Newbill Thoughts in Conspiracies Inbox

Tony Newbill’s theme in this post is the Dem fake news of Trump/Russia collusion to win the 2016 election as POTUS. Even though some of this info is old news, too many people listen to the Leftist Mainstream Media (MSM) as gospel truth.


There is some treason going on here. I pray criminal activities are revealed so the American people can learn that the Dems main goal is to eradicate the U.S. Constitution as we know and to continue Obama’s dream utopia of fundamentally transforming America.


The last post is off topic to the rest of Newbill’s emails. That post is a video of Alex Jones bring clarity to his Pizzagate disavowal which includes a warning that there are pedophilia rings, the Clintons have a connection and the American Left is doing its best to silence reporting either by outright censorship or by falsely impugning reputations of those exposing pedophilia. Take some time to watch the entire Alex Jones video.


JRH 4/3/17

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Newbill Thoughts in Conspiracies Inbox


Emails sent by Tony Newbill

Posted 4/3/17


Screw You James Comey – What’s Good For The Goose

Sent 3/5/2017 9:51 PM


Hypocrisy, thy name is


According to the New York Times, FBI Director James Comey is reported to be requesting the President Trump Department of Justice to refute the possibility of the FBI having intercepted communications from Trump Tower in the latest “Wire Tapping” denial.


So lets [sic] give this request by Director Comey some context.


It was only a few weeks ago when the same FBI went to President Trump’s Chief of Staff and told Reince Priebus there was no truth to media reports, based on FBI leaks, of FBI evidence showing Trump campaign officials involved with Russian officials regarding the 2016 election.  It was all a complete nothingburger.


Details – On February 15th while discussing another issue FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe asked Reince for 5 minutes alone after the meeting.  At the one-on-one meeting McCabe told Priebus the New York Times Russia and Trump campaign story was a “bunch of BS”.


Priebus asked McCabe if McCabe would be able to say that publicly and get the media off his back about a ridiculously false narrative.  Asst. Director McCabe said he would check with his boss, FBI Director James Comey.  Later, McCabe called back and said he couldn’t issue a statement about it.


Reince Preibus/McCabe dialogue 2-24-17


Reince Priebus was simply asking for the FBI to give truthful information about the false reports to the public.  The White House was asking Comey to deliver transparency.


Quote from the FBI to Priebus: “We’d love to help, but we can’t get into the position of making statements on every story”.


Oh, but now, when there are “false wire-tapping reports” about Director Comey, now, N.O.W he wants the Trump administration, via the DOJ, to help him out and deny the FBI had any involvement in surveillance of Trump Tower, candidate Donald Trump or President-Elect Donald Trump.


Now, when it fits Comey’s preferred sensibility.  Now he wants a clear and transparent record.  The hypocrisy is thick with this guy.



Screw you James Comey!


My advice to President Trump and team would be for them to tell Director Comey to go READ ENTIRETY (Screw You James Comey – What’s Good For The Goose; By sundance; The Last Refuge; 3/5/17)



The Trump Administration needs to watch its back!!!!!!!

Sent 3/7/2017 10:28 PM


Wikileaks: CIA hackers can pose as Russians—ring a bell?


(Part-2, here)


Let’s see. The CIA claims that Russian government hackers interfered in the US election, on the side of Trump.


But suppose CIA hackers fabricated an operation to make it look like a Russian hack? Too far-fetched?


Not anymore.


In conjunction with their new data-dump of CIA material, WikiLeaks issues this statement:


“The CIA’s Remote Devices Branch’s UMBRAGE group collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation. With UMBRAGE and related projects the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the ‘fingerprints’ of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from.”


Spy games.


A group within the CIA wanted to shift blame for Hillary Clinton’s defeat? How about pointing at the Russians? “Easy. We can use Russian hacking tools and fabricate a scenario. We can say we discovered ‘fingerprints’ that point to the Russian government.”


Here is what the CNN Wire Service reported on January 2, 2017:


“…even as President-elect Donald Trump and his aides cast doubt on the links between Russia and recent hacks against Democrats, US intelligence officials say that newly identified ‘digital fingerprints’ indicate Moscow was behind the intrusions.”

“One official told CNN the administration has traced the hack to the specific keyboards — which featured Cyrillic characters — that were used to construct the malware code, adding that the equipment leaves ‘digital fingerprints’ and, in the case of the recent hacks, those prints point to the Russian government.”


Really? We live in a world where spies and their cronies are constantly fixing reality to suit themselves.


So now all this bravado about discovering how the Russians hacked and stole the election blows up like a cream puff with a firecracker inside.


Who originally hacked/accessed the Democratic National Committee (DNC) email files and handed them to WikiLeaks for publication? That appeared to be an insider at the DNC. But the cover story—“the Russians did it”—floated by the CIA other US intelligence agencies now takes on a new hue.


The CIA has worked, over the years, to refine its ability to fake a hack-trace to all sorts of people, including the READ THE REST (Wikileaks: CIA hackers can pose as Russians—ring a bell? By Jon Rappoport; Jon Rappoport’s Blog; 3/7/17)


Trust CIA hackers who hack France’s election campaign?



In my previous article, I mentioned how, according to the latest WikiLeaks CIA data dump, the CIA can fabricate, yes, fabricate the “fingerprints” of Russian government hackers and create the false impression that Russians hacked the US presidential campaign of 2016.


But there’s more.


Commenting on its CIA data dump, WikiLeaks also describes a wide-ranging CIA espionage plan to infiltrate the candidates running in the 2012 French presidential election. These are, of course, the same CIA thieves who assure us that Russia interfered in the 2016 US election campaign. CIA credibility? Zero. Who has time to try to sort out when the liars might not be lying?


WikiLeaks, Press Release, 16 February, 2017:


“All major French political parties were targeted for infiltration by the CIA’s human (‘HUMINT’) and electronic (‘SIGINT’) spies in the seven months leading up to France’s 2012 presidential election. The revelations are contained within three CIA tasking orders published today by WikiLeaks as context for its forth coming CIA Vault 7 series. Named specifically as targets are the French Socialist Party (PS), the National Front (FN) and Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) together with current President Francois Hollande, then President Nicolas Sarkozy, current round one presidential front runner Marine Le Pen, and former presidential candidates Martine Aubry and Dominique Strauss-Khan.”

“The CIA assessed that President Sarkozy’s party was not assured re-election. Specific tasking concerning his party included obtaining the ‘Strategic Election Plans’ of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP); schisms or alliances developing in the UMP elite; private UMP reactions to Sarkozy’s campaign stratagies [sic]; discussions within the UMP on any ‘perceived vulnerabilities to maintaining power’ after the election; efforts to change the party’s ideological mission; and discussions about Sarkozy’s support for the UMP and ‘the value he places on the continuation of the party’s dominance’. Specific instructions tasked CIA officers to discover Sarkozy’s private deliberations ‘on the other candidates’ as well as READ THE REST (Trust CIA hackers who hack France’s election campaign? By Jon Rappoport; Jon Rappoport’s Blog; 3/7/17)



Have You Seen This?

Sent 3/19/2017 1:04 PM


… In the case of President Donald Trump, …  the president’s claims that he was wiretapped, that is, illegally spied upon, by his predecessor’s administration, former President Barack Obama.


As I have written in this Newsmax blog and elsewhere particularly of late, my client, former NSA and CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery, holds the keys to disproving the false claims of those representatives and senators on the House and Senate intelligence committees, reportedly as well as FBI Director James Comey, that there is no evidence that the president and his men were wiretapped.


Montgomery left the NSA and CIA with 47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of information, much of which is classified, and sought to come forward legally as a whistleblower to appropriate government entities, including congressional intelligence committees, to expose that the spy agencies were engaged for years in systematic illegal surveillance on prominent Americans, including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen such as Donald Trump, and even yours truly. Working side by side with Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence (DIA), James Clapper, and Obama’s former Director of the CIA, John Brennan, Montgomery witnessed “up close and personal” this “Orwellian Big Brother” intrusion on privacy, likely for potential coercion, blackmail or other nefarious purposes.



[Blog Editor: The next paragraph is the part of the Newsmax report Newbill focused on in the email.]


… Under grants of immunity, which I obtained through Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis, Montgomery produced the hard drives and later was interviewed under oath in a secure room at the FBI Field Office in the District of Columbia. There he laid out how persons like then-businessman Donald Trump were illegally spied upon by Clapper, Brennan, and the spy agencies of the Obama administration. He even claimed that these spy agencies had manipulated voting in Florida during the 2008 presidential election, which illegal tampering resulted in helping Obama to win the White House.


This interview, conducted and videoed by Special FBI Agents Walter Giardina and William Barnett, occurred almost two years ago, and nothing that I know of has happened since. It would appear that the FBI’s investigation was buried by Comey, perhaps because the FBI itself collaborates with the spy agencies to conduct illegal surveillance. In READ ENTIRETY (Nunes Must Ask FBI’s Comey About Montgomery Mass Surveillance Case; By Larry Klayman; Newsmax; 3/19/17 01:04 PM)



What does Hillary Clinton, CrowdStrike, Ukraine Russian Conflict and Russian Hacking have to do with one another????

Sent 3/29/2017 1:14 PM


WASHINGTON —  An influential British think tank and Ukraine’s military are disputing a report that the U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has used to buttress its claims of Russian hacking in the presidential election.


The CrowdStrike report, released in December, asserted that Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app, resulting in heavy losses of howitzers in Ukraine’s war with Russian-backed separatists.


But the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) told VOA that CrowdStrike erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion. IISS disavowed any connection to the CrowdStrike report. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense also has claimed combat losses and hacking never happened.



While questions about CrowdStrike’s findings don’t disprove allegations of Russian involvement, they do add to skepticism voiced by some cybersecurity experts and commentators about the quality of their technical evidence.



Alperovitch, a Russian expatriate and senior fellow at the Atlantic Council policy research center in Washington, co-founded CrowdStrike in 2011. The firm has employed two former FBI heavyweights: Shawn Henry, who oversaw global cyber investigations at the agency, and Steven Chabinsky, who was the agency’s top cyber lawyer and served on an Obama White House cybersecurity commission in 2016. Chabinsky left CrowdStrike last year.



In a January post on LinkedIn, Carr called CrowdStrike’s evidence in the Ukraine “flimsy.” He told VOA in an interview that CrowdStrike mistakenly assumed that the X-Agent malware employed in the hacks was a reliable fingerprint for Russian actors.


“We now know that’s false,” he said, “and that the source code has been obtained by others outside of Russia.” READ ENTIRETY (Think Tank: Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data; By Oleksiy Kuzmenko and Pete Cobus; VOA; Last Updated 3/23/17 11:17 AM)


Crowdstrike’s Danger Close intelligence report is an analytic failure of epic proportions, but more importantly, it has harmed the morale of the people of Ukraine as well as cast doubt in the minds of the Ukrainian soldiers who relied upon the artillery app maligned by Crowdstrike.


In addition, Adam Meyers and Dmitri Alperovich chose to quote a pro-Russian military blogger’s exaggerated figures of an 80% loss rate of Ukraine’s D-30 artillery caused in part by a variant of the same malware used in the DNC hack.


The Ministry of Ukraine denies the allegations and states that the number of lost artillery is less than 80% and they lost no artillery due to READ THE REST (Crowdstrike Needs To Address The Harm It Caused Ukraine; By Jeffrey Carr; LinkedIn; 1/16/17)


Crowdstrike, the cybersecurity company working for the Democratic National Committee (DNC), released a report tying “Russian hacking” to an incident that never happened, yet even after the report had been debunked, FBI Director James Comey still referred to Crowdstrike as a “highly respected private company” at a Senate hearing.


By issuing a still-unrestricted report about an incident that never happened and then tying it to the alleged Russian hacks that Democrats claim tipped the elections for Pres. Trump, the DNC-employed Crowdstrike’s credibility deserves to be called into question, however, despite excellent reporting by cybersecurity expert Jeffrey Carr, Bloomberg’s Leonid Bershidsky, and Voice of America reporter Oleksiy Kuzmenko, the media has ignored the story and continued to cite Crowdstrike’s work… even after the Ukrainian Defense Ministry issued a statement on January 6th, 2017 refuting Crowdstrike’s claims.


Even more troubling than the media malfeasance about the discredited Crowdstrike report, in testimony in front of the Senate intelligence committee on January 10 – four days after the Ukrainian DOD denied Crowdstrike’s report — Director Comey admitted that the FBI had been denied access to the DNC servers and praised Crowdstrike, without mentioning that they worked for the DNC or that their recent report had been debunked.



If Henry’s statement to the Washington Post seems more political than technical, that’s because Crowdstrike was being utilized by their clients at the Democratic National Committee to put out a narrative about Russian hacking to use against the Trump campaign. As later confirmed by a laudatory piece in Esquire magazine, starting in June 2016 the DNC used Crowdstrike executives Alperovitch and Henry as part of an anti-Trump publicity plan related to allegations of Russian hacking:



The Democrats’ attempts to smear Donald Trump with allegations of Russian involvement failed to win them the election and by December the Obama administration was taking a number of steps to make the incoming president’s job as difficult as possible. On December 13th, the New York Times published a major piece pushing the narrative – without any new definitive technical evidence – that the Russians were READ ENTIRETY (Fix Is In: Comey Praised DNC-Hired Cybersecurity Firm Even After Botched Report; By LEE STRANAHAN; Breitbart; 3/20/17)


CrowdStrike has failed in a bid to prevent the NSS Labs endpoint security report from going public at RSA after a court in Delaware refused to side with the firm’s arguments.


The CrowdStrike Falcon Host, which aims to combine “next-generation antivirus, endpoint detection and response and proactive features” to keep enterprise systems secure, is the product NSS Labs included in both public and private testing.


However, it is allegations of underhanded tactics and alleged poor testing methods which are at the heart of the matter — rather than the results themselves.



On February 13, the Federal Court denied CrowdStrike’s bid, allowing NSS Labs to go ahead and release the results of the endpoint tests.



The endpoint security report, available to subscribers, analyzed the security of 13 vendors which offer endpoint protection solutions.


The vendors included in the report were Carbon Black, CrowdStrike, ESET, Fortinet, Invincea, Kaspersky, Malwarebytes, McAfee, SentinelOne, Sophos, Symantec, and Trend Micro.


Out of the 13, nine received a “Recommend” rating, one received “Security Recommended,” one was “Neutral” and two were in “Caution.”



While 11 products were granted an “above average” value, two were rated as having a “below average” value — one of which being CrowdStrike’s Falcon platform.


According to the subscription-only report, obtained by ZDNet, the Falcon Host received an overall security effectiveness rating of 73.2 percent and a score of 99 percent for evasion techniques tested. After what NSS Labs calls “initial tuning,” the company’s solution did not alert on false positives during testing.


As a result, the CrowdStrike Falcon Host received a “caution” rating, alongside Malwarebytes, which only gained an overall security effectiveness rating of READ ENTIRETY (CrowdStrike denied bid to block security report in legal challenge against ”subversive” NSS Labs; By Charlie Osborne for Zero Day; ZDNet; 2/15/17 12:24 GMT (04:24 PST))



Why didn’t Hillary Clinton’s DNC let the FBI Look at the Servers …?

Sent 3/29/2017 12:06 PM


We need to start asking this question …. Why didn’t Hillary Clinton’s DNC let the FBI Look at the Servers that the DNC said were Hacked by Russians???????


As of today, many months after the election, no one has put forth any evidence that Russia hacked anything related to the election whatsoever. None. The closest thing anyone has even resembling evidence is the word of CrowdStrike, the company hired by the DNC to investigate their servers, after someone released emails showing that Democratic party officials had been working behind the scenes to discredit and disable the Bernie Sanders campaign.


There are several problems with the CrowdStrike angle however. The first problem, is that the DNC refused to allow the FBI to look at the servers themselves. The FBI instead just took their word for it. The second problem is that CrowdStrike has a SIGNIFICANT conflict of interest in this situation. Google is a major stakeholder in CrowdStrike, and Eric Schmidt the Executive Chairman of Alphabet (the parent company of Google) was working directly on the Clinton campaign effort. He was providing tech assistance, he drew up her campaign plan, and he was even photographed wearing a “staff” badge in an exclusive area during election night.


Eric Schmidt wore “Staff” Badge at Clinton Election Night Party


This doesn’t pass the smell test, at all.


Furthermore, the anti-Russian angle peddled by CrowdStrike was premised on the “fact” that the malware used in the attack was of Russian origin. As any security expert will tell you, once malware is used in the wild, anyone can pick it up and use it (including other state actors).


CIA steals other groups virus and malware facilitating false flag attacks #Vault7 [Click Twitter link to view Umbrage Photo]  


To bolster their claim, CrowdStrike attempted to draw parallels to a supposed hack on Ukrainian artillery communications that used the same technique. That however, blew up in their face when both the Ukrainian military and the International Institute for Strategic Studies came forward to debunk their assessment.


Then there is the fact that Wikileaks has been very clear about the fact that their source was NOT Russian.


    “We can say, we have said, repeatedly that over the last two months that our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party,”


The rabbit hole on this topic goes deeper, and clearly there is room for a lively debate, but it takes a willful act of intellectual dishonesty to treat it as a slam dunk case where the villain is clearly defined.


Anyone who has studied crowd psychology knows that one of the most important principles of ideological contagion is repetition. It doesn’t matter if something is true or false. If you repeat something enough times people will start believing it. Once an idea becomes an accepted belief, it takes on characteristics of religious orthodoxy. To question becomes heresy.


Read more here:


This article is not intended to alter your position in regard to Donald Trump in any way. Whether you love him or hate him isn’t an issue of global importance, nor is his political survival relevant to this analysis. Some of the tactics being used in the push to take Trump down however, are.




Before we dive into the quagmire that the topic of of Russia, Trump and the 2016 elections has become, it behoves [sic] us to anchor to the stakes: Russia is a nuclear power. The demonization of foreign nations is a precursor to war, and even a limited conflict between the United States and Russia would kill millions (if not billions) of people; rendering much of the planet uninhabitable for decades. Using U.S. Russian relations as a political football in this context is foolish and irresponsible.




Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign made tying Trump to Russia a central pillar of their messaging strategy. This line of attack was predicated on comments made by Trump over the years expressing respect for Putin. …



Clinton used these and other statements to weave the narrative that Trump is “Putin’s puppet”. The mainstream media, and left-leaning blogosphere took that narrative and ran with it. Those who didn’t were labeled “fake news”, and attacked as collaborators. The goal was to capitalize on existing anti-Russian sentiment by attaching it to Trump and his supporters (and to pressure those on the fence distance themselves).






Now playing loose and fast with the facts for political purposes is a mainstay of American partisanship, but when foreign policy gets thrown into the mix, and “leaders” start accusing a nuclear power of “an act of war” the facts matter.


As of today, many months after the election, no one has put forth any evidence that Russia hacked anything related to the election whatsoever. None. The closest thing anyone has even resembling evidence is the word of CrowdStrike, the company hired by the DNC to investigate their servers, after someone released emails showing that Democratic party officials had been working behind the scenes to discredit and disable the Bernie Sanders campaign.


There are several problems with the CrowdStrike angle however. The first problem, is that the DNC refused to allow the FBI to look at the servers themselves. The FBI instead just took their word for it. The second problem is that CrowdStrike has a SIGNIFICANT conflict of interest in this situation. Google is a major stakeholder in CrowdStrike, and Eric Schmidt the Executive Chairman of Alphabet (the parent company of Google) was working directly on the Clinton campaign effort. He was providing tech assistance, he drew up her campaign plan, and he was even photographed wearing a “staff” badge in an exclusive area during election night.





The short term political utility of tying Trump to Russia has blinded many on the left to the long term effect such a strategy is bound to have. Consider for a moment the implications of an entire generation being raised in the United States right now marinating in news and commentary which frames Russia as enemy number (or depending on where Trump supposedly fits). The facts and specifics won’t matter to these formative minds. It all boils down to sentiment. This sentiment can (and likely will) be used in ways that those fomenting it never imagined.


A recent poll by Reuters found that a stunning 82% of Americans now view Russia as a threat. This is a ticking time bomb.


It is a strategic error to assume anti-Russian propaganda will always work in the favor of the political left. Remember the original Mccarthyism. Neocon Republicans like John Mccain [Blog Editor: I don’t agree with the author that McCain is a Neocon. Regardless of the propaganda Neocons are patriots that used to be Leftists. McCain is a downright GOP Establishment RINO] and Mike Pence [Blog Editor: VP Pence is hardly a Neocon. He has been a Conservative values Christian most of – if not all – his political career.] would like nothing more than a chance to clip Putin’s wings, and in the right context that’s exactly what they would attempt to do. By linking Russia to Trump (arguably one of the most hated political figures in American history) the left is unwittingly laying the psychological groundwork for war.


If and when the moment comes where a Republican president decides to escalate tensions with Moscow (by direct or proxy intervention), “progressives” will find themselves in an extremely uncomfortable dilemma: either they get carried along with their enemies in the wave of anti-Russian sentiment they helped create, or they try to reverse tack and play opposition.


Reversing tack wouldn’t be easy under any circumstances, but in the midst of a crisis it would be all but impossible, and such protests would be easily shot down with snippets of their own words. Hypocrisy is after all, a vulnerability in and of itself. READ ENTIRETY (DEMONIZING RUSSIA: THE PSYCHOLOGY AND CONSEQUENCES OF NEO-MCCARTHYISM;; 3/28/17)



Evelyn Farkas says ….

Sent 3/30/2017 1:07 AM


Evelyn Farkas says President Trump needs to tell the American People if he received a Bunch of Money from the Russians to bail him out of debt and if that’s possibly bribing leverage by the Russians and that is this at the heart of the Russian issue  … listen to her @ 2:40,


VIDEO: Obama Aide Evelyn Farkas Squeals Live On MSNBC: ‘I Helped Spy On Trump For Obama'(VIDEO)!!!


Posted by GLOBAL News

Published on Mar 28, 2017


Obama aide rats on Obama: ‘I helped spy on Trump for Obama’. Evelyn Farkas, an Obama administration insider, has become the latest Democrat to roll over and squeal on her former comrades, telling MSNBC that she helped spy on Trump for Obama before he left office, and that Trump, not Russians, was the target of the illegal surveillance



Blog Editor: A link was sent as a comment by Tony Newbill under another pseudonym he uses more often these days: Tommy Tunes. The thing is I don’t remember the comment other than it was a bit out of place for the post it was on. Perhaps Tony/Tommy removed the comment. Nevertheless, the comment pointed to an Alex Jones video of an episode of InfoWars devoted entirely to elitist pedophilia. In the 1:34:27 episode Jones clarifies his disavowal of Pizzagate but only as it pertains to the pizzerias themselves. The clarification is that Leftist pedophiles of the Dem Party/Crooked Hillary inclusion used those pizzerias as fundraising locations and that pedophilia conversations undoubtedly took place in the largely ignorant pizzerias. I placed this at the end because this entry has little to do with the theme of the rest of the post yet is so right-on that every should watch, listen and learn.


VIDEO: SPECIAL REPORT with Alex Jones – Saturday 4/1/17: This Needs To Go VIRAL


Posted by Ron Gibson

Published on Apr 1, 2017


Edited by John R. Houk

Text enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.


