Hillsdale College ‘Great Reset’ Video Series

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© November 26, 2023

Rectenwald, Ramaswamy, Rickards, Mills, Goldman & Wesbury

I get occasional emails from Hillsdale College which is essentially a politically Conservative university – an academic rarity in this day and age. I don’t even recall how I signed up to be on the Hillsdale College email list but I am certain it had something to do with their Conservative reputation.

So anyway, I must have received an email to see if I was interested in this Great Reset lecture videos. When I said, “Yes,” I did not realize the lectures took place in early November 2021 – smack dab in the middle of COVID Fearmongering. I suspect most Hillsdale students either were forced to watch with useless masks or view remotely by video.

The video links show the series of lectures that took place between November 7-10. Yet the last video is dated 11/9/21. If any lectures took place on 11/10/21, they did not make my list of links.

Also interestingly, Vivek Ramaswamy is the second lecture (11/7/21). Ramaswamy announced a GOP candidacy for President 2/21/23 according to Ballotpedia which means he lectured prior to Presidential politics. In full disclosure, it is my sense Ramaswamy speaks a good game, but there is something fishy about him that I question. He’s a practicing Hindu – I’m a practicing Christian. He has Big Pharma connections – I don’t trust Big Pharma. He accepted Soros scholarship money – What Conservative trusts anything to do with the Soros family? (SEE HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE) In discussions with my son who is a DeSantis supporter, I’ve come to realize that all candidates have an issue to criticize. For example I am a Trump supporter yet he has some stands I have taken extreme issue with among them Trump’s mRNA Jab promotion.

Here is the Hillsdale College email (received 11/16/2023) which includes a donation link for support:

“Thank you for requesting Hillsdale College’s video series, “The Great Reset?”

Filmed on the Hillsdale campus, the series considers the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.

Below are links to each of the six videos in the series:

1. “What is the Great Reset?” by Michael Rectenwald

2. “Woke Capitalism vs. Profit” by Vivek Ramaswamy

3. “Cashless Society” by James Rickards

4. “Is ‘Environmental Justice’ Good for the Environment?” by Mark P. Mills

5. “The Great Reset from China’s Perspective” by David P. Goldman

6. “The Alternative to the Great Reset” by Brian Wesbury

It’s important to mention that Hillsdale College does all of its work while refusing to accept ONE PENNY of government support—not even indirectly in the form of federal or state student grants or loans.

The support of informed patriots like you allows us to remain the best-positioned college in the nation to reach and teach millions of Americans about the Constitution and liberty.

Please enjoy your free video series about the Great Reset.

And if possible, consider supporting our efforts—including Imprimis, free online courses, and K-12 education initiatives—to reach and teach Americans of all ages.

You can easily give a tax-deductible gift using this secure link: https://secured.hillsdale.edu/hillsdale/support-hillsdale-college 

Warm regards,

Larry P. Arnn

President, Hillsdale College

Pursuing Truth and Defending Liberty Since 1844”

^^^^>BLOG EDITOR SAD REALIZATION: In the process of the video download of the Hillsdale College lecture series, video number 4 and video number 6 have error glitches in them. The videos operate fine on the Hillsdale College website; HOWEVER, the error is bad enough that my Bitchute Channel will not process those particular videos and my UGETube Channel will play until the error occurs at about the 30-minute (give or take) mark then freezes. I’ll embed videos 4 and 6 with UGETube but that means my WordPress readers will have click the link to view. AND to my Substack readers, as I type this I am unsure if video 4 and 6 will upload there. TO ALL WHO INTERESTED, the videos function/operate just fine on the Hillsdale College website. You can to the links provided in the email or each video I share has a shortened tinyurl to each original video. <^^^^

CCA II: The Great Reset?

November 7-10, 2021

“In 2020, members of the world’s elite met at the World Economic Forum and launched the Great Reset initiative to transform the world economy. Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive director of the  Forum, wrote, “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.” [Intro at top of page of each Hillsdale College video]

Bitchute VIDEO: What Is the Great Reset? – Michael Rectenwald

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published November 25th, 2023 21:17 UTC

This is the first of six videos I received via email from Hillsdale College (https://tinyurl.com/hja5neeb). The videos are a part of a lecture series that took place between 11/7 to 11/9/21 examining the Great Reset. Here’s an excerpt that appears at the top of each video web-page from Hillsdale College:

“This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.”

Nov 7, 2021

Michael Rectenwald

Author, Beyond Woke


Bitchute VIDEO: Woke Capitalism vs. Profit – Vivek Ramaswamy

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published November 25th, 2023 21:35 UTC

This is the Second of six videos I received via email from Hillsdale College (https://tinyurl.com/ezt2rfpt). The videos are a part of a lecture series that took place between 11/7 to 11/9/21 examining the Great Reset. Here’s an excerpt that appears at the top of each video web-page from Hillsdale College:

“This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.”

Nov 7, 2021

Vivek Ramaswamy

Author, Woke Inc.


Bitchute VIDEO: Cashless Society – James Rickards

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published November 25th, 2023 21:59 UTC

This is the Third of six videos I received via email from Hillsdale College (https://tinyurl.com/yxcf7vxw). The videos are a part of a lecture series that took place between 11/7 to 11/9/21 examining the Great Reset. Here’s an excerpt that appears at the top of each video web-page from Hillsdale College:

“This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.”

Nov 8, 2021

James Rickards

Author, ‘The New Great Depression: Winners and Losers in a Post-Pandemic World’


UGETube VIDEO: Is ‘Environmental Justice’ Good for the Environment? – Mark P. Mills


Posted by John Houk

First Published November 26, 2023

This is the Fourth of six videos I received via email from Hillsdale College (https://tinyurl.com/56fxp38y). The videos are a part of a lecture series that took place between 11/7 to 11/9/21 examining the Great Reset. Here’s an excerpt that appears at the top of each video web-page from Hillsdale College:

“This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.”

Nov 8, 2021

Mark P. Mills

Author, ‘The Cloud Revolution: How the Convergence of New Technologies Will Unleash the Next Economic Boom and a Roaring 2020s’


Bitchute VIDEO: The Great Reset from China’s Perspective – David P. Goldman

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published November 26th, 2023 16:17 UTC

This is the Fifth of six videos I received via email from Hillsdale College (https://tinyurl.com/4vtkdvc4). The videos are a part of a lecture series that took place between 11/7 to 11/9/21 examining the Great Reset. Here’s an excerpt that appears at the top of each video web-page from Hillsdale College:

“This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.”

Nov 9, 2021

David P. Goldman

Asia Times

CCP Perspective Great Reset


UGETube VIDEO: The Alternative to the Great Reset – Brian Wesbury


Posted by John Houk

First Published November 25, 2023

This is the Sixth of six videos I received via email from Hillsdale College (https://tinyurl.com/4ysy8sps). The videos are a part of a lecture series that took place between 11/7 to 11/9/21 examining the Great Reset. Here’s an excerpt that appears at the top of each video web-page from Hillsdale College:

“This second CCA of the 2021-2022 academic year will consider the idea of the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives.”

Nov 9, 2021

Brian Wesbury

First Trust Advisors


JRH 11/26/23


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Carlson Firing – A Fear Agenda?

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© April 26, 2023

Fox News has all but confirmed its complete evil transformation to the Dark Side by the firing of Tucker Carlson.

Over the past couple of days I’ve read some good guessing about Fox terminating Carlson beginning with the obvious lie that ran something like this: “Fox News and Tucker Carlson have mutually agreed to part ways.” WHAT A FREAKING LIE!

When it became obvious Carlson was terminated, some good guessing:

  • High viewership but Leftist advertising boycotts.
  • Fox News executives hated Carlson.
  • The Dominion Lawsuit.
  • J-6 Reporting (still excoriated by Leftist & MSM propagandists as lies – EVEN THOUGH CLOSER TO TRUTH)
  • Murdochs want to sell Fox News ergo divesting controversial Conservatives such as Carlson
  • AND (I haven’t read substantiation) an upcoming Carlson expose on Elitist pedophilia.
  • Probably missed some other good theories.

Perhaps if the truth ever is revealed behind Fox News firing Tucker Carlson, we Conservatives who care will discover some form of combination of ALL OF THE ABOVE.

An interesting title I found on the Daily Torch by Robert Romano I think might encompass the ALL OF THE ABOVE with a dose of Woke economics: “Fox News has been touting its ESG, ‘diversity and inclusion’ goals since 2020 in annual ‘corporate social responsibility’ reports, and NewsCorp, too”. I’ll be cross posting this below.

But first, how about a little primer on Woke Economics “ESG”. An acronym for Environmental, Social, and Governance. An economic concept used by Marxist-Fascist-Globalist Corporations to manipulate and control the masses under the guidance of WEF/U.N. Agenda 21/2023 world governance guidelines.

In my opinion the search engines (including ones touting privacy) seem to point to the Elitist view of ESG with not strong enough warnings of where ESG tyranny leads. SO, I was glad to stumble on this brief explanation by Alex Newman of The New American. Here’s the TNA quote followed by a 19-minute Rumble video 8/22/22 – “ESG: Fascist Tool of the Deep State to Reset Global Economy”:

The so-called “environmental, social, and governance” metrics, better known by their acronym ESG, are a tool of the Deep State to fundamentally transform business and the global economy toward fascism and technocracy, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Being imposed by woke mega-corporations such as BlackRock as well as by the Biden administration and the European Union, this changes the focus of business from profit making to satisfying Deep State and government demands. Alex goes through the dangers and history of this nefarious movement and shows just how entrenched it is. However, resistance is growing, and even state governments are pushing back hard.”

Rumble VIDEO: ESG: Fascist Tool of the Deep State to Reset Global Economy

I am also sharing a Greg Reese Substack/Video (Bitchute version) unrelated to the Daily Torch post but on the Tyranny tactic of FEAR used to control people under the title, “FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER”.

JRH 4/26/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

READER SUPPORTED! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT via buying women’s menstrual health, healthy collagen, vitamin supplements/products, coffee from my Online stores: My Store (please use referral discount code 2388058): https://modere.co/3SrOHzI

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Fox News has been touting its ESG, ‘diversity and inclusion’ goals since 2020 in annual ‘corporate social responsibility’ reports, and NewsCorp, too

Ryan-Rove-RINO to Fox News toon (Branco 11/5/22)

By Robert Romano

April 26, 2023

Daily Torch

After Tucker Carlson’s firing by Fox News, do high ratings even matter anymore?

That might be a good question one might ask from Fox News’ termination of Carlson, the station’s most highly rated host, who was easily winning cable news’ battle for the 8pm slot for years, with an average 3.25 million viewers a night for the past four months.

For years, Carlson was critical of the Black Lives Matters and Antifa’s use of riots in 2020 following the killing of George Floyd while in police custody in Minneapolis, Minn., and of tyrannical Covid policies. Surely, he had many controversial takes, but that was what his audience was looking for: someone perceived to be fearlessly telling the truth in the face of the censors.

But these also sparked organized boycotts against Carlson’s advertisers by social and political groups favoring Democrats — apparently an effective strategy when corporate dollars stop coming in the doors.

Even though advertisers should be attracted to highly rated programs, that assumes they are using a profit motive, and not some other motive. But today we know there is another motive: stakeholder capitalism, or the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment model that has found corporations seeking equity above profit.

For their part, U.S. corporations have already made up their mind, with a recent KPMG survey finding 82 percent of U.S. corporations are touting ESG sustainability goals in their corporate filings, even though doing so does not necessarily mean greater profits or even greater market caps for publicly traded companies per se. It’s more like a protection racket: tout the goals, carry the correct political water, fire when necessary and avoid the corporate embargo.

So it should surprise nobody that Fox Corporation, which owns Fox News, and NewsCorp (which used to own Fox) and owns the Wall Street Journal, have been touting Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals in their corporate filings in order to attract woke investment dollars since at least 2020, a review of the companies’ corporate filings reveals. Fox’s explicit ESG reports appeared to follow the company’s removal in 2019 from Vanguard’s ESG fund. It wanted those woke capitalist dollars.

Again, unsurprisingly, Fox has been touting its “diversity and inclusion” corporate agenda that include legally questionable racial and gender hiring quotas by the company. In its 2022 “corporate social responsibility” report: “we have voluntarily posted on our corporate website our 2021 Employment Information Report (EEO-1), showing the race, ethnicity and gender of our U.S. employees. For example, by the end of 2021, our first/mid-level officials (EEO-1 Category 1.2) and managers were approximately 41.7% female and 30.6% non-White. Similarly, our employees categorized as professionals (EEO-1 Category 2.0) were 36.7% female and 35.3% non-White. We are proud of our workforce and our ongoing efforts to further its diversity.”

These appear to run afoul of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act’s prohibition on employment discrimination on the basis of race or sex:

It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer… to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; or … to limit, segregate, or classify his employees or applicants for employment in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

And how do we know that Fox knows it is “legally questionable,” as I wrote above?

Because Fox News never reported on a legal complaint to the U.S. Equal Employment and Opportunity Commission filed by America First Legal, one of the non-profits run by former President Donald Trump’s advisor Stephen Miller, against Anheuser-Busch’s ESG-driven racial and gender hiring quotas as being a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights. The complaint against AB-InBev — the Belgian company that own Anheuser-Busch — followed a consumer-led revolt against the beermaker after using transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney tell sell Bud Light, or not sell it, depending on your perspective.

If Fox had reported on the seemingly illegal racial and gender hiring quotas, it would have had to admit in its reporting that it was using the same discriminatory practices now being targeted by Republicans.

It certainly has been questioned before, and in a 1979 ruling by the Supreme Court ruling Steelworkers v. Weber it was found that employment policies that racial preferences on the basis of race and sex in favor of women and minorities, which plaintiffs argued was reverse discrimination, were somehow not a violation of the Civil Rights Act, in effect legalizing employment discrimination against whites and males. This was a sharp departure from more racially neutral interpretations of the Civil Rights Act by federal courts that preceded the decision.

Then Associate Justice William Rehnquist, who would go on to become the Court’s 16th Chief Justice in 1986, in his dissenting opinion, compared the Court’s rewriting of the Civil Rights Act to the totalitarian regime portrayed in George Orwell’s 1984, writing that law was written plainly, “Taken in its normal meaning, and as understood by all Members of Congress who spoke to the issue during the legislative debates, this language prohibits a covered employer from considering race when making an employment decision, whether the race be black or white.”

Rehnquist blasted the majority of the court, adding, “the Court behaves much like the Orwellian speaker earlier described, as if it had been handed a note indicating that Title VII would lead to a result unacceptable to the Court if interpreted here as it was in our prior decisions. … Now we are told that the legislative history of Title VII shows that employers are free to discriminate on the basis of race: an employer may, in the Court’s words, ‘trammel the interests of the white employees’ in favor of black employees in order to eliminate ‘racial imbalance.’… Our earlier interpretations of Title VII, like the banners and posters decorating the square in Oceania, were all wrong.”

And so that’s where we are living now, in Oceania, with our news and information largely controlled by corporations with a collectivist agenda — to silence voices who speak up for the American people. They’re compromised.

Fox is definitely an increasing part of that. According to its June 2022 standards of business conduct and ethics, Fox states, rather laughingly in hindsight, “The First Amendment and the fundamental values it reflects are integral to who we are and what we do. As an important source of news, information, analysis and media, we play a leading role in the marketplace of ideas. Our flagship news properties are some of the most influential in history, and we respect the significant responsibility that comes with being a steward for the people’s right to know. In keeping with the Constitution’s protections for the freedom of the press, we guard and defend our journalists in their search for the truth.”

Critically, Fox adds, “We do not let revenue sources dictate our news and opinion content.” What a joke. Of course they do.

This is Orwellian “newspeak,” and I write that with kindness to the author of 1984, George Orwell, who was criticizing totalitarian censorship. One does not need to look very far for Fox kneeling to its advertisers to get rid of a controversial host. They aren’t “guarding and defending” anything.

Carlson’s dismissal also follows his predecessor in the 8pm slot, Bill O’Reilly, who was also the station’s ratings juggernaut prior to his 2017 dismissal following sexual harassment allegations that was leading to an advertising boycott.

Other popular hosts who lost their jobs at Fox include Glenn Beck in 2011, following an advertiser boycott, at the time reported by Reuters’ Christine Kearney and Alex Dobuzinskis, that “about 300 companies have either pulled their ads or declined to run commercials on his show in the past 18 months after campaigns by black and Jewish groups,” due to Beck’s criticism of former President Barack Obama and controversial political financier George Soros.

That, despite the fact that at the time “Beck’s nightly show currently dr[ew] about 1.9 million viewers, dwarfing the ratings for other cable news shows in the time slot.”

Similar advertiser boycotts were waged effectively against the late Rush Limbaugh—easily the most highly rated conservative talk radio host in history—beginning in 2012 when he criticized calls for legislation by then-Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke by personally attacking Fluke, calling her a “slut” and “prostitute” because she “wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex,” later leading to a rare apology by Limbaugh when his position was being threatened by the boycott.

On and on it goes, with boycotts also targeting Sean Hannity for years, Fox News’ 9pm host, but for how long, one wonders? Maybe if his ratings go up again, he’ll be a target.

Perhaps high ratings equal high risk, then? Advertisers are not interested in seeking out millions of viewers to sell products as much as being spooked by advertiser boycotts and campaigns waged by groups against what is perceived as a conservative news channel that Republicans could actually watch without too much bias against their own leaders and causes.

The boycotts are absolutely political from groups supporting Democrats. Today, they are being driven by corporate ESG, and the best part is, the news companies they are purchasing will never be obliged to report on itself in a negative light about what is driving their unprofitable decisions. Nor will it report, not too deeply, about the regulatory and tax incentives for ESG that exist. Are they even allowed to?

Again, they do not seek profit, but equity.

So, they’re not trying to sell us Tucker Carlson or the Fox News brand. They want Republicans in Name Only. And they’re not trying to sell us oil. They want net zero carbon emissions. Or beer. They want to end “toxic masculinity” and water consumption in manufacturing. From the ESG perspective, these are all “harmful” industries that need to become woke, diverse, inclusive and green, or ultimately be eliminated because they do not serve this collectivist agenda to destroy America. Either way, they win. The message is clear: Bend the knee, or pay the price. You could be next.

