, “We have a crisis in Iraq” (The Long War Journal), but by November he was telling troops in Baghdad that ISIS is “a bunch of midgets,” and several years would be needed to defeat them — several years to stop Obama’s “JV team”.


This past April, Gen. Dempsey suggested that Ramadi is “not symbolic in any way” and losing it would not be a major setback, even though it is only 75 miles from Baghdad. Dempsey stated, “I would much rather that Ramadi not fall, but it won’t be the end of the campaign should it fall.”


Debbie Lee, the mother of the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq and in Ramadi (awarded the Silver Star), was furious over Dempsey’s remarks, and she penned an open letter that read in part: “I am shaking and tears are flowing down my cheeks as I … listen to the insensitive pain-inflicting comments made by you in regards to the fall of Ramadi. My son and many others gave their future in Ramadi. Ramadi mattered to them. Many military analysts say that as goes Ramadi so goes Iraq.” (Iraq is already lost).


Lee went further: “You, sir, owe an apology to the families whose loved ones’ blood was shed in Ramadi … whose bodies were blown to pieces by IEDs and bullet holes leaving parts and pieces behind … Ramadi mattered to them. … You and this administration have minimized that Ramadi could fall. Now you are minimizing that it is falling, but you Sir WILL NOT minimize the sacrifice my son Marc Lee made or any of our brave warriors.” (The Daily Beast – 5/20/15)


Considering that America has already seen too many of Her Sons and Daughters return home in body bags and without arms and legs, lost in a war that was brought to them unasked for and undeserved — enough blood to last a lifetime and then some — Can anyone now honestly say that the mission in Iraq was worth it?


America can honor Her soldiers by praying for peace and working towards peace through strength, because we have seen the deepest wounds and scars of war, as Arlington Cemetery grows. We understand that wars often come at a time chosen by our enemies, but we do not want to fight twelve year wars ever again. We simply want our Armed Forces fully prepared to properly defend Our Beloved America on two fronts and, if pushed to war, to fight to win devastatingly quick.


With the war tocsins sounding across the globe, Obama and the Progressives are destroying the leaven which binds together the entire fabric of our national defense system, and a million ghosts are rising from their white crosses in Arlington Cemetery thundering the words “Duty, Honor, Country.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Links are provided by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith

No Progressive Utopia for Me

Obama's Gangster Govt.

I found these Justin Smith thoughts on his Facebook Notes page.  It is similar to a post linked to on the NCCR blog entitled, “Revolt” (SlantRight 2.0 version). Justin puts a voice to the fact of what he calls “Progressives” are breaking the U.S. Constitution with no rebuke from the voters or the Courts. He speculates that unless Americans wake up to the Leftist annulment of the Constitution our only recourse for a free America would be the same choice our Founding Fathers struggled with and culminated in the Declaration of Independence. If ballots do not overcome this Left Wing transformation of our America, will bullets be necessary? If we wake up late and move with bullets, will the true Americans have enough bullets to defeat Left Wing despotism?


JRH 4/24/14

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No Progressive Utopia for Me

(The above link goes to a March 31 post of same title)


By Justin O. Smith

April 22, 2014 1:39am

Justin Smith Facebook Note


There may come a time where violence is all that’s left to us. I don’t advocate it as a first choice, But what makes anyone think that an Administration that doesn’t even respect the existing Constitution will respect amendments coming out of an Article V States Convention or States Rights decisions under the 9th and 10th Amendments? The Constitution was designed for governance by moral men, and our leaders are of the poorest moral character in history and have strayed far from Our U.S. Constitution.

The Founders were afraid of “elective despotism” and gave us Article V as a counter, and failing that, the 2nd Amendment – True, it would be an uphill fight, since many would side with the Progressives, but the True American Patriot would honor his oath to the Constitution, former and present law enforcement and military, and side with Our American Heritage and the Constitution and Freedom, not the altar of the Super State – the Leviathan.

We’re not to that point yet, but things certainly are looking pretty bleak; Future Generations’ Destiny Hangs in the Balance and the next two election cycles are critical.

