The Connecting Rod of Tyranny

Believe it or Dismiss it – YOU DECIDE!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 6, 2023

ZeroHedge and THE EXPOSÉ have picked up some very good old posts that explain much and made them recent by cross posting them. AND I’m getting on the train by cross posting them together. The posts on first appearance may seem unrelated.

ZeroHedge cross posted a Paul Craig Roberts 8/3/23 fantastic analysis of the Trump indictments showing how the Dem-Marxist prosecutors are absurdly twisting or even fabricating laws to keep the actually elected President Trump from re-taking Office and therefore Power. The underlying looming question is, “WHY AND WHAT are the Deep State hacks so afraid of with Trump running the show?

THE EXPOSÉ cross posted Substack’s A Lily Bit 8/4/23 look at Klaus Schwab/WEF dumbing the useless humans down with Metaverse Totalitarianism no doubt to better control the Sheeple to make them more gullible to accept the likes of Jack Smith indictments against Donald Trump.

AND THAT’S MY CONNECTING ROD. You can believe it or dismiss it. The critical thinking is something I pray YOU embark upon. Below are updated versions of the cross posts.

JRH 8/6/23


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The Orchestrated Cases Against Trump Explained


Authored by Paul Craig Roberts

AUG 05, 2023 – 06:30 PM


President Trump has broken no laws.

The charges against Trump brought by corrupt Democrat appointees are for propaganda purposes and for sidelining the candidate who the Democrats know will win the next election.

If the Democrats did not regard Trump as the winning candidate, they would not have shown their corrupt colors with four false indictments.

Indictment Lawfare Against Trump

Many of the charges are based on interpretations or assertions of law never before seen in any court other than Stalin’s purge trials in the 1930s.

Start with the realization that the three charges and a pending fourth are charges against Trump while he was in office as President of the United States. The Democrat’s charge that a President of the United States committed numerous felonies amounting to four separate felony trials. Ask yourself how likely is this.

Remember, also, that the Vietnam War, Gulf of Tonkin, bombings of Cambodia and Laos, Manning’s revelation of war crimes, etc., etc., real crimes all, never resulted in indictments of responsible administration figures, except for Manning who was indicted for blowing the whistle on crimes. In Washington’s justice, it is not those who commit crimes who are indicted. It is those who expose crimes.

Let’s start with the fake case of Trump’s retention of some national security documents. Presidents and presidential appointees are allowed copies of their work in office. Among the many boxes of documents packed up for Trump there were allegedly 31 classified documents. On the basis of these few pages a nonentity named Jack Smith, a total failure as head of the Justice Department’s “Integrity Unit,” managed to create out of thin air 37 felony counts against Trump. Not a single one of these charges has any basis in law. No one has ever been charged under these phony charges. Moreover, President Trump had the authority to declassify documents, which he says he did.

But the Democrats know they own the media, and the law schools, and the governing class that defines what is acceptable. For these corrupt people, getting rid of Trump is all that matters. Every lie that serves the cause of removing a threat to the corrupt establishment is permissible.

The 37 felony charges contain no evidence that Trump knew what was in the boxes, assuming anything was. It is just an assertion. After the boxes were seized, anything could have been put into them.  Why would anyone believe the FBI after so many FBI lies and scandals have been revealed?

In 2012 Judicial Watch sued to force President Bill Clinton to turn over records in his possession, but Obama appointee judge Amy Berman Jackson said the court had no ability to second-guess a president’s assertion of documents to which he was entitled.  The judge said that “since the President is completely entrusted with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office, it would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less authority to do what he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records.”

But Jack Smith has brought a felony case based on nothing but Jack Smith’s assertion that he, not President Trump or a federal judge, knows what documents the President has a right to retain. As for integrity, Jack Smith scores zero.  From a headline story this morning:

 “Special counsel Jack Smith’s team made a startling admission in its case against former President Donald Trump, acknowledging in a new court filing that it failed to turn over all evidence to Mr. Trump’s legal team as required by law and falsely claimed that it had.”  

In other words, Jack Smith lies, so why believe his case?

If I understand the nonsensical case, one of Jack Smith charges is that Trump violated the law by letting a lawyer lacking the security clearances search the document boxes for the alleged “contraband.”

So much for the charge of national security breaches.  It is total nonsense.

Jack Smith’s other fake case is that by challenging the stolen election, President Trump while still President of the United States Trump was involved in a conspiracy to “impair, object, and defeat the counting of votes.”

Think about this charge. The charge is not that Trump defeated the vote count, which he obviously didn’t as he was replaced by Biden but that he challenged the vote count. Do you see what this means? If a candidate challenges vote irregularities, and there were many in the stolen election, he is guilty of “conspiracy to overturn the election.”

