An Intro to Dr. Malone’s – ‘Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”’

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

May 6, 2024

Dr. Robert Malone (self-described inventor of mRNA tech – OF INTEREST: HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE) is a person that evokes love, hate and a little of in between the love-hate emotion stretching across both sides of the political spectrum. Leftist-Globalists (science & Mockingbird Media) outright vilify him. A large element of the Right honor his academic-science pedigree yet there are a significant amount of Anti-Medical Tyranny advocates (I won’t go into the who, what & why) who have disagreements with Dr. Malone. Those disagreements have led to mutual civil lawsuits between people who should otherwise be allies against the Globalist agenda.

Dr. Robert Malone (Daily Wire Photo 2/1/22)

On a personal level, as far the Anti-Medical Tyranny advocates go. Rather than focus on their disagreements, I focus on their agreements. Even if hubris among these science Anti-Medical Tyranny fellows prevents openly congratulating each other’s agreements, it is there and is huge AGAINST Medical Tyrants.

AND SO, I’m going to share a Dr. Robert Malone Substack post which I encourage to read with some critical thinking discernment. Why? Because quite possibly you will not concur with all of Dr. Malone’s assessment. NEVERTHELESS, it is my opinion Dr. Malone’s assessments in the post should be eye-opening of the-how threatens an individual’s personal Liberty.

The title: Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”: Fight for life, freedom, and sovereignty.

The three assessments addressed in the title:

1. The Medical Industrial Complex

2. Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology

3. Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting

JRH 5/6/24


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Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”

Fight for life, freedom, and sovereignty.


May 4, 2024

Who is Robert Malone [Substack]

Mussolini Quote on Fascism

Today, I’m delving into three important topics, covered from a Christian conservative/free market and nationalist perspective. I will place each within a global geopolitical framework.

My goal over the past four years of the COVID crisis has been to decipher our collective experiences. This has guided me to focus on the broader, more comprehensive picture.

Throughout this past year, I have actively participated in three ‘Global Crisis Summits’ (Brussels at the EU Parliament, Romania, and Washington DC in conjunction with CPAC), among numerous others.  Just three days ago, I returned from Romania, where I had the privilege of speaking at the ‘Make Europe Great Again’ conference. These experiences have underscored the fact that our understanding of the COVID crisis is most effective when viewed within a broader global context.

Today, I will dig into three fundamental topics that have been at the forefront of what has happened over the past few years.

1)    Medical Industrial Complex

2)    Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology

3)    Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting

1.     The Medical Industrial Complex

We need to start with the meaning of words.

“Medical Industrial Complex” refers to the increasingly powerful, transnational, public-private partnerships linking academia, pharma/biotech and both national government and supra-governmental organizations such as the United Nations and its Agenda 2030 treaty, the World Health Organization and its International Health Regulations, and the World Economic Foundation among others.

These types of public-private cooperative relationships have a name. That name was created by Benito Mussolini. We know this name. The name is Fascism (corporatism). That is the union of the state and corporate power. We should call it what it is.

One of the things that has happened throughout the COVID crisis and the ongoing process of globalization and harmonization is the weaponization and perversion of language.

We have to call things by their true names despite what that may imply or how the press may react to it. For example, we are not far-right. We are center-right. The truth is that our opponents have become far-left. We have allowed the press and corporate media to redefine language and demonize us as far-right, but the truth is that they are the radicals. They are the far-left. We have to refuse to allow them to capture and pervert our language. We must take it back.

Language controls thought. It controls how we structure our understanding of the world.

Pharma and biotech are major global economic engines, and the profit and power of this sector have allowed managerial leaders in this sector to become more powerful than individual nation-states through corruption, electoral interference, and economic hegemony.  The COVIDcrisis provides abundant examples to illustrate this.  Weaponized fear of a modestly pathogenic respiratory virus has enabled the sector to extract concessions and wealth from both national and supernational (EU) organizations.  At this point, there does not appear to be any organization that can hold these “public-private partnerships” accountable for their actions and misdeeds.

Pharma and biotech were once major economic engines for the US and European economies. They are no longer. Overall, these sectors are now increasingly dominated by US and EU competitors, in particular our unrestricted warfare competitor, the Chinese Communist Party, and our geopolitical frenemy, India.

To the extent that drugs and biologics are manufactured in the USA, they are made using precursor compounds that are also manufactured by CCP and Indian-controlled companies. If the USA and NATO find themselves in a major “hot” conflict with these offshore competitors, we will find ourselves without access to essential medicines within weeks due to supply chain restrictions.

Much of the current drug supply is manufactured offshore in facilities that are essentially self-monitored, as the FDA has chosen to rely on local inspection and monitoring. The FDA assumes that these quality control processes are being performed according to US regulatory standards.  To the extent that independent monitoring of imported drug and biological products has been performed, the data indicate that FDA “trust” in this offshore quality control monitoring is misplaced.

Dr. Malone Exhibit 1

Exhibit 1: The FDA conducted no inspections in China or India between April 2020 and March 2021.

Dr. Malone Exhibit 2

Exhibit 2 shows that FDA inspector days for the Chinese region were less than ten days per year.

Chinese pharmaceutical imports in 2022 were around $196 billion, the second-largest U.S. goods import, just behind the automotive industry.

The US Federal response to this threat has not been to create policies favoring repatriation of these industries to the US and its allies, but rather to fund a Virginia facility to stockpile precursor compounds.  But Congress has not followed through on even this modest program, and although the facility has been obtained, the purchase of the stockpile has not been funded.

Meanwhile, the integrity, transparency, consistency and reliability of the FDA has been compromised.  A massive wave of retirements and resignations has resulted in the agency being transformed from within, due to loss of both expertise and the rise of a politicized culture largely staffed by non-US trained personnel. Today’s FDA is one in which regulatory decisions have become unpredictable, arbitrary, and capricious, as well as decoupled from previously accepted international norms. The revolving door between FDA retirees and big pharma gets ever larger.

The corruption of the FDA is now recognized worldwide, and this has eliminated a key US competitive advantage.  Previously the FDA was seen as the global “gold standard” neutral guarantor of biopharmaceutical product purity and quality.  Now the FDA acts to choose winners and losers in the global competition to innovate in order to address unmet human health needs (and to generate profit and industrial growth by doing so).

The loss of FDA integrity has destroyed the logic that purchasing and importing US biopharmaceutical products merits higher costs to ensure higher quality. Politicized governmental actions have economic consequences.

2.     Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology

Social media developed by the US intelligence and enhanced by the UK intellectual community has been developed as a weapon. Make no mistake about it, social media as we know it; Facebook, Twitter- as it was formerly embodied, all of these social media tools are weapons. They are psychological warfare weapons. They were designed as weapons.

They were designed and deployed in Arab Spring as political psywar weapons in order to facilitate regime change. This strategy is considered a huge success by US intelligence. Then the shock came when Nigel Farage and his UK Independence Party used social media to achieve Brexit. This was done in large part via decentralized social media communication, and that shock was further enhanced when Mr. Trump became President Trump.  Suddenly, the United States intelligence community, the State Department, and all the infrastructure that they control and use to exert control all over the world woke up and recognized that they had a problem. And that problem now extends to the populist movement here and across the world, a populism which we represent as center-right conservatives.

That challenge now represents an existential threat to NATO itself, because if Europe wakes up to the techno-totalitarianism that is being imposed from the central bureaucracy in Brussels (that is, the European Union), and it begins to exert the value of the independent nation-state, there is a perceived risk by the US State Department and intelligence community that the European Union, that structure that has been created to hold a Europe together will dissolve. It will fragment, and if that fragments, NATO will fragment, and if NATO fragments, then the United States Foreign Policy Establishment believes that they will find themselves at significant military and geopolitical disadvantage in an increasingly multilateral world.

This is resulting in a response from the US Intelligence Community and State Department, in which they feel justified to employ virtually any non-kinetic method in order to enforce and maintain the current status quo. Recognize that this is the case. To be clear, I’m not advocating for the dissolution of the European Union or the dissolution of NATO. I am reporting to you that this is the perception of the American and the five Eyes intelligence community, and they will do anything to avoid this consequence. They feel justified by the utilitarian logic that “anything goes, the ends justify means”, in order to defend the current world order and the plans for the future that they have developed.

As a consequence, psychological warfare technology is being widely deployed by “democratic” governments. This is technology that was developed for offshore combat. NATO considers this to be a central tenet of its current warfare planning. NATO calls psychological warfare technology a key aspect of modern hybrid warfare. This advanced technology is being deployed by governments and globalists on common citizens now because of the existential threat to the dissolution of the European Union, the perceived existential threat to NATO, and the need to maintain consensus by controlling all information in an increasingly multilateral world. This is being accomplished through propaganda techniques (such as the IC denial that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real in 2019), neuro-linguistic programming, and nudging, as well as censorship and the manipulation of internet algorithms of search engines.

In other words, in response to the threat of China, Russia, the rise of the Middle East, the fall of the petro-dollar, there is a widely accepted belief among the western “democracies” that it is necessary and acceptable to deploy psychological warfare technology on their citizens.

