Thoughts on Rift Caused by Hamas-Israel War, Wading into Islamic Ideology & Culminating into Mahdi World Order

4-Stages of Islamic Conquest (Photo borrowed from El Gato WeebeeWordPress)

By John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 17, 2023

There is NO Doubt Hamas fired massive rockets and sent terrorist soldiers into Israel on 10/7/23. After the “NO DOUBT” of yet another pseudo-Palestinian attack that so-far (or at least the last time I read) has led 1300 barbaric murders of Israelis and any unlucky non-Muslim Westerners who happened to be in the attack area.

THEN the Pro-Palestinian and ironic allies of Anti-Globalists/Leftists & blatant blame all-Jews Antisemites vs Pro-Israel, Zionists (Leftist Zionists, Conservative Zionists & Christian Zionists) rabidly began to skew and probably twist facts with Propaganda. The Pro-Palestinian side (except the Anti-Globalists) celebrated the massacre inside Israel. The Anti-Globalists (many of which I have admired in their stands against NWO Tyranny) condemned Israel’s response which undoubtedly will lead to pseudo-Palestinian mass-deaths not involved in the attack on Israel – calling the Israeli response a genocide.

The Hamas attack and the Israeli response has vastly divided friends based on whose narrative one supported. Admittedly, I’m a Christian Zionists who has always believed the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians (the Arab-Palestinian history of being located in the area is actually miniscule compared to the history of Jews being located in the area) should be forced to leave the Biblically Promised Land to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (NOTE: Whether factual or not in reality, Arab-Muslims consider themselves the descendants of Abraham through Ishmael born to Sarah’s handmaiden Hagar. Ishmael IS NOT a part of the Abraham, Isaac [child of Promise], and Jacob [renamed Israel by the Almighty] Promise.) My Christian Zionist sentiments has sadly placed me at odds with many Anti-Globalists who oppose a New World Order who are more concerned about Leftist-Globalists who have infiltrated Israel’s government perhaps even worse than the Leftist-Globalist infiltration in the U.S. Government. And of course, Jew-Hating (regardless of the existence of Covenant-Keeping Jews) Antisemites who disseminate the propaganda ALL Jews are the blame for the ills of the world and desire to rule as a Jewish-Controlled World Order.

The Antisemite Jew-Hatred accusation is POPPYCOCK since Covenant-Keeping Jews are ONLY interested in their Jewish Homeland and NOT World-Control.

ON THE OTHERHAND, Islam’s revered writings (Quran, Hadith & Sira) demand a world conquest to force ALL Peoples to submit to the will of Allah. AND Islam’s early history of brutal conquests and empire reflects a Global-Islamic World Domination agenda. (Inconvenient Documented Truth History by Andrew Bostom & M.A. Khan)

AND YET, due to the infiltration of Leftist-Globalist infiltration in Israel’s government and a history of Leftist Zionist history in Israel, there are many reasons to question the Israel Government Bureaucracy (just like the highly corrupted U.S. Government Bureaucracy) which undoubtedly more aligned with WEF-NWO agenda designs than the Almighty’s Covenant that has allowed the Return of Jews to a sovereign Homeland.

A short post by Pam Kohler at Salvation and Survival gives a Christian Zionist such as I a great snapshot about right-and-wrong criticism of Israel noting the existence of the influence of Leftist Jews who have zero inclination toward the Almighty’s Covenant of a Biblical Homeland. Kohler’s post is entitled, “The Lord Has Chosen Zion; He Desires It For His Dwelling Place!” I posted the below comment on her post, you’ll have to go there to read Kohler’s response:

“One of the best posts I’ve read distinguishing the difference between Leftist Covenant-Breaking Jews and Biblical Covenant-Keeping Jews. I wish you could have gone for more clarity, but you definitely on the correct path.”

AND NOW I come to the purpose to today’s post. There was a time my blog posts were focused on Counterjihad issues more than combating government-Globalist Tyranny and Medical Tyranny. The Hamas atrocities has reawakened some of those Counterjihad memories. FOREMOST to remember about Islam if you are a non-Muslim (e.g., a Christian, a worshipper of Judaism, any non-Islamic religion, LOOK OUT if you are LGBTQ, or an atheist), Islamic revered writings DEMAND you convert to Islam or live a second-class limited Rights not offensive Islamic doctrine SUBMISSION (aka a Dhimmi – some write “Zimmi”) or DIE. That is basic Islamic doctrine! Any Muslim who denies this is lying, deceiving, or has been deceived by the equivalent of Islamic clergy. Places to examine the brutal truth about Islam toward non-Muslims shown by embedded links to a bunch of “HERE”: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and dear God in Heaven do your own critical thinking searches.

AND NOW this takes me to an interesting Canada Free Press post I ran into yesterday by Kelly O’Connell, who posits the idea the Hamas attacks on Israel on Israel might be a part of the Islamic mindset of the Mahdi ushering in the resumption of the domination of the Muslim New World Order. To be fair Mahdi doctrine is usually associated with the minority Shia Islam which dominates modern Iran but O’Connell touches on that a bit. Hamas are terrorist who subscribe more with the majority Sunni Islam doctrines associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. I’ll let you decide if O’Connell’s speculation is accurate or not. Since Hamas (Sunnis) funding and weaponry comes from Iran (Shia), I think he might be onto something.

My Christian Zionist perspective that undoubtedly is Politically Incorrect: If there is a Mahdi-entity, it is an Antichrist demonic entity ushering in an End Times scenario that could hasten the return of the ACTUAL Messiah – Jesus Christ the Son of God and King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Or another glitch in history as we Believers in the Risen Savior await His prophesied RETURN. Only God Almighty knows.

JRH 10/17/23


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The Attack on Israel is Religious, Meant to Awaken Islamic Messiah Mahdi

Biden Admin Fuels Islamic Eschatology by Blindly Funding a ‘Necessary Apocalypse’

By Kelly O’Connell 

October 16, 2023

Canada Free Press

It’s entirely understandable that most Westerners believe the current 2023 attack by Hamas on Israel is simply lust for revenge and anger over Gaza’s conditions. But, wait! Instead, it’s astounding to know the ultimate impulse in Iran funding Hamas is to usher in the age of the Mahdi, as their mighty savior. This war to utterly destroy Israel is now led by Iran’s Shia Islam and seeks to bring the End of Days. So, Biden’s gift of $6 billion to Iran guaranteed war would result, given their theology. See below…

Shia Muslims Believe Massive War Saves World: that unless a colossal war comes to engage Israel, then their savior, the Mahdi, cannot reappear to bring the peace and blessings promised for 14 centuries.The Iranians behind these attacks feel uniquely placed to render the end times, achieved by the return of the Mahdi from deep sleep. Iranians are almost wholly Shia Muslim, who believe in a mystical character named the Mahdi:

Rumble VIDEO (30:32-Minutes of Kelly O’Connell audio): The Attack on Israel is Religious, Meant to Awaken Islamic Messiah Mahdi

[Posted by ConservativeAnthem

Published October 16, 2023


Twelver Shia offers the story of the hidden imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi, or simply the “mahdi,” meaning “divinely guided one.” In 874 A.D., the six-year-old son of the eleventh imam went into hiding to protect himself from the persecution of the reigning Abbasid empire. The Shia believe that he hid himself in a cave below a mosque in Samarra; this cave is blocked by a gate that the Shia call “Bab-al Ghayba,” or the “Gate of Occultation.” This is one of the most sacred sites in Shi’a Islam, and the faithful gather here to pray for the return of the twelfth imam. The occultation of the mahdi, known as “ghaybah” in Arabic, will end with his return to the world for the Last Judgment. This period will be marked by violent upheavals and attacks upon the faithful, but in the end, the mahdi will deliver the world to peace.

The Fervid Desire of Iran to release the curative of the pseudo-Christ Mahdi, to heal the world and bring peace by, ironically, destroying all non Muslims, as often explained by past Iranian President Ahmadinejad:

“Ex-President Ahmadinejad said the “Islamic Republic has no other mission but to prepare for the establishment of a world government . . . as the Imam [Mahdi] runs and manages the universe.” And the “Mahdavi perception [Mahdism] and view are the perfect method for the administration and direction of the world.” He defined Mahdism as the “defining strategy of the Islamic Republic,” a “comprehensive plan and strategic policy,” and a “political regime and world view.” Within that context, it’s determined the Mahdi’s advent is “inevitable” but also that it can be “accelerated” through human action.

Peace by Death: It’s important to accept that the Islamic path to peace is achieved by killing every person who is not Muslim. Consider, in 1,400 AD, Muslim Warlord Tamerlane killed 90,000 non-Muslim men in one day, taking similar numbers of women into sexual slavery. See: “The Apocalypse & Islam”

Muslims Borrowed ideas and facts from other religions. For instance, The Mahdi himself is never mentioned in the Quran, yet the Mahdi is an epic figure in both the Shia and Sunni Muslim religion.

See The Coming Final Battle, regarding Muslim end times views:

“While Muslim apocalyptic thought is diverse and complex, most narratives contain some elements easily recognized by Christians and Jews: at an undetermined time in the future the world will end, a messianic figure will return to the earth, and God will pass judgment on all people, justly relegating some to heaven and some to hell.”

The Quran “Is not an apocalyptic book,” so Muslims are “forced to turn to supplementary materials—including the words attributed to Muhammad, the Bible, global conspiracy theories about Judaism, stories of UFO abductions, and theories about the Bermuda Triangle—when discussing “the confused period” that comes before these final events.”

See “The Mahdi: The History of the Prophesized Figure”:

‘The Mahdi’s hiding in a “Major Occultation is the most important theological event for Shi’a Muslims since the death of the Prophet Mohammed, and it also represents the single most important theological break between the Shi’a and the Sunni.” & “Unlike all other men (including Prophet Mohammed), the Mahdi did not die but was instead withdrawn or hidden from the world of humanity, remaining until Allah was ready for him to return and usher in the End of Days.”’

The Mahdi is Not From the Quran, or in earliest literature, yet evolved into becoming the equivalent to Christ. The above source states,

“In Imamite Shi’ism, belief in messianic Imam (12th & last Imam) becomes not only a basic tenet of the creed, but also the foundation on which the entire spiritual edifice of the Imamite religion rests.” In turn, he became an unparalleled spiritual figure; & simultaneously still serving as spiritual guide for the faithful – hence his title “The Imam of Time” – and also the future messianic Mahdi who will return and judge the world for its crimes, ushering in an era of perfect worship and governance.”

Islam’s Confusingly Distorted Bible Characters: who are re-written to fit a Muslim Mahdi narrative, presented at the End Times, strangely described below:

“In the final days, Muslim scholars hold, Jesus comes again. But He’s a Muslim version of Jesus, Isa Al-Maseeh, a genuinely “false prophet” as described in Revelation, performing miraculous signs while being worshiped. This Muslim “Isa” is the last in a series of prophets, all testifying to Muhammad and God’s final revelation. Zealous for Islam, Isa Al-Maseeh descends and destroys all crosses, converts Christians from the most abominable sins against Alla[h], and kills all Christians and others who refuse to convert to Islam.”

When Will the Mahdi Appear? According to Iranian Twelver eschatology, when the Dajji, or Anti-Christ appears. “There’s also an anti-Christ – Ad-Dajjalin Arabic. He’ll claim to be the Messiah, but is a liar. He’s a charismatic leader of the Jews, followed by them, but will finally be slaughtered by the Muslim Jesus.”

Dajji is Devil: The Dajji is described as follows: “The Prophet said (about the Dajjal) that he is one eyed, his right eye is as if a protruding out grape. The Dajjal will be blind from the left eye and upon his eye would be a thick mark (or covering); on his forehead would be written (the three letters) ka fa ra or kafir — or ‘Infidel’.” And “He will be a young man with a ruddy complexion, with thick curly hair, blind or defective in the right eye, his left eye will be covered with a thick piece of flesh growing at the edge of his eye.”

Dajjal’s character:

The Dajjal, False Messiah or Antichrist, plays a key role in Muslim eschatology. He’s ‘the apocalyptic opponent of Jesus’, appearing in the last days. He’s ‘a malevolent creature in human form.’ His arrival will follow the appearance of the Mahdi’. He claims to be Jesus, and his forces attack the Mahdi, while almost defeating him when the real Jesus descends from heaven. Working together, Jesus & Mahdi destroy the Dajjal and his army. After some time, Jesus and the Mahdi will die and the various signs of the end times will culminate in the Resurrection and the Day of Judgment. See Dajjal: The Anti-Christ: Research, Critical Analysis

One Teaching Claims Syria as the final place of the Muslim Apocalypse War of the Mahdi: “Dabiq is the name of a small town in northern Syria. According to Muslim eschatological tradition, it will be the site of a major battle that will be fought between Muslims and Christian invaders, a battle that will be one of the signs that the end-times have begun.”

“The final apocalyptic battles occur north of Israel in the land of Magog (Rev. 20:7) during the reign of the final caliph, the Mahdi, who will rule over all Islam. The Mahdi wears a crown while on a white horse, matching Revelation 6:2. And with help of Isa Al-Maseeh (Muslim Jesus) will defeat Dajjal, resulting in a world where Islam finally is the only religion, all other religions being banished from the face of the earth.”

Now, 670 million Muslims, including an overwhelming majority in the Middle East and western Asia, expect to see the Mahdi in their lifetimes—sometime during the first half of the 21st century. See Bad Moon Rising: Islam, Armageddon…

Are you religious, do you believe God is behind all these events? And how about treachery and religious support for war? And why does Joe Biden & Co. gather the very elements needed for war against Israel, including funding, official betrayal, nuclear programs and western propagandization? We need intervention by patriots and clear headed leaders, and the mercy of God to stave off this attempt top kick-start Islamic WWIII.

Kelly O’Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.

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INTRO TO SWC Email – Who is Behind all the Evil in this World?

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Email sent by David Sorensen

Posted July 27, 2023

Well OK… I’m about to share some information that detractors undoubtedly will whine is way too heavy on Conspiracy Theory information and thus is in the realm of incredulity. AND TO BE HONEST, I have a tough time swallowing it all as reliable. NEVERTHELESS, The crazy stuff from governments (USA and once Free World), media and science being EXPOSED as damnable lies with the only purpose to brainwash a trusting public; leads me to question everything spewed by the liars.

And so…I subscribe to Stop World Control (SWC). The rather long information I’m about to share is from a SWC email dated 7/25/23 sent from David Sorensen of SWC. There are lots of graphics and couple of videos which I will attempt to incorporate.

BUT HERE’S THING! As I said some of the info is hard to swallow. SO, VERIFY on your own nickel whether it is fact or fiction. BUT BEFORE DISMISSING as fiction out of hand, in today’s environment of official liars, do some checking with sources YOU trust. Keep in mind some sources are on the very payroll convicted as evil by the SWC post.


JRH 7/27/23


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Who is behind the agenda for world domination?

Email from David Sorensen

Email sent July 25, 2023 7:32 PM

Stop World Control [Read in browser link]

This post is a section from the report
The Agenda for World Domination by the World Economic Forum“. There you find references for the presented information.

When we look at the crazy plans of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and the United Nations, we have to wonder who comes up with this kind of insanity? Especially when we see how pedophilia is being normalized, men are encouraged to dress like women, and toddlers are coerced into having their sex surgically changed, even without their parents’ consent. Where does all this perversion and cruelty come from? In order to find the answer, we must look behind the curtain of the public world theatre.

We must understand that organizations like the World Economic Forum are in reality a storefront for entities who operate behind the scenes.