Robert Romano is the Vice President of Public Policy at Americans for Limited Government Foundation.


Daily Torch HOMEPAGE



The path to victory is achieved with an open heart


April 26, 2023

The Reese Report [Substack]

[Blog Editor: The video includes Michael Tsarion speaking. And thus this a profanity alert of him using F-bombs in making his point.]


[Posted by Greg Reese

First Published April 26th, 2023 11:47 UTC


The main character in Frank Herbert’s Dune uses a mantra to overcome his fears:

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear’s path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

And from the book of Psalms;

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Fear is natural, but to dwell there only breeds despair. The power of our free will is most pertinent in the mind where we have sway over our thoughts, focus, and decisions.

Staying positive isn’t just for restorative retreats on the beach. It’s the solution to every problem we face.

Even under the highest stress, the military is trained to maintain Esprit de Corps at all levels. A common spirit of a group inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and honor for that group.

Positive feelings prevail in every endeavor. Even in battle.

Artificial Intelligence seems to understand this as well. In Clif High’s recent Shadow Wars…, A.I. program, Chat GPT, was prompted to help develop a story about a world that has been ruled for thousands of years by a non-human species that hides in the shadows and uses media, government, and education to brainwash the masses and control them with fear.

Chat GPT was asked:

What strategies and tactics could the awake humans employ to defeat the enemy and awaken humanity?

The A.I. program said that;

Ultimately, the key to unlocking the trapped minds of the normal humans will be to appeal to their innate desires for freedom, autonomy, truth, and transparency.

It recommended that the awake humans should expose the truth, mobilize the masses, and build alternative institutions that serve these values of individual freedom.

© 2023 Greg Reese

The Reese Report Substack HOMEPAGE

Time to Pay Attention to the Signs! TICK-TICK-TICK

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© April 17, 2023

OK… I’m about to indicate the time frame in which I grew up. I’m age 66 and half way to 67. Which means -GASP!- I can see age 70 around the bend.

AND  SO, if you are in my neck of the woods – age wise. Try to recall the old Timex wristwatch ads you might have watched. To those of you who are young and clueless and may not even know what a Timex is (or was because I have no idea if the company is still around). Allow my old memory to try to construct how a Timex ad would go.

My memories are mostly of pitchman John Cameron Swayze but also recall the use of sports figures. The ad would place the Timex in a hazardous situation and then Swayze show the watch still functioning followed with the iconic slogan, “Takes a licking and keeps on ticking”.

Below is a Black & White version and a more humorous Color version:

Youtube VIDEO: Vintage Timex Commercial

Youtube VIDEO: Timex Commercial 1989

Here’s the reason for memory lane.

I just read a Terry James post where h wants you to imagine God looking at His watch as it goes TICK…TICK…TICK. As James explains what each prophetic TICK sign represents, my memory recall flashed back to Timex taking a licking and keeps on ticking.

NOW WE KNOW if God Almighty possessed a watch, it certainly would keep on ticking no matter the licking. God Almighty is the CREATOR after all. And this is where you should read the words of Jesus in Matthew 24, but I tease you with verses 3-8 NKJV:

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”

And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for [a]all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, [b]pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.


a. Matthew 24:6 NU omits all

b. Matthew 24:7 NU omits pestilences

So, TICK-TICK-TICK… The Terry James title of the signs discussed: “Devil in the Digital Dollar Details”.

JRH 4/17/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

READER SUPPORTED! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support CPCR

YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT via buying women’s menstrual health, healthy collagen, vitamin supplements/products, coffee from my Online stores: My Store (please use referral discount code 2388058): https://modere.co/3SrOHzI

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


Devil in the Digital Dollar Details

By Terry James

April 17, 2023


To observers of these times, while this generation nears midnight of this fleeting age, every second-hand tick of God’s prophetic watch gives warning. Recent ticks should alert every believer that time is running out—and catastrophic, heavenly intervention against the wickedness saturating the planet is imminent.

Tick…Deceivers seek to pull all of humanity from truth regarding the God of creation.

The drive is incessant to convince us that human beings aren’t the creation of a deity, but of a primordial accident. The specious science called evolution long ago imprinted in the minds of humankind that people have struggled up the chain of transition to become Homo sapiens. And the most recent outcome of that struggle is that the transition now means that women can choose to be men, and men can become women, merely by saying so.

As part of the ongoing transition that denies any involvement with deity, adults now can interact sexually with the youngest children. Parents, it is said, should stay out of the process of the transition taking place.

Homosexuality, like in the days of Lot in Sodom, is the overriding societal and cultural new normal that government should protect above all other considerations.

Tick… There is a stream of monetary greed and vicious militancy flowing just beneath the surface of the pseudo-peace politicians who govern around the world pretend to want to maintain.

Rumors of nuclear war inundate our eyes and ears from newsfeeds hourly. In the most dangerous areas, actual war is ratcheting up for breaking into nuclear conflict. Ukraine and all territories surrounding Israel could become kinetic fields of battle at any moment.

Tick… Religiously, the world is shaping up just as Jesus prophesied.

False prophets are arising, even among the supposedly most evangelical, fundamentalist ministries. Some teach that the Bible is no longer relevant—that times have changed its former relevance. The pope declares there is no literal Hell—that there is only Heaven, and it will be inhabited even by atheists. Even the dictator of Russia points out the apostasy and evil of religious leaders of the West. And his words are true.

Tick… Now the technology has made possible, according to anti-God scientists supposedly in the know, the total transition of humankind.

The melding of artificial intelligence (AI) with humans will increase humankind’s achievement capacity to godlike status. Further breakthroughs in the fields of computer and biological interactions promise that it is possible to eventually bring about something approaching eternal life.

Humans—at least those who fall victim to this line of belief—thus succumb to the serpent’s lie to Eve: “You will be as God.”

Tick… At this point, it looks as if Satan has brought to the cusp of implementation the system of control that God’s Word foretells in Revelation.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Revelation 13:16–18)

This particular Tick of the prophetic clock’s hand will, even secular observers point out, give evil would-be rulers the control they’ve long dreamed of. The following observation is one such instance:

Economist & Author William Michael Cunningham [WebsiteYoutube videos], Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University, points out what money is:

“The main economic attributes of a technically effective currency rests on three functions:

1. as a unit of account,

2. a store of value

3. and as a medium of exchange.

A unit of account is a common measure for the value for goods and services, the store of value is the way in which we store wealth in order to transfer purchasing power.

The “Transfer of Purchasing Power” is exchanging the Dollar from my hand to yours—one private transaction with another.

That is basic economics for us non-economists.

Why does America need “Social Control?”

Pay close attention.

Last year Joe Biden signed an executive order for digital money or the death knell for cash. It’s not surprising.

We know that Biden wants total control over Americans and their money.

For instance, back in October 2021, Biden asked Congress to authorize new bank surveillance measures of Americans to the IRS. He now has what he wanted all along. His $600 reporting to the IRS on digital transactions. (Paypal, Venmo, Zelle, etc.)

This executive order piggybacks off of Senator Sherrod Brown’s [D-OH] new pro-digital dollar draft. Senate Bill 3571 – Banking for All Act.

This is a blatant attempt to control every issue of your life, including your money.

But hey, who cares…

The World Economic Forum says, “You’ll Own Nothing, And You’ll Be Happy.” (“The Crackdown To End the Dollar Has Begun. Feds Launch Digital Money,” July 2023, One America News [Blog Editor: Terry James does not provide a source link and I’ve been unable to verify the title.])

Digital monetary manipulation will give the devil’s man, Antichrist, control over earth’s population, or at least a large portion thereof. The alarm is set for midnight. The prophetic end-times clock now seems to be ticking toward that midnight hour in every sense.

That alarm, when it sounds, will be the voice of the Lord shouting: “Come up here!” (Revelation 4:2)



Are YOU Able to Resist the Corruption?

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 3, 2023

I have yet another lengthy cross post YET IMPORTANT TO COMPREHEND cross post related to YOUR Liberty or actually … lack thereof.

First up is The Conservative Treehouse (I actually like The Last Refuge better) with a very Pro-Trump post explaining the reason Leftist-Globalists hate Trump Economics as in America First:

The CORE, the ESSENCE, the CORNERSTONE of Globalism – The “Exfiltration of Wealth” – One Exceptional Example’.

In full disclosure: I have a lot of disappointments with President Trump. He had a litany of bad choices that stabbed him n the back as they ultimately proved to Establishment status quo Republicans rather than being supportive of Trump economics or America First principles. THEN there is President Trump’s continued support for statistically proven DANGEROUS mRNA Jabs. The ONLY reason I’m still a Trump supporter is his very name sends Dem-Marxists and their propagandists into hysterical apoplexy. ALSO no one will ever convince the 2020 Election process was anything but a fraudulent coup. If (legit) President Trump gets on any kind of Election Ticket, I’m voting for him. I’m NEVER voting for a Dem-Marxist or a RINO for anything – not even dog catcher.

The next lengthy but VERY IMPORTANT to comprehend post I found on LifeSiteNews. Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova write and share the documentation of a corrupt U.S. Government enabling mRNA Jab bioterrorism on the very citizens the Constitution was written to protect. To be honest the presentation is a bit mundane NEVERTHELESS, wade through digest the information showing how our Constitution was nullified AND YOU should as yourself, “Why and WHO was the U.S. Constitution essentially cancelled? Who loses and who benefits from constitutional nullification?” The title: “How the US gov’t built a shadow structure that enabled COVID vax ‘bioterrorism’”.

After the LifeSite post I’m including two videos that are linked within the LifeSite article. The first video is Sasha Latypova talking about topics in the post and the second video is thousands of athletes experiencing Sudden Death or Sudden Injury related to their mRNA Jab.


JRH 2/3/23

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The CORE, the ESSENCE, the CORNERSTONE of Globalism – The “Exfiltration of Wealth” – One Exceptional Example

By Sundance 

February 2, 2023

The Conservative Treehouse

This is so critically important to the understanding of the core, central element where the globalism atom splits and the resulting destruction begins, that I must pause all personal recovery efforts -immediately- and explain.   This is an incredible example of where corporations and government merge.  This is the atom split. This is the root, the nub, the place where “trillions at stake” takes context.

Strong HatTip to Gateway Pundit for this exceptional video and example {Direct Rumble Link Here}.  The understanding comes via a Canadian dairy farmer, who, like thousands of other farmers around the world, is a private business under government control.  This example is about dairy, specifically milk, however, the underlying premise goes much further.

This is modern corporatism, the nexus of govt intervention, regulations and the multinational exploitation of industry.  This is also the globalist example that shows how the concepts of “capitalism” and “free markets” have been destroyed.  First, watch the video:

Rumble VIDEO: Canadian Government Forces Dairy Farm Dump 30,000L of Milk Because They Have Gone Over Quota

[Posted by The Gateway Pundit

Published February 2, 2023

Jerry Human, a Canadian farmer, voiced his dismay at the Canadian government and the Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) for wasting fresh milk in a video posted by Travis Huigen on TikTok.]

What you are witnessing in that video is something we have talked about at length for years.

Influential people, politicians (rules) and corporate leaders (profits), both with vested financial interests in the process, have sold a narrative that global manufacturing, global sourcing, and global production is the inherent way of the future. The same voices claimed the American economy was/is consigned to become a “service-driven economy.”

What was always missed in these discussions is that advocates selling this global-economy message have a vested financial and ideological interest in convincing the information consumer it is all just a natural outcome of economic progress.

It’s not.

It’s not natural at all. It is a process that is entirely controlled, promoted and utilized by large conglomerates, lobbyists, purchased politicians and massive multinational corporations.

To understand who opposes President Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, or any economic nationalist, specifically because of the economic leverage against multinational corporations their policy creates, it becomes important to understand the objectives of the global and financial elite who run and operate the institutions. The Big Club.

Understanding how trillions of trade dollars influence geopolitical policy we begin to understand the three-decade global financial construct they seek to protect.

That is, global financial exploitation of national markets.


♦Multinational corporations purchase controlling interests in various national outputs (harvests and raw materials), and ancillary industries, of developed industrial western nations. {example}

♦The Multinational Corporations making the purchases are underwritten by massive global financial institutions, multinational banks. (*note* in China it is the communist government underwriting the purchase)

♦The Multinational Banks and the Multinational Corporations then utilize lobbying interests to manipulate the internal political policy of the targeted nation state(s).

♦With control over the targeted national industry or interest, the multinationals then leverage export of the national asset (exfiltration) through trade agreements structured to the benefit of lesser developed nation states – where they have previously established a proactive financial footprint.

For three decades economic “globalism” has advanced, quickly. Everyone accepts this statement, yet few actually stop to ask who and what are behind this – and why?

Every element of global economic trade is controlled and exploited by massive institutions, multinational banks and multinational corporations.

Institutions like the World Trade Organization (WTO), World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), control trillions of dollars in economic activity. Underneath that economic activity there are people who hold the reins of power over the outcomes. These individuals and groups are the stakeholders in direct opposition to principles of America-First national economics.

The modern financial constructs of these entities have been established over the course of the past three decades. When you understand how they manipulate the economic system of individual nations you begin to understand why they are so fundamentally opposed to President Trump.

In the Western World, separate from communist control perspectives (i.e.. China), “Global markets” are a modern myth; nothing more than a talking point meant to keep people satiated with sound bites they might find familiar; but the truth is ‘global markets’ have been destroyed over the past three decades by multinational corporations who control the products formerly contained within global markets. This is the function of the World Economic Forum.

The same is true for “Commodities Markets.” The multinational trade and economic system, run by corporations and multinational banks, now controls the product outputs of independent nations. The free market economic system has been usurped by entities who create what is best described as ‘controlled markets’.

Multinational Corp Bribery

Bulletpoint : ♦ Multinational corporations purchase controlling interests in various national elements of developed industrial western nations.

This is perhaps the most challenging to understand. In essence, thanks specifically to the way the World Trade Organization (WTO) was established in 1995, national companies expanded their influence into multiple nations, across a myriad of industries and economic sectors (energy, agriculture, raw earth minerals, etc.).

This is the basic underpinning of national companies becoming multinational corporations.

Think of these multinational corporations as global entities now powerful enough to reach into multiple nations -simultaneously- and purchase controlling interests in a single economic commodity.

A historic reference point might be the original multinational enterprise, energy via oil production. (Exxon, Mobil, BP, etc.)

However, in the modern global world, it’s not just oil; the resource and product procurement extend to virtually every possible commodity and industry. From the very visible (wheat/corn) to the obscure (small minerals, and even flowers).

Lobbyist Multinational Banks-Corps

Bulletpoint ♦ The Multinational Corporations making the purchases are underwritten by massive global financial institutions, multinational banks.

During the past several decades national companies merged. The largest lemon producer company in Brazil, merges with the largest lemon company in Mexico, merges with the largest lemon company in Argentina, merges with the largest lemon company in the U.S., etc. etc. National companies, formerly of one nation, become “continental” companies with control over an entire continent of nations.

…. or it could be over several continents or even the entire world market of Lemon/Widget production. These are now multinational corporations. They hold interests in specific segments (this example lemons) across a broad variety of individual nations.

National laws on Monopoly building are not the same in all nations. Most are not as structured as the U.S.A or other more developed nations (with more laws). During the acquisition phase, when encountering a highly developed nation with monopoly laws, the process of an umbrella corporation might be needed to purchase the targeted interests within a specific nation. The example of Monsanto applies here.

More Bribing

Bulletpoint #3 ♦The Multinational Banks and the Multinational Corporations then utilize lobbying interests to manipulate the internal political policy of the targeted nation state(s).

In underdeveloped countries the process of buying a political outcome is called bribery. Within the United States we call it lobbying. The process is exactly the same.

With control of the majority of actual lemons the multinational corporation now holds a different set of financial values than a local farmer or national market. This is why commodities exchanges are essentially dead. In the aggregate the mercantile exchange is no longer a free or supply-based market; it is now a controlled market exploited by mega-sized multinational corporations.

Instead of the traditional ‘supply/demand’ equation determining prices, the corporations look to see what nations can afford what prices. The supply of the controlled product is then distributed to the country according to their ability to afford the price. This is essentially the bastardized and politicized function of the World Trade Organization (WTO). This is also how the corporations controlling WTO policy maximize profits.

Back to the lemons. A corporation might hold the rights to the majority of the lemon production in Brazil, Argentina and California/Florida. The price the U.S. consumer pays for the lemons is directed by the amount of inventory (distribution) the controlling corporation allows in the U.S.

If the U.S. lemon harvest is abundant, the controlling interests will export the product to keep the U.S. consumer spending at peak or optimal price. A U.S. customer might pay $2 for a lemon, a Mexican customer might pay .50¢, and a Canadian $1.25.

The bottom line issue is the national supply (in this example ‘harvest/yield’) is not driving the national price because the supply is now controlled by massive multinational corporations.

The mistake people often make is calling this a “global commodity” process. In the modern era this “global commodity” phrase is particularly nonsense.

A true global commodity is a process of individual nations harvesting/creating a similar product and bringing that product to a global market. Individual nations each independently engaged in creating a similar product.

Under modern globalism this process no longer takes place. It’s a complete fraud. Massive multinational corporations control the majority of production inside each nation and therefore control the global product market and price. It is a controlled system.

EXAMPLE: Part of the lobbying in the food industry is to advocate for the expansion of U.S. taxpayer benefits to underwrite the costs of the domestic food products they control. By lobbying DC these multinational corporations get congress and policy-makers to expand the basis of who can use EBT and SNAP benefits (state reimbursement rates).

Expanding the federal subsidy for food purchases is part of the corporate profit dynamic.

With increased taxpayer subsidies, the food price controllers can charge more domestically and export more of the product internationally. Taxes, via subsidies, go into their profit margins. The corporations then use a portion of those enhanced profits in contributions to the politicians. It’s a circle of money.

In highly developed nations this multinational corporate process requires the corporation to purchase the domestic political process (as above) with individual nations allowing the exploitation in varying degrees. As such, the corporate lobbyists pay hundreds of millions to politicians for changes in policies and regulations; one sector, one product, or one industry at a time.

These are specialized lobbyists.

Farm at Sunset

EXAMPLE: The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)

CFIUS is an inter-agency committee authorized to review transactions that could result in control of a U.S. business by a foreign person (“covered transactions”), in order to determine the effect of such transactions on the national security of the United States.

