Trump accuses NY Times of ‘virtual treason’…

President Trump is accusing the New York Times of treason because the Leftist rag told the world about a classified U.S. mission to mess with Russia undoubtedly due Russian cyber warfare being conducted against the United States. The most public of which is cyber meddling in U.S. election cycles.


I would not be surprised to find out some day the USA and Russia have been exchanging cyber barbs for quite some time. Is it ethical or even legal for the NYT to expose clandestine and probably Classified cyber missions intended as bloodless reprisals to Russian cyber-crimes? It’s definitely not ethical! If exposing Classified actions against a foreign enemy isn’t illegal, IT SHOULD BE!


Justin Smith pointed this post on my Facebook Group Social Media Jail Conversations for Conservatives & Counterjihadists

(yeah I know, lengthy title. I had just emerged from Facebook jail and was quite annoyed at the time. So I created the group. Feel free to join the still relatively small group). The group URL to Justin’s share is HERE.


Justin did not include the URL from whence he found the post. Justin’s reason: The “URL is being banned by Facebook”. The banned website is The Patriot Brief. Interestingly The Patriot Brief picked up the article from The National Sentinel. It is from the original source I am cross posting below. In case you are curious The Patriot Brief link to the article is HERE.


JRH 6/17/19

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Trump accuses NY Times of ‘virtual treason’ after report exposing U.S. cyber-targeting of Russian infrastructure: He’s right


By Jon Dougherty

June 16, 2019

The National Sentinel


NYT Building


(NationalSentinel) We have made the observation before that in the age of Donald Trump, the establishment media has become a national security liability due to the fact that major outlets will publish just about anything in order to undermine him.


But in doing so, these same outlets also undermine our country — and some 312 million American citizens — making them as big a threat to our security as any foreign power.


The New York Times did it again Sunday with a story claiming that the Trump administration has escalated attacks on Russia’s power grid:


The United States is stepping up digital incursions into Russia’s electric power grid in a warning to President Vladimir V. Putin and a demonstration of how the Trump administration is using new authorities to deploy cybertools more aggressively, current and former government officials said.


In interviews over the past three months, the officials described the previously unreported deployment of American computer code inside Russia’s grid and other targets as a classified companion to more publicly discussed action directed at Moscow’s disinformation and hacking units around the 2018 midterm elections.


Advocates of the more aggressive strategy said it was long overdue, after years of public warnings from the Department of Homeland Security and the F.B.I. that Russia has inserted malware that could sabotage American power plants, oil and gas pipelines, or water supplies in any future conflict with the United States.


But it also carries significant risk of escalating the daily digital Cold War between Washington and Moscow.


“It has gotten far, far more aggressive over the past year,” one senior intelligence official told the Times. “We are doing things at a scale that we never contemplated a few years ago.”


You know what else carries “significant risk?” Reporting classified information that provides valuable insight and intelligence for a nuclear-armed adversary.


So much for “Russia collusion,” right?


The revelations infuriated POTUS Trump, and rightfully so. He said on Twitter the paper committed “a virtual act of Treason” over its report, The Hill noted.


“Do you believe that the Failing New York Times just did a story stating that the United States is substantially increasing Cyber Attacks on Russia,” Trump tweeted. “This is a virtual act of Treason by a once great paper so desperate for a story, any story, even if bad for our Country.”


“Anything goes with our Corrupt News Media today,” he added. “They will do, or say, whatever it takes, with not even the slightest thought of consequence! These are true cowards and without doubt, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!”


He also claimed the Times report was “NOT TRUE.”


The fact is the Times report most likely is true. Rational people understand that in light of report after report regarding Russia/China/Iran/North Korea targeting U.S. infrastructure, it makes sense for America — which is a cyber superpower — to respond in kind.


But these kinds of operations are not meant to be revealed. Doing so not only compromises said operations, but foreign intelligence agencies gleaning details from published open source information very often learn things that help them counter our moves.


Which, again, puts our country at risk.


The Times editors know this. They understand full well what revealing this kind of highly classified information can mean to an adversary.


And yet, they published it anyway. Just to ‘get Donald Trump.’


What does that say about them? It says — again — that the president has been right about our own press since he took office: They are more of an enemy than some of our adversaries. Or at least the equivalent.


Even though we have speech protections written into our Constitution via the First Amendment, you still can’t slander someone, libel them, yell ‘fire’ in a theater, or engage in various forms of “hate” speech.


Publishing highly classified information that provides ‘aid and comfort’ to an adversary should be legally actionable as well. Doing so harms our country by weakening our national security.


Think about it: Does anyone believe that FDR would not have punished the NYTimes or the Washington Post if either paper had published plans for the D-Day invasion, just because their editors believed Americans ‘had a right to know’?


Granted, we were in an actual war then, and we’re not fighting Russia — now. Though you could argue that in places like Syria, where Russian-sponsored mercenaries from the Wagner Group attacked U.S. forces and their allies early last year, amounts to a real conflict. Or Russia putting forces into Venezuela, in our hemisphere. Or encroaching on NATO’s eastern flank.


We have argued before that reporting the details about these highly classified operations are harming our national security at a time when the world is more dangerous than ever, not less, and for no good reason. The Times is just as guilty, in our view, as the U.S. officials who leaked the information. If they can be charged under the Espionage Act, then the ‘paper of record’ that published the information should be equally culpable.


The president is right.


Follow Jon Dougherty on Twitter at @JonDougherty10


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The Fires of Treason – No Small Thing

Even as the spoken and written Press propagandizes against President Trump, there is plenty of documentation – with more to be revealed – that a frame-job to depose a sitting President has occurred. Justin Smith does his part sharing what can be publicly dug up by anyone searching about this coup attempt. YET in this latest Justin submission he shared some misgivings about operation of justice in today’s America:


I’m not overly optimistic that William Barr is going to ever successfully prosecute the traitors to America that were found within the Obama administration and working together across party lines to destroy our republic, but maybe he will prove me wrong. If some of these people are not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and imprisoned soon, I truly believe this republic is going to be so irreparably damaged that we will find ourselves in a continuation of battles and civil strife years out.

Justin has good reason for some pessimism. Politicians and crooks related to the Democratic Party have been committing crimes and getting away with it for at least a quarter century. Even if Attorney General is an honest representative of justice, can he buck a system that has been corrupted for so long? I HOPE SO!


JRH 6/16/19

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The Fires of Treason – No Small Thing  

The Truth Falls Like Radioactive Ash


By Justin O. Smith

Sent  6/15/2019 8:46 PM


Americans are wondering how such a well-engineered republic, with all its time tested traditions and checks and balances, could be turned into a blazing forest fire of political misdeeds and treason by the Obama administration and the traitors within, but as the nation moves into the summer of 2019, many remain hopeful that U.S. Attorney General William Barr, U.S. Attorney John Durham and the fine efforts of men such as Representatives Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy and others will succeed in identifying, prosecuting and imprisoning all involved in the plot against candidate and then President Trump. The nation cannot ‘move on’ until these traitors, these rats who are now jumping their sinking ship, are held accountable for their criminal and unconstitutional actions.


Even prior to President Trump’s declassification order last month, escalating matters in the investigation of the investigators, most of America was already aware of most of the facts, already documented, in the seditious, subversive plot between the Hillary Clinton campaign and many key government figures, including former president Barack Obama, who could not have possibly failed to understand all the action. And now, with a paper trail as wide as Percy Priest Lake [Blog Editor: For readers who are unaware, the significance of the lake mention undoubtedly relates to author Justin Smith residing in Rutherford County Tennessee] and a fouled up coup, the truth is falling down on the traitors’ shoulders like radioactive ash.

Incredulously, during the last week of May, Representative Adam Schiff, House Intelligence Committee Chairman, accused President Trump and Attorney General Barr of attempting to “conspire to weaponize law enforcement and classified information against their political enemies.” This would be hilarious if it weren’t so serious, and if not for the fact that Schiff accused President Trump of the very thing the Democratic Party and then President Obama did for several of his last years in office.


As we know through many testimonies, Christopher Steele wouldn’t even vouch for his own dossier’s veracity and accuracy. Furthermore, FBI lawyer Lisa Page’s damning testimony before Congress stated that contrary to FBI procedures for counterintelligence operations, Donald Trump’s campaign, supposedly infiltrated by Russians and “colluders”, had not been warned of any such nefarious dealings because the Steele dossier was not reliable enough to necessitate any warning.


If the dossier was not reliable enough to warn Trump’s campaign about the Kremlin’s plot, how could it remotely serve as the basis for obtaining FISA warrants to spy on Donald Trump and his inner circle? America demands a full accounting of who, what, where, when, why and how the dossier was used four, possibly five, times to dupe the FISA Court.

On May 24th, Representative Lindsey Graham, who has emerged as one of President Trump’s most intense and loyal supporters, spoke on Trump’s declassification order and told Fox and Friends: “You’re going to find out the mentality of the people investigating the president. You’re going to find out what they did and said. You’re going to find out that Papadopoulos was not working with the Russians. There’ll be some transcripts coming out where he says, ‘If you did that, that’d be treason.’ So the bottom line is, there’s going to be a lot of information about they were warned Steele was a bad guy and you can’t trust him. They blew through every stop sign”.


If Donald Trump wasn’t the subject of the surveillance, as the FBI asserted, then there was no valid reason not to apprise him of the surveillance and what was suspected, during the January 2017 briefing. Who decided not to give the President a FULL briefing on the dossier? Who decided to deliberately hide this from the new Commander-In-Chief?


All of a sudden America is witnessing James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan accusing each other of being guilty of inserting the unreliable Steele Dossier into a presidential assessment, since its ridiculous stories and outright lies have been exposed. If they truly believed that this dossier was fact — that the American people faced an existential threat from Donald Trump’s sexual perversions, hatred of Obama and ties with Moscow, a reprobate who stole the election from Hillary  — why are they not vying for all the credit for warning President Obama and the American people, given that they leaked and pushed this narrative over the past three years?


Fox News investigative journalist Catherine Herridge reported last month that an email from former FBI Director James Comey in December 2016 indicates that it was John Brennan who pushed the dossier to be included in the presidential intelligence report. A source inside the CIA blames Comey for pressing the dossier’s inclusion.

Noting that he has seen the report, former Rep. Trey Gowdy has stated it does not look good for John Brennan.


