FBI Still Corrupt? What’s Up Wray?

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Posted September 22, 2020


If Americans actually elect the perpetuation of Obama/Crooked Hillary/Biden corrupt government on November 3, 2020; those Americans deserve the despotism that will be in their future! Trump should win if sane voters outnumber the insane. Pending a Trump reelection, FBI Director Christopher Wray should be fired. It is becoming more and more apparent that Wray is as crooked a cop as his predecessor James Comey. Comey crimes are still being covered up by Wray. WHY? It smells of swamp stench to me.


Here is a Gateway Pundit and a video from Tracy Beanz (H/T uncoverdc.com) on FBI corruption – and NO WRAY CLEANUP!


JRH 9/22/20

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FBI Agent Who Uncovered Weiner Laptop with Hillary’s Emails says FBI Leadership Told Him to Erase All of His Findings


By Joe Hoft

September 21, 2020 at 7:30am

The Gateway Pundit


John Robertson


John Robertson, was an FBI Agent who investigated crimes against children.  This is how he stumbled upon Hillary Clinton’s emails.


We first reported on Robertson in August of 2018 when the mainstream media was focused on the Trump Russia Mueller sham investigation.


John was assigned to the Anthony Weiner case, a top Democrat married to Hillary Clinton adviser Huma Abedin. During his investigation of Weiner’s computer John discovered thousands of Hillary Clinton emails and blew the whistle on the Comey-McCabe and Strzok cover-up of evidence.


Yesterday the Washington Examiner reported:


“The crickets I was hearing was really making me uncomfortable because something was going to come down,” Robertson said he later told Justice Department investigators. “Why isn’t anybody here? Like if I’m the supervisor of any [counterintelligence] squad … and I hear about this, I’m getting on with headquarters and saying, ‘Hey, some agent working child porn here may have [Hillary Clinton] emails. Get your ass on the phone, call [the case agent], and get a copy of that drive,’ because that’s how it should be. And that nobody reached out to me within, like, that night, I still to this day don’t understand what the hell went wrong.” Robertson wrote a “Letter to Self” in late October after an Oct. 19, 2016, meeting, during which he implored Assistant U.S. Attorney Amanda Kramer of the Southern District of New York to push FBI leadership to look at the thousands of emails he had unearthed.


“I have very deep misgivings about the institutional response of the FBI to the congressional investigation into the Hillary Clinton email matter … Put simply: I don’t believe the handling of the material I have by the FBI is ethically or morally right. But my lawyer’s advice — that I simply put my SSA on notice should cover me — is that I have completed CYA [Cover Your Ass], and I have done so,” Robertson wrote. “Further, I was told by [Kramer] that should I ‘whistleblow,’ I will be prosecuted.”


Robertson continued: “I possess — the FBI possesses — 20 times more emails than Comey testified to. … While Comey did not know at the time about what I have, people in the FBI do now, and as far as I know, we are being silent. … If I say or do nothing more, I am falling short ethically and morally. And later, I may be accused of being a Hillary Clinton hack because of the timing of all this. … But if I say something (i.e., whistleblow), I will lose my reputation, my career, and risk prosecution. I will also be accused of being a Donald Trump hack.”


The Daily Mail reports on Robertson saying:


The only advice from his bosses was to erase his office computer, which meant leaving no record of his investigations, a new book says.


Charles Ortel, who’s an expert on the corruption within the Clinton Foundation believes that there were a number of Clinton Foundation emails on the Weiner laptop:



Others believe that what was found on the Weiner laptop was shocking, we reported on this in August 2018 as well.  In late 2016 shortly before the 2016 election on November 4th, 2016, Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater, was on Breitbart radio and he said shocking things about Weiner’s emails –


Prince claimed he had insider knowledge of the investigation that could help explain why FBI Director James Comey had to announce he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s email server last week.


“Because of Weinergate and the sexting scandal, the NYPD started investigating it. Through a subpoena, through a warrant, they searched his laptop, and sure enough, found those 650,000 emails. They found way more stuff than just more information pertaining to the inappropriate sexting the guy was doing,” Prince claimed.


“They found State Department emails. They found a lot of other really damning criminal information, including money laundering, including the fact that Hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton went there more than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times,” he said.


“The amount of garbage that they found in these emails, of criminal activity by Hillary, by her immediate circle, and even by other Democratic members of Congress was so disgusting they gave it to the FBI, and they said, ‘We’re going to go public with this if you don’t reopen the investigation and you don’t do the right thing with timely indictments,’” Prince explained.


“I believe – I know, and this is from a very well-placed source of mine at 1PP, One Police Plaza in New York – the NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making in this investigation, and they’ve gotten huge pushback, to the point of coercion, from the Justice Department, with the Justice Department threatening to charge someone that had been unrelated in the accidental heart attack death of Eric Garner almost two years ago. That’s the level of pushback the Obama Justice Department is doing against actually seeking justice in the email and other related criminal matters,” Prince said.


Prince shared that the NYPD kept a copy of all the emails on Weiner’s computer, and the following –


Prince agreed, but said, “If people are willing to bend or break the law and don’t really care about the Constitution or due process – if you’re willing to use Stalinist tactics against someone – who knows what level of pressure” could be brought to bear against even the most tenacious law enforcement officials?


We still don’t know what happened to the Weiner emails.  We now know that Robertson did a CYA to protect himself.  The American people deserve to know what was on the laptop and in those emails.


Joe Hoft is the twin brother of TGP’s founder, Jim Hoft. His posts have been retweeted by President Trump and have made the headlines at the Drudge Report. Joe worked as a corporate executive in Hong Kong and traveled the world for his work, which gives him a unique perspective of US and global current events. He has ten degrees or designations and is the author of three books. His new book: ‘In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics’ is out now – please take a look and buy a copy.


VIDEO: The Weiner Laptop Emerges Again: FBI Agent Speaks

Posted by Tracy Beanz

120K subscribers – Sept 20, 2020


Original Thread: https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/985526771557814273

New Thread: https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1307675664884158468

Abedin: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1118147754595966977.html

Telegram- The library: https://t.me/The_Library_II




FBI Agent Who Uncovered Weiner Laptop with Hillary’s Emails says FBI Leadership Told Him to Erase All of His Findings


© 2020 The Gateway Pundit – All Rights Reserved.


The damning proof of innocence that FBI likely withheld in Russian probe

Here’s another Sunday cross post some piece you may find interesting or fascinating. Again YOU may have read, BUT I’m guessing many have not read.


The theme of Solomon’s piece is the FISA warrant standards presented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to look at Carter Page and George Papadopoulos did NOT include the exculpatory evidence a FISC Judge probably would have denied a warrant.


JRH 3/17/19

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The damning proof of innocence that FBI likely withheld in Russian probe



03/14/19 04:00 PM EDT

The Hill


If President Trump declassifies evidence in the Russia investigation, Carter Page’s summer bike ride to a Virginia farm and George Papadopoulos’s hasty academic jaunt to London may emerge as linchpin proof of FBI surveillance abuses during the 2016 election.


The two trips have received scant attention. But growing evidence suggests both Trump campaign advisers made exculpatory statements — at the very start of the FBI’s investigation — that undercut the Trump-Russia collusion theory peddled to agents by Democratic sources.


The FBI plowed ahead anyway with an unprecedented intrusion into a presidential campaign, while keeping evidence of the two men’s innocence from the courts.


Page and Papadopoulos, who barely knew each other, met separately in August and September 2016 with Stefan Halper, the American-born Cambridge University professor who, the FBI told Congress, worked as an undercover informer in the Russia case.


Papadopoulos was the young aide that the FBI used to justify opening a probe into the Trump campaign on July 31, 2016, after he allegedly told a foreign diplomat that he knew Russia possessed incriminating emails about Hillary Clinton.


Page, a volunteer campaign adviser, was the American the FBI then targeted on Oct. 21, 2016, for secret surveillance while investigating Democratic Party-funded allegations that he secretly might have coordinated Russia’s election efforts with the Trump campaign during a trip to Moscow.


To appreciate the significance of the two men’s interactions with Halper, one must understand the rules governing the FBI when it seeks a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant such as the one secured against Page.


First, the FBI must present evidence to FISA judges that it has verified and that comes from intelligence sources deemed reliable. Second, it must disclose any information that calls into question the credibility of its sources. Finally, it must disclose any evidence suggesting the innocence of its investigative targets.


Thanks to prior releases of information, we know the FBI fell short on the first two counts. Multiple FBI officials have testified that the Christopher Steele dossier had not been verified when its allegations were submitted as primary evidence supporting the FISA warrant against Page.


Likewise, we know the FBI failed to tell the courts that Steele admitted to a federal official that he was desperate to defeat Trump in the 2016 election and was being paid by Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to gather dirt on the GOP candidate. Both pieces of information are the sort of credibility-defining details that should be disclosed about a source.


What remains uncertain in the court of public opinion is whether the FBI possessed evidence suggesting Papadopoulos and Page — and, thus, the larger Trump campaign — were innocent of collusion. Republican lawmakers have suggested for months that such evidence existed and was hidden from the courts, but none has emerged in public.


My reporting from more than two dozen sources, many with access to the FBI’s evidence, suggests one answer to that question lies in Halper’s interactions with the two Trump campaign advisers, some of it documented in FBI records. And interviews with both men reveal just how much they told Halper about their innocence.


Page, an avid biker, rode his mountain bike on Aug. 20, 2016, to a Northern Virginia farm after being invited there by Halper for a casual Saturday visit. Page met Halper weeks earlier when invited by Halper’s assistant to a Cambridge academic conference. The two corresponded by email around the time of Page’s trip to Moscow and arranged to meet in Virginia.


By the time Page arrived at Halper’s farm, he had been rattled by media calls during the prior week in which reporters alleged having information that Page met with two senior Russian intelligence figures in Moscow. The reporters suggested his trip might have been part of a larger plot to coordinate with Russia to benefit Trump’s election as president.


That allegation, it turns out, was one of many in the uncorroborated Steele dossier guiding the FBI’s collusion probe.


Page told me he was incredulous at the suggestions and told everyone he knew, including Halper, that he had not met either Russian intel figure and knew of no Trump-Moscow coordination.


“I’m certain that nothing I said that day at the professor’s farm could be deemed as anything other than exculpatory. And once again, in September, I explained reality to the FBI. Contrary to the DNC’s false reports, I have never met those Russians, and I did not know of any effort to coordinate, collude or conspire with Russia. Period.”


Page said he went to Moscow in July 2016 simply to give a speech, at the same university where former President Obama spoke a few years earlier. And he said he consciously did not take any actions with Russians that might raise concerns, especially after helping U.S. prosecutors and the FBI in an earlier Russian criminal case and meeting with federal authorities as recently as the previous March.


“I’ve never done anything even vaguely resembling illegality throughout the countless trips to Russia. But I was exceptionally meticulous that trip to carefully avoid anything that could be remotely construed as questionable,” he told me.


Page’s recollection is backed up by a letter he sent to then-FBI Director James Comey a few weeks after his Halper meeting. “For the record, I have not met this year with any sanctioned official in Russia, despite the fact that there are no restrictions on U.S. persons speaking with such individuals,” he wrote in September 2016.


Multiple sources tell me none of the FISA applications the FBI submitted to judges over the course of a year’s surveillance of Page made any mention of exculpatory statements or protestations of innocence that Page made to informants.


If such statements exist, in the form of a tape or a transcript or an FBI interview report — three routine investigative tools the FBI uses when managing informers — then it would be a huge omission that likely violated FBI rules.