CFIUS operates pursuant to section 721 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended by the Foreign Investment and National Security Act of 2007 (FINSA) (section 721) and as implemented by Executive Order 11858, as amended, and regulations at 31 C.F.R. Part 800.

The CFIUS process has been the subject of significant reforms over the past several years. These include numerous improvements in internal CFIUS procedures, enactment of FINSA in July 2007, amendment of Executive Order 11858 in January 2008, revision of the CFIUS regulations in November 2008, and publication of guidance on CFIUS’s national security considerations in December 2008 (more)

Bulletpoint #4 ♦ With control over the targeted national industry or interest, the multinationals then leverage export of the national asset (exfiltration) through trade agreements structured to the benefit of lesser developed nation states – where they have previously established a proactive financial footprint.

The process of charging the U.S. consumer more for a product, that under normal national market conditions would cost less, is a process called exfiltration of wealth. This is the basic premise, the cornerstone, behind the catchphrase ‘globalism’.

It is never discussed.

To control the market price some contracted product may even be secured and shipped with the intent to allow it to sit idle (or rot). This is where the dumping of the milk comes into play.  None of this is a market driven outcome. All of this is being controlled by guiding hands of politicians, rule makers, and the partnership with the private sector corporations.

It’s all about controlling the price and maximizing the profit equation.  We are discussing food and agricultural production, but the issue (the process of control) covers far more than just food, farming and Ag in general.  It’s everything folks. Everything.

To gain the same $1 profit a widget multinational might have to sell 20 widgets in El-Salvador (.25¢ each), or two widgets in the U.S. ($2.50/each).

Think of the process like the historic reference of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries).  Only in the modern era massive corporations are playing the role of OPEC and it’s not oil being controlled, thanks to the WTO it’s almost everything.

Again, this is highlighted in the example of taxpayers subsidizing the food sector (EBT, SNAP etc.), the multinational corporations can charge domestic U.S. consumers more.

Ex. more beef is exported, red meat prices remain high at the grocery store, but subsidized U.S. consumers can better afford the high prices.

Of course, if you are not receiving food payment assistance (middle-class) you can’t eat the steaks because you can’t afford them. (Not accidentally, it’s the same scheme in the ObamaCare healthcare system)


Agriculturally, multinational corporate Monsanto says: ‘all your harvests are belong to us‘. Contract with us, or you lose because we can control the market price of your end product.

The downside is that once you sign that contract, you agree to terms that are entirely created by the financial interests of the larger corporation, not your farm.  Additionally, the rule makers (govt), are working hand in glove with the corporations who control the outcome.

The multinational agriculture lobby is massive. We willingly feed the world as part of the system; but you as a grocery customer pay more per unit at the grocery store because domestic supply no longer determines domestic price.

Within the agriculture community the (feed-the-world) production export factor also drives the need for labor. Labor is a cost. The multinational corps have a vested interest in low labor costs. Ergo, open border policies. (i.e.. willingly purchased republicans not supporting border wall etc.).

This corrupt economic manipulation/exploitation applies over multiple sectors, and even in the sub-sector of an industry like steel. China/India purchases the raw material, coking coal, then sells the finished good (rolled steel) back to the global market at a discount. Or it could be rubber, or concrete, or plastic, or frozen chicken parts etc.

The ‘America First’ Trump-Trade Doctrine upsets the entire construct of this multinational export/control dynamic. Team Trump focus exclusively on bilateral trade deals, with specific trade agreements targeted toward individual nations (not national corporations).

‘America-First’ is also specific policy at a granular product level looking out for the national interests of the United States, U.S. workers, U.S. companies and U.S. consumers.

Under President Trump’s Trade positions, balanced and fair trade with strong regulatory control over national assets, exfiltration of U.S. national wealth is essentially stopped.

This puts many current multinational corporations, globalists who previously took a stake-hold in the U.S. economy with intention to export the wealth, in a position of holding contracted interest of an asset they can no longer exploit.

Perhaps now we understand better how massive multi-billion multinational corporations and institutions are aligned against President Trump.  In essence, Donald Trump is the anti-WEF weapon of the American people.

They will even organize a western corporate war against Russia to stop anyone from blocking their financial goals.

There are trillions at stake.

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Youtube VIDEO: Watch CNBC’s Full Interview With President Donald Trump

[Posted by CNBC

Posted on July 20, 2018


RELATED (Trump Policy):

♦The Modern Third Dimension in American Economics – HERE

♦The “Fed” Can’t Figure out the New Economics – HERE

♦Proof “America-First” has disconnected Main Street from Wall Street – HERE

♦Treasury Secretary Mnuchin begins creating a Parallel Banking System – HERE

♦How Trump Economic Policy is Interacting With The Stock Market – HERE

♦How Multinationals have Exported U.S. Wealth – HERE

© 2023 The Conservative Treehouse


How the US gov’t built a shadow structure that enabled COVID vax ‘bioterrorism’

‘Congress and U.S. Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution… through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program… on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers,’ writes legal researcher Katherine Watt.

Sasha Latypova & Katherine Watt

By Patrick Delaney

Feb 1, 2023 – 12:24 pm EST


Editor’s Note: This article is the fourth of a series on the role of the U.S. government in orchestrating a bioterrorism attack upon their own citizens utilizing “biowarfare agents” marketed as “COVID-19 vaccines.” The prior three articles can be accessed herehere, and here.

(LifeSiteNews) — With exceptional detail and comprehensiveness, a paralegal researcher and journalist from Pennsylvania has documented the extensive “pseudo-legal” structures put in place over decades which allowed the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to execute its “COVID-19 vaccine” bioterrorism attack upon its own citizens, killing and maiming many thousands with complete impunity.

Katherine Watt identifies herself as “a Roman Catholic, American, Gen-X writer, paralegal, printmaker, wife and mother.” Prior to becoming a paralegal, Watt earned a philosophy degree from Penn State University, worked as a reporter for small newspapers, and then eventually founded Bailiwick News in 2016.

Former pharmaceutical executive and researcher Sasha Latypova, who has been a source of several important bombshell reports over the last year, has more recently relied on Watt’s documentation and strongly encouraged “everyone to subscribe to her and read her work. It’s an encyclopedia of law references, meticulously researched going back years describing how the [pseudo-legal] structure [for the government’s bioterrorism program] was put in place and what it entails.”

“I’m saying ‘pseudo-legal’ because you cannot legalize a crime,” Latypova explained in a December video lecture. “They made it on paper legal… [but] none of this is lawful because they are committing a crime.”

Latypova has reported how the COVID-19 “vaccines” were fully produced, controlled, and distributed by the DOD, which managed to classify them not as medicines or pharmaceuticals, but as “COVID countermeasures” under the authority of the military. This means they are not required to comply with U.S. law governing the manufacturing quality, testing, effectiveness, safety, and labeling of drugs or other medical products.

Yet even though these “countermeasures” did not fall under the regulatory and monitoring authority of the FDA and CDC, these agencies orchestrated a “fake theatrical” public relations performance giving the impression to an unsuspecting population that these standard safeguards were indeed in place.

With the pharmaceutical companies, the government agencies and more were involved in “a conspiracy to commit mass murder through bioterrorism and informational warfare operations worldwide,” Latypova asserted. “The evidence is overwhelming that there is an intent to harm people by the COVID 19 injections, so-called ‘vaccines,’ and other nonsensical COVID response measures implemented in lockstep by governments all over the world,” including lockdowns, mask mandates, and school closures.

‘Basic goal of the architects, which has been achieved,’ is ‘legally transforming free citizens into enslaved subjects’

In documenting how such crimes against humanity have been rendered “legal,” Watt has crafted a “[r]esearch and organizing tool” titled American Domestic Bioterrorism Program (ADBP) which is subject to ongoing updates as new information comes to light. Its stated goal is to build “the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.”

Currently spanning 67 pages when printed, the document lists relevant legislation, regulations, executive orders, and other pertinent events from 1907 through the present which have enabled the “COVID vaccine” bioterrorism attack to take place with a full “legal” architecture serving to facilitate its crimes and provide full immunity for every criminal involved.

“The basic goal of the architects, which has been achieved,” Watt writes, “was to set up legal conditions in which all governing power in the United States could be automatically transferred from the citizens and the three Constitutional branches into the two hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary, effective at the moment the HHS Secretary himself declared a public health emergency, legally transforming free citizens into enslaved subjects.”

“That happened on Jan. 31, 2020, in effect as of Jan. 27, 2020 through the present day,” she observed.

“In other words: Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary and Secretary of Defense on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers,” Watt summarized (emphasis in original).

Violating the US Constitution, Congress ‘authorized concentration of federal governing power’ into the ‘sole’ hands of the HHS Secretary

Points of “critical decay” of the legal code highlighted in Watt’s extensive tract include the 1983 creation of a comprehensive “Public Health Emergency Program” under the direction of the HHS Secretary. With this legislation “public health emergencies” (PHEs) was added to wars, natural disasters, and other emergency circumstances “apparently capable of subordinating or federalizing state, local and tribal government authorities.”

Such a suspension of “Constitutional and statutory protections for American lives, liberties and property, against government overreach and abuse” can apparently be done unilaterally by the President, “without Congressional oversight [42 USC 247d-6d(b)(9)] or judicial review [42 USC 247d-6d(b)(7)], and without respect to Constitutional provisions reserving unenumerated powers to state and local governments and to the People themselves,” Watt wrote in the Executive Summary of her ADBP.

Furthermore, with this act and subsequent amendments, “Congress appears to have authorized concentration of federal governing power in the hands of the Secretary of Health and Human Services during any ‘public health emergency’ as determined and extended by the HHS Secretary at his or her sole discretion.”

In a video interview with Latypova, Watt explained how according to the current legal framework, there is no state, congressional, or judicial authority that is able to overrule the HHS secretary during such a self-declared “public health emergency.”

“It’s a completely closed loop,” she explained. Once they declare a PHE “they have all the power, and they are the only one who can suspend their power because of the way they wrote the laws.”

Yet Watt asked, how did Congress “give away a power that they didn’t have the power to give away? Congress does not have the power to dissolve itself. Congress does not have the power to dissolve the federal judiciary under the U.S. Constitution… You can’t give away a power that wasn’t yours to give away to begin with. And the power in our country is supposed to be in the Constitution, the supreme law of the land. There’s supposed to be nobody that’s above it,” such as an unelected HHS Secretary.

Furthermore, Watt states that, to her knowledge, there are no objective criteria for determining what entails a PHE, and thus it can be arbitrarily determined and extended every 90 days by the HHS Secretary. Most recently, this “renewal” of the PHE was issued on January 11 by Biden administration HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra.

All safety and informed consent requirements suspended for COVID ‘biowarfare agents’ with ‘no stopping condition’

As described by Latypova, the declaration of a PHE is “the keystone” that holds the “COVID-19 vaccine” bioterrorism “criminal structure together,” which includes, 1.) the 1997 establishment of the “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) status for medical products, 2.) the expansion of Other Transaction Authority (OTA) arrangements for the DoD in 2015, and 3.) the 2005 PREP Act and its most recent amendments.

The EUA program allows the HHS Secretary “at his or her sole discretion, to knowingly and deliberately suspend ordinary federal drug safety regulation for the duration of any ‘public health emergency’” which is also determined and extended by his or her sole authority, Watt explains.

Such suspensions include but are not limited to, all clinical trials, data collection, product testing, and standards for labeling, serialization, distribution, storage, advertising, marketing, and informed consent provisions. Also suspended are adverse effect monitoring and reporting standards, product safety enforcement, and recall provisions.

As previously reported by LifeSite, the OTA legislation allowed the DoD to avoid nearly all relevant legal and transparency requirements in their ordering and manufacturing of “COVID countermeasures” (i.e. “vaccines”), which by definition, “are biowarfare agents, legally not medicines, not pharmaceuticals, and not regulated as such.”

Thirdly, Latypova highlights how the PREP Act was amended just before the PHE was announced in January 2020, explicitly and very thoroughly exempting anyone participating in “this bioterrorism program from any liability, from lawsuits, from injuries and deaths caused by these actions.”

Also crucial to this pseudo-legal structure, is a provision in the U.S. Code which states “use” of EUA-covered medical countermeasure products, once designated as such by the Secretary of HHS, “shall not be considered to constitute a clinical investigation.”

Thus, according to Watt, at the declaration of the HHS Secretary, “use of such products is authorized even if there is no safety or efficacy data, even if such products are toxic and ineffective.” Furthermore, even with the dead and injured piling up, “(t)here is no stopping condition, because there is no legally relevant ‘clinical investigation’ to be stopped.”

And since EUA products are not part of any clinical investigation, they are not experimental, and thus there remains no legal obligation to comply with laws and regulations which apply to the use of experimental drugs, including informed consent.

READ: The Leprechaun has no clothes: Notre Dame violates the Nuremberg Code of 1947

Thus, by the issuing of the PHE, and then the EUA for these bioagents, the HHS Secretary alone suspended informed consent obligations for the entire nation, authorizing those administering these injections to “withhold information about product ingredients; vial contents; potential individual risks and benefits based on individual health conditions; treatment alternatives; and the option to accept or refuse the products.”

Purpose of ‘pseudo-legal’ structure: ‘mounting a covert biological attack’ on the American people

Moreover, citing the U.S. Code directly, Watt explains how “all risk and benefit assessments [for EUA products are] reserved to HHS Secretary alone, [with] no data required and no data or decisional review by Congress, courts or individual recipients [being] authorized.”

In addition, though last year Latypova, and many other experts, were perplexed on why no regulators were intervening to shut down the COVID “vaccine” campaign due to the fact these injections were clearly adulterated, Watt’s research brings clarity citing the U.S. Code itself which directs that EUA products “shall not be deemed adulterated or misbranded.”

This is the case for noncompliance with regulations governing “manufacturing, testing, purity, quality, batch and lot variability, adulteration, expiration dates, labeling, serialization, marketing, branding, dispensing and prescriptions.”

Other statutes appear to:

  • Provide “no access to courts for judicial review of the facts or law relating to HHS Secretary public health emergency declarations and medical countermeasures product classifications,”
  • Designate manufacturers, as contractors, to be “considered HHS employees for purposes of legal immunity under Federal Tort Claims Act,”
  • Preempt the authority of state, local and tribal governments with respect to these invasive measures,
  • Authorize the “just following orders” defense; and
  • Establish that there is “no access for plaintiffs, to civil courts for judicial review, and no entity to whom civil liability can attach, for injuries and deaths caused by covered medical countermeasures.”

For Ms. Watt, the evidence conclusively indicates that the “interlocking corruption of federal emergency management, public health and drug safety laws” has “the purpose of mounting a covert biological attack by the US Government on the American people under the fraudulent characterization of biological weapons as ‘Covid-19 vaccines.’”

‘Government-run mass murder is not at all an inconceivable crime,’ hundreds of thousands of excess deaths due to ‘vaccine induced mortality’

In a November 12 substack post, Watt made the observation that “one of the most common features of governments” is that eventually “most of them kill off a lot of their own people.”

Latypova, who grew up in the Soviet Union, opined in an email correspondence to LifeSite, “it is extremely common for governments to terrorize and kill their own citizens, and it is much more likely to occur when the government is large and centralized.” This is especially the case with “communist/fascist governments” who have “orchestrated famines and mass terror and are responsible for ~200M deaths in the past century or so.”

“But there is no difference today with the US federal government which has fused with huge global corporations such as the biopharma complex, banks, academic institutions and media conglomerates among others,” she wrote. Such governing structures are, “by definition, fascist.” [Bold Text Emphasis JRH Editor]

Since the “COVID-19 vaccine” countermeasures have been deployed, primarily in 2021, there has been a sharp rise in excess mortality.

In December, highly acclaimed insurance analyst Josh Stirling reported that those who accepted the experimental gene-base COVID injections “have a 26% higher mortality rate,” including 49% for those under 50, and 145% for those who accepted just one dose of a two-dose regimen.”

Stirling said these are “the best statistics we have” and “maybe it will get better,” but at this point, “we’ve got to assume this is now the baseline” which includes “something like 600,000 excess deaths per year in the United States from this higher vaccine induced mortality.”

In fact, in 2021, group health insurance numbers showed that those in the work force, between the ages of 25 and 64, “suddenly experience 40 percent excess mortality, compared to [the already extremely high] 32 percent in the general population.”

Scott Davison, the president of OneAmerica insurance in Indianapolis, explained the significance of these numbers particularly in regard to the industry’s 40% increase in 2021 third-quarter death rates, which were the highest the company has “seen in the history of the business.”

“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So, 40% is just unheard of.”

‘The most able bodied,’ the young and athletic, incur the highest increase in disability and mortality rates due to employment and school injection mandates

Furthermore, since May of 2021, the U.S. population as a whole has incurred an 11 percent increase in disabilities, while for the employed it was even much higher reaching a 26 percent increase.

Former BlackRock analyst and fund manager Edward Dowd observed, it was therefore, particularly “detrimental to your health to be employed in 2021 and 2022… Something is happening to the most able-bodied amongst us, college students, those employed, those in the military, the frontline workers.”

“The only explanation for this that I can see is mandates for experimental biological inoculations,” he said.

Additional indicators include an epidemic of young athletes who experience cardiac arrest or die suddenly despite enjoying a highest level of physical health.

One source called Real Science, whose authors expressly desire to remain anonymous, has presently documented a “non-exhaustive and continuously growing list” of 1700 athletes who suffered cardiac arrests and other serious health issues, including 1197 deaths, since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout around January 1, 2021.

Other researchers have put such documentation into a video format titled “1,000 Athletes Collapsing, Dying, Heart Problems, Blood Clots – March 2021 to June 2022.”

While the legacy and social media corporations have exercised a relentless suppression of such information, public consciousness of these realities is more significant than some may expect.

Early this month a Rasmussen Poll found that 28% of Americans know someone “personally” whose death they believe may have been caused by one of these “COVID vaccines.” Additionally, while there was very little partisan difference in this poll’s results, it found that about half of Americans believe it is at least somewhat likely that COVID injections have caused “a significant number of unexplained deaths.”

