An Intro to Dr. Malone’s – ‘Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”’

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

May 6, 2024

Dr. Robert Malone (self-described inventor of mRNA tech – OF INTEREST: HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE) is a person that evokes love, hate and a little of in between the love-hate emotion stretching across both sides of the political spectrum. Leftist-Globalists (science & Mockingbird Media) outright vilify him. A large element of the Right honor his academic-science pedigree yet there are a significant amount of Anti-Medical Tyranny advocates (I won’t go into the who, what & why) who have disagreements with Dr. Malone. Those disagreements have led to mutual civil lawsuits between people who should otherwise be allies against the Globalist agenda.

Dr. Robert Malone (Daily Wire Photo 2/1/22)

On a personal level, as far the Anti-Medical Tyranny advocates go. Rather than focus on their disagreements, I focus on their agreements. Even if hubris among these science Anti-Medical Tyranny fellows prevents openly congratulating each other’s agreements, it is there and is huge AGAINST Medical Tyrants.

AND SO, I’m going to share a Dr. Robert Malone Substack post which I encourage to read with some critical thinking discernment. Why? Because quite possibly you will not concur with all of Dr. Malone’s assessment. NEVERTHELESS, it is my opinion Dr. Malone’s assessments in the post should be eye-opening of the-how threatens an individual’s personal Liberty.

The title: Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”: Fight for life, freedom, and sovereignty.

The three assessments addressed in the title:

1. The Medical Industrial Complex

2. Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology

3. Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting

JRH 5/6/24


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Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”

Fight for life, freedom, and sovereignty.


May 4, 2024

Who is Robert Malone [Substack]

Mussolini Quote on Fascism

Today, I’m delving into three important topics, covered from a Christian conservative/free market and nationalist perspective. I will place each within a global geopolitical framework.

My goal over the past four years of the COVID crisis has been to decipher our collective experiences. This has guided me to focus on the broader, more comprehensive picture.

Throughout this past year, I have actively participated in three ‘Global Crisis Summits’ (Brussels at the EU Parliament, Romania, and Washington DC in conjunction with CPAC), among numerous others.  Just three days ago, I returned from Romania, where I had the privilege of speaking at the ‘Make Europe Great Again’ conference. These experiences have underscored the fact that our understanding of the COVID crisis is most effective when viewed within a broader global context.

Today, I will dig into three fundamental topics that have been at the forefront of what has happened over the past few years.

1)    Medical Industrial Complex

2)    Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology

3)    Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting

1.     The Medical Industrial Complex

We need to start with the meaning of words.

“Medical Industrial Complex” refers to the increasingly powerful, transnational, public-private partnerships linking academia, pharma/biotech and both national government and supra-governmental organizations such as the United Nations and its Agenda 2030 treaty, the World Health Organization and its International Health Regulations, and the World Economic Foundation among others.

These types of public-private cooperative relationships have a name. That name was created by Benito Mussolini. We know this name. The name is Fascism (corporatism). That is the union of the state and corporate power. We should call it what it is.

One of the things that has happened throughout the COVID crisis and the ongoing process of globalization and harmonization is the weaponization and perversion of language.

We have to call things by their true names despite what that may imply or how the press may react to it. For example, we are not far-right. We are center-right. The truth is that our opponents have become far-left. We have allowed the press and corporate media to redefine language and demonize us as far-right, but the truth is that they are the radicals. They are the far-left. We have to refuse to allow them to capture and pervert our language. We must take it back.

Language controls thought. It controls how we structure our understanding of the world.

Pharma and biotech are major global economic engines, and the profit and power of this sector have allowed managerial leaders in this sector to become more powerful than individual nation-states through corruption, electoral interference, and economic hegemony.  The COVIDcrisis provides abundant examples to illustrate this.  Weaponized fear of a modestly pathogenic respiratory virus has enabled the sector to extract concessions and wealth from both national and supernational (EU) organizations.  At this point, there does not appear to be any organization that can hold these “public-private partnerships” accountable for their actions and misdeeds.

Pharma and biotech were once major economic engines for the US and European economies. They are no longer. Overall, these sectors are now increasingly dominated by US and EU competitors, in particular our unrestricted warfare competitor, the Chinese Communist Party, and our geopolitical frenemy, India.

To the extent that drugs and biologics are manufactured in the USA, they are made using precursor compounds that are also manufactured by CCP and Indian-controlled companies. If the USA and NATO find themselves in a major “hot” conflict with these offshore competitors, we will find ourselves without access to essential medicines within weeks due to supply chain restrictions.

Much of the current drug supply is manufactured offshore in facilities that are essentially self-monitored, as the FDA has chosen to rely on local inspection and monitoring. The FDA assumes that these quality control processes are being performed according to US regulatory standards.  To the extent that independent monitoring of imported drug and biological products has been performed, the data indicate that FDA “trust” in this offshore quality control monitoring is misplaced.

Dr. Malone Exhibit 1

Exhibit 1: The FDA conducted no inspections in China or India between April 2020 and March 2021.

Dr. Malone Exhibit 2

Exhibit 2 shows that FDA inspector days for the Chinese region were less than ten days per year.

Chinese pharmaceutical imports in 2022 were around $196 billion, the second-largest U.S. goods import, just behind the automotive industry.

The US Federal response to this threat has not been to create policies favoring repatriation of these industries to the US and its allies, but rather to fund a Virginia facility to stockpile precursor compounds.  But Congress has not followed through on even this modest program, and although the facility has been obtained, the purchase of the stockpile has not been funded.

Meanwhile, the integrity, transparency, consistency and reliability of the FDA has been compromised.  A massive wave of retirements and resignations has resulted in the agency being transformed from within, due to loss of both expertise and the rise of a politicized culture largely staffed by non-US trained personnel. Today’s FDA is one in which regulatory decisions have become unpredictable, arbitrary, and capricious, as well as decoupled from previously accepted international norms. The revolving door between FDA retirees and big pharma gets ever larger.

The corruption of the FDA is now recognized worldwide, and this has eliminated a key US competitive advantage.  Previously the FDA was seen as the global “gold standard” neutral guarantor of biopharmaceutical product purity and quality.  Now the FDA acts to choose winners and losers in the global competition to innovate in order to address unmet human health needs (and to generate profit and industrial growth by doing so).

The loss of FDA integrity has destroyed the logic that purchasing and importing US biopharmaceutical products merits higher costs to ensure higher quality. Politicized governmental actions have economic consequences.

2.     Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology

Social media developed by the US intelligence and enhanced by the UK intellectual community has been developed as a weapon. Make no mistake about it, social media as we know it; Facebook, Twitter- as it was formerly embodied, all of these social media tools are weapons. They are psychological warfare weapons. They were designed as weapons.

They were designed and deployed in Arab Spring as political psywar weapons in order to facilitate regime change. This strategy is considered a huge success by US intelligence. Then the shock came when Nigel Farage and his UK Independence Party used social media to achieve Brexit. This was done in large part via decentralized social media communication, and that shock was further enhanced when Mr. Trump became President Trump.  Suddenly, the United States intelligence community, the State Department, and all the infrastructure that they control and use to exert control all over the world woke up and recognized that they had a problem. And that problem now extends to the populist movement here and across the world, a populism which we represent as center-right conservatives.

That challenge now represents an existential threat to NATO itself, because if Europe wakes up to the techno-totalitarianism that is being imposed from the central bureaucracy in Brussels (that is, the European Union), and it begins to exert the value of the independent nation-state, there is a perceived risk by the US State Department and intelligence community that the European Union, that structure that has been created to hold a Europe together will dissolve. It will fragment, and if that fragments, NATO will fragment, and if NATO fragments, then the United States Foreign Policy Establishment believes that they will find themselves at significant military and geopolitical disadvantage in an increasingly multilateral world.

This is resulting in a response from the US Intelligence Community and State Department, in which they feel justified to employ virtually any non-kinetic method in order to enforce and maintain the current status quo. Recognize that this is the case. To be clear, I’m not advocating for the dissolution of the European Union or the dissolution of NATO. I am reporting to you that this is the perception of the American and the five Eyes intelligence community, and they will do anything to avoid this consequence. They feel justified by the utilitarian logic that “anything goes, the ends justify means”, in order to defend the current world order and the plans for the future that they have developed.

As a consequence, psychological warfare technology is being widely deployed by “democratic” governments. This is technology that was developed for offshore combat. NATO considers this to be a central tenet of its current warfare planning. NATO calls psychological warfare technology a key aspect of modern hybrid warfare. This advanced technology is being deployed by governments and globalists on common citizens now because of the existential threat to the dissolution of the European Union, the perceived existential threat to NATO, and the need to maintain consensus by controlling all information in an increasingly multilateral world. This is being accomplished through propaganda techniques (such as the IC denial that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real in 2019), neuro-linguistic programming, and nudging, as well as censorship and the manipulation of internet algorithms of search engines.

In other words, in response to the threat of China, Russia, the rise of the Middle East, the fall of the petro-dollar, there is a widely accepted belief among the western “democracies” that it is necessary and acceptable to deploy psychological warfare technology on their citizens.

I argue this is fundamentally unethical. Psychological warfare technology, as it is currently being deployed and has been developed, can completely control all aspects of information that you receive, what you think, what you feel, and what you hear.

In a world in which governments feel it is acceptable to deploy psychological warfare technology on their citizens, the concept of individual and national sovereignty becomes completely obsolete. We can argue about whether or not “in-person voting” or “remote ballots” or “long periods for voting” is enabling for voter fraud. But all of this is completely irrelevant in the face of modern psychological warfare.  When this psywar technology is deployed on citizens by their government, when everything that they hear, feel, think, believe, is controlled through this tech, through social media, through established media, through all messaging- then the nuance of voting is completely irrelevant.

Again, this is unethical and a breach of human rights. Humans have the right to access information in a democracy, which is fundamental to the social contract. How can we have a social contract when the citizens of nation-states are not allowed the information to make informed decisions? That’s where we’re at right now, and it’s justified because of the fear of this existential crisis.

This is evil as far as I’m concerned. This is a major breach of human ethics. We’re disrespecting the ability of individuals to act as sovereign beings.

Most importantly, the deployment of propaganda and censorship blocks innovation and adaptation to change. Cultures cannot adapt; they cannot innovate if they don’t have access to full, diverse, accurate information. This is the most important thing of all. We will become stagnant. Do we have examples of this type of stagnation? What happens when information is completely controlled? The former Soviet Union knows the answer. Those who lived under Ceausescu in Romania know the answer. Those who lived under Salazar in Portugal know the answer.

3.     Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting

There are many lessons that we can learn from the COVID crisis, but one of the key ones has to do with “what is globalism”. We toss this term around, we never seem to define it. It’s as if it’s amorphous beast. We can’t put our hands around it.

Globalism is central planning.

Centrally Planned Economy – Investopedia

We have seen the effects of central planning during the COVID crisis.  The former residents of the Soviet Union understand central planning. We understand the harm that comes from central planning, from bureaucrats determining our future, making decisions about how a nation state, an economy of people, should adapt to changing conditions.  During COVID we have seen how easily centralized planning can be corrupted and perverted to support a wide variety of hidden agendas.

Central planning is also associated with cultural homogenization, the drive to create one culture, which is basically driven in the current case by intentional destruction of diversity to reduce economic friction.

This globalization thrust is basically justified by large economic forces in order to support the agenda of transnational, globalist organizations, particularly corporations in their cooperative relationships with large transnational governmental organizations.  Recently, Blackrock CEO Larry Fink spoke the quiet part out loud, when he discussed the need to reduce the global human population and substitute robotic workers to produce goods and services.  This is all perversely driven by a model for future society collectively referred to as transhumanism.

This is anti-human.  This is a death cult, aligned with a wide range of promoted anti-human policies including abortion, destruction of religion and family values, and of course the abomination of gender reassignment surgery and transgenderism.

These policies are being actively and globally promoted using censorship, propaganda, and modern psywar methods.

We must have access to unrestricted information, which means free speech and freedom of thought. Now, that comes at a price—a price of personal responsibility, a price that people will be potentially exposed to information that may be damaging or offensive. But if we refuse to allow them to have access to information and diversity of thought, we will prevent our ability as nation-states and cultures to adapt to changing conditions.

And if there’s one thing that we absolutely must have right now, it’s the ability to innovate and adapt. That’s how we escape the Malthusian trap. All this fear of global warming and population growth; that’s what this is all about. And the counter argument to the Malthusian argument is that humans adapt. Humans can change, humans can innovate. But they can’t innovate if all information is controlled.

States and cultures which resist propaganda, censorship, and weaponized fear have a competitive advantage. In a multilateral world, Romania should not apologize for advocating for autonomy. Independent European nation-states should not apologize for going their own way and innovating. They must do so. They must do so because it will give them a competitive advantage.

I argue that independent nation-states are the laboratory for innovation, cultural innovation, political innovation, and economic innovation. They must be allowed sovereignty and autonomy. If they don’t, the world’s ability to adapt to change will be stifled.

The best way to allow the world to adapt to change is by respecting the principle of subsidiarity. This is the concept that decision-making authority should be delegated to the smallest, most local competent level.  The principle of subsidiarity demands decentralization. The ultimate component of a decentralized adaptive world is not the nation-state, it is the family. We need to celebrate the family as the core of the principle and thrust of the concept of subsidiarity.

The weaponization of fear via propaganda to control people is unethical. We have seen repeated justification by academics and bureaucrats and governments and transnational organizations – that the weaponization of fear is acceptable in the service of the overall public good as they define it. We have seen this in the case of the COVID crisis in the service of public health. The weaponization of fear by governments to control people is unethical, and it should not be allowed under any circumstances. It should not be tolerated. We must call it out when we see it.

Last point: We have a difficult fight ahead of us. This difficult fight is not going to be resolved with one election, the election of one politician, or a change in leadership at the European Council or the President of the United States. These issues have been developing for decades, in many cases for at least a century, and they are not going to be resolved in the short term.

We have a long-term fight in front of us, which will require years of effort in fighting this fight.

Do not self-victimize, and don’t complain. Again and again, I hear this cry of

  • poor me”.
  • “It’s such a hard job we face”.
  • “There’s so many obstacles”.
  • “Our opponents are so entrenched, they’re so powerful”.
  • “They have so many forces”.
  • “They control the media”.
  • “They are so mean”.
  • “They are so unethical”.

Stop whining. We have a fight. We have to fight that fight, and it does no good to complain.

It’s a wonderful thing. What a wonderful thing to have a worthy opponent.

It is the greatest gift in the world, and by God, we have a worthy opponent. We must not complain. We must not shirk. We must confront the evil that is ahead of us, and it is not going to be easy.

Fight for your future and that of your children. Celebrate this opportunity to fight for your future. What a gift to have an opportunity at this point in time to make a difference. Celebrate it.

Refuse to be a victim. Choose life, not death. Do not apologize, and fight for life, freedom, and sovereignty.

Thank you for reading Who is Robert Malone. This post is public so feel free to share it.

© 2024 Robert W Malone, MD

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WE-THE-PEOPLE Must Become Aware to Reinstill American Liberty

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 27, 2024

These days I tend to focus on the realization that Globalist aligned interests – outside & inside the USA – for decades have been working to erode Individual Liberty, Individual Free Speech, Christian Religious Liberty and American Sovereignty. This is an American observation, BUT I realize individuals in the ONCE-UPON-A-TIME Free World Representative Governments have been dealing with the same issues.

Under the guise that hopefully there is a growing awareness that an Elitist Few are trying to dictate and control the way WE THE PEOPLE live, move and have our being – Irrespective if WE THE PEOPLE like/dislike or agree/disagree with a Leftist-Globalist-Elitist control agenda.

I’m the kind of American who does NOT like being told what to believe. AND SO I RESIST at least on an individual basis. AND I am more than willing to join like-minded individuals who feel the same way.

With this frame of mind I possess, I want to share three Substack posts I ran into over the past couple of days which pretty much falls into my way of thinking:

The Last Straw; By David Chanley; David’s Substack; 2/25/24

Chanley launches an essay using the 5 Laws of Human Stupidity to peg where people are in their way of life in a socio-political existence. Chanley’s thoughts are enlightening and hopefully awareness-grabbing.

“Psychological and Cognitive Warfare on Citizens”: My Speech at the International Crisis Summit-5 in Washington DC; By
ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS; Who is Robert Malone; 2/26/24

Frankly, I trust and appreciate Dr. Malone’s efforts to battle Medical Tyranny. AND I am aware within the anti-Medical Tyranny ranks Dr. Malone’s personality has rubbed many who should be colleagues to such irritation that way too much mutual recriminations between the Malone camp and Malone-Detractor camp. So much so that personally I ONLY pay attention to what the two-sides agree on (which is actually substantial) rather than the blistering recriminations levelled at each other in an effort to discredit over what I consider stupid disagreements.

THAT BEING SAID, Dr. Malone’s recent post (which includes a 25-Minute video) focuses on Liberty is the essence of American life but the U.S. Government has become so corrupt in foreign meddling that our current tyranny just might be the result of a U.S. Government Bad-Guy agenda.

The Secret War: A Silent Attack on America’s Soul; By DALLAS LUDLUM; The Conservative Compass; 2/26/24

Ludlum reexamines Yuri Bezmenov – a 1970s defector from now defunct USSR Communism – speeches on the Soviet agenda to subvert American culture and the U.S. Government. How Bezmenov could have nearly been prophetic of the USA’s current tyrannical bent. Then offers potential ways to reverse the American tyranny status.

After the Ludlum cross post I decided to add a bonus video I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel I found on my laptop of Yuri Bezmenov lecturing on “Psychological Warfare Subversion Control of Western Society”.

JRH 2/27/24


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The Last Straw

By David Chanley

February 25, 2024

David’s Substack

[JRH-Blog Editor: I did some list editing that I believe adds a bit more clarity in the Chanley post.]

In 1976 Carlo Cipolla a professor of economic history came up with 5 Laws of Human Stupidity.  Cipolla’s system identified 4 categories of people.  The first group he labeled as helpless.  The second group he labeled the intelligent.  The third group he labeled the bandits.  The fourth group he labeled the stupid. [Bold text added by Blog Editor]

The 5 Laws of Human Stupidity are as follows: 

1 Everyone underestimates the number of stupid people.  There are more stupid people in society than the people believe there are. 

2 The probability a person is stupid is not related to any other characteristic.  Education, wealth or status are not involved.  Stupid people are among every subgroup of people you can categorize. 

3 A stupid person causes losses to other people while not getting any gain themselves.  That is Cipolla’s definition of a stupid person. 

4 Not-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid people.  Stupid people cause more harm than people believe.  Dealing with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake. 

5 A stupid person is the most dangerous and even more dangerous than the bandits.

The 5 Laws of Human Stupidity contains 4 factors of human behavior: 

1 A person does something that causes his own loss but does not cause others to lose.  This is the helpless group. 

2 A person benefits themselves and others.  This is the intelligent group. 

3 A person benefits themselves and causes others to lose.  This is the bandit group. 

4 A person does not benefit themselves and also causes others to lose.  This is the stupid group.

Cipolla claims the bandits scam the helpless.  So the helpless do little for society.  The helpless can be altruists and pacifists.  On moral grounds they are helpless.  Intelligent people contribute to society and in return receive some of the benefits that society gains.  Bandits are concerned more with their own self-interest and personal gain.  The bandits “look out for number one” even if it harms others and society.  The bandits should be stopped.  Stupid people cause a net loss to society, for no real valid reason.  Stupid people frustrate, anger and confuse everyone else.

Cipolla claims stupid people are stupid by nature.  Being stupid is not taught and does not come from a lack of education.  Cipolla claims stupid people are naturally stupid, and education does not cure stupid.  Education and experience can reduce or increase the amount of stupid someone has.  Stupid people cause more damage in direct relation to the importance of the position they are given.  The greater the position stupid people are placed in the greater damage to society and others they cause.  Joe Biden and diversity hires are excellent examples of that.

Stupid is a natural propensity that can be taught to become more or less stupid.  Take the left-wing-led Uni-party for example.  They cause losses to others so they can feel good about themselves.  The left-wing-led Uni-party wants to help.  What the left-wing-led Uni-party does to help actually hurts.  To help the poor the left-wing led Uni-party does what causes inflation.  The inflation the left-wing led Uni-party causes only makes the poor poorer.  The inflation the left-wing led Uni-party causes hurts the poor that they were trying to help.  The inflation that the left-wing-led Uni-party causes hurts society and everyone except the very wealthy 1%.  The left-wing-led Uni-party supporters get no real benefit other than the illusion of being helpful.  But what they do hurts society and the 99%.  That is Cipolla’s definition of stupid.

Stop electing stupid people.  If what they do “to help the poor” causes inflation they are stupid.  If they don’t know what a woman is they are stupid.  If you didn’t already know that someone who does not know what a woman is, is stupid, then you too are stupid.  What you try to do to help others will actually harm them and not help them.

Eventually, the stupid also suffer from the policies they enforce.  They usually blame something else for causing the problem.  They usually deny that what they did caused the problem.  Sometimes they realize how horrible their policies are.  Sometimes they realize their policies for approaching utopia don’t work in the real world.  Then they become less stupid.

Today the 1% are the puppeteers of a Uni-party.  Both parties of the two-party system are the Uni-party.  Both parties of the two-party system are run and controlled by the same group of globalist oligarchs who pull the strings.  Both parties of the two-party system represent and benefit the same group of globalist oligarchs who pull the strings.  Both parties of the two-party system screw over the 99% to benefit the 1% and their agenda.  Today the left wing is leading the Uni-party for the benefit of the 1%.

Realize that the left-wing-led Uni-party inflation causing ideas to approach utopia does not work in the real world.  Realize that the most intelligent bandits are manipulating the stupid so they can gain from the losses of everyone else.  The most intelligent bandits tell you the things they caused that made the 99% to lose and the 1% to gain resulted from stupidity and incompetence.  Are you stupid if you believe that?  The 1% are intentionally manipulating the left-wing led Uni-party to demand what hurts the 99% and only benefits the 1%.

The left-wing-led Uni-party supporters are the stupid.  The left-wing-led Uni-party leaders are the more intelligent bandits.  The left-wing-led Uni-party leaders are not stupid.  The left-wing-led Uni-party leaders only blame the intentional harm they inflict on the 99% as resulting from stupidity.  They don’t admit they are intentionally robbing the 99%.  Blaming the intentional harm they inflict on the 99% on stupidity when they intentionally rob the 99% is just a phony cover-up lie.  The followers who fall for that lie are stupid.

Another example of this left-wing-led Uni-party “stupidity” is the weaponization of the legal system.  The injustice of the phony charges against Trump and the abusive legal claim against him was seen as the last straw for many of the people who are harmed by the left-wing-led Uni-party policies.  That stimulus for the trucker boycott against New York was the last straw.  It was not the only straw.  It was just the tip of the iceberg.

The left-wing-led Uni-party weaponization of the legal system was very harmful to New York.  The left-wing-led Uni-party weaponization of the legal system was the last straw for many people and businesses.  Many people and businesses decided to leave New York.  Many people and businesses decided to not move to New York.  Others decided to sanction New York with a boycott.  People need to defend themselves from the stupid.  People need to sanction the stupidity.  People need to sanction the stupid.  The people of New York eventually will be the most harmed by the stupidity of the people of New York.  All of the society was harmed by the stupidity of the people of New York.

The trucker boycott of New York is self-defense by the innocent who are harmed by the stupidity of the left-wing-led Uni-party and those who support the left-wing-led Uni-party.  The trucker boycott of New York is the innocent demanding that the left-wing-led Uni-party stop harming society and everyone.  Abusing Trump with a weaponized legal system was their last straw.

The harmful stupidity of the left-wing led Uni-party amounted to a huge iceberg of harmful stupidity even before the Trump case.  The innocent people harmed by the left-wing-led Uni-party stupidity have finally had too much.  The trucker boycott of New York is about the entire iceberg of the left-wing-led Uni-party stupidity.

