Could Crooked Hillary Finally be Held Accountable?

John R. Houk

© November 17, 2018

I don’t know about you but I have been shocked that Crooked Hillary Clinton has had support among Dem voters. It’s been over 2-years since she lost the Electoral Vote to President Trump and she is still whining over the loss.


The kicker to my shock is that politically astute Dems like to point out that Crooked Hillary won the Popular Vote. However, if you look at a map colored by Electoral Vote victories versus Electoral Vote losses, you will see the portion of States that went Trump is HUGE (or in Trumpian – YUGE)!


2016 Electoral College Map updated last 7-20-17 2_15 PM (ET) Screen Shot


Crooked won the Popular Vote but only in a fraction of States that also are population centers in America.


Herein lay the wisdom of the Founding Fathers in creating the Electoral System. The Electoral System is the great equalizer between States with a lower population to States with overwhelming dominating populations. The Electoral System insures that small yet populous portions of the United States cannot dominate the entire United States.


The wisdom of the Founding Fathers aside, the biggest shock is the percentage of American voters that cast their election lot with the Dem Party (i.e. Crooked Hillary given a pass by the FBI for obviously breaking the law!). I mean people who did far less and even actually unwittingly (unlike Crooked Hillary who knew exactly what she was doing) received serious jail time. Crooked Hillary gets a verbal slap on the wrist matched the FBI-coverup lie she didn’t understand she broke the law; hence she shouldn’t be held accountable.


AND STILL ABOUT HALF THE VOTERS gave their vote to one of the most corrupt political figures in American history (given full protection by another corrupt political figure – Barack Hussein Obama).


You might ask, “What in the world set me off about Crooked Hillary after President Obama put the fix in for her and in the eyes of many settled and sealed the deal?”


Two posts on Facebook that included videos that had inspiring titles (for me anyway):


  • BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Ordered by Court To Testify UNDER OATH about Private Email Server


  • Federal Judge Releases Benghazi Evidence – Hillary Goes Into Complete Panic


This is how I’m going to share/cross post these videos. I’m going use the text from the Facebook posts of which at the end will be each Youtube video followed by each video’s description.


JRH 11/17/18

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Posted by Lillian Wydja

11/16/18 2:03pm

Facebook Closed Group TEAM INFIDEL


CLINTON ONLY ANSWERED 5 OF THE 20 QUESTION THE JUDICIAL WATCH HAD ASKED HER 2 YEARS AGO. Now Judaical watch will as those questions again, along with questions that have surfaced from information given 2 years ago.


MORE THAN TWO-YEARS AFTER HILLARY CLINTON REFUSED TO ANSWER SOME OF JUDICIAL WATCH’S QUESTIONS about her email server, a judge is stepping in to make her comply. One America’s Kara McKinney has the latest on the lawsuit.


VIDEO: BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Ordered by Court To Testify UNDER OATH about Private Email Server


Posted by Judicial Watch

Published on Nov 15, 2018


More than two-years after Hillary Clinton refused to answer some of Judicial Watch’s questions about her email server, a judge is stepping in to make her comply. One America’s Kara McKinney has the latest on the lawsuit.


Courtesy of OAN






Posted by Lillian Wydja

11/16/18 2:18am

Facebook Closed Group TEAM INFIDEL


Fight4FreeSpeech! Hillary may have thought she was above the law, but these heroes she ignored who died fighting because of her negligence deserve justice. Fox News reports: In a combative exchange at a hearing Friday in Washington, D.C., a federal judge unabashedly accused career State Department officials of lying and signing “clearly false” affidavits to derail a series of lawsuits seeking info…


FEDERAL JUDGE RELEASES BENGHAZI EVIDENCE – Hillary Goes Into Complete Panic It appears that it’s time for Hillary Clinton to “come to heel.” That massive closet full of skeletons she’s thought was locked up has been swung wide open as a brave federal judge released the Benghazi evidence we’ve all been waiting on …




Posted by Breaking News Sports

Published on Nov 14, 2018


Federal Judge Releases Benghazi Evidence – Hillary Goes Into Complete Panic It appears that it’s time for Hillary Clinton to “come to heel.” That massive closet full of skeletons she’s thought was locked up has been swung wide open as a brave federal judge released the Benghazi evidence we’ve all been waiting on. Stop The Facebook Purge of Triple Amputee War Hero’s Pages! He Gave 3 Limbs For our Rights And they Stole It All From Him! Help this Hero Take it To Congress – Fight4FreeSpeech! Hillary may have thought she was above the law, but these heroes she ignored who died fighting because of her negligence deserve justice. Fox News reports: In a combative exchange at a hearing Friday in Washington, D.C., a federal judge unabashedly accused career State Department officials of lying and signing “clearly false” affidavits to derail a series of lawsuits seeking info…


#Foxnewssunday #LATESTNEWSTODAY #topstories


Could Crooked Hillary Finally be Held Accountable?

