Obama’s Genie

Joan Swirsky writing for the Canada Free Press takes a historical rundown of Barack Hussein Obama’s quest for power. She begins with his childhood by exposing all the lack of documentation that should be available for the public to view — but are not.


Swirsky runs through the political dirty tricks running unopposed from the State level including U.S. Senator. She homes in the lies and his eventual Deep State connections attempting to get Crooked Hillary elected. After the election failure, old Barry colludes with his Deep State comrades (including the Leftist MSM) to make up lying-dirt for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump.


Despite all the lies against a sitting President, it is all beginning to unravel. I am with Swirsky wondering if justice will catch up to the kingpin of the Deep State – Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetoro).


Told as through the eyes of unwitting genie in the lamp.


JRH 2/27/18

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President Trump not only wiped out any shred of Mr. Obama’s so-called legacy, he effectively destroyed the fantasy of a magical genie that has guided the former community organizer’s lifelong obsessive mission to destroy America


Obama’s Genie


By Joan Swirsky 

February 27, 2018

Canada Free Press



Imagine a guy in his mid-thirties walking on a beach in Hawaii and seeing an object that actually looked like the genie lamp he read about in his childhood—the kind of lamp he could rub until a genie popped out and granted his most fervent wish.


Being a pretty ordinary guy—you know, the kind who hung out smoking pot, who slacked off in school, who didn’t get the girl and actually hated and was jealous of the guys who did—he asked for power.


Poof—the Genie granted him his wish, power beyond his wildest dreams.


To be sure, the Genie certainly didn’t know that this ordinary guy didn’t want merely to embarrass the guys he was jealous of, he wanted to destroy them. And not through the ordinary methods—knives, guns, poison, et al, although all of them might play a part one day—but through politics!


The most important thing the Genie didn’t know was that all those cool, get-the-girl guys were only symbols for the thing Mr. Ordinary hated most—America!


But too late—the Genie had given him the power to mobilize the entire world against the country he claimed was the place of his birth.




Who was this ordinary guy?


He said his name was Barack Obama and that he was born in 1961 to a white mother and black father from Kenya, Africa, who met at the University of Hawaii. Reporters had no interest in finding a marriage certificate, but—as leftists are so fond of saying—it’s only a piece of paper!


Two years later, the boy’s parents divorced and young Obama’s mother met and married another U. of Hawaii student, Lolo Soetoro, a native of Indonesia. In 1966, the couple moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, with five-year-old Barack, who was adopted by his new father, which according to Indonesian law would automatically make him an Indonesian citizen. His student ID card carried the name of Barry Soetoro. Four years later, Mrs. Soetoro gave birth to a daughter named Maya and sent 10-year-old Barack back to Hawaii to be raised by her parents.


In Indonesia, the reporting grows fuzzy, some saying that Barack attended a Christian school, others saying a Madrassa where he studied the Koran. The latter seems more probable as Mr. Obama himself described the Muslim call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.‚”


After high school, Mr. Obama studied at Occidental College in Los Angeles. But again, the media weren’t curious enough to ask for the transcripts and so none were ever produced. Was this to conceal Mr. Obama’s status as a foreign student? Mmmmm.


Then, he transferred to Columbia University in NY City. But strangely, no first-person reports ever emerged of any associations, sightings, relationships or dating of the Ivy League student—and, again, no transcripts.


Mr. Obama moved to Chicago in 1985 and became a community organizer—entering the profession of his own and Hillary Clinton’s idol, Saul Alinsky, the America-loathing Marxist whose book, “Rules for Radicals,‚” provided a blueprint for “fundamentally changing‚” the United States of America from a capitalist, free-market, U.S. Constitution-respecting, freedom-loving country into either a Communist paradise or an Islamic caliphate.


In 1988, our One Lucky Guy entered Harvard Law School where he became the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review….quite amazingly, seeing that he wrote not one article to earn this honor and that—ta da—no transcripts of his years in the law school ever materialized! The media once again demonstrated a remarkable lack of curiosity about who paid Mr. Obama’s immensely expensive tuition.


They also had no interest in asking Mr. Obama why Simon & Schuster cancelled the contract on the book they gave him a pricey advance for—Dreams from My Father—which was finally published in 1995 by Times Books (a division of Random House). Or how on earth his publisher, editor, and the professionals employed by the literary agency, Acton & Dystel, could all have gotten it wrong when they distributed a publicity brochure for the book that featured the author’s picture and a blurb that read: “Barack Obama, the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii”—a description future candidate and then Oval Office occupant Barack Obama would spend approximately two-million dollars on denying!


After Harvard, the new graduate joined a Chicago law firm where his supervisor was another Harvard Law School graduate, Michelle Robinson. They dated, then married. But surprise, surprise, there is no record of their marriage certificate, just as no photos of Michelle being pregnant with their two daughters and no birth certificates of their daughters exist in the public domain.




No, not the policy of favoring members of a minority group in job hiring, college admissions, etc., but rather the concrete steps a number of shakers and movers took when they began to think that Mr. Obama would be the perfect fit for Chicago “machine‚” politics.


In 1995, Mr. Obama’s mentor, the Communist Alice Palmer, announced that she was giving up her seat in the state senate to run for the U.S. Congress and anointed Mr. Obama her successor. She had personally introduced Mr. Obama to Bill Ayersthe anti-war founder of the terrorist group the Weather Underground Organization (WUO) who advocated killing 25-million Americans to actualize his goal of overthrowing America—and to Ayers’ partner in crime, his wife Bernardine Dohrn. According to writer Aaron Klein, a 1995 meeting in the Ayers’ living room “was said to have launched Obama’s political career.‚”


Mr. Obama’s political career was launched in the Ayers’ living room.


But after Mrs. Palmer suffered an unexpected defeat in the special congressional election, she decided she wanted her state senate seat back and asked Mr. Obama not to run. He not only refused to step aside but said he was going to pose a legal challenge to the legitimacy of the signatures she had amassed to qualify for the ballot. Using the same tactic, he got all four challengers—including Mrs. Palmer—knocked off the ballot so he could run unchallenged.


Mr. Obama spent three terms in the Illinois state senate—from 1997 to 2004—when he decided to run for the U.S. Senate. And whaddaya know! Trailing in third place, Mr. Obama magically—or you can blame it on the Genie—got some hack from The Chicago Tribune to publish salacious dirt on both rivals, which destroyed their candidacies and gave the nomination to, again, the unchallenged state senator.


That was in March. The following July, Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) pushed for Senate-nominee Obama to give the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention. It was a masterful presentation in which the extreme leftwing radicalism—which defined his years in community organizing and in state office and would go on to define his eight years in the Oval Office—was camouflaged to perfection.


“There’s not a liberal America and a conservative America,‚” he intoned to the audience, “there’s the United States of America. There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America. The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States…we are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.‚”


Yeah, right.




On February 10, 2007, only three years into his first term, Senator Obama announced his intention to seek the presidency of the United States of America. Just as his three terms in the Illinois state senate had yielded a remarkably unremarkable record of boilerplate liberal “accomplishments‚”—with abortion, especially late-term abortion, and also killing legislation to protect born-alive survivors of abortions at the top of his list—so had his first three years in Washington, D.C.


But on August 28, 2008, the fledgling senator was nominated for president, defeating the perennial glass-ceiling candidate, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), and going on to defeat the Republican-in-Name-Only (RINO), Arizona Sen. John McCain.


Who, indeed, could manage to mobilize leftwing politics worldwide? Which included:


  • The entire spectrum of the American Democrat Party,


  • The worldwide America-loathing Muslim Brotherhood,


  • The bought-and-paid-for American media whores,


  • The impotent socialists of the European Union,


  • The impotent socialists and Communists of Venezuela, Cuba, and other utterly failed regimes,


  • The Muslim terrorist regime of Iran,


  • The dictator-populated United Nations,


  • The mal-educated millennials raised on leftist propaganda,


  • The bitter abortion-loving, man-hating feminists,


  • The pathological jealousy of all things successful,


  • On and on and on and on….all negative. [Bold text added by Blog Editor]


Of course, that ordinary guy was Barack Obama—a member of the infamous Choom drug-inhaling gang.


But his fans yearned to believe that Mr. Obama was not half-white but instead the Great Black Hope that would redeem Big Bad America from its racist past, and also that he was a successful author—but author Jack Cashill made a slam-dunk case in his blockbuster book, Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of America’s First Postmodern President, that it was Mr. Obama’s close pal, the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, who actually wrote the book.


And they wanted to believe that Mr. Obama was a very honest guy, which is why they nodded their heads affirmatively when he said that in over 20 years of sitting in the pews of the “Reverend‚” Jeremiah Wright’s church, he never ever heard the preacher’s anti-American, anti-Semitic rants.


Throughout the campaign (and well into his occupation of the Oval Office), a group of 400 leftist, ahem, journalists decided that they didn’t like authentic journalists questioning Mr. Obama on everything from the Constitutional eligibility of his candidacy to his longtime relationships with radicals like William Ayers and anti-American, anti-Semitic bigwigs like Rev. Louis Farrakhan. To prop up their candidate of choice, and to go after any of his critics and questioners with a vengeance, they formed JournOlist.


Sure enough, this overwhelmingly leftwing and deeply corrupt group refused to ask even one question about why Mr. Obama used a state of Connecticut Social Security number when he hadn’t lived one day of his life in that state, why he lost his law license in 2002 (or if, in fact, he ever took the Bar exam), why Michelle’s law license was inactivated by court order, why Mr. Obama never released more than a one-page medical report…the list of unasked questions goes on and on.


And when any moderate or conservative journalist asked him about saying during his campaign that he had traveled to all 57 states—I think one left to go” (did he mean the 57 states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference?), or in office when he stated that the people in Austria speak Austrian, or referred to military corpsmen as corpse men, or described his grandmother as “a typical white person‚”—you get the picture—the media whores immediately pounced, accusing any critic of being a “racist‚”


How clueless they were and are to this day of their own rank racism, in essence telling Americans that they’re not allowed to criticize a black man because he’s not smart enough or strong enough to take it…but they are and so they’ll defend him by insulting his critics. Cannot make this up!




America has had unlikely presidents before Mr. Obama, but none quite as unlikely. How did this happen?


For almost an entire century, and certainly since the tumultuous ‘60s when Bill and Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin and other far-leftists reared their seditious heads, the left has been looking for the one defining figure to get them over the goal line, that being literally overthrowing the United States of America—the land they loathe.


