DO NOT Allow Medical Tyranny to Continue – Refresher Videos Pt. ONE

Beginning with Why I’m Voting Trump

By John R. Houk

© May 4, 2024

Election 2024 is coming in November. To be clear! I’m voting for Trump, even if Dem-Marxist corrupt Lawfare sends the actually 2020 elected President to jail (can you say, A CORRUPT JUDICIARY?). I’m voting for Trump even though his support for the mRNA Jab (as far as I’ve heard so far) is a positive. Past Jabs called vaccines that have done far less harm than the documented mRNA Jab were pulled from almost immediately.


Because the Dem-Marxist hate and fear of Trump is so visceral, they are pulling every corrupt Lawfare and Election interference tactic they can think to throw against the wall of evil to see if it will stick. There is something about Trump the Dem-Marxists and ONE-World Globalists fear about Trump. AND at least Trump is against ALL Medical Tyranny Mandates. He believes in the Liberty of Americans to make their own informed choices.

AND SO, I have a huge batch of ANTI-Medical Tyranny videos I’m sharing as a refresher for reasons to DUMP Dem-Marxists on Election Day OR at the very least expose before your very eyes another Election Coup to retain despotic power and control over WE-THE-PEOPLE. I begin with a Pro-Trump video explaining the Dem-Marxist Lawfare then the rest of the video will be a Medical Tyranny refresher.

JRH 5/4/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Rumble VIDEO: Mike Davis Warns Democrats Orchestrating Lawfare

Posted by Bannons War Room

Published April 26, 2024

[Blog Editor: I found this video via a We The People Convention post on 4/26/24 under the title, “This is WHY You and I MUST give All We’ve Got to Win this Year!” The video opens with Mockingbird Media outlets trashing SCOTUS for indicating the Majority will give President at least partial immunity. Then the video proceeds how a Trump will prosecute Lawfare Dems for political persecution. The WTPC post has the link to the 300-page PDF report from the House Judiciary Committee referred to in the video: “Click Here to Read or Download the 300 Page Report: An Anatomy of Political Prosecution.pdf”]

“There Are Going To Be The Most Severe Legal, Political, And Financial Consequences Come January 20th, 2025”

Aired On: 4/26/2024


Rumble VIDEO [H/T: Telegram World Council for Health]: WHO’s Global Power Grab – PART 1 (+1 hour)

Posted by ChildrensHealthDefenseAfrica

Published April 28, 2024

WHO’s is a must watch two-part film featuring over 100 health freedom advocates and politicians speaking out about the WHO-facilitated corporate power grab. This powerful public interest film was created, compiled and launched in South Africa in 2024, ahead of WHO’s World Health Assembly 77 in May.

This informative and empowering film – which includes excerpts from news, interviews and conferences – highlights:

– What is the WHO? Who funds it, where are the hidden conflicts of interests?

– Who is its director-general Tedros? How did he come to power, despite his controversial history and protests?
– Understanding the WHO’s Power Grab through constantly changing but legally binding IHR 2005 amendments + a proposed new pandemic treaty
– How does this power grab connect to the New World Order and the agenda to erode democracy through global governance?
– How are a growing number of politicians responding internationally? Is this an elections, voting and boycott issue?
– What about the role of mainstream media and factcheckers in censorship, misinformation and disinformation?
– How can We The People resist this global corporate coup? What actions can we take nationally and internationally?

Review 1, Age 18: “If I didn’t know anything about the WHO-lead power grab, this film would bring me up to speed quickly and help me realise why we must resist in every country, and exit the WHO in 2024.”

Review 2, age 67: “WHO’s demand for unfettered power (behind secret doors) through organized tyranny must be challenged. It will override every country’s health laws and systems through a one world order which will become legally binding, eroding every human being’s personal freedom through oppression, mass surveillance, enslavement, and totalitarianism. If not challenged, this will be the order of the day and a dystopian future awaits all of us. Fascism comes to mind, which is rooted in the unfettered demand to be subjugated by corporations. A most frightening thought, unless we stand up collectively to rally against it. Wake up!”

WHO’s Global Power Grab (Part 1 and 2) features visuals of or content from:

A. The following films:



X/Twitter VIDEO (H/T Telegram Sergeant News Network): Tucker-Naomi Wolf Interview – Ostracized by Left for Fighting Medical Tyranny

Posted by Tucker Carlson

Posted on April 11, 2024

Naomi Wolf was one of the most famous liberal intellectuals in America. Then she questioned lockdowns and the Covid vax. It’s pretty amazing what happened next.


Rumble VIDEO: Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body

Posted by Reese Report

Published April 18, 2024

Blog Editor: The Rumble Description only has three links: Reese Substack Page, his Banned.Video Channel & a donation link. I am cross posting the Reese Substack page associated to this video which is essentially a transcript.

Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body

Humans being turned into batteries to fuel digital A.I. prison.


APR 18, 2024

The Reese Report

The 248 page patent for the Moderna technology that was administered to people in the COVID shots was filed in 2020. The patent lists several embodiments, or variations, of this technology. And while we don’t know who got what embodiment, we know that several different batch numbers were deployed. And some were far more deadly than others.

According to the Moderna patent, this technology contains self-assembled nanoparticles. And in certain variations these nanoparticles can be used for the controlled release of compounds once they are in the human body. These lipid nanoparticles are encapsulated into a polymer hydrogel, a controlled release coating that includes polyvinyls. This has been verified by Ana Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom’s research.

In a 2013 TEDMED talk, Dr. Ido Bachelet says that these nano robots have already been successfully developed in Israel. And that they can be injected into the body with a basic syringe. He shows an image of what they look like, and they appear to be the same structures that the Fifth Column found in their research and claimed was powered by 5G, which was confirmed by Dr. Bachelet.

“My team developed nano-robots that carry antenna. These antenna are made from metal nanoparticles. Now the antenna enable the nanobots to respond to externally applied electromagnetic fields. So these version of nanobots can actually be activated with a press of a button on a joystick.” ~ Dr. Ido Bachelet

In the following video it is being discussed by developers in 2015.

The nano-robot we designed and fabricated is a machine that can be programmed to autonomously recognize target cells and deliver payloads to those cells. ~ Dr. Ido Bachelet So the basic idea is to make a cage or a basket that protects a fragile, or toxic, or precious payload, and only releases it when it’s at the right moment. ~ George Church The nano-robot that we designed actually looks like an open ended barrel or a clam-shell that has two halves. So the two halves of this open ended barrel or clam-shell are linked together by flexible DNA hinges, and the entire structure is held shut by latches or locks that are actually DNA double helixes. The way it works is that, in the absence of the key, which is a molecule or protein, the duplexes are held sufficiently strong to maintain the entire structure closed. But when the key is present, that piece of DNA that we designed to recognize that key, switches to bind to that key and the duplex zips open. ~ Dr. Ido Bachelet

The work of Todd Callender’s team at have concluded that these shots contain a variety of synthetic pathogens that can be released with external 5G frequencies. The Moderna patent describes these nanoparticle mimics, which mimic the delivery of a variety of pathogens and lists over a hundred of them within the patent.

And according to the work at vaxxchoice, these synthetic pathogens each have an IP address, they are cataloged by the Department of Energy, and they use Caesium-137, which we have been contaminated with from the environment, as a building block for their construction within our bodies using external frequency. And their research shows that the Microsoft patent filed in 2020, 060606 cryptocurrency system using body activity data, is now in effect and that this technology is turning the human body into an antenna which can output energy. Meaning that humans are being turned into batteries to fuel the digital A.I. prison that is being built around us. And if you choose not to comply, the technology includes a kill switch.

Thanks to many independent researchers and scientists, we are figuring out their agenda. But they continue to walk freely among us, unrestrained by any justice whatsoever.


Bitchute VIDEO: VNN-Elijah Schaffer Reports on mRNA Suppresses Immune Response & Stimulates Cancer

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 4th, 2024 15:11 UTC

I found this clip at Telegram The Vigilant Fox ( posted on 4/18/24 ( The title is derived from the video content.

The Vigilant Fox Description:

“Bad News for the COVID Vaccinated

Countless warnings about the COVID shots have been labeled “conspiracy theories” only to be later confirmed.

The latest example comes from a comprehensive review by an international consortium of scientists who raised concerns that a specific vaccine ingredient, N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ), may play a role in immune suppression and cancer proliferation.

The review stresses that incorporating N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) in mRNA vaccines significantly compromises critical immune responses, severely hindering the body’s initial interferon signaling.

Interferon is vital for the immune system’s ability to fend off infections and combat diseases like cancer.

The researchers wrote:

“Based on this compelling evidence, we suggest that future clinical trials for cancers or infectious diseases should not use mRNA vaccines with a 100 % m1Ψ (N1-methyl-pseudouridine) modification, but rather ones with the lower percentage of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression.”

Given the extensive “immune suppression” observed, it’s not a stretch to say the COVID shots are largely responsible for the alarming rise in cancer cases among young people.

However, corporate media outlets like The Wall Street Journal continue to run cover for Big Pharma.

One of their recent headlines reads: “Cancer Is Striking More Young People, and Doctors Are Alarmed and Baffled.”

Watch the video for more disturbing details on what other mechanisms could be causing cancer. Dr. Peter McCullough breaks it down.”


Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. McCullough Schools Leftist on ACTUAL mRNA Detrimental Data

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 4th, 2024 15:23 UTC

Telegram user Sir Robert Miles KT forwarded to the Telegram Channel The American Patriot Movement (I didn’t realize until now no Channel link so it’s either private or Ask-To-Join) posted on 4/18/24 forwarded from Telegram The Vigilant Fox (

The American Patriot Movement Description:

“Pro-Vaxxer Left Speechless as Dr. McCullough Drops the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots

BRIAN SHAPIRO: “You are… far less likely to get the effects of having to go into the ICU or possibly dying if you were vaccinated. Am I wrong?”

DR. MCCULLOUGH: “Yeah, you’re wrong. And here’s the reason why.”

• “The prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of the vaccines never showed a reduction in severity.”

• “They never showed a reduction in hospitalization and death.”

• “In a recent paper by Norman Fenton from the UK, he shown that there was tremendous misclassification bias.” This misclassification bias led to the false claim that 90% of people dying in the hospital were unvaccinated.

• “In countries that actually did have the vaccine status, like the UK, they found far more vaccinated in the hospital on ventilators and dying than the unvaccinated.”

• “With every single injection, one is more and more likely to get COVID-19.”

• “Our safety system for vaccines records, on average, 150 deaths in a year on average. The COVID-19 vaccines roll out… 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine. 1150 die on the same day they take the shot! Some die in the vaccine center. 1200 die the next day.”

• 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine doesn’t account for the underreporting factor of 30. “We’re looking, as we sit here today, at 550,000 plus Americans who have died after the vaccine. The same pattern is seen worldwide.”

Dr. McCullough ended with this statement:

“There are calls to pull these vaccines off the market. They’re so grossly unsafe because people die quickly after taking them.”

Watch the full clip [X/Twitter Chief Nerd]:

Give Dr. McCullough a follow on Telegram:


Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. Pierre Kory – NEVER Take Another mRNA Jab & Remedy for Jab Injury

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 4th, 2024 15:44 UTC

I found this clip at Telegram Wide Awake Media ( posted on 4/19/24 ( Dr. Kory is part of the Anti-Medical Tyranny website of doctors working against Globalist control medical narrative (FLCCC Alliance Toward the end of this very short clip you hear Dr. Kory share the FLCCC has a remedy protocol for the mRNA injured. HERE is that website info: FLCCC PDF entitled, “I-PREVENT: Vaccine Injury Protocol: An Approach to Post-Vaccine Cardiovascular and Cancer Care” –

Wide Awake Media Description:

‘Dr. Pierre Kory issues an urgent warning to anybody who took the mRNA Covid “vaccines”:

“Do not get vaccinated, ever again, with an mRNA vaccine. Do not let family members get vaccinated… The farther you are out from your last one, I think your prognosis is much, much better.”’

A Call for Intercession Over WHO Power Grab Treaty

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

April 5, 2024

I am grateful that I found the email from Breaking Christian News highlighting an Intercessors For America call for prayer on America’s leaders (that would be the ungodly coup despots in the ruling Executive Branch and the godly and ungodly members of the Legislative Branch) related to the National Sovereignty terminating Pandemic (better known as Plandemic) Treaty including IHR Amendments.

If God moved on past despots for favorable outcomes affecting Jews (e.g., Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar and Ahasuerus [historical Xerxes]), the Almighty can affect policy from American despots who desire to eradicate National Sovereignty.

Below is the Christian Breaking News share of the IFA call to intercession pertaining the World Health Organization (WHO) plan for international tyranny.

JRH 4/5/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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By David Kubal, IFA CEO/President

Apr 4, 2024 

Breaking Christian News

“This might be a recipe for population control. It’s extraordinarily dangerous. It is illogical. It is unscientific. And we must stop it right now.” -Dr. Meryl Nass

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – Director General WHO (BCN Photo)

[] Lord, we ask You now to protect our sovereignty: Move in our leaders’ hearts! Stop them from surrendering power to the WHO! (Screengrab image)

A move is currently under way that could give the World Health Organization unprecedented powers to dictate public health policy.

US government officials, along with representatives of over 150 nations, are actively negotiating amendments to existing International Health Regulations and a new treaty governing future pandemics. If this treaty and certain amendments are passed, the WHO and its director-general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, would be handed the power to unilaterally dictate what constitutes an actual or potential Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Previously, the role of the WHO has been advisory, but this draft treaty in combination with proposed amendments to the WHO’s governing documents would make WHO “recommendations” legally binding under international law.

The WHO would then have wide latitude in the event of any public health emergency (per Article 18 IHR recommendations), with the authority to:

  • require medical examinations;
  • review or require proof of vaccination or other prophylaxes;
  • place “suspects” under public health observation;
  • implement quarantine, isolation, or contact tracing.

Additionally, provisions in both the pandemic treaty and any amendments dictate the censorship of health “misinformation” and “disinformation”—in violation of our First Amendment. The WHO would also have the power to determine which drugs or treatments can be used, and which ones will be restricted.

Is It an Agreement, an Accord, or a Treaty?

Though the pandemic treaty has been referred to as an “accord” or “agreement,” this is not the truth.

What are the facts?