© Tony Newbill (pseudonym)


Conspiracies Imposed on the Public

Edited by John R. Houk

By Tony Newbill

Posted January 3, 2017

Tony Newbill highlights Eco-Marxism as part of the Agenda 21 paradigm. He proceeds to the subject of Fake News as in it’s been occurring for decades. Newbill found a Rappoport article talking of the government/media coverup of Chem-WMD sent from the U.S. to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and the consequences of that move later. Newbill wonders about the Obama/Dem/Clinton outrage over Russian actions in hacking when prior there appeared complete cooperation with Russian money laundering (and I might add Crooked Hillary giving nuclear armed Russia access to a huge percentage of American uranium). Newbill points to Obama money laundering illegalities with Iran to get hostages freed yet lying (as was and is typical) it was a part of the Iran Nuke deal. Crooked Hillary’s part in fixing IRS criminal against international banks HSBC and USB. Then Newbill culminates with the medical deaths imposed on the public by dangerous GMOs and needless deaths in U.S. hospitals.


JRH 1/3/16

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The UN ECO-Marxists …

12/21/2016 3:22 PM


The UN-ECO Marxists …. Give us the POWER to subvert your life into oblivion …. and the international jet set of Climate Change Globalist savants will have the earth all to ourselves!!!!! Like Marxism, sustainability prefers revolution to reform, but is willing to take half-steps. Like Marxism, sustainability seeks to re-architect human nature, finding human beings as they are unworthy of the kingdom it will build.  Like Marxism, sustainability is a vision of history in which a decisive inflection point lies just ahead of us, and we the living have the opportunity to get on “the right side of history” if we are smart enough to listen the movement’s prophets. Like Marxism, sustainability pictures itself a global movement, transcending the boundaries — and the laws — of nations.


Listen to the Video starting at 1:39 you will HEAR THE KEY WORD for THEIR PLAN at 1:50: 

VIDEO: We Have a Plan


Posted by UN Montenegro

Published on Oct 1, 2015


Video animation contextualising the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals.


Here is the UN page where more on the plan is available!!!


Agenda 2030: A Vision of a Better Future


The 193-Member United Nations General Assembly formally adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, along with a set of bold new Global Goals, which Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon hailed as a universal, integrated and transformative vision for a better world.


“The new agenda is a promise by leaders to all people everywhere. It is an agenda for people, to end poverty in all its forms – an agenda for the planet, our common home,” declared Mr. Ban as he opened the UN Sustainable Development Summit.


The UN chief’s address came ahead of the Assembly’s formal adoption of the new framework, Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is composed of 17 goals and 169 targets to wipe out READ THE REST (Agenda 2030: A Vision of a Better Future; UN Montenegro)


All TRUMP and PENCE need to do to get reelected is Abstain from this CREATURE and REBUILD our Industrial Base for self-reliance away from these Dependencies on Foreign Resources that can be used as Leverage against the U.S. People being folded into this Globalist Cabal of servitude!!!!!!



We Only Know What We are Told

12/27/2016 12:09 PM


We only know what we are told …. fake or otherwise!!!!!

Mainstream fake news: the devious limited hangout


Big media attacks “fake news.” Independent reporters rightly point the finger at big media as the predominant purveyor of fake news.




Here I want to comment on one of the most devious forms of MSM fake news: the limited hangout.


When necessary, news outlets will do a PARTIAL EXPOSURE of a hidden crime. The assumption is, once the story is published and broadcast, everyone will shake their heads and say, “That’s terrible,” and move on. The whole thing will be forgotten in a matter of days, as if the whole truth has been revealed. Limited hangout.


From media’s point of view, a limited hangout means: “We won’t do any further digging. We’ll shut down further investigation.” Vital questions won’t be asked:



The mainstream press could set their hounds loose and build a story into a huge wave. Over time, they could bring hidden players out into the open and expose them and wring confessions out of them. They could get some of these players to roll over and point to higher-level criminals. The story could achieve tsunami status, at which point the government would have to make arrests and lay on trials in open courtrooms.


But that doesn’t happen. Limited hangout rules the day.


I’m going to present a story about a crime now. It’s big. Very big. It was covered, to a degree, by the mainstream press. The coverage seemed to be significant. But it was a limited hangout.


As you read on, imagine what might have happened if the press had decided to go in with guns blazing and investigate all the way, over a period of months, releasing new revelations as they discovered them. …


In 1975, the US signed on to an international treaty banning the production, use, and stockpiling of biological weapons. Ditto for chemical weapons, in 1993. Another treaty.


Here’s a quote from the Washington Post (9/4/13, “When the US looked the other way on chemical weapons”): “…The administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush authorized the sale to Iraq of numerous items…including poisonous chemicals and deadly biological viruses, such as anthrax and bubonic plague…”


Between 1985 and 1989, a US 501C3 firm, American Type Culture Collection, sent Iraq up to 70 shipments of various bio-war agents, including 21 strains of anthrax.


Between 1984 and 1989, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control!) sent Iraq at least 80 different bio-war agents, including botulinum toxoid, dengue virus, and West Nile antigen and antibody.


This information on the American Type Culture Collection and the CDC comes from a report, “Iraq’s Biological Weapons Program,” prepared by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS).


Then we have a comprehensive article by William Blum (one of the good investigators in this whole story) in the April 1998 Progressive called “Anthrax for Export.” Blum cites a 1994 Senate report confirming that, …



This 1994 Senate report also indicates that the US exported to Iraq the precursors for chemwar agents, actual plans for chemical and biowar production facilities, and chemical-warhead filling equipment. The exports continued until at least November 28, 1989.


Blum lists a few other biowar agents the US shipped to Iraq. Histoplasma Capsulatum, Brucella Melitensis, Clostridium Perfringens, Clostridium tetani—as well as E. coli, various genetic materials, human and bacterial DNA.


Blum also points out that a 1994 Pentagon report dismissed any connection between all these biowar agents and Gulf War Illness. But the researcher who headed up that study, Joshua Lederberg, was actually a director of the US firm that had provided the most biowar material to Iraq in the 1980s: the American Type Culture Collection.


Newsday revealed that the CEO of the American Type Culture Collection was a member of the US Dept. of Commerce’s Technical Advisory Committee. See, the Dept. of Commerce had to license and approve all those exports of biowar agents carried out by the American Type Culture Collection. Get the picture?



Hewlett Packard said that the recipient of its shipments, Saad 16, was some sort of school in Iraq. But in 1990, the Wall St. Journal stated that Saad 16 was a “heavily fortified, state-of-the-art [Iraqi] complex for aircraft construction, missile design, and, almost certainly, nuclear-weapons research.”


If you review and think about all these WMD shipments from the US to Iraq, you understand there were many US officials and corporate employees who knew about them. Knew about them then, in the 1980s, and knew about them later, during 2 US wars in Iraq, when American soldiers were sent to Iraq, and could have been exposed to the bio/chem weapons.


And these officials and employees said nothing.


Officials at the CDC and the Dept. of Commerce said nothing. People at the American Type Culture Collection said nothing. People at the Pentagon and the CIA and the NSA said nothing. Presidents said nothing. Employees of the corporations who supplied germs and chemicals said nothing.



But it didn’t happen.


Instead, the story dissolved and READ ENTIRETY (Mainstream fake-news: the devious limited hangout; By Jon Rappoport; Jon Rappoport’s Blog; 12/27/16)


Daily Mail:


US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped Saddam Hussein build up his arsenal of deadly chemical and biological weapons, it was revealed last night.


As an envoy from President Reagan 19 years ago, he had a secret meeting with the Iraqi dictator and arranged enormous military assistance for his war with Iran.


The CIA had already warned that Iraq was using chemical weapons almost daily. But Mr. Rumsfeld, at the time a successful executive in the pharmaceutical industry, still made it possible for Saddam to buy supplies from American firms. [Blog Editor: Emphasis Tony Newbill]


They included viruses such as anthrax and bubonic plague, according to the Washington Post.


The extraordinary details have come to light because thousands of State Department documents dealing with the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war have just been declassified and released under the Freedom of Information Act.


At the very least, it is highly embarrassing for 70-year-old Mr Rumsfeld, who is READ THE REST (Rumsfeld ‘helped Iraq get chemical weapons’; By WILLIAM LOWTHER; Daily Mail; 12/31/02 7:36:39 am)



Dems & Obama are Russian Friends

12/30/2016 2:20 PM


I don’t understand why the Democrats and Obama are making such a Big deal out of their Friends the Russians. First, we have Bill dressed up as a Russian:


Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable foundation reportedly received as much as $81million from clients with accounts with at HSBC’s Swiss bank in Geneva.


The contributions – including $1million in exchange for Bill attending a lavish fancy-dress party in Russia – come from wealthy clients who are protected by Switzerland’s robust banking secrecy laws.


Details of 30,000 accounts have come to light after an enormous banking leak – which brought with it the names of seven donors to the charitable Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. 



Donor: Bill Clinton, center, received substantial contributions to his foundation from people with accounts at the secretive Swiss bank – such as Richard Caring, left, who paid $1million after Clinton dressed as a Russian general for a lavish fundraiser, pictured above


According to the Guardian, chief among the donors was Canadian mining magnate Frank Giustra, who reportedly handed over $50million to the presidential organisation.


Michael Schumacher, the racing driver seriously injured in a 2013 skiing accident, was listed as another donor, as was billionaire Eli Broad and French financier Arpad Busson.


Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender who flew President Clinton round in his private jet, also gave tens of thousands of dollars, according to READ THE REST (Clinton foundation ‘received $81million in donations from controversial HSBC Swiss bank – including $1million to dress up as a Russian soldier for lavish fundraiser’; By KIERAN CORCORAN; Daily Mail; 2/10/15 00:13 EST – UPDATED 2/10/15 09:05 EST)


Then there is this little Money Laundering scheme:


NEW YORK – The arrest of the head of global foreign exchange cash trading at HSBC bank may shed new light on suspicions the Clinton Foundation has been involved in illegal offshore money-laundering operations on a massive scale.


The investigation into HSBC currency trader Mark Johnson and associate Stuart Scott for their alleged role in a “conspiracy to rig currency benchmarks” by front-running customer orders has escalated to the point where the Department of Justice is threatening to tear up a 2012 agreement to fine HSBC a historic $1.9 billion for money-laundering violations in lieu of criminal prosecutions.


At issue is whether or not HSBC has honored the 2012 deferred-prosecution agreement in which the bank agreed to establish internal review procedures to catch and punish potentially criminal activities by employees.



The bank’s failure to discipline the two currency traders will make it difficult for HSBC to convince law-enforcement authorities that the massive Hong Kong-headquartered bank has complied with the 2012 agreement. An internal investigation in 2013 cleared them of any wrongdoing regarding a $3.5 billion currency trade that U.S. prosecutors now believe was criminally fraudulent.


HSBC money trail leads to Clintons


WND broke open the HSBC money-laundering case with a series of articles beginning in February 2012. More than 1,000 pages of customer records and secret audio recordings brought to WND by whistleblower John Cruz, a former HSBC employee, showed HSBC employees in Long Island were stealing the Social Security numbers of former bank depositors to create bogus “pass-through” accounts used to launder hundreds of millions of dollars for criminal enterprises such as Mexican drug cartels and Islamic terrorists.


WND reported in February 2015 Cruz told Senate Judiciary Committee staff preparing for the Loretta Lynch confirmation hearings that he considered the $1.9 billion fine DOJ imposed on HSBC in 2012 in lieu of criminal prosecution “a joke.” Cruz argued that a $1.9 billion fine of an international bank the size of HSBC amounted to …     READ ENTIRETY (HSBC CASE BLOWS LID OFF CLINTONS’ OFFSHORE EMPIRE: By JEROME R. CORSI; WND; 9/14/16 8:50 PM)


Oh, My then Hillary gets Obama to not Look at some of the UBS accounts, LOL wonder who they might be???!!!!


Donations to the Clinton Foundation by Swiss bank UBS increased tenfold after Hillary Clinton intervened to settle a dispute with the IRS early in her tenure as secretary of state, according to a published report.


According to the Wall Street Journal, total donations by UBS to the foundation grew from less than $60,000 at the end of 2008 to approximately $600,000 by the end of 2014. The Journal reports that the bank also lent $32 million through entrepreneurship and inner-city loan programs it launched in association with the foundation, while paying former President Bill Clinton $1.5 million to participate in a series of corporate question-and-answer sessions with UBS Chief Executive Bob McCann.


Though there is no evidence of wrongdoing, ties between the Clinton Foundation, major corporations and foreign governments have come under increasing scrutiny as Hillary Clinton begins her presidential campaign. The UBS case is unusual in that it shows a top U.S. diplomat intervening on behalf of a major overseas bank in a situation where federal prosecutors and the Justice Department had been the lead entity.


Clinton, speaking to reporters on READ THE REST (Swiss bank’s donations to Clinton Foundation increased after Hillary intervention in IRS dispute; Ed Henry contributed to this report; Fox News; 6/30/15)


The Wall Street Journal’s eyebrow-raising story of how the presidential candidate and her husband accepted cash from UBS without any regard for the appearance of impropriety that it created.


The Swiss bank UBS is one of the biggest, most powerful financial institutions in the world. As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton intervened to help it out with the IRS. And after that, the Swiss bank paid Bill Clinton $1.5 million for speaking gigs. The Wall Street Journal reported all that and more Thursday in an article that highlights huge conflicts of interest that the Clintons have created in the recent past.


The piece begins by detailing how Clinton helped the global bank.


“A few weeks after Hillary Clinton was sworn in as secretary of state in early 2009, she was summoned to Geneva by her Swiss counterpart to discuss an urgent matter. The Internal Revenue Service was suing UBS AG to get the identities of Americans with secret accounts,” the newspaper reports. “If the case proceeded, Switzerland’s largest bank would face an impossible choice: Violate Swiss secrecy laws by handing over the names, or refuse and face criminal charges in U.S. federal court. Within months, Mrs. Clinton announced a tentative legal settlement—an unusual intervention by the top U.S. diplomat. UBS ultimately turned over information on 4,450 accounts, a fraction of the 52,000 sought by the IRS.”


Then reporters James V. Grimaldi and Rebecca Ballhaus lay out how UBS helped the Clintons. “Total donations by UBS to the Clinton Foundation grew from less than $60,000 through 2008 to a cumulative total of about $600,000 by the end of 2014, according to the foundation and the bank,” they report. “The bank also joined the Clinton Foundation to launch entrepreneurship and inner-city loan programs, through which it lent $32 million. And it paid former president Bill Clinton $1.5 million to participate in a series of question-and-answer sessions with UBS Wealth Management Chief Executive Bob McCann, making UBS his biggest single corporate source of speech income disclosed since he left the White House.”


READ THE REST (Hillary Helps a Bank—and Then It Funnels Millions to the Clintons; By CONOR FRIEDERSDORF; The Atlantic; 7/31/15)


And I guess Money Laundering is part of US Foreign Policy????


A member of the House Intelligence Committee is accusing the Obama administration of laundering some $1.7 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Iran through a complicated network that included the New York Federal Reserve and several European banks, according to conversations with sources and new information obtained by the lawmaker and viewed by the Washington Free Beacon.


New disclosures made by the Treasury Department to Rep. Mike Pompeo (R., Kan.), a House Intelligence Committee member, show that an initial $400 million cash payment to Iran was wired to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) and then converted from U.S. dollars into Swiss francs and moved to an account at the Swiss National Bank, according to a copy of communication obtained exclusively by the Free Beacon.


Once the money was transferred to the Swiss Bank, the “FRBNY withdrew the funds from its account as Swiss franc banknotes and the U.S. Government physically transported them to Geneva” before personally overseeing the handover to an agent of Iran’s central bank, according to the documents.


These disclosures shine new light on how the Obama administration moved millions of dollars from U.S. accounts to European banks in order to facilitate three separate cash payments to Iran totaling $1.7 billion.


The latest information is adding fuel to accusations the Obama administration arranged the payment in this fashion to skirt U.S. sanctions laws and give Iran the money for the release of U.S. hostages, in what many have called a ransom.


Congress has been investigating the circumstances surrounding the payment for months and said the administration is blocking certain requests for more detailed information about the cash transaction with Iran.


“By withholding critical details and stonewalling congressional inquiries, President Obama seems to be hiding whether or not he and others broke U.S. law by sending $1.7 billion in cash to Iran,” Pompeo told the Free Beacon. “But Americans can plainly see that the Obama administration laundered this money in order to circumvent U.S. law and appease the Islamic Republic of Iran.”


As new details emerge, congressional critics such as Pompeo and Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) are beginning to suspect the U.S. government laundered the money in order to provide Tehran with immediate access.


“Think about this READ THE REST (Obama Admin ‘Laundered’ U.S. Cash to Iran Via N.Y. Fed, Euro Banks; By Adam Kredo; Washington Free Beacon; 9/19/16 5:00 am)


Globalist Enterprise …


Santander’s late chairman Emilio Botín at his home in Spain in June 2008. Members of the family paid €200m (£150m) in back taxes to the Spanish government. Photograph: Juan Manuel Serrano/Associated Press


A court in Madrid has launched an investigation into the amnesty deal offered to the hundreds of Spaniards whose names appeared in the HSBC files, in which suspected tax evaders were quietly offered the chance to pay back taxes and avoid prison sentences of up to six years as well as millions of euros in fines.


The list, leaked by HSBC whistleblower Hervé Falciani, identified more than 650 Spaniards who held accounts at the bank’s Swiss subsidiary. It was handed to Spanish authorities in 2010.


The Socialists, who were in power at the time, shied away from the established norm of launching inquiries into the suspected tax fraud. Instead, those named on the list were sent a letter, informing them that their Swiss bank accounts had been discovered and inviting them to pay the taxes they owed voluntarily. They were given 10 days to respond before an inspection – which could have led to criminal prosecution – would be initiated.



More than 300 Spaniards took advantage of the offer, handing over €260m (£192m) to Spain’s tax agency. Much of that came from Spain’s Botín family, whose members head Santander bank; they paid €200m (£150m) in back taxes to the Spanish government.


Complaining that the deal was a thinly veiled attempt to “offer impunity” to suspected tax evaders, the union representing tax workers, Gestha, filed a legal complaint in a Madrid court shortly after the amnesty deal was announced, accusing the tax agency’s top brass of a breach of public duty.


The case was initially dismissed by the court, but now has been reopened after a higher court sided with Gestha’s appeal against the decision. Specifically, the court will examine the response of two former senior tax officials to the names on the leaked list. READ ENTIRETY (HSBC Files: amnesty deal for Swiss bank’s Spanish clients investigated; By Ashifa Kassam; the guardian;  2/13/15 11.04 EST)


DRUM ROLL please … Oh and LOOK, the DOJ makes it OK to be a Money Launderer. LOL!!!!!


The Justice Department has reached final agreements with Swiss banks in deals that will help the financial institutions avoid potential criminal liabilities over U.S. tax crimes, the department announced Thursday.


The Swiss Bank Program, announced in 2013, allowed banks who believed they had committed tax crimes to be eligible for non-prosecution agreements if they met certain requirements, such as paying penalties and providing detailed information about accounts associated with U.S. taxpayers. It also allowed Swiss banks that could establish that they hadn’t committed tax or monetary-transaction related crimes to receive non-target letters from DOJ.


“The completion of the resolutions with the banks that participated in the Swiss Bank Program is a landmark achievement in the department’s ongoing efforts to combat offshore tax evasion,” said Caroline Ciraolo, principal deputy assistant attorney general, in a news release. “We are now in the legacy phase of the program, in which the participating banks are cooperating, and will continue to cooperate, in all related civil and criminal proceedings and investigations.”


Between March 2015 and January 2016, DOJ executed non-prosecution agreements with 80 Swiss banks that told the department that they had reason to believe that they had committed tax-related offenses. The banks paid a total of more than $1.3 billion in penalties, DOJ said.


Between July and December of 2016, four Swiss banks and one cooperative that had not engaged in wrongdoing became eligible for non-target letters from DOJ.


Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that the Swiss Bank Program “has uncovered those who help facilitate evasion schemes and those who hide funds in secret offshore accounts; improved our ability to return tax dollars to the United States; and allowed us to pursue investigations into banks and individuals.” (DOJ announces deal with Swiss banks on anti-tax evasion program; BY NAOMI JAGODA; The Hill; 12/29/16 01:50 PM EST)


[Blog Editor: Well that Hill article is a display swamp infested corruption in Washington DC, the Dems and sadly the Department of Justice!!!]


GMO, pesticide, FDA horror show

12/31/2016 10:33 AM


Warning to Trump: don’t approve GMO, pesticide, FDA horror show


In a previous article on Donald Trump, I wrote: “I think Trump favors jobs, all jobs, and will go to extremes to create them…He’ll find ways to allow the FDA to license new drugs more quickly, thus maiming and killing more Americans. He’ll cast a blind eye toward big corporate toxic GMOs/pesticides.”


I want to strengthen that warning.


First of all, the FDA isn’t being too careful in their drug approval process, as Trump team members suggest. It’s the opposite. The FDA is in the pocket of pharmaceutical companies. The president-elect should take notice of the famous July 26, 2000, review in the Journal of the American Medical Association, by Dr. Barbara Starfield, a revered public-health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.


Starfield concluded that FDA-approved medical drugs kill 106,000 Americans a year. That would be 1.06 MILLION deaths per decade. Speeding up their drug-approval work now, the FDA would add many MORE dead Americans to their “credit.”


On the issue of GMO/pesticide safety, I could cite many references which eradicate the official claim that these substances are safe. But let’s look at the primary facts surrounding the original approval of GMO crops (and their attendant pesticides) in the US.


When you cut through the verbiage, you arrive at two key statements. One from Monsanto and one from the FDA, the agency responsible for overseeing, licensing, and certifying new food varieties as safe.



This buck-passing, the direct and irreconcilable clash of these two statements, is no accident. It’s not a sign of incompetence or sloppy work or a mistake or a miscommunication. It’s a clear signal the fix was in.


There was no science to back up the claim that GMOs were safe.


My belief, at the moment, is that Trump will screw all this up completely. His focus on jobs and the economy will lead him into doing grave damage—just as Obama has, just as Hillary Clinton would have.


The corporate media, their corporate experts and allies, and their government friends have low-keyed the whole GMO-pesticide-FDA horror show for a long time.


We need a president who will go against the tide.


On these issues, Mr. Trump, through ignorance, inattention, unconcern, whatever, is on the verge of becoming a Big Pharma Big Biotech shill. READ ENTIRETY (Warning to Trump: don’t approve GMO, pesticide, FDA horror show; By Jon Rappoport; Jon Rappoport’s Blog; 12/31/16)


[Blog Editor: I do find Mr. Rappoport’s exposé of GMOs (& etc.) disturbing, but I don’t concur this should be President Trump’s priority over a swamp full of corruption. On a personal level I believe other priorities trump the GMO corruption in a step by step reparation of Obama’s Leftist destruction of America. I sincerely pray Trump places the GMO corruption in one of those steps. Other priorities such as illegal immigration, Islamic Terrorism, Jobs, Shrinking Government overreach and Deficit reduction come to mind.]


additional comment ….


How do we know if GMO food is NOT causing the Immune System to become WEAK and LESS resistant to Disease instead of disease more resistant to antibiotics, because every Living Creature is EATING GMO FOODS??????


In the link to Jon Rappoport article there is information in there that shows the FDA has approved drugs that KILL 106,000 a year since 2000 for 10 years which does not take into consideration what has been approved on top of that since then to now ….  Then there is this: Now comes a study in the current issue of the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher — between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death.