John R. Houk

© November 17, 2018


Facebook Closed Group TEAM INFIDEL posts


About This Group




This group will have as its goal to show the world that Islam is not a religion of peace, it is a cult of hatred and evil. The Koran is basically a war manual, which makes the practicing Muslim easy proxies for creating chaos by who ever has the money to hire them as Soldiers of Allah. Any current events, documentaries, stories, and case studies that support this goal are welcome. Please do try and stick with the subject.


We hate to infringe on freedom of speech, but any posts or comments that are deemed to be off subject will be deleted. Patriotic posts are welcome, but please do not promote any type of racial or ethnic supremacy. And try to tie any patriotic posts to the goal of this group, and that is tell the truth about this ancient foe. Islam; and those who promote, support, and otherwise aid and abet Islam, are the only enemies in this group.


Please post in English, and thanks for your participation.


Does Religious Freedom Trump Entire Constitution?

Religious Freedom Muslim Style toon

John R. Houk

© January 23, 2015


Well here we are. I’ve been working on a post for two days. It is taking me so long because I keep scraping it and start over. So here’s what I’ve decided to do.


I’m on the email list of the Florida Family Association (FFA). My interest in this group is they keep an eye on they consider Radical Islam in America. Their name has ‘Florida’ in it but really their counterjihad watch is on a national basis.


I received an FFA update on 1/20/15 exposing that the Federal government has been in secret negotiations with the NYPD to remove a report on local area (NYC and NJ) activity of Muslim hostility that leads or could lead to a terrorist attack. The NYC area Muslims and Obama’s Federal government (I am guessing under the auspices of Eric Holder’s DOJ) want the open source free to the public report REMOVED from the NYPD website. The FFA is not pleased with this kind politically correct inspired censorship, I am not pleased and YOU as an American should not be pleased.


The NYPD is considering to comply with the pressure because of a couple of Muslim civil suits not to mention Holder’s DOJ civil suit over NYPD surveillance of Muslims to detect terrorist threats.


The Muslims and the Federal government have made this a Bill of Rights issue roughly related to Religious Freedom and 4th Amendment privacy guarantees pertaining to needing a warrant to engage in the kind of surveillance the NYPD in.


I’m as much a Bill of Rights guy as any Conservative; however the Left and Muslims have not or I should say refuse to look at the balance of the Bill of Rights issues. For instance it bugs me that a huge amount of Mosques and Muslim-American organizations spew hate toward America, Jews and Israel as a normal part of their religious dogma.


It is my opinion that 1st Amendment Religious Freedom does not guarantee Islamic efforts to topple the U.S. Constitution to satisfy Islamic Supremacist Sharia Law. To put it bluntly the Left will do anything that undermines Original Intent Conservatives and Muslims remarkably forget about the rest of the Constitution to simply destroy it. AND Conservatives are too fearful of political correctness to point that out to the Left and to Islamic Supremacists!


Indeed my experience with Google is when searching for someone who understands this Constitutional is countered by Muslim organizations (primarily) and Left oriented media decrying NYPD surveillance as a complete breach of the Constitution. Make no bones about it. If balance the entire Constitution with Religious Freedom and Islamic terrorist violence with the object of overthrowing the Constitution, Religious Freedom does not include allowing the theology violent overthrow and murder.


Now what has bogged me down in writing this post was the “How?” I at first began by looking at the Muslims and Muslim organizations that are plaintiffs against the NYPD to see if they had any connections to Islamic Supremacist global Caliphate-minded thinking. This is still a path I am going to pursue but it is too daunting with my apparent not up to the task search engine skills.


So you got to read this little rant of mine and below is the FFA email which I have since learned is also available on their website.


JRH 1/23/15

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Islamists demand that NYPD scrub online report on Islamist terrorism and stop surveillance of mosques.

Imam in Mosque

From Florida Family Association

Email Sent: 1/20/2015 11:30 PM



Click here to send email urging the Judge and Magistrate to make public safety in this case a priority.