Protesting their innocence, Andrew McCabe and James Comey are at odds too, even though they both swore President Trump remains a threat to the republic and leaked classified documents to the media, supposedly to save us, to save America. McCabe asserts that the Steele dossier was the primary evidence presented to the FISA Court by the FBI, which Comey denies. Why would they be at odds if their leaks were nobly motivated and their cause a righteous one?


The fact that President Trump’s declassification order includes the Department of Treasury and the Department of Energy makes the matter even darker, more intriguing, and, in fact, a critical point that suggests pressure applied on President Trump not to release classified documents was more subversion, and the focus was on using Russian collusion as a way to conceal the FBI’s spying and abuse of power; this was also part of a broader attempt to cover up other massive Democrat corruption, especially the Uranium One Deal and real Russian collusion by Democrats and the true depth of Clinton’s pay-for-play operation within the U.S. State Department, with many people aware of its existence.


The salary men of the FBI dream of getting the top job, so they play along, which explains Mueller’s motivation as a one-time bag man for Clinton in the Uranium One scheme. And that makes for an extremely vile and dangerous partner when one considers Hillary Clinton’s vermin-like rapacity and her shrewd, corrupt, clever ruthlessness. It’s like selling one’s soul to the devil and realizing too late what a terrible deal one has made.


Abuse of power is to the Democrats what drugs are to the addict, as exhibited by Susan Rice, National Security Advisor under Obama, who regularly unmasked American citizens picked up on NSA surveillance sweeps. Also important to note, Samantha Power, U.N. Ambassador, averaged unmasking someone every working day of 2016, unmasking almost three-hundred; in comparison, John Bolton only unmasked three during his tenure as U.N Ambassador, according to PJ Media.


And by now, it is pretty well acknowledged that elements within the FBI and most likely the CIA conducted an illegal surveillance operation against President Trump. Attorney General Barr has said as much, stating the only remaining thing is to determine if the surveillance was predicated upon the law and through a substantial evidentiary basis. The only decision left is whether or not these people face charges or the whole thing gets swept under the rug.


Some details remain to be confirmed, for instance: Was the entrapment conman Josef Mifsud working for the CIA and/or Britain’s MI6 and/or Hillary Clinton‘s Fusion GPS contractor, or Orbis Business Intelligence? I believe America is going to discover very few Russians involved in all of this, but rather, they will see the FBI attempted to infiltrate the Trump campaign and coordinated with Australia and the United Kingdom to frame Donald Trump for collusion, so he could be prevented from taking office or removed from office after the inauguration. The remaining questions aren’t going to be asked by the New York Times.


On May 15th, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. Joe DiGenova explained to Breitbart News Daily: “There was a brazen plot that started before the election, and the plot was to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton so that she could become president, and then if she lost, there was an insurance policy to frame Donald Trump so he could be prevented from taking office or removed from office after the inauguration. … John Brennan is at the core of this conspiracy. His handymen and acolytes were Clapper and Comey and the senior FBI officials who worked with Comey. Let’s not forget that all of the people in senior levels of the Department of Justice under Obama were involved in this plot. … Loretta Lynch was too dumb to be allowed to lead it,” DiGenova speculated. “This is Brennan Inc.”


No longer standing unified, the drama between Brennan, Comey and Clapper is just the surface. The Durham investigation could reach out of the FBI and CIA up through the Obama administration, including Attorney General Lynch and the White House itself.


We are in the midst of a morality play, where some of the most unlikely villains have aligned themselves with the cause of tyranny and Evil. And standing against them is the one time billionaire Playboy, President Donald Trump, an unlikely hero. Yet here we are, with the tide turning our way once more.


All of America’s true patriots must raise their voice today and tomorrow and for as long as it takes to arrive at a day of reckoning for these traitors to the republic and our beloved America, otherwise and to our chagrin, we may eventually see the administrative state simply bury this sorry episode of American history. However, make no mistake, the weaponization of federal agencies will happen again, and the next time, America may not be so fortunate to have a president who is strong enough to withstand the onslaught on behalf of the people and the nation.


When due process is ignored and justice is measured by compulsion and our Fourth Amendment Rights against improper searches and seizures seemingly no longer exist, freedom and liberty is endangered. When we see men, who rebuke the Constitution, leverage the law through politics, violating other men’s 6th Amendment right to due process and acquiring power over individual liberty by graft and scheme; and our representatives don’t protect us against them, but rather protects them against the people, our republic is endangered. And when America sees corruption wielding heavy influence and individual liberty so easily dispatched and suppressed, We the People have realized that our freedom too is endangered and soon to perish.


It is no small thing to restore a republic once it has fallen into corruption. It may be that the task is impossible, but it lies before us to do. The alternative offers only a dark future, and thus, it is no option at all. And if we do not try, the Founders’ Republic and the larger war for Western Civilization will be lost.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Text embraced by brackets and source links are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith


WSJ: Was John Brennan The One Who Actually Engaged In “Treason”?

Tim Brown uses an article by the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel to extrapolate the notion former CIA Director John Brennan (See Also HERE) was an Obamunist traitor. The notion arises because Brennan accused President Trump of Treason for merely meeting with Putin in Helsinki.


JRH 7/22/18

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WSJ: Was John Brennan The One Who Actually Engaged In “Treason”?

When men like John Brennan point their finger at others and cry “treason,” they are attempting to pin the very crime they are guilty of on someone else.



JULY 21, 2018

Freedom Outpost


Well, Sebastian Gorka has been upfront that former Obama CIA Director John Brennan is both a “Communist” and a “traitor.”  Now, it appears that the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel may be following that path without coming right out and saying it.


In a recent column, Strassel seems to take issue with Brennan’s tweets from earlier this week when he tore into President Donald Trump over his actions in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


“Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors,’” tweeted Brennan.


“It was nothing short of treasonous,” added Brennan, who worked for what could be argued was the most treasonous person to sit in the Oval Office.  “Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???”



According to Ms. Strassel, “This is rough stuff, even for an Obama partisan.”


She then wrote:


That’s what Mr. Brennan is—a partisan—and it is why his role in the 2016 scandal is in some ways more concerning than the FBI’s. Mr. Comey stands accused of flouting the rules, breaking the chain of command, abusing investigatory powers. Yet it seems far likelier that the FBI’s Trump investigation was a function of arrogance and overconfidence than some partisan plot. No such case can be made for Mr. Brennan. Before his nomination as CIA director, he served as a close Obama adviser. And the record shows he went on to use his position—as head of the most powerful spy agency in the world—to assist Hillary Clinton’s campaign (and keep his job).


Mr. Brennan has taken credit for launching the Trump investigation. At a House Intelligence Committee hearing in May 2017, he explained that he became “aware of intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons.” The CIA can’t investigate U.S. citizens, but he made sure that “every information and bit of intelligence” was “shared with the bureau,” meaning the FBI. This information, he said, “served as the basis for the FBI investigation.” My sources suggest Mr. Brennan was overstating his initial role, but either way, by his own testimony, he as an Obama-Clinton partisan was pushing information to the FBI and pressuring it to act.


More notable, Mr. Brennan then took the lead on shaping the narrative that Russia was interfering in the election specifically to help Mr. Trump—which quickly evolved into the Trump-collusion narrative. Team Clinton was eager to make the claim, especially in light of the Democratic National Committee server hack. Numerous reports show Mr. Brennan aggressively pushing the same line internally. Their problem was that as of July 2016 even then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper didn’t buy it. He publicly refused to say who was responsible for the hack, or ascribe motivation. Mr. Brennan also couldn’t get the FBI to sign on to the view; the bureau continued to believe Russian cyberattacks were aimed at disrupting the U.S. political system generally, not aiding Mr. Trump.


Think about that just a moment because on Saturday I reported on the fact that sources have claimed that former FBI attorney Lisa Page has begun to testify under oath that there was absolutely no basis for the Mueller investigation into Trump.  In that report, I referenced John Solomon’s claim that:


For any American who wants an answer sooner, there are just five words, among the thousands of suggestive texts Page and Strzok exchanged, that you should read.


That passage was transmitted on May 19, 2017. “There’s no big there there,” Strzok texted.


The date of the text long has intrigued investigators: It is two days after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein named special counsel Robert Mueller to oversee an investigation into alleged collusion between Trump and the Russia campaign.


Since the text was turned over to Congress, investigators wondered whether it referred to the evidence against the Trump campaign.


This month, they finally got the chance to ask. Strzok declined to say — but Page, during a closed-door interview with lawmakers, confirmed in the most pained and contorted way that the message in fact referred to the quality of the Russia case, according to multiple eyewitnesses.


The admission is deeply consequential. It means Rosenstein unleashed the most awesome powers of a special counsel to investigate an allegation that the key FBI officials, driving the investigation for 10 months beforehand, did not think was “there.”


Strassel continues:


The CIA director couldn’t himself go public with his Clinton spin—he lacked the support of the intelligence community and had to be careful not to be seen interfering in U.S. politics. So what to do? He called Harry Reid. In a late August briefing, he told the Senate minority leader that Russia was trying to help Mr. Trump win the election, and that Trump advisers might be colluding with Russia. (Two years later, no public evidence has emerged to support such a claim.)


But the truth was irrelevant. On cue, within a few days of the briefing, Mr. Reid wrote a letter to Mr. Comey, which of course immediately became public. “The evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign continues to mount,” wrote Mr. Reid, going on to float Team Clinton’s Russians-are-helping-Trump theory. Mr. Reid publicly divulged at least one of the allegations contained in the infamous Steele dossier, insisting that the FBI use “every resource available to investigate this matter.”


The Reid letter marked the first official blast of the Brennan-Clinton collusion narrative into the open. Clinton opposition-research firm Fusion GPS followed up by briefing its media allies about the dossier it had dropped off at the FBI. On Sept. 23, Yahoo News’s Michael Isikoff ran the headline: “U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin.” Voilà. Not only was the collusion narrative out there, but so was evidence that the FBI was investigating.


In their recent book “Russian Roulette,” Mr. Isikoff and David Corn say even Mr. Reid believed Mr. Brennan had an “ulterior motive” with the briefing, and “concluded the CIA chief believed the public needed to know about the Russia operation, including the information about the possible links to the Trump campaign.” (Brennan allies have denied his aim was to leak damaging information.)


Clinton supporters have a plausible case that Mr. Comey’s late-October announcement that the FBI had reopened its investigation into the candidate affected the election. But Trump supporters have a claim that the public outing of the collusion narrative and FBI investigation took a toll on their candidate. Politics was at the center of that outing, and Mr. Brennan was a ringmaster. Remember that when reading his next “treason” tweet.


