Irritated With Transformation Yet? Let’s Do America First!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 12, 2024

My childhood from birth to age 12 was roughly 1956 – 1968. I grew up in what was then mostly Conservative (even the Dems) rural Eastern Washington State. Baby Boomers will understand when I say, “Life was a  lot like ‘Leave it to Beaver’” (Endearing ReviewIntellectualized Review). If you are a post-Boomer, you’ll probably have to look it up to attempt to understand.

I mention my upbringing for you to hopefully comprehend my irritated feelings toward the Obama Fundamental Transformation of America overtly pushed pedal-to-the-metal and perpetuated by the Dementia Joe puppet regime behind-the-curtain lever-pullers.

On a personal level, I hope younger generations awaken to the grand manipulation that has the apparent end goal of eradicating the last molecules of the Founding Fathers’ Republic fought for in 1776 and institutionalized when nine States ratified the U.S. Constitution by June 1788 with Rhode Island being the last hold out in 1790 (

These videos I’m about to share reflect my irritation and my conflict with those determined to fundamentally transform the America I love into a godless cesspool of tyranny. If the transformation circle is completed, Individual Liberty, Religious Freedom, Christian Morality and Independent Thinking will terminate.

At my age, my sense is cantankerous personal resistance is my part. I pray younger people participate in a more active resistance. SAVE THE REPUBLIC! RESIST TYRANNY like it’s 1776!


And a BONUS video that questions how the world’s population is determined by comparing official statistics from an outcome based on extrapolated math. It’s a thinker. You might have to do some personal digging on the extrapolated math to arrive at agreement or disagreement:

JRH 3/12/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Bitchute VIDEO: Jordan Peterson warns of dangers posed by ‘superstate’… (Substack)

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 11th, 2024 19:47 UTC

I found this video as a Substack post from DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD at COVID INTEL ( under the lengthy title, “VIDEO – Jordan Peterson warns of dangers posed by “superstate” – “ultimate fascist collusion between gigantic, self-interested corporations & paranoid, security-obsessed anti-human govt (Mar.7, 2024)”. The actual date of the post is 3/11/24 ( The Substack post sources Youtube – The Daily Signal (



Posted by Conservative Politics,anti-NWO,anti-left/socialistStarblazer692003

First Published March 10th, 2024 14:12 UTC

Why Biden’s Regime Wants to Brand YOU a ‘Christian Nationalist’ | Glenn TV | Ep 337

[Blog Editor: Starblazer promote Xephula of which I also am a member] Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites… –


Rumble VIDEO: BIDEN’s PLANNED CIVIL WAR: Journalists Michael Yon & Ann Vandersteel Discuss This With Clay Morris (3.9.24) Redacted

Posted by Truths Unlimited

Published March 10, 2024

Journalists Michael Yon and Ann Vandersteel join us to discuss the on going border crisis and new revelations about a government coverup in the Darien Gap.

Enjoyed this video? Join redacted Locals community for exclusive content at!



Rumble VIDEO: “The COVID Vaccines Are the Most Dangerous Vaccines of All Time”

Posted by Vigilant News Network

Published March 9, 2024

“Not only is there NO clinical benefit that is demonstrated, but it kills you,” says @stkirsch.

“Far more people have been killed by the vaccines than by the COVID virus.”

“It has killed probably on the order of — it’s over 10 million people worldwide have been killed by these vaccines. Far more people have been killed by the vaccines than by the COVID virus. And most of the deaths, like 90% of the deaths from the COVID virus are from the hospital treatment protocols.”

Original clip:

Protect you and your family from the deadly spike protein:

Don’t get caught unprepared for the ‘next pandemic’ [Blog Editor: “Plandemic” a better term]

Stock up on mRNA-free beef from a freedom-loving former marine:

Protect your wealth from Bidenflation and economic uncertainty:


Rumble VIDEO: The Overpopulation Hoax – The Earth is NOT Overpopulated and There’s More Than Enough Room For Everyone!

Posted by Real Truth Real News

Published February 26, 2024

We’ve already shown that it’s not efficient and we know that there is plenty of room for everyone. Well, the answer is that a few dozen psychopaths want us to tear each other to pieces so that we won’t unite against our slave masters. We are part of a giant laboratory experiment and each of us is just an expendable little white lab mouse.

👉 Our Beautiful Planet Earth Is NOT Overpopulated!

👉 The United Nations: Population Control

👉 The Deagel Report Predicts Massive Depopulation By 2025/2030

👉 What is the myth of overpopulation?

👉 Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth:

👉 Overpopulation Myth Videos:

👉 The History, Origins and Intentions of Agenda 2030/The Great Reset, Secret Societies and the New World Order Cult


Shadowy Behind-the-Scenes Ruler/Influencers

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

October 3, 2023

I realize it’s my opinion which many will relegate to the realm of Conspiracy Theory; NEVERTHELESS, I believe not only USA governance but also world-wide governance in what was once considered the Free World is becoming dominated by shadow rulers.

Today’s share explores shadow rulership. Do some independent thinking. I say this because I am unsure if I agree with all that I am sharing. Some of it I will have to ponder and do a little digging to better form my opinion. I suggest – you the reader/video-watcher – do the same.

As Rod Serling might have said, “I submit for your approval”:

  • VIDEO: Amerikan Clown Show; By POLITICAL MOONSHINE (Substack); 10/1/23
  • Total World Connections and Actions Expose the Evil Agenda of the One World Governance Plot; By Gary D. Barnett; 9/30/23
  • Why do Governments Hate their People? Simple: they serve higher beings that want to destroy humanity; By SCOTT HICKO (Substack); 10/1/23
  • Unmasking the Shadows: The Khazarian Mafia’s Secret World Dominance: The Possible Truth of Our Reality – How the Khazarian Mafia Orchestrates Global Events… (and Their Fear of a Mass Awakening); By SAMUEL ROBINSON KEPHART (Substack); 10/1/23 [I appreciated this last post because it points to shadowy behind the scenes influences and NOT an Antisemitic global Jewish conspiracy of world domination. Today there are two kinds of Jews: Covenant-breaking Leftist Jews and Covenant-keeping Jews. To group ALL Jews into one conspiracy because of Leftist Jews is a dangerous place to be in the eyes of the Almighty.]

JRH 10/3/23


Thank you to those who have stepped up! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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VIDEO: Amerikan Clown Show



October 1, 2023

Political Moonshine Newsletter

AMERIKAN CLOWN SHOW: A short futuristic and dystopian film examining the reality of Amerika. The inspiration for the theme, visual design and visual style of this film is from Aze Avora’s fantastic video ‘Capitol of Conformity.’

[Blog Editor: For sharing on my Blogs I uploaded this video to my Bitchute Channel. On My Substack, I will upload the video.]

Bitchute VIDEO: Amerikan Clown Show

[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published October 2nd, 2023 14:24 UTC


To view the video at Xwitter:

“There’s a distinct difference between what is happening to us and what is being done to us.”

CAPITOL OF CONFORMITY by AZE AVORA: The video that inspired ‘Amerikan Clown Show’.

Youtube VIDEO: Capitol of Conformity | Dystopian Short Film

[Posted by Aze Avora

Posted Aug 30, 2023



© 2023 Political Moonshine

Political Moonshine HOMEPAGE

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Posted by SlantRight2

First Published October 1st, 2023 18:35 UTC

I actually found this video on a Telegram share from Veteran Patriots Chat (, but that share actually came from the website Wide Awake Media ( Original post link:

The 1:09 clip was posted on Wide Awake Media on 9/30/23, but it is actually an excerpt of a 30:48 Youtube video from the World Economic Forum itself. I continue to be amazed that these Marxist-Fascist Globalists are so full of self-indulgent hubris they have no problem with publicly sharing their designs to control the masses.

Wide Awake Media has the Youtube link in their description. Here’s the WEF Youtube title: “Press Conference: The New Economics of Water – Launch of Global Commission | Davos | #WEF22” (original date: 8/24/22). The title to Wide Awake Media post: “WEF Puppet: A Water Crisis Will Succeed Where Others Crises Have Failed”.

Wide Awake Media Description:

“World Economic Forum “agenda contributor”, Mariana Mazzucato: Our attempt to vaccinate the entire planet failed, “climate change” is “too abstract” for people to understand, but the coming water crisis is something that everyone will get on board with.



Total World Connections and Actions Expose the Evil Agenda of the One World Governance Plot

By Gary D. Barnett

September 30, 2023

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” ~ David Rockefeller

Divide and rule–Divide and rule–Divide and rule. Are you beginning to see what is going on in this country and the world? Can you possibly understand that you are digging your own graves by allowing yourselves to be lied to, manipulated, and controlled en masse? Is your perception so narrowly focused that your only reality is sheer darkness? That certainly appears to be the case when discussing the plight of the masses today. In order to see, one must be willing to look and to find the truth, and then act on that truth. Anything less is cowardice in the face of tyranny.

Once eyes are open, it becomes ridiculously obvious that everything going on today is a calculated plot; one that has been active for decades, but that has recently accelerated dramatically as the new world order and its global government scheme is getting closer to fruition. Keep in mind, that this world is being run by the very few, while hundreds of millions here, and billions on earth, are supporting and accepting their own enslavement at the hands of a tiny minority of what is a ruling conspiratorial cabal.

Consider just some of the atrocities happening, and how they are all tied together in what is referred to by the ruling class, governments, and the controlled media, as consequential. Consider that most of these horrendous events, and the response to these nefarious acts, are across many boundaries, geographical areas, nation-states, and continents; all acting in a similar manner at the same time. This of course is not possible, unless all this is coordinated among a ruling class of evil monsters, whose victims are all the common people on earth.

For purposes here, the concentration can be limited just to the past four years, as the biggest push toward total globalism has occurred during this recent period of time. Beginning with the ‘fake ‘covid’ fraud, this false threat was accepted as real, treated as a one-world narrative, where virtually every single country in the world acted in concert simultaneously. All these countries prior to this manufactured ’emergency,’ were somewhat independent, sovereign in some regards, and many were enemies of one another, but they all came together as one to address this obvious bogus risk that had been telegraphed for years before it was foisted on us all. This is not feasible in any regard, unless coordinated worldwide in advance.

Consider the consequences of this fraud in its mandates, orders. new laws, and restrictions, and how they were universally accepted by every county on earth all at once. Lockdowns were universal, as was mask-wearing, fake testing, ‘social distancing,’ quarantines, stoppage to travel, and eventually the acceptance and mass-injection worldwide of completely untested, dangerous, and deadly poisons called ‘vaccines,’ which have caused massive sickness and death which continues to this day.

Consider the immigration plight and global governing push for mass migration, that has destroyed many countries and devastated economies everywhere. Again, this was widespread across all boundaries in the same time period. This is still happening every day, and is causing havoc worldwide.

Consider the ‘racism’ ploy that has been manufactured, manipulated, lied about, and created and stoked, by all the same players who control the world. This new illegitimate racism is a complete fraud meant only to divide, but any inspection of the motives destroy the entire basis of this fraudulent plot to cause unrest. In essence, this has become real racism against all white people, especially white males, but the entire ruling class and its media whores who perpetuate this lie, are mostly white males. Does this make any sense whatsoever if real racism is the problem? Of course not, as this is just another way to cause hatred and panic, It is in no way valid, but is being used as a weapon in many areas of the world concurrently.

Consider that unnatural fires, fires of such extreme heat and devastation, that entire towns, cities, natural treasures, timber lands, sought-after geographic locations, and human fodder are being targeted. Once again, these are not isolated terror attacks, it is happening worldwide, and in concert. The devastation is occurring in California, Hawaii, New York, most of the western U.S., Canada, Greece, Spain, Turkey, many other parts of Europe, China, Australia; this just to name a few. Most all these fires are much hotter and more deadly than any natural wildfire could be, and again, this is widespread around the world at the same time.

The main blame for much of this terroristic devastation is based on the lie and fraud called ‘man-made climate change,’ and that in my opinion is the lynchpin of all efforts to destroy this planet, economies, and the bulk of people who make up the masses at large. Again, this is an agenda that is being pursued worldwide, and in a concerted effort together as one.

Also, there seems to be a gigantic push, fake of course, toward this insane transgender idiocy, and again this is happening in many different countries around the world together. Transgenders make up only a fraction of 1% of populations, but the exposure given this fraud is again universal. If one were to watch television, sporting events, advertising, and staged events, he would think that ‘transgenders’ made up the bulk of populations. Schools across this entire country, and others as well, are being inundated with this transgender nonsense. It is completely immoral, and to allow children to be exposed to this madness is evil exemplified. But then, control the children, and control the world. It is just a waiting game. Brainwashing and indoctrinating the young will guarantee that when the old no longer inhabit this world, the rulers will have won by default; having a totally dumbed down, compliant, and ignorant population accepting of a supreme authority to manage and control their lives.

Is all of this, and obviously so much more, coincidental? Is it all accidental? Can everything going on in this world happen most everywhere, and all simultaneously, by all different types of people and cultures, and still be considered natural? Or is it ordained by some grand cabal that has a plan for the rest of humanity that only leads to total rule? If most all these atrocities are happening at once, and universally in many cases, is it not obvious that all this is orchestrated, and therefore a pre-determined plot against freedom and individuality? I suggest, that this is exactly what is happening, and the saddest part of it, is that most all of you are blinded by your own desire to hide from truth and reality, by your ‘beliefs’ fed to you by government, and by accepting kings and rulers who you have voluntarily chosen to be your masters.

Our world today is one of secret societies, of NGOs, of governments, of hidden oligarchs, of technocrats, of ‘health masters’ called pharmaceuticals, of the media, and of central banks and corporate heads, all who are collaborating, and working toward the same exact agenda, while the lowly masses stand by and watch without lifting a finger. This is our real problem.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Best of Gary D. Barnett

Gary D. Barnett [send him mail] is a retired investment professional that has been writing about freedom and liberty matters, politics, and history for two decades. He is against all war and aggression, and against the state. He recently finished a collaboration with former U.S. Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, and was a contributor to her new book, “When China Sneezes” From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Political-Economic Crisis.” Currently, he lives in Montana with his wife and son. Visit his website.

Copyright © Gary D. Barnett HOMEPAGE



Why do Governments Hate their People?

Simple: they serve higher beings that want to destroy humanity

Crooked Politicians (Substack Photo)


October 1, 2023

Saved Ignoble Substack

The evil in this world is increasingly out in the open. It is so bad that one might ask, “How could humans do this to each other?”

Well, what if I told you that humans are not the origin of this evil. That our leaders are executing a plan created by very powerful beings that sit above humanity.

No! I’m not talking about aliens from another planet, but alien gods mentioned in scripture. Before you write this off as a fairy-tale, check to see if these gods are requiring from our human leaders the very same things they required from people in the Old Testament times.

When the Supreme gave the nations allotments, when He parted the sons of Adam, He set boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Elohim.

– Deuteronomy 32:8

Boundaries Between Sons of Adam & Sons of Elohim (Substack Photo)

The Almighty God assigned His watchers to do exactly that, ‘Watch over humans.’

However, some of these watchers, sons of God, chose to rebel. These ‘fallen gods’ ruled groups of people in specific lands.

The beings that ruled the nations back in early Old Testament times are still here today…executing their end-game. These are the powerful, fallen, sons of God. They ultimately want to destroy humanity and keep a remnant as slaves to force worship. These small ‘g’ gods anoint human beings to execute their plan in exchange for power.

This is what we see manifested in the political realm today.

There mode of operation does not change…today, just like in the old testament scriptures, these gods:

1. lead mankind into needless wars

2. require child sacrifices in exchange for power (child trafficking)

3. require sex-magic in rituals (sex trafficking)

4. Implement world wide controls on humanity to develop a one world system

The list goes on and on and though we need to be sure who is operating these plans, we need to know that ultimately the Almighty God is in control. God created evil and uses these gods to exact His plan of giving humanity an experience of evil in order to enhance our future bliss.

It is an experience of evil God has given to the sons of humanity to humble them by it.

– Ecclesiastes 1:13

God created humanity, gives humanity an experience of evil and death, and makes all humanity a new creation through His Son. Therefore, this new humanity will hold the highest place in God’s creation. The gods that currently run our governments cannot stand this. So, they seek to destroy humans. This is why our government leaders enact policies that hurt their own people and others around the world.

Former of light and creator of darkness, Maker of good and Creator of evil, I, Yahweh, make all these things.

– Isaiah 45:7

The gods of the old testament hate the fact that every single man, women, and child ever created will become immortal and be with God forever. As a result, they seek to kill them now.

Rest assured, at the end, all creation, even these despicable gods, are reconciled to the Almighty God through Christ’s death for sin, His entombment, and His resurrection!

Who is the Image of the invisible God, Firstborn of every creature, for in Him is all created, that in the heavens and that on the earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones, or lordships, or sovereignties, or authorities, all is created through Him and for Him, and He is before all, and all has its cohesion in Him.

And He is the head of the body, the ecclesia, Who is Sovereign, Firstborn from among the dead, that in all He may becoming first, for in Him the entire complement delights to dwell, and through Him to reconcile all to Him (making peace through the blood of His cross), through Him, whether those on the earth or those in the heavens.

– Colossians 1:15-20

Youtube VIDEO: Why sooooooo Evil?

[Posted by Scott Hicko

Posted Sep 28, 2023


© 2023 Scott Hicko

Saved Ignoble Substack HOMEPAGE

SUBSCRIBE/SUPPORT Saved Ignoble Substack


Unmasking the Shadows: The Khazarian Mafia’s Secret World Dominance

The Possible Truth of Our Reality – How the Khazarian Mafia Orchestrates Global Events… (and Their Fear of a Mass Awakening).

The Meeting” – Original artwork by Sam Kephart using prompts with


October 1, 2023

In the shadowy corridors of power, where the world’s fate is decided, a name echoes ominously – the Khazarian Mafia.

Does it really exist… or is its existence a fiction? You get to choose.

I say it ABSOLUTELY exists.

Here’s the high-level premise:

The Hydra is a multi-headed serpent said to have been slain by Hercules in Greek mythology. The Hydra is often used as a metaphor for an organization that is difficult to defeat because it has many different parts and can regenerate its heads.

The Khazarian Mafia (KM) is a term used to describe a network of international criminals who are said to be descended from the Khazars, a Turkic people who lived in the Caucasus region.

The Khazarian Mafia, a controversial and elusive “behind-the-scenes” entity, has been frequently associated with major contemporary global organizations initiating major policies and decisions.

They operate through many well-known international bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the U.S. “Deep State”, among others.

The infiltration of these organizations by the Khazarian Mafia is often likened to a multi-headed Hydra… with each head representing a different organization controlled or influenced by a powerful central or core network that informs (dictates) its visible activities.

The WHO, an international body that guides health policy globally, is one such organization influenced by the Khazarian Mafia. That group’s significant influence over health policies, vaccination programs, and pandemic responses has raised concerns, with critics questioning the transparency and impartiality of the WHO’s internal decision-making processes and the fact that its rulings, by treaty, override any member country’s internal sovereignty.

The NATO alliance, a significant post World War II military organization, is another operational head of the Hydra. The Khazarian Mafia uses NATO to instigate conflicts and maintain a state of perpetual undeclared wars around the world… allowing the group to profit from the military-industrial complex’s weapons and supply stream sales.

The World Economic Forum, an influential international organization that brings together business, political, academic, and other leaders of society is another front for the Khazarian Mafia. The KM uses the WEF as a front platform and mouthpiece to control global economic policies and trends, thereby maintaining its financial dominance on Wall Street, the City of London, and other centers of finance.

Lastly, the term “Deep State” in the U.S. refers to a secret network of influential members of government agencies and military intelligence who “shadow run” the country irrespective of our democratically elected officialsThe Khazarian Mafia is a significant player within this Deep State, manipulating both domestic and foreign policy and power for its own ends.

The Khazarian Mafia organizational network is a global puppet master… pulling the strings behind-the-scenes of these major organizations and many others including most major media and online entities (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, etc.).

The level of the KM’s influence remains a subject of contentious debate.

Mainstream critics argue such “conspiracy theories” oversimplify complex global dynamics and can lead to harmful misinformation. Nonetheless, the concerns raised about transparency, accountability, and the concentration of power in these organizations are significant and worthy of deeper due diligence and further consideration.

The idea the Khazarian Mafia operates as a multi-headed Hydra through these organizations, and others, paints a picture of an omnipresent and omnipotent entity that’s an enemy of mankind.

Rooted in historical narrative that’s shrouded in enigma, this clandestine group is a significant player in the orchestration of major world events. Their influence stems from a complex web of control, manipulation, and fear.

But what happens when the ordinary people they aim to control wake-up to their global perpetrations? Some history:

The Khazarian Mafia traces its origins back to Khazaria, a kingdom (circa 650 to 850 CE) located between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, known today as parts of modern-day Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. Historically, the Khazarians were known for their ruthless and brutal tactics used to expand their influence and control.

Fast forward to the modern era; the descendants of this ancient group, known as the Khazarian Mafia, are believed to have permeated the highest echelons of global power in many countries around the world. From politics and finance to media and entertainment, they are said to manipulate global events subtly and covertly… all while remaining hidden from public scrutiny.

But why would they do so? The answer lies in their need to control.

By influencing major world events, the Khazarian Mafia can shape public opinion, control economies, and determine the course of nations and history itself. In essence, they hold the puppet strings of the world…. guiding its trajectory to their goals and desires.

However, the Khazarian Mafia’s greatest fear is the mass awakening of ordinary people to their covert manipulations.

For if the world were to awaken to their perpetrations, their iron grip on global power would be threatened and likely broken. This fear has led them to go to extraordinary lengths to maintain the hypnosis of the masses.

Through control of media outlets, film, entertainment, music, special interest groups, and political parties, they shape public narratives to suit their agendas. (FYI, George Soros and folks like him are icons for the Khazarian Mafia.)

The KM uses fear and division as tools to distract and control, creating serial crises that demand solutions only they can provide (which always lead to less personal freedom and more top-down control).

The Khazarian Mafia exploits social and economic disparities to maintain a status quo favoring their interests. In essence, they’ve created a grand illusion; a world stage where they’re the puppeteers… and we’re the unsuspecting and gullible audience.

Yet, as more people start questioning the status quo and seeking the truth, the Khazarian Mafia’s reign may be threatened. The rise of alternative media, the spread of information through social networks, and the growing distrust towards established institutions all contribute to an emerging global awakening.