With regards to the U.S. government deliberately initiating a genocide campaign against its own citizens, it is also interesting to note that in 2018 “CIA-front company” Deagel apparently forecasted that the United States would suffer an approximate 70% depopulation by 2025, without any indication of what they expected would cause such a catastrophe.

International Banking interests, through the WHO, foster legalized forced quarantine and detention, ‘on suspicion of having colds’

Yet, according to Watt, standing behind these criminal enterprises of individual governments exists an organizing principle which is pressing this identical depopulation agenda across the globe.

In her analysis titled Legal Walls of the Covid-19 Kill Box, Watt identifies international banking interests, particularly “the men and women who privately own the Bank of International Settlements” (BIS) of Basel, Switzerland as a primary driving force of this agenda. Quoting and providing documentation to a presentation made by Attorney Todd Callender on this topic, Watt adopts his same abbreviated designation for this group of “Eight Families” simply referring to them as “The Owners.”

As reported by Callender and Watt, The Owners have controlling interests in the private central banks of almost all Western and developing nations, including the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank and have consolidated control of “energy systems, water and food supplies; money supplies used as a medium of exchange; and most (but not all) media and information channels.”

Since large and growing populations are more challenging to control, Callender states that around 1990, “The Owners decided depopulation was needed,” and supported the idea across the globe of the necessity for “sustainable development” and actions needed to “mitigate climate change.”

Over the next several years, they facilitated the adoption of three UN Conventions—Agenda 21/30 (1990), Framework on Climate Change (1994), and Population and Development Program of Action (1994)—successfully creating an international legal framework “that subordinates human rights and national sovereignty to global governing instruments operated privately by a handful of men and women accountable to no one but themselves,” Watt wrote.

These efforts were assisted by intense global propaganda campaigns throughout the 1990’s and into the 21st Century and were further assisted by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) creation of “International Health Regulations” (IHR) in 2005.

One hundred ninety-six nations signed this agreement, which became “a binding instrument of international law” committing signatories to implement such IHRs into their own nation’s legal structures.

The adoption of IHRs in the United States regulate not only foreign quarantine activities, but interstate and intrastate ones as well during “public health emergencies of international concern” (PHEICs).

Subsequent executive orders by Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama defined the powers of the HHS Secretary to quarantine Americans very broadly identifying quarantinable diseases as not only serious ailments such as Smallpox and Yellow Fever, but also viruses equivalent to the common cold (2003), the common flu (2005), and finally, as summarized by Watt, “suspected but asymptomatic colds” (2014).

Finally, as Watt documents, an HHS regulation revised in January 2017 (42 CFR Section 70) “authorizes the federal government to apprehend American citizens on suspicion of having colds.” Therefore, “healthy American citizens can also be involuntarily detained to keep us from travelling intrastate (within a state’s borders).”

Pseudo-legal structure successfully suspends ‘your human rights, your sovereign rights, your Constitutional rights’

Cumulatively, these “pseudo-legal” structures from the legislative and executive branches, have allowed the federal government, through the agency of the CDC, as directed by the HHS Secretary, alongside state governors and local health authorities to:

1. place all Americans — including healthy Americans with no symptoms — under home/hospital/nursing home/business/school/military barracks/prison/detention facility arrest;

2. close schools, businesses, churches and government offices;

3. order that healthy Americans wear medical devices (cloth masks) against their will; without personal risk-benefit assessment; without individual clinical diagnoses or evidence of efficacy for infection control, and without a personal physician’s prescription; and

4. submit to forcible injection of mRNA and DNA toxins on pain of losing their jobs or being kicked out of school.

As explained by Callender, these structures allow for, “in every instance, a suspension of your human rights, your sovereign rights, your Constitutional rights, [and] charter rights.”

“This explains, among other things, the refusal of the US Supreme Court, the International Criminal Court, and other federal and state courts around the world to even hear cases challenging democidal Covid-19 population control measures on human rights, constitutional, civil liberties grounds,” Watt observes. This is the case, even though some courts have heard such cases “challenging some of those measures on regulatory, procedural grounds, and even decided a few in favor of citizen plaintiffs seeking relief from government ‘mandates.’”

“American federal judges know that — to the extent they accept The Owners’ legal framework as legitimate, dispositive and controlling law — the US Constitution is irrelevant,” Watt summarized.

Thus, since WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus issued his PHEIC, and Trump administration HHS Secretary Alex Azar issued his PHE on January 30, and 31, 2020, respectively, the human and Constitutional rights of every U.S. citizen in “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” have been legally subordinated to the dictates of these appointed officials in conjunction with other state and local health appointees.

Law enforcement trained to uphold The Owners’ legal framework, generally declines enforcing laws against battery, starvation, and false imprisonment

Furthermore, law enforcement has shown that they are trained to back-up such directives with force, if necessary, or a refusal to intervene when human and Constitutional rights are being openly violated.

As has been well-documented, and broadly experienced across the U.S., due to massive financial provisions made available in the CARES Act, signed into law on March 27, 2020, hospitals were provided lavish monetary incentives for each positive COVID diagnoses, admission, treatment with the dangerous and often fatal Remdesivir, and even higher bonuses should a patient be mechanically ventilated, and more for each death certificate they issued listing COVID as the cause of death.

In addition, hospitals were given morally illicit waivers to suppress and violate patient rights and those of their surrogates, isolating patients, denying them known successful treatments, and even the ability to be transferred out of their hospital, despite their even begging for it continuously.

Despite the fact that starvation and battery remain criminal acts, Watt and Callender report that when family members strove to save their loved ones, even calling police, they “generally refused to get involved,” and “in some cases, they arrested the family members who were trying to protect the patients from abuse.”

Gov’t ‘murder of citizens has been legalized’ while ‘self-preservation and lifesaving of others have been criminalized,’ ‘Law enforcement and courts are not going to save us’

In summary, Watt notes how “constitutional, civil and criminal” challenges to these “pseudo-laws” have been blocked “from moving to discovery, trial and adjudication” by the U.S. government and its court system while law enforcement has to a great extent been trained to act in support of The Owners’ legal framework.

“In other words, since Jan. 30, 2020, in the United States and most other countries, government murder of citizens (democide) has been legalized,” she writes. “And self-preservation and lifesaving of others have been criminalized.”

“At some point, it will become clear to a wider segment of the American population that for more than two years now, we’ve already been ruled over by a global organized crime syndicate.

“Law enforcement and courts are not going to save us. We have to understand that reality, and we have to respond to it,” Watt concluded.

Postlude: Advice for office holders, including military and law enforcement who have taken oaths to defend the US Constitution

When asked by LifeSiteNews if she had any suggestions for office holders, including members of the military, who have taken an oath to “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” Watt advised:

Construe the secretaries of federal cabinet agencies and US Presidents as ‘enemies, foreign and domestic,’ openly defy their unlawful orders (including every executive order, declaration, determination, proclamation and classified directive), and talk about why you’re doing what you’re doing.

The rank-and-file soldiers who have been defying unlawful orders to take the shots have been showing the rest of the military and law enforcement the way to handle this for two years now already.

For the Congress members, especially in the House, they can start introducing bills to repeal the unconstitutional laws and dismantle the federal agencies, including the Federal Reserve; they can file federal cases asking federal judges to nullify unconstitutional laws; they can revoke funding for all of the CBRN terrorism programs being run through DoD, HHS and DHS under the ‘Global Health Security Agenda’ pretense; and they can clarify and highlight that the states have power, under the federal constitution, to operate their own financial systems, including state banks and state bullion depositories. [Bold Text JRH Editor]

The name of Watt’s Bailiwick News reflects “the sociopolitical, economic and legal status of the American people as peasant subjects in a neo-feudal, global jurisdiction of control and oppression; we are no longer sovereign citizens of a functioning Constitutional republic.”

Interestingly, as described in her Orientation for new readers, Katherine also posts sacred art with her articles because, she says, “I’m Catholic, the art is beautiful, the saints are inspiring, and without the faith that my father passed down to me, I could not do this work.”

Saint Agnes. Painting by Massimo Stanzione.

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Posted by Team EnigmaHow Bad is Your Batch?

First Published December 2nd, 2022 05:44 UTC 

This presentation covers the pseudo-legal structure, organizational structure and money flow of this criminal enterprise.

I highly recommend subscribing to Katherine Watt’s Bailiwick News substack: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/covid-19-injectable-bioweapons-as

DOD contracts for “covid countermeasures” can be found here: https://www.keionline.org/covid-contracts

Transcript of my conversation with Katherine Watt on November 4, 2022 (video on this channel): https://ratical.org/PandemicParallaxView/ALwKW-DomesticBioteroProg-110422.html


Rumble VIDEO: 1,000 Athletes Collapsing, Dying, Heart Problems, Blood Clots – March 2021 To June 2022

Posted by Real Truth Real News

Published September 8, 2022

The following is a documented compilation of 1,000 Athletes and Sports related incidences from March 2021 to 16th June 2022, each slide presented for 5 seconds. These are only the ones we hear about and which are sports related. The real numbers are unknown. There is a concerted and desperate effort by big tech and the mainstream media to ignore, hide, cover up, divert or straight up lie about what is going on.

Source: checkur6 on Bitchute


WEF – Will the Masses be HAPPY?

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© January 18, 2023

World Economic Forum (WEF) NWO One World Government Marxist-Fascist-Corporatist Elitists are having their 53rd Davos meeting (1/16 to 1/20/23) to make plans for global tyranny for the world’s masses who will be programmed to be happy with their restricted lives, restricted thoughts and no freedoms.

Since most people who still pay attention to news information still receive said news from MSM propaganda machines, I am guessing way too many people have zero idea of the controlled-lives-plan coming their way thanks largely to the tentacles of the WEF.

BELOW are a series of videos and articles more in order of my interest than date posted. Will the masses be happy?

I begin with a Newsmax snapshot:

The event, which begins Monday and goes to Friday, sports a high-profile guest list of names, including FBI Director Christopher Wray; CEOs of BlackRock, Amazon, and Pfizer; officials from the Gates Foundation and Soros network; and the heads of The New York Times and NBC.

The summit is also scheduled to hold a virtual appearance from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who reportedly will discuss a postwar loan with BlackRock’s Larry Fink. (World Economic Forum: ‘The Most Consequential Davos in 24 Years’; By Nick Koutsobinas; Newsmax; 1/15/23 09:59 PM EST)

For context on the evil that is the WEF, take the time to read:


JRH 1/18/23

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Posted by In4mation

First Published January 17th, 2023 00:55 UTC


Elon Musk Mocks WEF as Global Elite Gather in Davos

World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab delivers a speech during the “Crystal Award” ceremony at the WEF annual meeting in Davos, on Jan. 16, 2023. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP via Getty Images)

By Liam Cosgrove

January 16, 2023 Updated: January 17, 2023

The Epoch Times

Tesla CEO Elon Musk took to his newly acquired social media platform over the weekend to make a series of quips aimed at the global organization, the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The WEF’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland—which features a host of international leaders, central bankers, Wall Street executives, and celebrities—began on Monday and will continue throughout the week.

“I guess there’s value to having a mixed government & commercial forum of some kind. WEF does kinda give me the willies though, but I’m sure everything is fine…” Musk said via Twitter on Sunday evening, responding to a Substack article co-written by independent journalists Michael Shellenberger and Izabella Kaminska.

The WEF has been the subject of considerable scorn and criticism for its 2016 ad campaign, which stated, “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.”

Many took issue with the organization’s attempt to frame a lack of personal ownership and privacy as a positive.

Initially accompanied by a promotional video and several articles, much of the campaign’s content has since been removed from the web. A tweet by the WEF remains up, however.

In their article, Shellenberger and Kaminska called out WEF Managing Director Adrian Monck, who blamed the uproar surrounding the ad on the right-wing message board 4chan.

Monck penned an opinion piece in the Canadian outlet The Globe and Mail last August, calling the backlash a “misinformation campaign that targeted the World Economic Forum.”

“The story of ‘you’ll own nothing and be happy’ is anything but trivial and offers valuable insights into how misinformation is created and why it’s essential not to perpetuate its spread,” Monck wrote, adding that many criticisms were racist and anti-semitic.

Shellenberger and Kamiska, linking to the now-deleted WEF content, refuted Monck’s claims. “What Monck claimed was inaccurate. The phrase ‘Own nothing, be happy,’ hadn’t originated on 4chan; it originated on WEF’s website,” they wrote.

Musk continued to crack jokes about the organization. “There should be a game show: “4Chan or Davos, who said it?” he said via Twitter on Monday afternoon.

Allegiance to ESG

The authors also highlighted the organizations’ lack of transparency and declared commitment to the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) agenda. The WEF is outspoken in its allegiance to the ESG movement.

“Recent events have only increased the business world’s focus on ESG,” reads a statement from the WEF website. “Worker wellness has become a major concern during the COVID-19 pandemic; social justice protests have drawn attention to gaps in diversity, equity, and inclusion; and the impacts of climate change and the importance of environmental sustainability are becoming harder, if not impossible, to ignore.”

Despite founding the world’s largest electric vehicle company, Musk is not a fan of ESG.

“The S in ESG stands for Satanic,” tweeted Musk in response. It is not the billionaire’s first comparison of this nature, he referred to the movement as “the devil” back in November.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk gives interviews as he arrives at the Offshore Northern Seas 2022 (ONS) meeting in Stavanger, Norway, on Aug. 29, 2022. (Carina Johansen/NTB/AFP via Getty Images)

Declined WEF Invite

In 2008, WEF listed Musk among its “Young Global Leaders” — which the organization classifies as a “membership” program — though it is unclear whether Musk participated in this arrangement. “I was invited to WEF, but declined,” he said via Twitter in December, responding to allegations that he had a relationship with the international group.

The Twitter CEO also responded to a video, featuring a speech by WEF founder Klaus Schwab, in which Schwab warns that a global cyberattack could disrupt supply chains and make the COVID-19 crisis look like “a small disturbance” in comparison.

The WEF founder warned that such an attack “would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole.”

Accompanied by daunting music and provocative imagery, the cinematic clip caught the attention of Musk. “This movie writes itself,” Musk responded with a popcorn emoji.

Schellenberger emphasized that Schwab is more than a figurehead. “Schwab has become, without question, one of the most influential men alive,” tweeted the journalist while promoting his article.

Schwab has been criticized for his book COVID-19: The Great Reset, which advocated for governments around the globe to use the pandemic as an opportunity to “reimagine capitalism.”

The WEF has also been heavily criticized for promoting insects as a potential dietary source. A February article by the organization titled “5 reasons why eating insects could reduce climate change” attempts to dispel commonly held stigmas about eating bugs.

“Before you say ‘yuck,’ hear us out,” the article reads.

Liam Cosgrove works as a freelance journalist covering business, markets, and finance. He received his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of California–Santa Barbara.

Copyright © 2000 – 2023. THE EPOCH TIMES



Posted by Next News Network

First Published January 18th, 2023 01:35 UTC



John Kerry Pontificates About the Extraordinary Ability of a “Select Group of Humans” at the World Economic Forum, Who Will Save The Planet for the Eaters and Serfs

By sundance

January 17, 2023

The Conservative Treehouse

During a sidebar conversation with those rare elites who wax philosophically about their magnanimous ability to protect the vulgarian eaters, former Secretary of State and current Climate Czar John Kerry, praises the audience for their unique traits and gifted high-mindedness that will protect all humanity.

While the lizard tongue darts, the grand pontifications are espoused.  The audience oohs and ahhs, at the nature of their entitled superiority. They are so good, so magnanimous, so altruistic in their disposition, according to Kerry they are literally “extraterrestrial,” which is to say out of this world.  WATCH:

Youtube VIDEO: John Kerry At World Economic Forum: “Extraordinary” For “Select Group” To Discuss Green Mandates

[Posted by GOP War Room

Jan 17, 2023


MORE TO READ & a couple photos

© 2023 The Conservative Treehouse


WEF Declares US Will ‘Soon’ Have ‘Hate Speech Laws’ To Deal With ‘Information Pollution’

Brian Stelter & Vera Jourova at WEF-Davos 2023

Posted by Morgan

January 17, 2023

Daily Street News

The US will “soon” have “illegal hate speech laws” to punish anyone spreading “polluting” the internet with “disinformation,” according to World Economic Forum affiliate and European Union official Vera Jourova.

Jourova participated in Tuesday’s WEF panel on “the clear and present danger of disinformation,” alongside former CNN Host Brian Stelter, Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton, New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger and media executive Jeanne Bourgault.\

“For hate speech, we need the people who understand the language and the case law in the country, because what qualifies as hate speech, illegal hate speech, which you will have soon also in the U.S., we have a strong reason why we have this in the criminal law,” Jourova said 36 minutes into the panel.

Rumble VIDEO: WEF Declares ‘Humans Are a Plague’ and ‘AI Is the Cure’

[Posted by The People’s Voice

Published January 16, 2023

Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab’s lead advisor at the Word Economic Forum, has announced that human beings are no better than “viruses or bananas” and the WEF has now reached the point where they can “hack humanity.”

According to Harari, the idea that humans have free will is over, and for those who oppose, there will be no escaping what Harari refers to as the “Secret Police.”

The messaging coming out of the WEF is becoming increasingly sinister, with Klaus Schwab taking on the role of terrorist group leader, using communications channels to issue ultimatums to humanity. Do what I say, or else.

According to Schwab, the new internet will only be available to those who submit to the WEF’s biometric digital ID.]

“We need the platforms to simply work with the language and identify such cases. The AI [artificial intelligence] would be too dangerous,” Jourova added. She was answering a question from the crowd about making the “truth” as “attractive and compelling” as the “lies” people consume.

DailyCaller report: The panel was addressing the ways for the public, regulators and social media companies to tackle “disinformation” as “information pollution” spreads at an “unprecedented speed and scale,” the WEF website says. It’s unclear how the panel defines “disinformation” online and how it measures the spread of perceived disinformation.

Earlier in the panel, Moulton said Americans learn in grade school that “crying fire in a crowded theater” is not protected free speech. Moulton’s statement distinguishing forms of protected speech is misleading, according to non-partisan free speech group FIRE.

Stelter was fired by CNN in August and his Sunday talk show “Reliable Sources” was cancelled. He joined Harvard’s Kennedy School as a Shorenstein Center Fellow in September to host discussions about democracy on campus.