The New York Post reported on January 18, 2015 “NYC may yank terrorism report to appease mosque ‘spying’ critics”:  The article states in part:


In top-secret talks to settle federal lawsuits against the NYPD for monitoring mosques, the city is weighing a demand that it scrub from its Web site a report on Islamic terrorists, The Post has learned.


The groundbreaking, 92-page report, titled “Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat,” angers critics who say it promotes “religious profiling” and discrimination against Muslims. But law-enforcement sources say removing the report now would come at the worst time — after mounting terror attacks by Islamic extremists in Paris, Boston, Sydney and Ottawa.


The federal lawsuit mentioned in the first paragraph of the New York Post article is Raza et al v. City of New York et al.  This lawsuit seeks to stop the New York Police Department’s surveillance of specific Muslim individuals and mosques.


Peter G. Farrell, Senior Counsel for the City of New York, wrote a letter to United States Magistrate Judge Joan M. Azrack in which he outlined some serious issues regarding is Raza et al v. City of New York et al.


Regarding Plaintiff Masjid At Taqwa


The NYPD’s investigation of certain individuals associated with Plaintiff Masjid At Taqwa was based upon information about their lengthy history of suspected criminal activity, some of it terroristic in nature.  This information includes but is not limited to: illegal weapons trafficking by members of the mosque’s security team and the mosque caretaker both within the mosque and at the store adjacent; illegal weapons trafficking by certain attendees of the mosque; allegations that the mosque raî a “gun club”; and allegations that the assistant Imam had earmarked portions of over $200,000 raised in the mosque to a number of US Government-designated terrorist organizations.


Certain individuals associated with Masjid At Taqwa have historical ties to terrorism.  The mosque’s Imam, Siraj Wahhaj, was named by the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York as an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to bomb a number of New York City landmarks in the mid-1990s (the “Landmarks Plot”).  Omar Abdel Rahman, known as the “Blind Sheikh,” who is serving a life sentence in federal prison for his role in the Landmarks Plot, lectured at Masjid At Taqwa.  Wahhaj testified as a character witness for Abdel Rahman during Abdel Rahman’s terrorism trial.  V/ahhaj also testified as a character witness for Clement Hampton El, a Masjid At Taqwa attendee who was convicted as one of the Blind Sheikh’s co-conspirators in the Landmarks Plot.  Members of the mosque’s security team have instructed individuals on how to disarm police officers and have led martial arts classes involving individuals convicted on terrorism charges.  Since at least 2003, Masjid At Taqwa members have participated in and sponsored paintball exercises and survival training outside New York City, activities which have been carried out for training purposes by violent extremists in multiple terrorism cases in the United States and abroad-such as the “Virginia Jihad” case, the Fort Dix plot, the 717 attacks in London, and the UK fertilizer bomb plot (“Operation Awakening”). On one of these outings, the leader of Masjid At Taqwa’s security team instructed the members of his paintball team to “form up, jihad assassins” and called them his ‘Jihad warriors”.  Farooque Ahmed, who is currently incarcerated after pleading guilty to terrorism charges in connection with a plot to bomb the Washington, DC metro, promoted and participated in at least one of these trips.


Mr. Farrell’s letter outlined many more public safety concerns related to this lawsuit.  Click here to read Mr. Farrell’s letter.


The Masjid At Taqwa mosque is run by Imam Siraj Wahha who was the key note speaker in the Garland Texas Islamist rally on January 17, 2015 that called for the defeat of Islamophobia.


The Islamist lawsuit was assigned to United States District Judge Pamela K. Chen.  The case was referred to United States Magistrate Judge Joan M. Azrack.


Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send that urges Judge Chen and Magistrate Azrack to make public safety in this case a priority by not tying the hands of law enforcement and by not censoring information of great importance.   The email will be copied to the New York City Hall.


To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the “Send Your Message” button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.


Please click here to send your email urging Judge Chen and Magistrate Azrack to make public safety in this case a priority.



Does Religious Freedom Trump Entire Constitution?

John R. Houk

© January 23, 2015


Islamists demand that NYPD scrub online report on Islamist terrorism and stop surveillance of mosques.


Posted edited by John R. Houk


Florida Family Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 46547, Tampa, FL 33646-0105
Telephone 813-264-5888


FFA Donation Page


CONTRIBUTIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND CONFIDENTIAL. Florida Family Association is a non-profit 501C3 tax exempt corporation that is devoted to educating citizens on what they can do to defend, protect and promote family values. Checks may be made payable to Florida Family Association or FFA. Contributions are tax deductible and confidential. Florida Family Association will never sell or give away any contributor’s name to anyone else, will never solicit contributions by phone, and will never report a contributor’s gift or bequest through a Will or Trust in any publication.