It seems that every time researchers estimate how often a medical mistake contributes to a hospital patient’s death, the numbers come out worse.


In 1999, the Institute of Medicine published the famous “To Err Is Human” report, which dropped a bombshell on the medical community by reporting that up to 98,000 people a year die because of mistakes in hospitals. The number was initially disputed, but is now widely accepted by doctors and hospital officials — and quoted ubiquitously in the media.


In 2010, the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services said that bad hospital care contributed to the deaths of 180,000 patients in Medicare alone in a given year.


Now comes a study in the current issue of the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher — between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death.


That would make medical errors the third-leading cause of death in America, behind heart disease, which is the first, and cancer, which is second.


The new estimates were READ THE REST (How Many Die From Medical Mistakes In U.S. Hospitals? By MARSHALL ALLEN; NPR; 9/20/13 4:52 PM ET)


And Drum Roll please for the grand finale of how our Federally Approved Medicare system is handling the Organized Genocide of the citizenry. Study Shows Hospital-Acquired Infections Kill 3 Times as Many Americans as HIV:


Study Shows Hospital-Acquired Infections Kill 3 Times as Many Americans as HIV


Every year, 48,000 Americans die of infections they caught while in the hospital — and that’s a conservative estimate, a new study finds.


These aren’t infections people would have caught anyway. They are mistakes that cost lives, says study researcher Ramanan Laxminarayan, PhD, MPH, a senior fellow at the Washington, D.C. think tank Resources for the Future.



Hospital acquired infections actually kill three times more Americans than HIV does. Yet we’re only beginning to get a handle on the size of the problem. …


Laxminarayan and colleagues analyzed administrative data from a huge national database of information on hospital records for 69 million U.S. residents in 40 states between 1998 and 2006. They focused only on infections acquired in the hospital, and not on infections picked up in the community.


Most of the infections come from using catheters and ventilators. Some of the germs causing the infections have been around for years; others are scary new bugs such as the MRSA staph “superbug.”


Johns Hopkins researcher Peter J. Pronovost, MD, PhD, is a world expert on hospital-acquired infections. He tells WebMD that the Laxminarayan study finally gives hard numbers to a problem that has vexed hospitals for decades.


“These deaths are invisible. The public doesn’t know. They are happening one at a time, silently, and patients think they are inevitable,” Pronovost tells READ ENTIRETY (Hospital Infections Kill 48,000 Each Year; By Daniel J. DeNoon – Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD; WebMD; 2/22/10)


Bill Gates warns world “vulnerable” to deadly epidemic in next decade


LONDON, Dec 30 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates warned on Friday that the world was vulnerable to a deadly epidemic of an illness like flu, with the recent Ebola and Zika outbreaks underlining weaknesses in global efforts to tackle health crises swiftly.


Gates, whose foundation invests in improving healthcare in developing countries, said the global emergency response system was not strong enough and the ability to create new drugs and vaccines quickly was lacking.


He added that there needed to be more focus on developing treatments for likely epidemics.


“I cross my fingers all the time that some epidemic like a big flu doesn’t come along in the next 10 years,” Microsoft Corp founder Gates told Britain’s BBC radio.


“I do think we will have much better medical tools, much better response, but we are a bit vulnerable right now if something spread very quickly, like a flu, that was quite fatal.”


But Gates defended the World Health Organization (WHO) over widespread criticism of READ THE REST (Bill Gates warns world “vulnerable” to deadly epidemic in next decade; By Emma Batha; Reuters; 12/30/16 9:35am EST)



Edited by John R. Houk

Text embraced brackets are by the Editor.


© Tony Newbill (pseudonym)


Tony Newbill Emails 11/17 – 11/26

By Tony Newbill

Edited by John R. Houk

Posted November 28, 2016


Tony Newbill first goes over the Leftist Green Agenda of a sort Marxist path to control the population of the Earth and the environment that they believe can only sustain a certain amount of people to be safe for planet Earth sustainability.


The latter emails deals with a ritualistic Satanism, child-sex pedaling and its connection to the Clintons and those involved with the now dead Clinton campaign for POTUS. Although the First Amendment protects Satanism, some to the practices that include child-sex is not. Due to some illegal aspects of Satanism and the law, the Clintons or at the very least Clinton Staffers/Supporters should be back on the criminal investigation list. AND by the way, Crooked Hillary’s email server and her involvement with pay to play connected to the Clinton Foundation and her tenure as Secretary of State MUST NOT be taken off the investigation table.


JRH 11/28/16

Please Support NCCR


Sovereignty or Die

11/17/2016 3:41 PM


Sovereignty or Die …. Here’s why the Elitists are so hell bent on the Globalist Open Borders Policies ….


Watch out for the “UN” Earth Systems Governance PROJECT.  This is why a Robust retooling of the USA Industrial Base is so Important!!!!!


We need to keep a Vigilant EYE on these Jackboot ECO-Fascists …. We dodged a Bullet, but they are still there trying to find support to put us all in the Ovens!!!!!!!


Pay attention to the UN “Earth Systems Governance PROJECT”:


I tend not to traffic too much in the “eco-fascist” theme, preferring to stick more narrowly to the substance of particular aspects of particular issues like climate change or air pollution.  But sometimes the jackboot fits, and they should have to wear it.


I have noted at some length in the Claremont Review of Books a while ago the openly anti-democratic and pro-authoritarian views of some eco-alarmists, but that only makes them just like Thomas (China-Is-Awesome) Friedman, who for some reason is a respected figure.  I quote, for example, a British analyst who said in a press interview a few years back that “When the chips are down I think democracy is a less important goal than is the protection of the planet from the death of life, the end of life on it.”  And also two Australian political scientists who wrote, among other things, “To retain an inhabitable earth we may have to compromise the eternal vicissitudes of democracy for an informed leadership that directs.”  I love that euphemism “an informed leadership that directs” bit.  And who would do the “informing”?  So much for government by consent of the governed.  Perhaps the movie version will be called An Inconvenient Democracy.


Lately I came across a several months old column from the Sydney Morning Herald that offers another example of the mendacity of the climate campaign that I can’t decide is either clueless or just pathetic.  Richard Glover wrote:


Surely it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies. Not necessarily on the forehead; I’m a reasonable man.  Just something along their arm or across their chest so their grandchildren could say, “Really? You were one of the ones who tried to stop the world doing something? And why exactly was that, granddad?”



But the eco-fascists never seem to learn.  And so we learn that in the run-up to the 20th anniversary of the Rio UN Earth Summit that brought us the travesty of the Kyoto process that the would-be informed leadership that directs autocrats of the UN environmental community would like to tinker with the voting process of these UN summits so that recalcitrant nations like the U.S., China, India, Poland, etc., can’t block our salvation.


Oh, that’s not how they put it, but it isn’t hard to see through the euphemisms they use.  The BBC’s environment writer Richard Black (and there are few journalists more in the bag for the greens than Black) gives READ THE REST (Eco-Fascists Don Their Jackboots; By Steven Hayward; PowerLineBlog; 3/19/12)


SEE THEIR Thinking:


[Blog Editor: The top post is dated 4/20/09]


What is the nature of morality? It is how we want our world to be.
We want it to be a good place live, not just for humans but for all life. Overpopulation is now eroding that good place to live.
So overpopulation is a moral issue and we have an obligation to do all we can to reduce the pressure that humans put on all other life.
Is it immoral to conceive a child?
Yes, if greed and arrogance or ignorance and bliss are the underlying factors. Some rich and famous people seem to There is more Eco-Fascist drivel (JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT SEX WAS NO LONGER A MORAL ISSUE; BY RICHARD GLOVER; Less Is More; 4/20/09 04:22)


Here is the Truth about the so-called Water Shortage in California that the ECO-Fascists are pushing for control with Like Bolsheviks:



VIDEO: Dead Harvest [38:06]



Posted by NAER – National Alliance for Environmental Reform

Published on Jan 12, 2016


California’s central valley produces a quarter of America’s food, yet nearly a million acres have been forced out of production by federal laws and environmental lawsuits, costing thousands of jobs, with more to follow. When protecting species, should the human species be part of the balance? Take action at NAER.INFO


Of course, we know this is being done by Ideological Forces who see Zero Growth, here are some examples: 



For 50 years the environmental movement has unsuccessfully argued that we should save the planet for moral reasons, that there were more important things than money. Ironically, it now seems it will be money — through the economic impact of climate change and resource constraint — that will motivate the sweeping changes necessary to avert catastrophe.



The eminent scientists of the Global Footprint Network, for example, calculate that we need about 1.5 Earths to sustain this economy. In other words, to keep operating at our current level, we need 50% more Earth than we’ve got.



In financial terms, this would be like always spending 50% more than you earn, going further into debt every year. But of course, you can’t borrow natural resources, so we’re burning through our capital, or … There is more propaganda (The Earth is full; By Paul Gilding; CNN; Updated 4/8/13 9:39 AM ET)


And here: 


ObamaCare architect, Jonathan Gruber has been removed from the Massachusetts Health Connector Board after calling the American people stupid.


The MIT economist professor was involved in the construction of ObamaCare visiting the White House on several occasions and has also made several controversial statements linking abortion to eugenics, the reduction of welfare, crime, and black births.


A look at the White House visitor logs reveals that Gruber was READ THE REST (Jonathan Gruber: abortion reduces welfare, crime, and black births; SAYNSUMTHN’S Blog; 2/26/15 4:20 pm)


And here:


There are more than 7 billion people on the planet, and we’re adding 227,000 more every day. We’ve already witnessed the devastating effects of runaway human population growth on biodiversity: Species abundant in North America just two centuries ago — from the woodland bison of West Virginia and Arizona’s Merriam’s elk to the Rocky Mountain grasshopper, passenger pigeon and Puerto Rico’s Culebra parrot — have been wiped out by growing human numbers.


Most biologists agree that we’re in the midst of the Earth’s sixth mass extinction event; species are disappearing at the fastest rate since dinosaurs roamed the planet. This time, though, it isn’t because of geologic or cosmic forces — it’s because of our unsustainable human population growth and overconsumption. It’s clear that these issues need to … More Propaganda (WHY DO WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT POPULATION AND SUSTAINABILITY?About Page; CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY)


As a fundamental that needs to be achieved due to Climate Change Overpopulation growth philosophy, and that a worldwide approach of Zero Growth needs to be achieved through Financial Oppression. But like we can see in Developed Nations, the Population fundamental that is the Ideologues’ reason to oppress Growth through the Central Banking system, has not considered the Fertility rates as the CIA worldbook shows in Developed Free Thinking societies:


Total fertility rate (TFR) compares figures for the average number of children that would be born per woman if all women lived to the end of their childbearing years and bore children according to a given fertility rate at each age. TFR is a more direct measure of the level of fertility than the crude birth rate, since it refers to births per woman.




So to reconsider that Education with Free Thinking solutions that focus on a clear vision about population growth and our effect on our world is being understood in Developed Nations, and that to allow a better local funding of financial effects on local economies through Local banking needs to be reconsidered.  And this can allow for better reforms to Environmental Regulation and to Tort Reform that has been devastating to the way NGOs have used the Court system to Promote the Zero Growth Agenda rather than a Better Education system that Promotes Free Thinking Societies to engage in Real World solutions, like how Developed Nations show is working. This is how to Argue for Reforms with the Ideologues to be more Flexible in Policy.


In this Video, it has a Conversation with a Federal Judge that talks about the need to Change a Law that was created in 1992 which has allowed for the NGOs Sue and Settle strategy to inflict and destroy the Industrial Sector of our Great nation. In this Video, you will see the strategy that’s being used across the USA now since 1992 to destroy the Industrial Middle Class society that’s Transformed into a SERFDOM Society:


[Blog Editor: The video link is to the same Youtube video above entitled “Dead Harvest”.]



Epigenetic Eugenics: The Population Control Of Today

11/23/2016 11:41 AM


About the Spirit Cooking Podestas and Others …. Epigenetic Eugenics, The Population Control Of Today.


When you are looking at the manipulated Human Mind into accepting a depopulation policy you look to the Occult practice:

VIDEO:  Here’s How Crazy Hillary Supporters Will Get


Posted by HighImpactFlix

Published on Nov 6, 2016


How far is this thing going to go?

The Thumbnail depicts the author of “Spirit Cooking,” Marina Abramovic and Lady Gaga at the Watermill Center benefit auction.
Abramovic’s “art” is nothing short of spooky and bizarre.


“Hillary for F*ring Squad,” “Hillary for Prison” and “Vote HELLary for an Early Armageddon” shirts are still available along with a bunch of other Hard-hitting Messages.

Here’s your READ THE REST


SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - APRIL 10: Marina Abramovic attends the 5th Annual amfAR Inspiration Gala at the home of Dinho Diniz on April 10, 2015 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Fernanda Calfat/Getty Images for amfAR)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL – APRIL 10: Marina Abramovic attends the 5th Annual amfAR Inspiration Gala at the home of Dinho Diniz on April 10, 2015 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Fernanda Calfat/Getty Images for amfAR)
Marina Abramovic – photo by FERNANDA CALFAT VIA GETTY IMAGES


UPDATE: The Marina Abramovic institute has apologized to both Jay Z and Abramovic. In a statement issued Wednesday, the institute said the rapper did donate after all. The statement comes after “Picasso Baby” video producer Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn came to Jay Z’s defense and read the receipt of the rapper’s donation to Artnet news.



EARLIER: The performance art world and the hip-hop community merged in 2013 when Marina Abramovic collaborated with Jay Z. Now, however, the Godmother of Performance Art isn’t very happy with the rapper.


… Abramovic appeared in the video and even had what seemed to be a poignant head-touching moment with the rapper, but now she says she’s “pissed by” the aftermath of their collaboration. In an interview with Spike magazine, Abramovic said she only worked with Jay Z on one condition: “That he would help my institute.” Yet she claims “he didn’t.”


Abramovic says that Jay Z was supposed to help with  (Marina Abramovic Is ‘Pissed’ At Jay Z, Says He ‘Completely Used’ Her [UPDATE]; By Erin Whitney; HuffPo; 5/19/15 06:00 pm ET – Updated 5/21/15)


Warning: Graphic and Disturbing Content


By now, you’ve probably seen the words “spirit cooking.” You may have read the mentions of this ritual with regard to John and Tony Podesta in the Wikileaks emails.


But what is it really?


According to my favorite /sarcasm/ outlet, Huffington Post, we’re all quite silly to be disturbed by videos of a weird woman named Marina Abramovic painting on walls with blood, pouring some nasty fluid over a symbolic child, and diving into “cakes” made to look like women by digging knives into their breasts to expose the red filling inside. Their headline read, “Trump Supporters Hilariously Mistake Famous Artist For ‘Spooky Occult’ Leader: That’s right. They started a literal witch hunt.” (My gosh, I detest that website with every fiber of my being.) …



Go home, HuffPo. You’re drunk.


I’ve written about a lot of disturbing stuff, but this is among the most repellent.


The truth is, this “art” contains yummy recipes like menstrual blood, urine, sperm mixtures. The “art” has hints of necrophilia, self-harm, masochism, sadism, dismemberment, torture, and pedophilia. You can see some examples of the “art” below the video. If you can stomach it, you can also watch a documentary about her “art.”




Is it actually a Satanic ritual? Maybe voodoo? Some kind of dark magic? As the video below states, “The ritualistic rape of children is a core part of high-level Satanic ritual worship.”


This very disturbing video provides some answers, although we are still without concrete evidence of anything criminal taking place.




… HMM… TO VIEW THE DISTURBING VIDEO AND PHOTOS OF spirit cooking, YOU HAVE TO GO TO THE WEBSITE (The Disturbing Links Between Spirit Cooking, “Artistic” Ritual Mutilations, Pedophilia, and the Podestas (VIDEO); By Daisy Luther; Sleuth Journal; 11/12/16)




Fwd: Tickets to Official Campaign Launch on June 13th


From: To: Date: 2015-06-07 01:00


Subject: Fwd: Tickets to Official Campaign Launch on June 13th


Not sure if this came to you July 9 Join? Sent from my iPhone


Begin forwarded message:


From: Marina Abramovic



Subject: Re: Tickets to Official Campaign Launch on June 13th


Dear John, I am sorry but I will not be able to make it since I am in Australia for two big projects and will be back on July 6. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to dinner on July 9 at my place together with Tony, whom I already invited. The dinner is at 7:30PM and the address is 497 Greenwich Street, apt 7B. Please let me know if you can make it. Warmly, Marina




“So, we’re in hell,” Marina Abramović begins, leaning across the table, “and the devil is sitting around, being bored.”



She mentions removing a section from the book “because of all the problems I have recently.” I understand this as a reference to a controversial passage, since removed, from an early version of the book in which Abramović describes her first meeting aboriginal Australians in the Outback, with whom she lived for a year learning, meditating, and generating new ideas for her work. …



Yet here she is, in her publisher’s office, opening herself up to an interviewer she’s only met 15 minutes before. It’s both thrilling and a bit shocking. Marina Abramović, I am beginning to suspect, kind of doesn’t give a fuck. Not about her publisher, who would surely prefer her to avoid hairy topics. Not about the detractors, who have called her works  “cheesy” (Roberta Smith in the New York Times), “exploitative” (performance artist Yvonne Rainer), and “Satanic” (right-wing misinformation site Infowars, in reference to a dinner party she threw). Not about the blow-ups, including criticism for having had three abortions because “[having children] would be a disaster for my work.” …


And yet, whether she’s withstanding razorblades to the stomach (Lips of Thomas, 1975), a bed of fire (Rhythm 5, 1974), a cross of ice (also Lips of Thomas), or the public in a kind of Stanford Prison Experiment scenario (Rhythm 0, 1974)—or, most famously, sitting silent and motionless across from visitors for eight hours a day over three months (The Artist Is Present, 2010), a performance that drew 750,000 attendees, a MoMA record for performance—Marina Abramović endures, outlasting everyone else through a …



Walk Through Walls begins in early childhood and hews to the general format of a hero’s journey, or perhaps a Portrait of the Performance Artist as a Young Woman and a No Longer Young Woman. READ THE ENTIRITY of the Leftist praise for Marina Abramović if you can stand it (Marina Abramović Still Doesn’t Give a F**k; By James Yeh;; 11/15/16)


Now take the Above Information on how these artists are using the artistic displays of sound and visual displays that demean and denounce Humanity, it shows that complacency sets into the resistance to the Threat of Government policies that would be what brings on Epigenetic Eugenics, The Population Control Of Today


In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews Mark Passio, researcher of the occult about today’s current population control program that is being used against the people. Mark gave a four hour talk on this subject at the Free Your Mind conference so this is only a synapsious [sic] of all the information he presented. We also talked about Marks past with the church of Satan, leaving the church and learning his expertise on the subject of the occult.


Check out Marks website here


VIDEO: Epigenetic Eugenics, The Population Control Of Today


Posted by WeAreChange

Published on Apr 17, 2016


(Epigenetic Eugenics, The Population Control Of Today; By Jeffrey Phillips;; 4/19/16)


Pay Attention to the 3 Paragraphs in this Link here:


Epigenetics, the study of how environmental factors and lifestyle choices influence our genes, has flourished to become one of the most groundbreaking areas of science over the past decade. Studies have shown that, among other things, toxins, stress, socio-economic status, bullying, racism and the lifestyles of our parents and grandparents can all turn on or off certain genes in our DNA. The field is radically changing how we think about nature and nurture – giving it an impact far beyond the lab. [This first quoted paragraph added by Blog Editor. The next three are the paragraphs Newbill wants your attention to peruse.]


“To understand the darker implications of epigenetics, just think back through human history. There certainly is no shortage of war, famine, exploitation, destruction, epidemic and trauma. Knowing that some of this can leave a biological trace in our genes – which can even be transmitted to future generations – could be problematic.


Even in the 1920s, some believed that the environment could influence inheritance. Some focused on the fact that we could inherit the best of our civilization and become better humans, while others argued that certain populations had been exposed to various pathogenic environments (alcoholism, poverty, promiscuity, hot climate) for too long, becoming irreparably damaged. Their offspring, too, had to be treated with special care, as it was believed that the damage was likely transmitted across generations.


The latter idea in particular played into the hands of supporters of eugenics, a popular theory in the early 20th century. It was based on the belief that the quality of the human population could be improved if people with traits seen as undesirable could be stopped from reproducing. Some countries therefore launched eugenics programs prohibiting certain marriages and supporting forced sterilizations. Those seen as unfit to pass on their genes typically included people with mental or physical disabilities. However, such measures became increasingly out of fashion after World War II (though persisted until 1970s in many Western countries), as it became associated with Nazi Germany (in truth Nazis learned a good deal from American eugenics)”. (If we’re not careful, epigenetics may bring back eugenic thinking; By Maurizio Meloni; The Conversation; 3/15/16 10.00am EDT)


Now compare what was said back in the 1920s to today’s Academia and Artists circles of Society and we can say that it would seem that “Epigenetics”.


This is well under way in shaping Culture’s thinking today!!!!!


God Gives U.S. a 2nd Chance

11/25/2016 9:15 PM


I agree with everything in this Article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A new day had dawned, and the United States was being given by God a second chance to right the ship of state.


On the morning Donald Trump won the presidency, no one was happier than I. It seemed as if a black cloud had been lifted overhead. I had felt that the nation was overly inhabited not just by illegal aliens for the last eight years, but in fact had been seized by nearly every imaginable evil element from “outer space” – inter-stellar Muslims and black-Muslims, to anarchists, to atheists, to radical anti-male feminists and radical gay, lesbian and trangender [sic] activists, and last but not least to socialists and communists. While this may seem like an exaggeration, I felt that way nevertheless. Making matters worse was the arrogant anti-white, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian strut and attitude of our current president, one Barack Hussein Obama, a man so filled with not too disguised disdain, stoked by his even more hateful wife, Michelle, that I frankly did not feel welcome in the reshaped country he pursued relentlessly. On my numerous trips to Washington, D.C., it seemed as if the city had been hijacked and occupied by every subversive Barack and Michelle Obama could find to further their anti-American agenda.

Coupled with this was a sick feeling that should Hillary Clinton have won the presidency – along with her degenerate husband, Bill, as “First Pervert” and her lovely, criminally minded daughter, Chelsea, the greaser of the Clinton Foundation – the nation would surely go down for the count. And, along with the “Three Clinton Criminal Stooges,” would come the rodent-like felons around them, lowlifes like Harold Ickes, John Podesta, Cheryl Mills, Terry McAuliffe and many others. It would have been the end of the United States.




I am supportive of any new administration Trump constructs, but I am worried that our legal system will not be fully restored – because in the last 24 years, the lower federal courts have by and large been stocked with judges, mostly appointed by Presidents Clinton and Obama, who are political hacks. There a few exceptions, but the rest are few and far between. Their lack of moral and ethical honesty regrettably mirror the presidents who appointed them to the bench.

The testament to this is that it took illegal computer hacks and WikiLeaks to reveal the criminality of the Clinton crowd in the lead-up to the election, not court orders by the federal judges who had cases in Washington, D.C., administering to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests filed not just by me, but also my former group Judicial Watch, the Associated Press, the Daily Caller and a host of others. By and large, as I have previously written in my columns, these federal judges, almost exclusively Clinton and Obama appointees, had slow-rolled years of old records requests so only a handful of documents, at the Obama-Clinton State Department in particular, dealing in large part with the felonious Hillary’s private email server, would be disclosed to the citizenry before the elections.

