DICED is UN’s Environmental Constitution for the World and our own Constitution Will Be Diced

The American Left and global Left hate President Trump and his America First agenda to the point of irrational behavior. If you are an American patriot you should ask yourself, “Why?”


There are undoubtedly many valid answers as to the why. Here is one extremely valid reason for Leftist irrational behavior toward President Trump: To get sovereign-minded American patriots distracted from recent United Nations action at instituting a one-world government:

The writers describe the Covenant as a “living document,” a blueprint that will be adopted by all members of the United Nations. They say that global partnership is necessary in order to achieve Sustainable Development, by focusing on “social and economic pillars.” The writers are very careful to avoid the phrase, “one world government.” Proper governance is necessary on all levels, “from the local to the global.” (p.36)



Since this Draft Covenant has a Preamble and 79 articles, it is obviously intended to be a “world constitution for global governance,” an onerous way to control population growth, re-distribute wealth, force social and “economic equity and justice,” economic control, consumption control, land and water use control, and re-settlement control as a form of social engineering.


The above quote is an exposé at the Canada Free Press (CFP) written by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh about the United Nations instituting a form of global Communism using the earth’s environment as an insidious pretext.

JRH 6/9/17

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DICED is UN’s Environmental Constitution for the World and our own Constitution Will Be Diced


By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh 

June 8, 2017

Canada Free Press


I am sure there are many Americans who have no idea nor care what “The Draft International Covenant on Environment and Development” (DICED) is. They should. The Draft Covenant is the “Environmental Constitution of Global Governance.”

The first version of the Covenant was presented to the United Nations in 1995 on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. It was hoped that it would become a negotiating document for a global treaty on environmental conservation and sustainable development.


The fourth version of the Covenant, issued on September 22, 2010, was written to control all development tied to the environment, “the highest form of law for all human activity.’


The Covenant’s 79 articles, described in great detail in 242 pages, take Sustainable Development principles described in Agenda 21 and transform them into global law, which supersedes all constitutions including the U.S. Constitution.


All signatory nations, including the U.S., would become centrally planned, socialist countries in which all decisions would be made within the framework of Sustainable Development.

In collaboration with Earth Charter and Elizabeth Haub Foundation for Environmental Policy and Law from Canada, the Covenant was issued by the International Council on Environmental Law (ICEL) in Bonn, Germany, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) with offices in Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.


Federal agencies that are members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) include U.S. Department of State, Commerce, Agriculture (Forest Service), Interior (Fish and Wildlife, National Park Service), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The same agencies are members of the White House Rural Council and the newly established White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities (Executive Order, March 15, 2012).


The Draft Covenant is a blueprint “to create an agreed single set of fundamental principles like a ‘code of conduct’ used in many civil law, socialist, and theocratic traditions, which may guide States, intergovernmental organizations, and individuals.”


The writers describe the Covenant as a “living document,” a blueprint that will be adopted by all members of the United Nations. They say that global partnership is necessary in order to achieve Sustainable Development, by focusing on “social and economic pillars.” The writers are very careful to avoid the phrase, “one world government.” Proper governance is necessary on all levels, “from the local to the global.” (p.36)


The Covenant underwent four writings, in 1995, 2000, 2004, and 2010, influenced by the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development, by ideas of development control and social engineering by the United Nations, “leveling the playing field for international trade, and having a common basis of future lawmaking.”


  • Article 2 describes in detail “respect for all life forms.”


  • Article 3 proposes that the entire globe should be under “the protection of international law.”


  • Article 5 refers to “equity and justice,” code words for socialism/communism.


  • Article 16 requires that all member nations must adopt environmental conservation into all national decisions.


  • Article 19 deals with “Stratospheric Ozone.” Rex Communis is the customary international law regime applicable to areas beyond national jurisdiction: in particular to the high seas and outer space.” (p. 72)


  • Article 20 requires that all nations must “mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.” If we endorse this document, we must fight a non-existent man-made climate change.


  • Article 31, “Action to Eradicate Poverty,” requires the eradication of poverty by spreading the wealth from developed nations to developing countries.


  • Article 32 requires recycling, “consumption and production patterns.”


  • Article 33, “Demographic policies,” demands that countries calculate “the size of the human population their environment is capable of supporting and to implement measures that prevent the population from exceeding that level.” In the Malthusian model, humans were supposed to run out of food and starve to death. In a similar prediction, this document claims that the out-of control multiplication of humans can endanger the environment.


  • Article 34 demands the maintenance of an open and non-discriminatory international trading system in which “prices of commodities and raw materials reflect the full direct and indirect social and environmental costs of their extraction, production, transport, marketing, and where appropriate, ultimate disposal.” The capitalist model of supply and demand pricing does not matter.


  • Article 37 discusses “Transboundary Environmental Effects and article 39 directs how “Transboundary Natural Resources” will be conserved, “quantitatively and qualitatively.”


  • According to the document, “conserve means managing human-induced processes and activities which may be damaging to natural systems in such a way that the essential functions of these systems are maintained.”


  • Article 41 requires integrated planning systems, irrespective of administrative boundaries within a country, and is based on Paragraph 10.5 of Agenda 21, which seeks to “facilitate allocation of land to the uses that provide the greatest sustainable benefits and to promote the transition to a sustainable and integrated management of land resources.” The impact assessment procedure is developed by the World Bank.


“Aquifers, drainage basins, coastal, marine areas, and any areas called ecological units must be taken into account when allocating land for municipal, agricultural, grazing, forestry, and other uses.” Agricultural subsidies are discouraged, as well as subsidizing private enterprises.

“Physical planning must follow an integrated approach to land use – infrastructure, highways, railways, waterways, dams, and harbors. Town and country planning must include land use plans elaborated at all levels of government.”

“Sharing Benefits of Biotechnology” is a similar requirement to the Law of the Sea Treaty which demands that final products of research and development be used freely, no matter who develops an idea or how much it costs to bring that idea to the market.


  • Article 51 reveals that we will have to pay for these repressive new requirements while Article 52 shows that we must pay 0.7 percent of GDP for Official Development Assistance. This reaffirms the political commitment made in Paragraph 33.13 of Agenda 21 in 1992.


  • Article 69 deals with settlement of disputes by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the International Court of Justice, and/or the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.