In 2005, President George W. Bush unilaterally signed the United States onto the International Health Regulations, declaring it an “agreement.” But “because the revised IHR included language making it legally binding under international law, the 2005 document was a treaty that should have received a 2/3 majority approval by the US Senate,” according to Liberty Counsel.

The WHO defines the IHR as a legally binding “instrument of international law.” Well, on whom is it legally binding? On 196 countries.

Here’s the critical fact that causes confusion and allows miscommunication, and Liberty Counsel presents it succinctly: “Individual nations can make more rules or laws that are more restrictive than what the WHO is demanding, but they cannot make rules or laws that are less restrictive” than the WHO’s legally binding standards.

Who, exactly, is running the WHO?

WHO Director-General Dr. Ghebreyesus is not a medical doctor, but he is a Marxist revolutionary. He once led a communist terror organization known as the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, in Ethiopia. He calls the legitimate concerns about the IHR “fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories.”

But he’s not the biggest concern.

It’s communist China that is really at the helm of the WHO, which is the supranational health arm of the UN. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO adopted the “China Model,” which featured Chinese communist-style lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

Frank J. Gaffney Jr., executive chairman of the Center for Security Policy, a co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, and a guest on IFA’s April 2024 First Friday webcast, warns:

“If they can get two treaties adopted in May, Tedros would be able to compel compliance with a China Model 2.0, featuring surveillance, censorship, and other totalitarian control techniques that will crush our sovereignty and freedoms in the name of ‘global governance.'” [Bold Text added by Blog Editor]

Gaffney points out some of the many ways the WHO is untrustworthy. The organization lied about the nature and origin of the COVID virus, thus untruthfully deflecting attention from China. It endorsed China-style lockdowns, mask/vaccine mandates, and digital passports/IDs. It suppressed effective treatments and instead demanded poorly tested gene therapies (“vaccines”). It encouraged censorship of doctors, scientists, and medical experts, while taking funding for itself from big pharma.

The ‘Next Pandemic’

Tedros has repeatedly stated that a new pathogen is primed to strike, insisting that it’s “a matter of when, not if,” and claiming that it could be 20 times deadlier than COVID-19. This prediction then creates pressure to sign the treaty by May 2024, even labeling it a “critical mission for humanity.”

However, methinks they doth protest too much. Dr. Meryl Nass is a physician and a staunch medical researcher who proved that the world’s largest anthrax epidemic was due to biological warfare. She maintains that the WHO’s pandemic treaty and amendments are designed around a biosecurity agenda that will create more pandemics, rather than stopping them.

“There is no logical reason a disease 20 times more virulent will appear out of nowhere, unless it comes from a gain-of-function lab which the WHO proposed to supervise in the February 2024 version of the pandemic accord. … [Bold Text added by Blog Editor]

“This might be a recipe for population control. It’s extraordinarily dangerous. It is illogical. It is unscientific. And we must stop it right now.”

Gaffney and Nass are not the only ones sounding the alarm about the WHO and this upcoming vote. US Sen. Ron Johnson, R-WI; Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas; and Rep. Chris Smith, R-NJ, have also voiced their concerns. And Rep. Andy Biggs, R-AZ, introduced the WHO Withdrawal Act in June 2022, which requires the president to withdraw the US from the WHO (repealing a law that originally authorized us to join) and prevents any taxpayer money from going toward participation. 

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What about you?

Now is the time to pray and to act. Here’s the action plan:

1. Join the IFA April First Friday Prayer and Fasting webcast with Dave Kubal, IFA’s president and CEO, as he interviews Frank Gaffney.

2. Consider fasting on Friday along with the IFA community. These First Friday fasts have occurred for decades—and we’ve seen much answered prayer as a result.

3. Pray that the sovereignty of the United States and other countries will remain intact and that legislators will stand up for the constitutional rights of Americans.

4. Take action! Send an urgent message to your leaders by clicking here!

Click Here For More Information…

All articles on this site and emails from BCN are copyrighted property of Breaking Christian News. Permission is given to link to, or share a BCN story if proper attribution is given to both the original writer and summarizer of the story. Breaking Christian News 2005-2019. All Rights Reserved.

Breaking Christian News is a division of Elijah List Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: Articles and links, as well as the source articles linked to; do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Breaking Christian News.

Video Collection of Tyranny Past, Present & Future

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 28, 2024

This is a collection of seven videos that are in a random date order showing my interest. The first video is from my UGETube Channel because that platform honors Fair Use doctrine the best and the rest are from my Bitchute Channel. All the videos are from my Telegram Saved subscriptions. In case anyone does Telegram, I place a summary on my Telegram SlantRight 2.0 Channel (which usually points to my CPCR-Blog) for anyone on Telegram who chooses to subscribe.

I have a suspicion my SlantRight 2.0 on Blogger might exercise their Community Guideline vitriol with the last video because it is critical of the LGBTQ movement and Transgenderism from a Christian perspective. Which will be disappointing because that is the only platform that still embeds UGETube and Bitchute videos. I have to upload each video on my WordPress and Substack blogs. In case anyone is curious, I post the same content on three separate blogs as my way of resisting WOKE censorship. These days Google-owned Blogger seems to be the worst of the WOKE censors.

The first video is about 34-minutes, the last video is nearly 15-minutes and the videos in between are very short.

The titles of the video collection are as follows:

JRH 3/28/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


UGETube VIDEO: Dr. David Bell: Public Health Is Moving Toward ‘International Fascism’

Posted by John Houk

Published 28 Mar 2024

This is a great video from EPOCH TV’s American Thought Leaders ( Dr. Bell evaluates Globalists and WHO agenda to usurp National Sovereignty via Plandemic Treaty tyranny. I wish I could remember how I found the video. To hazard a guess: Telegram.  It was originally posted 9/30/23 (

EPOCH TV Description:

“People are thinking COVID has gone away and we’re getting back to normal. But in a sort-of international public health world, that’s not the case at all. We’re building new institutions, we’re expanding institutions, and all the expansion is around pandemic preparedness and response.”

In this episode, I sit down with public health physician and Brownstone Institute fellow Dr. David Bell. A former World Health Organization medical officer, he recently published “Pandemic Preparedness and the Road to International Fascism” in the American Journal of Economics and Sociology.

“The hope of writing the paper, and I think of us talking, is to try to get the public health world, who are very much on board with this and going forward with it, of stepping back and really thinking what they’re doing, because they’ve repeatedly done huge harm to society over the last couple of hundred years. And it’s clear that they’re on that path again,” says Dr. Bell.

He argues that public health played a large role in justifying the takeover of populations by colonial empires of Europe, and that given new International Health Regulations, which will have force under international law, it is likely that history may repeat itself.

“Forerunners to the World Health Organization were the Paris Agreements and other agreements of the late 19th century around stopping pandemics coming from the colonies to Europe,” says Dr. Bell.”


Bitchute VIDEO: 3-Letter Agencies Child Abduction & Experimentation

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 28th, 2024 13:56 UTC

The basis of this excerpted video clip is the reading of a memoir of Joseph Spencer – a self-described CIA/MIB Agent. The beginning briefly tells of Spencer’s recruitment, chemical brainwashing and Agent-molding. The latter half is about Child abduction and child experimentation for exploitation and Adrenochrome extraction. As read by Tom Keating with additional information from Jim Caviezel.

I found the clip at Telegram Sergeant News Network 🇺🇸 ( and posted on 2/28/24 (

The memoir reading makes no mention of “Adrenochrome”, but only of child abduction, experimentation and torture. In the Caviezel extrapolations, “Adrenochrome” extraction from children is spoken yet not the reason for extraction.

So, I looked up “Adrenochrome”.

Those on the Conservative aisle claim (labeled debunked Conspiracy Theory by all things Left): Adrenochrome extracted from child is used to stop aging. There are more details to extraction and combinations including blood that I have not grasped and frankly uncertain how onboard with it all I am.

BUT IF the Left cries “FALSE!” Then I have to suspect there are some elements of truth.

Telegram Description:

“This Is Joseph Spencer, Served As United States Top Secret Operative, Worked For 7 Years As A Counterintelligence Agent For The CIA

“Every year, at least 8 million children go missing in the world. I can attest that one third of them are abducted by government operatives and transported to any one of the 1,477 underground military installations on the planet.”

Additional Information by Joseph Spencer & Jim Caviezel” Adrenochrome definition:

Three websites providing Adrenochrome history yet siding with Conspiracy Theory Debunking:

Two websites on young mice blood energized old mice – Hmm.. So much for debunk narrative:

  • Young Blood Rejuvenates Old Bodies: A Call for Reflection when Moving from Mice to Men;; 1/3/18 –
  • The vampire molecule: scientists discover why young blood helps reverse aging;; Last Updated 3/2/18 –


Bitchute VIDEO: Bush Family – Skull & Bones Connection (Excerpt)

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 28th, 2024 14:27 UTC

I found the excerpted clip on the Secret Society Skull & Bones focused on Bush family membership at Telegram Wide Awake Media ( posted on 3/15/24 ( It was apparently forwarded from Telegram HATS (

Wide Awake Media Description:

“George Bush and his family, represent the satanic skull and bones society.

They perform human sacrifices & secret sex rituals for money.

The skull & bones society have committed many crimes against humanity, grave robbing geronimos skull & bones, including the genocide of native Americans & attacks on world trade centres on 9/11.”


Bitchute VIDEO: CCP SkyNet Facial Recognition System

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 28th, 2024 14:42 UTC 

Watch the “Terminator” movie franchise. In this very short excerpted clip, an obviously dedicated CCP-dedicated scientist claims his Chinese government’s SkyNet system is “good” and not evil as in the movie Terminator. Sounds like brainwashing BS to me.

The clip is from Telegram The Rabbit Hole (an ask-to-join Channel) posted on 3/16/24 (

The Rabbit Hole Description:

“China’s SkyNet Facial Recognition system. 850 million surveillance cameras all interlinked to track you every step of your daily life — store, work, airport, hotel, concerts, sports games, etc.”


Bitchute VIDEO: Disney Donald Duck Math Occultic Pentagram Education

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 28th, 2024 15:03 UTC

Telegram THE WHITE RABBIT ( found a Disney (I would NEVER trust Disney with your children if I were you) educational video promoting mathematics learning yet if you pay attention – IT IS OCCULT BASED MATH VIA THE PENTAGRAM! Posted on THE WHITE RABBIT 3/3/24 ( The brief one-sentence description: “They use to teach us”.


Bitchute VIDEO: Amazon Alexa Reads Minds?

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 28th, 2024 15:09 UTC

I found this clip meant to be an amusing Ad to promote AI usage of Amazon Alexa, BUT smacks of an emerging Terminator experience of future AI tyranny. I found the clip at Telegram Truth Seekers (an ask-to-join channel) posted on 2/26/24 (no post link).

Truth Seekers Description:

“Amazon commercial about Alexa reading your mind, and you can also see a subtle one eyed symbolism at 45 sec.

Situations like this really make you think about who could be listening to you and watching you through your Alexa, Google Home, laptops, and your smartphones, and what are they doing it with that information about you?

Is there some kind of hidden “social credit” system going on behind the scenes that we do not know about? Most likely, as a matter of fact, if you are using any mainstream social media, and you have been trashing your government, you bet that it is well noted and recorded on some google server, and will be used.

I will tell you a story, someone asked a man in China, how are the things going on over there?

The man replied: “I can’t complain.”

As George Orwell says in his 1984 book, “Big Brother is watching you”

Thank you for your patience,

All my love to you good people”


Bitchute VIDEO: Jonathan Cahn Panel – Ancient Pagan Sex-god Demons & TODAY

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 28th, 2024 15:47 UTC

I derived the title of this clip from the theme of the panel discussion I found on Telegram Sound of Freedom – Redpilling ( posted on 2/20/24. When I tried to discover from whence this revealing panel discussion came from, what I did discover was Jonathan Cahn interviews & Church settings talking about the book all this information is based on entitled, “The Return of the Gods” published in September 2022 (Amazon: I found a bunch of Cahn videos discussing the book info but not the one I was looking for.

What I heard was the ancient pagan-demonic gods of the Greeks and Middle East are resurging in this present time influencing sexual perversion to be normalized. AS IN out-of-wedlock heterosexual encounters & LGBTQ perversions which includes brainwashed Transgenderism.

Sound of Freedom – Redpilling Description:

“Pagan sex gods are the reason for everything we are witnessing today”.

‘DISEASE X’ – The Next Fearmongering Plot to CONTROL

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© January 16, 2024

Up front, I’m not a science guy. But, I can read and observe!

If you can get past the government lies and science lies all washed in lying propaganda to produce mass fearmongering with the sole (hmm… perhaps when evil is involved the word “soul” is applicable) purpose of people-CONTROL; YOU should realize all things related to the CCP-virus (aka COVID) was a Globalist experiment in controlling the masses AND the experimental mRNA Jab was a failure of what WE were told it would accomplish. INDEED, the mRNA experiment could observably look like an extension of the COVID-control fearmongering and quite probably the Globalist-Elitist agenda to depopulate the human element the wanna-be ruling few consider useless.

WITH THAT IN MIND, for those who understand today’s tyranny is associated with fearmongering control, become aware another dose of virus-LIES is in production.

The production has been exposed yet so new it has been tagged with a science fiction name. It’s being called “DISEASE X”.

APPARENTLY, the Globalist-Elitists are meeting in Davos under the unction of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to fabricate yet another dangerous inoculation for a pandemic disease that has ALL the appearances of a planned unleashed fearmongering upon the world’s population.

Elitist-planning for disease fearmongering that has not taken place is NOT a new phenomenon. I posted on the COVID pre-planning in April 2021 under the title, “Another Fearmongered Pandemic Exposed?” In this post you should become familiar with some of the fearmongering pre-plan terminology (From the post):

  • World Economic Forum [The from 2021 is inoperable. The title: “The World Economic Forum and Their Global Communist Agenda”. Ergo, along the lines of the title, you might wish to peruse these embedded links: HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE.]


The WEF-WHO-Davos planning on the mysterious Disease X is no different! And thus, I sharing some info from those more connect to science than I.