I argue this is fundamentally unethical. Psychological warfare technology, as it is currently being deployed and has been developed, can completely control all aspects of information that you receive, what you think, what you feel, and what you hear.

In a world in which governments feel it is acceptable to deploy psychological warfare technology on their citizens, the concept of individual and national sovereignty becomes completely obsolete. We can argue about whether or not “in-person voting” or “remote ballots” or “long periods for voting” is enabling for voter fraud. But all of this is completely irrelevant in the face of modern psychological warfare.  When this psywar technology is deployed on citizens by their government, when everything that they hear, feel, think, believe, is controlled through this tech, through social media, through established media, through all messaging- then the nuance of voting is completely irrelevant.

Again, this is unethical and a breach of human rights. Humans have the right to access information in a democracy, which is fundamental to the social contract. How can we have a social contract when the citizens of nation-states are not allowed the information to make informed decisions? That’s where we’re at right now, and it’s justified because of the fear of this existential crisis.

This is evil as far as I’m concerned. This is a major breach of human ethics. We’re disrespecting the ability of individuals to act as sovereign beings.

Most importantly, the deployment of propaganda and censorship blocks innovation and adaptation to change. Cultures cannot adapt; they cannot innovate if they don’t have access to full, diverse, accurate information. This is the most important thing of all. We will become stagnant. Do we have examples of this type of stagnation? What happens when information is completely controlled? The former Soviet Union knows the answer. Those who lived under Ceausescu in Romania know the answer. Those who lived under Salazar in Portugal know the answer.

3.     Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting

There are many lessons that we can learn from the COVID crisis, but one of the key ones has to do with “what is globalism”. We toss this term around, we never seem to define it. It’s as if it’s amorphous beast. We can’t put our hands around it.

Globalism is central planning.

Centrally Planned Economy – Investopedia

We have seen the effects of central planning during the COVID crisis.  The former residents of the Soviet Union understand central planning. We understand the harm that comes from central planning, from bureaucrats determining our future, making decisions about how a nation state, an economy of people, should adapt to changing conditions.  During COVID we have seen how easily centralized planning can be corrupted and perverted to support a wide variety of hidden agendas.

Central planning is also associated with cultural homogenization, the drive to create one culture, which is basically driven in the current case by intentional destruction of diversity to reduce economic friction.

This globalization thrust is basically justified by large economic forces in order to support the agenda of transnational, globalist organizations, particularly corporations in their cooperative relationships with large transnational governmental organizations.  Recently, Blackrock CEO Larry Fink spoke the quiet part out loud, when he discussed the need to reduce the global human population and substitute robotic workers to produce goods and services.  This is all perversely driven by a model for future society collectively referred to as transhumanism.

This is anti-human.  This is a death cult, aligned with a wide range of promoted anti-human policies including abortion, destruction of religion and family values, and of course the abomination of gender reassignment surgery and transgenderism.

These policies are being actively and globally promoted using censorship, propaganda, and modern psywar methods.

We must have access to unrestricted information, which means free speech and freedom of thought. Now, that comes at a price—a price of personal responsibility, a price that people will be potentially exposed to information that may be damaging or offensive. But if we refuse to allow them to have access to information and diversity of thought, we will prevent our ability as nation-states and cultures to adapt to changing conditions.

And if there’s one thing that we absolutely must have right now, it’s the ability to innovate and adapt. That’s how we escape the Malthusian trap. All this fear of global warming and population growth; that’s what this is all about. And the counter argument to the Malthusian argument is that humans adapt. Humans can change, humans can innovate. But they can’t innovate if all information is controlled.

States and cultures which resist propaganda, censorship, and weaponized fear have a competitive advantage. In a multilateral world, Romania should not apologize for advocating for autonomy. Independent European nation-states should not apologize for going their own way and innovating. They must do so. They must do so because it will give them a competitive advantage.

I argue that independent nation-states are the laboratory for innovation, cultural innovation, political innovation, and economic innovation. They must be allowed sovereignty and autonomy. If they don’t, the world’s ability to adapt to change will be stifled.

The best way to allow the world to adapt to change is by respecting the principle of subsidiarity. This is the concept that decision-making authority should be delegated to the smallest, most local competent level.  The principle of subsidiarity demands decentralization. The ultimate component of a decentralized adaptive world is not the nation-state, it is the family. We need to celebrate the family as the core of the principle and thrust of the concept of subsidiarity.

The weaponization of fear via propaganda to control people is unethical. We have seen repeated justification by academics and bureaucrats and governments and transnational organizations – that the weaponization of fear is acceptable in the service of the overall public good as they define it. We have seen this in the case of the COVID crisis in the service of public health. The weaponization of fear by governments to control people is unethical, and it should not be allowed under any circumstances. It should not be tolerated. We must call it out when we see it.

Last point: We have a difficult fight ahead of us. This difficult fight is not going to be resolved with one election, the election of one politician, or a change in leadership at the European Council or the President of the United States. These issues have been developing for decades, in many cases for at least a century, and they are not going to be resolved in the short term.

We have a long-term fight in front of us, which will require years of effort in fighting this fight.

Do not self-victimize, and don’t complain. Again and again, I hear this cry of

  • poor me”.
  • “It’s such a hard job we face”.
  • “There’s so many obstacles”.
  • “Our opponents are so entrenched, they’re so powerful”.
  • “They have so many forces”.
  • “They control the media”.
  • “They are so mean”.
  • “They are so unethical”.

Stop whining. We have a fight. We have to fight that fight, and it does no good to complain.

It’s a wonderful thing. What a wonderful thing to have a worthy opponent.

It is the greatest gift in the world, and by God, we have a worthy opponent. We must not complain. We must not shirk. We must confront the evil that is ahead of us, and it is not going to be easy.

Fight for your future and that of your children. Celebrate this opportunity to fight for your future. What a gift to have an opportunity at this point in time to make a difference. Celebrate it.

Refuse to be a victim. Choose life, not death. Do not apologize, and fight for life, freedom, and sovereignty.

Thank you for reading Who is Robert Malone. This post is public so feel free to share it.

© 2024 Robert W Malone, MD

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Blogger Naughty List, PART ONE

Personal Blogging History Leading to the Naughty List

By John R. Houk

© June 2, 2023

Well… It’s time to share some censorship occurrences that have occurred on Blog platforms I have used over the years.

First off – In my earliest days of curmudgeon opinionating a relative (I should say step-relative) who computer/Internet tech skills encouraged me to begin a blog. At the time that relative shared my ideological stance. And so, that relative built a website for me AND even created the website’s name. Thus SlantRight was born.

Unfortunately our shared ideologies began to part ways. I won’t go into details because the issues were/are sensitive. And frankly, I can only guess why this relative began a Left direction while I remained on the Right or Conservative direction. At any rate, we had a definitely split on m writing opinions.

Even though I was told I owned the website and the domain name, it turned out the website was on their platform and the relative paid for the domain name. When ideology came to the push/shove point, I was point banned from posting on my own website.

The relative allowed the website to exist as an archive site for years. Then I realized the writings really became outdated, I finally concurred to a very old website to disappear.

In the mean time I started two blogs on two separate platforms:

  • NeoConservative Christian Right on WordPress (I usually abbreviated as NCCR)

The SlantRight on Blogger moved right along until I began receiving Blogger error messages notifying me I had exceeded the number of labels or tags I associated with each post. Still being a little too tech deficient, rather than deleting labels I decided to create another Blogger blog. And thus SlantRight 2.0 was born.

And now the NCCR story.

After some Muslim terrorists decided to hijack some airliners and fly them into American buildings. At the time was totally on board with the narrative the jet airliners brought down the Twin Towers. I mean I watched LIVE the second airliner crash into one of towers!

I resisted for a long time the Truther narrative that the government toppled the Twin Towers. I AM NOW FULLY AWARE my government lies. AND it has come to my attention those Muslim terrorists may have been manipulated by Intelligence elements in our lying government to carry out such an attack. WHICH MEANS the attack was preventable… BUT THAT IS ANOTHER POST.

Again – at any rate – I had read several books on Neoconservativism. The theme withing Neocon ideology that hooked me went something like this: The Liberty and Freedom programed by our Constitution in a Representative Republic of for the people and by the people should be shared with nations that have lived under despotic dictatorships in some cases for hundreds of years. The ideology being that if people had the opportunity to choose American-style Liberty and Freedom in their own lands, they would embrace the chance. The notion being Nation-Building.

This is what the Global War on Terrorism taught me about Nation-Building: People who have lived under the brainwashing rules of tyrannical Shariah Law for thousands of years are incapable of embracing Liberty and Freedom. That kind of choice would mean rejecting Islam. NO ONE is going to reject their religion when the culture is built around such tyranny as normal.

It took me awhile but I have long since abandoned the Neocon principle of Nation-Building especially in Islamic dominated nations. If foreign people reject American Liberty and Freedom, there is no reason for an American Military or American Intelligence Agency to meddle in the internal affairs of foreign peoples.