A month later, in London, Papadopoulos was paid $3,000 to present a foreign policy paper to Halper. On the second day of his visit with Halper, Papadopoulos said the conversation turned from academic work to a barrage of questions about Russia, Trump and collusion, including whether the Trump campaign had conspired with Russia on the hacked Clinton emails or changed the GOP platform on Ukraine to appease Vladimir Putin.


Papadopoulos told me he pointedly remembers his response: “I made it clear to Halper that what he was suggesting did not only amount to treason, but that I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about and had no information at all about anyone involved with the campaign who might have been involved with a conspiracy because there never was a conspiracy and no one was colluding with a foreign power, especially Russia.


“Furthermore, I made it clear to him that Ukraine should be supported and that Russia will always remain a competitor, even if Trump decided to work with Russia to stabilize Syria and East Ukraine while checking China’s rise.”


Sources familiar with the FISA applications say they contain no evidence that Papadopoulos made exculpatory statements unwittingly to an FBI informer.


Again, if such statements exist in transcripts, tapes or FBI reports, they’re a major omission.


Page never has been charged with wrongdoing. And Papadopoulos, after an exhaustive investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller, was not accused of conspiracy with Russia; instead, he pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the FBI about a months-old conversation with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer regarding a rumor that Russia possessed embarrassing emails from Clinton.


The crime was deemed so minor by the presiding judge that Papadopoulos was sentenced to a mere 14 days in jail.


If Page’s and Papadopoulos’s recollections of what they told Halper are accurate, former FBI officials Comey, James Baker, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok — all of whom played a role in the Russia probe and the FISA warrants — have some serious explaining to do. So does departing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who signed the fourth and final FISA warrant.


My reporting suggests a much bigger scandal — the intentional misleading of the nation’s federal intelligence court — soon may eclipse the Russia narrative that has dominated the media the past two years.


The fastest way to know if that storm is on the horizon is for Trump to declassify the documents showing exactly how the FBI behaved in this case.


John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist whose work over the years has exposed U.S. and FBI intelligence failures before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal scientists’ misuse of foster children and veterans in drug experiments, and numerous cases of political corruption. He serves as an investigative columnist and executive vice president for video at The Hill.


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I just posted an interview in which Rep. Jordan expressed his impressions on House questioning of Bruce Ohr. The impressions were informative, yet this Daily Caller article over the same questioning is specifics about Ohr connections to Steele, Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS’s Nellie Ohr and most concerning; Mueller’s righthand attack dog Andrew Weissmann among other FBI, DOJ and Fusion GPS Deep State nefarious characters.


JRH 8/31/18 (Hat Tip Ali H. at G+ Community United We Stand One Nation Under God)

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By Chuck Ross

4:54 PM 08/30/2018

The Daily Caller


  • DOJ official Bruce Ohr testified before Congress on Tuesday about his contacts with Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier


  • One mystery surrounding Ohr and Steele was who he told at the Justice Department about his interaction with Steele


  • Ohr testified that he told his peers, but not his superiors, about the dossier-related contacts


Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr told Congress earlier this week that he informed half a dozen FBI and Justice Department officials about his contacts with dossier author Christopher Steele and opposition researcher Glenn Simpson.


Sources familiar with Ohr’s testimony before the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Ohr informed Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page about his interactions with Steele and Simpson. He also informed Justice Department prosecutor Andrew Weissmann about his dossier-related work.


Weissmann is now serving as right-hand man to Robert Mueller at the special counsel’s office.


Ohr testified that he informed his Justice Department peers, but not his superiors, about his contacts with Steele and Simpson. One of the superiors kept out of the loop was former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. Ohr said he was demoted as assistant deputy attorney general in December because he failed to tell Yates and other top officials about his dossier interactions. (RELATED: Trump: ‘How The Hell Is Bruce Ohr Still Employed?’)


Republicans have sought an interview with Ohr to find out why he maintained contact with Steele even after the FBI decided to cut ties with the former British spy just before the 2016 election. The FBI said in applications for spy warrants against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page that the bureau dropped Steele as an informant because he had unauthorized contacts with the media. Despite that, Ohr met and spoke with Steele numerous times through May 2017. Ohr debriefed the FBI at least 12 times following his post-election contacts with Steele.


Weissmann’s contact with Ohr about the dossier is significant because of the mutual interest that Weissmann and Fusion’s Simpson had in former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.


Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, has told Congress that Fusion GPS investigated Manafort’s links to Russian oligarchs as part of its anti-Trump project.


“A lot of what we were talking to the media about were things in the public record, specifically Carter Page, Paul Manafort had resigned over allegations of illicit relationships with Russian oligarchs and Ukrainian oligarchs,” Simpson told the Senate Judiciary Committee during an Aug. 22, 2017 interview.


“So there was, you know, a lot of open source public information pointing towards the possibility that the Russians had infiltrated the Trump campaign,” he added. “So we spoke broadly to reporters and encouraged them to look into this.”


As chief of the Justice Department’s criminal fraud division, Weissmann was investigating Manafort even before the special counsel’s team was formed. Weissmann facilitated a meeting in April 2017 with reporters from The Associated Press to discuss the Justice Department’s investigation into Manafort’s work for former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Weissmann is the lead prosecutor in two cases against Manafort for that work.


Weissmann has also attracted criticism from Republicans because of his overt support for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He has donated heavily to Democratic political candidates and attended Clinton’s 2016 election night party in New York City.


Ohr’s wife was also a focus of Tuesday’s closed-door interview.


Republicans pressed Ohr about how his wife, a Russia expert named Nellie Ohr, came to work for Fusion GPS.


Ohr testified that Fusion approached his wife for a job and that she began working for the research firm in late 2015. California GOP Rep. Darrell Issa said Ohr testified that his wife was paid $44,000 by Fusion GPS. As The DCNF has reported, Ohr did not disclose his wife’s Fusion income on his annual ethics disclosure form.


Perkins Coie, the law firm for the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, paid Fusion GPS more than $1 million for the Trump-Russia project. Fusion paid Steele nearly $170,000 for his work.


Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, a Republican who helped question Ohr, said that he believes that Fusion GPS chose Nellie Ohr so that the firm could leverage her husband’s senior position at the DOJ.


“Why did they need Bruce Ohr? Why did Fusion…want to work with Bruce Ohr?” he said in an interview on Fox News Tuesday night.


“My guess is, because he is associate deputy attorney general … that just adds heft and weight to what they were trying to do about this whole dossier, which was the key to everything,” he added.


The special counsel’s office declined to comment on Weissmann’s links to Ohr.


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Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions

Intro to ‘BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions

Intro by John R. Houk, Editor

By Sarah Carter

Posted on August 9, 2018

John Solomon, Sara Carter & Sean Hannity 8/8/18


I watched Sara Carter report on Hannity last night on issue that Bruce Ohr was more involved in the Steele Dossier frame-up of President Trump than previously thought. How does she know? Newly discovered documents of Ohr notes indicating earlier dates on Steele Dossier collaboration between Bruce Ohr (DOJ), Strzok and other FBI cadres as well as the fired Christopher Steele. Ohr was acting as a go-between betwixt Steele and the FBI, even though Steele had been fired.


VIDEO: Bruce Ohr fed Russian dirt on Trump to Mueller!


Posted by Bud Meyers

Published on Aug 8, 2018


Long after being fired from the FBI’s Russia probe, UK spy Christopher Steele emailed with Bruce Ohr in August 2017 about being reinstated to help Mueller. Steele was paid by Fusion GPS to work for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC to dig up Russian dirt on Trump. In November 2016, Steele was deemed “not suitable” to serve as an FBI informer after being caught leaking information to the pro-Clinton media.


Story at The Hill by John Solomon and Sarah Carter.


8/8/18 – – Top DOJ official discussed getting Steele back into FBI and Mueller probe: http://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/401007-opinion-top-doj-official-discussed-getting-steele-back-into-fbi-mueller-probe


8/8/18 – – Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions: https://saraacarter.com/breaking-bruce-ohr-docs-raise-serious-questions/


8/7/18 – – How a senior DOJ official helped Democrat researchers on Trump-Russia case: http://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/400810-opinion-how-a-senior-justice-official-helped-dems-on-trump-russia-cas [Blog Editor: Page not found notice on this link.]


Long after being fired from the #FBI’s #Russia probe, UK spy #ChristopherSteele emailed with #BruceOhr in August 2017 about being reinstated to help #Mueller. Steele was paid by #FusionGPS to work for #HillaryClinton’s campaign and the #DNC to dig up #Russian dirt on #Trump.


JRH 8/9/18

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BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions


By Sara Carter

August 08, 2018 7:51 PM EDT



  • New docs were written by Ohr roughly 2 weeks after the 2016 presidential election


  • Notes mention Strzok & Page and have many lawmakers and investigators concerned


  • Separate docs show FBI had backchannel investigation which they never disclosed to FISC


Strzok & Ohr


A law enforcement sensitive document written by senior Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, is raising serious concerns amongst congressional investigators regarding testimony provided to Congress on the involvement of FBI special agents in the probe into the Trump campaign and its alleged Russian ties.


Nov. 21, 2016, the handwritten document lists former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, his paramour FBI Attorney Lisa Page and Special Agent Joe Pientka (who along with Strzok interviewed former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn).


Strzok, who was the lead investigator in the FBI’s investigation into Trump, was removed last August from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation after the DOJ’s Inspector General discovered a barrage of anti-Trump text messages between him and Page. Page, who was working as the general counsel for now fired Deputy Attorney General Andrew McCabe, is no longer with the FBI.


Page’s name on Ohr’s notes raises a number of questions, particularly since she would not have normally been involved in national security investigations, a congressional investigator said. It also raises a number of questions regarding McCabe’s possible involvement and whether was he authorizing any meetings or communications with Ohr in regard to the Trump investigation, the investigators noted.


Ohr was demoted twice by the Justice Department for his failure to disclose that his wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for the now-embattled research firm Fusion GPS, which produced the infamous anti-Trump dossier. The new document is only one in a series of notes commemorating his communications with dossier author, Christopher Steele, which have been obtained by the congressional oversight committees investigating the FBI’s handling of the Trump Russia investigation.


Bruce Ohr


Another congressional investigator told SaraACarter.com that the notes written by Ohr raise “concerns of previously undisclosed communications with the FBI and Ohr and how extensive these communications were. It also raises concerns about testimony given by Lisa Page, who downplayed her interactions with Ohr in her (July 13) testimony to Congress.”


The notes at the bottom of the memo state, in sloppy writing, “no prosecution yet, pushing ahead on M case,” in reference to Paul Manafort, who is now facing years old charges on financial crimes and money laundering, according to congressional investigators.


Ohr also stated, “may go back to Chris,” in reference to Christopher Steele.


“The more we learn about this, the more it seems like Bruce Ohr was a really key figure in this circle comprising those both outside and inside the government who were colluding with each other to manufacture the Trump-Russia investigation,” said a third congressional staffer involved in the Russia investigations.


Separate Documents Reveal FBI’s Backchannel Investigation Conducted by Ohr


In a separate, but related matter, a slew of documents and emails obtained by congressional investigators also shows that the FBI failed to disclose to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) that it had a backchannel investigation with senior Obama Justice Department officials that continued to use and obtain information from Steele.


Steele was a central figure in the separate investigation being conducted by Ohr and Fusion GPS. According to the documents, Ohr and his wife were working closely with Steele and channeling information to the FBI.


The new onslaught of documents obtained by the oversight committees seems to show a pattern, considering the FBI also failed to disclose important information in its FISC warrant application to spy on short-term Trump campaign volunteer, Carter Page.


On Monday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes revealed that Obama’s FBI failed to include “exculpatory evidence” in its FISA application against Page. If proven true, this violation has enormous implications, according to a congressional source with knowledge of the investigation.