FFA About Page


Florida Family Association is a national organization that is made up of thousands of supporters across America who share in the same goal of defending American values and improving America’s moral environment.  These supporters send more than one million emails every month to Corporate America officials associated with issues posted on this web site.  Florida Family Association’s accomplishments are a direct result of the dedicated people across the country who support the efforts of this organization.


Florida Family Association’s mission statement in our IRS approved 501C3 application is to:  Educate people on what they can do to defend, protect and promote traditional, biblical values.


Florida Family Association, Inc. is incorporated in the State of Florida as a non-profit corporation. Florida Family Association is a tax-exempt 501C3 corporation under the Internal Revenue Service Code. Contributions made to Florida Family Association are tax deductible and confidential.


Florida Family Association is not an affiliate or subsidiary of any other group.  It is an independent organization with tens of thousands of supporters outside of Florida.


Operations and Finance


Florida Family Association chooses to …



David Caton founded the organization that is now called Florida Family Association in November 1987. David left a ten year accounting career as a corporate accounting controller in June of 1988 to become the executive director of Florida Family Association.



U.S. ALAC to Austrian ALAC?

Jan Sobieski vs Pasha Kara Mustafa at Vienna


John R. Houk

© October 22, 2014


American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) are primarily laws passed on the State level in the USA. What is ALAC?


American Laws for American Courts was crafted to protect American citizens’ constitutional rights against the infiltration and incursion of foreign laws and foreign legal doctrines, especially Islamic Shariah Law. READ ENTIRETY FOR DETAILS (American Laws for American Courts; Infidel Task Force)


Americans in individual American States have begun to recognize that there are elements in Islam – particularly Sharia Law – that are totally incompatible with the Freedom, Liberty and Rights assured to us by the U.S. Constitution.


Since the U.S. Constitution enshrines Religious Freedom in the First Amendment Muslim apologists started to rail against State laws that expressly use the phrase “Sharia Law” to keep American Courts from using Islamic concepts jurisprudence precedents. This happened in Oklahoma when over 70% of the voters passed a law preventing Sharia from being used as a legal precedent in State Courts in 2010. Due largely by a lawsuit filed by Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood connected Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Federal Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange ruled the Oklahoma SQ 755 unconstitutional in 2013 because the law singled out a specific religion. Under Governor Fallin’s direction, rather than pursuing further appeals Oklahoma chose another legal path using the wording of ALAC to specify that OK State Courts cannot use any foreign laws as a legal precedent in rendering decisions. This wisely expands the anti-Sharia focus to include Left Wing agendas that Obama might promote via the auspices of the United Nations and overseas Court proceedings. By August 2013 the OK Senate approved the ALAC wording 40-3 and the OK House approved it 85-7. Governor Mary Fallin then promptly made the ALAC official with her signature. Take that you weaselly Radical Muslims pretending to be Moderate!


The Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi inspired Wahhabi lobbyist are still trying to exploit the U.S. Constitution to make unconstitutional portions of Sharia acceptable in the USA. Those Muslim apologists have been joined by American Leftists either deluded that multiculturalism is good or use Islam to fight America’s Christian heritage via cultural dilution.


After looking at snail-like slow understanding in America that Islam is a threat, I have to share what I consider some astounding news from the West European nation of Austria. In case you have had your head in the sand – partly due to the failure of the American media – the growing Muslim minority in Western Europe are essentially becoming successful in forcing nations to accept Islamic cultural styles as a part of Europe’s fabric of society. One can hear that the UK, France, Germany, Sweden and Norway to name a few nations have gone out of their way politically to enforce multiculturalism in their society to the point that Muslim-Sharia enclave-zones and even Sharia Law accepted as the rule of law to be enforced in regard to Muslims and to favor Muslims in disputes with non-Muslims.


This European socio-political practice is multiculturalism taken to an insane level of destroying their Western heritage.


The German-speaking nation of Austria is about to embark on a new rule of law path to begin to emphasize the cultural heritage of Austria over the imported Islamic culture. In this case one can say ALAC can be an acronym for Austria Laws for Austrian Courts. This is huge because not too long ago Austria prosecuted and convicted an Austrian politician for hate-speech in speaking the truth about Islam. Of course the Muslim minority is outraged in Austria because of the potential of ending Islam’s favored status in a European nation that still emphasizes multiculturalism over real Liberty and heritage.


