An Intro to Dr. Malone’s – ‘Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”’

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

May 6, 2024

Dr. Robert Malone (self-described inventor of mRNA tech – OF INTEREST: HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE) is a person that evokes love, hate and a little of in between the love-hate emotion stretching across both sides of the political spectrum. Leftist-Globalists (science & Mockingbird Media) outright vilify him. A large element of the Right honor his academic-science pedigree yet there are a significant amount of Anti-Medical Tyranny advocates (I won’t go into the who, what & why) who have disagreements with Dr. Malone. Those disagreements have led to mutual civil lawsuits between people who should otherwise be allies against the Globalist agenda.

Dr. Robert Malone (Daily Wire Photo 2/1/22)

On a personal level, as far the Anti-Medical Tyranny advocates go. Rather than focus on their disagreements, I focus on their agreements. Even if hubris among these science Anti-Medical Tyranny fellows prevents openly congratulating each other’s agreements, it is there and is huge AGAINST Medical Tyrants.

AND SO, I’m going to share a Dr. Robert Malone Substack post which I encourage to read with some critical thinking discernment. Why? Because quite possibly you will not concur with all of Dr. Malone’s assessment. NEVERTHELESS, it is my opinion Dr. Malone’s assessments in the post should be eye-opening of the-how threatens an individual’s personal Liberty.

The title: Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”: Fight for life, freedom, and sovereignty.

The three assessments addressed in the title:

1. The Medical Industrial Complex

2. Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology

3. Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting

JRH 5/6/24


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Fascism, Globalism, and the “Medical-Industrial Complex”

Fight for life, freedom, and sovereignty.


May 4, 2024

Who is Robert Malone [Substack]

Mussolini Quote on Fascism

Today, I’m delving into three important topics, covered from a Christian conservative/free market and nationalist perspective. I will place each within a global geopolitical framework.

My goal over the past four years of the COVID crisis has been to decipher our collective experiences. This has guided me to focus on the broader, more comprehensive picture.

Throughout this past year, I have actively participated in three ‘Global Crisis Summits’ (Brussels at the EU Parliament, Romania, and Washington DC in conjunction with CPAC), among numerous others.  Just three days ago, I returned from Romania, where I had the privilege of speaking at the ‘Make Europe Great Again’ conference. These experiences have underscored the fact that our understanding of the COVID crisis is most effective when viewed within a broader global context.

Today, I will dig into three fundamental topics that have been at the forefront of what has happened over the past few years.

1)    Medical Industrial Complex

2)    Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology

3)    Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting

1.     The Medical Industrial Complex

We need to start with the meaning of words.

“Medical Industrial Complex” refers to the increasingly powerful, transnational, public-private partnerships linking academia, pharma/biotech and both national government and supra-governmental organizations such as the United Nations and its Agenda 2030 treaty, the World Health Organization and its International Health Regulations, and the World Economic Foundation among others.

These types of public-private cooperative relationships have a name. That name was created by Benito Mussolini. We know this name. The name is Fascism (corporatism). That is the union of the state and corporate power. We should call it what it is.

One of the things that has happened throughout the COVID crisis and the ongoing process of globalization and harmonization is the weaponization and perversion of language.

We have to call things by their true names despite what that may imply or how the press may react to it. For example, we are not far-right. We are center-right. The truth is that our opponents have become far-left. We have allowed the press and corporate media to redefine language and demonize us as far-right, but the truth is that they are the radicals. They are the far-left. We have to refuse to allow them to capture and pervert our language. We must take it back.

Language controls thought. It controls how we structure our understanding of the world.

Pharma and biotech are major global economic engines, and the profit and power of this sector have allowed managerial leaders in this sector to become more powerful than individual nation-states through corruption, electoral interference, and economic hegemony.  The COVIDcrisis provides abundant examples to illustrate this.  Weaponized fear of a modestly pathogenic respiratory virus has enabled the sector to extract concessions and wealth from both national and supernational (EU) organizations.  At this point, there does not appear to be any organization that can hold these “public-private partnerships” accountable for their actions and misdeeds.

Pharma and biotech were once major economic engines for the US and European economies. They are no longer. Overall, these sectors are now increasingly dominated by US and EU competitors, in particular our unrestricted warfare competitor, the Chinese Communist Party, and our geopolitical frenemy, India.

To the extent that drugs and biologics are manufactured in the USA, they are made using precursor compounds that are also manufactured by CCP and Indian-controlled companies. If the USA and NATO find themselves in a major “hot” conflict with these offshore competitors, we will find ourselves without access to essential medicines within weeks due to supply chain restrictions.

Much of the current drug supply is manufactured offshore in facilities that are essentially self-monitored, as the FDA has chosen to rely on local inspection and monitoring. The FDA assumes that these quality control processes are being performed according to US regulatory standards.  To the extent that independent monitoring of imported drug and biological products has been performed, the data indicate that FDA “trust” in this offshore quality control monitoring is misplaced.

Dr. Malone Exhibit 1

Exhibit 1: The FDA conducted no inspections in China or India between April 2020 and March 2021.

Dr. Malone Exhibit 2

Exhibit 2 shows that FDA inspector days for the Chinese region were less than ten days per year.

Chinese pharmaceutical imports in 2022 were around $196 billion, the second-largest U.S. goods import, just behind the automotive industry.

The US Federal response to this threat has not been to create policies favoring repatriation of these industries to the US and its allies, but rather to fund a Virginia facility to stockpile precursor compounds.  But Congress has not followed through on even this modest program, and although the facility has been obtained, the purchase of the stockpile has not been funded.

Meanwhile, the integrity, transparency, consistency and reliability of the FDA has been compromised.  A massive wave of retirements and resignations has resulted in the agency being transformed from within, due to loss of both expertise and the rise of a politicized culture largely staffed by non-US trained personnel. Today’s FDA is one in which regulatory decisions have become unpredictable, arbitrary, and capricious, as well as decoupled from previously accepted international norms. The revolving door between FDA retirees and big pharma gets ever larger.

The corruption of the FDA is now recognized worldwide, and this has eliminated a key US competitive advantage.  Previously the FDA was seen as the global “gold standard” neutral guarantor of biopharmaceutical product purity and quality.  Now the FDA acts to choose winners and losers in the global competition to innovate in order to address unmet human health needs (and to generate profit and industrial growth by doing so).

The loss of FDA integrity has destroyed the logic that purchasing and importing US biopharmaceutical products merits higher costs to ensure higher quality. Politicized governmental actions have economic consequences.

2.     Censorship, propaganda, and psychological warfare technology

Social media developed by the US intelligence and enhanced by the UK intellectual community has been developed as a weapon. Make no mistake about it, social media as we know it; Facebook, Twitter- as it was formerly embodied, all of these social media tools are weapons. They are psychological warfare weapons. They were designed as weapons.

They were designed and deployed in Arab Spring as political psywar weapons in order to facilitate regime change. This strategy is considered a huge success by US intelligence. Then the shock came when Nigel Farage and his UK Independence Party used social media to achieve Brexit. This was done in large part via decentralized social media communication, and that shock was further enhanced when Mr. Trump became President Trump.  Suddenly, the United States intelligence community, the State Department, and all the infrastructure that they control and use to exert control all over the world woke up and recognized that they had a problem. And that problem now extends to the populist movement here and across the world, a populism which we represent as center-right conservatives.

That challenge now represents an existential threat to NATO itself, because if Europe wakes up to the techno-totalitarianism that is being imposed from the central bureaucracy in Brussels (that is, the European Union), and it begins to exert the value of the independent nation-state, there is a perceived risk by the US State Department and intelligence community that the European Union, that structure that has been created to hold a Europe together will dissolve. It will fragment, and if that fragments, NATO will fragment, and if NATO fragments, then the United States Foreign Policy Establishment believes that they will find themselves at significant military and geopolitical disadvantage in an increasingly multilateral world.

This is resulting in a response from the US Intelligence Community and State Department, in which they feel justified to employ virtually any non-kinetic method in order to enforce and maintain the current status quo. Recognize that this is the case. To be clear, I’m not advocating for the dissolution of the European Union or the dissolution of NATO. I am reporting to you that this is the perception of the American and the five Eyes intelligence community, and they will do anything to avoid this consequence. They feel justified by the utilitarian logic that “anything goes, the ends justify means”, in order to defend the current world order and the plans for the future that they have developed.

As a consequence, psychological warfare technology is being widely deployed by “democratic” governments. This is technology that was developed for offshore combat. NATO considers this to be a central tenet of its current warfare planning. NATO calls psychological warfare technology a key aspect of modern hybrid warfare. This advanced technology is being deployed by governments and globalists on common citizens now because of the existential threat to the dissolution of the European Union, the perceived existential threat to NATO, and the need to maintain consensus by controlling all information in an increasingly multilateral world. This is being accomplished through propaganda techniques (such as the IC denial that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real in 2019), neuro-linguistic programming, and nudging, as well as censorship and the manipulation of internet algorithms of search engines.

In other words, in response to the threat of China, Russia, the rise of the Middle East, the fall of the petro-dollar, there is a widely accepted belief among the western “democracies” that it is necessary and acceptable to deploy psychological warfare technology on their citizens.

I argue this is fundamentally unethical. Psychological warfare technology, as it is currently being deployed and has been developed, can completely control all aspects of information that you receive, what you think, what you feel, and what you hear.

In a world in which governments feel it is acceptable to deploy psychological warfare technology on their citizens, the concept of individual and national sovereignty becomes completely obsolete. We can argue about whether or not “in-person voting” or “remote ballots” or “long periods for voting” is enabling for voter fraud. But all of this is completely irrelevant in the face of modern psychological warfare.  When this psywar technology is deployed on citizens by their government, when everything that they hear, feel, think, believe, is controlled through this tech, through social media, through established media, through all messaging- then the nuance of voting is completely irrelevant.

Again, this is unethical and a breach of human rights. Humans have the right to access information in a democracy, which is fundamental to the social contract. How can we have a social contract when the citizens of nation-states are not allowed the information to make informed decisions? That’s where we’re at right now, and it’s justified because of the fear of this existential crisis.

This is evil as far as I’m concerned. This is a major breach of human ethics. We’re disrespecting the ability of individuals to act as sovereign beings.

Most importantly, the deployment of propaganda and censorship blocks innovation and adaptation to change. Cultures cannot adapt; they cannot innovate if they don’t have access to full, diverse, accurate information. This is the most important thing of all. We will become stagnant. Do we have examples of this type of stagnation? What happens when information is completely controlled? The former Soviet Union knows the answer. Those who lived under Ceausescu in Romania know the answer. Those who lived under Salazar in Portugal know the answer.

3.     Globalization versus nationalism, and a battle worth fighting

There are many lessons that we can learn from the COVID crisis, but one of the key ones has to do with “what is globalism”. We toss this term around, we never seem to define it. It’s as if it’s amorphous beast. We can’t put our hands around it.

Globalism is central planning.

Centrally Planned Economy – Investopedia

We have seen the effects of central planning during the COVID crisis.  The former residents of the Soviet Union understand central planning. We understand the harm that comes from central planning, from bureaucrats determining our future, making decisions about how a nation state, an economy of people, should adapt to changing conditions.  During COVID we have seen how easily centralized planning can be corrupted and perverted to support a wide variety of hidden agendas.

Central planning is also associated with cultural homogenization, the drive to create one culture, which is basically driven in the current case by intentional destruction of diversity to reduce economic friction.

This globalization thrust is basically justified by large economic forces in order to support the agenda of transnational, globalist organizations, particularly corporations in their cooperative relationships with large transnational governmental organizations.  Recently, Blackrock CEO Larry Fink spoke the quiet part out loud, when he discussed the need to reduce the global human population and substitute robotic workers to produce goods and services.  This is all perversely driven by a model for future society collectively referred to as transhumanism.

This is anti-human.  This is a death cult, aligned with a wide range of promoted anti-human policies including abortion, destruction of religion and family values, and of course the abomination of gender reassignment surgery and transgenderism.

These policies are being actively and globally promoted using censorship, propaganda, and modern psywar methods.

We must have access to unrestricted information, which means free speech and freedom of thought. Now, that comes at a price—a price of personal responsibility, a price that people will be potentially exposed to information that may be damaging or offensive. But if we refuse to allow them to have access to information and diversity of thought, we will prevent our ability as nation-states and cultures to adapt to changing conditions.