“Ohr was basically allowing himself to be run as a source so the FBI could communicate with Steele even after they fired him,” said another congressional source who maintains that the exculpatory evidence should have been included in the application and the court should have been aware.


Intro to ‘BREAKING: Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions’

Intro by John R. Houk, Editor

Posted on August 9, 2018


Bruce Ohr Docs Raise Serious Questions


© 2018 Sara A. Carter | All Rights Reserved.


About [Sarah Carter] National Security Correspondent


Sara A. Carter is a national and international award-winning investigative reporter whose stories have ranged from national security, terrorism, immigration and front line coverage of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Sara A. Carter is currently an investigative reporter and Fox News Contributor. Her stories can be found at saraacarter.com. She formerly worked as a senior national security correspondent for Circa News.


She was formerly with the Los Angeles News Group, The Washington Times, The Washington Examiner and wrote numerous exclusives for USA Today, US News World Report, and Arutz Sheva in Israel.


Her work along the U.S. Mexico border paved a new path in national security related stories in the region. Her investigations uncovered secret tunnel systems, narcotics-trafficking routes and the involvement of Mexican federal officials in the drug trade.


Sara has made appearances on hundreds of national news and radio shows to discuss her work. She has also made guest appearances on Fox, CNN, BBC International and C-Span. She has interviewed numerous heads of State and foreign officials.


She grew up in Saudi Arabia and has traveled extensively throughout the Middle East, Africa, Europe and Mexico.


She has spent more than seven months in Afghanistan and Pakistan since 2008. Her work on Afghan women and children addicted to Opium garnered first place in Washington D.C. AP award. She embedded with troops on Afghanistan’s border with Pakistan and READ THE REST


No Overall Bias?

OIG Pulls a Comey in Horowitz Report


John R. Houk

© June 15, 2018

The Horowitz IG Report on the FBI/DOJ handling of Crooked Hillary’s email server investigation came out June 14. I have no doubt the Leftist MSM will report this underlying theme: Horowitz found no political bias.


I haven’t personally read the 568-page report yet, but a quick read of primarily Conservative sources commenting the report, Michael Horowitz both let’s the FBI off the hook relating bias and singles out bias of certain FBI/DOJ members. How Horowitz can generalize no overall bias and individual bias simultaneously is beyond me. I believe another instalment of Horowitz’s IG investigation is in the future.


Here are some salient observations that Conservative sources are observing:


  • Obama administration Attorney General Loretta Lynch acted improperly in not cutting short a meeting aboard an aircraft with former President Bill Clinton during the investigation of Hillary Clinton. Both Lynch and Bill Clinton denied discussing the ongoing email probe during the meeting.


  • The FBI improperly permitted two Clinton aides who were witnesses in the investigation to sit in on the FBI’s questioning of Clinton


  • Comey drafted an initial statement exonerating Clinton months before the investigation ended. FBI agents’ actions surrounding the DOJ/FBI interview of Hillary Clinton were ‘inappropriate’ and created appearance of bias


  • The draft statement exonerating Clinton also removed the term “gross negligence”—a condition that could have been used for prosecution—and replaced with “especially concerning.” – Comey usurped the authority of the attorney general when he announced during a July 2016 press conference that the FBI would not be recommending charges against Clinton, then the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.


  • An initial assessment in the Comey draft statement saying foreign spy services were “reasonably likely” to have accessed the classified data on the Clinton server was replaced with “possible.”


  • FBI ethics officials “did not fully appreciate” the potential conflict of interest by former FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s wife receiving $675,288 in 2015 from Clinton associate Terry McAuliffe, then-governor of Virginia, for her political campaign for a state senate seat. McCabe became head of the email probe in early 2016.


  • The FBI improperly regarded a parallel investigation of Russian collusion with the Trump presidential campaign in 2016 to be more important the Clinton email probe.


  • New texts between FBI lovers Strzok and Page were ‘disappointing’ and cast a shadow over the integrity of the entire Clinton email probe – Strzok’s and Page’s text messages expressing pro-Clinton and anti-Trump views raised questions about whether they allowed their political leanings to interfere with their work. – The senior FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page may have had a “willingness to take official action” to hurt Donald Trump’s chances of winning the 2016 election.



  • Five unnamed FBI employees — including one lawyer who later worked on the Mueller probe — are under scrutiny for anti-Trump bias


  • President Obama was one of the 13 individuals with whom Hillary Clinton had direct contact using her clintonemail.com account


  • Despite Clinton connections, former Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe didn’t fully recuse themselves 


  • ‘Insubordinate’ Ex-FBI Director James Comey repeatedly violated policy and inaccurately described the legal situation surrounding Clinton’s emails – While Comey’s conduct was “insubordinate,” his actions and those of others in the FBI were not affected by bias.


  • Comey departed “clearly and dramatically” from FBI and DOJ guidelines while overseeing the Clinton investigation. Comey’s decisions “negatively impacted the perception of the FBI” and the DOJ.



These points are hardly exhaustive, but they provide a decent snapshot of political bias even though the Horowitz IG Report erroneously claims no political bias affected the FBI/DOJ investigation of the Crooked Hillary illegal private email server.


I don’t know if you noticed. The Horowitz IG Report sounds an awful lot just Comey going down a list of Crooked Hillary practices that any two-bit lawyer could match to U.S. Statutes violated. Violations that have had criminal prosecutions!


I will cross post some of Conservative sources I felt aligned more with my thoughts, but first here are a few titles that I perused through.



IG report finds Comey ‘insubordinate’ in Hillary probe; By Art Moore; WND; 6/14/18



‘F— Trump,’ candidate’s supporters ‘retarded’; By ART MOORE; WND; 6/14/18




‘A Cloud’: 4 Top Takeaways of Watchdog Report on FBI’s Clinton Email Probe; By Fred Lucas; Daily Signal; June 14, 2018


Justice Department IG Reveals FBI Corruption Senior FBI agent threatened to prevent Trump election in text message; agents took gifts from reporters; By Bill Gertz; Washington Free Beacon; 6/14/18 5:02 pm


JRH 6/15/18

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HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Another Lawyer Was Removed From Mueller’s Team This February Over Anti-Trump Text Messages


By Cristina Laila

June 14, 2018

Gateway Pundit


The IG report released Thursday revealed ANOTHER lawyer was removed from Mueller’s team of liberal hacks February of this year after anti-Trump text messages surfaced.


‘Viva Le Resistance,’ said the unidentified Trump-hating (future) Mueller lawyer in a November 2016 text message.


Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller reported:


An FBI attorney who worked on the special counsel’s Russia investigation until earlier this year sent anti-Trump text messages to a colleague, including one exclaiming: “Viva le Resistance.”


The attorney’s comments are revealed in a Justice Department inspector general’s report released on Thursday.


The lawyer is not identified, but he worked on the Hillary Clinton email investigation and was the FBI’s lead attorney on the investigation into Russian election interference. He was assigned to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation soon after it began in May 2017 and left in late February of this year after some of his private messages were shared with the special counsel.


The unidentified FBI lawyer said he was “numb” just days after Trump was elected to the White House.


Apparently the FBI lawyer became galvanized in his effort to resist Trump, reported Chuck Ross:


“Is it making you rethink your commitment to the Trump administration?” one FBI lawyer wrote on Nov. 22, 2016.


“Hell no. Viva le resistance,” the future Mueller attorney responded.


According to the report, this Trump-hating FBI lawyer claimed in an interview with the Office of Inspector General he didn’t let his political feelings or beliefs impact his work on Hillary’s email investigation or the Russia probe.




And Horowitz said there was no political bias at the FBI…


CNN: Strzok and Page Didn’t Attack Trump, HE Attacked Them!


Biggest takeaway from IG report: With all odds stacked against him by a crazed, frenzied mainstream/social media, Hollywood/Entertainment, Never Trumpers, backstabbers in his own party, an Obama-weaponized FBI, Trump was elected President


By Judi McLeod 

June 15, 2018

Canada Free Press


Deep State & White House


“We’ll stop it.”  Three now infamous little words that can never be walked back and ones that prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that the media of the day and a rogue Obama-weaponized FBI were on the same choir page during the 2016 presidential election campaign.


How the mighty are falling like dominoes before the very eyes of the masses—in spite of intense media backup.  The same masses that Hillary Rodham Clinton called “deplorables”  and that some unidentified FBI yob described as “mostly poor and middleclass”  members of society who voted Donald Trump.


“All the people who were initially voting for her would not, and were not, swayed by any decision the FBI put out,” the employee wrote. “Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS (sic) that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. They probably didn’t watch the debates, aren’t fully educated on his policies, and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm.” (Fox News, June 14. 2018)


All Obama’s voters were ever after, Mr. Yob, were kitchens, welfare for life and Obama phones.


“Despite Strzok’s extremely inappropriate texting — it’s wildly improper for someone in his position to express animus or favoritism toward a particular candidate — the inspector general found no evidence that Strzok acted on his text to Page.” (CNN, JUNE 14, 2018.)


No acting on his text other than turning the political world upside down, inside out and on its head.


VIDEO – Mark Levin: Not a single pro-Trump FBI agent in IG report


[Posted by Fox News

Published on Jun 14, 2018]


The biggest three little words, which came in August 2016 from disgraced FBI agent, Peter Strzok, once deputy head of counterintelligence at the FBI, working on both the Trump-Russia probe and the ‘investigation’ into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, were referenced in yesterday’s massively toned down, 500-page IG report, but the biggest laugh comes a day later from Fake News Grand Central CNN:


“The massive report from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz makes clear that while several FBI officials broke with bureau protocol in their handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server during the 2016 campaign, they were not motivated by political bias against Donald Trump.” (CNN)


ONLY “several FBI officials “broke with bureau protocol” in their handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.  And they “WERE NOT” motivated by political bias against Donald Trump.”


Take THAT, President Trump, you paranoid, “not-MY-president, you!

The biggest reaction to the questionable IG report didn’t come from the public, media-teased for weeks before its final inelegant release—but from the media—shown as working for the same goals as Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page.


Unforgettable LOLs for today’s CNN headline: ‘How 7 words in the 500-page IG report give Donald Trump all the ‘deep state’ ammo he wanted’.


Trump had his Deep State ammo from the get-go.  Video proof exists in the hysterics, wailing and weeping of the networks’ talking heads in the wee hours of Nov. 9, 2016.


In their unprofessional, desperate lovers’ texts, Strzok and Page were only putting into words the collective fervent wishes of the mainstream and social media.


Evidence of the ill will the pair bore for Donald Trump:


PAGE: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”
STRZOK: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”


“Even before the release of these new text messages between Page and Strzok, who were having an extramarital affair during the campaign, Trump has focused on the duo as aligned against him. (CNN)


“SPYGATE is in full force! Is the Mainstream Media interested yet? Big stuff!” (There’s no evidence that Strzok, Page or the broader FBI were spying on Trump’s campaign.)


No, they were only trying to dump it.


And this is richest of all: “Trump has attacked the two since, at least last December, when emails and text between Strzok and Page were released, showing that both were skeptical of Trump. (Strzok was dismissed from the special counsel probe being run by Robert Mueller in summer 2017.)


This meme advances the outrageous lie that Trump was “attacking” Strzok and Page, rather than them attacking him.


Nor was Strzok merely dismissed from the special counsel being run by Robert Mueller in the summer of 2017, he was demoted and will some day be handsomely pensioned off.


Page left the scene returning to the same kind of obscurity she had before becoming FBI agent Strzok’s mistress.


The media will be falling over backwards to keep the masses from thinking about the report’s real biggest takeaway:


The biggest takeaway from the IG report is this: With all odds stacked against him by a crazed and frenzied mainstream/social media, Hollywood/Entertainment Industry, Never Trumpers, backstabbers in his own party and an Obama-weaponized FBI, etc., etc., etc, Donald Trump was handily elected as President of the United States.