The following is an excerpt from an article I wrote that appeared on two blog sites and in two local papers here in Murfreesboro, TN (The Rutherford Reader and the Daily News Journal):

20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

15 Curds and honey He shall eat, that He may know to refuse the evil and choose the good. (Isaiah 5: 20; 7: 15 NKJV)”

“After recent events, I have serious concerns over whether or not our traditional process will correct the course of our government’s trend towards authoritarian rule in time to save us. In past years, our differences were sorted out within the guidelines of the U.S. Constitution. What are we to do when one side decides to no longer be bound by the rules? The Progressives may have been born American citizens, but they are no longer American in their intentions for our nation. And, when the government, led by Obama and these Progressives, becomes lawless, it is not illegal or treason to finally take to the streets in protest/civil disobedience, at the very least, in the defense of the U.S. Constitution and America – to finally hold the criminals in the Obama Administration accountable through armed revolt should it persist in its treason, since many of America’s veterans, past and present, took an oath to defend the U.S. against “enemies both foreign and domestic.”


Someone once told me: “When is violence justified, when violence is used against us. Preemptive violence is not justified. Ballots, not bullets.”

My answer was that when they coerce citizens to do something against their will with the threat of violence, such as authorizing IRS agents to arrest one for not signing on to the ACA, an unConstitutional law (no matter how many hoops they jumped through to find otherwise) and many, many such extralegal/illegal laws amass, or rules and regulations with the weight of law as through the EPA, then too is revolt a duty.

That was the point of the last paragraph above the provided link. The ballot is foisting upon us the very tyranny we seek to escape, because of a coalition of the weak and minorities, who have found that they can vote themselves benefits and PRIVILEGE without consequence. Can we turn it around at the ballot? It’s hard to say – much probably depends on people realizing that it’s their own greed and actions destroying the nation. But the Founding Fathers recognized this phenomena and wrote about it extensively in the Federalist Papers – they called it ELECTIVE DESPOTISM. [Bold emphasis is Blog Editor’s]

I’m fighting tooth and nail within the system, such as it is. I’m even on board with the Article V movement for the moment, even though I do not see it doing much against the Progressives, with their current mindset of “KEEP POWER NO MATTER THE COST.”

How far are You and Your like-minded friends willing to go? Until the nation is completely crippled or destroyed by these anti-American MarxoFascists? I, for one, am staying vigilant and watching the approaching storm. I’m not about to allow them to destroy the future of My Children and GrandChildren Without a Damn Good Fight, whether they actually fire the first shot or not – NOT IF IT MEANS THAT AMERICA IS “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMED” INTO THEIR VERSION OF A TOTALITARIAN “UTOPIA”.

The Founders fought the Revolution over a whole lot less grievances and with a whole lot less than we face at the moment. If we wait for the Progressives to fire on us, we will have waited too late, especially if the tipping scale has gone farther towards the Left in the electorate – not to say we have to fire any shots first. But we certainly should be mounting Maidan type protests.


Edited by John R. Houk

Brackets and links in Justin’s essay indicated additions by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith


Thomas Jefferson on Tyranny

Intro to ‘Revolt’

Editor John R. Houk

January 20, 2014


Justin Smith writes an essay entitled “Revolt”. The premise is an understandable disgust with Barack Hussein Obama crossing the line from Presidential authority to Presidential tyrant. There is a time emerging in America in which citizens who choose to cherish the freedoms our Founding Fathers’ fought, died for and won may have to assert themselves AGAIN. As Thomas Jefferson penned in the Declaration of Independence:


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. … (The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America; Congress, July 4, 1776; Charters of Freedom,


Justin wrote he wrote his last paragraph with Isaiah 5: 20 and 7: 15 in mind. I believe he should have begun his essay with these two verses. So I am including them here for you to think about as you read this entire essay:


20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


15 Curds and honey He shall eat, that He may know to refuse the evil and choose the good. (Isaiah 5: 20; 7: 15 NKJV)



JRH 1/20/14

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By Justin O. Smith

Sent: 1/19/2014 11:21 AM


It is not an exaggeration to name Barack Obama “a tyrant” or to state that America has entered a phase of soft tyranny under the Obama administration. Many would counter this assertion with examples of people still free to go to work, the stores, the movies and the daily routine of living, but tyranny never begins as cruel and oppressive; it starts out merely illegitimate and benign, just as so many of Obama’s executive orders and actions by Senator Harry Reid and the U.S. Senate have been in advancing the Progressive Movement’s agenda and shredding the U.S. Constitution.