The alleged January 6 “insurrection” was the work of federal agents at the capital while Trump and his supporters were more than a mile away at the Washington Monument where Trump was speaking. Only a thoroughly corrupt Department of Justice (sic) could configure an insurrection out of police escorting a few unarmed people around the Capitol. The evidence is clear that the federal agents and the police provoked the few protesters present in an effort to create a violent scene for the presstitute media to turn into an “insurrection.”

A black Atlanta prosecutor, Fanni Willis, has turned President Trump’s request to Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger to investigate the widespread evidence of electoral fraud that cost Trump the state’s electoral votes by a mere 11,000 votes. Only an ignorant quota hire could possibly confuse a crime with a request for an honest vote count.

Some people think that Raffensperger and the Governor took bribes to use the Dominion voting machines that experts say are easily hackable and easily programed to count votes differently from how they are cast. The suspicion is that the Georgia Republican authorities could not investigate without risk that their bribe would surface.

Alvin Bragg, another quota hire serving as a New York prosecutor, has charged Trump with 34 felonies for paying extortion money to porn actress Stormy Daniels. The charge is that Trump’s lawyers reported the payment as a legal expense when it should have been reported as a campaign expense.  The charge is not that Trump paid the porn star but that the payment was incorrectly reported, which is merely the opinion of the prosecutor.

Ask yourself, how can 34 felony charges come out of a dispute over how a payment is reported?

The reason the Democrat hatchet men turn single charges into 34 charges and 37 charges, is to create in the public’s mind that Trump has committed a massive number of crimes. He must be guilty of something, because “where there is smoke, there is fire.”  In the American system in which the media are totally biased against Trump, it is easy for Democrat prosecutors to create smoke.

These indictments of Trump consist entirely of smoke.  That such spurious charges can go forward constitutes proof that in the US law has been weaponized.  Just like the dollar.  Just like the news.

Many people dislike Trump for personal reasons or because the media has succeeded in indoctrinating them against Trump, but once innocence or guilt depends on personal emotions, the rule of law is dead.  And that is precisely what the Trump indictments indicate.



Schwab has dreams of controlling a metaverse that permeates nearly every facet of our lives

Schwab Dreams to Control MetaverseFeatured image: Klaus Schwab (left). WEF Sets up Its Own Metaverse Global Collaboration Village (right)


August 6, 2023


The metaverse is an emerging technological concept centred around virtual and augmented reality.  Lurking beneath this alluring veneer is a dark underbelly – it has the ominous capability to become a breeding ground for censorship, unbridled surveillance, and an insidious form of digital enslavement, surpassing anything humanity has ever encountered. And, the World Economic Forum is taking steps to have control over it.

The WEF’s Metaverse Utopia

A Feel-Good Space Where Your Freedom Takes a Virtual Vacation – Permanently.

By A Lily Bit

The metaverse is an emerging technological concept centred around virtual and augmented reality. It tantalisingly offers humans the prospect of an unprecedented digital escapade – one that boasts greater expanse, interactivity, and intensity than any prior experience.

However, lurking beneath this alluring veneer is a dark underbelly. The metaverse has the ominous capability to become a breeding ground for censorship, unbridled surveillance, and an insidious form of digital enslavement, surpassing anything humanity has ever encountered.

If people increasingly immerse themselves in the metaverse, integrating it into every facet of their lives, they inadvertently open themselves up to manipulation by those who wield technological control. This potential dependency raises the spectre of a dystopian scenario where the very virtual realm designed to liberate morphs into a digital prison, with its inhabitants confined and subjugated.

This technology is still in its early stages of development, and its potential to either enhance digital opportunities or devolve into a digital catastrophe remains uncertain.

Interestingly, the World Economic Forum (“WEF”), a prominent international organisation known for its advocacy of digital censorship and surveillance, is already taking steps to assert its control over this emerging digital frontier.

Klaus Schwab, the founder and chairman of the WEF, succinctly conveyed the organisation’s ambitions for the metaverse during a speech in February 2023 at the appropriately titled World Government Summit. In his address, Schwab proclaimed that those who gain mastery over new technologies, including the metaverse, will wield a significant degree of influence over the world’s affairs.

“We are at the beginning, when you look at it, at technology transformation, it usually takes place in the terms of an S-curve. And we are just now where we move into the exponential phase. And I agree, artificial intelligence, but not only artificial intelligence, but also the metaverse, new space technologies, and I could go on and on, synthetic biology. Our life in 10 years from now will be completely different, very much affected, and who masters those technologies, in some way, will be the master of the world.”—Klaus Schwab.