Indeed, remember it.  Brennan was Obama’s Muslim convert for jihad here in the US.


When men like John Brennan point their finger at others and cry “treason,” they are attempting to pin the very crime they are guilty of on someone else.  Ms. Strassel, while not being as forthright as Gorka about Brennan’s treason, nevertheless, seems to be saying just that in what she wrote.  America would do well to listen and bring justice to bear upon this traitor and the traitors surrounding him, but I have my doubts that anyone in this life will actually hold him accountable.


Article posted with permission from The Washington Standard


Tim Brown is an author and Editor at and He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab and Steemit


Copyright © 2018


Who is betraying America?

Caroline Glick has written an outstanding essay relating to former Obama comrades, Dems and the Leftist MSM are losing their minds on who can accuse President Trump louder of treason. In wondering who was more actually treasonous, Glick goes on to list Obama actions that actually benefitted Russian National Interests.


JRH 7/20/18

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Who is betraying America?

 Pelosi & Schumer

Pelosi & Schumer


By Caroline Glick



Did US President Donald Trump commit treason in Helsinki when he met Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin? Should he be impeached?


That is what his opponents claim. Former president Barack Obama’s CIA director John Brennan accused Trump of treason outright.

Brennan tweeted, “Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki [with Putin] rises to and exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous.”


Fellow senior Obama administration officials, including former FBI director James Comey, former defense secretary Ashton Carter, and former deputy attorney general Sally Yates parroted Brennan’s accusation.


Almost the entire US media joined them in condemning Trump for treason.


Democratic leaders have led their own charge. Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen from Tennessee insinuated the US military should overthrow the president, tweeting, “Where are our military folks? The Commander-in-Chief is in the hands of our enemy!”


Senate minority leader Charles Schumer said that Trump is controlled by Russia. And Trump’s Republican opponents led by senators Jeff Flake and John McCain attacked him as well.


Trump allegedly committed treason when he refused to reject Putin’s denial of Russian interference in the US elections in 2016 and was diffident in relation to the US intelligence community’s determination that Russia did interfere in the elections.


Trump walked back his statement from Helsinki at a press appearance at the White House Tuesday. But it is still difficult to understand what all the hullaballoo about the initial statement was about.


AP reporter John Lemire placed Trump in an impossible position. Noting that Putin denied meddling in the 2016 elections and the intelligence community insists that Russia meddled, he asked Trump, “Who do you believe?”


If Trump had said that he believed his intelligence community and gave no credence to Putin’s denial, he would have humiliated Putin and destroyed any prospect of cooperative relations.


Trump tried to strike a balance. He spoke respectfully of both Putin’s denials and the US intelligence community’s accusation. It wasn’t a particularly coherent position. It was a clumsy attempt to preserve the agreements he and Putin reached during their meeting.


And it was blindingly obviously not treason.


In fact, Trump’s response to Lemire, and his overall conduct at the press conference, did not convey weakness at all. Certainly he was far more assertive of US interests than Obama was in his dealings with Russia.


In Obama’s first summit with Putin in July 2009, Obama sat meekly as Putin delivered an hour-long lecture about how US-Russian relations had gone down the drain.


As Daniel Greenfield noted at Frontpage magazine Tuesday, in succeeding years, Obama capitulated to Putin on anti-missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic, on Ukraine, Georgia and Crimea. Obama gave Putin free rein in Syria and supported Russia’s alliance with Iran on its nuclear program and its efforts to save the Assad regime. He permitted Russian entities linked to the Kremlin to purchase a quarter of American uranium. And of course, Obama made no effort to end Russian meddling in the 2016 elections.


TRUMP IN contrast has stiffened US sanctions against Russian entities. He has withdrawn from Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. He has agreed to sell Patriot missiles to Poland. And he has placed tariffs on Russian exports to the US.


So if Trump is Putin’s agent, what was Obama? [Bold text Blog Editor’s]


Given the nature of Trump’s record, and the context in which he made his comments about Russian meddling in the 2016 elections, the question isn’t whether he did anything wrong. The question is why are his opponents accusing him of treason for behaving as one would expect a president to behave? What is going on?


The answer to that is clear enough. Brennan signaled it explicitly when he tweeted that Trump’s statements “exceed the threshold of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’” The unhinged allegations of treason are supposed to form the basis of impeachment hearings.


The Democrats and their allies in the media use the accusation that Trump is an agent of Russia as an elections strategy. Midterm elections are consistently marked with low voter turnout. So both parties devote most of their energies to rallying their base and motivating their most committed members to vote.


To objective observers, the allegation that Trump betrayed the United States by equivocating in response to a rude question about Russian election interference is ridiculous on its face. But Democratic election strategists have obviously concluded that it is catnip for the Democratic faithful. For them it serves as a dog whistle.


The promise of impeachment for votes is too radical to serve as an official campaign strategy. For the purpose of attracting swing voters and not scaring moderate Democrats away from the party and the polls, Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer say they have no interest in impeaching Trump. Impeachment talk, they insist, is a mere distraction.


But by embracing Brennan’s claim of treason, Pelosi, Hoyer, Schumer and other top Democrats are winking and nodding to the progressive radicals now rising in their party. They are telling the Linda Sarsours and Cynthia Nixons of the party that they will impeach Trump if they win control of the House of Representatives.


The problem with playing domestic politics on the international scene is that doing so has real consequences for international security and for US national interests.


Consider, for instance, Europe’s treatment of Trump.


Europe is economically dependent on trade with the US and strategically dependent on NATO. So why are the Europeans so open about their hatred of Trump and their rejection of his trade policies, his policy towards Iran and his insistence that they pay their fair share for their own defense?


Why did EU Council President Donald Tusk attack Trump with such contempt and condescension in Brussels? Tusk, who chairs the meetings of EU leaders, is effectively the EU president. And the day before last week’s NATO conference he chided Trump for criticizing Europe’s low defense spending.


“America,” he said with a voice dripping with contempt, “appreciate your allies. After all you don’t have that many.”


That of course, was news to the countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East that depend on America and work diligently to develop and maintain strong ties to Washington.

Leaving aside the ridiculousness of his remarks, where did Tusk get the idea that it is reasonable to speak so scornfully to an American president?


Where did EU’s foreign policy commissioner Federica Mogherini get the idea that it is okay for her to work urgently and openly to undermine legally constituted US sanctions against Iran for its illicit nuclear weapons program?


The answer of course is that they got a green light to adopt openly anti-American policies from the forces in the US that have devoted their energies since Trump’s election nearly two years ago to delegitimizing his victory and his presidency. Those calling Trump a traitor empowered the Europeans to defy the US on every issue.


Trump’s opponents’ unsubstantiated allegation that his campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 elections has constrained Trump’s ability to perform his duties.


Consider his relations with Putin.


If there is anything to criticize about Trump’s summit with Putin it is that it came too late. It should have happened a year ago. That it happened this week speaks not to Trump’s eagerness to meet Putin but to the urgency of the hour.


After securing control over the Deraa province along Syria’s border with Jordan last week, the Assad regime, supported by Iranian regime forces, Hezbollah forces and Shiite militia forces began its campaign to restore regime control over the Quneitra province along the Syrian border with Israel.


As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and all government and military officials have stated clearly and consistently for years, Israel cannot accept Iranian presence in Syria. If Iran does not remove its forces from Syria generally and from southern Syria specifically, there will be war imminently between Israel, Iran and its Hezbollah, Shiite militia and Syrian regime allies.


Israel prefers to fight that war sooner rather than later to prevent Iran and its allies from entrenching their positions in Syria and make victory more difficult. So, in the interest of preventing such a war, Trump had no choice but to bite the political bullet and sit down to discuss Syria face to face with Putin to try to come up with a deal that would see Russia push Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria.


From what the two leaders said at their joint press conference it’s hard to know what was agreed to. But Netanyahu’s jubilant response indicates that some deal was reached.


Certainly their statements were strong, unequivocal signals to Iran. When Trump said, “The United States will not allow Iran to benefit from our successful campaign against ISIS,” he signaled strongly that US forces in eastern Syria will support Israel in a war against Iran and its allied forces in Syria just as it fought with the Kurds and its other allies in Syria against ISIS.


When Putin endorsed Israel’s position that the 1974 Syrian-Israeli disengagement agreement must be implemented along the border, he told the Iranians that in any Iranian-Israeli war in Syria, Putin will not side with Iran.


Time will tell if we just averted war. But what we did learn is that Israel’s position in a war with Iran is stronger than it could have been if the two leaders hadn’t met in Helsinki.


And this is exceedingly important.


Trump is being condemned for adopting a conciliatory tone towards Putin while employing a combative tone towards the Europeans and particularly Germany at the NATO summit. This criticism ignores how Trump operates in the international arena.


Trump views his exchanges with foreign leaders as separate engagements. He has goals he wishes to advance with China; with North Korea; with Russia; with Canada; with Mexico; with Europe; with Britain; with US Arab allies. In each separate engagement, Trump employs a combination of carrots and sticks. In each engagement he adopts a distinct manner that he believes advances his goals.


So far, unlike Obama’s foreign policy by this point in his presidency, none of Trump’s exchanges have brought disaster on America or its allies. To the contrary, America and its allies have much greater strategic maneuver room across a wide spectrum of threats and joint adversaries than they had when Obama left office.


Trump’s opponents’ obsession with bringing him down has caused great harm to his presidency and to America’s position worldwide. It is a testament to Trump’s commitment to the US and its allies that he met with Putin this week. And the success of their meeting is something that all who care about global security and preventing a devastating war in the Middle East should be grateful for.


Originally published in The Jerusalem Post.


John R. Houk, Blog Editor


@ 2013 All Rights Reserved to Caroline Glick


About Caroline B. Glick


Caroline B. Glick is a senior columnist at Breitbart News and the senior contributing and chief columnist for The Jerusalem Post. She is also a senior columnist for Maariv. She is the author of The Israeli Solution: A One State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, (Crown 2014) and of Shackled Warrior: Israel and the Global Jihad (Gefen 2008). The Israeli Solution was endorsed by leading US policymakers including Vice President Mike Pence, Senator Ted Cruz and National Security Advisor John Bolton. Shackled Warrior was endorsed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former CIA director James Woolsey.