This awakening is a direct threat to the Khazarian Mafia’s control. For once people realize the illusion, the puppet strings become visible… and the puppeteers lose their power.

As this awakening gains momentum, it’s crucial to understand this is not a call to arms, but rather a call to awareness.

It’s about recognizing the invisible forces manipulating our world and seeking to understand them better. It’s about breaking-free from the hypnosis of manipulated narratives and perpetrated circumstances… and reclaiming our autonomy.

However, that’s easier said than done.

The Khazarian Mafia’s iron grip over the world’s information flow makes it challenging to separate truth from fiction and reality from manipulated illusion. Yet, the first step towards breaking-free from its control is to question, to probe, and to not accept everything at face value.

This narrative of the Khazarian Mafia serves as a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play in our world; any such group that thrives on control and manipulation can only hold-on to power as long as we, the people, remain unaware, unquestioning, and passive.

In the end, the power to change our world lies not in the hands of the few who seek to control it, but in the hands of us who inhabit it.

As we unravel the mysteries and background surrounding the Khazarian Mafia (and their influence on world events) let’s remember the greatest weapon against our manipulation is knowledge.

In case you haven’t yet figured it out, the mission of this newsletter is to seek truth, spread awareness, and strive for a world where power is not concentrated in the hands of a shadowy few, but distributed equally among the many.

Whether the Khazarian Mafia is a reality or a myth, the lesson remains the same.

We must stay vigilant, question the narratives we are fed, and strive to fundamentally understand the forces that shape our world. Only then can we hope to break free from the strings of manipulation and chart a course towards a future of transparency, equality, and freedom.

The journey towards a world free from manipulation, mass lies and hypnosis, and control is long and fraught with challenges. It demands persistence, courage, and a commitment to truth. It requires us to constantly question our reality, challenge our preconceptions, and seek answers even when they’re uncomfortable or inconvenient.

The story of the Khazarian Mafia, whether rooted in fact or fiction, serves as a powerful metaphor for the unseen forces shaping our world. It reminds us of the possible existence of shadowy entities pulling the strings behind the scenes and influencing our lives in ways we may not fully comprehend.

However, the power to change this narrative is within our grasp. Every question we ask, every truth we uncover and share, and every time we choose to do our own “deep dive” or think critically and independently, we chip away at the foundations of external control and manipulation.

In this quest for truth and freedom, we’re not alone. Across the world, more and more people are waking-up to the reality of the world we live in. This global awakening, fueled by the collective desire for truth and justice, is the most significant threat to any group that thrives on secrecy and manipulation.

The multi-headed Hydra narrative I’ve just shared underscores the importance of transparency, impartiality, and accountability in global governance, regardless of the validity of the claims about the Khazarian Mafia’s actual existence and/or influence.

In the end, our collective awareness and action can create a world that’s fair, transparent, and free from the control of hidden cabals.

It’s a world where power is not wielded by a select few from the shadows but is shared equitably by all in the light of day.

This is the world we must strive for. This is the world we can create, one question, one truth, and one awakened mind at a time.

Editor’s Note: Quite literally, as I was finishing my final edit review of the above written overview, the following video link came in from reader Paul. Don’t accept anything at face value; DO YOUR OWN DEEP DIVE. This video uses a computer voiceover so as not to attach itself to knowable persons.

Also, NONE of this material is intended to be “anti-Jewish”, “anti-Semitic”, or “anti-Israel.”

Having said that, one must draw a CLEAR distinction between Khazarian Mafia members and ordinary, innocent people of Jewish blood and faith. Further, just as the Khazarian Mafia has its control “claws” well-positioned inside the US “Deep State”, it also has similar hidden ties and influences within the modern State of Israel.




[Posted by Jim Crenshaw

First Published October 1st, 2023 19:09 UTC


If you prefer to read, which I do, here’s the same basic narrative in a readable link:

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

… Blog Editor: This point following are several links to info on Globalist/Deep State Tyranny.

© 2023 Samuel Robinson Kephart HOMEPAGE


The Connecting Rod of Tyranny

Believe it or Dismiss it – YOU DECIDE!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 6, 2023

ZeroHedge and THE EXPOSÉ have picked up some very good old posts that explain much and made them recent by cross posting them. AND I’m getting on the train by cross posting them together. The posts on first appearance may seem unrelated.

ZeroHedge cross posted a Paul Craig Roberts 8/3/23 fantastic analysis of the Trump indictments showing how the Dem-Marxist prosecutors are absurdly twisting or even fabricating laws to keep the actually elected President Trump from re-taking Office and therefore Power. The underlying looming question is, “WHY AND WHAT are the Deep State hacks so afraid of with Trump running the show?

THE EXPOSÉ cross posted Substack’s A Lily Bit 8/4/23 look at Klaus Schwab/WEF dumbing the useless humans down with Metaverse Totalitarianism no doubt to better control the Sheeple to make them more gullible to accept the likes of Jack Smith indictments against Donald Trump.

AND THAT’S MY CONNECTING ROD. You can believe it or dismiss it. The critical thinking is something I pray YOU embark upon. Below are updated versions of the cross posts.

JRH 8/6/23


Thank you to those who have stepped up! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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The Orchestrated Cases Against Trump Explained


Authored by Paul Craig Roberts

AUG 05, 2023 – 06:30 PM


President Trump has broken no laws.

The charges against Trump brought by corrupt Democrat appointees are for propaganda purposes and for sidelining the candidate who the Democrats know will win the next election.

If the Democrats did not regard Trump as the winning candidate, they would not have shown their corrupt colors with four false indictments.

Indictment Lawfare Against Trump

Many of the charges are based on interpretations or assertions of law never before seen in any court other than Stalin’s purge trials in the 1930s.

Start with the realization that the three charges and a pending fourth are charges against Trump while he was in office as President of the United States. The Democrat’s charge that a President of the United States committed numerous felonies amounting to four separate felony trials. Ask yourself how likely is this.

Remember, also, that the Vietnam War, Gulf of Tonkin, bombings of Cambodia and Laos, Manning’s revelation of war crimes, etc., etc., real crimes all, never resulted in indictments of responsible administration figures, except for Manning who was indicted for blowing the whistle on crimes. In Washington’s justice, it is not those who commit crimes who are indicted. It is those who expose crimes.

Let’s start with the fake case of Trump’s retention of some national security documents. Presidents and presidential appointees are allowed copies of their work in office. Among the many boxes of documents packed up for Trump there were allegedly 31 classified documents. On the basis of these few pages a nonentity named Jack Smith, a total failure as head of the Justice Department’s “Integrity Unit,” managed to create out of thin air 37 felony counts against Trump. Not a single one of these charges has any basis in law. No one has ever been charged under these phony charges. Moreover, President Trump had the authority to declassify documents, which he says he did.

But the Democrats know they own the media, and the law schools, and the governing class that defines what is acceptable. For these corrupt people, getting rid of Trump is all that matters. Every lie that serves the cause of removing a threat to the corrupt establishment is permissible.

The 37 felony charges contain no evidence that Trump knew what was in the boxes, assuming anything was. It is just an assertion. After the boxes were seized, anything could have been put into them.  Why would anyone believe the FBI after so many FBI lies and scandals have been revealed?

In 2012 Judicial Watch sued to force President Bill Clinton to turn over records in his possession, but Obama appointee judge Amy Berman Jackson said the court had no ability to second-guess a president’s assertion of documents to which he was entitled.  The judge said that “since the President is completely entrusted with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office, it would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less authority to do what he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records.”

But Jack Smith has brought a felony case based on nothing but Jack Smith’s assertion that he, not President Trump or a federal judge, knows what documents the President has a right to retain. As for integrity, Jack Smith scores zero.  From a headline story this morning:

 “Special counsel Jack Smith’s team made a startling admission in its case against former President Donald Trump, acknowledging in a new court filing that it failed to turn over all evidence to Mr. Trump’s legal team as required by law and falsely claimed that it had.”  

In other words, Jack Smith lies, so why believe his case?

If I understand the nonsensical case, one of Jack Smith charges is that Trump violated the law by letting a lawyer lacking the security clearances search the document boxes for the alleged “contraband.”

So much for the charge of national security breaches.  It is total nonsense.

Jack Smith’s other fake case is that by challenging the stolen election, President Trump while still President of the United States Trump was involved in a conspiracy to “impair, object, and defeat the counting of votes.”

Think about this charge. The charge is not that Trump defeated the vote count, which he obviously didn’t as he was replaced by Biden but that he challenged the vote count. Do you see what this means? If a candidate challenges vote irregularities, and there were many in the stolen election, he is guilty of “conspiracy to overturn the election.”

The alleged January 6 “insurrection” was the work of federal agents at the capital while Trump and his supporters were more than a mile away at the Washington Monument where Trump was speaking. Only a thoroughly corrupt Department of Justice (sic) could configure an insurrection out of police escorting a few unarmed people around the Capitol. The evidence is clear that the federal agents and the police provoked the few protesters present in an effort to create a violent scene for the presstitute media to turn into an “insurrection.”

A black Atlanta prosecutor, Fanni Willis, has turned President Trump’s request to Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger to investigate the widespread evidence of electoral fraud that cost Trump the state’s electoral votes by a mere 11,000 votes. Only an ignorant quota hire could possibly confuse a crime with a request for an honest vote count.

Some people think that Raffensperger and the Governor took bribes to use the Dominion voting machines that experts say are easily hackable and easily programed to count votes differently from how they are cast. The suspicion is that the Georgia Republican authorities could not investigate without risk that their bribe would surface.

Alvin Bragg, another quota hire serving as a New York prosecutor, has charged Trump with 34 felonies for paying extortion money to porn actress Stormy Daniels. The charge is that Trump’s lawyers reported the payment as a legal expense when it should have been reported as a campaign expense.  The charge is not that Trump paid the porn star but that the payment was incorrectly reported, which is merely the opinion of the prosecutor.

Ask yourself, how can 34 felony charges come out of a dispute over how a payment is reported?

The reason the Democrat hatchet men turn single charges into 34 charges and 37 charges, is to create in the public’s mind that Trump has committed a massive number of crimes. He must be guilty of something, because “where there is smoke, there is fire.”  In the American system in which the media are totally biased against Trump, it is easy for Democrat prosecutors to create smoke.

These indictments of Trump consist entirely of smoke.  That such spurious charges can go forward constitutes proof that in the US law has been weaponized.  Just like the dollar.  Just like the news.

Many people dislike Trump for personal reasons or because the media has succeeded in indoctrinating them against Trump, but once innocence or guilt depends on personal emotions, the rule of law is dead.  And that is precisely what the Trump indictments indicate.



Schwab has dreams of controlling a metaverse that permeates nearly every facet of our lives

Schwab Dreams to Control MetaverseFeatured image: Klaus Schwab (left). WEF Sets up Its Own Metaverse Global Collaboration Village (right)


August 6, 2023


The metaverse is an emerging technological concept centred around virtual and augmented reality.  Lurking beneath this alluring veneer is a dark underbelly – it has the ominous capability to become a breeding ground for censorship, unbridled surveillance, and an insidious form of digital enslavement, surpassing anything humanity has ever encountered. And, the World Economic Forum is taking steps to have control over it.

The WEF’s Metaverse Utopia

A Feel-Good Space Where Your Freedom Takes a Virtual Vacation – Permanently.

By A Lily Bit

The metaverse is an emerging technological concept centred around virtual and augmented reality. It tantalisingly offers humans the prospect of an unprecedented digital escapade – one that boasts greater expanse, interactivity, and intensity than any prior experience.

However, lurking beneath this alluring veneer is a dark underbelly. The metaverse has the ominous capability to become a breeding ground for censorship, unbridled surveillance, and an insidious form of digital enslavement, surpassing anything humanity has ever encountered.

If people increasingly immerse themselves in the metaverse, integrating it into every facet of their lives, they inadvertently open themselves up to manipulation by those who wield technological control. This potential dependency raises the spectre of a dystopian scenario where the very virtual realm designed to liberate morphs into a digital prison, with its inhabitants confined and subjugated.

This technology is still in its early stages of development, and its potential to either enhance digital opportunities or devolve into a digital catastrophe remains uncertain.

Interestingly, the World Economic Forum (“WEF”), a prominent international organisation known for its advocacy of digital censorship and surveillance, is already taking steps to assert its control over this emerging digital frontier.

Klaus Schwab, the founder and chairman of the WEF, succinctly conveyed the organisation’s ambitions for the metaverse during a speech in February 2023 at the appropriately titled World Government Summit. In his address, Schwab proclaimed that those who gain mastery over new technologies, including the metaverse, will wield a significant degree of influence over the world’s affairs.

“We are at the beginning, when you look at it, at technology transformation, it usually takes place in the terms of an S-curve. And we are just now where we move into the exponential phase. And I agree, artificial intelligence, but not only artificial intelligence, but also the metaverse, new space technologies, and I could go on and on, synthetic biology. Our life in 10 years from now will be completely different, very much affected, and who masters those technologies, in some way, will be the master of the world.”—Klaus Schwab.

Youtube VIDEO [16-minutes]: The State of the World

[Posted by World Government Summit

Posted on Feb 15, 2023


Schwab and his organisation are employing a recognisable strategy to assert their dominance over the metaverse.

They engage in collaborative efforts with both the public and private sectors, orchestrating initiatives that further the WEF’s agenda. This subtle manoeuvring enables them to progressively amass control and wield influence.

At the forefront of the WEF’s metaverse endeavours lies their primary initiative, aptly named ‘Defining and Building the Metaverse’. Initially, the organisation made no attempt to conceal its intentions of leveraging these partnerships to establish a form of governance over the metaverse.

A previous iteration of the initiative’s webpage stated its mission as, “to formulate and disseminate actionable strategies for the creation and governance of the metaverse.”

This language has subsequently been substituted with a more subdued mission, which now aims to “facilitate the progress of a secure, interoperable, and economically feasible metaverse.”

The initiative has already forged partnerships with over 150 prominent entities, encompassing corporate giants, government bodies, and international organisations.

Among these partners are Meta, Microsoft, Sony, HTC, and Magic Leap, which stand as key manufacturers of virtual and augmented reality hardware essential for metaverse interaction. Notably, both Meta and Microsoft staunchly advocate for online censorship.

Furthermore, a number of private sector factions and government representatives associated with censorship have also become involved.

This includes the Australian government’s e-safety commissioner, a figure advocating for a recalibration of fundamental rights such as free speech, and GLAAD, an advocacy group that has called for government intervention to combat what it labels as “hate speech.”

Moreover, a number of influential financial institutions hold membership in this initiative.

Among these notable entities is Mastercard, an advocate of digital identification systems, which has actively participated in the New York Fed’s pilot program for central bank digital currency. The company has also imposed blacklists on various alternative tech platforms.

Another participant is PayPal, a corporation that has de-platformed numerous users and lent its assistance to the Bank of England’s endeavours concerning central bank digital currency.

The colossal financial institution JP Morgan, recognised for its involvement in Singapore’s CBDC and its enthusiasm for biometric payment methods, has similarly engaged in this initiative. JP Morgan has also undertaken de-platforming actions against its customers.

Deutsche Bank, foreseeing the inevitability of central bank digital currencies, has also aligned itself as a partner within the WEF Metaverse initiative.

In alignment with the WEF’s customary approach, governmental agencies and international organisations form an integral part of the collaborative landscape.

This particular category of partners encompasses the United Nations Office of Counterterrorism, the United States National Institutes of Health National Human Genome Research Institute, and Interpol.

It’s pertinent to note that the United Nations has consistently issued calls for censorship, displaying a stance contrary to the principles of free speech.

The National Institute of Health has faced allegations of attempting to stifle dissent during the covid pandemic, and Interpol’s global arrest warrant mechanism has been misused to target journalists.

While these affiliations serve as telling indicators of the WEF’s intentions for the Metaverse, the revelations within the reports published by the Defining and Building the Metaverse initiative are even more illuminating.

Within these reports, the WEF openly acknowledges its aspirations to exercise control and impose restrictions on broad domains of legal conduct and speech within the Metaverse. It aims to introduce digital identification systems and advance the notions of diversity, equity, and inclusion, a term often used to coerce users into complying with various mandates and speech regulations, while simultaneously censoring dissenting voices.

A particular report, titled ‘Privacy and Safety in the Metaverse, meticulously outlines the WEF’s strategy for overseeing what it terms as “harms” – instances of perceived wrongs that may not necessarily amount to criminal activity but are deemed objectionable by others.

The report advocates for Metaverse stakeholders to proactively combat cyberbullying, harassment, misinformation, and disinformation – four terms frequently invoked to rationalise the censorship practices of major tech companies.

The suggested approach for this crackdown involves the establishment of a mechanism for “recourse and redress,” enabling users to promptly report instances of harassment, discrimination, or abuse in real time. This framework also incorporates robust investigation and enforcement procedures capable of holding both individuals and organisations accountable for their conduct, along with a tiered system of sanctions.

The report distinctly indicates that within the framework of recourse and redress, the protection of free speech will be accorded a lower priority. It goes so far as to quote a source expressing difficulty in countering perceived toxic elements due to, in their words, “freedom of speech concerns” and a scarcity of legally chargeable offences.

Alongside proposing extensive measures to clamp down on expressions and behaviours within the Metaverse, the report delves into the notion of safeguarding children – a recurring argument often employed to rationalise the curtailment of both free speech and privacy for all individuals.

These legislations encompass the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, which has negatively impacted numerous independent creators; the California Age-Appropriate Design Code, which seeks to compel apps and websites to verify visitors’ identities; the European Union’s Digital Services Act, a comprehensive censorship law; and the UK’s online safety bill, replete with provisions that pose threats to free speech and privacy.

Another report emanating from the WEF’s Metaverse Initiative, titled ‘Social Implications of the Metaverse, unveils the organisation’s desire for significantly more stringent controls over avatar customisation within the Metaverse compared to the prevailing gaming domain.

While several popular video games permit players to opt for or craft avatars possessing different genders or races, this report asserts potential repercussions arising from users adopting avatars that differ from their own race or culture. These potential repercussions, as outlined in the report, encompass “cultural appropriation,” “identity tourism,” “digital blackface,” harmful stereotypes, and misrepresentations.

The report employs these instances of perceived avatar misuse as the rationale for enforcing constraints on avatar customisation and advocates for the implementation of moderation policies.

Furthermore, the report emphasises the importance of regulators giving careful consideration to “the provision of digital identities in the Metaverse,” while advocating for the establishment of “an ecosystem of trusted digital identity issuers.”

Despite recommending privacy-centric digital IDs, the mandatory adoption of digital IDs within the Metaverse introduces a range of inherent drawbacks for users. Digital IDs can foster exclusion, rendering individuals without one unable to access specific Metaverse experiences.

Although the concept of “privacy-preserving” holds appeal in theory, many systems claiming such attributes still inadvertently disclose certain personal information.

At the very least, a network of trusted digital identity providers suggests that these entities will hold personal user data.

Furthermore, the ‘Social Implications of the Metaverse’ report asserts the imperative of prioritising diversity, equity, and inclusion at multiple levels while constructing Metaverse teams and crafting Metaverse hardware, software, and encounters.

While diversity, equity, and inclusion are often framed as principles promoting fairness and openness, such initiatives frequently devolve into situations where corporations impose arbitrary quotas across their operations and vehemently silence any dissenting voices criticising these mandates.

Not only is the WEF promoting a bleak vision of the Metaverse characterised by stringent control over speech and behaviour, mandatory digital identification, and the enforcement of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) mandates, but it has also birthed its own Metaverse known as the ‘Global Collaboration Village. This endeavour is a collaborative venture involving Accenture and Microsoft.

The Global Collaboration Village is framed as an “inclusive and responsible” initiative, with its primary goal being the enhancement of sustained public-private cooperation and the reinforcement of global collaboration.

Partners contributing to this initiative include Infosys, a company co-founded by the architect behind India’s digital ID system, and closely tied to the puppet that currently serves as the UK’s prime minister; the International Monetary Fund, actively engaged in developing a global Central Bank Digital Currency (“CBDC”) platform and supporting CBDCs’ potential to control people’s purchasing habits; the United Nations Development Program; non-governmental organisations; academic institutions; various countries; and even Interpol.

While the notion of the WEF assuming control over the Metaverse is unsettling, the situation becomes even more disconcerting when one realises that the organisation envisions the Metaverse permeating numerous crucial sectors of society.

The WEF’s outlook encompasses a plethora of domains in which the Metaverse is projected to intersect, including banking and capital markets, corporate governance, financial and monetary systems, the future of consumption, global governance, health and healthcare, internet governance, justice and law, mental health, pandemic preparedness and response, and the digital transformation of business.

Despite its aspirations to govern the Metaverse, the WEF fundamentally diverges from democratically elected governments. Schwab, along with his benefactors and the constituents of the WEF, hold positions that are not subject to election or the possibility of being voted out by the public.

Read more: The WEF – A Marketplace for Ideas that You Have no Say in, A Lily Bit, 15 September 2022

Furthermore, ordinary citizens find themselves devoid of influence over the regulations that the WEF intends to impose upon the Metaverse, resulting in the suppression of voices advocating for freedom.

Instead, the influential entities and individuals within the WEF’s membership sphere are advocating for a digital future rife with authoritarianism, where unwelcome speech is silenced and a universal digital identification system is imposed.

Should the WEF’s vision materialise – an extensively controlled Metaverse permeating nearly every facet of society – the unelected WEF would bring to fruition the prophecy outlined by Schwab in his 2022 discourse on world governance: the WEF, in some manner, would wield mastery over the world through its role in governing the Metaverse.

About the Author

A Lily Bit is a Substack page authored by Lily who is dedicated to providing her readers with valuable insights into The Great Reset and the World Economic Forum. She is committed to providing accurate and thought-provoking content on this topic and believes that understanding The Great Reset and the World Economic Forum is essential to making informed decisions about our future.  You can subscribe to and follow her Substack page HERE.



Looking at Trump Campaign Truth & RFK Jr. False Accusation

Posted by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Posted July 25, 2023

Two-shares today.

The first is a Rumble video that is essentially a 1:49-minute campaign video (7/24/23) for the actual President Donald Trump. The video is full of brief truth about Deep State political persecution, I must share!