Strassel: ‘Don’t believe anyone who tells you Horowitz didn’t find bias. I can still hear the echoes of the howls…’


By Tom Tillison 

June 15, 2018

BizPac Review


Wall Street Journal opinion columnist Kimberley Strassel took to Twitter to say what many Americans are thinking about Thursday’s release of the Department of Justice inspector general’s report, that something’s amiss because what’s in the report does not match the summary of the report.


In a series of tweets, Strassel began by noting the careful play on words by inspector general Michael Horowitz when he stressed that they “did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed.”


“Don’t believe anyone who claims Horowitz didn’t find bias,” she tweeted. “He very carefully says that he found no ‘documentary’ evidence that bias produced ‘specific investigatory decisions.”


Strassel notes that while no one actually put it in writing that they were politically motivated, Horowitz “in fact finds bias everywhere.”


And that “this same cast of characters who the IG has now found to have made a hash of the Clinton investigation” is now to be trusted working the Trump-Russia probe.


She also highlighted “stunning examples of incompetence,” such as former FBI director James Comey explaining that he didn’t grasp the importance of Anthony Weiner’s laptop because he wasn’t aware of Weiner being married to Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin.



And people dared to question President Donald Trump’s decision to fire Comey?


One thing is certain, the wording of the report allowed the anti-Trump media to run with headlines screaming that the IG report “found no political bias.”


But there’s a theory on what that was all about, as seen in a tweet from social media account The Last Refuge — that also happens to support the idea that the summary, “written post facto by administrators in FBI/DOJ leadership,” fails to correspond with what’s in the report.


“The ‘executive summary’ was written to protect the institutions and that’s where the media are getting ALL of their headlines,” the tweet reads. “However, the internal body, the investigative report inside, is entirely contradictory to the summary. The facts are DEVASTATING.”


Others commented, saying that Horowitz “pulled his punch just like Comey did with Hillary [Clinton].”


“I see some really damning stuff in this IG report,” tweeted social media user Brian Wilson. “But I’ll just go ahead and say it: The IG pulled his punch just like Comey did with Hillary. I’m stunned by the gathered evidence of bias … and shocked the IG doesn’t think the bias impacted the investigation.”



The liberal media has been quick to dismiss the IG’s findings, but as former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino noted, the report is “devastating.”


“The IG report is only a ‘nothing-burger’ to people who know nothing about the case. It’s a devastating report which will damage Obama, Comey, Hillary, Page, Strzok, and more. Read it and you’ll clearly see the troubling pieces of it,” he tweeted.


No Overall Bias?

OIG Pulls a Comey in Horowitz Report


John R. Houk

© June 15, 2018


HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Another Lawyer Was Removed From Mueller’s Team This February Over Anti-Trump Text Messages


© 2018 The Gateway Pundit – All Rights Reserved.


CNN: Strzok and Page Didn’t Attack Trump, HE Attacked Them!


Content is Copyright 1997-2018 the individual authors. Site Copyright 1997-2018 Canada Free Press.Com 


Strassel: ‘Don’t believe anyone who tells you Horowitz didn’t find bias. I can still hear the echoes of the howls…’


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8 Times Obama’s Intelligence Agencies Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

Now here is a collusion list that is sure to inspire massive lying deflection with such beginning phrases as “But Trump did …


Have you noticed that NOT one scintilla of corroborated evidence has been produced to suggest that President Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016? My God! It’s 2018 and the Dems pulling all the stops and lies to remove the President from Office.


AND YET, there is a huge (or YUGE) amount of public information of not only collusion but also corruption within the Obama/Crooked Hillary camp to steal the 2016 election or (in the blessed event that won Trump won) impeach the President.


Willis L. Krumholz writing for The Federalist illustrates a clear picture of actions that should lead to criminal prosecution.


JRH 6/6/18

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8 Times Obama’s Intelligence Agencies Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story

These events should anger any red-blooded American who believes in representative democracy and the importance of the rule of law.


Daily Briefing – Obama & Clapper


By Willis L. Krumholz

JUNE 6, 2018

The Federalist


The intelligence bureaucracies spied on the Donald Trump campaign: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants were granted because of a Hillary Clinton-funded and unverified document, national-security letters were issued to allow warrantless spying, and the unprecedented but not-illegal-per-se unmasking of Trump officials’ conversations with non-U.S. persons was shockingly routine.


Yet the news of a CIA-connected human source operating as far back as April or May of 2016 is about more than just spying. It is the latest example in what now looks to be a long line of attempted setups by the Clinton team, many times aided and abetted by our intelligence bureaucracies.


These events should anger any red blooded American who believes in representative democracy and the importance of the rule of law. Let’s review eight examples.


  1. CIA And FBI ‘Human Intelligence’


We’ve just learned about Stefan Halper, a CIA-connected Cambridge professor who — working for the FBI — contacted Trump advisers Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Sam Clovis during the 2016 election, to investigate what they might know about suspicions of collusion with Russia. Former Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo has claimed that he was approached by an unknown second U.S. intelligence community asset in early May of 2016.


The FBI says that the Russia investigation began in July, because of something Papadopoulos said to an Australian diplomat in May. Papadopoulos had supposedly told the Australian diplomat something about Russia having information that “could be damaging” to Clinton. Papadopoulos allegedly heard this from Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese-born professor who allegedly claimed to have close ties with Russia.


Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team charged Papadopoulos — unconvincingly — with lying to investigators, because Papadopoulos said his contacts with Mifsud began before he was on the Trump campaign. Actually, the contacts started after he “learned he would be a foreign policy advisor for the campaign,” but before the campaign made a public announcement that he was to be an advisor.


Mifsud is strangely now in hiding, possibly fearing for his life. Lee Smith details Mifsud’s ties to Western intelligence agencies, and Margot Cleveland suspects Mifsud may have been a U.S. intelligence plant along with Halper.


  1. The Trump Tower Meeting


Whenever Democrats or David French types talk about Trump and Russia collusion they look to the Trump Tower meeting as definitive proof. There are several problems with that. First, no presidential campaign in American history would pass up the chance of hearing evidence of crimes being committed by their opponent, no matter the source. In fact, some would say you’re doing the country a favor if you let everyone know that your opponent is subject to blackmail from a not-so-friendly foreign power (just don’t have your son and son-in-law sit in on the meeting).


More problematic is that Glenn Simpson — head of Fusion GPS, the firm being paid by the Clinton campaign and the DNC to prove (or create) ties between Trump and Russia — met with the two Russians who attended the Trump Tower meeting both before and after the meeting. Simpson’s excuse for doing so? Because he was working with the two Russians on a different issue, the repeal of the anti-Kremlin Magnitsky Act.


In other words, at the very least, the firm that created the dossier for Clinton and the DNC — using Russian intelligence sources — was the same firm that was working with the Kremlin to repeal a law passed by Congress because Putin’s thugs beat an innocent man to death in Russian prison. At most, this was yet another setup.


  1. Mike Flynn And The Logan Act


During the 2016 campaign, Democrats howled about the need to prosecute Trump campaign officials under an obscure 1799 law called the Logan Act. Byron York has documented that this was the pretext Obama-appointed former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates used to unmask former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s side of highly-appropriate phone conversations with the Russian ambassador that occurred during the transition period, and then send FBI agents to interview Flynn about those conversations.


Although the FBI has tried to cover this up, we now know that the agents who interviewed Flynn — including the disgraced and hugely anti-Trump Peter Strzok — didn’t believe that Flynn had lied. Nevertheless, Mueller’s team charged Flynn with lying to the FBI. After Mueller’s charge had nearly bankrupted Flynn, and after Mueller threatened to go after Flynn’s son, Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI.


  1. Andrew McCabe Sets Up Reince Priebus


After an intelligence briefing at the White House in early 2017, former FBI number two Andrew McCabe asked to meet privately with former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. A story had just dropped — anonymously sourced from multiple intelligence community officials — that Trump aides had multiple contacts with Russian intelligence during the election.


McCabe wanted to tell Priebus that the FBI didn’t think the story was true. Of course, Priebus asked McCabe if the FBI could publicly say just that. McCabe said he would have to check. But former FBI Director James Comey called Priebus to say that the FBI couldn’t publicly shoot down the story.


Days later, the “breaking news” on CNN was that the White House had tried to pressure the FBI into batting down the reports on supposed ties between Trump and Russia. So not only was the White House supposedly colluding, now there were allegations of obstruction of justice.


  1. Brennan Shops Dossier To Harry Reid


Former CIA Director John Brennan, who may have been the U.S. intelligence official to first push an investigation into the Trump campaign, briefed then-Sen. Harry Reid on the Clinton-funded dossier in August 2016.


The briefing did two things: First, it lent some legitimacy to the dossier, and second, it got Reid to pressure the FBI to not drop the investigation. The briefing had the added bonus of allowing Reid to speak publicly about Trump’s ties to Russia, as if he had just gained access to groundbreaking proof of collusion, which was of course covered by the media.


  1. Comey And Clapper Give CNN A Reason To Publish The Dossier


Comey, at the behest of former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, briefed Trump on one of the allegations in the dossier, but not on the main allegation in the dossier, who had funded the dossier, or how that dossier was being used by the FBI. Nevertheless, this briefing looks like one more setup, meant to allow CNN to report on the existence of the dossier as if it were highly verified and being seriously examined by U.S. intelligence community officials.


Clapper then leaked information about the dossier and the briefings to CNN, and later looks to have lied about those leaks to Congress. Amazingly, Clapper has previously lied to Congress. Clapper now works for CNN.


  1. The Jeff Sessions Recusal


Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation after anonymous intelligence community leaks about his contacts with Russians. Specifically, Sessions — as a senator — met with former Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak in his D.C. office. In another meeting, Sessions gave a speech and a gaggle of diplomats — including Kislyak — talked with him for several minutes as he was coming off the stage.


The idea behind the unnecessary recusal was that somehow Sessions had misrepresented these contacts to former Sen. Al Franken. Actually, Franken — referring to one of many CNN stories sourced by anonymous officials about supposed Trump and Russia collusion — had clearly asked about whether Sessions had colluded with any Russians during the campaign, not whether Sessions had ever met any Russians.


  1. Rosenstein Recommends Comey Firing, Appoints Special Counsel


But with Jeff Sessions out of the way, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein became the acting attorney general for all things Russia-investigation-related. Rosenstein then recommended Comey’s firing, and then — overseeing the investigation that stemmed from that firing — appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel. Mueller, a former FBI Director, happened to be a close associate of Comey and Rosenstein, and would surely want to protect the interests of the FBI and the Justice Department.


Taken together, these setups indicate a massive effort to aid the Clinton campaign before the election.


After all, the entire theory of Trump-Russia collusion originated with the Clinton campaign in the lead-up to the Democrat National Convention, when it became clear that the DNC had experienced a document theft. That document theft was highly embarrassing to Clinton and the DNC, as it revealed that the DNC had been systematically stacking the deck against Bernie Sanders. The immediate goal, then, was to both distract from the mistreatment of Bernie, and completely peel the GOP national security establishment away from Trump. The Clinton campaign was successful in both of these efforts.


Later, during the general election, whenever Hillary’s misdeeds came up, Clinton responded by pointing to Trump’s nefarious ties with Russia. Distasteful as it may seem, this was Machiavellian politics 101. Any focus group of voters would have told the Clinton people that Hillary was the steady hand, but that they had ethical concerns about her, and also sought a change from the status quo. The way to counteract this reluctance was to paint Hillary’s opponent as ethically challenged, too, and paint his alternative to the status quo as downright dangerous. (You might say that Trump was an easy target here, but look what the Obama-campaign did to Romney.)