Obama and the Progressive Democrats hate America. There can be no other explanation for their desire to fundamentally transform America from the greatest nation on earth, a nation that has helped to free much of the world both economically and physically, into a socialist/authoritarian shadow of its former self, impoverished, with every single aspect of life ruled by legislation from a central governing body of so-called “elites.” When Obama speaks of “economic equality”, he is actually calling for an end to individuality and individual liberty: Remember, this is the President and First Lady who have bragged about “disrespecting the American flag” and attending “numerous flag burnings” in the past.

Central planning is not about rationality and reason or knowledge and experience. It is about illegitimately exercising power over others through the deceit of moral relativism and situationalism. It is coercive and requires non-stop social engineering, while it concedes no failures and tolerates no deviation from dogma. And this is why, even in the face of the utter and miserable failure of the ACA [i.e. Obamacare], the Progressives refuse to broach any serious discussion with Republicans that considers abandoning the ACA in part or whole, although they applaud Obama’s unilateral and unConstitutional seventeen changes to the ACA.

Whenever, the issue of Executive orders is raised, the Progressives are quick to point to other presidents who signed more orders than Obama. The issue isn’t how many Executive orders he has signed; the issue is the kind of orders he has signed and their associated bureaucratic orders, rules and regulations (80,000 annually) unleashed on America.

Obama’s Executive order 13575 circumvented Congress’s rejection of the UN’s Agenda 21 and “sustainable development”, and in 2009, it placed controls on government and private lands, resources and energy; his National Defense Resources Preparedness order basically grants the president and his cabinet members absolute authority and power over all the nation’s natural resources and private materials, services and facilities; signed December 31, 2011, the National Defense Authorization Act allows the president to indefinitely detain any U.S. citizen on the mere suspicion that they might be a terrorist; and now the ACA , while not an executive order, is interfering in our individual choices and decisions to keep our own doctors and the health care plans we want and can afford.

During GM’s financial crisis and subsequent bailout, the Obama administration started its habit of targeting political enemies. Those GM dealers, who supported Obama’s election campaign, were allowed to stay in business, and those who did not support Obama were shut down.

Moreover, it is now evident that Obama has used his power through the IRS to target his political enemies, such as the Tea Party. Although he and his administration thoroughly deny this allegation, the circumstantial evidence is so heavy that any average American would already have been convicted and serving time on its weight alone.

Isn’t it surreal that the FBI ended its IRS investigation on the advice of Eric Holder’s appointee, Barbera Bosserman, who gave $6100 dollars to Obama’s campaign between 2008 and 2012? Whatever happened to independent counsels and select investigative committees?

Today, rather than target those who are most likely to commit terrorist atrocities, the islamofascists, Obama and the National Security Agency have placed the entire American population under a blanket warrant, for fear of being called “Islamophobic”. This sort of warrant was rejected by Americans, such as lawyer James Otis, in 1761, and the consequences of its implementation now are dangerous and authoritarian.

Do any of you remember Obama musing over the Chinese not having to contend with a “pesky Constitution”?

On January 14, 2014 many Americans may have finally been slapped awake by Obama’s statement, “I have a pen and a phone and I’ll act when Congress won’t”…to speak for “all the American people.” This is similar to his statement in December 2013, when he said, “If Congress refuses to act, I’ll do everything in my power to act without them.”

Our nation has been here before to a lesser degree under President Woodrow Wilson, who argued for obstructing and damaging constitutional primacy at every opportunity by corrupting the Constitution itself. He advocated for an all-powerful president, courts and judges willing to rewrite the U.S. Constitution (i.e. Chief Justice John Roberts) and controlling Congress in order to control state legislatures without limits, and in essence, expanding the federal government beyond Constitutional control: Obama has simply taken this plan to new, stunning and light speed levels of action.