The second share is Dr. Joseph Mercola (7/25/23) mounting an effective defense AGAINST the Dem-Marxist false claims of Antisemitism smeared against Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for simply sharing the facts in a research paper showing COVID was more susceptible to Caucasians and people of an African-heritage than Ashkenazi Jews, Chinese and Finns. The Dem-Marxist were so intent on labeling RFK, Jr. a Jew-Hater, I think they forgot to call him a racist against people of Chinese and Finnish descent. SO FULL of hypocrisy those Dem-Marxists are (perhaps something fictional character Yoda would have said)! Dr. Mercola opens the post with a 3:38-minute video of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (Bios from: ABOUT PAGE, Wikipedia & Wikiwand) defending RFK, Jr.

IN FULL DISCLOSURE: I admire the RFK, Jr. stand against Medical Tyranny, BUT HE IS RUNNING AS A DEM. Compared to today’s Dem-Marxists, RFK, Jr. might be a moderate; NEVERTHELESS he still supports a host of old Dem-Party talking points. As such – THE ONLY WAY I’ll ever for a Dem is without my knowledge probably when already dead without consent from the grave.

JRH 7/25/23


Thank you to those who have stepped up! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT via buying women’s menstrual health, healthy collagen, vitamin supplements/products, coffee from my wife’s Online store: My Store (please use referral discount code 3917004):

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


Rumble VIDEO: If I were the Deep State…

Posted by Lauren3ve

Published July 24, 2023

With Bad Carma & MAGADevilDog


Was COVID a Bioweapon That Targets Certain Races?

Racial Bioweapon [Photo from HOMEPAGE and nor original post page]

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

July 25, 2023

Rumble VIDEO: Rabbi Shmuley & Kennedy On NYPOST Smear

[Posted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Published July 17, 2023



  • According to mainstream media, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently made claims about COVID-19 being an ethnically targeted bioweapon. That is false
  • Kennedy was discussing the threat posed by bioweapons development, and the need to regulate this kind of research and “resuscitate” the 1972 international bioweapons charter that forbids most of it
  • Kennedy cited a 2020 scientific paper, which found that ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews were the least susceptible to COVID-19, while people of African descent and Caucasians were the most susceptible, due to ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism variations
  • Because we now have synthetic biology and a wide variety of genetic engineering techniques, there’s a whole new retinue of bioweapons, and among the most heinous are bioweapons that target specific ethnicities
  • While evidence from official sources are scant, high-level individuals insist that race-specific bioweapons development is already underway, in one country or another, and/or that ethnic-specific bioweapons may already exist

According to mainstream media, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently made claims about COVID-19 being an ethnically targeted bioweapon. Yahoo! News,1 for example, reported that “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. baselessly claimed COVID-19 may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ … He said Caucasians and black people were most susceptible, and Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people were most immune.”

The New York Post claimed “RKF Jr. Says COVID May Have Been ‘Ethnically Targeted’ to Spare Jews.”2

According to Yahoo! News, Kennedy “did not cite any specific sources,” but this whole story turns out to be wrong. Kennedy was in fact citing a very specific scientific paper, and his comments about that paper were then taken out of context.

‘Wild Claims’ Taken Out of Context

Kennedy’s comments, which have been taken out of context by mainstream media to paint him as an anti-Semite, were made during a July 13, 2023, after-hours campaign dinner at an Upper East Side restaurant.3,4 In a July 17, 2023, Instagram video,5 Kennedy tried to set straight “the inaccurate distortion” of his comments.

As explained by Kennedy, he was discussing the threat posed by bioweapons development, which is being done by the U.S., China, Russia and many other countries, and the urgent need to regulate this kind of research and “resuscitate” the 1972 international bioweapons charter (the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons,6,7 which took effect in March 1975) that forbids much of this research.

Because we now have synthetic biology and a wide variety of genetic engineering techniques, “there’s a whole new retinue and generation of bioweapons,” Kennedy said in his Instagram reply, “and among the worst of those are bioweapons that target ethnicities.”

Research Has Identified Genetic Predispositions to COVID

During the dinner in question, Kennedy cited a July 2020 study8 in BMC Medicine, which reported that, based on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis, certain races, as well as people with certain diseases, are more susceptible to COVID-19. As noted in that paper:9

“We found unique genetic susceptibility across different populations in ACE2 and TMPRSS2. Specifically, ACE2 polymorphisms were found to be associated with cardiovascular and pulmonary conditions by altering the angiotensinogen-ACE2 interactions, such as p.Arg514Gly in the African/African-American population.

Unique but prevalent polymorphisms … in TMPRSS2, offer potential explanations for differential genetic susceptibility to COVID-19 as well as for risk factors, including those with cancer and the high-risk group of male patients.”

In his Instagram rebuttal, Kennedy explained that, according to this study, ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews were the least susceptible to COVID-19, while people of African descent and Caucasians were the most susceptible.

“This is not a controversial study,” Kennedy said. “Nobody has suggested that these were deliberately engineered changes. And I certainly don’t believe that they were deliberately engineered.

But what they are is kind of a proof of concept, that you CAN develop bioweapons that will attack certain ethnicities, and this should be terrifying to all of us … and [needs to be] an object of discussion.”

Genetic susceptibilities to COVID-19 were also reviewed in a March 2021 paper10 in the Annals of Laboratory Medicine. As noted by Kennedy in his Instagram rebuttal, throughout history, powerful individuals have sought to eliminate certain races or ethnicities, and current-day bioweapons give them the ability to do that very efficiently.

For this reason, gain-of-function research and bioweapons development must be guided by robust regulations and oversight. THAT was the take-home point he was making during that dinner.

‘Disgusting Fabrication’

In a July 16, 2023, Twitter post, Kennedy wrote:11

“The insinuation by @nypost and others that, as a result of my quoting a peer-reviewed paper on bio-weapons, I am somehow antisemitic, is a disgusting fabrication …

My father and my uncles, John F. Kennedy and Senator Edward Kennedy, devoted enormous political energies during their careers to supporting Israel and fighting antisemitism. I intend to spend my political career making those family causes my priority.

I will fight relentlessly alongside my Jewish brothers and sisters and friends against Jew-hatred and the demonization of Israel. I have just recorded an interview with @RabbiShmuley, whom the same New York Post just this month called, ‘the most famous Rabbi in America.’

I have called upon the Biden Administration not to consummate a second Iran deal that would give that genocidal government a legitimized nuclear program. In the same interview, I called upon the Democratic Party to return to the strong, unconditional support of Israel that was the hallmark of the party under the leadership of my uncle and my father.

Today I had a great conversation with Rabbi Shmuley on Judaism and anti-Semitism. He had this to say: ‘Two things bothered me about the reports I had read about what you had said at that dinner on the upper east side. I said number one, again, this perception that you’re anti-Semitic. I know you’re not.

And in fact, I know precisely the opposite is true. I know that in your heart you feel a great closeness to the Jewish people, to the Jewish community, and to Israel. And the second thing that bothered me is, that you’re being portrayed as you said before, a crank, as a loony toon … but you’re brilliant. You know your facts.’”

A Harbinger of Smears to Come

Is it possible that Kennedy’s pro-Israeli stance might in fact be one of the reasons why the Deep State-shackled media try so hard to smear him as an anti-Semite? Maybe, maybe not. What we do know is that Kennedy poses a serious threat to more than a few corrupt institutions, and they’re willing to use just about any smear tactic available, even if it makes no sense. As noted by Roger Simon in The Epoch Times:12

“This isn’t, in the end, really about anti-Semitism, real or imagined. It was just low-hanging fruit … a harbinger of many dastardly smears of the candidate to come.

If there’s one thing the military-industrial complex (endless wars from Iraq to Ukraine) and the health care-industrial complex (Big Pharma, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, et al.) do not want, it’s a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. presidency.

Big Tech probably isn’t very keen on it, either. It would cost them all incalculable amounts of money, much of it courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer and a complaisant government.

Most of all, the current leadership of the Democratic Party — bent on exploiting every so-called progressive policy, no matter how looney, for maximum gain and power — don’t want anyone bringing their party back to sanity, under the leadership of Mr. Kennedy or anyone else.”

Race-Specific Bioweapons Are a Reality

Getting back to Kennedy’s main point, there’s ample evidence showing we have the ability to create race-specific or ethnicity-specific bioweapons, and history tells us that race-specific targeting in war is nothing new. This is precisely why we need to rein in this mad science.

As noted in a September 2000 report by The Project for the New American Century, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,”13 “advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”

In other words, if a particular race or ethnic group becomes politically troublesome, an ethnic-based bioweapon could suddenly become a “useful political tool” to restore order or power.

Kennedy is not saying that COVID-19 was an intentionally created race-specific bioweapon. He merely pointed out research showing that different races did have varying levels of susceptibility to it, and that race-specific or gene-specific bioweapons are, in fact, in the works around the world — and must be stopped.”

Fast-forward to August 2019, and Cambridge University’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk warned humanity is unprepared for the emergence of race-specific bioweapons. As reported by The Guardian:14

“Scientists warn that humans should be worried about being wiped out by a killer pathogen that is specifically designed to kill people of only a particular race, based on their genetic material/ Deoxy ribonucleic Acid (DNA).

A new report from Cambridge University’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk says that world governments have failed when it comes to preparing against threats like futuristic bioweapons powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and genetic manipulation. Such weapons would have to power to target specific DNA, and kill certain races of people leaving other swaths of the population unharmed …

The authors warn: ‘The technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated at ever cheaper prices, democratizing the ability to harm more quickly and lethally. In a particularly bad case, a bioweapon could be built to target a specific ethnic group based on its genomic profile.’”

According to The Guardian, an estimated 16 to 20 countries have known biological warfare programs, but well over 100 have the capacity to make bioweapons. Making matters more difficult, most labs are “dual use,” meaning the work they do have both defensive and offensive uses, and there’s no hard distinction between the two.

Genetic Data Collection Poses Serious Threat

Two years later, in July 2021, Dr. P.S. Venkatesh Rao, a consultant endocrine, breast and laparoscopic surgeon, published an article15 in The Sunday Guardian, warning that global genetic data collection, artificial intelligence and genetic engineering techniques currently available allow for the creation of race-specific bioweapons. He wrote, in part:16

“Global collection of genetic data and genetic manipulation of humans, animals, plants, destructive insects and deadly microbes is of dual use from bio-welfare to bio-warfare …

It has become ridiculously simple and cheap to misuse data and gene altering and synthesizing tools, as simple as the use of an ordinary computer and a 3D printer. Big data, artificial intelligence and gene synthesis are being misused to create racially specific bioweapons …

The International HapMap Project of 2002 to 2010 developed a human genome map and provided a massive genotype data from Caucasian, African and Asian population samples. Many differences in susceptibility to some diseases, and response to certain drugs between different ethnic groups were reported in a 2015 study in BMC Genomics.

Multiple reports in scientific journals in 2016 such as in Oncotarget, in Cell and from Pasteur Institute in Paris, found differences in antibody responses and cellular immunity between those of African ancestry and Caucasians.

Those of African ancestry had a stronger inflammatory response and immune overreaction like cytokine storm and autoimmune diseases. Genetic differences affecting the immune system led to racial differences in the response to infections, drugs and vaccines.

In a pandemic, racial differences exist in mortality rates and vaccine efficacy and complications. Genetic data from blood samples about racial differences can be used for racially targeted biowarfare.”

China Accuses Pentagon of Making Race-Specific Bioweapons

Fast-forward yet again, to May 2023, and Newsweek reported17 that a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry had accused the U.S. Pentagon of creating “race-specific bioweapons.” The spokesperson, Wang Wenbin, told reporters:18,19,20

“The U.S. widely collects and uses genomic information. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Pentagon has formulated R&D plans for hitting opponents with genetically engineered weapons. Those involved disclosed that the genomic data of Asian Chinese, European Aryans and Middle Eastern Arabs are all being collected by the U.S. military.

According to the website of Russia-based RT, the U.S. Air Education and Training Command (AETC) once issued a tender seeking to acquire samples of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and synovial fluid from Russians. It’s pretty clear who exactly is using genomic information for secret purposes.”

Wenbin’s accusation came one day after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused China of collecting the genomic data of ethnic minorities such as the Uyghurs in Xinjiang for the purposes of control and surveillance.

A senior Pentagon official denied Wenbin’s allegation and Newsweek was reportedly unable to locate The Wall Street Journal article cited by Wenbin. I’ve had no luck locating it either. Whatever the truth may be, there’s no doubt that race-specific bioweapons CAN be created though. We certainly have the technologies required.

Do Ethnic-Specific Bioweapons Already Exist?

While evidence from official sources is scant — Blinken’s and Wenbin’s mutual accusations notwithstanding — Kennedy and many others insist that race-specific bioweapons are in active development, and some may even exist already. In a June 20, 2023, appearance on Newsmax, Kennedy told On the Record host Greta Van Susteren:21,22

“We know that the Chinese are developing ethnic bioweapons. Bioweapons that are designed to attack people of certain racial types. And we’re doing the same thing. We’ve been collecting Chinese DNA. We’ve been collecting Russian DNA specifically for that. [This] arms race is a catastrophe.”

Rumble VIDEO: RFK JR – Says Ethnic Bioweapons that Target Specific Races Have been Developed

[Posted by MJTruth

Published June 6, 2023


Kennedy made the same claim in a June 5, 2023, live Twitter discussion with Elon Musk, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, venture capitalist David Sacks, investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger and securities attorney Omeed Malik (video above).

Ethic-specific bioweapons have already been developed, Kennedy said, and exist in labs around the world. The Epoch Times also insists that claims of China developing race-specific bioweapons are true (video below).

Youtube VIDEO: China’s New DNA-Based Bioweapons Target Specific Ethnic Groups, Races | Trailer | Facts Matter

[Posted by The Epoch Times

Posted on Mar 21, 2023

Watch the full episode:


In an April 3, 2023, Wall Street Journal opinion piece,23 Paul Dabbar, undersecretary of energy for science during the Trump administration, also underscored this threat, writing, in part:24

“Around 2017, the Energy Department’s national laboratories started having significant concerns about biosecurity with regard to China. A Chinese general who was head of the National Defense University in Beijing publicly declared an interest in using gene sequencing and editing to develop pathogenic bioweapons that would target specific ethnic groups …

Taking note, the Commerce Department ordered export restrictions of potentially dangerous biotechnology to China. But the NIH and NIAID refused to believe that there was any risk involved in collaborating with Chinese labs. Their indiscriminate commitment to open science blinds them to threats, even when a country like China is open about its intentions.”

Next-Gen Warfare Will Target Genes

The Chinese general in question is Zhang Shibo, who in 2017 published “New Highland of War,”25 a war manual of sorts that discussed “new domains of warfare,” one being biology.

In the book, Shibo concluded that “Modern biotechnology development is gradually showing strong signs characteristic of an offensive capability,” including the possibility of “specific ethnic genetic attacks.”26

The same terms, “specific ethnic genetic attacks” can be found in the People’s Liberation Army’s textbook, “Science of Military Strategy,” also published in 2017. It too looks at biology as a military domain and mentions that biological warfare may eventually include race-specific, gene-based weapons.27

In June 2021, biosecurity specialist Michael Knutzen, a former Army intelligence officer and a Presidential Management Fellow at the Department of Homeland Security, wrote:28

“The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed critical weaknesses in the human domain of warfare at just the moment technology has emerged that gives bad actors new power to exploit those weaknesses.

Developments in synthetic biology will create next-generation bioweapons, ‘human-domain fires’ that will fundamentally change the strategic environment … Recent developments in synthetic biology … pose a profound threat … Of those dangers, next-generation bioweapons are the most serious …

One threat that was once the stuff of science fiction may soon become real. Some researchers (including Lieutenant General Zhang Shibo, former president of the PLA National Defense University) foresee the possibility of ‘specific ethnic genetic attacks’ on whole racial or ethnic groups …

And China may already have hacked from medical records or purchased the genetic information of millions of ordinary Americans through genealogical companies such as 23andme.

Bill Evanina, former director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, warned against Beijing Genomics Institute–linked COVID-19 tests, noting: ‘Foreign powers can collect, store and exploit biometric information from COVID tests.’

Potential SBW effects include not only incapacitation and death, but also boutique outcomes. Colonel Guo emphasizes that ‘learning, memorizing … and even the ‘bellicose character’ can be injured precisely without a threat to life’ …

The ability to remotely hold a person’s biology hostage — through degenerative, frustrating, or simply embarrassing symptoms — but promising a personal cure (or enhancement) could create enormous strategic leverage.”

We Must Protect the World From Targeted Bioweapons

In closing, Filippa Lentzos, associate professor in science and international security at King’s College London, in December 2020 published an essay in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, in which she discussed the need to “protect the world from ultra-targeted biological weapons”:29

“As genomic technologies develop and converge with AI, machine learning, automation, affective computing, and robotics, an ever more refined record of our biometrics, emotions, and behaviors will be captured and analyzed.

Governments and, increasingly, private companies will be able to sort, categorize, trade, and use biological data far more precisely than ever before, creating unprecedented possibilities for social and biological control …

These game-changing developments will … radically transform the dual-use nature of biological research, medicine, and health care and create the possibility of novel biological weapons that target particular groups of people and even individuals.

In the coming decade, managing the fast and broad technological advances now under way will require new governance structures that draw on individuals and groups with cross-sectoral expertise — from business and academia to politics and defense — to identify emerging security risks and make recommendations for dealing with them.”

This is essentially what Kennedy is calling for as well, but he’s not content with recommendations alone. We need strict safeguards to prevent one nation or another from obliterating entire ethnic groups from the face of the earth.

We also need strict regulations to protect people’s genetic data, seeing how such data can be used for global genocide. One loophole in the Biological Weapons Convention is its “general purpose criterion,” which allows most biological research as long as it’s for defensive or protective purposes.

As a result, the most hazardous biowarfare research in the world is being conducted in the name of defense or vaccine research. And, as noted by Lentzos, “Distinguishing permitted biodefense projects from those that are prohibited is difficult; one cannot just assess the facilities, equipment, material, and activities involved, but must also examine and interpret the purpose, or intent, of those activities.”

Converging Risks

The fact that we need to start examining and interpreting the purposes of biological research in earnest is quite clear. The escape of SARS-CoV-2 from a biolab in Wuhan, China, highlights this need. We’re fortunate that it wasn’t something with an exceptionally high mortality rate.

In her article, Lentzos reviews warnings about genetic weapons issued by a wide variety of actors over the last three decades:30

“The possibility of … ‘genetic weapons’ was first discussed in the biological arms control community in the 1990s, as the Human Genome Project to map the full complement of human genes got underway.

The UK government said ‘it cannot be ruled out that information from such genetic research could be considered for the design of weapons targeted against specific ethnic or racial groups.’

The British Medical Association cautioned that ‘the differential susceptibility of different populations to various diseases’ had been considered in the past, and that ‘whilst we should hope that genetic weapons are never developed, it would be a great mistake to assume that they never can be, and therefore that we can safely afford to ignore them as a future possibility.’

A report31 from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) spoke of the potential for ‘future development of weapons of mass extermination which could be used for genocide.’

Developments in genomic technologies and other emerging technologies, especially machine and deep learning, have spurred renewed concerns. ‘Access to millions of human genomes — often with directly associated clinical data — means that bioinformaticists can begin to map infection susceptibilities in specific populations,’ a recent report32 from the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research warned.

A United Nations University report,33 meanwhile, asserts that ‘deep learning may lead to the identification of ‘precision maladies,’ which are the genetic functions that code for vulnerabilities and interconnections between the immune system and microbiome.

Using this form of bio-intelligence, malicious actors could engineer pathogens that are tailored to target mechanisms critical in the immune system or the microbiome of specific subpopulations.’

A 2018 National Academies of Sciences report34 suggests ‘[a]ctors may consider designing a bioweapon to target particular subpopulations based on their genes or prior exposure to vaccines, or even seek to suppress the immune system of victims to ‘prime’ a population for a subsequent attack.

These capabilities, which were feared decades ago but never reached any plausible capability, may be made increasingly feasible by the widespread availability of health and genomic data.’”

A Blanket Ban Is the Safest Solution

Lentzos reviews many of the challenges involved in effective oversight of potential bioweapons research. I, for one, believe we should opt for the simplest solution, which would be to issue a blanket ban on all gain-of-function research that involves equipping pathogens with novel capacities.

As well as a blanket ban on all research that could be used to develop a race-specific bioweapon, or a bioweapon intended to take out people with a particular genetic makeup, regardless of how that target group is defined.

We simply do not need this kind of research to live long, fruitful, healthy lives. It’s unnecessary, and taxpayers should not be paying for science that can result in their own demise.

Kennedy seems to be of like mind. As he stated in his June 5, 2023, live Twitter discussion, he wants to see bioweapons development shut down worldwide. During a June 27, 2023, health policy roundtable discussion he also promised to redirect federal grants away from infectious disease research to study chronic disease instead, were he to gain the White House.

This would ensure that tax dollars are not siphoned into biowarfare efforts veiled as vaccine research and the like. Scientists are flocking into biowarfare research because that’s where the grants are, so we need to turn off that tap and encourage scientists to engage in study that leads us toward better health outcomes.

Again, to pull us full circle to where we started, Kennedy is not saying that COVID-19 was an intentionally created race-specific bioweapon. He merely pointed out research showing that different races did have varying levels of susceptibility to it, and that race-specific or gene-specific bioweapons are, in fact, in the works around the world — and must be stopped.

Sources and References

1 Yahoo News July 15, 2023

2 NY Post July 15, 2023

3 ZeroHedge July 17, 2023

4, 12 Epoch Times July 17, 2023

5 Instagram Robert F. Kennedy Jr. July 17, 2023

6 Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons

7 March 2022

8, 9 BMC Medicine July 15, 2020; 18(1): 216

10 Annals of Laboratory Medicine March 1, 2021; 41(2): 129-138

11 Twitter Robert F. Kennedy Jr. July 16, 2023

13 The Project for the New American Century, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” September 2000

14 The Guardian August 20, 2019

15, 16 The Sunday Guardian July 24, 2021

17, 19 Newsweek May 11, 2023

18 May 10, 2023

20 Twitter Spokesperson for China May 10, 2023

21 Rolling Stone June 20, 2023

22 Twitter Alicia Sadowski June 20, 2023

23, 24 Wall Street Journal April 3, 2023

25 New Highland of War

26, 27 National Review April 10, 2023

28 June 2021; 147(6): 1420

29, 30 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists December 7, 2020

31 SIPRI Yearbook 1993

32 August 19, 2020

33 The New Geopolitics of Converging Risks

34 Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology 2018

© 1997-2023 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved. HOMEPAGE

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Are YOU UnJabbed?