Jimmy Carter was a start, but the Dolly Parton fantasizer lasted only one term before America came to its senses and elected the genuine conservative Ronald Reagan. After enjoying two terms of peace and prosperity, Americans once again voted for Republican George H.W. Bush, only to boot him out in favor of the charming southerner Bill Clinton, whose victory, political pundits claimed, was helped immeasurably by the phony third-party candidacy of Texas billionaire business mogul Ross Perot, who bowed out of the race at the last minute, de facto throwing his votes to the man who would become known forever as “slick Willy.‚”


Clinton’s eight long years lasted largely because of a strong economy, job growth, a surge in homeownership, and Family & Medical Leave for 20-million Americans, et al—in spite of non-stop scandals, impeachment, perjury and the loss of the his law license, the accusation of rape, the stained blue dress, the pathetic wife, the mishandling of terror attacks, the proliferation of corporate scandals (numbering 86), allowing a floodgate of un-vetted immigrants into the country, the massacre at Waco, Texas, the colossal failure of Hillarycare, betraying America by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China, and threatening little Elian Gonzales at gunpoint.


Once again, America came to its senses and elected #43, the former two-term Governor of Texas George W. Bush, the son of #41. The affable junior enjoyed two terms until the coup d’état cabal was ready for their full-on assault on America. But “W‚” facilitated that assault by joining the left in their fantasy that Islam was “the religion of peace‚” and acknowledged himself that his “Mission Accomplished‚” banner was a bad idea, and that he failed to push for immigration reform. Others cite a skyrocketing deficit and that he waged two costly and ineffective wars (in Afghanistan and Iraq).


Over all these years, leftist heavy hitters were developing their takeover. Armed with multibillions of dollars from a handful of powerful America-detesting progressives, they covered every base, starting with the media whores who proved to be the easiest to buy and control. Next they bought every member of the Democrat Party, instructing them to sing one tune and one tune only throughout the candidate’s presidential campaign and his entire tenure…and that they, the real brains behind the coup, would provide both the tune and the lyrics.


Next, they recruited Valerie Jarrett, a longtime Chicago pal of Mr. Obama, as his consigliere to basically run the presidency, and speech writers to formulate every single solitary word that Mr. Obama spoke, even demanding that he use a Teleprompter to address a kindergarten class!


Within weeks or months, the honchos-in-chief delivered to their hand-picked puppet—that would be the guy who rubbed the genie lamp—the massive to-do list they had been working on for decades:


  • 11,000 pages of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare, aka socialized medicine),


  • Mountains of Environmental Protection Agency regulations that effectively killed the coal industry and other domestic energy sources, among other Draconian rules.


  • A blueprint for Common Core, aka socialized education (read, leftist propaganda),


  • An elaborate plan to destroy the military, as Matt Barber¬† spells out here, by, among other things, purging military commanders, enacting Rules of Engagement that militate against our success in combat, cutting military pay and benefits, cutting missile defense, et al.



  • Weaponized the Internal Revenue Service and, we now learn, the FBI, the DOJ, the DHS, and other agencies of the U.S. Government, a function, Tom Basile writes in Forbes, of Obama’s “dangerous arrogance of power.”


  • On and on and on and on.




The Obama regime, as Americans have now learned, was steeped, indeed marinating, in illegality and corruption. There was virtually no dirty trick they believed was beyond the pale, no department (FBI, anyone?) and no operative (Seth Rich, anyone?) beyond exploitable or dispensable.


They believed this because every single poll told them (and told America) that Barack Obama’s successor would be his former Sec. of State, Hillary Clinton, a woman who had elevated corruption, dishonesty, and malfeasance to a virtual art form.


In other words, with Hillary’s election, their dirty secrets would remain with them.


They welcomed the seventeen Republican candidates who ran against Hillary for president in 2016, especially the mega-mogul Donald J. Trump whose inexperience in the political world and colorful, tabloid-rich background made him the perfect target for their oppo-research team to skewer.


But as candidate Trump systematically leveled every opponent and Hillary was left to face the guy who labeled her “crooked Hillary‚”—inspiring the huge crowds he attracted to chant “Lock Her Up! Lock Her Up!‚”—Ms. Glass Ceiling began to devolve, relying on Democrat operatives like Donna Brazile to give her questions to upcoming debates and forcing her to commit unforced errors like calling Trump supporters, a month before the election, “a basket of deplorables.‚”


When the Obama/Hillary crew finally smelled the coffee of possible defeat, they hatched a plan to destroy a President Trump if, in fact, that eventuality came to pass. And it did. And they launched their plan—to produce a phony dossier and to accuse President Trump of colluding with Russia in order to win the election. Relevant to mention here that it was over a million dollars from Hillary’s campaign coffers that paid for MI6 agent Christopher Steele to compile the dossier.


Just as their moneybags donors had directed them during the Obama years, both the media whores and the Democrats stuck to the script—Trump-Russia, Trump-Russia, Trump-Russia. Former FBI Director Robert Mueller was anointed by another former Obama operative, Ron Rosenstein, to conduct the investigation.


Mr. Mueller hired—exclusively, with not one exception—Democrat prosecutors and lawyers, most of them contributors to Hillary’s campaign, to help destroy the newly inaugurated President Trump. They labored for over a year, with the oleaginous top dog on the intelligence committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), leading the charge.


The result: The stunning revelations of widespread, massive, endemic corruption and collusion with Russia—by the Democrats themselves! But not one scintilla of evidence against President Trump.


Yesterday, February 24, 2018, reporter Gabby Morrongiello of The Washington Examiner quoted former White House advisor Sebastian Gorka, who commented on the four-page memo released a few weeks ago by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), which accused FBI and Justice Department officials of abusing their power and deliberately misleading the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to gain permission to surveil former Trump adviser Carter Page because of his contacts in Moscow.


[Surprise, surprise—10 of the 11 FISA court judges were appointed by Obama!]


“Remember,‚” Gorka announced at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, “we’re only at the beginning of FISA-gate, which eventually will be Obama-gate.


“It’s not the Ben Rhodes of the world, it’s not the John Brennans, it’s not the Susan Rices, who are only culpable for the criminal regime we had that spied on Americans illegally,” Gorka said, citing several senior Obama administration officials. “Guess what—somebody had to let them.”


“And guess what?” Gorka continued. “It’s the last president of the United States.”


Rep. Nunes apparently agrees, as he identifies Mr. Obama to WorldNetDaily.com as being the person who was really in collusion with Russia “for eight years and setting the stage for orchestrating a conspiracy theory of collusion between Moscow and Donald Trump during the 2016 election.‚”


Daniel Greenfield writes that “the Obama era is over. It was wiped from the pages of history in one night that left Congress and the White House in Republican hands. Obama’s…frantic efforts to campaign for Hillary did no good. The public…made it clear that he did not matter. Obama once thought that he belonged to the ages. Now he belongs in the rubbish bin.‚”


Maybe… but maybe not. President Trump not only wiped out any shred of Mr. Obama’s so-called legacy, he effectively destroyed the fantasy of a magical genie that has guided the former community organizer’s lifelong obsessive mission to destroy America.


Is it too much for the rest of us to fantasize that the man who once chanted “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for‚” will have a prosecutor replace the G in genie with a G for Gitmo?


Joan Swirsky [Bio and Archives] is an award-winning author and journalist. Her work can be found at joanswirsky.com


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We The Subjects of Deep State Tyranny

John R. Houk

© February 20, 2018


Mat Staver has sent a combo email/fund raising alert to petition members of Congress to posthaste demand the Department of Justice investigate Obama Administration nefarious election practices and the Crooked Hillary Russian Collusion campaign before and after the election to take down President Trump.


There are three Fax petition links that require funding to send the faxes. And at the very end is a free petition link that Staver says will be delivered to Congress. If faxing is not exactly in your budget, HERE is the petition link up front. To sign the free petition you have to click link, but here is wording to which you are signing:




YES!! I’m taking a stand to expose the FBI-Clinton corruption!

The Issue:


The FBI, the Clinton campaign, the Obama White House, and Democrat members of Congress appear to have been caught red-handed weaponizing federal agencies to attack the Trump campaign and presidency.


We are calling on officials of the United States Congress to investigate and initiate prosecution, if the evidence is clear. This is within their congressional responsibility.


Take Action…


If you AGREE that we must get to the bottom of this Clinton-FBI-Obama-DNC witch hunt against President Trump, then take TWO MINUTES right now to sign our “Investigate Clinton-FBI Anti-Trump Collusion” petition.


No one is above the law! We demand accountability at every level of government, including holding Barack Obama and his inner circle accountable for their actions during and after their tenure in office.


Our Petition States:


As a concerned citizen, I am signing this petition calling on Congress and/or the Justice Department to establish an Independent Investigation into the actions of the FBI, the Obama White House, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and the Hillary Clinton campaign related to collusion and corruption surrounding the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign and campaign officials.

There is now a direct paper trail linking the DNC and the Clinton campaign to the so-called Steele dossier. Also, the release of the Nunes memo makes it clear that the FBI both operated in conjunction with Clinton/DNC operatives and withheld key information from the FISA court. This amounts to gross political corruption and the weaponizing of our government against Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s political opponents. An Independent Investigation must be launched!



In all honesty, an inundation of faxes to your Representative and Senators will draw attention because in November 2018 an election is coming up. Keep in mind the lying Dem machine will be in full swing to deflect from their criminal activities. Realize the deflection is a lie and get angry. Write letters to the Editor expressing displeasure. Inundate your social media platforms with your displeasure. And, if or when, is blocked or ignored, WRITE AGAIN!


Ultimately you are a voting citizen if you are eighteen or above by the November 2018 election. Show the propagandists you will NOT BE SILENCED at the ballot box.


Here is the reason the Mat Staver email should be acted upon from this quote:


The FBI, the Clinton campaign, the Obama White House, and certain Democrat members of Congress appear to have been caught red-handed weaponizing federal agencies to attack the Trump campaign and presidency.


If any of these unconstitutional treasonous deeds go unanswered or President Trump somehow unconstitutionally removed, then it not only a coup against the Trump Administration but also a coup against the United States Constitution!


A Constitutional Coup renders this Preamble to an interesting footnote to history:


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


A Constitutional coup renders “We the People of the United States” to We the Subjects of a tyrannical government.