And, this is why perhaps the most important task our new president can perform is not just to appoint honest and principled Supreme Court justices, but lower federal court judges who have the courage to represent the interests of the American people, not just the politicians who got them their jobs. But The Donald’s unnecessary recent pronouncement that his incoming Justice Department will not hold Hillary Clinton and her accomplices to account for their crimes sends a disquieting message to lower federal court judges that they can continue to cover up for the political elite.

So this Thanksgiving weekend let’s truly thank God that we have a new anti-establishment president, but let us also pray that he will have the courage to help restore the rule of law in a country that was intended to be a nation of laws and not men. To this end, Donald Trump must not only appoint honest judges, but also hold true to his campaign covenant to have the Clintons prosecuted as the poster boy and girl of a new legal order, one that fulfills the promise of 1776. For if the Clintons are allowed to get off scot-free once again, how can we expect these new federal judges to enforce the law when our chief executive, the one who appointed them, looks the other way? READ ENTIRETY!!! (THE CLINTONS MUST BE PROSECUTED! By LARRY KLAYMAN; WND; 11/25/16)


This is something else ….

11/26/2016 11:17 AM

VIDEO: De-Coding The Meaning On Podesta’s Hands


Posted by Reis-i Cumhur Videolarım

Published on Nov 8, 2016


Recep Tayyip eRrdoğan
RTE [Blog Editor: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has nothing to do with this video however, the mystical esoteric nature of this video problems the poster did have something in mind.]

VIDEO: Real Demon Manifests In Lady Gaga – Perfect Illusion: Illuminati Exposed



Posted by Spy Kitten TV

Published on Sep 23, 2016


Lady Gaga & The song Perfect Illusion off her new album Joanne is proof she is back to her satanic work in the Illuminati controlled music industry. We clearly see her being possessed by Lucifer and his demons in this video. The elite even have her set up to preform [sic] at the 2017 Super Bowl halftime Show! When watching Lady Gaga’s music videos we must be careful. Lady Gaga proves once again that she is in love with witchcraft and the devil. She really hasn’t strayed too far at all from the Illuminati while taking 3 years off from making music. Even though Lady Gaga exposed the evils of the illuminati at one point, she went back up to her old tricks, in fear of her life. Once again the elite are blatantly trying to brainwash her fans with subtle MK ultra mind control programming. We must spread the word, and inform the masses of the massive experiment taking place on their minds, all in preparation for the new world order!


The Pizzagate scandal is the latest news to be broken by Wikileaks. It’s real. It’s disgusting. It’s criminal. It’s nothing more than predatory pedophiles in high positions using code words for ordering a pizza to refer to wanting to engage a child in sex, and it looks like Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager’s brother was right in the middle of it, along with Thalemic [sic] Spirit Cooking advocate Marina Abromovic [sic]. Now, many websites and social media are being censored for reporting on the subject.


Remember when Julian Assange was leading America down the road of the corruption at the heart of the Clinton Foundation? Well, this is what he was going after. He was trying to make the American people aware of the depravity of those who represent them.


Infowars gives a brief synopsis of what took place and how it could be understood, including the symbolism, which is taken directly from unclassified FBI documents that list symbols and logos used by pedophiles to identify sexual preferences.


VIDEO: Pizzagate Is Real: Something Is Going On, But What?


Posted by The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Nov 23, 2016

A warning to viewers, the following images are disturbing. This all began after Wikileaks founder Julian Assange released hundreds of thousands of secret documents detailing a corrupt DNC, a backstabbing Clinton foundation and the modus operandi of a clumsy criminal campaign attempting to attain the keys to the most powerful seat on Earth. But the real truth Assange was leading us to was hidden between the blurred lines of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta’s released emails.

Fast forward past John Podesta’s brother Tony’s casual email exchange with Thalemic [sic] Spirit Cooking adherent Marina Abromovic [sic]. That was simply an introduction. The Rosetta Stone was needed next. A Verification that high level Washington D.C. Predatory Pedophiles were using a code to communicate child sex trafficking as casually as ordering a pizza. All hidden in plain view.

The FBI has long known the symbols pedophiles are using to operate. An FBI Unclassified document from wikileaks reveals “Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences…. to include those who sexually abuse children as well as those who produce, distribute, and trade child pornography, are using various types of identification logos or symbols to recognize one another and distinguish their sexual preferences. To specifically indicate the pedophile’s gender preference, members of pedophilic organizations encourage the use of descriptions such as “boylove”, “girllove”, and “childlove.” These symbols have been etched into rings and formed into pendants, and have also been found imprinted on coins. Investigators should also be attentive to pedophilia symbols advertised on Web sites. During examinations of computer files, investigators should be conscious of subjects who try to conceal child pornography by labeling them with symbols instead of the typical suggestive explicit names.

Now…clues. The menu from Comet Ping Pong. Notice the symbol of the ping pong paddles and its clever resemblance to the FBI documents symbol for Child Love. Hang on New York Times before you declare this fake news from your Ivory Tower. Now look at the symbol for Besta Pizza just two doors down from Comet Ping Pong Pizza, boldly using the symbol for boy lover as was recorded on the Unclassified FBI Document. The evidence begins to reveal that Besta Pizza and Comet Ping Pong Pizza maybe competing for the lucrative Washington D.C. Pedophile market right out in the open.

Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family:



Now, isn’t that interesting that the FBI, the same unconstitutional agency that violated federal law in running Operation Pacifier that distributed tens of thousands of pictures and video of underage children in sex acts, may have been involved. This is also the same agency that criminally operated 23 child porn sites in order to arrest those who looked at what they were providing.


Keep in mind, this is the same agency, whose director confirmed that Hillary Clinton broke the law, but would not recommend she be prosecuted for her crimes. We know James Comey has ties to Clinton Foundation donorswhich has amassed him seven figures. Could it be that Mr. Comey is trying to keep something else like Pizzagate from REST THE REST (#Pizzagate Was Merely Code for Child Sex Trafficking; By Tim Brown; D.C. Clothesline; 11/26/16)


[Blog Editor: See Also: “PIZZAGATE: The Greatest Scandal of the Third Millennium”.]





Edited by John R. Houk

Text enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.


© Tony Newbill



Newbill Emails on Crooked Hillary 2nd Set


Edited by John R. Houk

Posted November 6, 2016


This batch of emails focuses on Crooked Hillary. There is some email information on Donald Trump through the eyes of Left Wing detractors. Newbill examines a post from a Bernie Sanders supporter that calls Crooked Hillary an evil Neocon. I disagree with the appellation Neocon on Hillary Clinton. I explain my disagreement on the Neocon accusation and that Neoconservatism is not evil down below.


JRH 11/5/16

Please Support NCCR


Trump needs to Identify this Person and use his Extreme ECO-Marxism to Label Hillary with an ANTI-Economic Growth vision

10/14/2016 11:18 AM


Trump can say this shows we are Out of Balance with how Obama and NOW Hillary want to Implement policies that will enable the People’s access to their Rights and Liberties!!!! There is No Way we can Have a Robust Economy that serves the people when these people want to OPPRESS access to our Resources with Extreme ECO-Marxism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We Must EXPOSE this Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager as the ECO-Marxist. [This ECO-Marxist represents] the People doing the Dirty work behind our Government’s Closed Doors that’s KILLING OUR LIBERTY!!!!!!!!!!     


…  It was 2014, and McCarthy, the head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was about to make her case for blocking the controversial Pebble gold mine planned for Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed, home to one of the world’s most prolific salmon fisheries. …


But McCarthy also knew there would be a new player in the room. Longtime Democratic operative John Podesta, Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff, had just returned to the White House as counselor to Barack Obama. And Podesta had a reputation for bold conservation policy.



And 10 minutes into the conversation, Podesta broke in. He said that he and the president endorsed McCarthy’s plan, and then laid out exactly how the announcement would roll out. McCarthy left the room, dumbfounded and elated.



“Nobody in the 21st century in U.S. government has had the influence that he has had on public lands and climate change,” says Douglas Brinkley, a Rice University professor of history.



Podesta’s political philosophy was shaped by his time at Knox College, a small liberal arts school in Galesburg, Illinois, where he joined Vietnam War protests and civil rights demonstrations. His first major political experience involved working on the doomed 1972 presidential campaign of liberal Democrat George McGovern.



Podesta also understands how public lands can be leveraged to benefit his boss and political party. Toward the end of the Clinton administration, he supported Forest Service Chief Mike Dombeck’s proposal to permanently protect the remaining roadless areas on national forests from logging, mining, drilling and other development. …


… But as the point man for the many scandals that plagued the Clinton White House, he got a reputation for having an evil twin known as “Skippy,” who could be harsh and unusually direct. …


… in2001, Podesta and some colleagues decided to create a progressive think tank that would be tough enough to compete with those on the political right. They called it the Center for American Progress, and it grew into a revolving-door powerhouse that harnessed the intellectual and political capital of the academic, NGO, philanthropic and government communities, often shuttling people in and out of key positions in all these realms. … and today, it boasts a staff of 314 policy wonks, professors and writers.


“Democrats and progressives did not have an institution dedicated to thinking up policies and finding a way to move them into the public sphere,” … “We called it a think-and-do tank. …”


Liberal pundits and mainstream journalists have occasionally questioned Podesta about his think tank’s financial and policy ties to its energy, defense and pharmaceutical company funders. … Hansjörg Wyss, a billionaire businessman who, for two decades, has financed efforts to conserve public lands. Podesta’s financial White House disclosure showed he collected $87,000 in 2013, for consulting for the HJW Foundation, a Wyss philanthropy.  The conservative Daily Caller website accused Podesta of violating White House ethics rules for taking funds from Wyss and then pushing Obama’s proposal to expand the area off-limits to oil and gas drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge …


Together, HJW and Wyss Foundation donated more than $5 million to the Center for American Progress between 2011 and 2013 … The article is pro-Podesta & pro-Eco-Marxist – I chose the info that demonstrates that (John Podesta: Legacy maker; By Elizabeth Shogren; High Country News; 3/25/15)


The FBI and Justice Department have launched an investigation into whether the Podesta Group, the lobbying and public relations firm co-founded by Hillary Clinton presidential campaign chairman John Podesta, has any connections to alleged corruption that occurred in the administration of former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.



The Podesta Group, run by John Podest’s [sic] brother Tony Podesta, was retained by the Russia-controlled firm UraniumOne in 2012, 2014, and 2015, to lobby Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The lobbying firm was paid a total of $180,000 according to public records.



As it was first detailed in the New York Times bestselling book Clinton CashUranium One — which hired the Podesta Group — is the firm that funneled millions to the Clinton Foundation as the Russian government gained ownership of the company.



According to the New York Times, Russian President Vladimir Putin had a “goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.”


The Times reported last April:


As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.


“And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock,” the Times report said.


According to the Daily Caller, Uranium One “paid the Podesta Group $40,000 to lobby the State Department, the Senate, the National Park Service, and the National Security Council for ‘international mining projects,’ according to a July 20, 2012 filing.”


Distancing itself from the work it did for an organization with ties to Yanukovych’s pro-Russian regime, the Podesta group said it hired lawyers to READ ENTIRETY (FBI, DOJ launch Probe into Firm of Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta; By JEROME HUDSON; Breitbart; 8/20/16)



These are the Weasels that have created Groper-gate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 10/14/2016 11:18 AM


The Enemy’s with-in!!!!!


Trump needs to go after these “So Called Biographers” with the “Hey Wayne Barrett, Gwenda Blair, Michael D’Antonio, Harry Hurt and Timothy O’Brien where’s your same Criticism of the Clintons, Bill on the Women Abuse side and Hillary on the Breaking All the Laws of the USA Side”???????????



This Guy and all these so-called Biographers of Trump need medication for their Bias-ism disease!!!!!! 


Drawing upon extensive and exclusive interviews with Trump and many of his family members, including all his adult children, D’Antonio presents the full story of a truly American icon, from his beginnings as a businessman to his stormy romantic life and his pursuit of power in its many forms. For all those who wonder — Just who is Donald Trump? – Never Enough supplies the answer. He is a promoter, builder, performer and politician who pursues success with a drive that borders on obsession and yet, has given him, almost everything he ever wanted.


Read More (Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success; Book synopsis of author Michael D’Antonio;


I watched this Guy this Morning on The MS Media paint the most disgusting image of Trump as a guy with a Pattern towards abusing Women!!!!! I would elevate this “Screen Writer” Michael D Antonio “up to the Level of” PORNO Propagandist!!!!!!


This one is awful:


Back in early March, Politico Magazine brought together five Donald Trump biographers for a conversation over lunch at Trump Tower. At the time, the country was just beginning to grapple with the reality that the presidential nominee from one of the two major American political parties stood a good chance of being a real estate mogul and entertainer. Wayne Barrett, Gwenda Blair, Michael D’Antonio, Harry Hurt and Timothy O’Brien knew him better than anybody, had studied him more than anybody, had written an aggregate 2,195 pages in books.
So much has happened over the past seven months: the crackpot conspiracy theories, the rageful late-night Twitter tirades, the surges and slides in the polls, an onslaught of investigative reporting that painted him as a racist, sexist, selfish, uncharitable, lying predator. So we thought it was time, especially in the wake of “grab them by the pussy,” for an emergency reconvening of the Trumpologists. [Blog Editor: “Trumpologists” in this case means Leftist MSM hit squad.]


He is, the biographers said, “profoundly narcissistic,” “willing to go to lengths we’ve never seen before in order to satisfy his ego”—and “a very dangerous man for the next three or four weeks.” And after that? “This time, it’s going to be a straight‑out loss on the biggest stage he’s ever been on,” one biographer predicted. And yet: “As long as he’s remembered, maybe it won’t matter to him.”

READ ENTIRETY if you desire to vomit (‘I Think He’s a Very Dangerous Man for the Next Three or Four Weeks’; By SUSAN B. GLASSER and MICHAEL KRUSE; Politico Magazine; 10/12/16)

These People, Like the Bill and Hillary Clinton & Co., are a Disease on FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hillary’s Shadow Government

10/18/2016 9:37 AM


Dear John, you need to Please talk about Hillary’s Shadow Government that the FBI refers to in this Investigation report and say this is why Washington does not work for the American People and Shields Hillary and themselves from the rule of LAW! (it’s on page 56)



Vault Home • Hillary R. Clinton • Hillary R. Clinton Part 04 of 04 – pg. 56 Screen Capture


The Corruption exposed by Wikileaks about Hillary Clinton.

10/19/2016 3:42 PM


Here is an EYE-OPENING summary of the corruption exposed by Wikileaks about Hillary Clinton.


Here is a summary of the corruption exposed by Wikileaks about Hillary Clinton.


John Podesta is Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign Chairman. Podesta previously served as Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton and Counselor to President Barack Obama.


On October 7th, 2016, WikiLeaks publish thousands of emails belonging to Podesta’s private email archives. More emails were released in the days that followed. Below is a compilation of some of the most revealing and damaging emails discovered:




Transcripts from Hillary Clinton’s lucrative closed-door paid speeches delivered to elite financial firms and other special interests groups (which she has refused and failed to disclose to the public after much demand) have finally surfaced: (See Attachment)


Clinton staff conspiring to stage ‘leaking’ of favorable excerpts from wall street speech, in efforts to calm down the public while leaving out more damaging parts:


Leaked private speech, Clinton: “You Need Both A Public And A Private Position”


Leaked private speech, Clinton: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders”:


Mocking environmentalists in private meeting with unions, Clinton: “I want to defend fracking.” Climate change environmentalists should “Get a life”: (See attachment)

Politico article


Leaked private speech transcript shows Clinton’s warm ties to Wall Street’s most powerful figures: Clinton: “There is such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives” The pressure on officials to sell or divest assets in order to serve, she added, had become “very onerous and unnecessary”:


Leaked private speech to Goldman Sachs, Clinton: Wall street was only accountable for the financial crisis for political reasons. The blame placed on the United States banking system for the crisis “could have been avoided in terms of both misunderstanding and really politicizing what happened”:


Leaked private speech to Goldman Sachs, Clinton: I mean, right now, there are so many places in our country where the banks are not doing what they need to do because they’re scared of regulations, they’re scared of the other shoe dropping, they’re just plain scared, so credit is not flowing the way it needs to to restart economic growth.”


Leaked private speech, Clinton: US will “ring China with missile defense”: (See attachment)


Hillary Clinton flipped her public position on TPP after her team discussed how she would be “eaten alive” by Labor:


Clinton speechwriter: “We are trying to find a good way to leak her opposition to the pipeline without her having to actually say it”:



Hillary admits Qatar & Saudi Arabia are funding ISIS:


Qatar gifts Bill Clinton $1,000,000 for his birthday:


Clinton’s advisors agree to take foreign lobbyists money: Clinton’s National Finance Director, Dennis Cheng: “how do we explain to people that we’ll take money from a corporate lobbyist but not them; that the Foundation takes $ from foreign govts but we now won’t”. Campaign manager Robby Mook responds: “I’m ok just taking the money and dealing with any attacks. Are you guys ok with that?”, “Take the money!!” – READ THE REST (Breaking News – Wikileaks Release Exposes Hillary Clinton Corruption; By Robert Z; The Common Sense Conservative; 10/17/16)



Huma Abedin Admits to a $12 Million Dollar Pay-For-Play

10/20/2016 11:59 AM


Hillary’s top assistant Huma Abedin admits to a $12 million dollar pay-for-play from Morocco!


We have always known that Hillary Clinton was for sale during her time at the State Department.


Many politicans [sic] try to do this, but Hillary’s corruption is so massive that it’s historic.


Now, just hours after the debate, WikiLeaks provided the smoking gun we’ve been waiting for. Hillary’s top assistant Huma Abedin admits to a $12 million dollary pay-for-play from Morocco!


This leaked email from the 13th batch of John Podesta’s hacked emails shows direct confirmation that a meeting was set up with Hillary Clinton, and it was paid for with that massive cash payoff:

wikileaks-huma-abedin-emailWikileaks Huma Abedin Email


And Hillary Clinton confirmed that the WikiLeaks emails are authentic last night during the debate:



Hillary Clinton can blame the Russians and foreign agents all she wants. The emails are real, and so is the criminal corruption. Hillary Clinton used the Secretary of State’s office to become obscenely wealthy, and she put America’s national security at risk repeatedly.


Hillary couldn’t apply for a job in the federal government because READ ENTIRETY (Day After Debate, WikiLeaks Strikes Hillary With The Most Shocking Leak of 2016! By Kosar; Political Insider; 10/20/16)


Russia has already Bribed Hillary!!!!!

10/20/2016 11:01 PM


What Romney says WAS BEFORE WE HAS THE RESULTS FROM FBI Comey … and if Hillary Clinton has already COMPROMISED U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY. The First response by the FBI would be to act in the best Interest of the USA and the Market and divert from this conversation!!!!


Mitt Romney made the argument around which everyone else danced yesterday after the New York Times exposed the UraniumOne deal and its principals’ big cash avalanche to the Clinton Foundation. The State Department’s approval of the deal under Hillary Clinton wasn’t just “undue influence,” and not “a poor choice of timing,” either. “It looks like bribery,” Romney told Hugh Hewitt last night:


VIDEO: Mitt Romney on Clinton foundation uranium payments: “It looks like bribery”


Posted by Hugh Hewitt Show

Published on Apr 23, 2015


Hugh Hewitt Interview w/ Mitt Romeny [sic]


READ THE REST (Romney: “Every Appearance That Hillary Clinton Was Bribed” On Uranium Deal; ED MORRISSEY; Hot Air; 4/24/16 10:01 am)


Hillary Clinton has already been Bribed, we just did not realize it until the Lawless FBI ran its course letting Hillary off so she could skate into the Oval Office and Pardon her and her cohorts!!!!!


[Blog Editor: Bing Search Link under the query “Hillary Clinton bribed by Russia”]


Hillary has already been bribed

10/21/2016 7:05 AM


The FBI cover up through Lawless Means shows this:


What was the U.S. Asset that was used as the bribed is the Question?


[Blog Editor: See above summary of the same link.]


Brian Fallon recently accused WikiLeaks of working on behalf of the Russian government to help Donald Trump. Fallon’s Twitter barrage was full of accusations against the whistleblowing organization, including an ironic plea for WikiLeaks to disclose Trump’s tax returns. Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton and her campaign have engaged in Cold War-era propaganda, primarily to deflect from numerous cyber-attacks. There’s also the tiny issue of 20% of U.S. uranium sold to the Russian government from a company run by Clinton Foundation donors.


Thus far, WikiLeaks, DC LeaksGuccifer 2.0, and apparently “Russian hackers” have managed to hack into computer networks associated with the Democratic Party. Rather than assess why these various cyber-attacks have taken place, Brian Fallon, Robby Mook, and others in the Clinton campaign have leveled baseless accusations against WikiLeaks and Russia. U.S. intelligence officials might believe Russia is involved with the leaks, but have yet to disclose any evidence READ THE REST (Dear Clinton Campaign and Brian Fallon, Stop Accusing WikiLeaks of Working for Russia; By H. A. Goodman; Huffington Post; 10/11/16 05:27 am ET)


Look at the Credits in this video, it is HUGE!!!!!


VIDEO: NEW CLINTON EMAIL SCANDAL: State Dept Bribed FBI To Protect Hillary From Espionage Act Indictment


Posted by H. A. Goodman

Published on Oct 16, 2016


My name is H. A. Goodman and I’m an author, columnist, and journalist
Dear Clinton Campaign and Brian Fallon, Stop Accusing WikiLeaks of Working for Russia:


New FBI files contain allegations of ‘quid pro quo’ in Clinton’s emails:
WikiLeaks releases transcripts of Hillary Clinton Goldman Sachs speeches:


Podesta Suggested Coordinating With State Dept. To ‘Hold’ Hillary’s Emails With Obama:




If Hillary has already been bribed whatever was bribed is grounds for Impeachment as this article shows.


For months, I have been arguing that Hillary Clinton should be impeached. It is all well and good to prosecute a former government official for any crimes she has committed. Indeed, the Constitution expressly provides for criminal prosecution in addition to impeachment. Nevertheless, for the Framers — and, if we had common sense, for us — the imperative was to deprive a corrupt person of any further opportunity to abuse government power. Whether the official should also be convicted and sent to prison was not unimportant but, in the greater scheme of things, decidedly secondary.

Interestingly, the main pushback I received upon positing this argument was not that Mrs. Clinton is undeserving of impeachment. That, of course, is a measure of the seriousness of her high crimes and misdemeanors: the e-mail scandal; the reckless mishandling of classified information that has surely exposed our national-defense secrets to hostile powers; the mass destruction of thousands of government records after Congress asked for them; the obstruction of government investigations; the serial lies to Congress and the public; the shocking failure to provide security for Americans stationed in Benghazi and the failure to attempt to rescue them during a terrorist siege; the lies to the American people and to the families of murdered American officials about the cause of the attack; the trumping up of a prosecution against the video producer scapegoated for the Benghazi attack; the Clinton Foundation corruption involving the sale of influence for donations, the favors done for shady benefactors at the expense of national security, and the use of the State Department as an arm of the Clinton pay-to-play enterprise.


… How could she be removed from an office she does not hold based on offenses not committed while wielding presidential power?