Apparently the CDC & FBI Could be Tracking YOU

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 16, 2023

There’s an old cliché: A day late and a dollar short.

Well … Here is some info I might be a bit short in sharing, but if you value Liberty the information is not valued in dollars but in lessening Freedom.

Your lying, cheating stealing government that is supposed to uphold your Constitutional Rights is actually stomping on them like an old Jack-booted storm trooper.

Dr. Mercola writes about CDC tracking mRNA Unjabbed (sometimes removes posts older than 48 hours).

CHD TV has a little less than 51-minute show on the FBI tracking UnJabbed “Educators” in NY State under the title, “Fingerprints of Unvaxxed Teachers Flagged to FBI”. (For embed purposes I use the Bitchute version).

THEN as a bonus on Government Tyranny with a bunch of cooperation in unison with Corporatist-Fascist Tyranny, The New American produced this 27-Minute video entitled, “DEEP STATE END GAME: BIO-DIGITAL CONVERGENCE & TRANSHUMANISM

JRH 2/16/23

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The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

February 14, 2023

Rumble VIDEO: CDC Plot To Track “Unvaccinated”

[Posted by SettingBrushfires

Published February 3, 2023



  • The U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • The program was implemented April 1, 2022, and adopted by most medical clinics and hospitals across the U.S. until January 2023
  • Under this program, doctors at clinics and hospitals have been instructed to ask patients about their vaccination status, which is then added to their electronic medical records as a diagnostic code, known as ICD-10 code, so that they can be tracked inside and outside of the medical system
  • These new ICD-10 codes are part of the government’s plan to implement medical tyranny using vaccine passports and digital IDs
  • They’re also tracking noncompliance with all other recommended vaccines using new ICD-10 codes, and have implemented codes to describe WHY you didn’t get a recommended vaccine. They’ve also added a billable ICD code for “vaccine safety counseling”

As recently discovered and reported by Dr. Robert Malone,1 the U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The program was implemented April 1, 2022,2 but didn’t become universally adopted by most medical clinics and hospitals across the U.S. until January 2023.

Under this program, doctors at clinics and hospitals have been instructed to ask patients about their vaccination status, which is then added to their electronic medical records as a diagnostic code, known as ICD-10 code, without their knowledge or consent so that they can be tracked — not just within the health care system but outside of it as well.

Secret Tracking Program Revealed

The new International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes were introduced during the September 14-15, 2021, ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting. The ICD committee includes representatives from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the NCHS.3

Below is a screenshot of page 194 of the agenda4 distributed during that meeting. According to the NCHS, “there is interest in being able to track people who are not immunized or only partially immunized,” and they figured out a way to do just that, by adding new ICD-10 codes.

As you can see below, ICD-10 code Z28.310 identifies those who have not received a COVID jab and Z28.311 identifies those who are not up-to-date on their shots.

Underimmunized COVID Code Screen Capture

Tracking Unjabbed Is Part of the Biosecurity Agenda

Why do they want to track the unvaccinated? For what purpose? The short answer: to facilitate the implementation of vaccine passports. As noted by Malone:5

“Code Number Z28.310 listed above is not a code for an illness or diagnosis, but rather for non-compliance of a medical procedure … Once a person’s vaccination status is coded and uploaded into large data base, it can be accessed by government and private health insurers alike.

The administrative state officers at the CDC have not made immunization status a reportable disease (yet) but immunization status is listed as one of the reasons for mandatory reporting.6 They are just one step away from being able to collect this information without your permission. Ergo: vaccine passports made easy. In this country, not having your vaccine records ‘up-to-date’ might mean:

•The government will not restrict your travel, airlines will.

•The government will not restrict your travel, other nations will.

•The government will not restrict your travel, auto rental companies will.

•The government will not restrict your travel, public transport will.

•The government will not restrict your travel, private companies will.”

World Health Organization Signed Off on Tracking Codes

The ICD codes were created by the World Health Organization, and doctors — with the exception of those in private practice who don’t accept insurance — are required to use these codes to describe a patient’s condition and the care they received during their visit.

As noted by Malone,7 the fact that the ICD system is run by the WHO is an important detail, as this means the WHO had to authorize the CDC to add these new codes. The implication is that these codes may be in use internationally and we just don’t know it yet.

The codes are entered into your electronic health record and used by insurance companies for billing purposes. They’re also used by statisticians who track and analyze national and global disease trends such as cancer and heart disease rates over time.

Over the past decade, these statistical analyses have gotten easier to do, thanks to the transition into electronic record keeping. In the U.S., the ICD coding system has been fully integrated into the electronic health record system since 2012.

Within the ICD-10 codes, there’s a category called ICD-10-CM,8,9 and this is the category the CDC is now using to track the unvaccinated with specific codes for “Unvaccinated for COVID-19”10 and “Partially Vaccinated For COVID-19.”11

Gross Violation of Medical Privacy Rights

Since there’s no billing or payment involved with being unvaccinated, and since being unvaccinated is extremely unlikely to be part of your disease profile, there’s no valid reason to record anyone’s vaccine refusal. It’s also a violation of medical privacy, as the records can be accessed by a variety of individuals and not just your personal doctors.

As noted by Malone, a person’s decision to get a vaccine or not is a private matter, and your privacy rights are enshrined in the Privacy Act of 1974. However, during the COVID pandemic, medical privacy rights have been repeatedly violated and broken.

Children’s’ vaccination statuses were shared with schools and employers were granted the “right” to know the jab status of their employees. Private venues were even permitted to demand proof of vaccination status — all this without a single word of the law having been revoked or amended.

They’re Tracking Reasons for Jab Refusal Too

If you need proof that these codes will be used for reasons unrelated to your health, consider this: They’re also using codes to describe WHY you didn’t get the primary series or stopped getting boosters. Those codes are listed in the screenshot below, under Z28.3 Underimmunization Status.12

UPDATED Underimmunization Codes

The use of “delinquent immunization status” under code Z28.39 also tells us something about where this is all headed. “Delinquent” means being “neglectful of a duty” or being “guilty of an offense.” Is refusing boosters a criminal offense? Perhaps not today, but some day, it probably will be.

All Missed Vaccinations Will Be Tracked

Another tipoff that these codes are part and parcel of the biosecurity control grid is the fact that code Z28.39 — “Other underimmunization status”13 — is to be used “when a patient is not current on other, non-COVID vaccines.” As detailed on the American Academy of Family Physicians website:14

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have announced three new diagnosis codes, including two for COVID-19 immunization status …

Z28.310Unvaccinated for COVID-19
Z28.311Partially vaccinated for COVID-19
Z28.39Other under-immunization status

According to ICD-10-CM guidelines,15 clinicians may assign code Z28.310, ‘Unvaccinated for COVID-19,’ when the patient has not received a dose of any COVID-19 vaccine.

Clinicians may assign code Z28.311, ‘Partially vaccinated for COVID-19,’ when the patient has received at least one dose of a multi-dose COVID-19 vaccine regimen, but has not received the doses necessary to meet the CDC definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ at the time of the encounter … New code Z28.39 is for reporting when a patient is not current on other, non-COVID vaccines.”

In other words, they have already begun tracking ALL of your vaccinations, not just the COVID shot, and they can use the Z28.3 sub-codes to identify why you refused a given vaccine.

Vaccine Passports Are a Fait Accompli — Unless We Act Now

As noted by Malone:16

“The administrative state is busy building a vaccine passport system that will be active before most Americans are aware of what is being done to them. No one is going to knock on your door asking for your vaccine status because they already know …

They don’t need approval from Congress or the courts because we have given them the information through our health care providers. The CDC is the governmental organization tasked with tracking vaccine status on individuals.

They already have the records, as well as updated booster information. They just need to tweak a definition here and there, or get President Biden to keep the COVID-19 public health emergency in place indefinitely and the vaccine passports will be a fait accompli.”

You Can Now Be Billed for Immunization Safety Counseling

As if all of that weren’t tyrannical enough, they’ve also added a billable ICD-10 code for “immunization safety counseling.” That’s right. If you’ve decided you’re not willing to partake in the mRNA experiment, or you just don’t think you need some other vaccine that’s recommended, your doctor can bill your insurance for regurgitating the WHO’s vaccine propaganda.

“They have codes identifying whether you declined the COVID jab and/or any other vaccine, and for each vaccine refusal, there’s a code detailing why you declined it. ‘Belief or group pressure’ is one of those, and you can bet that code will automatically qualify you for immunization safety counseling, whether you want it or not.”

This may become more or less automatic because, again, they have codes identifying whether you declined the COVID jab and/or any other vaccine, and for each vaccine refusal, there’s a code detailing why you declined it. “Belief or group pressure” is one of those, and you can bet that code, Z.28.1, will automatically qualify you for immunization safety counseling, whether you want it or not.

They also intend to indoctrinate your children, and make you pay for it. The immunization safety counseling code, Z71.85, was described in the September 2021 issue of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Pediatric Coding Newsletter. You have to be a member to read the entire article, but here’s the publicly available preview:17

Reporting Encounters for Immunization Safety Counseling.

As physicians and other qualified health care professionals field increasing numbers of concerns about immunization safety, International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) offers a new code, Z71.85, for identifying immunization safety counseling as a reason for an encounter provided on or after October 1, 2021.

Use this code when reporting counseling provided to patients and caregivers who are vaccine hesitant, wish to follow an alternative immunization schedule, or otherwise require time spent in counseling at lengths beyond that typical of routine immunization counseling.

Code Z71.85 may be reported to indicate the principal or first-listed reason for an encounter or as a secondary reason.

Documentation of time spent in preventive medicine counseling and separate time spent in immunization administration counseling should be explicit in the encounter note to support that the preventive medicine counseling was significant and separately identifiable.”

Unjabbed Teachers Flagged

In related news, in early February 2023 it was revealed that New York City teachers who did not get the jab were “flagged” with a “problem code” in their personnel files, triggering their fingerprints to be sent to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice Services.18

The purpose of this is unclear, but former public school teacher Michael Kane, founder of Teachers for Choice, believes “that unvaccinated NYC educators were being set up to be viewed as ‘right-wing extremists’ or even ‘terrorists.'”

Kane was among those who got fired for refusing the COVID jab. The revelation that teachers’ fingerprints were illegally entered into not just one, but two, criminal databases “are certain to open up a new round of lawsuits,” Kane writes.

Call to Action

Knowing all of this, what can you do about it? How do we stop this madness? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Demand Congress finish what the Senate started by declaring the public health emergency over and done with. January 17, 2023, HR 382, a bill “To terminate the public health emergency declared with respect to COVID-19” was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. This bill must be passed.

2. Contact your Congressional representative and let them know you:

•Support the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’s investigation.

•Want Congress to reject all attempts by the administrative state, the United Nations, the WHO, Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Biden Administration to require a vaccine passport or a digital ID.

•Expect them to work to ensure the freedom of travel for all citizens.

•Expect them to protect Constitutional rights.

•Expect them to protect all rights to privacy, including and especially medical privacy, and since these new ICD-10 codes are in violation of your right to privacy, you want them to take immediate action to ensure the codes are revoked.

With respect to what you can do to protect your medical privacy on a personal level, keep in mind that independent doctors are not required to use ICD codes unless they accept insurance. So, by choosing a doctor who is in private practice, you can avoid getting tagged and trapped in the system.

Sources and References

1, 5, 7, 16 RW Malone Substack January 25, 2023

2 MLN Matters April 2022

3 ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee Meeting

4 CDC ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee Meeting September 14-15, 2021

6 Reportable Diseases

8 Healthcare Brew November 21, 2022

9 National File February 2, 2023

10 ICD10data Unvaccinated

11 ICD10data Partially vaccinated

12 Naked Emperor Substack January 27, 2023

13 ICD10data Underimmunization

14 AAFP New Diagnosis Codes

15 ICD-10-CM guidelines

17 AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter September 2021; 16(12)

18 Teachers for Choice February 9, 2023

© 1997-2023 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.


Bitchute VIDEO: Fingerprints of Unvaxxed Teachers Flagged to FBI

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published February 15th, 2023 21:20 UTC 

FEB 14, 2023


Host: Michael Kane

Guest: Betsy Combier

Original Description:

Betsy Combier discusses the threat of a ‘Problem Code’ to unvaccinated NY educators in terms of payroll. How is this labeling based on vaccination status a scary omen of the future of personal data tracking? What hazard does this pose for both NY educators and the rest of the population? Michael and Betsy examine the link between this classification, the FBI and fingerprints. Don’t miss this!



Posted by The New American

First Published February 14th, 2023 14:11 UTC

The nightmarish Deep State vision for the future is more horrific than most can even imagine as technology advances, warns author and The New American publisher Dennis Behreandt in this episode of Behind The Deep State with host Alex Newman. Behreandt, who wrote the new book End Game: Covid and the Dark State Quest for Bio-digital Convergence in a Transhumanist World, starts off by sounding the alarm about the “elites” and their radical views on overpopulation. He proceeds to discuss the “singularity,” where technology reaches unpredictable heights. And he details some of the terrifying technologies already in use or development that promise to bring about changes that are unprecedented in human history, including some which are difficult to even imagine.

Biden Classified Docs: ‘Why, Who, What and How?’

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© January 14, 2023

Coup-installed (Dementia) Biden is being exposed for laying Classified Documents in multiple unsecure locations.

Gasp! AG Garland assigns Special Counsel to look into Biden Classified Documents. ISN’T THAT LIKE THE CHICKEN FARMER ASSIGNING THE FOX TO WATCH THE CHICKENS AND THE EGGS?

I DO NOT TRUST the U.S. Government! So I have to ask, “Why, Who, What and How are these Classified Documents linked to Dementia being exposed?”

We know the Deep State hates President Trump (WHO ACTUALLY WON in 2020) and tried frame him with false acts of criminality even before Trump’s 2017 inauguration AND even after Trump allowed the coup to install the Biden Administration.

As a side note: President Trump had definite flaws in managing his Administration. Most noticeably Trump kept appointing Deep-Staters in powerful positions then coming to his senses by firing them. In the realm of politics, it became GLARINGLY apparent President Trump placed gullible trust in the wrong people. Trump’s continuing support for mRNA Operation Warp Speed even after apparent trial cover-ups and massive Jab injuries and Jab deaths shows political gullibility is ongoing. I am certain other Conservatives (definitely excluding RINOs and Establishment) can list other Trump miscues. BUT AS LONG AS DEM-MARXIST AND DEEP STATE hatred remains toward Trump, I will be a Trump supporter. ONE FACT: Trump Made America Great Again economically and struck fear into those internationally with a Globalist-Marxist-Fascist New World Order Agenda. ERGO, I am convinced COVID was released from a Chinese Bio-Lab as an attack to end Trump’s MAGA Movement.

SO, WHY is the Deep State now allowing circumstances that can potentially remove Dementia Joe from his coup-installed Office? I suspect if the “Why” is discovered, the “What, Who and How” will come to light.

Below are some posts on the Biden Classified Documents. Perhaps whatever remaining individual critical thinking that remains within you can lead you to ask and come to some logical guesses to the “Why, Who, What and How” behind the publicity behind Biden Classified Documents.

JRH 1/14/23

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Kash’s Corner: Biden’s Classified Documents Must Be Added to Investigation List of New Committee on Weaponization of Federal Government


January 13, 2023

Epoch TV

In this episode of Kash’s Corner, we discuss revelations that Joe Biden mishandled classified documents during his tenure as Vice President and that this has been known since before the midterm elections. Kash Patel reflects on the disparity in the media’s treatment of this event versus the FBI’s raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago.

We also discuss the House’s new Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government and who they should be investigating, according to Patel. This includes Anthony Fauci, Joe, and Hunter Biden, as well as the FBI, DOJ, and other intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Patel reveals what Congress can do should any government employees violate their subpoenas.

“If you can’t trust the Department of Justice, or they won’t do their job, the Speaker of the House, after a vote of the full Congress, can order the Sergeant at Arms, who’s the number one cop for Congress, to go and arrest individual citizens and government employees who violate congressional subpoenas,” explains Patel.

[Blog Editor: Interesting Documentaries and other info in the rest of description.]



AG Garland Appoints Special Prosecutor To Probe Biden’s Classified Docs Mishandling


January 13, 2023 05:11 AM


Update: Attorney General Merrick Garland has just announced that he is appointing a special counsel to investigate whether Biden mishandled classified information during his time in private life.

The DoJ names Robert Hur, a partner at Gibson Dunn, as the special prosecutor.

The appointment of Mr. Hur, who previously served as the U.S. attorney for Maryland during the Trump administration, is tasked with investigating “the possible unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or other records discovered” at the office of Mr. Biden’s think tank in Washington and his residence in Wilmington, Del., according to the order signed by Mr. Garland on Wednesday.

Robert Hur

Hur’s background is notable since he was the US Attorney who requested that the justification of an FBI raid on a reportedly recognized Clinton Foundation whistleblower’s home remain secret.

A senior department official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the decision by Mr. Garland “was not taken lightly” but was required under department regulations as “a textbook example” of an investigation that necessitated appointment of a special counsel.

Watch here [Apparently Unavailable – Below photo appears on my browser]:

DOJ Is Off-Air

Even Ed Snowden had some comments…

As a reminder, The White House waited until this month to publicly acknowledge the matter, in response to a CBS News report revealing what had happened.

The discovery came a week before the midterm congressional elections, when the news would have been a high-profile, last-minute development.

*  *  *

“How that could possibly happen, how anyone could be that irresponsible. And I thought what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods.”

President Biden’s words reflecting on former President Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents will be hard for the spin-meisters to distract from as a second batch of documents have been discovered.

Biden Hypocrisy Toon

Richard Sauber, Special Counsel to the President, has issued a statement to explain this ‘misunderstanding’.

As we stated previously, we are fully cooperating with the National Archives and the Department of Justice in a process to ensure that any Obama-Biden Administration records are appropriately in possession of the Archives.

Following the discovery of government documents at the Penn Biden Center in November 2022, and coordinating closely with the Department of Justice, the President’s lawyers have searched the President’s Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, residences – the other locations where files from his Vice- Presidential office might have been shipped in the course of the 2017 transition. The lawyers completed that review last night.

During the review, the lawyers discovered among personal and political papers a small number of additional Obama-Biden Administration records with classified markings. All but one of these documents were found in storage space in the President’s Wilmington residence garage. One document consisting of one page was discovered among stored materials in an adjacent room. No documents were found in the Rehoboth Beach residence.

[ZH: so not in a safe as they were found in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago?]

As was done in the case of the Penn-Biden Center, the Department of Justice was immediately notified, and the lawyers arranged for the Department of Justice to take possession of these documents.

The White House will continue to cooperate with the review by the Department of Justice.

But, as Jonathan Turley wrotethe same questions are being asked now about Biden’s own potential “irresponsible” handling of classified material and the true extent of any violations. On Monday, during a state visit to Mexico, Biden declined to answer questions from reporters.

The Biden classified documents matter has been referred to U.S. Attorney John Lausch for investigation. But the discovery will only magnify questions for Garland.

Some of us have criticized Garland for refusing to appoint a special counsel to investigate influence-peddling allegations against Biden’s son, Hunter, despite an overwhelming basis for such an appointment.

In contrast, Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate Trump soon after Trump announced his 2024 presidential candidacy. That again raised questions about Garland’s treatment of Biden, who is actually the president, may also be a presidential candidate in 2024, and may be involved in the underlying allegations against his son.

Now, with this new document discovery, Biden may be accused of the same underlying crime as Trump — yet Garland has elected, once again, not to appoint a special counsel. Instead, he is keeping the Biden matter within Justice Department ranks. While U.S. Attorney Lausch was appointed by Trump and is widely respected, Garland was not willing to keep the Trump case in the hands of a similarly respected Justice Department prosecutor.

For two years, some of us have pushed Garland to adopt a clear, consistent approach with the appointment of a special counsel on the Hunter Biden influence-peddling investigation and other matters. His inexplicable refusal now, regarding this new case, will make a bad situation even worse for the Justice Department.

Accordingly, we note that AG Garland has just announced that he will make a statement at 1315ET.

Bloomberg reports that, according to a person familiar with the matter, Garland is considering appointing a special counsel to investigate whether Biden mishandled classified information during his time in private life.

DOJ Media Advisor screen grab

Turley continues, it is fair to note that Trump and his staff are accused of false statements and obstruction. However, that does not change the same alleged crime of unlawful removal and possession.

Biden is taking a page from the Hillary Clinton playbook. Recall the long-sought Whitewater documents. After the case was effectively over, they suddenly appeared. The New York Times called the documents “elusive,” as if they moved by free will.

Clinton was also “surprised” by the discovery of the documents . . . after they could not be used as part of the earlier investigation.

There are some obvious explanations for the documents being present in the office, particularly given Biden’s work on a book that discussed his work in some of the referenced countries like Ukraine. However, even that explanation raises more questions. For example, Biden left office as vice president in 2017 and had an office at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia after finishing his term until 2019. On February 8, 2018, the Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement says that it opened its doors in Washington, D.C.

So if these documents were removed when Biden left office, where were they in the prior year and were they moved repeatedly before they ended up in the Washington office? This does not appear a “one-and-done” mistake. Rather documents may have been at various locations over a five year period.

Otherwise, Biden would have had to request and receive classified information at some point in the five years outside of a secure location.

Now that we have a second batch of documents, there is an increasing concern that classified documents were distributed or divided among different offices. This also means that an even greater array of individuals may have had access to such documents at different locations over the five-year period.

None of this could be clarified with Biden simply expressing “surprise.”

The FBI has two immediate tasks: secure the highly classified documents and then determine whether they may have been compromised.

Consider that Biden did not categorically deny asking for the documents to be taken at the end of this term as vice president.

He also did not explain when he was briefed after they were found.

Democrats and the media are eager to wave this away and move on. But, as the statements of Garland and Biden show, there are many questions that need answering. The discovery of new classified documents only magnifies those unanswered questions.

Trump vs Biden Classified Docs Toon

That is why we were not “surprised” but we can all be legitimately (and grammatically) astonished by the discoveries in Joe Biden’s closet — and his silence about the contents.