This was explained during an international Grand Jury composed of eleven lawyers and a judge, during which the official agenda of world domination by financial elites was revealed by expert former agents of the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the US and British Military and Intelligence Agencies. One of the expert witnesses was Alex Thomson, a former officer of Britain’s Signals Intelligence Agency, GCHQ, the partner agency to NSA (National Security Agency, USA). As an intelligence officer, Alex learned about the British strategy for world domination. He testified to the Grand Jury how the world is run by powerful financial entities who never show themselves to the public, and who control the WEF, WHO, UN, IMF, EU, BIS, etc.

Our question is of course: who are these hidden rulers? In order to answer this inquiry, we have to go back in history…

Roman Emperor

Throughout human history, there have been psychopaths who lusted for world domination – i.e., Egyptian Pharaohs, Roman Emperors, Russian Tsars, European Kings, and so on.

The lust for world domination is a basic reality throughout all of world history. One world empire has succeeded another: the Greek, Persian, Byzantine, Chinese, Roman, Spanish and British world empires, etc. A popularly held belief today is that this ancient desire to rule the entire world has somehow disappeared – but nothing could be further from the truth. As we have just seen, emerging surveillance and data harvesting technologies allow the installation of worldwide systems of total control that previous tyrants could not even dream of.

Peasants Working for Castle

For thousands of years, freedom never existed on earth, as the entire world was always ruled by tyrants who oppressed the people. In Europe, these rulers lived in luxurious castles, while the peasants worked hard in the fields. Most of what they produced went to the wealthy tyrants.

The tyrants offered some level of comfort to the people to prevent them from revolting. A typical strategy is the “bread and circuses” concept: give the masses entertainment and food and they will be quiet. This was true in ancient Rome, as in any other culture. Today we see this on a massive scale, with the expansion of the sports and entertainment industry. The vast majority of the population has no interest in wisdom, knowledge or understanding, but rather choose to sit in front of their TV all night eating cheap industrial food. They are kept at peace with “bread and circuses”.

Over time, the world population grew ever larger, and this posed an increasing threat to the power of the rulers. The more people they must control, the greater the risk of large-scale resistance. So they changed their strategy: instead of operating out in the open, where the masses are fully aware that they are being oppressed by tyrants, they decided to move backstage and give the masses the illusion of being in charge – through elections.

Controlling Politicians

In reality, the rulers never gave up their power; they have simply manipulated elections in order to position their political puppets, who dance on their strings.54

In this way, the same ancient tyrants stay in control, while the people think they are free. This was confirmed by a former top official from the United Nations, Calin Georgesque, who was an executive director at the UN for 18 years. He explained that real elections are basically non-existent in the world. His expert witness testimony before the International Crimes Investigative Committee can be seen in our documentary, “Secrets of the United Nations“. Abundant further evidence that elections are rigged can be found in this evidence report.


By moving their operations behind the scenes, the rulers could be protected from the wrath of the public. But they also needed to shield themselves from the prosecution of governments, so they created for themselves so-called “sovereign states”. A sovereign state is a small area that is not submitted to the laws of the land, and is, in essence, untouchable.

BIS – Basel, Switzerland

An example of such a sovereign state, is the Bank for International Settlements [BIS], which oversees more than 50 central banks – making it one of the most powerful financial entities in the world.

The BIS became a sovereign, untouchable entity in 1987 through the Headquarters Agreement which was negotiated with the Swiss Federal Council. This agreement includes the following:

✔︎ Full inviolability for all buildings of the BIS, and the land beneath and around them, indifferent to who owns them.

✔︎ Full immunity from criminal and civil prosecution and proceedings for the bank as such.

✔︎ No payment of taxes on transactions and salaries of personnel.

✔︎ No disclosure to governments regarding the activities of the BIS.

✔︎ Not subject to any jurisdiction.

The Bank for International Settlements cannot be prosecuted, doesn’t need to inform the government of its activities, pays no taxes, and is not submitted to any jurisdiction. It can do whatever it wants.

City of London

An even more powerful sovereign state is the City of London, an area of one square mile, in the heart of London city.

The City of London is the financial center of the world and the headquarters of the British elites, where hundreds of banks have their offices. It’s not governed by the British government, but on the contrary, reigns supreme over it. The City of London has its own courts and police, is unchallenged in its sovereignty and self-government, and rules over most of the Earth. It is also the headquarters for worldwide Freemasonry, as well as the headquarters for the worldwide money cartel known as “The Crown”. The Crown controls the global financial system and runs the governments of all Commonwealth countries (United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, most of Africa) and many non-Commonwealth ‘Western’ nations as well (i.e., Greece), while their hand of influence even reaches deeply into Latin America and Asia. The Crown traces back to the Vatican.

Vatican City State

Surprisingly, the most important sovereign state in the world is the Vatican City State. While to the public the Vatican presents itself as a religious institution, in reality, it is the head of the worldwide financial network.

Most people don’t realize that there is not just one pope, but in fact there are three: the White Pope, the Black Pope and the Grey Pope. The only one we ever see is the White Pope, but little do we know that he is the lowest of the three popes. In reality, the highest authority is the Grey Pope, who is never seen in public at all – he operates as a perfectly concealed supreme puppet master. While the Vatican presents itself to humanity as the seat of godliness, it is in fact the exact opposite. As the saying goes: “The best place for the devil to hide is in the church.” The lower-level people who work in the Vatican are clueless to this, just as low-level government officials are oblivious to who truly controls their nation. The rulers ensure that all who work for them on the lower levels are kept in a state of complete ignorance. Only those that begin to ask questions and seek truth will eventually be confronted with more and more corruption, the higher they climb the ladder.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has exposed sexual abuse and financial corruption in the Vatican. He also warns humanity of their agenda of world domination.

Rumble VIDEO: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano calls for resistance against New World Order

[Posted by stopworldcontrol

Published March 7, 2022


The vast majority of humanity – even most political leaders – have no clue that these sovereign states even exist, let alone rule the world. All we know and see are the public personalities – like politicians and businessmen – who are mere puppets of these concealed puppet masters. Their strength is in obscurity. By remaining hidden from the view of humanity, they are able to operate unchecked, without being held accountable by the people. Enter your text here…

Grand Jury Evidence (Medical Tyranny)

A good resource to learn about the agenda for world domination by hidden rulers, is the “Grand Jury Evidence”. This report contains the expert testimonies of former members of the British Intelligence Service, British Navy, US Marine Corps, World Health Organization, United Nations, and the CDC who testified before an international Grand Jury of 11 lawyers and a judge about the agenda for world domination. Download this PDF. [Blog Editor: Actual PDF Document]


Just who are the people in these sovereign states, and who are the entities that work for them in the nations of the world? This worldwide network is generally referred to as the Deep State, Shadow Government, Cabal, The 1%, Satanic Bloodlines, Illuminati, Elites, Royals, Black Nobility, Khazarian Mafia and so on. They consist of ancient royal dynasties and bloodlines that go back hundreds and even thousands of years. To learn more about these nefarious families – who they are, where they come from and how they operate – I recommend the classic work by Fritz Springmeier, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”. This highly acclaimed reference work is made available as a download on the website of the CIA. It reveals information about the bloodlines in the United States of America who exert their influence worldwide.

Bloodlines of the Illuminati Bk Cover

The classic works, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”, volumes 1, 2 & 3, by Fritz Springmeier, are considered authoritative.

Order as paperback:  
Buy volume 1
Buy volume 2
Buy volume 3

Download as PDF:
Download volume 1
Download volume 2
Download volume 3

Satanic Bloodlines Bk Cover

A second authoritative resource that focuses more on the European families, is “The 13 Satanic Bloodlines” by the investigative journalist Robin de Ruiter, who in 2008 accurately predicted the covid pandemic. This four volume work was banned in France, but is published in about 100 other nations and languages. —Download as PDF

Some of the criminal families are Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg, DuPont, Russell, Onassis, Collins, Morgan, Kennedy, Van Duyn, Li, Astor, Vanderbilt, Bauer, Whitney, Duke, Oppenheimer, Grey, Sinclair, Schiff, Solvay, Sassoon, Wheeler, Todd, Clinton, Taft, Goldschmidt, Wallenberg, Guggenheim, Bush and many others.


There are also the royal families, like the House of Habsburg, one of the most prominent dynasties in European history who ruled over most of Europe.

Other royal families are the House of Windsor (United Kingdom and the Commonwealth), House of Orange-Nassau (plays a central role in the politics and government of Europe), the House of Schwarzenberg (one of the most prominent European noble houses), etc. Many of these families are genetically connected, as they all hold the belief that they havedifferent genetics than the rest of humanity, and therefore have the right to rule over all of us. It is an established fact that they call the public their “cattle” or “livestock”. To them, humanity is merely a herd of animals that they must manage.

House of WindsorHouse of ORANGE-NASSAU (Netherlands Royals) – House of Schwarzenberg

At the helm of all these families is the so-called “head of the snake”, the Black Nobility or the Jesuit / Papal bloodlines, whose headquarters are in the Vatican City State. One of the most prominent ones is the House of Orsini, who are descendants from the Julio-Claudian dynasty of ancient Rome. Much more information about all this can be found in the aforementioned reference works, on the Dutch website (translate the pages using Google translate), and on the internet, when using the uncensored search engine Qwant.


Pyramid (All-Seeing Eye)

Are the concealed families who operate from within the sovereign states the highest level of the pyramid of power that controls the world? No. There is more to reveal. This next level of information can be especially challenging for some readers because it is so out of this world – quite literally. In order to help you understand the reality of what you are about to learn, I will first give some basic historic background. When we look at world history, there is one thing that stands out:

In every culture, everywhere on earth, one thing has always been at the heart of every society: the worship of demonic entities.

Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Rome, and Greece were deeply embedded in spiritual practices which usually involved two things: sexual abuse and human sacrifice. This applies to every part of the world, be it Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe – it is literally worldwide. Christianity and Islam refer to the dark spiritual entity known as Satan (which means opponent or adversary). But there are also other beings. One prominent spiritual entity that has been worshipped throughout the history of humanity is called Moloch. In different cultures around the world, he is known by various names, such as Melech, Mo-lech, Milcom, Melkom, Molek, Malec, Malik, Melek, Malkum, Melqart, Melkart, Milk, Melqarth, Kronos and Cronus. In Islam, for example, Mo-lech is called Malec or Malik.

The many names confirm the worldwide worship of this demonic entity.

Moloch is depicted as a human with the head of a bull. In ceremonies, statues of this demon were heated with fire, and once the outstretched hands were glowing hot, living babies were placed in them. To suppress the terrified cries of the child being burned alive, loud music was played.

Moloch (Child Sacrifice)

This is basic human historythat every one of us should be aware of. When you travel anywhere in the world, the architectural remains of human sacrifice can often be seen at various locations. In South America, the Aztec pyramids, for example, mark the landscape. At the top of these pyramids, humans were sacrificed to dark spiritual forces. In Europe, this was done by the Druids; in Africa by the shamans; in Egypt by the high priests, and so on. Human sacrifice has been at the heart of most cultures around the world.

Aztec Human Sacrifice

With the spread of Christianity, this horrific practice was abolished in the public sphere, but it wasn’t eradicated from society. Rather, many servants of the dark realm continued practicing these rituals in secret.And this is where we now come to the top of the pyramid of world power…

In every quality resource about this topic, you will find abundant documentation that, at the supreme level of the power structures, ritual sexual abuse and human sacrifice are still practiced.

Ronald Bernard

One example of this was revealed by Ronald Bernard, a former bankster who worked at a high level of the worldwide financial imperium.

Bernard moved trillions of dollars for the concealed rulers and gained a clear understanding of what happens in these circles. In the video below, he testifies that at the higher levels of the financial elites, most people are members of a religion called Luciferianism.Ronald participated in some of their satanic masses, which involve a lot of alcohol and sex. At some point, he was invited to attend high level meetings in Germany, where children would be sacrificed. He was promised that this would swing wide open the gates to astronomical power and great wealth for him personally. Instead of moving billions for the financial rulers, he would become a billionaire himself. All he had to do was put his conscience in the freezer – at minus 100. This is the motivation behind the cruel practice of human sacrifice:

In return for the offering up of humans (especially babies and children) to demonic forces, the elites receive power and wealth from the dark realm. This explains their extraordinary financial resources and their incredible influence worldwide.

Ronald Bernard refused to partake of this horror and left the world of the ruling financial elites behind. He was tortured to death, then had an NDE (near death experience) and miraculously came back to life in the hospital. After serving the dark realm, Ronald felt that he had been given a second chance to restore the damage he had caused to humanity. He has now dedicated his life to the creation of an alternative financial system, that can help people escape the tyrannical systems of the elites.

The highly revealing eye-witness testimony of Ronald Bernard can be seen in the following video, which has been viewed by about 90 million people worldwide.

Rumble VIDEO: Amazing testimony from financial elite insider – Ronald Bernard

[Posted by stopworldcontrol

Published March 10, 2022

Incredible revelations from elite whistleblower Ronald Bernard. See more here:]

The information shared by Ronald Bernard is confirmed by former directors of the CIA, FBI, police, gendarmerie, military, detectives, eye witnesses, judges, and many surviving victims in our evidence report about sexual abuse and murder by high level officials. I also have in my possession several personal letters from women who escaped the cruel circles of the elites, where they have been raped thousands of times.

Nathalie: Confessions Of A Fashion Model Bk Cover (Dutch version – Here’s the English version)

Nathalie Augustina was a world-famous fashion model who was mind-controlled by the CIA to be a sex slave for the highest level of the elites: royal families, heads of state, commanders of the military, Hollywood celebrities, etc. She describes her story in a Dutch book written by the aforementioned reporter Robin de Ruiter. 

Another (anonymous) surviving victim and eye-witness also sent me several letters. These are highly disturbing to read, but I have decided to include a small portion of them in this report, as these eye-witness accounts reveal a hidden reality that humanity urgently needs to become aware of.Please understand that you may experience cognitive dissonance or Semmelweis effect when seeing this information. These are psychological mechanisms that are subconsciously activated to protect us from new information that challenges our current beliefs.

Head in Sand

We hide our head in the sand because reality is too scary.

want to encourage you to be conscious about this, and not give in to the reflex of rejecting information that is disturbing. This is what sustains these horrors. The reason I share these sensitive details is because this kind of evil can only exist with the ignorance of humanity. Bringing this into the light is the first step to putting an end to this terror.


“I grew up in Canada. The core of this thing is genetics. These bloodline families believe they are genetically superior. Wherever you see people manipulating genetics…. it’s probably them. And wherever you find “royal families” ruling countries…. you’ll find them in abundance.

So… these families worship the fallen angels… that would be Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, Moloch and Baal. So my childhood was one satanic ritual after another. They are done on specific dates throughout the year…. solstices, equinoxes, full moons, etc. The purpose of the rituals is to gather power for themselvesA typical childhood in this horror will find kids raped a few thousand times by the time they’re 18. We’re talking a satanic cult network that is worldwide. And they make a big chunk of their money trafficking kids. It’s brutal.

They start the programming in the womb or at birth. They use astrology and numerology… they’re black magic occultists…. they pick your birth date…. they groom you for specific careers. They attempt to put their people at the top of fields around the world. But now they’re going for broke. They want a central world government…. in Jerusalem. They want to take down nation states.

Because the torture in the cult is so extreme…. people split and dissociate, so most people are DID… suffering from dissociative identity disorder…. which used to be called multiple personality disorder. Basically you end up with a whole bunch of people or personality fragments inside yourself… because with each torture…. you split.