  • Article 71 describes the amendment process, which is submitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The UN Secretary-General would review the implementation of this document every five years.


Writers of the Draft Covenant are approximately 19 U.S. professors of Law, Biology, Natural Resources, Urban Planning, Theology, Environmental Ethics, two General Counsel Representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency, chair of the IUCN Ethics Working Group, two attorneys in private practice in the U.S., a judge from the International Court of Justice, a U.S. High Seas Policy advisor of the IUCN Global Marine Programme, foreign dignitaries, ambassadors, and 13 members of the UN Secretariat, including the Chairman, Dr. Wolfgang E. Burhenne. (2006-onwards)

Since this Draft Covenant has a Preamble and 79 articles, it is obviously intended to be a “world constitution for global governance,” an onerous way to control population growth, re-distribute wealth, force social and “economic equity and justice,” economic control, consumption control, land and water use control, and re-settlement control as a form of social engineering.


Article 20 is of particular interest because it forces the signatories to DICED “to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.” When President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord, “climatologists” from Hollywood and millennials brainwashed by their professors that CO2 is going to destroy the planet and kills us all, took to microphones and podiums to express their displeasure with such a “criminal” decision.


It did not matter that the President explained in a very logical manner that this accord was nothing else than an economic scheme to steal and redistribute wealth from the United States to the third world while real heavy polluters like China and India were allowed to continue to pollute until 2030 when, at that time, they could be bribed to reduce their pollution and perhaps China would install smokestack scrubbers.


President Trump explained how many millions of American jobs would be lost and how our energy generation is getting cleaner while we are exploring other forms of energy.  Once President Obama declared that the science has been settled, the science provided and the IPCC modeling had been adjusted to fit the globalist man made global warming agenda, so called anthropogenic.

Since none of Al Gore’s predictions of islands under water due to the melting of ice cap have turned out true, we have more ice than ever this year, the globalists changed the title of their global warming hoax to climate change. Who would object to that term? Everybody knows that climate changes but it is not because of humans spewing CO2 in the atmosphere. I don’t see any liberals who have stopped breathing and passing gas. But we do see Hollywood jet set everywhere sail in their expensive yachts, build mansions on the most beautiful beach side properties in the world, right after they chew humanity out for destroying the planet with our very existence and civilization.

How did man become the main perpetrator of climate change? How did we become so powerful that we can change climate with our very existence but, if we pay carbon taxes to the third world, we correct our guilt of existing, of breathing, and we turn climate into a favorable proposition for all – no hurricanes, no tornadoes, no droughts, no hail, no torrential rains, no earthquakes, no tsunamis, nothing but serene climate year after year.

The Club of Rome, the premier environmental think-tank, consultant to the United Nations and the alleged writer of U.N. Agenda 21’s 40 chapters, explained, “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy is the humanity itself.”

Environmentalists tell us that the science is “settled” yet 31,000 scientists have signed a petition against the theory that humans are causing climate change. There is certainly a need to reduce pollution of our oceans, rivers, soil, and air but humans are not causing climate change. Temperatures and CO2 concentrations were much higher when there was no industrial activity or even humans.


The Vostock ice core samples taken by a team of Russian and French scientists proved beyond any doubt that CO2 concentrations in deep ice were six times higher than they are today. There are more serious variables that affect the climate, including solar flares, volcanic activity on earth and in oceans, and oceanic currents. Then there is the deliberate government weather tampering by seeding clouds from flying airplanes with various chemicals in order to “mitigate the effects of global warming.”

Dr. David Frame, climate modeler at Oxford University said, “The models are convenient fictions that provide something very useful.” Prof. Chris Folland from the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research explained, “The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models.”

Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment, also said, “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about social justice and equality in the world.”

Timothy Wirth, President of the U.N. Foundation, said, “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.”

The sad thing is that many mayors around the country have decided to disobey President Trump’s decision on the Paris Climate Accord and reported publicly that they will continue their membership even though such a move is illegal under our Constitution. Art. VI, paragraph 2, states, …”and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Law of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

According to the Tennesseestar.com, the mayor of Nashville, Megan Barry, said that “The Constitution does not apply here in Nashville: ‘I am committed to meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement . . . Even if the President is not.’”

Mayor Barry, who is joined by the mayors of Knoxville, Madeline Rogero, the mayor of Chattanooga, Andy Berke, and “187 U.S. mayors, mostly Democrats, representing 52 million Americans,” have decided to ignore Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution which prohibits states governments, including towns in those states, from “entering into any treaty, alliance, and confederation.”

These dissenting mayors have not pledged their allegiance to the U.S. Constitution but to the Global Covenant of Mayors, one of the arms of implementation around the globe of U.N. Agenda 21, now morphed into Agenda 2030. Using grants from our own government, the Compact of Mayors and the European Union’s Covenant of Mayors have influenced initiatives at the local, city, and state governments, forcing their globalist agenda called “visioning” on the hapless population who are now forced to accept decisions made by mayors and boards of supervisors that are robbing them of freedom of movement, of their property rights, of the use of their cars, of farming, in the name of “transitioning to a low emission and climate resilient economy,” a pie in the sky goal. The real goal is to transform and redistribute the wealth of developed countries and to arrest their development by eventually curbing completely the use of fossil fuels and turning them into a more primitive society dependent on unreliable solar and wind power. Such a global society would have no borders, no sovereignty, no suburbia, no private property, no cars, and would be controlled by the United Nations umbrella of octopus NGOs.

There is no surprise that there is such a drive from the left to have a Convention of States (COS) in order to replace our U.S. Constitution with their own environmental constitution of the world, which is called The Draft International Covenant on Environment and Development (DICED).

James Delingpole wrote in a recent article at breitbart.com that “Global warming is a myth – so say 80 graphs from 58 peer-reviewed scientific papers published in 2017.”

The scientific “consensus” about the global warming lie, cited by the left without hesitation, is not science and President Trump was right in pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Climate agreement, an agreement based on the pretense that the massive lie of global warming is true.

India alone needs $2.5 trillion between now and 2030 to comply with the requirements of the Paris Climate agreement, a sum which would come from the largest developed countries, mainly the U.S. And there are many other third world nations that would demand such redistribution of wealth from us in order to “decarbonize” and reduce pollution.