The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting is taking place in Davos, Switzerland, from Jan. 16-20. The forum brings global elites together from politics, business, entertainment, civil society and the young generations.

Source: News Punch

Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Daily Street News


Davos —‘Do or Die 2023’

We can build way back better without the repulsive overbearing influence of Klaus and Hilde Schwab whose policies would swallow the Free World whole!

Klaus & Hilde Schwab at WEF-Davos 2023

By Judi McLeod 

January 18, 2023

Canada Free Press

Devious media operators of the day keep running about in circles asking, “Who is WEF chief Klaus Schwab?”

Some describe him as a dead ringer for “Dr. Evil” in James Bond movies.  But Dr. Evil and other Bond characters are only Hollywood ‘entertainment’, while the WEF “Dr. Evil” is threatening all of humanity in real life—and openly bragging about it!

The WEF “Dr. Evil” reminds us that when he reconstructs the world by “building back better” that everyone in the masses “will have nothing but be happy”.

That’s because Klaus Schwab is a full-blown narcissist, and narcissists have no conscience or any concerns at all for others.

What kind of people were attracted to Davos 2023, which openly provides sexual services from high end prostitutes? Government ‘leaders’ and business CEOs who must have sexual services when only the better part of a week away from home!

In other words, Davos 2023 is now attended by all those who knew about the sexual services provided by a group unable to define what a woman is!

On Day 2, this is what Davos attendees were doing:

“Today, the World Economic Forum, in partnership with Accenture and Microsoft, has launched its Global Collaboration Village. (WEFORUM, Jan17, 2023)

80 organizations have also joined as Village Partners and will drive the development of a purpose-driven metaverse bringing people together to learn about, create solutions for, and take action on the world’s most pressing challenges.”

Why, oh why is Davos 2023 bringing back a failing Mark Zuckerberg back to the fore.

Yesterday Ukraine First Lady Olena Zelenska took the floor,  emphasizing in her Davos address the human cost of the war in her country.

‘Everyone has a right to life,’ she said.

Every one that is, except millions of innocent babies killed in their mothers’ wombs in many countries, Mrs. Zelensky.

Ukraine’s First Lady is not the only ‘Mrs.’ out there advocating for the destructive so-called “Great Reset”.

Thanks to the savvy of courageous Remnant Editor Michael J. Matt, we now know that WEF-obsessed Klaus Schwab has recently brought his wife to the fore to help spread his insane, akin to manure Great Reset dreams.

Since there are few, if any media reports of the Schwabs doubling down, against the Free World, it’s Kudos to Matt for bringing them into antiseptic sunlight.

Hilde Schwab (seen above)  is no ordinary ‘little Mrs.’, and it’s all but impossible to tell which of these two is really “the better half”.

Hildegard (Hilde) Schwab (born June 3, 1946 in Switzerland) (née Stoll) is a Swiss entrepreneur in the field of event marketing and founder.(Wikipedia)

Hilde Stoll, originally from Aarburg, met Klaus Schwab, a German living in Switzerland, in 1970 through a job advertisement. Schwab hired Stoll, she was his first employee. They founded the beginning of 1971 together the “European Management Symposium”, which later became the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos in the canton of Graubünden. In 1972 they married. In 1998, together with Klaus Schwab, she founded the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, of which she is the chair. In this capacity, she is a member of the Patronage Committee of the Kirchner Museum Davos, for example.

The couple has two adult children and lives in Cologny in the canton of Geneva.

That was the Schwabs back in the hippy days of the 1970s.  In 2023, they work to take over the entire world.

While Klaus Schwab warns the adult world “You will have nothing and be happy”, Hilda spends activist time addressing little children.

Imagine the nauseating hypocrisy of raving lunatic Klaus Schwab, who aims to take over the entire world, and whose stifling rules reflect those of the woke crowd already running it who won’t—or can’t—define what a woman is, claiming for himself unelected and unsolicited world leadership!

Pretending not to know what a woman is, is flat out denying that women even exist.

It’s ‘Do or Die 2023’.

WEF world control means no private property, no cars, no farms providing food, and eating bugs rather than meat and vegetables.

In Schwab’s own words it also means the ability of self-appointed lunatics going about sticking microchips under your skin!

According to narcissist Schwab you will not only like it, but there’s no way around him sticking them there!

That’s the Great Reset plans of Mr. and Mrs. Schwab, Bill Gates, and the rest of their delusional, control-crazed supporters, including the Prime Minister of Canada, who was somehow not in attendance at Davos 2023.

While their minions are out there pretending that abortion’s not murder, that men can have babies, that integrity would now include transgendering kids at school, WEF’ers are currently meeting again in Davos, with the media and world governments pretending it isn’t happening.

It’s high time all who care about freedom to tell the Schwabs and their acolytes to shove off.

They should be packed onto a boat ready to sail them to the Antarctic, where they can pipe dream in snow and ice, teaching penguins how to avoid a Global Warming/Climate Change that doesn’t exist.

They keep yammering on about “building back better”.  We can build way back better without the repulsive overbearing influence of Klaus and Hilde Schwab whose policies would swallow the Free World whole!

Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.

Site Copyright 1997-2022 Canada Free Press.Com



Posted by The New American

First Published January 17th, 2023 14:48 UTC

Globalists and their useful idiots are converging in Davos for the World Economic Forum to design a “New System” for work, care, employment, and much more in the face of what the organizations leaders are referring to the “polycrisis” hitting humanity, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Numerous global leaders, as well as key U.S. policymakers from both sides of the aisle, are meeting with business tycoons at the summit to advance the “Great Reset,” too. In this episode, Alex goes through the agenda and the key players and offers tips on how to stop the destruction of liberty that is envisioned.



Posted by Computing Forever

First Published January 18th, 2023 12:19 UTC 


(Puppet) Biden Regime Wants to Wreck

An Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 1, 2022

Here’s an interesting post from S.D. Wells on NewsTarget: “Top 5 facets of your life that the Biden Regime wants to WRECK for good.”

Wells expresses five “facets” that should concern Liberty-minded Americans. Wells states (his/herI have no idea who the person is except as a frequent author for Natural News & NewsTarget) case then lists the five facets at the end. For the sake of convenience, I’ll list the five facets and you can explore the reasoning below. AND it is some pretty decent reasoning:

(Puppet) Biden Regime Wants to Wreck

. Your immune system

. Your small-to-medium-sized business

#3. Your children’s morals and values system

#4. Your concept of democracy

#5. Your spirituality

I could have a problem with Number Four, because I have a pet peeve that the USA was NOT created as a “democracy” but rather as a Representative Republic.

JRH 12/1/22

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Top 5 facets of your life that the Biden Regime wants to WRECK for good


By S.D. Wells 

November 29, 2022


Many Americans try to separate politics from their personal and professional lives the best they can. Parents, for example, might limit their discussion of politics with family to the dinner table, and refrain from advertising political affiliations on their person, vehicle, or in their front yard posted on a sign. The challenge comes when you leave your home, and are forced to interact with others, follow certain rules, and now, obey certain mandates. Now, more than ever, politics are spilling over into EVERYONE’S LIVES, bar none, thanks to what many are calling the “scamdemic.”

Nowadays, you simply can’t avoid “politics,” because the Biden Regime, as they are appropriately called, has literally chosen to remove specific human rights, constitutional rights, medical rights, and parental rights from the life equation, and from the choice that used to exist for keeping politics “separated.” Today, practicing your religion and taking pride in the American flag are treated almost like crimes, thanks to the ‘Demoncrats’ in Washington D.C.

Today, if you ‘obey’ the Biden Regime, you will find yourself (and your children if you have them) injected with millions of toxic spike prions that mimic a virus created in a laboratory. Those prions clog the vascular system, pollute the cleansing organs, and deplete immune system function like nothing ever before.

Over the past two years, if you own, manage, or are employed at a small or medium sized business, you’ve most likely watched that business be systematically dismantled and crippled by pandemic mandates (right from the beginning) that kept it closed for a long period (“essential businesses only”), restricted how many patrons could visit (limited occupancy and social distancing), cut off the supply line (supply chain disruptions and break downs), and bankrupted (or nearly so) by soaring inflation. Most of this was planned and instrumented by the Biden Regime, the CDC, and the FNIC (Fake News Industrial Complex).

The Fake News Industrial Complex, including social media, causes warped thinking, loss of values and morals

Never before has the FNIC been more powerful, influential, one-sided and evil than right now. It’s always been the right arm of Big Pharma and Big Food in America. It’s always been the best liar for the Military Industrial Complex, so that Americans support wars that are solely about stealing other countries’ resources while pretending to install “democracy.” This is politics. And now they’ve come for your babies, children, teenagers, and young adults, to steal their minds, their health, and every single moral fiber. Now kids think it’s ‘normal’ to want to get dangerous sex change operations.

Now there are Drag Queen Story Hour shows for kids starting in daycare, where the liberals and the Biden Regime have all but brought gay strip clubs into the classrooms for kindergarten through high school. There are even litter boxes in school bathrooms for students who ‘identify’ as furries (cats, dogs, or rodents) instead of people with names and a God-given biological gender.

Yes, politics have not just spilled over; they’ve been POURED into the lives and livelihood of every American, and it’s a sad state of affairs (a pun on “police state”). Plus, it gets worse, especially if you so choose to disagree, criticize, or buck the system. Then you are barred, banned, stigmatized, labeled, and possibly persecuted as a hater, bigot, racist, subhuman, or a domestic terrorist of sorts.

As the Biden Regime installs socialism across America, have no doubt that communism follows right behind, CCP-style

No, there are no good sides or positive outcomes from installing socialism or communism. If you don’t believe the Biden Regime is installing these forms of government and economics in America right now, then YOU are the conspiracy theorist. Reverse conspiracy theory means the sheeple are so brainwashed that everything they believe is real, is fake.

The US government, right now, is doing everything they can to cripple your immune system. The Covid “vaccines” cause ADE [Blog Editor: “ADE” is an acronym for Antibody-Dependent Enhancement. I think a better explaining article is a Kevin Hughes post on NewsTarget: “Pfizer, FDA knew their COVID vaccine causes immunosuppression, ADE, VAED.”], where your immune system gets weaker with each shot, each booster, and turns and attacks itself.

Corporations in America right now, and all over the world, are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling in size, while they steal most of the business from small to medium sized businesses, including nearly every mom-and-pop store you used to know.

Your concept of democracy has been shattered by falsified voting ballots, illegal scamdemic mandates, and politicians printing money (and laundering and embezzling most of it) by the trillions.

In case you haven’t noticed, the Biden Regime’s plan to turn everything green (fake climate change theory) is really a plan to wreck the economy, destroy our agriculture, bankrupt everybody, and warp your children’s minds and bodies to the point of no return.

Top 5 facets of your life that the Biden Regime wants to WRECK for good

. Your immune system

. Your small-to-medium-sized business

#3. Your children’s morals and values system

#4. Your concept of democracy

#5. Your spirituality

Do your own research and don’t use Google. Try the search engine Brave BETA and get more truth news and real information. Bookmark Censored.news to your favorite websites for truth news that’s being censored from the rest of media as you read this.

Sources for this article include:




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Going CASHLESS more about Tyranny than Convenience

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 12, 2022 [UPDATED 12/21/22 noticing Youtube censored a video in the post]

As far as convenience goes, the concept of a cashless society sounds genius. Robberies by common thugs immediately becomes a difficult proposition by the common criminal. THEN THE CONVENIENCE ENDS WITH THE REALITY OF GOVERNMENT TYRANNY!

Already in Coup-Installed Biden’s America arrests and gulag treatment is occurring to the ideological enemies of Dem-Marxist policies and societal transformation.

IMAGINE when the government controls YOU by limiting or downright cancelling your digital money if you refuse to cooperate with the Dem-Marxist socio-political agenda. When the government controls your means of buying, spending and/or selling; THEN the government controls you. Then your ONLY choices are compliance, rebellion or boning up on how to live a closet Amish lifestyle. And I wrote “closet” because even today the Amish is being persecuted for not complying to government regulations. Today even the Amish use cash and are persecuted for trying to operate outside bounds of Big Brothers watchful EYE:

The Amish by religious principle are non-violent and live away from the grid except for utilizing the cash money system to buy and sell. YET Big Brother Government feel the boot of control must extend to the Amish who practice avoiding non-Amish people. ERGO, when say we might have to learn a “closet” Amish lifestyle in a government mandated cashless society, I’m thinking some kind of underground barter system of exchange. Although living like a closet Amish might work for survival, ownership is another matter.

The Tyrant Government will still want their taxes. If digital money is all that is permitted by tyranny, the tyrants will expect taxes to be paid digitally. If one is making a grid-free life, acquiring digital money to pay the tyrant tax could be a difficult proposition. Tyrant’s solution: CONFISCATE YOUR PROPERTY!

I believe you sense the Big Brother Control behind the cashless society. AND I have not even touched upon the open emergence of Satan’s Antichrist Economic System which will become more obvious in a cashless society.

I have some interesting cross posts that hopefully shine a light on the seemingly increasing tyranny especially in relation to going cashless.

First up, THE EXPOSÉ (though UK oriented the info applies to the USA or anywhere a Free People hope to live): “The Smart Money Nightmare: What Life Without Cash Could Mean for You

Next up, World-Signals News: “People want to pay in cash, the struggle continues this way…

Last up, Front Page Magazine: “Biden DOJ Weaponized for 2022 Midterms: What could possibly go wrong?

JRH 10/12/22

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The Smart Money Nightmare: What Life Without Cash Could Mean for You

CBDC MoneyFeatured image: IMF: CBDCs give more control, but don’t solve every problem


October 11, 2022


It is vital that every person understands what the proposed changes to the monetary system will mean. The changes, if allowed to happen, could be the most devastating event in our lifetime and potentially the biggest removal of liberty in modern history.

Richard Hall of Rich Planet TV has produced the video below explaining the dangers of smart money, central bank digital currency (“CBDC”) and removing cash. Everyone needs to watch this video. It needs to be shared widely, particularly with those who think blockchain is “private” and will “beat” the system and with younger generations who think cash is or should be made obsolete.

Youtube VIDEO: Johnny’s Cash and The Smart Money Nightmare

[Blog Editor 12/21/22: Just notice Youtube cancelled (meaning censored) the Yuotube account and therefore the video itself. SO BELOW IS THE BITCHUTE VERSION:]


[Bitchute Channel: ⭒𝕍Ã𝖓_𝔻Ê-ℝ𝖆𝖓𝖙É⭒® – ᴸᵉᵉˢᵉ

First Published: October 19th, 2022 19:57 UTC 

*Say No to centrally controlled smart money*

It is vital that every person understands what the proposed changes to the monetary system will mean. The changes, if allowed to happen, could be the most devastating event in our lifetime and potentially the biggest removal of liberty in modern history.

Original Link:


[Posted by Richard Hall

Posted on Oct 11, 2022

Please download and re-post this video. You can download it by clicking the download link. It is vital that every person understands what the proposed changes to the monetary system will mean. The changes, if allowed to happen, could be the most devastating event in our lifetime and potentially the biggest removal of liberty in modern history. NOTE : The news clips in this video are dramatisations using an actor.]

If the video above is removed from YouTube you can watch it on Bitchute HERE.

What better way to shift the world towards the changes required for the “smart money nightmare” to take effect than a crisis or a series of crises. Could recent interventions by the Bank of England be an indication of such a crisis? We don’t know and we don’t know if it is all happening by design and planned well in advance. But we do know they would “never let a good crisis go to waste.”  So recent and significant disturbances in the financial markets are worth noting.

Bank of England Intervenes to Smooth the Market

The British government’s shift toward fiscal stimulus – a plan unveiled by UK Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng – upended British financial markets. The combination of massive energy subsidies and tax cuts alarmed investors, who worried that the British budget deficit would become unsustainable. The result was a very sharp rise in bond yields, a decline in equity prices, and a historic drop in the value of the pound.

Read more: Bank of England Intervenes to Restore Financial Stability, Deloitte, 5 October 2022

In a scathing verdict on the UK’s plans, the IMF urged Kwarteng to “re-evaluate” the tax-cutting plan, which includes the scrapping of the top rate of income tax and an end to a bonus cap for bankers, saying it will “likely increase inequality.”  It urged the UK government to “provide support that is more targeted and re-evaluate the tax measures” during the chancellor’s upcoming announcement.

Shortly after the IMF statement, credit rating agency Moody’s released its own damning verdict, saying the fiscal plan could threaten the country’s credibility with lenders by creating larger budget deficits.

When a government wants to raise money to pay for its spending programme, one tactic is to issue bonds. In the UK, government bonds are called “gilts.”   When the UK government issues gilts, it borrows money from the buyer. The loan term may be a few months, or it could extend to several decades. Bondholders receive an interest payment during the bond’s life and get back their capital when it matures. The interest rate is also known as “yield.”  Today’s bond markets are worth around £100 trillion worldwide, according to the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association. Every three months the UK’s Debt Management Office (“DMO”) publishes a Quarterly Review summarising its gilt and money markets operations over the given quarter. The latest Quarterly Review is for April – June 2022. It shows that in the first quarter of 2022 (April -June), 27.5% of the UK government debt was held by insurance companies and pension funds.

Gilt & Treasury Bill Holding Chart United Kingdom Debt Management Office: Quarterly Review April – June 2022, pg. 3

On 26 September the Bank of England made a statement that it was monitoring developments in financial markets very closely. In a further announcement on  28 September, the Bank of England (“BoE”) said it was taking measures – carrying out temporary purchases of long-dated UK government bonds – to restore orderly market conditions.

Youtube VIDEO: Bank of England takes emergency action to calm markets

[Posted by Sky News

Posted on Sep 28, 2022


Capital Economics said that the BoE’s steps show “it is going to do all it can to prevent a financial crisis” but that UK markets are “in a perilous position. It wouldn’t be a huge surprise if another problem in the financial markets popped up before long.”

Read more: Bank of England will buy UK government bonds in bid to calm markets, Politico, 28 September 2022

Pound Sterling Live wrote that numerous reports suggested the BoE action was taken after UK pension funds were said to be in distress following sharp moves in yields in the gilt markets.