JRH 1/16/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Disease X – Turns Out Death Is Profitable


January 15, 2024

AND Magazine

The COVID-19 pandemic began in late 2019 in Wuhan, China. All available evidence suggests strongly that the virus was the product of “gain of function” research at a bio lab in that city. The virus appears to have escaped from the lab as the result of well-known sloppy lab practices at the facility. The results, even given the limited lethality of COVID-19, were catastrophic and by any measure, our national response to the pandemic was a complete failure.

We imposed social distancing and lockdown restrictions without any scientific justification. We denied people access to known medications like hydroxychloroquine and prevented therapeutic care. We ordered the population to take experimental vaccines which were at best useless and now appear to have horrifying, life-threatening side effects.

We ought as a nation to be examining our performance and taking immediate steps to ensure no such disaster ever happens again. We ought, for instance, to be taking a hard look at controlling entry to this country and screening people coming in – with an eye to preventing the spread of a future, potentially much more dangerous virus.

We are not. We are doing exactly the opposite. We have opened our borders and eliminated any meaningful medical screening of individuals who are then moved – in rapid fashion – into our population centers. Were we trying to spread contagious disease and threaten the health of American citizens we could not be doing a better job.

Meanwhile, out there in the world, the danger increases every day.

Chinese military researchers recently succeeded in creating another new coronavirus, this one derived from a pangolin. They then tested their new virus on mice to see how well it worked. These test mice were “humanized” that is they had been bred specifically to be susceptible to the same kinds of diseases that infect humans and to react to the diseases as humans would.

Youtube VIDEO: 100% Lethal Pangolin Coronavirus Experiment :China’s Shocking Discovery [Blog Editor: Though informative, the 3:18-minute delivers as if CCP scientists are doing the world a favor in creating a deadly disease.]

[Posted by Health Bulletin

Published Jan 12, 2024


All the mice died within a matter of days. This new coronavirus is one hundred percent lethal. After releasing their findings, the Chinese scientists announced they intended to continue their research.

Only days earlier another research team in Thailand announced the results of their work on another new coronavirus found in bats. This work is being done by a team working for Dr. Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance. His company was deeply involved in the work in Wuhan that gave us COVID-19.

Daszak says the new coronavirus is at least as bad as COVID-19. His team apparently intends to continue to study the virus, but it is unclear as yet whether that work will include “gain of function” experiments.

Meanwhile, as scientists around the globe continue their quest to perfect organisms that can kill as many humans as possible the incidence of lab leaks worldwide is increasing dramatically. We are not becoming more careful in the handling of pathogens. We are becoming more careless.

According to a report by the Telegraph, lab leaks have increased by 50% since the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, with 156 instances of lab leaks or mishaps since January 2020. In its reporting, the Telegraph stated the obvious and warned of “potentially catastrophic consequences” going forward. The paper also noted that “dozens of dangerous viruses and bacteria including anthrax, rabies, and Mers (Middle East respiratory syndrome) are being stored close to large populations, potentially placing citizens at risk.”

Since January 2020 in the United Kingdom alone there have been 156 instances of lab leaks or mishaps. That’s 42 a year.

The writing is on the wall. It is only a matter of time until we are hit with a new pandemic, this one likely involving a virus much more lethal than COVID-19. We aren’t acting to stop it, in fact, we are doing the opposite. Our biggest corporations are hard at work getting ready to make as much money as possible off the next disaster, which in all likelihood will be the product of reckless out-of-control “gain of function” research.

All over the world, the big labs are focused on something they are calling Disease X.

The World Economic Forum is slated to hold a meeting next week called “Preparing for Disease X.” A panel of “experts” from the World Health Organization (WHO), pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, Philips, and other similar entities, will discuss which “novel efforts are needed to prepare healthcare systems for the multiple challenges ahead.” Disease X doesn’t exist yet, but somehow all these people know it will and presumably that it will provide the necessary pretext to implement all the same measures used against COVID-19 and provide an opportunity to field more vaccines and impose more restrictions on us – and make a whole lot more money.

Strangely, even though Disease X has not yet even been identified we are already awash in fear-mongering “research” and videos that tell us that it will be 20 times more lethal than COVID-19. The same folks that convinced you to cover your face with a damp cloth all day every day, avoid church, and keep pumping drugs with unknown side effects into your body and those of your children. The guys who got filthy rich off COVID-19 are working overtime to ramp up the hysteria over Disease X in the hope that you will once again ignore your common sense and allow yourself to be conned into taking new “vaccines” and accepting more restrictions on your life.

Youtube VIDEO: Disease X News | Disease X: Can This Potential Threat Be Deadlier Than Covid? | English News | N18V

[Posted by CNN-News18

Published Sep 29, 2023


Common sense preparedness for future pandemics makes all the sense in the world. Continuing to play God with dangerous pathogens, ignore the consequences, and view worldwide pandemics as money-making opportunities does not. Instead of looking for ways to profit from Disease X, we should think about ways to prevent its emergence.

We won’t. Turns out death is profitable, and Disease X will let some people make a killing.

Thank you for reading AND Magazine. This post is public so feel free to share it.

© 2024 AND Magazine




WEF and WHO threaten “Disease X” The Final Push for the Pandemic Treaty and Bill Gates “Final Solution.”

Gates-Schwab-Tedros (The Exposé Photo)


January 13, 2024


The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting starts next week in Davos where they will give centre stage to their unelected health counterparts to warn about a non-existent virus that they claim could be twenty times worse than COVID. The Unelected WEF and WHO are priming “Disease X” in the final push for the Pandemic Treaty and are joining forces to persuade world leaders to relinquish their sovereignty in preparation for a nonexistent virus they claim “could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.”

Could this be the “pandemic that will get everyone’s attention” that Bill Gates gleefully warned of and is it the time Bill Gates’s “Final Solution” is ushered in?

Preparing For Disease X, Again.

The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus will share the stage on January 17 with WEF Executive Committee member, Shyam Bishen, is preparing to be at a forum on January 17th titled “Preparing for Disease X.”

However, we know that the NWO crew have been preparing to terrorise the masses with “Disease X” for quite some time and the Expose reported at the beginning of August of 2023 that UK scientists had already begun to develop vaccines as an “insurance” against a new pandemic caused by an unknown “Disease X”.

Disease X is a placeholder name used by the WHO to describe a disease that is as yet, “unknown to medical science as a cause of human infections” and they were not even sure whether they would introduce it as a virus, a bacterium, a fungus or other agent. Nevertheless, the WHO has been trying to alert us to an “UNKNOWN and surprise disease outbreak” which they say “could spread across the world in as little as 36 hours, killing upwards of 80 million people.”

Disease X Rendition (The Exposé Photo)

The Vaccine Research Facility

Disease X despite being “unidentified” was reported to have had a team of more than 200 scientists from the government’s high security “state of the art facility” in Porton Down, UK carrying out work to prepare for it and the facility is run by the UK Health Security Agency who “have drawn up” what they say are “a threat list of animal viruses that are capable of infecting humans.” (source).

According to the Independent scientists were working to “ensure future pandemics are stopped in their tracks and do not cause the same disruption to everyday life as “Covid-19.” It was hoped the facility would help the UK tackle “disease X” by enhancing preparedness for yet-to-be-identified pathogens with pandemic potential.”

The mRNA Wafer

Additional preparations for “Disease X” have also taken place thanks to funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has helped the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) to invest $1.2 million in a startup with Jurata Thin Film Inc. to create under-the-tongue vaccine wafers for needle-free vaccines. CEPI’s mission is to fund the development of “rapid response platforms to develop vaccines against ‘Disease X

We reported about this in December 2023 see here – Prepping For Disease X – Gates Backed-Group Funds Needle free-mRNA Vaccine-Wafer-Technology

Gates-Wafer-Disease X (The Exposé Photo)

Clade X Preparations for Disease X

The unelected leaders of the New World Order, have been even more thorough in their preparations, as we would expect and again, as we reported – just as COVID-19 was rehearsed at Event 201, in 2019, prior to the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security had hosted the Clade X pandemic tabletop exercise.

On May 15, 2018, in Washington, DC. the US National Security Advisor (NSA) assembled a team of top advisors to discuss the mysterious illness emerging in Germany and Venezuela. Clade X is said to have “illustrated high-level strategic decisions and policies needed to prevent a severe pandemic or diminish its consequences should prevention fail.” and “will educate senior leaders at the highest level of the US government, as well as members of the global policy and preparedness community and the general public”

The organisers claim that “In addition, exercises like Clade X are a particularly effective way to help policymakers gain a fuller understanding of the urgent challenges they could face in a dynamic, real-world crisis.”

About Clade X (The Exposé Photo)

Read More Here – Disease X-Was Rehearsed at-Clade-X -Are-We About to See a New Plandemic/

Fresh Warnings

Now we have “fresh warnings” writes Mike Campbell author of The Counter Signal. who adds, that “According to the event description, “There are fresh warnings from the World Health Organization that an unknown ‘Disease X’ could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.” and ask “What novel efforts are needed to prepare healthcare systems for the multiple challenges ahead?” Source

Preparing For Disease X (The Exposé Photo)

WEF and WHO threaten “Disease X” in final push for Pandemic Treaty.

Tedros (UN-WHO) – WEF (The Exposé Photo)

The WEF has been a proponent of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, with the goal of obtaining a “legally binding agreement” between the U.N. health agency’s 194 member countries, including Canada.

Dr McCullough posted on the X platform “Disease X” is a concept, to create a pathogen (virus, bacteria, etc) in order to generate highly profitable, The government purchases vaccines that are administered to the whole world, over and over again, the business plan of @CEPIvaccines formed by WEF and Gates Foundation. Source

The WEF and WHO have both downplayed the concerns of citizens and politicians who note that the Pandemic Treaty would result in countries ceding power to unelected Non-Governmental Organizations.

The WHO claims that governments are leading the negotiations and are free to reject the accord.

However, the 2024 Davos meetings are an attempt to have them do just the opposite.

The WHO has been calling for member states, including Canada, to finalize their pandemic treaty — and pitch in more money for “when the next pandemic strikes.”

The WHO recently partnered with the European Union to create a globalized digital vaccine passport system for future pandemics. The development happened within a year after the White House, on behalf of all G20 countries, declared support for the WHO to facilitate universal vaccine passports.  Source

Failure To Comply Could Result In Sanctions

Ghebreyesus has previously denied that a Pandemic Treaty would force countries to comply with its regulations, but he’s also threatened sanctions for countries that don’t do so.

The WEF has also stated that it’s “not yet clear what happens if the measures are not followed.”

In December 2023, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico vehemently denounced the WHO, calling it a Big Pharma creation that seeks to control governments. Source.

The Final Solution

 Three years ago a video was circulating where we heard Bill Gates say “Then the final solution which is a year and a/ two years off is the vaccine. So we’ve gotta go full Speed ahead on all three fronts”.

Now we can probably assume that the preparations for Disease X have been completed over the last few years since at least 2018 and Clade X, and now Bill Gates will be all excited to see his final solution coming to fruition.

Youtube VIDEO: Bill Gates – His “Final Solution” Vaccine! – #Kontrol19

[Posted by Mr. K F – Never Give Up

Published May 3, 2020


The Next Pandemic Will Get Attention this Time says Billy Gates, why is he smiling about that?

Youtube VIDEO: The next pandemic will get attention this time – Bill Gates

[Posted by CETAVOIR

Published Sep 11, 2020





Blog Editor: Disease X Further Reading YOU Might Want to Look At To RESIST Fearmongering:


Blog Editor: Below as some expose Disease X Fearmongering posts but I’m only showing the videos associated with the posts rather than the post text which you might want to check out:

Bitchute VIDEO: BBC (Shadow of Ezra Capture) – British Government has unveiled a new vaccine facility for ‘Disease X’ 1-11-24

[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published January 16th, 2024 19:31 UTC


Rumble VIDEO: Globalist Elites Exposed: DOD and WEF Accused of Orchestrating Catastrophic Genocide…

[Posted by BaggyPants

Published January 14, 2024


  • I Demand Transparency: THE WHO SECRECY MUST STOP. I demand to see the “final package of targeted amendments to the International Health Regulations in alignment with Article 55” BEFORE January 27, 2024; James Roguski [Substack]; 1/15/24 [Blog Editor: Roguski wants you to watch several videos, I’m only sharing two]


[Posted by James Roguski

Published Jan 15, 2024



[Posted by Jiminirifni

First Published September 16th, 2022 21:57 UTC


Taking a Look at Agenda for World Domination

UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF & WHO

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 29, 2023

TODAY is only a drop in the bucket in the amount of info of the Globalist-Elitist few to dominate the many by any means necessary even if it means depopulating to a more controllable amount of people.

The drop in the bucket of available information on UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF and the WHO. I’m posting 2-videos I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel and a Telegram Natural News post. The titles:

  • Agenda 21 (2030) Globalist Plan
  • No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs? EPOCH TV
  • Dr. Meryl Nass warns: WHO pandemic treaty is about global dominion by the few and total control of the masses

Then if that whets your thirst for knowledge I’m adding a couple of older videos aimed at exposing the World Economic Forum (WEF). The titles:

  • WEF Scientist Testifies ‘Man-Made Climate Change Is a Depopulation Scam’ – The People’s Voice (Rumble)
  • I WENT TO THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM AS A SPY —THIS IS WHAT SCARED ME THE MOST (EDITED) – Picked up by Bitchute Channel Some Guy of Glenn Beck going clandestinely to WEF meetings as well as conducting interviews pertaining to his discoveries.

JRH 9/29/23


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Bitchute VIDEO: Agenda 21 (2030) Globalist Plan

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 28th, 2023 18:44 UTC 

I found this just little over 2-minute video on the Telegram Channel Sound of Freedom ( posted on 9/27/23 (

Here’s the Sound of Freedom description:

‘”The goal of Agenda 21 is one world government, and total control from a central unit.”

Author of ‘Behind the Green Mask’, the late Rosa Koire, breaks down the totalitarian United Nations control plan known as ‘Agenda 21’ (which later became Agenda 2030).’ [Amazon link to purchase book added by Blog Editor]

[Blog Editor: This info not on my Bitchute Channel but added as a reference for the Blog:


Bitchute VIDEO: No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs? EPOCH TV

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 28th, 2023 16:19 UTC 

This is a Documentary from EPOCH TV originally posted on 9/25/23. The original post link:

As the title indicates, the documentary focuses on Agenda 21/2030 & WEF designs to limit food production they perceive or deceive to affect Climate Change. My perception is the agenda is to decrease the world population for easier Globalist-Elitist control of humanity.