Delingpole cites in the above article the quote given in an interview to Dr. Charles Battig on November 13, 2010. Dr. Ottmar Endenhofer, International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Co-Chair of Working Group 3, stated, “We [UN-IPCC] redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy… One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore…”

Dr. Charles Battig amply documents the advancement of Agenda 21 in the United States via ICLEI and gives successful examples of municipalities who were able to extricate themselves from the global warming hoax pushed at the local level by the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), an arm of U.N.’s many octopus Agenda 21 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who use federal grants, mayors, and local boards of supervisors to insinuate their own plans called “visioning” onto the local community who, most of the time, has no voting rights nor input into the plans.


Patrick Wood wrote in LinkedIn, Exposing: AGENDA 21, “It’s time to go tell your city leaders to kill climate change initiatives. #StopTechnocracy.” It is time that American mayors follow the U.S. Constitution and not the U.N.’s environmental Constitution called D.I.C.E.D.


Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh — Bio and Archives |


Listen to Dr. Paugh on Butler on Business, every Wednesday to Thursday at 10:49 AM EST


Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Romanian Conservative is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism”, “Liberty on Life Support” and “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy,” “Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later” are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.


Her commentaries reflect American Exceptionalism, the economy, immigration, and education. Visit her website, ileanajohnson.com


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CFP’s Motto: “Because without America there is no Free World” is as meaningful today as it was when first adopted. America and the Free World must READ THE REST


Global Warming

Global Trend - Climate just fine

Intro to Global Warming

By Robert G. Smith

Edited by John R. Houk

Posted 4/7/15


Global Warming or Climate Change denial is a path villainized by the Left. The reality is there are now just as many if not more science guys who take the denier tact because they believe the changing climate has more to do with climate cycles than manmade contamination of the earth’s environment.


Indeed, when one reads the stats from Climate alarmist purporting that a majority of mainline scientists believe a manmade Climate catastrophe will occur unless those causes are dealt with are based on highly flawed surveys and flawed investigations scientific peer papers about the subject.


The Myth of the Climate Change ‘97%’

What is the origin of the false belief—constantly repeated—that almost all scientists agree about global warming?



Yet the assertion that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is a man-made, urgent problem is a fiction. The so-called consensus comes from a handful of surveys and abstract-counting exercises that have been contradicted by more reliable research.



Of the various petitions on global warming circulated for signatures by scientists, the one by the Petition Project, a group of physicists and physical chemists based in La Jolla, Calif., has by far the most signatures—more than 31,000 (more than 9,000 with a Ph.D.). It was most recently published in 2009, and most signers were added or reaffirmed since 2007. The petition states that “there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of . . . carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”


We could go on, but the larger point is plain. There is no basis for the claim that 97% of scientists believe that man-made climate change is a dangerous problem. READ ENTIRE ARTICLE (The Myth of the Climate Change ‘97%‘; By JOSEPH BAST and ROY SPENCER; Wall Street Journal; 5/26/15)


 So when Robert Smith writes about the hoax of Climate Change/Global Warming, he is not just repeating Conspiracy Theories about Climate Denial.


See Also:


·         Global warming is a big fat lie and the science behind it is fake: John Coleman Tech Times 10/25/14 7:19 AM


·         The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal everThe Telegraph 2/7/15 10:15 PM GMT


·         Top 10 Global Warming Lies That May Shock YouForbes.com 2/9/15 6:21 AM


JRH 4/7/15

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Global Warming


By Robert G. Smith

Sent: 4/5/2015 11:11 PM


I continue to hear the fear mongers rhetoric concerning climate change and what we can do to keep us from being harmed. Some of these people do have our welfare in their hearts but there are others that have nothing but the almighty dollar in their minds.


Climate change is, in most cases, due to natural phenomenon and cannot be controlled by us. The only things we can control is the solid waste we produce in our every living and the carbon monoxide produced by our internal combustion engines.


So called “greenhouse gases” are a natural occurrence. They are nothing more than carbon dioxide, without which there would be no oxygen. The overabundance of carbon dioxide can be lessened by reforestation and controlled lumbering in the rain forests.


In the, guesstimated, four, plus, billion years of Mother Earth’s existence there have been millions of climate changes. During this period there have been thousands of magnetic pole changes. These have caused catastrophic climate changes, resulting in the extinction of many plants and animals. There have also been millions of other climate changes varying in intensity, and in most cases causing many changes in the flora and fauna existing at those times.


There is little we can do to control climate but some people, like our former Vice President Al Gore, have made billions of dollars and created hardships for us by using the EPA ” Environmental Protection Agency”, to ban or restrict the use of certain commodities, such as coal and prevented the drilling for petroleum products, the building of pipelines to transport them, and mandating the emissions testing of internal combustion engines.


Most of the things I have mentioned do little to change the environment and cost you and me dollars that are sometimes hard to come by, to comply with the edicts of the controlling agencies.


It is time to take a stand against these intrusions into our lives and wallets.


Call your senators and representatives.


PSG [ret] R.G. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk


© Robert G. Smith


Yurki1000 Comment with more Conspiracy Theory

Georgia Guidestones

Yurki1000 provides a comment to the Conspiracy Theory post entitled, “Newbill: Zero Line, U.S. National Security & Depopulation”. Yurki1000’s comment adds more Conspiracy Theory to the typical NWO that could result due to any global elitist agenda. Yurki1000 sources a lot from the enigmatic Georgia Guidestones.
JRH 12/31/14

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Yurki1000 Comment with more Conspiracy Theory
Yurki1000’s Website: evotuhat
Thank you oneway2day. As I see we are in the last days. Jesus will come soon. The rapture will take place soon. I recommend:
Read and understand Malthusian culture and what it is doing to us. “Depopulation of a Planet” is posted here with permission of the author, Mr. Rick Martin
“This is the essay where I first heard of the Georgia Guide Stones in Winter 2001 when I first read this essay” – webmaster
Written in 1995 this article on the subject of how this world is controlled answers:
Why do we have wars?
Why is there mass unemployment?
Who promotes world ‘crises’, ‘religious cults’, drugs and terrorism, and then promotes their solutions?
Who appoints the leaders of nations?
Why do you get flu?
Find out who created the AIDS virus
Where did all these new diseases come from?
How vaccination spreads disease
Reprinted February, 2001
Report by Rick Martin
NOVEMBER 28th 1995
This document was scanned from the original newsprint and corrected for software misinterpretation but if errors have gone unnoticed we apologize and would appreciate if any are brought to our attention