These questions and the non-incumbency theory behind them fundamentally misconstrue the constitutional remedy of impeachment, which is not limited to removal from power but includes disqualification from future office. Moreover, their premise is wrong: The proceeding against Clinton would not be a presidential impeachment; it would be an impeachment based on her abuses of power as secretary of state, which would have the constitutional effect of disqualifying her for the presidency.

… Article I endows the House of Representatives with the “sole Power of Impeachment” — i.e., the power to file articles of impeachment. It further empowers the Senate with “the sole Power to try all Impeachments.” Significantly, in prescribing the standard for conviction in the Senate, Article I, Section 3 states that “no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present” (emphasis added).


Note carefully: The Constitution does not say the impeached person must be a current officeholder. As we shall see, that makes perfect sense: The point of impeachment is to deny power to any person — not necessarily an incumbent official — whose high crimes and misdemeanors have demonstrated unfitness for a high public trust.


The constitutional standard for impeachment also elucidates that incumbency is not necessary. The standard, prescribed by Article II, Section 4, is the commission of “Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Obviously, one need not be in office to commit treason or bribery; but if one has at any time committed these heinous offenses, one is unsuitable for public office. The same is true, by definition, of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term of READ ENTIRETY (Impeach Clinton to Bar Her from Holding Federal Office. It’s Constitutional; By ANDREW C. MCCARTHY; National Review; 9/6/16 4:00 AM)


Hillary Clinton: Oliver Stone & U.S. Foreign Policy ‘Elite’

10/21/2016 9:02 AM


Oliver Stone has penned a powerful and emotional takedown of Hillary Clinton



Oliver Stone has penned a powerful and emotional takedown of Hillary Clinton, focusing on her insane neocon foreign policy chops in a piece published in the Huffington Post titled, Why I’m for Bernie Sanders.


What follows are just a few paragraphs, I suggest reading the entire thing:


We’re going to war — either hybrid in nature to break the Russian state back to its 1990s subordination, or a hot war (which will destroy our country). Our citizens should know this, but they don’t because our media is dumbed down in its “Pravda”-like support for our “respectable,” highly aggressive government. We are being led, as C. Wright Mills said in the 1950s, by a government full of “crackpot realists: in the name of realism they’ve constructed a paranoid reality all their own.” Our media has credited Hillary Clinton with wonderful foreign policy experience, unlike Trump, without really noting the results of her power-mongering. She’s comparable to Bill Clinton’s choice of Cold War crackpot Madeleine Albright as one of the worst Secretary of States we’ve had since … Condi Rice? Albright boasted, “If we have to use force it is because we are America; we are the indispensable nation. We stand tall and we see further than other countries into the future.”

Hillary’s record includes supporting the barbaric “contras” against the Nicaraguan people in the 1980s, supporting the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia, supporting the ongoing Bush-Iraq War, the ongoing Afghan mess, and as Secretary of State the destruction of the secular state of Libya, the military coup in Honduras, and the … You can read the rest of this Leftist rant if you choose (“We’re Going to War” – Oliver Stone Opines on the Dangerous Extremism of Neocon Hillary Clinton; By Michael Krieger; Liberty BlitzKrieg; 3/31/16 12:01 pm)


***[Blog Editor: I disagree with Mr. Krieger that Crooked Hillary is a Neocon. Part of that disagreement is because I believe the venom and vitriol against Neoconservatism is based on erroneous perceptions from both sides of the political aisle. Did Neocons make some bad decisions after 911? It turns they did. However, at the time the concept of throwing despotic leadership to give people a more democratic representative choice was a valid objective. The reason is history has shown people are given a voting representative choice their government tends toward more individual freedom. Examples are post-WWII Germany and Japan. Both those nations developed into solid allies of America according to the needs of U.S. National Interests. The thing Neocons didn’t count on is Islamic culture which is totally contrary to Western Liberty, especially in the USA. Islam by nature is intolerant and despotic of any individual choice that might run counter to Islamic tenets. Muslims for the most part concur with their faith of intolerance. This Muslim intolerance will factor into a mutual National Interest benefiting the USA or a Muslim nation. The Neocon failure was finding this out the hard way. The Neoconservative key is a foreign policy that validates U.S. National Interests, keeps America strong and keeps America Exceptional. NONE OF WHICH is of interest to Crooked Hillary (falsely accused of Neoconservatism) or to uber-Leftist Bernie Sanders who author Michael Krieger has endorsed]***


U.S. Foreign Policy ‘Elite’ Eagerly Await an Expansion of Overseas Wars Under Hillary Clinton


Comment 114647 is Tony Newbill

N3angus — October 21, 2016 at 7:22 am


Facebook has blocked me from public comment posting of this, Hillary has already been bribed.


The FBI cover up through Lawless Means shows this.


What was the US Asset that was used as the bribed is the Question?


My name is H. A. Goodman and I’m an author, columnist, and


Dear Clinton Campaign and Brian Fallon, Stop Accusing WikiLeaks of Working for Russia. Look at the Credits in this video, it is HUGE!!!!!


If Hillary has already been bribed whatever was bribed is grounds for Impeachment as this article shows:


For months, I have been arguing that Hillary Clinton should be impeached.


Read more at:


[Blog Editor: This comment is covered above in a Newbill email.]


Edited by John R. Houk

Any text or links enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.


© Tony Newbill


Newbill Emails on Crooked Hillary


Edited John R. Houk

Posted on November 4, 2016


From time to time the pseudonymous individual Tony Newbill sends me Conspiracy concerns which I collect and edit for posting. Admittedly I am a bit late with this batch. Here you will read many of the October emails.


Newbill focuses on the corruption of Crooked Hillary which indeed includes longtime partner former President Bill Clinton. To some, this may be old news. To others that just get their information from the Mainstream Media, this might still be new information. Either way there is such a deluge of information on the nefariousness of Crooked Hillary that it is becoming difficult to keep up.


For example, as of writing this post I have learned that Crooked Hillary’s private illegal server has been hacked by at least FIVE foreign state entities. AND that the emails found on Weiner and Huma Abedin’s shared laptop discovered in the underage sexting probe has emails to the tune of 100,000 and are NOT duplicates of the emails Crooked Hillary has already released to the FBI. This leads to the logical suspicion that some or all those 100,000 email include the 33,000 emails that Crooked Hillary erased with bleach bit.


Look at this as a review of Crooked Hillary with more to come. My God! DO NOT ELECT THIS WOMAN AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!


JRH 11/4/16

Please Support NCCR


Why did Obama allow Hillary to do this????? What kind of Foreign policy is this???

10/5/2016 10:11 AM


The October surprise by way of WikiLeaks has, to the disappointment and outrage of many Republicans and Donald Trump supporters, been put on hold for the time being. However, a new bombshell of information has been uncovered by Infowars regarding Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State, and it’s not something the former First Lady would want the American electorate knowing about.


This new information, which one could argue is damning enough to be considered this election’s October surprise all on its own, came forth like it does in many of these instances via a whistleblower, who claims he’s willing to put his life on the line if it means that Mrs. Clinton will not become the next President of the United States.


“There is far too much at stake for this great nation, America, for me to remain silent any longer,” says Dr. Kilari Anand Paul. “I know I’m risking my life going public with what I know—but God will hold me accountable if I know the truth and do not speak it for fear of Clinton.”


The information that is causing this man so much unrelenting anguish has to do with Hillary Clinton’s decision regarding the African nation of Libya while she served as Secretary of State under President Obama. Dr. Paul says that Clinton refused to READ THE REST (October Surprise Via Wikileaks Delayed, but Here’s a Huge Bombshell you Need to Know About; By Thea Conrad; Inquisitor; 10/4/16)



Trump and Pence need to start asking this question

10/6/2016 11:41 AM


Trump and Pence need to start asking this question …… Hey Hillary Clinton why did you go against the hard work of General Wesley Clark and Congressman Kucinich to broker a Peace deal and bring democracy to Libya?????


Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Exposing Hillary Clinton’s Role In Libya


WASHINGTON, Oct. 5, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Dr. K.A. Paul, known as the world’s most popular evangelist and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, will hold a press conference to discuss the role Secretary Clinton played in the Libyan government downfall and eventual death of Muammar Gaddafi.


Dr. Paul facilitated negotiations between General Wesley Clark, Secretary Clinton and the Gaddafi regime, arranging for his government to leave office peacefully only to see Mrs. Clinton decide to ignore the agreement and continue the relentless bombing of Libya. Mrs. Clinton’s decision led to the violent overthrow of the Libyan government, the death of Gaddafi and many others who had negotiated the peace agreement in good faith.


The vacuum created by Clinton’s regime change decision led to ISIS gaining a strong foothold there, millions of refugees and thousands of new terrorists. Today ISIS counts Libya as one of its READ THE REST (Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Exposing Hillary Clinton’s Role In Libya; By PR Newswire; Yahoo News; 10/5/16)



And the FBI said there was NO Intent at Clinton State Dept.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/11/2016 9:41 AM




Date: 2015-06-22 18:07

Subject: Fwd: Tomorrow


Begin forwarded message:


*From:* Erika Rottenberg<>

*Date:* June 21, 2015 at 9:20:19 PM PDT

*To:* Stephanie Hannon <>, “Ann O’Leary” <>

*Cc:* Lindsay Roitman <>

*Subject:* *Tomorrow*


Hi Ann and Stephanie — Looking forward to our discussion tomorrow night. I suspect it will be broad ranging.


Few things:


1. are the two of you and john planning on spending about 15 mins chatting about the inside of the campaign, and policy broadly, and then opening up to Q&A for about 45 mins or doing all Q&A? I Actually think that it’d be great for y’all to hit on some key policy items first and i know folks would enjoy the inside glance at the campaign.


2. I plan to do an intro and Jeff will close with a very brief how to get involved. I’ll then close with a special toast and treat.


I have not reached out to John – -please let me know if you think I should.


Couple of questions that came in:


1. you’re obviously amongst friends, but here’s the one i referred to (can’t remember which of you i talked about it with, if not both). It’s from someone that wasn’t goign to come, and i encouraged him to come. he comes at the issue slightly differnetly than what I’ve dsicussed with both of you (Ok, one thing to use personal email, but why the “twisted truth” (not my words) on why – with the two problematic areas being (a) emails to bill (when they were to bill’s staff) and (b) i only used one device — BB, when 2 weeks earlier, it was an iphone, BB and ipad. As Ann and I discussed, hopefully that’s a timing issue and whilst in state, she only used one. 🙂


*For my question*, it’s basically some variation of [not quite phrased right yet]: I know when I talk to my friends who are attorneys we are all struggling with what happened to the emails and aren’t satisfied with answers to date. While we all know of the occasional use of personal email addresses for business, none of my friends circle can understand how it was viewed as ok/secure/appropriate to use a private server for secure documents AND why further Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents without providing anyone outside her circle a chance to weigh in. It smacks of acting above the law and it smacks of the type of thing I’ve either gotten discovery sanctions for, fired people for, etc.


2) someone wants to ask a very specific question about updating export control laws – and why they’ve haven’t been updated since (??) as they prevent american businesses selling READ THE REST (Wikileaks exposing crooked Dems in relation to Crooked Hillary)



I just don’t know what to think any more ……

10/11/2016 1:24 PM


Its seems the FBI has been Covering up so much by all these Elitists and Politicians for Decades!!!!!!


Dear Congressional Oversight Committee… Stop ignoring the elephant in the room – 911 – Saudis – Hillary Clinton Cover-Up


Subject: Dear Congressional Oversight Committee… Stop ignoring the elephant in the room – 911 – Saudis – Hillary Clinton Cover-Up

From: Angry American Who Wants Genuine & EQUAL Justice For All

Date: 27 Sep 2016


An Open Letter To Congressman Chaffetz,


I respectfully ask you to read the letters sent to Senator Hillary Clinton and to FBI Director Robert Mueller dated September 15th, 2001 – one week following the 911 mass murder of almost 3,000 Americans here! Fedex confirmed that all four recipients received their packages containing these letters and a video and audio tape, and related evidence in the form of dated phone bills including calls to (202) 456-3345. The recipients are identified at the bottom of page 2. One letter was signed by former RCMP officer and then lawyer William Gilmour, and the other letter was signed by former U.S. Treasury agent and FBI informant Bruce Gorcyca.


If the letters have been censored as they were last week, you can read them here as well:



Now then, if you honorable members of Congress subpoena the complete FBI file on FBI informant Bruce Gorcyca you would have more than ample “probable cause” to prosecute Hillary Clinton for “willful ignorance of a crime in progress”, perjury, bribery (accepting $10 million in hush money from the Saudi government), and even treason as she continued to accept another $90 million over the next 15 years through the Clinton Foundation. She circumvented the Hatch Act as well and made sure the bribes were paid as “donations” to the Clinton Foundation. Why do we have RICO laws in America sir, if they are only used for drug dealers and never applied in corruption cases?


If you get those files from the FBI, you will READ ENTIRETY (Dear Congressional Oversight Committee… Stop ignoring the elephant in the room – 911 – Saudis – Hillary Clinton Cover-Up; By An Angry American Military Veteran;; 9/27/16)



Are these issues why Hillary is LAWLESS???????

10/12/2016 11:04 AM


Obama knew about Hillary Clinton’s server:


… The New York Post, who may become the American version of the British Guardian, has now exposed that Obama used a fake name to communicate with Hillary on her private server because he KNEW what she was doing. While tens of thousands of Clinton’s emails have been made public so far, the government has not released any emails from Obama.


Obama told CBS news that he had no idea that Hillary was using a private email server until it was reported by the New York Times on March 2, 2015. That is clearly an outright lie, and if he were in a private fraud case, he would be criminally charged with her for conspiracy. Hillary’s continuous crime included other parties who may join the plot later and incur joint liability. His use of fictitious names is PROOF that he knew what she was doing was a crime, for he tried to hide his identity as a co-conspirator. This raises the question of whether he will benefit from the Clinton Foundation in the future.


Of course, those in government are always exempt from the same laws they use to persecute the public. So there is no way the FBI would dare recommend indicting Obama, and the plot to ignore the law is beginning to be exposed a bit more. If they had indicted Hillary, then they would have to charge Obama as a co-conspirator. That is READ THE REST (Obama Used a Fictitious Name to Communicate with Hillary on Her Private Server; By Martin Armstrong;; 9/27/16)



A “Theory”

10/13/2016 11:46 AM


I would “Bottle” all this up and shake it Really Hard and open it and say, “This all together tastes like how Obama was able to get Hillary to drop out in 2008, with a Little Bribed FBI Cover-up Twist!!!!!!!


FBI Director James Comey testified under oath at a hearing before Congress, that the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, where she sent and received ‘top secret’ emails, did not warrant pressing criminal charges against her.


In essence, he said, not only was Hillary not smart enough, or qualified, to know that using an unsecured email server put our nations security at risk, but she was incapable of determining what was top secret material was.


The truth is, that James Comey did not recommend federal charges against Hillary Clinton, in part, because he is connected to the Clinton Foundation through the Swiss bank HSBC.



More than 200 republicans sent a letter demanding to know why he didn’t recommend federal charges against Hillary Clinton over her use of private email servers.


Clinton “clearly placed our nation’s secrets in peril,” the letter states. “No one is above the law, and the American people deserve a more robust explanation for your decision to not recommend criminal charges.”


According to Mini Planet a review of FBI Director James Comey’s professional history and relationships shows that the Obama cabinet leader — now under fire for his handling of the investigation of Hillary Clinton — is deeply entrenched in the big-money cronyism culture of Washington, D.C. His personal and professional relationships — all undisclosed as he announced the Bureau would not prosecute Clinton — reinforce bipartisan concerns that he may have politicized the criminal probe.


In other words, his opinion was biased, and based on that fact, he should not have participated in the investigation let alone lead it and READ THE REST (BUSTED: FBI Director Received MILLIONS From Clinton Foundation – His Brother’s Law Firm Does Clinton’s Taxes (Video); By Jennifer Johnson;; 10/19/16 6:00 PM)


After billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein was exposed as a sex offender who seduced girls as young as 14, Bill Clinton seemed to walk away with his old friend. But according to author James Patterson‘s new tell-all about the sordid scandalFilthy Rich, Clinton and his Democratic presidential candidate wife, Hillary, may still have secret ties to the disgraced pervert.


READ THE REST (Bill & Hillary Clinton’s New Connections To Billionaire Sex Perv Jeffrey Epstein Exposed; By Radar Staff;; 10/12/16 7:11AM)


Famed attorney Alan Dershowitz has retained former President Bill Clinton’s FBI director to help show Clinton was not present at alleged sex orgies thrown by his former client, a convicted pedophile and close Clinton friend.


Clinton’s friendship with a convicted child sex predator, Jeffrey Epstein, again is coming under increased scrutiny, thanks in part to a recent civil lawsuit for defamation filed in Florida against Dershowitz by representatives for two of Epstein’s alleged victims. Dershowitz served as Epstein’s lawyer during Epstein’s criminal trial.


Not only has Bill Clinton’s name come up in the court proceedings, but Dershowitz, one of the key figures in the case, says that he cannot conclusively deny that Clinton was present at lavish sex orgies thrown on a Caribbean island by Epstein. What’s more, one of the victims said that Bill Clinton in fact was present at an Epstein island orgy.


Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008 to soliciting prostitution from a minor. Though he was represented at trial by Dershowitz, he still had to serve 13 months in prison on READ THE REST (Bill Clinton’s FBI Head Is Called In to Show Bill Clinton ‘Not Present’ at Jeffrey Epstein Underage Sex Orgy; By PATRICK HOWLEY; Breitbart; 1/10/16)


Did Bill and Hillary Clinton lie about severing all ties with billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein? After the financier was exposed for seducing girls as young as 14, Bill and Hillary Clinton seemed to have parted ways with their old friend. But in a new tell-all called Filthy Rich, Clinton and his democratic presidential candidate wife, Hillary, may still have secret ties to the disgraced businessman.


READ THE REST (Hillary Clinton and Bill Exposed for Secret Connection to Billionaire Sex Offender Jeffrey Epstein; By Amanda Katherine;; 10/12/16)


A woman alleged to have been the fixer for Jeffrey Epstein, a pedophile and friend of Bill Clinton, has herself long had ties to the former president of the United States. Indeed, it’s clear that even as her associate, Epstein, admitted to procuring sex with someone under the age of 18 and registered as a sex offender in 2008, Ghislaine Maxwell’s relationship with the Clintons flourished.


[Blog Editor: The next paragraph also shows the Clinton commitment to the globalist goals of the UN Agenda 21 (See Also: Six Issues That Are Agenda 21 & Lesson 7: Regional Governments Will Destroy Our Local Representative Gov’t) which robs nations of their national sovereignty. Something to think as you read of the probable Slick Willie involvement in underage sex orgies.]


Maxwell is the president and founder of a non-profit that helps protect the ocean, the TerraMar Project. And as recently as 2013, she attended the Clinton Global Initiative, where her charity made a public commitment. The press release from the Clinton Global Initiative read, “Sustainable Oceans Alliance Commitment by: The TerraMar Project
. Partners: Michael Dorsey; Global Partnerships Forum
In 2013, the TerraMar Project committed to launch the Sustainable Oceans Alliance (SOA) to mobilize the international community and the public at large on the importance of the Oceans and the Seas and to ensure that the 193 UN Member States recognize and incorporate oceans in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to be adopted in 2015.”


The TerrMar Project commitment is still listed on the Clinton Foundation website. And that remains, even after Maxwell’s involvment in the Epstein pedophile scandal continues to grow and continue to raise questions about former President Bill Clinton.


“Ghislaine Maxwell was another person in Epstein’s inner circle and a co-conspirator in Epstein’s sexual abuse. She was someone who consequently also appreciated the immunity granted by the NPA for the crimes she committed in Florida,” reads a recently released court document related to the scandal.


The document alleges that Maxwell’s role was “to procure under-aged girls for sexual activities” and was “a primary co-conspirator” in Epstein’s sexual crime. “In 1999, Jane Doe #3 was approached by Ghislaine Maxwell, one of the main women whom Epstein used to procure under-aged girls for sexual activities and a primary co-conspirator in his sexual abuse and sex trafficking scheme. In fact, it became known to the government that Maxwell herself regularly participated in Epstein’s sexual exploitation of minors, including Jane Doe #3. Maxwell persuaded Jane Doe #3 (who was then fifteen years old) to come to Epstein’s mansion in a fashion very similar to the manner in which Epstein and his other co-conspirators coerced dozens of other children (including Jane Doe and Jane Doe ).”


She, the document alleges, helped Epstein convert a then underage woman into a “sex slave.” “Epstein then became enamored with Jane Doe #3, and with the assistance of Maxwell converted her into what is commonly referred to as a ‘sex slave.’”


But despite Maxwell’s sordid relationship with Epstein READ THE REST (Pedophile’s ‘Fixer’ Maintains Close Ties to the Clintons; By DANIEL HALPER; Weekly Standard; 1/15/15  8:22 AM)



Media Rage over this

10/13/2016 2:33 PM


While the MS Media is Silent on the Real Issues of failure with the Obama/Hillary policies of the last 8 years. Let’s consider throwing them a Bone that they will not be able to ignore. Once the world sets their eyes on this Question and Ponders, could it have been what changed the 2008 Democratic Primary? The Media will not be able to deflect the world’s opinion about this and they will self-destruct trying too …. you will want to follow me into this Rabbit Hole for a Minute please…….




The Question below will Send the Media into a RAGE of Denial and Deception because of their Cover-up of this, which with Obama controlling the Media, would have been able to tell Hillary to drop out or I will tell the Media to run with this story, would have given him Leverage over the Clintons to Drop out in 2008. So, if you make this Question a Public one and send the Media off in a Frenzy over this Obama Revelation, it will Change the Narrative for the Final days of this Election Cycle … and in the process of shining light on this it will sour more voters to wanting this back in the Whitehouse!!!!!!


“Did the 2008 Jailing of Bill Clinton’s Pedophile Friend and Co-Founder of the Clinton Foundation Jeffery Epstein give Barack Obama the Leverage he Needed to get Hillary to Drop out of the 2008 Race when she had the Majority of Super Delegates support”???????????


The Media will Self-Destruct over trying to flip this snotty little goober off their key board finger, but while doing so they will shed light on it over and over as the Obama and Hillary camps deny and their lap dog media denies but the concept won’t be able to die for it is a real possibility in the eyes of the Independent “Think“ers.


Good Luck!!!!


Edited by John R. Houk

All text and links embraced by brackets are by the Editor.


© Tony Newbill


Tony Newbill Emails on Crooked Hillary Exploits


Here are a series of emails submitted by Tony Newbill that should make voters shudder at the prospect of her election as POTUS.


JRH 9/29/16

Please Support NCCR


Tony Newbill Emails on Crooked Hillary Exploits

Posted September 29, 2016


Hillary Clinton & Company just one big Accident that the USA cannot afford anymore!!!!!!


Sent 9/7/2016 11:00 AM


Developing: Obama WH admits that Hillary gave ISIS $400 million on accident


President Obama quickly papered over the fact that he gave Iran $400,000,000 to release hostages, but it appears that now Hillary Clinton may have given ISIS $400,000,000 accidently.


So everyone can agree that the $400 million sent to Iran by President Obama can be viewed as skeptical. Yes we received hostages back, but at the same time Iran got all this money and who knows what they are going to do with it.


The White House tried to frame the money sent as anything but a ransom. They instead claimed it was the “first installment of the $1.7 billion [Blog Editor: As it turned out the actual amount on that unmarked cargo jet was indeed $1.7 BILLION] in the United States seized in 1979 after an arms deal with the Shah of Iran was halted following the Islamic revolution.”