Dirty tricks are of course not new to American politics. But the apparent involvement of the U.S. intelligence community in these setups is deeply troubling. Democrats, intelligence bureaucrats, and the media have told us that the investigation started with Page. When that fell apart, they said the investigation started with Papadopoulos. Now, the Papadopoulos origination story is falling apart too.


It now looks like the corrupt and highly partisan upper-echelon of the U.S. intelligence community started their preliminary investigation as soon as the Clinton people — in the run-up to the Democratic convention — began claiming that there were ties between Trump and Russia. During this same time, Clinton and the DNC paid Fusion GPS, which hired Chris Steele to dig up ties between Trump and Russia.


This is nothing more than prosecutorial point and shoot, where corrupt big-government politicians send the corrupt and sympathetic federal bureaucracy after their political enemies. It’s no different than what happened with Lois Lerner at the Internal Revenue Service. Democrats gave speeches and sent official letters, Obama implied he wanted action, and dutiful bureaucrats did the rest.


With the intelligence agencies on board, legitimacy was lent to the Hillary Clinton campaign’s wild claims. All the media had to do in the weeks before Election Day was to frantically report that Trump’s campaign was being investigated, and that a document containing allegations of Trump-Russia ties (the “dossier”) was being seriously looked into by intelligence officials. That fed back to the voters, and certainly made many feel a little bit better about voting for Clinton, or not voting for Trump.


After the election, it has been all about C.Y.A., because these corrupt bureaucrats leading these intelligence bureaucracies never imagined Trump would win. Here, ladies and gentleman, is your real election interference and collusion: between the massive, all-powerful and unaccountable intelligence bureaucracies, the media, the Obama administration, and the Clinton campaign.


Willis L. Krumholz is a fellow at Defense Priorities. He holds a JD and MBA degree from the University of St. Thomas, and works in the financial services industry. The views expressed are those of the author only. You can follow Willis on Twitter @WillKrumholz.


Copyright © 2018 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved.


Tinker, Tailor, Clapper, Carter, Downer, Halper, Spy

In this Jewish World Review post, Mark Steyn relates the obvious to readers: There was indeed interference in the 2016 election cycle, BUT it was not Donald Trump colluding with Russians. Rather it was the Dems and their Deep State comrades in the Obama Administration pulling out ALL efforts to make Trump was not elected. OR if elected, to undermine President Trump so malignantly, he’d get impeached or resign.


JRH 5/28/18

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Tinker, Tailor, Clapper, Carter, Downer, Halper, Spy


By Mark Steyn

May 28,2018

Jerusalem World Review


Facts – Myths


As I think most persons paying attention now realize, the investigation into foreign interference with the 2016 election was created as a cover for domestic interference with the 2016 election.


It was run at the highest (or deepest) Deep State levels by the likes of James Clapper and John Brennan, whose frantic and hysterical Tweets are like no utterances of any CIA director in history. That also explains one of the puzzling aspects of the last year that I’ve occasionally mentioned here and on TV and radio: If you were truly interested in an “independent” Special Counsel, why would you appoint Robert Mueller? He’s a lifetime insider and the most connected man in Washington – a longtime FBI Director, and Assistant Attorney-General and acting Deputy Attorney-General at the Department of Justice.


Exactly. His most obvious defect as an “independent” counsel is, in fact, his principal value to the likes of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein: He knows, personally, almost every one in the tight little coterie of discredited upper-echelon officials, and he has a deep institutional loyalty to bodies whose contemporary character he helped create. In other words, he’s the perfect guy to protect those institutions. As for the nominal subject of his investigation, well, he’s indicted a bunch of no-name Russian internet trolls who’ll never set foot in a US courthouse. That’s not even worth the cost of printing the complaint. Rush Limbaugh has been kind enough to quote, several times, my line that “there are no Russians in the Russia investigation”. Which is true. Yet that doesn’t mean there aren’t foreigners. And an inordinate number of them are British subjects – or, to use today’s preferred term, “Commonwealth citizens”. All the action in this case takes place not in Moscow but in southern England.


Let’s start at Cambridge University with a two-day conference called “2016’s Race to Change the World“, held on July 11th and 12th 2016 – or three weeks before the FBI supposedly began its “counterintelligence” operation against Trump, codenamed “Crossfire Hurricane”. That’s from the first line of the Rolling Stones’ “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”. The song and its key signature figure in the plot of a ho-hum Cold War thriller of the same name, about a British spy trying to get info from the Russians to an [sic] heroic American woman.


Yes, really. Jonathan Pryce played “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” , and I asked him about it when I moderated a panel on acting at St Catherine’s College, Oxford with him and Patti Lupone a few years later.


If you think that’s a weird event for an Oxbridge college to host, it’s as nothing to this “Race to Change the World” beano. I do my share of international junketing, but the bill of fare for this curious symposium is so bland as to be almost generic – panels titled “Europe and America”, “2016 and the World”, “Global Challenges Facing the Next President”. Compared to the laser-like focus of a typical Cambridge confab (“A Westphalia for the Middle East?“), it’s almost as if someone were trying to create an event so anodyne and torpid no one would notice it. All that distinguished these colorless presentations was the undoubted eminence of the speakers: former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright; former UK Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind; and Sir Richard Dearlove, former C (that’s M, for 007 fans) at MI6. The conference appears to have been put together at a couple of weeks’ notice by Steven Schrage, former “Co-Chair of the G8’s Anti-Crime and Terrorism Group” and a well-connected man on the counterterrorism cocktail circuit: Here he is introducing Mitt Romney to the director of the CIA’s Counterterrorist Center, and here he is spending election night in the UK at a party with Scotland Yard elite counterterrorist types. Make of that what you will – it’s a somewhat odd background for the convenor of an insipid, vanilla, cookie-cutter foreign-policy seminar – but among the small number of strangely prestigious attendees at Mr Schrage’s conference were:


~Carter Page, a petroleum-industry executive and Trump campaign volunteer;


~Christopher Steele, the former head of the Russia house at MI6;


~Stefan Halper, a University of Cambridge professor with dual UK/US citizenship.


Today, Mr Page is better known as the endlessly surveilled “person of interest” whose eternally renewable FISA warrant was the FBI’s gateway into the Trump campaign; Mr Steele is a sometime FBI asset who, a week before the Cambridge conference, had approached the G-men with the now famous “dossier” that provided the pretext for the FISA application; and Professor Halper turns out to be not some tweedy academic but a man with deep connections to MI6 and the CIA, on the payroll of something at the Pentagon called the “Office of Net Assessment”, and (one of) the supposed FBI informant(s) inside the Trump circle.


Carter Page says that in the course of this two-day conference he met Professor Halper for the first time. But I was struck by this aside Mr Page made to Sara Carter:


Madeliene [sic] Albright was always trying to get me to go into public debates. I told her I was there just as a listener, just as an attendee.


Hmm. If you’ll forgive another Patti Lupone-type digression, many years ago our mutual pal Ned Sherrin decided to launch, just for a laugh, a rumor that me and Carol Thatcher (Mrs T’s daughter) were having an affair. Ned told somebody, and somebody told somebody else, and about eight months later it turned up as an item in Nigel Dempster’s highly authoritative Daily Mail gossip column, along with a rather goofy picture of me and Carol at a David Frost shindig at the Grosvenor House in Park Lane. And Ned was stunned – because he assumed the Daily Mail story was true. Because, by the time it circled back to him, he’d clean forgotten he’d started the whole business.


Oddly enough, that’s exactly how James Comey and Andrew McCabe and John Brennan work. At the FISA court, the FBI, to bolster their reliance on the Steele dossier, pointed to newspaper stories appearing to corroborate aspects of it – even though, as he subsequently testified under oath at the Old Bailey, those stories were in fact fed to those reporters by Steele himself. Nevertheless, it works like a charm on gullible FISA judges. You take one thing and you make it two things. Or even better, you take nothing and you make it a thing: Here, from yesterday’s letter by Senator Ron Johnson, are McCabe, Sally Yates and other FBI/DOJ honchos arranging for Comey to brief Trump on the Steele dossier for the sole purpose of giving CNN a news peg for leaking details about what’s in it.


It’s almost as if that’s what Madeleine Albright is doing here, isn’t it? It’s one thing to invite Carter Page to show up at some tedious yakfest at Cambridge with Halper sitting in front of him and Chris Steele sitting behind. But what if you could get Page to stand up and say something? Then you could find a friendly journo to report it and, instead of just a nobody on the fringes of the campaign, you’d have a “senior Trump advisor” sharing his thoughts on the global scene with Madam Albright and Sir Richard and Sir Malcolm and all the other bigshots, and then you could use that story three weeks later at the FISA court, to demonstrate how deep into the heart of the campaign the Russkies had penetrated.


Instead, Professor Halper has to make do with chit-chatting to Mr Page over the tea and biscuits, and planting the seeds for a friendly relationship.


Herewith a note on the academic circuit: emeritus professors and visiting fellows are popular covers with espionage agencies because there’s minimal work and extensive foreign travel, to international talking shops like the one above. If you make the mistake of being a multinational businessman and go to foreign countries to meet with other businessmen, you’ll be investigated up the wazoo. But, if you’re a professor and you go to foreign countries to meet with other professors, the world is your oyster. You also get to meet young people, who are the easiest to recruit.


Here’s another professor, and from another Commonwealth country: Malta. Joseph Mifsud is (was) a professorial fellow at the University of Stirling in Scotland, but is (was) based in London as a principal of the “London Centre of International Law Practice” and a director of the “London Academy of Diplomacy”, both of which sound fancy-schmancy but are essentially hollow entities operating from the same premises – 8, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, a tony address (next to the London School of Economics and the Royal College of Surgeons) but the “London Centre/Academy’s” fifth in three years and at which they and a handful of other endeavors are holed up in a minimally furnished back room filled by four interns round a trestle table on fifty quid a week.


Professor Mifsud also has (had) similarly undemanding academic sinecures at the “Euro-Mediterranean University” in Slovenia and “Link Campus University” in Italy. At the beginning of March 2016, a young man called George Papadopoulos joined the Trump campaign. On March 14th, traveling through Italy, he met with Professor Mifsud. They got together again in Britain, and at some point Papadopoulos became head of the “London Centre of International Law Practice’s” soi-disant “Centre for International Energy and Natural Resources Law & Security”, a post for which he had no obvious qualifications. Happily, like most other jobs at the “London Centre”, it didn’t require work, or showing up at the “London Centre” or even being in London.


Mifsud is said to have ties to high-ranking figures in Moscow, but there seems to be more prima facie evidence of ties to high-ranking figures in London. That’s Professor Mifsud above with my old friend Boris Johnson, Britain’s Foreign Secretary, at some Brexit event last October 19th. On October 31st Joseph Mifsud disappeared and has not been seen since. I know how he feels: The same thing happened to me twelve days after I lunched with Boris at The Spectator in early 2006. Is (was) Mifsud an FSB asset? An MI6 asset? Both? Neither? Well, there’s more circumstantial evidence of Mifsud’s ties to British intelligence, including multiple meetings with, inter alia, Claire Smith of the UK’s Joint Intelligence Committee.


At any rate, back in London on April 26th 2016, Professor Mifsud told young Papadopoulos that the Russians have all this “dirt” on Hillary, “thousands of emails”. A couple of days later, a friend of George’s at the Israeli Embassy, Christian Cantor, introduced him to Erika Thompson, who worked for Alexander Downer, Canberra’s High Commissioner in the UK, at Australia House. On May 4th, Papadopoulos was quoted in The Times of London denouncing David Cameron for calling Trump “divisive, stupid and wrong“. On May 6th, Ms Thompson called Papadopoulos to say that Mr Downer wanted to meet him. On May 10th they met for drinks at the Kensington Wine Rooms. Young George claims that the High Commissioner told him to “leave David Cameron alone”. Which doesn’t sound quite right to me.