Here’s the EPOCH TV description:

‘“No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?” is an Epoch Original documentary exposing the hidden agenda behind global “Green Policies,” the untold stories of farmers forced out of business, the disruption this will have on our food supply, and why edible bugs are suddenly being pushed to the fore as a “Global Green Solution.”

EpochTV program “Facts Matter” host Roman Balmakov investigates the rapidly changing landscape of our global food source—the farming industry—through interviews with farmers in The Netherlands, Sri Lanka, and the United States. This is the next global crisis that is being ignored by the world’s media.

Official Website:

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Special Thanks to the Farmers Defence Force


Dr. Meryl Nass warns: WHO pandemic treaty is about global dominion by the few and total control of the masses

Posted at Telegram Channel Natural News

Post Link

September 27, 2023 5:25:00 PM

Meryl Nass, a biowarfare and epidemics expert, has warned about the globalist agenda to impose a “global dominion by the few and total control of the masses” disguised as an international pandemic treaty under the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to Nass, whose medical license was suspended in January 2022 by the Maine medical board for allegedly spreading “COVID misinformation” and prescribing ivermectin, the current draft of the treaty and the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) would require the public to have mRNA-based vaccination. [Bold Text Emphasis Blog Editor’s] However, these vaccines are only produced in 100 days by skipping human trials and reducing safety and efficacy testing to the bare minimum.

The treaty gives the director-general of the WHO additional power to determine which medications can be used in medical emergencies. This means that the WHO will gain authority over the healthcare of the public in different states, obliging local healthcare practitioners to adhere to their directives.

The WHO is also set to implement nationwide biosurveillance programs to identify potential pandemic-causing pathogens by testing humans, domesticated and farm animals and wildlife, as well as inspecting farms, factories, wastewater, and more. Additionally, the WHO director-general can declare a pandemic or even a potential one, but with no predefined criteria to declare one.

Furthermore, the director-general can act based on little more than hearsay. Concrete evidence of an impending or ongoing pandemic is not a prerequisite. Nations are also obliged to monitor and censor social media to push the WHO’s narrative.

This globalist agenda, disguised as a treaty, implies a loss of medical freedom and bodily autonomy for the masses.

WHO pandemic treaty encourages gain-of-function research

In an article published by Nass entitled “The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Manmade Pandemics,” [Brownstone Institute link added by Blog Editor and dated 8/17/23] she pointed out that the treaty encourages “gain-of-function” research, a euphemism for biological warfare research, to predict future pandemic threats or potential bioweapons.

Meaning, the WHO obliges its members to actively search for potentially pandemic-causing pathogens and, once found, share them and any associated research globally. With this strategy, it would be harder to blame a country or organization as all nations are working with the same pathogens.

Moreover, the treaty proposes that governments share all viruses and bacteria with “pandemic potential” with the WHO and other governments, even putting their genomic sequences online. However, this plan risks exposing dangerous pathogens to hackers and other malicious actors, undermining global security.

In short, gain-of-function research is explicitly incentivized by the treaty.

Ultimately, the WHO treaty pushes people in the opposite direction of what is required to prevent future pandemics. To effectively prevent pandemics, it is necessary to stop gain-of-function research, as it represents the most significant pandemic threat.

“It is the public who pays the cost of the research, and then pays again for the accidents and deliberate leaks. Wouldn’t it be better to end gain-of-function research entirely, by restricting funding or closing the laboratories, rather than encouraging the distribution of biological weapons?  If we want a decent future, it is crucial that we control these weapons instead of proliferating them,” Nass wrote.

[Blog Editor: Natural News places a Brighteon video link at the end of the post – Brighteon is difficult to embed so I’ll be using Bitchute. The video is Mike Adams interviewing Dr. Francis Boyle on bioweapons & biowarfare dated “10 months ago”. The Brighteon title is a bit different than the Bitchute version but it’s the same: “Dr. Francis Boyle issues URGENT WARNING about WHO pandemic treaty designed to enslave & exterminate humanity: “Dr. Francis Boyle issues URGENT WARNING about WHO pandemic treaty designed to enslave & exterminate humanity”.]


[Posted by NaturalNews

First Published November 22nd, 2022 16:27 UTC



Rumble VIDEO: WEF Scientist Testifies ‘Man-Made Climate Change Is a Depopulation Scam’ [Blog Editor: I just noticed that my AdBlock extension was blocking Rumble. By the time I figured it out I posted the video twice and I’m not tech-savvy enough to figure out how to remove the extra video block with WordPress. SORRY ABOUT THAT.)

Posted by The People’s Voice

Published July 24, 2023

– Protect yourself from data breaches with up to $1 million of coverage:

A top climate change scientist has become the latest expert to blow the whistle on the globalist elite and admit the so-called climate crisis is a hoax to depopulate the world, humiliate the masses, and bolster the coffers of the elite at the expense of ordinary, working people.

That’s the problem with perpetuating a massive, ongoing hoax that affects literally every single person on the planet. A hoax of such enormous scale requires a lot of people to be in on the secret, and eventually some of them are going to blow the whistle and tell the truth.

Mainstream media is still trying to keep up appearances and pretend the hoax isn’t falling apart. That’s what they are paid to do by the global elite, after all. But the media is fighting a losing battle.

At this point the media is like the proverbial Dutch boy with his finger in the dam wall, plugging the leaks that are threatening to burst the dam wall.

Unfortunately for the mainstream media, the leaks are growing by the day, and the wall is about to come crashing in.



Posted by Some Guy!

First Published August 10th, 2023 22:37 UTC

SHOCKING SUPER SMART CITY PLAN – The reason Dutch farmers are being targeted (depopulation adjacent)

Globalist plans to make a super (smart) city taking over the whole of the Netherlands, parts of Germany & Belgium too, all under the pretence of alleged damage to the environment from Nitrogen!

Trudeau (Canada) has identical plans. + There is zero news coverage of any of the farmers protests etc. on CBS in Canada.

Source (clip from July 14th – The Reason WHY Canadian News Is Blocking Us From This Massive Worldwide News”)” – libertytalkcanada

In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences, Larry engages in an enlightening conversation with Jim Ferguson, a passionate advocate standing shoulder-to-shoulder against the World Economic Forum and its intricate global strategies. Jim, a devoted patriot from Scotland with a fervent belief in individual liberties, delves into the meticulous research he has undertaken, unraveling the intricate web woven by the WEF. Unveiling their intentions to exercise control over the worldwide food chain by unsettlingly seizing farms, Jim’s insights bring to light the gravity of the situation.

Furthermore, the video sheds light on the disconcerting connection between prominent WEF benefactors and their zealous promotion of Covid-19 and other vaccines. Astonishingly, these very individuals ardently advocate for a drastic reduction in the global populace by several billion souls. The discourse takes an alarming turn as we explore openly discussed aspirations of globalist powers. The urgency for ordinary citizens to be prepared and resolute in opposing the affluent utilitarian puppeteers orchestrating the World Economic Forum becomes undeniably apparent. Join us to delve into these crucial issues that demand the vigilance and determination of all those who champion the cause of freedom.

Dr. McCullough – mRNA Jab Should be PULLED

Bad Science is More About Money than Individual Health

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

September 19, 2023

This post takes a look at Dr. Peter McCullough’s testimony before the European Parliament on 9/13/23.

The post includes Dr. McCullough’s Substack post which included a 10-minute clip of Emerald Robinson interviewing the good doctor about his mRNA testimony.

Then I am cross posting The Exposé which has excerpts of the testimony and a 17-minute of Dr. McCullough testifying. In essence Dr. McCullough testifies the mRNA Jab is more dangerous than helpful and should be pulled from the market and NOT be used even in booster form.

Something to ponder: If more and more actual science is showing the mRNA Jab is dangerous for way too many recipients, yet Big Pharma, the FDA and the CDC keep pushing the bad science of “safe and effective”. Doesn’t that demonstrate that “follow the money” is more important than individual health?

JRH 9/19/23


Thank you to those who have stepped up! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support CPCR

YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT via buying women’s menstrual health, healthy collagen, vitamin supplements/products, coffee from my wife’s Online store: My Store (please use referral discount code 3917004):

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Trump, Megyn Kelly, Fauci, and Dr. McCullough on the Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson

False Claims Continue, Vaccine Side Effects Raised, Calls for Market Removal of All COVID-19 Vaccines


September 18, 2023


[I uploaded Dr. McCullough’s Substack clip to my Bitchute Channel and gave it a different name.]

Bitchute VIDEO: Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson – Clip Trump, Megyn Kelly, Dr. McCullough on mRNA Jab

[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 18th, 2023 19:54 UTC


I am working from France presently and wanted to update you with this news clip from The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson. Emerald gives highlights from the Trump interview by Megyn Kelly who is recently open about her own vaccine injury. Trump claims the vaccines saved a hundred million lives. That unforced error will become a problem for him during the campaign season. I have learned as a doctor never to overstate clinical benefit. We err on the side of caution being hawkish on safety and conservative on efficacy. Trump did neither.

You can watch the show and see how Fauci continues to spread the false narrative about COVID-19 illness and myocarditis, trying to conceal the common and leading causes of vaccine deaths—mRNA vaccination.

Finally, we conclude with some major points from the European Parliament COVID-19 Vaccine Session on September 13, 2023. Robinson prompted me “Dr. McCullough what are you asking the EU Parliament to do?” My response: “1) EU to pull all COVID-19 vaccines off the market—they are unsafe for human use, 2) EU to withdraw from the WHO, they are doing more harm than good to the world.”

Dr. McCullough calls for removal of all COVID-19 vaccines from the European Union market for excess risk of death, September 13, 2023.

Please subscribe to Courageous Discourse as a paying or founder member so we can continue to bring you the truth.

© 2023 Peter McCullough MD MPH

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Dr. Peter McCullough: No one should take another shot, covid vaccines are not safe for human use

Dr. Peter McCullough at European Parliament 9/13/23 – THE EXPOSÉ PHOTO


September 19, 2023


Last Wednesday, Dr. Peter McCullough gave a speech at the European Parliament during a hearing hosted by five Members of the European Parliament (“MEPs”).  The hearing was to raise awareness about the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) power grab.

Dr. McCullough gave evidence of the enormous wave of harms the covid “vaccines” have caused.  There’s a false narrative that it’s covid causing all these illnesses. Don’t fall for the false narrative. It’s the vaccines causing this enormous wave of illness, he said.

“The path forward is, clearly, for no one to take another shot – no one,” Dr. McCullough said. “The covid-19 vaccines and all of their progeny and future boosters are not safe for human use.”

“The WHO is standing behind these vaccines,” he added. “It’s my belief that the European Union, the United States and all major stakeholders should actually completely pull out of the WHO.”

Below are some excerpts from Dr. McCullough’s recent speech at the European Parliament followed by a video of it.

“At the outset of the pandemic, there was an investigation by the WHO on the origins of SARS cov2 that’s when the beginning of the cover-up began,” Dr. McCullough said. “We knew at that time … that Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, Jeremy Farrar who was at Wellcome Trust [and] who’s now the chief scientist at the WHO, Kristian Andersen at Scripps [Research], Eddie Holmes in Sydney, Peter Daszak at EcoHealth Alliance – they all conspired in January of 2020 to cover up what they knew. That the virus was engineered in a joint US-Chinese collaboration in the lab in Wuhan China.  And they deceived the world with 12 subsequent fraudulent papers in the peer-reviewed literature.”

“The vaccines have ravaged the populations in the world.  Worldwide two-thirds of people took a vaccine … [the messenger RNA vaccine] is the code for the potentially lethal spike protein part of the virus.  It was the worst idea ever to install the genetic code by injection and allow the unbridled production of a potentially lethal protein in the human body for an uncontrolled duration of time.  everything we’ve learned about the vaccine since they’ve come out is horrifying.

“The spike protein is proven in 3 400 peer-reviewed manuscripts to cause four major domains of disease.  One is cardiovascular disease, heart inflammation or myocarditis … The cardiovascular domain of damage in the human body from the vaccine is substantial more than anything we’ve ever seen with cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes … We’ve seen cardiac arrests two years after these shots.

“The second major domain is neurologic disease. Strokes, both ischemic and haemorrhagic, Guillain-Barre syndrome, ascending paralysis that can lead to death [and] which it has led to death with messenger RNA vaccines, small fibre neuropathy, numbness and tingling, ringing in the ears [and] headaches.  These are common.

“Third major domain is blood clots – blood clots like we’ve never seen before.  The spike protein is the most thrombogenic protein we’ve ever seen in human medicine … the spike protein causes blood clots.

“Fourth and last domain [is] immunologic abnormalities.  Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia [VITT] and muscle system inflammatory disorder are early acute syndromes.

“73.9 per cent of the deaths after vaccination are due to the vaccine … when it’s suspected myocarditis … it’s 100 per cent of the time it’s due to the vaccine. Not covid respiratory illness – the vaccine.

“The first false narrative was ‘the virus is unassailable we have to stay in lockdown and be fearful’.  The second false narrative is ‘take a vaccine it’s safe and effective’.  The third false narrative now is ‘it’s not the vaccine causing these problems it’s covid, it’s covid that we saw back in 2020 that’s causing all these problems in 2023’. Don’t fall for the false narrative … The vaccines are causing this enormous wave of illness.”

Dr. McCullough explained that it seems about 30% of people who have had an injection have no adverse effects, not even a sore arm.  Just under 70% seem to have “some moderate side effects, some trouble but they don’t seem to really have serious events.”  And then about 4.2% – “it’s through the roof, myocarditis, cardiac arrest, blood clots, haemorrhagic stroke, disabilities, sudden death at home in bed.”  It’s the same in the United States Dr. McCullough said.

“4.2 per cent of people in Europe right now are in trouble because they were unlucky enough to get a high-risk batch.

“The path forward is, clearly, for no one to take another shot – no one … the covid-19 vaccines and all of their progeny and future boosters are not safe for human use … I implore you …  to apply all pressure and due urgency to remove the covid-19 vaccines from market.

“The WHO is standing behind these vaccines. They are far more of a problem than a help … And it’s my belief that the European Union, the United States and all major stakeholders should actually completely pull out of the WHO”

Youtube VIDEO: Peter McCullough and European Parliament 14SEPT23

[Posted by Ken Allen

Posted on Sep 14, 2023


If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can watch it on Bitchute HERE.