BREAKING: Newly Established GOP Judiciary Committee Notifies AG Garland They Intend To oversee The Investigation Into Biden’s Classified Document…Here’s What You Should Know

Jan 13, 2023


A third set of Biden’s “misplaced” classified documents have been found. Karine Jean Pierre Biden’s press secretary was asked Thursday about additional locations documents might have been improperly stored. She responded by letting the media know Biden’s attorneys were wrapping up their investigations into the possible sites of the mislaid documents. The nonchalant media response over Biden’s careless handling of secret information is nothing short of a reckless attitude toward national security. Moreover, it presents a sharp contrast to what President Trump, who had the authority to declass documents, was put through by the media.

Yet the drip-style release of the lost and now found documents, seems to be artificially amplifying the situation. Two separate locations where documents had been illegally stored were already discovered before the first revelation of mis-handled documents. The first set was found in early November before the mid-terms, the second set was found in December before Christmas.

Causing many on Twitter to pose the same questions,

Why did the White House not mention the 2nd set of documents when they knew about them when the first set was announced? 3rd place with a single Top Secret document was announced tonight!

1. Former Office @penn University

2. In Corvette  Trunk

3. In his private residence

The strange events are now being investigated, yet American politicians have become so comfortable lying to the public they often don’t consider how ridiculous their narrative is before spreading it. Why on earth would attorneys discover the documents in Biden’s Chinese funded Univ of Penn office?

One Twitter user tweeted, “High-level attorneys, cleaning out an office but not a housecleaning person?”

On Friday, Ohio Representative Jim Jordan and Louisiana Rep Mike Johnson launched their first investigation into Biden’s classified document scandal, including unauthorized possession of classified materials. The two Reps. Wrote AG Garland a letter notifying him they would be conducting oversight on the DOJ’s investigation into the matter. On Thursday, AG Garland appointed Robert Hur as special counsel to investigate these matters. Jordan and Johnson reminded AG Garland that he handled the Trump situation very differently, asking for unprecedented access to a private residence. He also used the letter to remind Garland that the GOP was still waiting for documents requested regarding the raid on Trump’s home, saying the DOJ and FBI “failed to comply” with their request but that it remained outstanding. The letter demanded that all documents and correspondence pertaining to the mishandled documents were expected to be provided by Jan 27 and ended with a stern reminder that the House Judiciary Committee has full authority to oversee the Department of Justice and the FBI.

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved.

Intel Community, Organized Crime & Corrupt Govt.

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

December 30, 2022

Dr. Joseph Mercola Uses the Youtube video “The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER To Traffic Minors” as the starting point to examine how the U.S. Government (whose Constitutional function WAS to protect and to serve We The People) partnered with organized crime to enhance the capabilities of America’s Intelligence Community. (DISAPPOINTING NOTE: The Youtube video is not Trump friendly in an indirect manner. In full disclosure I’m a Trump supporter ergo I need a bit more corroboration before I believe the side-ways swipes as concrete rather than just another pile of unproven besmirching.)

The intriguing concept – for me – explains how today’s power Elites currently ruling the USA has made the U.S. Government an untrustworthy corrupt tyranny that has NOT served We The People for quite some time. NOW RATHER the once limited by the U.S. Constitution –  Government – RULES with authoritarian diktats demanding We The People bend like Sheeple to unchecked Elitist demands.

Dr. Mercola has two videos in his post. I suggest you read his analysis before watching the shared videos. It is my sense the analysis will deepen the understanding of the videos.

As a bonus I am also cross posting four videos showing tyranny in America and a world-wide tyranny affecting the one-time Free West:

JRH 12/30/22

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One Nation Under Blackmail

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

December 30, 2022

Youtube VIDEO: The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER To Traffic Minors

[Posted by The Jimmy Dore Show

Dec 11, 2022



  • Organized crime fused with intelligence agencies during World War II, forming the precursor of the CIA — the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
  • The web of corruption grew from there, as criminal factions and intelligence agencies developed a symbiotic relationship using blackmail as a tool to achieve their goals
  • There’s evidence that the fusion of organized crime and government occurred even before what was formally termed Operation Underworld, beginning with the Democratic party in New York City, which was entwined with organized crime in the early 20th century
  • It’s not just about money, although wealth is certainly part of it; it’s about power and control, which those involved, including Jeffrey Epstein, would stop at nothing to achieve
  • Webb explains her reasons for believing Epstein won’t be replaced with a cadre of new blackmailers; thanks to modern surveillance technology, they can find blackmail material on anyone without any help

Investigative journalist Whitney Webb spoke with The Jimmy Dore Show about her book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein.” The book is so long — and packed with so many incredible details and references — that it was split into two volumes.

When you get into this fascinating read, you learn that organized crime fused with intelligence agencies during World War II, forming the precursor of the CIA — the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).

The web of corruption grew from there, as criminal factions and intelligence agencies developed a symbiotic relationship using blackmail as a tool to achieve their individual ends. It’s not just about money, although wealth is certainly part of it. It’s about power and control, which those involved, including Jeffrey Epstein, would stop at nothing to achieve.

War Was Used to Justify the Precursor to the CIA


[Posted by Mercola

First Published September 14th, 2022 19:57 UTC


Download Interview Transcript 

When I interviewed Webb in 2022, she started at the beginning, going back to World War II, detailing the connections between the intelligence community in the U.S. and organized crime. There was a decentralized network of different organized crime groups operating in the U.S. in the early 20th century. It was known as the national crime syndicate. Webb told Dore:1

“Historically, organized crime in the U.S. — most people are probably familiar with it because of Hollywood — tended to be an ethnic enclave. So you’d have Irish organized crime, the Jewish mob, the Italian mafia and so on. The national crime syndicate broke down those silos and brought these different groups together. That made them a lot more successful.”

According to Webb, the main people behind this were Meyer Lansky, representing the Jewish mob, and Lucky Luciano of the Italian mafia. The pair formally teamed up with the Office of Naval Intelligence and the OSS during World War II.

“OSS is the precursor to the CIA,” Webb said, “and this was justified as necessary because it was the war, right? So a wartime necessity justification.” Webb continued:2

“Then the war ends and the intelligence apparatus of the U.S. and these mob guys realize they have a lot in common and they work really well together. So that’s why in the ’60s and ’50s you see a lot of people involved in assassination stuff for the CIA … you see a lot of mob guys around, for example. There’s a lot of other examples of them interacting on and off over the years.”

From there, it expanded into shadow banking, finance and the world of corporate power as well “and just really became out of control,” Webb said.3 This was a worldwide effort, however, not one contained to the U.S.

“The Israeli intelligence got involved in this developing power nexus,” she continued, “because the Jewish mob side of the national crime syndicate was heavily involved in the arming of the Haganah [a paramilitary group] and the precursor to the IDF [Israel Defense Forces]. So, basically, by the time the state of Israel is created, these alliances are part of its national security state from the off.”4

Operation Underworld — The Consolidation of Power Networks

Webb states there’s evidence that the fusion of organized crime and government occurred even before what was formally termed Operation Underworld, beginning with the Democratic party in New York City, which was entwined with organized crime in the early 20th century. The mob had taken over most of the unions, which means they had also largely taken over the Democratic party.

Later it expanded to the Republican party as well, but initially power consolidation began in New York, including with the political machine Tammany Hall. Infamous New York described it this way:5

“Organized, politically connected and deadly, by the 1870s the gangs of New York had metastasized from leaderless hordes of criminals of the Civil War era into a cancerous pox, directed and controlled by New York’s political machine, Tammany Hall. With names like the Dead Rabbits, the Whyos, the Monk Eastmans, and the Five Pointers, gangs became a hallmark of New York politics in the early 20th Century.”

Sexual Blackmail’s Role in US History

One theme that pops up repeatedly in Webb’s book is the use of sexual blackmail in various scandals in U.S. history. She ties it back to Jeffrey Epstein, who, she says, is not an anomaly with behavior exclusive to him:6

“This is a type of activity that has been done over and over again in our political system … It’s a type of operation that was perfected first by the mob. So this is something that’s really born out of, in my opinion, this organized crime intelligence team. It’s been going on for an excessive amount of time at this point.”

J. Edgar Hoover, who led the FBI from 1924 to 1972 and was the top law enforcement official in the U.S., was sexually blackmailed by the mob in the ’30s, Webb said, which is why he didn’t go after organized crime:7

“The sexual blackmail operation that entrapped him [Hoover] also intimately involved a man named Roy Cohn, who was best known as Donald Trump’s mentor. And the two of them, along with the mob-linked businessman named Lewis Rosenstiel, were seen engaging in sexual blackmail operations themselves. But, again, Hoover and Cohn only joined that after they had been entrapped — and this involved minors.”

Epstein’s Ties to the Powerful Elite

Scandals involving sexual blackmail are numerous in U.S. political history. Webb rattles off several, including the page boy scandal in 1982, where congressmen were caught engaging in sex with underage Congressional pages, as well as the Franklin Scandal, a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring. The most prominent modern-day scandal, however, involves Epstein.

Epstein, while dismissed as a simple sex criminal, was far more instrumental to the globalist cabal than it first appears. In addition to being a mastermind at shadow banking and illicit finance, he engaged in major financial crimes and had ties to many powerful people, from Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Donald Trump to the CIA, which Webb details in her book:8

“In my book I talk about how, in my opinion, Jeffrey Epstein was involved in two parallel operations of sex trafficking. So there’s the one that everyone knows about — the underage exploited girls — but then there’s these women that he invested a lot of time in when they’re minors, then funds their education and what have you over time. He developed them as assets and then married them off to his powerful friends.”

Webb also delves into Epstein’s ties to Bill Gates. While mainstream media narrative states that Epstein and Gates didn’t meet until 2011, Webb says that’s not true:9

“There’s mainstream media articles from 2001 saying that Jeffrey Epstein made all his money from his business connections — to three men — and those three men are Leslie Wexner [former owner of Victoria’s Secret], Donald Trump and the third one is Bill Gates.”

One example of the deep connection that actually existed between Epstein and Gates involves Melanie Walker, who is also, by the way, involved with the World Economic Forum:10,11

“She was recruited by Epstein in 1992, allegedly as a Victoria’s Secret model, but there’s no evidence she ever actually modeled for Victoria’s Secret. He apparently was funding her education, hires her as his science adviser in the late ’90s and then a couple years after that, in the early 2000s, she becomes the science adviser to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

So if you’re going to apply to be science adviser to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and your CV says my most recent experience is being the science adviser to Jeffrey Epstein, and you’re Bill Gates hiring your top science adviser, you would have to know who Jeffrey Epstein is and what kind of science he’s into.”

Webb believes Gates is lying about his ties to Epstein not only to protect himself but also to protect Microsoft. “You also have, in the ’90s, Jeffrey Epstein flying around on planes to official Microsoft functions in Russia, apparently giving women to the chief technology officer who was very close to Bill Gates … all sorts of stuff going on there with Epstein and Microsoft,” Webb explained.12

Suspicious ‘Suicides’ Continue

From Epstein’s death to the death of Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert, many “suicides” appear to be tied back to the global cabal and intelligence agencies attempting to hide incriminating information. One such death is that of Mark Middleton, special assistant to the chief of staff at the Clinton White House, who was responsible for setting up Epstein’s visits to the White House:13

“Jeffrey Epstein had 15 meetings in about a year with a guy named Mark Middleton. Mark Middleton died earlier this year with an extension cord around his neck and a shotgun wound to the chest in Little Rock, Arkansas, which was ruled a suicide.

Here’s the other thing. Mark Middleton was so scandalous for what he was doing at the same time Jeffrey Epstein was meeting with him that he was being investigated by Congress, and the only reason that investigation never finished is because the first time George W. Bush — the subsequent president — invoked executive privilege was to keep documents about Mark Middleton from being made available to Congress.

Mark Middleton was not a big fish, you would think, at the White House. He was just an aide to the chief of staff to Bill Clinton. So what was going on with Mark Middleton there?

Well, it’s mostly remembered as this scandal in 1996 called The Campaign Finance Scandal of ’96. It’s related to the fundraising of the DNC for Clinton’s re-election campaign, but a lot of what was going on is that foreign citizens were laundering campaign contributions, filling DNC coffers, but a lot of it was targeting Ron Brown.”

Ron Brown, Clinton’s secretary of commerce, also died under mysterious circumstances:14

“A lot of what was going on there were efforts to change Commerce Department policy so that a lot of very sensitive military technology could be sent to adversary nations when that was normally not allowed.

And some of the people at the center of this were people like Lockheed Martin’s CEO, who actually later goes on to create InQTel for the CIA. And you have a guy named Bernard Schwartz that runs a race to run Loral Space. He was one of Biden’s biggest donors in 2020.

So basically you have this huge effort to undermine the Commerce Department and buy off Ron Brown. Ron Brown at some point — as all of this kept going on pieces of it began to unravel — he agreed to cooperate with investigators. Not long after that he was unexpectedly invited to go on a trade mission to Croatia, and the plane crashes because of a supposedly aging navigational system.

Everyone on the plane dies except for a flight attendant that apparently walked away but then when she arrived at the hospital in a military helicopter, she arrived with a broken neck. Ron Brown’s body was so odd when it was discovered that people in Congress called for it to be investigated because he appeared to have a bullet wound in the skull not caused by a plane crash.”

The Solution — Don’t Be Afraid and Get Local

In her book, Webb explains her reasons for believing Epstein won’t be replaced with a cadre of new blackmailers. They don’t need people like him anymore, thanks to modern surveillance technology.

They can access everything, all your accounts, cameras, phones, microphones, surveillance cameras, you name it. They can find blackmail material on anyone these days. Of course, this tech is also being used to enslave and control the rest of us. They’re counting on you taking your cellphone with you everywhere, and adopting other forms of digital control, like vaccine passports and central bank digital currencies.

You don’t have to volunteer to give this information and give up your control, however. You can opt out. Stay local and build connections in your community. Webb explained:

“What we need are regular people to take responsibility. So many of us are looking for the good guy versus the bad guy on the level of nation state leadership. No. The good guys are just the regular people like you and me, and the bad guys are the people most often at the top that have stomped on heads and clawed their way to the heights of power, regardless of what nation state you’re talking about.

It’s among regular people where you will find the ‘good guys’ you’re looking for and it’s time for those people to come together and say ‘Enough!’ And we really can do it. It just is about taking personal responsibility … We have to take our power back and that starts on an individual level.”

To learn more, be sure to pick up a copy of, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein.” If you would like to view more of the interviews that Webb did for this book, this page on her site has links to all the many podcasts she has done about this book.

Sources and References

1 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 1:17

2, 3 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 2:36

4 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 3:24

5 Infamous New York, Tammany Hall

6 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 10:49

7 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 15:13

8 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 21:53

9 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 33:34

10 World Economic Forum, Melanie Walker

11 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 34:00

12 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 35:16

13 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 41:15

14 YouTube, The Jimmy Dore Show December 11, 2022, 42:29

© 1997-2022 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.


Rumble VIDEO: Dr. Alexander Explains The Orchestrated Coup Against President Trump Conducted By Medical Deep State

Posted by Bannons War Room

Published December 28, 2022


Rumble VIDEO: Ed Dowd and Mike Adams discuss catastrophic civilization implications…

Posted by Health Ranger Report

Published December 29, 2022




Posted by The New American

First Published December 30th, 2022 17:38 UTC

It is becoming increasingly well-known and understood that the UN’s “climate” agenda is about shackling the planet in the name of saving it. At last November’s “climate” COP27 conference in Egypt, the UN took another step in this direction by calling for climate reparations entailing a gargantuan transfer of wealth from the United States and other developed nations to poor nations supposedly suffering from the bad effects of climate change. But less well known than the UN’s political/economic power grab is the emerging New World (Green) Religion that is occurring in tandem. Yet the religious implications of the UN’s overall agenda, according to The New American’s Alex Newman, is even more important than the UN’s very serious and frightful political machinations. In this interview with “Beyond the Cover” host Gary Benoit, Newman explains why.

 Newman attended COP27,  where the New World Religion was on full display. He is also the author of “The UN’s New World Religion” and other articles about the UN’s “climate” agenda in the January 16, 2023 issue of The New American magazine.

 To subscribe to The New American, visit 

🇺🇸 The New American:




Posted by 99Percent

First Published December 30th, 2022 09:19 UTC

Hundreds of millions will eventually die from this… 300 million dead is a best case scenario. People will not be able to ignore this.


A Sooooo Corrupt Society

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 18, 2022

Unless you are a Sheeple embarking on being OK with total compliance to a government corruption with an agenda to terminate Individual Liberty, YOU probably are quite aware you are living under the aegis of tyranny.

I live in the USA where Individual Liberty is encoded in our Founding Documents. A big hint YOU are living under tyranny in the USA is when political leaders and their Leftist MSM mouthpieces openly spew discrediting stories about our Founding Documents and the very Founders that established Individual Liberty as a paradigm for society to measure Freedom.

The unfortunate key is corruption has enabled a slow eradication of the efficacy of the Founders’ Constitution. This diluted efficacy of the written Constitution should inspire Christians to seek a closer affinity to the Will of God which is discovered in the Holy Bible.

UNFORTUNATELY, the same corruption diluting the U.S. Constitution has also began to sway leadership in organized Christian Churches leading too many so-called Ministers of the Gospel to question the efficacy and validity of God’s very Word leading to such anti-God Marxism as Liberation Theology among Catholics and among Protestants the tenets of Critical Race Theory (HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE)  and Black Liberation Theology (HERE & HERE). Much of which cancels the Plan of Salvation in Christ and Biblical Morality leading only to forced acceptance of Humanist salvation and Humanist morality.

Sooooooo much corruption.

In the light of corruption I am sharing Clarice Feldman thoughts on crooked CIA and FBI which were supposed to protect American citizens but apparently are more interested in protecting the interests of the Dem-Marxist overlords. AND Pam Kohler’s thoughts on a society to much embracing the corrupt social order that stands against God Almighty the stage might be set for the Return of King Jesus to expunge the ungodly.

JRH 12/18/22

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Deep State Suspicions

Clarice’s Pieces

By Clarice Feldman

December 18, 2022

American Thinker [HT: Don Moore at

I wonder if it’s because so many of us lost faith in the federal government after its absurd overreactions, bad public health policies, and demonstrable lies respecting COVID, or is it just the passage of time and changes at the top making it harder to keep secrets, but this week both the FBI and CIA are in the line of fire.


Sixty years after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the National Archives and Records Administration has finally released over 13,000 records in its possession relevant to that tragic event. Some 3% of the records are still being hidden from us. Why? So many years have passed and so many of the key figures have passed away it seems hard to imagine a benign explanation. The event was always the subject of theories critical of the official line. Truth to tell, one need not have been a conspiracist to question it. To take just a single example, the single-bullet explanation never stood up to analysis in my view. And that’s just one part of the story. After the record release, Tucker Carlson reported that someone with “direct knowledge” of the still-withheld records states the CIA is connected to the assassination. (The agency had at that point some expertise in political assassinations, having engaged in them in the Congo, Dominican Republic, South Vietnam, and Chile.) Adding fuel to the fire, Robert Kennedy, Jr., nephew of the assassinated president, indicated he suspects the agency had a hand in it, and asked, “What are they hiding?” He added, that this assassination was a “successful coup d’etat from which democracy has never recovered.”

Adding to the mystery, Mike Pompeo, former CIA Director, declined to appear on the show to discuss the withheld records and the charges against the agency. If the claim is true, it’s difficult to understand the motive, although President Kennedy was critical of the agency and publicly said he planned to dismantle it.


As the records of Twitter are being released by the new owner, Elon Musk, the FBI seems to have run that platform, manipulating public discourse, undercutting then President Trump, and affecting the 2020 election outcomes, along with other things like the public health response to COVID. The most easy-to-read summary of the latest document releases is at Townhall where Matt Vespa puts the evidence in a very readable form.

Former New York Times op-ed writer Bari Weiss, former Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi, and others have posted lengthy threads on Twitter ironically detailing the discriminatory behavior that we have railed against for the better part of a decade. Spencer had the latest drop on this story yesterday. 

The endless troves of documents have shredded the claims that the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice operate as impartial entities. That’s no longer the case — these agencies are now geared toward influencing public opinion at the behest of their Democratic Party overlords. They’re the only ones who benefit from this system of state-sponsored censorship. Taibbi described the FBI-Twitter relationship perfectly as one of “master-canine” (via SubStack) [emphasis mine]: We’ve long known about those analytical processes, but the Twitter Files show something new. We now have clear evidence that agencies like the FBI and the DHS are in the business of mass-analyzing social media activity — your tweets and mine, down to the smallest users with the least engagement — and are, themselves, mass-marking posts to be labeled, “bounced,” deleted or “visibility filtered” by firms like Twitter. The technical and personnel infrastructure for this effort is growing. As noted in the thread, the FBI’s social media-focused task force now has at least 80 agents, and is in constant contact with Twitter for all sorts of reasons.

The FBI is not doing this as part of any effort to build criminal cases. They’ve taken on this new authority unilaterally, as part of an apparently massive new effort to control and influence public opinion.

Vespa reminds us that the FBI not only used Twitter to influence public opinion, but it lied about Russian Collusion, scotched any inquiry into Hunter Biden’s laptop, which evinces massive illegal activities by the Biden family, and raided Trump’s Florida home on “shoddy and spurious legal justification.”

How closely bound was the Twitter hierarchy with the FBI? So close that it’s easy to see how this hand-in-glove censorship operation was successful for so long. It was not just once-FBI and Twitter general counsel James Baker, whom Musk fired after finding that he was delaying the release of records showing the unconstitutional use of the platform to censor government critics. “Twitter’s top ranks were riddled with ex-FBI agents and executives stitching the company even closer to the federal agency now under fire for leaning on Twitter to meddle in the 2020 elections.”

To take a few examples: Dawn Burton, who “served as deputy chief to FBI boss James Comey,” was Twitter’s director of strategy, operations, and counsel organization.

As a Comey insider, Burton would have been close to the agency’s Hillary Clinton email investigation as well as its probe into Russian interference in the 2016 elections. She continues to serve in her role after Comey’s ouster in May 2017 and the appointment of special Counsel Robert Mueller.

And then there was Jeff Carlton, who had previously worked for both the FBI and CIA. He led “Twitter’s tragic Response Team of 50+ employees/agents in resolving the highest-profile Trust & Safety escalation.”