The iceberg of the left-wing-led Uni-party stupidity includes all the harm to society and the American people.  Both sides of the left-wing-led Uni-party have been doing stupidity to harm the 99% for the benefit of the agenda of the 1%.  Both sides of the left-wing-led Uni-party have been stupid.  The supporters of the left-wing-led Uni-party have been stupid.

The left-wing-led Uni-party created Covid with unsupervised tax dollars, for the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs.  The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs used Covid as an excuse to abuse, oppress and claim more control over the 99%.  The support of the control by the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs harmed the 99%.  1% cabal of globalist oligarchs are criminal bandits.  The people who support the left-wing-led Uni-party are stupid and caused harm to others while gaining no benefit themselves.

The mandated Covid protocols were very harmful.  The mandated restrictions to freedom were unnecessary, not beneficial and were based on lies.  Now the WHO treaty is set up to screw us again only harder next time.  Agenda 2030 and 15-minute cities will oppress, enslave and imprison us even more.  Anyone supporting the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs’ controlled left-wing-led Uni-party that is doing this to us is stupid.

The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs controls the left-wing-led Uni-party.  They are flooding the country with illegal aliens and rewarding them with the benefits that are denied to the workers who earned them.  The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs controlled by the left-wing-led Uni-party is bombing and conducting wars against many countries based on lies.  The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs left wing led Uni-party is greatly financially fleecing the people of the world.  The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs controlled by the left-wing-led Uni-party is unnecessarily harming others and causing them to be refugees.  The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs are pocketing tax money in the name of “defense” spending.

The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs controlled by the left-wing-led Uni-party is demanding that two wrongs make a right.  They destroy places causing refugees.  Then they invite the flood of refugees to destroy America and Europe too.  That is being doubly stupid.  Not being stupid is the solution.  Stop the wars.  Stop the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs from exploiting people into extreme poverty.  Stop making the refugees in the first place.

The two wrongs don’t make a right.  The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs just pile another wrong on top of the two wrongs.  Corrupt money laundering called foreign aid robs more tax money into the pockets of the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs.  The left-wing-led Uni-party supports this wrong.  The people who support the left-wing-led Uni-party that is doing these things to society are stupid.

The left-wing-led Uni-party pushes for centralized education.  That imposes an immoral curriculum on everyone.  That dumbs down everyone.  That does not provide the mental tools people need to be successful.  That only helps the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs exploit and control the masses.  That harms the 99% without providing them any benefit.  Supporting the left-wing-led Uni-party pushing centralized education is stupid.

The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs abuses the 99% with their weaponized control of food.  The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs control of food allows them to extract more money from the 99% when the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs sells food to the 99%.  The left-wing-led Uni-party complicity in the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs control of food harms the 99%.  Supporting the left-wing-led Uni-part is stupid.

The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs abuses the 99% with their weaponized control of energy.  The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs control of energy allows them to extract more money from the 99% when the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs sells energy to the 99%.  Higher energy costs makes everything more expensive.  Everything being more expensive causes the 99% to get less.  The left-wing-led Uni-party complicity with the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs’ control of energy harms the 99%.  Supporting the left-wing-led Uni-part is stupid.

The masses fell for the lies of the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs.  The Earth is honestly cooling, not warming.  Because of lies the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs abuses the 99% with their weaponized control of food and energy.  The left-wing-led Uni-party complicity in the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs’ control of food and energy harms the 99%.  Supporting the left-wing-led Uni-party is stupid.

The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs abuses the 99% with their weaponized control of medicine.  The 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs control of medicine allows them to extract more money from the 99% when the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs sells medicine to the 99%.  The left-wing led Uni-party complicity in the 1% cabal of globalist oligarchs’ control of medicine harms the 99%.  Supporting the left-wing-led Uni-part is stupid.

The impoverishing taxes imposed on the masses cause more poverty.  Inflation from wasteful government spending causes more poverty.  This government excess takes the wealth from the 99% and transfers it to the 1%.  The left-wing-led Uni-party complicity in this wealth transfer harms the 99%.  Supporting the left-wing-led Uni-part is stupid.

Reverse discrimination as a solution for discrimination was another straw of harmful stupidity that was piled on the camel’s back.  The victim mentality was another straw of harmful stupidity that was piled on the camel’s back.  Toxic feminism that destroyed the family was another straw of harmful stupidity that was piled on the camel’s back.  Race-baiting was another straw of harmful stupidity that was piled on the camel’s back.

The destructive “mostly peaceful” riots that destroyed black neighborhoods and businesses was another straw of harmful stupidity that was piled on the camel’s back.  These destructive “mostly peaceful” riots had pallet loads of bricks delivered to them.  These destructive “mostly peaceful” riots took place in designated “FED districts”.  These destructive “mostly peaceful” riots allowed the puppeteers who pulled the strings to cause the riots to be able to buy up the land they wanted very inexpensively.

These destructive “mostly peaceful” riots were orchestrated by the 1% and were land grabs by the 1%.  These destructive “mostly peaceful” riots in FED district land grabs were another straw of harmful stupidity that was piled on the camel’s back.  The “mostly peaceful” riot protests destroyed those they claimed to be trying to help.  Such destruction as a form of “help” is an extreme example of the definition of stupid.

Not all land grabs by the 1% involved destructive “mostly peaceful” riots.  Some land grabs by the 1% used wildfires that destroyed buildings more than trees.  Some like Lahaina and places in California that were designated and mapped out for public works projects were actually criminal land grabs by the 1%.

Left-wing-led Uni-party policies destroy society and hurt everyone.  The terrible results of the left-wing-led Uni-party policies turn vibrant prosperous cities into impoverished slums.

How can the left-wing-led Uni-party supporters keep denying what a total disaster the left-wing-led Uni-party policies produce?  Just look at the left-wing-led Uni-party-run cities.  They are impoverished slums that once were very successful thriving cities.  First Baltimore went from wealthy and thriving to slums of poverty after switching from pragmatic management that worked in the real world to left-wing-led Uni-party utopia-minded government that was a total disaster in the real world.  Left-wing-led Uni-party policies destroy society and hurt everyone.  The terrible results of left-wing-led Uni-party policies turn vibrant prosperous cities into impoverished slums.

Then Detroit went from being wealthy and thriving to slums of poverty after switching from pragmatic management that worked in the real world to a left-wing-led Uni-party utopia-minded government that was a total disaster in the real world.  Now New York, San Francisco, and Seattle have gone from wealthy and thriving to slums of poverty after switching from pragmatic management that worked in the real world to left-wing-led Uni-party utopia-minded government that is a total disaster in the real world.

Healthy clean thriving vibrant cities are being destroyed by left-wing-led Uni-party utopia-minded ideologies and totally disastrous policies that literally cause poverty.  Entire states are also going from being very successful and thriving states to being cesspools of disaster by the left-wing-led Uni-party utopia-minded ideologies that cause disaster in the real world.

Left-wing-led Uni-party ideologies also ruin entire countries.  Venezuela and Argentina were once thriving successful affluent prosperous countries.  Then the utopia-minded disastrous left-wing led Uni-party ideologies took over and turned tremendously successful and prosperous countries into impoverished hellholes.

The cabal of globalist oligarchs has fooled their followers into desiring the utopia of the ideology that destroys societies and people.  That benefits the globalist oligarchs.  That removes prosperity from the masses so the globalist oligarchs can have it.  The globalist oligarch Uni-party puppet politician then push for all the enslaving and impoverishing policies on the masses who fell for the idea of utopia rather than the real world.

The migrant invasion is destroying cities and the country.  Lavish benefits are given to illegals and denied to those who earned them.  That is just more abuse of the 99% by the left-wing-run Uni-party.  The tremendous amount of money being sent to foreign countries could greatly help Americans, and improve America.  This wasteful harm suits the agenda of the cabal of globalist oligarchs.  This wasteful harm is part of the platform of the left-wing-led Uni-party.

Why would any American support such harm to themselves, their society and their fellow Americans?  Why would any American tolerate such harm to themselves, their society and their fellow Americans?  For many, this was their last straw.  They can not tolerate the load of disastrous straws the left-wing-led Uni-party has burdened them with.  Why not have those supporting the disastrous policies that are causing the suffering to also suffer and stop denying the suffering they are helping to cause?  The working class is greatly harmed and needs to speak up.

Americans did not revolt against all these harmful left-wing-led Uni-party disastrous things that were forced on society.  It took a lot to get people to no longer tolerate all these harmful things they were forced to endure.  The Covid mandates of bad protocols not based on science were the last straw for Canadian truckers.  For farmers destroying their farms, businesses and families that was the last straw for them.  The weaponized unjust legal system was the last straw for American truckers and others.

The farmers have had enough.  The stupidity of the left-wing-led Uni-party followers is based on lies.  That is causing them much more harm than anyone should have to suffer.  The stupidity of the Left-wing-led Uni-party followers is causing everyone but the 1% to suffer more poverty.  The stupidity of the Left-wing-led Uni-party followers is causing death by starvation.  This harm is all based on lies so the 1% can have another power and money grab.  The farmers are revolting against this war on humanity.  Will the 99% of humanity quit being so stupid?

The totally corrupt and weaponized USA legal system was the last straw for many including truckers.  The totally corrupt and weaponized USA legal system covers up and ignores the serious crimes committed by those within the left-wing-led Uni-party.  The totally corrupt and weaponized USA legal system invents phony charges against and abuses those opposed to the left-wing-led Uni-party’s destruction of society.

This is not just a trucker’s strike against New York.  This is an everyone revolt against all the globalist oligarch corruption scams and abuse of the masses.  This is not just a trucker’s strike against New York but an everyone revolt against the left-wing-led Uni-party that the globalist oligarchs control.  This should not be just a trucker’s strike against New York.  This should be an everyone revolt against all the harmful and destructive stupid policies of the left-wing-led Uni-party everywhere.  This should be an everyone revolt against the cabal of globalist oligarchs who pull the strings causing all these harmful things to the 99%.

If the left-wing-led Uni-party is going to keep harming everyone else with their terrible BS, then others are going to make sure it harms those who are supporting that at the same time.  Those supporting the harm must feel the harm in time to stop the harm before it does too much damage.  Those supporting all the harm need to stop harming themselves and everyone else.  Those supporting all the harm to the 99% that only benefits the 1% need to stop harming themselves and everyone else.

No matter how altruistic people feel everyone else can’t avoid and deny the fact the left-wing-led Uni-party is the cause of poverty and much injustice.  The policies that arise from the attitudes of the left-wing-led Uni-party followers are just pure disasters for society.  Humanity can no longer tolerate such disastrous stupidity.  The followers of the left-wing-led Uni-party are not just dupes who are falling for the con of the globalist oligarchs to exploit the 99%.  They are stooges who refuse to recognize the disasters they have left behind everywhere they go.

The rest of society has had enough of the social disasters and downright criminal behavior of the left-wing-led Uni-party.  The rest of society has had enough of the lies used to justify the harmful and disastrous ends.  The criminal means of the left-wing-led Uni-party are “justified” so they can force their disastrous ideas of utopia on the real world.  Those causing others and society to suffer need to experience the suffering they are causing.  Those causing others and society to suffer need to immediately experience the suffering they are causing so they can realize they too need to help stop the suffering.  Those causing others and society to suffer need to immediately experience the suffering they are causing so they can realize they too need to stop the “utopia” policies that result in disaster and suffering in the real world.  Those causing others and society to suffer need to immediately experience the suffering they are causing so they can realize the “utopia” policies that result in disaster and suffering in the real world are based on lies.

It is about time that the left-wing-led Uni-party supporters who are inflicting disasters on others suffer the disasters they are inflicting on the world at the same time others are suffering from them.  The left-wing-led Uni-party total BS is now destroying the USA.  Thank God some sanity is fighting back to save itself and not letting the left-wing-led Uni-party destroy themselves by destroying their neighbors and fellow man first.  Thank God some are not accepting their own destruction by left-wing-led Uni-party BS and are making the left-wing-led Uni-party followers be the first, not the last to suffer from their own BS.

Everything the left-wing-led Uni-party is pushing is disastrous for the 99% and only benefits the 1%.  But the left-wing-led Uni-party followers think the disastrous bs will make the Earth and society a utopia.  However, the real world results always are a dystopia of poverty, tyranny and oppression.  The left-wing-led Uni-party wars, economic ideology and economic systems produce the refugees.  Today the left-wing-led Uni-party is making Americans refugees in their own country.

Society has been weaponized against the masses and against the opposition to the globalist oligarch cabal’s tyranny.  The trucker boycott of New York City was just the last straw.  The trucker boycott of New York City resulted from all the horrible disastrous straws that have been piled on our backs.  The trucker boycott of New York City resulted from the entire load of horrible disastrous straws that have been piled on our backs.  The totally corrupt and unjust justice system was just the last straw.

Blaming the last straw and ignoring the entire load will not solve the problems.  Left-wing-run places will keep going the way of left-wing-run places.  Left-wing-run places will keep going to Hell.  Even left-wing-run places without a boycott are going to Hell because of the left-wing-run Uni-party policies.  New York screwed itself long before the boycott.  The boycott of New York is to keep the crap that is destroying New York from infecting and ruining the entire country.

The last straw has already broken the back of the tolerance camel for many people.  The more disaster you tolerate the more disaster straws will be piled on the camel’s back.  Haven’t you already had enough?  Haven’t you already had too much?  Shouldn’t you want to stop the disasters and suffering?  Shouldn’t you be an active part of the revolt against the globalist oligarchs and the Uni-party they control that works for them not for you and not for We The People?

© 2024 David C

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“Psychological and Cognitive Warfare on Citizens”

My Speech at the International Crisis Summit-5 in Washington DC


February 26, 1024

Who is Robert Malone

[JRH-Blog Editor: Of my three Blogs: SlantRight 2.0 gets the Bitchute version I uploaded; WordPress no longer embeds Bitchute, thus my CPCR Blog gets a direct video upload; AND Substack page also gets a direct video upload.]


[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published February 27th, 2024 16:26 UTC


Transcript as follows:

Thank you so much for coming on behalf of the organizers and the whole ICS initiative, which continues to grow. Thank you for your courage and commitment in all that you’ve done by just being here. It’s clear that you’re one of those that are committed to freedom and personal autonomy and sovereignty. I’d like to tell you about the thing that bothers me the most right now.

The truth is, it’s not medical freedom. It’s not even the problem of the lies that we’ve been told about the COVIDcrisis or the gross mismanagement of the COVIDcrisis. It’s the willingness of governments to deploy modern cognitive and psychological warfare tools and technologies against their own citizenry in combination and particular with the power of modern big tech.

We’re all perplexed by what has happened over the last four years, and I think we’ve all had this gradual series of small awakenings. We have the privilege, as a friend of mine put it to me the other day, of being able right now to go down these various rabbit holes, these various journeys in fact discovery, and discuss them among ourselves. We all find these little tiny factoids of truth in a sea of lies, and we carefully gather those little bits of truth and share them with each other and talk about their deep inner meaning and the implications. We don’t think that in five years we may not even be able to do that.

We may look back and say, “Good heavens, we were so free back then in 2024.” Just like we look back from today at 2020 and say, “We were so naive.” I know I feel that way. I’m now to the point where I look back at my whole life and all the things that I believed.

I love America. I love the land. I love the people. I love the diversity of cultures. I love the commitment to freedom and personal success and the ability of individuals to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, and property. But I have had this growing concern in the back of my mind, particularly over the last six to nine months, that maybe we’re not the good guys. Maybe some of the things that the government has been doing has been what has led us to this point. Maybe what we’re seeing is the maturation of a series of decisions and activities and policies and practices and infrastructure that have been built over my entire lifespan. As I look back and read about Operation Mockingbird, the birth of the CIA, information warfare, psychological warfare.

What I see is that even since the Second World War, really since the founding of the CIA from OSS (Office of Strategic Services), there’s been a longstanding policy of the United States government acting in ways particularly offshore, that support their own interests and the interests of large financial organizations, but don’t really respect the values that I believed we were all about here in the United States.

Freedom, sovereignty, personal autonomy, the rights of the individual to succeed in society. A resistance to the logic of Marxism and socialism and communism. These things I thought were fundamental American principles. That is, a commitment to self-governance. A belief in the social contract that the citizens of a nation-state, the citizens of the United States, the citizens of Canada, the citizens of Europe, of Romania grant – through an election process. In which we give rights to government in exchange for the government committing to respecting the autonomy, sovereignty and will of the people.

This has been referred to as the social contract. Now what I’ve come to learn over the last four years, and it seems to be accelerating, this awareness, is that there’s a suite of technologies and capabilities that have been developed over decades that are able to influence everything that we think and feel and hear and believe. These technologies have been developed and deployed specifically to advance American interests through State Department and intelligence community and DoD, offshore. They have been outwardly facing. And the same is true in all the Five Eyes nations including Canada, UK, Australia, United States, and New Zealand. This alliance has taken the position that it’s acceptable to deploy this kind of propaganda and dirty tricks to do things that we thought were necessary in a very difficult world, very challenging world.

Let me give you an example. Right after World War II, Italy faced an election and the election was on the edge, looked like it might well go towards a political party that would bring Italy into the sphere of influence of the USSR, the Soviet Union. The United States State Department and intelligence communities, thought it was justified to intervene using any dirty tricks they could to influence that election to favor a pro-Western outcome.

They formed an alliance with the Mafia and they succeeded. Now, was that a good thing or a bad thing? Was it ethical? Probably not. Was it a good outcome that Italy ended up in a Western sphere and European Union instead of in a Soviet sphere? We can argue that in reverse, but I think many people would say, “Yeah, that was a relatively good outcome, could have been worse.” So there’s one example that has been used subsequently to justify the increasing development of a dirty tricks capability involving psychological manipulation, information manipulation, media manipulation, and cognitive manipulation. And like many things in government that has turned into a slippery slope. “Well, it’s okay there. Maybe it should be okay here. Maybe we need to influence this government. We need to overturn that government.”

The capability gradually built and built, but the consensus in the United States from both parties, hence we refer to the uniparty, was that so long as this remained an outwardly directed tool of foreign affairs and foreign influence, advancing the overall… I’m sorry, imperial interest of the United States and the corporations that were associated with that, that was acceptable so long as they didn’t turn it back towards the American citizenry. That was the agreement from both Democrats and Republicans, a general consensus on foreign policy and the willingness of state, DoD and intelligence to cooperate, to influence global affairs, and particularly to influence Europe. We treated Europe almost as our garden, our protectorate.

We chose to act, to ensure that European parties were aligned with American political and economic interests. Then the internet developed. And as the internet developed and became a mature system, truly free, Then there became an awareness that the learning of modern psychology, the teaching, could be integrated with the tools of the internet to profoundly influence the outcome of elections. I think it’s in 2015, there was a key paper, peer-reviewed and published that demonstrated that Google by just manipulating the information that a viewer sees on an individual basis in a transitory way, could swing an election by 20 points. Peer-reviewed, carefully validated information, and that data has gotten even stronger since then. Robert Epstein is one of the leaders in this initiative. Google by cooperating with a nation-state or American nation-state and acting in foreign affairs can swing elections by up to 20 points.

That’s a fact. And the way they do it is by controlling what you hear, what you think, what you feel, what you are allowed to discuss. And what’s not to like? Suddenly the United States had an incredible tool that could be deployed to influence things like, let’s say, elections in the Middle East. We could engineer tools, social media tools like Twitter. As I’ve written before, Twitter was engineered as a weapon, not as a business. It is an intentional social media psychological manipulation weapon is how it was built. I don’t have enough time to go into the details. It maps everything about you. This is part of this amazing database infrastructure that’s been created to intend to basically know everything about every single person in the globe and manipulate that to whatever end. The United States government deployed Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the other tools during Arab Spring and had enormous success in overturning regimes throughout the Middle East. It was incredibly powerful, like nothing they had ever seen. This was greased lightning.

And then two things happened. Talk about blowback, Brexit and Donald Trump, and suddenly the intelligence censorship industrial complex, State Department, DoD network and in the United States this has now been placed in the Department of Homeland Security, realized they had a risk. The tech and capabilities they’d built that they had deployed offshore were suddenly creating risk. The risk was that Europe would fragment and if Europe fragmented NATO would fall. We were facing Brexit, Frexit, et cetera. It was looking like much of Europe (the EU) would fall because of the ability of social media to distribute populist messages and disrupt elections, and they had to do something. They had to do something domestically. They had to do something in Canada. They had to do something in the UK. Suddenly we had the formation of organizations like the Trusted News Initiative. They were designed to resist the ability of populist and alternative media to create this kind of sudden abrupt change.

As that developed, there was a decision that this could be a consensus among these core allies. That it was going to be necessary to preserve democracy, much like the decision that it was believed necessary to intervene in the Italian elections right after World War II, for “the good of all of us”. There was a decision that it was going to be necessary “to save democracy”. Democracy defined as basically the idea that large established interests should be the ones able to define who the acceptable candidates are, and then the rest of us could vote among that portfolio. That was the concept. That’s the concept that’s being promoted now when they talk about saving democracy. In order to save democracy we had to deploy this enormously powerful technology that was designed for largely offshore combat and advancing the interests of the United States government and its allies globally.

It was going to be necessary to deploy that technology against the citizenry. I argue, and I think this is probably one of the most important thing that’s come out of me thinking about all this and trying to make sense out of censorship and listening to so many experts that have taught me about psychological manipulation, neuro-linguistic programming and everything else, is that when a government is willing to deploy this technology with its power against its own citizenry, then the concept of sovereignty and personal autonomy becomes completely obsolete. You think you’re able to resist this, but the data show that actually it’s often the most educated, that are the most susceptible. We are all susceptible to the power of the modern psychological warfare and cognitive warfare technologies. Cognitive warfare being those suites of capabilities that are designed to get into your subconscious. There has been a decision, a consensus, that this is acceptable in order to avoid the effects of these populous movements.

That’s where we’re at right now. As this was initially justified based on the thesis of Russian bot farms and the threat of Russian election interference, which is why the TNI, “the Trusted News Initiative” was set up and so many of these other entities were built. It was decided that that capability designed to resist Russian intrusion was now going to be necessary to be deployed domestically. And, in particular, there arose a specific example that was going to be necessary to use this technology, the rise of the anti-vaxxer movement. The unwillingness of persons, increasing uneasiness of individuals and parents to accept vaccines for their children. Shortly after this decision was made, this Trusted News Initiative pivoted and was reformulated to address the “anti-vaxxer”. Then suddenly we had this event in late 2019 of the entrance of an engineered coronavirus into the human population in Wuhan, and its rapid spread.

It was deemed necessary to employ this technology, this psychological and cognitive warfare technology on the general population because of the threat of SARS‑CoV‑2, a virus which was by modeling, we now know it highly flawed modeling, going to lead to a 3.4% case fatality rate” or infection fatality rate. That’s what we were told. Happens to be exactly the same number that they had, quote, “modeled” during Event 201 in the fall of 2019. We were told, and governments were told, and propagandized all over the world, particularly in the West, that this highly lethal virus was going to pose such an enormous threat that it was acceptable just like it was believed acceptable to interfere in the Italian elections after World War II, it was acceptable and necessary to deploy this kind of technology in order to advance the public good. To ensure that we would have full compliance for the measures that the government prescribed for all of us under the advice of the World Health Organization.

Mr. Tedros now insists that he’d never told anybody they had to lock down or social distance or accept vaccines. That this is all the governments that did this. That was the justification. And now we’ve seen the explosive growth and maturation of a whole industry, this censorship industrial complex.

What we have now is functionally akin to a series of mercenary armies or mercenary organizations, and they compete with each other. They almost all have academic links at places like Harvard-MIT, and Stanford. These organizations are actively competing with each other to censor and propagandize all of us, and to deploy the most advanced psychological manipulation tools that they can come up with “all for the common good”, all to “preserve democracy”, all to ensure that we have full compliance with vaccines. Now I’m going to close with another insight, I think, that might be helpful to you.