JRH 2/20/18

Please Support NCCR


Obama-Clinton Deep State exposed


Sent by Mat Staver

From Liberty Counsel Action

Sent February 19, 2018 4:21 PM


In case you missed my important weekend update… Hillary Clinton should go to jail for what we have recently learned. Barack Obama should be put under oath to find out “what he knew and when he knew it.” And the FBI swamp must be drained! Please see below and take action with me — Mat.


John [That is I, your Blog Editor],

I need your help to blow the lid off one of the biggest political scandals in our nation’s history. [Fund Raising Fax Link]

The FBI, the Clinton campaign, the Obama White House, and certain Democrat members of Congress appear to have been caught red-handed weaponizing federal agencies to attack the Trump campaign and presidency.


+ + How The Obama FBI Was “Weaponized” Against Trump

The recently released House GOP memo on the FBI confirms what we have been learning over several months: the FBI was “weaponized” against then-candidate Trump.

In summary, the memo confirms that the FBI and the DOJ abused their powers to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) warrant against former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page.

+ + Barack Obama Now Connected To FBI Cover-Up

Text messages between senior FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are blowing the lid off of a DOJ/FBI cover-up that likely extends to the Obama White House.

At the time, Strzok was heading up the Clinton email probe and Page was an FBI lawyer. Just two months prior to the election, Page wrote to Strzok about prepping then-FBI Director James Comey because…


“potus [President of the United States] wants to know everything we’re doing.”


By referencing President Obama, Page’s text raises the critical question: What did the President know and when did he know it? And here’s another question… Why was President Obama even in the loop?

+ + Paid For By Hillary, Implemented By Obama’s FBI

Michael Goodwin, writing in the New York Post, sums up the situation well:


“It increasingly appears that the [Hillary] Clinton machine was the secret, original source of virtually all the allegations about Trump and Russia that led to the FBI investigation…. [Clinton’s machine] paid for and created allegations against her Republican opponent, gave them to law enforcement, then tipped friendly media to the investigation…. In fact, the Clinton connections are so fundamental that there probably would not have been an FBI investigation without her involvement.”


One would expect this level of corruption to occur in a Banana Republic. Sad to say, it happened in America.

I have instructed my Liberty Counsel Action team to spearhead efforts calling for an Independent Investigation into this entire sordid FBI campaign against President Trump.

If you AGREE that we must get to the bottom of this Clinton-FBI-Obama-DNC witch hunt against President Trump, then click here right now to automatically sign our “Investigate the Clinton-FBI Anti-Trump Collusion” petition. [Fund Raising Fax Link]

This is one of the worst political scandals in American history. We have a presidential candidate (Hillary Clinton) FUNDING fabricated unsubstantiated research against her opponent, which became the basis of an FBI investigation against President Trump. And President Obama wanted “to know everything,” according to an FBI staffer. But if we do not take action, there will be no accountability!

Please… click here to automatically sign the “Investigate Clinton-FBI Anti-Trump Collusion” petition so my representatives in D.C. can personally take these petitions to key leaders on Capitol Hill. [Fund Raising Fax Link]

Thank you for joining us in this bold initiative!



P.S. The Investigate Clinton-FBI Anti-Trump Collusion [Fund Raising Fax Link] petitions will be delivered to key members of Congress when we have enough signers to make an impact. Today, be among the first to join in this important initiative. Click here to read and manually sign the petition[Actual PETITION, no payment is required]

For more information on this Liberty Counsel Action initiative and others, go to libertycounsel.com.


We The Subjects of Deep State Tyranny

John R. Houk

© February 20, 2018


Obama-Clinton Deep State exposed


About Liberty Counsel Action


Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy organization that provides education and advocacy regarding religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. We have offices in both Washington, D.C. and Orlando, FL.


Help us advance our mission. Stay informed and make your voice heard by signing up for our newsletter and email alerts.




Mat Staver is the Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, an international nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and the family; Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action, Freedom Federation, The Salt & Light Council, and National House of Hope; Founder and President of Covenant Journey; President of Christians in Defense of Israel; President of Liberty Relief International; Vice President and Chief Counsel of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference-CONEL; Director of the Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition; Director of Liberty Center for Law and Policy; former Vice President of Liberty University; former Dean and tenured professor of law at Liberty University School of Law; Trustee of The Timothy Plan, a New York and Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange-traded family of mutual funds; Trustee of the Supreme Court Historical Society; Board of Reference of The Christian Film and Television Commission; Board of Advisors of Care for Pastors; Founder and former President of Staver & Associates; and Founder and former President of The Staver Group.


Mat has over 230 published legal opinions. He has authored eight scholarly law review publications and 10 books, including Faith & Freedom: A Complete Handbook for Defending Your Religious Rights, Same-Sex Marriage: Putting Every Household at Risk, and Eternal Vigilance: Knowing and Protecting Your Religious Freedom. He has authored many booklets and brochures, along with hundreds of articles.


Mat is the host and producer of Faith and Freedom, an 11-minute daily radio program, and Freedom’s Call, a 60-second daily radio program. He is a frequent guest on international and many national network and cable television and radio programs, including print and electronic media.


Mat has filed numerous briefs and argued in many federal and state courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court and has argued two landmark cases before the Supreme Court, Madsen v. Women’s Health Center and McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky.


Mat has a B.A., Theology, cum laude, Southern Missionary College; M.A., Religion, summa cum laude, Andrews University; J.D., University of Kentucky; LL.D., honoris causa, Liberty University; D.D., honoris causa, South Florida Bible College.


Intro to LaSalle’s the Traitors Hillary & Barry

John R. Houk, Editor

William LaSalle, Author (Could be a pseudonym – not sure)

© February 16, 2018


William LaSalle posted a huge comment to my share at the G+ Community Truth Warriors. Google flagged it as spam with these loving words from the social platform masters: “Removed as spam and only visible to you”.


I thought, “Well that is annoying.” I began reading LaSalle’s post.


The LaSalle comment was huge which might have contributed to Google flagging as spam.


As (or if) you read the comment, LaSalle comes off as an angry person ranting about the state of affairs left for America by one of the most Presidential Administrations in U.S. history. The thing is LaSalle backs his rant with admittedly Conservative sourced links, yet he includes some links that are from the Left MSM.


AND I made the post even longer by adding some excerpts to most of those standalone source links for better context.


I might add I concur with 95% of LaSalle’s rants but not all. LaSalle has several paragraph-lists of nefarious individuals and organizations in which some overlap, one example:


The M.O. of George Soros, Barack Obama, Muslims, the Roman Catholic Church, Organized Crime, the United Nations, Obama’s Administration, Liberals, Socialists and Communists, and Hilary Clinton is the same.


I point the “Roman Catholic Church” in bold text. As huge as the comment is, his inclusion of the Catholics as nefarious actors is not sourced. This leads me to believe a bit of personal animus against Catholics which is not an uncommon issue even among good moral upstanding Protestants (as opposed to a hate group).


I am a Protestant/Charismatic/Word-of-Faith Christian. Being in this crowd I have received share of animus from Mainstream Protestants and Catholic in Denominational Christianity.


The irony of LaSalle’s animus toward Catholics is he is commenting to a post that showed my displeasure of Jew-Hating Muslims promoting the proven forgery/hoax document The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as legit.


Those that have animus toward Catholics have some legit gripes with Catholic Dogma, such as: Papal Infallibility, encouraging prayers to angels and canonized saints and so on.


The reality is that devout Catholics have the same Conservative Family values as Biblical-minded Protestants. Today’s modern world has both Catholics and Protestants that have eschewed the Bible as God’s Word to Believers. These watered down diluted Catholics and protestants are worthy of criticism but not animus. Well, that’s my two-cents on the Catholics.
You might want to bookmark William LaSalle’s comment enabling to return to where you left off if you need a break from reading this book of frustration of virus of Leftists polluting the U.S. Government and the Constitution of the United States of America.

[Blog Editor Update 2/17/18: It took me forever to format this post at my flagship Blog. Forgive me, I’m feeling a bit lazy and I’m choosing not to the format thing on this blog. Ergo, I am truncating this post through William LaSalle’s first stand alone link. Read the rest at SlantRight 2.0.]

JRH 2/16/18

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William LaSalle

Posted as a comment “Article In Egyptian Government Daily: Trump’s … About Jerusalem Is … Phase In … Of ‘The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion’

Comment posted at G+ Community Truth Warriors

Truth Warriors Date: Feb 15, 9:52 AM

Comment Date: Feb 15, 2018

Comment Marked as Spam by Google awaiting Moderator/Owner Final Decision


The Traitors Hillary and Barry and the criminal, socialist, radical Islamic Terrorist supporting Democrats.


More than 11,000 private messages from Julian Assange reveal the WikiLeaks founder believed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was a “well connected, sadistic sociopath.”

On November 19, 2015, Assange said: “Her role in the war in Libya is what should bring her down, however, the GOP is too close to others who have benefitted to exploit this, it seems. that Hillary helped to sew the foundation for ISIS against Pentagon generals’ advice seems huge. But the GOP resolutely ignores it.

Our CIA and FBI have no credibility because from 2008 through 2016 they were on the wrong side.


Robert Mueller and Huma Mahmood Abedin should be a FBI paid Informants, to escape charges of Treason and working against the Government of the United States, on the Treason of Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama and his Administration on the Uranium One Deal and the Election Tampering by George Soros and his NGO’s and the Nations with Islamic Law in 2008, 2012, and 2016.


What you need to know about Clinton and the Uranium One deal

Sessions has raised the possibility of the DOJ probing the matter, as Trump has publicly called for.


11/14/2017 03:48 PM EST


Attorney General Jeff Sessions this week raised the possibility that a special counsel may be appointed to investigate potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, specifically suggestions that a U.S. government panel approved the sale of a large uranium firm to Russian interests in exchange for donations to the foundation.


The so-called Uranium One deal has been a focus of conservative media and President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly asked on Twitter why the DOJ is not actively investigating the matter.


What is the Uranium One deal?


The deal in question involves the sale of a Canadian company, Uranium One, with mining interests in the U.S. to Rosatom, Russia’s nuclear energy agency. The sale occurred in stages, beginning in 2009 when Rosatom purchased a minority stake in Uranium One, and continued in 2010, when the Russian agency took ownership of a 51 percent share of the company. In 2013, a third transaction gave Rosatom full ownership of Uranium One.


With its purchase of Uranium One, Rosatom assumed control of roughly 20 percent of uranium production capacity in the U.S. The current licenses issued to Rosatom’s U.S. subsidiaries, issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, prohibit the company from exporting uranium outside the country, according to OilPrice.com.