During C-Span’s televised Congressional hearings in December of 2013, Representative Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Judiciary Committee Chairman, remarked that the president “doesn’t have a debate in the Oval Office about what he wants to do …He does what he wants to do, and then you no longer have a representative democracy.” The executive’s powers have overtaken the legislative power, and this is destructive to the center of our constitutional design.

America has a lawless administration that picks and chooses, which laws it will follow. Obama has ordered Attorney General Eric Holder not to enforce U.S. law as it applies to immigration, the 1965 Voter Act and drugs, and he has used the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations as a weapon to destroy the coal industry.

Also in December 2013, Representative Trey Gowdy asked, “If Obama can ignore parts of Obamacare, could he ignore election laws too? If You can turn off certain categories of law, do you not also have the power to turn off all categories of law?

There is no limiting principle that Obama and the Progressives are not willing to violate, due to the fact that they are ideologically driven, and they are out of control, as they place the Progressive agenda over any sense of duty or allegiance to the people of America. Obama actually had the temerity to declare the Senate out of session, when it was simply on a break. By concentrating power within the Executive Branch, Obama has become the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid.

After recent events, I have serious concerns over whether or not our traditional process will correct the course of our government’s trend towards authoritarian rule in time to save us. In past years, our differences were sorted out within the guidelines of the U.S. Constitution. What are we to do when one side decides to no longer be bound by the rules? The Progressives may have been born American citizens, but they are no longer American in their intentions for our nation. And, when the government, led by Obama and these Progressives, becomes lawless, it is not illegal or treason to finally take to the streets in protest/civil disobedience, at the very least, in the defense of the U.S. Constitution and America__to finally hold the criminals in the Obama administration accountable through armed revolt should it persist in its treason, since many of America’s veterans, past and present, took an oath to defend the U.S. against “enemies both foreign and domestic.”

Unlike the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a black liberation theologist and one of Obama’s mentors, who is a millionaire several times over because of the vast opportunity America offers everyone through its exceptional nature; and, who once said, “God damn America for as long as she acts like God and she is supreme”, I say, not taking the Lord’s name in vain but as my most fervent prayer, “No, no, no__God damn Obama and the Progressive Party for as long as they act like they are God and they are supreme__God damn them for the ruin they have wrought upon Our Beloved America. Amen, amen, amen.”


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

© Justin O. Smith

America’s Next Internecine War

Flag 2nd American Revolution

John R. Houk

© October 24, 2013


I gotta tell ya Danny your writings (And read Danny’s Part 2) are coming closer and closer to the semblance of Revolutionary War pamphleteering. I like it!


Something popped into my head while I was reading your essay. Yeah, I know, when the light comes on in the old grey matter it could be dangerous. You believe a revolution is imminent and the attempted take-over will be at the hands of the Left … err I mean Progressives, correct? Frankly I do not disagree with that prediction.


But here’s the thing. What if a majority of the American electorate awoke from the Matrix slumber imposed by the Left and began voting against Progressive candidates and Establishment Republicans? What if true Conservatives began to have the proverbial upper hand politically at least as in the Reagan years? Would there still be a revolution in America’s immediate future?


Now here’s the thought that popped into my mind. No matter who dominates America’s political power structure a revolution would occur anyway. Why?


The reason is because the political spectrum in the USA is uncompromisingly fractured. There is the Progressive Left. There is the Conservative Right. There is an Independent electorate in the middle that is neither Progressive nor Conservative but just want the best environment to live their lives on whatever non-political path they desire to walk.


Honestly the semblance of balance has been the Center-Left and the Center-Right that have historically bargained in an agreed upon give-and-take legislative fashion. The last time that balance broke down in the USA there was a bloody Civil War with the weaponry of that time.


It is my opinion the Center-Left in America has totally disintegrated in America’s Constitutional power structure. In our current Two-Party system those we call the Establishment Republicans are the Center-Right. The problem with the GOP’s Center-Right is that the business-as-usual mentality has been infected with Center-Left or just down right Progressive thinking. The growing Conservatives of the Republican view (and rightfully so) as a betrayal of the history that brought America to the point of the most powerful yet Freest nation on the planet Earth.