Here’s a key question. Why is censorship wrong? We can say it’s morally wrong. Well, some might say that’s kind of squishy. In a functional way if we were to go up to Javier Milei right now and say, “Why shouldn’t we do censorship? What is the argument against it?” Because there’s all kinds of arguments that are being made for it by the administrative state in various powers that be in the World Economic Forum and the UN. They all like it. They want to be able to control the message. Think about what that means. Think of it from the standpoint of innovation. What it means is that those powers and forces, governments, economic units, large investment funds, et cetera, that are able to control the narrative, “The Great Narrative”, as Klaus Schwab puts it. What they can do is to lock in consensus around the current solution set, the current state of affairs.

The reason to deploy censorship and psychological technology on the population is to maintain the status quo, which is favorable to some group, some elite group – the oligarchs, we could call them. They want to maintain the current status and they want to do it through possession of this kind of technology. What that does is it creates a situation, particularly in times of change, such as we’re in right now, where the difference between the current situation and an optimal solution gets larger and larger and larger. Does that make sense? You’re locking in one set of solutions. You’re not allowing the culture, the environment, the economies, the governments to adapt to change. You’re forcing them to stay in this current situation. The populace observes that their situation relative to what could be becomes worse and worse and worse. There’s a larger and larger gap between an optimal solution and the current solution.

Eventually that gap gets so big that it can only be resolved in one way. And we know what that way is. We call it revolution, major social disruption. Now, if you allow free speech and interaction in exchange of ideas in a decentralized environment, what you have is incremental improvements. You never get to that point where the population is so frustrated because they’ve been locked into a bad set of solutions. You don’t have those major disruptions. You have gradual incremental evolutionary change in a society towards a better and better set of solutions for whatever the problem sets are. But by allowing propaganda – “PSYOPs”, what we’re doing is we’re locking, certainly, the Western population, and increasingly the global population, into a suboptimal set of solutions. Now, one of the other things that happens when you have one of those major disruptions is the population at that point is looking…

Think of the French Revolution.

Think of any revolution.

Populations in general, the average person sees this as a mess. “It’s not serving my interests. I’m being pushed just like the Argentines did into worse and worse economic situation. I’m going to revolt. We’re going to have some major change.” And what do they do? They will take some solution off the shelf, such as Marxism, that’s never really been tested. Never worked when it has been tested, but it’s sold to them as a solution set. And they’ll go ahead and grab that. Not only do we have these sudden disruption events that we call revolutions and the failure to incrementally allow for evolution in society and economics, but we have the willingness of a population to accept and assimilate some solution that’s pushed to them, something that’s marketed to them that’s never been tested before. That’s how we end up with these messy situations.

I don’t have time to go into all the nitty-gritties and the wiring diagrams and the relationship between CISA and the State Department and all that. We can see that, and I recommend to you the recent Mike Benz interview with Tucker Carlson as a real eye-opener for the whole arc of history about how this is developed. In these brief remarks, I wanted to make the point that if we allow this to happen, we immediately lose sovereignty, autonomy. Any concept of election integrity goes right out the window.

Remember, peer-reviewed, validated paper shows a 20 point difference. All Google has to do is twizzle some knobs and they can basically choose whoever is going to win and whatever party is going to win and what the policies are going to be in pretty much any nation-state in the world right now. But furthermore, if we allow this censorship propaganda, industrial complex to continue to grow and develop, we’re going to be in a situation in which we lock the world into a set of suboptimal solutions and prevent it from evolving to give rise to a better world for all of us. With that, I’m going to conclude and thank you for your interest. Again, thank you for being here.

© 2024 Robert W Malone, MD

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The Secret War: A Silent Attack on America’s Soul

Secret War – Child Pledging Allegiance [Conservative Compass Photo]


February 26, 2024

The Conservative Compass

I was in an accident last week. Because of the accident I have spent several days laying in a bed recuperating. During this ordeal, I have had plenty of time to think. Oddly, I have been considering the Pledge of Allegiance, and how it has disappeared from our schools. This lead me from topic to topic as my mind extrapolated different moments in time and events into this very Op-Ed. I hope you find it informative and it sparks you to consider the weight of what is happening to our country.

The Beginning: Yuri Bezmenov

The attacks on America started quietly within small groups of academia. Marxist and communist agents/activists started out small in the social sciences. Teaching Critical Theory masked inside their curriculum. They slowly began attacking our language, laying the seeds of political correctness. As well as, altering definitions and sowing confusion among the future leaders of our country.

We received our first warning of what was happening from a man named, Yuri Bezmenov. Bezmenov was a former KGB operative who defected to the West in the 1970s. After his defection, he took on the name Tomas David Schuman and became known for his public speaking and writing on the subject of Soviet tactics of subversion. Bezmenov provided a detailed account of the KGB’s methods for subverting societies through ideological subversion, which he described as a slow process aimed at demoralizing and destabilizing enemy states from within, without the need for direct military action. His lectures and interviews, particularly a notable interview conducted in the 1980s, have been widely circulated and referenced for insights into the techniques used by the Soviet Union to influence and undermine Western societies.

EX-KGB Agent: Yuri Bezmenov [Conservative Compass Photo]

The 4 Techniques of Ideological Subversion: Active Measures

According to Bezmenov, this process is a long-term strategy divided into four stages, designed to weaken and destabilize a nation from within, making it vulnerable to control or influence without resorting to military confrontation. The stages are:

1. Demoralization: This initial phase involves the gradual undermining of a nation’s cultural values, integrity, and unity, lasting over a period of 15-20 years, which Bezmenov noted as the minimum amount of time required to educate one generation of students in the target country. The demoralization process focuses on influencing the cultural, religious, and educational institutions, distorting historical narratives, and promoting a negative view of the nation’s history and heritage. The aim is to erode citizens’ faith in their country, its government, and each other.

2. Destabilization: In the second stage, the focus shifts to destabilizing the nation’s economy, foreign relations, and defense systems. This involves promoting social unrest and creating divisions within the society, encouraging opposition to the government, and exploiting problems like economic disparities and racial tensions. The goal of destabilization is to create an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear, making it easier to manipulate public opinion and government policy.

3. Crisis: The crisis phase involves the creation of a situation that leads to a significant change in power or structure within the target nation. This could be a violent change, such as a revolution or coup, or it could manifest as a significant political shift that aligns the country more closely with the ideology of the subverter. The crisis is designed to bring about a level of chaos and disorder that demands a resolution, which the subverter can provide or influence.

4. Normalization: The final stage, normalization, occurs after a new government is in place or significant policy changes have been enacted that align with the subverter’s goals. This phase is characterized by the stabilization of the society under the new conditions, with the subverter’s influence deeply embedded in the nation’s institutions and policies. The term “normalization” is used ironically, as it refers to the acceptance of a new status quo that is fundamentally altered and controlled by external forces.

Bezmenov emphasized that the success of these techniques relies on the subverter’s ability to operate covertly and manipulate the target society’s perceptions and beliefs over an extended period. The ultimate objective is to weaken the target from within, making it incapable of resisting annexation or control by the subverter. It’s important to note that while Bezmenov’s descriptions provide insight into Cold War-era tactics, the concepts of ideological subversion and active measures have broader applications and can be observed in various forms of international relations and geopolitical strategies beyond the context of the Soviet Union.

Now, you can argue that there is no possible way that the crumbling Soviet Union could pull off such a wide scale subversion of our country. In fact, I would probably agree with you. Even though, our history over the past 40 years, certainly reflects many of the goals of the program that Bezmenov described. We have certainly seen the effects of stage 1 & 2 of Ideological Subversion become quite successful. The demoralization and destabilization of America is in full effect. Some may even argue that COVID-19 (Which began in Soviet China) is the perfect example of stage 3, Crisis. It weakened the Trump Administration enough that Joe Biden was able to some to power and begin stage 4, Normalization…

Fighting Back: Is it too Late?

Masked & Gloved Fighter – Photo by Katerina Kerdi on Unsplash [Conservative Compass Photo from Unsplash]

Fighting back against ideological subversion, especially in the normalization phase, requires us to make an effort. This phase is marked by the widespread acceptance of altered cultural and political norms, making resistance more complex but not impossible. Patriots have to do more than just write a tweet or complain on social media. We have to do MORE! Here are several strategies that can be employed to counteract this subversion:

1. Education and Awareness: Educate the public about the tactics and stages of ideological subversion. Awareness is a powerful tool. By understanding the methods used to manipulate societal norms and values, individuals and communities can become more resistant to such influences. This includes promoting critical thinking skills and teaching the history of subversive tactics in schools and through media.

2. Reaffirm National Values: Emphasize and reinforce the foundational values and principles that define the nation. This can involve a renewed focus on national history, cultural heritage, and the core values that unite the society. Celebrating the achievements and positive aspects of a nation’s history can help rebuild a sense of pride and unity.

3. Strengthening Institutions: Work towards the integrity and independence of key institutions, including the educational system, the press, and the judiciary. Ensuring these institutions function without undue influence is crucial for maintaining a society’s resilience against subversion. Encouraging transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct within these institutions can help restore public trust.

4. Promote Open and Free Dialogue: Encourage open discussions and the free exchange of ideas. A healthy society can debate and discuss different viewpoints without resorting to censorship or suppression. Creating platforms for dialogue helps to prevent the monopolization of the narrative by any single group or ideology.

5. Enhance Social Cohesion: Work on bridging divides within society by promoting inclusivity and understanding among different social, ethnic, and political groups. Activities that bring communities together, foster mutual respect, and emphasize common goals can counteract efforts to destabilize society.

6. Cybersecurity and Information Integrity: In the digital age, much of the subversive activity takes place online. Strengthening cybersecurity measures and promoting digital literacy can help protect against misinformation and foreign influence operations. Supporting independent and fact-based journalism is also crucial in this regard.

7. Engage in Counter-Subversion: Identify and expose foreign influence operations and propaganda efforts. This can be done through intelligence and counterintelligence efforts, as well as through public diplomacy that counters false narratives with truth and factual information.

8. Policy and Legislation: Implement policies and legislation that protect against foreign interference in domestic affairs. This includes laws that regulate foreign funding of political campaigns, lobbying efforts, and media operations.

All of these strategies must be a ground up movement. We can not rely on political leaders to take this on. At least not until they recognize the power of the movement. We have, at least, 40 years of subversion and programming to dismantle. It will not be an easy or short process, but it must start immediately if we hope to save this country.


This war has been active for decades with no opposition. We can’t afford to ignore it any longer. At this point, it doesn’t even need to be maintained by those who created it. Each year, more and more people are being indoctrinated by others who were indoctrinated before them. There isn’t some cabal of men in a dark lit room controlling this. It is a many-headed hydra that has to be battled with the truth. Now that you have read this article, you can’t claim ignorance anymore. I try to maintain a balanced perspective in my writing, but on this topic I can not. We stand in the breach here and now. Will you fight or falter? The choice is yours.

© 2024 Dallas Ludlum

The Conservative Compass HOMEPAGE

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Bitchute VIDEO: Yuri Bezmenov – Psychological Warfare Subversion Control of Western Society (COMPLETE)

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published February 27th, 2024 18:25 UTC

I cannot recall how I acquired this 1:03:15-Hour clip of Yuri Bezmenov (a 1970s defector from now defunct USSR Communism) lecturing on the Soviet Agenda to use Psych-Warfare on Western Society. I decided to post on my Bitchute Channel in conjunction to a David Ludlum essay read posted on 2/26/24 entitled, “The Secret War: A Silent Attack on America’s Soul” (

Medical Tyranny: What’s the mRNA-DNA Intention?


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

December 24, 2022

WELL… It appears holiday distractions has caught up to me this week. I’ve found these posts to share at least a couple of days ago, but you might night see them until 12/24/23.

Today’s post is a return to examining the Medical Tyranny being perpetrated on Americans (really the entire world) with the full cooperation of a lying government and a lying Big Pharma (whose nefarious goals probably range from greed to Globalist-Elitist population control or combinations of both).

First up is an Igor Chudov (Substack) post showing that DNA is indeed affected if not downright altered by mRNA gene therapy Jabs (H/T Vigilant News). Yup, all those so-called scientists and/or doctors crying misinformation/disinformation Conspiracy Theory against those exposing DNA adulteration are in fact the liars (at worst) or the gullible-deluded (at best) spreaders of misinformation/disinformation.

THEN NEXT a post I discovered on 12/24 morning from Telegram Natural News entitled, “Bill Gates organization partners with biotech company to develop needle-free mRNA vaccine WAFER for taking under the tongue”.

NEXT up is a Lioness of Judah Ministry (Substack) who cross posts from The Exposé the self-explanatory title, “FRIGHTENING TRUTH: Airborne mRNA Vaccines Are Being Created That Can Be Delivered Straight Into the Lungs Without the Need for Injection”. After reading Chudov’s post on mRNA Jabs altering DNA, YOU should ask yourself, “Why would lying governments and deceptive Big Pharma want to massively dose populations with gene altering mRNA?

AND FINALLY a Lee Hall-Dr. Robert Malone interview via EPOCH TV’s British Thought Leaders (I’ll upload to my Bitchute & UGETube channel for sharing purposes) originally posted 12/21/23. The title: “Dr Robert Malone: ‘I’ve Been Labelled an Enemy of the State for Speaking Inconvenient Truths’ | British Thought Leaders”.

JRH 12/24/23


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COVID Vaccines Integrate Into Human DNA, Study Finds:

The much-ridiculed “antivax trope” proved to be true


December 21, 2023

Igor’s Newsletter

Summary: a study of humans suffering from Long Covid analyzed their cellular DNA. The authors unexpectedly found genes uniquely specific to the Pfizer COVID vaccine in human blood cells. This finding proves that mRNA COVID vaccines permanently integrate into the DNA of some COVID-vaccinated people.

newly published study analyzed human DNA isolated from volunteers’ blood samples. Authors looked for matches between blood cells’s DNA and genetic sequences unique to the Pfizer COVID vaccine BNT162b2. After using sensitive tests, scientists found genes that could only come from the Pfizer COVID vaccine in the genomes of blood samples analyzed.

Long COVID DNA Discovery

What is this about?

Almost two years ago, I posted a description of a study that found integration of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine into human DNA, discovered by a lab experiment in a dish (in-vitro).

Worst Fears Realized: Pfizer mRNA Transcribes into DNA

mRNA Vaccines Actually are “Gene Therapy”, Study Shows

A new study is out: Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line. What it is saying is: lab studies show that mRNA vaccine DOES integrate itself into human cellular DNA. This means that a shot of Pfizer vaccine, taken even once, permanently changes the DNA of affected cellsREAD MORE (2/25/22)

Experiments involving human cells in Petri dishes are easier and lead to easily reproducible results. However, there is always a question of whether the results of such experiments on cell cultures can be replicated in live human beings.

Specifically, does the COVID-19 vaccine reverse transcribe, integrate, and thus become part of human DNA in living, breathing humans? We had no answer to that question – until now.

Spoiler alert – the answer is yes – the mRNA Covid vaccine sometimes becomes a part of DNA.

The study by Dhuli et al. describes an interesting scientific discovery journey by Italian scientists exploring the so-called “Long Covid.”

At first, they detected spike protein, with certain features specific to Covid vaccines only, in the blood of some people suffering from Long Covid.

Discussions- Viral-Vaxx Spike Protein Presence

The detection happened long after vaccination.

mRNA Post-Jab Discovery

Then, the study authors asked, how is long-term spike protein production possible? Could it be due to DNA changes making their cells into permanent spike-protein factories?

To answer that question, they used DNA-specific tests to detect the presence of COVID vaccine genetic code in the genomes of the cells of study subjects.

The supplement explains:

COVID vaccine genetic code in the genomes of the cells

Did the scientists find anything interesting in these genomes?

The answer is yes – some experimental subjects’ DNA was altered and contained genes that could only come from the Pfizer COVID vaccine!

Supplementary Discussion – DNA was altered

Authors note, above, that their findings are consistent with ‘intracellular reverse transcription’ – the vaccine becoming part of the genomes of its recipients!

Pfizer genetic code was detected in cellular DNA

The image points out that it was the cellular DNA where the Pfizer genetic code was detected, not RNA or proteins.

Words of Caution

The above findings are unsettling and show that some vaccinated people experience forced alteration of their genomes, with spike protein-producing code permanently residing in the affected cells.

However, we do not know how many cells are affected in persons experiencing reverse transcription and integration of Pfizer vaccine code into their DNA. The methods used to detect such altered genetic strands are very sensitive. I hope the Pfizer vaccine-code-carrying cells are a small minority in each affected organism.

We also do not know if reproductive cells (eggs and sperm) are affected. Are there any newborns whose germ-line genes carry the Pfizer vaccine code? (check out this post by the Daily Beagle also)

Further, it appears that not every vaccinated person was affected by this reverse integration, and therefore, vaccinated individuals have hope that they were not the ones whose genomes were altered.

Additionally, the journal where this study was published is not the most prestigious. (Prestigious journals do not like to publish scientific findings critical of COVID vaccines.) I hope more studies will attempt to reproduce the authors’ methods to confirm their findings.

Remember that “Covid vaccine changes our genome” was considered an antiscience antivax trope and was constantly ridiculed by Pfizer-sponsored press. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis – My interpretation: MSM does what its told to do even if harmful to the general public.]

Big Pharma Propaganda Spread by MSM

It turns out that the truth is more nuanced…

Now that tests of the genomic DNA of vaccinated subjects have confirmed these fears, will apologies be forthcoming?

© 2023 Igor Chudov

Igor’s Newsletter HOMEPAGE



Bill Gates organization partners with biotech company to develop needle-free mRNA vaccine WAFER for taking under the tongue

Gates Smiling Holding Vial & Syringe (screengrab from Telegram)

Natural News Telegram

December 24, 2023 8:45am

In the coming soon dystopian future, patients will be able to take vaccines in wafer form under the tongue like some kind of abominable Eucharist rather than getting the usual needle injections, thanks in part to a new investment tied to billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates.

The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which works with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has partnered with a company called Jurata Thin Film, Inc. (Jurata) to develop a thermostable mRNA (modRNA) vaccine film that a doctor, behaving like a religious priest, will be able to place into the mouth of a patient as a rite of passage into “immunity.”

Instead of patients having to continue rolling up their sleeve for a penetrating pharmaceutical injection, recipients of Jurata’s product will simply need to open the mouth, lift up the tongue and receive the wafer-like film under their tongue for rapid dissolution.

“Vaccine distribution is just as important as vaccine development in response to an emerging crisis – so, while mRNA quickly became one of the technological ‘shining stars’ during the COVID-19 pandemic, global access to doses was majorly hindered by its frozen storage needs,” said Ingrid Kromann, CEPI’s acting director of vaccine manufacturing and supply chain, in a December 5 news release.

Edible vaccines to lure back the “vaccine hesitant”

A $1.2 million cash injection from CEPI will allow Jurata to develop what it describes as a “3D structure of mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticle (LNP) vaccine materials,” which are to be derived from a company called Quantoom Biosciences. These materials will then be developed into a thin thermostable film “that will alleviate frozen storage and transportation issues associated with traditional needle and syringe vaccines,” to quote the Epoch Times.

“LNP’s are the delivery system used to deliver mRNA and have properties that may cause clotting or trigger the immune system.”

The same initial round of CEPI will allow for pre-clinical trials to determine whether or not these novel films can actually deliver stabilized mRNA vaccines effectively, or if they will simply be broken down by saliva and the digestive system into inert foreign, and likely toxic, materials. If successful, pre-clinical trials will lead to clinical trials, which will lead to edible vaccine wafers being unleashed into the public.

Since many are now considered to be “vaccine hesitant,” meaning they want nothing to do with Big Pharma’s chemical injections, researchers are working on needle-free concepts that they hope will lure people back into the vaccination fold by making vaccines edible and “fun.”

According to the terms of Jurata’s agreement with CEPI, the films will need to be stable at temperatures of two to eight degrees, 25 degrees and 40 degrees. The films will also need to be optimized using different buffers, pH, stabilizers, sugars, salts and various drying parameters.

“Jurata’s proprietary thin films have the potential to transform the way in which we store, deliver and distribute mRNA vaccines, advancing CEPI’s pandemic preparedness plan to accelerate the speed and scale of our response to future epidemics and pandemics, and heighten access to vaccine doses,” Kromann further said.

Commenting on the project, Dr. Robert Malone, credited as a founder of mRNA technology, says edible vaccine wafers will probably not do what their backers claim they will do.

“Sublingual delivery is useful for some drugs but seems poorly matched to LNP mod mRNA technology,” Dr. Malone says.

“Needle-free mucosal vaccines have been on the vaccine developer wishlist for decades, but the barriers to achieving such a capability are substantial. However, if paired with self-replicating RNA technology, it is possible that something could come of this.”

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FRIGHTENING TRUTH: Airborne mRNA Vaccines Are Being Created That Can Be Delivered Straight Into the Lungs Without the Need for Injection:

Researchers have developed an airborne mRNA vaccine offering a vehicle by which to rapidly vaccinate the masses without their knowledge or consent.


December 22, 2023

Exposing The Darkness

By The Exposé December 22, 2023

Researchers have developed an airborne mRNA vaccine offering a vehicle by which to rapidly vaccinate the masses without their knowledge or consent.

A team from Yale University has developed a new airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs. The method has also been used to vaccinate mice intranasally, “opening the door for human testing in the near future.

While scientists may celebrate this invention as a convenient method to vaccinate large populations, skeptics raise obvious concerns about the potential misuse of an airborne vaccine, including the possibility of covert bioenhancements a concept that has previously been suggested in academic literature. (source).

Roman Balmakov of Facts Matter discusses the study in the video below:


[Posted by nonvaxer420

Published September 7, 2023


The Study: Polymer nanoparticles deliver mRNA to the lung for mucosal vaccination

In a research conducted on mice, scientists from Yale University developed polymer nanoparticles to encapsulate mRNA, transforming it into an inhalable form for delivery to the lungs. Courtney Malo, who serves as an editor at Science Translational Medicine, the publication that featured the study, explained,

The ability to efficiently deliver mRNA to the lung would have applications for vaccine development, gene therapy, and moreHere, Suberi et al. showed that such mRNA delivery can be accomplished by encapsulating mRNAs of interest within optimized poly(amine-co-ester) polyplexes [nanoparticles].

Polyplex-delivered mRNAs were efficiently translated into protein in the lungs of mice with limited evidence of toxicity. This platform was successfully applied as an intranasal SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, eliciting robust immune responses that conferred protection against subsequent viral challenge.

These results highlight the potential of this delivery system for vaccine applications and beyond.

The team, which was led by cellular and molecular physiologist Mark Saltzman, claims that the inhalable mRNA vaccine “successfully protected against “SARS-CoV-2“, and that it “opens the door to delivering other messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics for gene replacement therapy and other treatments in the lungs.”(source)

mRNA therapeutics for gene replacement therapy & other treatments in the lungs

For the study, mice received two intranasal doses of nanoparticles carrying mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, which proved to be effective in the animals. In the past, lung-targeted mRNA therapies had trouble making it into the cells necessary to express the encoded protein, known as poor transfection efficiency (source).

“The Saltzman group got around this hurdle in part by using a nanoparticle made from poly(amine-co-ester) polyplexes, or PACE, a biocompatible and highly customizable polymer,” a Yale University news release explained. In a previous study, Saltzman had tried a “prime and spike” system to deliver COVID-19 shots, which involved injecting mRNA shots into a muscle, then spraying spike proteins into the nose.

It turned out the injection portion may be unnecessary, and Saltzman has high hopes for the airborne delivery method, beyond vaccines: (source).