Of course the media is going to try and spin this in the way that we got people back. Well that’s all fine and good, but what about the cost? … What does “largely” mean?



So once again, the question remains this: How much of that money was used to support these terrorist regimes? READ ENTIRETY (Developing: Obama WH admits that Hillary gave ISIS $400 million on accident; ETF News; 8/30/16)


Julianne Assange has more credibility than the US Congress for not starting impeachment proceedings for FBI director Comey and AG Lynch, the Liberty of the USA is Dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!


‘We wired it’: Emails suggest Clinton aide stage-managed Benghazi hearing questions


Newly released emails suggest a senior Hillary Clinton aide stage-managed her first hearing on the Benghazi terrorist attack by feeding specific topics Clinton wanted to address to Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, who at the time was acting chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.


“We wired it that Menendez would provide an opportunity to address two topics we needed to debunk (her actions/whereabouts on 9/11, and these email from Chris Stevens about moving locations,)” Clinton media gatekeeper Philippe Reines wrote to Chelsea Clinton the morning of the Jan. 23, 2013 hearing.


Click here to read the emails


Right out of the gate, the first hearing question from Menendez that day covered both topics referenced by Reines.


Menendez asked for Clinton’s “insights on the decision-making process regarding the location of the Mission.” The senator added, READ THE REST (‘We wired it’: Emails suggest Clinton aide stage-managed Benghazi hearing questions; By Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne; Fox News; 9/6/16)


Guy Benson explains why Hillary Clinton needs to be indicted and why FBI James Comey needs to resign and a Special Prosecutor be assigned because it’s a Matter of Saving the Liberty of the USA from the Destruction of the Clinton Monarchy!!!!


VIDEO: Hillary’s Recall Problems Escalate – Guy Benson [Video link begins at 3:31 mark]


Posted by Conservative Views952

Published on Sep 3, 2016


As more email is discovered by the FBI, Hillary claims to remember less and less.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of READ THE REST



Hillary has Thyroid Cancer I bet !!!!!!!!


Sent 9/8/2016 12:37 AM  


It has been reported that Hillary Clinton, 2016 presidential candidate and former first lady, takes antihistamine and vitamin B12. No big deal – antihistamines and B12 are commonly used. However, the presidential candidate also takes Armour Thyroid –natural desiccated thyroid hormone (NDT) – as treatment for her hypothyroidism!


Armour Thyroid is a sought after thyroid hormone medication which contains desiccated thyroid extract. Amour Thyroid is derived from pig thyroid and contains both T4 (levothyroxine) and T3 (liothyronine) hormones, which are naturally occurring thyroid hormones in the body.


The medication is all natural and is indicated for supplemental or replacement therapy for patients suffering from hypothyroidism, resulting from the partial or total absence of the thyroid gland, primary atrophy, functional deficiency or damage caused injury, drug use or radiation. Armour Thyroid is also used to treat or prevent some types of euthyroid goiters and nodules as well as for the management of thyroid cancer.


READ THE REST (Taking Armour Thyroid – Hillary Clinton Does; By Justine Raagas, Progressive Health; Thyroid Nation; 3/15/16)


This is what Hillary takes and it’s for Treating This cancer!!!!!!    “Armour Thyroid is also used to treat or prevent some types of euthyroid goiters and nodules as well as for the management of thyroid cancer.”





Sent 9/8/2016 10:39 AM


I read Colin Powell Chatting with Hillary about how to get around the Email issue released by Democrats today and doing it like a Good Time Party Buddy, and then I see this Video on Hillary and I know someone had to of Informed these Republicans of this History of Hillary. Here’s what I say about that …….. HERE HOW the Matrix (Rigged System) works!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are all above the LAW!!!!!!!


Democrats Release Powell’s Instructions To Clinton How To Bypass State Servers, While Warning Of Dangers


Thanks to Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings thoughtful decision to release an email exchange between former Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Hillary Clinton, we can now confirm that Hillary was well aware of the lack of security and the “real danger” before she made the decision to use a private email server.


In what we are sure was a selfless act of honesty by Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform publicly released an email exchange in which former Secretary of State Colin Powell advised then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the use of personal email two days after she was sworn in as Secretary…


From: Colin Powell
To: Hillary Clinton hr15@att. blackberry. net
Subject: Re: Question

I didn’t have a BlackBerry. What I did do was have a personal computer that was hooked up to a private phone line (sounds ancient.) So I could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. I even used it to do business with some foreign leaders and some of the senior folks in the Department on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels. Now, the real issue had to do with PDAs, as we called them a few years ago before BlackBerry became a noun. And the issue was DS would not allow them into the secure spaces, especially up your way.

When I asked why not they gave me all kinds of nonsense about how they gave out signals and could be read by spies, etc. Same reason they tried to keep mobile phones out of the suite. I had numerous meetings with them. We even opened one up for them to try to explain to me why it was more dangerous than say, a remote control for one of the many tvs in the suite. Or …

However, there is a real danger. If it is public that you have a BlackBerry and it it government and you are using it, government or not, to do business, it may become an official record and subject to the law. Reading about the President’s BB rules this morning, it sounds like it won’t be as useful as it used to be. Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data.

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 7:37AM, > wrote:

Dear Colin, I hope to catch up soon w you, but I have one pressing question which only you can answer! What were the restrictions on your use of your blackberry? Did you use it in your personal office? I’ve been told that the DSS personnel knew you had one and used it but no one fesses up to knowing how you used it! President Obama has struck a blow for berry addicts like us. I just have to figure out how to bring along the State Dept. Any and all advice is welcome. All the best to you and Alma, Hillary

From the release of this exchange we know two things:


1) The Democratic establishment has no qualms throwing Colin Powell under any bus at all if it helps Hillary get out of this corner, and

2) we know Hillary was well aware of the “real danger” of her actions and specifically told to “be very careful” not to say anything about it.

Still what difference does it make? READ ENTIRETY (Democrats Release Powell’s Instructions To Clinton How To Bypass State Servers, While Warning Of Dangers; By Tyler Durden; Zero Hedge; 9/7/16 9:44 PM)


And Hey Colin Powell, how can you have anything to do with this SUB-Human that would treat a Little Girl this way? I am Appalled by you now!!!!!!!!  And any other Republican EVEN THINKING ABOUT VOTING FOR HILLARY CLINTON ….. YOU VOTE For Hillary Clinton and YOU Have to Be OK with this act by Hillary and God will have his day with ALL OF YOU!!!!!

They don’t give a SH@T about We the People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


VIDEO: “I thought you should know”


Posted by James Staake

Published on Jul 2, 2016


An attorney in 1975 uses some dirty tricks to get a child rapist off for raping a 12 year old girl. And the lawyer is none other than….
To support more high quality Clinton Corruption video’s, please buy one of my shirts?

Here are just two sources:
“The HIllary Tapes”
CNN Reports



Here is why we see the Bushes silent on the Clinton Crime Syndicate!!!!!


Sent Fri 9/9/2016 12:23 PM


No wonder the GOP elites are bashing Trump!!!!!!


The Bush Institute


The George W. Bush Institute, founded by President and Mrs. Bush in 2009, is a public policy center in Dallas with the mission of advancing freedom by expanding opportunities for individuals at home and across the globe. Built on principles that guided the Bushes in public life, the Bush Institute uses leading research to develop and implement policies that offer practical solutions to pressing problems in the United States and abroad. (The Bush Institute; By The Bush Institute; Clinton Foundation – According to The Daily Wire – compare About Page Disinformation)


They and their Institutions are all in on the SCAM!!!!!!


VIDEO: Charles Ortel-Bill and Hillary, Bonnie and Clyde of Charity Fraud [Begins about 2:20 mark]


Posted by Greg Hunter

Published on Aug 28, 2016


Financial expert Charles Ortel says the Clintons’ real problem is outright charity fraud when it comes to the Clinton Foundation. Ortel explains, “On the other hand, on charity fraud, it’s a very different thing. In charity fraud, unlike pay-to-play, you don’t have to prove intent. Under New York State law, in particular, the requirement is merely that you prove the public filings in the Clinton Foundation are false and materially misleading, and they certainly are. This is why you are starting to see these editorial boards around the world say wait a minute. You also have to prove that they solicited, not that they raised money, that they solicited. That, the Clintons have admitted. . . . On the charity fraud side of life, that is the mine field for the Clintons. The second the IRS, or any attorney general or a state taxing authority, decides to make an issue of this, the burden of proof shifts . . . the charity has to come forward and prove the affirmative case. The Clinton Foundation has to prove, READ THE REST


This is how the Wealth Redistribution that Obama talked about really works!!!!!!


Investor and financial crimes researcher Charles Ortel joins me to uncover what he is calling “the “largest unprosecuted charity fraud ever attempted.” Charles reports that the Clinton Foundation is part of an “international charity fraud network whose entire cumulative scale approaches and may even exceed $100 billion, measured from 1997 forward.” And the most shocking aspect of the Clinton Foundation’s missing Billions is that much of it was stolen from those who need it most, the world’s poorest of the poor. Along with the Bush crime family, the Clintons formed The Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund after the devastating 2010 Haiti earthquake. Charles says, “What the Clintons have done, is they are stealing the people’s physical gold in Haiti, as well as perhaps stealing or diverting massive sums that were sent towards Haiti and refusing to make an accounting for it.”


This is a story of fraud and corruption so vast in scope that it should result in putting the Clintons in prison, not back in the White House.


You can get the very latest research from READ THE REST (EXPOSED: How The Clintons Likely STOLE BILLIONS From The World’s Poorest — Charles Ortel; By SGT; SGT Report; June 2016)


Bush/Clinton Institutions use various Funds and Global Initiatives to tie up resources for their Multi-Nationalist Corporations while giving a little Public funds to get into the country for whatever good deed they can make a Public spectacle out of. Here’s an example ….. Haiti Fund, to get into the Country, bribe the Government officials and then Screw the Haitian Citizens out of their Gold!!!!!  Have you heard of the Haiti Gold Heist? Democracy Now talks about Newmont Mining being the miner along with


The geology of northern Haiti is prospective for epithermal and porphyry type mineral deposits, and hosts numerous gold, copper, copper-gold and copper-gold-silver occurrences and prospects. EMX initiated an exploration program along a 130 kilometer trend of northern Haiti’s Massif du Nord mineral belt during 2006. Based on encouraging results, Eurasian and Newmont Ventures Limited (“Newmont”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Newmont Mining Corporation, entered into a Regional Strategic Alliance in 2008. Subsequently, Eurasian and Newmont signed Joint Venture agreements covering six “designated exploration areas” that included the La Miel, La Mine, Grand Bois “Surrounding Properties”, Northwest Haiti, Northeast Haiti and North Central Haiti Designated Projects.

Newmont funded and managed the Joint Venture, and developed several exploration targets ready for READ THE REST (Asset Portfolio Haiti; Eurasian Minerals)


Who Will Benefit from Haiti’s Gold Rush? Haitian Government Embraces U.S., Canadian Mining Firms


[VIDEO LINK above title: If the embed below doesn’t begin about 56-minute mark, you should know that is the approximate mark Newbill wants you to watch]
Here is how the Clinton Bush Crime Syndicate works with Multi-National Corporations to gobble up Sovereign nations’ resources:


Press Release: Projects of the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative


Leaders in the Natural Resources Industry Convene in Toronto to Make Commitments to Alleviate Poverty and Invest in Sustainable Development.


President Bill Clinton tonight will announce the first round of projects being undertaken by the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI), a new initiative of the William J. Clinton Foundation that seeks to transform the way that business is done in the developing world.


Launched by President Clinton and Canadian philanthropist Frank Giustra in June 2007, CGSGI is beginning its work in partnership with an industry that has a truly global reach: the natural resources sector. By increasing the scope, scale, impact, and sustainability of social and economic development efforts in communities where the natural resource industries are an important part of the economy, CGSGI hopes to develop a model for how all corporate sectors can spur sustainable social and economic development as an integral part of their operations in the developing world.


READ THE ENTIRE Agenda 21 double speak if you so desire (Press Release: Projects of the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative; Clinton Foundation; 3/1/08)


This is a Great article on the Hypocrisy of how our US Government works for the Elitists. AND we wonder why there is income inequality. [Why are we] looking to these guys [i.e. Left Wing Crony Capitalists] to FIX IT …. LOL?????!!!!!!!!


This paragraph says it all:


 “So Democrats are forced to jettison all the good-government principles they previously claimed to believe and instead are now advocating the crux of the right-wing case against campaign finance reform: that large donations from vested factions are not inherently corrupting of politics or politicians”. (Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation? By Glenn Greenwald; The Intercept; 8/25/16 9:42 a.m.)



Edited by John R. Houk

All text or links enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.


© Tony Newbill

Newbill on Conspiracy, Counterjihad and Corruption


Here are some collected emails from Tony Newbill examining national/global conspiracies, Counterjihad issues that involves U.S. government collusion (Hello Barack & Crooked Hillary) and government corruption.


JRH 9/23/16

Please Support NCCR


Newbill on Conspiracy, Counterjihad and Corruption

Tony Newbill

Posted on September 23, 2016


The Voters need to ask: How is the Government projecting a 260 million population reduction in the USA by 2025?

8/23/2016 11:48 PM


And I would Screen shot this site and save this information!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Forecast 2025 —                                                         — Rank — %


Population:                        61 million                         — 19    —     0.9

Density:                           6 inhabitants / sq. km. – 170 –  12.2

Gross Domestic Product:  $949 billion                    — 11 —       1.7

GDP per capita:                 $15,517                           — 49 —     192 

Purchase Power Parity:   $10,345                          — 78 —      111 

Military Budget:                $8.2 billion                   — 22 —           0.9


READ ENTIRETY (Deagel United States of America [Chart])



This is coming to the USA if Hillary Clinton gets elected POTUS

8/24/2016 8:52 AM


This is coming to the USA if Hillary Clinton gets elected POTUS, because the Muslim Brotherhood’s Insider aid to Clinton wants this country for themselves and ISIS was created by the Insiders in our DoD!!!!!


Tommy Tunes Reality Check: Proof U.S. Government Wanted ISIS To Emerge In Syria


VIDEO: Reality Check: Proof U.S. Government Wanted ISIS To Emerge In Syria


Posted by Ben Swann

Published on Nov 19, 2015


There is so much debate over how the U.S. and other nations will stop ISIS but can these leaders be trusted? Ben Swann exposes secret DOD documents that prove the U.S. wanted ISIS to emerge in Syria.



OK so how do we know if these LOST TAXPAYER FUNDS ….

8/24/2016 10:20 AM


OK, so how do we know if these LOST TAXPAYER FUNDS were not used in bribes to buy U.S. and NATO Positions within Middle Eastern countries? And how do we know or not if the $400 million [Blog Editor Update: $1.7 Billion] recently given to Iran has not went to fund our enemies. Plus, as the funds were allocated how much of a cut did people involved in these transactions pocket?????


Pentagon’s Sloppy Bookkeeping Means $6.5 Trillion Can’t Pass an Audit


The Defense Department over the years has been notorious for its lax accounting practices. The Pentagon has never completed an audit of how they actually spend the trillions of dollars on wars, equipment, personnel, housing, healthcare and procurements.


An increasingly impatient Congress has demanded that the Army achieve “audit readiness” for the first time by Sept. 30, 2017, so that lawmakers can get a better handle on military spending. But Pentagon watchdogs think that may be mission impossible, and for good reason.


A Department of Defense inspector general’s report released last week offered a jaw-dropping insight into just how bad the military’s auditing system is.


The Defense Finance and Accounting Service, the behemoth Indianapolis-based agency that provides finance and accounting services for the Pentagon’s civilian and military members, could not provide adequate documentation for $6.5 trillion worth of year-end adjustments to Army general fund transactions and data.


The DFAS has the sole responsibility for paying all DOD military and personnel, retirees and annuitants, along with Pentagon contractors and vendors. The agency is also in charge of electronic government initiatives, including within the Executive Office of the President, the Department of Energy and the Departing of Veterans Affairs.


There’s nothing in the new IG’s report to suggest that anyone has misplaced or absconded with large sums of money. Rather, the agency has done an incompetent job of providing written authorization for every one of their transactions – so-called “journal vouchers” that READ THE REST (Pentagon’s Sloppy Bookkeeping Means $6.5 Trillion Can’t Pass an Audit; By The Fiscal Times; Yahoo Finance; 7/31/16)



This tells us why they are looking at depopulation of the planet

8/24/2016 12:34 PM


[Blog Editor: It appears to me the above link is updated on a continuous basis. I’ll cross post an excerpt from the most recent update as of me taking a look]


Peak Energy & Resources, Climate Change, and the Preservation of Knowledge


Methane hydrate apocalypse? Maybe not…

Posted on September 20, 2016 by energyskeptic


[ I don’t think there’s enough evidence yet to decide for sure there won’t be a gas hydrate apocalypse, but here’s some evidence that this might not happen. Even Benton, who wrote “When Life Nearly Died” didn’t pin the mass murderer of the Permian extinction on gas hydrates.


I’ve also read Peter Ward’s “Under a Green Sky” and many other books and peer-reviewed articles, and will continue to try to follow the mystery of extinction events and who the mass murderers were.


Until then, here are some of the articles I’ve run across that cast some doubt on this being a sure thing, though clearly more research needs to be done.


There’s also the hope that peak oil, which makes all other resources available, including coal, natural gas and oil itself, prevent us from going extinct as energy reduces population back to about 1 billion or so (whatever it was before fossil fuels replaced wood and muscle power) and we READ THE REST


Alice Friedemann is a transportation expert sounding the alarm on the unsustainable nature of our modern trucking system, which is critical for delivering goods where they need to be, when they need to be, in our just-in-time economy.


The world’s trucking fleet is remarkably dependent on petroleum and, for a number of reasons she outlines in this interview, is not feasibly able to shift over to electricity or other alternative fuels.


To warn of the risks and consequences of a collapse in trucking, she founded and authored the book When The Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation. And while unlikely, her projected aftermath of a sudden complete shutdown of the trucking fleet is sobering, revealing just how dependent we are:


Within a week, in roughly this order, grocery stores would be out of dairy and other items that are delivered many times a day. And by the week, the shelves would be empty.

Hospitals, pharmacies, factories, and many other businesses also get several deliveries a day, and they’d be running out of stuff the first day.

And the second day, there’s be panic and hoarding. And restaurants, pharmacies would close. ATM’s would be out of money. Construction would stop. There’d be increasing layoffs. Increasing enormous amounts of trash not getting picked up, 685,000 tons a day. Service stations would be closed. Very few people would be working. And the livestock would start to be hungry from lack of feed deliveries.

Then within two weeks, clean water supplies would run out. Within four weeks to eight weeks, there wouldn’t be coal delivered to power plants and electricity would start shutting down. And when that happened, about a quarter of our pipelines use electricity, and so natural gas plants wouldn’t be fed natural gas and they’d start shutting down.

It’s a big interdependent system. That’s part of the problem. It’s like Liebig’s Law of the Minimum. A plant needs about 20 READ OR LISTEN TO THE REST (Alice Friedemann: When The Trucks Stop Running: The modern trucking fleet is living on borrowed time; By Adam Taggart; Peak Prosperity; 8/21/16 11:59 AM)



Here is the Stealth from within……

8/26/2016 3:35 PM


Civilization Jihad aka Stealth Jihad


  1. Origins of Civilization Jihad (Stealth Jihad)


August 2004, an alert Maryland Transportation Authority Police officer observed a woman wearing traditional Islamic garb videotaping the support structures of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, and conducted a traffic stop. The driver was Ismail Elbarasse and detained on an outstanding material witness warrant issued in Chicago in connection with fundraising for Hamas. In the basement of his home in Annandale, VA, a hidden sub-basement was found, containing 80 banker boxes of the archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America. One of the most important of these documents was the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan for the United States and was entitled, “An Explanatory Memorandum On The General Strategic Goal For The Group In North America” (English version or Arabic version), written in May 1991 primarily by Mohamed Akram, a former director of the United Association of Studies and Research (UASR), a Hamas front that was based in Northern Virginia from 1991 to 2004. UASR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation terrorist finance trial case that this document was entered into evidence, was headed by Ahmed Yousef who now serves as political advisor to head of Hamas in Gaza, Ismail Haniya.


VIDEO: Muslim Brotherhood’s plan & Obama connection exposed (1:29:54)


READ THE REST (Civilization Jihad aka Stealth Jihad; Freedom Post)



Sharia Law is Totalitarianism!!!!!!!!!

8/28/2016 12:20 PM  


LOOK how they are Taking over with TAXPAYER MONEY US Education POLICY!!!!!!!!


Film Warns of Education Caliphate

Documentary filmmaker goes in depth on the Gulen Movement charter schools in America




Posted by The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Aug 26, 2016

What if the Church of Scientology was able to get $500 MILLION PER YEAR in taxpayer money to educate children? That’s what an Islamic cult, the Gulen Movement, gets now. Filmmaker Mark Hall talks about his documentary, “Killing Ed”, that exposes crony capitalism and corruption in Charter Schools and the slander & censorship it has faced.

Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with READ THE REST



What if the Church of Scientology was able to get $500 MILLION PER YEAR in taxpayer money to educate children?


That’s what an Islamic cult, the Gulen Movement, gets now.


Filmmaker Mark Hall talks about his documentary, “Killing Ed,” that exposes crony capitalism and corruption in Charter Schools, and the slander and censorship it has faced.


VIDEO: Film Exposes Islamic Takeover Of US Schools


Posted by The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Aug 26, 2016

The Islamic State may be more subtle in America than in Syria, using money to gain influence, establish schools and brainwash the next generation.

Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re READ THE REST


(Film Warns of Education Caliphate; By Mountain Republic; 8/28/16)


And check this CRAZY OUT!!!!!!


Britain First

August 28 at 8:06am


SHOCKING: Muslim blood RITUAL! coming to a street NEAR YOU!


For more explosive content like this please like Britain First


VIDEO: SHOCKING- Muslim blood RITUAL- coming to a street NEAR YOU


And this is NOT Constitutional either!!!!  Stated multiple Times (Totalitarian) is against the structures of America, and against its governing system. These people that support Totalitarianism are NOT to be permitted entry to the United States :: See page 185 Chapter 2 section 212 Article (28) subpart (D)…:


This is what we will get with Hillary Clinton as POTUS and Mr. Trump needs to POUND on this!!!!!! The Democrats have become totalitarian in their sense of how the USA should be, so they can implement their Climate Change Anti-Human restrictive regulatory ambitions. Mr. Trump needs to HOUND the AIRWAVES with this debate!!!!!!!!!  


Here is a segment of the FrontPageMag story on Hillary is trying to bring Sharia Law and the US Constitution together, oh my!!!!


  “As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton affirmed the Obama Administration’s support for this campaign on July 15, 2011, when she gave an address on the freedom of speech at an OIC [i.e. Organization of Islamic Cooperation] conference on Combating Religious Intolerance.


“Together,” she said, “we have begun to overcome the false divide that pits religious sensitivities against freedom of expression and we are pursuing a new approach.”