This absence of political balance is what will lead to another Revolutionary War in the USA. I guess one could call a future internecine war in America the Second Civil War, but I tend to think it will be akin to America’s original Revolutionary War. Divisions in political loyalties will splinter urban areas as well as rural areas. The only reason entire States might take a side for or against a duly elected Constitutional government one political spectrum was able to subdue the other side of the political spectrum within a State.


No, the next war conflicting Americans will be whose political vision wins a bloody war with the winners Founding a new Constitution based on the victorious political spectrum.


God have mercy on us all on how such a war will culminate.


Hmm … Another dangerous thought: Perhaps a global war will set aside political spectrum conflict within the USA – at least temporarily. But again Danny isn’t the global conflict part of an International Progressive agenda to squash opposition to a Left Wing New World Order?


Time will tell.


JRH 10/24/2013

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Islamic-Islamic Alliance


Danny Jeffrey has written an essay that goes beyond the prediction of economic global chaos with the Left manipulating Islam to gain a New World Order supremacy. Danny provides how his predictions will play out. He does one thing different though. Danny makes an effort to provide an electoral rallying cry for 2014 as a last ditch effort to reverse the course in the USA – OR ELSE!


JRH 10/21/13

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Who Prevails in the NWO Struggle for Dominance?

Family Ties - MB and Soros

John R. Houk

© September 26, 2013


Danny Jeffrey writes about a letter exchange between himself and some like-minded friends in the UK. The theme of this post is that Leftists (Danny uses ‘Progressives’) have an agenda to control the world, George Soros is the felicitator-in-chief of this agenda AND Soros is using Islamic hatred to further chaos globally to create the conditions for global Leftist hegemony.


I have to tell you that Danny’s predictions make a lot of sense. I just am not sure if I am on board lock, stock and barrel. I believe the Left has a global agenda to transform the world into a society of top-to-bottom governance with the ruling elite telling the people what is moral and good along with the concept of spreading the wealth. Except the wealth will probably be spread among the ruling and intellectual elite while the rest of humanity will have their minds numbed into complacent dependence to the directives of the ruling elite.


Danny considers Islam and its followers to be a mere unwitting tool of the Leftist agenda as directed by puppeteer George Soros. And you know, I believe Soros at the very least in clandestine mode has the intention to use Islam as a tool. However, I am completely certain the rabid followers of the Quran, Hadith and the Sira believe that the Western Left is the tool of Islam. Islam has honed their craft of civilizational transformation over nearly a 1500 year history. The Western Left began to develop their theories of utopia in the early to mid-1800s. Karl Marx managed to stamp a One World Order international agenda. Lenin and Stalin took the stamp to use military force to encourage little national revolutions to move toward a Leftist utopia – uh – Russian style. Soviet Marxism unwittingly unleashed Mao Zedong’s oriental form of Marxism which had developed its own thoughts on global hegemony.


Western Capitalism – especially American Capitalism – proved to be too competitive with the Soviet and Maoist paradigm as money plus resources buried the USSR paradigm into collapse. And Communist China was forced to develop a Market-Socialist paradigm vastly divergent from the original theories of Marx, Engels and Lenin. The true downfall of the Marxist Utopian paradigm is the proven fact of those Communist regimes slaughtering tens of millions of their own people to eliminate dissent and brainwash their populations.


The irony is that the deadly Communist path to transform the thought processes of those they governed was perfected by Islam under the guidance of Mohammed and Islam’s earliest Caliphs. The combination of Islamic Supremacism (absolute submission to the principles of Islam) and dhimmitude transformed the people subjected to Muslim conquest. The conquered non-Muslims lived under three absolute directives:


1)      Convert to Islam becoming a part of the global Ummah.