Glick is the adjunct senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC and directs the Israeli Security Project at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. She travels frequently throughout the world to brief policymakers on issues related to Israel’s strategic environment and other related topics. She lectures widely on strategic and political issues affecting global security, Israel and the Jewish people, US-Israel relations, Israel-Diaspora affairs and Israel’s changing strategic landscape.


In 2008 Glick founded Latma, the Hebrew language satirical media criticism website. She served as editor in chief of the site until it ceased operations in 2015.


Latma changed the face of Israel’s social media and revolutionized the Israeli entertainment industry by bringing an alternative voice to the popular culture. Latma launched “Hakol Shafit,” a primetime, half hour satirical newscast on Israel television Channel 1. Glick served as the editor in chief of the program.


Glick was born in Houston, TX and grew up in Chicago, IL. She moved to Israel in 1991, two weeks after receiving her BA in Political Science from Columbia University. She joined the Israel Defense Forces that summer and served as an officer for five and a half years.


From 1994-1996, as an IDF captain, Ms. Glick served in the Defense Ministry as a core member of Israel’s negotiating team with the Palestinians.


In 1997 and 1998 Ms. Glick served as Assistant Foreign Policy Advisor to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.


From 1998-2000 Ms. Glick studied at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and received a Master’s in Public Policy in June 2000.


In the summer of 2000 Ms. Glick returned to Israel and began READ THE REST


Intro to LaSalle’s the Traitors Hillary & Barry

John R. Houk, Editor

William LaSalle, Author (Could be a pseudonym – not sure)

© February 16, 2018


William LaSalle posted a huge comment to my share at the G+ Community Truth Warriors. Google flagged it as spam with these loving words from the social platform masters: “Removed as spam and only visible to you”.


I thought, “Well that is annoying.” I began reading LaSalle’s post.


The LaSalle comment was huge which might have contributed to Google flagging as spam.


As (or if) you read the comment, LaSalle comes off as an angry person ranting about the state of affairs left for America by one of the most Presidential Administrations in U.S. history. The thing is LaSalle backs his rant with admittedly Conservative sourced links, yet he includes some links that are from the Left MSM.


AND I made the post even longer by adding some excerpts to most of those standalone source links for better context.


I might add I concur with 95% of LaSalle’s rants but not all. LaSalle has several paragraph-lists of nefarious individuals and organizations in which some overlap, one example:


The M.O. of George Soros, Barack Obama, Muslims, the Roman Catholic Church, Organized Crime, the United Nations, Obama’s Administration, Liberals, Socialists and Communists, and Hilary Clinton is the same.


I point the “Roman Catholic Church” in bold text. As huge as the comment is, his inclusion of the Catholics as nefarious actors is not sourced. This leads me to believe a bit of personal animus against Catholics which is not an uncommon issue even among good moral upstanding Protestants (as opposed to a hate group).


I am a Protestant/Charismatic/Word-of-Faith Christian. Being in this crowd I have received share of animus from Mainstream Protestants and Catholic in Denominational Christianity.


The irony of LaSalle’s animus toward Catholics is he is commenting to a post that showed my displeasure of Jew-Hating Muslims promoting the proven forgery/hoax document The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as legit.


Those that have animus toward Catholics have some legit gripes with Catholic Dogma, such as: Papal Infallibility, encouraging prayers to angels and canonized saints and so on.


The reality is that devout Catholics have the same Conservative Family values as Biblical-minded Protestants. Today’s modern world has both Catholics and Protestants that have eschewed the Bible as God’s Word to Believers. These watered down diluted Catholics and protestants are worthy of criticism but not animus. Well, that’s my two-cents on the Catholics.
You might want to bookmark William LaSalle’s comment enabling to return to where you left off if you need a break from reading this book of frustration of virus of Leftists polluting the U.S. Government and the Constitution of the United States of America.

[Blog Editor Update 2/17/18: It took me forever to format this post at my flagship Blog. Forgive me, I’m feeling a bit lazy and I’m choosing not to the format thing on this blog. Ergo, I am truncating this post through William LaSalle’s first stand alone link. Read the rest at SlantRight 2.0.]

JRH 2/16/18

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William LaSalle

Posted as a comment “Article In Egyptian Government Daily: Trump’s … About Jerusalem Is … Phase In … Of ‘The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion’

Comment posted at G+ Community Truth Warriors

Truth Warriors Date: Feb 15, 9:52 AM

Comment Date: Feb 15, 2018

Comment Marked as Spam by Google awaiting Moderator/Owner Final Decision


The Traitors Hillary and Barry and the criminal, socialist, radical Islamic Terrorist supporting Democrats.


More than 11,000 private messages from Julian Assange reveal the WikiLeaks founder believed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was a “well connected, sadistic sociopath.”

On November 19, 2015, Assange said: “Her role in the war in Libya is what should bring her down, however, the GOP is too close to others who have benefitted to exploit this, it seems. that Hillary helped to sew the foundation for ISIS against Pentagon generals’ advice seems huge. But the GOP resolutely ignores it.

Our CIA and FBI have no credibility because from 2008 through 2016 they were on the wrong side.


Robert Mueller and Huma Mahmood Abedin should be a FBI paid Informants, to escape charges of Treason and working against the Government of the United States, on the Treason of Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama and his Administration on the Uranium One Deal and the Election Tampering by George Soros and his NGO’s and the Nations with Islamic Law in 2008, 2012, and 2016.

What you need to know about Clinton and the Uranium One deal

Sessions has raised the possibility of the DOJ probing the matter, as Trump has publicly called for.


11/14/2017 03:48 PM EST


Attorney General Jeff Sessions this week raised the possibility that a special counsel may be appointed to investigate potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, specifically suggestions that a U.S. government panel approved the sale of a large uranium firm to Russian interests in exchange for donations to the foundation.


The so-called Uranium One deal has been a focus of conservative media and President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly asked on Twitter why the DOJ is not actively investigating the matter.


What is the Uranium One deal?


The deal in question involves the sale of a Canadian company, Uranium One, with mining interests in the U.S. to Rosatom, Russia’s nuclear energy agency. The sale occurred in stages, beginning in 2009 when Rosatom purchased a minority stake in Uranium One, and continued in 2010, when the Russian agency took ownership of a 51 percent share of the company. In 2013, a third transaction gave Rosatom full ownership of Uranium One.


With its purchase of Uranium One, Rosatom assumed control of roughly 20 percent of uranium production capacity in the U.S. The current licenses issued to Rosatom’s U.S. subsidiaries, issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, prohibit the company from exporting uranium outside the country, according to



What are the allegations of wrongdoing?


Controversy surrounding the deal largely pertains to 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state in 2010 when the State Department signed off on Rosatom’s purchase of Uranium One. Several of Uranium One’s owners were also donors to the Clinton Foundation, giving $145 million to the charitable foundation, and critics have alleged that Clinton greenlighted the sale to appease donors to her family’s … READ MORE at SlantRight 2.0


Civilization Jihadis are not terrorists. THEY ARE SEDITIOUS ENEMIES!

Petition saying “NO” to the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States of America. The Constitution protects Religious Freedom, but NOT seditious religious terrorism!


Join the Clarion Project in drumming up support for the U.S. government to add the Muslim Brotherhood to the State Department’s terrorist list:


Say No to Muslim Brotherhood in the US


The Muslim Brotherhood is committed to replacing the American Constitution with sharia (Islamist) law. The Muslim Brotherhood is a supporter of terrorist organizations. It has no place in the United States.


By clicking the title of the above excerpt, you can add your name to the petition!


Perhaps even send the pdf composed by Paul Sutliff to your Senator and Congressmen which recognizes Islamic terrorist immigrants or homegrown terrorists operating under the design of the Muslim Brotherhood, are seditious traitors to the U.S. Constitution.

JRH 1/3/18

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Civilization Jihadis are not terrorists. THEY ARE SEDITIOUS ENEMIES!


By Paul Sutliff

January 1, 2018

Paul Sutliff on Civilization Jihad


Wake Up – Civ. Jihadis are Seditious Enemies


After being given some great perspective into what I had deemed terrorism, I now have to change what I have been saying in order to more accurately provide in US legal terminology a truthful portrait of the war America is engaged in today.


That war is a war against jihadists both violent and non-violent. Violent jihadists are under US Law demined terrorists while non-violent jihadis are not. BUT they are both engaging in acts against the USA. Both are acting for the same reasons.


Attempted bombings, murders, and even financing those actions can be pursued and prosecuted under the law. Those jihadis which work in what is defined by the Muslim Brotherhood as Civilization Jihad are not able to be pursued under the Patriot Act, because their actions do not constitute what is defined in legalize as terrorism.


Both the Civilization Jihadist and the violent jihadist (aka terrorist) have the same objective. Their threat doctrines are indistinguishable from one another. The only difference is one has a short-term plan of action, the other has a long-term plan of action.


What can be done to stop the long-term plan jihadist? Lets begin by defining what a long-term jihadist does from their own written material. According to the Explanatory Memorandum of the Muslim Brotherhood of North America, their ultimate goal is to:  “eliminate and destroy the Western civilization from within and “sabotage” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”


With this being the goal the objectives are obvious:

(1) Infiltrate college campuses for the purpose of:


a. stopping education on Islam that disagrees with what Muslim Brotherhood teaches.

b. disabling Americans as to the real intention and purpose of the Muslim Brotherhood.

c. Promoting misinformation that will create more sympathetic non-Muslims to endorse the actions of the civilization-jihadis as “moderates.”

d. Recruit new civilization-jihadists to engage in the agenda in a post college environment. Infiltrate government for the purpose of:

a. Protecting fellow Muslims.

b. Destroying the government from within. This could be as simple as slowing or stopping the machine called government from working as it is intended.

c. Sharing intelligence with the civilization jihadi leadership team.

d. Disrupting communications.

e. Placing misinformation

f. Enabling greater infiltration

(2)  Infiltrate government for the purpose of:

a. Protecting fellow Muslims.

b. Destroying the government from within. This could be as simple as slowing or stopping the machine called government from working as it is intended.

c. Sharing intelligence with the civilization jihadi leadership team.

d. Disrupting communications.

e. Placing misinformation

f. Enabling greater infiltration

(3) Make society accept and endorse the relevance of sharia in the USA. This means:


a. Push for acceptance of Islamic beliefs as the norm

b. Push for the acceptance of sharia in courts.

c. Running public relations campaigns with misinformation to recruit sympathy voters.

d. Running public relations campaigns against those who are exposing the civilization jihadi agenda.