And if there’s one thing that we absolutely must have right now, it’s the ability to innovate and adapt. That’s how we escape the Malthusian trap. All this fear of global warming and population growth; that’s what this is all about. And the counter argument to the Malthusian argument is that humans adapt. Humans can change, humans can innovate. But they can’t innovate if all information is controlled.

States and cultures which resist propaganda, censorship, and weaponized fear have a competitive advantage. In a multilateral world, Romania should not apologize for advocating for autonomy. Independent European nation-states should not apologize for going their own way and innovating. They must do so. They must do so because it will give them a competitive advantage.

I argue that independent nation-states are the laboratory for innovation, cultural innovation, political innovation, and economic innovation. They must be allowed sovereignty and autonomy. If they don’t, the world’s ability to adapt to change will be stifled.

The best way to allow the world to adapt to change is by respecting the principle of subsidiarity. This is the concept that decision-making authority should be delegated to the smallest, most local competent level.  The principle of subsidiarity demands decentralization. The ultimate component of a decentralized adaptive world is not the nation-state, it is the family. We need to celebrate the family as the core of the principle and thrust of the concept of subsidiarity.

The weaponization of fear via propaganda to control people is unethical. We have seen repeated justification by academics and bureaucrats and governments and transnational organizations – that the weaponization of fear is acceptable in the service of the overall public good as they define it. We have seen this in the case of the COVID crisis in the service of public health. The weaponization of fear by governments to control people is unethical, and it should not be allowed under any circumstances. It should not be tolerated. We must call it out when we see it.

Last point: We have a difficult fight ahead of us. This difficult fight is not going to be resolved with one election, the election of one politician, or a change in leadership at the European Council or the President of the United States. These issues have been developing for decades, in many cases for at least a century, and they are not going to be resolved in the short term.

We have a long-term fight in front of us, which will require years of effort in fighting this fight.

Do not self-victimize, and don’t complain. Again and again, I hear this cry of

  • poor me”.
  • “It’s such a hard job we face”.
  • “There’s so many obstacles”.
  • “Our opponents are so entrenched, they’re so powerful”.
  • “They have so many forces”.
  • “They control the media”.
  • “They are so mean”.
  • “They are so unethical”.

Stop whining. We have a fight. We have to fight that fight, and it does no good to complain.

It’s a wonderful thing. What a wonderful thing to have a worthy opponent.

It is the greatest gift in the world, and by God, we have a worthy opponent. We must not complain. We must not shirk. We must confront the evil that is ahead of us, and it is not going to be easy.

Fight for your future and that of your children. Celebrate this opportunity to fight for your future. What a gift to have an opportunity at this point in time to make a difference. Celebrate it.

Refuse to be a victim. Choose life, not death. Do not apologize, and fight for life, freedom, and sovereignty.

Thank you for reading Who is Robert Malone. This post is public so feel free to share it.

© 2024 Robert W Malone, MD

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A Call for Intercession Over WHO Power Grab Treaty

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

April 5, 2024

I am grateful that I found the email from Breaking Christian News highlighting an Intercessors For America call for prayer on America’s leaders (that would be the ungodly coup despots in the ruling Executive Branch and the godly and ungodly members of the Legislative Branch) related to the National Sovereignty terminating Pandemic (better known as Plandemic) Treaty including IHR Amendments.

If God moved on past despots for favorable outcomes affecting Jews (e.g., Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar and Ahasuerus [historical Xerxes]), the Almighty can affect policy from American despots who desire to eradicate National Sovereignty.

Below is the Christian Breaking News share of the IFA call to intercession pertaining the World Health Organization (WHO) plan for international tyranny.

JRH 4/5/24


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By David Kubal, IFA CEO/President

Apr 4, 2024 

Breaking Christian News

“This might be a recipe for population control. It’s extraordinarily dangerous. It is illogical. It is unscientific. And we must stop it right now.” -Dr. Meryl Nass

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – Director General WHO (BCN Photo)

[] Lord, we ask You now to protect our sovereignty: Move in our leaders’ hearts! Stop them from surrendering power to the WHO! (Screengrab image)

A move is currently under way that could give the World Health Organization unprecedented powers to dictate public health policy.

US government officials, along with representatives of over 150 nations, are actively negotiating amendments to existing International Health Regulations and a new treaty governing future pandemics. If this treaty and certain amendments are passed, the WHO and its director-general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, would be handed the power to unilaterally dictate what constitutes an actual or potential Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Previously, the role of the WHO has been advisory, but this draft treaty in combination with proposed amendments to the WHO’s governing documents would make WHO “recommendations” legally binding under international law.

The WHO would then have wide latitude in the event of any public health emergency (per Article 18 IHR recommendations), with the authority to:

  • require medical examinations;
  • review or require proof of vaccination or other prophylaxes;
  • place “suspects” under public health observation;
  • implement quarantine, isolation, or contact tracing.

Additionally, provisions in both the pandemic treaty and any amendments dictate the censorship of health “misinformation” and “disinformation”—in violation of our First Amendment. The WHO would also have the power to determine which drugs or treatments can be used, and which ones will be restricted.

Is It an Agreement, an Accord, or a Treaty?

Though the pandemic treaty has been referred to as an “accord” or “agreement,” this is not the truth.

What are the facts?

In 2005, President George W. Bush unilaterally signed the United States onto the International Health Regulations, declaring it an “agreement.” But “because the revised IHR included language making it legally binding under international law, the 2005 document was a treaty that should have received a 2/3 majority approval by the US Senate,” according to Liberty Counsel.

The WHO defines the IHR as a legally binding “instrument of international law.” Well, on whom is it legally binding? On 196 countries.

Here’s the critical fact that causes confusion and allows miscommunication, and Liberty Counsel presents it succinctly: “Individual nations can make more rules or laws that are more restrictive than what the WHO is demanding, but they cannot make rules or laws that are less restrictive” than the WHO’s legally binding standards.

Who, exactly, is running the WHO?

WHO Director-General Dr. Ghebreyesus is not a medical doctor, but he is a Marxist revolutionary. He once led a communist terror organization known as the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, in Ethiopia. He calls the legitimate concerns about the IHR “fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories.”

But he’s not the biggest concern.

It’s communist China that is really at the helm of the WHO, which is the supranational health arm of the UN. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO adopted the “China Model,” which featured Chinese communist-style lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

Frank J. Gaffney Jr., executive chairman of the Center for Security Policy, a co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, and a guest on IFA’s April 2024 First Friday webcast, warns:

“If they can get two treaties adopted in May, Tedros would be able to compel compliance with a China Model 2.0, featuring surveillance, censorship, and other totalitarian control techniques that will crush our sovereignty and freedoms in the name of ‘global governance.'” [Bold Text added by Blog Editor]

Gaffney points out some of the many ways the WHO is untrustworthy. The organization lied about the nature and origin of the COVID virus, thus untruthfully deflecting attention from China. It endorsed China-style lockdowns, mask/vaccine mandates, and digital passports/IDs. It suppressed effective treatments and instead demanded poorly tested gene therapies (“vaccines”). It encouraged censorship of doctors, scientists, and medical experts, while taking funding for itself from big pharma.

The ‘Next Pandemic’

Tedros has repeatedly stated that a new pathogen is primed to strike, insisting that it’s “a matter of when, not if,” and claiming that it could be 20 times deadlier than COVID-19. This prediction then creates pressure to sign the treaty by May 2024, even labeling it a “critical mission for humanity.”

However, methinks they doth protest too much. Dr. Meryl Nass is a physician and a staunch medical researcher who proved that the world’s largest anthrax epidemic was due to biological warfare. She maintains that the WHO’s pandemic treaty and amendments are designed around a biosecurity agenda that will create more pandemics, rather than stopping them.

“There is no logical reason a disease 20 times more virulent will appear out of nowhere, unless it comes from a gain-of-function lab which the WHO proposed to supervise in the February 2024 version of the pandemic accord. … [Bold Text added by Blog Editor]

“This might be a recipe for population control. It’s extraordinarily dangerous. It is illogical. It is unscientific. And we must stop it right now.”

Gaffney and Nass are not the only ones sounding the alarm about the WHO and this upcoming vote. US Sen. Ron Johnson, R-WI; Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas; and Rep. Chris Smith, R-NJ, have also voiced their concerns. And Rep. Andy Biggs, R-AZ, introduced the WHO Withdrawal Act in June 2022, which requires the president to withdraw the US from the WHO (repealing a law that originally authorized us to join) and prevents any taxpayer money from going toward participation. 

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What about you?

Now is the time to pray and to act. Here’s the action plan:

1. Join the IFA April First Friday Prayer and Fasting webcast with Dave Kubal, IFA’s president and CEO, as he interviews Frank Gaffney.

2. Consider fasting on Friday along with the IFA community. These First Friday fasts have occurred for decades—and we’ve seen much answered prayer as a result.

3. Pray that the sovereignty of the United States and other countries will remain intact and that legislators will stand up for the constitutional rights of Americans.

4. Take action! Send an urgent message to your leaders by clicking here!

Click Here For More Information…

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WHO Threat to National Sovereignty

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© May 17, 2022

The Dem-Marxists, who rule the USA via the results of a criminal Election Coup made possible through the fearmongering vehicle of a COVID-19 (with a statistical survival rate of 99% or better – which deaths could have been prevented by vilified yet effective therapeutical remedies and drugs) and Medical Tyrannical rules allowing fraudulent balloting.

It is becoming evident the Dem-Marxists are intent on maintaining their tyranny by subverting massive voter dissatisfaction by eliminating U.S. National Sovereignty by turning American governance over to the unelected international globalist organization known as the World Health Organization (WHO) which has WEF and CCP tentacles all over it.

Here are three cross posts related to WHO one-world governance power grab which is 100% supported by the U.S. Democratic Party (better described as Dem-Marxists):

JRH 5/17/22

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Biden & UN “Health” Schemes are a Massive Deep State Power Grab

NWO Report screen capture of Alex Newman Video

Posted by Jasmine S | NwoReport

May 17, 2022

NWO Report

Changes proposed by the Biden administration to the United Nations World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations are a massive and very dangerous power grab by the Deep State, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep StateIf successful, this would allow the WHO to intervene in a nation’s affairs without even the permission of the target nation’s government. At the same time, Deep State globalists behind the UN and the WHO are plotting a new “pandemic treaty” that would grant awesome new powers to the global “health” organization.

Rumble VIDEO: Biden & UN “Health” Schemes are a Massive Deep State Power Grab

[Posted by The New American

Published May 16, 2022

Changes proposed by the Biden administration to the United Nations World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations are a massive and very dangerous power grab by the Deep State, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. If successful, this would allow the WHO to intervene in a nation’s affairs without even the permission of the target nation’s government. At the same time, Deep State globalists behind the UN and the WHO are plotting a new “pandemic treaty” that would grant awesome new powers to the global “health” organization. Think Shanghai, but on a global scale. However, Alex points out that, from a constitutional perspective, all of these Deep State schemes are illegitimate in the United States. And opposition is growing rapidly as more and more leading voices sound the alarm. One answer being pursued by activists is nullification at the state level. Get educated and involved today!]

Think Shanghai, but on a global scale. However, Alex points out that, from a constitutional perspective, all of these Deep State schemes are illegitimate in the United States. And opposition is growing rapidly as more and more leading voices sound the alarm. One answer being pursued by activists is nullification at the state level. Get educated and involved today!



‘An impeachable offense’: Dr. Robert Malone slams Biden admin-proposed WHO amendments

The renowned mRNA pioneer called out the U.S.’s proposed surrender of powers to the World Health Organization as an “intentional” subversion of the U.S. constitution.

Dr. Robert Malone

By Emily Mangiaracina

May 16, 2022 – 7:19 pm EDT


(LifeSiteNews) – Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, on Friday slammed the Biden administration’s recent proposed amendments to the World Health Organization (WHO)’s International Health Regulations (IHR) as “an impeachable offense.”

Malone argued on Steve Bannon’s War Room show that the proposed amendments, which Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin have pointed out would essentially surrender the sovereignty of the U.S. and other United Nations member nations to the WHO, is a deliberate subversion of the U.S. Constitution.