What are the allegations of wrongdoing?


Controversy surrounding the deal largely pertains to 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state in 2010 when the State Department signed off on Rosatom’s purchase of Uranium One. Several of Uranium One’s owners were also donors to the Clinton Foundation, giving $145 million to the charitable foundation, and critics have alleged that Clinton greenlighted the sale to appease donors to her family’s … READ MORE at SlantRight 2.0




John R. Houk, Editor



One my Facebook buddies pointed to a 40-minute video entitled, “Obamas SES Army Found”. I will post the video at the end of an article that is about the tentacles of power inherent in the government operated Senior Executive Service or SES for short.


The short and inadequate form of the video/article theme on the SES is that former President Obama appointed a majority of the current SES staff with the purpose of perpetuating a Crooked Hillary Leftist agenda or to gut a Trump Administration with subversive failure. Of course, Crooked Hillary lost so this SES Deep State is activating plan B against President Trump.


The article is on American Intelligence Media. The AIM assertions appear plausible while reading. This got my attention.


The thing is the SES purpose on its website don’t line up with some of the AIM assertions. AND AIM acquiesces the differences in their assertions and the official SES line.


Here is the SES official line from their government website with some brief insertions by me:


Senior Executive Service





The SES includes most managerial, supervisory, and policy positions classified above General Schedule (GS) grade 15 or equivalent positions in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.


These positions are excluded:


  1. positions requiring appointment by the President with Senate confirmation;


  1. legislative and judicial branch positions;


  1. positions in law enforcement and intelligence gathering agencies, in the Foreign Service, and in other agencies excluded by statute or by the President.


Administrative law judges, members of boards of contract appeal, and positions in independent Government corporations (e.g., Tennessee Valley Authority) and in certain financial regulatory agencies also are excluded.


There are two types of positions and four types of appointments in the SES:


Career Reserved positions are those which, as defined in law, are “to ensure impartiality, or public’s confidence of impartiality of government.” These positions can only be filled by career appointees.


General positions may be filled by any type of SES appointee — career, noncareer, limited term or limited emergency.


Career appointments may be to a General or Career Reserved position; rights of the individual are the same in either case. Incumbents are selected by agency merit staffing process and must have their executive qualifications approved by a Qualifications Review Board (QRB) convened by OPM. [Blog Editor: OPM is the acronym for Office of Personnel Management: The Office of Personnel Management manages the civil service of the federal government, coordinates recruiting of new government employees, and manages their health insurance and retirement benefits programs. They also provide resources for locating student jobs, summer jobs, scholarships, and internships.]


Noncareer appointments are approved by OPM on a case-by-case basis and the appointment authority reverts to OPM when the noncareer appointee leaves the position. Appointments may be made only to General positions and cannot exceed 25% of the agency’s SES position allocation. Governmentwide, only 10% of SES positions may be filled by noncareer appointees.


A Limited Term appointment may be made for up to 3 years, is nonrenewable and must be to an SES General position which will expire because of the nature of the work (e.g., a special project).


A Limited Emergency appointment is also a nonrenewable appointment, may be for up to 18 months, and must be to an SES General position established to meet a bona-fide, unanticipated, urgent need.


The total number of limited appointments may not exceed 5% of SES positions allocated Governmentwide. Each agency has a pool equal to 3% of its allocation for making limited appointments of career or career-type employees from outside the SES. OPM must approve use of this type of appointment authority in other cases.


A position meets the SES functional criteria if its incumbent engages in any of the following activities:


  • directs the work of an organizational unit;


  • is held accountable for the success of one or more specific programs or projects;


  • monitors progress toward organizational goals and periodically evaluates and makes appropriate adjustments to such goals;


  • supervises the work of employees (other than personal assistants); or


  • otherwise exercises important policy-making, policy-determining, or other executive functions.


Now for an unofficial description of SES via Wikipedia:


The Senior Executive Service (SES) is a position classification in the civil service of the United States federal government, somewhat analogous to general officer or flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces. It was created in 1979 by Kristine Marcy when the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 went into effect under President Jimmy Carter.


READ THE REST (Senior Executive Service (United States); Wikipedia; last edited on 12/24/17)


AIM extrapolates its assertions without direct sourcing but links to other government websites where questions arise pertaining SES authority. I gotta tell ya, the AIM educated guessing is very compelling.


JRH 1/6/18

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By Anonymous Patriots

JANUARY 3, 2018 9:56 PM 

American Intelligence Media


SES Logo




Most people know that a new president gets to name over 4,000 political appointees when they are elected. This political cronyism is partisan politics and fills our bloated government with unqualified employees.


Some think that these are the people that comprise the Deep State.


But the Deep State is much deeper than that.


There is a much more sinister system in place that controls Washington D. C.’s bureaucracies through an actual, organized shadow government called the Deep State.


It is the heart of the swamp.


And in this American Intelligence Media citizen intelligence report, we are going to show you exactly who they are and how we can remove them.


The Washington D. C. Deep State is a group of 8,156 appointed mangers in 75 federal agencies that control the executive bureaucracy and tell new political appointees what they can and cannot do. Yes, that’s right, the Deep State is an official government program, well-organized, comprehensive, and “in charge.”




These the are the “Obama Holdouts” that still control the executive branch of government a full year after Trump has come to office. Obama expanded the existing program of Deep State managers and appointed over 7,000 of the 8,156 bosses who are called the Senior Executive Service.


Flag — U.S. Senior Executive Service


Some call it the “Shadow Government”, and it is true that this federal cabal works in the shadows.


Have you ever heard of such a group?


Some call it Obama’s Army.


Let’s review what we know about the power of “political appointees” who hold important leadership and policymaking positions.


There are four basic types of appointments:


  • Presidential Appointments with Senate Confirmation: There are 1,212 senior leaders, including the Cabinet secretaries and their deputies, the heads of most independent agencies and ambassadors, who must be confirmed by the Senate.


  • Presidential Appointments without Senate Confirmation: There are 353 positions which make up much of the White House staff, although they are also scattered throughout many of the smaller federal agencies.


  • Non-career Senior Executive Service: Members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) work in key positions just below the top presidential appointees, bridging the gap between the political leaders and the civil service throughout the federal government.


  • Schedule C Appointments: There are 1,403 Schedule C appointees who serve in a confidential or policy role. They range from schedulers and confidential assistants to policy experts.


The Senior Executive Service (SES) in 2016 had 8,156 members who were appointees. Obama appointed over 7,000 of them to these key positions. Most of these appointees do not arise from inside the respective agencies through a merit system and often are not qualified.


It is little known that there are many more SES appointees than any other type of political appointment. The “key bosses” in the federal government’s SES program are not only unqualified cronies, but they are also paid more than the highest government rate of G-15. They can even get bonuses, and each agency can set the salary of each SES member, which has no top range.




The Senior Executive Service plays a critical role in every presidential transition, supporting and educating political appointees about how government works, and often temporarily serving in top agency jobs during the lengthy appointee confirmation and onboarding process. The article below describes the transition function of the SES.


Nearly 70% of SES Are About to Experience Their First Presidential Transition as Executives


SES Logo 2


From the way the State’s Senior Executive Service describes itself on its website and other publications and articles, you wouldn’t know that it is describing a shadow government, unless you looked carefully at what was actually being said and done.


The SES consists of men and women, noncareer and career officials, charged with leading the continuing transformation of government. SES officials are neither excepted nor competitive service appointments. SES appointees typically support officials with the implementation of current administration policies.




The SES was established by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 as an Executive Branch personnel system. SES members serve in key positions, just below the top Presidential appointees, and are the major link between senior officials and the rest of the Federal workforce. The two types of SES positions are General, which can be filled by any type of appointment, and Career Reserved, which can be filled only by a career appointment.


The following types of appointments may be made in the SES:


  • Noncareer Appointmentsare to a General SES position that, generally, is of a top policy determining character, who shares with Presidential appointees the advocacy of current administration policies. They can be made without regard to competitive requirements. Agencies may also set the pay level of the appointee.


  • Career Appointments have no time limitation and provide certain job protections and benefits not conferred by non-career and limited appointments.


  • Limited Term Appointments are nonrenewable appointments, for a term of three years or less.


  • Limited Emergency Appointments are nonrenewable appointments, not to exceed 18 months, to a General SES position established to meet a bona fide, unanticipated, urgent need.


The Senior Executive Service covers most managerial, supervisory, and policy positions in the Executive Branch above grade GS-15, except those that require Senate confirmation. The SES is a system in which salary and career status are personal rather than dependent on the position occupied. There are two main types of SES positions: career-reserved (which must be filled by career appointees) and general (which may be filled by career or non-career appointees, or by limited-term or limited emergency appointees).


There were 8,156 SES members in 2016.  To see the evidence for those facts you can access the government’s official 2016 SES Report at the following site:


2016 Senior Executive Service Report


To see a thorough description of the general rules and procedures of the Senior Executive Service from the official government website, use the URL below:


Chapter 8, Section 9: Senior Executive Service


To read the government’s official description of the Senior Executive Service, you can access it at this site:


Senior Executive Service Overview and History


To read a beautiful sales-pitch for the best jobs in the federal government that require no experience, no skills, and yet get the highest pay of anyone, just go to this site:


Learn About Senior Executive Service (SES)


On page three of the report below, you can see for yourself that the 2016 Senior Executive Services Report lists that there were 8,156 SES members in 75 federal agencies. These “bosses” can’t really be fired because they are in charge. This is a good deal for SES members who are appointed as the all-knowing and all-powerful bosses of agencies they might not have even known existed before they were put in charge of them. And it was a brilliant play for Obama to have left this corruptcracy in place for Hillary’s final overthrow of America, but now which can thwart the attempts of the Trump administration to get anything done.


SES System


Don’t be fooled by the lie that SES doesn’t exist in the FBI, DOJ, and State Department. There are “look-alike” senior management systems inside of some federal agencies that fill the exact same purposes and those systems are directly connected to SES. Even the Department of Defense has these Deep State appointees, though they officially claim they do not. You can see the proof that demonstrates their lies below:


2016 Senior Executive Service Report


Even though these SES key managerial positions are paid the best, you can hardly find a single SES member’s name on any list, anywhere. That’s why they call it the DEEP State. SES is a system of controlling power through secrecy, and acting with complete impunity – and getting a big salary to boot.