Depopulation of a Planet
Thinning Out The “Useless Eaters”
An Unspoken NWO Agenda
World Wildlife Fund Population Targets
WWF Population Pie Chart
These are the World Wildlife Fund’s Population Targets, via the Optimum Population Trust, by country, below (The WWF cuts even deeper when it calculates your carbon footprint): READ THE REST
Posted by eenkmouse2311
Published on Jan 4, 2008
Meet your latest boogeyman, and BOW IN FEAR BEFORE HIM!!!…and don’t forget to forfeit your national sovereignty to fight the invisible enemy…
[Blog Editor: The Google UK search engine shows Conspiracy Theory exposés of secret government perhaps nefarious stealth projects as well as global collapse scenario summaries are not going to be posted for they are self-explanatory. I am just providing summaries to the non-Google UK links.]
Fluoride: Rat Poison in YOUR Water
Fluoride neurotoxic poinon to brain
Quoting Einstein’s nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner (a chemist who had also been a prisoner of war during WWII) in a letter printed in The Catholic Mirror, Springfield, MA, January 1952:

“It appears that the citizens of Massachusetts are among the ‘next’ on the agenda of the water poisoners (…)

As a research chemist of established standing, I built within the past 22 years, 3 American chemical plants and licensed 6 of my 53 patents. Based on my years of practical experience in the health-food and chemical field, let me warn: fluoridation of drinking water is criminal insanity, sure national suicide. Don’t do it.

“Even in small quantities, sodium fluoride is a deadly poison to READ THE REST

[Blog Editor: This information seems to be pro-depopulation in its angle:]
Cut your carbon emissions by 10 percent, and do it again every year for 10 years; or else!
Published on Jul 26, 2011
This ad spot for a global campaign to reduce your carbon emissions called “No Pressure” was controversial and aroused public outcry. It shows bland smiling agreeable people who invite friendly disagreement of students, workers, a sports coach, only to blow them up.
Several sponsors withdrew their support.

[T]here’s this Voice over “care to join us”
cut your carbon 10%
no pressure

How extraordinarily wasteful: just think of all the fuel oil that can be made from people that just won’t get with the program ~ Grim
In contrast to the Cult of Gaia’s 10:10 there’s
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
John 10:10 King James Version (KJV)
~ Quixote
[T]he message of the Georgia Guidestones




Philip. 4-7 photo
Edited by John R. Houk

Tony Newbill Emails 10/23 to 11/2/13

Obamacare Ready to Serve - Death Skull sm

The first email is about Grover Norquist which apparently portrays an image of being a Conservative tax reformer but is pro-Radical-Islamic in his thinking. Followed by emails that demonstrate the evils of Obamacare AND will inform you the Republicans indeed had an alternative to it. Newbill then finishes with the enigmatic agency – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) – writing about chips in the brain of soldiers and another Obama Executive Order to poor money into anti-Global Warming projects which includes further hampering of the coal industry rather than searching for ways to burn coal cleaner.


JRH 11/2/13

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Man this Guy Needs to be Booted Out of Washington DC!!!!!!

Sent: 10/23/2013 12:45 PM




Who is Grover Norquist?


10/21/13 07:04


Who is Grover Norquist? Frank Gaffney and Daniel Greenfield explain.



Patients’ Choice Act (S. 1099) the Reid Ran Senator has NEVER ALLOWED THIS BILL TO COME TO THE SENATE FLOOR … EVER!!!!!

Sent: 10/28/2013 6:53 AM


You see, the Reid Ran Senator has NEVER ALLOWED THIS BILL TO COME TO THE SENATE FLOOR … EVER!!!!! And it makes way more sense than the ACA!!!!! [Blog Editor: The ACA is better known as Obamacare]


Patients’ Choice Act (S. 1099)



The health care system in America is broken. Costs are rising at an unacceptable rate—more than doubling over the last 10 years, which is nearly four times the rate of wage growth. Too many patients feel trapped by health care decisions dictated by insurers and HMOs. Too many doctors are torn between practicing medicine and practicing insurance. And some 47 million Americans worry what will happen to them or their children if they get sick.


As a physician, I am keenly aware that our country needs health care reform. I support comprehensive reform which would enable every American to enjoy health coverage, lower costs, increase patient choice, improve access and quality, and protect the patient-physician relationship.

Universal access to high quality health care is possible, and Americans are justified to expect it. We have the best doctors in the world…the best scientists in the world… the best hospitals in the world. Now America needs to build the best health care in the world. We need to empower patients, and reduce the power of government and insurance bureaucrats. Every American should be able to get the care they need.

We will move closest to this goal when we promote the same innovation and competition in health care that we see in every other American industry. America should achieve universal access in a way that puts individual Americans in charge of their own health care decisions. We need American solutions.

In May 2009, I introduced my own health care reform solution, the Patients’ Choice Act (S. 1099) which would accomplish these goals. The Patients’ Choice Act would put individuals in charge of their health care decisions and would increase access, affordability, and choice of health care plans. This proposal is a clear market-based reform that seeks to strengthen the relationship between the patient and the doctor.


Click here for a brief summary of S.1099, the Patients’ Choice Act.


Click here for a section-by-section version the Patients’ Choice Act.


Click here for a more comprehensive summary of the Patients’ Choice Act.


Click here to view the Patients’ Choice Act handout. 


Click here for example scenarios of individual coverage under the Patients’ Choice Act.


Click here for an alternative to an Individual Mandate and auto-enrollment under the Patients’ Choice Act.


Click here for the Patients’ Choice Act Q & A’s section.


Let me briefly to highlight a few points:

• Americans save more money. The Patients’ Choice Act equalizes the tax treatment of health insurance and enables every American to buy health insurance with a tax credit, regardless of employment status, age, health condition or the resources to purchase health insurance. This means that about nine in 10 American households would see a tax cut, and for patients and families making under $250,000 annually, their health insurance premium costs would generally be lower. Employers would still be able to deduct from their taxes the cost of providing health insurance to their employees, but millions of Americans who do not currently receive health insurance would have real buying power.