The result of this is that a lot of people who went through this…. have no memory of it…. and the cult takes advantage of that. They structure the personality so you have personalities that come out at night…. and others that live your day life. People live double lives and don’t realize that. It’s very clever, so the cult gets all sorts of things done at night. They want unfeeling psychopaths who will have no emotion as they do their dirty work. They strip the feelings right out of kids in the cult. They put you through near death experiences….. this opens up the psychic centers and shoots the IQ through the roof. Makes kids very useful to them.

During world war 2… the Nazis developed sophisticated mind control techniques…. and many medical procedures…. Allen Dulles, who was the first director of the CIA (first called the OSS – office of strategic studies), got funding from the US gov’t under Project Paperclip….. he brought a lot of the scientists and doctors over to the US. Russia took a lot of them also. When they got here… they carried on their work…. but that mind control got integrated into the cult network throughout North America. That’s how I ended up in it. The fact that my grandfather and great uncle were both Grand Masters in the Scottish Rite of Masonry here…. was also why. I was born into it.

Nothing this lady wrote to me was totally new, as I have read similar revelations in numerous publications, by established investigators who have been warning humanity for decades. I have also seen several videos with testimonies from other people who escaped this dark network of world rulers. That’s how I know this information to be authentic and accurate.

In another personal letter which I received from a different surviving victim, Nathalie Augustina, I read certain details that explain the connection between criminal humans and higher spiritual entities, who use them for an even far more nefarious purpose than just financial corruption and political world power. What Nathalie describes has been revealed in the past by several researchers and whistleblowers, but nevertheless I found it deeply disturbing, as she reveals the substantial reality of evil. It’s one thing to know about the abstract concept of evil; it’s a whole different experience to discover how real the forces of darkness are. They are very well organized and operate in an extremely strategic way. Here is a segment from Nathalie’s letters to me:


“My book is only a fraction of the truth. It is all much worse. I have actually waited until the people are awake enough before telling everything. The people were awakened via the elections in the USA with the illegitimate positioning of pedophile Joe Biden, covid and now Ukraine.

I know the whole world of satanic pedophile head families. I know and have been used and raped by members of the ruling families who are above the Royal Houses. The Dutch fake royal house has as its boss the Habsburg clan and the Vatican. The Rothschilds control all royals financiallyEvery Royal House must bow before them and give act de presence when summoned.

I was often in Switzerland in DAVOS and Lausanne and Zurich and Geneva. Always during the political meetings of world leadersThere is much more going on on earth than you know or realize. E.g. Klaus Schwab is a pure Habsburg.

The Absolute Ruling Families meet 3 times a year in Davos, Switzerland. These gatherings are closed and heavily secured. This is where the Dinosaur Families meet. One specific group only comes out at night. Never during the day. Daylight is harmful to them. They’re not normal people either. They live hundreds of years, the oldest I met was 830 years old. They do not eat food like humans do. Their medical need is baby blood, until 25 days after the baby is born. The other group takes baby blood and baby meat, nothing but that.”

Anyone who wants to verify this information can watch the videos in this report, download the PDF documents, read the books, and do your own research on the internet using the uncensored search engine Qwant and the video platform BitChute. If you want to learn more about the reality of cannibalism in the dark realm, I invite you to look into our evidence report about abuse by high level officials.

I will offer something here that confirms the cannibalistic nature of the elites. In Hollywood, there have recently been exclusive parties organized by Marina Abramovic. Some photographs from these parties leaked out, and you can see them in the linked report below. Because of their graphic nature, I have concealed them. In order to see the images, click the link. But if you are very sensitive, do not open it.

Click to see images [***] that prove the satanic nature of the elites. [***Blog Editor: At this point at this Stop World Control post, you will have to scroll down and “CLICK” where it says to do so. I’m not showing the graphic images of ritual Satanic abuse on this Blog.]

What you see in these images is just the superficial low-level stuff shown to the public. We cannot even imagine what they are doing in secret. The eye-witness testimonies also only briefly lift the veil of this dark realm. Once you know how evil these entities are, it becomes clear why they have no problem imposing the inhumane tyranny promoted by the World Economic Forum and their allies. It is critical that we have the courage to share this information with the world. Enter your text here…

Humanity is not merely suffering from corrupt politicians and bankers, but is under attack by pure evil. At the very top, there are dark spiritual entities that are simply a continuation of ancient practices of demon worship and human sacrifice. 


Hope Future

What we must understand however, is that aside from these dark forces, there is also a Creator who is the giver and origin of all that is good, who is on the side of humanity, to deliver us from evil.

In the past decades, there has been a worldwide, strategic mind control operation against the people of this world, to steer the vast majority away from the Source of all life. When people are disconnected from God, who alone is greater than the realm of evil, they are easier to control and enslave. Spiritually ignorant people are powerless. It is imperative that we wake up from this brainwashed state of induced spiritual blindness and return to the Giver of all life, who can empower and guide us to deliver humanity from the forces of darkness. This has nothing to do with religion, but is as basic to our existence as 1+1=2. We all know there is good and evil. It is, however, not just some vague “energy”, but there exist personal entities, just as we are personal beings. It is absurd to recognize the existence of intense evil, while denying the reality of the realm of life, love, goodness and truth. 


The following diagram shows a basic overview of the worldwide power structure of evil and corruption, which has penetrated every aspect of human society. I reveal this in the hope that it will assist in the worldwide downfall of these nefarious networks, since their strength is the ignorance of the population. As long as they can operate beyond the awareness of the public, they can continue unchecked. That’s why I implore all who read this report to please not hesitate to share it, but have the courage to spread it far and wide, as that is what will eventually shatter these networks’ stronghold over humanity. As long as they can operate in total darkness, meaning no one can see them, they can continue their operations unchecked. Once this is brought into the light, meaning the world becomes aware of it, they can no longer hide and will be held accountable for their innumerable crimes against humanity and all of creation. 

Worldwide Criminal Power Structure [Original photo a GIF – Click embedded link to view larger size]


This post is a part of a longer report “The Agenda for World Domination by the World Economic Forum”. There you also find all the references that prove all the above information. If you want to see the full picture, with more evidence, make sure to read the full report.

[Blog Editor: From this point there are a huge amount linked headings of Stop World Control posts under this introductory heading: “CRITICAL INFORMATION FOR HUMANITY”. IF you found this post interesting or informative, YOU should scroll down after CLICKING HERE.]

Copyright 2023 Stop World Control, All rights reserved.

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BECOME AWARE – Eat the Hay & Spit Out the Sticks

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Posted July 21, 2023

Here are a series of posts that might be challenging for the low attention span generation, NEVERTHELESS – If you place any value on Liberty, you might want some awareness of what potentially is coming down the pike.

DO NOT swallow any of these posts hook-line-and-sinker! Do some critical thinking and some double checking on your own. Particularly the last post because much of the sourcing is Russia. I DO NOT TRUST Russia any more than I do Putin’s (former Communist KGB Agent – OF INTEREST: HERE & HERE) newest ally the CCP-China. A biblical teacher of influence in my past offered wise advice: Be as smart as an old cow – eat the hay and spit out the sticks.

JRH 7/21/23


Thank you to those who have stepped up! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips [**I’m reversing the order of the original Substack post. Here it will be text first then video AND the video will be Bitchute rather than Reese’s original upload.]

Claims our only hope is to build our own banking system


July 19, 2023

The Reese Report

German banking economist Richard Werner was selected as a “Global Leader for Tomorrow” by the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2003. Here he tells us an insider’s view of what to expect. And says the only way to survive the Great Reset is to immediately set up our own banking system.

The Bank for International Settlements recently published a report called, “Blueprint for the future monetary system: improving the old, enabling the new.” This report proposes that a Central Bank Digital Currency will serve as the new reserve currency. And calls for the digital confiscation of all physical property by assigning every real-world item its own unique digital token which will contain rules on how each item can and cannot be used. So that each person can be controlled and conditioned directly by the central bank.


[Posted by Greg Reese

First Published July 19th, 2023 12:44 UTC


© 2023 Greg Reese

The Reese Report HOMEPAGE



DISMANTLED: Part I – ODNI Report on COVID-19 Wuhan Origins Is an Exit Strategy

Potential Links to Wuhan [Political Moonshine Photo]


July 19, 2023

Political Moonshine’s Newsletter

In June of this year, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued its report ‘Potential Links Between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Origins of the COVID-19 Pandemic.’ Analysis of the report against the backdrop of a substantial catalog of evidence indicates that the ODNI report is a covering exit strategy to control unavoidable circumstances. Those circumstances include the devastating effects of the mRNA “vaccines” and entangle the Biden family via Metabiota via Labyrinth Global Health, Inc., via Black & Veatch via COVID-19 contracts with the US Department of Defense.

The problematic aspects of ODNI’s report begin with the word ‘potential’ in the title.

There’s no ‘potential’ when US federal dollars flowed from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID through the conduit of Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

There’s no ‘potential’ when artificial HIV inserts are discovered in SARS-CoV-2 as an indicator of ‘gain of function’ work, which means the virus was weaponized.

There’s no ‘potential’ when the evidence indicates that SARS-CoV-2, which according to US patent filings attached to it and whereby federal law prohibits patenting anything that is naturally occurring, was bioengineered at the WIV.

There’s no ‘potential’ when a whistleblower and former doctor from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Li-Meng Yan, indicates that her lab developed SARS-CoV-2 as a bioweapon while she worked there.

‘Potential’ is a key word for an exit.

Another troublesome aspect here is ODNI’s delinquent timing relative to the 2024 election; as overlaid by the fact that to a certain depth, much of the information cited in this report has been available in the public domain for several years.

Of course, we have no idea about the classified annex contents, though.

ODNI report’s Executive Summary states [emphasis added]:

(U) This report responds to the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023, which called for the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) to declassify information relating to potential links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report outlines the IC’s understanding of the WIV, its capabilities, and the actions of its personnel leading up to and in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report does not address the merits of the two most likely pandemic origins hypotheses, nor does it explore other biological facilities in Wuhan other than the WIV. A classified annex to this report includes information that was necessary to exclude from the unclassified portion of this report in order to protect sources and methods, but the information contained in the annex is consistent with the unclassified assessments contained in this report.

(U) This report was drafted by the National Intelligence Officer for Weapons of Mass Destruction and Proliferation and coordinated with the IC

ODNI’s summary findings are plagued in several fundamental ways.

For one and according to the aggregate analysis at Moonshine, the intelligence community having jurisdiction is problematic for the reasons that follow.

The intelligence community is the spine to a long timeline of geopolitical corruption, criminality, biowarfare, assassinations and treason and this is the same intelligence community that is charged with declassifying COVID-19 origins information.

The COVID-19 origins information attaches to US federal dollars and is direct evidence of the biowarfare cited.

In one instance, funding from Anthony Fauci’s NIAID flowed through the conduit of Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance to the WIV.

On its face, it’s ludicrous to believe that ODNI under Biden is going to come forward with anything off-reservation or further damaging to an already collapsed COVID-19 narrative.

Secondly, ODNI’s scope is extremely limited in its failure to address the merits of the two floated COVID-19 origins hypotheses, which remain cover stories themselves, and in its failure to consider other biolabs in China or elsewhere [like the over 40 US Department of Defense biolabs in Ukraine].

Thirdly but not surprisingly, there is a classified annex containing further information and therefore, our only indicator is that the two information sets are said to be consistent with one another according to ODNI’s word.

Fourthly, ODNI is wielding ‘sources and methods’ for concealment purposes, which is a staple hiding spot for the intelligence and law enforcement communities.

Between a classified annex and ‘sources and methods,’ there are plenty of hiding spots for ODNI to park the truth about the origins of COVID-19 where none of us will ever see it.

What little has come-out is extremely late, curiously timed to the 2024 election and represents cover stories in their own regard.

Lastly, the ODNI report was authored by the National Intelligence Officer for Weapons of Mass Destruction and Proliferation.

The calibration of COVID-19 to biowarfare via its categorization under WMD/proliferation is direct evidence of 1-positions established in very early 2020 and 2-May 06 May 20 statement that President Trump was a wartime president and that the US is embroiled in an asymmetrical, irregular and undeclared war against China according to China’s stated and preferred doctrinal warfare vector of biowarfare.

The WMD categorization falls back on analysis from my 06 May 20 article Making the Case for Treason:

Moreover, there were multiple incidents of Chinese nationals smuggling bio-weapons that were interrupted and one relates to an FBI tactical intelligence report on WMDDs (weapons of mass destruction) that gave the FBI notice of the China viral outbreak circa October 2019; two months before the World Health Organization (WHO) was made aware. More troublesome is that the attached ancillary intelligence report was marked FISA. Even more troubling is the FBI’s failure to meet its onus of reporting the outbreak – a national security concern – to the DOD as they are compelled to do. Why was the DOD kept in the dark? Was it that pesky intelligence report marked FISA coupled with WMDD and tying back to folks interested in winning 2020? In short, likely.

As Speaker of the House, Pelosi is an ex officio member of Adam Schiff’s House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and they would have been privy to the aforementioned intelligence reports; especially given the national security implications.

If the FBI knew in October 2019, so did Pelosi, presumably. What did Nancy do between October 2019 and 18 Dec 19? She apparently ignored the viral outbreak and instead drove a fraudulent impeachment scheme. Does that reflect intent, motivation, means, access, opportunity and dereliction of duty? What about other high crimes and misdemeanors? Note that when we say Pelosi, it extends to her Chairmen and complicit others.

Political Moonshine on 06 May 20

The analysis on the FISA marker is a simple one that adheres to old ideas about constructs serving more than one purpose.

Obama, et al. were abusing FISA/FISC as a mechanism of intelligence gathering on their political opponents.

With FISA/FISC already a compromised and effective mechanism for intelligence gathering, the lane for the most success and the least risk was applying FISA warrants to subjects executing their own designed criminality.

By assigning FISA markers to their own kind and because FISC is the most secretive known court in the country that supersedes other jurisdictions to prevent any agency or department from further discussion or action, Obama/Biden et al. were able to use FISA to vacuum-up evidence of their own ongoing criminality to seal it away at the highest and most secretive level.

Beyond the targeting of political opposition, that’s how I believe FISC/FISA was/is being used by the Obama/Biden cartel and I wrote a piece on it in April 2020.

FISC is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and FISA is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; in particular section 702, which provides the statutory authority.

702 FISA warrants permit the intelligence community to surveil foreign subjects and subjects who are US citizens for the purpose of collecting information.

The component of ‘intelligence hops’ bears down very hard here.

For example, FISC may authorize agents and officers using Section 702 warrants to extend out the scope of the warrant to include people contacting the warrant subject in the context of the warrant by 2 or 3 levels of contact.

When this occurs, the FISA warrant “hops” to the contacting individual making him a subject of the warrant.

If, for example, the intelligence community dispatched a foreign asset like Joseph Misfud to engage with someone who interacted with President Trump, like former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopolous, President Trump is only one or two “hops” away from being a FISA warrant subject.

Then, if DOJ cared to pursue a prosecution of President Trump, a Special Counsel could be appointed like Robert Mueller was in 2017.

President Trump was [is?] a FISA warrant subject, so you can do the math there.

From FISA:

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is a critical tool for protecting our national security. It enables the U.S. Intelligence Community to collect, analyze, and share foreign intelligence information on individual terrorists, weapons proliferators, hackers, and other foreign intelligence targets. Take a deeper look at how we use FISA Section 702, how privacy and civil liberties safeguards are built into our work, and how our use of these tools is overseen by all three branches of government.