Soeren Kern writing for the Gatestone Institute shares the details of this potential Austrian new heritage protection via the rule of law designed to thwart Radical Islam.


JRH 10/22/14

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Austria: Civil Law vs. Sharia Law


By Soeren Kern

October 21, 2014 at 5:00 am

Gatestone Institute


Austria has emerged as a major base for radical Islam and as a central hub for European jihadists to fight in Syria.


The proposed revisions would, among other changes, regulate the training and hiring of Muslim clerics, prohibit the foreign funding of mosques, and establish an official German-language version of the Koran to prevent its “misinterpretation” by Islamic extremists.


Muslims would be prohibited from citing Islamic sharia law as legal justification for ignoring or disobeying Austrian civil laws.


Leaders of Austria’s Muslim community counter that the contemplated new law amounts to “institutionalized Islamophobia.”


Official statistics show that nearly 60% of the inhabitants of Vienna are immigrants or foreigners. The massive demographic and religious shift underway in Austria, traditionally a Roman Catholic country, appears irreversible.


The Austrian government has unveiled a sweeping overhaul of the country’s century-old “Islam Law” that governs the legal status of Austria’s Muslim community.


The proposed revisions—which are aimed at cracking down on Islamic extremism in Austria—would regulate the training and hiring of Muslim clerics, prohibit the foreign funding of mosques, and establish an official German-language version of the Koran, among other changes.


The government says the modifications would give Muslims legal parity with other religious groups in Austria. But the leaders of Austria’s Muslim community counter that the contemplated new law amounts to “institutionalized Islamophobia.”


The updated Islam Law (Islamgesetz) was presented as a draft bill to parliament on October 2 and overhauls the current law, which dates back to 1912.


The original law was brought into being to help integrate Muslim soldiers into the Habsburg Army after the Austro-Hungarian Empire annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1908. The law recognized Islam as a religious community in Austria, and allowed Muslims to practice their religion in accordance with the laws of the state.


After the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed in the aftermath of World War I, the number of Muslims in Austria was reduced to just a few hundred people. After World War II, however, Austria’s Muslim population increased rapidly with the arrival of “guest workers” from Turkey and the Balkans in the 1960s, and refugees from Bosnia in the 1990s.


The Muslim population in Austria now exceeds 500,000 (or roughly 6% of the total population), up from an estimated 150,000 (or 2%) in 1990. The Muslim population is expected to reach 800,000 (or 9.5%) by 2030, according to recent estimates.


Official statistics show that nearly 60% of the inhabitants of Vienna, the capital and largest city of Austria, are immigrants or foreigners.


The massive demographic and religious shift underway in Austria, traditionally a Roman Catholic country, appears irreversible. In Vienna, for example, Muslim students now outnumber Catholic students at middle and secondary schools. Muslim students are also on the verge of overtaking Catholics in Viennese elementary schools.


At the same time, Austria has emerged as a major base for radical Islam. A June 2014 report by the Austrian intelligence agency [BVT] warned of the “exploding radicalization of the Salafist scene in Austria.” Salafism is an anti-Western ideology that seeks to impose Islamic sharia law.


Austria has also emerged as a central hub for European jihadists seeking to fight in Syria, because Austria’s geographic location provides easy access to land routes through the Balkans.


Photo: The Austrian Islamist known as “Abu Hamza al-Austria,” fighting in Syria, pictured from his jihadist recruitment video.

Austrian Islamist known as Abu Hamza al-Austria


In an interview with Austrian Public Radio Ö1-Morgenjournal, the Austrian Minister for Integration and Foreign Affairs, Sebastian Kurz, said the rapid rise of Islam in Austria has rendered the old Islam Law obsolete. A new law is needed, he said, to stipulate more clearly the rights and responsibilities of Muslims living in the country.


From now on, according to Kurz, Muslims residing in Austria will be expected to adhere to Austrian values and to acknowledge the primacy of Austrian law over Islamic Sharia law. In practice, he said, this means that Muslims would be prohibited from citing Islamic law as legal justification for ignoring or disobeying Austrian civil laws. Sharia law has “no place” in Austria, he stressed.


The new law would regulate at least a dozen separate issues, including relatively non-controversial matters such as Muslim holidays, Muslim cemeteries, Muslim dietary practices and the activities of Muslim clergy in hospitals, prisons and the army.


More significantly, however, the bill seeks to limit the religious and political influence of foreign governments within the Austrian Muslim community by prohibiting foreign countries—presumably Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf states—from financing Islamic centers and mosques in Austria.


