Where I Stand & Social Media

John R. Houk

© April 24, 2017


Have you ever been around people who you know you agree with much of what they believe? AND THEN you discover there are one or more issues you disagree with those same people. Indeed, there might be one thing you have an extreme disagreement with.


Disagreement is something I have learned to live with in various Social Media locations in which I have joined either due to fascination or perceived agreement.


Just so you can peg me, allow me to sum up where I stand. I am a Christian Conservative. There are many elements of Neoconservatism that I concur (America first National Interests, Strong Military, not backing down to threats to the American way of life (which does mean meddling in the domestic issues of foreign nations if those nations are determined to mess with America) and Biblical Moral concepts as highlighted through the lens of the New Testament (which means I am a very strong Social Conservative).


Keeping that stand in mind this translates into Big Government is evil domestically yet essential for National Security in foreign relations, I am huge with the rule of law to be viewed via the Original Intent of the U.S. Constitution. I also have a huge distrust of all transformative ideals of the American and global Left (which tends to desire Big Government statism, top-down collectivist despotism, anti-Christian Secular Humanism, a diluted moral society and a basic anti-Capitalist/anti-Free Market economic system. In other words, the Left agenda is representative of EVERYTHING that will degrade and ultimately destroy American Liberty and the Pursuit of individual Happiness.


Also, you should be aware I am a huge supporter of Israel being a Jewish State as well as perceiving the theopolitical doctrines of Islam as antithetical to everything American and Christian. This also pegs me as a Christian Zionist and a Counterjihadist. Both concepts are viewed by the Left as either anti-Palestine or an Islamophobic racist.


If understanding the only Palestine that ever came close to existing was in ancient history an insult to Jews and in modern history a designation for the Jewish return to a national homeland that have been expelled from over and over. Understandably, the Jewish desire for the return of their homeland might be different than my Christian desire for the Jews to have their homeland returned. My Christian perspective is that the return of Israel is a sign of the return of Jesus Christ (who face it, will come to the Jews first and then the rest of the Christians who believe). Whatever the differentia is between Jewish and Christian goals for the existence of Israel, the end goal is the same.


There is one point that too many Christians fail to understand about the Jews. Both religious and secular Jews have a huge reason to mistrust Christians. As non-Jewish Christians began to dominate the faith, some theological rocket scientists … err, I mean Christian intelligentsia, began to teach that ALL Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. Thus, irrelevant of the Christian leg or denomination (e.g. but not limited to – Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant), the moniker of Christ-killers was brainwashed into the minds of Christian adherents. Sadly, some Christian still use the Antisemitic moniker today. I’ll go into the reasons why this moniker is idiotic to perpetuate later.


Due to the Christ-killer moniker levelled against Jews, European Christians spent a huge part of their history persecuting Jews that included forced migrations, brutal violence, theft and murder. AND this is the reason present day Jews have a huge distrust of Christian motives. Again sadly, what is left of Middle Eastern Christians have this Christ-killer Jew-hatred still ingrained into their psyche. That is one sad explanation Middle Eastern Christians might display the same hatred of Jews that Jew-hating Muslims are disposed to act out as well.


I am a Counterjihadist not just because of Islamic terrorism so prevalent in this day and age, but also because the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah of Islam has Jew-hatred and Christian-hatred actually ingrained in these revered writings. My perspective makes Islam an Antichrist religion. Yup, that bugs me.


NOW, if you have come to this post because of Social Media, I am fairly certain there are aspects of where I stand you either agree with or disagree with AND if you are a Leftist you probably disagree with my entire stand.


As an American I believe everyone has the Right to disagree without fear of retribution on my part. I mean if I have rattled your cage to a vivid angry emotion, your Liberty enables you to choose not to read my thoughts or dispositions. In contrast my Liberty means I am free not to read another’s disposition. The idiom I like for this Liberty is: “Agree to disagree”.


Now here’s the rub of Social Media disagreement for me. I like reading and boning up on Conspiracy Theories. Also, I belong to some Social Media that espouses my Counterjihad thoughts but are a bit too far to the Right for my comfort zone. The unfortunate difficulty I run into from those Social Media Communities is a blatant Antisemitism that blames all Jews for all the ails of the world. I got to tell you, that chaps my hide.

Below is a comment of disagreement one had with my post “Disagreement on Conspiracy Theory Pt 2” at the Google Plus Community Global Info Exchange Our Community!


The link to the G+ comment at this site is HERE. The comment there duly chastised me for flirting with Conspiracy Theories informing me they don’t do that community. So now I have to remember to avoid conspiracies at that G+ location. The second comment by Shawn Jones got me into “chaps my hide” mode.


In full disclosure, I did perform a spell check on Shawn and my posts at the G+ community. So if you do go to the G+ site for varication you will notice slight variations in both our posts. Indeed, I have a feeling that Shawn might respond with a bit of his/her own chap-hide moment. The reason: Shawn is a person that obviously blames the Jews for all the ills of planet earth.

Shawn Jones



what if I told you Jews are behind the term conspiracy theory cause they got tired of people exposing them.
I suppose with a crusader avatar you would attack me? The Christ-killing Jews always hide behind Crusader avatars on Youtube and news outlets.


John Houk



Actually Shawn, the Jews are probably the longest victims of idiotic Conspiracy Theories. If that is the sense you are thinking then you’d be correct. ALSO, the reality is Jews are not big fans of the Crusader image. The ***Crusaders slaughtered Jews in Jerusalem more than they did Muslims because of the idiotic conspiracy accusation of “Christ-Killers”.

A majority of the Sanhedrin Pharisees and Sadducees set up a crowd crying “Crucify Him” while barring the Jewish believers in Christ’s Messiahship before Pilate. Pilate ordered the scourging and Crucifixion. Romans forced Christ in humiliation down the Via Dolorosa, it was Romans that drove spikes through Christ’s hands and feet and it was a Roman that drove a spear through the side of Jesus to make sure He was dead.

Sounds to me if you want to blame an ancient people in modern times, you might want to look at Italians and not Jews.

But hey, Jesus said on the Cross before He died, “Father, forgive them, they know what they do”. Whoever to blame for Christ’s death is irrelevant. Jesus forgave, meaning the Father forgave. Then Jesus arose bodily from the tomb for ALL who believe to receive forgiveness of sins. Blame is idiotic.



***While Writing This I sense the need to justify the Crusader icon I use to any Jewish readers that happen by.

As mentioned above, I am aware of the reason that Jews are offended by a Crusader icon. I have adopted the imagery of a Crusader Knight because it drives Muslims crazy that believe their theopolitical religion is perfect, peaceful and just. As I have already mentioned, the Islamic revered writings not only insult/condemn Jews but also condemn the central beliefs of the Christian faith. Islam condemns:


  • That Jesus is the Son of God.


  • That Jesus was Crucified.


  • That Jesus arose bodily from the tomb.


  • That Jesus is both fully human and fully God (essential for Salvation).


And these Antichrist issues are just ones I can think of off the top of my head.

I am aware that religious Jews also have a problem Jesus as the Son of God and the bodily Resurrection of Jesus from death to life. Unlike Muslims, Jews will not threaten to hunt me down and lop off my head for my Christian faith. As a Christian I believe religious Jews will accept Jesus as Messiah when the see the Second Coming of this son of David. Again the Second Coming of Jesus probably is not tickling heart of joy for religious Jews before His return. But I look at it this way.