The initial investigation into President Trump was begun as a counterintelligence investigation and then later transitioned to a criminal investigation.

Targeting Trump with a FISA warrant allowed Obama/Biden et al. to avoid the higher evidentiary threshold required for a criminal warrant.

So then, once the counterintelligence investigation was off the ground and running it was laundered into a criminal investigation by the DOJ.

The DOJ inherited the FISA-based counterintelligence investigation and laundered it into a criminal case appointing Robert Mueller, who personally delivered yellow cake uranium samples to a Russian runway in the Hillary Clinton Uranium One scandal, as Special Counsel to prosecute it.

In actuality, though, establishment pit bull and Leftist stalwart Andrew Weissmann ran that operation and the entire DOJ since anything that mattered fell under the Special Counsel’s scope and purview.

FISA permitted Obama/Biden et al. to circumvent three things: 1-a higher evidentiary threshold required for a criminal warrant on Trump, 2-Trump’s fundamental rights guaranteed by the US Constitution and 3-the CIA’s own directive that prevents it from operating domestically; much less on a sitting president.

COVID-19 was a “pandemic” of enterprise fraud in service to a multifaceted coup d’etat that permitted the theft of the 2020 election as a mechanism to remove a sitting president; and the intelligence community is the spine to all of it.

This is the same intelligence community that made declassification decisions and then authored and issued this COVID-19 origins report while hiding behind a classified annex from inside of a ‘sources and methods’ bunker.

THE ANALYSIS holds that ODNI is in damage control mode to steer the unavoidable circumstances of the back end of a fraudulent “pandemic” and its failed narrative to the most advantageous and acceptable landing spot.

At the same time, ODNI is serving up multiple origins cover stories to choose from and with no commitment to either one nor to any effort to further investigate for the truth.

It is clear that the ODNI report is an important component to a broader COVID-19 exit strategy.

That exit strategy is required as a remedy for the establishment’s failed COVID-19 narrative.

That exit strategy is required because the President and Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden and the Department of Defense are central nodes that are reinforced by a wide swath of similarly compromised politicians and unelected federal bureaucrats.

That exit strategy is required because the intelligence community that conscripted all of these players owns a failed narrative associated with unprecedented death and destruction; and it needs an out now; before 2024.

Be warned, though.

Although SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 is going away, the construct into which it was plugged will never go away rather it will be the model for global governance in the form of medical tyranny.

All that’s needed is a new virus to plug in and there’s no shortage of those.

In part two, we will further dismantle the ODNI report in greater detail including Q&A from one of America’s Frontline Doctors, Dr. Lynn Fynn.


© 2023 Political Moonshine

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The Military Dangers of AI Are Not Hallucinations

Robot Soldier – Featured image: toy soldier by Marcus Ramberg is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 / Flickr

By Michael Klare and Tom Engelhardt

July 20, 2023

Activist Post

I give myself credit for being significantly ahead of my time. I first came across artificial intelligence (AI) in 1968 when I was just 24 years old and, from the beginning, I sensed its deep dangers. Imagine that.

Much as I’d like to brag about it, though, I was anything but alone. I was, in fact, undoubtedly one of millions of people who saw the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, directed by Stanley Kubrick from a script written with Arthur C. Clarke (inspired by a short story, “The Sentinel,” that famed science-fiction writer Clarke had produced in – yes! – 1948). AI then had an actual name, HAL 9,000 (but call “him” Hal).

And no, the first imagined AI in my world did not act well, which should have been (but didn’t prove to be) a lesson for us all. Embedded in a spaceship heading for Jupiter, he killed four of the five astronauts on it and did his best to do in the last of them before being shut down.

It should, of course, have been a warning to us all about a world we would indeed enter in this century. Unfortunately, as with so many things that are worrying on planet Earth, it seems that we couldn’t help ourselves. HAL was destined to become a reality – or rather endlessly multiplying realities – in this world of ours. In that context, TomDispatch regular Michael Klare, who has been warning for years about a “human” future in which “robot generals” could end up running armed forces globally, considers wars to come, what it might mean for AI to replace human intelligence in major militaries globally, and just where that might lead us. I’m not sure that either Stanley Kubrick or Arthur C. Clarke would be surprised. ~ Tom Engelhardt


Human Extinction as Collateral Damage

By Michael Klare

A world in which machines governed by artificial intelligence (AI) systematically replace human beings in most business, industrial, and professional functions is horrifying to imagine. After all, as prominent computer scientists have been warning us, AI-governed systems are prone to critical errors and inexplicable “hallucinations,” resulting in potentially catastrophic outcomes. But there’s an even more dangerous scenario imaginable from the proliferation of super-intelligent machines: the possibility that those nonhuman entities could end up fighting one another, obliterating all human life in the process.

The notion that super-intelligent computers might run amok and slaughter humans has, of course, long been a staple of popular culture. In the prophetic 1983 film WarGames, a supercomputer known as WOPR (for War Operation Plan Response and, not surprisingly, pronounced “whopper”) nearly provokes a catastrophic nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union before being disabled by a teenage hacker (played by Matthew Broderick). The Terminator movie franchise, beginning with the original 1984 film, similarly envisioned a self-aware supercomputer called “Skynet” that, like WOPR, was designed to control U.S. nuclear weapons but chooses instead to wipe out humanity, viewing us as a threat to its existence.

Though once confined to the realm of science fiction, the concept of supercomputers killing humans has now become a distinct possibility in the very real world of the near future. In addition to developing a wide variety of “autonomous,” or robotic combat devices, the major military powers are also rushing to create automated battlefield decision-making systems, or what might be called “robot generals.” In wars in the not-too-distant future, such AI-powered systems could be deployed to deliver combat orders to American soldiers, dictating where, when, and how they kill enemy troops or take fire from their opponents. In some scenarios, robot decision-makers could even end up exercising control over America’s atomic weapons, potentially allowing them to ignite a nuclear war resulting in humanity’s demise.

Michael Klare Book: Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict

Now, take a breath for a moment. The installation of an AI-powered command-and-control (C2) system like this may seem a distant possibility. Nevertheless, the U.S. Department of Defense is working hard to develop the required hardware and software in a systematic, increasingly rapid fashion. In its budget submission for 2023, for example, the Air Force requested $231 million to develop the Advanced Battlefield Management System (ABMS), a complex network of sensors and AI-enabled computers designed to collect and interpret data on enemy operations and provide pilots and ground forces with a menu of optimal attack options. As the technology advances, the system will be capable of sending “fire” instructions directly to “shooters,” largely bypassing human control.

“A machine-to-machine data exchange tool that provides options for deterrence, or for on-ramp [a military show-of-force] or early engagement,” was how Will Roper, assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology, and logistics, described the ABMS system in a 2020 interview. Suggesting that “we do need to change the name” as the system evolves, Roper added, “I think Skynet is out, as much as I would love doing that as a sci-fi thing. I just don’t think we can go there.”

And while he can’t go there, that’s just where the rest of us may, indeed, be going.

Mind you, that’s only the start. In fact, the Air Force’s ABMS is intended to constitute the nucleus of a larger constellation of sensors and computers that will connect all U.S. combat forces, the Joint All-Domain Command-and-Control System (JADC2, pronounced “Jad-C-two”). “JADC2 intends to enable commanders to make better decisions by collecting data from numerous sensors, processing the data using artificial intelligence algorithms to identify targets, then recommending the optimal weapon… to engage the target,” the Congressional Research Service reported in 2022.

AI and the Nuclear Trigger

Initially, JADC2 will be designed to coordinate combat operations among “conventional” or non-nuclear American forces. Eventually, however, it is expected to link up with the Pentagon’s nuclear command-control-and-communications systems (NC3), potentially giving computers significant control over the use of the American nuclear arsenal. “JADC2 and NC3 are intertwined,” General John E. Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicated in a 2020 interview. As a result, he added in typical Pentagonese, “NC3 has to inform JADC2 and JADC2 has to inform NC3.”

It doesn’t require great imagination to picture a time in the not-too-distant future when a crisis of some sort – say a U.S.-China military clash in the South China Sea or near Taiwan – prompts ever more intense fighting between opposing air and naval forces. Imagine then the JADC2 ordering the intense bombardment of enemy bases and command systems in China itself, triggering reciprocal attacks on U.S. facilities and a lightning decision by JADC2 to retaliate with tactical nuclear weapons, igniting a long-feared nuclear holocaust.

The possibility that nightmare scenarios of this sort could result in the accidental or unintended onset of nuclear war has long troubled analysts in the arms control community. But the growing automation of military C2 systems has generated anxiety not just among them but among senior national security officials as well.

As early as 2019, when I questioned Lieutenant General Jack Shanahan, then director of the Pentagon’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, about such a risky possibility, he responded, “You will find no stronger proponent of integration of AI capabilities writ large into the Department of Defense, but there is one area where I pause, and it has to do with nuclear command and control.” This “is the ultimate human decision that needs to be made” and so “we have to be very careful.” Given the technology’s “immaturity,” he added, we need “a lot of time to test and evaluate [before applying AI to NC3].”

In the years since, despite such warnings, the Pentagon has been racing ahead with the development of automated C2 systems. In its budget submission for 2024, the Department of Defense requested $1.4 billion for the JADC2 in order “to transform warfighting capability by delivering information advantage at the speed of relevance across all domains and partners.” Uh-oh! And then, it requested another $1.8 billion for other kinds of military-related AI research.

Pentagon officials acknowledge that it will be some time before robot generals will be commanding vast numbers of U.S. troops (and autonomous weapons) in battle, but they have already launched several projects intended to test and perfect just such linkages. One example is the Army’s Project Convergence, involving a series of field exercises designed to validate ABMS and JADC2 component systems. In a test held in August 2020 at the Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, for example, the Army used a variety of air- and ground-based sensors to track simulated enemy forces and then process that data using AI-enabled computers at Joint Base Lewis McChord in Washington state. Those computers, in turn, issued fire instructions to ground-based artillery at Yuma. “This entire sequence was supposedly accomplished within 20 seconds,” the Congressional Research Service later reported.

Less is known about the Navy’s AI equivalent, “Project Overmatch,” as many aspects of its programming have been kept secret. According to Admiral Michael Gilday, chief of naval operations, Overmatch is intended “to enable a Navy that swarms the sea, delivering synchronized lethal and nonlethal effects from near-and-far, every axis, and every domain.” Little else has been revealed about the project.

“Flash Wars” and Human Extinction

Despite all the secrecy surrounding these projects, you can think of ABMS, JADC2, Convergence, and Overmatch as building blocks for a future Skynet-like mega-network of super-computers designed to command all U.S. forces, including its nuclear ones, in armed combat. The more the Pentagon moves in that direction, the closer we’ll come to a time when AI possesses life-or-death power over all American soldiers along with opposing forces and any civilians caught in the crossfire.

Such a prospect should be ample cause for concern. To start with, consider the risk of errors and miscalculations by the algorithms at the heart of such systems. As top computer scientists have warned us, those algorithms are capable of remarkably inexplicable mistakes and, to use the AI term of the moment, “hallucinations” – that is, seemingly reasonable results that are entirely illusionary. Under the circumstances, it’s not hard to imagine such computers “hallucinating” an imminent enemy attack and launching a war that might otherwise have been avoided.

And that’s not the worst of the dangers to consider. After all, there’s the obvious likelihood that America’s adversaries will similarly equip their forces with robot generals. In other words, future wars are likely to be fought by one set of AI systems against another, both linked to nuclear weaponry, with entirely unpredictable – but potentially catastrophic – results.

Not much is known (from public sources at least) about Russian and Chinese efforts to automate their military command-and-control systems, but both countries are thought to be developing networks comparable to the Pentagon’s JADC2. As early as 2014, in fact, Russia inaugurated a National Defense Control Center (NDCC) in Moscow, a centralized command post for assessing global threats and initiating whatever military action is deemed necessary, whether of a non-nuclear or nuclear nature. Like JADC2, the NDCC is designed to collect information on enemy moves from multiple sources and provide senior officers with guidance on possible responses.

Michael Klare Book: All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change

China is said to be pursuing an even more elaborate, if similar, enterprise under the rubric of “Multi-Domain Precision Warfare” (MDPW). According to the Pentagon’s 2022 report on Chinese military developments, its military, the People’s Liberation Army, is being trained and equipped to use AI-enabled sensors and computer networks to “rapidly identify key vulnerabilities in the U.S. operational system and then combine joint forces across domains to launch precision strikes against those vulnerabilities.”

Picture, then, a future war between the U.S. and Russia or China (or both) in which the JADC2 commands all U.S. forces, while Russia’s NDCC and China’s MDPW command those countries’ forces. Consider, as well, that all three systems are likely to experience errors and hallucinations. How safe will humans be when robot generals decide that it’s time to “win” the war by nuking their enemies?

If this strikes you as an outlandish scenario, think again, at least according to the leadership of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, a congressionally mandated enterprise that was chaired by Eric Schmidt, former head of Google, and Robert Work, former deputy secretary of defense. “While the Commission believes that properly designed, tested, and utilized AI-enabled and autonomous weapon systems will bring substantial military and even humanitarian benefit, the unchecked global use of such systems potentially risks unintended conflict escalation and crisis instability,” it affirmed in its Final Report. Such dangers could arise, it stated, “because of challenging and untested complexities of interaction between AI-enabled and autonomous weapon systems on the battlefield” – when, that is, AI fights AI.

Though this may seem an extreme scenario, it’s entirely possible that opposing AI systems could trigger a catastrophic “flash war” – the military equivalent of a “flash crash” on Wall Street, when huge transactions by super-sophisticated trading algorithms spark panic selling before human operators can restore order. In the infamous “Flash Crash” of May 6, 2010, computer-driven trading precipitated a 10% fall in the stock market’s value. According to Paul Scharre of the Center for a New American Security, who first studied the phenomenon, “the military equivalent of such crises” on Wall Street would arise when the automated command systems of opposing forces “become trapped in a cascade of escalating engagements.” In such a situation, he noted, “autonomous weapons could lead to accidental death and destruction at catastrophic scales in an instant.”

At present, there are virtually no measures in place to prevent a future catastrophe of this sort or even talks among the major powers to devise such measures. Yet, as the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence noted, such crisis-control measures are urgently needed to integrate “automated escalation tripwires” into such systems “that would prevent the automated escalation of conflict.” Otherwise, some catastrophic version of World War III seems all too possible. Given the dangerous immaturity of such technology and the reluctance of Beijing, Moscow, and Washington to impose any restraints on the weaponization of AI, the day when machines could choose to annihilate us might arrive far sooner than we imagine and the extinction of humanity could be the collateral damage of such a future war.

Follow TomDispatch on Twitter and join us on Facebook. Check out the newest Dispatch Books, John Feffer’s new dystopian novel, Songlands (the final one in his Splinterlands series), Beverly Gologorsky’s novel Every Body Has a Story, and Tom Engelhardt’s A Nation Unmade by War, as well as Alfred McCoy’s In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S. Global Power, John Dower’s The Violent American Century: War and Terror Since World War IIand Ann Jones’s They Were Soldiers: How the Wounded Return from America’s Wars: The Untold Story.

Michael T. Klare, a TomDispatch regular, is the five-college professor emeritus of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College and a senior visiting fellow at the Arms Control Association. He is the author of 15 books, the latest of which is All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change. He is a founder of the Committee for a Sane U.S.-China Policy.