HENCE MY ATTITUDE has swung full circle. If America cannot  influence people to better themselves, why even try? America should only look within. America should swing back toward pre-WWII ISOLATIONIST thinking. Let those Old World Europeans shoot themselves in their own feet with endless wars. Let Islamic tyranny oppress their own people who seem to embrace such tyranny in the name of Allah.

BUT IF those endless wars Europeans desire to bring their new Globalist-Marxist-Fascist-Corporatism (GMFC) to American shores, I say RESIST IT! IF Caliphate-minded Muslims want to extend Sharia tyranny to American shores, I SAY RESIST IT!

If there are Americans who want to embrace the GMFC One-World-Government the Dem-Marxists are promoting, I SAY LEAVE! Join the tyranny outside of American shores. If there are Americans who want to embrace Liberty-thieving/Freedom-robbing Sharia Islam, I SAY LEAVE. Enjoy your life in Mecca.

And so the NeoConservative Christian Right (NCCR) is no more. The link is the same – – the name has been changed to the Conservative-Patriot Christian Right (CPCR). If you still look at old posts from years gone by, you may still see “NCCR” initials following commentary. There are way to many years to go back to change to “CPCR”.

Which will bring me to PART TWO of this post.

I received about 30-notifications (more or less at the top of my head) from Blogger, that numerous posts were removed/unpublished at the SlantRight archive site for violating Blogger Community Guidelines. I’M TALKING POSTS FROM OVER A DECADE AGO that have been fine and dandy for years have mysteriously showed up on Blogger Naughty List.

I find the Blogger Naughty List to be annoying. Since I typically cross post on two blogs, I am going to list the titles and maybe an abbreviation paragraph and point to what is the Conservative-Patriot Christian Right post. BUT keep in mind, these posts will be old so you will run into the old “NCCR” initials. THAT WILL BE PART TWO.

JRH 6/2/23


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MORE Woke Blogger Censorship of Past

My Guess: Woke Trigger is Probably Breivik Symbolism

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© April 10, 2022

SOME HOW I’ve gotten on some Woke Blogger (owned by Google) Censor’s agenda. Apparently that Censor is sifting through old posts that were A-OK with Blogger Guidelines in years gone by YET current guidelines are now being retroactively applied.

The latest in Blogger censorship is on a SlantRight 2.0 post entitled, “Breivik’s Christian Revolution” originally posted 7/29/11. YUP the year is 2011!

I am willing to bet most readers today do not even know who Anders Behring Breivik is.

Breivik was a European (Norwegian) White Supremacist Neo-Nazi who used the writings of legitimate Counterjihad writers and authors who understand that Islam was and still is dangerous to a Christian influenced Western Civilization. Breivik took those legitimate Islamic exposes and twisted them into excuses to perpetuate serial killings of Norwegians under the delusion it would result in the violent expulsion of Muslims from Europe. The nutjob actually sought parole in 2022 after killing 77 people in 2011. If he was in the U.S., I have no doubt Breivik would have received a death sentence in his trial.

Does Anyone See the Irony of Unmasked Villain & Masked Guards?

Anders Behring Breivik parole hearing 1/19/22

The Blogger censored post is me responding to a relative – who then and now – I will NOT reveal the identity of which  we together had theological and ideological differences that persist. The relative – which I call “Dear one” – was criticizing my Christian faith by associating my Counterjihad sentiments to those of Breivik.

Honestly, I found it infuriating that Breivik twisted the writings of legitimate critics of Islam so effectively, that one writer in particular – the Norwegian who went by the pseudonym Fjordman [SlantRight 2.0 SearchCPCR (formerly NCCR) Search] – had to defend himself in Court [Last Legal Foundation Endorsement demonstrating legal issues] and reveal his actual name placing a target on him from Muslim-nutjobs who desire the death of all critics of Islam. [You can see the reason I am such a Fjordman fan by reading a host of his old posts linked the Gates of Vienna under the moniker The Fjordman Files]

The link of SlantRight 2.0’s post entitled “Breivik’s Christian Revolution” is a dead link now due censorship:

The same title at The Conservative-Patriot Politics and Christian Right (CPCR – formerly NCCR) is updated as of 4/10/23 if you wish to read my stand with the “Dear one” that Blogger censored: Keep in mind the original post was in 2011 originally thus most of the embedded links are dead links.

JRH 4/10/23

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Hmm…A Trump Indictment & Woke Politics = Censorship?

Just Wondering

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© April 4, 2023

Blogger has embarked on censoring older posts from SlantRight 2.0 based on their Community Guidelines (WHICH CAN BE READ HERE). Here are the Sub-Headings to the Community Guidelines page which upon first perusal appears reasonable but when applied to Conservative thoughts you can guess the skewed hypocrisy (especially in light of the recent President Trump witch hunt indictment of nothing-burger law):

Blogger Content Policy

Community Guidelines

Adult Content

Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation

Dangerous and Illegal Activities

Harassment, Bullying, and Threats

Hate Speech

Impersonation and Misrepresentation of Identity

Malware and Similar Malicious Content

Misleading Content

Non-Consensual Explicit Imagery (NCEI)

Personal and Confidential Information


Regulated Goods and Services


Violent Organizations and Movements

Unauthorized Images of Minors

Violence and Gore


Enforcement of Blogger’s Content Policy

When you compare that which was Blogger (actually Google) censored, closest I MIGHT come to a violation a reporting on the violent LEFT. OR the godless immoral LEFT. Do you think Blogger censors actual Leftist calls for violence against Conservatives or Patriots or Christians or Jews? Does Blogger censor Drag Queen shows for children or transgender promotion among children? I DOUBT IT!!!

So I’m embarking to sharing the content to mirror Blog The Conservative-Patriot Christian Right (CPCR – formerly NCCR when I once agreed with Neoconservative principles until they proved unworkable in Islamic dominated nations) by link only enabling you the reader to decide if the censorship is valid.  KEEP IN MIND the Blogger censorship is occurring NOW to posts in many cases that happened a half a decade or longer ago.

Unpublished by Blogger for Community Guideline violation:

Defining Core Beliefs

Original Link (now a dead link):

Original Date: 9/15/12

CPCR still exists:

The post contrasts two platform views from 2012 between Democratic Party and the Republican Party on Abortion and Traditional Marriage. The post is so old most of the embedded links do not even work. The source is the politically active Christian organization Wall Builders (which as of 1:30pm CT 4/4/23 the link would not open in my browser).


Half Citizens

Original Link (now a dead link):

Original Date: 9/28/16

CPCR still exists:

Shamim Mahmood (sometimes spelled Mehmood) who is a Pakistani-Christian shared a short history of Muslim discrimination against Christians in Pakistan. The post occurred in 2016. This same Shamim was since punished for his years of civil rights activism in Pakistan with an abduction and torture incident in 2021 (Read about incident HERE & a 30-minute interview between Sheraz Khan & Shamim about 2021 incident on Facebook) and has since left his homeland Pakistan. The “Half Citizens” then are the oppressed Christians in Pakistan. I guess writing about oppressed Christians is against Blogger Guidelines.


Is Fundamental Transformation Sealed by Marxist Anarchy?

Original Link (now a dead link):

Original Date: 8/22/17

The post exposes violent Leftist organizations in 2017. Apparently in 2023 the post now violates Blogger Community Guidelines. CPCR still exists:

FOCUS: Antifa violence and Antifa sub-organizations


AND NOW two posts Blogger claims have a reader warning slapped on it (implying the warning may continue, be removed or post might be “unpublished):

Woodward’s ‘Blue Wave’ Launch Pad: Fear Crazy Trump!

Original Link (Currently with a Reader Warning):

Original Date: 9/12/18

CPCR Link:

This is a cross post of Mark Alexander from The Patriot Post evaluating similarities between a Bob Woodward book and a NYT article by “Anonymous” castigating President Trump.


Booker Nightmare: Republicans Call for Investigation as Gay Man Goes Public with Sex Assault Allegation

Original Link (Currently with a Reader Warning):

Original Date: 10/22/18

CPCR Link:

If you click the CPCR link, you’ll notice the Western Journal requested I take the post down. But not for egregious content, rather because WJ is a bit more jealous of their copyright brand being shared so I complied. No such WJ request came to Blogger. My sense the “Reader Warning” has more to do with accusing Dem-Marxist Trump-hating Senator Cory Booker of sexually assaulting a homosexual. If WJ requests the removal on copyright grounds at Blogger – sigh – I will comply.

JRH 4/4/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

READER SUPPORTED! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT via buying women’s menstrual health, healthy collagen, vitamin supplements/products, coffee from my Online stores: My Store (please use referral discount code 2388058):

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

RFK Jr. – Jan Jekielek Interview from Epoch TV

Posted by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 17, 2023

Epoch TV ran an interesting two-part interview between Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Jan Jekielek that is a discussion of RFK Jr. activism. In case you are actually unaware of RFK Jr’s pedigree, he is the son of assassinated Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. (who was Attorney General for President JFK) and thus the nephew of assassinated President John F. Kennedy. ALL of Democratic Party political heritage. This was back when the Dems had a lot of big dog Anti-Communist fighters, were considered anti-establishment to Big Business, Pro-Civil Rights (boosting equal rights for minorities), Pro-Israel yet promoted Big Government to achieve policy goals.