Rumble VIDEO: Dr. Robert Malone: Biden Admin. Proposed WHO Amendments “An Impeachable Offense”

[Posted by Bannons War Room

Published  May 13, 2022]

The Breggins have noted that the amendments will “empower the WHO’s Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and to do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation.”

On Friday, Malone sketched a picture of the unprecedented political subjection to the WHO, which would be imposed not only on the U.S. but on all U.N. member states, that would be subsequently made possible.

“Under article five, the WHO will develop early warning criteria that will allow it to establish a [health] risk assessment for a member state, which means it can use the type of modeling simulation of predictions that exaggerated the risk from COVID 19 over two years ago,” said Malone, noting that this implies a world of “increased surveillance.”

“Once the WHO creates its assessment unilaterally, it will communicate it to inter-governmental organizations in other member states. They will then have a 48-hour deadline … to make a ‘go/no-go’ decision about complying with the mandate, which is entirely under the control of Tedros, the director general of the World Health Organization.”

According to Malone, this would allow the WHO to “circumvent the U.S. constitution” and “undermine it through this tortured logic that public health should take preeminence over the American Constitution.”

As the Breggins have pointed out, “there is no specific limit to what constitutes a health emergency,” which the WHO said includes any “illness or medical condition … that presents or could present significant harm to humans.”

Malone added that “in parallel” with the proposed rule changes, Congress took actions to “essentially allow the president to sign a treaty without congressional authorization,” further stripping the ability of the American people to consent to being essentially ruled by unelected parties.

Even further, the proposed amendments would shrink what the Breggins noted was “an 18-month grace period during which a nation may withdraw its ‘yes’ vote for amendments,” down to six months.

“What this means is that this will get rammed through the American political system and the World Health Organization before the November midterm elections,” Malone said.

“This is one of those things that sounds like science fiction. It’s hard to believe that the president of the United States and his administration are intentionally undermining the Constitution, but that’s what it is as far as I’m concerned. This constitutes a breach of his oath of office to defend the Constitution,” Malone told Bannon.

Malone said that not only the constitution but “states’ rights,” which include “control of medical care,” are being handed over to the WHO, and also, he suggested, to its “two major donors”:  the Chinese Communist Party, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

“Those two control the WHO full stop,” Malone said.

While the potential powers of the WHO during such a “potential or actual” health risk are not clearly defined, the Breggins have observed that the “breadth of WHO’s scope of power” is indicated by the other U.N. agencies with which it will be “given the right” to work with, “including those related to food and agriculture, animal health, environmental programs, “or other relevant entities” (Article 6.1).”

“This too will not require the permission of the identified nation … And as we have seen, the foreward to these regulations presents a much larger array of potential collaborating agencies,” the Breggins wrote.

They further noted that because “the health-endangering event may be so nonspecific as to have ‘unknown causes or sources,’” the WHO “will be given unrestricted powers to define and then implement their interventions.”

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Prayer to Dethrone the New World Order

By Jamie Rohrbaugh, IFA Contributing Writer

May 17, 2022

Intercessors for America

Dear Heavenly Father, You and You alone sit on the throne of the universe. We appeal to You today to cast down the New World Order, which evil people are trying to exalt above You, in Jesus’ name.

The evidence of how deeply the New World Order has penetrated every echelon of government is chilling. It is clear that there is a hidden agenda for evil, and the hidden agenda is becoming less hidden day by day.

Nevertheless, our God still sits on His throne above the circle of the earth. He and He alone is sovereign over governments; Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Our God is well-able to cast down the New World Order and every ideology that embraces it.

He is also still the King who changes hearts—and even uses evil ones to do His own bidding.

As we see so many times in the history of His people Israel, in Bible times He often sent invading forces from pagan countries to be used to discipline His people and draw them back to Himself. Yes, even evil kings had to bend to His will! As it says in Proverbs 21:1: “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”

All that to say, our God is the only One who truly keeps order in the universe. All things are upheld by the Word of Christ’s power (Hebrews 1:3). So He can easily raise up righteousness and cast down wickedness when we pray.

WEF- Who’s Pulling Strings Behind Global Scene


Would you pray this prayer with me today, asking the Father to dethrone, cast down, hinder, bind, and prevent the New World Order from coming to fruition in the United States of America (and, indeed, in the world)?

Let’s pray as follows:

“Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus’ name.

Father God, right now I want to thank You for being sovereign. I know You respect our free will, and You are a great and mighty God. You are all-powerful; the only wise God; the only true God. You are amazing and awesome and a terror to Your enemies. You alone sit above the circle of the earth, in government over the nations. You are King of kings and Lord of lords, and all things must bow at Your feet.

Abba Father, we see the hidden agenda of the New World Order coming to light more every day. The things that the wicked forces behind this agenda plan to do are chilling and horrifying. And Father, it is not Your will that we be brought into a government of control, but rather that we remain in freedom—for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Father God, I ask in Jesus’ name today that You would bind, hinder, frustrate, and destroy the New World Order and all plans to implement it.

I ask that every plan the wicked ones make to implement this Order would be frustrated, destroyed, and come to nothing. I ask that You would put roadblocks and hindrances on every path they try to use to release their controlling methods and ideologies. I ask that their apps and technologies that they use to try to draw people under unholy monitoring and control would not work.

Father, we ask also that You would wake people up and show them how offensive and dangerous these plans for the New World Order are.

I pray that people would go to the polls in record numbers and vote for those who will enforce and protect FREEDOM, rather than control. I pray that we the people would rise up and refuse every unholy controlling measure with our votes, and that our votes would count and freedom would be protected.

In the name of Jesus, we ask also that You would wake up the people that are pushing this order. Draw them to Yourself and save them if they can be saved! It is not Your will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance; so we ask that You would bring them to repentance by showing them Your goodness and Your holy Son, Jesus Christ. Visit them with visions of Jesus, the Man in white, and bring them into saving knowledge of Him.

Father God, we ask You for righteous leaders who will protect and enforce and re-institute FREEDOM in every area.

We pray that only righteous laws and orders would be allowed to pass, and that You would raise up people at every level of government to defend righteousness and freedom. We pray also that You would make every vote turn out for the cause of righteousness and justice, and that You would defend this land that You have created and ordained. Preserve and re-establish our freedoms, Father, in Jesus’ name.

Lord God, we thank You that You are the great and all-powerful God. It is at the name of Jesus that every knee must bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Therefore, in the name of Jesus we bind and forbid the New World Order from having any inroads into America. We rebuke the New World Order and command it to leave our nation. And we release FREEDOM and liberty into our nation in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Thank You for hearing and answering our prayer, Abba Father. We thank You that there is VICTORY in the camp of the Lord and that there is only DEFEAT in the camp of the enemy. Please show us the answers to this prayer continually. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen and amen.”

Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God. She is the author of the ebook On-Time God: 10 Prophetic Words and Prayers for RIGHT NOW and of the paperback book Radical Prayer, Radical God: 25 Prayers that Bring Heaven to Earth. She blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. Her writing is featured on YouVersion, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship.

© 2022 Intercessors for America. All Rights Reserved

A Globalist Anti-American Scheme

If you read my blog it is no secret I am a huge President Trump supporter and regard the leadership of the Democratic Party to be witting and maybe in some cases (though can’t think of any) unwitting transform-America Marxists. BUT I am not a registered Republican.




After President Reagan, GOP Presidents and nominees for President have been largely a disappointment to the Originalism of America’s Founding principles (that Dems so often LIE to defend). After McCain and Romney in varying degrees proved to be Republicans in Name Only (aka not loyal to Conservative Americans) losing to an obvious Marxist liar in Barack Hussein Obama (Old SlantRight blog posts on BHO Marxism: HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE) – more race-baiter than friend of Black-Americans, I became a registered Independent. My only regret with that move is in my State that means I cannot participate in Primary elections.


As you will recall or discover below, one of President Trump’s campaign issues for 2016 was an anti-NAFTA and anti-TPP stand as a bad deal. So, I’m a bit astounded to-date he is supportive of the equally egregious USMCA globalist/sovereignty robbing deal being pushed seemingly by equal manners in the GOP, the Dems and unsurprisingly by the MSM. Justin Smith exposes a glaringly BAD DEAL.


JRH 12/17/19

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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.


A Globalist Anti-American Scheme

President Trump Has Been Duped


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 12/16/2019 9:44 PM


President Donald J. Trump, “the Great Negotiator”, is touting the worse “trade agreement” in U.S. history, after he and Democrats reached an agreement on the ** United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement [aka USMCA] on December 10th 2019, and if this globalist mess is the best he can do, something is dreadfully wrong within his administration. This agreement is the antithesis of America First and merges the worse parts of NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership [aka TPP] that was rejected in 2017, and President Trump has either inadvertently taken his eye off the process, as the globalist wolves entered the hen-house, or he is a willing and complicit actor in a process that destroys U.S. sovereignty.


In a morning tweet, on December 10th, President Trump hailed the prospect of completing one more campaign promise: “America’s great USMCA Trade Bill is looking good.”


Robert Lighthizer, the chief trade official leading negotiations for the U.S., stated: “We have created a deal that will benefit American workers, farmers, and ranchers for years to come. This will be the model for American trade deals going forward.”


This egregious piece of legislation is set to go to a vote on Thursday December 19th in the House of Representatives, unless something cancels the vote, according to one staffer in Representative Mark Green’s office, and it more than likely will pass, since, as of this writing, even some Republicans-In-Name-Only, such as Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) — Tennessee 3rd District, are currently set to vote in favor of its passage. As an aside, I made sure to tell Rep. Fleischmann’s staffer that I would in fact travel to his area and work against him, if he votes for this deeply flawed, anti-American piece of ill-conceived crap.


Americans have continuously been told that this renegotiated deal is all about trade and improving life for all North Americans and Mexicans, but it is more than clear that it is really about control. This “deal” is about the total control of all things and all people that fall under its jurisdiction.


A page by page comparison of the 2325 page USMCA and the TPP reveals an extensive overlap. Nearly all the exact same problems inherent in the TPP also are found in the USMCA, in the manifest erosion of national sovereignty, the unrestricted movement of foreign nationals and the de facto facilitation of illegal immigration, collective bargaining for workers and measures to combat climate change.


According to ** this study — How much of the Transpacific Partnership is in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement? (June 26th 2019) — conducted by researchers from the University at Ottawa, fifty-seven percent of the text of the USMCA is copied from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a treaty repeatedly described as a “horrible deal” by President Trump. Twenty-nine out of thirty chapters have equivalents in the USMCA and seventy-two percent of the matched USMCA chapters are found in both agreements. Many of the chapter titles are identical and so too are the various articles and clauses they each contain. And upon deep analysis, the textual similarity between the USMCA and the TPP reveal that have a great deal in common; they are of the same generation of treaties, and they do not mark a fundamental rupture in U.S. practices, despite President Trump’s rhetoric.


Within days of the release of the first text of the USMCA, Richard Haass, a globalist proponent of the New World Order and president of the Council on Foreign Relations, praised the USMCA due to its alignment with the TPP. According to Haass, “USMCA is NAFTA plus TPP plus a few tweaks”.


Take an in depth look at the agreement, and one will discover Chapter 30 establishes a new governing bureaucracy under a Free Trade Commission of unelected and unaccountable men and women overseeing various lower regional committees. Just as initially set forth in the TPP Commission, the Free Trade Commission can make changes to the USMCA without the consent of Congress, and this fact, in and of itself, completely undermines Article I Section 8 of the Constitution and Congressional authority and power to regulate trade with foreign nations.


The United States already has enough problems with an illegal alien invasion of between 22 to 40 million illegals without compounding it by relinquishing any sovereignty and decision making in this regard to an unelected Commission of the USMCA, which very well could be the consequence, if this treaty is ratified by the Senate, after the House passes it. Illegal immigration is certain to be further facilitated by Article 23.8 (Chapter 23) on Migrant Workers and a requirement to “ensure that migrant workers are protected under its (each respective nation’s) labor laws, whether they are nationals or non-nationals” (read “illegal aliens” and “foreign nationals”). This would serve to circumvent any determinations by our Congress and federal judiciary regarding the arrival of caravans of illegal aliens from Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador, as well as a final determination on DACA. And making it plain in language identical to language in the TPP, Article 15.5 of the USMCA states: “No party shall adopt or maintain … a measure that … imposes a limitation on … the total number of natural persons that may be employed in a particular financial service sector or that a financial institution or cross-border service supplier may employ … in the form of numerical quotas or the requirement of an economic needs test.” This opens the door for any number of people to be brought across the border for any reason deemed necessary by one or more Parties involved, flooding America with radical Central American socialists.