Who elected these agencies and people to govern us? How much more of this corruption will be uncovered? Who benefited from the assassination of JFK and the election of Joe Biden and presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson (whom, incidentally, the released records reveal had, indeed, been a member of the KKK)?

I have lots of questions heading into the new year, with little certainty of answers, but I have no reservations in wishing you Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas, and a wonderful New Year. I’m doing it early because I will be away for most of it, and truth be told we all need some respite before what looks to be a very difficult and contentious 2023.

© American Thinker 2022


From a Lamb to a Lion

King Jesus on White Horse


DECEMBER 16, 2022

Salvation and Survival

What I’m going to talk about today comes from personal experience. Lately, I’ve been discerning an awakening among the family of God. It’s not explosive and certainly not widespread, but still, it is undeniable. There is a remnant in the Body of Christ that is realizing that the religious normalcy bias we’ve been operating in, is not our reality. We’ve come to know that Scripture speaks plainly that judgment is coming on the nation that continues to rebel against God. In Amos, Chapter 4, God reminds His nation of Israel that He sent famine; drought; plagues of insects to kill their crops and plagues of sickness to kill their people. He also overthrew and destroyed the depraved [as a warning to all], “Yet you have not returned to Me in repentance”. And his last statement in Chapter 4 is chilling … “Prepare to meet your God [in judgment], O Israel”!

That is what happens to an idolatrous and corrupt nation who turns away from YHWH. We should take note. It doesn’t matter whether we were founded as a Christian nation or not. Our actions throughout the two-and-a-half centuries of our existence speak louder. And over the last half century, this nation has shown flagrant contempt and scorn for God. He is absent from the halls of Congress, our schools, our entertainment industry, from corporate America, and from many families. It is not enough to say that He is still alive in the churches of America when the churches are run like businesses, the leadership approves of ungodly lifestyles, and Jezebel controls the congregation.

I know this sounds harsh. And I know there are Godly pockets of the Remnant that seek to establish His Kingdom in this nation. And God will honor that and give us favor! But stop for just a moment and look at the big picture this nation presents to God as He sits on His throne. The corruption, the greed, the immorality, the perversion and depravity, the murders, the disdain for law and order … all of this threatens to overcome the standards of goodness and decency that were once the hallmarks of our society.

I have been ruminating on these thoughts for awhile, and asking the Lord to show me that what I am discerning is wrong. I desperately want to be wrong! I would love to bask in the belief that we will somehow escape the ramifications of the falling away from God. But the Holy Spirit spoke to me in the early hours before dawn and showed me that unlike the Jews, who rejected Jesus as the Lamb of compassion and mercy because they wanted a Warrior King, the Church of Jesus in the 21st Century wants to reject the idea of Him as the returning Warrior King, in favor of keeping Him as the Lamb of Grace! The Church wants to keep Jesus as the Lamb and keep Him stuck in His role as peacemaker and pacifist.

As I’ve said so often, it is difficult when your discernment and Biblical worldview doesn’t match the normalcy bias of most modern-day Christians. We are so comfortable with our view of Jesus as our Savior when He’s the Lamb. But when He becomes the Warrior King dispensing righteous judgment, that image threatens to destroy the joy in the Lord. You can point out that the Bible, itself, shows us a deteriorating world that will lead Him to return as a conquering Warrior King with His robe dipped in the blood of the wicked for the judgment of mankind [Revelation 19:13]. And you can show them that there will be a sword coming out of His mouth with which to strike the nations [Revelation 19:15], and He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty [Revelation 14:17-20]. Still they cannot accept Him in this role. Anything but the image of the loving Lamb of God brings offense, and I surmise a good amount of fear.

But I take great comfort in knowing that He will finally go to war as the Commander of the Heavenly Host against Satan and his army of fallen angels. I recognize that my Lord is full of compassion and grace and mercy, but when the cup of God’s wrath against Evil is full, I know Him to be the Warrior King, who from Genesis 3:15 forward, is the Defender of His bloodline and His people. He appears throughout the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord, with sword in hand, ready to fight to defend those who belong to Him [Joshua 5:13; 2 Kings 19:35; Psalm 35:5-6]. And as Exodus 23:20-33 shows us, when YHWH sent the Israelites into the Promised Land, where lived the Nephilim giants, He sent an Angel [the pre-incarnate Jesus] before them, to “keep them and guard them on the way and to bring them to the place He had prepared”. Jesus was a Giant-killer! And since He is the same today as He was then, we have nothing to fear about the Judgment that is coming.

And don’t you think God is going to keep and guard on us on our way to the Millennium Kingdom and eternal life in the new Heaven and Earth? He is sending Jesus, the Warrior King to go before us, defeating Evil once and for all and bringing us to the place God has prepared for us. So, it is my prayer and my hope that the Body of Christ comes to embrace the truth and knowledge that Jesus is coming to judge the world in righteousness and wage war against Evil. Our faith and hope in a glorious future in Heaven must overcome all fear about what might happen in this world. It will be our privilege to do spiritual battle (and physical, if necessary) alongside our Savior. He will be a formidable Captain of the Angelic Army and our Defender! We will see the Lamb of God become the Lion of Judah and Righteousness and Justice will rule the world!

#endtimeswar #endtimesjudgment #jesuswarriorking #endtimesprophecies #dayofthelord

Revelation 19:11   And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who was riding it is called Faithful and True (trustworthy, loyal, incorruptible, steady), and in righteousness He judges and wages war [on the rebellious nations].

© Belle Ringer and

The Tyranny is Upon You

And This Ain’t No Chicken Little Children’s Story

By John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© July 18, 2022

The Dem-Marxist Plan to make America a One-Party Cultural Marxist nation has been in execution for quite some time as you read at The Last Refuge (aka with this title: “The J6 Motive – Why Donald Trump Must be Removed, The Political Surveillance of American Citizens.” You will discover a significant history of the Patriot Act transformed America into a surveillance state monitored by our alphabets of the Intelligence Community but exploited by the Obama transformation agenda to plant Obama Marxist acolytes in the UNELECTED bureaucracy to cement the transformation. BUT the monkey wrench in the works was the 2016 Trump election. Trump’s removal and barring from future elections is the agenda to allow the Dem-Marxist cement to harden. The irony is I’m not as huge a Trump as before because of his support for the mRNA Jab. But merely because of America’s current Dem-Marxist Tyrants’ hatred of Trump, I’d vote him praying his mRNA support is relegated to voluntary rather than mandatory. THIS IS MUST READ MATERIAL at The Last Refuge!

JRH 7/18/22

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The J6 Motive – Why Donald Trump Must be Removed, The Political Surveillance of American Citizens

By Sundance 

July 17, 2022

Barack Obama and Eric Holder did not create a weaponized DOJ and FBI; the institutions were already weaponized by the Patriot Act. What Obama and Holder did was take the preexisting system and retool it, so the weapons of government only targeted one side of the political continuum.

This point is where many people understandably get confused.

Liz and Dick Cheney – Barack Obama and Eric Holder

In the era shortly after 9/11 the DC national security apparatus, instructed by Vice President Dick Cheney, was constructed to preserve continuity of government and simultaneously view all Americans as potential threats. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) were created specifically for this purpose.

After 9/11/01 the electronic surveillance system that was originally created to monitor threats from abroad was retooled to monitor threats inside our country. That is when all of our electronic ‘metadata’ came under federal surveillance.

That inflection point, and the process that followed, was exactly what Edward Snowden tried to point out.

What Barack Obama and Eric Holder did with that new construct was refine the internal targeting mechanisms so that only their political opposition became the target of this new national security system.

The problems we face now as a country are directly an outcome of two very distinct points that were merged by Barack Obama. (1) The post 9/11 monitoring of electronic communication of American citizens; and (2) Obama’s team creating a fine-tuning knob that it focused on the politics of the targets. This is very important to understand as you dig deeper into this research outline.

Washington DC created the modern national security apparatus immediately and hurriedly after 9/11/01. The Department of Homeland Security came along in 2002, and within the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) was formed.

When President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder arrived a few years later, those newly formed institutions were viewed as opportunities to create a very specific national security apparatus that would focus almost exclusively against their political opposition.

The preexisting Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Dept of Justice (DOJ) were then repurposed to become two of the four pillars of the domestic national security apparatus: a domestic surveillance state. However, this new construct would have a targeting mechanism based on political ideology.

The DHS, ODNI, DOJ and FBI became the four pillars of this new institution. Atop these pillars is where you will find the Fourth Branch of Government.

We were not sleeping when this happened, we were wide awake. However, we were stunningly distracted by the economic collapse that was taking place in 2006 and 2007 when the engineers behind Obama started to assemble the design. By the time Obama took office in 2009, we sensed something profound was shifting, but we can only see exactly what shifted in the aftermath. The four pillars were put into place, and a new Fourth Branch of Government was quietly created.

As time passed, and the system operators became familiar with their new tools, technology allowed the tentacles of the system to reach out and touch us. That is when we first started to notice that something very disconcerting was happening. Those four pillars are the root of it, and if we take the time to understand how the Fourth Branch originated, questions about this current state of perpetual angst will start to make sense.

Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and take a walk with me as we outline how this was put together. You might find many of the questions about our current state of political affairs beginning to make a lot more sense.

Eye of Sauron over DC

Remember, it is not my intent to outline the entire history of how we got to this place where the intelligence community now acts as the superseding Fourth Branch of Government. Such an effort would be exhausting and likely take our discussion away from understanding the current dynamic.

History provided enough warnings from Dwight D. Eisenhower (military) to John F. Kennedy (CIA), to Richard Nixon (FBI), to all the modern versions of warnings and frustrations from HPSCI Devin Nunes and ODNI Ric Grenell.

None of those prior reference points are invalid, and all documented outlines of historic reference are likely true and accurate. However, a generational review is not useful, as the reference impacting us ‘right now‘ gets lost.

Instead, we pick up the expansive and weaponized intelligence system as it manifests after 9/11/01, and my goal is to highlight how the modern version of the total intelligence apparatus has metastasized into a Fourth Branch of Government. It is this superseding branch that now touches and influences every facet of our life. We The People are under surveillance.

If we take the modern construct, originating at the speed of technological change, we can also see how the oversight or “check/balance” in our system of government became functionally obsolescent.

After many years of granular research about the intelligence apparatus inside our government, in the summer of 2020 I visited Washington DC to ask specific questions. My goal was to go where the influence agents within government actually operate, and to discover the people deep inside the institutions no one elected, and few people pay attention to.

Deep State 4th Branch

It was during this process when I discovered how information is purposefully put into containment silos; essentially a formal process to block the flow of information between agencies and between the original branches. While frustrating to discover, the silo effect was important because understanding the communication between networks leads to our ability to reconcile conflict between what we perceive and what’s actually taking place.

After days of research and meetings in DC during 2020; amid a town that was serendipitously shut down due to COVID-19; I found a letter slid under the door of my room in a nearly empty hotel with an introduction of sorts. The subsequent discussions were perhaps the most important. After many hours of specific questions and answers on specific examples, I realized why our nation is in this mess. That is when I discovered the fourth and superseding branch of government, the Intelligence Branch.

I am going to explain how the Intelligence Branch works: (1) to control every other branch of government; (2) how it functions as an entirely independent branch of government with no oversight; (3) how and why it was created to be independent from oversight; (4) what is the current mission of the IC Branch, and most importantly (5) who operates it.

The Intelligence Branch is an independent functioning branch of government, it is no longer a subsidiary set of agencies within the Executive Branch as most would think. To understand the Intelligence Branch, we need to drop the elementary school civics class lessons about three coequal branches of government and replace that outlook with the modern system that created itself.

The Intelligence Branch functions much like the State Dept, through a unique set of public-private partnerships that support it. Big Tech industry collaboration with intelligence operatives is part of that functioning, almost like an NGO. However, the process is much more important than most think. In this problematic perspective of a corrupt system of government, the process is the flaw – not the outcome.

There are people making decisions inside this little known, unregulated and out-of-control branch of government that impact every facet of our lives.

None of the people operating deep inside the Intelligence Branch were elected; and our elected representative House members genuinely do not know how the system works. I assert this position affirmatively because I have talked to House and Senate staffers, including the chiefs of staff for multiple House & Senate committee seats. They are not malicious people; however, they are genuinely clueless of things that happen outside their silo. That is part of the purpose of me explaining it, with examples, in full detail with sunlight.

We begin….

In April of 2016, the FBI launched a counterintelligence operation against presidential candidate Donald Trump. The questioning about that operation is what New York Representative Elise Stefanik cites in March of 2017, approximately 11 months later (First Two Minutes).

Youtube VIDEO: Rep. Elise Stefanik asks questions at Comey hearing

[Posted by Watertown Daily Times

Posted on Mar 20, 2017


Things to note:

♦ Notice how FBI Director James Comey just matter-of-factly explains no one outside the DOJ was informed about the FBI operation. Why? Because that’s just the way things are done. His justification for unilateral operations was “because of the sensitivity of the matter“, totally ignoring any constitutional or regulatory framework for oversight; because, well, quite simply, there isn’t any. The intelligence apparatus inside the DOJ/FBI can, and does, operate based on their own independent determinations of authority.

♦ Notice also how FBI Director Comey shares his perspective that informing the National Security Council (NSC) is the equivalent of notifying the White House. The FBI leadership expressly believe they bear no responsibility to brief the Chief Executive. As long as they tell some unknown, unelected, bureaucratic entity inside the NSC, their unwritten responsibility to inform the top of their institutional silo is complete. If the IC wants to carve out the Oval Office, they simply plant information inside the NSC and, from their perspective, their civic responsibility to follow checks-and-balances is complete. This is an intentional construct.

♦ Notice how Comey obfuscates notification to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), by avoiding the fact James Clapper was the DNI from outset of the counterintelligence operation throughout the remainder of Obama’s term. When I get deeper into the process, we will understand how the Intelligence Branch has intentionally used the creation of the DNI position (established post 9/11/01) as a method to avoid oversight, not enhance it. Keeping an oblivious doofus like James Clapper in position held strategic value [Doofus Reminder HERE].

That video of James Comey being questioned by Elise Stefanik was the first example given to me by someone who knew the background of everything that was taking place preceding that March 20, 2017, hearing. That FBI reference point is a key to understand how the Intelligence Branch operates with unilateral authority above Congress (legislative branch), above the White House (executive branch), and even above the court system (judicial branch).

Also, watch this short video of James Clapper, because it is likely many readers have forgotten, and likely even more readers have never seen it. Watch closely how then White House national security adviser John Brennan is responding in that video. This is before Brennan became CIA Director, this is when Brennan was helping Barack Obama put the pillars into place. WATCH:

Youtube VIDEO: Director of National Intelligence James Clapper did not now London bomb plot

[Posted by panhandlepatriots

Posted on Feb 10, 2011


[Sidebar: Every time I post this video it gets scrubbed from YouTube (example), so save it if you ever want to see it again. {Blog Editor: Due to this sidebar note, I decided to upload this video to my Bitchute Channel in case there is a Youtube scrub:}]

The video of James Clapper highlights how the ODNI position (created with good national security intention) ended up becoming the fulcrum for modern weaponization, and is now an office manipulated by agencies with a vested interest in retaining power. The Intelligence Branch holds power over the ODNI through their influence and partnership with the body that authorizes the power within it, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI).

Factually, the modern intelligence apparatus uses checks and balances in their favor. The checks create silos of proprietary information, classified information, vaults of information that work around oversight issues. The silos, which include the exploitation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court, or FISC) are part of the problem.

Ironically, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence was created in the aftermath of 9/11/01 expressly to eliminate the silos of information which they felt led to a domestic terrorist attack that could have been prevented. The ODNI was created specifically upon the recommendation of the 9/11 commission.

The intent was to create a central hub of intelligence information, inside the Executive Branch, where the CIA, NSA, DoD, DoS, and DIA could deposit their unique intelligence products and a repository would be created so that domestic intelligence operations, like the DOJ and FBI could access them when needed to analyze threats to the U.S. This, they hoped, would ensure the obvious flags missed in the 9/11 attacks would not be missed again.

However, the creation of the DNI office also created an unconstitutional surveillance system of the American people. The DNI office became the tool to take massive amounts of data and use it to target specific Americans. Weaponizing the DNI office for political targeting is now the purpose of the DNI office as it exists.

The illegal and unlawful nature of the surveillance creates a need for careful protection amid the group who operate in the shadows of electronic information and domestic surveillance. You will see how it was critical to install a person uniquely skilled in being an idiot, James Clapper, into that willfully blind role while intelligence operatives worked around the office to assemble the Intelligence Branch of Government.

• The last federal budget that flowed through the traditional budgetary process was signed into law in September of 2007 for fiscal year 2008 by George W. Bush. Every budget since then has been a fragmented process of continuing resolutions and individual spending bills.

Why does this matter? Because many people think defunding the Intelligence Community is a solution; it is not…. at least, not yet. Worse yet, the corrupt divisions deep inside the U.S. intelligence system can now fund themselves from multinational private sector partnerships (banks, corporations and foreign entities).

• When Democrats took over the House of Representatives in January 2007, they took office with a plan. Nancy Pelosi became Speaker, and Democrats controlled the Senate where Harry Reid was Majority Leader. Barack Obama was a junior senator from Illinois.

Pelosi and Reid intentionally did not advance a budget in 2008 (for fiscal year 2009) because their plan included installing Barack Obama (and all that came with him) with an open checkbook made even more lucrative by a worsening financial crisis and a process called baseline budgeting. Baseline budgeting means the prior fiscal year budget is accepted as the starting point for the next year budget. All previous expenditures are baked into the cake within baseline budgeting.

Massive bailouts preceded Obama’s installation due to U.S. economic collapse, and massive bailouts continued after his installation. This is the ‘never let a crisis go to waste’ aspect. TARP (Troubled Asset Recovery Program), auto bailouts (GM), and the massive stimulus spending bill, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, i.e.. those shovel ready jobs) were all part of the non-budget spending. The federal reserve assisted with Quantitative Easing (QE1 and QE2) as congress passed various Porkulous spending bills further spending and replacing the formal budget process.

Note: There has never been a budget passed in the normal/traditional process since September of 2007.

• While Obama’s radical ‘transformation‘ was triggered across a broad range of government institutions, simultaneously spending on the U.S. military was cut, but spending on the intelligence apparatus expanded. We were all distracted by Obamacare, and the Republican Party wanted to keep us that way. However, in the background there was a process of transformation taking place that included very specific action by Eric Holder and targeted effort toward the newest executive agency the ODNI.


The people behind Obama, those same people now behind Joe Biden, knew from years of strategic planning that ‘radical transformation’ would require control over specific elements inside the U.S. government. Eric Holder played a key role in his position as U.S. Attorney General in the DOJ.

AG Holder recruited ideologically aligned political operatives who were aware of the larger institutional objectives. One of those objectives was weaponizing the DOJ-National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) a division inside the DOJ that had no inspector general oversight. For most people the DOJ-NSD weaponization surfaced with a hindsight awakening of the DOJ-NSD targeting candidate Donald Trump many years later. However, by then the Holder crew had executed almost eight full years of background work.

• The second larger Obama/Holder objective was control over the FBI. Why was that important? Because the FBI does the domestic investigative work on anyone who needs or holds a security clearance. The removal of security clearances could be used as a filter to further build the internal ideological army they were assembling. Additionally, with new power in the ODNI created as a downstream consequence of the Patriot Act, new protocols for U.S. security clearances were easy to justify.

Carefully selecting fellow ideological travelers was facilitated by this filtration within the security clearance process. How does that issue later manifest? Just look around at how politicized every intelligence agency has become, specifically including the FBI.

• At the exact same time this new background security clearance process was ongoing, again everyone distracted by the fight over Obamacare, inside the Department of State (Secretary Hillary Clinton) a political alignment making room for the next phase was being assembled. Names like Samantha Power, Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton were familiar on television while Lisa Monaco worked as a legal liaison between the Obama White House and Clinton State Department.

Through the Dept of State (DoS) the intelligence apparatus began working on their first steps to align Big Tech with a larger domestic institutional objective. Those of you who remember the “Arab Spring”, some say “Islamist Spring”, will remember it was triggered by Barack Obama’s speech in Cairo – his first foreign trip. The State Department worked with grassroots organizers (mostly Muslim Brotherhood) in Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Qatar and Libya. Obama leaned heavily on the organizational network of Turkish President Recep Erdogan for contacts and support.

Why does this aspect matter to us? Well, you might remember how much effort the Obama administration put into recruiting Facebook and Twitter as resources for the various mideast rebellions the White House and DoS supported. This was the point of modern merge between the U.S. intelligence community and Big Tech social media.

In many ways, the coordinated political outcomes in Libya and Egypt were the beta test for the coordinated domestic political outcomes we saw in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. The U.S. intelligence community working with social media platforms and political operatives.

Overlaying all of that background activity was also a new alignment of the Obama-era intelligence apparatus with ideological federal “contractors“. Where does this contractor activity manifest? In the FISA Court opinion of Rosemary Collyer who cited the “interagency memorandum of understanding”, or MOU.

Memo of Understanding (MOU)

Hopefully, you can see a small part of how tentacled the system to organize/weaponize the intelligence apparatus was. None of this was accidental, all of this was by design, and the United States Senate was responsible for intentionally allowing most of this to take place. The tools the government used to monitor threats were now being used to monitor every American. WE THE PEOPLE were now the threat the national security system was monitoring.

That’s the 30,000/ft level backdrop history of what was happening as the modern IC was created. Next, we will go into how all these various intelligence networks began working in unison and how they currently control all of the other DC institutions under them; including how they can carve out the President from knowing their activity.

♦ When Barack Obama was installed in January 2009, the Democrats held a 60 seat majority in the U.S. Senate. As the people behind the Obama installation began executing their longer-term plan, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was a tool to create the Intelligence Branch; it was not an unintentional series of events.

When Obama was installed, Dianne Feinstein was the Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), and Democrat operative Dan Jones was her lead staffer. Feinstein was completely controlled by those around her including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The CIA was in the process of turning over personnel following the Bush era, and as a result of a massive multi-year narrative of diminished credibility (Iraq WMD), a deep purge was underway. Obama/Holder were in the process of shifting intelligence alignment and the intensely political Democrat Leader Harry Reid was a key participant.