Those Kennedys (though probably not the Ted Kennedy brother/uncle) are probably rolling in their graves at how Marxist and Globalist and Corporatist (as in Fascist-style Socialism) the Democratic Party has become TODAY!

And so, it is my suspicion that RFK Jr. still possesses Left-oriented social views I would disagree with; NEVERTHELESS, RFK Jr. has abandoned Wokeness and has become a champion AGAINST Medical/COVID Tyranny and AGAINST Censorship Tyranny that has afflicted Americans that want nothing to do with the bad science narrative.

With that I am posting the Epoch TV interviews (and I’ve noticed other video channels are sharing as well) of those airings that originally took place on March 11 & 14, 2023.

JRH 3/17/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

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Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 16th, 2023 23:15 UTC

EPOCH TV interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., by Jan Jekielek. Original date 3/11/23. Original link (shortened url):

Original Description:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the founder and chief legal counsel of Children’s Health Defense and author of “The Real Anthony Fauci,” shares his journey from environmental activist to a fierce critic of the vaccine approval process in this comprehensive two-part interview. Not a single vaccine on the childhood immunization schedule has been tested against a true saline placebo, he argues.



Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 16th, 2023 23:36 UTC

From Event 201 to Dark Winter, the Pandemic Simulations That Foreshadowed Our New Reality

EPOCH TV interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., by Jan Jekielek. Original date: 3/14/23. Original Link (shortened url):

Original Description:

Now in part two, he explains how U.S. government tools developed for influencing overseas populations were deployed on Americans.

We also take a look at the string of pandemic simulations conducted in the last few decades—detailed in his book “The Real Anthony Fauci”—and the eerie similarities he discovered. [Blog Editor: There is actually a Documentary video of “The Real Anthony Fauci” which I’ve noticed Bitchute removed due to copyright complaints. I placed Part One on UGETube and inexplicably Part Two is still available on Bitchute.]  

What does Kennedy think about allegations the CIA was involved in the assassination of his uncle, John F. Kennedy?

And at a time when many have lost faith in the American system, how do we restore power to the American people and rekindle American ideals?

Medical Kidnapping? Breast milk-dependent infant deteriorates in state custody

Parents- Levi & Marissa Anderson (Baby Cyrus) Protesting [Photo from Vaccine Impact]

I am still a bit confused why and how an Idaho pediatrician (Aaron Dykstra) could claim child endangerment to trigger a Medical Kidnapping of a child that only days before was released from a clinic with a full bill of health.

When I first read this story a MSM outlet vilified Ammon Bundy for protesting the Medical Kidnapping which went on to report the 10 month old kid’s weight loss and queasy stomach to justify Medical Tyranny against some Christian parents. I chalked the story up to a local issue and moved on.

THEN I discovered some left-out details should stoke the flames of Parental Rights over abusive government tyranny. Here are those details the local and MSM news selectively left out courtesy of America’s Frontline Doctors.

JRH 3/15/22

I need your generosity. PLEASE GIVE to overcome research expenses:

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Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


Medical Kidnapping? Breast milk-dependent infant deteriorates in state custody

By Rafael King

Mar 15, 2022 05:08 AM

America’s Frontline Doctors

Unable to eat solid foods, 10-month-old removed from mother after she didn’t feel well and canceled clinic appointment

Infant’s Tootsies

An Idaho couple is accusing the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare of kidnapping their son, Cyrus, and depriving him of his only source of nutrition, his mother’s milk.

Show of force

Cyrus was taken into custody Saturday morning in a dramatic scene described by the baby’s grandfather, Diego Rodriguez, in a post entitled, Baby Cyrus Was Kidnapped!!! The baby’s parents, Marissa and Levi Anderson, were followed to a gas station and surrounded by

 “well over a dozen officers and squad cars. They acted like they were arresting Al Capone. The officers violated multiple rights, did not follow the constitution or other laws and statutes and arrested both of my daughters, handcuffed Levi, and then forcefully stripped Baby Cyrus away from his crying mother (my daughter), for alleged “child endangerment” because they canceled a pediatric appointment and the doctor called CPS [Child Protective Services] claiming that Cyrus was ‘underweight.’”

For his health?

The Andersons were allowed to see their son Sunday night in the hospital in which the Child and Family Services and Foster Care agency placed him, in the presence of a police officer and social worker. After less than two days in state custody, they reported that their infant son had become

“unresponsive and lethargic and his spirit has completely changed. He is unrecognizable from the child he was when they stole him away from us.”

Rodriguez’s post includes video showing an alert and happy, though thin, baby just prior to the seizure compared to pictures taken during the parent’s hospital visit in which Cyrus is seen sleeping with red skin blotches on his face.

Parental neglect?

Rodriguez says his grandson’s low weight is due to his inability to fully digest proteins at this point, causing him to vomit each time he eats anything other than his mother’s milk, even goat’s milk powder:

“Baby Cyrus had begun vomiting a month or so ago when Marissa started to introduce solid foods to him. Her and Levi spent countless hours researching every possible cause—going to doctors, naturopaths, specialists, and more—and all at great out-of-pocket expense. Cyrus would get better and then relapse. This happened a few times.

“As part of their continued research and care for Cyrus, they decided (reluctantly) to take Cyrus to St. Luke’s so he could get an IV to help re-hydrate him after vomiting so much. The plan/idea was for him to be well so they could try different foods, formulas, or whatever—to see what Cyrus could take and what he could not.”

Not cooperating?

Ironically, just days before the state seized Cyrus on March 12, 2022, and hospitalized him, the Andersons themselves had their son admitted to the very same hospital voluntarily for 4 days after they brought him to the hospital’s emergency room on March 1, 2022, to treat his weakness and dehydration resulting from his difficulty eating, with Marissa staying at the hospital to nurse Cyrus.

Red Voice Media summarizes what happened next:

“Other than the digestive issues, Cyrus was sent home with a ‘clean bill of health’ … Still, the Andersons were taking Cyrus in for daily weigh-ins to Dr. Aaron Dykstra at Functional Medicine of Idaho.

“Marissa called the office on Friday (March 11) to let them know she wasn’t feeling well and wouldn’t be bringing Cyrus in that day (as per just about every hospital protocol in the world right now). The doctor called her back later but she didn’t answer (she was sleeping). Marissa then found out via text message from social worker Nice Loufoua that CPS was contacted for alleged child endangerment of Cyrus.”

Presumably, during COVID, the clinic would not have allowed Marissa to enter while showing cold symptoms. Additionally, Mr. Dykstra is actually not a medical doctor. He is a nurse with a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. Nonetheless, the social worker relied on his report and, instead of checking with the baby’s parents whether they would be bringing Cyrus for his daily weigh-in the next day, Saturday, at the same clinic, the social worker demanded that they immediately bring Cyrus to the Faces of Hope Victim Center’s Triage and Support Center for victims of domestic and sexual violence and other forms of child abuse.

 “Levi did contact Nice Loufoua, the social worker who had texted Marissa, and asked her what was going on? She refused to give any answers to him. He asked what they thought was wrong with Baby Cyrus since they were given a clean bill of health and discharged from the hospital.

Nice refused to give Levi, Cyrus’s father, any information and just demanded that he go immediately to a clinic because it is a “medical emergency.” But she refused to tell him what the ‘medical emergency’ was. She then texted him the address for “Faces of Hope Victim Center.”

Rodriguez asks rhetorically,

“Would you take your child to a place called the Faces of Hope Victim Center after being verbally harassed by a social worker?”

Even up to the last moment, the Andersons offered to cooperate with daily weighings. According to an interview on the One America News Network, Marissa offered to go with the police to have the baby weighed at the hospital, only to be arrested and forcibly removed from the ambulance in which the baby was placed.


Ammon Bundy, a current candidate for Governor of Idaho, has led protests against the seizure of Cyrus, tweeting, “Today hundreds of people gathered with us at St. Luke’s in Boise to demand an end to medical tyranny and a prompt return of Baby Cyrus to his loving parents.” In fact, Bundy is the interviewee in the above referenced One America story.

Fake News

KTVB7 published an article relying entirely on the government’s version of this story and including several verifiably false statements. For example, they stated that the baby had, “been admitted to the hospital on March 1 ‘after medical personnel determined the child was suffering from severe malnourishment.’”

Without mentioning that it was the parents who brought the child to the hospital or that the child suffered from a digestive disorder making it impossible to hold down food or that the parents made huge efforts to find a food or drink that he could hold down, they gave the impression that the parents were doing the very opposite – trying to starve their child.