With this said are their legal actions possible to protect Americans from this type of jihadi? The answer is both yes and no. It requires that those who commit violent jihadi actions be prosecuted not for terrorism but TREASON and those who are found working as civilization jihadis infiltrating organizations and government who are caught disabling the machine called government, or providing misinformation/propaganda with the intention of protecting their groups or membership should be charged with SEDITION.

IT IS ALL IMPORTANT TO CHANGE THESE TACTICS! We, myself included, need to stop referring to the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist entity but as an entity that suborns sedition in every country it is present. This means that Muslim Brotherhood in North America should be defined NOT as a terrorist entity but as entity whose sole purpose is to aide and abet in sedition in America. Due to it having declared war against North America. This is very important! It is why my proposed joint resolution has more teeth than Senator Cruz’s bill to declare the Muslim Brotherhood entity a terrorist group.

My resolution which follows is a recognition of a declared war against North America in the Explanatory Memorandum AND its recent declaration to wage war and shed blood in actions against the USA on December 6, 2017. Perhaps most enlightening in this declaration is its statement that its members in the Administration should consider themselves activated to actively work against the American government’s pledge to move the embassy to Jerusalem. This declaration should make them an enemy of the USA and thus make their organization in this country considered enemy combatants. How else do you interpret “we make blood, freedom and life, and we fight every aggressor and every supporter of aggression,” after declaring the USA to be an aggressor?

The Joint Resolution I proposed this past August now has an urgency to be passed! It will enable us to begin to act against the civilization jihadists by recognizing they have declared war against us. IF this resolution passes, then those persons and groups affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood can be prosecuted with the charge of sedition. The US does not need to declare war against an entity to recognize that a group is acting in pursuit of a declared enemy’s goals. Please read the proposed resolution below and email me to receive a PDF copy.





John R. Houk, Blog Editor


Paul Sutliff books with best deal at bottom of “Civilization Jihadis are not terrorists. THEY ARE SEDITIOUS ENEMIES!” post on his blog:


What Social Studies Teachers Need To Know About Islam


Stealth Jihad Phase 2: Infiltrate American Colleges


Civilization Jihad and the Myth of Moderate Islam by Paul Sutliff


MSM-Dem Conspiracy Now PUBLIC –Treason/Sedition Charges …

Could this Top Secret Leaks post be another dot to connect the Dems to outright treasonous corruption or an unverified Conspiracy Theory? I pray/hope it’s a dot.


JRH 8/1/17

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MSM-Dem Conspiracy Now PUBLIC –Treason/Sedition Charges Await Hillary, Obama & High-Level Appointees Now Incontestable – Trump to DROP THE HAMMER


By Elder Patriot

July 31, 2017

Top Secret Leaks


The MSM did its best to conceal sworn testimony given to the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday by William Browder a U.S.-born businessman who was instrumental in passing the Magnitsky Act that imposed targeted sanctions on Russia’s kleptocrats.


Browder told the committee that, “Targeted sanctions are a hundred times more upsetting to the Russian kleptocracy than broad sanctions,” and that among the revelations that Browder provided to the committee:


  • Fusion GPS — the firm hired by Clinton operatives to smear Donald Trump — also ran a smear campaign against Browder to bolster Russia’s effort to get the Magnitsky Act repealed.


  • The Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya who met with Donald Trump Jr. in June 2016 was a leading player in Russia’s effort to get the Magnitsky Act repealed.


  • He saw no evidence that the Russians were trying to help Trump rather that Russian operatives were reaching out to everyone who might be convinced to repeal the Magnitsky Act and that is why Veselnitskyaka requested the meeting with Trump Jr.


So, repealing the Magnitsky Act was Putin’s “single most important foreign policy,” because Putin and his cronies stood to personally lose significant sums of money under the sanctions.  There was simply no case for collusion to be made.


If anything, Hillary Clintons’ opposition to the Magnitsky Act that netted Bill $500,000 for a one hour speech that trashed the sanctions imposed by the act, reeks of collusion.  Hillary had previously colluded with Russia in selling off 20% of our uranium stock for $145MM dollars in Russian “donations” to the Clintons’ slush fund aka the Clinton Foundation.


If you’re wondering why we didn’t we hear about this exculpatory testimony it’s because the MSM is still taking its marching orders from Obama and Valery Jarrett through “twice daily conference calls…. 8:30 and 9:45 every morning and they develop talking points for the media for the day to how to sabotage and how to undermine Trump,” according to Bill Clinton’s former senior advisor Dick Morris.


Further proof that the Russia-Trump collusion lie is and always was an organized effort to subvert and overthrow the duly elected president of the United States was exposed by us late last week when we revealed that Obama’s post-election strategy was to strip Trump of any loyalists that might be in position to prove that if anyone colluded with Russia it was Clinton and Obama, not Trump, by:


  • Demanding the recusal of Trump’s Attorney General that promoted lifelong Democrat Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein to replace him.


  • Demanding Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee recuse himself that tilted the committee towards the hysteria of Democrat Adam Schiff – a virulent anti-Trumper intent on convincing someone that Russia and Trump colluded together.


  • Rewarding the two leading Dems on the House Ethics Committee for grinding the investigation into Nunes to a halt in order to block his return to the leadership of the Intel Committee.


As we pointed out, this was to give the Russia-Trump narrative time to fully bloom so that the Dems’ crimes under Obama might forever be obscured with the removal of President Trump.  It should also come as no surprise that the Deep State was similarly looking to obscure its role in criminally turning the intelligence community into a partisan political operation.


So the Dems’ mobilized large numbers of treasonous Obama-Clinton sycophants planted throughout every government agency to destroy the Trump presidency to conceal the criminal enterprise that they had turned the government into.


What they’ve done and what they’re continuing to do isn’t simply partisan politics.  They long ago crossed the line into seditious and treasonous behavior as clearly outlined in:




18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason


Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


18 U.S. Code § 2382 – Misprision of treason


Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.


18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion or insurrection


Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy


If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.


Here’s a section of the law that applies to our vaunted teachers and university professors and Obama’s OFA and Valery Jarrett:


18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government


Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or


Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or


Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—


Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.


If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.


As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.


There’s still more violations of 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 governing sedition and treason that the Obama administration engaged in while first mobilizing the levers of power (unlawful surveillance, widespread dissemination of classified information, and leaking that implicated our entire intelligence community) against candidate Donald Trump and then pivoting and attempting to unlawfully remove him from office using those same unlawful means.


Trump can no longer allow the Obama-Clinton criminal machine to hide behind Hillary’s pre-emptive defense that in the United States “we don’t jail our political opponents.”


VIDEO: Second Presidential Debate 2016: Trump-“You’d Be in Jail”


Posted by Optimize Optimism

Published on Oct 9, 2016


Hillary for Prison 2016.


When anyone, or any group of people – including politicians – engages in the unlawful sale of United States’ assets to foreign powers for their personal enrichment and then conspires against the duly elected authorities (President Trump and members of his administration) who have been empowered by the Constitution and the American people to enforce the law and bring violators to justice, they have engaged in sedition and treason.


They are no longer simply political opponents but have crossed the line into Manchurian traitors that must be exorcised from society.


Top Secret Leaks HOMEPAGE

Some Politically Incorrect Photos Making Dems the butt


Edited John R. Houk

By Robby Bowling

Intro posted 6/21/17


This is one of those posts in which there is some content that I highly agree with and some content that I have some serious doubts.


Bowling’s post has a lot of criticism of where the Leftist fundamental transformation has taken America of the years. This I concur with. Here is a good summation (though not complete) of the Leftist transformation plaguing America:


Perniciously, multiculturalism builds on the works of Marxist European thinkers such as Herbert Marcuse and Antonio Gramsci, whose “Critical Theory” has greatly influenced American progressives.


… The goal of politics should be first to ‘delegitimize’ the ideas of the American system and second, to transfer power from the dominant group to the ‘oppressed’ groups.”


Gramsci himself was crystal-clear on this: “In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.” (Multiculturalism’s Leftist Threat to the American Story; By Mike Gonzalez; The Daily Signal; 10/28/15)


Then there is the injection of less credible Conspiracy Theories. For example, Robby Bowling includes in his frustration of the Leftist transformation this Conspiracy Theory attribution:


“HITLER was also a “Rothschild”


Conspiracy Theorists blame the Rothschild family of Jewish heritage for Hitler’s Holocaust of Jews and for global Communism. Does anyone but me see a conflict of blame here?


The same family that inspired the Balfour Declaration calling for a Jewish State in their land of heritage is responsible for Hitler’s murder of about 6 MILLION Jews? IDIOTIC!


The same family that made a success out of Capitalist global banking is involved in a global Communist New World Order agenda? That would mean abandoning Capitalist principles of gaining wealth and joining a Communist agenda of ending all religion, that would include Judaism (Jews) and the extermination of a sovereign Israel. Yup, IDIOTIC!


Here are some fascinating proponents yet doubtful in credibility Rothschild-Hitler Conspiracies:






Here is a valid debunk of everything connected with Rothschild-Hitler-Jewish themed Conspiracy Theories:



JRH 6/21/17

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By Robby Bowling 

June 20, 2017 4:07 PM

The Realistic Observer


Rainbow Utopian Government


Once upon a time there was a “Functioning Brain” that became a “Child” that became an “Adult” that became a useful “knowledgeable & prosperous” member of the Family, the Community the Society, the Culture & it was good, it was progress, it was evaluation, it was “Learning to adapt! “There was a TIME when this LIFE, when being an American or European had Meaning, had Opportunity, it had Goals & it also had Dreams or Aspirations…We knew WHO we were, we knew our Past, our History because it was Taught to us as a GIFT, as a LESSON as well as a TESTAMENT & AS GUIDE to take with us as we go about our Travels from Sea to Shore & back again…

That world as we knew it is where most of us started this Journey! In those “DAYS OF YESTERYEAR” the “Family was still intact! And because Society nearly always Mirrored the Family Unit, it was HIERARCHICAL! The Child respected the Parent the Adult, they both respected the ELDERS, those that were considered the Wise, the Learned & those with Insight & Vision! It was not a Perfect system but somehow FLAWS & ALL we survived a few Thousand years…And some of that was RECORDED HISTORY! That recorded History is what gave us documents like the “Dead Sea Scrolls, the Bible, the Magna Carta & every countries version (or lack of) a “Constitution!” When I grew up my Mother kept a Family Bible & along with that Bible was the FAMILY NAMES that we all heard countless stories about …The Names, the Memories of the Grand Fathers, the Grand Mothers, the Aunts, the Uncles, the Cousins, the Brothers, the Sisters, perhaps a “Birth Certificate” & even a small Locket of Hair or a Babies shoe or sock…I think those Memories & Moments are .what we Cherish the most…You could call them “Family Heirlooms” after a fashion…

That is the AMERICA I grew up in! My roots come from “Small Town Rural America” & mine started on the “Family Farm!” It was just the way it was…We went to Church on Wednesday Nights, Sunday Mornings & Sunday Evenings…I rode the School Bus to Town for most of my Schooling Years…My life was not that much different than others in that Community! I played Sports, I was on the “Debate Team” & later on I was in a “Teenage High School ROCK & ROLL BAND…..However “LIFE IN THE FAST LANE ” it was not….I went to College, paid my own way, raised hell, drank a lot of beer & SOMEHOW Survived! How about that? You don’t think for one Moment, one minute it could have had anything to do with a FAMILY (not perfect) that actually Loved & Cared about each other, do you? Heavens Forbid that thought,,, How could it be POSSIBLE that a FAMILY could do BETTER than what this now this ‘Self-Righteous Evil Greedy GOVERNMENT in Washington DC Claims to do “Miserably” while Failing at every level….Could it be that that was the INTENT all along?