Copyright 2023 Michael T. Klare

Source: TomDispatch via Antiwar



US Military Sought to Experiment on Africans for Big Pharma: Kremlin

The allegations involve Metabiota, a firm with links to US President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter

Lieutenant-general Igor Kirillov [Webcapture because download blocked as unsecure in my browser – The Cradle Photo]

By [The Cradle] News Desk

July 19, 2023

The Cradle

The Pentagon planned to use its biolaboratories in Africa to test unregistered medicines on local populations for the sake of “big pharma,” Tass reported on 19 July, based on documents found in Ukraine.

According to the Chief of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, documents found by the Russian military at a US biolaboratory in Ukraine indicate that the Pentagon planned to use the US army to test unregistered medical drugs on the local population in African countries. The testing would involve biolaboratories and facilitating agencies, such as Metabiota, which has links to Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden. The results would then be provided to US regulatory agencies “in the interests of the so-called big pharma.”

“We have repeatedly pointed to the company’s ties with the son of the US incumbent president, Hunter Biden, and government organizations. Notably, Metabiota’s representatives admit that, as a matter of fact, they are establishing ties to ensure the Pentagon and other American agencies’ work abroad,” Kirillov added.

He also said that Ukraine’s Science and Technology Center and other Pentagon contractors were taking an active part in these activities.

Since the early 2000s, NGOs funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others have been distributing experimental vaccines and drugs to vulnerable populations in Africa and India, resulting in numerous deaths and injuries, with accounts of forced vaccinations and uninformed consent. Since then, carrying out large-scale clinical trials of untested or unapproved drugs in poor countries, where administering drugs is less regulated and cheaper, has become common.

The issue of US biolabs in Ukraine became controversial following US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland’s acknowledgment of such US labs in Ukraine following Russia’s February 2022 invasion.

The acknowledgment also came amid evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which caused the Covid-19 pandemic, was developed in a US military-funded biolab in Wuhan, China. Some have speculated that the virus was developed as part of a US bioweapons program.

“Take note of Metabiota’s commercial offer marked ‘confidential,’ which was found among documents at one of the biolaboratories in Ukraine. The offer is addressed to the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and concerns training of specialists in infectious diseases in Kenya and Uganda,” General Kirillov noted.

“The document demonstrates that the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) and the Department of Homeland Security were involved in the study of pathogens in African countries, while the US Agency for International Development and a number of European Union structures were engaged in making these activities look like ‘humanitarian cooperation,’” he said at a briefing on the analysis of documents concerning US military biological activities.

According to Kirillov, Russia found evidence showing that Metabiota, in which Hunter Biden is a key investor, had been involved in the study of the H7N9 bird flu virus and that it had played a leading role in the implementation of Predict, a USAID-funded project which claimed to study coronavirus types in bats and other animals to predict a possible future pandemic.

According to journalist Sam Husseini, such work is typically portrayed as preventative or defensive, but is actually “dual use” by nature. He notes that, “’Biodefense’ is often just as easily biowarfare since biodefense and the products of biowarfare are identical. It’s simply a matter of what the stated goals are.”

Copyright © 2023 The Cradle

Sharing The Sutliffian Report – Sharia is Man Made Law

Posted by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Moderated by Paul Sutliff

Posted July 8, 2023

The live streamed video of The Sutliffian Report on 7/6/23 thankfully begins with Christian affirmations before the actual discussion begins at about the 15-minute mark.

THEN Paul Sutliff and the panel embark on discussions on the idiocy of how Sharia handles female menstruation and (LOOK OUT Climate fanatics – farting) using the Muslim handbook “Reliance of the Traveller” comparing other revered Islamic writings such the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah. If it wasn’t so disgusting, it would be humorous.

Don’t forget to check out Paul Sutliff authored books. They are available from many online stores, here’s the Amazon version:

Youtube VIDEO: Critical Thinking vs. Shariah Part 19: Shariah is Man Made Law (2:04:33)

Posted by The Sutliffian Report

Streamed Live Jul 6, 2023

What does it mean when nothing in the Sunnah or the Quran can be found to back shariah? Doesn’t that mean shariah is now man made law? Reliance of the Traveller e13.0 to e13.7 shows that man created this part of shariah at the least. We have seen shariah correct Muhammad, now we have shariah using information not shown in the Quran or the Sunnah. Does that mean Islam’s claim that Shariah is God’s law is a lie?

KEYWORDS: Shariah, Critical thinking, Critical thinking vs. shariah, reliance of the traveller, sharia, e13.0, 13.1, 13.2, e13.3 e13.4, e13.5, e13.6 e13.7, Sutliffian Report, Christian Apologetics, Truth about Islam, Facts not Fiction Shariah is man made law, the lies told to Muslims about Shariah, Paul Sutliff,

JRH 7/8/23


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IF Not Awake – WAKE UP!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

June 21, 2023

America – and the one-time Free West for that matter – has been under Globalist-Elitist-Marxist-Fascist-Corporatist (amazing how that odd political spectrum melded together) tyranny which has only eased up as a significant amount of resisters have awakened to a world-control agenda being exposed more and more.

This post will share info many of the awakened may have already seen or are aware of. IF YOU ARE still on the fence between the path of awareness and blind submission, you should digest this info.

I begin sharing two posts I ran into from The Exposé over the last couple of days and finish with some expose COVID/Plandemic documentaries the awakened might have already viewed BUT IF NOT, should be viewed.

  • Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening – OFFICIAL FULL MOVIE [Most recently I watched on UGETube (1:42:15) via friend Elgato Weebee who posted on 6/17/23 – BUT the official version on Rumble (1:42:15) was released on 6/4/23]

JRH 6/21/23


Thank you to those who have stepped up! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Only idiots are still wearing face masks

Dr. Vernon Coleman – Face-Mask Idiocy –  THE EXPOSÉ Photo


By Dr. Vernon Coleman [originally on 6/17/23]

June 20, 2023


The corporate media has reported that face masks may raise the risk of stillbirths, testicular dysfunction and cognitive decline due to the build-up of carbon dioxide.

They didn’t mention all the other problems proven to be associated with mask use.

By Dr. Vernon Coleman

Amazingly, there are still some very stupid doctors around who are wearing face masks all day long and who are telling patients and the public to wear face masks. I suspect that these doctors are still promoting the use of face masks because their brains have been adversely affected.

The UK Government has at last admitted that there is no evidence that masks stop any bugs spreading. And the fact is that anyone who has ever worn a mask because they thought it would keep them safe from covid was misled, lied to, falsely reassured and behaving irrationally. Many people in power continue to insist that people wear them and they do this to remind people that nothing is normal – nor ever will be.

We are entering the Great Reset and masks are there to remind us of our slavery. The greens don’t seem to care that more plastic is used to make the billions of masks than the plastic bags they hated so much. They don’t care about the birds and other wildlife being harmed by discarded masks.

Moreover, anyone who wears a mask today is suffering from a new disease which I have identified called chronic maskitis.

Sufferers from chronic maskitis still insist on wearing their masks whenever they are at risk of coming into contact with other human beings. They believe that their mask will help stop them inhaling a virus which may kill them.

Chronic maskitis sufferers will have almost certainly believed everything they’ve been told by their government, by the media and by the small army of media doctors forever repeating the officially inspired lies.

Individuals with chronic maskitis will have almost certainly been jabbed – at least twice and probably more often – with a toxic, experimental substance which is now proven does far more harm than good and is, as I predicted, now certain to kill far more people than the rebranded flu known as covid-19. And for those of us trying to win a war and save lives, it really doesn’t matter a toss whether you believe the alleged disease is caused by a virus, an exosome, a 5G mast or eating too much yoghurt.

Way back in the early summer of 2020, I published material proving that masks were useless and certain to do more harm than good. At that time Fauci and Whitty agreed with me that mask-wearing was a pointless and dangerous thing to do. Fauci referred to mask-wearing as virtue signalling.

In March 2020, Dr. Jenny Harries, Deputy Chief Medical Officer in the UK, warned that it is possible to trap the virus in a mask and start breathing it in. She said that wearing a mask was not a good idea. Professor Chris Whitty, the UK’s Chief Medical Officer, said that wearing a face mask had almost no effect on reducing the risk of contracting covid-19 and that the Government did not advise healthy individuals to wear masks.

But then, for no good reason that I could see, the official line changed – virtually overnight. People were told that they should wear masks. Children in school were forced to wear masks all day long. Shop assistants and medical staff wore them with their visors, their goggles, their plastic gowns and their rubber gloves.

In June 2021 I was becoming so worried by the madness that I made a video entitled ‘Most Mask Wearers will be dead or demented in ten years’.

I now worry that many of those suffering from chronic maskitis won’t last that long.

Not surprisingly, vital evidence outlining the dangers and ineffectiveness of mask-wearing has been banned, hidden or deleted from the internet. Public discussion and debate about the value of face masks has for 18 months now been suppressed by politicians and the media. The people at Google and YouTube will be directly responsible for millions of deaths. So will media doctors and crooked fact-checkers who’ve supported their government’s lies.

I’ve spent a long time digging out the real science on masks. In 2020 I wrote a new book entitled Proof that Masks Do More Harm than Good. The book contains scientific references explaining precisely why masks are dangerous and don’t do what people are told they will do. The book was banned, of course.

But I’m pleased to report that my book on masks has now been updated and published in paperback. It’s called ‘Proof that Masks Do More Harm than Good and it is available via the bookshop on Vernon Coleman’s website or direct from the publisher at

It’s worth remembering that thousands of years ago, it was discovered that forcing people to wear masks covering much of their faces broke their will and made them subservient. Masks depersonalised the wearers and dehumanised them. More recently, CIA torture techniques include forcing people to wear masks.

Mask wearers have been encouraged by the psyop specialists to show their hatred for non-mask wearers. This loathsome ploy seems designed to make those who cannot or do not wear masks feel guilty and ashamed. The mentally and physically disabled will, therefore, be harassed and abused if they dare to go out of their homes. Maybe we should start a counter psyop movement and spread the word that only ugly people wear masks.

The big problem with masks is that the reduced oxygen intake is accompanied by an increase in carbon dioxide intake. The tighter a mask fits the more likely it is to reduce blood oxygen levels and to increase the amount of carbon dioxide being inhaled. In my book I’ve quoted research proving that this is a real hazard.

I’ve also explained that lower oxygen levels and increased levels of carbon dioxide stimulate greater inspiratory flow – leading to a greater risk that loose fibres from the facemask will be inhaled.

Then there is the fact that face masks don’t work. Between 2004 and 2016, at least twelve articles appeared in medical and scientific journals showing that face masks do not prevent the transmission of infection. And those tests were with approved masks rather than masks made out of old dishcloths, bras and bits of unwanted dress material.

Cloth masks fail to impede or stop flu virus transmissions, and the number of layers of fabric required to prevent pathogen penetration would require a suffocating number of layers and could not be used.

The World Health Organisation, which originally opposed face masks, now recommends that disposable masks should be worn and discarded after one use. And the evidence shows that they should be changed every two hours. Few people can afford to buy six masks a day and so masks are frequently worn more than once. This massively increases the risk of a chest infection developing.

There are lots of other specific risks.

Way back in September 2020, a group of 70 doctors pointed out that children are badly affected by having to wear face masks. “Mandatory face masks in schools are a major threat to their development,” they wrote. Teachers don’t seem to care.

Dentists in New York reported seeing a number of patients with inflamed gums and other problems due to masks.

Sufferers from chronic maskitis are more likely to develop an infection than non-mask wearers. This may be due to the fact that masks reduce blood oxygen levels and adversely affect natural immunity. It is likely that anyone who wears a face mask for long periods will have a damaged immune system – and be more susceptible to infection. Studies have shown that hypoxia can inhibit immune cells used to fight viral infections. Wearing a mask may make the wearer more likely to develop an infection – and if an infection develops it is likely to be worse. Low oxygen levels reduce T cells and therefore reduce immunity levels.

Moreover, while the mask wearer thinks that they are becoming accustomed to re-breathing exhaled air, the problems within the brain are growing as the oxygen deprivation continues. Brain cells which die, because of a shortage of oxygen, will never be replaced. They are gone forever. A leading neurologist has pointed out that children and teenagers must never wear masks, partly because they have extremely active and adaptive immune systems but also because their brains are especially active and vulnerable. The more active an organ is the more oxygen it needs. And so, the damage to children’s brains is huge and irreversible. She warns that dementia is going to increase in ten years, and the younger generation will not be able to reach their potential because of the mask-wearing.

Chronic maskitis sufferers are likely to suffer skin problems too.

A dermatologist has warned that face masks trap warm moisture that is produced when we exhale. For those with acne, this can lead to acne flares. For many others, this warm, moist environment surrounding skin creates the perfect condition for naturally occurring yeast and bacteria to flourish and grow more abundant. This overgrowth of yeast and bacteria can produce cracking and sores at the corners of the mouth.

And here’s another very real worry.

Studies have shown that loose fibres are seen on all types of masks and may be inhaled causing serious lung damage. One risk is pulmonary fibrosis – a disease which cannot be cured and has a poor survival rate.

It has also been reported that mask wearers may develop a sore throat. An infectious disease specialist reports that humidity will let bacteria continue to grow inside the mask so if you were growing bacteria in that area and you were breathing that inside, you can potentially get an infection, especially strep or any other bacteria that can cause infection.

Cancer patients who are in remission are more likely to find their cancer coming back if they wear a mask – because of the low oxygen levels.

The available medical evidence proves overwhelmingly that masks do no good in preventing the spread of infection but do a great deal of harm to those wearing them.

Sadly, it is clear that mask-wearing has become an ingrained habit for many. I know of one optician who still insists on staff and customers wearing masks. Even doctors and nurses in hospitals and general practice are routinely wearing masks, though routinely wearing a face mask in a healthcare setting is pointless and dangerous.




Former CDC scientist says mRNA vaccines are gene therapy and are not new – “It shouldn’t be in the body of humans at all”

mRNA Jab is Gene Therapy NOT Good for Humans – THE EXPOSÉ Photo


June 21, 2023


A scientist who worked for the CDC in Atlanta outlines how the covid pandemic happened: a virus with a scary name, fraudulently used PCR tests, false predictive modelling, corrupted research and lying scientists.

“You may know that scientists will write nonsense for money. The media will hype any idiocy. So, we will repeat the covid path over and over,” Dr. Norman Pieniążek said.

mRNA vaccines are not new, he explained.  Research began on using genetic engineering in vaccines in the 1970s.  And in the 1980s the mRNA technique was explored.  “Starting in the Summer of 2020, snake-oil pushers immediately started saying it was the same technology used in polio and smallpox vaccines, that it works great, so why not for covid?”  He warned that mRNA injections are gene therapies that shouldn’t be in the human body at all.

In January, the Polish magazine Do Rzeczy interviewed Norman Pieniążek, PhD.  The original interview is in Polish but The Dossier has published an English translation.  Read the full interview HERE. [Blog Editor: A Substack page posted 6/20/23 by JORDAN SCHACHTEL]

Dr. Pieniążek is a specialist in the field of molecular biology with particular emphasis on diagnostic PCR tests of all kinds, virology, and epidemiology, as well as related aspects of public health, such as masks, surface decontamination, and others. He also has knowledge in the field of immunology and vaccines. He worked at the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) in Atlanta as head of a laboratory of reference molecular diagnostics for 24 years until he retired in 2013.

During the last hundred years, there have been many projects to create biological weapons but they have all failed, Dr. Pieniążek said.  So, what was the covid pandemic?  Dr. Pieniążek explained by describing what he called the “pillars” that propped up the “pandemic.”

The first pillar is the name of the virus SARS-CoV-2.  It is a name designed to cause panic.  Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (“SARS”) is a disease with high mortality.  If it were that deadly, all the people on the Diamond Princess, for example, would have died, Dr. Pieniążek said.