The day before the event, Christine Anderson MEP tweeted details about the hearing:

Expert Hearing in the EU Parliament 13.09.2023 / 14:30 – 16:30 (CET)

The WHO – with its pursuit of ever more power and increased funding – is the central driver of “pandemic emergencies” as well as the undemocratic shift of political decisions to unelected, supranational organisations that can no longer be held accountable by us citizens.

With an expert hearing on 13 September in the EU Parliament, we want to get to the root of the problem and expose for the first time the constitutional mechanisms behind the WHO’s power grab.

Our goals are:

1. To make people aware of the real dangers coming from the WHO and the EU.

2. To advance the public and political debate about this rapid power grab.

3. To provide concrete suggestions and examples of what we as civil society can and should do in each of our countries.

The idea is to clearly expose and dissect the clandestine WHO power grab from a legal and scientific perspective for the common citizen. After all the expert presentations, this event will result in a list of questions and demands to the European Commission in order to drive the parliamentary debate.


  • Prof. Mattias Desmet (Belgium)
  • Prof. Michael Geistlinger (Austria)
  • Prof. Andreas Sönnichsen (Austria)
  • Dr. Peter McCollough (USA)
  • Dr. Beate Pfeil (Germany)
  • Dr. David E. Martin (USA)
  • Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg (Austria)
  • Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Italy)
  • Philipp Kruse, Attorney at law (Switzerland)

Hosting MEPs:

  • MEP Christine Anderson (Germany)
  • MEP Mislav Kolakušić (Croatia)
  • MEP Ivan Sinčić (Croatia)
  • MEP Cristian Terhes (Romania)
  • MEP Virginie Joron (France)

Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP



Looking at Medical Tyranny & OWG

Posted by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

July 22, 2023

Today’s theme is Medical Tyranny and One-World Government (OWG). The OWG aspect looks at the tentacles of the World Health Organization (WHO) Globalist designs to impose rule and Elitist agenda upon sovereign nations. In the case of the USA that means erasing the already diluted Rule of Law in the U.S. Constitution.

I begin with a couple of videos on Medical Tyranny. The first I uploaded from Telegram which I believe was originally entitled “red alert”. I changed the title in my Bitchute upload to reflect the coverup lies being erased. The second video is roughly 37-minutes long but the report in the first 12-minutes focusing on Dem-Marxist attempted censorship of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at Congressional testimony by twisting a biological fact to falsely accuse RFK, Jr. of racist Antisemitism.

The OWG posts are originally sourced from THE EXPOSÉ but one of those is primarily from David Bell on the Substack page PANDA Uncut. Followed by an exposition on a Peter Sweden/Noor Bin Ladin interview on WHO power-grab and surveillance.

AGAIN, do some critical/independent thinking realize your government and the media lies to YOU to transform your society and culture.

JRH 7/22/23


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Bitchute VIDEO: Medical Journals Erasing Evidence of Wrongdoing (Telegram)

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published July 22nd, 2023 14:05 UTC

Telegram Channel FreedomTirade ( shared this video on another Telegram channel which I cannot recall. I felt it was important enough to download and then upload it to my Bitchute Channel.

FreedomTirade Description 7/21/23:

red alert. 🔺

the perpetrators of the COVID fraud are erasing their tracks, by deleting hundreds of “scientific” papers which they used as the basis to justify the brutal unethical COVID ‘MEASURES’…

from lockdowns to injections.

red alert.

Mainstream media is ignoring this aggravated medical fraud:

First, they tried to hide the ‘vaccine’ harms.

Then they tried to hide the lies that they used to push the ‘vaccines’

Montage on Odysee:

In the words of the duplicitous demon Hancock at the UK COVID INQUIRY (cover-up), they’re planning to be “better prepared” for the “next pandemic” to install tighter restrictions so to further rob us of our freedoms in pursuit of their endless wars and total control.

we resist,

we defy,

we do not comply.




HeuRiStiC mOnTagE [odysee Channel:]



Posted by Right2Freedom

First Published July 21st, 2023 09:21 UTC

Jul 20, 2023


[Blog Editor: This next cross post will be the intro portion (2-paragraphs) from THE EXPOSÉ then the full David Bell Substack post]

The insane and dangerous One Health cult that regards humans as a pollutants

[Intro by] RHODA WILSON 

JULY 22, 2023


The idea of a holistic concept of health – that our environment influences our well-being – is far older than written history. “One Health,” a modern term for this holistic approach to health, is therefore old news. However, just as planes are hijacked for politics or profit, One Health has been hijacked by self-proclaimed philanthropists.

This hijacked and corrupted version of One Health is designed to use fear to control us and justify our restriction, impoverishment and death. It is a cult based on fear of the world and the people who they say poisoned it. And it is baked into the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and Pandemic Treaty.


One Health, holistic medicine, and the poisoning of minds

The narrative envisioning a world in which any lifeform is considered of equal worth to others and humans a pollutant

By David Bell

July 21, 2023


The idea of a holistic concept of health – that our environment (or ‘biosphere’) influences our well-being – is far older than written history. So is greed, abuse, lust for power, and a desire to own and enslave others. There is, regarding what really matters, nothing new under the sun.

Ant-Consumed Rotten Apple [PANDA Uncut Photo]

‘One Health’, a modern term for this holistic approach to health, is therefore old news, as is a willingness to corrupt and manipulate such a concept for personal gain. Ill health is a lever for fear, and death even more so, especially to those who believe that we are simply organic constructs that end in dust and decay. A cult feeding off these fears, holding that the entire biosphere is threatening us with diseases and death, would therefore have real potential for mass control. Convince followers that humans are the poison that made this world so destructive, and you will also have a means to stoke hate against non-believers whilst adding guilt to the tools for compliance.

A cult based on fear of the world and the people who poisoned it, dressed up in philanthropy and virtue, has risen amongst us. Co-opting One Health terminology, it is now funded by the spoils of Covid, and empowered by technology that can take this mediaeval witch-hunting sect global.

One Health as a tool for humanity

If bovine tuberculosis spreads through a herd, the herders will suffer through loss of income and food, and through the risk of catching the infection themselves. Their poverty will compound, their kids go hungry, and they will grow up to face the same fate. Improving the health of the herd can uplift the family and their community to a better future. If they can ensure their drinking water is clean, and their cooking fire does not pollute their lungs, they will go even further. The environment, everywhere, should be managed and protected for human benefit – physical, mental, and social.

The One Health concept, centred in such common sense, was once no more than this. It is a rational way to express an age-old principle in a world obsessed with allopathic medicine and magical vaccines. Sanitation and improved nutrition will save more lives than the next round of profiteering brought to us by Pfizer.

However, humans are humans, and just as planes are hijacked for politics or profit, One Health has been hijacked by self-proclaimed philanthropists. We should fear both, in a sensible way, but still fly on planes and still support holistic medicine. To make flying more secure, we seek to identify the hijackers and understand their motives. So, we should do the same when concepts such as One Health are hijacked or co-opted with similar intent.

As a new catch-all for this modern public health cult, One Health is being corrupted in two ways, but for the same ends and by much the same people. Understanding one tells us about the people we are dealing with, the other reveals their motives.

One Health as an ideology

The medical journal Lancet explained the ideology [Blog Editor: i.e., Explains from a Woke-Elitist perspective] of those driving the One Health cult in January 2023: 

All life is equal, and of equal concern”, 

and further: 

“One Health will be delivered in countries … by taking a fundamentally different approach to the natural world, one in which we are as concerned about the welfare of non-human animals and the environment as we are about humans.

In its truest sense, One Health is a call for ecological, not merely health, equity.” 

The narrative, and its intent, are clear. Those pushing it envision a world in which any lifeform is considered intrinsically of equal worth to others. If you must choose between your daughter and a rat, the choice should weigh the probability of the survival of each, or assess which may do the least harm to other lifeforms after being saved.

Within this ‘equitable’ worldview, humans become a pollutant. Ever-growing human populations have driven other species to extinction through environmental change, from the megafauna of ancient Australasia to the plummeting insect populations of modern Europe. Humans become a plague upon the earth, and their restriction, impoverishment and death may therefore be justified for a greater good.

It is difficult for people to grasp that this is a guiding ideology of public figures, as it runs counter to most human moral systems or Natural Law. People therefore consider this a misrepresentation of what is intended. If this is you, go back and read those quotes, and read more widely. We must understand the ideology driving this movement, as they intend that we should follow their dictates, and they intend to indoctrinate our children.

One Health as a tool for fear manufacturing and control

In the hijacked version of One Health, designed to control the masses, humans are at constant risk of harm from their environment and must be corralled and protected for their own good. To convince them, people are bombarded constantly with reminders of the risk that a life on earth entails. Changing climates, vehicle exhaust, variants of viruses, and the behaviour of non-conforming others become existential threats.

Fear works to change human behaviour and shape responses. During Covid-19, behavioural psychology units attached to governments used fear extensively to lead people into compliance with dictates such as mask wearing and stay-at-home orders. People will undertake actions, or accept restrictions, that they would likely refuse if allowed to think rationally and calmly. Expanding this approach from a single virus to any aspect of the biosphere impacting human well-being, such as climate, provides an opportunity to use this totalitarian tool of population control to reshape society to the model that the purveyors of fear desire.

Through amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and a new ‘pandemic treaty’, WHO is coupling this broad definition of One Health with a definition of ‘emergency’ that simply requires recognition of a threat rather than actual harm. When applied to WHO’s broad definition of health, being ‘physical, mental and social well-being’, almost all aspects of normal life could be included in its scope. Addressed through a proscriptive public health paradigm that encompasses global mandates, restrictions and censorship, those running this agenda have an opportunity for unprecedented power.

The refocusing of WHO

Public health does not have to be this way. Combining WHO’s broad definition of health with a holistic view of its relationship with the environment could provide a readily defensible approach to true human well-being. A further concept, ‘social capital’, is intrinsically tied to this; that we are better off, and have greater well-being, when we work through supportive social networks that value our participation in decision-making. This is the opposite of being told what to do or how to live; i.e., being a slave. People generally live longer, are happier, and report more fulfilled lives when they have greater social capital.

Combining a broad definition of health and a holistic view of its dependencies with a requirement to ensure human agency (preserving social capital) helps us understand how the discipline of public health could effectively contribute. If it provides evidence and support for decision-making at a community and individual level, it should contribute to well-being. If it uses top-down coercion or mandates, it will support the wellbeing of those doing the mandating, but harm those whose social capital is being degraded. Slave-owners live longer than slaves.

Recognising these realities, in 2019 WHO stated in its recommendations for pandemic influenza that border closures, quarantine, and prolonged business closures should never be undertaken in response to a pandemic. These measures would drive inequality and disproportionately harm low-income people, destroying both economies and social capital. In 2020, refocusing priorities on a new constituency, WHO promoted these same inequitable policies it had previously warned against. The evidence did not change, but the constituency did. Wealthy people and corporations had become significant funders of WHO, able to dictate where its resources were used. It is clear that those who benefit from improved nutrition and sanitation cannot fund WHO’s growing staff, but those profiting from the largesse of the Covid response can.

We tend to think such changes cannot happen in free and rational societies. To be convinced, we might need solid evidence of real totalitarian control. If we experienced mandated population-wide injections, people banned from visiting loved ones, or body-armoured police shooting at crowds and beating up old ladies for not wearing masks, whilst those promoting such policies lived and travelled freely, then we might start to wonder whether our preconceptions regarding society were wrong. At that time, we might start to believe that some in authority don’t really have our best interests at heart.

Exposing a cult

Evil is not defeated by hiding from it. It is fought by exposing the ideology that drives it – the greed, the lies and the deceit. We should not be overwhelmed by the scale and depth of wrongdoing. It may now be global but the people running it are as empty as those in past times, seeing the subjugation of others as the only way to address their internal inadequacies. Many more go along for the ride, doing their bidding to secure careers and pensions. This is normal, and has been faced before.

In the end, mad ideologues collapse under the weight of their own deceit and the shallowness of their dogmas. The earth-mother religion of a corrupted One Health and the feudalist ambitions of its priests will be no different. We should not fear public health or a holistic view of the world. They are ours and can be a force for good. Rather, we should expose the hollowness of the people who would subvert them, driven by their own greed and barren ideologies.

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WHO’s power grab through surveillance and “triple billion” targets

Bandage-Earth – WHO TyrannyFeatured image: WHO triple billion target updates: unveiling new health reforms, Health Europa, 7 March 2019


July 21, 2023


During an interview with Peter Sweden, Noor Bin Ladin exposed how the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) does not care about your health, but instead, it acts as a globalist organisation under the United Nations (“UN”) to bring about centralised control. She discussed how the aim has been the same for the past 100 years, WHO’s grand designs for surveillance and its “triple billion” targets.

Together with Nick Cerutti, Noor Bin Ladin founded We Hurt Others, a website to help disseminate information about WHO’s true intentions and machinations. You can follow Bin Ladin on Twitter HERE.

[Blog Editor: THE EXPOSÉ embeds the Rumble video of the interview and provides a link to Youtube. I suspect it is due to the potential of censorship. I’m doing it the other way around.]

Youtube VIDEO: The TRUTH about their secret globalist agenda

[Posted by PeterSweden

Posted Jul 20, 2023

Watch my interview where Noor Bin Ladin reveals what the real plan is for the WHO and their origins. Follow Noor:


The video above can also be found, for the time being, on Rumble HERE.

The globalists have been building an infrastructure throughout the 20th century and the UN is very much part of that infrastructure, Bin Ladin explained in the video above. With the setting up of the UN, they were able to go ahead with the centralisation of power towards a One World Government. And WHO is very much a key part of the globalist structure. But this plan began long before the UN or WHO were founded.

The League of Nations was established at the end of World War I to create a One World Government. The League, like its successor the UN, had a health organisation that was driven by philanthropists and their foundations – specifically the Rockefeller Foundation International Health Board.

Public health became the ideal vehicle through which Rockefeller philanthropy could apply scientific findings to the public good.

Rockefeller’s business, scientific, and philanthropic advisers Frederick T Gates, Charles Wardell Stiles, and Wickliffe Rose perceived anaemia-provoking hookworm disease to be both a key factor that explained the economic “backwardness” of the USA’s southern states and an impediment to its industrialisation. These men helped orchestrate the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease that operated from 1910 to 1914.