“In the new report, there is no intramuscular injection. We just gave two doses, a prime, and a boost, intranasally, and we got a highly protective immune response. But we also showed that, generally, you can deliver different kinds of mRNA. So it’s not just good for a vaccine, but potentially also good for gene replacement therapy in diseases like cystic fibrosis and gene editing.

We used a vaccine example to show that it works, but it opens the door to doing all these other kinds of interventions.”

Air Vax Could ‘Radically Change’ How People Are Vaccinated

Saltzman says this “new method of delivery could ‘radically change the way people are vaccinated,’” making it easier to vaccinate people in remote areas or those who are afraid of needles.10 But that’s not all. An airborne vaccine makes it possible to rapidly disseminate it across a population.

No Jab Needed

By releasing the vaccine in the air, there’s no need to inject each person individually — which is not only time-consuming but difficult if an individual objects to the shot. This isn’t the case with an airborne vaccine, which can be released into the air without consent or even the public’s knowledge.

A similar strategy is being used with mRNA in shrimp, which are too small and numerous to be injected individually. Instead, an oral “nanovaccine” was created to stop the spread of a virus. Shai Ufaz, chief executive officer of ViAqua, which developed the technology, stated:

Oral delivery is the holy grail of aquaculture health development due to both the impossibility of vaccinating individual shrimp and its ability to substantially bring down the operational costs of disease management while improving outcomes …”

While the Yale scientists are targeting an intranasal mRNA product, the outcome is the same — get as many exposed as possible with the least amount of cost and effort. According to the Yale study:

An inhalable platform for messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics would enable minimally invasive and lung-targeted delivery for a host of pulmonary diseases. Development of lung-targeted mRNA therapeutics has been limited by poor transfection efficiency and risk of vehicle-induced pathology.

Here, we report an inhalable polymer-based vehicle for the delivery of therapeutic mRNAs to the lung. We optimized biodegradable poly(amine-co-ester) (PACE) polyplexes [nanoparticles] for mRNA delivery using end-group modifications and polyethylene glycol. These polyplexes achieved high transfection of mRNA throughout the lung, particularly in epithelial and antigen-presenting cells.

We applied this technology to develop a mucosal vaccine for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and found that intranasal vaccination with spike protein–encoding mRNA polyplexes induced potent cellular and humoral adaptive immunity and protected susceptible mice from lethal viral challenge. Together, these results demonstrate the translational potential of PACE polyplexes for therapeutic delivery of mRNA to the lungs.”

The following excerpts are from Dr Joseph Mercola, who explains his concerns regarding the airborne mRNA

US Government Has History of Bioweapons Release

When you put the pieces of the puzzle together, a disturbing picture emerges. As reported by The Epoch Times, we have a history of the U.S. government taking extreme measures to mandate and promote COVID-19 shots to the public. Now, researchers have developed an airborne mRNA vaccine, offering a vehicle by which to rapidly vaccinate the masses without their knowledge or consent (source).

Is there proof that the government or another entity has plans to covertly release an air vax on the population? No. But there is a history of it carrying out secret bioweapon simulations on Americans. In 1950, the U.S. Navy sprayed Serratia marcescens bacteria into the air near San Francisco over a period of six days.

Dubbed “Operation Sea Spray,” the project was intended to determine how susceptible the city was to a bioweapon attack. Serratia marcescens turns whatever it touches bright red, making it easy to track. It spread throughout the city, as residents inhaled the microbes from the air. While the U.S. military initially thought Serratia marcescens wouldn’t harm humans, an outbreak occurred, with some developing urinary tract infections as a result.

At least one person died “and some have suggested that the release forever changed the area’s microbial ecology,” Smithsonian Magazine reported. This wasn’t an isolated incident, as the U.S. government carried out many other experiments across the U.S. over the next 20 years. (source).

 So, while it’s disturbing to think of an air vax experiment being conducted on an unsuspecting public, it’s not unprecedented.

Bioethics Study Promotes Covert, Compulsory Bioenhancement

Adding to the story is academic endorsement of the use of compulsory, covert bioenhancements. Writing in the journal Bioethics, Parker Crutchfield with Western Michigan University, Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine, discusses moral bioenhancements, which refers to the use of biomedical means to trigger moral improvements.

Drug treatments, including vaccines, and genetic engineering are potential examples of bioenhancements. Further, according to Crutchfield:

“It is necessary to morally bioenhance the population in order to prevent ultimate harm. Moral bioenhancement is the potential practice of influencing a person’s moral behavior by way of biological intervention upon their moral attitudes, motivations, or dispositions.

The technology that may permit moral bioenhancement is on the scale between nonexistent and nascent, but common examples of potential interventions include infusing water supplies with pharmaceuticals that enhance empathy or altruism or otherwise intervening on a person’s emotions or motivations, in an attempt to influence the person’s moral behavior.”

Some argue that moral bioenhancements should be compulsory for the greater good. Crutchfield believes this doesn’t go far enough. He also wants them to be covert: (source).

“I take this argument one step further, arguing that if moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory, then its administration ought to be covert rather than overt. This is to say that it is morally preferable for compulsory moral bioenhancement to be administered without the recipients knowing that they are receiving the enhancement.”

He even goes so far as to suggest “a covert compulsory program promotes values such as liberty, utility, equality and autonomy better than an overt program does.” (source).

So here we have evidence of academic support for covertly releasing drugs and other bioenhancements onto the public. This, combined with the creation of an airborne mRNA vaccine and the government’s history of experimenting on the public, paints an unsettling picture of the future.

Problems With mRNA COVID Shots Persist

Aside from the concerns of airborne delivery, mRNA COVID-19 shots are associated with significant risks — no matter how you’re exposed. People ages 65 and older who received Pfizer’s updated (bivalent) COVID-19 booster shot may be at increased risk of stroke, according to an announcement made by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration. (source).

Further, a large study from Israel revealed that Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA jab is associated with a threefold increased risk of myocarditis, leading to the condition at a rate of 1 to 5 events per 100,000 persons (source). Other elevated risks were also identified following the COVID jab, including lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes), appendicitis, and herpes zoster infection (source).

At least 16,183 people also say they’ve developed tinnitus after receiving a COVID-19 shot (source). The reports were filed with the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. But considering only between 1% and 10% of adverse reactions are ever reported to VAERS, the actual number is likely much higher.

It’s because of risks like these that informed consent is essential for any medical procedure, including vaccinations. The development of airborne mRNA jabs, however, makes the possibility of informed consent being taken away all the more real. From Mercola

© 2023 Lioness of Judah

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Dr Robert Malone: ‘I’ve Been Labelled an Enemy of the State for Speaking Inconvenient Truths’ | British Thought Leaders

British Thought Leaders


[Blog Editor: To watch on EPOCH TV, you may need a paid subscription so I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel. In the case of the possibility of The Epoch Times sending a copyright complaint to Bitchute, I also posted on my UGETube Channel.]


[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published December 23rd, 2023 16:51 UTC


NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Dr. Robert Malone to talk about vaccines, a global surge in mortality rates, and the consequences of our pandemic policies.

Dr. Malone discusses the weaponisation of language, a global psyops campaign to suppress dissent, and the capture of mainstream media.

Copyright © 2000 – 2023 The Epoch Times Association Inc. All Rights Reserved.


The Epoch Times HOMEPAGE


Sharing Exposing Govt/Medical Tyranny Via Dr. Robert Malone, Et Al

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© November 10, 2023

Dr. Robert Malone has become controversial to Globalists who have come to hate him and by many who fight Medical Tyranny also display animus toward Dr. Malone.

The Globalists hate him because apparently he was an inner circle guy who decided to expose Medical Tyranny.

Many Medical Tyranny Fighters have either disagreed on minor issues brought up by Malone or distrust his past inner circle status leading to criticism. Apparently Dr. Malone has taken issue with his Anti-Medical Tyranny critics and has leveled lawsuits. Hence the Anti-Medical Tyranny animus toward Dr. Malone.

As for me, I am disappointed with the disunity in the ranks battling Medical Tyranny. BUT I have no medical or science degrees that qualify me to take a side. YET I have a history degree which means I can read and think. AND from what I have read, these guys have more in common with each other than not even as they all stick their academic hubris of whoever is correct or whoever is in error, while pleasing Globalists with self-destructive lawsuits. Frankly, I haven’t even paid attention to who is winning what or losing what in this silly lawfare stuff.

BUT I DO KNOW the information put out by Dr. Malone at the very least places dents in the agendas to control the majority with the unelected power of the (largely wealthy Leftist) Globalist minority.

AND SO, I share some recent information which Dr. Malone is the centerpiece (yet involves others) battling Globalist/Medical Tyranny. If you, like me, have noticed your Liberty and Freedom slipping away, YOU MIGHT WANT TO PAY ATTENTION.

Knowledge is power and ignorance leads to controlled slavery.

FIRST UP: The Brownstone Institute picked a Dr. Malone Substack publication and posted it on 11/9/23. Here’s the title: “Anatomy of Deep State Censorship”. The takes a look at a 104-page House Judiciary finding on the U.S. Government (as in Election Coup installed Biden Administration) defining what is GOOD-SPEECH and BAD-SPEECH regardless of actual facts, then SILENCING the defined BAD-SPEECH.

THEN LAST: Is a Bright Light News post I’ve been trying to get to for a while posted on 11/3/23 and features four panel discussion Rumble videos of a conference that took place in September 2023. The 4-video theme is “Fifth Generation Warfare”. The participants: Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone [Robert’s wife], Dr. Mark Trozzi and Dr. Byram Bridle. The BLN title: “[FULL VIDEOS] BLN4: Fifth Generation Warfare with Drs. Robert Malone & Jill Malone with Drs. Byram Bridle and Mark Trozzi | Sept. 20, 2023”.

I discovered the BLN post from the Bright Light News Telegram Channel which posted a 2:49-minute of Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone which I am posting to my Bitchute Channel:

Bitchute VIDEO: Jill Malone Clip reduced COVID-19 Brainwashing Clip

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published November 10th, 2023 16:47 UTC


JRH 11/10/23


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Anatomy of Deep State Censorship

Hidden Deep (Brownstone Institute Photo from Shutterstock)


NOVEMBER 9, 2023

Brownstone Institute

Fellow Americans, the government will take care of you!

They don’t want you to have to worry about information that they don’t approve in your social media accounts.

They don’t want you to worry that the US government would directly interfere with your First Amendment rights, and certainly would never meddle in an election or with your medical freedoms.

That said, the deep state will gladly “contract those jobs out to creepy left-wing “disinformation”-fighting firms.”

A bombshell new report has been published, titled: “WEAPONIZATION OF “DISINFORMATION” PSEUDO-EXPERTS AND BUREAUCRATS: HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PARTNERED WITH UNIVERSITIES TO CENSOR AMERICANS’ POLITICAL SPEECH,” Interim Staff Report by the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government U.S. House of Representatives was released on November 6, 2023.

In that report, the committee laid out the role of the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) and other astroturf organizations contracted (that means paid for) by the Department of Homeland Security to censor Americans.

Representative Jim Jordan on his Twitter account also provided the receipts in how the Election Integrity Partnership was founded, by attaching a letter from the Atlantic Council advising a “sync-up” whereby they created the Election Integrity Partnership in 2020. Ergo, a partnership of four organizations working in collaboration with both the US Government and the Atlantic Council.

Atlantic Council Letter Shared by Jim Jordan

In fact, the EIP is made up of four “partners.” They are the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), The U. of Washington Center for an Informed Public (CIP), Graphika, and the Atlantic Council. Each organization has a distinct role to play, from identifying “spreaders of misinformation,” to identifying the networks of social media landscapes that those so accused interacted on, to actual recommendations to social media companies for removal of identified offending posts, and communications back and further between the government and the EIP. This was done with government monies and resources.

Below is a link for each partner, together with a description of their technologies or recent activities.

  • The University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public (CIP): Their mission “is to resist strategic misinformation, promote an informed society, and strengthen democratic discourse.”
    As of this month (Nov 2023), the CIP has now turned its identification of targets for censorship to identifying the flow of what they view as the “new elites” of X (ergo influencers with large followings) regarding how they share information regarding the Hamas/Israel conflict. The implication being that “X” will be targeted in the future for more harassment by the Election Integrity Partnership.

Rapid Research Report – Target ‘new elites’ of X

  • Graphika: This is a company that specializes in “cutting-edge technology that creates large-scale explorable maps of social media landscapes.” Their in-depth analysis reveals insights to help “clients and partners understand complex online networks and take decisive action.” Graphika lists Harvard, Oxford, and DARPA (DARPA = CIA) as its partners. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]

Near-Real-Time Technology

The Atlantic Council’s DFRL is staffed by former US intelligence establishment technology staffers (ergo, ex CIA and DIA = “Deep State” personnel), and of course the Atlantic Council itself is known as a landing bed for Deep State operatives (otherwise known as a cutout organization). [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]

The DFRL website states:

Centralized and decentralized platforms share a common set of threats from motivated malicious users—and require a common set of investments to ensure trustworthy, user-focused outcomes…

Further research and capability building are necessary to avoid the further proliferation of these threats.

Within industry, decades of “trust and safety” (T&S) practice has developed into a field that can illuminate the complexities of building and operating online spaces. Outside industry, civil society groups, independent researchers, and academics continue to lead the way in building collective understanding of how risks propagate via online platforms—and how products could be constructed to better promote social well-being and to mitigate harms.

Take away all the flowery words and it sure sounds like organized government-sponsored Deep State censorship to me!

Beyond the websites listed above, the House Report does an excellent job of showing how the Election Integrity Partnership worked to censor the American People.

Let’s go back to the Congressional report on censorship. It reads:

Enter the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), a consortium of “disinformation” academics led by Stanford University’s Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) that worked directly with the Department of Homeland Security and the Global Engagement Center, a multi-agency entity housed within the State Department, to monitor and censor Americans’ online speech in advance of the 2020 presidential election. Created in the summer of 2020 “at the request” of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the EIP provided a way for the federal government to launder its censorship activities in hopes of bypassing both the First Amendment and public scrutiny.

This interim staff report details the federal government’s heavy-handed involvement in the creation and operation of the EIP, which facilitated the censorship of Americans’ political speech in the weeks and months leading up to the 2020 election. This report also publicly reveals for the first time secret “misinformation” reports from the EIP’s centralized reporting system, previously accessible only to select parties, including federal agencies, universities, and Big Tech. The Committee and Select Subcommittee obtained these nonpublic reports from Stanford University only under the threat of contempt of Congress. These reports of alleged mis- and disinformation were used to censor Americans engaged in core political speech in the lead up to the 2020 election.

As this new information reveals, and this report outlines, the federal government and universities pressured social media companies to censor true information, jokes, and political opinions. This pressure was largely directed in a way that benefited one side of the political aisle: true information posted by Republicans and conservatives was labeled as “misinformation” while false information posted by Democrats and liberals was largely unreported and untouched by the censors. The pseudoscience of disinformation is now—and has always been—nothing more than a political ruse most frequently targeted at communities and individuals holding views contrary to the prevailing narratives.

<in other words, people that were saying things that the Deep State did not want to be said were the ones being censored>

The EIP’s operation was straightforward: “external stakeholders,” including federal agencies and organizations funded by the federal government, submitted misinformation reports directly to the EIP. The EIP’s misinformation “analysts” next scoured the internet for additional examples for censorship. If the submitted report flagged a Facebook post, for example, the EIP analysts searched for similar content on Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Reddit, and other major social media platforms.

Once all of the offending links were compiled, the EIP sent the most significant ones directly to Big Tech with specific recommendations on how the social media platforms should censor the posts, such as reducing the posts’ “discoverability,” “suspending [an account’s] ability to continue tweeting for 12 hours,” “monitoring if any of the tagged influencer accounts retweet” a particular user, and, of course, removing thousands of Americans’ posts.

The House committee (through Rep. Jim Jordan) also released a google doc (Jira Tickets) that lists some of those censored in chronological order and what their alleged “crimes” were.

In the Jira Tickets list, it is worth noting that on 11 June 2021, the list abruptly changed its focus from “election misinformation” to “vaccine misinformation” and renamed these efforts as the virality project. Almost like there was some sort of directive from the top <sarcasm>.

On the last page of Jira Tickets list, they have included the censorship of my original interview with Tucker Carlson for Fox News. Almost directly after that, the list ends. So, how many times I was recommended for censorship is an unknown. Except that based on the obvious shadow-banning over the past two years, most likely it was in the hundreds of times.

Some screenshots from the Jira Tickets report generated on me regarding the Tucker interview (page nine):

My sin, as shown in the screenshot below, was that I claimed on the Fox interview that the risks outweigh the benefits in teenagers and young adults (per June 30, 2021).

Jira Ticket – Robert Malone

In the image below, the Election Integrity Partnership (now the Virality partnership) notes I am both “General anti-vaccination and also “right wing” in my affiliations.

So this is really creepy. That fact that my political leanings are mentioned implies that being “right-wing” was/is criteria enough for censorship. That this criteria was enough for censorship shows direct election interference.

As this list also labels me as being generally against vaccination. As if being against the mRNA gene therapy for specific vulnerable groups makes one against vaccination. This was enough apparently to be censored.

Jira Ticket – Right Wing General Anti-Vaxx

I believe that is a listing of where that had been shared prior to the censorship:

Jira Tickets on Websites

The Election Integrity Partnership also notes that I am a “repeat offender.”

Jira Tickets on Malone Repeat Offender

Frankly, the whole document and the House Committee report makes me feel violated.

The House report then goes to document how even Congresspeople were censored and that under Biden, the censorship efforts were ramped up domestically.

This did not end with the 2020 election.

After President Biden was inaugurated in January 2021, the government’s censorship regime ramped up. At CISA, the CFITF team dropped any pretense of a “foreign”-focus and relabeled itself as the “MDM team” that would focus on foreign and domestic speech that the government considered mis-, dis-, or malinformation. Throughout 2021, the Biden White House engaged in a pressure campaign against Facebook and other social media companies to censor anti-vaccine content, even if it was true. By 2022, CISA invited Dr. Starbird, then Twitter Executive Vijaya Gadde, and others to form an advisory MDM Subcommittee to consult with CISA about how the agency could and should combat Americans’ speech that the government considered to be mis-, dis-, or malinformation.

But by 2023, as Republicans retook the majority in the House of Representatives and initiated oversight of the Censorship-Industrial Complex, CISA scrubbed its website of references to domestic censorship. The Committee and Select Subcommittee obtained and revealed how Facebook changed its policies because of pressure from the Biden Administration. Internal Facebook documents showed that the Biden White House in particular wanted true information and satire censored at a rate even Big Tech found objectionable.

Based on the Committee’s and Select Subcommittee’s work, even the mainstream media could no longer ignore these constitutional violations. The plaintiffs in Missouri v. Biden have obtained significant victories before a federal district court and the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and now will have their case heard by the Supreme Court. Public reporting shows that universities are reconsidering whether to permit their professors to receive funding and engage in censorship work. But the work is not done yet. The Committee and Select Subcommittee’s investigation remains ongoing.

Clearly, the hit pieces on me by the Atlantic MonthlyNew York TimesWashington Post (twice), Business Insider, the Scientist and Rolling Stone and other mainstream media outlets within a very short timeframe were a coordinated effort to bring me down by the Deep State. I believe that this effort was led by the intelligence agencies and DHS through the Deep State.

Kash Patel nicely discusses how this these types of hits are conducted in his book, Government Gangsters. Whereby the government feeds information into operatives working in mainstream media (ergo, as in CIA Operation Mockingbird). Now I am told that those same hit pieces were used against me in other government circles.

The Supreme Court case, Sullivan v New York Times, resulted in a situation whereby people in the public eye can almost never win a lawsuit for malicious defamation. The Deep State uses this fact to attack, malign, defame, harass and engage in direct character assassination. This is evil. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]

For me, I will never get my reputation back as it once was. However, I will not give up fighting for our freedoms, whether it be to bring back integrity to the FDA, CDC, NIH, DoD and HHS or whether it be reining in the intelligence agency. We all must continue to bring our government to heal.

I will not concede to the Deep State character assassination. I will not let them ruin my life and reputation. And I will not allow them to victimize me.

Republished from the author’s Substack

Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
For reprints, please set the canonical link back to the original Brownstone Institute Article and Author.

Robert W. Malone is a physician and biochemist. His work focuses on mRNA technology, pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research. You can find him at Substack and Gettr

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[FULL VIDEOS] BLN4: Fifth Generation Warfare with Drs. Robert Malone & Jill Malone with Drs. Byram Bridle and Mark Trozzi | Sept. 20, 2023

By Gord Parks

November 3, 2023

Bright Light News

(Sept. 20, 2023) Bright Light News Live Panel 4: Fifth Generation Warfare with Dr. Robert Malone was another stellar evening shining a light on Covid-19 harms, the greater agenda and its machinations. The Covid mass propaganda campaign spurred a humanitarian catastrophe, a restructuring of social norms and helped to normalize authoritarian rule, invisible to most. At stake are individual human rights, the rule of law and democracy…in short, life as we used to know it in favour of a planetary social credit system.

Join us for this special evening, as Dr. Robert Malone, joined by Dr. Jill Glasspool MaloneDr. Mark Trozzi and Dr. Byram Bridle, share vital information on how we can participate in dismantling the wrecking ball that is the “new normal.”

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Rumble VIDEO: BLN4: Fifth Gen Warfare -Dr Robert Malone + Drs Jill Malone, Byram Bridle & Mark Trozzi -Part 1

[Posted by Bright Light News

Published October 29, 2023


Rumble VIDEO: BLN4: Fifth Gen Warfare -Dr Robert Malone + Drs Jill Malone, Byram Bridle & Mark Trozzi -Part 2

[Posted by Bright Light News

Published October 29, 2023


Rumble VIDEO: BLN4: Fifth Gen Warfare -Dr Robert Malone + Drs Jill Malone, Byram Bridle & Mark Trozzi -Part 3

[Posted by Bright Light News

Published October 29, 2023


Rumble VIDEO: BLN4: Fifth Gen Warfare with Drs. Robert Malone, Jill Malone, Byram Bridle & Mark Trozzi -Part 4

[Posted by Bright Light News

Published October 29, 2023


MORE Bright Light News Info focused on World Health Organization (WHO) Tyranny and the World Council for Health commentary on WHO agenda

Copyright © 2023 Bright Light News

Depopulation of Perceived Useless Humans

The Govt. That’s Supposed to Protect YOU Cares ONLY for Globalist-Elitists

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 2, 2023

Okay readers, I’ve embarked on some vacation time with my wife (MY HONEY) of 33-years. So posting and sharing might be a bit sporadic perhaps through Saturday or perhaps longer. All depending on the required attention my wife deserves.


The U.S. Government and most of the one-time Free West governments are under the corrupt domination of Elitists committed to a global cultural transformation which would lead to a One-World Government in which the Elitists get to decide who is useful and who is useless to their agenda. In the Elitist design, the useless must be eliminated. If you support American Liberty, Biblical Morality, the integrity of U.S. National Sovereignty and an Originalist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution; THEN YOU (and definitely I) are considered a useless human.

The actual President Trump apparently is considered the monkey wrench that is feared by Elitists to be thrown into the machinery operating to bring about the Elitist design. Every chunk of mud thrown at Trump has failed to stick from 2016 onward. Every drip of mud has been proven a lie as I have no doubt the current indictment chunks of mud are more false accusations manipulated to jail the monkey wrench – BUT THAT’S A DIFFERENT POST!

I have a couple of Dr. Robert Malone videos (Bitchute Channels: SlantRight2 & The New American) examining role of America’s CIA (and in essence American Intel Community) involvement in what I believe is treasonous activities in spreading COVID as a Depopulation bioweapon contaminant. The American Intel connection to includes the mRNA Jab and following boosters.