The only people’s names you can find associated with these Deep State operatives is through the SES review boards that determine each year what “BONUS” these already over-paid SES bosses will receive. Yes, you heard it right – bonuses, like those Wall Street bankers and brokers who got bonuses after crashing the stock market. Look as you will, you can only find a list of names of the people who give these shadow government managers their bonuses.



Dept. of Air Force – SES seal


We provide at the link below, the government’s own website that lists the members of one particular Review Board. This SES Review Board is for the Department of Justice. Oops, if you read the prior attachments, you might have noticed that the government clearly states it is “forbidden” to have a SES system in the Department of Justice. Obviously, by the evidence below, you can see that there are SES members in the Department of Justice.


Don’t worry, just another Deep State lie to cover up the names of the SES shadow government. But we do have a list of the people who give raises to the SES members in the Department of Justic. Raises for these SES members who don’t exist but are the bosses.


Membership of the Senior Executive Service Standing Performance Review Boards


Also see:


SES Positions That Were Career Reserved During CY 2016


It might seem easy to criticize the Deep State from an armchair geo-political perch, but even Main Stream Media and government agencies have noticed the SES and found fault with its performance and Obama’s huge push to make it work at any cost. In an article entitled, Can the Government Fix Its Corps of Managers? The Senior Executive Service isn’t operating as it was designed to do, from The Atlantic in January of 2016, an objective assessment finds the SES program to be lacking in many ways.


Forty years ago, Congress set out to fix the government’s broken bureaucracy. It worried that the political appointees who head federal agencies didn’t have solid relationships with the civil servants below them. So, it established a new corps of government workers, called the Senior Executive Service, to be the executive branch’s expert managers, linking appointees to the rank-and-file. But today, a new report finds, the corps isn’t operating the way it’s supposed to be. And officials—from the Obama administration, to members of Congress, to the managers themselves—agree that they still haven’t perfected the art of running the federal government.


Dept. of the Army – SES


This emblem is worn by employees of SES so that they can identify one another by their team “flag”. Now you know who they are, too. Going forward we can spot the members of Obama’s Army.


When the SES was created in 1978, Congress envisioned it as an “agile corps of generalists” who would “move about the government much in the way that military officers or foreign-service officers move through the military or the diplomatic corps,” said Jim Read, the director of policy and evaluation at the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, which produced the December report. They would bridge divisions within agencies and ensure continuity in operations across administrations, but first and foremost, they would be top-flight managers.


The SES, though, has drifted away from its original mission: The “agile corps” is not full of many generalists at all, and the senior executives receive little training to hone their management skills.


SES Patch on a Shirt


We need to get these unelected, unaccountable, agenda-thwarting Obama appointees out of our government if we are going to fully drain the swamp


Congress hasn’t been blind to the SES’s deficiencies, either. As a 2012 Congressional Research Service report details, reformers have had their eye on the SES for years. The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, for example, has gone after problems at the SES level at the VA. The government has been trying to reform the civil-service workforce for as long as it has existed. Forty years after its creation, many of the problems the SES was intended to solve persist.


The Deep State is deeper and wider than most people know, and instead of being hidden and secret it seems to be public and filled with well-paid Obama hold-overs. Unqualified, political appointees control the new Presidential appointees and the standard bureaucracy below them.


It is hard to believe, and may leave a person outraged, witnessing the audacity of career government employees and the corruption of the systems politicians have put in place. Deep State cronyism built upon graft and obfuscation fills the Senior Executive Service.


There is no need at all to have this Deep State shadow government, and these political, over-paid management positions should be filled by highly qualified staff through a comprehensive merit system, not appointed by a partisan president.


It is time to pull the plug on the Deep State’s mechanism that creates governmental programs and agencies that make no sense at all, unless these machinations are an attempt to overthrow the government that is supposed to work for We the People.




Feel free to share this meme below to your network of truth seekers. Let’s shine a bright light on this shadow government corruption.


Obama’s Army Found – SES




As more intel is uncovered, we will post relevant info at the bottom of this article.




Above is a link to the men and women of the Senior Executive Services and the people, name by name, in each department across our government who are obstructing the will of the people to Make America Great Again, which includes indicting a whole bunch of criminals and traitors. Here is same document in PDF form: GPO-PLUMBOOK-2016


Obama’s Deep State


Thanks to the Anonymous Patriot who pointed us in the right direction and also told us:





VIDEO: Obamas SES Army Found


Posted by American Intelligence Media

Published on Jan 4, 2018


Obama’s DEEP STATE ARMY has been found. It is highly organized, has over 8,000 well paid “soldiers” and they have their marching orders: Thwart Trumps’ attempt to clean the swamp.


We prepared an article for you that has all the details we are discussing. Plus at the bottom is a great meme that you can copy and paste into your own messaging:




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The American Intelligence Media is more than an alternative news site or a cutting-edge news aggregator. Citizens are rewriting history–real time, based on truth, not on the lies of the main stream media and government controlled propaganda. The mission of AIM4Truth is to archive the progress we are making as we find out who we really are and where we really came from and are headed.


The site consists of two main features–daily news and research articles. The daily news is gathered at the top of the site and focuses on the unfolding current events that support the truth of our history. The articles below Truth News Headlines is our “mountain of evidence,” mounting every day as we post our deeply researched articles on the people, places, and events that have conspired to take away Americans’ life, liberty, and property.


The site features a READ THE REST


A collusion bombshell, but not on target

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah, Obama and Project Cassandra symbol

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah, Obama and Project Cassandra symbol


Wes Pruden writes about the obvious collusion the Mainstream Media (MSM) refuses to cover because of its irrational hatred of President Trump. This story would be huge in any period in the 20th century. In a polarized 21st century, not so much.


Here’s a clue: Nefarious Barack Obama and Project Cassandra. If there is not a crime in this somewhere, then the Left can do whatsoever it pleases and basically screw the U.S. Constitution and We The American People.


JRH 12/19/17 [Video Update Below]

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A collusion bombshell, but not on target


By Wesley Pruden

December 19, 2017

Jewish World Review


John Brennan Swearing In_ MelinaMara_WaPo

John Brennan Swearing In (Photo by Melina Marafor for The Washington Post)


You’ve got to give the Democrats and their acolytes in the media credit for courage and a talent for tolerating bad taste and smell. It’s not easy to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a corpse.


How else to keep alive the Trump-as-Russian agent investigation? Robert Mueller keeps hiring help, reluctantly cutting loose his chief investigator who turned out to be a Hillary plant eager for revenge, and keeping skeptics at bay with promises that he’ll light the fuse on a bombshell just as soon as he can find one.


Mr. Mueller may have a secret witness or two ready to come forward, but Deep Throat is dead and gone, and secrets are never kept in Washington. The Nation’s Capital leaks like a month-old infant.


From time to time someone obsessed with finding the key to nullifying the 2016 election and restoring Hillary to the White House, has stepped up with something new — not new evidence, but the same old song sung in louder voice, full of noise and gas, only to be soon revealed as signifying nothing. It’s back to waiting for something next week, or next month or even next year for the bombshell that will rattle the universe, or at least a few of the suburban precincts.


There’s lots of scandal out there, with fuses waiting for the match, and but for preoccupation with Russian collusion some of the more energetic Woodward-and-Bernstein impersonators might stumble upon some of it. One ambitious reporter, Josh Meyer of Politico, the Capitol Hill political daily, has delivered with a remarkable story on the weekend of how Barack Obama, with connivance of John Kerry, the Obama secretary of State, and John Brennan, Mr. Obama’s director of the CIA, scuttled an investigation by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) of Hezbollah, one of the most lethal distributors of worldwide terror, because the investigation was getting too close to Iran.


Mr. Obama’s obsession was with cutting a deal with Iran, and he cut it by giving the Iranians everything they wanted. Then he set out to avoid upsetting the mullahs. Mr. Obama knew enough about Islam, radical and otherwise, not to hurt the feelings of mullahs.


Called Project Cassandra, the investigation was opened in 2008 to track Hezbollah’s trafficking of drugs and weapons, money laundering and other sordid crime. Some of it was plotted in the United States. One investigator likened Hezbollah to the John Gotti crime family in New York, Gotti the so-called Teflon don who eluded justice for years.


In fact, the story does read like the plot of a double episode of a British detective mystery with so many twists, turns and dead-ends that only the man who wrote the script could keep up with them all (and he was never sure).


What comes through loud and clear is how Barack Obama, whose first presidential trip was to Cairo to apologize to the Muslims in the name of the United States for being the United States. He and his administration were determined never to disappoint Islam again.


The faces of Project Cassandra were those of John (“Jack”) Kelly, 51, and David Asher, 49, who, working out of a secret DEA safe house near Dulles International Airport, scoured wiretaps and patiently built a network of informants to map Hezbollah mischief with the help of U.S. and foreign intelligence and security agencies. The Politico account describes how Messrs. Kelly and Asher tangled with rival agencies that, in true and tested Washington bureaucratic practice, were sometimes more interested in protecting their turf than the nation’s security.


“But other agents embraced their swashbuckling reputation,” according to Politico, “claiming that more aggressive tactics were needed because the CIA had long turned a blind eye to Hezbollah’s criminal networks, and even cultivated informants within them, in a misguided and myopic focus on preventing terrorist attacks.”


They were so determined, Politico reports, that they damaged their careers by the intensity of the pursuit of the investigation. “It got to the point where a lot of people didn’t want to have meetings with them,” said one FBI terrorism task force who worked often with the two. “They refused to accept a ‘no’ for an answer. And they were given a ‘no’ for an answer, even though they were usually right.”


John Brennan, the former CIA director, was determined that the United States would embrace Hezbollah as an influence for tolerance and compassion, and this appealed to Mr. Obama’s instinct to blame America first for the sins of its tormentors. Mr. Brennan has been dogged for years by a story that he converted to Islam years ago in Saudi Arabia.


Mr. Obama wanted a deal, any deal, with Iran to cement his “legacy.” Now he has one. It’s just not the legacy he ordered.


JWR contributor Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of The Washington Times.


UPDATE 12/20/17


Here’s an update I found while sharing this post thanks to Nebo Nano a Moderator for the G+ Community United We Stand One Nation Under God.


The update is from a Five in Ten broadcast on SkyWatch TV talking about this Project Cassandra Catastrophe that Obama secured drug and arms dealing for Hezbollah so that Iran would sign the bad for America Nuke deal. The story is in the first 5-minutes or so, then moves on to other brief current event issues.