As longtime readers may recall, I have drunk with Alexander Downer and that is not something to be undertaken lightly. Somewhere in the course of the evening a pretty squiffy Papadopoulos lifted his head up from the bowl of cocktail olives and started blabbing about Russian “dirt” on Hillary.


Another digression: Mr Downer was Australia’s longest serving foreign minister and, as I used to say in those days, “my favorite foreign minister”. Since then, he has spent many years on the “advisory board” of Hakluyt, a curiously named body set up by former MI6 chaps. I’m not saying he spends his nights rappelling down the walls of presidential palaces (although I would be tickled to be proved wrong), but I don’t think I’m betraying any confidences when I say that, after tea with Alexander in Adelaide a couple of years back, whence he had just returned from some meeting with some group or other in Lisbon, I remember musing about that select circle of people who can jet around the world in the expectation that doors will open for them and some useful tidbit will drop into their laps. As for Hakluyt, its website is here: I do believe it’s the coolest thing I’ve seen since (another long me-‘n’-Carol-type story) I was given Marlon Brando’s business card, which had the words “Marlon” and “Brando” on it and nothing else.


At any rate Mr Downer relayed the information about young George to Aussie Intelligence back home. Canberra sat on the info for two months and then passed it along to the Yanks in late July, just in time for that FISA application.


And so, as July turned to August, Peter Strzok bade farewell to his “paramour” Lisa Page and flew to London for a sit-down with the High Commissioner at Australia House. When Strzok reported back to Washington, the FBI sicced the omnipresent “professor” Stefan Halper on George Papadopoulos. So the Trump aide woke up one August morning to an email from a Cambridge academic he’d never heard of, inviting him on an all-expenses-paid trip back to Britain to give a speech for $3,000. Once in London, Halper casually inquired of his new friend, “George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia, right?”


Right. As Rush put it, the day before I guest-hosted last week:


He was a nothing. He was a nobody, which made him a perfect mark. He was a young guy who wanted to go places… He actually put on his résumé that he had participated in Model UN in high school.


Just so: Papadopoulos was the perfect mark. And the easiest way to reel him in is to get him off his home turf. In your own neighborhood, you have your routine – your usual bars, favorite restaurants; you notice if something’s off. But, flown to London, you have no routine, no old haunts. You go where you’re invited, you’re introduced to important people – like “High Commissioners”, woshever the hell thash ish, hic – [Blog Editor: As an American I think Steyn is expressing a drunken form of “whoever the hell they is, hiccup] and you want them to think you’re important, too, so you reveal that you know all about the Russian “dirt” on Hillary.


So you got that from the Russians, right? Er, no. I got it from a Maltese guy in Italy who’s a Scottish professor and plugged in to MI6, and then I told it to an Australian bloke in London who’s also plugged in to MI6 and told me to lay off David Cameron, and then an American guy in Cambridge who’s plugged in to MI6 reminded me about it to see if I’d deny all knowledge of it, which would be suspicious, wouldn’t it..?


As I said, and as Rush likes to quote, there are no Russians in the Russia investigation. But, like that rumor about me and Carol Thatcher, you just put these things out there and a few months later they come back to you, via Canberra and the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing program and suddenly it’s “independently” “corroborated” “evidence” from a respected ally and you can take it to a FISA judge.


There were two investigations into presidential candidates during the 2016 election. But, as Andrew McCarthy reminds us, these two investigations were not the same. The Clinton “matter” was a criminal investigation – because there was credible evidence that Hillary had committed criminal acts. The FBI had no such clear-cut goods on Trump. So they had to find something else:


The scandal is that the FBI, lacking the incriminating evidence needed to justify opening a criminal investigation of the Trump campaign, decided to open a counterintelligence investigation. With the blessing of the Obama White House, they took the powers that enable our government to spy on foreign adversaries and used them to spy on Americans — Americans who just happened to be their political adversaries.


And the advantage of a “counterintelligence investigation”, unlike a criminal investigation, is that everything in it is “classified”. So that even an obvious set-up at a Cambridge confab or Kensington wine bar is “intelligence” that has to be “protected” for “national security” reasons. It’s a brazen, audacious scheme, and unlikely to have been loosed without the approval, however discreetly stated, of the then President. Occam’s Razor suggests that the man running the operation was the CIA’s John Brennan through the “inter-agency taskforce” that met at Langley. But Brennan isn’t that reckless: Go back to Madeleine Albright urging Carter Page to speak up at a Cambridge conference; Christopher Steele leaking parts of his dossier to the newspapers; a staffer at Australia House inviting George Papadopoulos for a drink… The best way to turn nothing into something is to plant it somewhere far away and wait for it to work its way back to you:


Britain’s spy agencies played a crucial role in alerting their counterparts in Washington to contacts between members of Donald Trump’s campaign team and Russian intelligence operatives, the Guardian has been told.


Golly, you don’t say! I wonder who “told” The Guardian that. A conference here, a speech there, a cocktail round the corner, and pretty soon you have the simulacrum of “counterintelligence” concerns from America’s closest allies:


According to one account, GCHQ’s then head, Robert Hannigan, passed material in summer 2016 to the CIA chief, John Brennan. The matter was deemed so sensitive it was handled at “director level”. After an initially slow start, Brennan used GCHQ information and intelligence from other partners to launch a major inter-agency investigation.


Er, wait a minute. If it’s “so sensitive” it’s being handled “director-to-director”, why isn’t the head of GCHQ meeting with his opposite number at NSA? Why’s he meeting with Brennan?


Hey, don’t get hung up on details. It all went brilliantly – except for one tiny detail: Hillary managed to do the impossible and lose. On January 23rd 2017, three days after Trump’s inauguration, GCHQ at Cheltenham Tweeted the sad fate of Mr So Sensitive:


We’re sorry to announce that Robert Hannigan, our Director since 2014, has decided to step down as head of GCHQ.


Oh, dear. Well, enjoy your sudden retirement, old boy. Unfortunately, for Brennan and Comey and McCabe and Strzok and the others on this side of the Atlantic in the third week of January, it wasn’t quite that simple. Because, instead of protecting Hillary, they were now protecting themselves – so it was necessary to dig in and double-down on the “Russia investigation”.


Which sounds super-credible except for one small point: there was never a Russia investigation. As Andrew McCarthy sums it up:


Opening up a counterintelligence investigation against Russia is not the same thing as opening up a counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign.


Which is what they did – Brennan and Clapper and Comey and McCabe. They took tools designed to combat America’s foreign enemies and used them against their own citizens and their political opposition. It was an intentional subversion of the electoral process conducted at the highest level by agencies with almost unlimited power. And, if they get away with it, they will do it again, and again and again. That’s what Brennan’s telling us on Twitter, and Clapper on “The View”:


Yeah? So what? Whatcha gonna do about it?


Good question.


Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human rights activist. His latest book is “The Undocumented Mark Steyn: Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned“. (Buy it at a 57% discount by clicking here or order in KINDLE edition at a 41% discount by clicking hereSales help fund JWR)


© 2018 Mark Steyn Enterprises (US) Inc.


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Congress. Republicans Send Criminal Referrals for Hillary, Comey, Lynch & McCabe

Intro to Kaylee McGhee Post on ‘… Criminal Referrals for Hillary, Comey, Lynch & McCabe’


Intro by John R. Houk, Editor

Posted 4/19/18


These Congressmen sent a letter of Criminal Referral to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, FBI Director Christopher Wray and the District Attorney General John Huber (assigned by Sessions to work in tandem with Inspector General Michael Horowitz) investigating DOJ/FBI wrongdoing:













Above are the signers. Below is a screenshot of the PDF Letter that has been cropped and edited down to the point of the villains the Congressman in the Letter:

Cropped Screenshot Photo of villains James Comey, Crooked Hillary, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and unnamed DOJ and FBI personnel connected to compiling documents pertaining to false accusations of Trump/Russia election collusion. (Open photo into another window to download and enlarge Paint for larger view)


JRH 4/19/18

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Congress. Republicans Send Criminal Referrals for Hillary, Comey, Lynch & McCabe


By Kaylee McGhee 

April 19, 2018

Liberty Headlines


“Because we believe that those in positions of high authority should be treated the same as every other American…”


(Kaylee McGhee, Liberty Headlines) Several lawmakers are asking Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate former Obama officials, including former FBI Director James Comey, for alleged violations of federal statutes.




Posted by Illuminating Videos

Published on Apr 18, 2018


Interview with Representative / Congressman on the House Judiciary Committee Ron DeSantis by Brian Kilmeade on the Fox News Fox and Friends program Wednesday April 18 2018 4/18/2018. [*** There is more interesting content in the description I will post after the McGhee cross post.]


Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., along with 10 other congressmen, sent a letter to Sessions, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and U.S. Attorney John Huber, saying there is evidence that Obama-era officials partook in corruption and even treason.


“The investigations into the Hillary Clinton and the Presidential campaign revealed egregious levels of misconduct and mishandling of sensitive information,” Gosar said in a statement.


Comey’s deliberate refusal to investigate Clinton’s misuse of a personal email system “suggests improper investigative conduct, potentially motivated by a political agenda,” Gosar said in the letter.


Comey’s recently published memoir, “A Higher Loyalty,” is also considered “questionable conduct” because of its detailed alleged conversations with President Trump, even confidential ones.


According to Gosar, this suggests Comey was responsible for sensitive leaks to the media, since he had already admitted to asking “a friend to share the content with the reporter.”


Such behavior is treasonous, the legislators said.


The lawmakers also want Hillary Clinton investigated, specifically her former presidential campaign’s connection to the Washington firm Fusion GPS, which led research into potential collusion between Russia and Trump, ultimately leading to the controversial Steele dossier.


Clinton disguised payments to Fusion GPS, violating the Federal Election Commission’s statutes.


The Steele dossier eventually led to an investigation into alleged collusion between Trump and Russia, which Gosar says is unfounded since the dossier was based on “false and unverified” information and funded by illegal means.


“The actions of these government officials outlined in our letter point to evidence of corruption and possible treason. It’s time these unelected bureaucrats stop hiding behind their titles and start being held to the same standards as every other American.”

Peter Strzok & Lisa Page/PHOTOS: Justice Dept. & Ohio State U.


Gosar said he wants everyone connected to the Steele dossier investigated, including FBI Agent Peter Strzok and FBI Counsel Lisa Page, who frequently had conversations via text about how they could undermine Trump’s presidential campaign and secure a Clinton win.


Strzok and Page also allegedly assisted Clinton in hiding her misuse of her personal email server, in which it’s believed she compromised confidential communications.


The Wall Street Journal reported in January that, “the latest texts show the FBI also eliminated evidence that Mrs. Clinton compromised high-level communications.”


“Because we believe that those in positions of high authority should be treated the same as every other American, we want to be sure that these potential violations of law are vetted properly,” the Congress members’ letter stated.



*** Interesting text from the above Youtube video description section:


Congressman / Rep on the House Judiciary Committee Ron DeSantis said all of the following:


Remember, he (Former F.B.I. Director James Comey) testified to the Congress that he did not make any decision regarding Secretary Clinton until after she was interviewed. He was asked that specifically by one of my colleagues. And, yet the evidence that’s come out since then demonstrates that actually they made this determination months before not only interviewing Secretary Clinton but also interviewing a number of key witnesses. And, so the lack of candor with the Congress is something that needs to be investigated.