THEN I am sharing Mike Adams’ Substack post of 7/31/23 entitled, “Twelve undeniable signs globalists are engineering the end of humanity: Governments of the world are at WAR with food, energy, transportation and commerce that keeps humanity alive”. The title itself points to a depopulation examination and includes a Brighteon video link (It’s a link because Substack does not that platform’s videos. I’m actually going to use the Bitchute on 2 of my blogs for embed purposes).

AND LAST OF ALL I am cross posting a Doctors for COVID Ethics ( share that has a PDF download that is currently free (who know how long that will last and is embedded on the website). The post and 7/28/23 PDF are entitled, “mRNA Vaccine Toxicity”. I downloaded the PDF for a personal read later. If you choose to download it consists of 204-pages.

JRH 8/2/23


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Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. Robert Malone: Genetic Vaccines –  The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published August 2nd, 2023 16:07 UTC

I actually watched the This 4-hour-plus White Coats Summit III (7/2023) through to the Dr. Malone segment. I didn’t have the tech Know-how to video edit the 4 hours down to the Dr. Malone time. THANKFULLY, LifeSiteNews ( did that for me on 7/31/23. Here’s the upload from LifeSiteNews I’m sharing on my Bitchute Channel.

Dr. Malone many things in just over 30-minutes related to mRNA technology, but what grabbed my attention was this paragraph from LifesSiteNews:

His reluctant conclusion is that the novel mRNA injections have been developed by the CIA to assist in a global depopulation program – which has existed in the United States since the 1970s.”



Posted by The New American

First Published August 1st, 2023 21:58 UTC

The CIA is ostensibly the only organization in the world capable of shaping and coordinating the agenda of global affairs. The Covid pandemic was not an exception. Working through its de-facto operational unit, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and hand-in-hand with the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense (DOD), as well as Chinese scientists in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was deeply involved in so-called Dual Use Research of Concern on coronaviruses, presumably for biodefense purposes. Using the cutting-edge technology provided by the United States, the Wuhan lab was able to engineer the virus to look natural. Engaged in a quid-pro-quo with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the United States intelligence community, along with their counterparts elsewhere in the administrative state, covered up all evidence of the nature of the work being done in the lab.

While there is no ironclad evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered as a bioweapon, there are strong indications that it was. For example, it is well documented in scientific literature that coronaviruses provide an excellent platform for bioweapons. Given the strong ties between the CIA and the former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the author of the National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200 (aka the Kissinger Report) that made the case for population control as the official policy of the United States, the motivation of the CIA to utilize the novel virus for such an objective at a time when the global population was getting closer to the Kissinger-set cap of 8 billion is highly possible.

To learn more about Dr. Malone and his work, please visit The Malone Institute :


Twelve undeniable signs globalists are engineering the end of humanity

Governments of the world are at WAR with food, energy, transportation and commerce that keeps humanity alive


July 31, 2023

The Health Ranger’s newsletter

It’s no longer taboo to publicly talk about depopulation. Even many who once dismissed the concept as a conspiracy theory are now publicly acknowledging the reality that global efforts are under way to drastically reduce the human population on planet Earth.

Mainstream media now frequently talks about “climate lockdowns” as a good thing — to cease human activity on planet Earth in order to “save the planet” from so-called climate change, a wholesale fabrication and fake science fraud rooted in the lie that carbon dioxide is somehow bad for life on the planet. (Without it, there would be no photosynthesis, no plants, no animals and no humans.)

Now, corporate media is openly calling for climate blackouts and lockdowns, the rationing of air conditioning and possibly even banning the use of electricity to cool homes and buildings during hot weather days. This is all being positioned as necessary to save the planet, of course. The Los Angeles Times, for example, recently published a story asking whether an “occasional blackout” might “help solve climate change.”

As Slay News has correctly pointed out:

Green agenda alarmists in the corporate media are now calling for widespread electrical grid blackouts for “the greater good” of “solving the climate crisis.” In an article from the Los Angeles Times, the establishment media outlet argues that it would be “easier and less expensive to fight climate change” if the public would “be willing to live with” blackouts.

We are past the point, in other words, of the controlled corporate media saying that engineered blackouts and climate lockdowns are just a conspiracy theory — even though NPR still claims that the push to get people to eat bugs is a conspiracy theory, not long after NPR promoted insects as the next great food source. Now, the controlled media is openly claiming that the functioning of human society will destroy the planet. Therefore, they imply, the only way to save the planet is to take down the food and energy infrastructure that keeps humanity alive.

The current population of human beings on planet Earth, of course, is a function of affordable food powered by affordable, abundant energy (mostly in the form of fossil fuels). Ending this — which is now the admitted goal of climate cultists, Democrats and the same “science” community that told us COVID vaccines were safe and effective — will inevitably result in global depopulation of the human race. No fuel = no farms. No farms = no food. No food = no people. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis] This is the openly admitted goal.

Here, I list twelve undeniable signs that globalists are actively seeking the extermination of the human race from this planet. Note that all twelve of these signs are readily verifiable and not even mere theories. Most of these are openly bragged about by the establishment media, WEF and globalist narrative pushers who no longer even pretend that they are on the side of human sustainability or genetic integrity. They unabashedly seek the annihilation of the human race, and they only make the slightest effort to conceal that end goal by wrapping their planetary genocide agendas in the language of “climate lockdowns” or “vaccine mandates.”

Underneath the lies, the fake science, the rigged elections, the government-controlled censorship and the transhumanism mRNA injections, you’ll find the real agenda: Planetary-scale genocide targeting the human race.

Here are the twelve signs you can’t miss (article continues below):

See video:

The twelve undeniable signs of globalist-engineered planetary genocide against the human race


Posted by NaturalNews

First Published July 31st, 202314:33 UTC

0:00 Intro
1:35 Other News
5:08 CDC
19:00 Terrorism
35:03 THE END of Humanity

– Yellow freight company CEASES operations – #bankruptcy of logistics giant
– Another bank just failed in America while the quietly announced on a Friday evening
– New CDC director to push ANNUAL to accelerate
– White House spoxidiot talks like a high school dropout
– Left-wing media pushing DELIBERATE power grid #blackouts in the name of #climatechange
pushes everyone to eat ze bugs, then claims the narrative is a right-wing conspiracy theory
threatens to NUKE and forces if Ukraine succeeds in taking back Crimea
– Two decentralized platforms for resisting censorship: #Bastyon and #Qortal
– Insane lab discovered in California, breeding COVID-carrying mice
– Dozens of infectious disease agents discovered, seems linked to CCP to attack America with biological weapons
– Full special report: Twelve undeniable signs globalists are engineering the end of humanity


) They are terraforming the planet through planetary-scale atmospheric alterations – Large-scale efforts are under way right now to alter the chemistry of planet Earth in order to make it inhospitable to human life by removing CO2 from the atmosphere through “carbon sequestration” efforts. Since CO2 is necessary for all photosynthesis — which drives the web of life on planet Earth — this effort would collapse all food crops, rainforests, marine ecosystems and more, ultimately killing off virtually all animals and human beings on the planet if not stopped. Without CO2 in the atmosphere, there is essentially no recognizable life on planet Earth, and yet the entire “climate cult” machine (and nearly all Democrats, media propagandists, government regulators, globalists, etc.) are at war with CO2 and are trying to completely eliminate it from Earth’s atmosphere.

2) The biometric inventory of the human race (WorldCoin) has begun, and all humans will be “inventoried” so that globalists can properly track their depopulation milestones – The WorldCoin effort to scan everyone’s eyeballs and create an encryption key based on their biometrics is actually a “human inventory” scheme to digitally record all the human beings known to exist on the planet. This step is necessary to track human depopulation milestones and identify anyone who has not been inventoried by the system… “Unscannable!” from Idiocracy, in other words.

3) They’ve given up on educating young people to be prepared for a productive future – Notice that government-run schools no longer teach anything resembling practical skills, independent thinking or even basic knowledge needed to carry out jobs in a productive society. This is because there is no plan to deploy the younger generations of human beings in any productive activity whatsoever. The plan is to exterminate them, and when you are planning to exterminate a population, you don’t need to bother teaching them skills or knowledge. The abandonment of education — a scheme now fully endorsed by teachers’ unions, by the way — is a proxy for the abandonment of any hope in the future of the human race.

4) Controlled demolition of energy infrastructure that drives human economies – As discussed above, the planned take down of the energy infrastructure is engineered to cause both economic collapse and food scarcity leading to mass starvation. Without affordable, abundant energy, no civilization can thrive. As energy is deliberately cut off, civilizations implode and die. Even though we live in a world with abundant energy, the fascist governments of the world — i.e. western nations like the USA, Canada, Germany, etc. — are prohibiting access to that energy on purpose. The outcome of this is not in question: The collapse of western civilization.

5) Governments are funding, developing and deploying anti-human genetic bioweapons – As if engineered starvation and economic collapse weren’t enough by themselves, western governments like the United States of America are continuing to fund genetic bioweapons that target the human race. The spike protein is one such weapon, and it was engineered into both the covid plandemic and the mRNA vaccines which are designed to maim and kill as many human beings as possible. The US Dept. of Defense is the instigator of these bioweapons, and they have a long history of running illegal bioweapons laboratories in countries like Ukraine (and various African nations as well) while actively developing self-replicating bioweapons which feature ethnic targeting based on genetic differences in biology.

6) There is a coordinated, global effort to destroy seed diversity and make crops unable to reproduce – To make sure that free people can’t grow their own food, a global effort is also under way to control the seed supply and to collapse seed diversity while transitioning agriculture to toxic, genetically engineered seeds that grow crops which synthesize pesticide chemicals right into the crop itself (such as with GM corn). Seed giants like Monsanto (now Bayer) have bought up many smaller seed suppliers over the years, wiping out seed diversity and nearly monopolizing the agricultural supply chain for crop production. This centralization of food production into the hands of a few, powerful corporations is one of the necessary steps to weaponizing food scarcity and using engineered famine as a tool for social control and mass compliance with government demands.

7) Rapid rollout of automation robots to replace blue collar workers and transport drivers – Laborers are about to be made obsolete, thanks to a slew of automation robots that are about to be unleashed into the workforce. Warehouse workers will soon be replaced by bipedal warehouse robots that can handle nearly all the same tasks, and commercial drivers (who work for UPS, Fedex, USPS and various trucking companies) will soon find themselves obsolete and out of work. In agriculture, it won’t be long before crop-picking robots replace the migrant laborers, and even in construction, robots will gradually take over many tasks currently handled by humans.

8) Rise of AI systems to replace white-collar workers: Journalists, artists, coders, writers and more – If you thought your job was safe because you’re a white collar workers, think again: Regenerative AI systems like ChatGPT are on the move and will soon replace journalists, writers, coders, business managers and much more. This is especially true if you are carrying out a job in a routine way, requiring very little innovation or original thought (i.e. you work as a script-reading propagandist for CNN or the Washington Post). It’s easy to see that AI will replace NPCs very easily, in other words. (Non-Player Characters, meaning people who just follow scripts and have no original ideas.)

9) The CDC is rolling recommendations for annual covid injections until you die – The new CDC director Dr. Mandy Cohen is of course an obedient pharma shill. According to The Blaze, she plans to push for annual COVID shots just like annual flu shots — neither of which are effective, by the way. From that story:

“We’re just on the precipice of that, so I don’t want to get ahead of where our scientists are here and doing that evaluation work, but yes, we anticipate that COVID will become similar to flu shots, where it is going to be you get your annual flu shot and you get your annual COVID shot…. That’s where we’re going to,” she continued, and added, “We’re not quite there yet.”

So she’s already decided that annual COVID shots will be approved, even before the scientists have concluded anything on it. As with everything else at the CDC, the politics of Big Pharma drive the science, and Big Pharma’s politics are all determined by profit. So of course annual mRNA injections will do wonders for Big Pharma’s bottom line, and whatever people are oblivious enough to allow themselves to be injected with these experimental jabs will accelerate their trajectory into an early grave.

10) Geoengineering-driven global famine to unleash mass starvation – While we already covered CO2 sequestration and terraforming operations above, this point refers to geoengineering weather control that guides water mass dispersion to produce flood, droughts, storms or anything else that can damage crops and cause widespread food scarcity and food inflation. See for more headlines covering this.

11) Infertility chemicals are being placed in the food supply (atrazine, glyphosate, hormone disruptors) to reduce population sustainability – It’s true that atrazine, the No. 2 most common herbicide in our food supply, is a chemical castrator that “turns the frogs gay.” In doing so, it also causes loss of reproductive viability, leading to population reduction. We currently test for atrazine in our mass spec food science laboratory, and we can confirm that we are seeing atrazine in the human food supply. We also test for glyphosate and heavy metals, among other things, and we see a lot of contamination of the food supply chain.

12) Globalists are preparing to initiate the end of debt-based economics that have driven cheap food and affordable growth of human populations – Cheap food comes from cheap energy. Cheap energy is easier to come by when you have cheap money… i.e. artificially low interest rates and lots of money printing stimulus to prop up a zombie economy. The economics of MMT (Magical Monetary Theory, where delusional economists thinking money can be printed to oblivion without causing any problems) are disastrous in the long run, and when the global debt pyramid of US dollar debt comes to an end, it will unleash a black hole-like monetary vortex that will destroy businesses, wealth and entire economies in record time. This global fiat currency “rug pull” is all being engineered and timed for maximum destructive impact, and it is drawing closer by the day. Soon, globalist banks will ditch dollars and call for a global switch to a CBDC system where they can surveil and control all your income sources and expenditures.

Watch my hugely popular interview with Dr. Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity for a detailed discussion about global finance, supply chains, famine and fiat currency:


Posted by NaturalNews

First Published July 21st, 2023 15:12 UTC

Dr. Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity talks with Mike Adams about currency, ENERGY, supply chains and how this chapter of history ends in catastrophe

To learn more, visit:


Protect your assets, your privacy and your freedoms as the globalist cabal clamps down on human freedom

It is critical to protect your assets ahead of all this. The dollar will collapse, but off-grid assets like gold, silver and certain forms of crypto are far more resilient for a number of reasons. Gold and silver are physical and timeless, while crypto is decentralized and impossible for governments to centrally tear down. Certain types of crypto — known as privacy coins — are nearly impossible for governments to track, censor or confiscate. On my new show Decentralize.TV, we interview pioneers in the space of privacy coins and decentralized content publishing to bypass government censorship. The three privacy cryptos we have covered so far are: … Blog Editor: The rest of this Substack sways from the original intent I needed you to understand, BUT THE INFO MAY STILL BE OF INTEREST. IF SO, CLICK HERE & SCROLL TO THIS POINT OF THE POST.

© 2023 Mike Adams

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mRNA Vaccine Toxicity

mRNA Toxic Gun [D4CE Photo]

Doctors for COVID ETHICS

Readers of our website will be aware that the mRNA vaccines that have been used against COVID-19 have caused injury and death on an unprecedented scale in the history of medicine.

This book argues that these harms had to be expected from first principles of immunology. Furthermore, they are not limited to the COVID vaccines alone; instead, they are inherent in the mRNA technology as such. We must therefore expect that future mRNA vaccines against other viruses or bacteria will be similarly toxic. mRNA technology will never be safe to use for vaccination against any infectious agent.

The book is free to download right here. A printed copy can be ordered from

[Blog Editor: At this the PDF is embedded at D4CE. OR you can download the PDF for FREE HERE.]

Doctors for COVID Ethics HOMEPAGE

Insidious Tyranny – STOP TOLERATING IT!

Posted by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Posted on July 30, 2023

I am astonished about the apparent toleration of Tyranny in America. I watch two videos: The first infuriates my astonishment and the second is some commentary from the pseudonymous Charles Martel on Biden Administration corruption.

The first video is a re-post of a Bannon War Room interview of Dr. Robert Malone (The Website, Bitchute & Rumble). I’m not sure of the original date but I am aware it was recent. The clip I have is about 24-minutes. There are plenty of topics of insidious tyranny, BUT THE BIGGEST topic of treason is America’s own Intelligence Community cooperating with the CCP and Biden puppeteers against the American People.

The next video comes from the Canada Free Press and is essentially Charles Martel narration (almost 11-minutes) of that CFP post. The facts oft denied or obfuscated by Dem-Marxists are actually documented. The video narration makes the post memorable.

JRH 7/30/23


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Posted by Americans United Against The New World Order


First Published July 30th, 2023 15:39 UTC


Dems chose Biden, and the Devil has arrived to collect

By Charles Martel [a pseudonym]

July 30, 2023

Canada Free Press

Government censorship, Hunter’s laptop, the DOJ, the FBI, Merrick Garland, the corrupt press and sweetheart deals.

It is a melange of trapdoors, bouncers and passwords —all hurdles to obfuscate and protect. It is a mountain of disgusting and vile garbage—each and in its own way a specific threat to our well-being.

We must get past the distractions and blow away the smoke to see with clarity.

Hunter Biden is a cog, a button to be pushed, Joe Biden is the centre and throne of the worst political scandal in American History.

Evidence is mounting that he accepted bribes to guide American policy to favor foreign entities, and to enrich himself while selling out his country.

Before us now is a legitimate opportunity. Despite best efforts of Media, Big Tech and Dem polls, this damn stain will not wash out!

There is more and worse to come and cataclysm awaits the loser. But for the first time in a long time the enemy is having to defend its flanks.

Rumble VIDEO: Dems chose Biden, and the Devil has arrived to collect

[Posted by CFPVideo

Published July 30, 2023

Dems chose Biden, and the Devil has arrived to collect, Fear has descended, and the Deep State is trembling, What foul stench adheres to Joe?, Charles Martel Bringing down the Hammer for Canada Free Press]

Site Copyright 1997-2022 Canada Free Press.Com

The ONLY Futility is NOT Resisting

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© May 19, 2023

The MSM propagandists continue to promote Great Reset agenda as the great thing for human progress. BUT REALLY it’s the next design to limit human existence for whatever benefits the few as in a minority of wealthy Leftists and their designs to rule. Their rule was evidenced as possible via through the CCP-virus (aka COVID) restrictions (LYING SCIENCE) and Climate Hysteria (MORE LYING SCIENCE).

I suspect the hysteria to keep an imperfect billionaire – DONALD TRUMP – from re-acquiring POTUS is related to his support of Nation-State sovereignty opposing Globalist One-World Government control. For sure there is much THE DONALD has supported (e.g. the Jab and an international economic agreement he believes supported America First but really had the long term potential to promote Corporatist Globalism), NEVERTHELESS the Dem-Marxist and Globalist hatred of legit President Trump makes him at the very least a symbol of RESISTANCE TO TYRANNY.

There is a Globalist Tyranny spreading across the planet worse than any virus that seeks the end of Liberty of individuals and sovereign nations. If you are a SyFy fan you might recognize WEF Globalists acting like the Borg telling you to comply because RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.

I AM HERE TO TELL YOU assimilation to WEF brainwashing is up to each individual. The ONLY collective We The People should join is to collectively RESIST. DO NOT COMPLY to abandoning your Liberty no matter how many schmoozing lies vainly tell you that it is for your own good.


JRH 5/19/23


Thank you to those who have stepped up! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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The Great Reset is not about achieving their dystopia it’s about creating massive chaos which would put them in charge

Klaus Schwab & Prince Chuck (now King Chuck) (The Exposé photo) – Featured image: Klaus Schwab and Prince Charles on why we need a Great Reset, World Economic Forum, 4 June 2020


May 18, 2023


The Great Reset is a multi-prong attack. “It was decades of trends that led to this. And our whole climate debate now is no longer in the democratic realm – at least they’re pushing it to keep it out of the democratic realm,” Mark Morano said.

In March 2020 our entire climate/energy debate changed. Probably forever. It accelerated a lot of trends. What happened in March 2020, essentially, was the bypassing of democracy for covid regulations. And, as World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab, co-author of the book ‘Covid-19: The Great Reset’, threatened in June 2020: “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reset our world.”

Marc Morano was one of the 50 top scientists and experts who gave a talk at The Heartland Institute’s 15th International Conference on Climate Change (“ICCC15”) held on 25 February 2023. You can find all ICCC15 presentations HERE.

Morano is the founder and publisher of CFACT’s Climate Depot and is the author of the 2021 book ‘Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think’. “[In] my book,” Morano told the ICCC15 audience, “I go through the whole concept of The Great Reset / World Economic Forum.”

His talk, embedded at the end of this article, is based on articles published by corporate media and “their” documented evidence. He used these reports to expose the true nature of The Great Reset. In short, The Great Reset isn’t a gradual shift to improve the lives of the masses. It’s a massive power grab by a select few who believe they should determine how society works on a global scale.

Great Reset Transformation

In the quote above, Schwab is referring to “transforming” every country to be subject to WEF’s “stakeholder capitalism.”  Under WEF’s stakeholder capitalism, a business isn’t evaluated on whether it’s profitable or whether you get a return on your money, Morano said. “It’s all about whether you [ ] meet woke principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, climate [and] environmental goals.”

Morano summarised six aspects of the “new normal” being imposed on the world as part of The Great Reset: 

1. Our free speech rights and currency are being collapsed by government and corporate collusion.

2. Our current energy system is being intentionally collapsed through the net zero utopian vision.

3. Our transportation is being intentionally collapsed and our freedom of movement is being stripped away.

4. Our ability to own property – home and motor vehicles – is being intentionally collapsed.

5. Our high-yield agriculture system is being intentionally collapsed to create man-made food shortages and chaos.

6. Our ability to choose to eat meat is being banned to create demand for us to eat “lab-grown” fake meat and insects.

This is the intentional collapse of modern society, he said. “It’s not really about [them] achieving their utopian vision – whether it’s on energy or the ideal number of people – it’s about creating a massive amount of chaos which would then put them in charge of this chaos.”

“Once they create a food shortage – we’ve been warned by Al Gore and the United Nations and people like James Hansen – ‘Climate will cause great food disruption’. No. The climate policies will cause great food disruption. And so, once their policies cause this disruption, the intentional collapse, then they get even more power and do more of the same policies and that, make no mistake, is how they’re going to get us this chaos and shortages.”

Related: New Factory in the Netherlands Will Produce 3D Printed Fake Meat to Replace Real Meat Produced by Farmers

Stuart Chase Quotes – New Deal & Soviets – “Why should Russians have all the fun remaking the world
A New Deal, Stuart Chase, 1932, pg. 252

In 1932, Stuart Chase published ‘A New Deal’. His book concluded: “Why should Russians have all the fun remaking the world.”  His book was written at the time when The New York Times was praising Joseph Stalin for his land reforms and agricultural revolution. So, what Chase means by having fun is “this vision of this ruling class elite being able to manage and plan and micromanage every aspect of your life – the administrative state – that’s fun for these guys,” Morano said.

Related: Spinning Mass Murder, Maggie Duranty

Adding, “in every era of history, the ruling class has tried to invent ways in which to make the rest of us lose our freedom. And they want to make us happy that we’re losing our freedom. ‘It’s for our own good, we’re protecting you from whether it’s even terrorism or the climate or the environment or food shortages or is this chaos we’ll protect you. You just have to give up your freedom’. And covid was the exact example of that.”

They didn’t achieve their goals as set out in Chase’s book in decades past. “But this has been their goal. So they wait, lie in waiting. They wait for that crisis,” Morano explained.

Using a series of corporate media articles and journals, Morano demonstrated how the “elites” have used the pandemic and climate change “crises” to further their goals. For example, they praised the one-party state system in China as a role model that should be emulated. All this while enriching themselves.

Covid enabled the largest transfer of wealth ever, US$3.7 trillion, from low- and middle-class-income people to billionaires, Morano said. “The pandemic created a new billionaire every 30 hours” while workers faced extreme poverty.

Morano spent a little more time speaking about Bill Gates. Aside from China, Australia had probably the most authoritarian response to the pandemic. Gates said that “if every country does what Australia did,” the world could prevent the next pandemic. Why do we care what Bill Gates thinks?