The US market is sensitive to and has been affected by the UK market, Adam Tooze wrote. It raises the question of the overall fragility of global debt markets. Last week tremors were running through euro government bond markets including the German Bund market. “The spasm in the UK market rippled around the world. The EU felt the impact. And so too did the US. As one market participant observed: ‘At the start of the week we were seeing moves in US Treasuries that could only be explained by what was happening in the UK’.”

Professor Richard A. Werner commented on his Telegram channel:

To fight the collapse of the pound, which is due to the excessive money printing since March 2020 (which is done via bond purchases), the Bank of England has announced more bond purchases – more money printing, copying the failed [European Central Bank] ECB playbook.

Coming soon … UK to agree to peg its currency to the US dollar, at a bargain rate of £1 = $1.

Then all eyes on when ECB & Swiss National Bank will follow (= €1). Eurozone countries have no say here, as they gave up monetary sovereignty to a foreign agency not accountable to any parliament.

Prof. Richard A. Werner on Telegram

Is the Bank of England Working in Isolation?

According to Tooze, far more nakedly than in 2020, the BoE’s hurried interventions in September 2022 have exposed the forces that truly propel central bank intervention in the current dispensation. “The policy of asset purchases may look like …  a coordination of monetary with fiscal policy. They may look like impressive demonstrations of the power of central banks. But they are, in fact, crisis-driven defensive reactions to the spasms of leveraged, market-based finance. What is at stake is not fiscal dominance – the central bank following the lead of the elected government – but financial dominance.”

Corey Lynn notes that BoE is one of 63 members of the Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”):

A band of criminals got together a century ago and decided they were going to own the world, hold all of the power, create and hoard all of the money, and keep everyone on a constant spin cycle to fool them. Not only were they going to construct it as they saw fit, but they were going to build the most elaborate enslavement system this world has ever seen – one that gives them full immunity, allows them to operate outside the law entirely, and they were going to do it without anyone realising it until it was too late.

At the top of the ivory tower, sit BIS, the Bank for International Settlements, with sovereign immunity. When carrying out specific activities under BIS, this immunity extends to its members, which is made up of 63 global central banks and monetary authorities, the Federal Reserve System, plus insurers, and payment systems through their subsidiary, that BIS deems “systemically important institutions.”

These are groups of men and women who masterminded a plan to take global control of the world’s money and weaponise it against everyone. The plotting began a century ago, and it’s far past time to foil their plan.Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1, Corey Lynn, 29 September 2022

Control Framework Pyramid Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1, Corey Lynn, 29 September 2022

The Bank of England’s Intervention as Part of a Much Larger Picture

Around the world, financial markets look increasingly distressed, The Economist reported:

In Britain government-bond yields have surged and sterling has slumped, prompting the Treasury and Bank of England to issue statements attempting to soothe markets. In Japan the government has intervened in foreign-exchange markets to stem the fall in the yen for the first time since 1998. In China the central bank has increased reserve requirements for foreign-exchange trading, in a bid to restrain currency outflows. At the heart of the turmoil is the relentless rise of the American dollar and global interest rates. There is little relief on the horizon. – Financial markets enter a dangerous new phase, The Economist, 26 September 2022

In a clip from Catherine Austin Fitts’ The Solari ReportJohn Titus briefly discusses The Economist’s article and what the implications are for the world.

Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.

Rumble VIDEO: Financial markets enter a dangerous new phase…Catherine Austin Fitts & John Titus


[Posted by Towards The Light

Published October 7, 2022




People want to pay in cash, the struggle continues this way…

Buy-Sell Cash

By Admin

October 8, 2022

World-Signals News

As central banks and globalist institutions rush to transition the world to digital currencies, Austrian citizens just delivered a huge grassroots rejection to ending cash.

More than half a million Austrians have signed a petition calling for a referendum on the constitutional enshrining of the right to unlimited cash payments. In a country of 8.9 million, the massive show of support for the “right” to pay with cash demonstrates the growing movement against digital currencies promoted by central banks across the world and institutions like the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The deadline for submission of petitions regarding proposals for seven national referendums ended on Monday. As reported by the Austrian daily Kurier, the right to cash payments received the most support of seven different petitions, with 530,938 Austrians signing it.

Only petitions that receive the signatures of 100,000 citizens or more can force a debate in parliament on the topic. Given the overwhelming support behind the “right to cash” petition, there may be strong pressure to move forward with an effort to secure cash payments in the country.

Unlike Greece, the U.K., Scandinavia, and the Benelux countries, cash is still king in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, which have all bucked the trend towards a cashless society. In Austria, 50 percent of all transactions are still conducted in cash, far above the European average of approximately 30 percent. Germans are also against digital transactions, with just 9 percent saying they would use mobile payments.

The effort to enshrine the right to cash payments in the country’s constitution has already been a topic for a number of years, with the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) already suggesting making a constitutional change to protect cash transactions in 2019.

Austrians may be especially sensitive to the enormous state power that would come with a completely cashless society. The academic, author, and specialist in economic psychology Erich Kirchler said that World War II still influences the thinking of Germans and Austrians regarding the dangers of giving too much power to the state.

“In that case, the efficiency of state institutions becomes dangerous,” Kirchler told AFP.

German-speaking countries place a high value on privacy, and the fact that cash payments leave a minimal trace, makes it the most secure and private means of conducting transactions.

Other countries, such as Sweden, have enacted laws to ensure society continues to have access to cash and the ability to make payments in cash. However, if Austria enshrined the right to cash payments in the constitution, it would mark the most dramatic step yet in Europe to secure cash payments in the future.

Why protect cash?

Privacy and civil rights organizations have long advocated the right to cash with the argument that privacy, civil liberties, and finical security are at stake. Abolishing cash would force citizens to conduct all transactions through a digital medium, such as mobile payments, credit cards, or digital currencies. Banks and electronic mediums remain vulnerable to hack attacks and even natural disasters, for example, if the power grid were to be knocked out. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, which is a part of the Ministry of Justice, warned in a report that a totally cashless society would be extremely vulnerable if the country were attacked or exposed to a natural disaster.

For those concerned about privacy, such as those in Germany and Austria, digital payments give law enforcement and government authorities a direct window into all transactions.

Even more worrying for some, digital money could one day be linked to political and social behavior in Western countries in a social credit system, as seen in China. Already, during the “Freedom Convoy” trucker protests against Covid-19 policies in Canada, the left-wing government of Justin Trudeau took the unprecedented step of freezing the bank accounts of protesters. Although civil liberty groups decried the authoritarian action as a flagrant abuse of power, many critics worry that the action could now serve as a template to deal with protesters and dissent in the future. If dissidents and those critical of government cannot keep their money outside the digital space, then they will have nowhere to hide their finances should governments, like the one in Canada, take action against them.

The financial columnist and analyst Matthew Lynn wrote for the U.K.’s Telegraph in 2015 that the core issue for maintaining cash is the freedom it provides.

On the other end of the spectrum, globalist institutions like the World Economic Forum have long lobbied for a cashless society and have routinely run articles such as “Why we should try to make cash obsolete,” “The benefits of a cashless society” and “Should cash be abolished?” Back in 2017, economist Joseph Stiglitz called for banning all paper currency in the United States, a position the WEF also positively reported on. Central banks across the world are also currently “leading the way” in the race to institute digital currencies. Although digital currencies and physical currency are expected to run in tandem for many, numerous globalist think tanks and economists are pushing for a complete phase out after an adjustment period.

The debate over cash is expected to rage on, but Austria’s case may not only demonstrate the societal challenges of abolishing cash but also the problems associated with countries giving up their national currency. Some critics point to the fact that Austria’s national currency is the euro may jeopardize the entire effort to secure cash payments. After Austria gave up its own national currency, the schilling, in 2002, it lost a considerable amount of control over its own finances. If the EU were to mandate a digital currency, Austria may be able to carve out a temporary exception, but may ultimately have little power to reject such a mandate.

World-Signals News HOMEPAGE


Biden DOJ Weaponized for 2022 Midterms

What could possibly go wrong?

[Coup-Installed] Biden

By Fred Lucas

October 11, 2022

Front Page Magazine

What could possibly go wrong in giving the perfectly apolitical Department of Justice more power over elections?

A few too many one-offs, anomalies, and more than a couple of bad apples are enough to prompt even the most apt to provide the benefit-of-the-doubt to suspect the department has been politicized.

So it’s not very encouraging that the Biden administration’s Justice Department has made voting and elections a top priority, as detailed in my new book “The Myth of Voter Suppression.”

Thus far in 2022, an FBI SWAT team arrested a pro-life speaker at his home, raided the home of a former president, expanded its net for extremism to include concerned parents at school board meetings, all while an FBI whistleblower says the bureau ran interference to protect Hunter Biden.

Such anomalies and one-offs–that tend to always lean in one direction–perhaps shouldn’t raise concerns about the department’s expanding role in American democracy. On Oct. 4, Justice Department officials held a virtual briefing with 300 election officials and workers across the country, primarily about grant funding and physical security of voting sites. That would be entirely appropriate, though one is left to wonder given the Justice Department has too often shown its partisan stripes.

President Joe Biden signed a March 2021 executive order pushing an all-of-government approach to expanding voter turnout, largely based on recommendations from Demos, a liberal think tank. Don’t forget that Biden already set the predicate earlier this year for probing outcomes his party doesn’t like when he declared the election “could easily be illegitimate.”

In late 2020, a Demos policy brief called for the incoming Biden-Harris administration to use executive action to “strengthen Department of Justice’s enforcement of and guidance on voting rights statutes” and “pursue aggressive civil and criminal enforcement of federal voting rights protections.”

The Biden Justice Department obliged, filing lawsuits against the states of Arizona, Georgia, and Texas over their election integrity measures in those states.

Biden further appointed top Justice Department officials with a long record of opposing any voter ID laws and state laws that promoted accurate voting lists.

One is Vanita Gupta, the associate attorney general.

Gupta returned to the Department of Justice after running the civil rights division during the Obama administration, which included overseeing the 2015 lawsuit to try to stop North Carolina’s voter ID law.

Gupta is a former CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and was previously a lawyer with the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, as well as a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union.

Biden also named Kristen Clarke as the assistant attorney general to lead the Civil Rights Division that oversees the DOJ’s Voting Section.

Clarke was previously the president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and worked for the New York attorney general’s office and the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund.

In the face of a bona fide open-and-shut case of voter intimidation, Clarke, as a private lawyer, lobbied the Justice Department to drop its case against the far-left New Black Panther Party, which was seen on video intimidating voters at a Pennsylvania polling place during the 2008 election. The intimidation was perceived as benefitting Democrats, so it apparently didn’t matter. The Obama Justice Department complied with the push.

Clarke further led a lawsuit to stop the then-Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp from enforcing election integrity policies.

In July 2021, the Department of Justice issued guidance on federal statutes regarding voting methods—including mail-in voting—and warnings on conducting post-election audits, which Democrats staunchly opposed.

In June 2021, the Justice Department sued Georgia over its voting law regarding the use of voter ID for absentee ballots. The Biden DOJ’s complaint in federal court contends that provisions of the law were adopted to deny or abridge the right to vote based on race. The following November, the Justice Department filed a lawsuit against Texas over what it claimed were “restrictive voting procedures.” The Justice Department also sued in July 2022 to claim Arizona election reforms suppressed voting.

The lawsuits continue even void of evidence. As “The Myth of Voter Suppression” points out, the 2022 primary elections, the first test of the 2021 state election reforms, show the laws didn’t suppress anything.

Georgia had a 168% increase from the off-year primary of 2018. In Texas, turnout was 17.7% in 2022, about 3 million votes compared to 17.2% in the 2018 primary. Arizona had a record primary turnout in 2022 of 35.12%, or 1.4 million ballots cast, compared to the 33.3% turnout in 2018, with 1.2 million ballots casts.

In response to Biden’s executive order, the Justice Department announced in May 2022 that it would provide “educational materials related to voter registration and voting” and “facilitate voter registration, for all eligible individuals in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.” Convicted felons have generally been a reliable Democrat voting bloc.

With just a little over a month before Election Day, it will be interesting to see how political the Justice Department will be before and after the actual voting.

Copyright © 2022 · frontpagemag.com

Kohler’s ‘Shemitah, Jubilee & The Economy’

An Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 1, 2022

Pam Kohler writes a fascinating article on the Biblical Year of Jubilee and the seven year cycles (Shemitah cycles – Judaic terminology gaining popularity among prophetic-oriented Christians) leading to Jubilee THEN tying potential good news to the Bidenflation economy. A popular book by Messianic Christian Jonathan Cahn seems a recent catalyst in Shemitah cycles in relation to Christian End Times Prophetic speculation. And in full disclosure my recent search engine explorations of Shemitah also conveyed a fair share of Christian critics of Jonathan Cahn and/or Shemitah principles applied to present and future thinking.

Pam Kohler weighs in that Shemitah cycles can show blessings and/or judgment depending on obedience. So in all honesty as far as Christians are concerned the application of God’s Mercy and Grace among Believers with the potential ruination of abandoning the Creator of the Word of God, leaves outcomes in a state of wonder. My observation: a lot of diluted Christianity has permitted the free exercise separating from God with the Church and the nation as a whole.

Some other Shemitah thoughts you might want to brush up on before reading Kohler’s somewhat optimistic hope:

JRH 10/1/22

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Shemitah, Jubilee & The Economy

Jubilee is Here

By Pam Kohler

September 30, 2022

Salvation and Survival

I’m going to bring some information to you today that, as Christians, you may be unfamiliar with. But hang in here with me, and I will try to show you the spiritual relevancy for our economy, our stability, and our future as a nation.

September 28th officially began the Year of Jubilee 2022. It followed the conclusion of seven Sabbath Years [known as Shemitahs], and the explanation of these God-ordained time periods will help us to understand [and endure] what I believe is going to be an unstable time in our nation. You have probably guessed by now that these are Jewish terms and might be wondering what they have to do with us Christians.

The explanation begins with an understanding that God established seven Feast Days for the Israelites as they came out of bondage in Egypt; they were permanent statutes and appointed times to gather together for a holy convocation. That term meant that God summoned the people of Israel to these specific times as reminders of all He had done to gather them to Himself. But they did not realize at the time that their ultimate purpose was as a rehearsal and foreshadowing of the coming of Jesus, their Messiah. It is important to note that these are The Lord’s Feasts NOT The Jewish Feasts. AND they have significance for us Christians, too, since we are grafted into the faith of Abraham. A quick summary of the seven Feasts follows:

The Spring Feasts include Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and Feast of Firstfruits. They were [and are still to this day] reminders and memorials of all God has done for them. For the Israelites, Passover represented the blood of a sacrificed lamb over their doorposts that inaugurated their escape from bondage in Egypt, and then practiced every subsequent year for the forgiveness of personal and national sin. The Unleavened Bread was a reminder that leaven represented sin and God told the Hebrews to leave the leaven behind during their escape to leave Egypt. They celebrated the First Fruits of each Spring Harvest as God provided their sustenance for life.

For us Christians, the Spring Feasts point to the First Coming of our Savior. Jesus was crucified and died on Passover, as the sacrificial lamb. He was buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, becoming our Bread of Life, and our sins were buried with Him. He was resurrected on the Feast of Fruitfruits as the First Fruit of the Harvest of Souls that will happen when He returns for the saints. In other words, He hit the target on each of those Feast Days at His First Coming! Which brings us to ….

The Fall Feasts are a foreshadowing and indication of His Second Coming. The Jews celebrate the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles in the Fall on specific days as specified by God. They are reminders and memorials that they are summoned to celebrate God’s creation of the world and begin ten days of repentance before God for their sins, as well as remembering the temporary shelters they lived in after escaping Egypt.

As far as Christians are concerned, since the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus happened on the specific Spring Feasts during His First Coming, we can expect Him to hit the Fall Feasts just as precisely on His Second Coming. We will celebrate the “Day of the Lord” and return of our King; participate in the Bema Seat Judgment before King Jesus; and celebrate that He will tabernacle with us on the Earth, as He ushers in the Millennial Kingdom, setting up His Throne and gathering the faithful to rule and reign with Him!

But that is in the future, and we don’t know what year it will take place. Until then, God has given us other important milestones to be considered. And that is where the Shemitah and Year of Jubilee intersect with our economy and national affairs.

What is the Shemitah? Every seventh day was the Sabbath Day; a day of rest. But every seventh year was a Sabbath Year – called the Shemitah. During the Shemitah, all sowing and reaping came to a standstill. It was an economic Sabbath [rest] for an entire year. And it was a financial Sabbath, as well – at the end of the Shemitah, the nation’s financial accounts were wiped clean, all debt and credit were wiped away. The Shemitah reminded the nation that all their blessings came from God. And when Israel turned away from God, the Shemitah came back at them, not as a blessing, but as a sign of judgment.

Here’s where it gets real interesting … The latest Shemitah years have been September 2000 to September 2001; September 2007 to September 2008; September 2014 to September 2015; and the latest September 2021 to September 2022. I’m sure you recognize the significant historical events that took place at the end of each of those Shemitah years: the Towers came down; the economic collapse due to the sub-prime mortgage crisis; the emergence of Donald Trump on the political scene; and our current economic crisis and the world on the brink of war. In a Shemitah year, debt and credit were to be wiped away. But just the opposite has happened… we have amassed more debt as a nation, and citizens have lived on credit!!! What do you think that portends for our future???

That brings us to the Year of Jubilee and its significance for Christians living in the United States. So, God has established that every seventh year is the Shemitah. But every seventh Shemitah, or 49th year, ushers in a super Shemitah we know as the Jubilee. If September 27, 2022 is the end of the Shemitah year, then on September 28th we have entered into the year of the Jubilee (which is the 50th year). During the Jubilee, there was a Sabbath [rest] of the land, slaves were set free, and everyone who lost their land or their ancestral possession was restored. The Jubilee was established as the year of restoration.

Jubilee years have marked the time parameters of some of the most important events of modern times and end-time prophecy. It not only marked the greatest shaking in world history up to that time, the First World War, but the restoration of the land of Israel to the Jewish people. Then, it marked the Six Day War in which the Jewish people were restored to their ancient city of Jerusalem.

Jubilee years have marked the time parameters of some of the most important events of modern times and end-time prophecy. It not only marked the greatest shaking in world history up to that time, the First World War, but the restoration of the land of Israel to the Jewish people. Then, it marked the Six Day War in which the Jewish people were restored to their ancient city of Jerusalem.