So, here’s the issue with Hillary Clinton: You notice, they (the Mueller Special Counsel) are supposedly going after (President Trump’s Attorney) Michael Cohen for an FEC (Federal Election Commission) violation because of this non-disclosure payment (to Stormy Daniels). Now, that’s not really a theory that’s been tried before…I mean, it seems a little odd to me…but if that is potentially an offense…Well, is it (Hillary Clinton and her campaign) camouflaging these payments? What they (Hillary Clinton and her campaign) did was they paid from the Clinton campaign to a law firm Perkins Coie and then Perkins Coie paid Fusion GPS Christopher Steel and that’s how the (phony Russian) Dossier was developed. So, they effectively disguised the fact that they were funding the Dossier. That’s not the way the Federal Election laws are supposed to work…You’re supposed to disclose your expenditures. So, if you (Mueller and his Special Counsel team) are going after (President Trump’s attorney) Cohen, why isn’t anybody also looking at how the Clintons handled this?


With regard to Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, we raise concerns regarding her decision to threaten with reprisal the former F.B.I. informant who tried to come forward in 2016 with insight into the Uranium One deal. He (the F.B.I. informant) testified in front of the Congress in the committees that he was threatened by Lynch’s Justice Department. We think that’s a serious issue and we think it deserves further investigation.


With regard to Former Acting Director of the F.B.I. Andrew McCabe, if they’re going to go after people like (Lieutenant General) Michael Flynn for a false statement to the F.B.I. on really a tangential fact that wasn’t material to any criminal offenses, but yet you have the deputy director (Andrew McCabe)…Remember, he initiated the investigation of Michael Flynn. You have the deputy director (Andrew McCabe) lying under oath…Is there going to be a similar case brought against him or do we have two different sets of rules for people?


With regard to top counterintelligence F.B.I. agent, Peter Strzok, and senior F.B.I. lawyer Lisa Page, if you look at those text messages, it raises a lot of alarming things, one of which is obstruction of a congressional investigation. He said, well we don’t want to provide all the 302s (summaries of interviews of subjects of an investigation), that’ll be explosive to Congress. So, they (Peter Strzok and Lisa Page) are going back and forth acknowledging that they’re not fully complying with Congress. So, we need to look at that and obviously a host of other issues that came out of these text messages.


Former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe DiGenova and former Chief Counsel of the Senate Intelligence Committee Victoria Toensing on Obama Administration BRAZEN PLOT at the following Illuminating Videos Internet sites…Well worth watching as the second video reveals how President Trump became aware that he was being spied on by the Obama Administration






Sara Carter, Jason Chaffetz and Gregg Jarrett on the Investigations on Hannity March 28 2018 HD 720p at the following Internet site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rsp8V6nn1ps


Interview with Former Assistant F.B.I. Director James Kallstrom on the Investigations at the following Internet site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI5QXTYI9wE


The Clinton Crime Family, the Mueller Crime Family and the Comey Crime Family at the following Internet site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j8MO8EdWvM


Other Informative Videos:
















The Criminal Referral Letter for Investigation is at the following Internet site: https://desantis.house.gov/_cache/files/8/0/8002ca75-52fc-4995-b87e-43584da268db/472EBC7D8F55C0F9E830D37CF96376A2.final-criminal-referral.pdf






Examine Fatouros Deep State Posts

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© April 16, 2018

I found two posts from  Dee Fatouros on her blog The Realistic Observer which were actually cross posts themselves. Typically, I shy away from cross posting Fatouros blogs because she promotes in many of the same circles that I run in. I gotta tell ya, the info on these posts are extremely relevant yet you will not hear the details on the Leftist Mainstream Media (MSM). If you hear or read it, the actual data will be twisted, informers vilified and/or issue downright lies exonerating the Deep State actors.


Here’s the thing, the data presented on the two posts are actually sourced from actual entities rather than the infamous “anonymous source”. The most relevant source being the Inspector General’s (IG) very recently released report examining probable criminality in the DOJ and FBI from Obamanites before and after the election of President Trump. This report centers on Andrew McCabe nefarious activities and is entitled, “A Report of Investigation of Certain Allegations Relating to Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe”. Here’s a link to a Fox News upload of the report to Scribd.


Fatouros’ cross posts are from (in order of date) DC Whispers and The Last Refuge. I’m using The Realistic Observer version in my cross post because that is how I discovered them.


The Last Refuge post links to a Youtube video that is recommended to go viral because of the important info therein. I liked the roughly 15-minute video so much that I am sharing the actual video on my blog. Mysteriously to me, the audio unceremoniously terminates as if there was more to be said roughly two-minutes before the end of the full length.

VIDEO: BOMBSHELL: McCabe OIG Report and Loretta Lynch 


Posted by Tracy Beanz

Published on Apr 15, 2018


Support me on Patreon (THANK YOU!!) http://patreon.com/tracybeanz Support me on Paypal: tracybeanz@aol.com

Follow me on twitter/gab/dtube/bitchute @tracybeanz




OIG REPORT: https://static01.nyt.com/files/2018/us/politics/20180413a-doj-oig-mccabe-report.pdf




Prince Interview: https://youtu.be/Xg1r3BAPVbo


Timeline: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11zG0hTTsrejbrTlWPubhmwsRJo6i_EZ29jwq282_uSo/edit#gid=0


Giuliani: http://video.foxnews.com/v/5185914034001/?#sp=show-clips




And now, the double cross post of The Realistic Observer.


JRH 4/16/18

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More malfeasance from the Barack, Hillary, Bill triad


Posted by  Dee Fatouros

April 15, 2018 6:38:00 AM 

The Realistic Observer

By DC Whispers

Rub a dub dub, three crooks in a tub


IG Report Outlines How Obama DOJ Worked To Shut Down Investigation Into Clinton Crime Syndicate 
Posted on April 14, 2018


Lost in the haze of the Syria bombing, the Establishment Media’s purposeful ignorance, and the ongoing ripples following the stunning FBI raid on the offices of President Trump’s longtime attorney, is the scathing outline by the Inspector General regarding how the Obama Department of Justice aggressively shut down what was to be a widespread investigation into the Clinton Foundation looking into allegations of widespread financial crimes.

Talk about obstruction of justice!

Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitten [sic] caught the Clinton Foundation information within the IG report and is doing his best to get the word out even as the Establishment Media covers the eyes and ears of the American public in order to keep that information largely unknown:



There were rank and file FBI agents said to be increasingly frustrated that their efforts to investigate the Clinton Crime Syndicate were being halted at every turn. This move to insulate the Clintons (and likely the Obama White House) from damage was overseen at the highest levels of the FBI and Obama DOJ. These same high-level Deep State figures are the very same ones who have been orchestrating the ongoing attacks against President Trump – attacks that likely continue to be orchestrated by the Obama/Jarett Machine with input from the Clintons. (Like what took place during the secret tarmac meeting between then Obama AG Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton. Top officials at the FBI refuse to hand over documents regarding that meeting due to their being “highly classified” even though both Lynch and Clinton claim they just talked about the weather and their grandkids.)

The Deep State continues to believe it controls the narrative. It’s up to all of you to prove them wrong.

Original Article:  DC Whispers


When the going gets tough, bad actors turn on each other


Posted by Dee Fatouros 

April 15, 2018 7:53:00 PM 

The Realistic Observer

Posted on April 15, 2018 by sundance 


Comey & McCabe-Left, Lynch-Center & Crooked Hillary & Obama-Right


There is no honor among thieves trying to cover their own posteriors. The following article contains many links and gives a very detailed inside view of the DOJ and FBI machinations prior to the 2016 election. 


Trail of James Comey’s Dirt on Loretta Lynch Discovered Within IG Report on Andrew McCabe…
Posted on April 15, 2018 by sundance [The Last Refuge]


A very interesting development is unfolding as a result of internet researcher TracyBeanz [Twitter HERE – YouTube HERE] and some insightful dot connecting by those following.

The outline begins via a relatively under-reported accusation about former Attorney General Loretta Lynch by former FBI Director James Comey in his upcoming book.

According to ABC News Comey writes in “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership,” that he became the public face of the investigation partly because of a mysterious development which he felt could cast “serious doubt” on Lynch’s independence.

“Had it become public, the unverified material would undoubtedly have been used by political opponents to cast serious doubt on the attorney general’s independence in connection with the Clinton investigation,” Comey writes, according to ABC. He calls the material a “development still unknown to the American public to this day.” (ABC Link)

It seems rather odd for James Comey to be making such an accusation against Loretta Lynch in the book. Why add that aspect? ..and why do so without expanding the details?

Well, keep in mind, that at the time the book was written, Mr. Comey had no idea exactly where the ongoing Inspector General investigation might lead; nor did he know the timing of release. Hence, the notation without expanded citation is likely explained.

However, with part of the OIG report released, within the Andrew McCabe background there’s a trail of evidence to the AG involvement James Comey was eluding toward.

On page six of the IG report (point number 4) we find a conference call between Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe and the FBI field office in New York where the subject of the Weiner/Abedin/Clinton laptop findings overlap with: the Clinton Foundation (CF) investigation; the Clinton Email investigation; pressure for Asst. Director McCabe to recuse himself, and Washington DC via Loretta Lynch using DOJ Main Justice leverage from the Eric Garner case against the NY FBI office and New York Police Department.

From the OIG report:

4. The Attorney General Expresses Strong Concerns to McCabe and other FBI Officials about Leaks, and McCabe Discusses Recusing Himself from CF Investigation (October 26)

McCabe told the OIG that during the October 2016 time frame, it was his “perception that there was a lot of information coming out of likely the [FBI’s] New York Field Office” that was ending up in the news. McCabe told the OIG that he “had some heated back-and-forths” with the New York Assistant Director in Charge (“NY-ADIC”) over the issue of media leaks.

On October 26, 2016, McCabe and NY-ADIC participated in what McCabe described as “a hastily convened conference call with the Attorney General who delivered the same message to us” about leaks, with specific focus being on leaks regarding the high-profile investigation by FBI’s New York Field Office into the death of Eric Garner. McCabe told us that he “never heard her use more forceful language.” NY-ADIC confirmed that the participants got “ripped by the AG on leaks.”

According to NY-ADIC’s testimony and an e-mail he sent to himself on October 31, McCabe indicated to NY-ADIC and a then-FBI Executive Assistant Director (“EAD”) in a conversation after Attorney General Lynch disconnected from the call that McCabe was recusing himself from the CF Investigation.

(Page #6 and #7 – IG Report Link)

What makes this explosive is the timing and how reporting in 2016 was explaining this specific call and the outcome therein.

On September 28th, 2016, Andrew McCabe was made aware of information the New York Police Department and FBI has obtained from a captured laptop belonging to Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner. The laptop was evidence in the Weiner “sexting” case involving a minor; however, the laptop also contained thousands of State Department documents from Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin, Weiner’s wife.

Some of the extracted laptop evidence was turned over to the DOJ Southern District of New York (SDNY) where Preet Bharara, a Clinton-Lynch ally, is United States Attorney.

Text messages between FBI Agent Peter Strzok (Inbox) and FBI Special Counsel to Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page (Outbox):


Page-Strzok Texts – NYPD


[The letter to “Congress” at the end of the text exchange relates to notification of the re-opening of the Clinton investigation – Actual date of notification 10/28/16]

According to later reporting, FBI Director James Comey was not notified of the laptop issues for two to three weeks, after 9/28/16. However, in late October and early November, there were reports from people with contacts in New York police and FBI, about Washington DOJ officials interfering with the Weiner laptop investigation.

On the same date (October 26th, 2016) as the Lynch, McCabe and NY FBI phone call, former NY Mayor Rudy Giuilani [sic] was telling Fox News that an explosive development was forthcoming. Two days later, October 28th, 2016, Congress was notified of the additional Clinton emails.