[Blog Editor: Interesting perspective on USMCA ending National Sovereignty –  USMCA “Trade Agreement”, the North American Union, an Article V convention, and Red Flag Laws: Connecting the Dots; Posted by TMH – By Publius Huldah; Noisy Room; 12/7/19]


Staying true to other globalist anti-American schemes, the USMCA also forces signatories to submit to international concerns, such as the International Labor Organization, the World Trade Organization and United Nations mandates like the Law of the Sea, that the United States refused to ratify in 1982, along with “sustainable development” — mentioned no less than nine times in the chapter on the environment — and International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives directives and edicts, that many of the U.S. states have fought to eradicate over the past decade, after experiencing years of their oppressive nature. [Blog Editor: All related to sovereignty robbing UN Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 et al]


Although the original NAFTA agreement did not contain any directive on the environment in 1994, the USMCA contains a thirty pages in Chapter 24 dedicated to the environment, that mentions “sustainable development” nine times. Page two of this chapter states: “The Parties recognize that a healthy environment is an integral element of sustainable development and recognize the contribution that trade makes to sustainable development.” Other similar points address “sustainable fisheries” and the “sustainable use of biodiversity”, both of which are aligned with and straight from the United Nation’s Agenda 2030; and, it also contains the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation among the Governments of the United States, Canada and the United Mexican States, that has a subsidiary called the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, quite like a supra-EPA for all of North America.


The purpose of the USMCA’s environment chapter, according to Article 24.2, is as follows [page 2 of PDF]: ” … to promote mutually supportive trade and environmental policies and practices; promote high levels of environmental protection and effective enforcement of environmental laws; and enhance the capacities of the Parties to address trade-related environmental issues, including through cooperation, in furtherance of sustainable development.”


So, the USMCA is essentially calling for the regulation and control over all the waters, lands and organisms across three countries, in much the same way President Obama sought to exert complete control over America through the Water Rules for the United States EPA regulation. The USMCA would strip the United States of control in these areas, through its control over three countries and multi-layers of government overseen and directed by regional government entities. This would effectively put all American lives — where they live, how they live and what jobs they may perform in any given region — in the hands of unelected bureaucrats, with little to no real oversight whatsoever.


As far back as the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan was intelligent enough and prescient to recognize the Law of the Sea Treaty as a thinly veiled attempt to force a lurch towards world government and the New World Order later described in glowing terms by President George H.W. Bush, a globalist “Republican”, and so Reagan refused to sign it, after Jeanne Kirkpatrick, U.S. Ambassador to the UN from 1981 to 1985, testified before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, in fierce opposition to its ratification. And although Pres. Bush Jr urged its ratification in 2007 and it was once again supported in 2012 by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as of 2019, the U.S. Senate has still refused to ratify the UN convention.


However, in the USMCA’s Chapter 24, [Scroll to] Article 24.18, “Sustainable Fisheries Management”, the United States, Canada and Mexico are required to adhere to the Law of the Sea Treaty in regards to managing their fishing industries. In other words, the United States will essentially surrender its sovereignty over all its waterways and miles of coastal oceans to the jurisdiction of UN international law, which would be a national security nightmare on too many levels possible to entertain here, all in the name of protecting fish and marine life.


[Blog Editor: Of Interest – USMCA Sneaking UN Law of the Sea Treaty Through The Back Door? By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh; Canada Free Press; 11/15/18]


All of this opens a path towards a North American Union, as the USMCA seeks to merge the economies of these three countries into one. Think of it as similar to the authoritarian European Union on steroids, dashing madly along and trampling on each and every inalienable right and each item in our U.S. Bill of Rights along the way.


Is it any wonder that the anti-American Travelers, the Communists and the New World Order globalists are so ecstatic over the creation of this USMCA “New Deal”, the old made new?


According to the Huffington Post, “At least half of the men and women standing behind Trump during his Rose Garden ceremony praising the new deal were the same career service staff who negotiated nearly identical provisions in TPP, which Trump had railed against.” Trevor Kincaid, one of the group and the lead negotiator for TPP, observed, “It’s really the same with a new name.”


Doesn’t most of America remember just how bad TPP was proven to be? Don’t all of You recall how hard freedom loving Americans fought to defeat TPP?


All America must flood the White House and Congress with calls and letters demanding this treaty be completely eradicated and thrown in the trash where it belongs. Remind Trump how he felt about the TPP when he rejected it by executive order in 2017, and explain to him how disastrous the USMCA will be in practice. If he and representatives and senators look at this honestly with America’s best interests at heart, they will all take immediate action to terminate this ill-founded evil machination, designed by men who would destroy America.


Lincoln Bloomfield, a longtime State Department bureaucrat and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, wrote a report in 1962, that was financed by the State Department. His report proposed that “ever-larger units evolve through customs unions, confederation, regionalism, etc., until ultimately the larger units coalesce under a global umbrella. America is now witnessing the culmination of those globalists’ efforts coming to fruition through the completion of one segment of the “global umbrella” — a globalist objective — by way of the USMCA.


Those who created the USMCA have no respect for U.S. sovereignty and the Constitution, no true love for America and no honor, and more than likely, President Trump has been duped by them, since no evidence exists that shows the President has ever supported globalism. More than that, President Trump failed to understand that the management of the entire United States is guided by approximately five pages and a single paged Bill of Rights, rather than over 2000 pages, or that a real free trade agreement keeping with American principles of Liberty would be noted for its absence of rules on trade; and, while it may be hard to move the President to disavow and kill this miserable treaty, he will do it and he must, if he truly decries world government and does not wish to be known as the progenitor of “the worst agreement ever negotiated”, akin to the one-worlders and the likes of the Rockefellers and Soros; and in the process, let us place our government back in the hands of “We the People” in 2020, as we hold people and organizations accountable for moving in such a reprehensible, ignoble manner to end our Republic and destroy our Constitution in pursuit of Marxist-Leninism and a global government, actions that most freedom and liberty loving Americans use to call treason.


By Justin O. Smith


Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.


Edited by John R. Houk

All text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Unless indicated by ** source links are by the Editor. The Double Asterisks indicates the source is by Justin Smith.


© Justin O. Smith



Ilhan Omar demonstrates AGAIN she has no business representing ANY District in the U.S. to be a member of Congress. She actually advocates for the UN to be on the U.S. border to benefit ILLEGAL immigrants.


JRH 8/31/19

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Ilhan Omar Superimposed on Chinese Appearing UN Soldiers


By Timothy Benton

August 30, 2019



We have heard enough of the four, seen their responses in ways that are anti-American, but the one thing we have never stood for was the occupation of our sovereign land, not Ilhan is asking for this by the UN.


Make no mistake, the UN is not the friend of the US, they want all nations controlled by this entity that is not in step with the values we as Americans show, is a wasted and bloated organization, yet she wants them to come here and occupy our land, thus giving up US sovereignty over some of our territory.


VIDEO: Omar Wants The UN To Handle The Migrant Crisis


[Posted by Daily Caller News Foundation

Published on Aug 29, 2019


Rep Omar expressed her desire for the US border and the illegal migrant crisis to be handled by the United Nations, rather than the Federal government.]


In a speech Ilhan said that we should do what other nations do, call the UN High Commissioner on Refugees, to allow the UN onto our southern border and control the borders.


She went on to say that our border security, not allowing illegals in is a gross violation of human rights. This was the reason she felt the UN should be called, they, not us, should be in control of our border, that we should step back and allow them to dictate to us our security.


The question I think one should ask, how has this worked out for Europe, not with enclaves that the authorities dare not enter, where people send out morality gangs that attack women they deem are misbehaving or dressed in an immoral way, at least according to their Islamic moral beliefs.


Ilhan Omar


This does not bring up the fact that more people have joined terrorist and other radical Islamic groups around the world than anyplace else in the US than from the area that Ilhan represents, but she wants to see this expanded.


What is more, now we see her embroiled in a host of corruption, marriage to family to give them visa’s, affairs outside of her marriage while lecturing us on her moral superiority, we have had enough.


Calling for the US to give up any sovereignty over any part of our nation is treasonous, not to mention the reaction places like Texas would have towards having foreign troops on our side of the US borders, would most likely quickly escalate into a shooting conflict, yet this is what Ilhan is calling for.


The question we need to ask is, “Do we want Chinese, Iranian, or any other nation’s soldiers under the UN flag ever placed on our sovereign territory?” It seems once more Ilhan has shown how little she understands the US, we value our sovereignty, trying to put troops on our own land would quickly escalate to violence. We must ask ourselves, “Is this really what the ultimate aim is, to bring in forces to control us since she can’t?”


Ilhan Omar is the best politician that we have ever seen to promote the GOP, just listening to her is driving people over to vote for anyone but the DNC. We should be thankful for her, Rashida, and AOC, they have aided more the GOP cause then all the money spent on commercials.


Ilhan Omar, What Was Minnesota Thinking?

What is also amazing is how little they have changed, the party that brought us the KKK, Jim Crow Laws, Segregation is now trying to reinstitute these laws. They changed the direction of their hate from the African American population to the whites, their sheets for Antifa and Black Lives Matter Shirts.

Ilhan After Screaming Racism Introduces Bill To Support BDS

Ilhan and friends, who we have had to sit and listen to lectures about racism and their great moral resolve, now are showing their true colors. Yesterday, after screaming about Trump’s racism introduced a bill to support the radical anti-Semitic movement BDS.

Now Ilhan Omar Calls To Overthrow Trump!

Ilhan Omar, the darling of the liberal left has now gone so far as to compare Trump to a dictator and say that she is 100% sure that they remove him as they have other dictators. One has to wonder, where are the leaders of the DNC?




The UN, Globalist Multiculturalism & Islam One World Despotism

John R. Houk

© July 11, 2019


After WWII the image of the United Nations was an international organization that the Allied victors would utilize to prevent another nation to pull any conquest objectives ala Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan. After the war and the public emerging of atrocities committed by Nazis and the Japanese war machine populations of Western nations breathed a sigh of relief that a UN would prevent global despotic atrocities.


The first dent in this relief was the Communist international revolutionary agenda of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR – essentially Russia) and Communist (Red) China. Those Communist giants used their satellite vassal yet officially independent nations to fill the UN with Marxist opposition to everything Western especially to the USA.


The USSR and Red China in their efforts to woo global Communism began to assist Third World nations willing to be anti-Western (with anti-Americanism as the focus) in their development. Hence Communist revolutionaries began to emerge in newly independent nations formerly dominated as Western Colonies primarily of European nations.


The Muslim world advanced despots as monarchs and dictators who nationalized the Western control of the oil industries managed by Multinational Corporations (MNC). Islam is inherently antagonistic to all things non-Muslim inspired by Islamic revered writings.


The USSR tried to use this Islamic antipathy to export Communist principles to the Muslim world. However, Islam-alone brainwashing ultimately meant the Muslim despots used the USSR support to offset the power of Western supported MNCs. Essentially Muslim despots played an international game of pitting the USA and the USSR against each other to shore up their own Islamic authoritarian regimes.


THEN the unthinkable according to Islamic doctrine occurred. Jews abused for centuries in the West gained sympathy due to Nazi genocide resulting in a gradual reclamation of the Jewish Homeland. A homeland that had been under one form or another of Islamic control due to conquest since the mid-600s AD.


A Jewish Homeland is unthinkable because in intolerant doctrine, once conquered by Islam a land must remain Islamic forever. The Islamic vision of conquest domination in three opinions:





Five Stages of Islamic Conquest

The absence of Communist satellite nations due to the collapse of the USSR led to the domination of two groups in the UN: Nations dominated by Leftist Globalist Multiculturalism and Nations dominated by Islamic Thought.