Every single Apostles of Jesus (The Twelve) were Jewish. Even the traitor Judas Iscariot. The Apostle Thomas was the last to believe in Jesus’ Resurrection from death to life. WHY?


Thomas wanted to see the Resurrected Jesus complete with the scars left by the Crucifixion.


John 20: 24-29 NKJV


24 Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. 25 The other disciples therefore said to him, “We have seen the Lord.”


So he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”


26 And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, “Peace to you!” 27 Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.”


28 And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”


29 Jesus said to him, “Thomas,[a] because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Take note that Jesus was not pleased with Thomas’ disbelief, but simply said bless are who believe without seeing. If one is a Christian, he believes without seeing. At Christ’s Second Coming, it is my belief the Doubting Thomas Jews will believe when they see Him. Jews simply missed out on the blessing because of unbelief. No blessing doesn’t mean a curse. It merely means you missed when you could have had it earlier.

JRH 4/24/17

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Stick with Bridenstine in Oklahoma

Jim Bridenstine 2

John R. Houk

© May 11, 2016


I live in Oklahoma. For voting purposes, I reside in Oklahoma’s First Congressional District. That means my Congressman is incumbent Jim Bridenstine – Republican. In the 2012 Primary Bridenstine upset then Republican incumbent John Sullivan who had been the District’s Representative since 2002.


Sullivan was considered a Conservative, but Bridenstine ran as a Tea Party candidate, meaning as an antiestablishment Republican. Bridenstine has stood true to the Conservative antiestablishment principles that enabled him to defeat Sullivan and eventually win the 2012 general election.


Now we are in 2016. Bridenstine is facing a Primary challenge from longtime Tulsa oilman Tom Atkinson. Atkinson definitely has money because he has run political ads promoting his Conservative credentials and his lifelong Tulsa heritage. I have checked out the Atkinson campaign website and he indeed has a Conservative heritage. … But, so had former Representative Sullivan.


For me, the term “longtime Tulsa oilman” signifies a Republican Establishment candidate. Again for me, that means he is a status quo kind of guy that Conservatives need to walk away from within the GOP. If the GOP Establishment gets its way, then it will be time for Conservatives to form their own Political Party to erase the Republican Party as did the Republicans did the Whig Party by 1860.


I am staying with Jim Bridenstine as my Congressman in the 1st Congressional District of Oklahoma. My fellow Conservatives, encourage Republican voters to stick with Bridenstine in the June 28th Primary so Conservative Independents can vote for him in the November 8th General Election.


Vimeo VIDEO: Let’s Continue the Mission

Let’s Continue the Mission from Jim Bridenstine For Congress on Vimeo.



from Jim Bridenstine For Congress

4/6/16 9:59 PM EST


FreedomWorks.org has selected Jim Bridenstine as its May Congressman of the month. My fellow Oklahomans, read the Freedomworks.org post to keep in remembrance of that which you already have.


JRH 5/11/16

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FreedomWorks’ Congressman of the Month – Jim Bridenstine

Jim Bridenstine 



Email Notification: 5/8/2016 3:30 PM



Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) was elected to the U.S. House of representatives in 2013 and represents Oklahoma’s First Congressional District. A military veteran, Rep. Bridenstine served nine years as an aviator for the United States Navy and experienced combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, he continues to serve in the National Guard.


Rep. Bridenstine isn’t one to stand down from a fight, especially if it is something he firmly believes is right. Upon entering Congress, Bridenstine’s first official vote was against John Boehner’s (R-OH) selection as Speaker of the House in 2013. He has been a member of the House Freedom Caucus, which aims to support, “open, accountable and limited government, the Constitution and the rule of law, and policies that promote the liberty,” since its inception.


Overall, Rep. Bridenstine boasts a 95 percent lifetime rating on the FreedomWorks Congressional Scorecard. His belief in free market values, entrepreneurship, and fiscal constraint are consistently evident with legislation he supports and introduces in Congress. He has voted to repeal Obamacare, to reduce federal spending, eliminate unnecessary federal programs at the Department of Energy, and to try and prevent the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating nearly any waterway in the United States.


He has been a vocal opponent of increasing federal regulations on education, signing on as a co-sponsor of H. Res. 476, legislation which would denounce President Obama’s effort to impose Common Core on the states through applications for federal grants. In the energy sector, Rep. Bridenstine stands in support of American citizens and businesses rather than the federal government and its regulatory regime, as he sponsored H.R. 1487, the American Energy Renaissance Act, to prevent EPA regulations from shuttering the coal industry while also increasing American energy exports by lifting the crude oil export ban.


Rep. Bridenstine has also labored to increase public accountability of his fellow legislators. On January 6, 2016, he introduced H.R. 4328, the Read the Bill Act, which would “prohibit the consideration in the House or Senate of any legislation over 300 pages which has not been published online at least 72 working hours prior to consideration, would require an additional 24-hours for every 100 pages of bill text beyond 300 pages, and take away the force of law of any legislation using ‘fast track’ procedures.” He is also a co-sponsor of H.R. 4486, the Do Your Job Act, which would prevent the payment of salaries of members of the House or Senate if the respective chamber does not hold a vote on final passage of each of the 12 regular appropriations bills prior to the end of the fiscal year.


With an undergraduate degree from Rice University with three majors, an MBA from Cornell University, service to his country in the military, and experience as the executive director of the Tulsa Air and Space Museum & Planetarium, Bridenstine is a particularly seasoned leader. He currently sits on both the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. He has a specific interest in space affairs and praises entrepreneurs for advancing breakthroughs in space technology.


He believes NASA has become a “jack of all trades” and hopes to help it focus on human exploration and pioneering space, as was its main objective in 1958. Through his legislation, H.R. 4945, the American Space Renaissance Act, he proposes that the Pentagon should focus on buying services from commercial providers instead of owning all the systems itself and transition from a very few large and expensive government satellites to a system of smaller, less-expensive ones. He has a website detailing the aspects of his bill.


Rep. Jim Bridenstine is a patriot and a statesman. He has spent his time in the House of Representatives fighting for the Constitution and fiscal responsibility. He has taken on leadership that has gone astray, and is a voice for his constituents… For these reasons, we’re proud to name Rep. Jim Bridenstine FreedomWorks’ Congressman of the Month for May, 2016!


Stick with Bridenstine in Oklahoma

John R. Houk

© May 11, 2016


FreedomWorks’ Congressman of the Month – Jim Bridenstine


About Freedomworks


We are over 6 million Americans who are passionate about promoting free markets and individual liberty. Our members all share three common traits: a desire for less government, lower taxes, and more economic freedom.

For over a quarter century, FreedomWorks has identified, educated, and actuated citizens who are enthused about showing up to support free enterprise and constitutionally limited government.

We are not primarily a “think-tank,” content to study the issues and publish papers and reports. FreedomWorks breaks down the barriers between the beltway insiders and grassroots America.

FreedomWorks members know that government goes to those who show up. That’s why we give them the tools to break through the media noise and provide the same access to Washington as the big-moneyed lobbyists.

Preserving liberty depends on all Americans having access to their elected officials—not just special interests. FreedomWorks holds Washington accountable to the citizens READ THE REST

You Might Be a Conservative If…

Left-Right differences pictorial

Last week I cross posted Mark Alexander’s “You Might Be a Liberal If…” which was a list with links profiling America’s deluded Left. Ergo I feel compelled to post this week’s Alexander post “You Might Be a Conservative If...”