Baby Rocker

As pointed out by Rodriguez, the article claimed that the father agreed to a doctor’s appointment for the baby but then “failed to show up,” when in reality the father never agreed because it wasn’t an appointment at their doctor but rather an appointment with the above described victim center. In fact, the news article makes it sound like there was some kind of long-term refusal to cooperate with health care workers when, in reality, it all happened in one day – a canceled Friday morning weigh-in and arrests and a seizure just after midnight (early Saturday morning).

The article even falsely stated that Bundy refused to leave the hospital property after being requested to do so, and was therefore arrested, when video posted by Rodrigues clearly shows that no such request was made and the police simply grabbed Bundy suddenly and arrested him. Bundy tweeted that, “this was an ambush arrest with no legal grounds.”

Local articles like these are picked up by national outlets and repeated without fact checking, creating the false appearance of a consensus on the (incorrect) facts.


Interestingly, both the father and the grandfather of the seized infant are active in Freedom Man Press, an organization that works to “advance the cause of Freedom, Liberty, and the founding principles of the United States of America.”

Levi Anderson serves as the organization’s Executive Director while Diego Rodriguez is the Communications and Marketing Director. Diego is described as a professional speaker and the marketing director for Freedom Man Press. He is also a known political activist and a frequent speaker at Freedom-related events.

The family has also been vocal in their opposition to mask and vaccine mandates and, during their son’s hospitalization, the Andersons made clear that they want the freedom to choose whether or not to vaccinate their child. They even link to AFLDS COVID treatment protocols. While all this may be a mere coincidence, it is worth noting that these views happen to be anathema to public health officials.

Source of heavy-handed approach to parents

Why does the government act so aggressively with parents on scant evidence of abuse (weight loss in a child where the parents are trying every possible diet to help) but so lax about, say, locating stolen property?

In Marx, Engels, and the Abolition of the Family, Richard Weikart described the socialist approach to children.

“Marx’s first significant exposure to the concept of the abolition of the family probably came during his stay in Paris in 1843-1844, when he first imbibed communist ideas and held long discussions with numerous socialists … Charles Fourier’s ideas played a significant role in the socialist movement in France in the 1830s and 1840s … Fourier advocated the replacement of monogamous marriage … He also proposed that children be raised communally …

“In another passage in The German Ideology Marx and Engels asserted that both French and English socialists were pressing for the dissolution of the family. This implies some knowledge, however cursory it may have been, of Robert Owen’s disdain for the family as an institution, since he was the foremost English socialist to attack the family. There is no doubt that Engels’ understanding of family relationships was strongly influenced by Fourier and Owen. In Anti-Duhring, which was Engels’ most influential work, he lavished praise on both socialists for their views on the family. He considered Owen’s writings on marriage among his most important works.


“Engels in his draft for The Communist Manifesto articulated more clearly his vision for children in communist society:

‘”The raising (Erziehung) of children together in national institutions and at national expense, from that moment on, in which they can dispense with the first motherly care.’ The child-rearing principles that Marx and Engels espoused were not original. Fourier and especially Owen had already vigorously touted the superiority of the communal education of children and the removal of children from parental control and influence.”

Similarly, in Communism and the Family, Alexandra Kollontai wrote, 

“The state is responsible for the upbringing of children … There is no escaping the fact: the old type of family has had its day.”

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{Blog Editor: AFLDS is vilified and censored for offering safe options to heal from the CCP virus known as COVID-19. As such I share the AFLDS plea for support email I received today.]


Email by Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD

Sent 3/15/2022 3:26 PM

Sent via America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS)

Dear John,

We are watching tyranny spread across the world.

Many are rightly outraged over the use of brute military force against innocent people.

Here in America, tyranny doesn’t need tanks, and coercion doesn’t require a powerful army.

Two years ago we were told to wash our hands frequently and stay safe. Now thousands of bank accounts are being frozen because people voiced opposition to extreme and unconstitutional abuses of emergency powers.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not need tanks to strangle and conquer his enemies because he decided to control their wallets.

And you can be sure the United States government took notes.

Our enemies have done the same to America’s Frontline Doctors—from PayPal’s decision to cut off your ability to donate to us; to Amazon’s decision to shut our website down as it was hosted on their servers. And this week we received a notice from Google—they too are committed to censoring AFLDS. (More about that in an upcoming email).

In spite of it all, America’s Frontline Doctors is committed to fighting the battle to keep Americans free, and with western democracies now turning on their citizens, we need your support more than ever.

Please consider a 2022 gift today to America’s Frontline Doctors to help…

Frontline News: AFLDS is producing and delivering news content committed to the truth—news you can TRUST;

• Our Legal Team committed to preserving our constitutional freedoms; and,

• Our Medical Community committed to preserving your health and your autonomy (with huge news coming in the next few weeks!).

Perhaps you are in a position to become one of our 2022 monthly donors. If so, please let me hear from you. Maybe this will be your first annual gift—and we would be grateful for your support.

The good news is people are rising up and they are not backing down. And we will never back down either. We are committed to liberty—and are thankful you are too. Join us today so that together you and I will stand strong and prevail.

For Liberty,

Simone Gold, MD, JD
America’s Frontline Doctors
The Trusted Name for Independent Information

Is Automattic Succumbing to Multicultural Pressure?

John R. Houk

© May 16, 2019


Thanks to a Counter Jihad Coalition email update I have discovered (i.e. the one operated by Automattic) has deplatformed a couple of expose Islam blogs. The CJC update links to a Jihad Watch post writing about the deplatforming. The exposé blogs were Creeping Sharia and Muslim Statistics.

The Jihad Watch writer assumes the deplatforming was the result of the government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan complaining. At the very least pointing to Pakistan is a good guess. On my NCCR blog I have received the same Automattic notification.


My experience though was informing me my particular blog would no longer be available in Pakistan due to the legal system’s Blasphemy Law. BUT the Automattic notification also included info for how Pakistani readers could circumvent the Pakistan banning by finding a good VPN service that hides Internet surfing. Here is that NCCR post with the notification and advice.


So I am a bit surprised Automattic deplatformed Creeping Sharia and Muslim Statistics over Pakistan’s Free Speech robbing Blasphemy Laws. On the other hand, what in the world could those two expose Islam blogs have done to annoy the powers that be at Automattic?


JRH 5/16/19

Your generosity is always appreciated:

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********************** deplatforms those critical of Islam



MAY 15, 2019 10:45 AM

Jihad Watch has deplatormed those critical of Islam. I am very disappointed having been a contributor to the WordPress code in the distant past, and I have assisted in responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities to them on a voluntary basis in the recent past. I did see it coming though.


While it would not be possible to restrict use of the WordPress source code which is publicly available and built by volunteers, and distributed at, its [sic] is “open source”. is very different.  It is a commercial enterprise which has some free options, the codebase being very similar, but proprietary; and includes the hosting aspect as part of the package.


Creeping Sharia Suspension Screen Capture


I am aware of 2 sites so far that have been taken down, with no warning Creeping Sharia and Muslim Statistics They were first brought to my attention in a tweet:



Looking at this tweet, it appears that this deplatforming action was due to a complaint from Pakistan regarding breaking Sharia law.



This is despite their terms of service in section 4 stating:


We do not have any control over those websites and are not responsible for their contents or their use.


You can always reach out to Automattic to express your disappointment politely on twitter at @automattic at their arbitrary deplatforming of anyone without providing clear reasoning, especially from a platform built mostly by volunteers.


I would suggest anyone using (not .org) or for that matter blogger, dump them immediately, and migrate to a non-managed host using the open source version at, I say non-managed host, as managed hosting services seem to be far more likely to be pressured by hate groups such as SPLC into removing services. Non-managed hosting services would include AWS, Linode and my favorite at the moment DigitalOcean (includes referral link).


You will also need to use your own domain name, as there is no as there is with the .com. there are many domain registrars to choose from, you can find a list here at a very useful site for wordpress users.


It’s fairly easy to manage your own WordPress blog, these sites all have extensive help documents, and surprisingly un-managed hosting services seem to have far less technical troubles than managed ones do. The WordPress open source community is vibrant.  It might be helpful not to interact using politically sensitive profile names. I mention this as someone I sent there to get help came back telling me they were unhelpful and ignored him. When I checked, I was not surprised.


You can import content from your and sites into open source wordpress. While I can’t  get too involved in helping you out, if you have any issues, comment here, and I’ll point you in the right direction.


Golden rule when managing your own sites and blogs: keep it simple (20 plugins is not OK and use their default themes unless you have programming skills),  keep regular backups, and put them somewhere safe.


Is Automattic Succumbing Multicultural Pressure?

John R. Houk

© May 16, 2019

__________________ deplatforms those critical of Islam


Jihad Watch ® is a registered trademark of Robert Spencer in the United States and/or other countries.


Content Copyright Jihad Watch


YouTube Censors Anti-Jihadist News Source – Vlad TepesBlog

If you follow Counterjihad writers or blogs you probably are aware of the Vlad Tepes blog. (As an aside named for Vlad the Impaler who became the model for the Dracula legends but historically brutally resisted the brutality of Muslim Ottomans [Turkey] conquest and Islamization of Europe. What made Vlad notorious is he distributed brutality for Muslim brutality.)