Since I’m not really an erudite writer let’s look at some quotes relating to Leftist (perhaps Marxist) Globalist Multiculturalism (all from essays or opinions that should be read in full at your leisure):


The Pox of Multiculturalism; By Bruce Walker; American Thinker; 5/19/18:


What the left calls “multiculturalism” is actually the systematic destruction of cultures and the replacement of these cultures by a synthetic, artificial, and meaningless global culture.  When the left talks about “diversity,” it really means the crushing of differences in thought, values, and art into a sort of baby food which neither nourishes the soul or elevates the mind.



Multiculturalism is an effort to destroy culture in the name of harmonizing cultures.  It is, at best, gross globalist imperialism.  It is, at worst, the Orwellian deconstruction of all societal values and beliefs.


Multiculturalism: As A Tool To Divide And Conquer – The Layman’s Primer; By Louis Beam;


No nation is born multicultured. Multiculturalism is an unnatural as well as unhealthy condition that can only afflict states in national decline. A multicultural state carries in it’s [sic] geneses the seeds of eventual national destruction.

All multicultural nations will be found to be in a state of political, moral, economic and social decay. Greed and corruption will characterize the government coupled with oppressive measures directed against citizens. Lies and deceit will be stock and trade of media, politicians, and educational institutions. Such are the bellwethers of a multiculturalist advent.

In modern times multiculturalism is instituted from the top down as an elitist ruling class tool used to play one or more racial or ethnic groups against another. The ensuing cultural melee serves the political designs, economic goals and power needs of elitist rulers and their sponsors. This technique was developed by Marxist ideologues who used multiculturalism in Russia to divide and conquer resistance to the institution of a communist state. The end result of their successful takeover was the murder of thirty million humans in the Soviet Union alone. Many more elsewhere.

The same internationalist cabals who sponsored Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin as the multicultural leaders of the Soviet state from their banking houses in New York, similarly sponsor the multicultural leaders of the United States, Canada, and Europe today. An interlocking network of foundations such as Ford and Carnegie, international banking empires such as Rockefeller and Rothschild, and government agencies firmly in their control work in tandem with controlled propaganda outlets such as the New York Times, CBS, and Hollywood, to promote, foster, and institute multiculturalism today. While the examples used in this essay deal primarily with the United States the same process with the same methods is being employed elsewhere. This of itself is prima facie evidence of a cabal which promotes multiculturalism as a tool to achieve its objectives.

Multiculturalism is being used as a hammer to forge the compliant people who will compose the obedient states of the New World Order. As a weapon of post modern political warfare multiculturalism has few equals, which, thus explains its use currently against all of Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Deliberate fragmentation of these nations and the resultant loss of national identity and purpose into politically disharmonious units, serves as a stepping stone to world government. And who will compose that world government? A ruling class consisting of an “economic hierarchy” that replaces the philosophy of the nineteenth century “natural hierarchy.” A force that views countries and the people that live in them first as economic targets to be exploited, and second as military targets to be defeated if they resist.



Social instability, caused by a steady erosion of standards and values, coupled with a scramble over dwindling economic opportunities by conflicting ethnic groups, produces precisely the alienation and conflict needed to implement a multicultural state. Further, the lack of common standards and values leads to personal disorganization, resulting in unsociable behavior. This is the life support system of a multicultural state. In a word: anomie.

As a political tool multiculturalism has several applications. It is used to prevent a national consensus among the electorate. The confluence of divergent life views, cultures, beliefs, religions, ethnic habits, etc. insures a swirling river of discontent upon which the multiculturalist rides. It is a perfect method of ensuring that there can never in the future be accord, unity, and a common agreed upon destiny among those ruled. Multiculturalism represents a basic form of divide and conquer, to the benefit of corrupt government and its sponsors.

Multiculturalism is likewise a financial tool used to socially and economically level a targeted population. When implemented, it becomes in fact a battle over scarce resources and shrinking economic opportunities, with government weighing in on the side of cheap labour. A continual flow of impoverished workers is insured through immigration (both legal and illegal), who by working for less compensation continually drive wages down. For the vast majority of citizens the standard of living will not increase, but rather constantly decrease.


As a general rule:


The amount of multiculturalism in any society is directly proportional to the corruption at the top of a political system and inversely proportional to national unity.

This means: multiculturalism will have succeeded in so much as the country has failed.


Multiculturalism can further be used as “transitional tool” to take a targeted population from one form of government to another. When a political condition of greed, massive corruption, and diversity of objective is coupled to a social condition of drugs, violence, and discontent, therein exists the perfect environment for governmental change to a system that more closely serves long term interests of ruling elitists. Seeing that both the problem and solution are provided by the same people makes the CIA’s importation of some one hundred billion dollars worth of cocaine and other drugs into the United States understandable. While at the same time explaining FBI, ATF, and other, more secretive federal government agencies involvement in domestic terrorism or its cover-up. Suddenly, that which erroneously was previously thought to be unrelated events show their common thread and purpose.

Within the deleterious milieu of multiculturalism exists the propaganda opportunity for re-education of the people into a more malleable entity. A targeted population will be shaped mentally by new forms of public education in the schools, media indoctrination, and by elitist pronouncements. Thus placed in a crucible of economic necessity and social pressure, once free citizens become despondent masses, adjusting to and accepting fundamentally changing national circumstances as a matter of expedient survival. For the reticent, conformity by force will ensue in the form of legal penalties disguised as ant-drug, anti-terrorism, or anti-hate laws. All of this leading toward what George Orwell so aptly predicted in his book 1984:


“Almost certainly we are moving into an age of totalitarian dictatorships. An age in which freedom of thought will be at first a deadly sin and later on a meaningless abstraction.”

A society is being spawned where those with the most unsociable behavior, deviant lifestyle, or personal failures are given the most by government. This is TRUST ME READ ENTIRE ESSAY


The Globalism Threat – Socialism’s New World Order; By Jeff Carlson, CFA;; 2/24/17:



Globalism is often clad in free trade garb but in fact there is a hindrance of free trade with globalism. Globalism, through its attempt to erase national borders (and identities), applies a broad economic brush to varying problems and economic conditions of differing regions and as a result fails by definition. Globalism tends to exacerbate economic problems rather than fixing them, and hinders free trade by distorting market responses.

Globalism initiates with talk of open borders and free trade but inevitably leads to concentrated government and centralized planning. …



Although the terms are often used interchangeably, Globalization is NOT the same as Globalism. They are very different things. Globalization is a natural economic outgrowth of trade. Globalism is a political goal – plain and simple.



Globalism differs from Capitalism in several distinct aspects. Globalism promotes globally centralized control of laws, foreign policy and monetary policy. Unlike Capitalism, Globalism inherently blends rule of law with rule of man. Globalism comes into existence through the ownership of laws. And through the ownership of law, Globalism gains ownership of nations.


If you refer back to Gramsci, Alinsky and the Left, you will recall I introduced several concepts – Counter Hegemony, Critical Theory and Gradualism. Antonio Gramsci created the Theory of Cultural Hegemony – the way in which nations use cultural institutions to maintain power in capitalist societies. Gramsci felt that in order to change society, the entire value systems of Societal Institutions must be overturned. This would require the introduction of an entirely new set of values and beliefs – Counter Hegemony. Gradualism – along with Critical Theory – were the processes used to achieve Counter Hegemony. Marxist/Socialist philosophers – led by the Frankfurt School – picked up where Gramsci left off and brought these ideas to America. They refined Gramsci’s Marxist ideas – they reshaped them.



If Culture is the true source of Capitalism – how do you truly change Culture? You change it by removing the identities of Culture. As Theodor Adorno stated, you create a “genuine liberal” – an individual “free of all groups, including race, family and institutions”. A Global Citizen.


The tool used to accomplish this goal? Political Correctness – or “same thinking”. Raymond V. Raehn put it this way; “Political Correctness seeks to impose a uniformity of thought and behavior on all Americans and is therefore totalitarian in nature”. Political Correctness is Cultural Marxism – also known as multiculturalism. Political Correctness is the translation of Marxism from economic to cultural terms. And once you’ve changed the culture you can change the laws.


The end game of Political Correctness – its ultimate goal – is Globalism.


And it is here we must be careful. For Globalization has opened a pathway to Globalism. This is the very reason the two are so often presented as the same. An economic process – Globalization – has been altered and repackaged to further a goal of societal change. This is why Globalists so often dress Globalization as Globalism. Globalization is required for Globalism to become a reality. But Globalism is NOT a necessary prerequisite for Globalization.



… Just as Communists first seek to impose Socialism on their way to Communism, so do Globalists seek to turn Globalization into a stepping stone towards Globalism. Their goal is to convince citizens they are one and the same. Using Gradualism.


But there is a distinct difference – and an obstacle. Globalization can lead to benefits for all while still preserving the nation-state. Which means the concept of national identity stands firmly in the way of Globalism. In order to maintain national identity you must first maintain self-governance and full sovereignty. Globalism seeks to break national identity by subsuming national laws. Ultimately, preservation of national or sovereign law is the key to preventing Globalism.


In 1995, the Commission on Global Governance issued a report titled Our Global Neighborhood. The report advanced the view that nations are interdependent and called for a strengthened United Nations. The Commission made a standard definition of global governance stating that;


“Governance is the sum of the many ways individuals and institutions, public and private, manage their common affairs. It is a continuing process through which conflicting or diverse interests may be accommodated and cooperative action may be taken. It includes formal institutions and regimes empowered to enforce compliance, as well as informal arrangements that people and institutions either have agreed to or perceive to be in their interest…It is our firm conclusion that the United Nations must continue to play a central role in global governance.”


It was the U.N.’s first real published step towards World Governance. Towards Globalism.



… Of particular note is the UN’s focus and treatment of Israel. Since the creation of the UN’s Human Rights Council in 2006, there have been 121 condemnations of nations for human rights violations. Of these, 62 condemnations were of Israel. Condemnations for the rest of the world’s nations combined equaled 59.


Corruption, fraud and mismanagement in U.N. procurement have been ongoing since the organization’s creation.



How is “piercing the shell of state sovereignty” accomplished? It is done slowly and incrementally. It is done through division – by undermining society through created rifts. It is accomplished through the application of Political Correctness. Society is slowly fractured into divisions of class, race and gender. Sub-groups are created within these divisions to further enhance societal stress. By lessening national identity the process of usurping national sovereignty becomes easier. There is a reason why George Soros, the self-avowed billionaire globalist, funds 150 different progressive organizations through his Open Society Foundation. Groups like the ACLU, Black Lives Matter, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), Human Rights Campaign, La Raza and the Women’s March. More importantly, this is why Globalists are in favor of unlimited immigration – and the national strife and divisions it creates.




I used a lot of posting space to understand the influence of Leftist Globalist Multiculturalism in the United Nations. The other influence in the UN is from Muslim dominated nations committed to Islamic Thought.


A rational person would think or wonder: How in the world can Marxist oriented Globalist Multiculturalism and those committed to Islamic thought be on the same page?


The simplistic answer is both concepts seek a global New World Order by dismantling the Old World Order.


The Old World Order is currently dominated a Western Christian Heritage that has developed governing institutions related to various forms of Representative Democracy. For clarity: Not absolute Democracy which degenerates into mob rule which is its own form of despotism. At present, the American Republic form of governance is the best paradigm of Representative Democracy.


The American Republic is the ideological enemy Globalist Multiculturalism and Islamic Thought.


What in the essence of the traditional sovereign American Republic bugs the crap out of Islamic Thought? For brevity’s sake here is a quick (meaning not exhaustive) comparison between Islam and guarantees in the U.S. Constitution courtesy of Bill Federer at WND:


The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that Congress shall make no law prohibiting the “free exercise” of religion, yet Mohammad said “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him.” (Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, Book 84, No. 57). The Quran also states in Sura 4:89 “Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take hold of them and kill them wherever you find them.”


The First Amendment states Congress shall not abridge “the freedom of speech,” yet Islamic law enforces dhimmi status on non-Muslims, prohibiting them from observing their religious practices publicly, raising their voices during prayer, ringing church bells or say anything considered “insulting to Islam.” Islamic law relegates non-Muslims to “dhimmi” status, where they are not to propagate their customs among Muslims and cannot display a cross, Christmas decorations, or the Star of David.