“Because this man [gives] tens of millions of dollars to the media, buys his own media and. most importantly. he is the number two donor to the World Health Organisation which is [now] seeking a Pandemic treaty.  Bill Gates, next to the United States government, owns the World Health Organisation,” Morano said.

Climate Morphs to COVID/Reset – Robert S Lindzen

Everything we’ve heard in the climate debate has already been used for covid. For example, the demonisation of climate sceptics is the same as the demonisation of vaccine sceptics, the idea of a permanent climate crisis has already been done with the idea of a covid becoming a permanent pandemic and, of course, censorship.

Perhaps one of the most surreal copycats of the covid response is the suggestion to add climate as a cause of death on death certificates. Australian National University Medical School’s Arnagretta Hunter said: “Climate change is a killer, but we don’t acknowledge it on death certificates. If a farmer dies at the end of a five-year drought, we know that the drought probably contributed to his death, but there is no way to record that.”

Further reading: Great Reset By Marc Morano – Chapter 12 Excerpt: ‘COVID Lockdowns Morph to Climate Lockdowns’, Climate Depot

However, “climate cannot stand on its own anymore … I believe it’s going to be climate/covid merged,” Morano said and provided examples of reports which showed the merging of climate and covid ideologies, a few of which we’ve noted below.

In September 2020, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato of University College London, who coined the term “climate lockdowns,” said: “In the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again – this time to tackle a climate emergency. Under a ‘climate lockdown’, governments would limit private vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently. Many think of the climate crisis as distinct from the health and economic crises caused by the pandemic. But the three crises – and their solutions – are interconnected.”

Three months later, Director of Harvard Chan C-CHANGE Dr. Aaron Bernstein said: “We also need to take climate action to prevent the next pandemic … Climate change alters how we relate to other species on Earth and that matters to our health and our risk for infections … Many of the root causes of climate change also increase the risk of pandemics.”

In September 2021, more than 230 medical journals said climate change is the “greatest threat” to global public health and declared that the covid “response” could be a “template” for climate response.

Of course, none of what they claim is true. Reality destroys their claims. We are at the stage where conspiracy realities are outnumbering conspiracy theories. [Bold Text Emphasis is Blog Editor’s]

Youtube VIDEO: FINALLY! The Ultimate Summary of The Great Reset – and a Call to Action! [Blog Editor: You know a truth is involved when Youtube places a Leftist Wikipedia favorable contrasting explanatory note on the video – which you’ll read if you click the title embedded link.]

[Posted by Ivor Cummins

Posted on May 10, 2023


Further resources:




Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion

and the Implications for the Future of the DoD (a DoD report, 2019)

Cyborg Soldier 2050 – DOD Title screengrab


May 17, 2023

Who is Robert Malone

Hiding in plain site on a military website is a 2019 report that was published by the US Army Combat capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center.

“Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD” [42 pages]

The abstract of this report lays out it objectives:


ABSTRACT: The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (Alexandria, VA) established the DOD Biotechnologies for Health and Human Performance Council (BHPC) study group to continually assess research and development in biotechnology…

At the direction of the BHPC Executive Committee, the BHPC study group conducted a year-long assessment entitled “Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Impact for the Future of the DOD”.

The primary objective of this effort was to forecast and evaluate the military implications of machines that are physically integrated with the human body to augment and enhance human performance over the next 30 years.

This report summarizes this assessment and findings;

identifies four potential military-use cases for new technologies in this area; and assesses their impact upon the DOD organizational structure, warfighter doctrine and tactics, and interoperability with U.S. allies and civil society.

In another section, the authors of the study go on:

…“our use of the term cyborg is intended to envision a grander and fundamentally more complex future involving human/machine technologies over the next 30 years.

The cyborg technologies assessed in this study go beyond augmentation, which restores function from injury or disease, and are envisioned to enhance performance through a range of modifications from the functional to the radically structural beyond the normal baseline for humans.

One can also assume that aspects of cyborg capabilities will be enabled through the use of genetic engineering, synthetic biology, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, or any number of emerging technologies…

The primary objectives of this study are to predict the direction cyborg technology will take within the next 30 years, determine how that could fundamentally impact national security,

and make recommendations to senior DOD leadership on how to safeguard the United States and mitigate the threat posed by near-peer exploitation of these technologies.

The four examples of human augmentation presented in this study, which the authors feel are most likely to succeed are:

4 Human Augmentation Examples

Of the four examples listed above, I found the “optogenetic bodysuit” to be profoundly disturbing:

Restoration and Programmed Muscular Control through an Optogenetic Bodysuit Sensor Web

Technical Description: In this scenario, muscle control is enhanced through a network of emplaced subcutaneous sensors that deliver optogenetic stimulation through programmed light pulses.

This enhancement is best described as an implanted digital sensing and stimulation system that is coupled with external sensors (e.g., boot inserts and wearables), which are linked to a central computational controller.

In effect, the human body would have an array of small optical sensors implanted beneath the skin in the body areas that need to be controlled.

These sensors could be manifested as thin optical threads that are placed at regular intervals over critical muscle and nerve bundles and are linked to a central control area designed to stimulate each node only when the muscles below it are needed. Optical control would occur across the network of optical threads in a programmed manner to effect a fluid muscular action in a choreographed “dance.”

Such a network of implantable muscle sensing, computation, and stimulation provides a closed-loop suite that could be used to decrease injury and mortality rates for soldiers through automated hazard avoidance.

The network would also enhance their physical capabilities on the battlefield.

A “body-suit” sounds like such a nice thing, but this is hardly a “bodysuit. This is a network of subcutaneous (implanted) – fiberoptics, which can control the body. These implanted sensors may be linked to some sort of exoskeleton or not.

What is “field” of Optogenetics:

Optogenetics Defined

Tactical employment: 

As the technology develops toward the year 2050, optogenetic body control could help respond to the persistent demand for warfighters to perform increasingly challenging tasks that often push them to the limits of their physical capability. Ongoing efforts to develop warfighter exosystems to reduce energy expenditure have revealed that current technologies often impede operator performance and increase metabolic costs.

An optogenetically controlled body suit could be used to sense an individual’s condition and provide a real-time interface between the human and the exosystem.

This human enhancement would allow dynamic adaptive coupling of the human body with an external exosystem, lead to physical behaviors that are more stable and agile, and optimize energy expenditure in operational environments.

Optogenetic musculoskeletal control systems would not only allow warfighters to interface with external systems that are not permanently adhered to their bodies, but could also be programmed to control their bodies to perform complex tasks for which they are not accustomed.

The optogenetic controller would, in effect, take control of the motions of a warfighter’s limbs, thereby allowing a novice (i.e., the warfighter) to perform functions professionally.

In reading this, I am struck by the fact having another person or computer control someone else’s body sounds an awfully lot like it could be used to force people to do things against their will. Slavery is an ugly word and yet optogenetic body control seems exactly that.

When I think about how we use livestock for ploughing or even riding. Don’t we force them to cede control of their bodies by use of technologies such as a harness? How is this different?

A number of concerns and questions immediately arise. Could this technology be used to control prisoners, force recruits into a mercenary army, be used for hazardous exercises, be controlled by a conscious artificial intelligence?

When this technology is taken out of the context of the military and placed into the hands of a dictatorship (or a corporation)?

The authors admit that this is a grave concern and that there is no legal framework to currently address such questions.

Machines respond to commands, and if command and control are hacked, the human/machine will be compromised. Hackability by external forces could generate the fear of control by others. Even if this risk can be mitigated through enhanced encryption methods, variable authentication requirements, or other methods, the perception that control could be subverted may lead to issues of trust among peers.

For example, if a hostile actor could override an optogenetic body suit or neural implant that controls muscle movement, this could not only create a true threat to the individual, organization, and mission, but could promulgate fears among the ranks of non-enhanced and enhanced individuals.

A DoD report, titled “The Soldier-Cyborg Transformation: A Framework for Analysis of Social and Ethical Issues of Future Warfare” which was written in 1998 shows just how long the military has been working towards a cyborg future.

Soldier-Cyborg Transformation

The public has been asleep. It is time to wake up and take back control of our military, which fully intends that this technology be developed in concert with civilian uses.

Neural enhancement (from the report):

Tactical employment: In this scenario, neural implants for brain–computer interfacing (BCI) would allow for seamless interaction between individuals and secondary assets (machines). This control could be exerted upon drones, weapon systems, and other remote systems operated by an enhanced individual. The enhancement would not simply entail user control of equipment (brain to machine) but also transmission to operator (machine to brain) and human to human (command and control dynamics) to enhance situational awareness as drone, computational analytical, and human information is relayed to the operator….

Neural enhancement through implantation of modulatory electrodes in the brain will allow for rapid interaction between machine and operator through a read/write type of mechanism. These will enable more rapid and integrated control of multiple assets by the enhanced operator, thus improving battlefield awareness and warfighter lethality.

Brain activity will be monitored noninvasively through electrodes placed upon the scalp or skull or more invasively through the direct implantation of electrodes to the brain surface or deeper structures and networks.

At present, researchers have not been able to determine whether the implantation of electrodes is reversible or to what extent affected neural networks adapt to the presence of an implant, thereby complicating removal.

As this technology matures, it is anticipated that specialized operators will be using neural implants for enhanced operation of assets by the year 2030. These operators will include teams from the Special Forces, military pilots, operators of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) such as drones, and intelligence personnel. The BHPC group predicts that by the year 2050, significant advances will be made in the understanding of the neural network and neural implant technology.

With greater understanding, it is anticipated there will be larger deployment of these technologies to military forces, enabling use-controlled operation of weapon systems, network communication and interaction (e.g., corpsmen speaking with doctors or specialists in hospitals to aid in field treatment of combat injuries), and improved warfighter awareness through machine to brain (and machine-enabled remote brain to brain) communication via the use of distributed sensors, transmitters, and reconnaissance drones.

I have written about brain computer interfaces previously. That these can include both non-invasive as well as invasive interventions opens up a host of questions and concerns. Again, the bioethical issues are vast. Including the ability for someone to lose control of their own mind.

A early case example of how these types of technologies can be weaponized –

The Havana Syndrome:

Havana Syndrome Description

The Havanna [sic] Syndrome, which is real has created many questions. Just what is it? Who is controlling it? Could this technology be used to disable large groups of people? How does the technology work? Is it even a “real” syndrome? Our CIA, after years of claiming that the Havanna [sic] Syndrome was the work of nefarious actors, came out with a highly redacted and mostly classified report, whereby they appear to back off on some of these allegations. But critics posit that this report is nothing more than a smoke screen for whatever is really going on.

Is the Havanna [sic] Syndrome an example of an early non-invasive brain-computer interface or weapon?

This technology, particularly without neural implants (through radio waves and pulsed electromagnetic fields), has the capacity to not only act on “volunteers,” but on non-volunteers as well.

Furthermore, if implants are involved – who controls them? The user, the computer or a handler? What happens once someone leaves the military? Can the implants be reprogrammed or hacked? Who owns the data?

The report goes on:

Improvements in neural implant technology could be significant by the year 2050. Anticipated improvements would focus on reducing the level of invasiveness of the implant itself. This could be accomplished through location-specific assembly of electrodes using biocompatible nanoparticles that can be directed through an external force (doped iron oxide nanoparticles that can be positioned through the use of directed magnetic fields) or through improvements to the signal acquisition capabilities of externally placed electrodes and processors. The study group expects that warfighter needs will influence these technological advancements; however, such advances would plausibly lead to revolutionary changes in how society interacts with machines on a daily level. These technologies (personal robots, entertainment options, and vehicles) would be driven and sustained by commercial entities.

The Report also discusses the public’s acceptance of cyborg technologies and the role of the DoD to overcome the public’s fears about these technologies:

The workshop participants unanimously anticipated that state and non-state adversaries will seek to use U.S. deployment of enhanced warfighters to undermine U.S. interests and stigmatize the DOD as unethical.

Given the results of the Pew study, religion seems a likely platform to galvanize these arguments against U.S. interests with entertainment and social media reinforcement.

Mass media, including film and literature, is also a known stage for demonization of cyborgs. From Frankenstein to the Terminator, the message is often that technology’s integration with the human body robs the human spirit of its compassion and leads to violence and grave, unintended consequences.

However, fiction can also reflect imaginative applications of emerging technologies as well as real concerns with those technologies. For these reasons, fiction can be a powerful tool for engaging the public in discussions of bioethics. A better-informed public that creates and consumes media related to emerging technologies may thus help DOD and its partners forecast ELSI concerns to mitigate problems early in the development of enhancement-related capabilities.

The study group recommended that efforts should be undertaken to reverse the negative cultural narratives of enhancement technologies and leverage media as a means of engaging the public. Across popular social and open-source media, literature, and film, the use of machines to enhance the physical condition of the human species has received a distorted and dystopian narrative in the name of entertainment. More accurate depiction of technology and its applications in fiction and nonfiction media could lay the groundwork for a new generation that sees opportunity for societal benefits in cyborg technologies.

If technology is to become a more intimate partner in the physical enhancement of the human species, then DOD personnel must help alter distorted cultural narratives. A realistic, balanced (if not more positive) narrative will serve to better educate the public, mitigate societal apprehensions, and remove barriers to productive adoption of these new technologies. Although not intrinsically a DOD mission, defense leadership should understand that if they intend to field these technologies, public and social perceptions will need to be understood and overcome.

I believe that this report suggests that the DoD engage in psy-ops to convince both Americans and people worldwide that these technologies are safe and our future will be better served by advancing them.

This report was published in 2019. The authors are listed on the front cover. I did a little due diligence on these authors and found that Scott Walper, Science Director, US Office of Naval Research Global, London (second author of this report) has spent this year putting together a “collective” of people to reimagine the world.

The Serendipity Collective is clearly the brain child of the DoD (Navy) and yet that is not exactly crystal clear on the website

WANTED- Visionary Ideas…

Serendipity Collective – Future Reimagined

Seems to me that the psy-ops has already begun!

This DoD report was first brought to my attention by Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, in a substack Notes post.

© 2023 Robert W Malone, MD

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Do Some Research Cuz the Govt LIES!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© April 1, 2023

If you’ve read my posts in the past, you are aware that it is my contention YOUR government/MY government LIES rather than works for the benefit of WE THE PEOPLE. Which means the government is UNTRUSTWORTHY.

SO, let’s look at some real data which actual science normally would rely on, YET government lying science misleads WE THE PEOPLE by telling us not to believe what you see or the science that contradicts lying government (actually lying Globalist neo-Marxist/neo-Fascist) science.

FIRST UP is an interview between Roman Balmakov and Dr. Robert Malone originally from Epoch TV but uploaded to my Bitchute Channel. Part of the title is “DANGERS OF THE SPIKE PROTEIN AND HOW TO DETOXIFY YOURSELF FROM IT”. The title speaks for itself which includes brief discussions on mRNA Sudden Death incidents. BUT what got my attention was Dr. Malone revealing he was double Jabbed and experienced a severe Jab Injury.

NEXT is a GreatGameIndia article with info I’ve actually read similar info earlier (so you may have also), but since it was posted 3/31/23 by GGI, I’m sharing it. The report is from former Blackrock (evil Globalist organization) fund manager who now apparently works as an anti-Globalist. The title: “Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled”. A relevant quote that should inspire a read (keep in mind the lying science position goes something like, “Don’t believe the data, only believe what we tell you the science is.”):

“A new report estimates that 26.6 million people were injured, 1.36 million disabled, and 300,000 excess deaths can be attributed to COVID-19 vaccine damages in 2022 alone, which cost the economy nearly $150 billion.”

THEN an OAN interview between Alison Steinberg and Ed Dowd on Bitchute (about 5-minutes) on this issue – posted 3/31/23. Title: “COVID VACCINE INJURIES WITH EDWARD DOWD – OAN – IN FOCUS WITH ALISON STEINBERG”.

THEN an article from The Exposé entitled, “BREAKING: Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm Graphene Oxide is in the COVID Vaccines & here is how to remove it from your body” dated 3/31/23.

AND LAST of all, I just want to share there are many doctors offering solutions to mRNA Jab damage. Dr. Malone shared what he is using in the first video. Do some research. Another group of doctors under The Wellness Company is selling their protocol regimen which you can read in this article: “The COVID and Spike Detox Fauci Doesn’t Want You To Know About” dated 3/30/23. I am not claiming one set of doctors spike protein detox is better than another’s’. I have noticed way too many of these anti-Globalist science doctors have began to become grouchy among themselves over minor issues of disagreement forgetting they ALL agree on one thing: For whatever purpose, Government-Lying-Science is more interested in controlling WE THE PEOPLE with Political Science.

SO DO SOME RESEARCH and make some critical thinking decisions that work for YOU!

JRH 4/1/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

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Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 30th, 2023 22:03 UTC

I subscribe to The Epoch Times. In this video Roman Balmakov interviews Dr. Robert Malone about the dangers of the Spike Protein delivered along the mRNA Jab. Dr. Malone reveals he is double-jabbed AND Jab-Injured. Then Dr. Malone runs through Spike Protein detox protocols that might save one from a sudden death.



Original Date: 3/29/23

While in Washington DC, we spoke with Dr. Robert Malone about the danger that the spike protein presents within the human body, as well as some good strategies for detoxifying your body from the spike protein.


Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled

March 31, 2023


Research firm Phinance Technologies released a bombshell vaccine analysis that finds $147 billion in economic damage, and tens of millions injured or disabled due to COVID vaccine.

A new report estimates that 26.6 million people were injured, 1.36 million disabled, and 300,000 excess deaths can be attributed to COVID-19 vaccine damages in 2022 alone, which cost the economy nearly $150 billion.

Doctor & Syringe

Research firm Phinance Technologies, founded and operated by former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd, Yuri Nunes (PhD Physics, MSc Mathematics) and Carlos Alegria (PhD Physics, Finance), split the impact of the vaccines into four broad categories to estimate the human costs associated with the Covid-19 vaccine; no effect or asymptomatic, those who sustained injuries (mild-to-moderate outcome), those who became disabled (severe outcome), and death (extreme outcome). Data on vaccine disabilities and injuries comes directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), while the excess death figures are derived from official figures on deaths in the US via two different methods (methodology here).

It’s important to note that people in one category (injured, for example) can move into latter categories of severity – which this analysis does not take into consideration.

“We need to remember that not only are these groupings an attempt to characterize different levels of damage from the inoculations, they are not static and could interact with each other,” reads the report. “For instance, there might be individuals who had no visible effects after vaccination but nonetheless could still be impacted.”

Individuals with mild injuries from the inoculations could, over time, develop severe injuries to the extent of being disabled, or an extreme outcome such as death.”

In an interview, Moderna’s President Stephen Hoge said that he expects its COVID vaccine to be priced at around $130 in the US.

You can read more about this topic here.

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Posted by One America News Networkrumble

First Published March 31st, 2023 14:41 UTC

Edward Dowd, founder of Phinance Technologies and author of ‘Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Death in 2021 & 2022’ discusses the latest on the unraveling of the COVID narrative with Alison Steinberg.

To watch the full show head over to where you can download the OAN Live App to gain access to all of our exclusive full-length content.

Don’t miss out, I’ll see you there!



BREAKING: Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm Graphene Oxide is in the COVID Vaccines & here is how to remove it from your body

By THE EXPOSÉ [staff]

March 31, 2023


Speculation has been rife for over two years that the Covid-19 injections contain Graphene Oxide. A toxic substance that causes strange blood clots and destroys red blood cells.

It has a natural negative charge, whereas red blood cells are naturally positively charged. When the reduced Graphene enters the body and red blood cells, it immediately starts to cause the cells to stack up onto themselves.

This can possibly lead to strange blood clotting, strokes/aneurysms and at worst death. This has been proven by scientists previously (see here).

Brought to YOU by Pfizer

Medicine Regulators have denied the substance is in any of the Covid-19 injections. But this denial is most likely why The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of a safety review on December 11th, 2020.

However, in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered the FDA to release 55,000 pages per month. Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website.

The first batch of documents revealed that Covid-19 vaccination was most likely going to lead to depopulation. With 2 million excess deaths in just the ‘Five Eyes’ countries and just over half of Europe two years after the roll-out, it appears that revelation is true.

But we could not find any reference to Graphene Oxide.. until now.

Graphene Oxide

A full investigation conducted by The Expose of the findings is to come very soon.

Here’s a snapshot of some of the evidence contained the previously confidential Pfizer documents handed to the FDA-

Pfizer Doc Highlighting Graphene Oxide

So, now that it has been confirmed that Graphene Oxide is definitely a secret ingredient of the Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA injection, we can guarantee you are going to want to know how you can remove the toxic substance from your body.

Because it doesn’t just remain in those who have been vaccinated. It is also transmitted to anyone within the vicinity of a Covid-19 vaccinated person (see here). xide.

The image below is of a blood sample from a vaccine-free, or unvaccinated, three-year-old child.  It shows pieces or “shards” of graphene that “are the result of shedding,” in other words the graphene has been transmitted from “vaccinated” parents to their unvaccinated child.

Graphene Oxide Shedding from Jabbed Parents to Unjabbed Child


Therefore, most of the unvaccinated population has most likely been exposed to Graphene Oxide.

Graphene Oxide is poisonous to humans and now it has been discovered in the Covid 19 “vaccines”, in the water supply, in the air we breathe through chemtrails, and even in our food supply.

The toxic substance interacts and is activated by electromagnetic frequencies (“EMF”), specifically the broader range of frequencies found in 5G which can cause even more damage to our health.

“Coincidentally”, the symptoms of Graphene Oxide poisoning and EMF radiation sickness are similar to those symptoms described as Covid.

But the good news is, now that the toxic substance has been identified as a contaminant, there are ways to remove it from your body and restore your health.

This is a holistic approach of using several different methods simultaneously for the best effect. Including, specific supplements to degrade the graphene oxide in the body, and controlling EMFs in the environment to minimize graphene oxide activation.

This information comes from several sources and is based on scientific studies. Links are referenced below.

Understanding Glutathione

Glutathione is a substance made from the amino acids: glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. It is produced naturally by the liver and involved in many processes in the body, including tissue building and repair, making chemicals and proteins needed in the body, and for the immune system.  We have a natural glutathione reserve in our bodies. This is what gives us a strong immune system.

When glutathione levels are high in the body, we have no problems and our immune system functions well. But when the amount of graphene oxide in the body exceeds the amount of glutathione, it causes the collapse of the immune system and triggers a cytokine storm. The way that graphene oxide can rapidly grow to exceed glutathione in the body is by electronic excitation.  Meaning, EMF’s that bombard the graphene to oxidise it, which rapidly triggers the disease.

At the age of 65 glutathione levels fall drastically in the body. This can explain why the population most affected by Covid-19 are the elderly. Glutathione levels are also very low in people with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, obesity, etc.  Likewise, glutathione levels are very high in infants, children and athletes. This can explain why Covid-19 has not affected these people.

Graphene oxide when oxidised or activated by specific EMF frequencies overruns the body’s ability to create enough glutathione, which destroys the immune system and causes the illness.  In events of illness (such as Covid symptoms and all the “variants”) it is necessary to raise glutathione levels in the body in order to cope with the toxin (graphene oxide) that has been introduced or electrically activated.

ICU Intubated Covid Patients Healed Within Hours When Treated with Glutathione And NAC, Example from Ricardo Delgado

We have seen clinical trials with hundreds of patients who were in the ICU, on a respirator and intubated, practically on the verge of death. With bilateral pneumonias caused by the spread of graphene oxide and subsequent 5G radiation in the lung plaques. Well, this diffuse stain in these patients is symmetrical, which would not happen with a biological agent since it would be rather asymmetrical, as for example when there is a pneumococcal infection, right? Well, in that case a diffuse stain usually appears in one part of the lung, but not in another, not in both symmetrically. So, when treated with glutathione via direct intravenous —or even orally as well— or with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) 600 mg or higher doses, people within hours began to recover their oxygen saturation” – Ricardo Delgado,  La Quinta Colmuna

N-acetylcysteine (“NAC”) is a supplement that causes the body to produce glutathione, it is known as the precursor to glutathione and causes the body to secrete glutathione endogenously, just as it does when you do sports intensely.  NAC comes from the amino acid L-cysteine and is used by the body to build antioxidants. Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that protect and repair cells from damage. You can get NAC as a supplement or a prescription drug.

Zinc in combination with NAC are essential antioxidants used to degrade graphene oxide. Ricardo Delgado states that with these two antioxidants he has personally helped people affected by magnetism after inoculation.  This is in people with two doses of Pfizer who have become magnetic and after these supplements they no longer have this symptom.

Other supplements that can be taken to assist in the removal of graphene oxide are:

  • Astaxanthin
  • Melatonin
  • Milk Thistle
  • Quercetin
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D3

For more information on these supplements for graphene oxide removal please see this LINK.

Understanding The Connection Between EMF, 5G, Graphene Oxide, Hydrogels and Covid

Graphene oxide is activated by EMF, specifically the frequencies that are part of the 5G spectrum. All materials have what is known as an electronic absorption band. An absorption band is a range of wavelengths, frequencies or energies in the electromagnetic spectrum which are characteristic of a particular transition from initial to final state in a substance. This is a specific frequency above which a substance is excited and oxidises very quickly. Frequencies beamed at human beings that have a build-up of graphene oxide in their body can cause the graphene oxide to multiply very rapidly, breaking the balance of glutathione and causing a cytokine storm in a matter of hours.

Graphene oxide is the main ingredient in DARPA-patented hydrogels. It is these hydrogels that are in the Covid injections, the PCR test swabs and the masks. A conductive hydrogel is a polymer-like material that has substantial qualities and applications. They are developing different kinds of conductive hydrogels that are being used in many things, in our food, and our water, and injected into our bodies in vaccines. Conductive hydrogels contain nanotech that locks onto your DNA and can be controlled by 5G sensors. They allow for DNA collection and manipulation. Conductive hydrogels allow for the tracking and tracing of human beings. There are thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies and articles discussing conductive hydrogels. We’ve put together a short list of some relative studies as backup documentation.

Summary of Hydrogel & Quantum Dot Nanotechnology Characteristics – Click to Download

It is from these studies that we can summarise some of the characteristics of conductive hydrogels.

Characteristics of conductive hydrogels: self-recoverability, electrical conductivity, transparency, freezing resistance, stretching, self-healing, and stimuli responsiveness which means it does certain things when 5G hits it (or other frequencies for that matter).

We are surrounded in EMF radiation from cell phones (or mobile phones), TV’s and Wi-Fi. Many areas are also turning on 5G and there have been investigations done showing the correlation between the 5G networks and the Covid outbreaks in an area. To best protect yourself from graphene oxide poisoning and the activation of graphene oxide in your body it is necessary to do several things to limit your EMF exposure.

Some suggestions on how to do this include: do not live in a city with a lot of towers if you can help it, turn off your Wi-Fi at night and stay away from smart meters and other smart devices if at all possible. Another option is to use EMF protection products such as orgone energy devices to help transform the EMF radiation to mitigate the harmful effects.

Orgone Energy, EMF Protection and Graphene Oxide

Since graphene oxide is activated by EMF, you want to create a protective barrier in your immediate environment that mitigates the EMF so that it does not activate the graphene oxide. In the 1930’s a discovery was made that can be applied today to help with EMF protection. During a series of experiments, the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich discovered that living samples placed within containers made from alternating layers of steel and non-conductive organic material were able to harness healthy “cosmic energy” from the environment. He called this energy “orgone.” These orgone accumulators and had the ability to: preserve blood samples for longer periods of time; sprout healthier plant seedlings; and, provide pain relief for his patients who sat inside them.

Today, instead of using sheets of steel and plastic we use a composite made from a blend of iron oxide, steel, brass, shungite and crystal powders encased in epoxy resin. The end result is a harmoniser that is able to transform the harmful wireless fields from cell towers, smart meters, smartphones, internet router and your television, into more beneficial energy for you and your plants and pets. The effects of this scientific phenomenon were replicated and well documented in studies done by the University of Pennsylvania and the Heraclitus Microscopic research laboratory.

Striking Resemblance of Reich Blood Test to Recent Graphene Oxide EMF Blood Samples

The most striking study in light of recent discoveries of graphene oxide can be found in the “Reich Blood Test” performed by the Heraclitus Microscopic Research Laboratory. In this test, they show the effectiveness that orgone energy has on the blood. They took two blood samples and put one in a control box and the other in an orgone energy box. Over time they took microscopic photos of the blood samples and witnessed that the orgone energy sample was able to maintain its life force for a longer period of time (it was like the fountain of youth for blood).

When a red blood cell has defects and starts to die, they can develop something called Acanthocyte formation, where multiple spiky like projections of varying lengths protrude from the cell. The pictures below show what it looks like when a blood cell dies.

Reich ‘bions’Reich ‘bions’ 2Reich ‘bions’ 3 (experiments in Oslo 1936-1939)

SOURCE: Reich Experimental Blood Test – Blood Disintegration

Decaying blood cells forming into what Dr. Reich called “bions” from the Reich Blood Test work done by Hericlitus Labs.



Posted on Sep 30, 2020


These slides above are showing the bionic disintegration of living and non-living matter. The healthier cell has a more solid membrane with blue light around it. This blue light is actually the life force or “Aura” of the cell. It is what Dr. Reich called “orgone” energy.  As the cell dies and disintegrates, the membrane wall forms spikey protrusions coming out of it.

The graphene oxide-based nanoparticles used in the Covid injections is designed to penetrate the membrane of the cells in order to get the mRNA into them. This constant penetration of the cell membrane wall could be what is causing these membrane deformities. According to A Laboratory Guide to Clinical Haematology at the Open Education of Alberta:

“Acanthocyte formation occurs as a result of either hereditary or acquired membrane defects. Defects that cause an imbalance between the membrane cholesterol and lipid content affect the RBC’s ability to deform resulting in more rigid plasma membrane”

Now shown below are three photos taken from recent [updated 1 October 2021] blood work from Dr. Robert Young.

His conclusion is that what we are seeing in these blood cells is from the effect of EMF radiation poisoning, graphene oxide poisoning. He calls the formation of the blood cell membranes the “corona effect” and the “spike protein effect”.

blood work 1blood work 2blood work 3

SOURCE: Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene & Parasites in CoV-19 Vaccines

This looks identical to the behaviour of the dying blood cells in the Reich Blood Test experiment. What we are seeing here are cells that have been poisoned and are dying. We also see the formation of the spike protein in the last slide.

A striking discovery is found in the Reich Blood Test that shows how the orgone energy devices slow down and stops this decay of blood cells.   This is showing, at a cellular level, how the orgone energy devices protect the human body from harmful EMF.

The slide below shows the results of the Reich Blood Test. The sample on the left is the one that was inside the orgone accumulator box. The rate of cell death and decay is 5%.  The sample on the right is the one that was not in the orgone accumulator box. The rate of decay is 50%. Clearly, the orgone energy is doing something to help preserve the life force and health of the blood.

LEFT- inside the orgone accumulator box & RIGHT- NOT in orgone accumulator box




The COVID and Spike Detox Fauci Doesn’t Want You To Know About

Fauci Concerned

March 30, 2023

The Wellness Company

While Fauci was lining the pockets of big pharma peddling dangerous and experimental mRNA vaccines, Dr. Peter McCullough has been hard at work determining safe, scientific ways to combat spike protein effects.

As the nation’s preeminent cardiologist, and one of the most trusted medical voices during the pandemic, Dr. McCullough is dedicated to determining what are – and what are not – effective ways to overcome COVID19 and COVID19 vaccine injuries.

And now, this research is bearing fruits.

The ingredient that Fauci and big pharma don’t want you to know about is – Nattokinase. Nattokinase is one of the key ingredients in The Wellness Company’s Spike Support formula.

In recent articles, Dr. McCullough highlighted the safety of nattokinase in counteracting spike protein and potential cardiovascular damage:

“Approximately 15% of Americans who took a COVID-19 vaccine have some new medical illness and regret the shot. Many are looking to nattokinase in formulations of Spike protein support supplements.

“Chen et al reviewed human studies before the pandemic on the use of nattokinase with this introduction: ‘Natto, a cheese-like food made of soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis, has been consumed as a traditional food in Asian countries for more than 2000 years. Natto consumption is believed to be a significant contributor to the longevity of the Japanese population. Recent studies demonstrated that a high natto intake was associated with decreased risk of total cardiovascular disease mortality and, in particular, a decreased risk of mortality from ischaemic heart diseases. Before the 1980s, very little was known about the mechanism by which natto consumption led to overall cardiovascular health. In 1987, Sumi et al discovered that natto contained a potent fibrinolytic enzyme called nattokinase. Since then, a considerable amount of NK research has been performed on NK in Japan, Korea, China, and the United States, and these studies confirmed that NK, an alkaline protease of 275 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of approximately 28 kDa, is the most active ingredient of natto and is responsible for many favourable effects on cardiovascular health. First, nattokinase has potent fibrinolytic/antithrombotic activity. In addition, in both animal and human studies, NK also has an antihypertensive, anti-atherosclerotic, lipid-lowering, antiplatelet/anticoagulant, and neuroprotective actions…The most unique feature of nattokinase is that, as a single compound, it possesses multiple cardiovascular disease preventative and alleviating pharmacologic effects (namely, antithrombotic, antihypertensive, anticoagulant, anti-atherosclerotic, and neuroprotective effects). There are no other drugs or drug candidates with multiple pharmacologic properties similar to nattokinase. In addition, nattokinase is a natural product that can be administered orally, has a proven safety profile, is economical to use, and provides distinct advantages over other pharmaceutical products.’

“In summary this review is reassuring that the ever-increasing use of nattokinase in post-COVID-19 and after COVID-19 vaccine injuries is safe and reasonably well tolerated. There may be additional benefits on the cardiovascular system.”

If you or someone you love would like to try nattokinase, Dr. Peter McCullough and his team of doctors on the Chief Medical Board of The Wellness Company designed a non-GMO “Spike Support Formula” that contains nattokinase plus other extracts.

In The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula you will find:

Nattokinase (dissolves spike protein)
Selenium (aids in helping the body repair itself and recover)
Dandelion root (acts as a detoxifying agent supporting better liver function)
Black sativa extract (may facilitate cellular repair)
Green tea extract (provides added defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals)
Irish sea moss (could help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle)

Here is Dr. Jen VanDeWater talking about all the elements of The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula:

Rumble VIDEO: The Wellness Company – Spike Support Product

What people are saying about The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula:

“I saw Dr. McCullough talk about the product and decided to give it a try. A month and a half later, I feel sooo much better. I also have recommended the product to family members to help them detox from the painful side effects of the vaccine.”

“I feel like I have had brain fog for the past 18 months and after taking this supplement noticed the fog lifting finally. I plan to buy more for myself and now a friend suffering from heart issues.”

“I am grateful for the Wellness Company and for you coming out with this spike protein vitamins. I am a big believer in natural healing and not pharmaceutical drugs. Thank you for doing what is right and for speaking truth in a world that is so dark.”

According to The Wellness Company, purchasing all the separate ingredients of the Spike Support Formula would be over $100 – you can save 36% with the unique formulation in The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula.

Click here to order the Spike Support Formula today!

About our editorial team

The TWC Editorial team is comprised of various wellness practitioners from physiotherapists, acupuncturists, fitness instructors, herbalists, and MDs.

This article does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

© 2023 The Wellness Company. All rights reserved unless otherwise stated.

Are YOU UnJabbed?

Apparently the CDC & FBI Could be Tracking YOU

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 16, 2023

There’s an old cliché: A day late and a dollar short.

Well … Here is some info I might be a bit short in sharing, but if you value Liberty the information is not valued in dollars but in lessening Freedom.

Your lying, cheating stealing government that is supposed to uphold your Constitutional Rights is actually stomping on them like an old Jack-booted storm trooper.

Dr. Mercola writes about CDC tracking mRNA Unjabbed (sometimes removes posts older than 48 hours).

CHD TV has a little less than 51-minute show on the FBI tracking UnJabbed “Educators” in NY State under the title, “Fingerprints of Unvaxxed Teachers Flagged to FBI”. (For embed purposes I use the Bitchute version).

THEN as a bonus on Government Tyranny with a bunch of cooperation in unison with Corporatist-Fascist Tyranny, The New American produced this 27-Minute video entitled, “DEEP STATE END GAME: BIO-DIGITAL CONVERGENCE & TRANSHUMANISM

JRH 2/16/23

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The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

February 14, 2023

Rumble VIDEO: CDC Plot To Track “Unvaccinated”

[Posted by SettingBrushfires

Published February 3, 2023



  • The U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • The program was implemented April 1, 2022, and adopted by most medical clinics and hospitals across the U.S. until January 2023
  • Under this program, doctors at clinics and hospitals have been instructed to ask patients about their vaccination status, which is then added to their electronic medical records as a diagnostic code, known as ICD-10 code, so that they can be tracked inside and outside of the medical system
  • These new ICD-10 codes are part of the government’s plan to implement medical tyranny using vaccine passports and digital IDs
  • They’re also tracking noncompliance with all other recommended vaccines using new ICD-10 codes, and have implemented codes to describe WHY you didn’t get a recommended vaccine. They’ve also added a billable ICD code for “vaccine safety counseling”

As recently discovered and reported by Dr. Robert Malone,1 the U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The program was implemented April 1, 2022,2 but didn’t become universally adopted by most medical clinics and hospitals across the U.S. until January 2023.

Under this program, doctors at clinics and hospitals have been instructed to ask patients about their vaccination status, which is then added to their electronic medical records as a diagnostic code, known as ICD-10 code, without their knowledge or consent so that they can be tracked — not just within the health care system but outside of it as well.

Secret Tracking Program Revealed

The new International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes were introduced during the September 14-15, 2021, ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting. The ICD committee includes representatives from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the NCHS.3

Below is a screenshot of page 194 of the agenda4 distributed during that meeting. According to the NCHS, “there is interest in being able to track people who are not immunized or only partially immunized,” and they figured out a way to do just that, by adding new ICD-10 codes.

As you can see below, ICD-10 code Z28.310 identifies those who have not received a COVID jab and Z28.311 identifies those who are not up-to-date on their shots.

Underimmunized COVID Code Screen Capture

Tracking Unjabbed Is Part of the Biosecurity Agenda

Why do they want to track the unvaccinated? For what purpose? The short answer: to facilitate the implementation of vaccine passports. As noted by Malone:5

“Code Number Z28.310 listed above is not a code for an illness or diagnosis, but rather for non-compliance of a medical procedure … Once a person’s vaccination status is coded and uploaded into large data base, it can be accessed by government and private health insurers alike.

The administrative state officers at the CDC have not made immunization status a reportable disease (yet) but immunization status is listed as one of the reasons for mandatory reporting.6 They are just one step away from being able to collect this information without your permission. Ergo: vaccine passports made easy. In this country, not having your vaccine records ‘up-to-date’ might mean:

•The government will not restrict your travel, airlines will.

•The government will not restrict your travel, other nations will.

•The government will not restrict your travel, auto rental companies will.

•The government will not restrict your travel, public transport will.

•The government will not restrict your travel, private companies will.”

World Health Organization Signed Off on Tracking Codes

The ICD codes were created by the World Health Organization, and doctors — with the exception of those in private practice who don’t accept insurance — are required to use these codes to describe a patient’s condition and the care they received during their visit.

As noted by Malone,7 the fact that the ICD system is run by the WHO is an important detail, as this means the WHO had to authorize the CDC to add these new codes. The implication is that these codes may be in use internationally and we just don’t know it yet.

The codes are entered into your electronic health record and used by insurance companies for billing purposes. They’re also used by statisticians who track and analyze national and global disease trends such as cancer and heart disease rates over time.

Over the past decade, these statistical analyses have gotten easier to do, thanks to the transition into electronic record keeping. In the U.S., the ICD coding system has been fully integrated into the electronic health record system since 2012.

Within the ICD-10 codes, there’s a category called ICD-10-CM,8,9 and this is the category the CDC is now using to track the unvaccinated with specific codes for “Unvaccinated for COVID-19”10 and “Partially Vaccinated For COVID-19.”11

Gross Violation of Medical Privacy Rights

Since there’s no billing or payment involved with being unvaccinated, and since being unvaccinated is extremely unlikely to be part of your disease profile, there’s no valid reason to record anyone’s vaccine refusal. It’s also a violation of medical privacy, as the records can be accessed by a variety of individuals and not just your personal doctors.

As noted by Malone, a person’s decision to get a vaccine or not is a private matter, and your privacy rights are enshrined in the Privacy Act of 1974. However, during the COVID pandemic, medical privacy rights have been repeatedly violated and broken.

Children’s’ vaccination statuses were shared with schools and employers were granted the “right” to know the jab status of their employees. Private venues were even permitted to demand proof of vaccination status — all this without a single word of the law having been revoked or amended.

They’re Tracking Reasons for Jab Refusal Too

If you need proof that these codes will be used for reasons unrelated to your health, consider this: They’re also using codes to describe WHY you didn’t get the primary series or stopped getting boosters. Those codes are listed in the screenshot below, under Z28.3 Underimmunization Status.12

UPDATED Underimmunization Codes

The use of “delinquent immunization status” under code Z28.39 also tells us something about where this is all headed. “Delinquent” means being “neglectful of a duty” or being “guilty of an offense.” Is refusing boosters a criminal offense? Perhaps not today, but some day, it probably will be.

All Missed Vaccinations Will Be Tracked

Another tipoff that these codes are part and parcel of the biosecurity control grid is the fact that code Z28.39 — “Other underimmunization status”13 — is to be used “when a patient is not current on other, non-COVID vaccines.” As detailed on the American Academy of Family Physicians website:14

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have announced three new diagnosis codes, including two for COVID-19 immunization status …

Z28.310Unvaccinated for COVID-19
Z28.311Partially vaccinated for COVID-19
Z28.39Other under-immunization status

According to ICD-10-CM guidelines,15 clinicians may assign code Z28.310, ‘Unvaccinated for COVID-19,’ when the patient has not received a dose of any COVID-19 vaccine.

Clinicians may assign code Z28.311, ‘Partially vaccinated for COVID-19,’ when the patient has received at least one dose of a multi-dose COVID-19 vaccine regimen, but has not received the doses necessary to meet the CDC definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ at the time of the encounter … New code Z28.39 is for reporting when a patient is not current on other, non-COVID vaccines.”

In other words, they have already begun tracking ALL of your vaccinations, not just the COVID shot, and they can use the Z28.3 sub-codes to identify why you refused a given vaccine.

Vaccine Passports Are a Fait Accompli — Unless We Act Now

As noted by Malone:16

“The administrative state is busy building a vaccine passport system that will be active before most Americans are aware of what is being done to them. No one is going to knock on your door asking for your vaccine status because they already know …

They don’t need approval from Congress or the courts because we have given them the information through our health care providers. The CDC is the governmental organization tasked with tracking vaccine status on individuals.

They already have the records, as well as updated booster information. They just need to tweak a definition here and there, or get President Biden to keep the COVID-19 public health emergency in place indefinitely and the vaccine passports will be a fait accompli.”

You Can Now Be Billed for Immunization Safety Counseling

As if all of that weren’t tyrannical enough, they’ve also added a billable ICD-10 code for “immunization safety counseling.” That’s right. If you’ve decided you’re not willing to partake in the mRNA experiment, or you just don’t think you need some other vaccine that’s recommended, your doctor can bill your insurance for regurgitating the WHO’s vaccine propaganda.

“They have codes identifying whether you declined the COVID jab and/or any other vaccine, and for each vaccine refusal, there’s a code detailing why you declined it. ‘Belief or group pressure’ is one of those, and you can bet that code will automatically qualify you for immunization safety counseling, whether you want it or not.”

This may become more or less automatic because, again, they have codes identifying whether you declined the COVID jab and/or any other vaccine, and for each vaccine refusal, there’s a code detailing why you declined it. “Belief or group pressure” is one of those, and you can bet that code, Z.28.1, will automatically qualify you for immunization safety counseling, whether you want it or not.

They also intend to indoctrinate your children, and make you pay for it. The immunization safety counseling code, Z71.85, was described in the September 2021 issue of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Pediatric Coding Newsletter. You have to be a member to read the entire article, but here’s the publicly available preview:17

Reporting Encounters for Immunization Safety Counseling.

As physicians and other qualified health care professionals field increasing numbers of concerns about immunization safety, International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) offers a new code, Z71.85, for identifying immunization safety counseling as a reason for an encounter provided on or after October 1, 2021.

Use this code when reporting counseling provided to patients and caregivers who are vaccine hesitant, wish to follow an alternative immunization schedule, or otherwise require time spent in counseling at lengths beyond that typical of routine immunization counseling.

Code Z71.85 may be reported to indicate the principal or first-listed reason for an encounter or as a secondary reason.

Documentation of time spent in preventive medicine counseling and separate time spent in immunization administration counseling should be explicit in the encounter note to support that the preventive medicine counseling was significant and separately identifiable.”

Unjabbed Teachers Flagged

In related news, in early February 2023 it was revealed that New York City teachers who did not get the jab were “flagged” with a “problem code” in their personnel files, triggering their fingerprints to be sent to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice Services.18

The purpose of this is unclear, but former public school teacher Michael Kane, founder of Teachers for Choice, believes “that unvaccinated NYC educators were being set up to be viewed as ‘right-wing extremists’ or even ‘terrorists.'”

Kane was among those who got fired for refusing the COVID jab. The revelation that teachers’ fingerprints were illegally entered into not just one, but two, criminal databases “are certain to open up a new round of lawsuits,” Kane writes.

Call to Action

Knowing all of this, what can you do about it? How do we stop this madness? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Demand Congress finish what the Senate started by declaring the public health emergency over and done with. January 17, 2023, HR 382, a bill “To terminate the public health emergency declared with respect to COVID-19” was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. This bill must be passed.

2. Contact your Congressional representative and let them know you:

•Support the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’s investigation.

•Want Congress to reject all attempts by the administrative state, the United Nations, the WHO, Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Biden Administration to require a vaccine passport or a digital ID.

•Expect them to work to ensure the freedom of travel for all citizens.

•Expect them to protect Constitutional rights.

•Expect them to protect all rights to privacy, including and especially medical privacy, and since these new ICD-10 codes are in violation of your right to privacy, you want them to take immediate action to ensure the codes are revoked.

With respect to what you can do to protect your medical privacy on a personal level, keep in mind that independent doctors are not required to use ICD codes unless they accept insurance. So, by choosing a doctor who is in private practice, you can avoid getting tagged and trapped in the system.

Sources and References

1, 5, 7, 16 RW Malone Substack January 25, 2023

2 MLN Matters April 2022

3 ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee Meeting

4 CDC ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee Meeting September 14-15, 2021

6 Reportable Diseases

8 Healthcare Brew November 21, 2022

9 National File February 2, 2023

10 ICD10data Unvaccinated

11 ICD10data Partially vaccinated

12 Naked Emperor Substack January 27, 2023

13 ICD10data Underimmunization

14 AAFP New Diagnosis Codes

15 ICD-10-CM guidelines

17 AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter September 2021; 16(12)

18 Teachers for Choice February 9, 2023

© 1997-2023 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.


Bitchute VIDEO: Fingerprints of Unvaxxed Teachers Flagged to FBI

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published February 15th, 2023 21:20 UTC 

FEB 14, 2023


Host: Michael Kane

Guest: Betsy Combier

Original Description:

Betsy Combier discusses the threat of a ‘Problem Code’ to unvaccinated NY educators in terms of payroll. How is this labeling based on vaccination status a scary omen of the future of personal data tracking? What hazard does this pose for both NY educators and the rest of the population? Michael and Betsy examine the link between this classification, the FBI and fingerprints. Don’t miss this!