This campaign uncovered the possibilities of public health in eliminating the disease through an anthelmintic drug; the promotion of shoe-wearing and latrines; and public health propaganda. Following this success, the [Rockefeller Foundation] created an International Health Board, which was reorganised as the International Health Division (IHD) in 1927.

The Rockefeller Foundation and the international health agenda, Anne-Emanuelle Birn and Elizabeth Fee, The Lancet, 11 May 2013

Although US President Woodrow Wilson was an enthusiastic proponent of the League, the United States did not officially join and so the plans for a centralised world government failed, for which we must thank the American public. As Bin Ladin explained, the USA didn’t join the League because the American population was against it; at the time the US legislature was not corrupt as they are today, meaning politicians followed the will of the people.

The League was formally liquidated in 1946. By this time, discussions had already taken place to create a new successor organisation – the UN. At a conference in San Francisco in 1945, delegates from 46 nations – nations which had declared war on Germany and Japan and had subscribed to the UN Declaration – met and agreed on the UN Charter and the Statute of the new International Court of Justice.  On 24 October 1945, the UN came into existence.

When country representatives met to form the UN in 1945, one of the things they discussed was setting up a global health organisation. WHO’s Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948.

The Narrative Has Been the Same For 100 Years

Bin Ladin found correspondence dated in 1922 from a Director of the Rockefeller Foundation International Health Board to his colleague stating that “we needed to recognise the limitations of nation-states in dealing with certain health matters of an international nature.”

“The narrative 101 years ago … was exactly the same as the narrative that they’re using today … that these so-called health emergencies and these so-called pandemics show that there needs to be international coordination and there needs to be a supranational body like the WHO in order to manage, respond, prepare [and] prevent,” Bin Ladin said.

Further reading: Rockefeller Foundation International Health Board, Re:Source, 6 January 2022

Now they are working on a Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations which will allow them dangerous levels of control over individual nation-states. These instruments will hand power to WHO to, for example, impose vaccine passports and censor what they deem to be “misinformation.”  “They are using covid as the excuse to further crackdown on our liberties and using it as a justification to implement their agenda,” Bin Ladin said.

According to Bin Ladin, the word “surveillance” is key to everything WHO is wanting to implement. Behind the mask of “health,”  WHO is ushering in a mass surveillance and total control system.

Triple Billion Targets

In the video above, Bin Ladin highlighted WHO’s triple billion targets. In March 2019, WHO announced “the most wide-ranging reforms in the Organisation’s history”:

The changes are designed to support countries in achieving the ambitious “triple billion” targets that are at the heart of WHO’s strategic plan for the next five years: one billion more people benefitting from universal health coverage (UHC); one billion more people better protected from health emergencies; and one billion more people enjoying better health and well-being. [Emphasis our own.]

WHO unveils sweeping reforms in drive towards “triple billion” targets, World Health Organisation, 6 March 2019

The first target regarding universal health coverage is about centralising and making the entire health care system uniform, globally, Bin Ladin said. “And with that, we’re looking at the digitisation of the healthcare infrastructure.” Bill Gates’s global digital ID will come into play here.

The second target regarding protection from health emergencies is where the amendments to the International Health Regulations, the Pandemic Treaty and the surveillance programme come in.

The third target of better health and well-being is “so vague and broad,” Bin Ladin said. “This is about broadening the WHO’s mandate … [to include] different health emergencies and [health emergencies] related to climate as well. This is the One Health agenda.”

Bin Ladin highlighted some text from WHO’s Triple Billion targets:

Two words – measurable impact – are at the heart of WHO’s plans to transform the future of public health. The focus is on using timely, reliable, actionable data to improve the health of billions of people. The Triple Billion targets are fundamental to how this plan will be achieved and monitored.

Crucially, the Triple Billions help countries to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) … The Triple Billion indices use a sub-set of 46 outcome indicators. These include 39 SDG indicators …

The Triple Billion targets, A visual summary of methods to deliver impact, World Health Organisation

So far, WHO states on its dashboard to monitor the world, “the world is off track to achieve the triple billion targets by 2025.”  Consequently, WHO will not have made enough progress to meet the related targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Let’s keep it that way. #ExitTheWHO



Global Tyranny – WHO-Style

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 1, 2023

In the probable case YOUR life is about making a living and taking care of your family needs and the politics of Liberty is the furthest thing from your mind, IT MIGHT BE TIME TO PAY ATTENTION!


There is a Global Tyranny. AND that tyranny wants to control how you live, think, believe, and how you spend your money.

TODAY I am looking at how Globalists plan to utilize the World Health Organization (WHO) which is basically a fearmongering organization intent on performing the agenda of Global Elitists to control your life rather protect than protect the life of human individuals.

Some of you might be aware of the WHO’s attempt to impose a sovereignty-destroying Pandemic Treaty upon the nations of the world, BUT you probably are not aware that the WHO is working on International Health Regulations (IHR) separate but equal in tyrannical design from the Pandemic Treaty to impose international hegemony upon individuals living in independent sovereign nations.

The Exposé uses James Roguski details from his Substack Page – which is lengthy and substantive – to highlight same tyranny on this two-sided Globalist coin.  Since Roguski’s is so full of substance, I won’t be cross posting it. I will be cross posting The Exposé, yet it is not a short read either. You would be wise to spend some time reading both. AT THE VERY LEAST, you can comprehend the reason to RESIST TYRANNY by non-compliance even if that non-compliance might mean legal issues.

The tyrants always wrap despotism in the illusion of law to end Liberty. Probably in the near future, even the most non-political citizen will have to weigh compliant Sheepledom to non-compliance in any form of action willing to use to RESIST TYRANNY ending individual freedom.

I’m beginning with three videos (two-Youtube and one-Bitchute) posted Roguski’s lengthy yet informative, “100 Reasons”. Then THE EXPOSÉ, “Amendments to IHR will enable totalitarianism on a global scale”.

JRH 3/1/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

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Posted by James Roguski

Posted on Feb 5, 2023



Posted by James Roguski

Posted on Jan 30, 2023




Posted by jamesroguski

First Published January 2nd, 2023 17:09 UTC



Amendments to IHR will enable totalitarianism on a global scale

IHR Proponents: Bill Gates & Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO Director)


Attributed Author: Dr. David Bell (of PANDA SCIENCE SENSE SOCIETY)

February 28, 2023


Last week the Working Group for the Amendments to the International Health Regulations met in Geneva. The imposition of authoritarian rules on a global scale would normally attract attention but there has been a near-complete absence of interest from corporate media perhaps giving the impression that concerns surrounding these amendments is yet another “conspiracy theory” from a disaffected fringe. 

But, as Dr. David Bell explains, the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) is fairly transparent in its machinations. It should therefore be straightforward to determine whether this is a “conspiracy theory” or an attempt to implement an existential change in sovereign rights and international relations. We only need to read the draft amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”).

After reading the document it becomes obvious that the proposed new powers sought by WHO, and the pandemic preparedness industry being built around it, are not hidden. The only subterfuge is the farcical approach of media and politicians in many nations who seem to pretend that the proposals do not exist.

There are Two Separate Tracks

James Roguski published an article yesterday to clarify that there are “two tracks” the World Health Organisation are implementing: amendments to the IHRs and the Pandemic Treaty. “I would like to suggest that everyone stop focusing on the proposed ‘Pandemic Treaty’ and pay closer attention to the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations,” he wrote.

There are Two Separate Tracks, James Roguski, 27 February 2023 [The Exposé photo: 2-WHO Tracks to Tyranny]

At the end of his article, Roguski provided a list of resources including:

The Proposed Amendments to Who’s International Health Regulations, And Their Implications for Individual and National Sovereignty

By Dr. David Bell, published by Pandemics Data & Analytics (PANDA) on 16 February 2023

The covid-sceptic world has been claiming that the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) plans to become some sort of global autocratic government, removing national sovereignty and replacing it with a totalitarian health state. The near-complete absence of interest from mainstream media would suggest, to the rational observer, that this is yet another ‘conspiracy theory’ from a disaffected fringe.

The imposition of authoritarian rules on a global scale would normally attract attention, and WHO is fairly transparent in its machinations. It should therefore be straightforward to determine whether this is all misplaced hysteria, or an attempt to implement an existential change in sovereign rights and international relations. We would just need to read the document. Firstly, it is useful to put the amendments in context.

The changing role of WHO

Who’s WHO?

WHO was set up after the Second World War as the health arm of the United Nations, to support efforts to improve population health globally. Based on the concept that health went beyond the physical and encompassed “physical, mental and social well-being”, its constitution was premised on the concept that all people were equal and born with basic inviolable rights. The world in 1946 was emerging from the brutality of colonialism and international fascism, the results of overly centralised authority and of regarding people to be fundamentally unequal. The WHO constitution was intended to put populations in charge of their health.

In recent decades, WHO’s core funding model has changed. Originally, its support base of core funding was allocated by countries based on GDP, but this has evolved into a model where most funding is directed to specified uses, and much is provided by private and corporate interests. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis] The priorities of WHO have evolved accordingly, moving away from community-centred care to a more vertical, commodity-based approach. This inevitably follows the interests and self-interests of these funders. Understanding these changes is important in order to put the proposed amendments to the existing International Health Regulations (“IHR”) in context. More detail on this evolution can be found elsewhere.

Of equal importance, WHO is not alone in the international health sphere. While certain organisations such as Unicef (originally intended to prioritise child health and welfare), private foundations, and non-governmental organisations have long partnered with WHO, the past two decades have seen a burgeoning of the global health industry, with multiple organisations, particularly ‘public-private partnerships’ (“PPPs”) growing in influence. In some respects, these organisations are rivals, and in some respects they are partners of WHO.

Notable among PPPs are Gavi – the Vaccine Alliance (focused specifically on vaccines), and CEPI, an organisation set up at the World Economic Forum meeting in 2017 by the Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationWellcome Trust and the Norwegian Government specifically to manage pandemics. Gavi and CEPI, along with others such as Unitaid and the Global Fund, include representatives of corporate and private interests directly on their boards. The World Bank and G20 have also increased their involvement in global health, and especially pandemic preparedness. Even though WHO has stated that pandemics occurred just once per generation over the past century and killed a fraction of those who died from endemic infectious diseases, they have nonetheless attracted much of this corporate and financial interest.

WHO is primarily a bureaucracy, not a body of experts. Recruitment is based on various factors, including technical competency, but also country and other equity-related quotas. These quotas serve a purpose of reducing the power of specific countries to dominate the organisation with their own staff, but in doing so they require the recruitment of staff who may have far less experience or expertise. Recruitment is also heavily influenced by internal WHO personnel, and the usual personal influences that come with working and needing favours within countries.

Once recruited, the payment structure strongly favours those who stay for long periods, militating against rotation to new expertise as roles change. A WHO staffer must work 15 years to receive their full pension, with earlier resignation resulting in removal of all or part of WHO’s contribution to their pension. Coupled with large rental subsidies, health insurance, generous education subsidies, cost of living adjustments, and tax-free salaries, this creates a structure within which protecting the institution (and thus one’s benefits) can far outlive the staffer’s initial altruistic intent.

The Director-General (“DG”) and Regional Directors (“RDs”), of which there are six, are elected by member states in a process subject to heavy political and diplomatic manoeuvring. The current DG is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian politician with a chequered past during the Ethiopian civil war. The amendments proposed would allow Tedros to independently make all the decisions required within the IHR, consulting a committee at will but not being bound by it. Indeed, he can do this now, having declared monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), after just five deaths globally, against the advice of his emergency committee.

Like many WHO employees, I personally witnessed and am aware of examples of seeming corruption within the organisation, from RD elections, to building renovations and importation of goods. Such practices can occur within any large organisation that has lived a generation or two beyond its founding. This, of course, is why the principle of the separation of powers commonly exists in national governance: those making rules must answer to an independent judiciary according to a system of laws to which all are subject. As this cannot apply to UN agencies, they should automatically be excluded from direct rulemaking over populations. WHO, like other UN bodies, is essentially a law unto itself.

WHO’s new pandemic preparedness and health emergency instruments 

WHO is currently working on two agreements that will expand its powers and role in declared health emergencies and pandemics. These also involve widening the definition of “health emergencies” within which such powers may be used. The first agreement involves proposed amendments to the existing IHR, an instrument with force under international law that has been in existence in some form  for decades, and was significantly amended in 2005 after the 2003 SARS outbreak. The second is a new “treaty” that has similar intent to the IHR amendments. Both are following a path through WHO committees, public hearings and revision meetings, to be put to the World Health Assembly (“WHA”) – the annual meeting of all country members or “States Parties” of WHO – probably in 2023 and 2024 respectively.

The discussion here concentrates on the IHR amendments, as they are the most advanced. Being amendments to an existing treaty mechanism, they only require approval of 50% of countries to come into force (subject to ratification processes specific to each member State). The new “treaty” will require a two-thirds vote of the WHA to be accepted. The WHA’s “one country, one vote” system gives countries like Niue, with fewer than two thousand residents, equal voice to countries with hundreds of millions (e.g., India, China and the USA), though diplomatic pressure tends to corral countries around their beneficiaries.

The IHR amendment process within WHO is relatively transparent. There is no conspiracy to be seen. The amendments are ostensibly proposed by national bureaucracies and collated on the WHO website. WHO has gone to unusual lengths to open hearings to public submissions. The intent of the IHR amendments – which is to change the nature of the relationship between countries and WHO (i.e., a supra-national body ostensibly controlled by them), and fundamentally change the relationship between people and this centralised, supra-national authority – is open for all to see.

Proposed major amendments to the IHR

The amendments to the IHR are intended to fundamentally change the relationship between individuals, their countries’ governments, and WHO. They place WHO as having rights that override the rights of individuals, erasing the basic principles developed after World War Two regarding human rights and the sovereignty of States. In doing so, they signal a return to a colonialist and feudalist approach that is fundamentally different to that to which people in relatively democratic countries have become accustomed. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis] The lack of major push-back by politicians, the lack of concern in the media, and the consequent ignorance of the general public, are therefore both strange and alarming.

Aspects of the amendments involving the largest changes to the workings of society and international relations are discussed below. Following this are annotated extracts from the WHO document. Provided on the WHO website, this document is currently under revision to address obvious grammatical errors and improve clarity.