Youtube VIDEO [16-minutes]: The State of the World

[Posted by World Government Summit

Posted on Feb 15, 2023


Schwab and his organisation are employing a recognisable strategy to assert their dominance over the metaverse.

They engage in collaborative efforts with both the public and private sectors, orchestrating initiatives that further the WEF’s agenda. This subtle manoeuvring enables them to progressively amass control and wield influence.

At the forefront of the WEF’s metaverse endeavours lies their primary initiative, aptly named ‘Defining and Building the Metaverse’. Initially, the organisation made no attempt to conceal its intentions of leveraging these partnerships to establish a form of governance over the metaverse.

A previous iteration of the initiative’s webpage stated its mission as, “to formulate and disseminate actionable strategies for the creation and governance of the metaverse.”

This language has subsequently been substituted with a more subdued mission, which now aims to “facilitate the progress of a secure, interoperable, and economically feasible metaverse.”

The initiative has already forged partnerships with over 150 prominent entities, encompassing corporate giants, government bodies, and international organisations.

Among these partners are Meta, Microsoft, Sony, HTC, and Magic Leap, which stand as key manufacturers of virtual and augmented reality hardware essential for metaverse interaction. Notably, both Meta and Microsoft staunchly advocate for online censorship.

Furthermore, a number of private sector factions and government representatives associated with censorship have also become involved.

This includes the Australian government’s e-safety commissioner, a figure advocating for a recalibration of fundamental rights such as free speech, and GLAAD, an advocacy group that has called for government intervention to combat what it labels as “hate speech.”

Moreover, a number of influential financial institutions hold membership in this initiative.

Among these notable entities is Mastercard, an advocate of digital identification systems, which has actively participated in the New York Fed’s pilot program for central bank digital currency. The company has also imposed blacklists on various alternative tech platforms.

Another participant is PayPal, a corporation that has de-platformed numerous users and lent its assistance to the Bank of England’s endeavours concerning central bank digital currency.

The colossal financial institution JP Morgan, recognised for its involvement in Singapore’s CBDC and its enthusiasm for biometric payment methods, has similarly engaged in this initiative. JP Morgan has also undertaken de-platforming actions against its customers.

Deutsche Bank, foreseeing the inevitability of central bank digital currencies, has also aligned itself as a partner within the WEF Metaverse initiative.

In alignment with the WEF’s customary approach, governmental agencies and international organisations form an integral part of the collaborative landscape.

This particular category of partners encompasses the United Nations Office of Counterterrorism, the United States National Institutes of Health National Human Genome Research Institute, and Interpol.

It’s pertinent to note that the United Nations has consistently issued calls for censorship, displaying a stance contrary to the principles of free speech.

The National Institute of Health has faced allegations of attempting to stifle dissent during the covid pandemic, and Interpol’s global arrest warrant mechanism has been misused to target journalists.

While these affiliations serve as telling indicators of the WEF’s intentions for the Metaverse, the revelations within the reports published by the Defining and Building the Metaverse initiative are even more illuminating.

Within these reports, the WEF openly acknowledges its aspirations to exercise control and impose restrictions on broad domains of legal conduct and speech within the Metaverse. It aims to introduce digital identification systems and advance the notions of diversity, equity, and inclusion, a term often used to coerce users into complying with various mandates and speech regulations, while simultaneously censoring dissenting voices.

A particular report, titled ‘Privacy and Safety in the Metaverse, meticulously outlines the WEF’s strategy for overseeing what it terms as “harms” – instances of perceived wrongs that may not necessarily amount to criminal activity but are deemed objectionable by others.

The report advocates for Metaverse stakeholders to proactively combat cyberbullying, harassment, misinformation, and disinformation – four terms frequently invoked to rationalise the censorship practices of major tech companies.

The suggested approach for this crackdown involves the establishment of a mechanism for “recourse and redress,” enabling users to promptly report instances of harassment, discrimination, or abuse in real time. This framework also incorporates robust investigation and enforcement procedures capable of holding both individuals and organisations accountable for their conduct, along with a tiered system of sanctions.

The report distinctly indicates that within the framework of recourse and redress, the protection of free speech will be accorded a lower priority. It goes so far as to quote a source expressing difficulty in countering perceived toxic elements due to, in their words, “freedom of speech concerns” and a scarcity of legally chargeable offences.

Alongside proposing extensive measures to clamp down on expressions and behaviours within the Metaverse, the report delves into the notion of safeguarding children – a recurring argument often employed to rationalise the curtailment of both free speech and privacy for all individuals.