However, a few more days later, November 4th, 2016, an even more explosive development as Erik Prince appeared on radio and outlined discoveries within the Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner laptop that was being blocked by AG Lynch.

Prince claimed he had insider knowledge of the investigation that could help explain why FBI Director James Comey had to announce he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s email server last week.

“Because of Weinergate and the sexting scandal, the NYPD started investigating it. Through a subpoena, through a warrant, they searched his laptop, and sure enough, found those 650,000 emails. They found way more stuff than just more information pertaining to the inappropriate sexting the guy was doing,” Prince claimed.

“They found State Department emails. They found a lot of other really damning criminal information, including money laundering, including the fact that Hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton went there more than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times,” he said

“The amount of garbage that they found in these emails, of criminal activity by Hillary, by her immediate circle, and even by other Democratic members of Congress was so disgusting they gave it to the FBI, and they said, ‘We’re going to go public with this if you don’t reopen the investigation and you don’t do the right thing with timely indictments,’” Prince explained.

“I believe – I know, and this is from a very well-placed source of mine at 1PP, One Police Plaza in New York – the NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making in this investigation, and they’ve gotten huge pushback, to the point of coercion, from the Justice Department, with the Justice Department threatening to charge someone that had been unrelated in the accidental heart attack death of Eric Garner almost two years ago. That’s the level of pushback the Obama Justice Department is doing against actually seeking justice in the email and other related criminal matters,” Prince said. (Link)

An earlier Grand Jury in New York had refused to return an indictment against the police in the Garner case. As an outcome of that grand jury finding, and as an outcome of their own investigation, the local FBI office and Eastern District of New York DOJ office was not trying to pursue criminal charges against the NYPD officers involved. This created a dispute because federal prosecutors and FBI officials in New York opposed bringing charges, while prosecutors with the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department in Washington argued there was clear evidence to do so.

On October 25th, 2016, Loretta Lynch replaced the New York prosecutors:

New York Times (Oct. 25) – The Justice Department has replaced the New York team of agents and lawyers investigating the death of Eric Garner, officials said, a highly unusual shake-up that could jump-start the long-stalled case and put the government back on track to seek criminal charges.

With that move on Oct. 25th, 2016, AG Lynch was now in position to threaten criminal prosecutions against the NYPD, and repercussions against the NY FBI and EDNY using the Garner case as leverage, just like Erik Prince outlined in the phone interview above.

Additionally, we see confirmation from the IG report, the Garner case was brought up in the next day (Oct 26, 2016) phone call to the NY FBI field office; just as Erik Prince outlined. Obviously Prince’s sources were close to the events as they unfolded.

The NY FBI and Eastern District of New York (EDNY) were threatened by Washington DC Main Justice and FBI, via Loretta Lynch and Andrew McCabe to drop the Clinton/Abedin/Weiner laptop investigation matters, or else the Garner DOJ Civil Rights Division would be used as leverage against the NYPD. And Loretta Lynch had SDNY U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara as the enforcer waiting for her call.

And so it was…

“Had it become public, the unverified material would undoubtedly have been used by political opponents to cast serious doubt on the attorney general’s independence in connection with the Clinton investigation,” Comey writes, according to ABC. He calls the material a “development still unknown to the American public to this day.” (ABC Link)


Comey & Lynch wearing Clinton-Kaine campaign shirts


Additionally, this excerpt from the Comey book is laughable:

“I never heard anyone on our team — not one — take a position that seemed driven by their personal political motivations. And more than that: I never heard an argument or observation I thought came from a political bias. Never,” Comey writes in his book. “Instead we debated, argued, listened, reflected, agonized, played devil’s advocate, and even found opportunities to laugh as we hashed out major decisions.” (LINK)

16. Please share my video on the topic, where I play the interviews, etc. – It really helps me… SPREAD THIS TWEET!! https://t.co/nH7ITZx2YC

— Tracybeanz (@tracybeanz) April 15, 2018

Lastly, I cannot help but be reminded of a post-election event where an FBI official from the same NY field office had her vehicle broken into and a laptop stolen which included “National Security information”. Everything was recovered, except the laptop.

Um, hey everyone, the Eric Garner case was handled by the EDNY. I was in the SDNY. Nice try @Barnes_Law https://t.co/3niXJHRbke 

— Preet Bharara (@PreetBharara) April 15, 2018

@PreetBharara I don’t think you are looking at this right. AG Lynch was threatening to take the case and give it to you. YOU were the threat Lynch was using against the EDNY [who she (and McCabe) saw as a risk]. So what does that say about you? https://t.co/IFbZSbNZNJ

— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) April 15, 2018

Original Article: The Conservative Tree House


Examine Fatouros Deep State Posts

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© April 16, 2018


The Realistic Observer – “Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. –Plato”


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Intro to ‘An Unethical Nightmare’

Intro by John R. Houk, Editor

Original post by Justin O. Smith

Posted April 14, 2018

I realize the news cycle today will focus on the U.S. military strike against locations believed to be chemical weapons development centers. The wicked Dems have even suggested that an attack on Syria is a smokescreen to obstruct Robert Mueller’s witch hunt against President Trump.


In reality, if there is any distraction in obstructing justice, it is the Deep State corruption beginning to unravel. The December 9 FBI raid of Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen at his home, office and hotel is an unrepentant attempt to keep the Deep State conspiracy against the President from unraveling.


At first many believed Mueller directed the raid to occur. But to avoid the appearance of conflict, Mueller turned over some info on Cohen financial practices to the DOJ that resulted in some judge certifying a search warrant against Cohen.


As far as I know to date, the actual reason has not been disclosed to the public. The guess is Cohen allegedly may have tried to cover any financial tracks leading to himself by manipulating how a payoff to porn star Stephanie Clifford (stage name Stormy Daniels) had occurred. Apparently, the payoff and confidentiality contract were legal, but the “how” may have been accomplished illegally.


The concern is the FBI search warrant execution may have resulted in attorney-client privilege between President Trump and Michael Cohen unrelated to any Cohen financial impropriety probably will be violated. My concern and your concern should be the Deep State FBI-DOJ Trump-haters will manipulate the attained search warrant data to be used against the President. AND if you think no such manipulation is capable by the FBI, you should think of Obama’s cadres of unmaskers, leakers and liars were unleashed on candidate and President-Elect Trump which includes Crooked Hillary paying for the highly discredited Steele Dossier.


JRH 4/14/18

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An Unethical Nightmare


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 4/12/2018 10:19 PM


The rule of law and President Donald Trump came under one more withering attack on April 9th 2018, through the FBI and Department of Justice raid on the office of Michael Cohen, the President’s personal lawyer, and under Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s initiative and direction, as he stepped outside the purview mandated for the “Russia collusion” investigation, in an attempt to find any wrongdoing by the President. This attack is largely political revenge and a fishing expedition designed to unseat President Trump and keep some very real criminals out of prison, like Mueller himself, and Hillary Clinton.


The Justice Department issued a warrant for the FBI to search for evidence surrounding a $130,000 dollar payment from Cohen to pornography actress Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, who allegedly had an affair with Pres. Trump in 2006. Cohen has repeatedly stated that the President had no knowledge of the payment, intended to buy Daniel’s silence.


Many problems with this investigation exist, and Mueller and his team appear to be desperate to find wrong doing and a crime committed by the President, in a manner no better than Good Ol’ Stalin who was often quoted as having said “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”. In a year’s time, Mueller has yet to find any Russian collusion by President Trump.


Also, according to world renown lawyer and author, Alan Dershowitz, this recent action violated President Trump’s attorney-client privilege and his 4th and 6th Amendment Rights, which prohibit the government from intruding on the privacy of attorney-client rights of citizens. These FBI agents and prosecutors have no right to view confidential materials between a client and their lawyer, and this alone constitutes a core violation of both Cohen’s and the President’s rights, even if the government never uses the confiscated material.


If anyone should lose their job and be prosecuted, it should be Mueller for obscuring the fact that Hillary Clinton authorized Russia to receive 25% of the United States’ total uranium resources, through a corrupt Uranium One deal, for a payment to the Clinton Foundation of $145 million dollars, when Mueller was the FBI Director. This deal allowed Russia to eventually gain majority control of those resources. And so, Hillary too should be in prison for treason.


Weren’t the Russians just as dangerous when Mueller headed the FBI?


Where is Mueller’s investigation into the false Steele Dossier, Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS and the Hillary Clinton campaign? Each used Russian sources to leak unproven rumors and smears against Donald Trump in an attempt to ensure his defeat in 2016.


Where are the investigations and prosecutions of James Clapper, John Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power and others for unmasking innocent Americans caught in surveillance and illegally leaking their names to the media? Where is the prosecution of Comey and McCabe for leaking information on their investigations of the 2016 campaign and lying about it to investigators?


Equally corrupt, the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is the same man who allowed an illegally presented FISA warrant to be used against then candidate Trump and who appointed Mueller Special Counsel; subsequently, Mueller hired 17 political hit-men, nine of whom are Clinton donors and the remainder being Clinton supporters, with the exception of one. Rosenstein personally signed off on Monday’s warrant and the FBI’s decision to raid Cohen’s office.


Dershowitz recently told Fox News: “If this were Hillary Clinton [having her lawyer’s office raided] the ACLU would be on every TV station in America jumping up and down. The deafening silence of the ACLU and civil libertarians about the intrusion into lawyer-client confidentiality is really appalling.”


The double standard is all too evident, since it is common knowledge now that Obama’s politicized FBI and DOJ protected Hillary Clinton, after revelations she was using a private computer server to transmit classified top secret information to unauthorized personnel, and they allowed her to delete 33,000 documents from her server during the following three weeks. The FBI and DOJ also allowed Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s personal lawyer, to invoke attorney-client privilege to prevent the FBI from further investigating Hillary Clinton’s email scheme, even though Mills too was under investigation at the time. Mills even stormed out of a meeting with the FBI in May of 2016, because a question supposedly breached that privilege.


As Andrew McCarthy of the National Review observed: “It was astonishing that the Justice Department indulged [Mills’] attorney-client privilege claim, which frustrated the FBI’s ability to question her … But it is simply unbelievable to find her turning up at Mrs. Clinton’s interview [and] participating in the capacity of a lawyer under circumstances where Clinton was being investigated over matters in which Mills participated as a non-lawyer government official.”


It may seem counter-intuitive, but the President must fire Mueller and Rosenstein and damn the consequences, while at the same time, he must demand that a judge require all of the seized documents to be reviewed by a court in order to determine which are relevant to any investigation and which violate attorney-client privilege. The President has the right and the authority to fire Robert Mueller for exceeding his original mandate, and by defending his own rights under the Constitution, he ultimately defends and protects individual Americans against an increasingly intrusive federal government.


In the meantime, one must assume that Mueller’s hit team, without any morals and unrestrained, will continue to lie, cheat, perjure themselves and mislead the American people, if that’s what it takes to secure Trump’s impeachment, and possibly a criminal conviction, in their attempt to overturn the results of the 2016 election. It is left to us — Conservative America — to see through the lies and hit back harder and more determined by telling Congress, in no uncertain terms, that they had better throw their full support behind the President or look for another job


President Trump has committed no crime, but he remains the target of the Mueller inquisition and an unethical nightmare of a frame-job against him, all in the name of maintaining the elitist Establishment status quo and securing their unchallenged lock on the reins of power.  And it must be stopped — the lies and attempts to manufacture crimes — before it does more irreparable damage to our Republic and moves the nation closer to all out civil conflict, because this is not justice. It is a continued coup from within our own government.


By Justin O. Smith


Intro to ‘An Unethical Nightmare’

Intro by John R. Houk, Editor

Posted April 14, 2018


An Unethical Nightmare


Edited by John R. Houk

Source links are by the Editor


© Justin O. Smith