2)     Choose to keep their religious faith (initially only offered to Jews and Christians as people of the Book) but live in oppressive dhimmi submission to the laws of Islam (viz., Sharia Law). As Muslim rulers realized the utter destruction of polytheists and other non-people of the Book (e.g. Zoroastrians) would diminish the exploitation to Muslim coffers. So even a harsher standard of dhimmitude was offered. Just imagine of the slaughter of India’s Hindus until dhimmitude was extended.


3)     No submission to Islam meant death.


Is it possible that Lenin, Stalin and Mao studied Islamic history? Civilizations, Cultures and Societies experience unwanted transformation through brutality.


Danny Jeffrey believes the Leftist transformationists under the nefarious guidance of George Soros is in the driver’s seat. And as I said his reasoning is fairly solid. Nonetheless, history often turns on a dime. It is entirely possible that Caliphate-minded Radical Muslims will cooperate with a Soros agenda until Muslim blood thirst turns on Soros.


Obviously Soros’ Western resources outweigh the hardly united Radical Muslim movements. Unfortunately Radical Muslims have been rather creative in developing ways to kill people with far less resources. Just think how creative Radical Muslims could be if the Soros perceived chaos tool of Islam acquires more sophisticated violent tools via an enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend temporary union (Muslims would call it a Hudna).


Where Danny is certain that Soros is the top dog with a New World Order agenda, I am more willing to see both the Soros-Left and Radical Muslim view each other as useful tools.


Of course I also believe a NWO is coming that has nothing to do with despotic Leftist utopianism or a global Islamic Caliphate. The Jesus that both those sides hate will come in the clouds and defeat them both at His Second Coming in which ultimately Jesus the Christ will reign over the New Earth and the New Heaven. I read the end of the Good Book. I know how it ends I just don’t know how it gets to the end.



JRH 9/26/13

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A Patriot’s Answer



Justin Smith writes about defunding Obamacare even if the debt ceiling is not ultimately raised. He believes the onus of the lack of budget will fall on President Barack Hussein Obama and the rest of the big spending Socialist-minded Dems. Most importantly Justin calls on individual States to utilize Article V of the U.S. Constitution to call a Constitutional Convention with a specified agenda to repeal Obamacare. A specified agenda would deal with the fear of both sides of the political spectrum that a Constitutional Convention is not a run-away convention destroying the spirit of the Founding Fathers’ revolutionary Constitution.


JRH 9/24/13

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A Patriot’s Answer

By Justin O. Smith

Sent: 9/23/2013 11:14 AM


As the October 1, 2013 enrollment period for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) nears and Obama and a host of temporary politicians and Progressives gleefully ruminate over permanent societal changes effected by the PPACA, some Americans are preparing to submit to the ignoble lie called “Obamacare,” even though nothing exists in the entirety of U.S. history, the Constitution and the Commerce Clause that empowers any of the three branches of the federal government to force a person to enter into a legally binding contract against the individual’s will. And, no matter what nonsense Chief Justice John Roberts wrote, the majority of the American people still know Obamacare to be unConstitutional and representative of a gross overreach of power by the Obama administration and the Progressives.

Obama has “found loopholes,” that he and Progressives surely knew existed beforehand, which exempt Congress and their staffers and the Executive and staff from Obamacare. They act as if this is the Obama monarchy and they, Republican and Democrat alike, are his entourage of aristocrats!



Since when do we make laws applicable to only certain segments of society anymore? Since when are government officials above the law? And, why should I or anyone else comply with a law that even exempts the unions and does not apply evenly and equally throughout our society?

Although Obama has warned of an “economic backslide” if the Republicans bring the Obamacare fight to the continuing resolution and fight him over the budget (lack of a budget) and raising the debt ceiling, some Republicans in the Senate, such as Bob Corker (R-TN)are refusing to attempt to defund Obamacare by September 30, because they do not want the blame for any government shutdown that may result from this fight; and now that the House funded the entire government except for Obamacare with a vote of 230 to 189, the Progressives in the Senate probably will not pass the bill, Obama will not sign it and the Progressive Democrats will be the ones shutting down the government.