Just as an aside yesterday I urged readers to place Danny Jeffrey’s Fix Bayonets Library on their resource list to be armed with information to confront Leftists ruining America. This Mark Alexander Post should also serve as a resource to counter Leftists with Conservative Principles that keep America good.



JRH 4/10/14

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You Might Be a Conservative If…

And Especially If…


By Mark Alexander

Email sent: 4/9/2014 1:07 PM

Link date: Apr. 9, 2014

The Patriot Post


Our conflict is not likely to cease so soon as every good man would wish. The measure of iniquity is not yet filled; and unless we can return a little more to first principles, and act a little more upon patriotic ground, I do not know when it will…” –George Washington (1779)


As a follow-up to my profile on the attributes of contemporary liberals, “You Might Be a Liberal If…,” I offer this look at the attributes associated with today’s conservatives.


Too often, political “Left v Right” labels are applied without conveying anything substantive about the beliefs or worldviews of the individual upon whom the label has been conferred.


So what’s in a name?


To answer that question, I’ve reviewed my own lists of conservative principles in order to better profile those who identify as “conservative.” Again, with apologies to Jeff Foxworthy:


You Might Be a Conservative If You…


…know the difference between Rule of Law and rule of men – Liberty and tyranny.


…embody the real spirit of Patriots’ Day.


…still “hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”


…believe George Washington is the quintessential model for presidential character.


…never lose sight of what’s Good and Right about America.


…would still give your life and fortune in defense of First Principles.


…fully understand that Liberty is endowed by our Creator.


…hold sacred your oath “to support and defend” the Constitution of the United States.


…know what “E Pluribus Unum” actually means.


…are a genuine American Patriot.


…believe that Liberty is colorblind and not a “white thing.”


…respect and abide by the plain language of our Constitution.


…understand the principle of Constitutional Federalism as reiterated by President Reagan’s executive order on Federalism.


…know that the Second Amendment makes all other rights possible.


…refuse to allow the Democrat Leftists to sell out the Second Amendment by international treaty.


…know that “gun free zones” are actually free-fire zones for mass murderers.


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…observe the true meaning of Memorial Day rather than heading to the mall for a great sale.


…honor our nation’s noble Veteran Patriots.


…think that Barack Hussein Obama and his NeoCom cadres are the greatest national security threat to American Liberty and our constitutional republic.


…recognize that ideological socialists have hijacked the once-noble Democratic Party.


…see the election of an utterly unqualified and inexperienced “community organizer” to the most powerful office in the world as proof of how profoundly naive and unserious the American public can be.


…are aware of Barack Obama’s history as a lifelong Marxist.


…find Obama’s ethnocentric America-hating theology antithetical to Liberty.


…credit the foreign policy fecklessness of our current president for having enabled the “Russian Spring.”


…still want John Kerry indicted for treason.


…are proud of, rather than ashamed of, our nation’s heritage of faith.


…abhor the oppression of our First Amendment rights to religious expression by DoD and other government agencies.


…reject the Leftist assertion that “faith and politics don’t mix.”


…know that the words “separation of church and state” do not appear in our Constitution, neither in text or spirit.


…understand that fatherhood is the foundation of Liberty.


…stand firm in defense of Judeo-Christian principles when confronted with the homosexual agenda.


…refuse to tolerate the Rainbow Mafia’s intolerance of divergent views, as with the recent persecution of Phil Robertson and Brendan Eich.


…don’t hesitate to offer others a “blessed Thanksgiving” or “Merry Christmas.”


…think protecting our borders is a national security issue, not a political football.


…understand that the 14th Amendment does not authorize citizenship for “anchor babies” and their kinfolk.


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…know that profiling potential terrorists is more effective than randomly patting down children and 80-year-old grandmothers.


…know that al-Qa’ida is thriving despite Barack Obama’s claims to the contrary.


…created a lot of wealth but have not retired from the front lines of the fight for Liberty.


…believe that free enterprise always trumps socialism.


…know that the near-economic collapse in 2008 was rooted in Democrat economic policies initiated by Bill Clinton in 1994.


…know that America may one day look like Detroit if we continue to elect Democrat “leadership.”


…know that the words “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” are a euphemism for “statist tyranny.”


…recognize the addictive evil of the ObamaNation Poverty Plantations.


…prefer to give people a hand up rather than a hand out.


…see clearly the hypocrisy of Obama’s rhetoric about “income inequality” while he lives like a king on redistributed wealth.


…reject classism and socialist class warfare.


…acknowledge Barack Obama as the modern-day master of the “BIG Lie.”


…are at risk of being on Obama’s IRS Enemies List.


…know that narcissism and tyranny are political collaborators.


…recognize that ObamaCare must be dismantled or it will accelerate the collapse of free enterprise.


…are well aware that Obama’s outright lies about ObamaCare were politically calculated.


…are not among the Left’s cadres of Earth worshipers.


…reject the Left’s global warming hysteria and recognize the Left’s real agenda is regulating free enterprise.


…are aware that recent evidence indicates the Earth may be cooling, not warming.


…are outraged by the Obama administration’s alteration of the Benghazi talking points in order to protect Obama’s foreign policy image ahead of the 2012 election.


…understand that “tolerance and diversity” are Leftist shorthand for “tyranny.”


…recognize race-baiting political hustlers for what they are.


…know that Barack Obama’s Leftmedia sycophants are perpetuating a fraud when they pretend to be “journalists.”


…view all violence against innocent victims as a “hate crime.”


…object to the Leftmedia blackout of black-on-white crime, which is statistically far more frequent than white-on-black crime.


…see the bankruptcy and desperation of the Democrat Party reflected its choice of Bill Clinton as its spokesman.


…are aware that the GOP’s “establishment Republicans” are a key element in the Democrats’ current “divide and conquer” strategy.


…view fratricidal political infighting as the biggest obstacle to restoring Liberty and Constitutional integrity.


…honor the real spirit of the grassroots Tea Party Movement despite its shameful misrepresentation by the Leftmedia.


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…understand that the model for restoring Liberty is Ronald Reagan and that our nation is at another Time for Choosing.


…appreciate what George Washington meant when he said, “Citizens by birth or choice of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of American, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discriminations.”


And finally, if you know that the most cost-effective way you can promote Essential Liberty, help restore constitutional limits on government and the judiciary, and advocate for free enterprise, national defense and traditional American values, is to support The Patriot Post, you are most assuredly a Conservative – and a Patriot!


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Semper Fortis Vigilate Paratus et Fidelis


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Islamic-Islamic Alliance


Danny Jeffrey has written an essay that goes beyond the prediction of economic global chaos with the Left manipulating Islam to gain a New World Order supremacy. Danny provides how his predictions will play out. He does one thing different though. Danny makes an effort to provide an electoral rallying cry for 2014 as a last ditch effort to reverse the course in the USA – OR ELSE!


JRH 10/21/13

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AARP Leftist – AMAC Conservative


John R. Houk

© August 30, 2013


This is a paid ad from Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) using the Dustin Stockman – Don’t Tread on Me website as the vehicle for the email (I have seen similar vehicles for AMAC). I am not an AARP member however I do use the AARP sponsored health insurance written by United Healthcare as a Supplemental Medical Insurance to the Medicare that I use.