Resetting international human rights to a former, authoritarian model

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was agreed upon by the UN in 1948, in the aftermath of World War Two and in the context of much of the world emerging from the colonialist yoke. It is predicated on the concept that all humans are born with equal and inalienable rights, conferred by the simple fact of their birth.  The Declaration was intended to codify these rights to prevent a return to inequality and totalitarian rule. The equality of all individuals is expressed in Article 7:

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

This understanding underpins the WHO constitution, and forms a basis for the modern international human rights movement and international human rights law.

The concept of States being representative of their people, and having sovereignty over territory and the laws by which their people were governed, was closely allied with this. As peoples emerged from colonialism, they would assert their authority as independent entities within boundaries that they would control. International agreements, including the existing IHR, reflected this. WHO and other international agencies would play a supportive role and give advice, not instructions.

The proposed IHR amendments reverse these understandings. WHO proposes that the term “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons” be deleted from the text and replaced with the vague terms: “equity, coherence, inclusivity.” The applications of these terms are then specifically differentiated in the text according to levels of social and economic development. The underlying equality of individuals is removed, and rights become subject to a status determined by others and based on a set of criteria that they define. This entirely upends the prior understanding of the relationship of all individuals to authority, at least in non-totalitarian states.

This is a totalitarian approach to society, within which individuals may act only on the sufferance of others who wield power outside of legal sanction; specifically, it is a feudal relationship, or one of monarch-subjects without an intervening constitution. It is difficult to imagine a greater issue facing society, yet the same media calling for reparations for past slavery are silent on a proposed international agreement that is consistent with its reimposition.

Giving WHO authority over member States

This authority is seen as being above States (i.e., elected or other national governments), with the specific definition of “recommendations” being changed from “non-binding” (by deletion) to “binding,” in a specific statement that States will undertake to follow (rather than “consider”) the recommendations of WHO. States will accept WHO as “the authority” in international public health emergencies, elevating it above their own ministries of health. Much hinges on what a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (“PHEIC”) is, and who defines it. As explained below, these amendments will widen the PHEIC definition to include any health event that a particular individual in Geneva (the DG of WHO) personally deems to be of actual or potential concern.

Powers to be ceded by national governments to the DG include quite specific examples that may require changes within national legal systems. These include detention of individuals, restriction of travel, the forcing of health interventions (e.g., testing, inoculation), and the requirement to undergo medical examinations. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]

Unsurprising to observers of the covid-19 response, the proposed restrictions on individual rights, which are at the DG’s discretion, include freedom of speech. WHO will have power to designate opinions or information as “misinformation” or “disinformation,” and require country governments to intervene and stop such expression and dissemination. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis] This will likely clash with some national constitutions (e.g., the USA) but will be a boon to many dictators and one-party regimes.  It is, of course, incompatible with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but these seem no longer to be guiding principles for WHO.

After self-declaring an emergency, the DG will have power to instruct governments to provide WHO and other countries with resources, including funds and commodities. This will include direct intervention in manufacturing to increase production of certain commodities produced within their borders.

Countries will cede power over patent law and intellectual property (“IP”) to WHO, including control of manufacturing knowhow, of those commodities that the DG considers to be relevant to the potential or actual health problem he/she deems to be of interest. This IP and manufacturing know-how may be then passed on to commercial rivals at the DG’s discretion. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis] These provisions seem to reflect a degree of stupidity and, unlike the basic removal of fundamental human rights, vested interests may well insist on the removal of these amendments from the IHR draft. Rights of people should of course be paramount, but with most media absent from the discussion, it is likely that less effort will be applied to reversing provisions that impact human rights, compared to those that threaten commercial interests.

Providing the WHO DG with unfettered power, and ensuring it will be used

WHO has previously developed processes that ensure at least a semblance of consensus, and evidence-based decision-making. Their process for developing guidelines requires, at least on paper, a range of expertise to be sought and documented, and a range of evidence to be weighed for reliability. The 2019 guidelines on management of pandemic influenza are an example, laying out recommendations for countries in the event of such a respiratory virus outbreak. Weighing this evidence resulted in WHO strongly recommending against contact tracing, quarantining of healthy people, and border closures. The evidence had shown that these were expected to cause more overall harm to health in the long term than any benefit gained from slowing the spread of a virus. These guidelines were ignored when an emergency was declared for covid-19 and authority was switched to an individual, the DG of WHO.

The IHR amendments further strengthen the ability of the DG to ignore any such evidence-based procedures. Working on several levels, they provide the DG, and those delegated by him/her, with exceptional and arbitrary power, and put in place measures that make the wielding of such power inevitable. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]

Firstly, the requirement for an actual health emergency, in which people are experiencing measurable harm or risk of harm, is removed. The wording of the amendments specifically removes the requirement of harm to trigger the DG assuming power over countries and people. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis] The need for a demonstrable “public health risk” is removed, and replaced with a “potential” for public health risk.

Secondly, as discussed also in the pandemic preparedness documents of the G20 and World Bank, under these amendments a surveillance mechanism will be set up in every country and within WHO. It will identify new variants of viruses, which constantly arise in nature. All of these, in theory, could be presumed to pose a potential risk of outbreak until proven not to. The global workforce running this surveillance network, which will be considerable, will have no reason for existence except to identify yet more viruses and variants. Much of their funding will originate from private and corporate interests that stand to gain financially from the vaccine-based responses they envision to infectious disease outbreaks. [Blog Editor: Think – Pfizer purposefully mutating viruses (Gain of Function er-I-mean “Directed Evolution”) for profit. James O’Keefe probably fired by Pfizer request for that exposé.]

Thirdly, the DG has sole authority to declare any event related or potentially related to health an “emergency.” The six WHO RDs will also have this power at a Regional level. As seen with the monkeypox outbreak, the DG can already ignore the committee set up to advise on emergencies. The proposed amendments will remove the need for the DG to gain consent from the country in which a potential or perceived threat is identified. In a declared emergency, the DG can vary the Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors (“FENSA”) rules on dealing with private (e.g., for-profit) entities, allowing him/her to share a State’s information not only with other States but also with private companies.

The surveillance mechanisms being required of countries and expanded within WHO will ensure that the DG and RDs will have a constant stream of potential public health risks crossing their desks. In each case, they will have power to declare such events a health emergency of international or regional concern. This will enable them to issue orders, supposedly binding under international law, to restrict movement, detain, inject on a mass scale, yield IP and know-how, and provide resources to WHO and to other countries that the DG deems may require them. Even a DG uninterested in wielding such power will face the reality that they put themselves at risk of being the one who did not try to “stop” the next pandemic, while being pressured by corporate interests with hundreds of billions of dollars at stake, and huge media sway. This is why sane societies never create such situations.

What happens next?

If these amendments are accepted, the people taking control over the lives of others will have no real legal oversight as they have diplomatic immunity from all national jurisdictions. The salaries of many will be dependent on sponsorship from private individuals and corporations with direct financial interests in the decisions they will make. These decisions by an essentially unaccountable official will create mass markets for commodities, or provide know-how to commercial rivals. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis] The covid-19 response illustrated the corporate profits that such decisions will enable. This situation is obviously unacceptable in any democratic society.

While the WHA has overall oversight of WHO policy, with an executive board comprising WHA members, these operate in an orchestrated way. Many delegates have little depth of understanding of the proceedings, whilst bureaucrats draft and negotiate policy. Countries not sharing the values enshrined in the constitutions of more democratic nations have equal votes on policy. Whilst it is correct that sovereign States have equal rights, the human rights and freedoms of one nation’s citizens cannot be ceded to the governments of others, nor to a non-State entity placing itself above them.

Many nations have developed checks and balances over centuries, based on an understanding of fundamental values. These have been designed specifically to avoid the sort of situation we now see arising where one group, which is law unto itself, can arbitrarily remove and control the freedom of others. Free media developed as a further safeguard, based on principles of freedom of expression and an equal right to be heard. Just as these values are necessary for democracy and equality, their removal is necessary in order to introduce totalitarianism and a structure based on inequality. The proposed amendments to the IHR are designed explicitly to do this. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]

The proposed new powers sought by WHO, and the pandemic preparedness industry being built around it, are not hidden. The only subterfuge is the farcical approach of media and politicians in many nations who seem to pretend that the proposals do not exist or, if they do, will not  fundamentally change the nature of the relationship between people and centralised non-State powers. The people who will become subject to these powers, and the politicians who are on track to cede them, should start paying attention. We must all decide whether we wish to cede so easily that which has taken centuries to achieve, to assuage the greed of others.

You can find a copy of the proposed amendments as well as a summary of significant clauses in the IHR amendments as prepared by Dr. Bell at the bottom of the original article published by PANDA HERE.

About the Author

Dr. David Bell [The link is a list of Panda experts that includes Dr. Bell] is a clinical and public health physician with a PhD in population health and background in internal medicine, modelling and epidemiology of infectious disease. Previously, he was Director of the Global Health Technologies at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund in the USA, Programme Head for Malaria and Acute Febrile Disease at FIND in Geneva, and coordinating malaria diagnostics strategy with the World Health Organisation.



Intro to ‘Weaponizing COVID to Promote Collectivism’

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

By Barbara Loe Fisher

November 16, 2022

When the [uncompromisingly] righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked man rules, the people groan and sigh.

12 If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will become wicked. Proverbs 29: 2, 12 AMPC

Barbara Loe Fisher Screen Capture

Barbara Loe Fisher – President and Co-Founder of National Vaccine Information Center – has an awesome monologue AGAINST Medical Tyranny focused on COVID Lies and Jab Lies. The monologue us about 27-minutes long and worth EVERY word dripping with truth and facts. I ran into the video on the MeWe Social Platform (so when I share there, cut me some slack if you’ve seen it. Whether you’ve watched for the first time or already viewed, YOU SHOULD SHARE as an action against Medical Tyranny).

Ms. Fisher follows the monologue with what appears to be the text of the video. So, watch or read; BUT dear God in Heaven resist this godless wicked tyranny. Resist individually via civil disobedience or join a group in your community organizing active civil resistance.

If you’ve ever read Dr. Mercola posts you should notice the post is formatted after that fashion. Indeed, a version Ms. Fisher’s post is at, however I’m cross posting the website version.

JRH 11/16/22

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

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Weaponizing COVID to Promote Collectivism

By Barbara Loe Fisher

Published November 15, 2022 in Industry & Business

National Vaccine Information Center

Rumble VIDEO: Weaponizing COVID to Promote Collectivism [I just realized the Rumble (which undoubtedly is the original version) does not have the typical embed codes. I found a Bitchute version which I am using posted on Bitchute Channel PeppiDiCapri]


[Posted by National Vaccine Information Center

Published November 14, 2022


Click for Podcast

The morning that hurricane Ian hit the coast of southwest Florida, the dramatic images of the raw power of Mother Nature blowing apart structures built by human hands and sweeping them into the sea were unbelievable.1 After hours and hours of wind, rain, and a catastrophic water surge that left a trail of destruction in its wake, I thought about how very different this natural disaster was compared to the one unleashed on the world in 2020 that also left a trail of destruction in its wake.

Two disasters, one a natural disaster legally termed an “act of God,” and the other a disaster that, three years later, people are still asking: was it natural or manmade?2 3

Whether or not the SARS-CoV-2 virus spontaneously jumped out of a bat and into a human being4 or was created by scientists in a biohazard lab,5 6 7 one thing is clear: the chaotic response by the experts in charge has been a disaster in itself.8 And the people, whose lives were impacted by that chaos, experienced the same kind of sudden shock, fear,9 disorientation, isolation, and powerlessness that many people, who experience a hurricane, tsunami, tornado, earthquake, or fire, feel when the unexpected happens.

Public Health Pandemic Response Policies Generated Fear, Instability


In the middle of this hurricane, I found myself thinking about why fear of the unknown10 brought on by this emergency was so familiar. It was familiar because we had just experienced fear of the unknown in the winter of 2020,11 when we were told by public health officials that a weirdly mutated coronavirus was on the loose and would kill us if we didn’t hide in our homes, wear cloth over our faces, cut off physical contact with our family and friends, keep our children out of school, and stop getting our hair cut or going to church, exercising in a gym, entering restaurants or certain stores, and be OK with the government labeling many workers and private businesses as “non-essential,” which shut down our economy and threatened to plunge families into bankruptcy.12 13 14 

The people in Florida facing this real life-threatening emergency were suddenly having to call upon emotional and physical reserves already depleted by having recently gone through another emergency, in which some lost their health or their loved ones to the mutant virus, or were injured by disabling COVID vaccine reactions, while others lost their jobs, homes or businesses during the 2020 lockdown that, thankfully, was cut short in Florida compared to many other states.

The fallout from destructive federal COVID response policies on the mental health, child development, and economic stability of our nation is still being assessed.15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Two disasters: a natural one, and one that the world is still having trouble defining.