Vlad the Impaler – historical portrait


The Vlad Tepes blog tends to focus on the actions of Islam (often reported as radical Islam) in Europe, but the blog occasionally takes a look elsewhere. Since the major Social Media platforms have been running Anti-Conservative/Anti-Counterjihad campaigns, the Vlad Tepes blog has become one of their targets by censoring Free Speech.


Counterjihadist Paul Sutliff has posted about Youtube censorship of the Vlad Tepes blog with screenshot examples and BitTube links to evaluate for yourself if the Vlad Tepes blog deserves censorship.


JRH 3/20/19

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YouTube Censors Anti-Jihadist News Source – Vlad TepesBlog


By Paul Sutliff

March 19, 2019

Paul Sutliff on Civilization Jihad


Youtube vs VladTepesBlog


In the beginning of February a coordinated reporting campaign against the YouTube channel of Vlad TepesBlog began. Simple examination of the filed complaints reveals the idiocy of the reporting. Vlad TepesBlog shared a few of the hundreds of their videos that were suddenly reported within a week.  The vast majority of what was on Vlad TepesBlog’s YouTube channel were news reports from foreign countries subtitled into English. Below are two examples of YouTube’s response to the reporting sent to Vlad TepesBlog.


Youtube to VladTepes


View here judge for yourself if this deserves an Adult Rating:


Youtube to VladTepes 2


View here judge for yourself if this deserves an Adult Rating:


Is Google Politicizing viewership and subscriber numbers?

Vlad TepesBlog’s YouTube Channel had over 30,000 subscribers.  Their videos were not monetized as the goal was to get the truth out and not have it be thought that income would sway what was shared. One of Vlad Tepes Blog’s subscribers wrote to them that they were under attack by Google, because his subscription count was not increasing and appeared frozen. It became a talking point for months when the number was approximately 24,xxx for a few weeks. It then shot up to 30,000 within 6 weeks. Having posted several hundred videos Vlad TepesBlog had other concerns that YouTube was adjusting the viewership statistics.



Vlad TepesBlog works with Gates of Vienna sometimes. In this case he embedded his videos on the Gates of Vienna with YouTube videos averaging a daily viewership at YouTube of between 600 to 1600 views per day. Sometimes they might get as high as 3,000 to 4,000. This encouraged further curiosity at statistical manipulation by YouTube/Google. So Vlad TepesBlog did some work with a place he had ZERO subscribers, unlike YouTube where he had accumulated 30,000+. So the only people who saw the video were people who saw the social media ties to the site.


There were 15,000 to 30,000 views which over a several days. Vlad TepesBlog states that this count far exceeded the amount of viewers YouTube was reporting for the hundreds of videos on his channel over the same period time.


The frozen subscription count plus the low viewership counts made Vlad wonder if they are concerned about his actual influence. Influence? Yes! When a channel gets a lot of attention YouTube promotes it in various ways. Even individual videos get promoted due to high viewership. So was the attempt purposeful to limit their influence hence stopping videos from going viral?


Congressional leadership prior to the Democratic takeover of the House was pursuing a look into flagrant First amendment violations of these Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for directly limiting the influence of persons who are Conservative and/or Anti-Jihadists.


Sadly, the mass reporting of VladTepesBlog and the forced closure of its channel show a huge flaw in the security measures of YouTube, and other Social Media platforms. That being the evident lack of


Due Process.

Due Process is what protects a person from false accusations and usually ferrets outs liars in a timely fashion. YouTube accepted complaints that videos with no violence or sexual themes should now be labeled and require age verification to view adult content. This implies that your daily news feed according to YouTube should be labeled Adult Content. This means no comments can be seen or written.


The worst problem here is that NO HUMAN CONTACT is possible! You can only appeal a decision with a form response that may or may not be read by a human.


Important Questions for YouTube

Are bots all that reviews complaints? Are there security measures in place to address mass reporting?  What is the process of review for an actual complaint before a label of Adult Content is applied? What happens if a reviewer shows bias or incompetence when reviewing content?


YouTube Does NOT CONSISTENTLY close Hate Channels

Social Media giants seem set on controlling messages to their platform. YouTube has been caught hosting content that promotes Anti-Semitism under the guise that it is Islamic. The Middle East Media Research Institute has caught several videos on YouTube and noted the names of the persons and the organizations posting Anti-Semitic content under these circumstances. Persons with platforms that have been exposed by MEMRI include Zafar Bangash, who leads the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT). ICIT has a YouTube Channel called the ICIT Digital Library.


Youtube ICIT Digital Library screenshot


Perhaps YouTube thinks this is acceptable because this channel only has 4,562 subscribers?


MEMRI also exposed Sheikh Omar Baloch. His promotion of Islamic Relief should be enough of a concern to remove his YouTube Channel. The Middle East Forum’s extensive expose of Islamic Relief’s connections to known terror entities and persons is more than enough to post a flagged warning of adult content! But as you can see Sheikh Omar Baloch’s channel still exists.


Youtube Shiekh Omar Baloch screenshot


There are far too many examples of this non-censorship of channels sponsored by persons connected to Anti-Semitism and Jihadi terrorism.


You have to ask how Google aka YouTube finds reason to justify keeping content that is connected to Anti-Semitism and terrorism, AND how are news feeds subtitled into English deemed offensive at all!


Yet YouTube claims it catches most of the hate and terror videos. It hosted Islamic State videos that the government had to request be taken down! Yet their own content reviewers seem to target persons who have influence and are sharing actual News coverage simply because the content reveals unpopular truths?


This past December YouTube made the news after closing 1.67 million channels and all of the 50.2 million videos associated with them. According to Reuters, YouTube claimed, “Nearly 80 percent of the channel takedowns [were] related to spam uploads. About 13 percent concerned nudity, and 4.5 percent child safety.”


Final Thoughts

Are we to believe news is now to be counted in the same category as spam, nudity, and child safety issues? But Anti-Semitic speech is protected if it is Muslim?


Let’s not forget the monetary value of good will. It doesn’t matter that Vlad TepesBlog was not asking for income. What matters was his influence grew because he was respected. That respect earned him a high subscription rate and a total viewership of all 1600+ videos in the millions. Vlad TepesBlog considers the action of closing their channel a fraud. The work portrayed was not porn, it was not a safety concern, it did not violate community standards, so the shutdown of his channel was an act of fraud.


While a formal apology and restoration of all the work of Vlad TepesBlog would be considered a good business strategy for YouTube, versus a lawsuit for alleging that news which was subtitled needed an Adult content rating.


Vlad TepesBlog now posts their work at http://Bit.Tube. They ask that you sign up and subscribe to their Channel here. Vlad TepesBlog continues to not ask for any monetary assistance. They only want you to have the truth and subscribing to their work helps them to get the word out!


Minor Editing by John R. Houk (via spellcheck)


© Paul Sutliff


Paul Sutliff on Civilization Jihad homepage


Civilization Jihad Awareness with Paul Sutliff on Blog Talk Radio/Global Patriot Radio


Paul Sutliff: BA Religion and Philosophy from Roberts Wesleyan College, MSED from Nazareth College of Rochester, and a Graduate Certificate in Intelligence Analysis from Henley-Putnam School of Strategic Security at North American University.


To request me as a speaker go to


Social Media Active War Against Conservatives

John R. Houk

© February 28, 2019

If you are a Conservative-oriented person active in posting and reading on various Social Media platforms, you are probably quite aware the current Social Media giants do more than lean Left. Those giants also have an agenda to promote all things and ideology Left. You probably have also realized part and parcel of that agenda is to PREVENT YOU — a Conservative — from being successful on their Social Media platforms. INDEED, this means censorship and/or banning.


On a personal level I have experienced Social Media Jail on Facebook and Google+. (Neither you nor I will need to worry about Google+ censorship/jail by early April because Google is shutting down the non-commercial usage of G+.)


I operate three blogs. More lately my flagship blog SlantRight 2.0 seems to be on the Facebook radar. Quite suspiciously Facebook has flagged SlantRight 2.0 shared posts as being against the platform’s community standards. This is interesting since I don’t engage in vulgarity, profanity and incitement to violence.


My subject matter promotes Conservative thought, is pro-Christian, Pro-Israel, Pro-Christian Zionist and to a Multiculturalist’s chagrin – I do not shy away from exposing the dark side of Islam both from that theopolitical faith’s own revered writings and current events. In full disclosure I am supportive of Biblical Morality which among other things places me in the present day politically incorrect side of criticizing all things same-sex. This kind of criticism has earned a special epithet from the Left known as homophobia. I am labelled a homophobe even though I condemn violence in any form against those practicing the various forms of homosexually. God Almighty will judge LGBTQ practitioner choices and not any human being and certainly not I. For that matter, there are probably many actions a Conservative should ask forgiveness to escape an end of the age Final Judgment including myself. (One of the awesome aspects of God’s Grace in Christ Jesus is Mercy for all humanity have fallen short due to sin. Mini path to personal Redemption:


God’s Righteousness Through Faith

21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all [a]and on all who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified [b]freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a [c]propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. [Romans 3: 21-26 NKJV])


Thank God there are Social Media platforms beginning to emerge as a result of the big-dog platforms skewing Left. And yet I’m not exactly an Internet guru and I have found my learning curve for using emerging platforms not always equal to usability. Hence as yet, I have a sense dissatisfaction of the more emerging Conservative-friendly platforms which may be more my problem with adapting to different formats. As the big-dog Social Media becomes more and more hostile toward Conservatives, I suspect I’ll have to make a greater effort to adapt.