• States offer solutions. The Patients’ Choice Act incentivizes states to establish State Exchanges, which would offer high-quality, affordable health insurance to all individuals, regardless of their employment status, age, health condition, or pre-existing conditions. Health insurance plans sold in a State Exchange would offer the high-quality health plans like Members of Congress receive.

• Seniors fare better. The Patients’ Choice Act protects seniors. Unlike some proposals being considered in Congress, my plan is not financed by arbitrary and drastic cuts to Medicare. As a practicing physician, I know how many seniors rely on Medicare and I am committed to reforming Medicare. My plan would significantly reduce the high rate of Medicare fraud compared to today’s practices. This policy change alone would improve Medicare’s solvency, ensure taxpayer dollars are not wasted, and help us keep our commitment to America’s seniors. My plan would also improve competition and value under Medicare Advantage, and allow seniors making healthy decisions to save more.

• No new spending, no new taxes. According to our estimates Patients’ Choice Act does not require new spending or new taxes. It is my intent to address our health care crisis my fixing incentivizes in the system and reallocating existing money. Americans already spend $2.4 trillion a year on health care, which means that we need to figure out ways to spend our health care dollars more effectively instead of drastically increasing spending. In fact, one independent estimate said my bill could save taxpayers $70 billion and ensure a majority of currently uninsured Americans.

• Transforms Medicaid to provide real coverage and care. The Patients’ Choice Act transforms Medicaid by building upon the innovations we have seen in a number of states. My plan would integrates low-income families with dependent children into higher quality private plans through a tax credit and direct financial assistance. Keeping families together within one provider network will foster coordinated, personalized care and promote innovative patient care models such as medical homes. My plan also maintains current law for benefit security and stable funding for individuals with disabilities but enables better care management. This would improve the health coverage and care for about 45 million Americans, and save taxpayers about $260 billion. States would save a lot as well: about $960 billion over 10 years!

• Invests in prevention and wellness. The Patients’ Choice Act invests in prevention and wellness for all Americans. Currently, five preventable chronic diseases cause two-thirds of American deaths and consume 75 percent of our total health expenditures each year. These chronic diseases are largely preventable. My plan’s investment in public health and disease prevention will help reduce health care costs and improve the quality of Americans’ lives.

• Less government control and no government-run plan. The Patients’ Choice Act increases patient control and decreases government control. I strongly oppose the creation of any new government-run health care plan. A government-run program would only compound existing problems, by giving taxpayer dollars to Washington bureaucrats who would wield undue control over Americans’ health care decisions. A new government health care plan would also mean that millions of Americans would lose their current health care. Furthermore, socialized governmental systems stay afloat by rationing care and letting people die before their time. Numerous studies, reports, and media have shown that necessary medical procedures are delayed far too long in countries where there is socialized medicine. A government-run plan is not the answer. A government-run plan would unfortunately operate with the compassion of the IRS and the efficiency of the federal Katrina response. It will not meet the basic needs of our citizens, reduce costs or improve outcomes, so I will continue to oppose it.

All Americans should have the ability to make their own health care decisions, see the doctor they want, and get the care they need. As a practicing physician and two-time cancer survivor, I support targeted, sensible health care reform which builds on what works and fixes what is broken. I will fight for solutions that strengthen the relationship between patients and doctors, solutions that put patients –not Washington bureaucrats – in charge of their health care decisions and provide common-sense solutions to our nation’s health care crisis. (Legislation & Issues – Health Care; Senator Tom Coburn MD; Coburn.Senate.gov)


And the FRAUD! Oh the Fraud within the Bureaucracy, oh could it be because of the ACCESS not of the SICK, but of those who look to EXPLOIT the System for their OWN personal WEALTH … that’s WHY Government is NOT the BEST Choice for Quality and AFFORDABILITY!!!!!!!





[Blog Editor: The original Youtube link on the Coburn website was taken down by Youtube as of 11/2/13. I searched Youtube using the same title and the below video is what I found]


VIDEO: Disability, USA


Disability USA: Dr. Coburn on 60 Minutes


(WASHINGTON, D.C.)  Today, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Ranking Member Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK), Chairman Tom Carper (D-DE), Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) and Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Ranking Member John McCain (R-AZ), released the findings of a two year investigation into a case study of abuses surrounding the approval process of Social Security Disability benefits.  The report, entitled, How Some Legal, Medical, and Judicial Professionals Abused Social Security Disability Programs for the Country’s Most Vulnerable: A Case Study of the Conn Law Firm,” details inappropriate conduct and collusion between a law firm, Social Security Law Judges and doctors in approving benefits, while outlining the inept agency oversight which allowed the misconduct to take place for years.


 The investigation was led by Senator Coburn.  The first year of the investigation was conducted by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations when Senator Coburn was the Ranking Member there, prior to his becoming the Ranking Member of the full Committee.  The Committee will hold a hearing today featuring the report entitled: Social Security Disability Benefits:  Did A Group of Judges, Doctors and Lawyers Abuse Programs for the Country’s Most Vulnerable?” on Monday, October 7, 2013, at 3 p.m. EST in room 342 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.  The hearing will be broadcast on CSPAN 3.  


 This report highlights the very problems Congress needs to focus on but too often ignores.  In just two years, the Social Security Disability Trust Fund could be depleted.  That means millions of disabled Americans will face benefit cuts while every American could see an increase in their payroll taxes.  That is unacceptable.  What is also outrageous, as this report details, is how well-heeled and well-connected lawyers, doctors, and judges have gamed the system for their own benefit.  Every bogus claim made on behalf of someone who is not truly disabled robs taxpayers and denies or delays benefits for someone who is truly disabled.  This is an enormous and urgent problem that should demand our immediate attention,” Ranking Member Coburn said, noting that a previous report on the disability program showed at least more than 25 percent of 300 disability cases reviewed contained errors or poor quality analysis.


 This investigative report details some very troubling occurrences within the Social Security disability review office in (READ THE REST: Disability USA: Dr. Coburn on 60 Minutes; Coburn.Senate.gov; 10/7/13)




President Obama admitting he wants a “Single Payer” Healthcare system

Sent: 11/1/2013 12:33 PM


Where was this in 2012 election????