AARP is the largest senior citizen advocacy group in America. My problem with AARP is that it has become a Leftist rubber stamp for the Democratic Party. Below is an excerpt from Discover the Networks on AARP:


While AARP describes itself as politically “non-partisan,” it consistently supports leftist initiatives that reflect Democratic Party agendas and AARP’s own stated commitment to “collective purpose” geared toward “social change” advocacy. For example, the organization backs entitlements for migrant workers; favors a progressive tax structure that places a disproportionate burden on high earners; endorses the estate tax; opposes the privatization of Social Security; opposes the reformation of Medicare and Social Security entitlements; and favors strict gun control. In 2003, AARP lauded the passage of a massive Medicare prescription drug plan which added, by some measures, $15.6 trillion to America’s long-term entitlement deficit.

In 2009 AARP lobbied heavily in favor of health-care reform, supporting in particular the “public option” which was favored by Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives but was dropped from the final legislation because it imperiled the bill’s passage in the Senate. AARP’s motives for backing the so-called “Obamacare” plan were as much financial as they were ideological. Because the legislation eliminated hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies from the Medicare Advantage program which allowed 11 million Medicare beneficiaries to buy additional benefits from private insurance companies, AARP foresaw that many of those people would now be in the market for products like its own “Medigap.”

A large number of AARP members felt betrayed by the organization’s support for Obamacare. On July 28, 2009, for example, some 4,174 members called the organization to register their opposition to the proposed healthcare plan, while only 36 members called in support. The following day, the numbers were 2,656 opposed, 23 in support.

Seventy-one pages of emails released in September 2012 by the House Energy and Commerce Committee showed that throughout the Obamacare debates of 2009-10, AARP leaders—particularly policy chief John Rother, health policy director Nora Super (who later went to work for President Obama’s Health and Human Services Department), executive vice president Nancy LeaMond, and senior vice president David Sloane—had been in constant contact with President Obama’s top aides, most notably Nancy-Ann DeParle and Jim Messina. As the Wall Street Journal reports (READ ENTIRETY)


In my opinion this places the AARP as a Leftist minion of the Obama agenda and the Dems. This is where AMAC (Not to be confused with a similar acronym which is American Muslim Advisory Council which is a Radical Muslim connected organization) enters the picture. Here is an AMAC excerpt from their website:



We are the new senior organization.  And we need your help to grow.


AMAC was developed for anyone age 50 or above, and to provide discounts not available anywhere else.


Discounts for AMAC members include hotel and motel discounts at over 7,000 locations across the country, discounts to help you save on auto and homeowners insurance, and we’re working very hard to provide exclusive discounts in your local area.


Stores, restaurants, and business in your town and neighborhood are joining the AMAC merchant network to provide you with substantial discounts of 10% or more on products and services.  New merchants are joining every day (see our Frequently Asked Questions for more information on our local discounts efforts).  Our local discount offerings have been a home run on Long Island and Westchester, New York, as well as central Florida.  It is our goal to expand our local discounts program to every town in America.  Help us spread the word by asking your favorite local merchants to contact us about being included in the program!



We at AMAC feel it is time for the people to speak out for the traditional American values of faith, family, and freedom.  We promise to be your advocate to fight the good fight.  Please explore our website to learn how you can benefit by becoming a member.  Stand together with us. (AMAC about page)


Check out the subtitles on AMAC’s key issues page:


Our Stance on Key Issues




AMAC strongly feels that American citizens are excessively taxed. There should be a reduction in income tax rates for all wage earners. Likewise, corporations are over taxed. When a corporation is …


Growth in Government


AMAC favors a reduction in the number of Federal departments and employees. Our government has grown at the Federal, State and local levels. In Washington we now have twice as many Departments as we had 100 years ago. As government grows …


Balanced Budget & the National Debt

The annual budget has gone out of control. The President and the congress have lost sight …


Medical Care


AMAC believes it is a serious mistake to have the Federal government interfere and dictate how medical care is provided in this country. The present system of State regulations and free enterprise has proven satisfactory for over 85% of our citizens. A simple change in …




AMAC is pro-life. We are against abortion in principle …




Amac believes in sensible Immigration Reform. We don’t believe in racial profiling or the harassment of legal immigrants. Amac is for legal immigration. There is …


Second Amendment- the right to bear arms


We believe that the Second Amendment, which states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”, is an integral part of our freedom.


AMAC supports the Constitution of the United States of America and our Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment.  Exercising the …


Fair Tax and Flat Tax


While AMAC has not taken an official stance on HR25/S13 or HR1040, we feel the American public should be aware of both options. AMAC believes … (READ ENTIRETY)


The point is AARP is Left Wing and is in love with big government which means too much power over the lives of Senior Citizens. The same organization and government that promises universal entitlement will be the same that toss unhealthy Seniors under the bus in deciding the poorer elderly serve no purpose as active members of society.


AMAC is for less government and showing ways to use the Free Market to make the costs of living longer an affordable situation even if the government begins to ignore you while unhealthy.


When AMAC becomes bigger with more members then it will also health insurance on a free market basis that will be competitive with AARP’s sponsored insurance (which Obamacare may eliminate because AARP sponsored insurance is a Free Market Supplemental Insurance).


Currently the best AMAC can do in Medical Care is to offer discount programs. For me that is not sufficient; however AMAC offers all the other perks and discounts that AARP members receive. Take note you don’t have to be an AARP member to participate in the Supplemental Insurance program they offer. You just have to be on Medicare to get the Free Market better coverage. So join AMAC. Help grow AMAC. Make AMAC membership an attractive competitor to AARP. Then AMAC will also be looked at by private insurance companies to offer a competitive plan for AMAC members.


Here is the ad I received in my email which is really an AMAC membership recruiting advertisement.


JRH 8/30/13

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AMAC vs AARP –Battling for the Hearts and Minds of Seniors


Sent via Stockton Breakdown

Sent: August 29, 2013 6:19 AM


If you haven’t chosen AMAC over AARP yet, you may want to reconsider.


During the first Presidential debate, President Obama touted the support of AARP for ObamaCare several times. While AARP immediately responded by saying, “AARP is a nonpartisan organization and we do not endorse political candidates nor coordinate with any candidate or political party”, recently released emails between the White House and AARP operatives seem to indicate that AARP threw their tremendous lobbying power behind the legislation despite the fact they were getting calls overwhelmingly against it.


In fact, on September 20, 2012, Kimberley A. Strassel of the Wall Street Journal wrote:


“Thanks to just-released emails from the House Energy and Commerce Committee, we now know that AARP worked through 2009-2010 as an extension of a Democratic White House, toiling daily to pass a health bill that slashes $716 billion from Medicare, strips seniors of choice, and sets the stage for rationing. We know that despite AARP’s awareness that its seniors overwhelmingly opposed the bill, the ‘nonpartisan organization’ chose to serve the president’s agenda.


The 71 pages of emails show an AARP management taking orders from the White House, scripting the president’s talking points, working to keep its board ‘in line’ and pledging a fealty to ‘the cause.’ Seniors deserve to know all this, as AARP seeks to present itself as neutral in this presidential election.”


