Anti-Medical Tyranny Read Over the Easter Weekend 2024

John R. Houk, Bog Editor

April 1, 2024

If you are one of my readers, you will have noticed I took Easter Weekend 2024 off from sharing. AND YET I was not totally inactive.

Here are two posts focused on combatting Medical Tyranny from that Easter timeframe that I’m posting just to plug up the void. I will not be sharing widely as I typically do. SO, if you find this informative, you should share this post on your favorite Social Media Platform.

JRH 4/1/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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World-Renowned Physicians Receive Public Apology from Accuser Admitting Allegations of Academic Fraud Were Incorrect

March 30, 2024


Washington, D.C. – The source of a series of false allegations often recited in media stories has publicly acknowledged her error and apologized for questioning the integrity of the FLCCC Alliance and founding members Paul E. Marik, M.D., FCCM, FCCP, chairman and chief science officer, and Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, president and chief medical officer.

In June of 2022, Allison Neitzel, a physician and author of the blog, Misinformation Kills, made a series of false allegations of fraud in reference to peer-reviewed published research of Drs. Marik and Kory. Dr. Neitzel’s unsubstantiated claims also included accusing the FLCCC Alliance of “grifting” when she falsely claimed that the organization is the “same” as other organizations that sold ivermectin and telehealth services to the public. Finally, Dr. Neitzel was a staunch supporter and promoter of false claims by another online influencer, Kyle Sheldrick, a physician and Ph.D. candidate in Australia, who made a series of unsubstantiated allegations of fraud committed by Dr. Marik on social media and to the journal CHEST that he later retracted following an investigation into his claims by the journal. Dr. Sheldrick publicly acknowledged his mistake in a statement issued in May 2023.

Many of Dr. Neitzel’s and Dr. Sheldrick’s false claims were often used by widely read media outlets, positioning them as authoritative sources of such information.

Today, Dr. Neitzel issued a lengthy statement acknowledging her mistakes and apologizing to Drs. Marik and Kory, and the FLCCC Alliance that included the following [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]:

“A number of times in 2022 in the MisinformationKills newsletter and on Twitter, I used terms like “fraud” and “fraudulent” to criticize certain positions of and statements by the FLCCC, Dr. Marik and Dr. Kory, and to criticize certain studies by Dr. Marik or Dr. Kory.  My posts have also characterized the use of ivermectin in treatment with words like “grift.”  I take this opportunity to clarify that I did not mean my statements to be understood as conveying anything more than intense criticism, and I regret if anyone understood the statements as accusations that any of them had engaged in fraudulent professional or business practices.”  

Her statement concludes, “I apologize to the FLCCC, Dr. Marik, and Dr. Kory for the statements that are the subject of this update.”

“As physicians in the public discourse, we all have the responsibility to not make accusations like fraud without first knowing all the facts. To do otherwise is highly irresponsible and unprofessional, especially when the media spread these accusations further,” said Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, president and chief medical officer of the FLCCC Alliance. We accept Dr. Neitzel’s apology. However, it is regrettable that it has taken almost two years for her to acknowledge her mistakes.”

“We are always open to a professional debate on any of our research. That is often how good science comes about,” said Paul E. Marik, M.D., FCCM, FCCP, chairman and chief science officer of the FLCCC Alliance. “I hope that Dr. Neitzel understands that accusations of fraud are not to be recklessly made and can be particularly damaging during a public health crisis when critical information among frontline physicians is being used to save lives.”

A link to Dr. Neitzel’s statement can be found here:

Additional information on the resolution of Dr. Sheldrick’s claims can be found here:

About the FLCCC Alliance

The FLCCC Alliance was organized in March 2020 by a group of highly published, world renowned critical care physicians and scholars with the academic support of allied physicians worldwide. Known for its lifesaving protocols for preventing and treating COVID-19 in all stages of illness including “Long COVID” and Post Vaccine Syndrome, the FLCCC has since developed treatment guides for several conditions and illnesses, including sepsis, metabolic disease, cancer and depression. For more information:

©2020–2023 All Rights Reserved FLCCC Alliance. The information contained or presented on this website is for educational purposes only. Information on this site is NOT intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only in order to empower you – our protocol is not medical advice – and in no way should anyone infer that we, even though we are physicians, or anyone appearing in any content on this website are practicing medicine, it is for educational purposes only. Any treatment protocol you undertake should be discussed with your physician or other licensed medical professional. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of ANY material on this site or our program to your specific situation. NEVER stop or change your medications without consulting your physician. If you are having an emergency contact your emergency services: in the USA that’s 911. … Please read our complete disclaimers.



The Sovereignty Coalition/ Door to Freedom backgrounder for lawmakers on the proposed transformation of the WHO

Please read and share this brief but comprehensive summary of what is afoot widely



March 27, 2024

The FLCCC Alliance Community (Substack)

Dr. Meryl Nass publishes urgent message on the proposed changes to transform the World Health Organization. – 

FLCCC Alliance


With the active support of the Chinese Communist Party, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Biden administration, two accords are being finalized that would give the World Health Organization (WHO) wholly unprecedented and actually unconstitutional powers over the United States and her people.

If adopted, these two proposed governing protocols – a package of major amendments to the WHO’s existing International Health Regulations (IHRs) and a new treaty being described as the Pandemic Agreement – could threaten national sovereignty, undermine states’ rights, and imperil constitutional freedoms and basic individual liberties.

Specifically, the WHO and its unelected officials would be granted the authority to restrict U.S. citizens’ rights to freedom of speech, privacy, movement (especially travel across borders), choice of medical care and informed consent. The WHO would also be empowered to ignore intellectual property rights and impose a massive and unaccountable surveillance system on the world. Most significantly, the proposed instruments would violate Americans’ basic civil rights under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments.

The following are of particular concern:

1. If the two proposed governing protocols are adopted, the WHO would be transformed from an advisory, charitable organization into the world’s governor of public health, whose orders must be obeyed.

The World Health Organization was founded in 1948 as a specialized agency of the United Nations with a mandate to coordinate international health issues. The WHO carries out its mandate issuing guidance, making recommendations, and establishing protocols for dealing with medical emergencies. Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) is in the final stages of considerably amending its existing International Health Regulations (IHR) and negotiating an international Pandemic Treaty. The ostensible purpose is to enable a global response to “Public Health Emergencies of International Concern” (PHEICs).

Although the WHO does not presently have the authority to enforce its recommendations, under the proposed IHR amendments and new Pandemic agreement, both of which would be binding, the WHO would gain the authority to issue mandates, not simply give advice, transforming its role from an advisory and charitable agency to one that will govern public health worldwide.

During a declaration of an actual or potential PHEIC, the IHRs would be in force. The Treaty would always be in force.

2. The proposed IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty confer essentially unlimited powers over public health globally to the WHO’s Director-General.

The IHR amendments would require states parties to surrender sovereignty over public health to the WHO’s unelected and unaccountable Director-General, who would – among other things – be empowered to direct nations as to what laws they must pass and enforce. For example, the IHR amendments insert the word “shall” a total of 168 times. The clear intent and meaning of these changes is to establish that such dictates will be mandatory for member countries to follow, especially during a declared “emergency.” (Note that the protocols establish compliance and implementation committees, as well as a “focal point” in each country to report back to the WHO on compliance.  Moreover, the defined scope of the proposed IHR has been expanded to include “all risks with a potential to impact public health” (Article 2, Scope and purpose).[1] 

Moreover, if the proposed IHR changes and Pandemic Treaty are adopted in late May 2024, America’s elected representatives would no longer solely set our public health policies. Instead, they could be dictated by the WHO’s Director-General, who would be authorized to declare unilaterally public health emergencies of regional or international concern. Such declarations can include perceived or potential emergencies other than pandemics, including for example: climate change, immigration, gun violence or even emergencies involving plants, animals, or ecosystems. And, under the WHO’s proposed agreements, American citizens would be obliged to comply with whatever the Director-General says must be done about these emergencies.

3. Both the proposed Pandemic Treaty and IHR indicate a disconcerting intent to suppress free speech criticism of public health concerns, establish global surveillance, and support the proliferation of potential biological weapons.

Other problems abound with the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations amendments. For example, they would require the establishment of a global surveillance state that threatens the basic privacy rights of all Americans and reflects the organization and its partners’ determination to suppress free speech that is at odds with the WHO’s public health policies. While nominally promoting “unhindered” access to information (Treaty Article 3. General principles and approaches),[2] there is a contradictory requirement for nations to “combat false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation” (Treaty Article 18, Communication, and public awareness).[3] Notably, under these protocols, social media could be monitored and censored; citizens could be inoculated and subjected to lockdowns at the sole discretion of the WHO; and Americans’ medical data, from birth to death, could be shared globally.

Both documents also support the proliferation of potential biological weapons.  While the stated goal of the Pandemic Treaty is to reduce pandemics, it establishes a “Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System” (Treaty Article 12, Access and benefit sharing)4 that requires nations to share “potential pandemic pathogens” – a formula for proliferating potential biological weapons, which increases the risk of pandemics.5

Furthermore, the WHO’s Director-General would appoint experts to supervise genetic engineering and Gain-of-Function research on potential pandemic pathogens (Article 24, Scientific Advisory Committee), which appeared in the February 14, 2024, draft of the Pandemic Treaty.6 Such research will further increase the risk of escape of highly pathogenic microorganisms. A serious effort to prevent pandemics would require the WHO to end such dangerous research.

4. Implementation of public healthcare policy is a state, not federal, responsibility.

The responsibility to define and implement public health policies is not an enumerated power in the U.S. Constitution, and therefore is an authority reserved to the states. The federal government cannot transfer authority for U.S. public health policy to the WHO because it is not, in fact, entitled to exercise such authority, let alone relinquish it to a foreign entity.

The Biden administration is, nonetheless, strongly supportive of both of the proposed WHO accords. The U.S. State Department has indicated that it does not intend to request Senate advice and consent on the IHR amendments or the Treaty. And the U.S. Senate has, to date, refused to agree to require either or both to be submitted pursuant to its constitutional role in the ratification of such accords.7 8

It falls, therefore, to the states’ Attorneys General to stand against these agreements and thereby safeguard such state prerogatives and their constituents’ medical freedom, lest one or both be irreparably harmed.

[1]  (page 3)

[2]  (page 7)

[3]  (page 22).  The Treaty defines “infodemic” as “too much information, false or misleading information, in digital and physical environments during a disease outbreak. It causes confusion and risk-taking behaviors that can harm health.” It then requires “Parties” to engage in “infodemic management at local, national, regional and international levels. ” Treaty at pp. 5, 13. The Treaty also requires that Parties “harmonize … regulatory requirements” (p. 20) so it contemplates that each government will bind private parties, including any that contribute to the “infodemic.” The First Amendment prohibits this kind of speech control.

4  (page 16)





© 2024 FLCCC Alliance

FLCCC Alliance Substack HOMEPAGE


Taking a Look at Agenda for World Domination

UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF & WHO

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 29, 2023

TODAY is only a drop in the bucket in the amount of info of the Globalist-Elitist few to dominate the many by any means necessary even if it means depopulating to a more controllable amount of people.

The drop in the bucket of available information on UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF and the WHO. I’m posting 2-videos I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel and a Telegram Natural News post. The titles:

  • Agenda 21 (2030) Globalist Plan
  • No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs? EPOCH TV
  • Dr. Meryl Nass warns: WHO pandemic treaty is about global dominion by the few and total control of the masses

Then if that whets your thirst for knowledge I’m adding a couple of older videos aimed at exposing the World Economic Forum (WEF). The titles:

  • WEF Scientist Testifies ‘Man-Made Climate Change Is a Depopulation Scam’ – The People’s Voice (Rumble)
  • I WENT TO THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM AS A SPY —THIS IS WHAT SCARED ME THE MOST (EDITED) – Picked up by Bitchute Channel Some Guy of Glenn Beck going clandestinely to WEF meetings as well as conducting interviews pertaining to his discoveries.

JRH 9/29/23


Thank you to those who have stepped up! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Bitchute VIDEO: Agenda 21 (2030) Globalist Plan

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 28th, 2023 18:44 UTC 

I found this just little over 2-minute video on the Telegram Channel Sound of Freedom ( posted on 9/27/23 (

Here’s the Sound of Freedom description:

‘”The goal of Agenda 21 is one world government, and total control from a central unit.”

Author of ‘Behind the Green Mask’, the late Rosa Koire, breaks down the totalitarian United Nations control plan known as ‘Agenda 21’ (which later became Agenda 2030).’ [Amazon link to purchase book added by Blog Editor]

[Blog Editor: This info not on my Bitchute Channel but added as a reference for the Blog:


Bitchute VIDEO: No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs? EPOCH TV

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 28th, 2023 16:19 UTC 

This is a Documentary from EPOCH TV originally posted on 9/25/23. The original post link:

As the title indicates, the documentary focuses on Agenda 21/2030 & WEF designs to limit food production they perceive or deceive to affect Climate Change. My perception is the agenda is to decrease the world population for easier Globalist-Elitist control of humanity.

Here’s the EPOCH TV description:

‘“No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?” is an Epoch Original documentary exposing the hidden agenda behind global “Green Policies,” the untold stories of farmers forced out of business, the disruption this will have on our food supply, and why edible bugs are suddenly being pushed to the fore as a “Global Green Solution.”

EpochTV program “Facts Matter” host Roman Balmakov investigates the rapidly changing landscape of our global food source—the farming industry—through interviews with farmers in The Netherlands, Sri Lanka, and the United States. This is the next global crisis that is being ignored by the world’s media.

Official Website:

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Special Thanks to the Farmers Defence Force


Dr. Meryl Nass warns: WHO pandemic treaty is about global dominion by the few and total control of the masses

Posted at Telegram Channel Natural News

Post Link

September 27, 2023 5:25:00 PM

Meryl Nass, a biowarfare and epidemics expert, has warned about the globalist agenda to impose a “global dominion by the few and total control of the masses” disguised as an international pandemic treaty under the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to Nass, whose medical license was suspended in January 2022 by the Maine medical board for allegedly spreading “COVID misinformation” and prescribing ivermectin, the current draft of the treaty and the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) would require the public to have mRNA-based vaccination. [Bold Text Emphasis Blog Editor’s] However, these vaccines are only produced in 100 days by skipping human trials and reducing safety and efficacy testing to the bare minimum.

The treaty gives the director-general of the WHO additional power to determine which medications can be used in medical emergencies. This means that the WHO will gain authority over the healthcare of the public in different states, obliging local healthcare practitioners to adhere to their directives.

The WHO is also set to implement nationwide biosurveillance programs to identify potential pandemic-causing pathogens by testing humans, domesticated and farm animals and wildlife, as well as inspecting farms, factories, wastewater, and more. Additionally, the WHO director-general can declare a pandemic or even a potential one, but with no predefined criteria to declare one.

Furthermore, the director-general can act based on little more than hearsay. Concrete evidence of an impending or ongoing pandemic is not a prerequisite. Nations are also obliged to monitor and censor social media to push the WHO’s narrative.

This globalist agenda, disguised as a treaty, implies a loss of medical freedom and bodily autonomy for the masses.

WHO pandemic treaty encourages gain-of-function research

In an article published by Nass entitled “The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Manmade Pandemics,” [Brownstone Institute link added by Blog Editor and dated 8/17/23] she pointed out that the treaty encourages “gain-of-function” research, a euphemism for biological warfare research, to predict future pandemic threats or potential bioweapons.

Meaning, the WHO obliges its members to actively search for potentially pandemic-causing pathogens and, once found, share them and any associated research globally. With this strategy, it would be harder to blame a country or organization as all nations are working with the same pathogens.

Moreover, the treaty proposes that governments share all viruses and bacteria with “pandemic potential” with the WHO and other governments, even putting their genomic sequences online. However, this plan risks exposing dangerous pathogens to hackers and other malicious actors, undermining global security.

In short, gain-of-function research is explicitly incentivized by the treaty.

Ultimately, the WHO treaty pushes people in the opposite direction of what is required to prevent future pandemics. To effectively prevent pandemics, it is necessary to stop gain-of-function research, as it represents the most significant pandemic threat.

“It is the public who pays the cost of the research, and then pays again for the accidents and deliberate leaks. Wouldn’t it be better to end gain-of-function research entirely, by restricting funding or closing the laboratories, rather than encouraging the distribution of biological weapons?  If we want a decent future, it is crucial that we control these weapons instead of proliferating them,” Nass wrote.

[Blog Editor: Natural News places a Brighteon video link at the end of the post – Brighteon is difficult to embed so I’ll be using Bitchute. The video is Mike Adams interviewing Dr. Francis Boyle on bioweapons & biowarfare dated “10 months ago”. The Brighteon title is a bit different than the Bitchute version but it’s the same: “Dr. Francis Boyle issues URGENT WARNING about WHO pandemic treaty designed to enslave & exterminate humanity: “Dr. Francis Boyle issues URGENT WARNING about WHO pandemic treaty designed to enslave & exterminate humanity”.]


[Posted by NaturalNews

First Published November 22nd, 2022 16:27 UTC



Rumble VIDEO: WEF Scientist Testifies ‘Man-Made Climate Change Is a Depopulation Scam’ [Blog Editor: I just noticed that my AdBlock extension was blocking Rumble. By the time I figured it out I posted the video twice and I’m not tech-savvy enough to figure out how to remove the extra video block with WordPress. SORRY ABOUT THAT.)

Posted by The People’s Voice

Published July 24, 2023

– Protect yourself from data breaches with up to $1 million of coverage:

A top climate change scientist has become the latest expert to blow the whistle on the globalist elite and admit the so-called climate crisis is a hoax to depopulate the world, humiliate the masses, and bolster the coffers of the elite at the expense of ordinary, working people.

That’s the problem with perpetuating a massive, ongoing hoax that affects literally every single person on the planet. A hoax of such enormous scale requires a lot of people to be in on the secret, and eventually some of them are going to blow the whistle and tell the truth.

Mainstream media is still trying to keep up appearances and pretend the hoax isn’t falling apart. That’s what they are paid to do by the global elite, after all. But the media is fighting a losing battle.

At this point the media is like the proverbial Dutch boy with his finger in the dam wall, plugging the leaks that are threatening to burst the dam wall.

Unfortunately for the mainstream media, the leaks are growing by the day, and the wall is about to come crashing in.



Posted by Some Guy!

First Published August 10th, 2023 22:37 UTC

SHOCKING SUPER SMART CITY PLAN – The reason Dutch farmers are being targeted (depopulation adjacent)

Globalist plans to make a super (smart) city taking over the whole of the Netherlands, parts of Germany & Belgium too, all under the pretence of alleged damage to the environment from Nitrogen!

Trudeau (Canada) has identical plans. + There is zero news coverage of any of the farmers protests etc. on CBS in Canada.

Source (clip from July 14th – The Reason WHY Canadian News Is Blocking Us From This Massive Worldwide News”)” – libertytalkcanada

In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences, Larry engages in an enlightening conversation with Jim Ferguson, a passionate advocate standing shoulder-to-shoulder against the World Economic Forum and its intricate global strategies. Jim, a devoted patriot from Scotland with a fervent belief in individual liberties, delves into the meticulous research he has undertaken, unraveling the intricate web woven by the WEF. Unveiling their intentions to exercise control over the worldwide food chain by unsettlingly seizing farms, Jim’s insights bring to light the gravity of the situation.

Furthermore, the video sheds light on the disconcerting connection between prominent WEF benefactors and their zealous promotion of Covid-19 and other vaccines. Astonishingly, these very individuals ardently advocate for a drastic reduction in the global populace by several billion souls. The discourse takes an alarming turn as we explore openly discussed aspirations of globalist powers. The urgency for ordinary citizens to be prepared and resolute in opposing the affluent utilitarian puppeteers orchestrating the World Economic Forum becomes undeniably apparent. Join us to delve into these crucial issues that demand the vigilance and determination of all those who champion the cause of freedom.

Looking at Medical Tyranny & OWG

Posted by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

July 22, 2023

Today’s theme is Medical Tyranny and One-World Government (OWG). The OWG aspect looks at the tentacles of the World Health Organization (WHO) Globalist designs to impose rule and Elitist agenda upon sovereign nations. In the case of the USA that means erasing the already diluted Rule of Law in the U.S. Constitution.

I begin with a couple of videos on Medical Tyranny. The first I uploaded from Telegram which I believe was originally entitled “red alert”. I changed the title in my Bitchute upload to reflect the coverup lies being erased. The second video is roughly 37-minutes long but the report in the first 12-minutes focusing on Dem-Marxist attempted censorship of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at Congressional testimony by twisting a biological fact to falsely accuse RFK, Jr. of racist Antisemitism.

The OWG posts are originally sourced from THE EXPOSÉ but one of those is primarily from David Bell on the Substack page PANDA Uncut. Followed by an exposition on a Peter Sweden/Noor Bin Ladin interview on WHO power-grab and surveillance.

AGAIN, do some critical/independent thinking realize your government and the media lies to YOU to transform your society and culture.

JRH 7/22/23


Thank you to those who have stepped up! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support CPCR

YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT via buying women’s menstrual health, healthy collagen, vitamin supplements/products, coffee from my wife’s Online store: My Store (please use referral discount code 3917004):

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


Bitchute VIDEO: Medical Journals Erasing Evidence of Wrongdoing (Telegram)

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published July 22nd, 2023 14:05 UTC

Telegram Channel FreedomTirade ( shared this video on another Telegram channel which I cannot recall. I felt it was important enough to download and then upload it to my Bitchute Channel.

FreedomTirade Description 7/21/23:

red alert. 🔺

the perpetrators of the COVID fraud are erasing their tracks, by deleting hundreds of “scientific” papers which they used as the basis to justify the brutal unethical COVID ‘MEASURES’…

from lockdowns to injections.

red alert.

Mainstream media is ignoring this aggravated medical fraud:

First, they tried to hide the ‘vaccine’ harms.

Then they tried to hide the lies that they used to push the ‘vaccines’

Montage on Odysee:

In the words of the duplicitous demon Hancock at the UK COVID INQUIRY (cover-up), they’re planning to be “better prepared” for the “next pandemic” to install tighter restrictions so to further rob us of our freedoms in pursuit of their endless wars and total control.

we resist,

we defy,

we do not comply.




HeuRiStiC mOnTagE [odysee Channel:]



Posted by Right2Freedom

First Published July 21st, 2023 09:21 UTC

Jul 20, 2023


[Blog Editor: This next cross post will be the intro portion (2-paragraphs) from THE EXPOSÉ then the full David Bell Substack post]

The insane and dangerous One Health cult that regards humans as a pollutants

[Intro by] RHODA WILSON 

JULY 22, 2023


The idea of a holistic concept of health – that our environment influences our well-being – is far older than written history. “One Health,” a modern term for this holistic approach to health, is therefore old news. However, just as planes are hijacked for politics or profit, One Health has been hijacked by self-proclaimed philanthropists.

This hijacked and corrupted version of One Health is designed to use fear to control us and justify our restriction, impoverishment and death. It is a cult based on fear of the world and the people who they say poisoned it. And it is baked into the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and Pandemic Treaty.


One Health, holistic medicine, and the poisoning of minds

The narrative envisioning a world in which any lifeform is considered of equal worth to others and humans a pollutant

By David Bell

July 21, 2023


The idea of a holistic concept of health – that our environment (or ‘biosphere’) influences our well-being – is far older than written history. So is greed, abuse, lust for power, and a desire to own and enslave others. There is, regarding what really matters, nothing new under the sun.

Ant-Consumed Rotten Apple [PANDA Uncut Photo]

‘One Health’, a modern term for this holistic approach to health, is therefore old news, as is a willingness to corrupt and manipulate such a concept for personal gain. Ill health is a lever for fear, and death even more so, especially to those who believe that we are simply organic constructs that end in dust and decay. A cult feeding off these fears, holding that the entire biosphere is threatening us with diseases and death, would therefore have real potential for mass control. Convince followers that humans are the poison that made this world so destructive, and you will also have a means to stoke hate against non-believers whilst adding guilt to the tools for compliance.

A cult based on fear of the world and the people who poisoned it, dressed up in philanthropy and virtue, has risen amongst us. Co-opting One Health terminology, it is now funded by the spoils of Covid, and empowered by technology that can take this mediaeval witch-hunting sect global.

One Health as a tool for humanity

If bovine tuberculosis spreads through a herd, the herders will suffer through loss of income and food, and through the risk of catching the infection themselves. Their poverty will compound, their kids go hungry, and they will grow up to face the same fate. Improving the health of the herd can uplift the family and their community to a better future. If they can ensure their drinking water is clean, and their cooking fire does not pollute their lungs, they will go even further. The environment, everywhere, should be managed and protected for human benefit – physical, mental, and social.

The One Health concept, centred in such common sense, was once no more than this. It is a rational way to express an age-old principle in a world obsessed with allopathic medicine and magical vaccines. Sanitation and improved nutrition will save more lives than the next round of profiteering brought to us by Pfizer.

However, humans are humans, and just as planes are hijacked for politics or profit, One Health has been hijacked by self-proclaimed philanthropists. We should fear both, in a sensible way, but still fly on planes and still support holistic medicine. To make flying more secure, we seek to identify the hijackers and understand their motives. So, we should do the same when concepts such as One Health are hijacked or co-opted with similar intent.

As a new catch-all for this modern public health cult, One Health is being corrupted in two ways, but for the same ends and by much the same people. Understanding one tells us about the people we are dealing with, the other reveals their motives.

One Health as an ideology

The medical journal Lancet explained the ideology [Blog Editor: i.e., Explains from a Woke-Elitist perspective] of those driving the One Health cult in January 2023: 

All life is equal, and of equal concern”, 

and further: 

“One Health will be delivered in countries … by taking a fundamentally different approach to the natural world, one in which we are as concerned about the welfare of non-human animals and the environment as we are about humans.

In its truest sense, One Health is a call for ecological, not merely health, equity.” 

The narrative, and its intent, are clear. Those pushing it envision a world in which any lifeform is considered intrinsically of equal worth to others. If you must choose between your daughter and a rat, the choice should weigh the probability of the survival of each, or assess which may do the least harm to other lifeforms after being saved.

Within this ‘equitable’ worldview, humans become a pollutant. Ever-growing human populations have driven other species to extinction through environmental change, from the megafauna of ancient Australasia to the plummeting insect populations of modern Europe. Humans become a plague upon the earth, and their restriction, impoverishment and death may therefore be justified for a greater good.

It is difficult for people to grasp that this is a guiding ideology of public figures, as it runs counter to most human moral systems or Natural Law. People therefore consider this a misrepresentation of what is intended. If this is you, go back and read those quotes, and read more widely. We must understand the ideology driving this movement, as they intend that we should follow their dictates, and they intend to indoctrinate our children.

One Health as a tool for fear manufacturing and control

In the hijacked version of One Health, designed to control the masses, humans are at constant risk of harm from their environment and must be corralled and protected for their own good. To convince them, people are bombarded constantly with reminders of the risk that a life on earth entails. Changing climates, vehicle exhaust, variants of viruses, and the behaviour of non-conforming others become existential threats.

Fear works to change human behaviour and shape responses. During Covid-19, behavioural psychology units attached to governments used fear extensively to lead people into compliance with dictates such as mask wearing and stay-at-home orders. People will undertake actions, or accept restrictions, that they would likely refuse if allowed to think rationally and calmly. Expanding this approach from a single virus to any aspect of the biosphere impacting human well-being, such as climate, provides an opportunity to use this totalitarian tool of population control to reshape society to the model that the purveyors of fear desire.

Through amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and a new ‘pandemic treaty’, WHO is coupling this broad definition of One Health with a definition of ‘emergency’ that simply requires recognition of a threat rather than actual harm. When applied to WHO’s broad definition of health, being ‘physical, mental and social well-being’, almost all aspects of normal life could be included in its scope. Addressed through a proscriptive public health paradigm that encompasses global mandates, restrictions and censorship, those running this agenda have an opportunity for unprecedented power.

The refocusing of WHO

Public health does not have to be this way. Combining WHO’s broad definition of health with a holistic view of its relationship with the environment could provide a readily defensible approach to true human well-being. A further concept, ‘social capital’, is intrinsically tied to this; that we are better off, and have greater well-being, when we work through supportive social networks that value our participation in decision-making. This is the opposite of being told what to do or how to live; i.e., being a slave. People generally live longer, are happier, and report more fulfilled lives when they have greater social capital.

Combining a broad definition of health and a holistic view of its dependencies with a requirement to ensure human agency (preserving social capital) helps us understand how the discipline of public health could effectively contribute. If it provides evidence and support for decision-making at a community and individual level, it should contribute to well-being. If it uses top-down coercion or mandates, it will support the wellbeing of those doing the mandating, but harm those whose social capital is being degraded. Slave-owners live longer than slaves.

Recognising these realities, in 2019 WHO stated in its recommendations for pandemic influenza that border closures, quarantine, and prolonged business closures should never be undertaken in response to a pandemic. These measures would drive inequality and disproportionately harm low-income people, destroying both economies and social capital. In 2020, refocusing priorities on a new constituency, WHO promoted these same inequitable policies it had previously warned against. The evidence did not change, but the constituency did. Wealthy people and corporations had become significant funders of WHO, able to dictate where its resources were used. It is clear that those who benefit from improved nutrition and sanitation cannot fund WHO’s growing staff, but those profiting from the largesse of the Covid response can.

We tend to think such changes cannot happen in free and rational societies. To be convinced, we might need solid evidence of real totalitarian control. If we experienced mandated population-wide injections, people banned from visiting loved ones, or body-armoured police shooting at crowds and beating up old ladies for not wearing masks, whilst those promoting such policies lived and travelled freely, then we might start to wonder whether our preconceptions regarding society were wrong. At that time, we might start to believe that some in authority don’t really have our best interests at heart.

Exposing a cult

Evil is not defeated by hiding from it. It is fought by exposing the ideology that drives it – the greed, the lies and the deceit. We should not be overwhelmed by the scale and depth of wrongdoing. It may now be global but the people running it are as empty as those in past times, seeing the subjugation of others as the only way to address their internal inadequacies. Many more go along for the ride, doing their bidding to secure careers and pensions. This is normal, and has been faced before.

In the end, mad ideologues collapse under the weight of their own deceit and the shallowness of their dogmas. The earth-mother religion of a corrupted One Health and the feudalist ambitions of its priests will be no different. We should not fear public health or a holistic view of the world. They are ours and can be a force for good. Rather, we should expose the hollowness of the people who would subvert them, driven by their own greed and barren ideologies.

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WHO’s power grab through surveillance and “triple billion” targets

Bandage-Earth – WHO TyrannyFeatured image: WHO triple billion target updates: unveiling new health reforms, Health Europa, 7 March 2019


July 21, 2023


During an interview with Peter Sweden, Noor Bin Ladin exposed how the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) does not care about your health, but instead, it acts as a globalist organisation under the United Nations (“UN”) to bring about centralised control. She discussed how the aim has been the same for the past 100 years, WHO’s grand designs for surveillance and its “triple billion” targets.

Together with Nick Cerutti, Noor Bin Ladin founded We Hurt Others, a website to help disseminate information about WHO’s true intentions and machinations. You can follow Bin Ladin on Twitter HERE.

[Blog Editor: THE EXPOSÉ embeds the Rumble video of the interview and provides a link to Youtube. I suspect it is due to the potential of censorship. I’m doing it the other way around.]

Youtube VIDEO: The TRUTH about their secret globalist agenda

[Posted by PeterSweden

Posted Jul 20, 2023

Watch my interview where Noor Bin Ladin reveals what the real plan is for the WHO and their origins. Follow Noor:


The video above can also be found, for the time being, on Rumble HERE.

The globalists have been building an infrastructure throughout the 20th century and the UN is very much part of that infrastructure, Bin Ladin explained in the video above. With the setting up of the UN, they were able to go ahead with the centralisation of power towards a One World Government. And WHO is very much a key part of the globalist structure. But this plan began long before the UN or WHO were founded.

The League of Nations was established at the end of World War I to create a One World Government. The League, like its successor the UN, had a health organisation that was driven by philanthropists and their foundations – specifically the Rockefeller Foundation International Health Board.

Public health became the ideal vehicle through which Rockefeller philanthropy could apply scientific findings to the public good.

Rockefeller’s business, scientific, and philanthropic advisers Frederick T Gates, Charles Wardell Stiles, and Wickliffe Rose perceived anaemia-provoking hookworm disease to be both a key factor that explained the economic “backwardness” of the USA’s southern states and an impediment to its industrialisation. These men helped orchestrate the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease that operated from 1910 to 1914.

This campaign uncovered the possibilities of public health in eliminating the disease through an anthelmintic drug; the promotion of shoe-wearing and latrines; and public health propaganda. Following this success, the [Rockefeller Foundation] created an International Health Board, which was reorganised as the International Health Division (IHD) in 1927.

The Rockefeller Foundation and the international health agenda, Anne-Emanuelle Birn and Elizabeth Fee, The Lancet, 11 May 2013

Although US President Woodrow Wilson was an enthusiastic proponent of the League, the United States did not officially join and so the plans for a centralised world government failed, for which we must thank the American public. As Bin Ladin explained, the USA didn’t join the League because the American population was against it; at the time the US legislature was not corrupt as they are today, meaning politicians followed the will of the people.

The League was formally liquidated in 1946. By this time, discussions had already taken place to create a new successor organisation – the UN. At a conference in San Francisco in 1945, delegates from 46 nations – nations which had declared war on Germany and Japan and had subscribed to the UN Declaration – met and agreed on the UN Charter and the Statute of the new International Court of Justice.  On 24 October 1945, the UN came into existence.

When country representatives met to form the UN in 1945, one of the things they discussed was setting up a global health organisation. WHO’s Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948.

The Narrative Has Been the Same For 100 Years

Bin Ladin found correspondence dated in 1922 from a Director of the Rockefeller Foundation International Health Board to his colleague stating that “we needed to recognise the limitations of nation-states in dealing with certain health matters of an international nature.”

“The narrative 101 years ago … was exactly the same as the narrative that they’re using today … that these so-called health emergencies and these so-called pandemics show that there needs to be international coordination and there needs to be a supranational body like the WHO in order to manage, respond, prepare [and] prevent,” Bin Ladin said.

Further reading: Rockefeller Foundation International Health Board, Re:Source, 6 January 2022

Now they are working on a Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations which will allow them dangerous levels of control over individual nation-states. These instruments will hand power to WHO to, for example, impose vaccine passports and censor what they deem to be “misinformation.”  “They are using covid as the excuse to further crackdown on our liberties and using it as a justification to implement their agenda,” Bin Ladin said.

According to Bin Ladin, the word “surveillance” is key to everything WHO is wanting to implement. Behind the mask of “health,”  WHO is ushering in a mass surveillance and total control system.

Triple Billion Targets

In the video above, Bin Ladin highlighted WHO’s triple billion targets. In March 2019, WHO announced “the most wide-ranging reforms in the Organisation’s history”:

The changes are designed to support countries in achieving the ambitious “triple billion” targets that are at the heart of WHO’s strategic plan for the next five years: one billion more people benefitting from universal health coverage (UHC); one billion more people better protected from health emergencies; and one billion more people enjoying better health and well-being. [Emphasis our own.]

WHO unveils sweeping reforms in drive towards “triple billion” targets, World Health Organisation, 6 March 2019

The first target regarding universal health coverage is about centralising and making the entire health care system uniform, globally, Bin Ladin said. “And with that, we’re looking at the digitisation of the healthcare infrastructure.” Bill Gates’s global digital ID will come into play here.

The second target regarding protection from health emergencies is where the amendments to the International Health Regulations, the Pandemic Treaty and the surveillance programme come in.

The third target of better health and well-being is “so vague and broad,” Bin Ladin said. “This is about broadening the WHO’s mandate … [to include] different health emergencies and [health emergencies] related to climate as well. This is the One Health agenda.”

Bin Ladin highlighted some text from WHO’s Triple Billion targets:

Two words – measurable impact – are at the heart of WHO’s plans to transform the future of public health. The focus is on using timely, reliable, actionable data to improve the health of billions of people. The Triple Billion targets are fundamental to how this plan will be achieved and monitored.

Crucially, the Triple Billions help countries to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) … The Triple Billion indices use a sub-set of 46 outcome indicators. These include 39 SDG indicators …

The Triple Billion targets, A visual summary of methods to deliver impact, World Health Organisation

So far, WHO states on its dashboard to monitor the world, “the world is off track to achieve the triple billion targets by 2025.”  Consequently, WHO will not have made enough progress to meet the related targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Let’s keep it that way. #ExitTheWHO



The Political Virus Known as W.H.O.

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 15, 2023

Tyranny is a slow-infecting political virus infecting America. That virus became a bit more explicit in America’s 2020 Election but has been going on under the public radar before that for decades.

A part of that under the radar action is due to UNELECTED Globalists extending their tentacle of control through Treaties and Agreements which in America’s case – some ratified Constitutionally (e.g. United Nations involvements) and some by Presidential Executive Orders (which are fluid depending on whom ever sits in the Oval Office).

Since the China Virus (er…I mean COVID19) began spreading around the world the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dominated World Health Organization (WHO) has been cryptically collecting political clout to override the sovereign authority of independent nations in all matters relating to the spread of viral diseases. Since the WHO is part of -CONTROL-THE-PEOPLE more through political science narratives rather than observable science making critical thinking decisions, CCP-style tyranny will increasingly be glaringly overt political infection of tyranny.

A couple of days ago THE EXPOSÉ examined this World-Wide WHO dictatorship emergence that culminates with a near 90-minute video under the auspices of NTD News and facilitated by Frank Gaffney. THE EXPOSÉ post is from 3/13/23 and NTD News video post was on 3/11/23.

More on WHO Tyranny

JRH 3/15/23

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WHO pushes for a One World Government by issuing guidance to national parliamentarians

WHO Director Pushes One World Govt


March 13, 2023


Yesterday, World Health Organisation Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced “with great pleasure” a joint project of the IPU Parliament and WHO, “which can guide parliamentarians along the path towards health for all, including on law-making, finance, taxation and accountability.”

A few days ago, we published an article warning that the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) aims to begin installing a One World Government under the guise of global health security.  If you didn’t believe us then, this latest development should convince you now.

IPU Parliament claims to “empower parliaments and parliamentarians to promote peace, democracy and sustainable development.” Out of 190 parliaments in the world, 178 national parliaments are members of IPU. The Inter-Parliamentary Union (“IPU”) began in 1889 by Englishman William Randal Cremer and Frenchman Frédéric Passy.  You can read more about the history of IPU HERE.

And WHO is a private organisation, a puppet organisation that is funded by Globalist billionaires. Bill Gates, along with the organisations he controls, is, by far, the largest financial contributor to WHO. Only 13% of WHO’s budget comes from assessed contributions, which are set amounts paid by member-state governments.

All parliamentarians who want to protect citizens and their nations’ sovereignty, freedom and rights from these want-to-be global dictators should be calling for their governments to stop funding and exit the WHO.  Any who aren’t, by default, are identifying themselves as Globalists and puppets of the planned One World Government.

Some have been already calling to #ExitTheWHO – based on the secretive negotiations taking place regarding amendments to the international health regulations and a proposed “pandemic treaty” – but this latest development should leave no one in any doubt of the dictators at WHO’s intentions.  All parliamentarians and all citizens of all nations need to join the calls to put an end to the Globalists’ dystopian dreams of a one world totalitarian state which is under the rule of a very few.

Exit The WHO

Over the past two weeks, the US and other members of WHO have been negotiating ways to give sweeping new powers to WHO’s Director-General. Through material changes to existing international health regulations and/or a new pandemic accord, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus would be able to declare actual or potential “public health emergencies of international concern” in any country based on privately supplied information and without the agreement of the nation(s) affected. Worse yet, he can unilaterally dictate what must be done in response.

The idea of granting WHO and its leadership such potentially fraught authorities is all the more problematic in light of their imperious, and malfeasant, conduct at the direction of the Chinese Communist Party (“CCP”) in the course of the covid-19 pandemic. But, the approval of one or both of these agreements is likely – all other things being equal – to happen when the World Health Assembly meets in May 2023. The new WHO authorities would become provisionally binding on member states, irrespective of whether or not they ultimately endorse them.

Especially troubling is the convergence of these initiatives with measures promoted by WHO to institute global digital identity cards to document and monitor vaccination status and other medical conditions. When combined with the proliferating introduction of central bank digital currencies (“CBDCs”), these “smart” IDs would facilitate efforts to monitor, control and enforce WHO’s diktats, and punish those who defy them.

Below is an easy-to-digest webinar describing the WEF-WHO-CCP power grab and the imminent threat to our country and our sovereignty.  The webinar, hosted by the Committee on the Present Danger: China, covers the nature of WHO, the CCP as the dominant force at WHO and the consequences of the adoption of the China model.  A copy of the transcript can be found HERE.

Youtube VIDEO: The Committee on the Present Danger: China—Why We Must Leave the WHO

[Posted by NTD News

Posted on March 11, 2023


If the video above is removed from YouTube you can watch it on Rumble HERE.