Shocking Obama Videos Reveal Real Goal


In this collage of video clips, Obama states plainly, “I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer, universal health care plan. … Everyone in, nobody out.”


With a Political Agenda involved in a Fundamental Transformation what’s Possible????

Sent: 11/2/2013 12:33 PM


How do we know that those who commit heinous acts of crime are not being controlled by those who want Tyranny for Climate Control reasons???? Would you ever know if this guy or any that commit these types of crimes were implanted during an abduction that they wouldn’t even know happened???


The CIA has a Track Record of these kinds of activities and Being a Political arm of any Ideological Administration [that] would do anything to create the Change necessary to save the Earth right????




DARPA’s Spending $70 Million on a Brain Chip for Mentally Ill Soldiers


Picture this: In the near future, ten percent of our veterans could be walking around with chips implanted in their brains. These aren’t intended for some I, Robot-style takeover, but rather to treat conditions like PTSD and substance abuse. Sound crazy? DARPA only deals in crazy.


The Pentagon’s prodigal R&D lab just announced a $70 million project “to develop and apply therapies that incorporate near real-time recording, analysis and stimulation in next-generation devices inspired by current Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS).” That’s DARPA-speak for a brain chip, an implantable device that will help the military get a handle on its widespread mental health problem. The agency’s Systems-Based Neurotechnology for Emerging Therapies (SUBNETS) also seeks a better understanding of how these mental illnesses manifest themselves in the brain, and how (READ THE REST: DARPA’s Spending $70 Million on a Brain Chip for Mentally Ill Soldiers; By Adam Clark Estes; Gizmodo; 10/25/13 6:20pm)


Obama orders government to prepare for impact of global warming




President Obama issued an executive order Friday directing a government-wide effort to boost preparation in states and local communities for the impact of global warming.


The action orders federal agencies to work with states to build “resilience” against major storms and other weather extremes. For example, the president’s order directs that infrastructure projects like bridges and flood control take into consideration climate conditions of the future, which might require building structures larger or stronger — and likely at a higher price tag.

“The impacts of climate change — including an increase in prolonged periods of excessively high temperatures, more heavy downpours, an increase in wildfires, more severe droughts, permafrost thawing, ocean acidification and sea-level rise — are already affecting communities, natural resources, ecosystems, economies and public health across the nation,” the presidential order said. “The federal government must build on recent progress and pursue new strategies to improve the nation’s preparedness and resilience.”


There’s no estimate of how much the additional planning will cost. Natural disasters including …



Mr. Obama has a goal of reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent by 2020, and the Environmental Protection Agency is working on rules that would impose tougher regulations on coal-burning power plants. But much of the president’s climate-change agenda has stalled in Congress, and the administration says the new order recognizes that global greenhouse gas emissions are still rising, making further damage from global warming inevitable.


At a speech at Georgetown University in June, Mr. Obama outlined executive actions he would (READ ENTIRETY: Obama orders government to prepare for impact of global warming; By Dave Boyer; Washington Times; 11/1/13)



© Tony Newbill

Edited by John R. Houk

Tony Newbill Emails 7-25 to 8-2-13

SS United States sinking

Posted September 1, 2013


This instalment of Tony Newbill emails focuses on the economy with the last email looking at the injustice of Federal Employees getting a pass from Obamacare because it would raise each employee’s insurance premium.


JRH 9/1/13

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Here comes the Hyper-Inflation to the USA and Euro ZONE in Fuel!!!!!!   ‘Petro-Yuan’ vs ‘Petrodollar’

7/25/2013 10:33 AM



With gold now traded in Yuan, it appears to be only a matter of time before oil is traded in Yuan thereby positioning the Yuan as ‘Petro-Yuan’ and a rival to the Petrodollar as the global reserve currency.




China’s Yuan Set to Become Global Reserve Currency with Gold Backing?

By Mark O’Byrne

25 July 2013



Recent media reports in China and Russia suggest that China is continuing to consider backing the yuan with gold. Since 2005, we have said that such a move by China was likely as China seeks to become a superpower and lessen and undermine U.S political dominance. We have in the past discussed the possibility of the Chinese pegging their currency to gold bullion.




HEY will this be a PHONY SCANDAL???

7/25/2013 10:50 AM




[Editor: A humor look on how your personal data can be collected by a person buying pizza. This answers the question in Newbill’s title. You have to watch be clicking above link!]


Consider Private Sector Economy Transforming to a Govt. Phony Fiat Capitalist Economy

8/1/2013 12:02 PM


Let’s consider what is driving the fundamental transformation from a private sector driven Economy to one that’s initially funded by Governments around the world with Phony Fiat Capital….. I would like to draw your attention to what is said at this link:




The Green Agenda


We require a central organizing principle – one agreed to voluntarily.
Minor shifts in policy, moderate improvement in laws and regulations,
rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change – these are all forms of
appeasement, designed to satisfy the public’s desire to believe that
sacrifice, struggle and a wrenching transformation
of society will not be necessary

Al Gore,

Earth in the Balance


The Great Shift

Environmental activists often claim that modern human civilisation is ‘destroying the earth’ and our harmful activities are overwhelming Gaia’s ability to regenerate ‘herself.’ As discussed in my article about the Club of Rome (CoR) the concepts of sustainability and ‘ecological overshoot’ were brought to widespread public attention by the CoR in their 1972 report Limits to Growth. According to their predictions by now we should have run out of many vital resources, including zinc, aluminium and uranium, and be experiencing extreme food and oil shortages.

Despite the obvious failure of their dire warnings to eventuate the CoR, and a plethora of other environmental organisations, have continued to proclaim that the planet is rapidly approaching critical tipping points that will plunge the earth into an ecological collapse and result in the dieoff of thousands of species (including us). Of course the most successful tool they have found to promote this concept is Global Warming. Most other environmental problems are of a local or regional nature, are clearly visible, and can be addressed with appropriate regulations. Global Warming, however, is caused by an invisible trace gas, an essential nutrient for life, and a by-product of almost every human activity (even breathing) but, they claim, it will doom us all!