Hitler Quote


Have we all forgotten that “Sometimes” it is the “Simple Things in Life” that separate most of us….Contentment is actually “Perspective” & a little bit of “Attitude.” When I was the young child growing into the teenager some of my FONDEST Memories are literally grabbing a “Fishing Pole” & going to the Creek to catch Fish! The only thing we had to Worry about were Poisonous SNAKES…And we were usually Prepared for that VARMINT with an old 22 Rifle or shotgun….And to the “Chagrin of Liberalism” we didn’t Kill, Maim, Rape or Pillage a Village of Idiots either…HOW COULD THAT BE POSSIBLE, that is Without Government Supervision & Liberalism??

“Those were the days my friend
We thought they’d never end
We’d sing & dance forever and a day
We’d live the life we choose
We thought we’d never lose
For we were young & sure to have our way
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days”-Paul McCartney

I’m not trying to HARP or go on a Nostalgia Trip, but come on, those days were HEAVENLY compared to the “RAT RACE EXISTENCE” I see now… Fears were Real & Genuine in that ear, but so were Friendships & the Family (at least for most of us)…LBJ started the (FAKE) “War On Poverty” & all it did is Create “Ghettos & Projects” it “KILLED the African Families …They NEVER Recovered…but that was an RESULT the Communist Liberal Democrats WANTED & LUSTED for…A WELFARE STATE that would KEEP the COMMIES in POWER FOREVER….Hell, it is working…

That was also the ERA when Drug Addiction & Alcoholics started RAMPING UP…Activist Lawyers like the ACLU started doing their thing…And we CAN’T leave out or forget about The COMMUNIST Professes like “Saul Alinsky”- “RULES FOR RADICALS” got their FOOT-HOLD in the AMERICAN School & College system….And there has BEEN “No Looking Back” from that bunch of Evil Bastards!


Dear Conquered Peoples


The IRONY is thus: those Communist Liberal Deluded, Delusional, Sick, Perverted Snakes took what is PROBABLY the Only “Freedom” that was uniquely ours-“Freedom Of Speech” & used it to DESTROY the very “Foundations or Tenets (if you will) that our Constitution allowed & Cherished…. Think about it LIBERALS & MUSLIMS are the only ones allowed to Have & Use “Freedom Of Speech”…It is slowly FADING away into “Obscurity”

America is in the MIDDLE of a “Cultural Revolution or War” call it what you wish…the Next Step will be “Civil War”…But allow me to make ‘One Big Point” here…the Soldiers (the People) on BOTH SIDES are the REAL LOSERS…Ask yourself this, who are the Winners? ANSWER” the ELITES of this World….The Vermin Poisonous Bastards that are “One Step Removed” from being SATAN Himself are the WINNERS…That’s the “NEW WORLD ORDER” -Soros-Rothschilds-(the Bilderberg Group)….They want it ALL & right now there is Little anyone can do to STOP this “Avalanche” it seems to be cascading & moving on its Own Inertia …Kind of like Quicksand!

These same HEATHENS have now fairly well Destroyed EUROPE…We have no NEED to speak about the MUSLIM Nations they were already “Excrement Holes” that Smell & Look like “Death Warmed Over”. Their Job in AMERICA is moving into the NEXT Phase! They were Brought here 1st to introduce the CANCER of ISLAM…Then SECONDLY to sell FEAR….That one is Nearing its Crescendo…the Next Phase will be to become “Enforcers” for the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT…..For those WHO Don’t know History—–HITLER had MANY –“Muslim Battalions”…HITLER was also a “Rothschild”


3 Phases of Muslim Immigration


There was a TIME, apparently a very long time ago when the “Rule Of Law” was Respected, not ignored. And now it’s Ignored TOTALLY if-if fits the “New American Communist Liberal Progressive Manifesto” If we ELECT 537 Partisan Parasites ROM Both sides of the FAKE, FAUX or PHONY Aisle & the Republicans are “Supposedly” the “Party In Power” & they DO NOTHING whatsoever to reinforce that POINT….Then what WAS the POINT in ELECTING them to begin with….Or just MAYBE they aren’t Republicans at ALL, just Frauds, Crooks, Cons, Swindlers & Perverts just like all the others & also work for the Globalist SOROS (BINGO)…Isn’t there something that’s getting lost here….Isn’t this actually LIFE or DEATH….Or do we continue with our Bad Habits & go out & get “Sedated” like all the other JUNKIES & DRUNKS? And PRETEND it will all get better tomorrow….I guess OBAMA & SOROS can KISS your little HURT & make it all Better….Damn…what planet was it that brought us all these Ignorant Frigging Fools? NEVER MIND –I Needed To VENT!

It’s gotten hard, actually Impossible to see this SHIP & the SEAS we are Sailing on getting BETTER-anytime soon, if ever! How do you RISE above the DEATH STENCH that’s now in the air? I sure as hell don’t know!…DOING NOTHING is Suicidal! And taking ACTION before we can Organize may well be Futile also…

Feel free to argue with me, but I think we are getting very close to being HISTORY….Liberals have already started Tearing down & Destroying all our History…Monuments one by one are being torn down & History books haven’t been HONEST or TRUTHFUL in DECADES….Remember the VICTORS of WAR write all History with a Prejudice….There will be no one here to Correct them ….Go back and read the Books & the Movies made from “Fahrenheit 451” & “Logan Run”…Maybe those will be insightful? You also should read the Books by Huxley, Orwell & Ayn Rand before they are BURNED too…


Stalin Quote


As we speak the “Fear Mongers” from the CIA controlled Media are SPINNING….WAR with “Russia” one moment & War with North Korea” the next… Which begs me to ask this QUESTION….If TRUMP is in BED with Russia why the Charade? Forget it, LOGIC died a Slow Ugly Death Decades ago! “PARDONNE-MOI” but the “coup d’état” continues, just as the CANCER, we call LIBERALISM continues to eat Brain Cells better than any “Lobotomy” ever could…We should be ASHAMED of what we’ve come to, but sadly a “Willful Ignorance” is killing that shot….For the LIBERAL Lunatics out there, “how could you EVER think this could EVER have a “Happy Ending?” Somethings have no Bounds …Stupidity is apparently one of them….

So go on about your day, numb yourself into submission if you wish, but the Sword or the Guillotine will still Sever your HEAD off, Brain or Not….The Liberals in this WORLD & the Empty Headed IDIOTS that believe this “UTOPIA HOG-SLOP” will eventually Pay the PRICE for their INFINITE STUPIDITY… BECAUSE of their Willful Idiocy & the Cowards left in this WORLD ….FREEDOM is now “For All Practical Purposes DOE & EXTINCT…

Lest we remember LIBERALS are “Miserable Sadists” who get off by making People “Subservient” to them ..Their Dream goes like this, “Create A Welfare State” & make Everyone they “ALLOW” to survive “BEG THEM & WORSHIP THEM” as if they were the Messiah! They will Burn in Hell First!

Remember your Past that’s all we have left…Today is AIMLESS & Tomorrow…You are my guest….just give it your best SHOT…FOOL!


Cicero Quote on Treason from Within





Edited by John R. Houk

Intro posted 6/21/17




By Robby Bowling 

June 20, 2017 4:07 PM

The Realistic Observer


Iran Probably Already has Clandestine Nukes

Contact your Congressman and Senator to say NO DEAL

Intro by John R. Houk

© August 25, 2015

Ted Belman has posted two excellent articles from his Israpundit blog. On August 24 he posted an article by Major General Paul Vallely, U.S. Army (Ret) And Lieutenant Colonel Dennis B. Haney (And HERE), USAF (Ret). Then on August 25 he posted an article by Jerome Corsi. Both articles are about the belief that Iran already clandestinely has nuclear weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Their guess speculates the Iran Nuke Deal is an Obama ploy to cover his butt when the truth is exposed. They cite the recent history Russian, Chinese and North Korean support going toward Iran to keep the Twelver Shi’ite nation solvent during decades of sanctions from the West because of various Iranian violations to a peaceful world.

To remind yourself how nefarious and untrustworthy Iran go to my blog post about the Iranian government producing a video that glorifies the massive invasion of Jerusalem.

JRH 8/25/15

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Iran is Nuclear Now

By MG Paul Vallely, U.S. Army (Ret) And LTC Dennis B. Haney, USAF (Ret)

August 25, 2015


T. Belman. These authors are on my mailing list and keep in touch with me. They know what they are talking about.

Paul Vallely writes to say;

“President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and White House advisor Valerie are treading on treason grounds under the U.S. Constitution for aiding and abetting Iran, a known enemy of the United States, while throwing Israel, a longtime U.S. ally, to the wolves,”


Since 1979, a cabal of nations has aided and abetted Iran in its efforts to develop a robust nuclear program under the guise of generating a nuclear energy system. This cabal is mainly comprised of Russia, China, and North Korea. Since sanctions began being placed on Iran in 1979, with more added since, Iran still had enough free reign to develop its capabilities despite the sanctions regime because of this cabal. All the moving parts are in place, the material is there, and this means they are already nuclear – “break out” is imminent now.