I won’t mention the new Social Media I had an utter failure in using, but there are three that adaptability seems easier. GAB is a bit of an alternative to Twitter. You can post with 300 characters at GAB. But GAB has had server issues recently when a mass murderer was discovered to have used GAB, the server company used by GAB gave them the boot. GAB is up and running again with a new server.


MeWe seems to be taking off currently. MeWe is kind of a combo G+ and Facebook. So far though I have not figured out how to link to individual posts in a MeWe Group. Again, the problem might be my skill set more than a MeWe issue. Here is my MeWe Profile Page.


A Social Media platform I find extremely promising is USA Life. USA Life is modeled so much like Facebook, it may be the future Conservative alternative. Go to my USA Life Profile Page and become my friend.


I’ve noticed when I complain of Facebook censorship on the newer platforms, I’m beginning to get responses asking me why don’t I just abandon Facebook? One reason is I’m an old dog that doesn’t like to learn new tricks. Until censorship became a problem at Facebook, it seemed the most effective way to share my blog posts. I am thinking USA Life might actually become competitive to Facebook’s future. Until then I’ll keep protesting Facebook censorship as long as the Facebook despots allow me to share. I suspect a day will come when Facebook despots will ban me for good.


Along the lines of censorship and banning, I was conversing with a Counterjihad author (due to the potential of censorship I hesitate to share the name). We spoke of our mutual censorship experiences on Facebook. He provided some insight on Conservative usage on Facebook.

He senses that above Facebook algorithms digitally hunting down Conservatives, he believes there are people among your friend lists who lean Left or are downright Liberal trolls who make it their objective to report your Conservative content as offensive. Whether or not it is actually offensive matters little. There is no recourse to rebut a false report with Facebook.


The suggestion is to go through your friend list and delete suspicion looking friends. Check out their views from their posts. If you determine a friend leans Left, that person can be suspected of reporting your Conservative content. Delete them.


Below are some posts exposing Social Media Platforms with a Left-Wing anti-Conservative agenda and their methods.


JRH 2/28/19

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[Hat Tip: Islamisthecultofsin on G+ Group We the deplorables dated Feb 26, 2019]

VIDEO: YouTube’s Community Guidelines System Is Garbage


Posted by Acts17Apologetics

Published on Feb 26, 2019


Earlier today, Tommy Robinson was banned from Facebook and Instagram. YouTube won’t be far behind. YouTube is removing more and more content based on false flags. Videos that contain absolutely no hate speech are being removed as hate speech, and creators that haven’t violated any rules or guidelines are receiving strikes and having their privileges (e.g. livestreaming) revoked. YouTube’s Community Guidelines strike system is pure garbage. YouTube is also punishing content creators for comments left on their videos. Perhaps the YouTube Creator Academy can address these problems.






Admits ‘special features’ used to ‘deboost’ traffic during elections


WND Writers

February 27, 2019





A Facebook insider has confirmed the social-media giant discriminates against conservatives through software manipulation, using “special features” to “deboost” their traffic, especially near elections.


The former employee of the Big Tech firm now works with James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, which released a video of her testimony.


Youtube Version of Project Veritas VIDEO: Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains “Deboosting” “Troll Report” & Political Targeting in Interview


[In case Youtube removes video or Project Veritas account, video can be watched HERE.]

[Posted by Project Veritas

Published on Feb 27, 2019


Be Brave. Do Something:


See the documents:


Project Veritas has obtained and published documents and presentation materials from a former Facebook insider. This information describes how Facebook engineers plan and go about policing political speech. Screenshots from a Facebook workstation show the specific technical actions taken against political figures, as well as “[e]xisting strategies” taken to combat political speech.




She was a content review analyst for the intellectual property department, dealing with copyright and trademark claims.


As part of her work, she noticed some odd things on various accounts.


For example, one of the company’s engineers, Danny Ben David, had created an item called “actiondeboostlivedistribution” and was attaching it to accounts belonging to conservatives.


The insider said the obvious intent was to prevent distribution of that particular page or video.


It was one of the “methods of suppression,” she said.


It was done by disabling routine features on the page such as notifications.


“I would see it on several different conservatives pages,” she said, noting pages for Mike Cernovich, Steven Crowder and the Daily Caller.


She also pointed out Facebook was doing the throttling and even taking down material without letting the user know.


The insider noted company CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s claim to Congress, “We want to make sure we have the widest possible expression.”


He said he didn’t want his company acting on the political ideology of content.


But the former Facebook employee said that’s exactly what is not happening.


Project Veritas tried to obtain comment from David, who refused.


Another Facebook employee behind the campaign was Seiji Yamamoto, who wrote internally about his “news feed reduction strategy.”


He was concerned about “hate speech” but said there’s “quite a bit of content near the perimeter of hate speech that we need to address as well.”


Yamamoto described it as speech that “offends.”


Facebook, the report explained, also targets right-leaning individuals and organizations by labeling terms they use as offensive. One example was “MSM,” for mainstream media.


Yamamoto also refused to comment to Project Veritas.


The strategy includes “drastically limited bandwidth,” auto logouts for users and posts that “fail to upload.”


“They believe the election of Donald Trump was a fluke, it shouldn’t have happened,” the insider said, so Facebook is now trying to “influence elections.”


The company internally even discussed ratting out people it considers offensive by notifying everyone in their friends network.


“Fear of being outed … is what regulates behavior in real life and we should reintroduce that to the online world,” the company’s internal discussion noted.


Project Veritas posted online documents supporting the insider.


Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe said that to expose dishonesty and censorship in big tech companies, he will be relying upon more insiders, informants and leakers in the future.


“Our future depends on those who are willing to give up everything for what they believe.”


“When approached for comment, author and filmmaker Mike Cernovich said the troubling issue is that Facebook could just ‘make stuff up’ about people through these systems. ‘Facebook, or an individual at Facebook, has the unilateral power to create false allegations against someone he or she doesn’t like. The person accused not only can’t do anything about the allegation, they don’t even have an idea the allegation was made,’ said Cernovich,” Project Veritas said.



Facebook bans Tommy Robinson, falsely claiming he calls for violence against Muslims



FEB 26, 2019 4:00 PM

Jihad Watch


A Muslim activist in the UK is claiming credit for this:


However, Tommy Robinson says: “…the reasons they’ve given are just complete lies. They’re saying I incited violence and that I openly called for violence against Muslims, that’s just a lie. If that was the case then they could show evidence of messages where I’d said that but I never have.”


Whatever you may think of Tommy Robinson, fascists such as Mohammed Shafiq are not going to stop with him. It will soon be impossible to voice any opposition to jihad mass murder or Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others on any social media platform. Then the jihad will be able to advance unopposed and unimpeded, which is the ultimate goal of all these efforts to silence critics of jihad terror.


Tommy Robinson Intimidated by Police


“Tommy Robinson Banned from Facebook, Instagram,” by Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart, February 26, 2019:


Facebook has banned British citizen journalist and street organiser Tommy Robinson from its platforms, including Instagram, in a move that comes days after he released a new documentary exposing what he claimed to be dishonest practise at establishment media giant BBC.


The social media giant claimed in a statement published Tuesday that Tommy Robinson’s own Facebook page, which had around one million ‘likes’ before deletion, “has repeatedly broken [Facebook community] standards, posting material that uses dehumanizing language and calls for violence targeted at Muslims. He has also behaved in ways that violate our policies around organized hate.”


Facebook claimed the move “is not a decision we take lightly.”


Responding to the ban, English Defence League founder turned citizen journalist Tommy Robinson told Breitbart London: “…the reasons they’ve given are just complete lies. They’re saying I incited violence and that I openly called for violence against Muslims, that’s just a lie. If that was the case then they could show evidence of messages where I’d said that but I never have.


“This is continued censorship which we all knew was coming but its been done instantly because of my documentary which exposed the establishment working with Hope not Hate, working with the BBC in order to destroy my name to the nation. When I exposed what they were doing they’ve put down the pressure to completely delete me from the internet. This has to show people the levels they’re gonna go to silence any opposition to mass migration and the Islamisation of this nation.”


Robinson’s removal from the platform is only the latest in a series of bans targeting the campaigner in recent years. He was de-platformed by Twitter in May 2018, banned from receiving payments by Paypal in November of that year, and had Youtube videos blocked from earning revenue in January 2019.


Mr Robinson told Breitbart London that he would be working on his own mobile app for live streaming after his removal from several social media sites.