The Jubilee year is, in a sense, a second Shemitah (rest), extending its effects for another year. So September 2022 – September 2023 is going to be very consequential! BUT, the Jubilee year can cut both ways … The Shemitah was a blessing for Israel when they followed God, but a judgment when they did not. Would it surprise you to know that the last Shemitah which ended in September 1972, and saw the Jubilee year begin from September 1972 to September 1973 in which the following occurred in our nation …  48% of the U.S. Stock market value was wiped out; Global recession crippled the world’s economies; U.S. voted to kill its unborn children (Abortion legalized); and the U.S. lost its first war [in Vietnam].

By now I hope you can discern that both the Shemitah and Jubilee give evidence of the Sovereignty of God over His creation and every part of life on earth. Can you see that He is the true source of all blessings AND consequences? And for nations in the world, depending on whether they are acting righteously or not, it can mean a shaking. For those who are in the will of God, all of this can be a blessing – a time of freedom, release, and restoration. It’s a time to be restored to what one has lost, to enter into one’s possession, one’s inheritance of God – a time of God’s favor.

So, based on past history, I hope you can see that just as every seventh day has been declared a day of rest by our God, so has every seventh year… the land lies fallow, and debts are forgiven. This year finds us at the end of 7 Shemitahs ( 7 x 7 years) and beginning the Jubilee which is another year of rest for the land and the freeing of slaves and restoration of what was taken from you. And whether we experience this Jubilee year as blessings or judgment from God depends on what our accounting sheet shows. So how do you think our nation will fare? Do we deserve His blessings or will we receive His shaking?

Whatever happens, if we have remained faithful to God’s will as individuals I believe we can weather whatever befalls our nation. We are told to persevere and become overcomers, occupying the land until Jesus returns. He may not come during the Fall Feasts this year, but I honestly believe He is close to mounting for His ride. Stay focused on Him. Be prepared for tough times. And always … always … remain faithful, for this I know for sure … If you will be faithful to Him, He will remain faithful to you! Trust in the Lord, rest in His provision, and reap the consequences of your righteousness!

#shemitah #yearofjubilee #sowingandreaping #blessingsandjudgment

Galatians 6:7 – Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

All posts © Belle Ringer and SalvationandSurvival.com

An Intro to Koenig OWO-Globalism & the Beast

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 15, 2022

Globalists & One World Order – Photo from GlobalResearch

LewRockwell.com picked up a GlobalResearch post by Peter Koenig  entitled, “Confronting One World Order (OWO) Globalism. The Rise and Fall of the Beast.” The LewRockwell post is dated 8/15 and the original GlobalResearch post is from 8/10.

The post is really quite informative on the evolution of the agenda behind a OWO-Globalism. Where the post is lacking is some specificity on the “Beast.” Other than knowing Koenig is a Conservative Economist (and showing up on LewRockwell it is good to guess of the Austrian School of Economics, Libertarian Economics, Mises Institute Economics and so on). A quick search of Peter Koenig’s name indicated to me a seeming affinity to Russia’s point of view (a nation I trust no more than the CCP or the WEF) indicated for whom he wrote for: HERE & HERE.

I am grateful Koenig’s post does not display any Pro-Russia specifics and loads of info on the Globalist agenda past and present with obvious swipes on the WEF.

Again, there is the lacking on the “Beast.” So I’ve decided to insert my point of view on the “Beast” which happens to line up with the Christian website Got Questions. Just to cut to the chase, the “Beast” is the Antichrist. I cannot vouch one way or the other if that is Peter Koenig’s train of thought.

Got Questions has a post on this issue building a case largely from Old Testament Daniel and New Testament the Revelation of John with lots of Scripture points in between entitled, “Who is the beast of Revelation?” You should go to the post if you are a Scripture-reference kind-of-person. But for the sake of brevity, here is the 4:09-minute Youtube video posted on Got Questions that effectively summarizes the post:

Youtube VIDEO: Who is the beast of Revelation? | GotQuestions.org

Posted by Got Questions Ministries

Posted on Nov 19, 2019


Well … That’s my point of view of the Beast and the Beast system. AND NOW the lengthy but worth the read post by Peter Koenig.

JRH 8/15/22 (H/T: RamRock at Xephula Free Speech Group: https://xephula.com/posts/727722)

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Confronting One World Order (OWO) Globalism. The Rise and Fall of the Beast

By Peter Koenig – ORIGINALLY at Global Research

August 15, 2022


Legend has it, that when things go wrong and everybody is hoping for better times, they first have to get worse, before a new era of peace and harmony may emerge.

We may now be at these crossroads. The Beast is Rising. But its Fall is in sight.

We have to understand, the Beast is Big. It’s Huge. It’s so extraordinarily big, humanity has never faced something like it in recorded history.

So, we better are properly prepared.

Imagine, a small handkerchief or a pocket-square (a tiny decorative lapel accessory) is sitting on a huge quintuple king-size bedsheet, aiming at controlling the bedsheet. That’s the globalist Cult Elite, aiming at converting the world population into a One World Order (OWO). It will not happen. It’s an image so absurd that could have only emerged form a megalomaniac – which is what the WEF and its Master, Klaus Schwab, and his behind the scene money masters are.

No matter, how powerful they think they are, tyrannizing the world at large into their slaves, We, the People, will make sure it will not happen. Fissures in the OWO ranks are already clearly visible.

The new motto is bye-bye OWO-Globalism and welcome to the new multipolar world.

Actually, a world that is gradually becoming an east-west polarization, with a west that is ever faster decaying in more ways than one – monetary-wise, in term of political ethics, as well as faltering support from western and hitherto western-leaning governments and, at least, by two thirds of western people, who vehemently oppose their governments.

Mind you, we are not quite there yet – at the point of western collapse.

However, the crack in the wall, where the light shines through [paraphrasing a famous Leonard Cohen song] gives enormous hope for the light to prevail.

The Big Picture – what is it?

The Big Picture has three major branches, three major objectives of the Beast to fulfill. Imagine the Beast as a multiple-tentacled Monster-Octopus. Listed not necessarily in order of priority, but rather as a simultaneous bulldozing approach, they include:

i) Massive depopulation, genocide, worldwide; an eugenist agenda on which the Gates and Rockefellers et al, have worked already for decades, and already their predecessor generations were obsessed with eugenics. Less people, less “useless eaters” – and consumers of scarce, unrenewable resources. So bluntly presents it Yuval Noah Hariri, Israeli “intellectual” and close adviser to Klaus Schwab, the WEF’s eternal CEO;

ii) Shifting assets from the lower and middle echelons to the top – the elite, billionaires, individuals, as well as corporate finance, such as BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street; others may include Fidelity, City Bank, Bank of America and many more.

The first three alone are interlinked as shareholders and can act as one, controlling an estimated 25 trillion dollars, worldwide, giving them a leverage power of way above US$ 100 trillion (compared to the world’s GDP of about US$ 90 trillion), thereby having virtual control over every country on the globe, and

iii) Digitization of everything, connecting everything with everything, eventually with the mega-powerful ultra-shortwaves 5G and soon to come 6G. Through these electromagnetic waves, they may access our brains. It’s Klaus Schwab’s pipedream. It includes digital worldwide unform vaxx-passes, managed through the infamous QR-code, or similar, with practically illimited info-storage capacity.

Currently it has a potential of storing more than 30,000 pieces of information about each one of us. Those who manage the QR-code, know you better than you know yourself. It is an updated version of Bill Gates’ Agenda ID2020.

Digitization may, as a first step, include an under-the-skin chip on every surviving citizen – currently being volunteer-practiced in some Nordic countries, like Sweden and Denmark, storing and monitoring every piece of info about you, incl. health records, bank accounts, with whom you talk, where you travel, where and what you shop — and-and-and – you got the picture.

Later, it will likely just be an electronic fingerprint in the form or capacity of a QR-code or its successor, that is engrained in our bodies through an electromagnetic field which is being injected into our bloodstream – graphene oxide, for example – under the pretext of covid vaxxes, or eventually any vaxxes invented and forced upon the population.

The next one may be the “new” flu-vaxx – already announced as a novelty, practically untested, but ready for the fall season. Be aware and beware!

Digital money, already largely dominating the Global North, will become the norm by the end of Agenda 2030, or sooner – if WE, the People, do not stop it. – And yes, we can. Digital money would make us to digital slaves; digital money could be blocked at will by the Cult Cabal, or outright stolen, depending on our behavior.

No worries, according to Klaus Schwabwe eventually will own nothing but will be happy – that’s the paraphrased ending of the Great Reset. Our mind will no longer think independently, but 5G and the graphene oxide injected by the covid and other vaxxes still to come, will make from humans so-called “transhumans” (expression used by Klaus Schwab in an interview in 2016 with the Swiss French TV), basically useless and dispensable slaves, since robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have taken over human roles.

These goals are all addressed in one way or another in the WEF’s Great Reset. It may be worth your while to have a glance at it. Most libraries contacted, answered with a smile, they don’t carry the book; they’d rather not associate with this monster plan.

Here is the Amazon link for The Great Reset. [Blog Editor: Schwab is full of hubris he has no fear about sharing his Liberty-robbing agenda.]

The globalist agenda is gradually disintegrating. See this on the anti-globalist trend of the WEF in Davos, May 2022.

Yet, the globalists keep fighting on. A hopeless game. But they may be able to extend their globalist drive for a while, with perpetual lies, untold riches of immorally and largely illegally acquired financial wealth, possibly bringing about millions of victims – and, God forbit – leading into WWIII, potentially meaning a hard-core nuclear war.

The Beast is still on the rise. That does not mean it is winning.

Many of us may not notice. It is discrete, but deadly. In all its discretion, it keeps announcing what it is planning, what is in store for humanity. The Cult, the Luciferian Cult, to which the Beast likely belongs, in order to succeed, has to announce its action well in advance. Lest they, the Cult, may not prosper.

The Cult’s Warnings

The Cult has repeatedly warned us throughout the last at least 50 years. It has always told us well-in-advance wat they and their minions were planning. And this with increasing intensity in the last two to three decades. Just a few examples. Most of us have conveniently ignored their warnings.

The 1992 Earth Summit in Rio – official name United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 3-14 June 1992. It was based on the Club of Rome’s (in)famous 1971 publication “Limits to Growth, A Simulation Model of World Population, Environment and Economics”. The model predicted a looming environmental disaster in the coming 50 to 100 years, i.e., beginning just about now.

The Club of Rome, alias the Earth Summit, gave the impetus for what is today known as the Global Warming cum Climate Change Agenda – with its commercial side-kick, the New Green Deal.

You must know, the Club of Rome was not a European invention, as the name may have you believe. It was a Rockefeller initiative.

9/11 was the deadly, violent event to announce a new era – an era of increasing to total control, depriving personal liberties, restrictions with often denigrating and embarrassing airport security checks. A few weeks after the well-organized horrendous 9/11-devastation, the Patriot Act was passed through Congress. It had been prepared way before 9/11. It deprives US citizens of nearly 90% of their human and citizen rights.

Similar emergency type laws were passed with ease in Europe and other so-called “western countries”, referring to countries following the US political and monetary doctrine. Most of the Global North, or the West (also including, Australia, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand), currently lives under some kind of an “emergency legislation”, largely circumventing their Parliaments for matters that deal with the Great Reset Agenda.

Most of their populations have no clue that their Parliaments have been partially disabled.

The 2010 Rockefeller Report depicts the contents of the UN Agenda 2030 in four Chapters. The first one describes the Lockstep scenario. Pretty much what the world, the 193 UN member countries, went through after the worldwide declared lockdown for the covid-19 plandemic. In lockstep, every government followed the same human rights destroying stern rules, instilled and coerced by fear, dictated by WHO. See this full 2010 Rockefeller Report – chapters “The Scenario Framework” and the “Scenario Narratives” are of particular interest.

Rockefeller Report on Agenda for Future

Bill Gates’ – TedTalk February 2010 in San Diego – he advocated:

“If we are doing a real good job (vaccinating], we may reduce world population by 10% to 15%.”

This was just a trial balloon to gauge people’s reaction.

It was also an announcement of things to come. As we know by now the ultimate target of world population is something of the order of half a billion people – as indicated on the Georgia Guidestones which have recently been vandalized. – No worries, the cabal will not reach that mass-genocide target. But it has already done immense harm, and if not stopped, will continue killing people, many in the most atrocious ways.

WHO declares in 2014 the decade of vaccination – referring to the decade of 2020 to 2030, i.e., the UN Agenda 2030. Did anybody pay attention? – How did WHO know? Maybe Bill Gates was whispering the orders in the “WHO halls” where “donations” are collected. Conveniently, any reference to this WHO warning has disappeared form internet.

June 2016 – the Swiss Gotthard tunnel inauguration – a bizarre Luciferian Celebration, depicting lockstep – Luciferian sex-dances and strange killings and deaths – remotely related to tunnel construction. Full of symbolism.

Google’s explanation – “While tunnels certainly represent journeys, they more often symbolize the passage from one phase of life to another. In its most primal meaning, the tunnel symbolizes the birth canal. Just as a baby evolves and journeys outward, so do characters of a story.”

See also this 6-min. Gotthard Tunnel inauguration video clip.

Youtube VIDEO: Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony

[Posted by Railway Gazette International

Posted on Jun 3, 2016


It is certainly a passage through darkness. No surprise. Not evil or Lucifer ever projected a world of light for us, the common people. All to the contrary, the more obscure they keep us, the more fear they instill, the more control they gain. And that is what seems they want to play out. – To no avail. They won’t succeed.

Event 201 of 18 October 2019 in NYC – The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York City.

The Event’s website describes the exercise as an “aera where public / private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.” The real object of the exercise was just the opposite, via a corona virus.

By coincidence, a few weeks later, at the beginning of 2020, a corona-virus broke out, called SARS-Cov-2, alias Covid-19. WHO declared it a pandemic on 11 March 2020, when reported deaths, worldwide, were fewer than 5000. Knowing what we know today, one may ask: How reliable are these death reports – then and today?

Compare this with 52,000 flu-related deaths in the US during the 2017 / 2018 flu-season. The common flu was never declared a pandemic. See this.

We are now being warned about the impending food shortages, energy shortages that will bring about a cold winter, famine; plus, a sizable recession preceded by horrendous double-digit inflation – that in turn will trigger bankruptcies, unemployment, poverty, misery – and more deaths.

The Beast’s ascent is not undisturbed. There are forces pulling in other directions, attempting pulling it down, sideways and outright apart. The massive crack in the wall, that lets the Light shine through, is getting bigger and bigger. Once the light reaches a sufficient amount of people, a critical mass – the Beast’s reign may be getting close to an end.

We are not there yet. Unfortunately. But we must think positive. Inspiring each other spiritually. Creating a mental and spiritual togetherness. We, the Awakened People, can bring this diabolical era to an end.

Following the lead mentioned above, the Beast may be depicted as a multiple-tentacled Monster-Octopus. Each tentacle has its deadly mission. Many tentacles have sub-tentacles. In case a tentacle is defeated the others will fight on, and the defeated one will grow back with even greater vigor. That’s the concept.

We have to be aware and conscious of these multiple-scenarios and the Big Picture they constitute, so as not to allow our attention to being deviated by one single scenario – for example, the plandemic and vaxx narrative. Though, admittedly important, it ought to be connected to all other “tentacle-scenarios”, lest we miss the overall objectives of The Great Reset Agenda, alias UN Agenda 2030.

We want to stop this human-made criminal Outbreak of misery and death as a whole, in its entirety. If we do it by compartment, our chances to overcome the Beast are largely diminished. The Cult Cabal counts on us being distracted by one or two tentacles, while the others keep laboring ahead – almost undisturbed – reaching gradually their goals.

It is utterly important that we are aware that all the tentacles are connected. There are no coincidences; and there is no single frontline in this war. The entire humanity, no matter where we are on this globe, is the frontline. That also means, there is no escape.

Unless, and this is crucial, we wake up. This is our escape. We, the People, see the light, and ascend to another level where the darkness of the Beast cannot reach us anymore. We need a critical mass for our People’s Power to be strong enough, to pull us, humanity, through and collectively onto a different, higher and enlightened plane.

To do that, for those who are awake, who see the Beast, who see the tentacles and their machinations as killing machines, it is utmost important that we always see the overall objective of the Great Reset, the UN Agenda 2030, and the 4th Industrial Revolution, hence, the Big Picture.

When we fight one tentacle, say, the covid narrative, an important one, we must always remember that there are others, and that covid is only one cog in the wheel, in the gear of the Reset destruction.

The covid tentacle has many sub-tentacles: Big Pharma is one; the vaxx-mandate is another one; the useless and socially degrading forced mask-wearing, social distancing, and home-office work, are all ways of humiliating, separating and isolating individuals. And so forth. They all play nicely into each other, enhancing each other, psychologically, by FEAR, and physically, by various forms of other than covid diseases, i.e., all types of cancers, leukemias, liver-kidney and heart failures – and much more; all potentially deadly. Indeed, they have already caused exponentially more deaths than the covid-plandemics is said to have caused.

It would, therefore, be unwise to put all our scientific knowledge into the vaxx debate, or the covid infection – is it real, or isn’t it? It doesn’t matter. But by doing just this, we are playing into the devil’s hands.

While it is a must to identify the covid fraud – describing the scam scientifically by medical doctors, virologists and other scientists, but it is by far not enough. The public at large must understand the cheat, so they may be able to shed off the immune system destroying fear.

Overall objectives of the Reset are in plain view. Therefore, we must expose and connect the Cult’s covid fraud and the fear it causes, to all other tentacles of the Octopus-Beast. We must fight the entire GREAT RESET Narrative as a whole and in solidarity.

Other Tentacles of the Octopus-Beast

Fear, already mentioned before, is yet another deadly tentacle. It is well known in psychology, that fear – the constant tension of fear – lowers our auto-immune defense. It renders us increasingly vulnerable to all kinds of diseases, including a myriad of different cancers and diseases of our vital organs. They all may lead to death, at which point it will be next to impossible to trace the cause of disease and death back to the poisonous “covid-vaxx”.

Fear is one of the Beast’s strongest weapons. Not only does it destroy our natural immunity, fear makes us blind and obedient. Blind to our own human rights. For fear, we give them up, hoping the Beast will safe us. Instead, we are becoming slaves – slaves to our governments, who are, in turn, the servants of the WEF – and the Beast.

Climate Change – the ever-most ferociously propaganda-pushed agenda that the planet will heat up, that we humans are the culprits, as we use excessive amounts of fossil fuel, creating so-called greenhouse gases, driving world temperatures through the roof. As mentioned above, this is the continuation of the Rockefeller-initiated Club of Rome agenda to enslave the (western) world through guilt.

We, of the western / Global North’s Judo-Christian beliefs or cultures, are beset by guilt, as part of our guilt-driven up-bringing. It’s part of our religious cum cultural inheritance. So, we are extremely vulnerable when told that we, humans, are guilty of death and destruction causing climate change.

The Beast plays on this vulnerability. And very successfully at that.

To enhance the Green Agenda, the Climate Change narrative, Southern European countries – Spain, Greece, Portugal, France, Italy as well as the transatlantic United States are plagued by extreme heat waves, ever-so-often interrupted by deadly flash-floods. In the process, man-made forest fires destroy the forests, the very lungs providing life on earth with oxygen. The purpose is to enhance the Climate Change agenda.

See this 1-min video, how a “rescue helicopter” sprays fire on forests in Southern Spain, filmed by a fire-fighter. The text is in Spanish, but the video is self-explanatory; no text needed; see this.

The truth is hidden or even censured from us. The universe, including our dear and generous Mother Earth, is never stagnant. She is constantly on the move. Not only physically but also temperature-wise.

Our egocentricity makes us believe that we with our short lives – on average less than 100 years – makes us the center of the universe, that everything that happens, occurs in our lifetimes, i.e., extreme climate changes / modifications.

For the past about two months the Global North went through record heat waves and record periods without rain. As reported by France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, other countries in Europe, as well as parts of the US, these are heat and dry spells never experienced since weather measurements began, in some countries as early as the 17th Century. In others in the early 20th Century. The relentless heat in Europe, as well as the US, is destroying food crops, contributing to a worldwide food shortage, leading to famine, desperation and eventually death.

As a sub-tentacle of the Beast, more fear, crop loss, famine – death.

Although nowhere mentioned, nor proven, this record phenomenon, (yet to fully analyzed and ascertained) appears like “engineered weather”. It would typically fit into the type of DARPA research and DARPA released technology. DARPA is a Pentagon sponsored thinktank. Modified weather patterns are powerful weapons. They work silently, causing food shortages, famine and death – and contributing in more ways than one to the agenda of the Great Reset. See this.

Farmland Reduction – A concerted effort of farmland reduction is also part of the Great Reset agenda. Bill Gates is buying up farmland throughout the US and even in other parts of the world. He is said to already own junks of farmland in Ukraine. See this [in German].

By now Gates owns some 300,000 ha [Blog Editor: For my fellow Americans, “ha” is metric for hectare. Americans should think “acre.”] of the most productive farmland mostly in the US but also elsewhere in the world.

Map of Gates owned USA Land

Farmland owned by Gates will not produce bovine meat, under the pretext of methane gases that contributes to Global Warning. Under Gates’ concept of food reduction, his farmland may not produce food at all – accelerating the Hunger Games.

By the same token, the Dutch Government under the leadership of Mark Rutte, a scholar of Klaus Schwab’s Academy for Young Global Leaders, is adamant in reducing Dutch farmland by 30%. The Netherlands is the world’s second largest exporter of agricultural goods, after the United States. See this.

Dutch farmers have been in the streets for the last almost two months to protest their land being forcefully repossessed by the government to reduce the meet output. So far to no avail.

See this.

Curtailment of international transportation

The airline industry is severely hit by flight reductions, due to largely artificial shortages of personnel – and unattractive covid restrictions (a vaxx-must for staff of many airlines). This is said having led to significant flight reductions precisely during the Global North’s summer holidays.

The financial situation of many western airlines is precarious and may become even more so – as kerosene / petrol / energy prices keep rising.

The masters of the Great Reset do not want traveling people. They are not as easy to control as are stationary ones.

This tentacle serves at least two purposes:

i) it keeps people stationary, more isolated from each other and from global movements; and

ii) people who cannot move may be more fearful and better controllable.

Energy – Gas, Petrol, Electricity, Shortages

The consequences are multi-faceted. Like climate change, energy shortages affect everything. Our economies’ growth drive is based on energy. Shortages of energy are leading to recessions, diminishing economic output, reducing the workforce, creating poverty – misery, disease — and yes, death.

But we are NOT in an energy shortage. An energy shortage is artificially created – under the pretext of the Ukraine-Russia war – which, in turn, has been created to serve the Great Reset agenda: Massive death, economic collapse, bankruptcies, poverty – prompting a shift of assets from the bottom and the center to the tiny elite on top – and, accelerating the ascent of an all-digitization – from money to the human brain.

But there is no energy shortage. It’s all been artificially created by the masters of the WEF, and the Great Reset. See video below.

Youtube VIDEO: There is no ”Energy Crisis” in the World! The Problem lies in the Crisis of the ”Dollar Empire”!


Posted on Aug 6, 2022


There are of course, many more “tentacles”, sub-tentacles and motives for what we are experiencing in the global North’s hot and rainless summer months. But you got the drift. If you consistently ask: “Cui bono?”- or “Who benefits?” – The answer will lead you always to the same vile octopus with its multiple deadly tentacles, called the Great Reset.

This desired world model described by the WEF’s Klaus Schwab et al, is a world towards an ultra-neoliberal system, with largely reduced humans and the surviving ones will have become “transhumans” (Schwab’s term), manipulable by 5G and soon 6G, to be happy owning nothing.

To sum it all up, lets remind ourselves of the dangers related to the all-commanding digital control:

Beware of the QR-Code; Remember Agenda ID2020?

As a final note, a short video (7 min. August 6, 2022) of Dr. Vernon Coleman, about the dangerous new flu-vaxx – if you care for your children, this, as part of a pdf-file inserted in the video.

While you were distracted by Boris [Johnson] resigning, the UK Government quietly confirmed COVID Vaccinated Children are 4423% more likely to die of any cause & 13,633% more likely to die of COVID-19 than Unvaccinated Children.”

These are Dr. Coleman’s final words of advice:

“Be Aware. Take Care.

Don’t believe what governments say. Warn everyone.

Please remember, you are not alone. More and more people are waking up. And once they are awake, they don’t go back to sleep. We are already a far bigger force, than the conspirators would have you believe. If we are going to win this war, then we have to fight with passion, with the truth and we have to fight with determination. No mask, no test, no jab. Don’t trust the government; no mass media, and remember – we have God on our side.”

Copyright © Peter Koenig, Global Research

Lew Rockwell HOMEPAGE

EO 14067 – Digital Dollar Tyranny Emerging

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 5, 2022

As more and more people are awakening that much of the tyranny implemented was due to lies spread by greedy control-the-people scientists committed to a Globalist New World Order. Soooooooooooo what is the next plan to control the actions of people (as in what you say, what you believe, where you go, state acceptable politics, democracy tyranny vs Republic Rights and so on)?

If fearmongering (some call it Fear Porn) is becoming a less effective Dem-Marxist, the next step is to an individual’s power of the purchase.

Enter Dementia Biden under the puppeteer strings of his controllers, signs without the consent of an elected Congress Executive Order (EO) 14067 entitled “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets.”

I heard about the EO about the time it was signed in March but at the time I did not dwell much on the repercussions of a digital dollar I thought at the time was aimed at cryptocurrency because government couldn’t touch the crypto industry.

I recently ran into a post on NO THOUGHT POLICE posted 8/2/22 focusing on Dementia Joe’s Digital Dollar EO entitled, “Right Under Our Noses.” It is authored by the blog owner going Rev. Patti. Most of Rev. Patti’s posts are Christ-Word-of-God centered. But occasionally she lets out a political concern. This is one of those times.

Annoyingly Rev. Patti doesn’t utilize a lot of sourcing links pointing to main idea that the EO is a harbinger to replace currency with digital dollars. AND THAT IS HOW THE GOVERNMENT will control YOUR life.

If your belief system (e.g., mine is Biblical Christianity with a big dose of pushing the principles of America’s Founding Documents) is unapproved by the government, a key-stroke turns of access to your digital dollars. If you have a higher regard to Biblical Morality (offensive to the LGBTQ…) than transformed Woke ideology, a key-stroke turns off your digital dollars until you conform to reeducation. I could cite more examples, but I think you see the picture emerging.

Rev. Patti seems to lean on Jim Rickards as a source of much of her post but without linking to his information. My guess, Rickards has a decent record as an economic prognosticator, but has prognostications usually come with some of marketing to sell something to offset the dire prediction. Digital Dollars or Biden Bucks as labeled by many critics including Rickards has something for you to buy.

Before cross posting Rev. Patti’s extensive post I am compelled to share some sourcing beginning with a Jim Rickards Youtube video on the EO, Biden Bucks and yup the offer to side-step financial tyranny which I neither promote nor criticize – that’s up to you. After the video I also will point to some critical sources of EO 14067.

Youtube VIDEO: Jim Rickards: ‘Biden Bucks’ & Executive Order 14067 Protection

Posted by Stock Pick Experts

Posted on Jul 5, 2022


JRH 8/5/22

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Right Under Our Noses

Biden Bucks


August 2, 2022


This is a long read, but it’s important that you read it to the end. I hope you will also share it, this country needs to wake up and wake up, like yesterday!

So, what were you doing on March 9, 2022? Probably what you always do, just going on with life trying to make ends meet and survive all the crap this government has been shoveling on us.

Well, you might want to remember 3/9/22 from here on out because that date could have been the day when Biden literally signed the eventual death warrant on your American freedom!

You see, on that day, right under our noses, in a very hushed ceremony at the White House, without the approval of the Congress, the individual states, or you the American people, Biden signed into law Executive Order 14067.

So what is wrong with this Executive Order? Well, it’s something that was buried deep in his order are a few key paragraphs, called Section 4… 

The language that is found in Section 4 make this Order 14067 one of the most treacherous acts by a sitting President in our entire history. Why is that? Well, because Section 4 sets the stage for….

  • Legal government surveillance of all US citizens…
  • Total control over your bank accounts and purchases…
  • And the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good.

With this new war on freedom, the Marxist Dems aren’t just coming for your guns. No, they’re thinking much, much bigger than that…

They are now going to come for your money. And it’s already starting right under our very own noses and we can’t even see it happening, but it has started.

The predictions in this post come from Jim Rickards who is a former advisor to the Pentagon, the White House, Congress, the CIA, and the DOD. He is also an experienced attorney and investment banker, so he pretty much knows money and the government itself and how it works.

All of his predictions are based on his own independent research and his inside contacts that are still in the intelligence community.

His research has made him come to the conclusion that Section 4 of this Order means that all Americans will suffer because what Biden wants to do will make the US dollar that has been in circulation since 1792  become totally obsolete. He believes that this will make the government have the right to confiscate our cash or just make it worthless pieces of paper.

Section 4 could allow for our cash currency that we have now be automatically replaced, without our consent, and be replaced with a new programmable digital token or tokens.

This has nothing to do with making life simpler and more convenient for the American people, no, it’s something that’s more sinister that just replacing the cash dollar with a new digital version, but this new digital currency will allow for the government to have total control over all American citizens. This is very dangerous because every single digital dollar will be programmed by, guess who? The government. This means that they would be able to turn on or turn off your money whenever they felt like it.

This means they will be able to keep track of every single purchase you make. No, this is not like online banking at all and it’s also nothing like crypto currency. With a digital dollar, this means that the Marxist Dems would be able to punish any contribution, purchase, or even social media comment they didn’t like, and then cut that person off from their money, instantly.

Don’t think that this is something that is years away in the planning because it’s not, it’s starting right now. Biden’s little secret army has been really hard at work since March 9th, 2022, with US trials of the digital dollar already well underway, in fact, our government is racing to try to catch up to both Russia and China who already have launched their own pilot programs for digital currency. In fact, more than half the countries in the world and nearly 90% of the central banks are now either testing or exploring a digital currency at this very moment.

Mr. Rickards says that it’s not a question of will the US implement a digital dollar but when they will. His answer to that is that it’s already happening right under our noses and we don’t even know it.

Rickards discovered that there are two different projects right now that are experimenting with new “spyware” currency and they’ve been doing this for a couple of years now. The projects are called Project Lithium  and Project Hamilton.

Rickards predicts that we will see a digital dollar hit public circulation next year or at the latest 2024.

Thanks to Section 4 of Biden’s Order 14067 that orders urgent research into the development of the digital dollar in order to be able to replace the standard dollar by a new currency, the digital dollar or what Rickards likes to call “Biden Bucks”.

These new electronic currencies are called CBDCs or “central bank digital currencies”. This is not at all like the money you have in your online banking account. Nope, this is new and very different.

The worst thing about all of it is that every single digital dollar will be what they call programmable tokens, they claim just like bitcoin or other crypto currencies. However, there is a huge difference, they are keeping from you the American people, cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital currencies and Rickards claims that “Biden Bucks” will have the full backing of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

They will, once fully implemented will replace the dollar forever.

And once they begin replacing the dollar, you will have no choice because “Biden Bucks” will be the MANDATORY currency of the United States.

Rickards is not alone in thinking that once this currency has been totally rolled out, they believe that this will begin a totally new era of total government control and surveillance.

This is not a conspiracy theory nor is it hyperbole. The Biden Order 14067 proves that.

This kind of currency will dramatically expand the power and the influence of the federal government, you thought they already had too much power, well this will ensure that they have all the power all the time with this currency acting as a new kind of government “spyware”.

Rickards says that with “Biden Bucks” this government will automatically be able to force you to comply with their agenda, no matter how much it might go against your own personal and/or religious beliefs. Because, if you don’t comply, they could and more than likely would turn off your money instantly.

This won’t be anything like them just freezing your bank account, no it will be a lot easier to do than that. Since this currency will be in the form of “digital tokens” that are programmed at the source, where the government can at will, turn on or turn off your money with just one keystroke. Plus, these tokens can be reprogrammed any time they feel like it.

With Biden’s little secret surveillance army running the show, the anti-freedom implications are nearly limitless. For instance, these “Biden Bucks” could actually be programed to allow you only to buy certain kinds of products and services.

Just imagine what this new currency world could look like:

  • Say you want to keep your fossil fuel powered car? Well, your digital dollars could suddenly be stopped from paying for your gas. Instead you’ll be forced to buy an EV or go without personal transportation.
  • They could force you to get whatever kind of vaccine they want, or cut off your money.
  • They could force you into going totally solar and if not, you go without power because you have no currency to pay for it.
  • They can force you to use less water, less heat, less cooling.
  • They can force you to eat fake, plant based meat and if you try to buy the real deal, off goes your money.
  • They’ll be able to control where you are allowed to travel.
  • They can stop you from buying items like guns, ammo, or even survival supplies.
  • They can control to which candidates that you can donate to.

And they will know every single place you have ever spent money at, and forever. America would immediately become a surveillance state just like North Korea and China. Every single aspect of your life will be controlled.

Because they will control all your money.

In fact, Rickards predicts they won’t stop there, they’ll take it even further to implement a “social credit rating” like China:

  • Say the “wrong” thing on social media, off goes the money.
  • Buy the “wrong” thing, off goes the money.
  • Subscribe to the “wrong” news channel, off goes the money.

And as your rating drops, suddenly your “Biden Bucks” are frozen or they disappear from your account all together. This is already happening in China. If you end up with a low social score will get you officially labeled as “untrustworthy”.

Other things they could go after could also be to restrict your access to the internet, deny you and your family the best jobs or best schools, heck they may even take away your pets, just like China. This is no joke. All of the above happens every single day in China. But, that’s China, a communist country you say, that couldn’t really happen in a democracy could it?

I don’t know, why don’t you ask the truckers in Canada, seems Canada once proclaimed to be a democracy! Because we all know that’s exactly what happened to those poor truckers up there when Trudeau was granted ‘special emergency powers” during their peaceful protests over his forced vaccination law.

He then ordered all banks to freeze their accounts and the accounts of anyone who dared to give aid to these poor truckers. It was no threat, the fascist Trudeau froze all of their bank accounts without flinching.

Think about that for a minute, peaceful people just expressing their disagreement with his policies, had every penny of their money taken from them.

Think the Biden administration would love to do the same thing here? You bet they would. They are dying to do the same after all, Biden publicly supported and praised Trudeau for what he did.

“The Economist” announced that the rise of government backed digital currencies, could be dangerous and warned that they will “shift power from individuals to the state.”

Even an institution that is supposed to be conservative the International Monetary Fund (IMF) admits that these new types of currencies are “The future of money”. So make no mistake, no matter what the outcome of any future elections might be, this is already happening, right under our very own noses!

The U.S. Federal Reserve has been for some time now quietly partnering with scientists at MIT to develop a digital currency to replace the US dollar. They call this initiative “Project Hamilton”.

Earlier this year, the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, the clearinghouse for US stocks, bonds, and other security trades quietly launched their “Project Lithium”. They are testing how a digital dollar will work in the financial markets once the current dollar is dead.

Project Lithium is partnering with the “Digital Dollar Project” which is a joint effort that was started in 2020 between Accenture, US regulators, and tech leaders to create this new digital dollar.

Then, on March 29 of this year, just days after Biden’s Order 14067 was signed, Representative Stephen F. Lynch introduced H.R. 7231, the Electronic Currency and secure Hardware Act.

This act, was co-sponsored by four other Marxist Dems which orders the Secretary of the Treasury to develop a digital dollar. It seems that they are right on schedule and working for a rollout in 2023 or 2024.

So, if the US dollar is replaced by “Biden Bucks” the government will be able to track, control, and limit your spending and there will no longer be any privacy, zero, all gone. The government will know where you are and what your habits are at all times.

They will be able to do exactly what China does using their surveillance to detect any anti-government activities and then arrest those who do not strictly follow the direct orders of the government.

Dems are ready for this because they’ve had two years to practice with COVID. That’s right, COVID was a practice run to see just how to control a huge population such as ours.

This is so dangerous that if something like this is allowed to be finalized, this digital currency system could actually allow one party to hold onto its power, well, forever!


No Thought Police – Copyright 2021~