The First Amendment states Congress cannot take away “the right of the people to peaceably assemble,” yet Islamic law states non-Muslims cannot repair places of worship or build new ones, they must allow Muslims to participate in their private meetings, they cannot bring their dead near the graveyards of Muslims or mourn their dead loudly.


The First Amendment states Congress cannot take away the right of the people “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” yet Islamic law states non-Muslims are not to harbor any hostility towards the Islamic state or give comfort to those who disagree with Islamic government.


The Second Amendment states “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” yet Islamic law states non-Muslims cannot possess arms, swords or weapons of any kind.


The Third Amendment states one cannot be forced to “quarter” someone in their house, yet Islamic law states non-Muslims must entertain and feed for three days any Muslim who wants to stay in their home, and for a longer period if the Muslim falls ill, and they cannot prevent Muslim travelers from staying in their places of worship.


The Fourth Amendment guarantees “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures,” yet Islamic law states if a non-Muslim rides on a horse with a saddle and bridle, the horse can be taken away.


The Fifth Amendment states that “no person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime … without due process of law,” yet Mohammad said “No Muslim should be killed for killing a Kafir (infidel).” (Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, No. 50).


The Sixth Amendment guarantees a “public trial by an impartial jury” and the Seventh Amendment states “the right of trial by jury shall be preserved,” yet Islamic law does not give non-Muslims equal legal standing with Muslims, even prohibiting them from testifying in court against Muslims.


The Eighth Amendment states there shall be no “cruel and unusual punishments inflicted,” yet the Quran states: “Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are male or female, as punishment for what they have done – a deterrent from Allah.” (Sura 5:38) A woman who has been raped is also punished “with a hundred stripes.” (Sura 24:2) Women can be beaten: “If you experience rebellion from the women, you shall first talk to them, then (you may use negative incentives like) deserting them in bed, then you may (as a last alternative) beat them” (Sura 4:34). Honor killings of wives and daughters who have embarrassed their families have been reported by the United Nations in Muslim populations of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and increasing in Western nations.


The 13th Amendment states there shall be no “slavery or involuntary servitude,” yet the Quran accommodates slavery as Mohammad owned slaves.


The 14th Amendment guarantees citizens “equal protection of the laws,” yet the Quran does not consider Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims as equal to Muslims before the law. Referring to Jews as “the People of the Book,” Mohammad said: “They are those whom Allah has cursed; who have been under his wrath; some of whom were turned into apes and swine” (Sura 5:60, 7:166, 2:65).


The 15th Amendment guarantees “the right of the citizens … to vote shall not be denied … on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude,” yet strict interpretation of Islamic law does not allow voting, as democracy is considered people setting themselves in the place of Allah by making the laws.


The 16th Amendment has some similarities with Islamic law, as “Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes from whatever source derived.” Mohammad said “Fight those who believe not in Allah … until they pay the jizya [tax] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” (Sura 9:29)


The 18th Amendment [Blog Editor: Repealed by 21st Amendment] has some similarities with Islamic law, as “the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors … for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.”


The 19th Amendment allows women to vote, yet in strict Islamic countries women cannot vote.


The 21st Amendment allows for the sale of liquor, yet Islamic law states non-Muslims are not to sell or drink wine and liquor openly. [Bold text by Blog Editor]


It is my humble opinion if the Globalist Multiculturalist Left and the Muslim World ended sovereignty nations, eradicated effective Representative Democracy and/or caused the demise of the American Republic; the Globalists and some kind of Muslim coalition would engage in a bloody war for global domination. You could count on genocides from both sides.


NOW! To the inspiration of these thoughts leading to global strife with unpredictable winners and losers. The Gatestone Institute has posted some news about how the United Nations intends to “War” on Free Speech at least as America knows it. Many UN speech restrictions have already affected Free Speech in the rest of the so-called Free World.


JRH 7/11/19

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UN Launches All-out War on Free Speech


By Judith Bergman

July 10, 2019 at 5:00 am

Gatestone Institute


  • In other words, forget everything about the free exchange of ideas: the UN feels that its ‘values’ are being threatened and those who criticize those values must therefore be shut down.


  • Naturally, the UN assures everyone that, “Addressing hate speech does not mean limiting or prohibiting freedom of speech. It means keeping hate speech from escalating into something more dangerous, particularly incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence, which is prohibited under international law”.


  • Except the UN most definitely seeks to prohibit freedom of speech, especially the kind that challenges the UN’s agendas. This was evident with regard to the UN Global Compact on Migration, in which it was explicitly stated that public funding to “media outlets that systematically promote intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination towards migrants” should be stopped.


  • In contrast to the UN Global Migration compact, the UN’s action plan against hate speech doescontain a definition of what the UN considers to be “hate” and it happens to be the broadest and vaguest of definitions possible: “Any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor”. With a definition as broad as this, all speech could be labelled “hate”.


  • The new action plan plays straight into the OIC’s decades-long attempts to ban criticism of Islam as ‘hate speech’. In the wake of the launch of Guterres’ action plan, Pakistan has already presented a six-point plan “to address the new manifestations of racism and faith-based hatred, especially Islamophobia” at the United Nations headquarters. The presentation was organized by Pakistan along with Turkey, the Holy See and the UN.


In January, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres commissioned “a global plan of action against hate speech and hate crimes on a fast-track basis,” and said that governments and institutions need “to mobilize solutions that respond to people’s fears and anxieties with answers…” One of those answers, Guterres appeared to suggest, is shutting down free speech. Pictured: Antonio Guterres. (Image source: Fiona Goodall/Getty Images)


In January, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, tasked his Special Adviser for the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng, to “present a global plan of action against hate speech and hate crimes on a fast-track basis”. Speaking at a press conference about the UN’s challenges for 2019, Guterres maintained, “The biggest challenge that governments and institutions face today is to show that we care — and to mobilize solutions that respond to people’s fears and anxieties with answers…”


One of those answers, Guterres appeared to suggest, is shutting down free speech.


“We need to enlist every segment of society in the battle for values that our world faces today – and, in particular, to tackle the rise of hate speech, xenophobia and intolerance. We hear troubling, hateful echoes of eras long past” Guterres said, “Poisonous views are penetrating political debates and polluting the mainstream. Let’s never forget the lessons of the 1930s. Hate speech and hate crimes are direct threats to human rights…”


Guterres added, “Words are not enough. We need to be effective in both asserting our universal values and in addressing the root causes of fear, mistrust, anxiety and anger. That is the key to bring people along in defence of those values that are under such grave threat today”.


In other words, forget everything about the free exchange of ideas: the UN feels that its ‘values’ are being threatened and those who criticize those values must therefore be shut down. Not only that, but — disingenuously — the UN is comparing dissent from its agendas with the rise of fascism and Nazism in the 1930s.


Now the action plan that Guterres spoke of in January is ready. On June 18, Guterres presented the United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech:


“Hate speech is…an attack on tolerance, inclusion, diversity and the very essence of our human rights norms and principles,” Guterres said. He also wrote in an article on the subject, “To those who insist on using fear to divide communities, we must say: diversity is a richness, never a threat…We must never forget, after all, that each of us is an “other” to someone, somewhere”.


According to the action plan, “Hate is moving into the mainstream – in liberal democracies and authoritarian systems alike. And with each broken norm, the pillars of our common humanity are weakened”. The UN sees for itself a crucial role: “As a matter of principle, the United Nations must confront hate speech at every turn. Silence can signal indifference to bigotry and intolerance…”.


Naturally, the UN assures everyone that, “Addressing hate speech does not mean limiting or prohibiting freedom of speech. It means keeping hate speech from escalating into something more dangerous, particularly incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence, which is prohibited under international law”.


Except the UN most definitely seeks to limit freedom of speech, especially the kind that challenges the UN’s agendas. This was evident with regard to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in which it was explicitly stated that public funding to “media outlets that systematically promote intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination towards migrants” should be stopped.


Whatever constitutes intolerance, xenophobia, racism or discrimination was naturally left undefined, making the provision a convenient catchall for governments who wish to defund media that dissent from current political orthodoxy on migration.[1]


In contrast to the UN Global Migration compact, the UN’s action plan against hate speech does contain a definition of what the UN considers to be “hate” and it happens to be the broadest and vaguest of definitions possible:


“Any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor”. With a definition as broad as this, all speech could be labelled “hate”.


The action plan, “aims to give to the United Nations the room and the resources to address hate speech, which poses a threat to United Nations principles, values and programmes. Measures taken will be in line with international human rights norms and standards, in particular the right to freedom of opinion and expression. The objectives are twofold: Enhance UN efforts to address root causes and drivers of hate speech [and] enable effective UN responses to the impact of hate speech on societies”.


The UN makes it clear in the plan that it “will implement actions at global and country level, as well as enhance internal cooperation among relevant UN entities” to fight hate speech. It considers that “Tackling hate speech is the responsibility of all – governments, societies, the private sector” and it envisages “a new generation of digital citizens, empowered to recognize, reject and stand up to hate speech”. What a brave new world.


In the plan, the UN sets up a number of areas of priority. Initially, the UN will “need to know more to act effectively” and it will therefore let “relevant UN entities… recognize, monitor, collect data and analyze hate speech trends”. It will also seek to “adopt a common understanding of the root causes and drivers of hate speech in order to take relevant action to best address and/or mitigate its impact”. In addition, the UN will “identify and support actors who challenge hate speech”.


UN entities will also “implement human rights-centred measures which aim at countering retaliatory hate speech and escalation of violence” and “promote measures to ensure that the rights of victims are upheld, and their needs addressed, including through advocacy for remedies, access to justice and psychological counselling”.


Disturbingly, the UN plans to put pressure directly on media and influence children through education:


“The UN system should establish and strengthen partnerships with new and traditional media to address hate speech narratives and promote the values of tolerance, non-discrimination, pluralism, and freedom of opinion and expression” and “take action in formal and informal education to … promote the values and skills of Global Citizenship Education, and enhance Media and Information Literacy”.


The UN is acutely aware that it needs to leverage strategic partnerships with an array of global and local, governmental and private actors in order to reach its goal. “The UN should establish/strengthen partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including those working in the tech industry. Most of the meaningful action against hate speech will not be taken by the UN alone, but by governments, regional and multilateral organizations, private companies, media, religious and other civil society actors” the action plan notes. “UN entities,” it adds, “should also engage private sector actors, including social media companies, on steps they can take to support UN principles and action to address and counter hate speech, encouraging partnerships between government, industry and civil society”. The UN also says that, “upon request” it will “provide support to Member States in the field of capacity building and policy development to address hate speech.”


The action plan also reveals that the first concrete initiative is already planned. It is an “international conference on Education for Prevention with focus on addressing and countering Hate Speech which would involve Ministers of Education”.


The new action plan plays straight into the decades-long attempts of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to ban criticism of Islam. In the wake of the launch of Guterres’ action plan, Pakistan has already presented a six-point plan “to address the new manifestations of racism and faith-based hatred, especially Islamophobia” at the United Nations headquarters. The presentation was organized by Pakistan along with Turkey, the Holy See and the UN.


According to news reports, the plan was proposed by Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi at a session titled “Countering terrorism and other acts of violence based on religion or belief”.


“A particularly alarming development is the rise of Islamophobia which represents the recent manifestation of the age-old hatred that spawned anti-Semitism, racism, apartheid and many other forms of discrimination,” the ambassador said in her speech. She added, “My Prime Minister Imran Khan has recently again called for urgent action to counter Islamophobia, which is today the most prevalent expression of racism and hatred against ‘the other'”.


“We are fully committed to support the UN’s strategy on hate speech,” said the Pakistani ambassador, “This is a moment for all of us to come together to reverse the tide of hate and bigotry that threatens to undermine social solidarity and peaceful co-existence.”


In 2017, Facebook’s Vice President of Public Policy, Joel Kaplan, reportedly agreed to requests from Pakistan’s Interior Minister Nisar Ali Khan, to “remove fake accounts and explicit, hateful and provocative material that incites violence and terrorism” because “the entire Muslim Ummah was greatly disturbed and has serious concerns over the misuse of social media platforms to propagate blasphemous content”.