The legislation also seeks to prevent the growth of a parallel Islamic society in Austria by regulating mosques and requiring clerics to be trained exclusively at Austrian universities. The new law would require Muslim groups to terminate the employment of clerics who have criminal records or who are deemed to pose a threat to public safety.


The new restrictions—including an employment ban for foreign clerics in Austria—would apply especially to Turkey: 65 of the 300 Muslim clerics working in Austria are Turkish civil servants whose salaries are being paid for by the Turkish government’s Religious Affairs Directorate, the Diyanet.


Muslims leaders in Austria say that in the absence of foreign funding, many mosques in Austria would have to be “closed immediately” because they are not financially viable apart from outside support. Moreover, they argue, the prohibition of foreign funding violates the constitution because the same restrictions are not being applied to Christians or Jews.


The foreign funding restrictions, however, do not appear to apply to the Vienna-based King Abdullah International Center for Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural Dialogue. Critics say the multi-million-dollar institution, which was inaugurated in November 2012, is an effort by Saudi Arabia to establish a permanent “propaganda center” in central Europe from which to spread the anti-Western Wahhabi sect of Islam throughout the rest of Europe.


The new Islam Law also requires the Austrian Muslim community to agree on a standardized German-language translation of the Koran, the Hadiths and other Islamic religious texts. The government has argued that an official version of the texts would prevent their “misinterpretation” by Islamic extremists.


“There are countless translations, countless interpretations,” Kurz told public radio Ö1. “We will be pushing for this vigorously. It is also in the interest of the Muslim community that words are correctly interpreted and reproduced.”


However, Muslim leaders say it would be next to impossible for Sunnis, Shiites and Alawites to agree on a “correct” translation of the Koran. In any event, they say, the state cannot outlaw alternative translations.


A group called Muslim Youth of Austria [MJÖ] has described the new Islam Law as an “intolerable legal scandal” that seeks to “place the broad mainstream of Muslims either under state supervision, or to split them into weak and therefore meaningless groups.”


The president of the Austrian Islamic Community [IGGiÖ], Fuat Sanac, says the new law is “naïve” and treats Muslims as “second-class” citizens: “We do not agree with the draft Islam Law. It was presented to the public without our approval.”


Sanac has vowed to file an appeal with Austria’s constitutional court to stop the new law, which he says “risks humiliating” the country’s Muslim population.


Kurz maintains that the primary purpose of the new Islam Law is to establish the “primacy of national law over religious law.”


The government hopes the new law will be approved by Parliament in November and enter into force sometime in 2015. However, Muslim opposition to the initiative may mean that the 1912 version of the law will remain unchanged for the foreseeable future.


U.S. ALAC to Austrian ALAC?

John R. Houk

© October 22, 2014


Austria: Civil Law vs. Sharia Law


Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute. He is also Senior Fellow for European Politics at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. Follow him on Facebook and on Twitter.


Copyright © 2014 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved.


About Gatestone Institute


“Let us tenderly and kindly cherish, therefore, the means of knowledge. Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write.”
— John Adams


Gatestone Institute, a non-partisan, not-for-profit international policy council and think tank is dedicated to educating the public about what the mainstream media fails to report in promoting:


o   Institutions of Democracy and the Rule of Law;


o   Human Rights


o   A free and strong economy


o   A military capable of ensuring peace at home and in the free world


o   Energy independence


o   Ensuring the public stay informed of threats to our individual liberty, sovereignty and free speech.


Gatestone Institute conducts national and international conferences, briefings and events for its members and others, with world leaders, journalists and experts — analyzing, strategizing, and keeping them informed on current issues, and where possible recommending solutions.


Gatestone Institute will be publishing books, and continues to READ THE REST


Establishment GOP Aids Cochran to Steal Primary Runoff

Cochrane GOP Est - McDaniels TP Conservative

John R. Houk

© August 29, 2014


On June 24th 194,932 votes to McDaniel’s 187,265, 2014 Mississippi had its runoff election in the GOP Primary between incumbent Establishment Thad Cochran and Tea Party favorite Chris McDaniel. McDaniel won the first Primary but with less than 50% of the vote causing the runoff. In that runoff McDaniel led in the count a substantial amount then astoundingly Cochran pulled ahead and won 194,932 votes to McDaniel’s 187,265. In other words Cochran won by 7667 votes. The thing is those winning votes came under an incredibly suspicious manner. Out of McDaniel’s own pocket he investigated the ballots he legally forced to make available.  After McDaniel’s investigation was complete he discovered this:


“…a Chris McDaniel news conference in Mississippi, 25,000 votes were cast illegally for GOP incumbent Senator Thad Cochran.”  (Bold Text Added – McDaniel: Declare me the winner; By Cameron Joseph; SlantRight 2.0 intro by John R. Houk; Originally The Hill; Hill post – 8/4/14, SlantRight 2.0 post – 8/5/14)


McDaniel presented his case to the Mississippi Republican Party and they WOULD NOT VIEW OR LISTEN TO THE EVIDENCE! The State GOP wanted McDaniel to pack it in and give up to the Establishment Republican incumbent Thad Cochran. Now that is Establishment corruption at its height. There is obvious illegal action involved on behalf of Cochran. My God! Some Federal Justice indictments must come to someone involved in this voter fraud. Unfortunately a criminal investigation to sniff how far the fraud went up the Cochran Campaign chain probably would take some time which would entail a continued certification of Cochran’s November 4th election day participation.


Ergo McDaniel cannot depend on the wheels of criminal justice especially with a corrupt Dem Party Attorney General in Eric Holder. McDaniel is stuck with the power of civil courts to nullify the fraudulent votes. The Judge that is not under the influence of the GOP Establishment should be able to do one of two things: either force another runoff election or nullify the 25000 fraudulent votes thereby giving McDaniel June 24 victory over Cochran.


A Matthew Burke report I found at TPPN shows McDaniel’s intended future actions which includes a few more factual tidbits you may not be aware of as yet.


JRH 8/29/14

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EXCLUSIVE: Chris McDaniel: ‘People Need to See the Ugly Under Belly of Some Elements of the Republican Party’


By Matthew Burke

August 27, 2014

Tea Party News Network


Constitutional conservative Mississippi Senate Candidate Chris McDaniel told Tim Constantine on TPNN’s Capitol Hill Show on Wednesday, that Republican establishment-backed, 76-year-old Senator Thad Cochran’s campaign stole the recent runoff election in Mississippi, that he had proof, and hoped his current court challenge will not only overturn the election, but will allow people to see the “ugly, ugly under belly of some element of the Republican Party.”

McDaniel, who defeated Cochran, nicknamed the “King of Pork” in the prior Mississippi Senate primary, but failed to avoid a forced runoff vote because neither he nor Cochran passed the fifty percent threshold.

“They did steal the election, there’s no question about that,” McDaniel told Constantine. “They basically brought in 40,000-plus Democrats into a Republican primary. And that’s called Party Raiding,” he claimed.

McDaniel said that the Cochran campaign utilized “illegal votes” in the run-off election, and when his campaign presented the evidence to the Mississippi Republican Party’s executive committee, which is the process required, they refused to look at the evidence.

“Once we found the evidence, we attempted to take that evidence before the state Republican executive committee, which is what statue demands what we do,” McDaniel explained. “We took the information before the State Republican Executive Committee, and they refused to hear it, because it was too politically difficult, I’m assuming,” he charged.


RELATED:  VIDEO: McDaniel Launches Formal Challenge to Cochran’s ‘Dirty Tricks’ in Mississippi Senate Runoff

McDaniel said there is a hearing coming up on Thursday on a motion to dismiss, which McDaniel thought his campaign would win, allowing the case to move forward. A full hearing on the merits of McDaniel’s case is scheduled for September 16.

Constantine made the point that even if one assumes that every Democrat who voted for Cochran in the Republican primary would eventually vote for him in the general election, law would have allowed those same Democrats to vote three weeks earlier in the Democrat Party’s primary. “Legally, you cannot do that,” Constantine said.

“We found about 15,000 total irregularities, many of which are also ineligible voters,” McDaniel contended. “On top of that, there are approximately 2,000 absentee votes which will probably be disqualified as well,” he predicted.

The Mississippi Republican Party has a long history of being a classic example of a corrupt “good ole boys” network, led by RINOs like former Governor and current lobbyist Haley Barbour, who many credit as being the mastermind (along with his son) behind Cochran’s dirty tricks and despicable smear campaign against Chris McDaniel and the Tea Party.


RELATED:  VIDEO: GOP Establishment’s Haley Barbour Behind Thad Cochran’s Dirty Tricks



“We have already spent $200,000 on legal fees,” McDaniel revealed during the interview.

McDaniel issued a blistering condemnation to the Republican Party establishment and leadership, saying that if the problem of the election is not fixed, they have no business calling themselves the party of Ronald Reagan.