During this period, North Korea had evaded sanctions, and like Iran, lied, cheated, and broke virtually every agreement it ever signed with the United Nations. Now North Korea is a nuclear weapons power, and we believe Iran has already done the same. Each had created hidden facilities but only North Korea has actually tested weapons fully. Because Iran has to date only detonated trigger devices that does not mean the Mullahs do not have weapons capability now because they certainly have enough material.

Both Iran and North Korea are also fast approaching inter-continental missile capability, and Iranian government observers, research scientists, and senior military officials have been on-site in North Korea for the testing of its systems. In essence, Iran has had the benefit of having North Korea essentially do their development and testing for them.

Iran has tested their launch systems like the Shahab series of launch and delivery vehicles and the attendant guidance and control systems, and they certainly had fine mentors along the way. The cabal has assisted Iran along all the pathways for acquisition of a nuclear weapon; from system requirements, specifications, prototyping, development, and acquisition. Iran has NEVER had to go it alone.

These are facts. Please feel free to challenge our findings and discuss where you think we have gone wrong.

· The coalition of Russia, China and North Korea have assisted Iran in achieving a nuclear capable weapon. Since the 1979 sanctions have been in place, Iran has had free reign to develop their nuclear weapons program unabated. This weapons program was under the guise of a nuclear energy program for domestic energy production. China and North Korea during this same timeframe developed their nuclear programs, maturing same to include land-based and sea-launch weapons systems, testing their entire launch, delivery and detonation process through actual nuclear detonations.

· Iranian Government observers, research scientists, and senior Military officials have been on-site in North Korea for all their tests of nuclear component systems. In essence, Iran has had the benefit of having North Korea essentially do their development and testing for them.

· Iran was able to test their launch systems (i.e., the Shahab series of launch and delivery vehicles and the attendant guidance and control systems). Russia, China and North Korea always had the latitude and time to develop and test warhead design, fissionable material and detonation testing. Iran participated onsite in most all of the scheduled testing.

· The coalition of Russia, China and North Korea have assisted Iran along all the pathways for acquisition of a nuclear weapon, from system requirements, specifications, prototyping, development, and acquisition. Iran has NEVER had to go it alone. The coalition support them 100%.

It is now clear that since 2009, the Obama administration has crafted a plan that guarantees Iran will have a nuclear weapon, and the devil is in the details. For instance; the copy of the agreement handed out in English for the American delegation did not fully replicate the copy handed out in Farsi for the Iranians. The American delegation never mentioned this to the West and especially not to the American people nor Congress. The Iranian delegation read both the English and Farsi-worded agreements, and declared that while they agreed with the one in Farsi, the one in English WAS NOT THE SAME, AND WAS IN NO WAY ACCEPTABLE TO THEM.

In addition, there are more devils in the details, and these are in the side agreements between Iran and the IAEA. We now know that one of those arrangements calls for Iran to actually be its own inspecting body. The fox gets to be the hen house security team. With Obama’s statement to Russian President Dimitri Medvedev in 2012, incoming President Vladimir Putin knew he had the green light on a host of issues with the now famous “live mike” incident.

The green light was not just for missile defense, it also applied to all things Iran. We know this because Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani was seen in Moscow despite a worldwide travel ban, just prior to Secretary of State John Kerry testifying before Congress on the agreement reached with Iran.

Being proven communist sympathizers, John Kerry, Obama, and his henchwoman, Iranian born Valerie Jarret, it is demonstrable that their plan has always been to aid that cabal. Prime negotiator John Kerry, who has his very own place in Communist Vietnam’s War Memorial with a photo, recently admitted that his daughter married an Iranian-American who has extensive family ties to Iran. Incidentally, Kerry’s chief counterpart in the nuclear deal negotiations, Mohammad Javad Zarif’s son was the best man.

We remind all that Barack Obama, mentored during his formative years by Frank Marshall Davis, a confirmed member of the American Communist Party, is also demonstrably not only predisposed to support all things Islam, he has a close relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood as has been proven in the “Betrayal Papers” series.

Now that the agreement has become a settled international agreement, where the United States would be going it alone if Congress somehow negates our involvement in it, the world will release of up to $150 Billion in Iranian assets all but guarantees funding for their nuclear weapons program and their terrorist proxies, Hezbollah, and Hamas and others, to include Assad of Syria.

What better way to wipe Israel off the face of the earth than a well-timed and specifically-delivered nuclear weapon? And what better time to “negotiate” a pathway to “achieving” a nuclear weapons capability, than when you already have one? It is important to note as well, that Iran has been designing plans for the United States as well, after all, intercontinental ballistic missiles are not intended for neighboring Israel, they are aimed at the United States and they have plans for an EMP already drafted.

In January 2014, the Arms Control Association even agreed that “…as Iran progresses down a path towards a nuclear-weapons capability, the difficulties in finding a compromise that would protect against a nuclear-armed Iran while being acceptable to the leadership in Tehran have grown.” Obama and Kerry are pushing an agreement upon America that surely many members of Congress have not read, and are not adding to the confidence level needed to ensure Iran does not “go nuclear.”


In 2015, given that the Iranians have not agreed to any inspection of any facility for many years, and WILL NOT NOW AGREE TO INSPECTION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES ON MILITARY INSTALLATIONS, the odds that Iran already has a nuclear weapon are really quite high. Why is it acceptable to so many that Iran gets to be its own inspector? The likely answer is, they know Iran already has the capability.

From the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) web site: “Iran acquired the Soviet R-17 (R-300; NATO: Scud-B) from Libya. Tehran has continued to utilize a number of foreign suppliers to develop a missile production infrastructure. To date, Iran claims to have developed five liquid-propellant ballistic missiles, (the Shahab-1, Shahab-2, Shahab-3, Ghadr-1 and Qiam); the Safir space launch vehicle (SLV); and the solid-propellant Sejjil missile.”

With $150 Billion in assets already flowing their way, they will finalize the first series of deliverable weapons. A first-strike launch against Israel? Support of international radical Islam, the global Caliphate, and terrorism will accelerate worldwide. Nothing will stop Iran and its proxies now if the “Iran Deal” goes forward.

The so-called “Iran Deal” is moot at this time and not worth the paper it is written on. The cabal wins!

MG Paul Vallely, US Army (Ret) is the Chairman of Stand Up America, the Legacy National Security Advisory Group and a member of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi.

LTC Denny Haney, USAF (Ret) is a standing Member of the ‘Citizens Commission on Benghazi and Operations Coordinator of Special Operations Speaks (SOS).



By Jerome R. Corsi, WND

August 25, 2015 3:42 pm


Corsi, NEW YORK – Amid debate over President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, two retired military officers contend their accumulation of evidence from open and intelligence sources shows Tehran already has a nuclear-weapons capability.

Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely and U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Dennis B. Haney assert that since 1979, a cabal of nations has aided and abetted Iran in its efforts to develop a robust nuclear program under the guise of generating a nuclear-energy system.

And they believe the White House is fully aware.

In an interview, Vallely told WND that President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and chief White House adviser Valerie Jarrett “are treading on treason under the U.S. Constitution for aiding and abetting Iran, a known enemy of the United States, while throwing Israel, a longtime U.S. ally, to the wolves.”

They charge the cabal is mainly comprised of Russia, China and North Korea, which have worked behind the scenes in collaboration with Iran to put all the parts in place.

Jerome Corsi’s and Michael Evans’ “Showdown with Nuclear Iran” uncovers the apocalyptic beliefs of Iran’s Islamic leaders that help fuel the drive to acquire nuclear weapons

The assistance includes providing the material needed to make a bomb. Vallely and Haney believe Iran can make a bomb now, and a “breakout” nuclear test detonation is imminent.

‘Treading on treason’

Vallely told WND that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “knows that Israel has little option but to launch a pre-emptive military strike on Iran, and I suspect Saudi Arabia will assist Israel militarily when the attack occurs.”

“Signing a nuclear agreement legitimizes Iran’s nuclear weapons future, while removing sanctions that gives Iran access to billions of dollars that can be diverted to advancing Iran’s terrorist goals against the United States and Israel,” Vallely said.

Haney agreed.

“President Obama has given the green light to the potential destruction of Israel by signing this agreement while Iran swears ‘death to Israel,’” Haney told WND.

“President Obama knows Iran has the bomb, and he knows Iran plans a nuclear attack on Israel. Obama has never liked Israel; he does not see Israel in the future of the Middle East that he sees dominated by radical Islam.”

Haney said Obama “is simply covering his tracks with this nuclear agreement with Iran.”

“The point is that Obama already knows Iran has the bomb and the entire negotiation has been nothing more than a charade, a smoke screen to cover up that Iran already has the bomb,” he said.

“The White House and Secretary of State Kerry know that Iran already has nuclear weapons capability and, to protect Obama’s legacy, the White House does not want it known Iran was allowed to develop nuclear weapons on Obama’s watch,” he explained.

“This way, a pathway for Iran to get the bomb has been created and put in place, so when Iran finally announces it has a nuclear weapon, Obama can argue that Iran simply got the bomb quicker than anybody anticipated, but not in violation of the agreement.”

He declared: “Iran is a nuclear weapons power now!”

In a joint statement, Vallely and Haney say an accumulation of available evidence shows a coalition of Russia, China and North Korea have assisted Iran since 1979 in achieving a nuclear weapon, despite sanctions, under the guise of a domestic nuclear energy program.

Vallely explained to WND that he and Haney have taken a systematic approach to evaluating each component needed to deliver a nuclear weapon, from the development and testing of a ballistic missile system, to the design of a nuclear weapons warhead, to the development of the weapons-grade uranium needed to produce a bomb.

“To come to our conclusion that Iran is a nuclear weapons power right now, we supplemented publicly available research, plus information from intelligence sources, including Iranian resistance groups such as the National Council of Resistance of IRAN, NCRI,” Vallely explained. “With the assistance of Russia, China and North Korea, Iran has developed and tested every component needed to develop and deliver a nuclear weapon against Israel.

WND reported in February that the NCRI, in a Washington, D.C., press conference, added to a series of disclosures it made regarding Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program more than a decade ago. NCRI has claimed Tehran is operating a secret uranium-enrichment site northeast of the capital city that was not disclosed during the recent negotiations to the United States or to the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA.

Vallely and Haney made clear in their statement their conclusion that Iran will soon detonate its first nuclear device.

“Iranian government observers, research scientists and senior military officials have been on-site in North Korea for all their tests of nuclear component systems,” they said. “In essence, Iran has had the benefit of North Korea doing their development and testing for them.”