At the UN, Pakistan’s Ambassador Lodhi called for government interventions to fight hate speech, including national legislation, and reportedly “called for framing a more focused strategy to deal with the various expressions of Islamophobia. A ‘whole of government’ and a ‘whole of society’ approach was needed. In this regard, the Pakistani envoy urged the secretary-general to engage with a wide range of actors, including governments, civil society and social media companies to take action and stop social media users being funneled into online sources of radicalization”.


The UN’s all-out war on free speech is on.


Judith Bergman, a columnist, lawyer and political analyst, is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Gatestone Institute.




[1] According to Objective 17 of the UN Global Compact on migration, member states commit to: “Promote independent, objective and quality reporting of media outlets, including internet-based information, including by sensitizing and educating media professionals on migration-related issues and terminology, investing in ethical reporting standards and advertising, and stopping allocation of public funding or material support to media outlets that systematically promote intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination towards migrants, in full respect for the freedom of the media.” [Emphasis added.]


The UN, Globalist Multiculturalism & Islam One World Despotism

John R. Houk

© July 11, 2019


UN Launches All-out War on Free Speech


© 2019 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute. [Blog Editor: Permission was not acquired to cross post. Upon request the cross post will be removed.]



The End of the Line

Justin Smith views warnings of an imminent economic crisis from billionaire investors. AND the so-called Green New Deal may make the predictions even worse.

JRH 2/10/19

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The End of the Line


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 2/9/2019 5:00 PM


The United States’ economy has surpassed all normal ebbs and flows, corrections, by approximately five years, since on average in each past cycle it rose for 56 months before collapsing. We’re about five years past that point and our economy is only now “cooling”. We’re just about due for another economic recession, if not a collapse that makes 2008 look small. We’re at the end of the line.

The U.S. spends almost a third of its revenue on interest payments alone, and it doesn’t seem like it can afford to pay much more.

In the short decade since 2008, the national debt, ever on the rise, has jumped from $10.6 trillion to $22 trillion. It also comes with a deficit that’s currently over $1 trillion currently. The interest payments alone may be forming a “black hole” from which the U.S. may never escape.

These facts alone should raise concern in any interested observer.


And now we see twenty-nine year old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a product of the Puerto Rican Enlightenment and a Bronx resident, and other red, radical socialists like her in the House of Representatives, promising Pie-In-The-Sky Utopia for everyone. This makes her a danger to herself, her constituents and the nation, since she believes there isn’t any problem that a government program cannot solve, and she is already advocating for Medicare for all, a job guarantee, free college tuition, a green infrastructure program, and a squeeze the rich tax plan (70% for those making over $10 million).


Most political pundits say, “It will never pass … it’s crazy … it will harm the economy.” But, crazy plans that hurt the economy just might stand a chance at passing, since just over half the population in its entirety, and 51% of all Millennials, now have an acceptable view of socialism, some even embracing communism.


When existing laws of the land cause bankruptcy and chaos, people seem to look to legislate even more absurd laws, which is precisely how the first New Deal was pushed through Congress, during the panic and despair of the 1932 elections. And the New Deal gave President Franklin D. Roosevelt carte blanche to enact a series of costly programs.


A good guess is that the next economic crisis will be severe and long-lasting, too, as stocks fall hard and the economy goes into a deep recession.


“How did we get here”, one young lady recently asked me. Short answer: America has been guided to this point, by the consequences of the Federal Reserve Act, centralized banking, regulations, currency manipulation, devaluing the U.S. dollar, socialist initiatives in Congress to fast-track globalism, unfunded debt, monetized debt and acts of anti-American national sovereignty on both sides of the aisle who are intent on tearing apart the Founders’ vision and U.S. sovereignty, in order to pave the way for the globalists and their vision of a “new world order”.


The enemies of America, both foreign and domestic, have been working towards this goal for the past 120 years, and they have been working tirelessly and consistently towards leveling America’s power and wealth to the point She can be managed and coerced or forced to submit to the global agenda of the few power elite, the oligarchs of the world,


Mainstream media almost never hype a financial crisis, so it’s significant when they do. But when billionaires are sounding the alarm, you might want to pay close attention.

At least two billionaires are doing just that, starting with Baupost Group’s Seth Klarman. Baupost Group is a $28 billion hedge fund, and Klarman normally positions himself out of the limelight. His fund is only open to private investors, so he has little incentive to promote his brand to the public.

But recently, he felt the need to write a warning to investors about the global debt, with specific reference to the U.S., according to Sovereign Man:

In a 22-page letter to his investors, Klarman warned that government debt levels, particularly in the US (where debt exceeds GDP), could lead to the next global financial crisis.

The seeds of the next major financial crisis (or the one after that) may well be found in today’s sovereign debt levels,” he wrote.


Even ignoring economic history, there are signs everywhere, as nearly every major asset class around the world, from stocks and bonds to real estate, is selling at nearly an all-time high at prices that defy common sense. This suggests the possibility of a big recession and market correction just before the 2020 election, giving the socialists a much needed crisis that could catapult them into a majority in both houses of Congress. And that’s why we should all be praying that if any coming recession must come, let it hit soon, so it can be properly addressed before it becomes a major election issue.

In the same letter, Klarman continued: “There is no way to know how much debt is too much, but America will inevitably reach an inflection point whereupon a suddenly more skeptical debt market will refuse to continue to lend to us at rates we can afford…

Since the U.S. spends almost a third of its revenue on interest payments alone, it doesn’t seem like it can afford to pay much more.

And Klarman isn’t the only billionaire expressing unease. At the World Economic Forum [Blog Editor: WEFORUM – Globalization 4.0; Breitbart-Pompeo-Nationalism; New American-Merkel-Communist China-Globalist Agenda; & TheGatewayPundit-Ted Malloch-Criticizing Davos] in Davos, Switzerland, Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, said that debt would be to blame for the next downturn, which he believes will be bigger than the Great Depression.

“The biggest issue is that there is only so much one can squeeze out of a debt cycle and most countries are approaching those limits”.

You might think the U.S. government would do everything to curb this problem, but Uncle Sam’s total debt is rapidly approaching $22 trillion, and according to the Congressional Budget Office’s latest ten-year projection, it will be more than $33 trillion by 2029, with $1 trillion annual deficits set to begin again and stay above that for as far as the fiscal eye can see.

Skyrocketing debt, check. Deficit to match, check. Or will it be checkmate?

Although I’ve stated this twice before in this piece. let me reiterate — The U.S. spends almost a third of its revenue on interest payments alone.  America and Her people cannot afford to pay much more.


~ Justin O Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Source links are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith

Criticizing Angela Merkel & EU

Yurki1000 doesn’t always leave comments appropriate to the post. Even so, those comments are either informative or amusing. A few days ago Yurki left a comment to “The Democratic Party Endangers America’s Cultural Heritage” post on my NCCR blog. Yurki’s comment had nothing to do with America’s cultural heritage, but was an amusing and correct criticism of Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel. To understand Yurki’s European heritage concerns, he is Finnish.

Let’s see if you agree.


JRH 1/26/19

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Criticizing Angela Merkel & EU



Posted January 22, 2019 at 3:12 PM


Angela Merkel – Mein Jihad


Could it be Merkel on Hitler’s lap


Merkel Perestroika Deception





– In a speech at the Paris Peace Forum (on Nov. 11, 2018) that was held to observe the 100th anniversary of the end of WW I, German Chancellor Angela Merkel attacked “nationalism” and “destructive isolationism.”


She was clearly attacking Pres. Trump and his “America First” policies.


She said, “We know that most of the challenges and threats of today can no longer be solved by one nation alone (by the U.S.), but only if we act together (as a world government). That’s why we have to stand up for this kind of collaboration” (why we have to oppose Pres. Trump’s “America First” policies).


She added, “Close international cooperation (globalism) on the basis of shared values (one-world religion) that are enshrined in the UN charters (included in the UN documents): This is the only way to overcome the horrors of the past and pave a new future” (their New Universal Agenda).


Also, in Nov. 2018, it was reported that the UN Human Rights Committee has drafted a memo that calls for abortion to be made a human right and all laws that oppose abortion to be declared illegal all over the world (global laws that supersede national laws). –


Please read more:


– Angela Merkel was embarrassed when newspapers all over Europe published photos of her marching and smiling in the uniform of East Germany’s Young Communist Movement as a teenager. –


Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi




– Few people know that one of the main instigators of the process of European integration, was a man who also conceived the genocide of the peoples of Europe. He was a sinister individual whose existence is unknown to the masses of our people, but the political elites consider him as the founder of the European Union. His name is Richard von Coudenhove Kalergi (1894-1972). His father was an Austrian diplomat named Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi (with connections to the Byzantine family of the Kallergis), and his mother the Japanese Mitsu Aoyama.


Thanks to his close contacts with European aristocrats and politicians, and due to the network of relationships created by his nobleman-diplomat father, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was able to work unseen, away from the glare of publicity, and he managed to engage the co-operation of the most influential heads of state for his plan, making them supporters and collaborators for his “project of European integration”.


In 1922 he founded the “Pan-European” movement in Vienna, which aimed to create a New World Order, based on a federation of nations led by the United States. European integration would be just the first step in creating a world government. His earliest supporters included Czech politicians Tomáš Masaryk and Edvard Beneš, and the German Jewish banker Max Warburg, who invested the first 60,000 marks. The Austrian Chancellor Ignaz Seipel and the next president of Austria, Karl Renner, took early responsibility for leading the “Pan-European” movement and later, French politicians, such as Léon Blum, Aristide Briand, Alcide De Gasperi etc., offered their help.


With the rise of Fascism in Europe during the 1930s, the project of European integration was abandoned and the “Pan-European” movement was forced to dissolve. However, after the Second World War, and thanks to frantic and tireless activity and the support of Winston Churchill, the Jewish Masonic Lodge B’nai B’rith and major newspapers like the New York Times, Kalergi managed to gain acceptance for his plan by the United States Government and later the CIA became involved in driving the plan towards completion. –


Please read more:




– It was always the aim of the European project, from its very inception in 1951 with the Treaty of Paris, signed on 18th April 1951 between Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France, Italy and West Germany to established the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) (which is traditionally regarded as the foundation of the EU because it led to political and economic integration to a certain degree in western Europe as well as providing the basis for the modern EU) and the March 25th 1957 signing of the Treaty of Rome to establish a fully integrated federal superstate called the United States of Europe in which the concept of individual national sovereignty for each member state is complexly destroyed and Europe becomes a single , centralised political entity ruled from Brussels. Ted Heath knew this full well when he conned the UK public into voting for entry into the then European Economic Community, supposedly just a free trading bloc and nothing else. He had been briefed by the Civil Service that membership would entail the eventual complete loss of the UK’s sovereignty and our eventual absorption into a European superstate. We were sold the European project on a tissue of lies (note well please, Anna Soubry.)


This deception continued in subsequent decades with politicians of all parties and political shades signing the UK up to various stages of integration into the EU. –






Let’s not forget. We live in a fallen World. THEY (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) work for satan. They control INFORMATION.


Is there hope? Yes.


[Blog Editor excerpts of Romans 10 Names of God Bible (NOG):


If You Believe You Will Be Saved

10 Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God on behalf of the Jewish people is that they would be saved. I can assure you that they are deeply devoted to God, but they are misguided. They don’t understand how to receive God’s approval. So they try to set up their own way to get it, and they have not accepted God’s way for receiving his approval. Christ is the fulfillment of Moses’ Teachings so that everyone who has faith may receive God’s approval.



However, what else does it say? “This message is near you. It’s in your mouth and in your heart.” This is the message of faith that we spread. If you declare that Yeshua is Lord, and believe that God brought him back to life, you will be saved. 10 By believing you receive God’s approval, and by declaring your faith you are saved. 11 Scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be ashamed.”


12 There is no difference between Jews and Greeks. They all have the same Lord, who gives his riches to everyone who calls on him. 13 So then, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”



16 But not everyone has believed the Good News.


Isaiah asks, “Lord, who has believed our message?” 17 So faith comes from hearing the message, and the message that is heard is what Christ spoke.



20 Isaiah said very boldly, “I was found by those who weren’t looking for me. I was revealed to those who weren’t asking for me.” 21 Then Isaiah said about Israel, “All day long I have stretched out my hands to disobedient and rebellious people.”]



jesus saves

Introducing UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Intro by John R. Houk

Intro © January 19, 2019

Since the MSM primary propaganda agenda is to publish as much fake news as possible hoping to lead to President Trump’s impeachment, you may not catch too much info on a United Nations globalist agenda.