Rubio (R) & Warner (D) Senate Intel Committee

THE TRAP – Many people say that Congress is the solution to eliminating the Fourth and superseding Branch of Government, the Intelligence Branch. This is an exercise in futility because the Legislative Branch, specifically the SSCI, facilitated the creation of the Intelligence Branch. The SSCI cannot put the genie they created back in the bottle without admitting they too are corrupt; and the background story of their corruption is way too intense to be exposed now.

Every member of the SSCI is compromised in some controlling manner. Those Senators who disliked the control over them; specifically disliked because the risk of sunlight was tenuous and, well, possible; have either left completely or stepped down from the committee. None of the SSCI members past or present would ever contemplate saying openly what their tenure involved.

[Note: You might remember when Vice Chairman Mark Warner’s text messages surfaced, there was a controlled Republican SSCI member who came to his defense in February of 2018. It was not accidental that exact Senator later became the chair of the SSCI himself. That Republican Senator is Marco Rubio, now vice-chair since the Senate re-flipped back to the optics of Democrat control in 2021.]

All of President Obama’s 2009 intelligence appointments required confirmation from the Senate. The nominees had to first pass through the Democrat controlled SSCI, and then to a full Senate vote where Democrats held a 60 vote majority. Essentially, Obama got everyone he wanted in place easily. Rahm Emmanuel was Obama’s Chief of Staff, and Valerie Jarrett was Senior Advisor.


Tim Geithner was Treasury Secretary in 2010 when the joint DOJ/FBI and IRS operation to target the Tea Party took place after the midterm “shellacking” caused by the Obamacare backlash. Mitch McConnell was Minority Leader in the Senate but supported the targeting of the Tea Party as his Senate colleagues were getting primaried by an angry and effective grassroots campaign. McConnell’s friend, Senator Bob Bennett, getting beaten in Utah was the final straw.

Dirty Harry and Mitch McConnell saw the TEA Party through the same prism. The TEA Party took Kennedy’s seat in Massachusetts (Scott Brown); Sharon Angle was about to take out Harry Reid in Nevada; Arlen Spector was taken down in Pennsylvania; Senator Robert Byrd died; Senator Lisa Murkowski lost her primary to Joe Miller in Alaska; McConnell’s nominee Mike Castle lost to Christine O’Donnell in Delaware; Rand Paul won in Kentucky. This is the background. The peasants were revolting…. and visibly angry Mitch McConnell desperately made a deal with the devil to protect himself.

In many ways, the TEA Party movement was/is very similar to the MAGA movement. The difference in 2010 was the absence of a head of the movement, in 2015 Donald Trump became that head figure who benefited from the TEA Party energy. Trump came into office in 2017 with the same congressional opposition as the successful TEA Party candidates in 2011.

Republicans took control of the Senate following the 2014 mid-terms. Republicans took control of the SSCI in January 2015. Senator Richard Burr became chairman of the SSCI, and Dianne Feinstein shifted to Vice-Chair. Dirty Harry Reid left the Senate, and Mitch McConnell took power again.

Republicans were in control of the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2015 when the Intelligence Branch operation against candidate Donald Trump was underway. [Feinstein’s staffer, Dan Jones, left the SSCI so he could act as a liaison and political operative between private-sector efforts (Fusion GPS, Chris Steele) and the SSCI.] The SSCI was a participant in that Fusion GPS/Chris Steele operation, and as a direct consequence Republicans were inherently tied to the problem with President Trump taking office in January of 2017. Indiana Republican Senator Dan Coats was a member of the SSCI.

Bottom line…. When it came to the intelligence system targeting Donald Trump during the 2015/2016 primary, the GOP was just as much at risk as their Democrat counterparts.

When Trump unexpectedly won the 2016 election, the SSCI was shocked more than most. They knew countermeasures would need to be deployed to protect themselves from any exposure of their prior intelligence conduct. Immediately Senator Dianne Feinstein stepped down from the SSCI, and Senator Mark Warner was elevated to Vice Chairman.

Indiana’s own Mike Pence, now Vice President, recommended fellow Hoosier, SSCI Senator Dan Coats, to become President Trump’s Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). [Apply hindsight here]

• To give an idea of the Intelligence Branch power dynamic, remind yourself how House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), Chairman Devin Nunes, tried to get access to the DOJ/FBI records of the FISA application used against the Trump campaign via Carter Page.

Remember, Devin Nunes only saw a portion of the FISA trail from his review of a Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) previously given to President Obama. Chairman Nunes had to review the PDB at the White House SCIF due to compartmented intelligence, another example of the silo benefit.

Remember the massive stonewalling and blocking of the DOJ/FBI toward Nunes? Remember the back and forth battle over declassification surrounding the Nunes memo?

Remember, after Nunes went directly to House Speaker Paul Ryan for help (didn’t get any), the DOJ only permitted two members from each party within the HPSCI to review the documents, and only at the DOJ offices of main justice?

Contrast that amount of House Intel Committee railroading and blocking by intelligence operatives in the DOJ, DOJ-NSD and FBI, with the simple request by Senate Intelligence Vice Chairman Mark Warner asking to see the Carter Page FISA application and immediately a copy being delivered to him on March 17th 2017.

Can you see which intelligence committee is aligned with the deepest part of the deep state?

Oh, how quickly we forget:

Kortan-FBI Statement Nunes Memo

The contrast of ideological alignment between the House, Senate and Intelligence Branch is crystal clear when viewed through the prism of cooperation. You can see which legislative committee holds the power and support of the Intelligence Branch. The Senate Intel Committee facilitates the corrupt existence of the IC Branch, so the IC Branch only cooperates with the Senate Intel Committee. It really is that simple.

• The Intelligence Branch carefully selects its own members by controlling how security clearances are investigated and allowed (FBI). The Intelligence Branch also uses compartmentalization of intelligence as a way to keep each agency, and each downstream branch of government (executive, legislative and judicial), at arm’s length as a method to stop anyone from seeing the larger picture of their activity. I call this the “silo effect”, and it is done by design.

I have looked at stunned faces when I presented declassified silo product from one agency to the silo customers of another. You would be astonished at what they don’t know because it is not in their ‘silo’.


Through the advice and consent rules, the Intelligence Branch uses the SSCI to keep out people they consider dangerous to their ongoing operations. Any appointee to the intelligence community must first pass through the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, before they get a full Senate vote. If the SSCI rejects the candidate, they simply refuse to take up the nomination. The president is then blocked from that appointment. This is what happened with President Trump over and over again.

• Additionally, the Intelligence Branch protects itself, and its facilitating allies through the formal classification process. The Intelligence Branch gets to decide unilaterally what information will be released and what information will be kept secret. There is no entity outside the Intelligence Branch, and yes that includes the President of the United States, who can supersede the classification authority of the Intelligence Branch. {Go Deep} and {Go Deep} This is something 99.9% of the people on our side get totally and frustratingly wrong.

No one can declassify, or make public, anything the Intelligence Branch will not agree to. Doubt this? Ask Ric Grenell, John Ratcliffe, or even President Trump himself.

• The classification process is determined inside the Intelligence Branch, all by themselves. They get to choose what rank of classification exists on any work product they create; and they get to decide what the classification status is of any work product that is created by anyone else. The Intelligence Branch has full control over what is considered classified information and what is not. The Intelligence Branch defines what is a “national security interest” and what is not. A great technique for hiding fingerprints of corrupt and illegal activity.

[For familiar reference see the redactions to Lisa Page and Peter Strzok text messages. The Intelligence Branch does all redactions.]

• Similarly, the declassification process is a request by an agency, even a traditionally superior agency like the President of the United States, to the Intelligence Branch asking for them to release the information. The Intelligence Branch again holds full unilateral control. If the head of the CIA refuses to comply with the declassification instruction of the President, what can the president do except fire him/her? {Again, GO DEEPHow does the President replace the non-compliant cabinet member? They have to go through the SSCI confirmation. See the problem?

Yes, there are ways to break up the Intelligence Branch, but they do not start with any congressional effort. As you can see above, the process is the flaw – not the solution. Most conservative pundits have their emphasis on the wrong syllable. Their cornerstone is false.

For their own self-preservation, the Intelligence Branch has been interfering in our elections for years. The way to tear this apart begins with STATE LEVEL election reform that blocks the Legislative Branch from coordinating with the Intelligence Branch.

The extreme federalism approach is critical and also explains why Joe Biden has instructed Attorney General Merrick Garland to use the full power of the DOJ to stop state level election reform efforts. The worry of successful state level election control is also why the Intelligence Branch now needs to support the federal takeover of elections.

Our elections have been usurped by the Intelligence Branch. Start with honest elections and we will see just how much Democrat AND Republican corruption is dependent on manipulated election results. Start at the state level. Start there…. everything else is downstream.

♦ COLLAPSED OVERSIGHT – The modern system to ‘check’ the Executive Branch was the creation of the legislative “Gang of Eight,” a legislative oversight mechanism intended to provide a bridge of oversight between the authority of the intelligence community within the Executive Branch.

The Go8 construct was designed to allow the President authority to carry out intelligence operations and provide the most sensitive notifications to a select group within Congress.

The Go8 oversight is directed to the position, not the person, and consists of: (1) The Speaker of the House; (2) The Minority Leader of the House; (3) The Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, HPSCI; (4) The Ranking Member (minority) of the HPSCI; (5) The Leader of the Senate; (6) The Minority Leader of the Senate; (7) The Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, SSCI; and finally (8) the Vice-Chair of the SSCI.

Example: When the Chief Executive (the President) initiates an intelligence operation on behalf of the United States, the President triggers a “finding memo.” In essence, the instruction to the intel agency or agencies to authorize a covert operation. When that process takes place, the Go8 are the first people notified. Depending on the sensitivity of the operation, sometimes the G08 are notified immediately after the operation is conducted. The notification can be a phone call or an in-person briefing.

Because of the sensitivity of their intelligence information, the Gang of Eight hold security clearances that permit them to receive and review all intelligence operations. The intelligence community are also responsible for briefing the Go8 with the same information they use to brief the President.

~ 2021 Gang of Eight ~

The Go8 design is intended to put intelligence oversight upon both political parties in Congress; it is designed that way by informing the minority leaders of both the House and Senate as well as the ranking minority members of the SSCI and HPSCI. Under the concept, the President cannot conduct an intelligence operation; and the intelligence community cannot carry out intelligence gathering operations without the majority and minority parties knowing about it.

The modern design of this oversight system was done to keep rogue and/or corrupt intelligence operations from happening. However, as we shared in the preview to this entire discussion, the process was usurped during the Obama era. {GO DEEP}

Former FBI Director James Comey openly admitted to Congress on March 20, 2017, that the FBI, FBI Counterintelligence Division, DOJ and DOJ-National Security Division, together with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the CIA, had been conducting independent investigations of Donald Trump for over a year without informing the Go8. Comey justified the lack of informing Go8 oversight by saying, “because of the sensitivity of the matter.”

Stupidly, Congress never pressed James Comey on that issue. The arrogance was astounding, and the acceptance by Congress was infuriating. However, that specific example highlighted just how politically corrupt the system had become. In essence, Team Obama usurped the entire design of congressional oversight…. and Congress just brushed it off.

Keep in mind, Comey did not say the White House was unaware; in fact he said exactly the opposite, he said, “The White House was informed through the National Security Council,” (the NSC). The unavoidable implication and James Comey admission that everyone just brushed aside, was that President Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, was informed of the intelligence operation(s) against Donald Trump. After all, the NSC reports to the National Security Advisor.

Does the January 20, 2017, Susan Rice memo look different now?

Again, no one saw the immediate issue. What Comey just described on that March day in 2017 was the usurpation of the entire reason the Gang of Eight exists; to eliminate the potential for political weaponization of the Intelligence Community by the executive branch. The G08 notifications to the majority and minority are specifically designed to make sure what James Comey admitted to doing was never supposed to happen.

Team Obama carried out a political operation using the intelligence community and the checks-and-balances in the system were intentionally usurped. This is an indisputable fact.

Worse still, the entire legislative branch of Congress, which then specifically included the Republicans that now controlled the House and Senate, did nothing. They just ignored what was admitted. The usurpation was willfully ignored.

The mechanism of the G08 was bypassed without a twitch of condemnation or investigation…. because the common enemy was Donald Trump.

This example highlights the collapse of the system. Obama, the Executive Branch, collapsed the system by usurping the process; in essence the process became the bigger issue, and the lack of immediate Legislative Branch reaction became evidence of open acceptance. The outcomes of the usurpation played out over the next four years, Donald J. Trump was kneecapped and lost his presidency because of it. However, the bigger issue of the collapse still exists.

The downstream consequence of the Legislative Branch accepting the Executive Branch usurpation meant both intelligence committees were compromised. Additionally, the leadership of both the House and Senate were complicit. Think about this carefully. The Legislative Branch allowance of the intelligence usurpation meant the Legislative Branch was now subservient to the Intelligence Branch.

That’s where we are.

Right now.

That’s where we are.

Term-3 Obama is now back in the White House with Joe Biden.

NOTE: Former Obama National Security aide and counsel to the President, Lisa Monaco, is in her current position as Deputy Attorney General, specifically to make sure all of these revelations do not become a legal risk to Barack Obama and the people who created them. The SSCI confirmed Monaco for this purpose because the Senate is just as much at risk.

Term-1 and Term-2 Obama usurped the ‘check and balance‘ within the system and weaponized the intelligence apparatus. During Trump’s term that weaponization was covered up by a compliant congress, complicit senate intelligence committee, and not a single member of the oversight called it out. Now, Term-3 Obama steps back in to continue the cover up and continue the weaponization.

Hopefully, you can now see the scale of the problem that surrounds us with specific citation for what has taken place. What I just explained to you above is not conspiracy theory, it is admitted fact that anyone can look upon. Yet….

Have you seen this mentioned anywhere? Have you seen this called out by anyone in Congress? Have you seen anyone in media (ally or adversary) call this out? Have you seen any member of the Judicial Branch stand up and say wait, what is taking place is not okay? Have you seen a single candidate for elected office point this out? Have you seen anyone advising a candidate to point this out?

This is our current status. It is not deniable. The truth exists regardless of our comfort.

Not a single person in power will say openly what has taken place. They are scared of the Fourth Branch. The evidence of what has taken place is right there in front of our face. The words, actions and activities of those who participated in this process are not deniable, in fact most of it is on record.

There are only two members of the Gang of Eight who have existed in place from January 2007 (the real beginning of Obama’s term, two years before he took office when the Congress flipped). Only two members of the G08 have been consistently in place from January of 2007 to right now, today. All the others came and went, but two members of the Gang of Eight have been part of that failed and collapsed oversight throughout the past 15 years, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.

Edward Snowden

♦ TECHNOLOGY – On a global scale – the modern intelligence gathering networks are now dependent on data collection to execute their intelligence missions. In the digital age nations have been executing various methods to gather that data. Digital surveillance has replaced other methods of interception. Those surveillance efforts have resulted in a coalescing of regional data networks based on historic multi-national relationships.

We have a recent frame of reference for the “U.S. data collection network” within the NSA. Through the allied process the Five Eyes nations all rely on the NSA surveillance database (U.K, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and U.S.) The NSA database provides the digital baseline for intelligence operations in defense of our allies. The portals into the NSA database are essentially an assembly of allies in like-minded ideological connection to the United States.

Unfortunately, there have been some revelations about the NSA database being used to monitor our allies, like in the example of Germany and surveillance on Angela Merkel’s phone. As long as “the good guys” are operating honorably, allies of the United States can feel confident about having protection from the NSA surveillance of global digital data. We warn our friends if we detect something dangerous etc.

The U.S. has nodes on communication pipelines to intercept and extract data. We have also launched hundreds, perhaps thousands, of satellites to conduct surveillance and gather up data. All of this data is fed into the NSA database where it is monitored (presumably) as a national security mechanism, and in defense of our allies.

However, what about data collection or data networks that are outside the NSA database? What do our enemies do? The NSA database is just one intelligence operation of digital surveillance amid the entire world, and we do not allow access by adversaries we are monitoring. So what do they do? What do our allies do who might not trust the United States due to past inconsistencies, i.e. the Middle East?

The answers to those questions highlight other data collection networks. So, a brief review of the major players is needed.

♦ CHINA – China operates their own database. They, like the NSA, scoop up data for their system. Like us, China launches satellites and deploys other electronic data collection methods to download into their database. This is why the issues of electronic devices manufactured in China becomes problematic. Part of the Chinese data collection system involves the use of spyware, hacking and extraction.

Issues with Chinese communication company Huawei take on an added dimension when you consider the goal of the Chinese government to conduct surveillance and assemble a network of data to compete with the United States via the NSA. Other Chinese methods of surveillance and data-collection are less subversive, as in the examples of TicTok and WeChat. These are Chinese social media companies that are scraping data just like the NSA scrapes data from Facebook, Twitter and other Silicon Valley tech companies. [ Remember, the Intelligence Branch is a public-private partnership. ]

♦ RUSSIA – It is very likely that Russia operates their own database. We know Russia launches satellites, just like China and the USA, for the same purposes. Russia is also very proficient at hacking into other databases and extracting information to store and utilize in their own network. The difference between the U.S., China and Russia is likely that Russia spends more time on the hacking aspect because they do not generate actual technology systems as rapidly as the U.S. and China.

The most recent database creation is an outcome of an ally having to take action because they cannot rely on the ideology of the United States remaining consistent, as the administrations ping-pong based on ideology.

 SAUDI ARABIA – Yes, in 2016 we discovered that Saudi Arabia was now operating their own intelligence data-gathering operation. It would make sense, given the nature of the Middle East and the constant fluctuations in political support from the United States. It is a lesson the allied Arab community and Gulf Cooperation Council learned quickly when President Obama went to Cairo in 2009 and launched the Islamist Spring (Arab Spring) upon them.

Trump-Saudi Coalition & Orb

I have no doubt the creation of the Saudi intelligence network was specifically because the Obama administration started supporting radical Islamists within the Muslim Brotherhood and threw fuel on the fires of extremism all over the Arab world.

Think about it., What would you do if you were Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, Kuwait, the UAE, Jordan, Oman or Yemen and you knew the United States could just trigger an internal uprising of al-Qaeda, ISIS and the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood to seek your destruction?

Without a doubt, those urgent lessons from 2009, 2010, 2011 triggered the formation of the Arab Intelligence Network as a network to defend itself with consistency. They assembled the network and activated it in 2017 as pictured above.

 Israel – Along a similar outlook to the Arab network, no doubt Israel operates an independent data collection system as a method of protecting itself from ever-changing U.S. politics amid a region that is extremely hostile to its very existence. Like the others, Israel launches proprietary satellites, and we can be sure they use covert methods to gather electronic data just like the U.S. and China.

As we have recently seen in the Pegasus story, Israel creates spyware programs that are able to track and monitor cell phone communications of targets. The spyware would not work unless Israel had access to some network where the phone meta-data was actually stored. So yeah, it makes sense for Israel to operate an independent intelligence database.

♦ Summary: As we understand the United States Intelligence Branch of government as the superseding entity that controls the internal politics of our nation, we also must consider that multiple nations have the same issue. There are major intelligence networks around the world beside the NSA “Five-Eyes” database. China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Israel all operate proprietary databases deploying the same tools and techniques for assembly.

The geopolitical conflict that has always existed has now shifted into a digital battle-space. The Intelligence Agencies from these regions are now operating as the backbone of the government that uses them, and has become dependent on them. [<- Reread that].

Once you accept the digital-era intelligence apparatus of China, Russia, Saudi-Arabia, The United States and Israel, are now the primary national security mechanisms for stabilization of government; then you accept the importance of those intelligence operations.

Once you understand how foundational those modern intelligence operations have become for the stability and continuity of those governments…… then you begin to understand just how the United States intelligence community became more important than the government that created it.

From that point it is then critical to understand that domestic intelligence operations are underway to monitor the electronic communication of American citizens inside our own country. YOU are under surveillance. The parents who confront school boards are under surveillance. The political operatives inside the FBI are monitoring everyone who comes onto the radar, that is why the National School Boards Association asked the White House, then the DOJ, to have the FBI start targeting parents. Are things making sense now?

♦ Public Private Partnership – The modern Fourth Branch of Government is only possible because of a Public-Private partnership with the intelligence apparatus. You do not have to take my word for it, the partnership is so brazened they have made public admissions.

Thought Police & Social Media

The biggest names in Big Tech announced in June their partnership with the Five Eyes intelligence network, ultimately controlled by the NSA, to: (1) monitor all activity in their platforms; (2) identify extremist content; (3) look for expressions of Domestic Violent Extremism (DVE); and then, (4) put the content details into a database where the Five Eyes intelligence agencies (U.K., U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand) can access it.

Facebook, Twitter, Google and Microsoft are all partnering with the intelligence apparatus. It might be difficult to fathom how openly they admit this, but they do. Look at this sentence in the press release (emphasis mine):

[…] “The Group will use lists from intelligence-sharing group Five Eyes adding URLs and PDFs from more groups, including the Proud Boys, the Three Percenters and neo-Nazis.”

Think about that sentence structure very carefully. They are “adding to” the preexisting list…. admitting the group (aka Big Tech) already have access to the intelligence-sharing database… and also admitting there is a preexisting list created by the Five Eyes consortium.

Obviously, who and what is defined as “extremist content” will be determined by the Big Tech insiders themselves. This provides a gateway, another plausible deniability aspect, to cover the Intelligence Branch from any oversight.

When the Intelligence Branch within government wants to conduct surveillance and monitor American citizens, they run up against problems due to the Constitution of the United States. They get around those legal limitations by sub-contracting the intelligence gathering, the actual data mining, and allowing outside parties (contractors) to have access to the central database.

The government cannot conduct electronic searches (4th amendment issue) without a warrant; however, private individuals can search and report back as long as they have access. What is being admitted is exactly that preexisting partnership. The difference is that Big Tech will flag the content from within their platforms, and now a secondary database filled with the extracted information will be provided openly for the Intelligence Branch to exploit.


The volume of metadata captured by the NSA has always been a problem because of the filters needed to make the targeting useful. There is a lot of noise in collecting all data that makes the parts you really want to identify more difficult to capture. This new admission puts a new massive filtration system in the metadata that circumvents any privacy protections for individuals.

Previously, the Intelligence Branch worked around the constitutional and unlawful search issue by using resources that were not in the United States. A domestic U.S. agency, working on behalf of the U.S. government, cannot listen on your calls without a warrant. However, if the U.S. agency sub-contracts to say a Canadian group, or foreign ally, the privacy invasion is no longer legally restricted by U.S. law.