It is not clear what actions were taken by Mr Robinson’s social media page in the recent past to cause Facebook’s decision to remove him now, but the move does come just days after he released an exposé documentary claiming to reveal underhanded dealings at British state broadcaster the BBC. In the hour-long film, which Robinson uploaded to his Facebook page, it is alleged the BBC collaborated with far-left activist organisation HOPE Not Hate to create what was apparently called a “Tommy Takedown”.


Robinson’s film debuted at a protest he held in Manchester, England, outside the offices of the BBC where the Panorama documentary series is produced. Thousands are reported to have attended the heavily-policed event.


In the film, top BBC documentary maker John Sweeney can be seen being confronted by Robinson with undercover footage of him making apparently racist and classist statements. It is believed at least some of the claims and counterclaims between Mr Robinson, the BBC, and HOPE Not Hate may yet be contested in court.


Responding to the ban, Tommy Robinson ally and UKIP leader Gerard Batten said the rise of censorship showed the nation was headed towards a “dark place.” He said: “Without any explanation whatsoever, the personal Facebook accounts of key UKIP members and Tommy Robinson have been removed….


Social Media Active War Against Conservatives

John R. Houk

© February 28, 2019


YouTube’s Community Guidelines System Is Garbage


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“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.” ~Acts 17:24-25




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Facebook bans Tommy Robinson, falsely claiming he calls for violence against Muslims


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Banning Alex Jones?

Justified Only If…


John R. Houk

© August 8, 2018


Alex Jones is literally being censored on every digital media format I can think of.


I have to be clear. I am not a supporter or big fan of Mr. Jones. Many of his Conspiracy Theories propagated from his soapbox are just plain outlandish and crazy.


The massive digital censorship Jones is accused of is hate-speech. Frankly, as outlandish and offensive Jones can be I am not surprised the hate-speech accusations are levelled against him.


I do have a couple of problems with the censorship.


ONE: The same media platforms censoring Jones allow Muslims to spew Jew-Hatred and promote physical harm to Jews and other non-Muslims. However, when a non-Muslim points out Islamic tenets and Muslim history demonstrate violent hatred for all things non-Muslim specifying Jews, Christians and polytheists. Militant homosexuals overtly express hatred toward Biblical Values Christians yet will censor Biblical Values Christians for supporting the Bible’s labelling the homosexual practice a sin against God’s Word. In essence this is censorship hypocrisy.


TWO: The same media platforms rarely if ever censor Left-Wing calls for violence against Conservatives yet they will censor Conservatives refuting a violent Leftist agenda. For example Maxine Walters advocating Leftists to disrupt reputed Conservative meetings and Conservatives living their private lives at open-to-the-public venues. Astonishingly to date, Conservative individuals have refused to respond with self-defense violence for Leftist provocation. I’m a disabled dude and I don’t know if I would exhibit such self-restraint to respond with action if someone shouting directly in front of my face.


I hate defending Alex Jones because I am convinced he has used actual hate-speech; however look at some of phrases the digital media platforms label as hate-speech worthy of censorship via banning:


The resident Jew, Leftist Jews, Jewish Mafia (Alex Jones Accused Of Anti-Semitism, Sexual Harassment; By Aiden Pink;; 3/1/18)


The same article on also illustrates actual forms of hate-speech via sexual harassment which is unacceptable but demonstrated on Alex Jones programs.


I don’t know what Alex Jones other than the vague accusation of the kind of speech the digital platforms call hatred or inciting violence:


“… the stated reason for the ban on his content is not defamation but “hate speech” against Muslims, transgender people, and other groups.” (Booting Alex Jones from social media wasn’t wrong, but it could be dangerous; By Cathy Young; USA Today; 8/8/18 9:03 a.m. ET)


If the hate-speech was critical of a belief system corresponding to Islam or the LGBTQ agenda, then said hate-speech violation is an absurd accusation. If Jones said something dimwitted such as maybe, “hunt down the camel jockeys and give them a tasted of their own medicine” or “rope the fudge-packer and drag the shem down the road”. Those kinds of phrases are indeed inciting violence and is a good reason for censuring and/or banning.


Here is the Joseph Farah email (which is also a bit of a fundraiser) that inspired my thoughts.


JRH 8/8/18

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First, they came for Alex Jones …

The pretense and subtlety are over, ‘Digital Cartel’ now overtly attacking ‘offensive’ voices


By Joseph Farah

Sent 8/8/2018 4:01 AM

Sent from WND


I’ve been warning everyone who would listen about the greatest threat to freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion in America today.

It’s not government.

Instead, the overt attack on America’s First Amendment comes from the corporate behemoth internet gatekeepers who are in ideological lockstep with each other – from Google to YouTube to Facebook to Twitter to Apple to Amazon.

This week, YouTube and Facebook followed Apple’s lead in banishing Alex Jones, the iconic, high-energy voice that rails against globalism and the Deep State daily on radio, podcasts and his own Infowars TV show. He was an easy target and a predictable one – a controversial figure, without doubt, and a high-profile one with a sizable following.

Not everyone wants to defend Alex Jones – certainly not everything he says.

Yet, the First Amendment wasn’t crafted by America’s founding geniuses to protect tepid, non-controversial speech. It was crafted to protect just this kind of fiery dialogue – the kind that offends some people, some sensibilities. Alex Jones is a good choice to start the censorship juggernaut rolling if you think like the Southern Poverty Law Center. And one thing Apple, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon all have in common is their love of, reverence for, and partnerships with this extremist band of smear merchants who never met anyone right of center that they didn’t label a “hater,” a “fascist,” a “Nazi” or a “racist” – including, of course, the current president of the United States.

So, first the Digital Cartel came for Alex Jones.

Who will be next? I don’t know, but I don’t plan to find myself in the position in which Martin Niemöller found himself in Nazi Germany. He’s most famous for this prescient quotation: “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.”

I’m going to defend Alex Jones’ right to say what he wants – even if I sometimes, or even often, find myself in disagreement with him. And I’m going to condemn this cabal of bloated mega-corporations imposing their ideology on America’s most vital public square – the digital media.

Maybe you say, “Well, Farah, don’t these corporations have the absolute right to approve and disapprove of the viewpoints they carry – just like you do?” The answer may be surprising: No, they don’t. None of these conglomerates are publishers, content producers, part of the “press.” They are more akin to “utilities” – like the telephone companies of old, or the electricity producers who have a public obligation to be fair and neutral in offering the services they provide to all, without regard to race, religion and ideology. They don’t have to like Alex Jones. They don’t have to listen to Alex Jones. But if they are going to hold these privileged positions of making lots of money by distributing all manner of content, data and information to the public, they dare not think of themselves as ideological gatekeepers against “offensive” political speech. And they better not designate the disgraced partisan hacks of the SPLC as their content cops, which is precisely what they have done – all of them!

I know I sound like a broken record on this theme, but I’m going to keep pounding on it until the public catches on to the threat these trillion-dollar monopolies pose to America’s precious institutions of free speech, the free press and freedom of religion. We need congressional hearings. We need action in Washington. We need President Trump to recognize who the biggest purveyors of fake news really are. It’s not just CNN and the Huffington Post. It’s their distribution arms – Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Apple and Amazon – the Digital Cartel.

It’s time to throw down the gauntlet, draw a marker in the sand, file class-action lawsuits, summon our leaders to action.

Are we going to let this cabal render the First Amendment null and void?

I’ve been telling you how they have attacked WND relentlessly and ruthlessly through its politically and religiously discriminatory algorithms. I’ve told you how they have been coming after the independent media, especially since the 2016 election that so disappointed all of them.

Do you really want to talk about supposed Russian interference in our free society when this powerful monolithic cartel is setting the rules of debate for Americans out in plain sight – openly censoring voices they don’t like while systematically elevating those they do like? What a sick joke!

As for me, I will defend the voices of dissent, and even controversy, as long as I have a soapbox upon which to stand. I know they are coming after me and the world’s first independent online news company, which I founded 21 years ago. Once again, I ask you to stand with me, or else find yourself living in a country you won’t long recognize. No privacy. No freedom.

Please support us, or risk finding yourself living in a very different and scary version of America soon.

Help us to raise a much-needed additional $100,000 through August – our biggest crisis period yet, as we battle for survival against the cartel. We’re already nearly 20 percent of the way there, thanks to many of you. You may not be able to give $1,000 or even $100. But everyone who understands the stakes can contribute $10 or even $3.


You can also support WND’s groundbreaking new book, “The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament,” with your tax-deductible contributions in any amount to the fabulous missions organization, Gospel for All Nations, which has adopted the project to help spread the truth of the Good News around the world. This book, coming out in hardcover in September, is an important part of WND’s recovery, rebirth and revitalization plan for later this year. Your help with book-printing and marketing expenses will help immensely to weather this storm – not to mention help us distribute this compelling and redemptive “breakthrough Bible book.”


Banning Alex Jones?

John R. Houk

© August 8, 2018


First, they came for Alex Jones …


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