Join AMAC Today


AARP refuses to take a formal position on the Independent Payment Advisory Board (“rationing board”) portion of ObamaCare and even defends some aspects of the board. Given the negative impact that the IPAB will have on seniors, this is unbelievable (but sadly, not unexpected).


AMAC is against the harsh provisions in ObamaCare that gives the Federal government complete control of our healthcare. It destroys the best healthcare system in the world, takes 716 billion dollars out of Medicare, and has the power to restrict and ration our medical treatment.


AMAC is fighting to keep our right to receive treatment from our doctors without the interference of Federal bureaucrats.


Big government experiments like the “stimulus” and ObamaCare have only increased the uncertainty and instability, and are core reasons for the persistently high unemployment rate and why the household incomes of Mature Americans have declined so much.


AMAC, The Association of Mature American Citizens, believes we can do much better. As a steadily growing alternative to groups like AARP, and with an expanding influence in the Nation’s capital, we aim to champion the interests of Mature Americans, seniors, and prospective retirees. We believe in religious freedom, free enterprise, and support common sense solutions to our Nation’s largest challenges.


Bottom line – Our livelihoods, our families’ future prosperity and our standards of living should not be threatened by bad policies emanating from Washington, DC.


AMAC Fights for You!


AMAC, the leading Conservative Alternative to AARP


AMAC, the leading Conservative Alternative to AARP


Dan Weber, President and Founder of AMAC, delivers remarks with the House GOP Doctors Caucus the day the Supreme Court decided to uphold ObamaCare. Standing with Dan are (from left to right) Representatives, Paul Broun (GA-10th), John Fleming (LA-4th), Phil Gingrey GA-11th), Joe Heck (NV-3rd), Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-25th), and Tim Murphy (PA-18th).



Join AMAC Today


As AMAC continues to grow and build a presence in DC, we’re able to stand up to the tremendous lobbying power of AARP on behalf of concerned conservative Americans like you.


A senator told us, “You have got to grow AMAC!” When we asked him why, he said, “You don’t understand, when AARP comes to our committees they say they represent older Americans. We know at times they really don’t, but because of their numbers we have got to listen to them. When AMAC has one million members we can tell them they are not the only one we will listen to.”


AMAC can do something AARP will not do – we’ll fight against the horror of big government “solutions” like Obamacare with common sense solutions. But now, more than ever, AMAC needs your help!


If you want to belong to an organization that takes its marching orders from its members and speaks out for conservative values, JOIN AMAC!


For a limited time, a 5-year membership is available for less than $1 a month, and you’ll have access to exclusive AMAC benefits – such as the members-only auto and home insurance program, access to licensed Medicare counselors, the AMAC Roadside Assistance Program, travel, and much more!


Better FOR YOU,

Better for America!


Join AMAC Today!


AARP Leftist – AMAC Conservative

John R. Houk

© August 30, 2013


AMAC vs AARP –Battling for the Hearts and Minds of Seniors


AMAC Homepage

Palin It’s Time to Run for Higher Office

Sarah Palin Patriot

John R. Houk

© June 17, 2013


I am an undying follower of Sarah Palin. As a Vice Presidential candidate in 2008 she was more qualified to be President than the Chicago thuggery politics of one term Senator Barack Hussein Obama.


In 2008 Obama campaigners and the MSM fabricated lying sludge about Palin’s family, made Palin’s faith to be extremist and portrayed her to be ignorant on Foreign Policy issues. The sludge was lying misinformation! The MSM tried to portray the Pentecostal Assembly of God Christianity as Right Winger backwoods morons not worthy to hold a National Office because Pentecostals speak in tongues, believe in the Bible and trust in guns as a 2nd Amendment Right! Palin was as knowledgeable on Foreign Policy as one term Senator Obama in 2008 and yet no one in the MSM challenged Obama’s Foreign Policy agenda. The last four or five years of Obama Foreign Policy (and Domestic Policy for that matter) demonstrates how ignorant President Barack Hussein Obama is in leading our government to the benefit of our National Interests and National Security. Obama’s entire Domestic and Foreign Policy is conducted in such a way to squelch Conservative opposition and to hide Obama Leftist idiocy from voters so that they are deceived into believing Obama is a benevolent leader for America’s poor and multiculturalists insisting in maintaining a non-American culture rather than assimilating as past immigrants had done.


I was horribly disappointed that Sarah Palin did not run for President in 2012; however in hindsight she made the correct decision. Clearly the Establishment Republicans that run the Party apparatus were NOT about to give any help to Tea Party Conservatives that might rock the Establishment boat or made a verbal glitch like Todd Akin in Missouri. Akin led in the polls against incumbent Democrat Claire McCaskill until the Leftists made an issue about Akin’s thoughts on abortion and rape. Akin fell for the trap when he believed unverified info that rape victims’ biology claims up from being impregnated by a rapist. Instead of coming to Akin’s aid with a viable PR effort the Republican Establishment threw Akin under the bus and agreed with the Dem Party narrative against Akin. The result was a poll leading Akin was defeated in a huge way by incumbent Claire McCaskill.


I am convinced Establishment Republicans told Sarah they wanted a candidate that portrayed an image of being a Moderate. Hence Center-Left Mormon Mitt Romney was practically given the Yellow Brick Road to the GOP nomination while Palin saw this handwriting on the wall and Conservatives like Michele Bachmann were disdained and former Senator Rick Santorum, Speaker Newt Gingrich and businessman Herman Cain that had Conservative trappings but a bit of some Left Wing baggage or in the case of Cain of personal scandal were cut out so that Establishment friendly Romney won the nomination.


Let us pray that Sarah Palin reenters public life hopefully as a Senator. Any mud thrown her way this time can be repulsed by simply saying, “Look at the corruption of the Obama Administration that many Republicans warned about AND you are still trying to defame me?” Like who was the idiot and the liar? It definitely was not Sarah Palin!


I have read many draft Palin for the Senate articles and I have even signed at least one petition urging Palin to run for the Senate. Below is an article from Lloyd Marcus urging Palin to run for Office sent to me as an email but is a post on the Tea Party Nation.


JRH 6/17/13

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The Gladiator: Sarah Palin We Need You Back in the Arena.


By Lloyd Marcus

June 16, 2013 at 9:26am

Tea Party Nation


Hello, calling Sarah Palin! Has anyone seen her? Where is she? Has Sarah Palin left the building? Is the Palin magic gone forever? No. The Palin charisma and mass appeal is still alive and well.


Certain people are born gifted with “It”; something that compels you to watch them. Sarah Palin is one such individual. Though politically tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail by the Left and a few spineless Republicans, I pray for the day when my favorite gladiator Sarah Palin returns to the arena.


Unquestionably, the vitriolic attacks on Palin and her family, the betrayals by Republicans and associates left Palin severely wounded. Who among us could endure and survive the full weight of the MSM launched to destroy you? It is quite understandable and reasonable if Palin were to say, Forget this. Todd and I are goin’ fishin’.


But, the Bible says to whom much is given, much is required. While Palin has not reported seeing a burning bush, I believe Sarah Palin has been called for such a time as this. I pray she will feel lead to return to Rome (Washington DC) to fight in the arena. At the moment, there is no one in the national arena who inspires the masses to follow and act on their convictions in mass like Palin.