These legislations encompass the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, which has negatively impacted numerous independent creators; the California Age-Appropriate Design Code, which seeks to compel apps and websites to verify visitors’ identities; the European Union’s Digital Services Act, a comprehensive censorship law; and the UK’s online safety bill, replete with provisions that pose threats to free speech and privacy.

Another report emanating from the WEF’s Metaverse Initiative, titled ‘Social Implications of the Metaverse, unveils the organisation’s desire for significantly more stringent controls over avatar customisation within the Metaverse compared to the prevailing gaming domain.

While several popular video games permit players to opt for or craft avatars possessing different genders or races, this report asserts potential repercussions arising from users adopting avatars that differ from their own race or culture. These potential repercussions, as outlined in the report, encompass “cultural appropriation,” “identity tourism,” “digital blackface,” harmful stereotypes, and misrepresentations.

The report employs these instances of perceived avatar misuse as the rationale for enforcing constraints on avatar customisation and advocates for the implementation of moderation policies.

Furthermore, the report emphasises the importance of regulators giving careful consideration to “the provision of digital identities in the Metaverse,” while advocating for the establishment of “an ecosystem of trusted digital identity issuers.”

Despite recommending privacy-centric digital IDs, the mandatory adoption of digital IDs within the Metaverse introduces a range of inherent drawbacks for users. Digital IDs can foster exclusion, rendering individuals without one unable to access specific Metaverse experiences.

Although the concept of “privacy-preserving” holds appeal in theory, many systems claiming such attributes still inadvertently disclose certain personal information.

At the very least, a network of trusted digital identity providers suggests that these entities will hold personal user data.

Furthermore, the ‘Social Implications of the Metaverse’ report asserts the imperative of prioritising diversity, equity, and inclusion at multiple levels while constructing Metaverse teams and crafting Metaverse hardware, software, and encounters.

While diversity, equity, and inclusion are often framed as principles promoting fairness and openness, such initiatives frequently devolve into situations where corporations impose arbitrary quotas across their operations and vehemently silence any dissenting voices criticising these mandates.

Not only is the WEF promoting a bleak vision of the Metaverse characterised by stringent control over speech and behaviour, mandatory digital identification, and the enforcement of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) mandates, but it has also birthed its own Metaverse known as the ‘Global Collaboration Village. This endeavour is a collaborative venture involving Accenture and Microsoft.

The Global Collaboration Village is framed as an “inclusive and responsible” initiative, with its primary goal being the enhancement of sustained public-private cooperation and the reinforcement of global collaboration.

Partners contributing to this initiative include Infosys, a company co-founded by the architect behind India’s digital ID system, and closely tied to the puppet that currently serves as the UK’s prime minister; the International Monetary Fund, actively engaged in developing a global Central Bank Digital Currency (“CBDC”) platform and supporting CBDCs’ potential to control people’s purchasing habits; the United Nations Development Program; non-governmental organisations; academic institutions; various countries; and even Interpol.

While the notion of the WEF assuming control over the Metaverse is unsettling, the situation becomes even more disconcerting when one realises that the organisation envisions the Metaverse permeating numerous crucial sectors of society.

The WEF’s outlook encompasses a plethora of domains in which the Metaverse is projected to intersect, including banking and capital markets, corporate governance, financial and monetary systems, the future of consumption, global governance, health and healthcare, internet governance, justice and law, mental health, pandemic preparedness and response, and the digital transformation of business.

Despite its aspirations to govern the Metaverse, the WEF fundamentally diverges from democratically elected governments. Schwab, along with his benefactors and the constituents of the WEF, hold positions that are not subject to election or the possibility of being voted out by the public.

Read more: The WEF – A Marketplace for Ideas that You Have no Say in, A Lily Bit, 15 September 2022

Furthermore, ordinary citizens find themselves devoid of influence over the regulations that the WEF intends to impose upon the Metaverse, resulting in the suppression of voices advocating for freedom.

Instead, the influential entities and individuals within the WEF’s membership sphere are advocating for a digital future rife with authoritarianism, where unwelcome speech is silenced and a universal digital identification system is imposed.

Should the WEF’s vision materialise – an extensively controlled Metaverse permeating nearly every facet of society – the unelected WEF would bring to fruition the prophecy outlined by Schwab in his 2022 discourse on world governance: the WEF, in some manner, would wield mastery over the world through its role in governing the Metaverse.

About the Author

A Lily Bit is a Substack page authored by Lily who is dedicated to providing her readers with valuable insights into The Great Reset and the World Economic Forum. She is committed to providing accurate and thought-provoking content on this topic and believes that understanding The Great Reset and the World Economic Forum is essential to making informed decisions about our future.  You can subscribe to and follow her Substack page HERE.