VIDEO: Five in Ten 12/20/17: Obama Administration Protected Hezbollah from DEA


Posted by SkyWatch TV

Published on Dec 20, 2017


A bombshell report by Politico shows how the Obama administration protected Hezbollah while it built an international drug and weapons dealing empire because a major investigation by the DEA might have derailed the nuclear deal with Iran.


Here is the link to the Politico report: https://www.politico.com/interactives/2017/obama-hezbollah-drug-trafficking-investigation/


© 2017 Wesley Pruden


[Blog Editor: Apparently donor supported Jewish World Review is feeling the money many of us feel. Consider some Christmas giving from Christians supporting Israel or from Jews aiding an awesome Publisher Binyamin Jolkovsky. Below is an excerpt from the top of the JWR homepage that provides a contribution link.]


The most common donation readers are expressing gratitude with is less than a buck-a-week.


Your $50 can be a one-time gift or can be divvied up quarterly or even monthly. (In fact, any donation can.)


If you are smart enough to grasp JWR’s value (and you, no doubt, do) I suspect — would even be willing to wager — that you are financially secure enough to chip-in a measly buck-a-week.


Or more.


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JWR is a free magazine published five days a week on the World Wide Web of interest to people of faith and those interested in learning more about contemporary Judaism from Jews who take their religion seriously.


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Ever Wonder about Obama Pre-Politician History?

I read an interesting somewhat whimsical wondering by Paul Jacobs. Jacobs was wondering about the obvious lack of information on Barack Hussein Obama’s childhood, teen days and his college days. Now that Obama is no longer President, you’d think the wonderment would have elapsed.


I am with Jacobs though. If you are a Conservative, you know and understand that Obama did all in his power to delegitimize America globally and destroy America’s cultural heritage in favor of a Leftist transformation.


Also, I am disconcertingly suspicious of Obama’s lack of following past President’s path of not being involved his replacement’s agenda. Rather than heading to Chicago or Hawaii, Obama took up residence in Washington DC and became involved in Leftist opposition to all things Trump, ostensibly labeled as the Resistance by Left-Wing Dems wanting to perpetuate the Obama self-destructive agenda. Constantly propagandizing that Trump and his populist Conservative supporters do not have American values.


The irony is Conservative values are traditional American values that have made America great. Keep your eye on the operations this Barack Hussein Obama with the mysterious past.


The title is derived by the Editor based on Jacobs’ thoughts.


JRH 11/20/17

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Ever Wonder about Obama Pre-Politician History?


By Paul Jacobs

Nov 20, 1:40 PM

Posted at G+ Community Liberals Are Destroying America


Have you ever wondered how Barrack Obama was able to immigrate from his home in Indonesia and go to college in the U.S.? Not just go to college but live well while in college. In fact, his first 2 years of college he spent pretty much all of his time getting high and laid. This was at Occidental. Apparently, Columbia’s standards are not as high as they once were because after a 2 year binder of some kinda sex, maybe homo, and smoking weed and snorting/smoking coke he apparently qualified for one of the highest regarded universities in the nation.

During this time Barry, as he was known back then, lived off campus which is arguably considerably more expensive, and traveled extensively overseas. That is some pretty high living for some Indonesian kid. Snopes seems to be under the impression that a college scholarship is a suitable explanation, but I was rolling 2 different scholarships myself in college and though they paid for my classes and books they didn’t pay for much else. Not coke, not weed, not hanging out in clubs with people who smoke weed and snort coke and certainly not a chance in hell of any of that international traveling Barry was doing.

I don’t recall any stories about [President] 44 coming from a wealthy family do you? His stepfather had some moderate success as a businessman in Indonesia, but money goes pretty far in a place like that and few have any so it’s all relative. Besides wasn’t his mother a communist? Would a communist send their child to a rich kid’s school?

I realize I don’t have a lot of answers here just a lot of questions. Why hasn’t someone answered or even asked these questions. If Donald Trump is heard trying to squeeze one out in the morning, it is front page news and stays news until something else can be turned into a scandal. Surely it would be the end of life as we know it if the President got caught putting 2 scoops of sugar in his coffee.

To this day after 9 years of Obama trying to hog the spotlight and we still hardly know anything about him. Well he lies a lot we’ve learned that the hard way. Other than that, most of his life has been shrouded in secrecy. As if he’s some kind of deity. You are not meant to know. You could never in this life come close to understanding what it is to be the Great and Powerful Oh-balm-ah. Kneel and beg forgives you ungrateful peasants!

Regardless of whether some consider the former president a deity or not he is a public figure and the public has a right to know even now that he is no longer in office, how some mixed kid from Indonesia with a twice broken home has the funding to go to some of America’s finest schools and jet set around the world at the same time.

I don’t know what is more suspicious where Obama’s money really came from, or the medias inability to be unbiased in their reporting. Because right now there is an army of people associated with news rooms across the nation that are trying anything no matter how tiny to smear Trump in. But y’all know that already.


Edited by John R. Houk


© Paul Jacobs


The Obama Uranium-1 Story even FOX News Won’t Speak About!

The next time you hear a Leftist radical – er, I mean Democrat – tell you that Crooked Hillary did not approve Uranium One because she was just one of nine who gave unanimous support OR that President Barry Soetoroer, I mean Barack Hussein Obama – was the greatest President in U.S.; then direct them to this very informative essay by Andrew Benjamin.


JRH 11/18/17

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The Obama Uranium-1 Story even FOX News Won’t Speak About!


By Andrew G. Benjamin —— Bio and Archives

November 17, 2017

Canada Free Press



Midday on November 14th, FOX News talking head Shepard Smith, whom we might charitably label as a liberal non-heterosexual who may not like Donald Trump, meaning his politics have everything to do with his sexual preferences and whom he would vote for, and very little to do with reality, gave the nation a much-needed reality check.


Hillary Clinton is innocent of all charges. As Shepard opened his mouth, we saw former FBI Director James Comey’s eyes peeking out.


Shepard’s was a monologue over which the liberal press went bananas. Or “ape” if you will.


You see, the Clinton-Uranium-1 Story is, according to Shepard and the Kool Aid his media mates at CNN and MSNBC drink, a fairytale. Or given the much overused cliché, “a nothing burger”, a fabrication of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.


The line is the line according to Smith and his media mates on every other channel that would give the death penalty to Team Trump and his family at the earliest opportunity, for the mere outrage of winning an election, with the stories of every Democrat calling for impeachment.


“The accusation is predicated on the charge that Secretary Clinton approved the sale. She did not. A committee of nine evaluated the sale, the president approved the sale, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and others had to offer permits, and none of the uranium was exported for use by the U.S. to Russia.” said Smith.




VIDEO: Fox News’ Shep Smith Methodically Debunks Uranium One Conspiracy Theories [Blog Editor: Leftist Shep Hogwash]


Smith’s monologue was meant to dispel any suspicion still hanging in with FOX viewers about the Clintons who have, throughout their illustrious careers, only benefited the nation. It was meant to reinforce in liberal minds the fact that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin who made them pull 63 million levers across America for Donald Trump. It is meant to fix in one’s mind the notion that the entire Trump Team is guilty of perjury and even treason. And the idea that Barack Obama colluded with Hillary and the Russians about anything is preposterous, since their suspected collusion is not reported on any channel except for Shepard’s, and therefore does not exist.


The gist of Shepard’s historical “innovation” is that Hillary Clinton is wholly innocent of accusations about how and why the $145 million wound up in her family’s slush fund AFTER the sale took place. It is to dispel the notion of a possible RICO (organized crime) investigation into the Clinton Matter. Shepard’s spin suggests that the Clintons are hardly greedy, in fact, never; or self-dealing and treacherous. Donald Trump is, for questioning the Clinton Matter in tweets.


The bottom-line of Shepard’s astonishing Aesop’s Fables and the non-contextualization of history (as well as the record of the players), was that there were nine cabinet members of CIFUS, The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, who had unanimously, of their free will, approved the “good deal” that was ultimately approved by the president himself. The same president who appointed the self-same cabinet.


Clearly, as in law, precedent must rule in this matter, the same as the precedent for the Iran Nuke Deal which was a Good Deal for America (that was the line our past president from some central African nation told us); as the North Korean Nuke Deal was a Good Deal for America (which was the line the husband of the last female Democrat presidential candidate told the nation over two decades ago); as is the Uranium-1 good deal from which ONLY the Clinton Family Foundation profited. It had to be a Good Deal for America, and the $145 million slush fund the Clintons can do with as they will happens to be a sidebar.


Every deal from which America’s enemies profit has to be a Good Deal for America.


Or charity – if you will.


Especially with all the Good Deals in which Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama got involved.


For example:


  • The BenghaziGate Good Deal in which the United States got run out of North Africa by a band of extremist religious thugs, got Americans killed just to make the deal better, and made certain that that nation was taken over by ISIS.



  • The Iran Nukes Good Deal which insured that Iran will not only continue to develop IBCM’s – Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles– but in less than eight years arm them with MIRVs – Multiple Re-entry Vehicles tipped with nuclear bombs. that Good Deal was meant to make Americans happy.


  • The Eric Holder Fast & Furious Good Deal in which 55,000 Mexicans and some Americans were murdered by weapons seized by Barack Obama and Holder from American citizens, and given to the Mexican drug cartels. Hillary was SecState at the time dealing “diplomatically” with Mexico for America’s benefit.


  • The IRS-gate Good Deal in which American organizations and groups with words in their names such as “American,” “Patriot,” “Constitution,” and similar suggesting a faith in law and allegiance to the nation, were targeted for examination – and then deliberately paralyzed from raising funds for political campaigns.


  • The DNC-Clinton Primary Fix-Gate Good Deal in which a year prior to the presidential primaries one candidate received, by written agreement from the Party itself, full control of the party, its activities and decision-making, and all the money the party raised. Funds which she promptly redirected to her own campaign and into her own pockets. Clearly, she was never greedy and self-dealing and never had any interest in uranium.


Under the greatest president ever, Barack Obama, and his former SecState Hillary, Good Deals for America were almost a daily occurrence and even Settled Science.


In 2009 and 2010, in a bid to corner and dominate the global uranium market, Russia’s atomic energy agency, Rosatom, was anxious to take over a majority stake in the uranium mining company UrAsia formerly owned by Clinton ally and benefactor, Canadian Frank Giustra.


After the board members of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States appointed by Barack Obama with Hillary Clinton’s nod approved the sale, as well as managing the approval of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission leadership appointed by Barack Obama at Clinton’s behest, Russia bought the rest of Uranium One in 2013. Clearly, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with this Good Deal to benefit the American People and put America’s uranium assets in Russian hands.