Please allow me to re-share my personal testimony of the “Palin Effect”. With Sarah Palin as the keynote speaker, Tea Party Express launched one of it’s tours in Searchlight, NV, a small dust bowl town. Twenty-five thousand people showed up, RVs parked everywhere because many arrived days early to stake out their spot.


From inside our Tea Party Express tour bus as we approached the site, I saw seniors parked a mile away making their way to the event using walkers. It gave me goosebumps. Obviously, this woman, Sarah Palin, represented the America they loved and feared was slipping away.


Despite all of the scandals, lies, outrageous government overreaches and abuses of our civil liberties under this administration, Obama still gets a pass in the minds of far too many ill-informed Americans. Decades of dumbing down students have produced exactly what the Left wants, sheep totally dependent on government – clueless regarding U.S. History and the cost and value of freedom.


So, Obama can ignore the Constitution and do whatever he pleases as long as the food stamps, disability checks, welfare checks and free phones keep coming. Under Obama, an unprecedented half of the country is eating, talking on their phones and driving without working for it – a Democratic party dream come true.


I asked friends at dinner, “How did Ronald Reagan win in a landslide touting Conservatism? Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority was said to have figured in the mix. Americans, for the most part, are a moral and just people. I believe Reagan touting values which spoke to the hearts and minds of decent people is what inspired Americans to be all they could be.


I was a 20 something year old black kid from the East Baltimore projects back then. I knew nothing about politics. All I knew was that every-time I heard President Reagan speak, I felt good about my country and myself. Reagan made me feel I could achieve and contribute to this wonderful country in which I was blessed to be born called America.


Where are the voices inspiring folks to love and contribute to the greatness of their country? I know, I know. Such talk sounds corny and naïve today. In Obama’s America, signing up for government assistance and approving of government confiscating the earnings of high achievers for redistribution is the new definition of compassion and patriotism.


Even being proud of our country is now considered to be a bad thing under Obama. When outside of the U.S. Obama continuously apologizes for who we are – furthering the narrative that the world has too little because we have too much. Amazingly, Reagan saw this mindset coming and warned us.


We need a hero folks – someone willing to stand up for America, boldly waving our flag and touting the virtues of hard work, self-reliance, family, God and country. I believe Sarah Palin can pull it off.


Reading my own words sound a bit corny even to me. Folks, have we become so cynical, so tainted that asking Americans to strive for goodness and righteousness rather than becoming permanent government welfare recipients is an outdated impossible dream of the past?


Sarah Palin, please come back. Run for office. We long to cheer you on as our gladiator in the arena.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee


Palin It’s Time to Run for Higher Office

John R. Houk

© June 17, 2013


The Gladiator: Sarah Palin We Need You Back in the Arena.


Lloyd Marcus Blog on TPN



Conservatives can Unite Thanks to Karl Rove

Karl Rove Knock-Out

John R. Houk

© February 7, 2013


I have a tendency to view Foreign Policy through the filter of Neoconservatism which in essence the promotion of American Exceptionalism, promoting alliances with democratic principled nations that view the USA favorably and make the effort to transform Third World nations to instill Liberty and representative democracy. The lesson learned about instilling Liberty and representative democracy in Muslim dominated nations is that the Western version is impossible. In lands dominated by millennia of Islamic indoctrination any Liberty and representative democracy will only work through the filter Islamic Sharia Law. Sharia is inimical to American Liberty at the very least.


I tend to view American Domestic Policy through the filter of American Conservatism which is Less Government, Lower taxes and a Free Market Economy.


I am definitely not a purist in either Neoconservatism or Conservatism because on minor issues I kind of do a mix and match depending on the effect an ideology affects American Exceptionalism and the promotion of Christian Morality in America. And so I have thoughts that tend to irk both Neocons and Conservatives.


The Neocon in me has often found favor with Karl Rove the architect of President GW Bush’s two election victories over acutely Leftist candidates in former VP Al Gore and current Secretary of State John Kerry. That made Rove a hero in my book. THE TIMES THEY A CHANGED.


Karl Rove has begun to filter his Neoconservatism through a love of Establishment Republicans and a hatred of true Conservatives in Tea Party candidates. This is unacceptable and punitive to true Conservatism.


Karl Rove is making my case that Conservatives MUST abandon the Republican Party and unify under a different political party that attracts voters supportive of true Conservative Principles and able to educate American voters that more apolitical in voting but are duped by Dem Party Leftist propaganda.


The key to unifying Conservatives is the Tea Party Movement. Currently the Tea Party is awesome on grassroots and deficient on moving voters on a national scale. Now how can Conservatives utilize the genius of Tea Party grassroots organization to find a unified national movement?


This is how: Unite Conservative leadership that is already recognizable on a national scale. Take that national leadership to form a political party with the various local Tea Party organizations gather to form a national caucus and/or a national political party convention to establish a political platform and develop candidates with a singular Conservative agenda to win the hearts of American voters tossing both Establishment Republicans and Leftist Dems to the political dung heap of nausea.


Maybe we Conservatives can thank Karl Rove for giving us an excellent reason to form our political party that has nothing to do with the GOP.


The inspiration for these thoughts is a recent column by Joseph Farah condemning Karl Rove who intends to target GOP Conservatives that are out of step with Establishment Republicans.


JRH 2/7/13

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We Can Stop the Fraud by Restoring the Constitution and the Republic

Restore our Republic 2012


Restore Government Accountability is a huge website that is definitely of the Conservative persuasion. The website has seven steps to restore governmental accountability:


·         1 Three Events


·         2 Consequences


·         3 Who Controls?


·         4 Government Schools


·         5 Good News


·         6 Silver Bullet


·         7 We Can Stop the Fraud


·         8 Miracle of God


·         9 Our Job Now?


I became aware of these seven steps because somehow I acquired the link to step 7 – We Can Stop the Fraud. I am certain someone sent the link to me but I don’t remember who. Also I don’t know that I agree with everything in these steps; however I see more agreement than disagreement. I am going to cross post step seven because that is what was sent to me, but I encourage you to take the time to read all nine steps for it will get the wheels of your Conservative mind to turn.


JRH 3/12/12

No-Romney BUT Especially No-Obama

No RomneyNo Obama

John R. Houk

© March 10, 2012


In 2008 the candidates for the Office of President were Barack Hussein Obama (Democrat) and John McCain (Republican).


From the beginning of BHO’s campaign I perceived he was less than honest person that too many voters accepted the promise of Change as if that meant merely change from the GWOT-President policies of eight years. Voters ignored what was known of Obama’s past and didn’t care about the past that Obama has still successfully hidden from the public eye.


The Republicans needed a charismatic person to overcome voter weariness of President George W. Bush policies of his 8 year tenure. Frankly I don’t believe voters would have been so weary of President GW if the Left Slanted MSM had not hated him so much. You will never see the media vilify Obama the way it did Bush even though the deceptiveness of Obama is well worth the vilification.


The Republican elites therefore sought a nominee that could swing Center-Left on some issues and Center-Right on other issues. In the beginning that candidate appeared to be Mitt Romney. Then the cantankerousness of McCain and the Social Conservatism of Huckabee gave GOP voters an alternative to the former Governor of Massachusetts which is one of the most Liberal States in the U.S. Union. In the 2008 the Conservatives were still the nerve center of the Republican Party and Romney’s record did not jive with Conservative issues.


Eventually the GOP race in 2008 became a race between the self-described rogue in McCain and the Social Conservative (but not necessarily a full-fledged fiscal Conservative) in Huckabee.


I believed then as I do now that McCain was a RINO. He was the perfect GOP Elite choice to try distance from Bush as a Center-Right and the hope of retaining the White House with McCain’s Center-Left thinking. McCain overcame Huckabee. By this time the Democrats had sold the voters that Obama would be the chosen one to bring back bi-partisan, transparent politics and the hope of ending an already long war in 2008.


Obama’s promises and vision was a bill of bad goods that a majority of American voters bought into. Obama had the leg up before McCain could paint a picture of a Moderate Centrist to receive the baton from Bush. In fact I am of the opinion McCain would have been crushed political even in worse terms if had not the foresight to choose a Family Values-Fiscal Conservative as a running mate. Indeed Sarah Palin captured the hearts of the GOP so much that the Left Wing MSM went on the attack on Palin to the point of making stories up to castigate her to the voters.


I did not like McCain but I did like Palin. I voted for the McCain/Palin ticket despite McCain’s RINO credentials because I knew Obama backed by the Clintonista political machine would take America down a path of “Change” that voters did not comprehend in 2008. I am no political pundit genius however Obama has lived up to everything I thought he would do.


The Obama mantra of “Change” had less to do with repudiating President Bush and more to do with transforming America into the Socialist European style democracy. Socialism European style means the shredding of the U.S. Constitution. The Living Constitution crap of the Left is turning the Original Intent of the U.S. Constitution into a historical fable of days gone by.


It appears that 2012 is a path that is mirroring 2008. Only this time Mitt Romney has more money and better organization. Romney has become the slow and steady tortoise racking up delegates while GOP Conservatives have been messing themselves up by splitting Conservative voters into fractured camps as Romney keeps collecting delegates. Many people are doing the math and the general consensus is Mr. slow and steady will win the GOP nomination because of the failure of Conservatives to unite behind one candidate.


Part of the problem is that the GOP candidates still in the running for the nomination have a bit of baggage that Conservative true-hearts find objectionable. An honest look at the records of Santorum and Gingrich will demonstrate their Conservative legislative decisions outweigh their Center-Left decisions. Can Romney make the same claim?


Anyway, I am still in the anyone-but-Romney crowd as a GOP voter and in the anyone-but-Obama voters when it comes to the General Election in November 2012. An Obama reelection will validate the course he has chosen for America. This means the Obamunistic Radical Left will continue to Change-Transform America into a Leftist Utopia solidifying Moral Relativity over Biblical Morality, Government intrusion over Limited Government, the agenda to denigrate Christianity over America’s Christian heritage, Demand Divisive Diversity over E Pluribus Unum (Out of many, ONE) and so on with the picture of Leftist Change.


I am voting for whoever wins the GOP nomination even if they are a RINO – again. It would take super star Conservative leadership to reverse the Leftist curse of EIGHT years of Obama. If the Tea Party Movement remains strong there will be a counter-balance of preventing a RINO from going too far to the Left. AND I know a RINO will not endorse the utopian agenda dreams of Obamunism.


Still there are Conservative purists that would rather vote on principle rather than succumb to a GOP President that might have tendencies to make some Center-Left decisions. My son Adam is one of those kind of Conservative purists. Another person is a Facebook friend Danny Jeffrey. Here is Jeffrey’s reasoning on sticking to principle.


JRH 3/10/12

I am Still Leaning Toward Gingrich

Gingrich and Santorum 2

John R. Houk

© March 2, 2012


The GOP race for the nomination for President has been whittled down to Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul. I am definitively no supporter of Romney and Paul.


That leaves me with Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich.


I like Santorum’s Social Conservatism.


I like Newt’s debating skills and the Conservative credentials that brought the Republican majority to the House for the first time in a quarter century when he became Speaker.


Newt has a checkered morals history in his personal life and some questionable choices in encouraging the thoughts of pseudo-Marxist Futurist Alvin Toffler. I have pretty much gotten over Gingrich’s past issues and believe in his present stands at his word.


Former Senator Santorum is big to claim he is the true Conservative. I am uncertain of the “true Conservative” claim as much as he is a better candidate than Romney claim (and everyone is better than Ron Paul because of an American anti-Exceptionalism stand in Foreign Policy). If the GOP race comes down to a choice between Romney and Santorum then I choose Santorum. At this point if the race involves Newt Gingrich I am still leaning toward Newt.


I am going to cross post a Townhall.com article by Rachel Alexander that sheds a light on Santorum’s Conservatism. The article is decidedly anti-Santorum; however if you look at the numbers you will notice that Newt’s numbers are better. Also I am guessing if one compares Santorum’s numbers to Romney’s gubernatorial numbers on Conservatism Santorum wins there. I think it is a good guess that even though Romney’s negative-Romney ads show Santorum is not as Conservative as the campaign claim, that Santorum still outshines Romney.


After the Townhall.com article I am posting a Newsmax ad email from Winning our Future Super PAC which is not Gingrich ran but is pro-Gingrich.


JRH 3/2/12


Is Rick Santorum Really the Most Conservative Presidential Candidate?


By Rachel Alexander

Mar 01, 2012



The anyone-but-Romney conservatives have currently latched onto Rick Santorum as their candidate du jour, providing him with a surge shortly into the Republican primary elections. But is he really that conservative? Santorum is known for taking strong stands on social issues like abortion and gay marriage. As a result of his outspokenness on the sanctity of marriage, he has been the target of a cruel gay activist.


Up until his surge, most people took his conservative claims for granted without closely scrutinizing his record in Congress. But his record is sketchy. Santorum’s lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union is only 88. Newt Gingrich’s lifetime rating is 90. Santorum’s record was even worse in the past; during his first two years in Congress he received ratings of 83 and 81, which dipped to a low of 70 in 1993.


Santorum really hurt his conservative record in 2004 by backing abortion-rights supporter Arlen Specter for Senate over conservative challenger Pat Toomey, deciding that Toomey was unelectable. Specter narrowly won. Toomey went on to win the next election, as Specter switched parties and lost in the Democratic primary.


Santorum is not necessarily the best candidate for the Tea Party either, considering he expressed his distaste for the Tea Party a couple of years ago, “I have some real concerns about this movement within the Republican party…to sort of refashion conservatism. And I will vocally and publicly oppose it.”


Liberty Counsel Action put together a list of not 10, not 50, but 100 of Santorum’s disappointing votes on major issues over his 16 years in office. His record on social issues does not entirely live up to his rhetoric. He voted to fund Planned Parenthood as part of an appropriations bill that provided money for Title X family planning. He voted three years in a row against bills to end the National Endowment for the Arts, famous for funding artwork like a cross in urine.


The fiscal watchdog organization Club for Growth describes his performance in Congress as merely “above average.” Santorum voted for union-backed legislation that restricts steel imports. He opposed repeated attempts to reimpose the “pay-go” rules that would hold down spending increases and tax giveaways. He voted against the National Right to Work Act and voted for Fed Ex unionization. He supported a bill by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) increasing the minimum wage. He voted for practically every “emergency supplemental” spending bill sought by the Bush administration, which added tens of billions to the deficit. He voted to increase the debt ceiling and voted against a flat tax. He voted against reforming welfare programs numerous times.


He requested billions of dollars of earmarks for his home state of Pennsylvania, and defends this practice by claiming that “there are good earmarks and bad earmarks.” He was one of only 25 Senators who voted for the Bridge to Nowhere, part of the $284 billion 2005 highway bill known for its bloated earmarks.


Santorum does not appear strongly principled, since he now admits some of his past votes were mistakes. He voted for the expensive Medicare Part D prescription-drug program, the largest entitlement program since Lyndon Johnson, which is expected to cost $68 billion this year. He said after the fact that his vote was a mistake since the program did not have funding. During last week’s presidential debate in Arizona he admitted that voting for the No Child Left Behind Act, which expanded the federal government’s role in education, was a mistake and he “took one for the team.”


There is a reason why presidential candidates rarely come from Congress. Their records are more extensive and visible than governors or non-politicians. The nature of being a member of Congress means voting for bills that include items you don’t agree with in order to get your own agenda passed. This kind of compromise will translate into compromising as president, since the president will need to sign bills in order to get anything accomplished. The question is whether a president will stand firm and compromise on very little, like Ronald Reagan, or whether a president will compromise their principles more often like both presidents Bush.


What may ultimately turn conservatives away from Santorum are the robocalls he ran in Michigan this past week attacking Mitt Romney. They were directed into Democratic households, urging Democrats to vote in the Republican primary against Romney since Romney opposed the auto bailouts. The calls sounded like they were coming from Democrats until the very end when the Santorum campaign was identified. This kind of dirty campaigning, which tricks opponents into voting for you, crosses the line, especially since Santorum also opposed the auto bailouts.


Santorum may be reasonably conservative, but he is not clearly the most conservative candidate in the race. To claim that he is the best choice for conservatives is debatable. Gingrich’s record is slightly better, and it is difficult to compare Santorum with Romney since Romney’s experience as governor was different and brief. Ron Paul has the most conservative record when it comes to fiscal issues, but the least conservative record on foreign policy and defense. Perhaps conservatives who claim Santorum is the best candidate are basing their preferences on criteria other than his record in office.


Important Letter – Our Next President


Sent by Newsmax

By Becky Burkett

From: Winning our Future Super PAC

Sent: Mar 1, 2012 at 10:53 AM


“Is The Idea of Mitt Romney Being the Voice and Face of the Conservative Movement for Possibly the Next Eight Years Keeping You Up at Night?


Don’t Let the Establishment Fool You!


The GOP Presidential Nomination Fight Ain’t Over. Here’s Why…


Dear Fellow Conservative,


In 2008, many conservatives secretly thought to themselves that while electing Barack Obama would be the worst thing that could happen to the country (and it was), electing John McCain would be the worst thing that could happen to the conservative movement (and it would have been).


Well, as Yogi Berra said, it’s déjà vu all over again.


Clearly, re-electing Barack Obama would be disastrous for our nation. It’d be the end of our country as we know it…and I say that without an ounce of hyperbole.


And electing Mitt Romney would inevitably force Republicans and conservatives to defend the same kinds of government-expanding programs John McCain would have pushed – such as his anti-free speech McCain-Feingold law.


Talk about being between a rock and a hard place. However…


It’s not too late this time.


Indeed, conservatives still have an opportunity to have our cake and eat it, too. We can both defeat Barack Obama next November…AND…do it with a Reagan conservative, not a Massachusetts moderate.


We can nominate Newt Gingrich.


While the elite media is desperately pushing the idea that “Newt can’t win,” it’s simply not so.


·         I’ll remind you that that’s the same thing the media said about Newt leading Republicans to a majority in Congress in 1994.


·         And I’ll remind you that the elite media declared Newt’s campaign “dead” last summer.


·         And I’ll remind you that the elite media declared Newt’s campaign “dead” after Iowa.


·         And I’ll remind you that the elite media declared Newt’s campaign “dead” after Florida.


But like Rocky Balboa, no matter what they’ve thrown at Newt; no matter how hard or how low they’ve hit him…he’s still standing…and he’s still fighting.


And again, quoting the immortal Yogi Berra, it ain’t over ’til it’s over.


Now here’s why it’s not over…


While the Romney campaign – aided and abetted by the mainstream media – continue to talk about winning “states” in this year’s GOP nomination process, the rules this time around have been radically changed.


In the “old days,” if you won a state you won ALL of the states delegates. However, under new rules for this year’s contests, very few states which go to the polls before the end of March – including on Super Tuesday next week – are “winner take all.”


Which means candidates coming in second, third and even fourth can rack up delegates.


For example: In the February 4 Nevada caucus – which Mitt Romney “won” – he was awarded 14 delegates. However, Newt picked up 6 delegates, Ron Paul got 5 delegates and Rick Santorum got 3.


Which makes it increasingly less likely that any candidate left in this race is going to wrap up the nomination anytime soon!


So like “Rocky Balboa,” we don’t need to knock Mitt Romney out in the fifth round on Super Tuesday. We only need to still be standing.


We just need to slowly and methodically continue to rack up enough delegates to get us to the 12th round at the Republican National Convention in Tampa this August.


And if we do…all bets are off.


And those in the elite media – who are today saying “it can’t be done” – will watch Newt Gingrich do the “impossible” once again.


And two months later…we’ll pull the plug on the Obama presidency!


·         We’ll repeal ObamaCare.


·         We’ll fire all the czars.


·         We’ll stop apologizing to terrorists and dictators.


·         We’ll stop spending our grandchildren into bankruptcy.


·         We’ll cut the cost of gasoline by drilling here, drilling now.


·         We’ll stop suing states for trying to enforce our immigration laws.


·         We’ll put America back to work.


·         We’ll put small businesses back in business.


With Newt Gingrich in the White House – along with Republican control of the House and Senate – we will finally realize the promise of 1994’s Contract with America, including a dramatically smaller and dramatically restructured government.


But none of those bold changes for America will happen if Republicans nominate a “pale pastel” Massachusetts moderate to go head-to-head with Obama’s “Chicago Machine” in November – the same machine that rolled over, chewed up and spit out John McCain in 2008.


Indeed, before we get a shot at Obama, we need to win the GOP nomination.


Now is not the time to “go wobbly.”


·         Now is the time to step up and stop the Republican establishment from forcing another Gerald Ford on us.


·         Now is the time to step up and stop the Republican establishment from forcing another Bob Dole on us.


·         Now is the time to step up and stop the Republican establishment from forcing another John McCain on us.


·         Now is the time to step up and stop the Republican establishment from forcing Mitt Romney on us.


Will you step up?


Can I count on you to help us help Newt stay in the fight all the way to Tampa?


I urgently need your help today. Super Tuesday is less than a week away. Please follow this link right now to make a donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to help us help Newt…and give conservatives a true conservative nominee who can win!


Sincerely yours,


Becky Burkett
Winning Our Future Super PAC


P.S. In 1976, they gave us Gerald Ford. We got Jimmy Carter. In 1996, they gave us Bob Dole. We got Bill Clinton. In 2008, they gave us John McCain. We got Barak Obama. Now they’re trying [to] sell us Mitt Romney. Don’t let them. Not this time. Click this link right now to make a donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more…before we all wake up with a bad case of “buyer’s remorse” once again.


I am Still Leaning Toward Gingrich

John R. Houk

© March 2, 2012


Is Rick Santorum Really the Most Conservative Presidential Candidate?


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Important Letter – Our Next President


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