Why run from this battle? Let the government shut down, and place the onus on Obama; his actions during such a shutdown will surely serve to return the Congress and the Senate to solid, conservative, patriotic American leadership in 2014 and 2016. And, do not worry about the essentials of government, because they continue normally during a government shutdown, unless Obama’s inclination towards illegal activity moves him to act unConstitutionally and interfere with the military, Medicare and Social Security.

House Representatives, such as Diane Black (R-TN) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) have suggested that a government shutdown will allow Obama to decide which government services are the most vital for the “protection of life and property,” and they believe he will have the government purse at his disposal through “discretionary spending”. However, the President does not have such authority anywhere in the U.S. Constitution or any of its 27 Amendments. Essentially, they are saying that Obama will fund the PPACA even if he has to take funds from numerous government departments, illegally and unConstitutionally… which has never stopped him before; and, he may do just that, since he has no regard for the law, the U.S. Constitution or Our American Heritage!

Many elected officials, as well as noted newscaster Brit Hume (FoxNews), have observed that Obama will not readily accept a delay of the individual mandate, even though he illegally delayed the business mandate, because Obama needs to get the money flowing and people hooked on the “free” subsidized benefits under the PPACA; it is nearly impossible to reduce or end such a program, once it is really up and running, as history shows.

We cannot let Obamacare become permanently embedded in the social fabric of America; good or bad, Obamacare is nowhere near ready for implementation, therefore, delay, at the very least, is absolutely necessary, but ‘We the People’ continue to demand, “Defund Obamacare!”

When will anyone stand and fight? …ever?


“We don’t have the votes”…damn you Bob Corker…tell me something I don’t know and get out there and fight for those votes! If You spent as much time fighting to defund Obamacare as you do holding Obama’s hand and stating the obvious, Obamacare would already be a thing of the past!


Obama and his administration, the U.S. federal government or any government does not have the authority to trespass on our individual sovereignty. So, I will not be signing up for Obamacare on October 1, 2013 through January 2017, or at any time during my lifetime, and I will not voluntarily answer any medical questions on IRS tax-forms; fine me $285, $975 or $2085, I will not pay; come to arrest me, I will resist.

Anyone following my example will be called “criminal” by Obama and the Progressives… the real criminals. But, there is nothing “criminal” in defending the U.S. Constitution, Our American Heritage and our freedom, as we strive to return America to governance as a Constitutional Republic, rather than under an elitist despot. You are the Patriots!


As we engage in civil disobedience, let us all start a conversation with our state legislators and ask them to start working towards a States’ Convention for the purpose of proposing an Amendment to the Constitution that repeals the PPACA. A good starting point will have one state legislature…Tennessee, Virginia, Texas?… discuss this quickly with the other 49 legislatures; as soon as they can come to an agreement on this matter, they can begin choosing their delegates for the Convention.

Each respective state legislature will vote to attend or decline participation in such a Convention, and some states may place the question to the people in a referendum. It only takes thirty-three states presenting their Applications to congress to get the ball rolling, and Congress cannot impede this process in any manner, because its role regarding Article V is purely ministerial; the President and the U.S. Supreme Court cannot interfere with this Application or a convening States’ Convention.    

There is also not any need to fear the myth of a “runaway Convention,” since each state delegate is sent with a very specific agenda in mind and directed by a quorum of the state legislature. These delegates are also subject to immediate recall if they stray erroneously from previously decided guidelines. And, whatever is proposed at one of these Conventions, in this case repealing Obamacare, must receive an affirmative vote from three fourths of the states; it naturally will also take some time to organize, but it is time well invested for the future of the American people.

Freedom and the dignity of the individual has never been more available and assured than right here in America, until the advance of the Obama regime. Our ancestors paid a high price for this Freedom, and Americans are certainly poised to pay a high price now and battle Obama and the Progressives with every available means. Whether or not Congress and the Senate ultimately defund Obamacare, Americans can and will decide on their own if they will be a free, responsible and prosperous people living under a Constitutional limited government or a dependent, indolent and impoverished people living at the State’s pleasure: We are too great a nation to limit ourselves and tolerate the confines of the tranny embodied by the PPACA and Obama’s “fundamental transformation!”


By Justin O. Smith


© Justin O. Smith

Edited by John R. Houk