As the CFIUS includes the State Department as one of the regulatory body’s members, Hillary asserted that she had nothing to do with “massaging” the deal because she never had any interest in money, uranium, or even her own agency at State. She kept insisting that a number of agencies had agreed to the good deal for America because they too, had no interest in making the Clintons fabulously wealthy. According to the latest reports from insider sources on the inside speaking anonymously behind closed doors at an undetermined date and place, she did not go so far as to suggest that selling off America’s assets and wealth was also a good deal, but we might presume that she was thinking it.


What Shepard Smith failed to disclose is that the “friendly” – as opposed to hostile – Uranium One takeover began in 2005. Meanwhile behind the scenes we presume Hillary Clinton was the senator at the time pushing the deal. And Frank Giustra still owned the company.


The Clintons were at his side for no reason at all all this time. For example, no reason like this, reported by the Times:


“The $500,000 (speaking) fee (in Moscow)—among Mr. Clinton’s highest—was paid by Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin…”


Meanwhile, as Team Clinton reportedly spent $1.2 Billion on getting her elected to the presidency mostly so no investigation will ever be launched into the Clinton Good Deals (that $1.2B represents One Thousand Two Hundred times a Million dollars) CNN gave you updates 24/7 for months about the Russians using FACEBOOK to infringe on American democracy and turn an American election in Donald Trump’s favor.


With the $6500 that FACEBOOK reported the Russians spent.

An amount that would not buy a used steel, never mind, gold, Rolex.


According to the Times:


The two men had flown aboard Mr. Giustra’s private jet to Almaty, Kazakhstan, where they dined with the authoritarian president, Nursultan A. Nazarbayev. Mr. Clinton handed the Kazakh president a propaganda coup when he expressed support for Mr. Nazarbayev’s bid to head an international elections monitoring group, undercutting American foreign policy and criticism of Kazakhstan’s poor human rights record by, among others, his wife, (Hillary Clinton) then a senator.


Within days of the visit, Mr. Giustra’s fledgling company, UrAsia Energy Ltd., signed a preliminary deal giving it stakes in three uranium mines controlled by the state-run uranium agency Kazatomprom.


If the Kazakh deal was a major victory, UrAsia did not wait long before resuming the hunt. In 2007, it merged with Uranium One, a South African company with assets in Africa and Australia, in what was described as a $3.5 billion transaction. The new company, which kept the Uranium One name, was controlled by UrAsia investors including Ian Telfer, a Canadian who became chairman. Through a spokeswoman, Mr. Giustra, whose personal stake in the deal was estimated at about $45 million, said he sold his stake in 2007.


Soon, Uranium One began to snap up companies with assets in the United States. In April 2007, it announced the purchase of a uranium mill in Utah and more than 38,000 acres of uranium exploration properties in four Western states, followed quickly by the acquisition of the Energy Metals Corporation and its uranium holdings in Wyoming, Texas and Utah. That deal made clear that Uranium One was intent on becoming ‚Äúa powerhouse in the United States uranium sector with the potential to become the domestic supplier of choice for U.S. utilities,” the company declared. ‚Ķ The Times published an article revealing the 2005 trip’s link to Mr. Giustra’s Kazakhstan mining deal. It also reported that several months later, Mr. Giustra had donated $31.3 million to Mr. Clinton’s foundation.


What Shepard Smith neglected to disclose among all the good deals going down among his media mates at CNN and MSNBC, The NY Times and WashPo, is the timing and the timeline, and that 1 + 1 may actually equal 2. Possibly 3.


The Times:


“Mr. Telfer’s (the chairman of UrAsia) undisclosed donations came in addition to between $1.3 million and $5.6 million in contributions, which were reported, from a constellation of people with ties to Uranium One or UrAsia, the company that originally acquired Uranium One’s most valuable asset: the Kazakh mines. Without those assets, the Russians would have had no interest in the deal…..”


At least no interest in the deal until a former president who made previous Good Deals that armed North Korea with nukes and ICBMs, came to the rescue with a $500,000 speech that lasted at most 10 minutes, with “guarantees” for millions more to arrive shortly for which no speeches will will [sic] be made. And a box of cigars.


Bill Clinton, with Hillary at his side in the early years, made sure that the Kahakh mines would become Russian mines. And the American mines become Russian mines. She was SecState at the time, and if you’re seeing a conflict of interest and self-dealing, you are seeing things.


It appears Shepard deliberately neglected the obvious for political reasons of his own, in a speech that LeftMedia is now celebrating thinking that FOX News, just like they, are now in the tank with the Clinton narrative. Look, $145 million goes a long way to persuade the reluctant that the sky is not blue.


For after all, there are no more deserving people to benefit from all the Good Deals than the ones who made them: Barack Obama and the Clintons.


Theirs is the Good Deal that stipulated that:


  1. The $145,000,000 that wound up at the Clinton Family Foundation for no reason at all got there for no reason at all.



  1. That, for no reason at all Barack Obama appointed ALL the voters at CIFUS and the other agencies under his command who approved the Good Deal without ANY dissent. And then Barry approved the sale himself according to Smith.


For absolutely no reason at all.


Not even the $145,000,000 reason and a genuine replica of the Reset Button.




[Blog Editor: Title to PDF of above link: The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS); By James K. Jackson; Congressional Research Service; 54 pgs.; 10/11/17]



© Andrew G. Benjamin


Andrew G. Benjamin is a real estate and tax specialist, equities trader, a former economic advisor to New York city mayor Rudy Giuliani; serving on the transition team’s Subcommittee on Taxation, Finance and the Budget. Benjamin also wrote extensively about intelligence, economic issues, the Mideast, terrorism, technology, high end audio and transnational politics.


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Open a Criminal Investigation of Barack Hussein Obama

Cliff Kincaid writes about the stealth threat of Communism still pervasive in America and gives a huge amount of credit to Barack Hussein Obama for this stealth infusion.


Kincaid mentions Sebastian Gorka as a person exposing Communism intrusion from China and the infusion of Stealth Islamic jihadism in the USA. But Kincaid criticizes Gorka for not including Russia (former USSR) in this Marxist makeover being secretly paved into the American consciousness.


I’m a Gorka fan so I not really hip to criticizing him. I would be more inclined to ask Gorka to add the Russian influence to the other outside anti-American influences. I have no doubt Gorka would side with that.


JRH 10/17/17

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Open a Criminal Investigation of Barack Hussein Obama


By Cliff Kincaid

October 16th, 2017

America’s Survival


Investigate Obama


It’s suddenly big news that there are perverts in Hollywood. The really big news is that former President Barack Hussein Obama’s communist and terrorist-support network remains a state secret. Attorney General Jeff Sessions won’t touch it.


Until we come to grips with Obama, our first Marxist president with radical Muslim sympathies, we are adrift as a nation. He ran for office as a committed Christian,” a monumental deception to conceal his record of service to the communist cause, Muslim background, and grooming by suspected Soviet espionage agent Frank Marshall Davis.


Obama Committed Christian Lie


As the world marks the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Russian revolution, America should take note of our own communist revolution – the eight years of the Obama presidency and his leadership of the global anti-Trump “resistance.”


WND story says former Trump White House aide Sebastian Gorka believes radical Islamic jihadists, China and radical leftists pose the greatest threats to U.S. national security, but that “they will be defeated by President Trump and his supporters who are restoring America’s global dominance and reclaiming the country’s culture.”


Based on the record so far, this is as likely as Hollywood coming completely clean about Harvey Weinstein’s perversities.


Russia is not even on the list of Gorka’s top three threats! Yet Russia is behind the Jihadists, is in an alliance with Red China, and still backs the radical leftists.


Gorka tells WND, “The immediate term threat is the Shia-jihadis – this is Iran, this is the Republican Guard, Hezbollah. If they get nuclear weapons, that’s a game changer and that’s why it’s so important the president decertified the Iran deal.”


Yet, Iran’s nuclear weapons program is made possible by Russia. Why no mention of that? And why didn’t Trump cancel the Iran deal as he promised to do?


In the first place, Obama should have been impeached. Under United Nations auspices, he ordered the bombing of Libya, in order to depose a ruler, Gadhafi, who had given up his weapons of mass destruction and was fighting al Qaeda. The massacre of Americans in Benghazi by Jihadists resulted from this illegal and unconstitutional war. All of this benefited the Muslim Brotherhood. Indeed, Obama issued a secret 2011 Presidential Study Directive-11, or PSD-11, supporting this radical Islamist group throughout the Middle East.


National security reporter Bill Gertz said, “The directive, according to officials familiar with its contents, outlined how the administration would seek to support the Muslim Brotherhood around the world despite the Islamist supremacist organization providing the ideological underpinning for jihadist terrorism for both al Qaeda and its successor, the Islamic State.”


PSD-11, which is still secret, should be released by the Trump Administration and declared exhibit number one in a criminal investigation of Barack Hussein Obama.


Trump was supposed to turn things around. In Afghanistan, Gorka tells WND that Trump’s speech sending more American soldiers to their deaths in an endless conflict didn’t use the words “radical Islamic terrorism.” He was upset about that omission. But Trump also didn’t mention Russia’s role in sending arms to a Taliban faction killing our troops.


This is what we called the Red Jihad, a book quoting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as saying that Soviet/Russian support for international terrorism made radical Islam into the threat it is today. He explains that, “without the support offered by the Soviet bloc and the Arab world, international terrorism would revert to its earlier, localized manifestations before the 1960s and would hardly dominate the global scene.”


If you want to defeat radical Islam, engineer regime change in Russia, which is still the global center of revolutionary violence against America.


Domestically, Sebastian Gorka mentions in the WND interview the influence of Obama associates Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn in academia, but ignores how their communist terrorist networks spawned the Obama candidacy and presidency. These networks, nurtured even today by Bill Ayers in his new book, Demand the Impossible: A Radical Manifesto, are promising an uprising of some sort on November 4. The Refuse Fascism group, which is behind the November 4 protests, is a front of the Revolutionary Communist Party and its founder, former Ayers and Dohrn associate Bob Avakian.


As we document in Comrade Obama Unmasked, Obama supported America’s enemies at every opportunity, including the communist regime in Cuba, the communists running South Africa, and even the FARC narco-terrorists in Colombia.


Obama Questionable Christian


But he stands out during his eight years in office as the real Russian agent, who was passive when Russia invaded Ukraine and Syria, gave Russia a nuclear weapons advantage over the U.S., and awarded the Russians special trading privileges. Working with Russia, he conceived the Iran nuclear deal.