“I pray we’ll get justice. We need our chance to present our evidence. And the people of this country and this state need to finally see the ugly, ugly under belly of some elements of the Republican Party. And those elements, as bad as they’ve behaved, they have no business being the party of freedom or being Reagan’s conservative party.”




VIDEO: Senator: ‘Election Stolen Unethically!’


Published by TPNNVideos

Uploaded on Aug 27, 2014


We all know politics is a dirty game, but the recent primaries in Mississippi have proven some will go above and beyond to stay in power. State Senator Chris McDaniel says he has proof of wrongdoing, and is taking his fight to the courts!



Establishment GOP Aids Cochran to Steal Primary Runoff

John R. Houk

© August 29, 2014


EXCLUSIVE: Chris McDaniel: ‘People Need to See the Ugly Under Belly of Some Elements of the Republican Party’


About Matthew Burke

Matthew Burke is a former Financial Advisor/Planner for 24 years. He was a 2010 Constitutional Conservative candidate for U.S. Congress in Washington State. View all Posts by Matthew Burke



Lawsuit Reform must be Addressed Now

Mary_Fallin_official_110th_Congress_photo sm

I live in Oklahoma. Under former Governor Brad Henry (D) a bipartisan effort was successful to reform the State Law pertaining to frivolous. A State Judge has recently ruled that law unconstitutional. Governor Mary Fallin (R) vehemently disagreed with the State Court’s ruling. She is taking steps to rectify Oklahoma Court reversal by calling State legislators to address the State Court’s ruling by addressing each ruling individually thus reinstating Civil Suit reform.


JRH 9/8/13

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Lawsuit Reform must be Addressed Now


By Governor Mary Fallin

Sent: 9/5/2013 1:23 PM


Beginning this week, I have asked legislators to return to the state Capitol to address an issue of great importance to the state, our medical community and our prospects for economic growth and job creation. That issue is lawsuit reform.

My goal during this special session is to work with lawmakers, as quickly and efficiently as possible, to restore the protections against frivolous lawsuits that have served small businesses and doctors well for the past four years.

To understand the urgency of the situation and the need for immediate action, it is important to remember the recent history of this issue.

Before 2009, Oklahoma faced a legal climate hostile to businesses and ripe with frivolous lawsuits. These lawsuits were particularly damaging to doctors and medical professionals, who were frequent targets of medical malpractice claims.

The results were predictable. Businesses were afraid to invest in a state where they were likely to spend vast sums to protect themselves in court. Oklahoma lost good doctors to neighboring states with stronger legal protections. Lawsuits also helped to drive up the cost of medical treatment, hurting Oklahoma families.


Gov Mary Fallin Special Session of State Congress


To fix this problem, Democratic Gov. Brad Henry worked with Republicans and Democrats in the Legislature to pass comprehensive lawsuit reform. The law they passed made it easier for judges to dismiss lawsuits without merit and made a variety of reforms meant to deliver a fairer system. It allowed those with legitimate grievances to seek compensation through the courts, without encouraging frivolous claims or unfairly punishing businesses and doctors.

The reforms worked. In the two years after enacting the new laws, the number of malpractice payments declined by 39 percent, reaching an all-time low.

As a result, small business owners and doctors saw greater stability and fairness in our legal system, giving them more confidence to invest and stay in Oklahoma. These reforms were part of a winning formula that has given us one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation.

Unfortunately, these laws are now under attack. Earlier this year, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled the reform package unconstitutional, citing the “single subject” rule. Essentially, the court said each provision of the law needs to be passed in a separate bill rather than one large all-encompassing measure.

I disagree with that ruling, but at this time, the best thing to do is follow the court’s lead. To do that, our Legislature must reinstate Oklahoma’s lawsuit reform measures by passing a series of smaller, “single subject” bills that address the court’s concerns.

Some have suggested that we simply wait until next year to address this issue. If we do that, the likelihood is that lawsuit reform will not be reinstated until August of 2014, perhaps even November. While we wait, Oklahoma will move backward. Inaction means opening our doctors and businesses to lawsuits that could drive jobs out of state or drive up the cost of medical care.

I will not watch Oklahoma regress or stand by while we lose jobs. Lawsuit reform is too important for our economy, our small businesses and our medical community to wait until next year.

The time to act is now.

(This opinion editorial was authored by Governor Mary Fallin and appeared in the September 4, 2013 edition of the Tulsa World.)


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