They said Russia, China and North Korea “always had the latitude and time to develop and test warhead design, fissionable material and detonation testing.”

“Iran participated in most all of the scheduled testing onsite.”

Vallely and Haney said the “release of up to $150 billion in Iranian assets, as a part of the sanctions against Iran, guarantees Iran further funding their nuclear weapons program and their terrorist proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas and others to include Assad of Syria.”

‘Ties to Iran’

Vallely and Haney combine their analysis of Iran’s nuclear weapons capabilities with an argument that Obama, Kerry and Jarrett have close ties to Iran that influence their political judgment.

All three allowed the United States to sign a nuclear weapons agreement with Iran knowing Tehran could develop a nuclear weapon today and realizing that an atomic Iran would be an existential threat to Israel, the retired officers said.

“Barack Hussein Obama, raised and schooled in Islam, mentored by American Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis, with his primary adviser being Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett, has crafted a plan that guarantees Iran will have a nuclear weapon,” they said.

“The copy of the agreement handed out in English for the American delegation did not replicate the copy handed out in Farsi for the Iranians. The American delegation did not bring this up,” Vallely and Haney said.

“The Iranian delegation read both the English and Farsi-worded agreements, and declared that while they agreed with the one in Farsi, the one in English was not the same and was in no way acceptable to them.

“Prime negotiator John Forbes Kerry, himself a communist sympathizer during the Vietnam War, came out this past May with the admission that he has a daughter who married an Iranian-American who has extensive family ties to Iran,” they noted.

In 2009, Kerry’s daughter, Vanessa Bradford Kerry, married a Los Angeles-based Iranian-American physician, Dr. Brian (Behrooz) ValaNahad, who was born in New York, educated at UCLA, attended medical school at Yale and completed his internship and neurosurgery residence at the Massachusetts General Hospital.

The Nemazee connection

WND has reported the ties between American–Iranian Hassan Nemazee and John Kerry and Hillary Clinton.

Nemazee, prominent in Democratic Party fundraising since Bill Clinton’s second term in the White House, is an American-Iranian now serving time in federal prison for criminal bank fraud. Nemazee’s family fortune in Iran traces back to the Iranian opium shipping trade with China that began in the mid-1800s.

Nemazee’s credentials in raising money for Democratic Party presidential hopefuls is impressive. In 2004, he served as Kerry’s presidential campaign fundraising chairman in New York, and in 2008, he served prominently as one of Hillary Clinton’s most successful national presidential campaign fundraising chairmen.

Coincidentally, Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Fars Province, Iran, in Nemazee Hospital, named after Hassan Nemazee’s father, who had the distinction of transitioning the Nemazee family opium trade with the Far East into the 20th century.

‘Let’s provide Iran nuclear fuel’

WND reported that during his first presidential debate with President George W. Bush in 2004, Kerry, then the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, argued that the U.S. should provide nuclear fuel to Iran. Kerry said the U.S. should trust Tehran, as had President Clinton with North Korea, that the Iranians would not use the fuel to make a bomb.

In the early 1970s, Pyongyang had begun to acquire nuclear fuel and plutonium processing technology from the Soviet Union to expand North Korea’s IRT-2000 research reactor that was gradually diverted to nuclear weapons development.

Then, in October 1994, former President Jimmy Carter announced from Pyongyang that Kim Il-sung had accepted the broad deal later formalized as the “Agreed Framework.” Within less than a decade, North Korea withdrew from the Nonproliferation Treaty and prohibited IAEA inspectors to actively monitor Pyongyang for nuclear weapons activities.

Vallely and Haney, both members of the independent Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, made clear they are speaking for themselves regarding Iran and not on behalf of the commission.


© 2005-2015 by Ted Belman. Some Rights Reserved. All views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the site owner or the rest of its participants.

Islamo-Reality and Treason

Islam banner - What side BHO on

This is one of those essays that I wish Justin provided some source links or some footnotes. At any rate I trust Justin’s ability to hash out his data in which case this makes this essay an awesome yet politically incorrect piece of journalism. Here is a bit of an intro Justin included with the sent essay that is more efficient than any intro I might have written.


The following entwines some historical perspective and illustrates that whether its 1200 years ago or 80 years ago, nothing really changes in the Middle East. It also highlights the various manner in which Islam threatens all societies, whether through radical groups, immigration or converts here at home. I hope You will find it an informative and interesting read for all.

God Bless You and God Bless Our Beloved America. – Justin O. Smith


JRH 2/3/14

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Islamo-Reality and Treason


By Justin O. Smith

Sent: 2/2/2014 1:14 PM


One must oppose any group and anything that works against one’s right to make choices, in a peaceful and self-determining manner, and individual Liberty, whether it is Nazi fascism, Stalin’s communism, Obama’s fundamental transformation of America, or Islam and its islamoNazi core doctrines. With this said, it is not “islamophobia” to analyze and discuss Islam’s intolerance, inherent violent nature and the documented facts concerning Islam’s continuous assaults on the West and Islam’s disruption of civilized societies: This is Islamo-Reality.

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is a growing enemy within our sovereign borders. From its own charter, we have read the very words calling for the destruction of America. Its influence extends throughout the U.S. government and local areas across the nation; and this should greatly trouble everyone, especially in light of the December 23, 2013 bombings in Mansoura, Egypt, historical events preceding this, and Egyptian Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi’s declaration that the Muslim Brotherhood is a “terrorist organization”, a designation the MB has worn numerous times.

Imam Amir Abdel Malik Ali addressed the Muslim Student Association at UCLA, and at one point he shouted, “I will die to establish Islam in America.”

Today, seventy percent of Egypt’s population desires a government and a constitution based on Sharia law. And yet, after democratically electing Mohammed Morsi and empowering the Muslim Brotherhood, they soon rejected MB rule due to the extremely violent measures it employed. Journalists were imprisoned along with Mubarak supporters, and recently an audiotape has indicated that Morsi was cooperating with Al Qaeda in targeting Christians for murder. All of this contributed to “Field Marshall” Sisi, a Mubarak associate, grabbing power and imprisoning Morsi, as the turmoil continues and the violence rages.

Current day Egypt parallels Egypt during the 1950s. Jamal Abd al-Nasser needed the support of the MB leader Hasan Ismail al-Hudaybi to create an Egyptian republic, after seizing power in 1952. In 1954, Nasser refused to fully apply Islamic law, as Hudaybi demanded, and he outlawed the MB on the grounds that they were plotting a counter coup. On October 26, 1954 a member of “The Secret Apparatus”/ al jihaz al-sirri, a MB terrorist unit, shot Nasser at a rally; by the end of November 1954, over 1000 Brothers had been arrested and brought to trial: From their inception, the MB had rejected Nasser’s brand of “true” and “liberal” Islam and secularism, and they embraced violent Sunni fundamentalism and the Theocratic State.

In 1982, Hafez al Assad, Syrian dictator, brutally suppressed a savage revolt by Muslim Brothers in Hama. The MB cut the throats of the families of government workers and Baath Party officials, murdered local policemen and beheaded teachers who insisted on secular education – just as the Groupe Islamique Arme did in Algeria, when these MB allies decapitated seven Catholic monks in 1996. Sound familiar? Just look at Syria’s current situation.

Ask James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, “Just when did the MB become ‘a largely secular’ organization?”

Murfreesboro’s local MB hero, Saleh Sbenaty is closely aligned to Nihad Awad, the terrorist from CAIR, and Jamal Badawi and the movement to force America to submit to Islam. Sbenaty openly supports Hamas. And yet, he fled Syria in 1982. If he believed in the “truth” of Islam so strongly and loved Syria so much, why did he not stand and fight? Some freedom fighter, huh?

Instead of isolating the MB, the Obama administration has taken an unnatural delight in coddling them, because Obama never severed his implanted Islamic sympathy from his childhood days. This partially explains the visa issued to Hani Nour Eldin by the U.S. State Dept. in June 2013. Eldin is a member of Gama’a al Islamiyya, the terrorist organization responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and one of five signatories of Osama bin-Laden’s February 1998 ‘World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders’, America and Europe. Shouldn’t it be imperative to review the policy protocol that permitted a member of bin-Laden’s jihad front into the White House?

Aaron Klein and Brenda Elliott reported three weeks ago that retired General Tom McInerney essentially confirms that the Obama administration has exposed national security information through Huma Abedin. Abedin is Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, and she has deep personal and family ties with the MB.

John Guandolo, former FBI counter terrorism expert, goes one step further in explanation: “Mr. Brennan, now head of the CIA, did convert to Islam when he served in an official capacity for the U.S. in Saudi Arabia. He has given them access to the National Security Council, the National Security staff. He has brought known Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood operatives into those positions of government.”

The Progressive/Democratic Party mindset, which has enabled MB infiltration of the U.S. government, is of the same nature that allowed Gehad al-Haddad to serve as a top official for the Clinton Foundation, while he simultaneously served as the MB spokesman and advisor to Egyptian President Morsi, from February 2011 until his arrest for inciting violence in September 2013.

Two days after the Boston Marathon bombing, Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) stated, “It’s very clear to everyone but this administration that radical Islam is at war against us…This administration has so many Muslim Brotherhood members that have influence that they are just making wrong decisions for America.”

Interestingly, since September 2013, Al Jazeera and numerous sources, such as the Director of Research at Brookings Doha Center, have alleged that Barack Obama is a “full on member” of the Muslim Brotherhood, and in November 2013, Egyptian lawyers charged Barack and his brother Malik Obama in the International Criminal Court with “crimes against humanity” and many other crimes ranging from murder to “deprivation of physical liberty.” While Malik is accused of funding terrorists in Sudan, Barack Obama is also accused of using the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to provide direct financial support to MB operatives, with Morsi’s complicity.

Obama and his administration have assured a dramatic and accelerated measure of success for the Muslim Brotherhood globally and in America. Whether it is the so-called “refugee” program that is allowing terrorists a cover for entering our nation or Obama’s outright support for the jihadist movements, from Al Qaeda militias in Libya to the MB in Egypt and on to both groups in Syria, this twisted and perverse Middle East policy is unrecognizable as American and is not in the best interest of the U.S. And, in the best light of day, as I recall American lives lost and the Twin Towers collapsing, only one word can possibly describe Obama’s actions – treason.


By Justin O. Smith

Edited by John R. Houk

© Justin O. Smith