What was announced in June 2021 is an alarming admission of a prior relationship along with open intent to define their domestic political opposition as extremists.

July 26 (Reuters) – A counterterrorism organization formed by some of the biggest U.S. tech companies including Facebook (FB.O) and Microsoft (MSFT.O) is significantly expanding the types of extremist content shared between firms in a key database, aiming to crack down on material from white supremacists and far-right militias, the group told Reuters.

Until now, the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism’s (GIFCT) database has focused on videos and images from terrorist groups on a United Nations list and so has largely consisted of content from Islamist extremist organizations such as Islamic State, al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Over the next few months, the group will add attacker manifestos – often shared by sympathizers after white supremacist violence – and other publications and links flagged by U.N. initiative Tech Against Terrorism. It will use lists from intelligence-sharing group Five Eyes, adding URLs and PDFs from more groups, including the Proud Boys, the Three Percenters and neo-Nazis.

The firms, which include Twitter (TWTR.N) and Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) YouTube, share “hashes,” unique numerical representations of original pieces of content that have been removed from their services. Other platforms use these to identify the same content on their own sites in order to review or remove it. (read more)

The influence of the Intelligence Branch now reaches into our lives, our personal lives.

In the decades before 9/11/01 the intelligence apparatus intersected with government, influenced government, and undoubtedly controlled many institutions with it. The legislative oversight function was weak and growing weaker, but it still existed and could have been used to keep the IC in check. However, after the events of 9/11/01, the short-sighted legislative reactions opened the door to allow the surveillance state to weaponize against domestic enemies.

After the Patriot Act was triggered, not coincidentally only six weeks after 9/11, a slow and dangerous fuse was lit that ends with the intelligence apparatus being granted a massive amount of power. Simultaneously the mission of the intelligence community now encompassed monitoring domestic threats as defined by the people who operate the surveillance system.

The problem with assembled power is always what happens when a Machiavellian network takes control over that power and begins the process to weaponize the tools for their own malicious benefit. That is exactly what the network of President Barack Obama did.

The Obama network took pre-assembled intelligence weapons (we should never have allowed to be created) and turned those weapons into political tools for his radical and fundamental change. The target was the essential fabric of our nation.

Ultimately, this corrupt political process gave power to create the Fourth Branch of Government, the Intelligence Branch. From that perspective the fundamental change was successful.

This is the scale of corrupt political compromise on both sides of the DC dynamic that we are up against. Preserving this system is also what removing Donald Trump is all about…. And like I said in the precursor, I doubt Donald Trump fully comprehends the motives of his opposition.

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© 2022 The Conservative Treehouse

There is a Globalist Tyranny to Overcome

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 24, 2022

After going through my Rumble Video subscriptions I’ve decided to share three demonstrating the insidiousness of the WEF’s Great Reset, Globalism and Dem-Marxist complicity to this wicked agenda to END individual Liberty and Independent thinking to be replaced with State-Think of what is right, wrong and acceptable. Our Founding Fathers would call this kind of control as TYRANNY.

The shortest video is Restricted Republic’s Lisa Haven discussing  Dementia Joe sharing to his listeners a Global New World Order is inevitable. Then Haven shows clips of past American politicos and Presidents proclaiming an emerging NWO then briefly explains the future of CONTROLLING people on a global scale.

The next shortest video (32:49) is a Deep State discussion through the lens of Zelenskyy being a Globalist puppet. The title, “Ukraine: A Deep State Wonderland.”

The last video is long enough (48:55) to be termed a documentary. It explores an in their own words (as in Klaus Schwab-led) of the WEF and The Great Reset global tyrannical people-control in the NWO.

And I end with an End Times post that I mostly agree with (but a few nuances I question) about the ONLY  New World Order I find acceptable but I have no doubt Christ-haters and atheist-minded do-what-the-state-says will erupt in profane speech. It’s entitled, “THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS.” (H/T: Prophecy Update from the Newsletter archive – March 2022 Edition)

JRH 3/24/22

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Rumble VIDEO: Oops! Conspiracy No More! Biden Just Proved It To Be True!

Posted by Restricted Republic

Published March 22, 2022



Rumble VIDEO: Ukraine: A Deep State Wonderland

Posted by The New American

Published March 21, 2022

Ukraine is a giant playground of corruption for the Deep State and Ukrainian President Zelensky is a leftwing globalist puppet of the Deep State, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State amid the ongoing conflict with Russian strongman Putin. Alex shows the connections between the Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, the political dynasties of the United States, and much more. This episode follows last week’s exposing Putin’s connections to the Deep State and how he is following the globalist strategy for World Order outlined by Deep State toady Henry Kissinger.

Correction: At around 9:50, Alex incorrectly identifies Rep. Schiff as having been romantically involved with a Communist Chinese spy. It was actually Rep. Swalwell, another Democrat on the intelligence committee, who was caught in the scandal. We regret the error.


Rumble VIDEO: Globalists, The WEF And The Great Reset

Posted by Starblazer 

Published March 21, 2022



King Jesus 2nd Coming in Power

By Pastor Mike Taylor

March 21, 2022


“And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:

2 For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.

3 And again they said, Alleluia And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.

4 And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.” (Revelation 19:1-4)

The Tribulation and culminating with the Great Tribulation of the last 3.5 years, is quickly coming to a just end. God has been patient with mankind, and has sent numerous disciplinary measures to cause mankind to repent and give God glory and turn from their wicked ways. But as we have proceeded in these chapters, it has become evident and very clear that the nations are doomed to destruction and does not want to give up their unrighteous, sinful living.

As we enter the 19th Chapter of this book, we see the host of heaven giving glory and honor to our Great God and King of the Universe, as He has judged evil found in the harlot church and the great city of the Beast Power and their smoke will rise up forever. Here the 24 elders and the host of heaven, including those who have been slain at the hand of the Anti-Christ (who asked for justice from God from under the alter in Chapter 6:10 and here their prayers have been answered) praise God with “alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia” which is a phrase from Hebrew that means “Praise God”. This is actually a culmination of chapter 18, as the Bible does not have chapter breaks, only man gives them chapter breaks, and here the praise of God is given for His coming complete Victory over the beast power system.

5 “And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.

6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.” (Revelation 19:5-6)

As we read we see John back pedals a little to give a description of the Bride of Jesus Christ. This has already happened, but John wants to describe it in more detail, as the event about to happen is the marriage supper of the Lamb.

7 “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.” (Revelation 19:7-9)

There is several things I want to point out here. Note that the wife of Jesus Christ has made herself ready. According to Jewish customs, as Jesus came as a Jew on earth, and the Bible was written by Jewish people. The custom is for the bride and groom to enter the bridal chambers for 7 days to consummate their union and relates to the last 7 years of the Tribulation. The Marriage supper will not be in heaven, but on earth and the invited guest will be those who have been found in Jesus Christ and accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord through much tribulation and martyrdom. 

There will be an untold amount of Jewish people by birth, but there will be an untold number of Gentiles also, that have accepted Jesus as well, but they are not the church, they are the guest that will be invited to the feast at the marriage supper. They are equated to the 5 wise virgins, and the 5 foolish virgins that many mistakenly make them part of the Church. Note the wise are invited into the marriage supper, as the Bride is already inside..She is not an invited guest, as she is the focus of the feast. (Matthew 25:1-13) The foolish virgins did not keep the Holy Spirit in their lives and lost out in the end and are denied entrance to the marriage supper.

But as I have done in past messages, I want you to focus on the underlines portion of the above scripture, as it will be important in the coming verses.

10 “And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.

13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.” (Revelation 19:10-14)

Note the description of our soon coming King? His eyes were as a flame of fire. Why are they like flames of fire? Why, first, to discern the secrets of all hearts. There are no secrets here that Christ does not see. There is no lewd thought, there is no unbelieving skepticism, that Christ does not read. There is no hypocrisy, no formalism, no deceit, that he does not scan as easily as a man reads a page in a book. His eyes are like a flame of fire to read us through and through, and know us to our inner-most soul.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is clothed with vesture dipped in blood. This is not about the blood He shed on Calvary, but the blood that He has been spilling in the wine-press of His fury with those who have been in rebellion against Almighty God. He has many crowns on His head, signifying that He is the Supreme King of all creation, and the entire universe.

Jesus comes riding on a white horse, as a horse was a sign of glory and honor and only those who were in command rode on horses, not as foot soldiers. White denotes His purity.

There are several clues in the preceding verses of 10-14 of who is coming with the King of kings when He returns. First note in verse 10, that John falls to worship the elder who shows him these things. What does he say? He tells John that he is a fellow servant of God and “THY BRETHREN” that have the testimony of Jesus. Who can only this describe? These are those who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and are standing with John even before Jesus second coming. A sign of the saints of God in heaven with God even as far back as chapter 4 of the Holy Book and the vision of the 24 elders. It is an elder of the church of God showing the apostle John this vision of future events. Another clue to who comes with Jesus. Note the apparel each wear ? Compare it with verse 8 of this same chapter that speaks of the Bride of Christ being “clothed with fine linen, white and clean, a sign of the saints”. See the connection between the Bride and the saints that come back with Jesus Christ as the armies of heaven? These are not angels, these are redeemed mankind who have been with Jesus for the last 7 years and being judged for rewards at the Bema Judgment Seat of Christ (1st Corinthians 3: 11-15) and have been adopted into the family of God….as any bride who marries the Bridegroom becomes part of His family by law and by marriage in all its implications of inheritance.

16 “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.” (Romans 8:16-17)

The Church cannot be heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus, unless we are adopted into the family of God, Yahweh, the Almighty ABBA Father….we are the redeemed of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. We are now part of the family of God. What Jesus has inherited, we also shall inherit the same. He is God, and we will be heirs in the God family. What we will inherit is beyond my comprehension, but just to be counted as adopted sons and daughters of the Most High is sufficient for this minister. We all will gladly submit to His righteous will.

I want to make a point at this portion of this series. If the church has NOT been taken 7 years prior and coming back with Jesus as His second coming, and the Post-Tribulation model that some believe is true, then who is going into the Millennium as mortals? Note that there are only two sets of people at the end of the Tribulation. Those who belong to Jesus Christ, and those who do not belong, but are in rebellion. When Jesus comes back, those who belong to Him are changed into immortal beings. Those who do not belong to Him are destroyed with a Word, not to mention all the plagues and disasters that have killed 90% of all mankind to this point. If those belonging to Him, are changed, and those who are not are destroyed, then who are the mortals that go into the Kingdom of God? See the problem? 

The answer is no one….The only model of God’s plan for mankind is the Church was removed 7 years prior and those who are in rebellion are destroyed. Only those who survived that believed in Jesus and divinely protected at Petra are allowed to enter the Kingdom of God and repopulate the earth.

15 “And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.” (Revelation 19:15-16)

Jesus will destroy all rebellion with a word of annihilation. It will be a short battle and complete victory is assured for the King of Kings coming back as a roaring lion full of wrath and judgment. The redeemed Church will watch in awe at the display of His power.

This is the culmination of that wrath of God upon all those who dare come against Him in rebellion. He has given them 7 years to come to repentance, and Divine discipline has not changed any of these invaders’ minds that have come to the Valley of Jezreel to destroy Israel. The nation of Israel has come to the realization that Jesus was their Messiah that their fathers had crucified nigh 2000 years ago and as Jesus told them they would cry out to God for deliverance and proclaimed:

38 “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.

39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” (Matthew 23:38-39)

King Jesus has heard their cries and now comes to fight for them,

2 “For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

3 Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.” (Zechariah 14:2-3)

I can only envision the complete destruction that slays every man standing to where the blood rises to the level of a horse’s bridle spoken of back in Chapter 14 of this Holy Book:

20 “And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.” (Revelation 14:20)

The valley of Jezreel is estimated to be 184 miles long and 5 miles wide…and the bible speaks of what befalls a man who has the misfortune to think they can come against a Living God. It gives you a mental picture of how many will be destroyed to produce that much blood.

Trying to understand this, have they come to battle each other, or come to destroy Israel, and turn their weapons of war on what they see coming from the heavens? Will they realize too late, that their fate is sealed, as they have come to fight a Living God? Surely, it will be complete madness on the part of rebellious mankind. It’s good for us to remember that this dramatic display of judgment comes only at the end of a long time of grace, patience, and mercy. This is no “rush to judgment.” Jesus has amply displayed His nature of mercy, forgiveness and grace to this fallen world. He comes now to judge a world hardened and totally given over to their rebellion against Him.

“And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.” (Zechariah 14:12)

In verse 16, He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The name is on His thigh for prominence, being easily visible when seated on a horse. At the same time, no one knew [the name] except Himself– that is, no one can comprehend Him perfectly.

Adam Clarke is among those who believe that the name written that no one knew except Himself is actually the tetragrammaton, the four letters YHWH that make up the name “Yahweh”, the sacred and secret name of God as no one knows what letters of vowels should be put with these letters that stand for God Almighty.

17 “And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;

18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.

19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.

20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.” (Revelation 19:17-21)

So the end of this great army who God has gathered together in this valley for their final judgment, are food for the beast of the fields, and the birds of the air, as an angel calls out to them to scavenge on the remains of the carcasses that have fallen and bled out. The end of the Anti-Christ and the false prophet are spoken of, as they are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire burning with brimstone and sulfur. I’ve often wondered why they were not given a final judgment at the Great White Throne that is coming up in the next chapters, but here they are thrown without this judgment, as they have been judged already? Why? Are they even human anymore? Have their sins and their demonic possession judged them already? The end of these two leaders of the rebellion against God and their idolatry and abominations are swiftly judged and their destruction is assured, as they are sent to a place of torment forever even ahead of those whose judgment is coming. Such is their complete demonic rebellion. Some believe that the two “men” are part of the Nephillim that come back upon this earth in the final days, and are not entirely human, but hybrids of fallen angels. We are not sure, and are not told. I leave it to God in His righteous judgment.


 “And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.” (Revelation 20:1-3)

A powerful unnamed angel comes down with a heavy chain and binds Satan hand and foot and cast him away from the influence of mankind for a 1000 years, but Satan will get a chance to tempt mankind one last time at the end of this reign of our Lord and Savior. It is a great question of why God would allow Satan another chance, but God has a purpose for his release, which will be revealed later in this chapter.

4 “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.” (Revelation 20:4-6)

Here we see thrones again, as it was in chapter 4 and 24 elders sitting at rest with their victory over this world being assured. I believe they are divided in duty, as Jesus said that his apostles would judge Israel.

“And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (Matthew 19:28)

God’s apostles which I believe includes Paul the apostle to the Gentiles, as Paul was chosen by Jesus as the replacement for Judas. The other 11 apostles chose Matthias, but Jesus revealed His glory to the man that reached much of the Gentile world. The Church Saints are given the same authority to judge as Paul spoke of this that we would judge angels, and I believe that includes those who have overcome the beast power noted in verse 4 and they are given eternal life to reign with Jesus Christ for a 1000 years. In what capacity will they reign, we do not know..We know that the Church of the Living God will be Kings and Priest to God to direct those who are born during this Millennial reign to the salvation found only in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ 2000-3000 years ago if you count the whole Millennium. These are all part of the first resurrection. It started with Jesus as being First Born of the dead and will extend to all those who are raised to life before the Millennium starts.

Some point to this as a sign of the resurrection of all saints after the tribulation, but failed to understand that this first resurrection has been going on for 2000 plus years and ends here. Those who await their resurrection at the second resurrection wait for judgment and separation from God, not rewards as the Church received. As verse 6 testifies, blessed is he who is part of the 1st Resurrection, as the second death, unlike those awaiting being raised after the reign of Christ, will have no power over them. But notice an overlooked part of that verse “but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.” We were told that those who go through the Tribulation many well be Jewish by birth, many Gentiles, but Jewish in the majority, but not exclusively…what did God say about them? Remember back in chapter 7 of those who do not worship the beast?

13 “And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?

14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.

16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.” (Revelation 7:13-16)

These are Tribulation saints and they have not the same rewards as the Church receives. We reign with Christ as Kings and priest. These serve Almighty God in His temple, much as the Levitical Priesthood did…and they re-enact Temple animal sacrifices to demonstrate to those born during the Millennium what Jesus did. Jesus can’t die again, but the Temple is used to do as it was in Ancient Israel to point to the Savior. (Ezekiel chp. 40 to the end of that book) Many will come to salvation, but not all, as we will soon find out.

7 “And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” (Revelation 20:7-9)

For the thousand years of the direct reign of Jesus over this earth, Satan was bound and inactive. But after the thousand years are over, he will be released and successfully organize many people of the earth in another rebellion against God.

Envision this, and it’s something I cannot understand at this point, as these people born during the reign of Jesus Christ have had perfect weather, perfect peace, no needs for anything, and have known the Living God found in the King of Kings on earth for the last 1000 years being ruled in righteousness for all the years of their lives. Some of these folks may live the whole 1000 year reign of those born right after the Millennium starts, as it was at the beginning when people, after Adam and Eve, lived over 900 years and now are somehow tempted by Satan to rebel against God on earth?

If Jesus has reigned so wonderfully for a thousand years, then why will the earth rebel? They will do it, and God will allow it, as a final demonstration of man’s rebellion and depravity. Outward conformity to Jesus’ rule will be required during His reign, but seemingly, an inward embrace of His Lordship will still be up to the individual. But just as Israel rebelled against God being with them in the wilderness and countless miracles witnessed, they did much as these people do. They let their own desire to rule themselves and not be subject to anyone telling them what to do. It is man’s nature to sin against God. How does Satan convince this people to come against the City of God, the very Throne of God in Jerusalem? Just as he did Eve and Adam, the pride of life and love of this world. Up to this point, they have been directed by Kings and priest to God to not veer to the left or to the right, but staying on the narrow path to follow Jesus and accept Him as the Lord of their life and following the ways of God. We will be witnesses of the grace and mercy of God and will teach all who are mortal and born during this time.

In this we see more of the important reason God has for the Millennial Kingdom and allowing this final rebellion. For all of human history, man has wanted to blame his sinful condition on his environment. “Of course I turned out the way I did. Did you see the family I came from? Did you see the neighborhood I grew up in?” With the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus, God will give mankind a thousand years of a perfect environment – with no Satan, no crime, no violence, no evil, or other social pathology. But at the end of the 1,000 years, man will still rebel against God at his first opportunity. This will powerfully demonstrate that the problem is in us, not only in our environment. Mortal man cannot be trusted.

It will be proved once more that man, whatever his advantages and environment, apart from the grace of God and new birth, remains at heart only evil and at enmity with God.

God gathers all those who will not accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and will gather them much as it was in Ezekiel 38-39 before the Tribulation, and brings judgment on them as fire comes down from heaven and destroys them all.

After the annihilation of every mortal man who dares rebel against God on earth, Satan is again grabbed by the nape of the neck and is finally receiving his just reward for the previous ages of deception and being the father of all lies, and is cast alive into the lake of fire to join the Anti-Christ and the false prophet even before others are sentenced to that awful place.

10 “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” (Revelation 20:10)


11 “And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” [Revelation 20: 11-15]

This is the final judgment of all unsaved mankind. They are gathered from the ends of the earth, from the sea and wherever their life was extinguished and they are judged out of the Books which is the Bible, and the Book of life with the names of those who have been found clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Of course, none of these people will be found in the Book of life and they will be judged out of the only words that will condemn them, your Bible and the inspired Words and testimony of Almighty God. Many ask, how can a spirit burn or be tormented? Or a body not burn up. At this junction of the end of time, my belief is, as we received immortal bodies at the coming of our Lord in the Rapture, these people receive the same immortal body that lives forever, but theirs is not a reward, but everlasting punishment, so they will never die, and never be consumed but tormented and separated from God the Father and the Son and devoid of all happiness, joy, love and any hope of escape. What an awful destiny for any human being to end up in a place called the “Lake of Fire”..


I want to make one thing perfectly clear. There is an insidious “theory” using only one verse above in verse 12, that there is a “second chance” noting the words, “and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books” but they claim sentencing will not be carried out at that time. They will be allowed an undetermined amount of time to come to repentance and accept Jesus as Savior. Let me ask you something. If you had a choice standing before Almighty God, would you not believe and save yourself from the Lake of Fire? Only a fool or totally insane would say “I’d rather party in hell”…as it won’t be a party by any stretch. No, everyone given that choice would say yes to Jesus, but it would not be out of remorse or love for Jesus to repentance, but out of fear of the 2nd death. This is called by some “Universal Reconciliation”, that all will be saved, even Hitler, Stalin, and Lenin who killed millions upon millions of people without remorse. No, don’t make that mistake that some cults try to sell you, that all will be saved. If that was so, then there would be no need for a hell, or the Lake of Fire. It would fly in the face of what was written in Revelation 14:9-11 that the smoke of those who worship the beast their torment will arise before the holy angels and the Lamb forever and ever.

26 “For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” (Hebrews 9:26-28)

Understand, my reader, there is NO second chance. This life is the only chance you have to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life. The Church is being refined now, as we speak. And if we barely make it through Christ, where will the ungodly stand at that day?

17 “For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who disobey the gospel of God? 

18And, “If it is hard for the righteous to be savedwhat will become of the ungodly and the sinner?” (1st Peter 4:17-18 [Berean Study Bible])


Next time will be looking at the new heavens and the new earth, and New Jerusalem coming down from God the Father. If you have read it, the description is beyond your mind’s ability to visualize the splendor and the glory that will be the reward of all those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. It is the glorious end of our existence as mortals and becoming immortal before God and living for all eternity.


My question to you as is my custom at the end of any sermon I write, is where will you be in this spiritual drama that has been finished here at the Great White Throne judgment by Jesus Christ?

Now you have a choice to make before this drama starts to play out, and it could come as a “thief in the night” when you least expect it. Jesus could come at any moment, but when He does, your survival is in danger in the next 7 years following. Best to make that decision for Jesus Christ, while the invitation to join the Church of the Living God is open and your glorification is assured.

16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:16-18)

God’s gift is but a moment away from all who believe and obtain “Victory in Jesus” …

8 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.” (Romans 10:8-11)

This is pastor Mike Taylor, praying you make that decision for Jesus Christ today while the Holy Spirit invitation is still open. If you need prayer, counseling, or just a listening ear, then email me at, or visit me online for more biblical lessons from the Word of God…God bless you all.



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