But how could both be protected? Ihsanoglu [Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu] offered the answer: criminalizing what he considered to be hatred and incitement to violence. “We cannot and must not ignore the implications of hate speech and incitement of discrimination and violence.” But in restricting the freedom of speech, Clinton had a First Amendment to deal with, and so in place of legal restrictions on criticizing Islam, she suggested “old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming, so that people don’t feel that they have the support to do what we abhor.” She held a lengthy closed-door meeting with Ihsanoglu in December 2011 to facilitate the adoption of measures that would advance the OIC’s anti-free speech agenda, which amounted to an attempt to impose Sharia blasphemy laws upon the West. But what agreements she and Ihsanoglu made, if any, have never been disclosed. Hillary’s contact with Ihsanoglu was initiated by Gulen’s associate Ozkok. Read more at these links: 


We need to POUND this HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lots or material on this ANTI-American Topic: 


I like to think of myself as a pioneer in warning about the rise of the New Totalitarianism in America, which is really not much different than the old totalitarianism. The most important difference is that the new breed is better at hypnotizing itself into thinking they’re good-hearted, compassionate souls who just want the best for everyone… except, of course, the dissenters they grind beneath their jackboots.



Push them harder, and they’ll claim their seething hatred for the Christian bakers – their totalitarian urge to use the power of the State to personally destroy these innocent people – isn’t a black mark against their “compassion” and “tolerance,” because those bakers aren’t really people at all, at least not in the same sense that loving gay couples who demand cakes for READ THE REST (For the Left, Totalitarianism Is a Feature, Not a Bug; By JOHN HAYWARD; Breitbart; 7/10/15)




RUSH: Now I want to go back to the rest of the new totalitarian piece and give you some examples of it.  And it has been suggested to me that I ask all of you to start paying attention to examples of this that you encounter. Not necessarily things that happen to you, but things that you see in the news, maybe where you live or just anywhere.  Just make a note of it, and become aware of it.  It’s one thing to have this new totalitarianism described to you.  By the way, it’s not new.  The real brilliance of this piece is like Angelo Codevilla’s piece on the ruling class.



It just infuriates them because the key element of totalitarianism, not only will you be defeated by them, but in time you will love them, and you will agree with them, and you will support them, and you will actively join them.  And you will not disagree.  That is what we are in the midst of seeing. …



“For a fair number of people in what’s supposed to be a democracy, ‘winning’ in any normal political sense simply isn’t enough. They are not really trying to capture something as pedestrian as political equality, nor are they satisfied if they get it.” They claim that’s what they’re about.  Equality.  They’re not about equality at all.  They’re about total domination.



… That’s why the Republicans have fallen into a huge trap on all of this.  Bipartisanship.  They are not bipartisan.  Somebody give me an example of left-wing bipartisanship.  They don’t even define it the way we do.  Bipartisanship, as they define it, as in we cave on our core beliefs and agree with them.  That is bipartisanship.  There is no compromise.



So, folks, it’s an all-out assault on the criminal justice system and an attempt, which will not stop, to have the entire Grand Jury system found corrupt, and if they could get rid of it. And why?  Because they didn’t get the result.  They did not prevail.  There are people who disagree with them, and that will not be tolerated.  People who disagree with them, whether they are high judges, whether they are prosecutors, whether they are average ordinary every day citizens, it will not be tolerated.



“A new document reveals that the Department of Justice, the IRS, and the FBI colluded to prosecute Barack Obama opponents.”  This is from Judicial Watch.  Involves Lois Lerner.  Just the headlines, folks: “New Docs Reveal DOJ, IRS, and FBI Colluding to Prosecute Obama Opponents.” These are the 501(c)(3)s that the conservative fundraising group is asking for tax-exempt status.  Judicial Watch has found evidence that the DOJ, the IRS, the FBI were colluding to prosecute them out of existence.


END TRANSCRIPT READ ENTIRETY (Examples of the New Totalitarianism; Transcript of Rush Limbaugh Show; 7/8/15)



Edited by John R. Houk

Text or links enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.


© Tony Newbill


Croolrd Hillary - Crooked Clintons

This conspiracy exposé of Crooked Hillary have easily have been titled Clinton Political Machine. Go get’em Tony Newbill!


JRH 8/1/16

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By Tony Newbill

Sent: 7/23/2016 11:01 AM


Dear Team Trump, the Clinton Political Machine has the capability to orchestrate an Economic crisis to create fear in the electorate (I believe they did this in 2007-8). And Obama did this again in 2012 with the Medicare SS voters.


Challenged on Medicare, G.O.P. Loses Ground


ORLANDO, Fla. — Maria Rubin is one of the coveted independent voters in this swing state — so independent that she will not say whether she is voting for President Obama or Mitt Romney. She does share her age (63) and, more quickly, her opinion on Medicare: “I’m not in favor of changing it, or eliminating it.”



But in recent weeks Mr. Obama and his campaign have hit back hard, and enlisted former President Bill Clinton as well, to make the case that the Romney-Ryan approach to Medicare would leave older Americans vulnerable to rising health care costs. …



At the heart of the conflict is the proposal backed by Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan to change the way Medicare works in an effort to drive down health care costs and keep the program solvent as the population ages. Under their plan, retirees would get a fixed annual payment from the government that they could use to buy traditional Medicare coverage or a private health insurance policy. …



… [T]he Democratic message is resonating with voters like Ms. Rubin, who joined other independent and Democratic voters last week to hear Mr. Clinton make his pitch for Mr. Obama’s re-election in the packed ballroom of a resort hotel here.



Democrats focused heavily on Medicare at their convention and have kept up the assault since then. Last weekend in Kissimmee, Fla., Mr. Obama spoke of Republican plans for “voucherizing Medicare,” while Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. says Republicans will institute “vouchercare.” …


And soon, strategists say, Democrats will buttress their Medicare message by charging that a Romney-Ryan administration could also seek to alter Social Security, the other popular entitlement program.


READ ENTIRETY (Challenged on Medicare, G.O.P. Loses Ground; By JACKIE CALMES; NYT; 9/15/12)



I think Mr. Trump Can make the case that his economic and tax policies can expand the revenue flows from a 4% growth rate to pay the costs of these programs like the system was designed to in the first place. It’s the De-industrialists of the Clinton Political Machine that want to employ the Bolsheviks style trend that is causing the debt to exceed adequate supply to cripple the capital system and create a distrust for the whole economic system and then they think they can convince the American people can that a Totalitarian system is a better option, we have already heard Obama and Hilary try and sell the idea that Capitalism is a failed system, Obama’s opinion:


VIDEO: President Obama: Free Market Capitalism “Doesn’t Work” 12-7-11



Posted by PenguinProseMedia

Uploaded on Dec 11, 2011


U.S. President declares capitalism “has never worked”. The free market has “never worked”?? Is Barack Obama deliberately burning bridges with average Americans? The free market isn’t perfect, but it’s the best system we have. Shocking ignorance and contempt for the bedrock of economic growth and engine of prosperity, the free enterprise system.


Hilarys opinions are VERY TELLING: 


Hillary or Karl?

A quiz about list of various statements supposedly made by Hillary Clinton.


Claim: List reproduces various “Marxist” statements made by Hillary Clinton.


[Veracity] MIXTURE


Example: [Collected via e-mail, August 2007]


A little history lesson: If you don’t know the answer make your best guess Answer all the questions before looking at the answers. Who said it?

1) “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”

A. Karl Marx
B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above

2) “It’s time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity.”

A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the Above

3) “(We) … can’t just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people.”

A. Nikita Khrushev
B. Josef Goebbels
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above

4) “We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own … in order to create this common ground.”

A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong Il
D None of the above


(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004
(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007
(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid and vote
Anybody (woman) that would vote for her just because they think it’s time for a female president has got to be out of their lunatic mind!


Origins:   This list of purported “Marxist” quotes by former first lady, senator, presidential candidate, and secretary of state Hillary Clinton is (like many collections of utterances from various political figures) difficult to rate as strictly “true” or “false”: She did make the statements reported above, but they have all been stripped of any explanatory context, and some of them had portions elided, creating potentially misleading impressions about the nature of those statements. Below we verify the source and READ ENTIRETY (Hillary or Karl? By

David Mikkelson – From the Archive;


[Blog Editor: In case my readers are unaware, Snopes as a political fact checker is an in the tank Leftist sympathizing website. This June 2016 Daily Caller post has the goods on Snopes as far as politics go. Ergo in the Snopes article on how Marxist Crooked Hillary is, when they say the veracity of her quotes are a “Mixture” of truth, Snopes really means it is the absolute truth.]


And this is being done for Climate change reasons and they want this USA Model to use as a Talking Point for the rest of the world to follow.


This link discusses with a Economic Terrorist Expert how the Clinton Machine can work to cause crisis:


Economic Terrorism: Was the 2008 Collapse Intentional?


The 2008 financial crisis was one of the worst the U.S. has ever seen. It was the culmination of several factors including poor investments, government intervention and crony capitalism. However, the confluence of these events has prompted some analysts to ask, “Was the 2008 collapse intentional?”


“The Pentagon released information that they had received a report — right after 2008 — that [the collapse] may be ‘economic terrorism,’” Glenn Beck said on his radio show.


“And then [the Pentagon report] was released to the public I think in 2011 (maybe late 2010?), and I wondered, ‘Why was this held? Who released it? Why did they release it at that time?’And we talked about it, I said, ‘I think this is a sign somebody in the pentagon wants somebody to know what is really, possibly happening here.”


Was the 2008 economic crash intentional? Is the U.S. the target of “economic terrorism”?


Kevin Freeman, the author of the aforementioned Pentagon report and Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It can Happen Again, joined Glenn Beck to discuss what might have really happened back in 2008.


“There are others like George Soros that may be involved in this,” Beck said.


Who else may be involved in this supposed “economic terrorism”?


“Islamic terrorists,” Freeman said, “Osama Bin Laden has, or did, say forever, ‘Our intention is to attack the U.S. economic system. We know the cracks in the system like the lines in our own hand.’ That’s why they hit the World Trade Center towers. It was an attack on the economy as much as it was an attempt to kill people.”


“And it goes back even before that,” Freeman added. “The founder of the Muslim brotherhood created Sharia compliant finance and he termed it ‘financial jihad’ or ‘jihad with money.’”


“Boy man, I’m so glad to meet you Kevin, because we started looking into Sharia financing and there are hedge funds, gigantic hedge funds, that are all based in Sharia financing here in the United States and they’ve got some suspicious characters around them. Would you know anything about …



[Here is the Youtube version of the GBTV video on the website:]


VIDEO: Radio Interview w/ Glenn Beck & Kevin Freeman Book “Secret Weapon” Economic Terrorism Stock Market



Posted by GlennBeckBookList

Uploaded on Jan 18, 2012 — Kevin Freeman, author of “Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market” spent some time on the radio with Glenn Beck. They talked about the terror attack on 9-11 as well as the economic attack on the United States and by potentially Osama Bin Laden and or the Muslim Brotherhood and how people like George Soros benefited from the financial crisis. Mathematically it was nearly impossible for all of the card to align perfectly like they did in 2007-2008…

Read more at:



Because the discussion was so important and the implications of “economic terrorism” so great, Beck invited Freeman back on the show to continue READ ENTIRETY (Economic Terrorism: Was the 2008 Collapse Intentional? By Becket Adams; The Blaze; 1/19/12 6:48am)


These next links have identified Multinational Bundlers for the Clinton Machine, and I think they are working to create a Economic downturn by election time to create panic and then they will have a remedy and say Trump is new and not Tested to know if his ideas will work, and this will be the way they sway the majority to pick the Clinton Machine because the idea is they are already proven.


These links show the way the Clinton Political machine behind the scenes is working to create economic terrorism that then they can use as examples in Public forums to say the systems are failed systems!!!!!


Eagles of Empire and economic terrorism: Are vulture funds instruments of US policy?


Is it a coincidence that the vulture funds are putting increasing pressure on Argentina as it prepares to develop the world’s second largest shale gas reserves? Are the vultures instruments of foreign policy?


Paranoia or insightfulness in Buenos Aires?


Hours after the US Embassy in Buenos Aires issued a security warning to US citizens either already inside or traveling to the South American country, Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner accused the US of plotting to overthrow or kill her. Speaking during a television broadcast from the Casa de Gobierno on September 30, she explained that “if something happens to me, don’t look to the Mideast, look north” to Washington, DC. She told the Argentine people not to believe anything that the US government was saying, even going as far as dismissing the ISIL/ISIS threat as a US bogeyman.



Instead of asking what led Fernandez de Kirchner to make such accusations against the US government, the question should be what has led to the deterioration of relations and diplomatic ties between Buenos Aires and Washington.


This deterioration has two dimensions or tracks. On the surface it is tied to Argentina’s sovereign debt, its restructuring, and hedge funds in the US. On another track it is tied to petro-politics and shale gas.


Economic and financial terrorism: Deadlier than the ISIL?


In front of the sixty-ninth session of the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council and a meeting of the UN Security Council chaired by US President Barack Obama, Argentina argued that terrorism is not only committed by violent groups that plant bombs, but also by financial entities and organizations that destabilize national economies and make whole societies destitute through speculation and financial manipulation. In Cristina Kirchner’s words, “terrorists are not only those who set off bombs, but also those who destabilize economies, causing hunger, misery, and poverty.”


Addressing the growing mythology and international fixation concerning the ISIL in Syria and Iraq, Argentina argued that terrorism is rooted, fuelled, and nurtured through injustice and disparity in the global system. Groups like the ISIL and al-Qaeda are merely the symptoms of something much deeper and READ ENTIRETY (Eagles of Empire and economic terrorism: Are vulture funds instruments of US policy? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya; RT; 10/24/14 10:10)


[Blog Editor: “RT” actually is an acronym for Russia Today. I mention this because the English speaking version has gained a reputation as a propaganda arm of Vladimir Putin.]


Argentina Activates ‘Financial Terrorism’ Law Against Hedge-Fund Economic Warfare


Argentina is playing hardball. Accompanied by giant headlines in financial media screeching about “economic crisis,” Donnelley & Sons, a U.S. printing firm that has operated in Argentina for many years, and has no financial problems at all (assets larger than its liabilities, little debt) — filed for and was declared to be in bankruptcy from one day to the next last week, leaving 400 workers on the street.


The government responded by activating a never-before-used Anti-Economic and Financial Terorism Law to file charges against Donnelley for filing for a fraudulent bankruptcy with intent to “alter the economic and financial order” and “sow terror among the population.” The government intends to also file before the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for an investigation of this fraudulent behavior.


“I don’t believe in coincidences,” President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner explained THERE IS MORE (Argentina Activates ‘Financial Terrorism’ Law Against Hedge-Fund Economic Warfare; LaRouche PAC; 8/17/14 11:13AM)


[Blog Editor: Just an aside about LaRouche PAC; This PAC is a part of the LaRouche Movement of Lyndon LaRouche. This guy is a bit of an enigma because he once was a devotee of the kind of Marxism promoted by Leon Trotsky and Antonio Gramsci. That duo, particularly the latter, promoted a Marxism of gaining the confidence of laborers (prolateriat) via deceptive practices to slowly melt away traditional culture to prepare for a Marxist utopia. More recently LaRouche’s Marxist-Socialism has developed into something closer to Fascism or Nazism. Too many confuse the Fascist-Nazi paradigm with Right Wing extremism. The reality is those political ideologies are a melding of Socialism and Corporate Crony Capitalism under the direction of a State entity. This is LaRouche with a large dose of Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory thrown in to complete the heinous paradigm.]


Here Obama talks about the very economic crisis in Argentina the Clinton Machine economic terrorist created:


HUH? Obama says not much difference between capitalism and socialism — but here’s the part I agree with


After his tango solo, instead of being back in America or heading to Europe showing leadership to deal with global Islamic jihadism, President Obama was in Argentina lecturing young people on economic theory.



As reported by, “Thanks to advances in technology, “You don’t have to settle for the world as it is; you can create the world as you want it to be,” President Barack Obama told young people in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday. “You have the freedom to build the world in powerful and disruptive ways.”


One of the young community organizers at the town hall picked up on that point, saying she honestly believes that the world needs to change. She asked Obama for his advice on creating social change — in her case, by empowering young people living in poverty.


In the course of answering the question, the president indicated that the “sharp division” between “capitalist and communist or socialist” is starting to blur, and instead of clinging to any one of those ideologies, people should just do what works to create change:


“[S]o often in the past, there’s been a sharp division between left and right, between capitalist and communist or socialist,” Obama said. “And especially in the Americas, that’s been a big debate, right?


Oh, you know, you’re a capitalist Yankee dog, and oh, you know, you’re some crazy communist that’s going to take away everybody’s property.” And, I mean, those are interesting intellectual arguments, but I think for your generation, you should be practical and just choose from what works. You don’t have to worry about whether it neatly fits into socialist theory or capitalist theory — you should just decide what works.”



… And for Obama to try and conflate free market/free enterprise capitalism with socialism, or worse, communism clearly displays a delusional comprehension of economic theory — Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman are certainly choking right now. Someone get them a glass of water.


,,, Now, perhaps Obama was referring to “crony” capitalism where government attempts to select the winners and losers in the marketplace … Obama has been a very adept practitioner of government venture capitalism, where American taxpayer dollars support private sector endeavors based on political ideological agendas. … I believe it was during the Clinton administration when the venerable Glass-Steagall Act, which kept a separation between commercial and investment banks, was abolished — clearing the path for the 2008 financial meltdown rooted in the mortgage industry and the securitzing of toxic asset mortgages. …


You see, this is what happens when a progressive socialist conflates a “social change” economic program with the free market/private sector. It never ends well.


Now, I must ask the obvious question. What in the Sam Hill is Barack Obama doing holding a town hall meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina? If READ ENTIRETY (HUH? Obama says not much difference between capitalism and socialism — but here’s the part I agree with… By Allen West;; 3/26/16 8:45am)


Mr. Trump these are the very kinds of things that cause Real Estate crisis and then cause people like you to get into reorganization predicaments, and people need to be exposed here for their treasonous acts against humanity all for their ideological purposes!!!!!


These links show Clinton Bundlers:


Top Clinton Lobbyist Bundlers Tied to Foreign Banks, Governments

Firms represent Saudi Arabian, Russian, Turkish, Mexican, and Japanese interests


A number of Hillary Clinton’s top lobbyist bundlers, who have raised millions for her presidential campaign, either directly represent foreign entities or work at firms that represent foreign entities, according to documents from the Justice Department’s Foreign Agents Registration Unit.


Hillary for America, Clinton’s campaign committee, has hauled in more than $7 million in bundled lobbyist contributions since its inception. The committee finished 2015 with $4.1 million in bundled lobbyist contributions. It has since added more than $2.9 million to its coffers from lobbyists, with $1.2 million of that amount pouring in during the second quarter of 2016, from April 1 to June 30.


Tony Podesta, owner of the Podesta Group and brother of John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s campaign, is a top bundler for Hillary for America. Podesta has bundled $267,835 in contributions to date. Podesta was hired to work on behalf of Saudi interests.


Saudi Arabia has built an extensive lobbying and public relations presence in the United States, the Washington Post reported in April. It has also supplied the Clinton Foundation with millions. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has given between $10 and $25 million to the foundation while READ THE REST (Top Clinton Lobbyist Bundlers Tied to Foreign Banks, Governments; By Joe Schoffstall; Washington Free Beacon; 7/21/16 12:00 pm)


Clinton summons top campaign bundlers to New York


Hillary Clinton’s top bundlers from around the country are set to descend on New York City for a day of conversations with top campaign staffers next Thursday, according to a person familiar with her fundraising plans.


The itinerary includes a dinner with campaign manager Robby Mook and campaign chairman John Podesta, who will join the “Hillblazers” — Hillary Clinton backers who have raised There’s More (Clinton summons top campaign bundlers to New York; By GABRIEL DEBENEDETTI; POLITICO; 08/25/15 11:41 PM EDT Updated 08/26/15 12:11 AM EDT)

Dear Mr. Trump, it’s possible to see the ideology within the upper class circles of society conspiring to create a Ideological shift to Freedom and Prosperity.


Here is a Top Hedge Fund Manager and Hilary Clinton supporter saying Capitalism needs to be changed:


Paul Tudor Jones II: Why we need to rethink capitalism


Paul Tudor Jones II loves capitalism. It’s a system that has done him very well over the last few decades. Nonetheless, the hedge fund manager and philanthropist is concerned that a laser focus on profits is, as he puts it, “threatening the very underpinnings of society.” In this thoughtful, passionate talk, he outlines his planned counter-offensive, which centers on the concept of “justness.” [Go to the TED Talk link to watch Jones spin an anti-Capitalist message.]


Here’s another:


Capitalism will eat democracy — unless we speak up


Have you wondered why politicians aren’t what they used to be, why governments seem unable to solve real problems? Economist Yanis Varoufakis, the former Minister of Finance for Greece [As if Greece is a good model to bet against Capitalism in favor of Socialism], says that it’s because you can be in politics today but not be in power — because real power now belongs to those who control the economy. He believes that the mega-rich and corporations are cannibalizing the political sphere, causing financial crisis. In this talk, hear his dream for a world in which capital and labor no longer struggle against each other, “one that is simultaneously libertarian, Marxist and Keynesian.” [Again, another anti-Capitalist message from a Leftist TED Talk by Greek economist Yanis Varoufakis.]


Mr. Trump is going to have to bring all this out And show the American People how they are being played like Fools with this economic terrorism effect by the Clinton Machine Political players!!!!!


Truth to Power is the only way to prevail!!!! God Bless and Be safe on the Trail!!!!



Edited by John R. Houk

Any text or links encased by brackets are by the Editor.


© Tony Newbill


Tony Newbill Comments to ‘Deep State USA’

Soros Wizard power behind Hillary

Tony Newbill has some interesting thoughts on the portion of the post “Deep State USA” primarily responding to the thoughts and comments by Daniel Gladstein.


JRH 7/20/16

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Tony Newbill Comments to ‘Deep State USA



July 11, 2016 at 6:05 PM


A little Deep State Coincidence????

TIME Suggests Another 9/11 Is Necessary to Re-direct American Anger


America’s Anger Is Out of Control Jeffrey Kluger … After the September 11 attacks, TIME’s Lance Morrow wrote a powerful essay titled, “The Case for Rage and Retribution,” in which he argued: “For once let’s have no fatuous rhetoric about ‘healing.’ A day cannot live in infamy without the nourishment of rage. Let’s have rage. What’s needed is a unified, unifying, Pearl Harbor sort of purple American fury—a ruthless indignation that doesn’t leak away in a week or two…”  – TIME


As we can see from the above statement, Jeff Kluger has in mind another convulsive episode like Pearl Harbor or 9/11 that will unify the “anger” that Americans feel.


Kluger seems to imply that this anger is stemming from current elections. His concern is that it is spilling over into other areas of life.



This is actually a somewhat cynical assessment of how to manipulate anger in our view.


Why do we need another Pearl Harbor or 9/11 just so Americans can feel unified?


Why should “Americans” feel unified anyway? And, really, what is an “American?”


Because the “anger in America” meme is ubiquitous in the mainstream media at the moment, there are many other commentaries on it.



People aren’t just “angry.” Many are extraordinarily upset about certain events taking place in the USA. It’s not simply an inchoate emotion.


Millions upon millions are angry over the reduction in freedoms and the rise of the fedgov political class.


They are worried and anxious about police shootings, gun confiscation and a general trend toward increased authoritarianism all around them.


They don’t recognize America anymore. It feels like a fascist or socialist country.