Post-hurricane Ian, there is a lot of analysis going on in Florida by those whose job it is to prepare for and respond to hurricanes.22 By most accounts, it is an honest analysis by state officials working hard to help people deal with what happened rather than politicizing what happened.23 24 25 

Keeping Us Living in Fear to Sell COVID Vaccine


Last month, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control once again extended the COVID pandemic public health emergency declaration, this time until January 11, 2023.26 To justify keeping us living in fear, 27 28 federal health officials are warning ominously that a “twindemic” of a more transmissible SARS-CoV-2 virus mutant strain, combined with an especially bad influenza season, is poised to make more of us very sick this fall and winter if we don’t all get a COVID shot and a flu shot at the same time.29 30  One high-ranking government doctor said with a straight face – “I really believe this is why God gave us two arms — one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot.” 31

But Americans have grown weary of virus porn, and while the majority of Americans have gotten at least one COVID shot, polls show that just 14 percent of children under age five have gotten one.32 33 34 There are signs that Americans are questioning the ever-changing number of COVID booster shots being aggressively advertised by Big Pharma and government officials, who are trying hard to convince us we will need to get a COVID shot every single year. 35 36 37 38 In this very lucrative marketing campaign, the two mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers, Pfizer and Moderna, raked in 50 billion dollars in 2021 and 2022 alone, with a promise of billions more in profits in the years to come.39 40 41 42 

A Weirdly Mutated Virus, A Reactive Biological That’s Not a Vaccine

Those two drug companies are selling a cell disrupter biological product that is called a vaccine, but in no way resembles any other vaccine that has ever been injected into humans to theoretically combat a weirdly mutated coronavirus, which is acting like no other virus that has ever infected humans. The mRNA biological has been described as “transforming the body into a vaccine-making machine,”43 while one scientist explains that the rapidly mutating SARS-CoV-2 virus is “essentially viral evolution on steroids.”44 But, still, nobody in charge of the COVID pandemic response seems to know exactly where this virus on steroids came from or exactly what kind of damage it – or the genetically engineered components of the mRNA product – are doing to the biological integrity of human populations.45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53


The mRNA COVID vaccines are associated with many ugly side effects, especially ones that compromise the blood and heart and can cause death.54 55 Online it has been dubbed the “clot shot”,56 57 even as owners of social media platforms try to shut down all conversations about serious COVID vaccine reactions being reported online,58 59 60 61 62 in the medical literature,63 and to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).64 65  There have been more than 1.3 million adverse events reported to VAERS after mRNA COVID vaccinations, including heart, brain and immune system damage and death. These 1.3 million reports represent more than half of all vaccine reactions reported for all vaccines since VAERS became operational in 1990 under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act,66 while less than one percent of all vaccine reactions are reported to VAERS.67 

The mRNA COVID vaccine is the most reactive one ever distributed in the U.S. to the entire population.

COVID Shot Reactions Are Good Even When the Product Doesn’t Prevent Infection

$100-bill & Jab Vial

Yet, as soon as the mRNA COVID products were released in December 2020 under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), public health officials told people to celebrate adverse reaction symptoms, trying to convince them that those reaction symptoms means the vaccine is doing its job and would prevent them from getting sick with COVID.68 Nothing could be further from the truth.69 That lie not only persuaded people to accept COVID vaccine reactions as normal and a good thing, but it persuaded doctors to dismiss COVID vaccine-related injuries and deaths as just a “coincidence.”70 71

Which brings us to perhaps the biggest elephant in the room, and that is how blatantly the people were lied to from the beginning about just how effective the mRNA COVID vaccines would be, as government officials allowed people to believe that getting vaccinated would protect them from being infected with the new coronavirus and transmitting it to others, when that was never true. In fact, it was so untrue that, in 2021, CDC officials changed the centuries-old definition of a vaccine from a “product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease” to “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases,” and they convinced Merriam Webster Dictionary to do the same.72 73 74 That’s because the FDA only required drug companies to demonstrate the COVID vaccine had at least 50 percent efficacy in preventing severe symptoms of COVID disease rather than preventing infection.75

There is a difference between a product producing immunity that prevents infection and one that stimulates an immune response but does not prevent infection, especially when you can be infected with the coronavirus and not show symptoms.

With vaccine induced immunity off the table and vaccine adverse reactions viewed as a good thing, by the end of October 2022, the global mass vaccination campaign had convinced about 70 percent of the world’s population to get at least one COVID shot.76

United Nations’ WHO Heading Up Global COVID Vaccine Marketing Campaign

W.H.O. & Trees

The sales force for Big Pharma’s COVID vaccine marketing campaign is headquartered at the United Nation’s World Health Organization,77 78 79 with de facto satellite offices in government agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Gavi Alliance, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, major universities, and financial and other institutions ideologically and politically committed to imposing “The Great Reset” on all countries.80 According to Klaus Schwab, who in 1971 founded an “international organization for public-private cooperation” called the World Economic Forum, the world is in the middle of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” which is “characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital, and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines, economies and industries and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.”81 

In June 2020, Schwab proclaimed, “Now is the time for a great reset” because, he said, in order for the world to effectively respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments “must act swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”82 

Event 201 Prepares for ‘The Great Reset’

Schwab-Malleret Book – COVID-19 Great Reset

To prepare the way for The Great Reset, on October 18, 2019, the World Economic Forum, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins University sponsored a simulated global pandemic planning exercise in New York City called Event 201.83 A “Pandemic Emergency Board” was assembled for Event 201 that included representatives of the United Nations, World Bank, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the China Centers for Disease Control, and leaders from the travel, banking, pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.84

The virus selected for use in the simulated “worst case scenario” global pandemic planning exercise held three months before the World Health Organization declared a coronavirus “public health emergency of international concern” was: the coronavirus.85 86

The nagging question is: was that just a coincidence?

Clearly, it will take a lot of coordination and agreement between all governments to pull off a global Great Reset. Three years into the global COVID health emergency, it appears the global public health elite are leading the way.

Lancet Commission Publishes COVID ‘lessons learned’ Politico Manifesto

Lancet Commission Red Flag Money

In September 2022, the once respected medical journal, The Lancet, published a 56-page report called “The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic.”87The first big red flag in the report is the long list of financial conflicts of interest authors have with drug companies; government health agencies; the United Nations and its public health agency arm, the World Health Organization; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and other institutions that fund or conduct vaccine research and development and promote mandatory use of vaccines.

Once family owned, The Lancet is now owned by the publishing conglomerate, Elsevier, and concerns have been raised about editorial independence, in light of investor ties to major banking, pharmaceutical and biotech corporations. One critique of the Lancet Commission report was written by a public health physician, who previously called out the journal in July 2022 for publishing what he described as “a weakly-evidenced opinion advocating medical fascism.”88 That opinion, written by well-known compulsory vaccination proponents, called for strict enforcement of COVID vaccine mandates in the U.S., and loss of employment and school education for those who refuse to comply.89

The Lancet Commission was originally assembled in the summer of 2020 as an international group of global “experts,” primarily doctors and professors at prestigious universities, who were charged with addressing the COVID pandemic. One of their first tasks was to investigate the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, an endeavor they quickly abandoned because of what the authors described as “divisive public discussion” and “unprecedented attack and pressure” on Commission members.

Leaving that inconvenient “where did the virus come from” question on the table, the Lancet Commission went on to publish a self-aggrandizing political manifesto that fails to honestly analyze what went wrong with the global COVID pandemic response and, instead, basically calls for doing more of the same more quickly in the future. In a stunning demonstration of hubris and ideological bias, Commission members stray from their areas of expertise and call on governments to devalue individual rights and adopt a collectivist orientation that forces individuals to comply with multi-lateral health policies and laws adopted by the United Nations. They said, “all governments, regulators and institutions must be reoriented toward society as a whole rather than the interest of individuals – a concept the Commissioners call prosociality.”

Attacking U.S. Lawmakers, Critics of Destructive Pandemic Response Failures

Pocket U.S. Constitution

This “prosociality” reorientation would, of course, require that much more money and power be given to the United Nations and the World Health Organization so global populations can be controlled by a central authority, especially during global pandemic responses. Defending their slogan “no one is safe until everyone is safe,” which they claim “is not mere rhetoric, or a moral truth, but an epidemiological reality,” they viciously attack U.S. lawmakers for being guilty of “neglecting scientific evidence and needlessly risking lives with a view to keeping the economy open,” and for promoting “anti-science rhetoric and disinformation about COVID 19.”

Refusing to acknowledge legitimate public concerns about authoritarian COVID response policies that led to catastrophic social and economic chaos and damage to mental and physical health of child and adult populations, the Commission complains that the World Health Organization and most governments did not move fast enough to test, identify and isolate the infected while simultaneously putting all people in masks and locking them in their homes – for a long, long time. There is no critical analysis of faulty COVID tests that did not work;90 91 or bogus COVID death estimates that failed to distinguish between dying from COVID and dying with COVID;92 93 94 95 96 or ineffective COVID treatment protocols in hospitals that made people sicker or killed them when they were inappropriately put on ventilators. 97 98 99

While praising the “public-private partnerships” that fast-tracked development of COVID vaccines as a “triumph,” the Lancet Commission weaponizes the failed COVID pandemic response by placing most of the blame for COVID-related deaths on – you guessed it – those independent thinkers the Pharma’s sales force calls “anti-vaxxers.”

Infuriated that a lot of people in the U.S. and Europe questioned the competence of public health officials and defied their orders to mask up, isolate for months on end and take the COVID shot, the Lancet Commission authors alleged that anti-vaxxers – which according to Webster’s Dictionary now includes anyone who opposes mandatory vaccination100 –  caused an “epidemic of misinformation and disinformation” that fostered “low public trust” in government officials and persuaded millions of people to repeatedly take to the streets in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Greece, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland, Romania and other nations in 2020 and 2021 to protest lockdowns and vaccine passports.101 102 103

Blaming COVID Deaths on ‘Anti-Vaccine Movement’ and Individual Rights

COVID-Jab Protestors

They said “anti-vaccine propaganda in the Americas” caused “tens of millions of people to refuse vaccines and hundreds of thousands to needlessly lose their lives.” Obsessing over the lack of “solidarity” among governments to force everyone everywhere to march to the beat of the same drum, they express special hatred for what they describe as the “hostile and coordinated anti-vaccine movement that has spread dangerous and false information about the health risks of vaccines and has campaigned against vaccine mandates.”

Climbing up on very high horse, the Lancet Commission members put “climate change deniers” and “parents who refuse or delay routine childhood vaccinations” in the same basket. They repeatedly condemn political leaders and the digital media for the “deliberate spread of misinformation and disinformation…that fosters distrust in health officials and promotes the idea that individual opinions have equal weight to the best available scientific evidence.”

They called for application of “behavioral science” to convince people to engage in “prosociality” that leads to “optimal behaviors for pandemic control,” pointing out that people living in societies with “tight” or collectivist social norms follow public health orders much better than people living in societies with “loose” or individualistic social norms that champion freedom of individual choice. They claim future pandemics would be so much easier to handle if everyone in the world can be muzzled and locked down tight whenever government health officials fly the utilitarian flag for “the greater good” and demand we salute smartly and roll up our sleeves.

Their diatribe against societies allowing individuals to exercise freedom of thought, speech, conscience and autonomy would be amusing if they weren’t so deadly serious about what they want done about it.

Although there were some public demonstrations here in the U.S., they were not as big as they were in countries without a Constitution that ensures a balance of power between local, state and federal government. Americans stopped COVID vaccine mandates in 2021 and 2022 because state legislators, who make public health laws, looked at the science, listened to concerns of their constituents, and refused to mandate the vaccine.104  Although several U.S. Governors and city mayors issued Executive Orders mandating COVID vaccine and the federal government attempted to mandate the vaccine for all federal employees and contractors, not one state legislature voted to mandate the vaccine this year.105 The online NVIC Advocacy Portal, launched in 2010 to help citizens in every state defend vaccine informed consent rights and exemptions in public health laws had a lot to do with holding back COVID vaccine mandates and passports in the U.S. when populations in other countries with centralized political control could not.106

Public Health Elite Wants US to ‘Reorient’ To A Collectivist Society

Individualism vs Collectivism

It doesn’t take a PhD in political science to figure out that what the public health elite is calling for would require Americans to reject the cultural values and beliefs and governmental structure outlined in the US Constitution, which provides decentralized checks and balances on political power and guarantees individuals God given natural rights that limit the power of government.107 108  The Public Health Empire is all about appropriating centralized power that can be wielded without accountability. That is why the Lancet Commission demands that the United States of America “reorient” toward a collectivist society, which would require disempowering local and state governments so that only the federal government – in “solidarity” with the United Nations, of course – has the authority to make public health laws and tell citizens what to think about and believe and do with their bodies and the bodies of their children.

Accompanying the Lancet Commission report was a Lancet editorial entitled “COVID-19: the case for prosociality.” And if you do a Google search using the words “prosociality and communism,” what you find at the top is an article published in Frontiers in Psychology in September 2022 entitled, “How prosocial behaviors are maintained in China: The relationship between communist authority and prosociality.”109  The authors note how prosocial behavior is associated with religious belief and argue that communist authority wielded by the ruling Communist Party of China has a positive effect on promoting prosocial behaviors in a secular atheist society. They say studies show that “the psychological functions of gods and governments are interchangeable.”

Thank you, Lancet Commission, for making the political goals of the Public Health Empire so crystal clear.

Mandatory Vaccination: The Tip of the Spear in the Culture Wars

I have been saying for many years that mandatory vaccination is the tip of the spear in the culture wars taking place in this country and others in the 21st Century. Because if the state can tag, track down and force individuals against their will to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.

Register today to use the NVIC Advocacy Portal at and take action in your state to protect civil liberties in this historic Vaccine Culture War that will determine whether we will live free or die as slaves in a collectivist authoritarian state.

Be the one who never has to say you did not do today what you could have done to change tomorrow.

It’s your health, your family, your choice.

And our mission continues: No forced vaccination, not in America.


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12 Fisher BL. Unprecedented Response to COVIC-19 by Governments Prohibits Physical Contact and Cripples World EconomyNational Vaccine Information Center Mar. 29, 2020.

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33 Stephenson J. Many Parents Unlikely to Seek COVID-19 Vaccination for Newly Eligible Young Children, Survey FindsJAMA Health Forum 2022; 3(8).

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49 Hanna N, Heffes-Doon A, Lin X et al. Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk. JAMA Pediatrics Sept. 26, 2022.

50 Fraiman J, Erviti J, Jones M et al. Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adultsVaccine 2022; 40(4): 5798-5805.

51 Malhotra A. Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine – Part 1J Insulin Resistance 2022; 5(1).

52 Munblit D, Nicholson TR, Needham DM et al. Studying the post-COVID-19 condition: research challenges, strategies, and importance of Core Outcome Set development. BMC Medicine 2022; 29(50).

53 Weisser R. Wot’s in the shots? Spectator (Australia) Nov. 5, 2022.

54  Chouchana L, Blet A, Al-Khalaf M et al. Features of Inflammatory Heart Reactions Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination at a Global LevelClin Pharmacol Ther 2022; 111(3): 605-613.

55 Choi S, Lee SH, Seo JW et al. Myocarditis-induced Sudden Death after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea: Case Report Focusing on Histopathological FindingsJ Korean Med Sci 2021; 36(40).

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62 Simonson J. How the CDC Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor AmericansWashington Free Beacon July 27, 2022.

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105  National Vaccine Information Center. NVIC’s 2022 Annual Report on U.S. State Vaccine Legislation. Nov. 17, 2022.

106 NVIC Advocacy Portal.

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