The UN has spent the last half century doing all it can to undermine the sovereignty of successful Capitalist-minded UN member nations. This undermining is especially aimed at the sovereignty of the United States of America.


I used to pay attention to this UN Leftist-globalist agenda that smacks of a One-World -Government paradigm. You can brush up on this UN paradigm by searching for all thing Agenda 21. Be warned in your search on Agenda 21, much if not most of Left-Wing sources (too often government friendly sources) paint a utopian picture land management, food production and population management (which really is human depopulation).


In relation to National Sovereignty and a UN globalist paradigm, Claudia Rosett looks how the UN’s globalist migration policies threatens the U.S. rule of law with the attempt to make rules/international laws supersede U.S. sovereignty and by extension the supremacy of the U.S. Constitution within our national borders.


Points I found of interest I placed in bold text.


JRH 1/19/19

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The UN is trying to grab control of worldwide immigration policies*


By Claudia Rosett*

January 18th, 2019 3:55PM

American Center for Democracy


UN GCM logo


While President Donald Trump seeks funding for a bordering! wall, the United Nations is seeking control of migration policies worldwide, with a campaign configured to undermine America’s sovereignty and control over its own borders. And, yes, if the U.N. has its way, America will help pay for it. [Bold text Blog Editor]


As with many of the U.N.’s turf grabs, this campaign to co-opt national migration policy has been years in the making. Incremental in its origins, and swaddled in U.N. jargon and procedure, it has largely escaped the U.S. headlines. But it’s now reached the stage of becoming dangerous.


The spearhead of this U.N. campaign is an international agreement with the high-minded name of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. That’s not remotely what this document boils down to. While proclaiming a utopian “unity of purpose” among the 193 highly diverse member states, this Global Compact would have the U.N.’s largely unaccountable, self-aggrandizing and often opaque bureaucracy, operating in service of its despot-infested collective of governments, set the terms for all.


The lengthy text reads like a template for setting up the world’s most politically correct welfare state, with a colossal menu of entitlements and central planning for migrants; never mind the cost to the pockets, rights and freedoms of the existing citizens. This “compact” does not restrict itself to refugees. It anoints the U.N. as arbiter of how to handle cross-border human mobility worldwide, meaning migrants, permanent or temporary, whatever their reasons for wanting to move. In this scheme of the universe, the U.N. proposes to become the overarching authority “addressing migration in all its dimensions.” [Bold text Blog Editor’s]


Coming from a United Nations that has yet to solve its own problems with peacekeeper rape of minors, that’s ambitious.


In a section on eliminating “all forms of discrimination,” this compact also aims to “shape perceptions of migration,” not least by smothering free speech and promoting gags and penalties for news coverage or debate that the U.N., in its collective majesty, deems unfriendly to migrants. [Bold text Blog Editor’s]


This compact was adopted without a vote at an international conference last month in Morocco, in which the U.S. declined to take part. The resulting draft was endorsed on Dec. 19 by the U.N. General Assembly in New York, over U.S. protests.


It is telling that among 193 member states, the 152 countries voting in favor of the compact included such brazen human-rights abusers as Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Myanmar and Iran. The five countries voting no were the U.S., Israel, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The remaining 36 member states either officially abstained or did nothing. [Bold text Blog Editor’s]


At the U.N., such big vote tallies in favor of U.N. turf grabs are business as usual. In practice, the Global Compact would entail virtually no costs for rogue, despotic or failing member states, which routinely vote for resolutions that they themselves ignore. The main costs would fall on the law-abiding, free countries that provide the most desirable destinations for migrants, and notably on the biggest single contributor to the U.N., the United States. [Bold text Blog Editor’s]


The U.S. Mission to the U.N. denounced the compact, accurately, as amounting to a bid “to advance global governance at the expense of the sovereign right of States to manage their immigration systems in accordance with their national laws, policies and interests.” A U.S. envoy warned that this compact could translate into a “long-term means of building customary international law or so-called ‘soft law’ in the area of migration,” and expressed particular concern that the term “compact” is an amorphous word in international law, “but implies legal obligation.” [Bold text Blog Editor’s]


The U.N.’s rejoinder has been that General Assembly resolutions are nonbinding; participation by member states is voluntary.


Which brings us to the real pressure tactics with which the UN is attempting an end-run around the United States. In concert with a vision outlined in 2017 by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the Compact itself calls for the U.N. to set up a sprawling “network on migration,” to embed, coordinate and promote the compact’s methods and goals throughout the U.N. system and around the globe. The UN Terms of Reference for this compact include a preliminary list of 38 U.N. entities already slated to promote this agenda.


The Compact further stipulates that the secretariat and coordinator of this migration network will be a U.N. agency called the International Organization for Migration. The IOM operates with a staff of more than 9,000, in some 150 countries, with a budget of more than $1.4 billion per year, the biggest slice of that contributed by the United States. [Bold text Blog Editor’s]


The kicker is that it was less than three years ago that the International Organization for Migration joined the U.N. For some 65 years before that, it was chiefly led, bankrolled and shaped by the U.S., and served as one of America’s most reliable partners in dealing with migration. Based in Geneva, the IOM was founded in 1951 as an intergovernmental agency — outside the U.N. system. The migration organization was not a policy shop. Its mission was primarily to help with logistics in resettling people displaced in Europe by World War II. That led to it helping migrant populations hit with both man-made and natural disasters, from the Soviet invasions of Eastern Europe, to the Vietnamese boat people, to victims of the Christmas tsunami of 2004, and so forth. The international migration group cooperated with the U.N., but in keeping with longstanding U.S. preferences, it did not join the U.N. The arrangement worked pretty well.


That all changed under President Barack Obama. During Obama’s final year in office, in 2016, with a nod from his administration, the IOM joined the U.N., which promptly declared plans to create a global plan for migration. For 2017, as a parting gift of the Obama administration, America’s $544 million contribution included $1.68 million earmarked for conferences and consultations supporting the creation of the Global Compact. [Bold text Blog Editor’s]


In late 2017, the Trump administration reversed that policy, announcing the U.S. would no longer support U.N. activities leading to the Global Compact. Ambassador Nikki Haley released a statement that: “America is proud of our immigrant heritage and our long-standing moral leadership in providing support to migrant and refugee populations across the globe,” but the U.N.’s global migration project, she said, “is simply not compatible with U.S. sovereignty.” [Bold text Blog Editor’s]


The U.N. pursued the compact regardless, with the IOM playing a major role in consultations and conferences around the globe, including a major preparatory conference in 2017 in Mexico and a culminating conference last month in Morocco. In early 2017, Guterres appointed as his special representative for migration a former U.N. human rights commissioner, Louise Arbour, who worked closely with the IOM to shepherd the Global Compact to fruition and presided at the Morocco conference, which Secretary-General Guterres also attended.


When the IOM elected a new director-general in 2018, the U.S. lost its longtime leadership of the organization to a Portuguese socialist, Antonio Vittorino. An old cohort of Guterres, Vittorino made a career as a member of Portugal’s Socialist Party, and in the 1990s, during Guterres’s tenure as Portugal’s prime minister, served a stint as his deputy. Now they are working together on what is basically a socialist vision for global migration. [Bold text Blog Editor’s]


According to the terms under which it joined the U.N., the IOM is not supposed to shape norms or prescribe policy. The agreement spells out that it “shall function as an independent, autonomous and non-normative international organization.” But that’s not how it’s working out. The precise arrangements within the IOM for its new role as secretariat and hub of the U.N.’s new systemwide migration network are still in flux, according to a spokesman reached by phone in Switzerland. But policymaking looms large, as confirmed by this spokesman: “The IOM is finally after 67 years setting up a policy shop.”


Last year the Trump administration cut off funding for IOM activities specifically related to the Global Compact. The idea was that these could be disentangled from the rest of the organization’s activities, for which a lot of U.S. money continues to flow, most of it voluntary. In 2018, according to IOM budget estimates, the U.S. contributed roughly $448 million in voluntary funds, all but $2 million of that project-dedicated, plus $12 million in assessed dues.


But with the International Organization for Migration now planning its own policy shop and serving as the hub and secretariat for a U.N. migration network to promote the Global Compact, it’s hard to see how any IOM project might escape being entwined with this campaign to undermine U.S. sovereignty. It’s looking ever more as if a good step toward enhancing U.S. border security would be to stop funding the migration organization and spend all those American tax dollars on projects and partners more dedicated to the genuine interests of both migrants and the U.S. itself.


*Claudia Rosett is a foreign policy fellow with the Washington-based Independent Women’s Forum.


*This column was first published in The Dallas Morning News, on January 18, 2019.


Introducing UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Intro by John R. Houk

Intro © January 19, 2019


The UN is trying to grab control of worldwide immigration policies


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Illegals Invading USA Waving Honduran and Mexican Flags

This Justin Smith post gleaned from a Facebook Group I own is similar to a post about illegal Alien invasion of America posted on 5/19/18. This is an update demonstrating the Open Borders Movement has not diminished but has grown.




JRH 10/23/18

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Illegals Invading USA Waving Honduran and Mexican Flags


AP Photo/Moises Castillo


By Justin O. Smith

Posted 10/22/18 7:14pm

Posted at Facebook Group Social Media Jail Conversations for Conservatives & Counterjihadists


Coming to America Waving Honduran and Mexican Flags, while THEY BURN THE AMERICAN FLAG because somehow they have arrived at the conclusion America is “a fascist nation”, and yet they continue marching towards America, as they vow to cross our border.




… YEA … They’ve made a mess of their nations, just like hungry locusts ravage a wheat field, and now they want to bring their mess here and cart away as many of our resources, cash and benefits as they can … bringing their gangs and their drugs and whores and all the immoral ways that already exist here in too much abundance.


[“Central American migrants making their way to the U.S. in a large caravan wave a Mexican flag as they arrive to Tapachula, Mexico, after a truck driver gave them a free ride, Sunday, Oct. 21, 2018. Despite Mexican efforts to stop them at the Guatemala-Mexico border, about 5,000 Central American migrants resumed their advance toward the U.S. border Sunday in southern Mexico.




What is so wrong with wanting to stop bringing in masses of people who will only serve as added strains on our infrastructure, our welfare system and every area of our resources? What is wrong with wanting an immigration system that seeks to fast track educated skilled workers who will help keep America ahead of the world with a thriving economy and the best technological and military advancements … as opposed to the poorest and most ignorant of Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico?!??!!!???


STOP THIS CARAVAN WITH DEADLY FORCE, IF NECESSARY, IN ORDER TO SEND A CLEAR MESSAGE THAT AMERICA WILL NOT BE BULLIED AND COERCED INTO TRASHING HER REPUBLIC BY OUR DEMOCRAT DOMESTIC ENEMIES AND THE COMMUNISTS OF THE WORLD, INCLUDING GEORGES SOROS and Pueblo Sin Fronteras [Translated as] (People Without Borders) [Blog Editor: See Joe for America & Conservapedia], a communist front group, alongside U.S. Leftstream Media and foreign media and U.S. lawyers and advocates, such as Heather Crone [Blog Editor: Justin writes “Crone” but “Cronk” shows more search results related to SURL] of ‘Show Up for Racial Justice’, who are paving the way for their crossing, as though these illegal aliens are entitled to enter America.




“New estimates cited by El Universal, a Mexican newspaper, say the caravan now has 14,000 people, many of them already in Mexico while others still wait”.


President Trump must have our U.S. Army in place on the border well in advance, with orders to issue three warnings to the first ILLEGAL ALIENS to approach the border fence. If they attempt to breach the fence in any manner, douse them heavily with Tear Gas.


President Trump should make clear that after ALL Peaceful attempts to stop this Horde of INVADERS have failed, His orders are to open fire on ANY ILLEGAL ALIEN TOPPING THE BORDER FENCE … two warning shots and then right between the eyes.


Maybe then this assault on Our National Sovereignty and Our Republic Will End and to hell with anything the Democrat Commies have to say in this matter, since they are in complete cahoots with the organizers and financiers of this mess.


~ Justin O Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Text embraced by brackets as well as all source links are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith