Charles Martel: Dem-Marxist Control vs MAGA Liberty

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© January 24, 2024

Since Woke history doesn’t teach relevant history any longer, you may never have heard of the historical figure Charles (THE HAMMER) Martel. The Hammer is given historical credit for stopping Islamic Jihadists from conquering Western Europe in 732 AD in the battle that has two names – Tours or Poitiers.

Here’s the thing…There’s a pseudonymous political writer who has adopted the nom du plume Charles Martel. When I focused on Counterjihad issues I ran into a person going by the name Charles Martel often. And so the same name posts on the Canada Free Press (CFP). I have no idea of it’s the same guy. If it is the same guy, he has moved from Counterjihad issues to PRESERVE THE REPUBLIC issues. Pretty much, I have taken the same route.

On 1/23/24 CFP posted a title that stroke all kinds of favorable heart-string cords: “The hangman’s noose has been fashioned. On whose neck is it to be fitted?” Charles Martel takes a look at all things concerning to Conservative-Patriots: Globalist Tyranny, the CCP agenda for world domination, a little Counterjihad AND a lot of Dem-Marxist control vs MAGA Liberty. The post has a little less than 11-minute Rumble video synopsis of the CFP post which I will post at the top of the post (Charles Martel sticks the video after the second paragraph).

Watch the video, but it’s my opinion you’ll gain a greater grasp of the point by reading the article text.

JRH 1/24/24


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The hangman’s noose has been fashioned. On whose neck is it to be fitted?

This election is the last chance for peace, freedom. Biden can’t win, and will be replaced, I’m guessing the Dems run Michelle Obama– and she will lose to Trump, too. We have awakened from our slumber; we are not bowing to them; we will not give up

By Charles Martel 

January 23, 2024

Canada Free Press

Rumble VIDEO: The hangman’s noose has been fashioned. On whose neck is it to be fitted?

[Posted by The Hammer Charles Martel

Published January 22, 2024


Immigration, climate change, globalization…Like poisonous snakes, the various themes, in macro and micro, foreign and domestic, continue to intertwine, weaving themselves into a hangman’s rope, with the only question being whose neck is the noose to be fitted? I don’t know the outcome, but I’m certain this year is the last opportunity to avoid global-scale cataclysm. The fulcrum by which history will be decided is the United States, and the coming election is what will tip the balance.

Russia has taken hold and will not be removed from east Ukraine; the bear is openly threatening Poland and the Baltic states, evidencing a belligerence that has Sweden on the brink of joining NATO. Leaders in England, Sweden and Germany warned this week of the possibility, indeed the likelihood of war with Russia before another decade elapses. They’ve advised their countrymen and militaries to prepare.

The country’s economy is in shambles, with worse to come because of an inability to tame inflation and to deny cheap energy

While the Biden admin continues a passionate tongue kiss to the Chinese arsehole, President Xi Jinping asserts to all that Taiwan’s subjugation is imminent. He’s made clear that China’s political dominance of southeast Asia and economic dominance of the world are the goals in his sights.

Iran remains determined to achieve nuclear weapons capability and continues a proxy war using satellites Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. Israel is the immediate target, but America is the ultimate goal. And asinine immigration policy has made much of Europe a tantalizing available target.

None of these enemies are new, but all of them are aware that the US is a divided nation. Its intelligence apparatus is more concerned with diversity training and identifying and punishing Trump supporters than protecting the country; staff officers in the armed forces believe white supremacy poses the greatest threat to America, not foreign enemies, and the capacity to wage, let alone win a war on multiple fronts is doubtful.

The country’s economy is in shambles, with worse to come because of an inability to tame inflation and the present administration’s refusal to let the country avail itself of cheap energy, and a determination to continue to allow poverty to pour over the border. In short, our enemies see we are weak and poorly led, and they emerged from their caves.

The picture emerged and Obama was the flashing light signal for a power lusting left

The end of the post-Soviet world – in what is the most terrible irony ever imagined–saw the ascension of globalists/socialists/one world advocates in the West. Their infiltration began in the 60s; American action, example and influence enriched North America and rebuilt and enriched west Europe. In the face of such success those who love individual freedom and affluence became lazy to the threat posed by power hungry leftists and their ignorant and idiot acolytes.

It was a laziness borne of obvious success. Again, and again, and again the failed philosophy of collectivism had produced poverty, oppression and murder. Who in their right minds could be an adherent? Even the poorest in capitalist nations enjoyed comforts and a relative safety never imagined. Let the faculty lounge loonies preach what they want. I mean, Who wants to be an administrator or a bureaucrat? Jobs of pretend importance, they may come with a bit of power, but they create nothing and produce nothing of value. The jobs are a kind of sop, rich welfare for mediocrities.

Conservatives and capitalists were like parents who spoil a badly behaving child. They simply patted the brat on the head, never realizing that in surrendering one institution after another, eventually, the institutions would be wholly owned, entirely run by the brats who’d been indulged. The left continued its long march.

By the beginning of this century all the pieces were assembled and in position on the board. The election of Barack Obama, a fake, a phony, a cipher of no substance and steeped in garden variety faculty lounge toxic bullshit was awarded supreme power; he became the glue to the pieces. The picture emerged and Obama was the flashing light signal for a power lusting left, thought to be buried since the fall of the Soviet Union, to make its grab for the brass ring.

Trump’s MAGA movement has shown greater assertiveness and poses a bigger threat than the Tea Party

In response, first came the Tea Party, a tame and polite, predominantly white and working class movement that was instinctually opposed to the left’s cultural desires and had become empirically at odds with globalization and climate change, both of which had diminished and even erased their hopes and standard of living. In what was a harbinger of things to come, progressives and their corporate media # branded Tea Party members racists, and RINOs in the Republican Party coopted the movement so that it could be destroyed from within.

This led to Trump and the MAGA movement, more drastic in the sense that it’s angrier; the people in the movement have come to terms with the fact that the left hates them, and the left is the enemy. There is a thorough realization of who and what progressives are and what they want, and a bracing acknowledgment that progressives have monopolized all of our institutions, all the levers of power. There is recognition that John Kennedy’s Democratic Party has been hijacked and is now owned by a dangerous and authoritarian enemy of the people. And that’s why Trump’s MAGA movement has shown greater assertiveness and poses a bigger threat than the Tea Party.

Progressive leaders understand this. It’s why they went after Trump from the beginning and continue now their attempts to jail and/or destroy him. The same lust and logic that made it imperative to brand Brett Kavanaugh a gang rapist, to insist we surrender our guns, to divide us by race, to open our border, to allow anointed gangs to burn and loot, to corrupt elections and imprison conservative protestors continues to animate them, because any conceivable hurdle to their domination must be dealt with and destroyed.

Trump and his movement pose the left an existential threat

Trump and his movement pose the left an existential threat. In power again, having seen the left exposed, Trump could and will begin an extirpation and destruction of the Deep State and academia that would, at least, set the globalist one-world socialist movement back for a generation, and might possibly destroy it for many decades to come.

Movements similar to MAGA have come alive in Europe and South America: Hungary, Sweden, Italy and Argentina have governments created in response to progressive overreach; France and Germany threaten to do the same. Japan and India have let it be known they will not ride the globalist train. Still, all will, finally, live or die according to what happens in America. If there is no magnetic pole pulling in opposition to the tyrannous regimes, resistance will eventually become impossible. China, Iran and Russia will be left to determine the direction of the world. I suspect China would win that fight, but don’t discount a billion Muslims. On the other hand, what’s left won’t be worth owning.

At present, with respect to foreign enemies, our greatest strength is their weakness. The Chinese and Russians are demographic time bombs and their technology is not equal to that of the US. Iran is a Tenth Century basket base at the mercy of mad men who are hated by the majority of their countrymen. For the present, our superior system has kept us elevated.

But as our enemies abroad are weak, so are they within our borders

However, that genius system, created by genius men, faces a threat greater than that ever encountered…It is the threat from within that Lincoln warned us of when he said “All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined…could not by force take a drink from the Ohio. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.”

But as our enemies abroad are weak, so are they within our borders. This is no guarantee of victory; we’ve all seen evil triumph, but it is a guarantee of a fight, and a greater fight than our domestic enemies imagined. The determination to power and a conviction of infallibility blind progressives and leave them unable to see, let alone acknowledge, error.

They know Trump poses them a grave threat, but they don’t see that if Trump fails what comes after him will be worse. This election, this year is the last chance for peace and freedom. Biden can’t win, and he will be replaced, I’m guessing the Dems run Michelle Obama. No matter: she will lose to Trump, too. We have awakened from our slumber; we are not bowing to them; we will not give up to them.

2024 is the year. [Bold Text Emphasis Blog Editor’s]

Charles Martel — Bio and Archives Charles Martel, laying down the Hammer for Canada Free Press

Views are those of authors and not necessarily those of Canada Free Press. Content is Copyright 1997-2023 the individual authors. Site Copyright 1997-2023 Canada Free Press.Com

Sutliff Email Wonders, ‘Query was the Rainbow Bridge ‘accident’ a diversion?’

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© January 3, 2024

In the days when I was more focused on Counterjihad issues (these days I’m drawn to Globalist infiltration to the U.S. Republic, Medical Tyranny, Dem-Marxist corruption of ALL Branches of Constitutional Government & and the like), I ran into a few like-minded Counterjihad thinkers who much more erudite than I. Sadly, most of those connections that were somewhat personal seem to have disappeared. I can only speculate to the reasons for the loss of contact – age, death, moved on to other issues as I have, whatever and etc..

The one person who has been a stalwart Counterjihad acquaintance is Paul Sutliff. Here’s a very brief list of Sutliff bona fides that does not do him justice but should give you an inkling of his qualifications (from Facebook – not listing that link):

  • Lives in Rochester, New York

By now you are probably asking yourself, “What’s with the Paul Sutliff promo?”

I received a questioning and somewhat enigmatic email from Paul on 1/2/24 with him musing on an unnamed Iranian linked to terrorism who has been denied several attempts to cross the U.S. border from Canada. Paul openly wonders if the Bentley automobile that exploded near the Rainbow Bridge crossing (Niagara Falls) between Canada and the USA might be connected to this unnamed Iranian.

The thing that likely has spurred Paul’s curiosity is the Bentley explosion taking place 11/22/23 was first reported as a terrorist attack then profusely repudiated for being a terrorist incident then placing the blame on an accident. If you search engine the incident, the MSM in Mockingbird Media lockstep fashion claims there is a “no” to terrorism and a “yes” to accident.

In case you are curious, covers the terrorism angle of the car pooh-poohed by most of the MSM. Here’s the look last updated 11/24/23 that goes from terrorism suspicions to don’t look at the massive explosion because it’s an inexplicable accident:

Video Shows Car Explosion at Rainbow Bridge Border Crossing Near Niagara Falls

A car explosion at the Rainbow Bridge, a border crossing between the United States and Canada, on November 22, 2023, was captured on video.

You can see videos and photos of the Rainbow Bridge car explosion throughout this article. The bridge is located near Niagara Falls, New York. Sources told Fox News the car explosion was an attempted terror attack, although authorities later denied this.

Fox later seemed to walk back that claim, quoting New York Governor Kathy Hochul as saying the explosion involved a local person and quoting her as saying, “There is no evidence at this time that this was a terrorist activity. And that’s what I want to make very clear to the public.” The scare came after the explosion near Niagara Falls. However, authorities don’t believe it involves terrorism at this point, CNN reported.

The FBI’s Buffalo office later confirmed that authorities don’t believe terrorism is involved and did not find explosives in the vehicle.

“A search of the scene revealed no explosive materials, and no terrorism nexus was identified,” the FBI’s Buffalo office said in a statement. “The matter has been turned over to the Niagara Falls Police Department as a traffic investigation.”

… Victims Identified with MORE TO READ

Paul Sutliff’s email has this subject line: “Query was the Rainbow Bridge “accident” a diversion?

The email itself begins with a link to a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Newsroom post that is entitled, “ERO Buffalo uses the Safe Third Country Agreement to remove Iranian national, national security priority: Fugitive wanted by Canadian authorities for assault”. The date of the ICE post is 12/28/23.

Here’s an excerpt of that link:

BUFFALO, N.Y. — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Buffalo removed an unlawfully present Iranian national with ties to terrorism, Dec. 21.

The Iranian national is also a permanent resident of Canada and a national security priority who is wanted by Canadian authorities on assault charges.

The fugitive attempted to enter the United States on Oct. 10 by presenting himself to U.S. immigration authorities at the Rainbow Bridge Pedestrian Walkway in Niagara Falls. Customs and Border Protection officers refused him entry into the United States and returned him to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) the same day. Two days later, on Oct. 12, U.S. Border Patrol arrested him as he unlawfully entered the United States from Canada on or around the Whirlpool Bridge Port of Entry in Niagara Falls without being admitted or paroled by a designated immigration official.

On Nov. 8, ERO Buffalo served the unlawfully present man with an expedited removal order. On Dec. 21, ERO Buffalo removed him to Canada based on the Safe Third Country Agreement and turned him over to law enforcement authorities with CBSA. MORE TO READ

AND NOW Paul Sutliff’s two-paragraph email:

On December 28th, Immigration and Customs and Enforcement informed the public that they had removed an Iranian with connections to terrorism who had crossed via the Rainbow Bridge Pedestrian Walkway on October 10th and had been handed back to the Canadian Border Patrol. Two days later, October 12th this same man was caught but on another walkway, the Whirlpool Bridge Port of Entry in Niagara Falls, this time he was held by the Border Patrol.

On the Rainbow Bridge, on November 22nd not even a month later a terrorist attack was reported, which has since changed to a car exploding for some strange reason. Was this a distraction to move personnel from the footbridges? So much about the “explosion” /accident seems off. I do not live a great distance from this location. My friends who live closer viewed the “videos of the accident” and talked about something wrong with the background. This leaves me with more questions especially considering the Iranian incident was kept secret.

After doing some searching, the best video report I discovered was on Youtube from KTLA 5 out of Los Angeles – keep in mind the Bentley explosion took place in New York. The video shows a speeding car launching in the air with a fiery explosion after impact. At first glance there is all the appearance of reckless driving then BOOM.

Youtube VIDEO: Video captures deadly car crash, explosion at U.S.-Canada border crossing

[Posted by KTLA 5

Posted on  Nov 22, 2023


(In case KTLA 5 removes their Youtube report, I posted the video to my Bitchute Channel.)

What is so enigmatic are some questions: What was Kurt and Monica Villani (I don’t know which was driving) thinking driving their expensive Bentley at probably over 100 mph causing them to launch to their doom? Could it be murder/suicide on their way to a KISS concert? Doubt it myself. Could they be fleeing some threat? More credible to me. Why in the world would such an impact cause a fiery explosion rather than merely mangled metal and small smoking flames leading to a potential later explosion? The actual explosion was immediate with impact. The authorities claim no explosive devices were discovered. BUT a history of authorities deflecting Islamic Terrorism news come to my mind and should come to yours.

Someone with Paul Sutliff’s credentials is good to wonder: “Query was the Rainbow Bridge “accident” a diversion?

A couple of other reports on the mysterious because the name of the Iranian is withheld yet linking the person to terrorism reports:

[A couple of Fox News videos in the post:]

Fox News VIDEO: Migrants are making the trek across the northern border [Blog Editor: Apparently Fox News videos do not embed on WordPress and my video downloader does not capture the audio feed. To watch you need to click the link.]

Fox News VIDEO: Biden’s border crisis: CBP reports record number of migrant encounters this year [Blog Editor: Apparently Fox News videos do not embed on WordPress and my video downloader does not capture the audio feed. To watch you need to click the link.]


(The Center Square) – An Iranian with terrorist ties was caught after illegally entering the U.S. near Niagara Falls, New York, as a record number of known, suspected terrorists (KSTs) were apprehended in the first three months of fiscal 2024 at the northern border.

After the Iranian was apprehended, agents with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Enforcement and Removal Operations-Buffalo office removed him on Dec. 21.

The Iranian national first attempted to enter the U.S. on Oct. 10 by presenting himself to American immigration authorities at the Rainbow Bridge Pedestrian Walkway in Niagara Falls, New York. U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers denied him entry and returned him to the Canada Border Services Agency the same day.

Two days later, on Oct. 12, he illegally entered the U.S. in another area attempting to bypass agents stationed at the Whirlpool Bridge Port of Entry in Niagara Falls, New York. He illegally entered outside of the port of entry, “without being admitted or paroled by a designated immigration official,” ICE said, but he was apprehended.

The Iranian national is also a permanent resident of Canada, identified as a national security priority who was wanted by Canadian authorities on assault charges, ICE said.

On Nov. 8, ICE ERO Buffalo agents served him with an expedited removal order and on Dec. 21, agents removed him to Canada. MORE TO READ

JRH 1/3/24


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Britain Criminalizes Truth – Ask Jayda Fransen

By John  R. Houk

© March 31, 2019


While I was surfing around my Social Media connections I ran into a post on the soon to be dead G+ related to British Counterjihad activist Jayda Fransen. On G+ someone had shared a Youtube video of Ms. Fransen for support because she was found guilty of violating the UK’s Hate Speech laws. When I clicked to watch, a message informs you the video is unavailable on G+ but can be viewed at Youtube.


Ok, no problem. I clicked to go to Youtube. I get there and a content warning is plastered on the video telling you to be aware of offensive content and making sure you know that before you proceed. ALSO Youtube disabled the like, share and embed access.



I watched that roughly 9½ minute video. There is NO visual nudity, blood and gore. There is NO description of nudity, blood and gore. There is NO graphic profanity or even PG rated profanity. Now this is a lady reputed for her raw language a la fellow persecuted Counterjihadist Tommy Robinson. Jayda Fransen has the same raw language reputation. BUT NO SUCH RAW LANGUAGE IS IN HER PLEA FOR SUPPORT VIDEO censored by Youtube.


I’m not sure how I pulled it off due Youtube restrictions on downloading video, but I managed to do so. Since Ms. Fransen asks to share her video, I’m going to upload it to Facebook. But keep in mind I have had my share Facebook Jail and Censorship. Even if the upload is successful, Facebook may pull an unjust Youtube and restrict or remove the video under the lie it violates Facebook Community Standards.

VIDEO: Jayda Fransen – Enemy of the State

Youtube Link:

Facebook Video Link:


You should be aware the British Press treats Counterjihadists as Far Right Extremist purveyors of hate. Certainly many if not most of the British Counterjihadists have a raw language issue and a past history riot provocations that both Left and Right-Wing Extremists are guilty. (Interestingly, one rarely if ever read negative reviews of Leftist provocateurs in the European Press.)


Below is a Press-friendly profile of Jayda Fransen – Cuz it’s her website:


Jayda Fransen – My Story


Jayda was born in South East London in 1986.


Jayda practised and studied law for many years before founding a recruitment consultancy.


Jayda has been involved in the counter jihad struggle for many years before joining Britain First.


In 2014, Jayda was elected Deputy Leader of Britain First.


Jayda has stood in elections to Parliament and the Greater London Assembly.


Jayda also served as Britain First press officer and has taken part in numerous high profile TV documentaries.


Jayda is a devout Christian from a Catholic background.


Jayda has risked her life on many occasions confronting dangerous Islamists and terrorists, such as hate preacher Anjem Choudary.


For many years Jayda has endured police persecution and harassment at the hands of the establishment.


Jayda was sent to prison in March 2018 for ‘harassing’ a migrant paedophile rape gang in Ramsgate.


And here are some not so friendly British Press on Ms. Fransen’s Hate Speech violations and court experience. These actions – keep in mind – in America would be laughed at as crimes because have the First Amendment:


A former deputy leader of far-right group Britain First has been convicted of stirring up hatred during a speech about Islam in Belfast.


Jayda Fransen, 33, was found guilty over a speech at a rally in August 2017.


She was also convicted for separate comments at a peace wall in the city.



The judge, when convicting Fransen, of Moat Avenue in Donaghadee, County Down, described her words as “a general, vehement attack against a religious group”.



The court heard that Fransen told those gathered at the rally that there was no moderate version of Islam and that: “These people are baying for our blood.”


She added: “Islam says every single one of you wonderful people here today deserves to be killed.”


Those attending the rally were then told it was time for the world to come together against “the one common enemy”.


The judge told the court: “I’m satisfied these words were intended to stir up hatred and arouse fear.”


He also found her guilty over a separate, filmed incident at a Belfast peace wall in December 2017.


‘Menacing in nature’


On that occasion, the court heard that Fransen declared the “Islamification” of Britain will lead to similar walls to separate the two sides.


She claimed the country was “descending into civil war” and said it was time to “rise up against the biggest threat against the entire world”.


Confirming a conviction for that episode, the judge said: “I’m satisfied the words were menacing in nature.”’ (Jayda Fransen: Ex-Britain First deputy leader convicted over hate speech; BBC; 3/29/19)




‘A former deputy leader of far-right group Britain First has been convicted of stirring up hatred during a speech about Islam in Belfast at a rally in August 2017, according to media reports.


Jayda Fransen, 33, was also convicted for separate comments filmed at a peace wall in the city, the BBC reported.



The group gained international notoriety in 2017 after US President Donald Trump was condemned by the UK prime minister’s office for retweeting anti-Muslim videos posted on Fransen’s Twitter account, MEE reported. A spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May said at the time: “British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents – decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the president to have done this.”’


I have to wonder how many Brits “overwhelmingly” agree with PM Theresa May?


Story continues…


‘‘The judge described Fransen’s speech as “a general, vehement attack against a religious group” and told Fransen to return to Belfast Magistrates’ Court for sentencing in May.



The court heard that Fransen told those gathered at the rally that there was no moderate version of Islam and that “These people are baying for our blood,” the BBC reported.


She added: “Islam says every single one of you wonderful people here today deserves to be killed.”


Those attending the rally were then told it was time for the world to come together against “the one common enemy,” the BBC said.


The judge told the court: “I’m satisfied these words were intended to stir up hatred and arouse fear.”’ (Ex-Britain First deputy leader Jayda Fransen convicted of hate speech: Reports; By MEE staffMiddle East Eye; 3/30/19 21:14 UTC – Updated 3/31/18 1:20 UTC)


The British Judge is vehemently outraged with Jayda Fransen for telling the truth about Islam according to the theopolitical religion’s own revered writings. ERGO, she is being punished by the force of law … for telling the truth!


JRH 3/31/19

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Paul Sutliff, Pegida Canada and Antifa

John R. Houk

© May 2, 2018


Paul Sutliff speaking at Pegida Canada 4-28-18 screen capture


Paul Sutliff alerted me of a Pegida Canada event he was speaking at in Toronto on March 28. Paul linked me to a VladTepesBlog video at BitChute. Paul’s email is dated 4/28/2018 7:37 PM. The email went to several others on his contact list. I know this because several must hit reply to all which included me. All those email replies rightly patted Paul on the back for his efforts and one person provided Facebook links of the BitChute video.


So what’s the big deal?


Paul Sutliff marched with Pegida Canada to the venue where he was one of the speakers. In the process of marching Antifa was waiting to commit acts of violence against the Pegida march. Indeed, Antifa not only attacked Pegida and Paul Sutliff AND the Canadian Police (I think Toronto Police) that was there in force anticipating Antifa violent shenanigans.


You can hear Paul cheering the police as they protected Pegida Canada from the Communist anarchists known as Antifa. The video is nearly a half an hour long. As such I can’t upload it to my Youtube channel because they only let me up 10-minute videos. I am trying to upload it to my Facebook page, but I just got a message from Facebook telling me:


“The video in your post is being processed. We’ll send you a notification when it’s done and your post is ready to view.”


Amazingly, Facebook followed through with posting the video. I’m not holding my breath that Facebook censors remove the video or the entire post altogether.


If the video shows up below, it was processed meaning approved. Facebook censor wrath may kick in. If not, here’s the VladTepesBlog link to view the video:
Either way, you should really watch the video to get a good glimpse of Antifa in operation. Antifa (short for Anti-Fascist) is a Communist ideological group using ironically Fascist thuggery to disrupt and confront Conservative and Counterjihad speakers and/or groups. When Antifa shows up, you can count on the occurrence of violence.


The Facebook/VladTepesBlog video does not show Paul Sutliff’s speech. Paul has posted that on his own blog – Paul Sutliff on Civilization Jihad. The post is entitled, “PEGIDA Canada stands strong in Toronto and watches the police take down Antifa”.


At this point you should have a bit of awareness of what the Pegida Movement is and have an understanding of Antifa Communism.


Pegida is an international movement that first appeared in Germany as a protest against culture-clashing Muslim refugees which too often brought Muslim thinking about violence and rape against non-Muslims. The Multiculturalist Left is committed to dissipating their own culture by promoting massive Muslim immigration into Germany and other Western nations.


The Pegida Movement has spread like wildfire among European Union (EU) nations and non-EU European nations. In Multicultural Leftist Europe, anything or anyone that promotes the preservation of Western Culture by preventing people from cultures that clash with Western principles are labelled as Far Right. Since many people believe nationalist movements of the past (primarily Nazism and Fascism) to be Far Right. However, Nazis and Fascists are an element of Socialism that employed nationalist extremism to justify their form of Socialism (Mises Institute):


My purpose today is to make just two main points: (1) To show why Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And (2) to show why socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.



When one remembers that the word “Nazi” was an abbreviation for “der National sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers’ Party — Mises’s identification might not appear all that noteworthy. For what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with “socialist” in its name to be but socialism?



The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands.


What Mises identified was that private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government. For it was the German government and not the nominal private owners that exercised all of the substantive powers of ownership: it, not the nominal private owners, decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive. The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.


De facto government ownership of the means of production, as Mises termed it, was logically implied by such fundamental collectivist principles embraced by the Nazis as that the common good comes before the private good and the individual exists as a means to the ends of the State. If the individual is a means to the ends of the State, so too, of course, is his property. Just as he is owned by the State, his property is also owned by the State.



Of course, socialism does not end the chaos caused by the destruction of the price system. It perpetuates it. And if it is introduced without the prior existence of price controls, its effect is to inaugurate that very chaos. This is because socialism is not actually a positive economic system. It is merely the negation of capitalism and its price system. As such, the essential nature of socialism is one and the same as the economic chaos resulting from the destruction of the price system by price and wage controls. (I want to point out that Bolshevik-style socialism’s imposition of a system of production quotas, with incentives everywhere to exceed the quotas, is a sure formula for universal shortages, just as exist under all around price and wage controls.)



The requirements of enforcing a system of price and wage controls shed major light on the totalitarian nature of socialism — most obviously, of course, on that of the German or Nazi variant of socialism, but also on that of Soviet-style socialism as well.



Now against whom would it be more logical for the citizens of a socialist state to direct their resentment and hostility than against that very socialist state itself? The same socialist state which has proclaimed its responsibility for their life, has promised them a life of bliss, and which in fact is responsible for giving them a life of hell. Indeed, the leaders of a socialist state live in a further dilemma, in that they daily encourage the people to believe that socialism is a perfect system whose bad results can only be the work of evil men. If that were true, who in reason could those evil men be but the rulers themselves, who have not only made life a hell, but have perverted an allegedly perfect system to do it?


It follows that the rulers of a socialist state must live in terror of the people. By the logic of their actions and their teachings, the boiling, seething resentment of the people should READ ENTIRETY (Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian; By George Reisman; Mises Institute; 11/11/2005)


Socialism is Leftist, and Nazism is a form of Socialism.


Ergo, it is a bit deceptive to label Pegida – an anti-immigration preserve-Western culture movement – a Far Right organization. Unfortunately, too many associated with Pegida does have a sympathetic eye toward Nazism. One thing is certain about Nazism, it takes nationalism to racial superiority. One of the originators – Lutz Bachmann – of the German Pegida Movement was caught dressing up like Adolf Hitler in full Nazi regalia. Rather than blight the intent of the Pegida Movement Bachmann resigned his Pegida position in 2015. Although Pegida Germany has dwindled since its 2015 heyday, a resurgence seems to be occurring despite Bachmann’s association.


The existence of Muslim violence against Europeans growing and has inspired more Europeans to take a greater interest in their national culture. After all, the English translation for the acronym “PEGIDA” is Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West”:


Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (Occident) (GermanPatriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes), abbreviated PEGIDA or Pegida, is a German nationalistanti-Islamright-wing political movement.[3][4] It was founded in Dresden in October 2014. Pegida believes that Germany is being increasingly Islamicised[5] and aims to oppose Islamic extremism.


Pegida wants to curb immigration, and accuses authorities of not enforcing existing immigration laws.[6] Pegida has held many demonstrations; often there have been many public demonstrations against them as well.[7] In 2015, the founder of Pegida resigned after being reported as having posed as Adolf Hitler and having made racist statements on Facebook.[8] He was later reinstated.[9]


Offshoots of Pegida have been formed in various countries.


READ THE REST (Pegida; Wikipedia; Last updated 4/27/18 00:08)


Now let’s look at Antifa.


Antifa’s European origins begin of all places in Germany:



The organization was initially part of the Soviet Union’s front operations to bring about communist dictatorship in Germany, and it worked to label all rival parties as “fascist.”


The organization can be traced to the “united front” of the Soviet Union’s Communist International (Comintern) during the Third World Congress in Moscow in June and July 1921, according to the German booklet “80 Years of Anti-Fascist Action” by Bernd Langer, published by the Association for the Promotion of Anti-Fascist Culture. Langer is a former member of the Autonome Antifa, formerly one of Germany’s largest Antifa organizations, which disbanded in 2004.


The Soviet Union was among the world’s most violent dictatorships, killing an estimated 20 million people, according to “The Black Book of Communism,” published by Harvard University Press. The Soviet regime is second only to the Chinese Communist Party under Mao Zedong, which killed an estimated 65 million people.



The idea of the united front strategy was to bring together left-wing organizations in order to incite communist revolution. The Soviets believed that following Russia’s revolution in 1917, communism would next spread to Germany, since Germany had the second-largest communist party, the KPD (Communist Party of Germany).



“The ‘unified front’ thus did not mean an equal cooperation between different organizations, but the dominance of the workers’ movement by the communists,” Langer writes.



Both the communist and fascist systems were based in collectivism and state-planned economies. Both also proposed systems wherein the individual was heavily controlled by a powerful state, and both were responsible for large-scale atrocities and genocide.


The 2016 annual report by Germany’s domestic intelligence service, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), notes the same point: From the viewpoint of the “left-wing extremist,” the label of “fascism” as pushed by Antifa often does not refer to actual fascism, but is merely a label assigned to “capitalism.”


READ ENTIRETY (The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group; By Joshua Philipp; The Epoch Times; 8/18/17 1:20 pm – Updated 2/8/18 11:51 am)


Antifa has come to America to oppose the American way of life with Communist thuggery:


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Police across the United States are being forced to deal with a new hard-Left, communist-derived movement organized under the code word “Antifa,” standing for “Anti-Fascist.”


The violent, confrontational nature of Antifa anarchists presents a challenge to U.S. law enforcement that is unprecedented; they reject the free speech principles upon which civil discourse depends, while seeking to achieve the demise of the U.S. Constitution, as it holds as illegitimate any compromise with their communist worldview.



The Antifa movement in the U.S. is a return to the communist paramilitary riot tactics developed to fight the Brownshirts of the Weimar Republic. The goal was to terrorize middle-class Germans into rejecting the Nazis who had embraced the social-welfare programs of prior regimes. Today, few except professional historians realize Germany was the first country in the world to introduce government-funded universal healthcare. This was part of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck’s “anti-socialist” legislation, adopted under the theory that a little socialism would prevent the German people from embracing a more virulent form of socialism.



Today, the Antifa movement that originally formed in Germany in the 1930s has taken root in the United States, with the goal of rubbing raw social and racial class tensions in order to delegitimize the U.S. Constitution, bring down the Trump administration, and cause the political chaos the Antifa movement believes will lead to the creation of a communist state here in the U.S.A.


Antifa Street-thug Insurrection Tactics


On January 20, Antifa thugs — most dressed in black from head to toe and wearing masks or bandannas hiding their faces — launched violent street protests in Washington, D.C., in an attempt to “shut down” Donald Trump’s inauguration.


In what was branded as a “DisruptJ20” protest, some 1,000 Antifa thugs broke windows at Starbucks, McDonald’s, and Bank of America, as well as in commercial buildings in downtown Washington. Antifa rioters flooded streets, blocked traffic, burned trash in the streets, and broke windshields of passing cars. They threatened to attack inauguration attendees on the streets, while shouting a continuous flow of angry, vulgar, and confrontational in-your-face insults.



The Antifa movement would like nothing better than an uprising of white-supremacist, far-right extremists to oppose them in fist fights.


But the truth is that in the United States, the majority of conservatives and libertarians voting for Trump are not white supremacists any more than they are far-Right extremists. The numbers of actual far-right extremists remain so relatively small that Antifa radicals are unlikely to destabilize or delegitimize the Trump presidency, regardless of how hopeful the far-Left remains. Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are not Joseph Goebbels, regardless of how Tom Perez and Bernie Sanders characterize the voices on the political Right supporting Trump.


But the numbers of Antifa criminal protesters will grow, championed by leftist politicians that 1960s voters would fail to recognize as true supporters of the Constitution.


For the near-term future, we should expect the Antifa movement to remain a street-thug problem for riot-trained law enforcement units; it will continue to grow in numbers and in violent intensity as the Democratic Party further radicalizes and embraces communist ideals, and as the 2018 mid-term elections draw near. READ ENTIRETY (How the Violent Hard-Left “Antifa” Movement Copies Communists in Weimar Republic Germany; By Jerome R. Corsi; New American; 8/15/17)


This is the hatred Antifa cowards acted out on Paul Sutliff and Pegida Canada.


JRH 5/2/18

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Dr. Shaw Promotes Valuable D.C. Counterjihad Conference

Dr. Leslie Shaw, PhD


John R. Houk

© April 12, 2018


I received an unsolicited email from a Dr. Leslie Shaw, an Associate Professor teaching at the Paris campus of ESCP Europe (acronym for: École supérieure de commerce de Paris). This Is a business college located at various metropolitan cities across Europe.


I’m not sure how Dr. Shaw discovered me, but I’d like to believe it was one of the three blogs I post at. The nature of the email was to inform the date of a Counterjihad Conference to be held at Washington DC. The Conference stand is “to break the taboo and tackle head-on the campaign being waged by political Islam to make Western business Sharia-compliant.” The Conference is sponsored by the Forum on Islamic Radicalism and Management (FIRM).

Dr. Shaw’s email is actually a forward from him to FIRM Europe (and probably other recipients not listed) on 3/28/18. Here is the forwarded portion of the email sent to me by Dr. Shaw:


Ladies and Gentlemen,


On Thursday 26 April 2018 Forum on Islamic Radicalism and Management is hosting a conference at the US Capitol to break the taboo and tackle head-on the campaign being waged by political Islam to make Western business Sharia-compliant.


In France corporates are gradually overcoming a reluctance to discuss this issue out of fear of accusations of Islamophobia but in the USA the core value of religious freedom is being used by Islamists as an instrument to stifle debate.


The conference will include speakers from France, the UK, Belgium, Hungary and Israel as well as from the USA.


Admission is free. Participants may make a donation towards the cost of organizing this event, the goals of which are to raise awareness of and explore ways to combat the encroachment of political Islam in the corporate sector.


Details in the attachments and links:


This event is the second in a biannual series that will alternate between Paris and Washington. The next conference will be held at the National Assembly, Paris on 15 November 2018.


Best regards,

Leslie Shaw
Associate Professor
Paris Campus/République

79 avenue de la République – 75543 Paris Cedex 11 – France


Dr. Shaw sent two PDF promo attachments with the email. Thanks to the magic of conversion software, below is the text of those PDFs. After the two PDFs, I’m cross posting a Clarion Project interview with Dr. Shaw the FIRM sponsored conference, Political Islam in the Workplace. 


JRH 4/12/18

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London Center for Policy Research

American Center for Democracy




Political Islam in the Workplace

Thursday 26th April 2018


On Thursday 26 April 2018 at the United States Capitol, Washington DC from 3pm to 9pm FIRM, London Center for Policy Research and American Center for Democracy are hosting the world’s most informed experts on Islamic radicalism and executives from flagship corporates.


They’ll be coming together in one room for America’s first Political Islam in the Workplace conference.


A wide range of topics will be covered;


  • from religious accommodation to detection of radicalization


  • from lethal attacks on soft targets to lawfare against employers


  • from micro-financing of jihad to security and protection of employees and customers and everything in between!


We’re curating an incredible group of people who are working tirelessly to find solutions to the global scourge of Islamic radicalism. Admission to hear them speak and ask them questions is by registration and we’re vetting every prospective attendee to make sure we have the right people in the room.


This event is a unique opportunity for lawmakers and professionals from the public and private sectors to learn from leading experts on this crucial topic, share experiences, exchange best practises and better equip themselves to deal with the security, legal and HR challenges posed by the growing threat of Islamic radicalism to free enterprise and democracy.


To apply


  1. Go to our website –


  1. Submit your email


  1. Click registration link on Events page


All conference attendees will receive a copy of our report.



London Center for Policy Research


American Center for Democracy


Political Islam in the Workplace


03:00 – 03:30 | Registration


03.30 – 04.00 | Welcome and opening address


  • Eli Gold


  • Leslie Shaw – Islamic Radicalism in the Workplace Survey Results


04.00 – 05 :30 | Panel 1 – Political Islam and the Workplace


  1. Rachel Ehrenfeld – The Islamist Economic Warfare against the West


  1. Pierre Spain – Islamist Infiltration of Labor Unions at Paris CDG Airport


  1. Herbert London – Political Correctness and An Inability to Recognize the Threat


  1. Philippe Chansay-Wilmotte – Freeing Business from the Shackles of Political Islam



05:30 – 06:30 | Dinner and networking break


06:30 – 08:00 | Panel 2 – Managing the Threat


  1. Zoltán Ladányi – A Blueprint for Regulating Religion in the Workplace


  1. Joseph Trindal – Addressing Radicalization as another Insider Threat in Sensitive Job Categories


  1. Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin – The Workplace Jihadi’s Inside-Out World


  1. Frank Figliuzzi – Lessons Learned: Case Studies from the Corporate World



08:00 – 08:15 | Keynote


  • To be announced


08:15 – 08:30 | Closing remarks


  • Eli Gold


  • Leslie Shaw




  • Philippe Chansay-Wilmotte – Lawyer at Brussels Bar with extensive experience working for governments, including Islamic governments.


  • Rachel Ehrenfeld – Director of American Center for Democracy and Economic Warfare Institute.


  • Frank Figliuzzi – Chief Operating Officer, ETS Global Risk Management, Inc; NBC News National Security Analyst; Former Director, Corporate Investigations and Assistant Chief Security Officer, the General Electric Company; Former FBI Assistant Director of Counterintelligence.


  • Eli Gold – Senior Vice President, London Center for Policy Research; Senior Fellow, Soran University; Former President and Chairman, The Harbour League.


  • Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin – External Expert, Universidad de Granada; Psychoanalyst, Arabist, Counter-Terrorism Expert.


  • Zoltan Ladanyi – LPN Global Security Solutions.


  • Herbert London – President, London Center for Policy Research; Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute; Former President, Hudson Institute; Professor Emeritus and former John M. Olin Professor of Humanities, New York University.


  • Leslie Shaw – Associate Professor, ESCP Europe Business School.


  • Pierre Spain – Corporate Director, Delta Air Lines (rtd).


  • Joseph Trindal – Director of Programs, Engility Corporation; Leading Department of Justice ICITAP and OPDAT programs; Former President, InfraGard National Capital Region; Former President and Chief Operating Officer, Akal Security.



Is Islamism a Problem in America’s Workplaces?



March 29, 2018

Clarion Project

DAGENHAM, ENGLAND – JANUARY 13: An employee works on an engine production line at a Ford factory on January 13, 2015 in Dagenham, England. Originally opened in 1931, the Ford factory has unveiled a state of the art GBP475 million production line that will start manufacturing the new low-emission, Ford diesel engines from this November this will generate more than 300 new jobs, Ford currently employs around 3000 at the plant in Dagenham. (Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images)

Workers at a Ford factory in the UK (Illustrative photo: Carl Court/Getty Images)


The first conference in the U.S. on the subject of Political Islam in the Workplace will take place in Washington, D.C. on April 26, 2018  The event is co-sponsored by Forum on Islamic Radicalism and Management (FIRM), London Center for Policy Research and American Foundation for Democracy. Clarion Project spoke to event co-ordinator Dr. Leslie Shaw of FIRM:


Clarion: Back in 2016, CAIR described this planned conference as Islamophobic. Can you comment on that?


Leslie Shaw: CAIR’s opinion is driven by sectarian self-interest and promotion of a socio-political agenda.


Clarion: But the conference focuses only on Islamic and not other forms of radicalism.


Shaw: We are looking at one segment of a wide phenomenon. Other forms of radicalism exist — Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, left-wing, right-wing, animal rights activists, anti-globalists, eco-warriors, neo-luddites — but Islamic radicalism poses a greater threat than all of the others put together.


Clarion: Why political Islam in the workplace specifically?


Shaw: There is a plethora of conferences on the subject of radicalism in general and Islamic radicalism in particular, but they are usually restricted to specialists in certain areas. I attended a conference in Brussels on April 22 on the challenge of jihadist radicalization in Europe. There were over 250 people there and over 20 speakers but not one person from the business world. We want to open the subject up to corporations, because they are in the front line.


Clarion: Can you explain how?


Shaw: Corporations are soft targets for terrorist attacks, but aside from the threat of violence, they are also easy prey for Islamists deploying nonviolent tactics in pursuit of their goals.


Islamist employees may not end up committing acts of terrorism, but their behavior is certain to generate significant workplace conflict that undermines productivity and workforce cohesion. A recent survey of over 1,000 French managers revealed that 65% had to handle faith-based problems on an occasional or regular basis, ranging from absenteeism through collective praying to refusal to work with a female colleague.


So, in addition, to the security dimension, it is also an issue for human resources. In France, for example, Islamic radicalism is a growing phenomenon among employees in the City of Paris, the Paris Airport Authority, the Paris Transit Authority and the public education sector. It is also a problem in private firms. The French government is currently seeking to partner with the private sector to deal with the threat.


You are getting the same thing in the USA with the explosion in lawsuits filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against employers. These are more often than not instigated by CAIR.


Clarion: Isn’t that a legitimate Civil Rights Act Title VII issue?


Shaw: I think the spirit of Title VII has been perverted to further a political and ideological agenda. When an employer hires a worker, he is buying that person’s time. In a manufacturing plant operating with a lean production schedule, you can’t have a worker walking off the assembly line at times determined by a third party. When you take a job, you follow the employer’s rules.


Clarion: But not all demands for religious accommodation are radical.


Shaw: Our working definition of a radical is somebody whose determination to adhere to his principles or religion causes disruption in the workplace. A vegetarian should not apply for a job in a slaughterhouse and then file a Title VII complaint because it conflicts with his moral principles. A Muslim should not take a job in a brewery if it conflicts with his religion.


Clarion: Aren’t you concerned that such views could be branded as Islamophobic?


Shaw: The purpose of the conference is to debate these issues in an open forum. Any point of view can be countered by a rebuttal.


Clarion: You held a similar conference in Paris in November 2017. What was the response?


Shaw: Extremely positive. It was attended by senior executives from flagship European and U.S. corporations as well as delegates from the gendarmerie, national Police, military, intelligence, counter-terrorism and corporate security. People appreciated the fact that we tackled the subject in a direct manner.


Clarion: What differences do you see in the U.S. and European approach to the problem?


Shaw: In Europe, corporatations are gradually overcoming a reluctance to discuss these issues out of fear of accusations of Islamophobia, but in the USA the core value of religious freedom is being used by Islamists as an instrument to stifle debate.


Clarion: How can people access the survey you are conducting?


Shaw: The survey is not accessible to the public. It’s not an opinion poll. We are sending it directly to executives in various companies and sectors. If anybody wants to complete it, they can contact us at We vet them before sending the link to make sure they are bona fide corporate officers.


Clarion: How does one register for the conference?


Shaw: People can apply to attend by clicking here (our website All applicants will be vetted and we will send them instructions on how to register. The list of participants will be classified.


Clarion: What have you discovered while organizing this conference?


Shaw: Apart from analysts and the security community, people are scared of Islamic radicalism.  The academic and media establishment won’t touch it because of political correctness. Corporations are seeking help to mitigate the threat but behind closed doors. They won’t come out and discuss the issues in public. It is an Orwellian fear that plays into the hands of the global Muslim Brotherhood and its satellite organizations.


Clarion: Are you planning more conferences?


Shaw: Yes. The next one is on November 15, 2018 at the National Assembly, the French parliament. The conference will be a biannual event alternating between Paris and Washington.


Clarion: How will corporate attendees benefit from the conference?


Shaw: First, they will have the reassurance that they are not alone in facing the threat. Second, the conference will demonstrate that corporations can acquire tools to assess the risks, mitigate the threat, minimize the economic costs, vet personnel and potential hires, and shield themselves from litigation.


The business community has a right to openly, fearlessly and objectively discuss the real challenges posed by Islamic radicalism in the workplace and share their best practices and experience in dealing with it.


There is a lot of hysteria surrounding the subject of Islam, on both sides. We need to cast a real eye on what is going on and take steps to ensure that our socio-economic model and values remain intact.


Lawmakers have a key role to play in this process so that businesses are not at the mercy of religious pressure groups eager to hijack our freedoms for their own ends.


Dr. Shaw Promotes Valuable D.C. Counterjihad Conference

John R. Houk

© April 12, 2018


Is Islamism a Problem in America’s Workplaces?


The Clarion Project (formerly Clarion Fund) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to educating both policy makers and the public about the growing phenomenon of Islamic extremism. The Clarion Project is committed to working towards safeguarding human rights for all peoples.


More About Clarion Project on About Page


Intro to ‘The Gravity of Mohammed’ & ‘Professional Ignorance’

Intro by John R. Houk

Titles by Bill Warner, PhD

© January 12, 2018

I am on Dr. Bill Warner’s Political Islam email list. Warner has a Doctorate from North Carolina State University in Physics and Mathematics from 1968. Yet his present-day bread and butter is exposing the darker side of Islam. Indeed, Warner is one of the foremost researching experts on Islam today.


Exposing Islam comes with a price in this day and age of Leftist inspired political correctness. Leftists and Muslim Apologists do their utmost to disqualify Warner with the accusations of hate mongering racist. These Leftist/Muslim critics rarely take a critical argument Warner uses in exposing Islam to contradict him. Rather the basis for their criticism is Warner’s enlightening essays, books and videos that directly take Islam in the actual context of the Quran, Hadith and Sira (Sunnah = Sira + Hadith) from the days those manuscripts became accepted and revered by Muslims and demonstrates Islam is much more political in objectives rather than religious.


Warner’s critics claim he takes the revered writings out of context which is a taqiyya/kitman lie. It is the Muslim Apologist that their theopolitical assertions out of context by cherry picking a Surah or a revered comment from the Hadith or Sira to appear as religious, yet when read in the original context the religious aspect becomes subservient to Islam’s political aspect.


Next the Leftist/Muslim Apologist coalition will criticize Bill Warner by exposing his legit name as Bill French. I don’t have specific knowledge for the reason for the pseudonym Bill Warner, but I have an excellent guess.


Critics of Islam have faced death and the threat of the death from practitioners of the Religion of Peace. Until exposed publicly, a pseudonym helps in the protection of life and limb. An example of other famous Counterjihadists with pseudonyms are Fjordman and Brigitte Gabriel.


Well, this is meant to be an intro to the Political Islam email received 1/12/2018 7:46 AM. The email begins with a short essay about Sharia in Iran and the eruption of Iranian protestors displeased with the rule of a theopolitical Ayatollah (let’s call it a Mullahcracy). Warner compares Iran under the Westernization under the Shah and the medieval Sharia instituted in the Mullahcracy.


The second part of the email is a link to a teaching video on which essentially reflects on the idiotic Leftist/Muslim Apologist race-baiting manipulation of the word Islamophobia framing political correctness. Along with the video there is a transcript of said video. All provided below.


JRH 1/12/18

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The Gravity of Mohammed


By Bill Warner

January 11, 2018

Political Islam


The protests in Iran are not only about economics and politics, they’re also about Islam. Iran in the 1960’s saw mini skirts, smiling women with uncovered hair, men and women freely holding hands on university campuses, and in the air, there was a sense that progress was possible. Then the Shah was deposed during the 1979 Islamic Revolution, and the Ayatollah and imams came to power. Iran had been purified, returned to its Islamic roots of Mohammed. Today, we are witnessing the Persian people rise up again against the Iranian Islamic regime and say “no more”. How will this play out?


Over the 1400 years of Islam, there is a pattern that can be observed that I call THE GRAVITY OF MOHAMMED. It can be visualized as a cycling wave graph, or a sine wave (see figure below). An Islamic nation will cycle between secularism and hard line Sharia, a push and pull of modernity vs Mohammed or civilizations retracting and embracing the perfect example of Mohammed. It is hard to escape the Sunna of Mohammed which the Sharia implements. As long as you have the remnants of Islam in a society, Mohammed will always return. Said another way, as long as a society believes Mohammed is the prophet of Allah, Sharia will return.


Examples of this are Turkey and Iran. Turkey under Ataturk pulled away from Mohammed, only to return with Erdogan. Iran pulled away from Sharia under the Shah only to return under the Ayatollah, and now there is a good possibility that the Persians may push away from the Sharia again. However, this will surely be temporary as the only way to destroy rule by Sharia is to destroy the belief that Mohammed is the prophet of Allah (the Shahada). Thus, the Gravity of Mohammed predicts that although Iran will pull away from Sharia for now, and maybe for years to come, it will fall back again to its Islamic roots. Like gravity, Mohammed is always there.


Gravity of Mohammed – Iran Now & Then


VIDEO: Bill Warner, PhD: Professional Ignorance


Posted by Political Islam

Published on Jan 11, 2018


Professional Ignorance [Transcript]


By Bill Warner

January 10, 2018

Political Islam


This is a talk given to political leaders. It covers how universities, law enforcement, clergy, politicians and military are not protecting our civilization via their professional ignorance.


Institutions are failing and not doing their due diligence to learn and explain the true nature of political Islam. The problem is not Islam. We are the problem.


The transcript (done with automatic speech to text software):

Well if any of you all have seen me before you know what I’m going to talk about the same thing I always talk about which is political Islam. I thought I would talk about it this time with what was going on in local politics and in our local school system. For those of you who don’t know me you’re looking at one of America’s most famous. Actually at one time I was in the top 10 of racist or bigot Islamophobia in America. And that ain’t easy. But we did it anyway. Now the reason I’m called a racist hater bigot Islamophobia is what I do as I talk about what Muhammad said and did what Allah says in the Koran.

And for these telling these stories is what gets me the benefit of being a racist hater bigot Islamophobia. And I’ll put it to you that if you’re not a racist hater bigot Islamophobia you’re not doing your political job. Well. In local politics. Recently when Ray asked me to talk I said what I want to talk about. So I decided to talk about the first thing that popped up in front of me which was we had another multicultural moment in the schools and education which was TMAG school went to the Twelfth Avenue mosque to receive their dose of moderate Islam.

And what I want to tell you is what happened what didn’t happen and why it should happen. All right here’s what did happen. The person who gave the lecture to the children from the school was a former Christian convert to Islam. And she tells me that Muslims honor Jesus they honor that this whole event is about critical thought Abraham as the prophet of the Jews Christians and Islam. They honor all the prophets and that the children in front of her were her brothers and sisters. Mary wore a job Jesus will return and fight the anti christ. Jihad is an inner struggle and that Islam is all about the free will. And conservative politicians are haters. So you didn’t know you were being talked about down the cloth have any mosques. So this is what happened. Now what is wrong with this.

I don’t mind somebody standing and staying there. But here’s what did not happen. No one stood up and was able to ask her any questions or tell her you call us your brothers and sisters and yet there are 12 verses in the Koran which say that a Kaffir a non muslim is never the friend of a Muslim. How does this work out? So this is the kind of question that should be asked if this were all about critical thinking and critical learning. Now then. They would also if they were trained well enough to ask questions would find out that although a creature called Jesus is in the Koran His name is Isa. And he is not the Jesus of the Gospels. But no one was able to ask this question nor did the students even know to ask this question. Nor did they even know to ask the question if Abraham is the father of your religion how come the Abraham in the Koran is not the same as the Abraham in the Old Testament. Just a small question perhaps. Now then critical thought involves debate.

You made.

You may remember debates I don’t know but anyway debate is involved in critical thought and sitting there listening to one side of an argument not the other is not what you call critical thought. Now then.

Let’s talk about the jihad.

That’s the J word.

She told them that jihad was the inner struggle and that all members of all religions have an inner struggle to lose weight to not lose their temperature lose their temper or something else. We all have things and we want to correct in our life and this is the inner struggle but no one was able to ask the question if jihad is the inner struggle how common the Hadith which are the traditions of Muhammad. Only 2 percent of the Hadith involving jihad are about inner struggle. Ninety eight percent of the jihad is traditions are about killing gaffer’s but no one was there to ask that question. And by the way on the question of free will there is a verse or two in the Koran which states that an individual has free will but. 98 percent roughly is everything is in Allah’s hands. So if all is determining what I’m to say next to my sentence whereas my free will.

Now then who is going to Islam succeeds to the method of not telling lies and telling half truths. There is a similarity to Isa in the Koran with Jesus. It’s just that he’s not the same person. By the way when Isa returns Jesus is supposed to return. Isa is going to kill the pig and break the cross. And those who do not convert to Islam will be sent straight to hell under his rulership. He’ll get married have children and then die and he prays behind Mohammad. When the imams pray in front of the law. So we don’t get the full story. And I don’t object to them telling half sorry what I object to is that no one was there to tell them the other half of the story.

I’m not for a suppression of speech I’m just for having the whole speech talked about. Now then. This is part of a civilizational war. And I use this term and that precise definition. This is a war between our civilization has as its ultimate foundation two principles and intellectual principle critical thought.

Or debate and argument. The other principle is an ethical principle of a uniform ethical unitary ethic. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you which others all others. So that is the corner the ethical cornerstone. And by the way this ethical Cornerstone only lets us have a form of government. Which is quite flexible and adaptable. When the Constitution was written slaves were not able to vote and of slavery was permitted. But what has happened through the application of the golden rule is that blacks were freed from slavery all slavery was prohibited because if you think about it who here wants you can put an ad for a slave on Craig’s List. And who’s going to respond to it. Nobody wants to be a slave. So the application of the Golden Rule to our constitution as an ethical principle allows us to adapt and change always on the basis. If I were a woman would I want to vote yes, I would. Therefore I think women should have a vote. This is an ethical principle.

Islam teaches a different form of ethics which using the Sharia ethics of dualism. That is a Sharia court Kafir a non Moslem cannot even appear and talk in front of the court is not allowed to bear witness. So if you’re a kafir and you want to appear in court you have to find a Muslim who’s willing to stand in your place. You actually pay him to be your witness and you don’t know if he’ll testifies you’d like to or not. So our civilisation is based on unitary ethics and critical thought. Islam is based on dualistic ethics were how you treated it depends on who you are and it depends not on critical thought but are authoritative thought in Islamic civilisation. No idea is allowed to contradict what is in the Koran and the Sharia. So therefore this is two different civilizations.

And they cannot coexist. It just doesn’t work. If we’re if we’re to find out if knowledge is to be based on the Koran why debate about it. That is there’s no room for critical thought and authoritative thought. There is no room for a golden rule. And in a dualistic form of ethics. So this is a civilizational war that’s being fought and it is a civilizational war because Islam is the most brilliant political power political group you’ve ever met. They change headscarves into war. They change food halal food they change prayer whether it’s in the street or in a mosque or a school. Everything is adaptable for pushing against the Kaffir. Now then. This should not be a problem.

The problem is not Islam. We are the problem because who is not there for instance when they are the major carriers of our civilization our government law enforcement military churches and schools all of these are failing all of them are failing. They’re not doing their job. Many of these children who went to the Maggs mosque.

Have a church they go to and they were not explained to them the true nature of Islam. Because inside the churches there’s been a decision we just don’t talk about that. It upsets people so as a result the church does not prepare children for what they experience. There was Dawa the AWB no church teaches the principles of Dawa to its congregation. So therefore children are secretly joining Islam even in the schools because they were not prepared for what they were being told. These children should have been able to stand up and ask questions if they had gone to a church. That’s just what I think. But they are not told to do that at church. Now let’s talk about. And I call the pastors and most churches being professionally ignorant. They’re not just amateur and ignorant. You can read Yahoo News and learn more about Islam. The average pastor will tell you that he knows. Now then.

Here’s a story from what happened in Tennessee advised one university to reflect what the churches are doing or not doing. Remember this was an event by the Muslim Student Association and they brought in an FBI counterterrorism expert.

We’ll deal more of that in a moment. They also stood and sat in front of the audience. The head of the NSA Muslim Student Association said We have one in Tennessee. All the churches including the fundamentalist churches now accept Islam as a form of religion. So the Muslims are telling their own we’ve defeated the church in Middle Tennessee. Now in.

This kind of terrorism expert let’s talk about why law enforcement is doing or not doing. We explain a little bit about how the counterterrorism aspect of law enforcement was done in the FBI after 9/11 George Bush said to the FBI. We know 110 percent of the FBI agents to be put in the new counter-terrorism unit. Now. Let’s say that you’re an agent in charge in China. You have agents working on the FBI agents are difficult to fire and get rid of because of Civil Service protected but now then you have a way to get rid of the bottom 10 percent of all your law enforcement agencies and the FBI. So this is the cold hard truth of what happens to the counterterrorism because it seems sensical. Of course it does. Now then at the same time I say that there was someone who stood up and asked this counterterrorism expert says Have you ever read the hadith. No didn’t know what it was. Have you read the Koran? Well I’ve had an e-mail from explained some verses to me.

So this is what we have in this one no Muslim Student Association meeting is we have an FBI agent said I don’t. But I’m an expert and we have the Muslims bragging about the fact that they have defeated the churches in Middle Tennessee. And you know what. I don’t think they’re bragging.

Here’s another thing about the churches. I. Bobbie portray taught me how to do lobbying the legislature not to tag along behind her for a while. When she moved to the wake swinish told me I do lobbying and so I tried. I says you know what I want a resolution to come out of the Tennessee legislature condemning the persecution of Christians in Islamic countries. So I went to a legislator who is favorable to the cause gave her my idea and she wrote it up for me. She says this is great this will be easy to pass. Well there was one thing that was not easy to pass and that was Turkey who was mentioned as a persecutor of a Christian. There was a big pushback from the legislators about naming turkey. You see the Turkish Chamber of Commerce has a heavy influence on the legislature.

Now then here’s what I did not do. I did not go under the direction of pastors or anything and say Can you help push on the legislators so that we can include Turkey because they kill the Armenian Christians. I didn’t even bother thinking about that. Why. Because it’s useless to do.

So therefore I just said take Turkey out. So this is an example of what’s going on because the churches are not properly trained and by the way there is a story about the legislature model books which I sell in the back of the room or a little because of being down to the legislature. We were trying to pass a bill that was about Sharia law. And I realize in listening to the senators that they had too much to read. So when I got through the thing I went home to call our printer says how many pages are in one eighth of one inch 62 pages.

So I wrote a 62 page reload book I’ve sold tens of thousands of them. So when you get down to the legislature you can learn a lot that can be very useful to you. And as a consequence it took all my big books and made little books out of them as well. Now I’ve said them 10 and 20 to 1. So it was not a total loss for me. But do you understand what I’m telling you that I wouldn’t even try to go out and raise that pastor’s trouble about a resolution talking about condemning persecuting Christians. What do you think about doing that.

Why bother. They don’t want to get involved. The Muslims want to get involved. Oh yes they do. Big time. Now then. This was a school event. What’s the school’s actually be teaching. You’re going to be surprised when I tell you I think the schools should teach Koran zero hadith and Sharia. Straight up. You don’t need to. You don’t even need to comment about it. When you read sir for 24 and it says that a Muslim can beat his wife. You know you really don’t do a lot of explanation of that and I think that every child should know that that is possible to do. So I am not for suppression of speech. I am for all out speech including let’s read the Koran and see what’s in it. You can read for yourself the 12 verses say that a Muslim is never your true friend. We’re read to comment about that. Just teach the actual facts.

60 million Christians have died and yet when you go to a church school you won’t learn anything about it. And by the way it’s true to my knowledge of all church schools. Speaking of schools I did a little research project for a senator and my research project was to find out how Islam was being teach the teacher. I can do better. That was being taught. In our school system. I was surprised at the insolence and arrogance. Of the universities in dealing with the senator. There were like What do you want this catalogue for. Who’s doing this. Why should we give you one? Who is this.

This was the senator. So a gentleman who was here earlier I don’t see him now.

When he talks about the fact that UT is not under the control of the legislature. It is not. To my knowledge no one is controlling our state universities. Think about that. And I think that is our own problem as well.

I talked to a Vanderbilt professor who teaches Sharia law. She doesn’t know Hadith from haggis. But she does. She said. She was simply a law professor and the head of the department said you’re going to be teaching Sharia law. I said Well that’s interesting. So you teach Sharia law and you don’t teach Koran. You don’t teach Siri don’t teach hadith. Now. I said What do you teach about jihad. She says no we don’t teach you about that. Is. What we teach about women’s rights. We don’t teach about that. What do you teach. She says Wills and business law. So this is from Vanderbilt University. This is what being taught there. What I would like to see is that the state schools would teach the Koran and Hadith of private schools will do it.

Then as we have here Jackie can tell you more about this than I can the textbooks in Tennessee now do not reflect our civilization but they reflect the civilization of Islam. Jackie.

Who did this. We did it to ourselves in the sense that when you look notice something about Islam how brilliant it is that Muslims don’t do the actual work. We do the work for them. The textbook company was owned by cappers. This money went to cavern’s everyone Kaffir is a non Muslims. And yet here they are hiring any mom to vet everything that they do. So Islam is not the problem. We are the problem. I just keep coming back to that. We’re getting the short end of a stick because we even grab the stick.

I want to say something about homes schools and private schools that are bad idea for the civilization. There is a good idea for your family. But there is a bad idea for the civilization because those who are powerful enough and wealthy enough to put their children in their own school then just sort of say bye bye to the school system. So as a result those who could be politically powerful in influence the school system is saying nope we’re taking our children out of it. Now this is the best decision for your family. But it’s a bad decision for the civilization because it’s a fortress kind of concept instead of controlling all the territory.

We just put up a wall and say we controlled what’s in this wall that wall will get smaller and smaller and smaller. Now then. Tell us something about the media that affects me. Right now. I’m a presence on the Well my idea of doing my business and by the way if I’m going to deal with Islam I have to have a source of money. I’m not paid with taxes. If I’m going to get money it comes from this. So what I did was I started myself a business on books. The idea was that the Web would be a place in which I would try to get the newsletters out of videos. It was a level playing field and I could succeed. And I did. I created a quite profitable tax book company you a textbook company although I do view them as textbooks. Not so much anymore. You know why. We you what’s happening on the web. I invented the term political Islam.

And if you put it in google the actual search engine Google that used to be six months ago that I own the top three screens outdid all.

It was all my turf. Not so much anymore. Two thirds of those are gone. He hung on paranoid. Well of course I’m paranoid but there’s another issue which is Google has stated as a matter of corporate policy that they will suppress those who criticize Islam and elevate those who praise Islam. So therefore a corporate policy is the playing field is not level anymore. I used to get about a thousand new members of Twitter every month. Now 300. I post on Facebook. Now then I get a peculiar kind of phone call an e-mail from people, Bill how come you are putting out a new video every two weeks? Oh I am. Oh well I’m a follower of yours on YouTube and Facebook and I don’t get notified. So what they’re doing is not banning me they’re just cutting off the oxygen. Facebook Twitter Google. All of them. Have. And it’s not just me in particular.

It’s anybody who’s on the southern poverty law centers handbook of hatred bigot Islamophobia press the Southern Poverty Law Center has a different concept now. The first concept was will shame these people put them on a list. And so it used to be when I was on the Southern Poverty Law Center was like finding my name on a truckstop say for a good time call Bill. Yeah yeah but now then the Southern Poverty Law Center has a new idea that’s driving these bigots out of business. And so they’ve gone to the Silicon Valley Megatron Mega Man mega manias and they’ve said let’s put these guys out of business. So I’m not the only one who’s getting bad calls on the web. So as a result and I have to look at another way of selling my books. Let’s talk about the military.

Juman [???] not mention the dirty word of the military now with the military supposed to defend us right. The dirty word McMaster.

Our military does not study the history of jihad. West Point and Annapolis do not teach the history of jihad. They don’t teach the major Jihad riders. They should because you’ll find some interesting things to learn a general in the military and that includes the Islamic State sees all combat as virtually civilizational war and a religious war and that the critical thing is to destroy the enemy’s faith. Let’s go back to what I was saying about the churches.

That the churches have committed suicide on their own faith. They’re lukewarm than either hot or cold. And in Islam that is the first place to try to take down a civilization is in its religion.

But military doesn’t study this. The military studies kinetic war bullets and bombs. Are not against bullets and bombs but there are other forms of fighting wars. And if all your military is capable of doing it’s fighting with bullets and bombs they’re going to lose because the enemy is going to defeat him with another method. General Stanley McChrystal who is there for a while under Obama was his top man for Afghanistan wrote up an entire paper on how to defeat Islam how to win in Afghanistan. I think it was a title that was heavily redacted for tactical purposes. That is personal names were taken out. There were three words that did not occur in this document. Those three words are Islam jihad and Muslim. They are going to defeat an enemy in the longest lasting war we’ve had. And you’re never going to mention those three words.

This is not to demean McMaster. I’m not a master. Stanley McChrystal he probably has never been told about this himself or if he knows about it he knows he can’t talk about it. So the military is not doing a good job either. As a matter of fact. The only people who are doing a good job in resisting Islam are rooms filled to people like yourself. Oh.

Another personal thing by the way is an attribute to who I am. There’s been recently some talk about one of the things that the FBI used to do is they used to train people. People like myself and Spencer would write position papers white papers for the FBI.

Then under was it Bush or Obama. They were pretty much the same on this issue. I forget who it was. No no. I mean I hate to break that to you about the first man who was fired from being in the military knowing what Islam was with Steve Kathlyn. And he was fired under Bush. So anyway I think that law enforcement you know what Islam is I think the military should know what Islam is. I think the churches should know what Islam is. I think the average citizens you know what Islam is. And if you do all of these things you’ll be like me you’ll become a racist hater bigot.

Now by the way I laugh at the concept that this is a very effective weapon. It keeps most people shot up. The average pastor does not want to be seen in print that he is an Islamophobic although he can’t. No one can define that term for me. Can you. What is an Islamophobic. You’re afraid of wife beating and jihad. Torturous death. Me too. Now then. I want to say a couple things about myself because I can’t win this war. I’ll go into small groups I go to Europe and I give talks like this Some better some worse. I can’t do this. I mean who else is beating the bushes on Islam here in Tennessee. Well there’s Kathy Henares. And we might and you in jail. Maybe a half a dozen people but we cannot possibly win this war because you see we’re just irritants.

So we have to have a way of bringing in groups and that’s the reason I’m saying that in particular the church should become our most powerful weapon. A winning feels good. I recommend it. But the idea of becoming a racist hater bigot will suppress most people’s opinions that just shut up because they don’t want to be called that. Now let me give you a little good news because everything I told you here is bad news. The reason I tell you nothing but bad news, is I do not know any good news about Islam in America. I mean I had some hope when. Trump won but he’s turned out to be not so good on the subject other than putting off another occasional irritating tweet. But he chose McMaster to be charge of basically what is it intelligence. What is MacMasters actual right. National security adviser. When your national security adviser thinks there’s good Muslims and bad Muslims and the Islamic State are not really Muslims you’re not going to go anywhere.

The good news is this an organization in Europe and there are several attributes it has which this group does not. It’s called Center for the Study of Political Islam international and it’s centered in Czech Republic Slovakia Poland Hungary and Austria and Germany. Now when I talk to them the room looks very different. They’re all under the age of 35.

All of them. I’m the oldest man in the room. I usually I’m the oldest man in the room anyway. But in this case I’m by far the oldest man in the room. And so I was curious why is it that in Central Europe they oppose this law. Why is it that Orbán who’s the head of Hungary will say we do not want any migrants? We don’t need them. How come they tell the truth. In Central Europe. We see Central Europe remember something called the Soviet Union. They were under the boot heel of Soviet Union. And the group and Bruno check. One man told me the story of how his father could not go to college because he was a merchant under the Soviets. Another man told me how his uncle was killed by the KGB as they said we know tyranny.

We have seen tyranny. We remember tyranny. And Islam is tyranny with a god. So there is hope. What’s happening is they’re translating my books into for my books like Sharia law for non Muslim who translated into 20 languages now. Being translated and also we have influence there with political parties. Not fringe elements like this meeting at a fairground meeting in Legislative Plaza. I gave a talk to the F.D. which is now the third ranking party in Germany executive committee and the title of the talk was using proper language. TOI gave them a talk on how to not how to talk not about Muslims but about Islam political Islam. Not religious Islam. How to talk about the principles of Islam and its political principles. When the talk was over. One of the members came up and said to me I can now see after your talk we will never defeat Islam using our methods and that the only method will work are yours.

Now this isn’t a personal attaboy it’s just that I was the first person ever to talk to him and knew anything about Islam and using proper words. So there are freedom parties now which are rising in Europe France Germany Austria Poland Czech Republic Slovakia and Romania. So what I’m saying is in Europe it’s different because they’re the threat is.

It is in your face. It is interesting to walk see a bunch of women pushing strollers with a black bag on. It’s demoralizing.

And now then Austria has made it illegal to wear the niqab. So we find that where people are closer to the edge work is being done.

So I think what is happening in America is right. They are not here yet. OK. I’ll tend to that later. I’m going on a diet after Christmas and it starts I’m gonna stop smoking in the fall. So dealing with Islam has this quality to it.


Intro to ‘The Gravity of Mohammed’ & ‘Professional Ignorance’

Intro by John R. Houk

Titles by Bill Warner, PhD

© January 12, 2018


The Gravity of Mohammed




Professional Ignorance


[Blog Editor: I attempted to edit some of the transcript put together from “automatic speech to text software”. If I couldn’t figure it out, I left it alone. I also left most words that needed a hypen.]


© 2007-2018 CSPI, LLC. all rights reserved.


About Political Islam


What is Islam?


Islam is a cultural, religious and political system. Only the political system is of interest to kafirs (non-Muslims) since it determines how we are defined and treated. The Islamic political system is contained in the Koran, the Hadith (the traditions of Mohammed) and his biography, the Sira.




Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI) is an educational organization dedicated to enlightening the general public about the doctrine of political Islam based on the works of Dr. Bill Warner.


Our Mission


Political Islam has subjugated other civilizations for 1400 years. Our mission is to educate the world about political Islam, its founder Mohammed, his political doctrine and his god, Allah.


The Five Principles


Islam’s Trilogy of three sacred texts is the Koran and two books about the life of Mohammed. When the  READ THE REST


Bill Warner Bio


Exposing Islam Must Not be Censored

John R. Houk

© October 28, 2017


Bill Warner is one of my favorite Counterjihadists. Hence, I grateful to be on his email list which usually links to relatively short teaching moments exposing the dark side of Islam. The exposés are based on Islamic revered writings included honored Muslim commentaries.


Warner’s 10/27/17 email has an October 10 teaching moment link; however, the email is more focused on censorship conducted by the Left because that portion of the political spectrum believes exposing Islam is a hate-action described by the epithet Islamophobia.


The American oriented online Merriam-Webster defines Islamophobia thus:


irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against Islam or people who practice Islam


Is it irrational to expose the reasoning of a Muslim who is merely following the bloody example of Islam’s founder the (pseudo)prophet Muhammad (Mohammed)? Muslims are taught from birth that Muhammad is the perfect and should be emulated. The reality – gleaned from Islamic revered writings – Muhammad was a bloodthirsty killer of all who refused him, who had a special hatred for polytheists followed closely by Jews and Christians, he raped women, turned women into sex-slaves, extorted non-Muslims with a fake-protection tax, forced non-Muslims to live a dog-of-a-subservient life and that is relatively the tip of the iceberg of this so-called perfect man.


Telling that truth, labels me a racist Islamophobe by the Left and Muslim apologist. Bill Warner in introducing one his past videos, provides an excellent yet short reality about the term Leftists and Muslims use for racism:


Islamophobia is an imaginary mental disorder. Fear of Islam is a reality-based awareness.”


And this returns me to Bill Warner exposing Leftist censorship that is getting Counterjihadists banned and demonetized because they dare to expose Islam or some anti-Conservative value of the Left.


So this how I am going to handle the Warner email. I will cross post the text of the email less the links to videos and to the PragerU link because I am posting those separately from the email.


JRH 10/28/17

Please Support NCCR


SPLC starts economic war


Famine on the Horizon?

SPLC & Silicon Valley Elites Try to Starve Us Out


Sent by Bill Warner

Sent 10/27/2017 7:47 AM

Sent from Political Islam


The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) publishes a hit list of “Islamophobes.” This list is the fuel behind Silicon Valley’s economic warfare against critics of Islam and conservative voices in general.


In the video, “The ‘Anti-Hate’ Group That Is a Hate Group, Prager U exposes the true nature of the SPLC. It is important to understand this powerful and dangerous near enemy.


The censorship attack on our free speech by Silicon Valley billionaires is economic warfare, designed to cause a famine by taking myself and others out of the marketplace of ideas. There is a near enemy, dhimmi apologists for Islam, and a far enemy, political Islam. The actual work of attacking our civilization is being done by the near enemy. We need new allies to avoid a devastating future.


Good News


PragerU is suing Sharia-compliant Youtube and Google over our constitutional right to free speech. PragerU is doing work for the benefit of us all, and they use your support. The fight to maintain our 1st, and most important, Amendment rights will be a long and costly one.


The Near Enemy, the Silicon Valley Enforcers


By Bill Warner

Oct 24, 2017

Political Islam


We have two enemies in our struggles– the near enemy apologists for Sharia and the far enemy, Islam. The Silicon Valley billionaires now support Sharia by censoring its critics.


VIDEO: Bill Warner PhD: The Near Enemy– Silicon Valley Enforcers



VIDEO: The “Anti-Hate” Group That Is a Hate Group


Posted by PragerU

Published on Oct 12, 2017


The Southern Poverty Law Center bills itself as a watchdog of hate groups. But is this just a cover for its true aims? Journalist and author Karl Zinsmeister explains.


Donate today to PragerU!





Shutting down people you don’t agree with is about as un-American as you can get.


Rigorous debate, honest discussion, open exchange of ideas—that’s the American way.


But free thinking and speech are threatened today by a group with a sweet-sounding name that conceals a nefarious purpose. This group is called the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC.


Originally founded as a civil-rights law firm in 1971, the SPLC reinvented itself in the mid-‘80s as a political attack group. Every year now it produces a new list of people and charities it claims are “extremists” and “haters.”


Aided by glowing coverage from the establishment media, the SPLC’s hate list has become a weapon for taking individuals and groups they disagree with and tarring them with ugly associations.


The SPLC employs a two-pronged strategy:


First, find a handful of crazies with barely any followers, no address, and no staff, and blow them up into a dangerous movement— proof that there are neo-Nazis lurking everywhere. On their notorious “Hate Map,” the SPLC lists 917 separate hate groups in the U.S.! No one has even heard of more than a handful of them.


The second strategy of the SPLC is to undermine legitimate political voices that they oppose by associating them with extremists like the KKK.


Take the charity known as the Alliance Defending Freedom. The SPLC lists them as a “hate group.” Is that fair? Well, the ADF has a network of 3,000 attorneys from all across the U.S. who’ve donated more than a million volunteer hours in defense of religious liberty. They’ve had a role in 49 victories at the U.S. Supreme Court. Putting the Alliance Defending Freedom on a list with 130 Ku Klux Klan chapters is not only wrong, it’s malicious.


According to the SPLC, one of the most influential social scientists in the U.S.— Charles Murray—is a, quote, “white nationalist.” Ayaan Hirsi Ali, perhaps the most eloquent spokesperson for the rights of Muslim women, is, to the SPLC, a “toxic… anti-Muslim extremist.”


Scores of other individuals and charities active in mainstream conservative or religious causes have likewise been branded by the Southern Poverty Law Center as threats to society.


Mind you, it is entirely fair to disagree with any of those folks. But it is utterly unfair to call them haters or extremists. The largest category listed by the SPLC as extremists—with 623 entries—covers groups like the Tea Party organizations that are wary of centralized government. Last time we checked, favoring smaller government was a mainstream and perfectly honorable American tradition.


What is not honorable is the course prescribed by a leader of the SPLC, Mark Potok, who was caught on video proclaiming the organization’s true intentions. He told a group of supporters, quote, “the press will describe us as ‘monitoring hate groups’…. I want to say plainly that our aim in life is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them.”


Portraying someone with political views different from your own as a public menace is bullying.


And it’s a dangerous game. Instead of reducing hate and violence, the SPLC’s name-calling directly incites it.


In March 2017, Charles Murray was trying to discuss his acclaimed book Coming Apart at Middlebury College when he was violently attacked by protesters inflamed by the SPLC’s labeling of him as a racist. A professor escorting Murray ended up in the hospital.


For the complete script, visit



Prager University (PragerU) Takes Legal Action Against Google and YouTube for Discrimination


**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE**  Oct. 24, 2017
CONTACT: The KAIROS Company for Prager University | | 434-426-5310


“This is speech discrimination plain and simple, censorship based entirely on unspecified ideological objection to the message or on the perceived identity and political viewpoint of the speaker” – 36th Governor of California Pete Wilson
Browne, George, Ross LLP




LOS ANGELES — Prager University (PragerU) has filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California to stop Google and YouTube from unlawfully censoring its educational videos and discriminating against its right to freedom of speech.


The lawsuit cites more than 50 PragerU videos which have either been “restricted” or “demonetized” by Google/YouTube. The PragerU videos range on various subjects presenting a conservative point of view, and include a video by noted Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz on the founding of Israel. PragerU previously compiled a complete list of their restricted videos here, which includes: “Why America Must Lead,” “The Ten Commandments: Do Not Murder,” “Why Did America Fight the Korean War,” and “The World’s Most Persecuted Minority: Christians.”


In correspondence cited in the filing, Google/YouTube made it clear that the censorship of certain videos was because they were deemed “inappropriate” for younger audiences.


“Watch any one of our videos and you’ll immediately realize that Google/YouTube censorship is entirely ideologically driven. For the record, our videos are presented by some of the finest minds in the Western world, including four Pulitzer Prize winners, former prime ministers, and professors from the most prestigious universities in America,” stated PragerU founder Dennis Prager.


Prager added, “They are engaging in an arbitrary and capricious use of their ‘restricted mode’ and ‘demonetization’ to restrict non-left political thought. Their censorship is profoundly damaging because Google and YouTube own and control the largest forum for public participation in video-based speech in not only California, but the United States, and the world.”


The total number of people who currently use YouTube exceeds 1.3 billion people. Google and YouTube advertise YouTube to the public as a forum intended to defend and protect free speech where members of the general public may express and exchange their ideas. They have represented that their platforms and services are intended to effectuate the exercise of free speech among the public. According to Google and YouTube: “voices matter.” YouTube states that it is “committed to fostering a community where everyone’s voice can be heard.”


“However,” said Eric George of Browne George Ross, the firm representing PragerU, “Google and YouTube use restricted mode filtering not to protect younger or sensitive viewers from ‘inappropriate’ video content, but as a political gag mechanism to silence PragerU. Google and YouTube do this not because they have identified video content that violates their guidelines or is otherwise inappropriate for younger viewers, but because PragerU is a conservative nonprofit organization that is associated with and espouses the views of leading conservative speakers and scholars.”


“This is speech discrimination plain and simple, censorship based entirely on unspecified ideological objection to the message or on the perceived identity and political viewpoint of the speaker,” said former California Governor Pete Wilson of Browne George Ross. “Google and YouTube’s use of restricted mode filtering to silence PragerU violates its fundamental First Amendment rights under both the California and United States Constitutions. It constitutes unlawful discrimination under California law, is a misleading and unfair business practice, and breaches the warranty of good faith and fair dealing implied in Google and YouTube’s own Terms of Use and ‘Community Guidelines.’”


“There is absolutely nothing ‘inappropriate’ about the content of the PragerU videos censored by Google and YouTube; the videos do not contain any profanity, nudity or otherwise inappropriate ‘mature’ content and they fully comply with the letter of YouTube’s Terms of Use and Community Guidelines,” said Marissa Streit, PragerU’s chief executive officer who has engaged in a year-long-effort to try and persuade Google to stop censoring PragerU content. Streit continues, “It’s clear that someone doesn’t like what we teach and so they intend on stopping us from teaching it. Can you imagine what the world would look like if Google is allowed to continue to arbitrarily censor ideas they simply don’t agree with?”


“This is not a left/right issue. It is a free speech issue, which is why prominent liberals, such as Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, are supporting our lawsuit,” Prager concluded.


The lawsuit filed in the Northern District of California is available here.




Advisory Legal Council:

Former Governor Pete Wilson’s Law Firm, Browne, George and Ross; Eric George; Alan Dershowitz; Barak Lurie, Kelly Shackelford, Mat Staver; and additional prominent attorneys.


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What I Admire about Islam


By Bill Warner

Oct 10, 2017

Political Islam


Islam has many strengths that we need to learn from. For instance, Islam’s concept of civilizational war has no equal in the West. Muslims use a hijab as a weapon, for instance. Muslims have a perpetual optimism about winning. Muslims want to win; we want to tie. Muslims naturally form groups to advance their cause. They are a powerful political lobbying group.


We need to learn from Islam’s strengths so that we don’t lose.


VIDEO: Bill Warner PhD: What I Admire about Islam



Exposing Islam Must Not be Censored

John R. Houk

© October 28, 2017


SPLC starts economic war


The Near Enemy, the Silicon Valley Enforcers


What I Admire about Islam


© 2007-2017 CSPI, LLC. all rights reserved.


Political Islam About Page


What is Islam?


Islam is a cultural, religious and political system. Only the political system is of interest to kafirs (non-Muslims) since it determines how we are defined and treated. The Islamic political system is contained in the Koran, the Hadith (the traditions of Mohammed) and his biography, the Sira.




Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI) is an educational organization dedicated to enlightening the general public about the doctrine of political Islam based on the works of Dr. Bill Warner.


Our Mission


Political Islam has subjugated other civilizations for 1400 years. Our mission is to educate the world about political Islam, its founder Mohammed, his political doctrine and his god, Allah.


The Five Principles


Islam’s Trilogy of three sacred texts is the Koran and two books about the life of Mohammed. When the Trilogy is sorted, categorized, arranged, rewritten and  READ THE REST


The “Anti-Hate” Group That Is a Hate Group


Prager University (PragerU) Takes Legal Action Against Google and YouTube for Discrimination




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The greatest threat to America is that most Americans don’t know what makes America great. PragerU’s mission is to explain and spread what we call “Americanism” through the power of the Internet. Our five-minute videos are conservative sound bites that clarify profoundly significant and uniquely American concepts for more than 100 million people each year.


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We help millions of people understand the fundamental values that shaped America, and provide them with the intellectual ammunition they need to defend and spread those values. PragerU is a resource for every American—and every person in the world who values liberty—for understanding and explaining the values we share.


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We take the best ideas from the best minds and distill them down to five focused minutes. We then add graphics and animation to create the most persuasive, entertaining, and educational case possible for the values that have made America and the West the source of so much liberty and wealth. These values are Judeo-Christian at their core and include the concepts of freedom of speech, a free press, free markets and a strong military to protect and project those values.




California: Muslims Attack Counter Jihad Coalition, Law Enforcement Caves to Muslims

On July 19, 2017 I cross posted the Clarion Project notifying readers the Counter Jihad Coalition (CJC) was shut down by Facebook without explanation. As of today, 8/7/17, Facebook still has not taken CJC out of its jail – CJC Facebook.


Just as a side irony, there is a Facebook community with a similar name Wisely, like CJC, this Facebook group has a website as well by the same name – CJC Facebook was undoubtedly shut down by a Muslim complaint trying to prevent the Truth about Islam. I advise massive support for Facebook to hopefully counter dhimmitude censorship.


NOW I am finding out that CJC live community efforts to enlighten Americans about the truth of Islam in Cerritos, CA has been shut down because a couple of loud-mouth Muslims caused a public disruption at the mall of the same name as the city.

Rather than escorting a couple of noisy Muslims off the mall premises, Cerritos Mall officials forced CJC to close their both inside the mall.


Here’s the story at Jihad Watch.


JRH 8/7/17

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California: Muslims Attack Counter Jihad Coalition, Law Enforcement Caves to Muslims



AUGUST 6, 2017 6:31 PM

Jihad Watch

At first I thought that the two Muslims shouting at us would leave, as they have done in the past. I was wrong; it played out differently on Saturday. They were there to stay with their loud, obnoxious voices until they could get us shut down. The crowd started growing due to the commotion. Soon it numbered in the hundreds.


The cause of all of this was that the Counter Jihad Coalition (CJC) was out on a public outreach in the Cerritos Mall in Cerritos, California, educating the public on the truth of Islam. The CJC was formed several years ago to get the truth into the hands of people, since most of the mainstream media paints Islam as the religion of peace.


We have developed over 30 brochures on different aspects of Islam. All are factual and true, not our opinions. They are all based on the doctrines of Islam as set out in the Quran and the Sunnah. On a typical day, we pass out 1,500 or more of these brochures to people, who for the most part are thankful for what we are doing.

We saw an increase in Muslim pushback right after the Islamic State (ISIS) made the news, and then a huge increase in their aggressiveness after President Trump was elected. They will go to great lengths to keep the people from knowing the violence, oppression and brutality that are inherent in what they believe. And now more than ever, they are on the warpath to shut down these truths.


This past Saturday, at this venue where we have been going to for a year, Muslim anger came to a head. I called security when things started to get unruly. Soon officers from mall security, along with several Los Angeles County Sheriff Deputies, arrived to try and restore calm and sort things out.


To show you how upside down our society is, the mall manager said to me that he was going to have to shut us down early. What? Everything had been going along smoothly until the two Muslims started yelling, shouting at us and creating the hostile environment. They knew if they disturbed and disrupted, that they would win. They shouted at me that they would be there every day looking for us, and would do whatever they had to do to shut us down.


It was only a few weeks ago that the Sharia police on Facebook banned our Counter Jihad Coalition Facebook site, and took it down. To this day, I have not received an explanation from them for their action. Facebook is simply Sharia-compliant. Not only us, but many other counter-jihad groups have recently been shut down on Facebook. Our freedoms are slowly being taken away from us by the leftists who are in control of the means of communication.


In a similar vein, do you think the Sheriff Deputies escorted the obnoxious, hateful, foul-mouthed Muslims out of the mall? Not a chance! When I asked one of the Deputies if they were going to escort out the unruly Muslims, their response to me was they were waiting to hear from the mall management and what they wanted to do. So much for our law enforcement officials protecting law-abiding citizens. Every time we want to have a public outreach at this mall, we turn in an application and wait until it is approved.


After the Deputies failed to escort out the Muslims who were causing the disruption, the mall manager came over to me and said, “We are going to have to shut you down early today.” When I suggested they usher out the unruly Muslims instead, I was told that they have a right to be there and said they would not leave until we left. Did we not have a right to be there? Our dhimmi law enforcement, mall security and mall management seem to be willing to cater to Muslims anytime they are called upon to do so.


We will see what happens next week, when I turn in a new application to exercise my right of free speech. Americans better wake up fast and start pushing back on this encroachment of Sharia before our freedoms and rights are gone. Then it will be too late.


Edited by John R. Houk

Originally the Cerritos Mall photos were posted at the end on Jihad Watch. I decided to move them in more strategic locations.


Jihad Watch Copyright Info



Why Jihad Watch?


Why Jihad Watch? Because non-Muslims in the West, as well as in India, China, Russia, and the world over, are facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy their societies and impose Islamic law upon them — and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.


Jihad (Arabic for “struggle”) is a central duty of every Muslim. Muslim theologians have spoken of many things as jihads: the struggle within the soul, defending the faith from critics, supporting its growth and defense financially, even migrating to non-Muslim lands for the purpose of spreading Islam. But violent jihad is a constant of Islamic history and a central element of Islamic theology. Many passages of the Qur’an and sayings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad are used by jihad warriors today to justify their actions and gain new recruits. No major Muslim group has ever repudiated the doctrines of armed jihad. The theology of jihad, which denies unbelievers equality of human rights and dignity, is available today for anyone with the will and means to bring it to life.


In Islamic history and doctrine violent jihad is founded on numerous verses of the Qur’an — most notably, one known in Islamic theology as the “Verse of the Sword”: “Then, when READ THE REST


The Gradual Collapse of Sweden

DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN! I believe if the Islamic cultural destruction currently occurring in Sweden started to gain traction in the USA, it would be open rebellion by Americans that believe in the U.S. Constitution, Christian heritage and the principles established by our Founding Fathers that led thirteen diverse British colonies to unite under one flag and begin the process of E Pluribus UnumOut of many, One.


Sweden is a train wreck getting to derail into oblivion.


JRH 7/9/17 (Hat Tip: Tundra Tabloids)

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The Gradual Collapse of Sweden


By Fjordman

Posted by Baron Bodissey

July 4, 2017

Gates of Vienna


If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using the button at the bottom of this post. [i.e. at the bottom of the Gates of Vienna page]


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Birgitta Ohlsson is a politician from the Swedish Liberal party. On the National Day of Sweden in 2001, she published an essay entitled “Abolish Sweden!” She wanted to abolish all nation states and institute a democratic global parliament and a global police force.[1] Ohlsson has been a member of Parliament for many years, and served as Minister for European Union Affairs in the government of PM Reinfeldt between 2010 and 2014.


A global democracy doesn’t look very likely, but Ohlsson and other Swedish politicians have nevertheless made great progress in abolishing Sweden.


In November 2015, even Sweden had to reinstate a form of border control. At that point, more than one thousand asylum seekers flooded into the country every single day.[2] The then Deputy Prime Minister Åsa Romson from the Swedish Green Party literally cried on TV over this fact.[3] She did not cry because successive Swedish governments have done massive and possibly irreversible damage to the country through their immigration policies. No. Romson cried because she couldn’t continue immigration as fast as she wanted to.


Immigration Sweden


Their official party program in 2017 states the following, in multiple languages:


“The Swedish Green Party has a vision of a world without borders, where all people can move, but no one is forced to flee. We don’t believe in countries’ right to choose their citizens; we believe in people’s right to choose where they want to live. We should greet people with opportunities, not with walls. Everyone should be able to live, work and realise their dreams where they want to. Freedom of movement should be a human right.”[4]


Mass immigration to Sweden still continues, just at a slower pace than in the crazy year of 2015. Back then, Sweden couldn’t even find beds for the many Afghans, Iraqis, Somalis and other immigrants.


The German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle in late June 2017 conducted an interview with the Swedish Justice and Migration Minister Morgan Johansson, a Social Democrat. Johansson then stated that “We have between 400 and 500 asylum seekers each week coming to Sweden. So we haven’t shut our borders but we now have a level which we can handle. And we didn’t have that in 2015.” He stated that “Now we have control over that situation.” The Minister also claimed that there is “no direct link” between migration and terrorism.[5]


This last claim is a flat-out lie. It is a proven fact that Muslim asylum seekers and immigrants have been involved in many deadly Jihadist attacks in Europe. On April 7, 2017, the rejected Muslim migrant Rakhmat Akilov murdered five people and wounded several others when he mowed them down with a stolen truck in a terrorist attack in central Stockholm.[6] A couple of months later, the Swedish Justice Minister claims that there is no connection between migration and terrorism.


Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, Justice Minister Johansson and other representatives of the Swedish government may pretend that things are under control. There are, however, many disturbing signs that this is not true.


In June 2017, eight new districts were added to a police list of “especially vulnerable areas,” where crime rates are very high. Some have labeled them no-go-zones, a label the authorities reject. In 2015, Sweden’s national police released a report of 53 so-called vulnerable areas, including 15 considered especially vulnerable. Eight more urban areas have now been added to that list, bringing the latter number up to 23.[7] This is a big increase in just two years of places where Swedish authorities no longer have effective control over their country’s territory.


A survey in June 2017 suggested that Swedish police officers are facing increased threats and violence and that criminal gangs have created a “parallel society.” Anna Nelberg Dennis, the vice chair of the Swedish Police Union, said that it has become more and more common for gangs of young people to attack police officers in certain areas. “I think it’s part of a change in society, where in socially vulnerable areas, gangs have created parallel societies where they take the law into their own hands,” she said. “[The gangs] believe that police shouldn’t be there because they rule the area. This is something that the police can’t solve themselves.”[8]


The Stockholm region has been hit by a wave of bloody, gang-related murders. A report has found that 94.5 per cent of people identified as being involved in the Swedish capital’s violent, organized crime scene have an immigration background.[9]


One woman visited the emergency ward at the hospital in Lund, southern Sweden, in 2017. She described it as “Dante’s Inferno,” massively overcrowded and slow.[10] Swedish hospital staff and ambulance personnel face increasing threats and violence. Elderly Swedes who have paid taxes their whole lives often receive shockingly poor treatment. The Swedish welfare state started to disintegrate after the authorities decided that they should be the welfare office of the entire planet.


Sweden has a record number of unsolved murder cases.[11] Many public gang shootings go unsolved because the ethnic gangs do not talk to the police. Less serious crime can be nearly risk-free for criminals in many municipalities. The police are understaffed and underfunded.


No fewer than 70 police stations in Sweden will be closed down during parts of or for the entire summer of 2017 due to a shortage of money and staff.[12] This is happening at a time when the number of rival mafias and criminal gangs operating in the country has never been higher.


Bråvalla festival, one of the major music festivals in Sweden, announced that they would cancel their entire festival in 2018 due to reported incidents of rape and several sexual assaults.[13] Sweden has infamously high rape rates. Swedish mass media have for many years claimed that this spike in rapes and other violent crime has nothing to do with immigration, despite strong evidence to the contrary. Numbers clearly show that immigrants from the Muslim world and Africa are vastly overrepresented in such crimes.[14]


Gang rapes were very rare in Scandinavia forty years ago. They are now disturbingly common, and destroy the lives of thousands of women. Even gang rapes of boys have now become fairly common in Sweden.


Some migrants from Afghanistan explain that the rape of young boys by one or several older men is a common cultural practice in their country called bacha bazi.[15] European countries such as Sweden have seen a big influx of young Muslim men from Afghanistan. Many of them claim to be children, even if they are in their 20s or older. They bring with them the mentality and practices of their Islamic homeland.


In 2017, a man from Afghanistan was convicted of anally raping a young boy. For child rape, he got one month in a soft Scandinavian prison. He could not be deported since he had become a Swedish citizen.[16]


The first Islamic terror attack in Scandinavia took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on July 22, 1985. The attackers targeted American and Jewish targets. One person was killed and 26 injured. The terrorists were Palestinians based in Sweden. The problem has got a lot worse since then.


Michael Skråmos, a Swedish convert to Islam and former expert on “Islamophobia,” has joined the Islamic State and calls for Muslims to attack targets in Sweden.[17] A number of Islamic terrorists have even received welfare payments from Europe while staying in the Middle East.


At least 150 Jihadists have returned to Sweden after supporting the Islamic State (ISIS), probably the most brutal terrorist group on the planet. Many of them have been given protected identities by Swedish authorities to help them quietly re-integrate into Swedish society. Some of them complain that it is difficult to get a job after having fought for the mass-murdering slave traders of the Islamic State. A re-entry program — which may include free housing, a driver’s license, and tax benefits — was instituted by Anna Sjöstrand, a coordinator against violent extremism in the city of Lund. “There may be criticism, but [I think] that you should get the same help as others who seek help from us. We can’t say that because you made a wrong choice, you have no rights to come back and live in our society,” Sjöstrand told Swedish radio.[18]


Some might question whether freely joining genocidal terrorists who routinely behead people, burn them alive or stone them to death falls under the category of simply “making a wrong choice” in life.


It is highly likely that some terrorists or war criminals have received asylum in Sweden. The Swedish state seems very concerned with protecting them. It has been less concerned with protecting Swedes against foreign terrorists or war criminals.


In June 2017, the Swedish Security Service (Säpo) warned about an explosive growth in the number of radical Muslims in the country. “We have never seen anything like it before,” Säpo chief Anders Thornberg stated.[19] Thornberg said there are around 3,000 violent extremists in Sweden as of mid-2017. Some 2,000 of those are believed to have Islamic motives, and the remaining originate from far-right and far-left movements.[20] A 2010 report estimated the number of violent Islamic radicals at 200. The number of militant Muslims in Sweden has thus increased at least ten times in just seven years. Despite this, the country continues to import thousands of Muslims annually. Many of them are young and aggressive men from conflict areas.


Although Thornberg did not admit this openly, it is doubtful whether the security services can track thousands of people continuously. If the authorities cannot contain the number of potential Jihadists today, what will the situation be like 5, 10 or 20 years from now? When will the number of radical Muslims exceed the number of police officers in Swedish streets? What happens then?


The Nordic Passport Union allows citizens of Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland to travel and reside in another Nordic country without a passport or a residence permit. This agreement dates back to the 1950s. Today, these countries are also members of the Schengen Area, which includes much of the EU.


The Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) told the public broadcaster DR in June 2017 that Denmark may face a terror threat from the many radical Muslims in Sweden.[21] While Denmark, Norway and Finland also have a significant number of potential Jihadists, this threat is at least one order of magnitude worse in Sweden.


The Danish People’s Party (DF) and others in Denmark are starting to warn that increased border controls against Sweden may be necessary to keep out terror and crime.[22] Sweden’s other immediate neighbors, Norway and Finland, still haven’t properly entered this debate, but they should.


I have warned for many years that the problems in Sweden have grown so big that they are no longer merely a threat to the internal stability of Sweden. They have now also become a threat to neighboring countries.




  1. Avskaffa Sverige!. Essay by Birgitta Ohlsson in the newspaper Expressen, 2001-06-06.


2) Migrant crisis: Swedish border checks introduced. 12 November 2015.

3) Åsa Romson (MP) gråter när invandringspolitiken stramas åt 24/10 — 2015 WITH ENG SUBS.


4) Party programme, page 36. Checked on July 4, 2017.


5) Swedish justice minister: ‘The blame is on Assange, not Sweden’ 28.06.2017.


6) Stockholm terror investigation extended. 8 June 2017.


7) Sverige har fått fler problemområden — “krisstämning inom polisledningen” 2017-06-11. ‘Especially vulnerable areas’ increase in Sweden: report. 12 June 2017.


8) Police union: Gangs have created a “parallel society” June 29, 2017.


9)—sanningen-om-de-gangkriminella-i-stockholm/ Brotten, skulderna, bakgrunden — sanningen om de gängkriminella i Stockholm. June 30, 2017. 95 Per Cent of Gang Criminals in Stockholm Have a Foreign Background. 4 July 2017.


10)              Läsartext: Akuten har förvandlats till Dantes inferno. May 4, 2017.


11)              Færre drap oppklares i Sverige. 02.07.2017.


12)              Många polisstationer stänger under semestern. 25.06.2017


13)              Swedish music festival cancels next year’s event amid rape reports. 1 July 2017.


14)              Statistik: Utomeuropéer begår nästan alla grova våldtäkter. 2017-06-28.


15)              SVT granskar: Gruppvåldtäkter bland ensamkommande pojkar. 15 June 2017. Pojkar hålls som sexslavar av poliser i Afghanistan — ses som löneförmån. February 16, 2017.


16)              Våldtog och hotade döda barn — får en månads fängelse. July 3, 2017. Sweden: Muslim migrant gets month in prison for raping 13-year-old boy, won’t be deported. July 3 2017


17)              Swedish Islamophobia Expert Who Joined ISIS Now Calling For Attacks In Sweden. 16 Jun 2017.


18)              Kommuner förbereder för avhopp från våldsbejakande extremism. October 18, 2016.—sa-lever-atervandarn/ Hundratals svenskar åkte till kriget för att slåss för IS — så lever återvändarna i dag. June 24, 2017. Returning Jihadis Given ‘Protected Identities’ June 28, 2017.

19)              ‘Thousands’ of violent Islamists in Sweden: security police. 16 June 2017. Säpochefen: “Det finns tusentals radikala islamister i Sverige” 16 jun 2017.

20)              2,000 Islamist extremists in Sweden: security police. 3 July 2017.


21)              PET: Truslen mod Danmark kan komme fra Sverige. 30. jun. 2017. International News in Brief: The terror threat lying in Sweden. July 3rd, 2017.


22)              DF: 2.000 islamister i Sverige øger behovet for grænsekontrol. July 3, 2017.




For a complete archive of Fjordman’s writings, see the multi-index listing in the Fjordman Files.


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The EU, Islam and Radicalization

Europeans face the same kind of propaganda of blaming the exposers of reality as Conservatives face in America from the Left on multiple issues, including gun control. After Leftist hater James Hodgkinson (See Also HERE) went to murder Republican members of Congress because he hated Trump, the Dem gun control rhetoric was amped up almost as viciously as the Hodgkinson shooter himself.

Fjordman (Peder Jensen) is the Counterjihad writer that European Multiculturalists love to hate. They would rather blame Fjordman (and other Counterjihad writers daring to risk EU hate-speech laws) for acts of Islamic terrorism rather than the Muslims devoted to the purist Islam of Muhammad and the revered writings of the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah.


Below is a Fjordman essay I found on the Internet European publication Snaphanen that takes a stark look at Muslim immigration to Europe and the troubles that immigration is causing.


JRH 6/15/17

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The EU, Islam and Radicalization


By Fjordman

June 13, 2017 [SENESTE OPDATERING – Danish for LATEST UPDATE] 1806 KL [I’m guessing Danish for “o’clock” – HERE & HERE]



[Blog Editor: I must admit ignorance of European publications. Snaphanen has a “.dk” indicating Denmark but the news seems to focus on Sweden. And Fjordman is Norwegian. It’s all Nordic to me.]


One of the frustrating things about trying to warn against a gradually-developing threat is that many people choose to ignore the warnings until it is almost too late. Perhaps this is human nature. We prefer to ignore unpleasant realities as much as possible, and don’t believe a problem is real until we can see it with our own eyes. Some people will not believe it even then.


If seeing is believe, the time has now come to believe. The problems of mass migration and radical Islam have been developing for a long time. However, they have intensified recently and keep on escalating. 2015 may in hindsight be remembered as the year when illegal mass immigration was brought to the forefront of mass media attention. Migrants have been arriving illegally to the Western world for many years. Yet the flow of illegal migrants arriving in boats in the Mediterranean has drastically increased in 2015 compared to 2013 or 2014.


After some high-profile incidents in which migrants have drowned,[1] several European countries sent ships to pick up illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean and bring them to Europe. Critics argue that this is not a long-term solution. This sends out a signal to illegal immigrants and people smugglers that Europe is open to them. That will encourage even more of them to come. There is no reason to assume that the pressure of illegal immigration from the south will stop in the year 2016, 2017 or 2030. On the contrary, the ongoing population explosion in Africa and parts of the Middle East indicates that mass migration could further increase in scale in the coming years. The turmoil caused by militant Islam also continues.


Sometimes, bringing attention to a problem may trigger accusations that you caused the problem to exist in the first place. Jan Opsal is a Professor of Science of religion at the School of Mission and Theology (MHS) in Stavanger, Norway. He works with issues related to Christian-Muslim relations. In July 2015, Professor Opsal accused me personally of contributing to the rise of radical and militant Islam by spreading alleged “conspiracy theories” about Islam.[2] According to him, “Those who warn against Islam, through constant assertions that are not factual, will thereby contribute to increased radicalization of Islam.” Mr. Opsal further suggested that maybe one tenth of a percentage point of Muslims support the Islamic State (IS or ISIS).


With all due respect to the professor, the percentage of Muslims sympathizing with the militant Muslims of ISIS is a lot bigger than what he suggests. It could be 50 times as great, or even 100 to 200 times. Muslims supporting jihadists from groups such as ISIS or al-Qaida can now be found in cities and towns across the Western world. This is not a “conspiracy theory.” It is a fact. Just listen to the increasingly worried warnings of professional security services.


Furthermore, if you listen to the jihadists themselves, they legitimize their actions by referring to the Koran and other authoritative Islamic texts. Suggesting that critics of Islam helped cause the slave markets and massacres of ISIS is not merely wrong, it is absurd. This is like suggesting that critics of Communism caused the Gulag, or that critics of Nazism caused Auschwitz.


Next to Islamic theology, the primary cause of radicalization in Europe today is arguably the immigration policies promoted by Western political elites. EU governments have a duty to help the flood of migrants arriving in Europe and not cave in to “populist” demands to turn them back, European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker says.[3] In other words, EU leaders think native Europeans have a “duty” to settle large numbers of illegal immigrants from dysfunctional African and Muslim societies permanently in their nations. “Ministers, unlike citizens, have an obligation to act. We made proposals that went far, while still being modest given the scale of the problem,” Juncker said, referring to the proposals from the Commission, the executive arm or unelected “government” of the 28-nation EU. “We proposed a mandatory system to redistribute asylum seekers and people who need international protection, but the member states did not follow us,” he said. At a July 20, 2015 meeting in Brussels, EU justice and home affairs ministers agreed to relocate more than 32,250 Syrians, Eritreans, Iraqis and Somalis who had landed in Greece and Italy. The ministers also agreed to take in some 22,500 Syrian refugees currently living in camps outside the EU. Juncker said the EU would resume efforts to reach a higher target. “If we don’t get there on a voluntary basis, we will have to reconsider the Commission’s proposals,” the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg said. Mandatory distribution of asylum seekers among member states is still being seriously considered.


Illegal immigrants currently arrive on a daily basis, at a pace of hundreds of thousands annually. They use every trick imaginable to get into Europe, perceived as the promised land of milk and honey. Migrants hide in containers, storm trucks, occupy railway stations or use inflatable rubber dinghies. Some even try to swim to European-controlled territories,[4] or get smuggled in suitcases.[5] Meanwhile, there is rising opposition among ordinary Europeans to having their local communities forcibly changed by this influx.


It is interesting to note that some of the strongest opposition to mass immigration can be found in societies that have first-hand experience with Communist rule: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Eastern Germany and Baltic nations. Nationalists protested in Riga, Latvia’s capital, against their country’s taking in a planned 250 migrants under an EU resettlement scheme. “I don’t feel that EU institutions are listening to our concerns about taking in refugees from very different cultures,” said MP Raivis Dzintars.[6] Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has repeatedly sounded the alarm. He warns that mass immigration constitutes a threat to European civilization.


EUSSR It has long been a joke to compare the European Union to the Soviet Union, an EUSSR. Some people wonder whether this is really a joke. The Russian intellectual and former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovksy believes the EU has certain structural similarities to the dictatorial Soviet Union.[7] The unelected and powerful European Commission resembles the Soviet Politburo, ruling hundreds of millions of people without their consent. While partly true, it should be mentioned that not even Communist states such as the Soviet Union championed mass immigration of Muslims and Africans on the scale which the EU is doing today. The USA does, however. The EU seems to have adopted harmful traits from both Cold War superpowers: The anti-democratic bureaucratic structure of the Soviet Union, and the mass immigration “diversity” policies of the USA.


It has become increasingly apparent that the EU in its present form is actively harmful to the long-term interests of native Europeans. The organization provides weak leadership. When it attempts any leadership at all, it usually leads Europe in the wrong direction. The handling of illegal immigration and radical Islam has been very poor, and dominated by Utopian ideas without basis in reality. Its handling of the euro crisis in Greece has not been impressive, either. With its increasingly authoritarian centralization, the EU robs national parliaments of their power and undermines its own popular legitimacy. The repeated attempts to force illegal immigrants on all of its member states trigger outright hostility. Its immigration policies contribute to the rising polarization of European societies.

Perhaps the EU will be remembered as the alleged “peace project” that once again plunged Europe into conflict.


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If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using the button at the bottom of this post or Pay Pal or Mobile Pay for Snaphanen, mark “Fjordman”




  1. Rescue hopes fade for migrants after boat capsizes in Mediterranean 6 August 2015
  2. — Skremmebilder av islam gir radikalisering. Published in the regional Norwegian newspaper Sunnmørsposten, 28.07 2015.
  3. Juncker urges EU members to resist ‘populist’ rejection of migrants 6 August 2015.
  4. -while-trying-to-swim-to-ceuta/ 4 Sub-Saharan Africans drown while trying to swim to Ceuta August 02, 2015.
  5. Man held over brother’s death inside suitcase 05 Aug 2015.
  6. Latvian nationalists protest against immigration 5. Aug 2015.
  7. Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship. Vladimir Bukovksy in interview with Paul Belien, 2006-02-27.


[Blog Editor: Fjordman made a comment to this Snaphanen post 6/13/17:


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Peder Fjordman Jensen • 2 days ago Thanks to Steen to reprint this text. It is originally from 2015, but the conclusion is the same today. My conclusion already before the euro crisis and the migrant crisis began was that the EU can not be reformed.]



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