Conclusion: What will make people less angry in this case is more freedom. But freedom is rarely given and mostly manipulated. If you want to be free, you will have to do it yourself. Get out of READ ENTIRETY (TIME Suggests Another 9/11 Is Necessary to Re-direct American Anger; By Daily Bell Staff; The Daily Bell; 7/8/16)

Obama: Be Ready For EMP Attacks, Engineered Pandemics, Massive Earthquakes, and Martial Law (Videos)


UPDATE: Proof Massive Underground Military Bases and Complex Tunnels are Real (Videos)


On May 31, Obama took time out of his extremely busy schedule to deliver an address at the FEMA National Response Coordination Center in Washington where he made a point to stress that Americans who are not preparing for disaster, or who do not have emergency evacuation plans for any given scenario, could find themselves in big trouble in the near future. 


Does Obama know something the rest of us don’t? Consider some of the scenarios Americans should be bracing for: A west coast earthquake, a New Madrid earthquake, a tsunami on either the east or west coasts, a meteor impact, Islamic terror, war, an EMP BURST that takes down the power grid, cyberwarfare, ECONOMIC COLLAPSE, or CIVIL UNREST RESULTING IN THE IMPOSITION MARTIAL LAW. If only that were all. We’re also supposed to be on alert for the possibility of a major volcanic eruption, or the possibility of a “natural” OR “ENGINEERED” pandemic.


During his speech, Obama didn’t hesitate to mention something anyone who’s been following FEMA for a while must have cringed at hearing. Obama told Americans that now there is “a FEMA app” that can direct you to the nearest “FEMA shelter” in the event of a major emergency. A “FEMA Shelter” is about as much of a “shelter” as Obamacare is “affordable.” FEMA Shelter’s are internment camps. You can call them whatever helps you sleep at night, but READ THE REST (Obama: Be Ready For EMP Attacks, Engineered Pandemics, Massive Earthquakes, and Martial Law (Videos); By VOICE OF REASON; The Last Great Stand; 6/3/16)




July 11, 2016 at 6:08 PM


Within the Deep State Ideology for Control of this election cycle and using [the] BLM to paint [the] Trumps as too racist for POTUS, there is reason to believe that Hillary and Obama are working with leaders of the BLM groups to generate civil unrest, see here:



It was only two days ago that we focused on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) leaked documents showing they were planning, in concert with the Obama Regime, a “Summer of Chaos.”


We wrote:


Black Lives Matter leader Deray McKesson had two of his email accounts hacked recently … [They] showed that they are planning to create massive unrest during this election period in something they call the “Summer of Chaos”.


The leaked documents show that Soros-embraced Black Lives Matter wants to create so much chaos that martial law will be instituted and the elections cancelled.  Chaos is the goal in order to destabilize the populace.


During an evening rally of Black Lives Matter to protest two deadly police shootings, a sniper or snipers took aim from rooftops and killed or wounded numerous government law enforcers.


Following all the trappings of past false flag attacks, the supposed sniper was killed… blown up in fact… before we could gain any information from him.


But, as we said earlier, two top Black Lives Matter activists had their email and Twitter accounts hacked last month and it showed their plans, in concert with US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, to cause massive riots and unrest in what they termed the “Summer of Chaos.”



And they refer to their correspondence with “Mrs. Lynch” on it all… of course, that could be any Mrs. Lynch.  Or it could be US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch.


Now, in just the first days of July, two black men were gunned down by police and two high quality videos of it were streamed or immediately posted to the internet.


Black Lives Matter protests sprung up nearly instantaneously… and in the case of Dallas, a sniper or snipers quickly deployed and began killing police.


Rather than deploying their own SWAT team to try to take out the sniper, the police decided to send countless police cars in the area of the building where they sat as sitting ducks.


Then, according to the police, they negotiated with him for a few hours while he told them he wanted to kill white cops.


They then sent a robot up to the building with a bomb and blew him up.


I am not going so far as to say this was certainly a false flag attack nor that this was part of the BLM plans that were leaked during the hack of their accounts.


But this does have all the trappings of a typical false flag attack and meets every checkbox on the governmental agenda.


The shooter?  He was former military.  Check.  They’ve already been pronounced to be probable terrorist suspects.


He claimed, according to the police, to hate white people.  Check.  Race war incitement.


And he used a “long gun” to carry out the act.  Check.  Gun control agenda.


Don’t forget too that BLM is indirectly funded by George Soros, the king of funding and creating riots, coups and regime changes.  And, he’s been known to employ snipers to cause chaos, as they did in the Ukraine.


Meanwhile, the mainstream media headlines repeat the same theme, “The deadliest single incident for US law enforcement since September 11, 2001.”


This, to trigger the American public to recall the events surrounding 9/11, which was also a false flag attack.  People in a state of fear are highly suggestable and READ ENTIRETY (Jubilee JOLT: PRE-PLANNED AND LEAKED ‘SUMMER OF CHAOS’ BEGINS IN DALLAS; By JEFF BERWICK; Dollar Vigilante; 7/8/16)


[Blog Editor: Just for a little clarity, I am not a 9/11 Truther. That means I do not buy theory that 9/11 was or is a false flag conspiracy. At worst it was a huge failure of American intelligence agencies. At best it was a blind blunder of the U.S. government in allowing Islamic terrorists to attack American soil.]


Obama and Hilary have already demonstrated that they will use Indefinite Detention of people that have expressed their 1st Amendment privilege, with the detention of the Video producer that they lied and said was why Benghazi happened. Here is a list of links that show how Obama has said he will work to use the Power of the Presidency to Predetermine threats and detain those who pose threats before they happen, see here, It’s the Rachel Maddow Video thats most disturbing: 

All Armed Americans To Be Detained In FEMA Camps Starting In 2017? (Video)


As we enter what ‘should’ be the home stretch of Obama’s reign of terror, expect the next nine months to be one hell of a scary ride. In the first three months of 2016, Obama has already pushed the envelop on several issues, but one topic that hasn’t gotten much attention lately is the topic of FEMA Camps designed to detain American citizens. Presumably, the only way any sane American would end up in a FEMA Camp is through the use of force, which implies that the implementation of Martial Law will probably occur before the camps begin filling up.


First, before discussing the rather obvious signs that American society is a powder keg just waiting to blow, and we have a narcissistic lunatic in the White House who would be all too eager assume the role of dictator, let’s dispel any notion that FEMA Camps are “conspiracy theory.” Why don’t you listen to what Obama himself has to say about FEMA Camps, and might I suggest you pay close attention to when Obama talks about how he will develop ”An Appropriate Legal Regime” to permanently detain Americans PRIOR to having committed any crime. The idea of the detentions would be to prevent any individual (aka conservative) from committing a potential FUTURE crime. Obama even goes as far as to say he might detain someone up to TEN YEARS before they MIGHT commit a crime.


VIDEO: Obama Himself Explains FEMA Camps
Obama’s own words should squash any more talk about “conspiracy theories,” but if you want more information on the subject, there are plenty of links at the bottom, including one titled, Supreme Court Justice Scalia says. “You are kidding yourself if you think internment camps couldn’t happen here again…”


Many people make the argument that Obama could never pull off Martial Law, because our military would never act against its own citizens. For the sake of argument, let’s assume that’s true. That would go a long way toward explaining why Obama has allowed in excess of 500,000 foreign troops to be stationed here on American soil at different times. It also helps explain why U.N. Troops Have Been on U.S. Soil Conducting Massive Military Exercises With the U.S. Military Within the Last Year. It stands to reason then, that READ THE REST (All Armed Americans To Be Detained In FEMA Camps Starting In 2017? (Video); Before It’s News; 3/14/16)


So it can be said that this Power may be used as they generate civil unrest at the conventions, and I think we should Voice our Concerns to the American People about this and tell everyone that we need to be worried about how Hillary and Obama are allegedly using people’s emotions to create the Unrest for their use of Power over Freedom of Expression and push a Limiting of Speech Rights.


It therefore would be good to inject this evidence into the Public Forum and call them out for being a Disruptive process to the Civil Discourse of our United States Republic and its people’s right to Freedom and Liberty:

Be concerned about what is going on right now, be VERY concerned


The current civil unrest is either completely orchestrated or playing right into the hands of the globalist Elite, and how odd that it would happen right as we move into the most contentious election cycle for the POTUS ever witnessed in America…


Following the passage of the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, the U.S. Army Manual had to be re-written to include it’s operational procedures for if/when the president does declare Martial Law.  Should the president decide to use the military to carry out “Civil Disturbance Operations,” troops can be used domestically to quell RIOTS


Additionally, the U.S. Army Manual FM 3-19.40 for Internment/Resettlement Operations, is very clear about how internees would be “RE-EDUCATED” into developing an “appreciation of U.S. policies” while detained in prison camps inside the United States. Also see the leaked U.S. Army manual  for more.  This is a very serious time people, The Dollar Vigilante has been reporting on the Jubilee Jolt: Summer of Chaos, it seems all but inevitable – stay alert, stay safe…





Posted by Mr Doom

Published on Jul 9, 2016     


end times, end times signs, end times news, end times events, bible prophecy, prophecy in the news, tornado, earthquake, strange weather, strange events, apocalyptic signs, apocalyptic events, strange weather phenomenon




July 13, 2016 at 10:00 AM


Hilary is 2 Candidates in One , first she’s a candidate for POTUS and then She’s a candidate for the “ Deep State “ and this is where the problem with maintaining USA Sovereignty exists.


The Deep State is who gave Hilary a Pass on accountability to the Civilians of the USA thus making US Citizens “ Subjects of the DEEP STATE!!!!!


These 2 links give insight to the Concept that Hilary Clinton is 2 candidates in one: [Blog Editor: The summaries for these two links can be found on the post “Newbill Conspiracy insights & Propositions Part 2.]




July 15, 2016 at 12:59 PM


Hilary’s Red and Blue Camps Plan to deal with peoples conflicting Religious views: 

[Video: Also on the post “Newbill Conspiracy insights & Propositions Part 2”]

[Video: Also on the post “Newbill Conspiracy insights & Propositions Part 2”]


And we have General Wesley Clark saying the same kind of thing about Camps:  [This post “Newbill Conspiracy insights & Propositions Part 2”]


And there has been a lot of debate within the Policy making positions of authority regarding Radical Religious people: [This post “Newbill Conspiracy insights & Propositions Part 2”]


And Justice Scalia saying we will see Camps in the USA, so it seems there is a Ideology within the hierarchy of Government of this train of thought: [This post “Newbill Conspiracy insights & Propositions Part 2”]


Edited by John R. Houk

All content embraced by brackets are by the Editor.


© Tony Newbill original content


Newbill Conspiracy insights & Propositions Part 2

List of Why Hillary Lies Matter

Tony Newbill examines Crooked Hillary insinuated her goals in the matrix of a clandestine government. (Part One can be read HERE.)


JRH 7/19/16

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Newbill Conspiracy insights & Propositions Part 2

Tony Newbill

Posted July 19, 2016


Wed 7/13/2016 10:07 AM

Hilary is 2 Candidates in One


Hilary is 2 Candidates in One, first she’s a candidate for POTUS and then She’s a candidate for the “Deep State” and this is where the problem with maintaining USA Sovereignty exists.


The Deep State is who gave Hilary a Pass on accountability to the Civilians of the USA thus making US Citizens Subjects of the DEEP STATE!!!!!
These 2 links give insight to the Concept that Hilary Clinton is 2 candidates in one:

Deep State America


[Blog Editor: Newbill also used the last two links are also used as a comment to the dual post “Deep State USA” which includes the Deep State Conspiracy thoughts of Daniel Gladstein. Newbill has several comments on that post largely related to Gladstein’s thoughts. Newbill’s comments to the Deep State post will show in a later blog post because they are a little different than here even though the links are the same.]


It has frequently been alleged that the modern Turkish Republic operates on two levels. It has a parliamentary democracy complete with a constitution and regular elections, but there also exists a secret government that has been referred to as the “deep state,” in Turkish “Derin Devlet.”


The concept of “deep state” has recently become fashionable to a certain extent, particularly to explain the persistence of traditional political alignments when confronted by the recent revolutions in parts of the Middle East and Eastern Europe. For those who believe in the existence of the deep state, there are a number of institutional as well as extralegal relationships that might suggest its presence.


Some believe that this deep state arose out of a secret NATO operation called “Gladio,” which created an infrastructure for so-called “stay behind operations” if Western Europe were to be overrun by the Soviet Union and its allies. There is a certain logic to that assumption, as a deep state has to be organized around a center of official and publicly accepted power, which means it normally includes senior officials of the police and intelligence services as well as the military. …



As all governments—sometimes for good reasons—engage in concealment of their more questionable activities, or even resort to out and out deception, one must ask how the deep state differs. While an elected government might sometimes engage in activity that is legally questionable, there is normally some plausible pretext employed to cover up or explain the act.


But for players in the deep state, there is no accountability and no legal limit. Everything is based on self-interest, justified through an assertion of patriotism and the national interest. …



If all this sounds familiar to an American reader, it should, and given some local idiosyncrasies, it invites the question whether the United States of America has its own deep state.



In truth America’s deep state is, not unlike Turkey’s, a hybrid creature that operates along a New York to Washington axis. Where the Turks engage in criminal activity to fund themselves, the Washington elite instead turns to banksters, lobbyists, and defense contractors, operating much more in the open and, ostensibly, legally. U.S.-style deep state includes all the obvious parties, both public and private, who benefit from the status quo: including key players in the police and intelligence agencies, the military, the treasury and justice departments, and the judiciary. It is structured to materially reward those who play along with the charade, and the glue to accomplish that ultimately comes from Wall Street. “Financial services” might well be considered the epicenter of the entire process. Even though government is needed to implement desired policies, the banksters comprise the truly essential element, capable of providing genuine rewards for compliance. As corporate interests increasingly own the media, little dissent comes from the Fourth Estate as the process plays out, while many of the proliferating Washington think tanks that provide deep state “intellectual” credibility are READ ENTIRETY (Deep State America: Democracy is often subverted by special interests operating behind the scenes; By PHILIP GIRALDI; American Conservative; 7/30/15)

Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton’s State Department


Even by the standards of arms deals between the United States and Saudi Arabia, this one was enormous. A consortium of American defense contractors led by Boeing would deliver $29 billion worth of advanced fighter jets to the United States’ oil-rich ally in the Middle East.


Israeli officials were agitated, reportedly complaining to the Obama administration that this substantial enhancement to Saudi air power risked disrupting the region’s fragile balance of power. The deal appeared to collide with the State Department’s documented concerns about the repressive policies of the Saudi royal family.



These were not the only relationships bridging leaders of the two nations. In the years before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia contributed at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, the philanthropic enterprise she has overseen with her husband, former president Bill Clinton. Just two months before the deal was finalized, Boeing — the defense contractor that manufactures one of the fighter jets the Saudis were especially keen to acquire, the F-15 — contributed $900,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to a company press release.


The Saudi deal was one of dozens of arms sales approved by Hillary Clinton’s State Department that placed weapons in the hands of governments that had also donated money to the Clinton family philanthropic empire, an International Business Times investigation has found.


Under Clinton’s leadership, the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations whose governments have given money to the Clinton Foundation, according to an IBTimes analysis of State Department and foundation data. That figure — derived from the three full fiscal years of Clinton’s term as Secretary of State (from October 2010 to September 2012) — represented nearly double the value of American arms sales made to those countries and approved by the State Department during the same period of President George W. Bush’s second term.


The Clinton-led State Department also authorized $151 billion of separate Pentagon-brokered deals for 16 of the countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation, resulting in a 143 percent increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration. These extra sales were part of a broad increase in American military exports that accompanied Obama’s arrival in the White House. The 143 percent increase in U.S. arms sales to Clinton Foundation donors compares to an 80 percent increase in such sales to all countries over the same time period.


American defense contractors also donated to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state and in some cases made personal payments to Bill Clinton for speaking engagements. Such firms and their subsidiaries were listed as contractors in $163 billion worth of Pentagon-negotiated deals that were authorized by the Clinton State Department between 2009 and 2012.



… She noted that “UAE-based donors have provided financial support to a variety of terrorist groups.” All of these countries donated to the Clinton Foundation and received increased weapons export authorizations from the Clinton-run State Department.


READ ENTIRETY (Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton’s State Department; By DAVID SIROTA and ANDREW PEREZ; IBT; 5/26/15)



This link shows how the DEEP STATE is Protecting Hilary Clinton: [Blog Editor: The link below is actually a comment to the article entitled ‘Loretta Lynch Ducks 74 Questions From Congress: “Either Avoiding Appearances or Protecting Hillary”’. The identity of the commenter is “Tommy”. This means Tony Newbill and Tommy are one and the same. Since “Newbill” is a pseudonym, the mystery: has the anonymity been revealed? Or is it another pseudonym? The mystery continues. After the comment link is an excerpt from the actual article which I believe is Newbill’s actual intention.]


Did Attorney General Loretta Lynch lie about or obfuscate her role in clearing Hillary in the investigations concerning the handling of classified emails on her private server?


Is there a quid pro quo among the two women, in which Lynch could have been promised a role in the next Clinton Administration in exchange for her help in calling off potential criminal charges that might derail Hillary’s campaign.


Lynch claims there is no such relationship. But she also refused to answer at least 74 of Congress’ questions about her private meeting with former President Bill Clinton and her relationship with the Clintons and/or their staff.


Recall, that the announcement that Hillary was off the hook, as it were, came immediately after the Attorney General and former president met.


As The Daily Caller reported at the time:

Department of Justice officials filed a motion in federal court late Wednesday seeking a 27-month delay in producing correspondence between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s four top aides and officials with the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings, a closely allied public relations firm that Bill Clinton helped launch.



As example to this, Loretta Lynch refused an entire line of questions from Rep. Jason Chaffetz about whether or not it was hypothetically legal or illegal to retain classified information.


Despite the straightforward nature of this questioning, Attorney General Lynch refused to even acknowledge whether or not it is illegal to lie under oath.


Wow. This is stonewalling of READ ENTIRETY (Loretta Lynch Ducks 74 Questions From Congress: “Either Avoiding Appearances or Protecting Hillary”; By Mac Slavo;; 7/13/16)



Fri 7/15/2016 12:45 PM

Hilary’s Red and Blue Camps Plan to deal with peoples conflicting Religious views


Hilary’s Red and Blue Camps Plan to deal with peoples conflicting Religious views: 

[Blog Editor: The tiny url is to a Youtube post that demonstrates that Hillary Clinton intends to continue Barack Obama’s fundamental transformation of the USA away from American values by further diluting the Christian faith’s moral standards.]


VIDEO: Clinton Demands Christians Deny Jesus!



Posted by NicholasPOGM

Published on May 26, 2015


As I stated in the video, before making public statements, political candidates do demographic research so as to see what the public will accept or reject. And this is especially true with presidential campaigns! What Hillary Clinton says during a campaign speech confirms the powers that be, know for a fact that the majority of the churches in America no longer bow to Jesus, His Word, or even common sense for that matter! Her comments CONFIRM the leaders in the USA will remove religious liberty soon! The fact they have proof there will be little opposition is the green light they have been looking for.

(original video)


[Blog Editor: This tiny url is to a Youtube video in which Hillary Clinton says she believes Americans need “Adult Camps” to teach them how to relate to cultural socio-religious mores acceptable to modernity (i.e. transform minds). Hmm… Crooked Hillary’s speech should make you think of Communist Chinese re-education camps or old Soviet re-education camps]


VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Says ” We Need Camps For Adults” (Concentration Camps)



Posted by DTAShieldOFaith

Published on Apr 14, 2015


At an event for camp professionals, Hillary Clinton pitches camp for grownups, where the “red” and “blue” cabins would have no choice but to work together.

.All praises to Yahawah Bahasham Yahawashi Shalawam ahchyam Double Honors to the Apostles and Elders of GMS
(The Elect) around the world teaching the word in sincerely and truth


And we have General Wesley Clark saying the same kind of thing about Camps:


[Blog Editor: I am guessing the link about General Clark suggesting that radicalized Muslims be rounded up and placed in camps is Newbill’s shot at being fair and balanced. Clark is a Leftist in the Dem Party thus making his statement against Muslim be castigated by Obama and the current Crooked Hillary campaign. Think of the clamor if Trump made such a statement! I sense the point Newbill is reaching for is the willingness of Dems to form re-education camps – PERIOD.]


Retired general and former Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark on Friday called for World War II-style internment camps to be revived for “disloyal Americans.” In an interview with MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts in the wake of the mass shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Clark said that during World War II, “if someone supported Nazi Germany at the expense of the United States, we didn’t say that was freedom of speech, we put him in a camp, they were prisoners of war.”


He called for a revival of internment camps to help combat Muslim extremism, saying, “If these people are radicalized and they don’t support the United States and they are disloyal to the United States as a matter of principle, fine. It’s their right and it’s our right and obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict.”


READ THE REST (Wesley Clark Calls for Internment Camps for “Radicalized” Americans; By Murtaza Hussain; The Intercept; 7/20/15 9:12 a.m.)


And there has been a lot of debate within the Policy making positions of authority regarding Radical Religious people,


(U//FOUO) Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment


7 April 2009


(U) Prepared by the Extremism and Radicalization Branch, Homeland Environment Threat Analysis Division. Coordinated with the FBI.


(U) Scope


(U//FOUO) This product is one of a series of intelligence assessments published by the Extremism and Radicalization Branch to facilitate a greater understanding of the phenomenon of violent radicalization in the United States. The information is provided to federal, state, local, and tribal counterterrorism and law enforcement officials so they may effectively deter, prevent, preempt, or respond to terrorist attacks against the United States. Federal efforts to influence domestic public opinion must be conducted in an overt and transparent manner, clearly identifying United States Government sponsorship.



(U) Key Findings


(U//LES) The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has no specific information that domestic rightwing* terrorists are currently planning acts of violence, but rightwing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on their fears about several emergent issues. The economic downturn and the election of the first African American president present unique drivers for rightwing radicalization and recruitment.


— (U//LES) Threats from white supremacist and violent antigovernment groups during 2009 have been largely rhetorical and have not indicated plans to carry out violent acts. Nevertheless, the consequences of a prolonged economic downturn—including real estate foreclosures, unemployment, and an inability to obtain credit—could create a fertile recruiting environment for rightwing extremists and even result in confrontations between such groups and government authorities similar to those in the past.


— (U//LES) Rightwing extremists have capitalized on the election of the first African American president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new members, mobilize existing supporters, and broaden their scope and appeal through propaganda, but they have not yet turned to attack planning.


(U//FOUO) The current economic and political climate has some similarities to the 1990s when rightwing extremism experienced a resurgence fueled largely by an economic recession, criticism about the outsourcing of jobs, and the perceived threat to U.S. power and sovereignty by other READ THE REST (Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment; By Homeland Security Department – posted by Federation of American Scientists (FAS); Unclassified version released 4/7/09)


And Justice Scalia [was] saying we will see Camps in the USA, so it seems there is an Ideology within the hierarchy of Government of this train of thought:


Justice Antonin Scalia predicts that the Supreme Court will eventually authorize another a wartime abuse of civil rights such as the internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II.


“You are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again,” Scalia told the University of Hawaii law school while discussing Korematsu v. United States, the ruling in which the court gave its imprimatur to the internment camps.


The local Associated Press report quotes Scalia as using a Latin phrase that means “in times of war, the laws fall silent,” to explain why the court erred in that decision and will do so again.





Edited by John R. Houk

Any information enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.


© Tony Newbill Content