The Diamond Princess is a British-registered luxury cruise ship. On 20 January the cruise ship set sail after which cases of covid-19 were detected on board. From 1 February, the vessel was quarantined off Japan for two weeks.  By 1 March all passengers and crew members had disembarked from the ship. Out of the 3,711 people on board, it was reported that 9 passengers died from the virus, all of them older passengers.

The second pillar is the PCR tests.  “Testing viruses on a nasal swab tells us more about how polluted the air we breathe is than about the aetiology (cause) of the infection,” Dr. Pieniążek said.

The third pillar is the predictive models developed by Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London. “Neil Ferguson goes with these terrible death charts to the then British Prime Minister – Mr. Boris Johnson. Boris kicks him out of his office, so our ‘modeller’ goes straight to the BBC and says in a dramatic interview that the Prime Minister has just decided to murder millions of Britons. The media catches such a sensation, raises the heat, and the prime minister gives up. Media, not science,” he said.

The fourth pillar is research.  Dr. Pieniążek feels we should reject all science papers published after March 2020. “This is not my thesis,” he said, “but Prof. Roman Zieliński’s. He believes that all this ‘research’ is neo-Lysenkoism [Blog Editor: “Lysenkoism” explained at RationalWiki]. They are so fake.”

In May 2020, for example, two papers appeared in top medical publications proving that hydroxychloroquine (which Trump took to treat his respiratory infection) causes heart damage.

Because of my profession, I have worked a lot with people dealing with malaria, and hydroxychloroquine is the primary drug used for malaria by billions of people in tropical areas. Was this an important discovery? After all, billions would have died of heart disease long ago if that were true. Someone somewhere would notice that long ago.

After two weeks, the publishers recalled these papers; however, the media did not provide this information even more than a year later. The fight against covid drugs such as ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and amantadine paved the way for adopting vaccines without proper testing under the Emergency Use Authorization (“EUA”). One of the three conditions for vaccines to be approved exceptionally quickly by granting a EUA is that there is no cure for the disease targeted by the vaccine.

There seems to have been a period up to May 2020 when there was still a discussion. Then there were only publications by neo-Lysenkoism followers, exceptionally far from evidence-based medicine. But on the other hand, the media blocked voices other than the established choir. And the lack of discussion blocks the circulation of knowledge and, thus, the development of science.

24-year CDC lab director blows the whistle on the ‘pandemic,’ a hysteria driven by junk science, The Dossier, 20 June 2023

The fifth pillar is vaccines.  Dr. Pieniążek said that work began on vaccines using genetic engineering in the 1970s.  “Using genetic engineering, scientists could make viral proteins (antigens) in the lab in bacterial or other cultures. Such vaccines have been around for a long time; they’re called subunit vaccines.”  The current mRNA vaccines are not new.  In the 1980s researchers explored this mRNA technique, he said.  Adding:

In 2019, the final meta-analysis was published, i.e., a summary of all studies with mRNA vaccines. Regulatory authorities rejected the use of such vaccines in humans and animals. Starting in the Summer of 2020, snake-oil pushers immediately started saying it was the same technology used in polio and smallpox vaccines, that it works great, so why not for covid?

The distortion is that respiratory viruses have a different strategy than measles or smallpox. The respiratory viruses are seasonal, and they return each year after mutating. Vaccination against such viruses (for now) is fiction. For example, vaccines against the influenza virus are effective in only about 2.8 per cent of healthy young people and the elderly – zero.

The problem is that vaccines based on mRNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles have one serious flaw. This mRNA vaccine spreads throughout the body. It has been found in various organs: the sexual organs, the brain, the kidneys, and the heart. As a result, the body treats it not as an infection of the deltoid muscle but of the whole body. Our immune system fights the imaginary pathogen by destroying the infected cells, i.e., cells transformed by the vaccine with unpredictable results … They are gene therapies because they perform the genetic transformation of the cells they enter … It shouldn’t be in the body of humans at all.

24-year CDC lab director blows the whistle on the ‘pandemic,’ a hysteria driven by junk science, The Dossier, 20 June 2023

Dr. Pieniążek blames lying and corrupt scientists for the use of the covid injections on the public and the excess deaths caused by recommended procedures.  “They provided wrong advice to the government, causing over 200,000 excess deaths in Poland. Moreover, these excess deaths in Poland happened by recommended procedures that have nothing to do with science,” he said. “I do not blame the politicians.”

“You may know that scientists will write nonsense for money. The media will hype any idiocy. So, we will repeat the covid path over and over.”




Rumble VIDEO: Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening – OFFICIAL FULL MOVIE [UGETube TITLE: The Great Awakening – FULL MOVIE – Since WordPress still does not embed UGETube where I first watched the documentary, here I’ll share the Rumble version.]

Posted by PlandemicSeriesOfficial

Published on June 4, 2023

Visit our website at to learn more.

In this exciting video, we delve into the profound truths and revelations that are reshaping our world. Discover the power of awakening and join the movement for truth, freedom, and empowerment.

We are proud to partner with like-minded organizations and individuals who share our vision:

🇺🇸 Fierce Immunity:
🦁 Rebel Lion Threads:
🔐 Infinite: i2 Systems:

Watch the video, visit our website, and explore our partnerships to join the movement of truth seekers. 


Rumble VIDEO: Covidism: Contagious Deception – Part 4 – The Great Reset Agenda (2023)

Posted by Free Your Mind Documentaries

Published on May 14, 2023

The movie is separated into 4 parts. Part 1 – “Gaming the Numbers” – carefully examines how authorities worldwide have been gaming the numbers regarding cases, hospitalizations and deaths from the alleged coronavirus. Part 1 also explains how health officials actively suppressed safe and effective treatments for Covid-19, while employing deadly protocols for hospital patients. Part 2 – “Lockdown Timeline” – focuses on the fascinating timeline of events, which led to the global Covid-19 response, and investigates whether or not the science on the lethality and infectivity of Sars-Cov-2 justified countermeasures such as lockdowns and mask-wearing. Part 3 – “Vaccine Frenzy” – is a deep dive into the topic of Covid-19 “vaccines,” detailing the plethora of scientific evidence for their unsafe and ineffective nature, while exposing the deceptive tactics of manipulating the statistics. Part 4 – “The Great Reset Agenda” – puts all the pieces of the puzzle together, exposing the premeditated sinister political motivations behind the global Covid-19 response, and how it is intricately tied to a much larger agenda – The Great Reset.—Bonum Vincit



Sharing, ‘Can Shariah Stand up to Critical Thinking?’

Posted by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Podcast by Paul Sutliff

Intro © April 14, 2023

Paul Sutliff sent an interesting video to my email on a lengthy discussion of the topic “Can Shariah Stand up to Critical Thinking? Part 10 b7.3 to c1.3” posted 4/13/23 as a live broadcast. It’s worth being informed so if you have time constraints or a low attention span, it’s worth bookmarking to go back to where you left off.

Paul Sutliff (screengrab-‘Can Shariah Stand up to Critical Thinking’) 4/13/23

For those who do not know Paul, here’s an excerpt from his Amazon author page:

“Paul Sutliff has a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Roberts Wesleyan College, a MSEd from Nazareth College of Rochester and a post-grad Certificate in Mid-Level Intelligence Analysis. Paul is an educator, a research writer and a radio talk-show host. Paul says he is only an awakened Patriot to what is happening around him.

Paul first started to look into the Muslim Brotherhood after the college where he earned his MSEd took $500,000 from the international Institute of Islamic Thought. It took only a short bit of research to realize that a former Catholic college had opened its doors to an enemy of the United States. This was easy to find since they had personally delivered a satellite phone battery pack used in the bombings of our Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya according to the FBI.

In 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden called for jihad on American soil ( and a NYC mosque called for the murder of those who insult Muhammad ( The question that needs to be answered is what does Islam teach vs. what the followers of Islam state they believe.”

READ THE REST (and check out his books)

I believe Paul Sutliff’s most recent book is “The Cancer of Civilization Jihad”, which can be purchased at Amazon.

Paul has a Blog that is not as active as in times past, but a great place to learn the actual nature of Islam which is not a pretty proposition for we non-Muslims: Paul Sutliff on Civilization Jihad.

Paul Sutliff seems more dedicated to his podcast The Sutliffian Report which I believe is easiest to access on Youtube (I used to catch it on Blog Talk Radio):

AND NOW the video shared via email by Paul.

Youtube VIDEO: Can Shariah Stand up to Critical Thinking? Part 10 b7.3 to c1.3

Posted by The Sutliffian Report

Posted on (Originally live streamed) April 13, 2023

Can Shariah standup to Critical Thinking? Does Shariah openly proclaim Islam as Gnosticism? What if Shariah promotes the concept of secret knowledge as salvation? Today we examine b7.0 to b7.2. What happens if the translation has misinformation? What happens if Shariah lies???? Worse, What if it can never be changed???

JRH 4/14/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

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YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT via buying women’s menstrual health, healthy collagen, vitamin supplements/products, coffee from my Online stores: My Store (please use referral discount code 2388058):

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

Taking the ‘SECRET’ Out of Tyranny with VIDEO

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 22, 2023


[BLOG EDITOR Side-Bar: In case anyone out there still cares about history. TODAY marks the Father of our Nation George Washington’s birthday under the Gregorian Calendar February 22, 1732 (but under the Julian Calendar February 11, 1731)]

George Washington

Today I’ve decided to share a series if videos that focus on Technocracy Tyranny and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tyranny. Those videos are from the Next News Network and Bannon’s War Room both Bitchute versions. (I’m using a Bitchute version of Banned.Video above as a bit of an intro – forgive me their ad and understand everyone has bills to pay.)

I guess it sounds too way out there for people to embrace that Technocracy and the imposition of Artificial Intelligence is a clear and present danger to lives individually and to the concept of American Liberty in general. A post I presented on 2/19 had a disappointing amount if read-hits which as of this typing is still a little less than a hundred: “Paul Revere Might Warn, ‘The Terminator-AI is Coming!’” I might be a lone wolf crying in the wilderness, but I found the information that post threatening. The videos I am sharing are along the lines of that post:


Posted by Next News Network  

First Published February 21st, 2023  22:52 UTC

As we navigate our way through the uncertainty of this era, one person has come to lead the charge for full government control. Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, is advocating for a “Great Reset,” and his latest suggestion for governments to control their people is downright bone chilling to think about.




Posted by Steve Bannon’s War Room

First Published February 22nd, 2023 00:40 UTC



Posted by Steve Bannon’s War Room

First Published February 22nd, 2023 17:55 UTC



Posted by Steve Bannon’s War Room

First Published February 22nd, 2023 01:10 UTC


As you might have noticed, some of these videos had their version of pay-the-bills or sponsored ads. I TOO – as you do also – have to pay the bills.

My wife Diana and I have joined a store which when products are purchased we get a cut. Actually Diana is the business operator, I’m along for the ride. BELOW is the store’s latest project launch aimed at the gals health. I wrote a little male’s view on the product. After that video, I’m including a business video that should be informative for those who to join the store. I’m including Diana’s contact and referral code info in case you want to manage your Online Store.

Bitchute VIDEO: Project 23 Menstrual Formula – Naturally Sync Your Cycle & Decrease Symptoms

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published February 22nd, 2023 17:38 UTC 

This video highlighting Modere’s latest product line is all over Youtube. I borrowed from a user (who in turn borrowed the video) that that effectively highlights the PRODUCT BENEFITS of Modere’s Project 23 Menstrual Formula.

I’ll be honest. I’m a 66 year old senior citizen male. So you might ask, “What are you thinking hawking a woman’s menstrual cycle product?”

Well, let me tell ya.

My wife and I came together as a Brady-Bunch family in 1990. Between us we have 3 boys and two girls (ALL adults now). Imagine us males in the family enduring the PMS cycle of wife/mom and two daughters/sisters. At times it was brutal. You’d think these gals would at least PMS at the same time…BUT NO. The long ago memory seems to dredge up PMS overlap – OUCH for males trying to be understanding.

So I share this product that will definitely benefit the gals but also should benefit the gentlemen with a wife, significant other, sister or daughter. Just sayin’ … TAKE A LOOK! My REFERRAL CODE for any Modere DISCOUNT on a product purchase is 2388058 ( THE DIRECT LINK to purchase or look into Project 23 Menstrual Formula (Be sure to use referral code – 2388058):

Here is a borrowed description:

Are you tired of:


 -Mood Swings?


-Low Libido?

-Hormonal Breakouts?

Project 23 Menstrual Formula (official name will be revealed at product unveiling in March 2023) is designed to help menstruating women sync their cycle without hormones. Product insiders who got to start using this Formula already are reporting that it lives up to its claims. This “first in the world” category of intuitive nutrition allows women to take ownership of their health and be part of this next evolution in women’s’ health.


Youtube VIDEO: Pre Launch – Project 23

CONTACT DIANA for business info:



JRH 2/22/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

READER SUPPORTED! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE I need your PayPal generosity. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support CPCR

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

Dystopianism Becoming Painfully Accurate

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 11, 2023

While there is still a semblance of Freedom/Liberty that allows Free Speech sharing, I thought I’d share some potentially anti-Liberty issues that reach the level of dystopianism.

First up is an article The Exposé picked up which is a piece that is dated 1989 but circulated frequently on the Internet for over a decade. The article id about microchipping humanity via vaccines. My guess the so-called 1989 article is fictional because the source (The Sun) denies the article appeared in its publication. BUT it clearly appears in a book by Milton William Cooper entitled “Behold a Pale Horse” in 1991 still available at Amazon. Unsurprisingly, Wikipedia paints Cooper as a Conspiracy nonjob.

Behold a Pale Horse Book Jacket

The irony is some of his theories are still hard to digest yet some are emerging as nailed it. The website All That is Interesting ran a piece on Cooper in 2018 that shows the nutty and the plausible which includes some Cooper videos under the title, “The Rise And Fall Of Milton William Cooper — The King Of Conspiracy Theories”. With that in mind and the Medical Tyranny already perpetrated in America and Globally, the probably fictional Sun article rings with plenty of dystopian truth today. The Exposé title: “A secret plan in 1989 to microchip every man, woman and child”.

NEXT UP: On Substack, The Pulse is a piece by Joe Martino about the development of technology allowing employers  – AND BY IMPLICATION GOVERNMENTS – to monitor the imagery of thoughts. THINK! (Maybe a pun there) If thoughts can be viewed, CONTROL IS THE NEXT STEP. The title: “The WEF Thinks Governments & Your Boss Should Have Access To Your Thoughts”.

THEN, IF YOU GET THAT FAR, a couple of bonus videos:

1)  An interesting interview on Rumble by Kim Iversen of Robert F. Kennedy, JR from 2/3/23 that has an annoying 4 minute or so delay because it was originally a live stream. THE TITLE: “Conversation with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | How The Powerful Captured The Public During The Pandemic”.

2) The LAST VIDEO is an upload of an Epoch TV episode to my Bitchute Channel Roman Balmakov explaining the potential of Conservative Counties in Oregon seceding to join the State of Idaho. THE TITLE: “30 PERCENT OF COUNTIES VOTE TO SECEDE FROM OREGON, JOIN GREATER IDAHO”.