Posted by The New American

First Published February 14th, 2023 14:11 UTC

The nightmarish Deep State vision for the future is more horrific than most can even imagine as technology advances, warns author and The New American publisher Dennis Behreandt in this episode of Behind The Deep State with host Alex Newman. Behreandt, who wrote the new book End Game: Covid and the Dark State Quest for Bio-digital Convergence in a Transhumanist World, starts off by sounding the alarm about the “elites” and their radical views on overpopulation. He proceeds to discuss the “singularity,” where technology reaches unpredictable heights. And he details some of the terrifying technologies already in use or development that promise to bring about changes that are unprecedented in human history, including some which are difficult to even imagine.

Beware the mRNA in Food Connection

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 9, 2023

The statistics from VAERS (U.S. government tracking based on voluntary reporting ERGO probably even worse) demonstrate the mRNA Jab program is dangerous AND NOT the government/Big Pharma lie of “Safe and Effective”. Here is a screen capture of a VAERS chart summary updated through 1/6/23 picked up and shared by USSA News (this one of many data charts through that date):

To be up front: Our government lies and the Pharmaceutical Industry lies about the mRNA safety and efficacy. If you are a critical thinking person, you should begin to ask, “WHY the lie?

Chairman (as in 2020 Election-Coup installed President) Joe Biden is displeased with Americans beginning to reject continual mRNA Jab boosters because Americans are becoming aware of the largely under-reported mRNA problems yet are making the connection anyway. As you ask yourself, “WHY the lie?”, look at this video I discovered on Telegram or Facebook (I can’t remember which) and placed on my Bitchute Channel:


Posted by SlantRight2

First Published February 4th, 2023 16:56 UTC 


Unsurprisingly I found little information on Search Engines (I almost never use Google, Bing or Yahoo). The Search Engine alternatives touted as privacy conscious seems to follow the guidelines in burying sought-after information that bucks the narrative-lies. There were many politically-Left oriented Fact-Checkers honoring the narrative. Therefore, you will have to do your own thinking on the danger of mRNA in your food supply.

The video I placed on my Bitchute Channel sounds a lot like this Axcess News story from 9/21/21 of a Stew Peters interview with  Deanna Lorraine. The story is short so here it is in entirety including the video:

Researchers Putting mRNA Vaccines in Food

By Ernest Dempsey

September 21, 2021

Axcess News

The mRNA vaccines like those developed for COVID 19 are now being put into food as a university in California experiments to grow edible plants with mRNA in them.

Developing Plant-Based mRNA Vaccines

On September 16, the University Of California, Riverside, announced on their website a new project that attempts to develop plant-based mRNA vaccines that can be eaten instead of injected in the body via a syringe. Funded with half a million dollars by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the project aims at incorporating mRNA into plant cells in such a way that the molecule can replicate in the plant tissue and accumulate to a level that is enough to vaccinate a person who eats the plant.

Juan Pablo Giraldo, the lead researcher of the project, was cited telling that his team is testing the approach with spinach and lettuce.

We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens.

Giraldo also said that farmers could eventually “grow entire fields of it.”

mRNA Salad – Image @ Word Matters

Grounds for Controversy suggested that making a vaccine you can eat as a salad can be a way to overcome the controversy vaccination by injection causes for many people. The site wrote:

So what if you could replace your next shot with a salad instead?

On Stew Peters’ show, Deanna Lorraine talked about the technology of mRNA in plants and indicated that this seems a way to sneak the potentially dangerous vaccine in salads as if vaccinating people without their knowledge.


[Posted by The Beautiful Now

First Published September 21st, 2021 10:05 UTC


Lack of Media’s Interest in the Story

While the project of growing mRNA in plants to serve as vaccines sounds innovative and potentially controversial, it seems to have entirely escaped the mainstream media’s attention or interest. No major news website or channel seems to have featured the story and all stories about the project are found on smaller, independent sites and on social media.


My Bitchute video and this Axcess News story is about mRNA and the vegetable food sources.

Dr. Robert Malone on January 11, 2023 wrote about Big Pharma looking injecting mRNA tech into the livestock from which we get our meat-food. Dr. Malone informs Big Pharma has been experimenting on the process since 2016. Even more disturbing Dr. Malone highlights there not a FDA public trial process for safety because it all about animals rather than humans.

I’ve noticed many sources quoting Dr. Malone’s findings most of which to me is Revolver News which adds credibility regardless of Leftist Fact-Checkers spinning the accepted and mostly propaganda lies: Dr. Malone shares dire warning: mRNA vaccines are being injected into our food supply… (1/12/23)

The cross posts for convenient reading are as follows:

What kind of lunacy thinks a proven dangerous mRNA Jab can be good in any kind if delivery system?!

JRH 2/9/23

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mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are here now.

The current (public) receipts are included in this essay, and more are on the way

RNA Particle Dose for Livestock by Merck

By Robert W Malone MD, MS

January 11, 2023

Who is Robert Malone

Before we can discus mRNA vaccines for livestock, pets and wildlife, we must first address the elephant in the room. That is, how come the public is able to access human clinical trial information, but is not able to do the same for clinical trials involving animal health?

During the early days of the AIDS epidemic, the AIDS community demanded public access to clinical trials. In 1988,  the U.S. Congress passed the Health Omnibus Programs Extension Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-607) which mandated the development of a database of AIDS Clinical Trials Information Services. This Congressional Act motivated other non-profit disease related groups to demand access also.

The Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 amended the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and the Public Health Service Act to require that the NIH create a publicly available clinical trials database. This eventually led to the development of the website  This allowed tracking of drug efficacy studies resulting from approved Investigational New Drugs (including vaccines).

The law requires (from Wiki):

  • Federally and privately funded clinical trials;
  • The purpose of each experimental drug;
  • Subject eligibility criteria to participate in the clinical trial;
  • The location of clinical trial sites being used for a study; and
  • A point of contact for patients interested in enrolling in the trial.
  • The National Library of Medicine in the National Institutes of Health to host the public website/database

(BTW, one of my former clients held the federal contract to support and Pubmed. I have spent time in the back rooms of the NLM and do know a fair amount about these things….)

The searchable website was made available to the public via the internet on February 29, 2000. makes searching for human clinical trials easy.  For instance, a quick search reveals that there are over 50 clinical trials for mRNA vaccines in progress and over 200 registered.

With animals, there is no such database.  mRNA vaccines in the “animal health” or veterinary markets are difficult to track until the company or the USDA is ready to release information on that product’s development or release. The USDA and/or the NIH have no mechanism for tracking potential new vaccines, drugs or biologics for the animal market.

Therefore, one must rely on press releases, the occasional peer reviewed paper, conference notes, USDA grant and contract notifications, university websites and company profiles for discovery of such new products. Not adequate, in my opinion, and most definitely not transparent. By federal law, the public should have open access to the results of this type of federally funded research.

In today’s substack, the state of mRNA “vaccines” for animal “health” is discussed.  Citing public sources, I will review what is known and not known about commercial liaisons and partnerships, the corporations involved, ongoing research and products in various states of development. 

Bayer Partners with BioNTech to Develop mRNA Vaccines, Drugs for Animal Health

Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News.  May 10, 2016

Bayer will partner with BioNTech to develop novel, first-in-class mRNA vaccines and therapeutics for animal health indications, the companies said today, under a collaboration whose value was not disclosed.

Bayer agreed to secure exclusive rights to BioNTech’s mRNA technology and intellectual property for development of mRNA vaccines for animal health applications…

The companies said their partnership is the first of its kind focused on developing mRNA therapeutics specifically for animal health applications.

Infectious disease vaccines is the focus of one of the three therapy platforms BioNTech is building through mRNA technologies; the other two are cancer immunotherapies and protein replacement. The three platforms are designed to produce pharmacologically optimized protein coding RNA for targeted in vivo delivery…

2016. This means that Bayer and BioNTech have been working on livestock and companion animal mRNA vaccines for over six years…

Logic predicts that they will soon have livestock and companion mRNA vaccine and RNA therapeutics on the market.

Bayer, BioNTech developing new mRNA vaccines May 16, 2016

Companies collaborate on cutting-edge technology to develop new solutions to protect companion and farm animal health.

Again, note the date…2016. This means that Bayer and BioNTech have been working on livestock and companion animal mRNA vaccines for over six years…

There are three therapy platforms that BioNTech has been building through mRNA technologies to be used in livestock and companion animals.

  • Infectious disease vaccines
  • Cancer immunotherapies and
  • Protein replacement.

Bayer to manufacture mRNA vaccine in Germany

Bayer Website, February 1, 2021

“Following discussions with the German government it has become clear that current manufacturing capacities for vaccines need to be increased, particularly for potential variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

This includes the need to expand production capacity as well as related manufacturing expertise in Germany.

We at Bayer will contribute even further by making more vaccine available to help fight the pandemic.

So, Bayer lent their mRNA manufacturing vaccine facilities for use for the making of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Given the above 2016 press releases, that Bayer and BioNtech were collaborating to make mRNA vaccines for the animal markets, it would make sense that these facilities were actually built for the production of veterinary vaccines.

SEQUIVITY: Custom Swine Vaccines, using RNA vaccines.

Merck Website, Accessed Jan 2023

Combat current and future swine diseases with SEQUIVITY from Merck Animal Health. revolutionary swine vaccine platform, SEQUIVITY harnesses RNA particle technology to create customized prescription vaccines against strains of influenza A virus in swine, porcine circovirus (PCV), rotavirus and beyond. It’s supported by a sophisticated dashboard filled with comprehensive data and insights, all to help you stay on top.

Important to know. Merck is already selling mRNA vaccines for swine. For whatever reason, they are selling these products as “customized prescription vaccines against strains of influenza A virus in swine, porcine circovirus (PCV), rotavirus and beyond.” This is an interesting market segment. Merck’s reason to limit the production of mRNA vaccines in the “customized prescription” market is unclear. Production facility size and scaleability of the RNA product could be factors.

Acquisition Expands and Complements Merck Animal Health’s Strong Vaccine Portfolio

Merck Press Release, November 12, 2015 5:00 pm ET

MADISON, N.J., November 12, 2015 – Merck Animal Health (known as MSD Animal Health outside the United States and Canada) and Harrisvaccines, Inc., today announced the companies have entered into an agreement under which Merck Animal Health will acquire Harrisvaccines, a privately-held company that develops, manufactures and sells vaccines for food production and companion animals.

“As a leader in biologics, Merck Animal Health has built a robust portfolio of vaccines across all animal species,” stated Rick DeLuca, president, Merck Animal Health. “Combining Harrisvaccines’ R&D and portfolio of products with our strong capabilities and global reach will enable us to address even more devastating diseases that are impacting production animals and reinforce our commitment to the science of healthier animals.”

Harrisvaccines offers innovative technology and an important portfolio of vaccines, with a focus on production animals, an increasingly important segment as consumer demand for protein continues to grow worldwide. The company has a unique RNA Particle technology which represents a breakthrough in vaccine development. It also has a highly versatile production platform able to target a wide range of viruses and bacteria. Pathogens are collected from a farm and specific genes are sequenced and inserted into RNA particles, making safe, potent vaccines able to provide herd-specific protection.

This pioneering system is rapidly adaptable to new disease challenges and was instrumental in producing the first conditionally licensed vaccine to help control Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv), a deadly virus that has killed more than eight million piglets since suddenly emerging in the U.S. in 2013.

Read that last paragraph again. Slowly.

Sometime before 2015, the USDA issued a conditional license for a mRNA vaccine for use in pigs for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv), information about this product can be found at

Basically something akin to an emergency use authorization was issued around 2014 or 2015. Just like with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, full licensure was not granted but the conditional license remains in place. Is this a strategy to circumvent the USDA vaccine licensing and/or authorization process?

To conclude:

Like with the BioNtech’s veterinary mRNA vaccine development, Merck’s development of an mRNA vaccine product started years ago. For Merck, it may have begun in earnest in 2015 with the acquisition of Harris Vaccine.


IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY (grant summary page)

Non Technical Summary

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a significant viral pathogens of young cows that is a key component of the respiratory disease complex and often leads to secondary bacterial pneumonia. Prefusion F has recently shown to be highly efficacious in barrier housed RSV challenged cows. However, the difficulty in generating prefusion F along with the cost of its production are a hurdle for adoption to the farm. RSV immunity also tends to wane quickly and given the complications of field or pen raised cattle and their stressors and other circulating diseases, and a protein vaccine may not prove highly efficacious in the real world. Here, we will test a novel mRNA vaccine system we have developed that substantially lowers the price point for production animals and may lead to more thermal stable transcripts compatible with vaccinating on the farm. The use of an alternative delivery system rather than lipid nanoparticles will also lower the vaccine costs. We expect to demonstrate efficacy of the vaccine platform using mice at first as proof of principle before switching to a full cow vaccination and challenge system in year 2. Our overall goal is to test a novel mRNA system for inducing immunological protection from bovine RSV infection. We hypothesize that a prefusion F mRNA delivered continuously by vaccine implant will lead to prolonged and robust cellular and antibody immunity. Here, we will optimize our vaccine further and then test for potential correlates of protection to examine for in eventually challenged cows.

Research into mRNA vaccine livestock vaccines in New Zealand and Australia continues with governmental fast-track approval.

NSW fast tracks mRNA FMD and Lumpy Skin Disease vaccines (in cattle)

The NSW Government has taken another step towards fast tracking the world first mRNA vaccines for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease, inking a deal with US biotechnology company Tiba Biotech

A Foot and Mouth Disease mRNA Vaccine Deal Has Been Signed Between the NSW Government and US Company Tiba Biotech

Finally, inquiring minds want to know… what is Pfizer up to?

Pfizer animal health goes by the name Zoetis.

Zoetis clearly does not make its animal vaccine developmental stages known to the public. Internet searches do not reveal much inside the workings of Zoetis, in terms of mRNA vaccines. However, we can safely assume that development of mRNA vaccines and therapeutics for “animal health” are underway – so stay tuned.

Zoetis Screen Capture (Malone)

Finally, there are mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 for wildlife that have been developed and authorized for distribution by the USDA.

Black-footed ferret COVID-19 vaccination seems to be working

The Wildlife Society, Feb 18, 2021

After finding similar species can be infected, researchers quickly began to increase safety protocols at zoos and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Black-footed Ferret Conservation Center in Colorado, the main source of the captive-breeding and release program for the federally endangered species.

“They have done a magnificent job in keeping those animals safe,” said Tonie Rocke, a research scientist with the USGS National Wildlife Health Center who works with ferrets.

But U.S. Geological Survey researchers who also study black-footed ferrets had learned about recent studies in mice and hamsters, demonstrating safety and efficacy of vaccination against COVID-19 using purified viral protein. They decided to try something similar on a handful of ferrets this past May and June.

The vaccine used in ferrets is different — it’s a simplified version of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccinations now being used for humans — and it’s based on a similar protein, said Rocke.

Under the authority of the USFWS, the scientists could test the solution on a handful of ferrets in a process that is much quicker than the extensive approvals needed for commercial vaccination for humans like the Pfizer or Moderna inoculations.

The isolated ferrets that had received this trial vaccination produced antibodies against the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, I could find no updates to this program and whether it was expanded into other wildlife populations.

Again, something akin to an emergency use authorization was issued for this experimental vaccine. Just like with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and the RNA porcine vaccine above, full licensure was not granted but it appears that the conditional license remains in place. I raise the question again, is this a USDA and/or corporate strategy to circumvent the USDA vaccine licensing and/or authorization process?

The issue being of course, that there is no mechanism for “right to know” of animal health vaccine development.

There were news stories in 2020 that mRNA vaccine(s) were being developed for COVID/SARS-CoV-2 for administration to livestock and companion animals. However, the lack of updates suggest that these plans may have been scrapped with the new, less virulent variants.

Who is Robert Malone is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

© 2023 Robert W Malone, MD


Youtube VIDEO: Is mRNA Entering our Food Supply?

Posted by Larry the guy from Michigan

Posted on Jan 16, 2023

On January 11, 2023, Dr Robert Malone, co-inventor of the mRNA process, published a post on his substack where he offered several citations and quotations about RNA animal vaccines being developed and deployed by major pharmaceutical companies, and warning that through such animals, genetically adjusted meat products are entering the human food supply. I react, as well as sharing a warning given to Christians more than 100 years ago suggesting that eventually it would be prudent to abandon meat as a food source.

Larry Kirkpatrick also offers the Open Hands audio Podcast twice a week at, which addresses he rapid increase in soft totalitarianism enveloping our world.

He has been engaged in pastoral ministry since 1994, serving several congregations. He has authored books including Real Grace for Real People, and Cleanse and Close. He has been plenary speaker at symposiums and a presenter on several continents. He presently serves as pastor of the Fremont and Muskegon MI Seventh-day Adventist churches. Every morning he shares short Bible devotionals for those who want to start their day with God.

[Blog Editor: In case of Youtube censorship, this video can be watched HERE:]


Government and Big Pharma plan to taint food supply by injecting animals with mRNA vaccines

Dairy Cattle Grazing

By Arsenio Toledo

January 18, 2023

Natural News

(Natural News) The government and Big Pharma companies are planning to taint the nation’s food supply, specifically by injecting animals with mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccination technology, noted that information on this new development is sparse because mRNA vaccine use for “animal health” or for other aspects in the veterinary markets is difficult to track until either the company developing this or agencies like the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) release information on the product’s development.

Furthermore, neither the USDA nor the National Institutes of Health have a mechanism for tracking the potential release of new vaccinations, drugs or other biologics for the animal market. (Related: The US meat supply may soon be widely contaminated with mRNA proteins from biotech “vaccines.”)

Some of the earliest evidence of Big Pharma developing mRNA vaccines for animals came from press releases.

In 2016, Bayer partnered with Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine developer BioNTech to create “first-in-class mRNA vaccines and therapeutics for animal health indications.” Bayer and BioNTech followed this up with another statement claiming that they are collaborating on cutting-edge technology to develop new solutions to protect the health of companion and farm animals.

“They are injecting animals with these [mRNA vaccines] and are planning on doing a lot more than that,” warned Attorney Thomas Renz. “Do we want gene therapy injections into animals? More importantly, if they do put that in there, what is the likelihood of transmissibility to humans?”

mRNA vaccinations extremely deadly for animals

Since 2016, more and more news has been coming out of Big Pharma companies developing veterinary mRNA vaccines and animals being subjected to mRNA trials. One such trial from Australia featured a 17.5 percent death rate for cattle.

The incident occurred in the Australian state of New South Wales, where a cattle farmer was forced by the authorities to vaccinate 200 heads of cattle with mRNA vaccines. Thirty-five of those cattle died instantly.

Dylan Eleven, writing for Principia Scientific, noted that the surviving members of this herd of cows have already had their DNA altered by the mRNA vaccines.

Furthermore, Eleven warned that the food supply of Australia may already have been infected. Details are scant, but it is strongly suggested that the animal trial involved dairy cows. This means their milk has already been altered, along with other dairy products produced by the surviving herd, including butter, yogurt, cheese and meat.

“Please take the time to urgently warn others,” wrote Eleven. “Literally consuming dairy would be like a vaccine, and that goes for cheese and other food products that have dairy including cheese, pizzas and sandwiches.”

Eleven further warned people to be cautious of consuming cow meat products, especially if people are not certain where they come from.

“My hope is that we find a way to deal with this,” said Renz. “But the key here is that we’ve got to keep pushing the truth out because unfortunately, we can’t count on our federal government to do anything legal or ethical.”

Learn more about the dangers of mRNA vaccines at

Watch this episode of “Another Renz Rant” as Attorney Thomas Renz talks about mRNA vaccines infecting the food supply.

[Blog Editor: Natural News uses the Brighteon Video Platform for the Thomas Renz video in the post. For my embed purposes, I’m using Bitchute below.]


[Posted by Thomas Renztomrenz

First Published January 16th, 2023 14:35 UTC


This video is from the Thomas Renz channel on

More related stories:

mRNA vaccines for animals and livestock have arrived – get ready for a transgenic meat supply laced with spike protein.

If mRNA is now being found in breast milk, then COVID “vaccine” safety claims are lies.

LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of cattle DIE immediately following mRNA “vaccination.”

Study finds 84% increase in incidence of cardiac-related DEATH among men under 40 following mRNA vaccination.

Scientists look to create chimeric mRNA vaccines that can be deployed through food.

Sources include:

This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. 




FEBRUARY 4, 2023

Musings from the Lunatic Farmer

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s DEFENDER has done us all a wonderful service by shining the light on the plethora of pharmaceutical efforts to create mRNA vaccines for livestock.  I won’t reiterate all the companies and initiatives outlined in that report.           

The important thing to realize is that the popular backlash against off-the-shelf livestock antibiotic use came to a halt in 2021; these medications now require a veterinarian’s prescription. Of course, plenty of unscrupulous veterinarians, working for industrial corporate companies, can write these in-house.   And within the industry, almost nobody believes rampant antibiotic use posed any threats to humans.  Their silo is simple:  make cows grow faster.  Or chickens or pigs or whatever.  Plenty of livestock is still getting antibiotics.

When Bill Clinton was elected president and hired a French chef who promised “free range chicken” the conservative talk-show and former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan interviewed me for his show.  His first question:  “What is different between your pastured chickens and the ones in regular industry houses?” 

My quick reply:  “Mine don’t do drugs.” 

Pat:  “Why do they use drugs?” 

Me:  “To make them grow faster . . .” 

He interrupted (as talk radio hosts are wont to do):  “What could possibly be wrong with making something grow faster?” 

Folks, cancer is a fast growth.  This idea that nature has no balance, that no ecological boundaries exist, that life manipulation and re-arrangement has no limiting protocols, is endemic in food-as-machine thinking.  While consumer advocates celebrated a great victory by supposedly reducing antibiotic use in livestock, it fired up the vaccine industry. Have we traded the devil for the witch? 

Post-covid, we now know that perhaps mRNA injections have more negative side effects than antibiotics.  Like a lot of things, the higher the tech and the less accessible for the average person, the more catastrophic the side effects if things go awry.  In other words, herbal remedies for covid would never cause myocardial infarction—heart attacks for most of us.           

The livestock vaccine industry is exploding, much of it financed by taxpayer money through government initiatives.  In other words, without taxpayer subsidies, these things would develop much slower.  But as it is, public money stolen from you and me through confiscatory taxes is like throwing rum at a pirate.  It makes them go wild.

Will the unintended consequences of mRNA injections in livestock be worse than MRSA and Cdiff, the most prominent superbugs created by antibiotic resistance?  Nobody knows.  Nature often doesn’t issue its progress report immediately.  It takes awhile.  Just like it takes awhile to know whether your parenting skills yielded kids that don’t go to jail. 

Delayed reaction is baked into a lot of things, including technology and certainly including manipulative instruments below the cellular level.  We’re not talking here about salves and ointments.  How about instead of creating a $30 billion per year livestock mRNA industry, we create a livestock sector that’s fundamentally healthy, with a robust immune system?  Doesn’t that sound like a better investment? 

What we need is every fan of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to refuse to take their grandchildren to McDonald’s.  Surely we can suffer a bit of inconvenience by refusing to patronize entities that think health comes out of an mRNA jab. If the 37 percent of the U.S. population that refused the covid jab would boycott all industrial food, it would completely collapse the industrial food complex.  That’s certainly not as big a sacrifice as facing a death squad. 

If you had $30 billion a year to invest in healthy livestock each year, how would you spend it?

© 2018 [Joel needs to update his copyright me-thinks]JOEL SALATIN. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Musings from the Lunatic Farmer HOMEPAGE