For more than thirty years the CoR has proclaimed that our modern society is unsustainable and must be replaced by an “interdependent sustainable global society, based on respect and reverence for the Earth.” This theme has become rooted deeply within the environmental movement. There is now a constant and increasingly loud drumbeat for CHANGE. This has coincided with a dramatic escalation in the rhetoric of those eager to pronounce our doom. According to a recent report the use of the word ‘crisis’ in the mainstream media has been increasing by more than 10% per year since 1995.

This psychological warfare has been very successful. Many people now feel afraid and uncertain. They tell us that soon there will be no more oil, the economy is about to collapse and our children are going to burn. No wonder people are beginning to embrace the ‘green solutions’ that they promise will lead us away from the abyss. Of course this has been the plan all along. The CoR state clearly in their own words:


Man possesses, for a small moment in his
history, the most powerful combination of knowledge,
tools, and resources the world has ever known. He has
all that is physically necessary to
create a totally new form
of human society
– one that would be built to last for
generations. The two missing ingredients are a realistic,
long-term goal that can
guide mankind to the equilibrium
and the Human Will to achieve that goal
– Club of Rome,
Limits to Growth (1972)

The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

– Club of Rome,
The First Global Revolution (1992)


Fortunately, those pushing the Green Agenda have already developed a range of alternative world systems which, they say, will solve the problems that humanity has caused. These proposals go by various names: The Great Shift, The Great Transition, A New Green Deal, The Planetary Phase, The Power Down, The Great Descent etc. However, they all seem to several elements in common: a global management system for world resources, a global currency, replacing nation states with regional unions, population control/reduction, and READ THE REST



And then please take a Look at this, because we the people are being played for FOOLS!!!!!!!


[Editor: the below writing only makes sense in Newbill parlance if it is a demonstration of the propaganda idiocy by Left Wing NWO. Otherwise it is a bit confusing.]


A quote from a Paragraph in this Link speaks volumes and Strikes directly at the heart of a Capitalist economic system and explains why we see an unsustainable debt slowing [and] collapsing the current economic system worldwide. Gandhi said, “[B]e the change you want to see in the world”. In today’s world this means change your consciousness so others would change theirs. How can you do that? First of all, get rid of the old consciousness, and the values and beliefs that support it.


Ask yourself: do you believe that —


o   Everyone is separate and rightfully pursues just his or her own interest.


o   Life is a struggle for existence; only the fittest (meaning the wealthiest or most powerful) survives.


o   In the ruthless competition for fitness the ends justify the means.


o   The more money you have, the better you are (and very likely also the happier).


o   People owe allegiance only to one nation and one company—the rest are strangers and competitors.


o   If we want peace, we must prepare for war.


o   Technology and efficiency are the answer, no matter what the question.


o   For all intents and purposes the Earth is an inexhaustible source of resources and an infinite sink of wastes.


o   The environment can be engineered like a settlement or a highway to fit our needs and demands.


If you hold such beliefs, you are part of the problem. But how can you become part of the solution? Here you must take a further step: adopt new thinking. As Einstein said, you can’t solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that produced the problem.





The Quest for a Quantum Leap in Human Affairs


By Ervin Laszlo

WorldShift Network



We are approaching a major watershed; a global tipping point.  Our very survival is in question.


We are destroying the planet. The production of essential biological and physical resources has already peaked.  Forests, species of fish, and coral reefs are damaged and disappearing, soils are impoverished by overcropping and by chemicals; diversity is reduced by genetic manipulation. The reserves of fresh water are diminishing; more than half the world’s population faces water shortages. And climate change threatens to make much of the planet unsuited for food production and habitation.


We are destroying the fabric of society. There is growing insecurity in countries both rich and poor and greater propensity to resort to terrorism and war. Islamic fundamentalism is spreading throughout the Middle East, religious fanaticism is growing in America, neo-Nazi and other extremist movements are surfacing in Europe. The gap is widening between the wealthy and powerful and the poor and marginalized. Eighty percent of the world’s domestic product belongs to one billion people, and the remaining twenty percent is shared by five-and-a-half billion. One in three urban dwellers live in slums, shantytowns and urban ghettoes; more than 900 million are classified as slum-dwellers.


If we continue in this way, changing weather patterns will create drought and hurricanes, harvest failures, and rising sea levels.  Famine and frustration will fuel terrorism and trigger wars.  The delicate balance of our global interdependence will READ ENTIRETY



State Law could Kill ‘Made in USA’ Label

8/1/2013 3:45 PM


And we wonder why our middle class is dying?????


State law could kill ‘Made in USA’ label



If a company wants to label its product “Made in the USA,” it had better beware of selling it in California, which may allow people to sue the company for using the label.


While the other 49 states adhere to federal standards allowing a product to carry the “Made in the USA” label if it is substantially manufactured in the U.S., California alone requires a product be 100-percent American made. Not a pin, not a screw can be made anywhere else.


In fact, in 2011 California’s Supreme Court affirmed in Kwikset v. Benson that the company Kwikset could be sued for using the label on one of its locks because the screws in it were manufactured in Mexico.


Far from protecting American manufacturers and consumers, however, even the Made in USA Foundation is warning California’s law is placing a chilling effect on American companies everywhere.


“In our new global economy it is virtually impossible to manufacture a high-tech product 100-percent in the USA,” explained Joel Joseph, chairman of the Made in the USA Foundation, in support of a California Assembly bill that would amend the law and bring the state into line with federal guidelines.


“The fact that California is the only state in the nation to have such rigid standards is a barrier to business,” added California Assemblyman Brian Jones, R-Santee, sponsor of the bill, AB 890, which was blocked in committee June 25 but has been granted reconsideration. “The inconsistency in law has resulted in (READ THE RESTState law could kill ‘Made in USA’ label: ‘Joblessness and dysfunctional government go hand in hand’; By Drew Zahn; WND; 6/30/13 1:33 PM)



How Long before the Tradeoff Stagnates?

8/2/2013 9:03 AM


So as long as Metals/raw resources keep selling off in the West and relocate to Asia they will continue to take dollars in exchange for Durable is what I see in these reports.




LBMA Data: Beyond The Smoke And Mirrors


By Michael O’Brien

2 August 2013




On Wednesday, the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) published June clearing turnover statistics for the over-the-counter London Gold Market which revealed a new multi-year record of astronomical monthly ‘gold clearing’ activity for June and rounded off a quarter of record activity from April to June, a period during which the gold price fell substantially. These monthly statistics are usually released at least one month after the end of the reporting month, hence the latest figures were released on July 31st.


On a six month comparison from January to June 2013, even though the gold price fell by 20.7% over the period, demand for gold shot up by 39%. As the LBMA commented on Wednesday:


“demand for gold has increased by 39% since January, buoyed by strong physical demand particularly from China and India which has more than offset sales by ETF funds in the western economies”


June gold clearing figures broke a new record for millions of ounces transferred with on average 29 million ounces transferred (cleared) per day in the London Market, improving on the previous multi-year record of 28.2 million ounces transferred per day which was reached in May.


Since the gold price trended lower in June compared in May, the average daily value in US dollar cleared was lower in June than in May, even though volume was higher. The June average daily number of gold transfers reached READ ENTIRETY


This Week’s Market Updates (7/29 to 8/1/13)


As The Crisis Deepens, Gold Flows East – Part 1 (of 3)



As The Crisis Deepens, Gold Flows East – Part 2 (of 3)



As The Crisis Deepens, Gold Flows East – Part 3 (of 3)



As The Crisis Deepens, Gold Flows East – Epilogue




Well No Wonder the Support at the Federal Level for Obamacare will Continue!!!!!!!!

8/2/2013 9:29 AM


The Office of Personnel Management, under heavy pressure from Capitol Hill, will issue regulations saying that the government can continue to make the employer contribution to the health plans of congressional members and aides, according to several Hill sources.




Lawmakers and staff can breathe easy — their health care tab is not going to soar next year.


The Office of Personnel Management, under heavy pressure from Capitol Hill, will issue a ruling that says the government can continue to make a contribution to the health care premiums of members of Congress and their aides, according to several Hill sources.

A White House official confirmed the deal and said the proposed regulations will be issued next week.

Just Wednesday, POLITICO reported that President Barack Obama told Democratic senators that he was personally involved in finding a solution.


The problem was rooted in the original text of the Affordable Care Act. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) inserted a provision which said members of Congress and their aides must be covered by plans “created” by the law or “offered through an exchange.” Until now, OPM had not said if the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program could contribute premium payments toward plans on the exchange. If payments stopped, lawmakers and aides would have faced thousands of dollars in additional premium payments each year. Under the old system, the government contributed nearly 75 percent of premium payments.


Obama’s involvement (READ THE REST Hill gets Obamacare fix; By JOHN BRESNAHAN and JAKE SHERMAN; Politico; 8/1/13 9:39 PM EDT Updated: 8/2/13 6:33 PM EDT)


Edited by John R. Houk

© Tony Newbill

Brackets indicate words added by Editor.

Copenhagen: World Government Setback or Part of the Plan

This last section I am posting is about Global Warming (eco-Marxists) that plan to use the Climate Change theme to institute a world government.


Here is the seventh Installment from Global Watch Special Report 2011.


JRH 9/4/12

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Copenhagen: World Government Setback or Part of the Plan


Global Watch Special Report 2011


Polar Bear Prof - World Not Warming


Lord Christopher Monckton. The former adviser to Margaret Thatcher gave an address during the Minnesota Freemarket Institute Conference at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota, in early November 2009. For the first time, the public heard about the 181 pages, dated Sept. 15 that comprised the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change— a rough draft of what could was supposed to be signed during the December Copenhagen global climate event…


Lord Monckton himself only became aware of the extraordinary powers to be vested in this new world government when a friend found an obscure U.N. Web site and searched through several layers of hyperlinks before discovering a document labeled as a “Note by the Secretariat.” Here are some excerpts of Lord Monckton’s closing speech, as transcribed by Fighting’ Words Blog, from the audio recording of the conference:


“At [the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in] Copenhagen, this December, weeks away, a treaty will be signed. Your president will sign it. Most of the third world countries will sign it, because they think they’re going to get money out of it. Most of the left-wing regime from the European Union will rubber stamp it. Virtually nobody won’t sign it.


I read that treaty. And what it says is this, that a world government is going to be created. The word “government” actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries, in satisfaction of what is called, coyly, “climate debt” – because we’ve been burning CO2 and they haven’t. We’ve been screwing up the climate and they haven’t. And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement.


How many of you think that the word “election” or “democracy” or “vote” or “ballot” occurs anywhere in the 200 pages of that treaty? Quite right, it doesn’t appear once. So, at last, the communists who piled out of the Berlin Wall and into the environmental movement, who took over Greenpeace so that my friends who funded it left within a year, because [the communists] captured it – Now the apotheosis as at hand. They are about to impose a communist world government on the world. You have a president who has very strong sympathies with that point of view. He’s going to sign it. He’ll sign anything. He’s a Nobel Peace Prize [winner]; of course he’ll sign it.”


However contrary to Lord Monckton’s assertion, no treaty was signed at Copenhagen yet some fundamental new realities about global power shifts in the world, and the role of Obama’s America in the new order emerged from the event. In a new upcoming report we will devote a significant portion to unraveling the events of Copenhagen and why a Global Treaty was deferred against the expectations of Lord Monckton.


I ran a spell check on this post.


This concludes the sections I siphoned from http://www.globalreport2010.com/. You should go to the PDF to view a brief introduction by Nancy Sutherland that encourages readers to sign up for the weekly Global Report. There is also an advertisement at the end that I have not included here from Rema Marketing about a series of publications called the Holy War Series.


Posts Related to Global Watch Special Report 2011:


§  The Conspiracy of World Elites


§  From Obscurity to President in 24 Months






§  Interview with David Icke


§  The Islamic Agenda


§  Book Review: Last of the Giants

The rise of Leftist Eco-Fascism



The Conspiracy Theory involving Environmentalists and Ecologists that desire a world in which people and property are subservient to the agenda of a One World Government authority is something I have called Eco-Marxism. Below is an article that speaks of this but utilizes the Socialism that evolved into Fascism and Nazism. The author calls his train of thought Eco-Fascism.


This is a good read that I discovered by reason of a relatively new Multiply friendship with Drew.


JRH 5/6/12

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Let’s Bend the Mind a BIT



Here are three Newbill emails relating to President Barack Hussein Obama’s handling of the economy that has all the appearances of an Obama-Marxist agenda of a New World Order.


JRH 8/22/11