JRH 2/11/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

READER SUPPORTED! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE I need your PayPal generosity. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support CPCR

YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT via buying healthy supplements/products from Online stores (mine & my Honey):

My Store (please use referral discount code 2388058):

My Better Half’s Store (please use referral discount code 3917004):  

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


A secret plan in 1989 to microchip every man, woman and child

Secret 1989 Microchip-Vax Plan (The Exposé)


February 11, 2023


A newspaper article in 1989 described implanting microchips into all of us to link us to a master computer. “Plans for such a system are already underway,” the article written over 30 years ago stated. “Sources say the tiny transmitters can be injected painlessly … in humans without them even knowing it through a nationwide vaccination program.”

On page 444 of Milton William Cooper’s 1990/91 book ‘Behold a Pale Horse’ is an image of an article from a newspaper dated 1 August 1989.  Although the image in Cooper’s book doesn’t show which newspaper or magazine published the article, it is reputed to have been published by The Sun. Which version of The Sun – UK, USA or Australia – is not clear and there seems to be no easy way of checking as demonstrated by THIS effort to find the origins of the article in 2009.

You can view the image of the article in a digitalised copy of Cooper’s book on Internet Archive HERE. Below is the text of the article.

BIG BROTHER’S COMING! Revealed: Secret plan to tag every man, woman and child

By Joe Frick, 1 August 1989

CODED MICROCHIPS implanted in every person in the country would tie all of us into a master computer that could track anyone down at any moment, and plans for such a system are already under way whether you like it or not!

The secret scheme is being touted as a service for the protection of the people by high government officials, but some insiders who object to the move say it’s just another way for Big Brother to control its subjects.


“Top-level national security agents are trying to convince sources in the Bush Administration to begin the project in which every man, woman and child will be implanted with a tiny transmitter,” claims Davis Milerand, a critic of government intervention who says he has received leaked information from inside sources.

“They’re trying to say this will be a good way for authorities to quickly track down missing persons and children, as well as criminals and spies.


“But with the astounding technology of today, everything about you could be contained in one tiny microchip, which would be connected to a government computer.”

“Any government agency will know what any person has done and is doing at any time.”

Hand Holding SyringeBehold a Pale Horse, Milton William Cooper, pg 444

Other sources say the tiny transmitters can be injected painlessly from a tiny gun in humans without them even knowing it through a nationwide vaccination program.

“All the government would have to do is make up something like the swine flu vaccine,” Milerand says.

“Imagine if they said there was a vaccine for AIDS.  People would rush in droves to get shots.

“The doctors themselves may not even know what they’re injecting.  They could be told the microchips are genetic implants that reprogram the body into fighting disease.”

He adds:  “The program would require all federal, state and local government workers to undergo the injections.”

“It would only be a matter of time before everyone is implanted with a microchip, a slave to the government.”

Further reading:




The WEF Thinks Governments & Your Boss Should Have Access To Your Thoughts

Technology already exists today that can display what people are thinking, what emotions they’re feeling, and even create images of the thoughts they are having.

Thought Monitoring & WEF (The Pulse -Youtube Screengrab)

By Joe Martino

February 10, 2023

The Pulse Substack

Imagine thinking about someone while you are at work, and your boss has access to technology that can create a visible image of the person you’re thinking of?

This technology is already here.

Nita A. Farahany Robinson, Professor of Law and Philosophy at Duke University, took the stage at this year’s World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos.

She was part of a ‘brain transparency’ panel that discussed technologies that have the capability to read minds, track emotions, create imagery out of thoughts, and display them on a screen that can be monitored.

The proposition from the WEF? These technologies can be used to make productivity in the workplace better. It would save companies millions by ‘waking up’ workers that have taken too long of a break or become unproductive through distraction.

After all, this is what advanced technology is for right? Making sure worker bees are not taking breaks that are too long…

The WEF also says the world could become a safer place. It could be used to stop truck drivers from falling asleep at the wheel for example. Not a bad proposition there, but at what cost?

Headsets that can track your brain activity and pass it back to employers, governments, or someone else.

If you’re skeptical about these stated intentions, I’m not surprised. There is very little reason to trust rhetoric like this when we have seen powerful individuals grasp more power, control, and surveillance measures at every turn.

When ‘they’ create endless cycles of fear, only to show up with ‘their’ “safety creating” solutions months later.

Even if our world could be made ‘safer’ from tech like this, would we be willing to give up access to our thoughts? What’s next, stopping crime before it happens by arresting people who thought about something illegal?

In more mundane examples, would we now be seeing ads from Google after just thinking about a product, without even saying it out loud?

The questions mount.

To break down what exactly was said at the World Economic Forum about this tech, and to watch their chilling short presentation, check out the following video I produced with my colleagues.

Youtube VIDEO: The WEF Thinks Governments & Your Boss Should Have Access To Your Thoughts

[Posted by The Catalyst

Posted on Feb 10, 2023

The 2023 World Economic Forum meeting in Davos featured a ‘brain transparency’ panel. The ideas presented in the panel bring up a number of great reasons for concern.]

Our technology is evolving at a rate that is likely beyond what we can steward responsibly. An examination of the level of consciousness that drives humanity and how we use emerging technologies is critical right now.

© 2023 The Pulse


Rumble VIDEO: Conversation with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | How The Powerful Captured The Public During The Pandemic

Posted by Kim Iversen

Published Feb 3, 6:00 pm EST




Posted by SlantRight2

First Published February 11th, 2023 17:00 UTC

Report by Roman Balmakov

ORIGINALLY: Epoch TV (Subscription may into play:

On February 6th Roman Balmakov of The Epoch Times ran a report on Conservative Counties in Oregon becoming fed-up with the handful of Left-Wing Counties (YET CONTAINING A POPULATION MAJORITY) calling the shots. The Report is a County secession movement to leave Oregon and join Idaho.  

I found the report interesting growing up in Eastern Washington State which largely faces the same Leftist tyranny from the majority population living West of the Cascade Mountain Range (essentially the coast-side) with a minority of land area.

Indeed, Balmakov mentions many Conservative Counties have expressed the same griping about Leftist population centers but really go into those other States.

I suspect there is an unlikely prospect of success by Conservative Counties in any State dominated by the Leftist Majority Tyranny – at least no peaceful prospect.

Epoch TV Description:

After many years of being fed up with the policies coming out of Portland, over 30 percent of the counties in Oregon have voted to secede. Specifically, they voted to leave behind Oregon, and instead join the state of Idaho—in the process creating a new state that would be called Greater Idaho.

Out of the 36 total counties in Oregon, 11 of them have voted in favor of seceding because by and large, the people living there believe that their values are no longer being represented by the state legislature, which is dominated by extremely liberal politicians coming out of Portland.

An Intro to ‘How Bill Gates operates as a world dictator’

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Stop World Control Exposé

Intro post © January 22, 2023

I’m on the Stop World Control (SWC) email list. SWC is a fantastic place to search information exposing Globalist-Marxist-Corporatist-Fascist Elitists plans and agendas to control the people of the world so that people ONLY exist to follow the diktats of the Elite – OR ELSE.

A 1/21/23 SWC email looks at documented evidence of the agenda perpetrated by Bill Gates he wants thrust upon the masses. The email functions as a teaser that links to the full exposé on the SWC website which is undated. The website has text and a couple of Documentary videos which I will embed in my cross post below. I am not quite as tech savvy The SWC Web-dudes so my cross my cross will lack the glitz-look SWC utilizes to keep one’s attention.

Keep in mind Bill Gates is one of a handful of Billionaire influencers that has way too much political power largely based on the monetary resources old Bill controls.

JRH 1/22/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

READER SUPPORTED! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE I need your generosity. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support CPCR

YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT via buying healthy supplements/products from Online stores (mine & my Honey):

My Store (please use referral code 2388058):

My Better Half’s Store (please use referral code 3917004):  

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


How Bill Gates functions as a true world dictator

Stop World Control

This website is a tool to awaken humanity to the globalist agenda of world tyranny. Please share it far and wide.


Bill Gates Vaccines

Bill Gates dictates the world’s health care, manipulates the news media, infiltrates the food industry, bribes governments, pushes weather manipulation, promotes GMO industry, develops surveillance technologies, calls for digital ID, and a whole lot more. Meet the man who thinks he is God, and who acts like he is the devil.


Bill Gates has zero medical education, yet he was declared as the leader of the global vaccine plan 2012-2020 at the World Health Assembly. Let this sink in: a man without any kind of medical training is in charge of vaccinating all of humanity. The goal is to create a world where people can only participate in society, if they receive ongoing injections, several times a year. 🔗 🔗


Bill Gates is the main financial donor to the World Health Organization, which gives him full control over this organization. Bill Gates personally positioned the WHO director Tedros, who was formerly a militant communist terrorist in Ethiopia. The WHO issued the “Pandemic Treaty” which gives them totalitarian control over every nation of the world, every time they declare a pandemic.If we understand that the WHO is essentially controlled by Bill Gates, we know that pandemics basically position Gates as a world dictator. 🔗 🔗  🔗  🔗  🔗


The WHO can declare a pandemic at will, using any fraudulent diagnostic tool of their own choosing. They for example chose to use the totally flawed PCR test that produces up to 94% false positives, making it the perfect tool to declare a “pandemic” based on inaccurate testing results. This way they can become a form of one world government at will. 🔗  🔗  🔗


Bill Gates is always the one man organizing “pandemic exercises” right before the exact scenario they planned for, becomes reality. Isn’t it interesting that the man who effectively becomes a type of world dictator during a pandemic, is the same person always “preparing” the world for these pandemics?  🔗  🔗  🔗


Bill Gates bribes governments around the world, in order to control them. This way he effectively influences government policy around the world. This was exposed in the Italian parliament by politician Sara Cunial, who revealed that Gates controls the Italian president. It was also stated by members of the Nigerian parliament, who said Gates offered 10 million dollars to impose vaccine mandates on the Nigerian population. Gates denied this, but did commit to paying 79 million dollars to “help” Nigeria, after which Nigeria became the first country in the world to bar unvaccinated people from accessing banking services. 🔗  🔗  🔗


Bill Gates tells all physicians, nurses and health practitioners all over the world what they can, and cannot do during a pandemic, while he himself doesn’t have any kind of medical training. 🔗

A man who has no medical education whatsoever, never treated a patient, and who knows nothing about medical care, has been appointed as the world’s leading “health” authority, who dictates to millions of medical professionals what they can, and cannot do.


Bill Gates wields powerful influence over global food and agriculture policy through his funding of a large number of organizations involved in agricultural development, and policy making.  🔗


Bill Gates “donates” hundreds of millions of dollars to news agencies, which gives him control over what they are allowed to broadcast. This way he can directly manipulate the news worldwide. 🔗

Bill Gates “donates” billions of dollars to health organizations worldwide, giving him the power to influence their decisions. 🔗


Bill Gates is building labs where synthetic meat will be grown to feed humanity, instead of natural grass-fed beef. 🔗


Bill Gates is buying hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland, making him the largest farmland owner in America. He is growing genetically modified, heavily sprayed plant protein to replace the natural grass-fed beef industry. 🔗

Bill Gates genetically engineers millions of mosquitoes, supposedly to eradicate malaria, but in reality the agenda is to use them to vaccinate humanity. 🔗  🔗   🔗  🔗

Bill Gates was involved in EarthNow, a plan to deploy a “constellation” of advanced imaging satellites, which will provide real-time, continuous video of “almost” anywhere on Earth.In other words: non-stop video surveillance of the entire world. 🔗


Bill Gates is working on a plan to block out the sunlight from the earth. The excuse for putting the world in the chilling shade is “climate change” which has proven to be a complete hoax. 🔗  🔗

Bill Gates is pushing the world towards digital ID’s, which will give financial tyrannical elites greater control over people. Digital IDs will become necessary to function in a connected digital world. 🔗  🔗

Gates World Agenda


The following documentaries about Bill Gates are mind blowing eye openers, that the entire world should see. Watch them, download them, spread them far and wide.

BILL GATES – The Banned Video

This revealing documentary was removed from the internet, nowhere to be found. Censorship seemed to have destroyed it entirely… until it suddenly resurfaced in 2021! Immediately it went viral and is now present on all the free speech platforms.

Rumble VIDEO: Bill Gates – The Banned Video

[Posted by stopworldcontrol

Published October 15, 2022



Very impressive full length documentary by the world’s nr 1 ‘Bill Gates expert’, the investigative journalist James Corbet. He built one of the largest databases of information to expose the criminal elite who run the world: The Corbet Report – Open Source Intelligence News.

[blog Editor: SWC uses the Odysee video platform version of this Corbet Report Documentary. For my embed purposes I’m using the Bitchute version.]


[Posted by Corbett Report Extrascorbettreport

First Published June 13th, 2020 11:01 UTC



From the makers of the world’s most viewed documentary PLANDEMIC comes an equally impressive short documentary about Bill Gates. According to legend Bill Gates built his computer empire out of his garage. Reality tells another story: Bill Gates stole inventions from others, lied and cheated, and took all the credit…. plus of course the billions of dollars.

[Blog Editor: SWC embedded this Plandemic Documentary on Bill Gates without video platform information. I found it on Bitchute embedded below.]


[Posted by Official Account: Plandemic Documentary Seriesofficialplandemic

First Published August 20th, 2020 23:50 UTC



Although Bill Gates functions as a type of world dictator, it is critical to mention that in reality he is nothing but a puppet of higher powers, who use him for the eye of the public. As you can see in our World Domination report, the true entities who rule the world are obscured financial interest groups: ancient bloodlines, royal families, wealthy industrials, powerful bankers, and so on.

Many books have been written about these entities. There is for example the classic work “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” by Fritz Springmeier, which was released as a PDF download by the CIA. And there is “The 13 Satanic Bloodlines” by journalist Robin de Ruiter.

Bk Cover- The 13 Satanic Bloodlines

PDF: The 13 Satanic Bloodlines: Paving the Road to Hell

Bk Cover- Bloodlines of the Illuminati

PDF: Bloodlines of Illuminati

The 13 satanic bloodlines described by Springmeier and De Ruiter are Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, and Merovingian. Four other prominent illuminati bloodlines are Disney, Reynolds, McDonald, and Krupps. Besides these, there are also royal dynasties like the House of Saud (Saudi Arabia), the House of Orsini (Italy), the House of Nassau-Orange (Netherlands), House of Habsburg (Austria), House of Windsor (UK), House of Schwarzenberg (Germany), House of Glucksberg (Germany), House of Oldenburg (Germany, Denmark), and so on. 

The totality of these entities is generally referred to as
the “Illuminati” or the “Cabal“.

The documentary MONOPOLY shows how investment corporations like Vanguard and BlackRock own virtually everything on earth, giving them a worldwide monopoly. These corporations are in the hands of the aforementioned families. 

The Grand Jury Evidence further explains how these families use sovereign states like Vatican City State, the Bank of International Settlements, the District of Columbia, and the City of London to shield themselves from national laws, so they can operate unchecked.

People like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Anthony Fauci, and other visible personalities are mere puppets, dancing to the tune of the hidden puppet masters, who in turn are also puppets in the hands of even higher puppet masters. The same goes for organizations like the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, which are all platforms for these criminal oligarchs to execute their evil agenda.

Historically the top of the cabal goes back to ancient Khazaria (currently Ukraine), which has roots in ancient Babylon, where black magic was at the heart of the culture. Nothing we see today is new, as it all leads back to the dawn of time, where ancient entities chose to either serve good or evil. The earth is a battlefield, and humanity is the prize. 

The families of the cabal serve the realm of evil, in return for astronomical power and wealth. Although they have the illusion of being powerful, these wealthy “rulers” are essentially slaves of spiritual entities who use them to execute their agenda of submitting humanity to the rule of evil. They are behind the worldwide mind control operation to steer humanity away from our loving and good Creator, through Darwinism, and atheism. They also push genetic manipulation, and transhumanism in order to alter the original creation.The good news is that the era of the cabal is coming to an end, and the truth is breaking through to humanity as never before.


I personally learned from several individuals who were part of this worldwide system of intense evil, and who came out of it, that the highest level of the cabal or illuminati is not human. These high level whistleblowers from the cabal don’t know each other, yet they shared the exact same information with me. I will not go into detail about this, as it would freak most readers out too much, but let it suffice that at the highest level humanity’s enemies are from other dimensions than the physical realm. Yet they need our energy to thrive, that’s why they prey on humans.

The answer to this intense evil is to make up our own mind whom we will serve: will we play their game of rebellion, perversion, dishonesty, selfishness, pride, and corruption? Will we keep consuming their dark poisonous entertainment, food, music, tech, and medicine? Will we keep listening to their dark lies about our Creator, our life, and our destiny?

Or will we make a choice to return to the Giver of all that is good?

We cannot fight these forces of deep darkness in our own human weakness, and ignorance. We need help from the One who is greater than all, but who has been rejected by most, because the pleasures of the dark realm enticed many, and their lies deceived the rest.

It is time to make up our own mind what dimension we will serve. Those that corrupt, pervert, twist, abuse, manipulate, and destroy everything, and bind us to thick chains of addiction, sickness, wickedness, and deception? Or the One who is pure love, truth, goodness, and who wants to restore our world to become a paradise, as it was originally intended?

The choice is ours…  

Copyright 2023 Stop World Control, All rights reserved.

Intel Community, Organized Crime & Corrupt Govt.

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

December 30, 2022

Dr. Joseph Mercola Uses the Youtube video “The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER To Traffic Minors” as the starting point to examine how the U.S. Government (whose Constitutional function WAS to protect and to serve We The People) partnered with organized crime to enhance the capabilities of America’s Intelligence Community. (DISAPPOINTING NOTE: The Youtube video is not Trump friendly in an indirect manner. In full disclosure I’m a Trump supporter ergo I need a bit more corroboration before I believe the side-ways swipes as concrete rather than just another pile of unproven besmirching.)

The intriguing concept – for me – explains how today’s power Elites currently ruling the USA has made the U.S. Government an untrustworthy corrupt tyranny that has NOT served We The People for quite some time. NOW RATHER the once limited by the U.S. Constitution –  Government – RULES with authoritarian diktats demanding We The People bend like Sheeple to unchecked Elitist demands.

Dr. Mercola has two videos in his post. I suggest you read his analysis before watching the shared videos. It is my sense the analysis will deepen the understanding of the videos.

As a bonus I am also cross posting four videos showing tyranny in America and a world-wide tyranny affecting the one-time Free West:

JRH 12/30/22

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One Nation Under Blackmail

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

December 30, 2022

Youtube VIDEO: The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER To Traffic Minors

[Posted by The Jimmy Dore Show

Dec 11, 2022



  • Organized crime fused with intelligence agencies during World War II, forming the precursor of the CIA — the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
  • The web of corruption grew from there, as criminal factions and intelligence agencies developed a symbiotic relationship using blackmail as a tool to achieve their goals
  • There’s evidence that the fusion of organized crime and government occurred even before what was formally termed Operation Underworld, beginning with the Democratic party in New York City, which was entwined with organized crime in the early 20th century
  • It’s not just about money, although wealth is certainly part of it; it’s about power and control, which those involved, including Jeffrey Epstein, would stop at nothing to achieve
  • Webb explains her reasons for believing Epstein won’t be replaced with a cadre of new blackmailers; thanks to modern surveillance technology, they can find blackmail material on anyone without any help

Investigative journalist Whitney Webb spoke with The Jimmy Dore Show about her book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein.” The book is so long — and packed with so many incredible details and references — that it was split into two volumes.

When you get into this fascinating read, you learn that organized crime fused with intelligence agencies during World War II, forming the precursor of the CIA — the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).

The web of corruption grew from there, as criminal factions and intelligence agencies developed a symbiotic relationship using blackmail as a tool to achieve their individual ends. It’s not just about money, although wealth is certainly part of it. It’s about power and control, which those involved, including Jeffrey Epstein, would stop at nothing to achieve.

War Was Used to Justify the Precursor to the CIA


[Posted by Mercola

First Published September 14th, 2022 19:57 UTC


Download Interview Transcript 

When I interviewed Webb in 2022, she started at the beginning, going back to World War II, detailing the connections between the intelligence community in the U.S. and organized crime. There was a decentralized network of different organized crime groups operating in the U.S. in the early 20th century. It was known as the national crime syndicate. Webb told Dore:1

“Historically, organized crime in the U.S. — most people are probably familiar with it because of Hollywood — tended to be an ethnic enclave. So you’d have Irish organized crime, the Jewish mob, the Italian mafia and so on. The national crime syndicate broke down those silos and brought these different groups together. That made them a lot more successful.”

According to Webb, the main people behind this were Meyer Lansky, representing the Jewish mob, and Lucky Luciano of the Italian mafia. The pair formally teamed up with the Office of Naval Intelligence and the OSS during World War II.

“OSS is the precursor to the CIA,” Webb said, “and this was justified as necessary because it was the war, right? So a wartime necessity justification.” Webb continued:2

“Then the war ends and the intelligence apparatus of the U.S. and these mob guys realize they have a lot in common and they work really well together. So that’s why in the ’60s and ’50s you see a lot of people involved in assassination stuff for the CIA … you see a lot of mob guys around, for example. There’s a lot of other examples of them interacting on and off over the years.”

From there, it expanded into shadow banking, finance and the world of corporate power as well “and just really became out of control,” Webb said.3 This was a worldwide effort, however, not one contained to the U.S.

“The Israeli intelligence got involved in this developing power nexus,” she continued, “because the Jewish mob side of the national crime syndicate was heavily involved in the arming of the Haganah [a paramilitary group] and the precursor to the IDF [Israel Defense Forces]. So, basically, by the time the state of Israel is created, these alliances are part of its national security state from the off.”4

Operation Underworld — The Consolidation of Power Networks

Webb states there’s evidence that the fusion of organized crime and government occurred even before what was formally termed Operation Underworld, beginning with the Democratic party in New York City, which was entwined with organized crime in the early 20th century. The mob had taken over most of the unions, which means they had also largely taken over the Democratic party.

Later it expanded to the Republican party as well, but initially power consolidation began in New York, including with the political machine Tammany Hall. Infamous New York described it this way:5

“Organized, politically connected and deadly, by the 1870s the gangs of New York had metastasized from leaderless hordes of criminals of the Civil War era into a cancerous pox, directed and controlled by New York’s political machine, Tammany Hall. With names like the Dead Rabbits, the Whyos, the Monk Eastmans, and the Five Pointers, gangs became a hallmark of New York politics in the early 20th Century.”

Sexual Blackmail’s Role in US History

One theme that pops up repeatedly in Webb’s book is the use of sexual blackmail in various scandals in U.S. history. She ties it back to Jeffrey Epstein, who, she says, is not an anomaly with behavior exclusive to him:6

“This is a type of activity that has been done over and over again in our political system … It’s a type of operation that was perfected first by the mob. So this is something that’s really born out of, in my opinion, this organized crime intelligence team. It’s been going on for an excessive amount of time at this point.”

J. Edgar Hoover, who led the FBI from 1924 to 1972 and was the top law enforcement official in the U.S., was sexually blackmailed by the mob in the ’30s, Webb said, which is why he didn’t go after organized crime:7

“The sexual blackmail operation that entrapped him [Hoover] also intimately involved a man named Roy Cohn, who was best known as Donald Trump’s mentor. And the two of them, along with the mob-linked businessman named Lewis Rosenstiel, were seen engaging in sexual blackmail operations themselves. But, again, Hoover and Cohn only joined that after they had been entrapped — and this involved minors.”

Epstein’s Ties to the Powerful Elite

Scandals involving sexual blackmail are numerous in U.S. political history. Webb rattles off several, including the page boy scandal in 1982, where congressmen were caught engaging in sex with underage Congressional pages, as well as the Franklin Scandal, a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring. The most prominent modern-day scandal, however, involves Epstein.

Epstein, while dismissed as a simple sex criminal, was far more instrumental to the globalist cabal than it first appears. In addition to being a mastermind at shadow banking and illicit finance, he engaged in major financial crimes and had ties to many powerful people, from Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Donald Trump to the CIA, which Webb details in her book:8

“In my book I talk about how, in my opinion, Jeffrey Epstein was involved in two parallel operations of sex trafficking. So there’s the one that everyone knows about — the underage exploited girls — but then there’s these women that he invested a lot of time in when they’re minors, then funds their education and what have you over time. He developed them as assets and then married them off to his powerful friends.”

Webb also delves into Epstein’s ties to Bill Gates. While mainstream media narrative states that Epstein and Gates didn’t meet until 2011, Webb says that’s not true:9

“There’s mainstream media articles from 2001 saying that Jeffrey Epstein made all his money from his business connections — to three men — and those three men are Leslie Wexner [former owner of Victoria’s Secret], Donald Trump and the third one is Bill Gates.”

One example of the deep connection that actually existed between Epstein and Gates involves Melanie Walker, who is also, by the way, involved with the World Economic Forum:10,11

“She was recruited by Epstein in 1992, allegedly as a Victoria’s Secret model, but there’s no evidence she ever actually modeled for Victoria’s Secret. He apparently was funding her education, hires her as his science adviser in the late ’90s and then a couple years after that, in the early 2000s, she becomes the science adviser to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

So if you’re going to apply to be science adviser to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and your CV says my most recent experience is being the science adviser to Jeffrey Epstein, and you’re Bill Gates hiring your top science adviser, you would have to know who Jeffrey Epstein is and what kind of science he’s into.”

Webb believes Gates is lying about his ties to Epstein not only to protect himself but also to protect Microsoft. “You also have, in the ’90s, Jeffrey Epstein flying around on planes to official Microsoft functions in Russia, apparently giving women to the chief technology officer who was very close to Bill Gates … all sorts of stuff going on there with Epstein and Microsoft,” Webb explained.12

Suspicious ‘Suicides’ Continue

From Epstein’s death to the death of Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert, many “suicides” appear to be tied back to the global cabal and intelligence agencies attempting to hide incriminating information. One such death is that of Mark Middleton, special assistant to the chief of staff at the Clinton White House, who was responsible for setting up Epstein’s visits to the White House:13

“Jeffrey Epstein had 15 meetings in about a year with a guy named Mark Middleton. Mark Middleton died earlier this year with an extension cord around his neck and a shotgun wound to the chest in Little Rock, Arkansas, which was ruled a suicide.

Here’s the other thing. Mark Middleton was so scandalous for what he was doing at the same time Jeffrey Epstein was meeting with him that he was being investigated by Congress, and the only reason that investigation never finished is because the first time George W. Bush — the subsequent president — invoked executive privilege was to keep documents about Mark Middleton from being made available to Congress.

Mark Middleton was not a big fish, you would think, at the White House. He was just an aide to the chief of staff to Bill Clinton. So what was going on with Mark Middleton there?

Well, it’s mostly remembered as this scandal in 1996 called The Campaign Finance Scandal of ’96. It’s related to the fundraising of the DNC for Clinton’s re-election campaign, but a lot of what was going on is that foreign citizens were laundering campaign contributions, filling DNC coffers, but a lot of it was targeting Ron Brown.”

Ron Brown, Clinton’s secretary of commerce, also died under mysterious circumstances:14

“A lot of what was going on there were efforts to change Commerce Department policy so that a lot of very sensitive military technology could be sent to adversary nations when that was normally not allowed.

And some of the people at the center of this were people like Lockheed Martin’s CEO, who actually later goes on to create InQTel for the CIA. And you have a guy named Bernard Schwartz that runs a race to run Loral Space. He was one of Biden’s biggest donors in 2020.

So basically you have this huge effort to undermine the Commerce Department and buy off Ron Brown. Ron Brown at some point — as all of this kept going on pieces of it began to unravel — he agreed to cooperate with investigators. Not long after that he was unexpectedly invited to go on a trade mission to Croatia, and the plane crashes because of a supposedly aging navigational system.

Everyone on the plane dies except for a flight attendant that apparently walked away but then when she arrived at the hospital in a military helicopter, she arrived with a broken neck. Ron Brown’s body was so odd when it was discovered that people in Congress called for it to be investigated because he appeared to have a bullet wound in the skull not caused by a plane crash.”

The Solution — Don’t Be Afraid and Get Local

In her book, Webb explains her reasons for believing Epstein won’t be replaced with a cadre of new blackmailers. They don’t need people like him anymore, thanks to modern surveillance technology.

They can access everything, all your accounts, cameras, phones, microphones, surveillance cameras, you name it. They can find blackmail material on anyone these days. Of course, this tech is also being used to enslave and control the rest of us. They’re counting on you taking your cellphone with you everywhere, and adopting other forms of digital control, like vaccine passports and central bank digital currencies.

You don’t have to volunteer to give this information and give up your control, however. You can opt out. Stay local and build connections in your community. Webb explained:

“What we need are regular people to take responsibility. So many of us are looking for the good guy versus the bad guy on the level of nation state leadership. No. The good guys are just the regular people like you and me, and the bad guys are the people most often at the top that have stomped on heads and clawed their way to the heights of power, regardless of what nation state you’re talking about.

It’s among regular people where you will find the ‘good guys’ you’re looking for and it’s time for those people to come together and say ‘Enough!’ And we really can do it. It just is about taking personal responsibility … We have to take our power back and that starts on an individual level.”

To learn more, be sure to pick up a copy of, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein.” If you would like to view more of the interviews that Webb did for this book, this page on her site has links to all the many podcasts she has done about this book.

Sources and References

1 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 1:17

2, 3 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 2:36

4 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 3:24

5 Infamous New York, Tammany Hall

6 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 10:49

7 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 15:13

8 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 21:53

9 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 33:34

10 World Economic Forum, Melanie Walker

11 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 34:00

12 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 35:16

13 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 41:15

14 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 42:29

© 1997-2022 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.


Rumble VIDEO: Dr. Alexander Explains The Orchestrated Coup Against President Trump Conducted By Medical Deep State

Posted by Bannons War Room

Published December 28, 2022


Rumble VIDEO: Ed Dowd and Mike Adams discuss catastrophic civilization implications…

Posted by Health Ranger Report

Published December 29, 2022




Posted by The New American

First Published December 30th, 2022 17:38 UTC

It is becoming increasingly well-known and understood that the UN’s “climate” agenda is about shackling the planet in the name of saving it. At last November’s “climate” COP27 conference in Egypt, the UN took another step in this direction by calling for climate reparations entailing a gargantuan transfer of wealth from the United States and other developed nations to poor nations supposedly suffering from the bad effects of climate change. But less well known than the UN’s political/economic power grab is the emerging New World (Green) Religion that is occurring in tandem. Yet the religious implications of the UN’s overall agenda, according to The New American’s Alex Newman, is even more important than the UN’s very serious and frightful political machinations. In this interview with “Beyond the Cover” host Gary Benoit, Newman explains why.

 Newman attended COP27,  where the New World Religion was on full display. He is also the author of “The UN’s New World Religion” and other articles about the UN’s “climate” agenda in the January 16, 2023 issue of The New American magazine.

 To subscribe to The New American, visit 

🇺🇸 The New American:




Posted by 99Percent

First Published December 30th, 2022 09:19 UTC

Hundreds of millions will eventually die from this… 300 million dead is a best case scenario. People will not be able to ignore this.