However, on his way out the door, in a classic Marxist dialectical maneuver, his CIA director John Brennan launched an investigation of President Trump as a Russia agent. It was a stroke of genius that put Trump on the defensive, gave the liberal news media months of joy, and resulted in multiple Russia-gate investigations, including by a former FBI director determined to get Trump.


On the 100th anniversary of the Virgin Mary Fatima revelations about Russia’s threat to world peace, we also learn from Dr. Paul Kengor’s new book that the Soviets were behind the May 13, 1981, attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II.  The book, A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century, says Reagan’s CIA director Bill Casey confirmed the Soviet role, in the face of official CIA resistance to the finding.


Until the reality of Obama’s communist support is examined and the secret role of Russia in global conflict exposed, the former president and America’s enemies will have the upper hand.


But Gorka and Trump seem clueless. “China has the most leverage to deal with North Korea,” Gorka told WND. “And the fact that the president and Ambassador Haley at the U.N. have managed to convince China that even if you’re in a competition with us, you will not profit by having a nuclear war on your border and they joined us with Russia – it’s a big deal – in the tightest sanctions package against North Korea in history, that tells you how big a problem North Korea is. China may be our long-term enemy, but they don’t [want] a war in their back doorstep either.”


Does he really think another in an endless series of U.N. resolutions will make any difference? The U.N. is another communist front, designed by a Russian agent working in our State Department by the name of Alger Hiss. Have we forgotten?


Working through the U.N. is a dangerous dead end.


Our book The Sword of Revolution conclusively demonstrates that the “Sino-Soviet split” was a fraud. What’s more, the “collapse” of Red Russia was itself a fraud, too. Together, China and Russia, combined with Obama’s inaction during his two terms, have made a nuclear North Korea a reality.


What’s more, China is still communist. An article in China Daily, entitled, “Adapting Marxism called crucial,” explains how Marxism is guiding the country’s future. Here’s a quote:


President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee… said that as a party upholding Marxism, the CPC should make sure its theories keep up with the times. Drifting away from or betraying Marxism will lead to the Party’s losing its soul and direction as it moves forward, Xi added. Marxism is unsurpassed in achieving great heights and having a huge influence, he said.


The reliance on China to deal with its nuclear client, North Korea, is another dead end.


The key failure involves the inability or unwillingness to investigate Obama’s global network and what his anti-American policies were designed to do.


In terms of the threat within, consider that the FBI website still features wanted posters of two fugitives: Donna Borup and Elizabeth Anna Duke, both members of the May 19th Communist Organization.


Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, a speaker at our upcoming November 10 National conference on Obamunism, has cited evidence that Obama was a member or supporter of the May 19th Communist Organization, an above ground support group for the Weather Underground based in New York City from 1978-1985.


He notes that the May 19 Communist Organization was described by Obama pal and former communist terrorist Bill Ayers as providing “a sea for the guerillas to swim in.”


Some May 19 members committed acts of violence and terrorism, such as the 1981 Nanuet Brinks robbery and murders, the bombing of South African offices in 1981, and the U.S. Capital bombing in 1983, notes Gilbert. He adds, “I spoke with a former FBI informant who told me the May 19th Communist Organization had a weapons training camp in the Catskill Mountains, run by former Black Panthers. In addition, some May 19 members were sent to Cuba for several weeks each year with the Venceremos Brigades, a continuation of the SDS/Weather Underground program begun in the sixties, for explosives training from Cuban intelligence, DGI.”


Here’s the big revelation: “A former May 19 member I spoke with identified Obama as participating in their public protests and meetings. In his ‘Dreams’ book, Obama mentions transferring to Columbia to pursue his interest in activism and recounts attendance at some events similar to those sponsored by May 19.”


This might help explain why Borup and Duke are still on the loose. And why Obama never demanded the extradition of Black Liberation Army cop-killer Assata Shakur and FALN bomb-maker William Morales from Cuba.


In addition to the focus on Obama, our November 10 conference will expose the Red Pope, Francis, who was Obama’s collaborator after a George Soros-engineered coup forced Pope Benedict to resign. The old joke, “Is the Pope Catholic?,” is not funny anymore. This pope is not Catholic; he’s a communist.


George Neumayr, author of The Political Pope, examines the communist ideology driving Jesuit Pope Francis and the movement for world government in the ASI TV program “The Red Pope: Enemy Occupation of the Vatican.”


America’s Survival, Inc. is recognized as a 501 (C)3 organization by the IRS. Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.


© America’s Survival, Inc.


About America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI)


America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) is recognized as a 501 (C) 3 educational organization. ASI President Cliff Kincaid is editor of the ASI web sites www.usasurvival.orgwww.stopglobaltaxes.org, and www.religiousleftexposed.com  ASI  is on Facebook and Twitter and has a YouTube channel featuring videos from ASI conferences and other events.


ASI specializes in exposing the United Nations, international organizations and extremist movements. We are currently working to re-establish committees or subcommittees to investigate internal security problems.


Office telephone: 443-964-8208

Email: Kincaid@comcast.net

Mailing Address:

America’s Survival. Inc.
P.O. Box 146
Owings, MD 20736




“Obama Was A Criminal” – Ben Shapiro Proves This Fact In 13 Minutes

The G+ person going by the name “THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH !!!” posts  often to my G+ Community Anti-islamic Brotherhood. Unfortunately TAT!!! Goes beyond posting info exposing Islam. Those posts not dealing with Islam on that community I often delete; nonetheless, TAT!!!’s posts are often spot on even when they don’t deal with Islam. TAT!!! Found a video of Ben Shapiro giving facts showing the nefarious Barack Hussein Obama is a crook. That video was posted by the Youtube channel To Tell The Truth. The similarities between the G+ The Absolute Truth !!! and the Youtube channel To Tell The Truth might be a coincidence or the same person, frankly I don’t know.


At any rate the legacy of Obama criminality will probably affect America for some time even past the Trump Administration. The reason being is the Leftist elites are too powerfully entrenched in our government protecting Leftist crooks like Obama and Hillary Clinton and their comrade acolytes.


So, go get’em Ben Shapiro! Obama is evil and even out of Office is perpetuating evil against America & Israel!


JRH 10/14/17

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VIDEO: “Obama Was A Criminal” – Ben Shapiro Proves This Fact In 13 Minutes


Posted by To Tell The Truth

Published on Oct 5, 2017


King Calls For Wider Investigations of Obama, Clinton…

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) just became one of my new political heroes. He berated Congress in session (7/27/17) over ignoring ALL the Dem Party corruption while being hot to sick Robert Mueller on witch hunt to take down the Trump Administration.


Check it out:




Posted by Trumpet News

Published on Aug 1, 2017


The Gateway Pundit summarizes King’s message this way:


Rep. Steve King (R-IA) addressed Congress last Thursday in support of legislation that requires the Attorney General to turn over documents regarding former FBI Director James Comey’s involvement in various controversial cases.


The legislation passed 16-13 with King voting in favor of it. King addressed Congress with an impassioned and detailed inquiry/speech. … (Rep. Steve King Calls for Full Investigations Into Obama, Clinton, Comey, Soros, Lynch, and Others (VIDEO); By Carter; Gateway Pundit; 8/1/17 4:36 pm)


Below are the talking points in the AWESOME video you just watched from Rep. Steve King’s website.


JRH 8/4/17

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King Calls For Wider Investigations of Obama, Clinton, Comey, Soros, Lynch, Abedin, and Weiner Scandals


Jul 27, 2017

Press Release



Congressman Steve King released the following video of statements he made during Judiciary Committee debate of legislation requiring the Attorney General to provide copies of any document, record, audio recording, memo, correspondence, or other communication that refers or relates to a number of troubling aspects of James Comey’s tenure as FBI director.


In the course of his remarks, Congressman King recounted a litany of facts and events that reveal the corruption that surrounds many of the nation’s most prominent Democrats, as well as their disturbing pattern of using American taxpayer money to interfere in foreign elections. King’s entire remarks can be viewed here.


King concluded his remarks by asserting the trail of Democratic election corruption leads to Barack Obama, and that the examples he cites should be investigated fully.


Excerpted remarks:


On Barack Obama’s election interference in other countries:


“It’s pretty clear the Obama administration sent their people over to Israel to work against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Pretty much openly. Significant dollars invested in that campaign over there. The President of the United States, with at least the moral support of the people that had worked for him, in the country of Israel, [sought] to shift the results of the election against the seated Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu.”



“The Obama administration is a long ways from clean on this, as far as being involved in elections in other countries.”


On George Soros’ Use of Taxpayer Money to interfere in election in the Balkans:


learned the United States government, borrowing money from China and Saudi Arabia, had handed over at least $5,000,000 in contracts transferred through USAID into George Soros’s organizations that were used to manipulate elections in the Balkans.”


On the need to reopen investigations into Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner:


The long string that we should be looking at with this investigation and special counsel that is our request here goes a long ways back. It goes clear back to Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, 650,000 emails, which we still have access to.”


On James Comey’s sham investigation of Hillary Clinton:


This [Comey’s Investigation of Clinton] is what looks like, on its face, a sham investigation. Plus, they destroyed a tremendous amount of information: at least 30,000 emails, crushed hard drives, bought bleach bit, hired outside contractors to scrub emails up. And we’re to take James Comey’s word for this, that there wasn’t enough substance there to bring a prosecution, even though a year ago, July 5th, James Comey delivered 15 minutes of a summary of prosecution that was completely convincing to me until we got down to the last couple sentences of that presentation which was, ‘well, we can’t prove intent.’ Well, curiously there is no requirement for intent in the two statutes that appear to be violated.”


I look back in the records to the previous October and previous April, Barack Obama stated into the news media record ‘Hillary Clinton would never intend to put our national security at risk; Hillary Clinton would never intend to harm America’s security. That’s the previous October and April. Well, James Comey latched onto that word, ‘intend’, and they made up new law and gave Hillary Clinton an exemption for this intent that they said they couldn’t prove which is absolutely proven by the facts [Comey] delivered to us in the summary that day.”


On Loretta Lynch:


“Not only does this trail lead through Hillary Clinton and James Comey, but the Loretta Lynch component of this as well. When you put this in place, and look at the example of them on the tarmac, it’s hard to imagine they sat there for 45 minutes and discussed grandchildren.”


On allegations Democratic Operatives went to the Ukraine to get dirt on Candidate Trump:


“That brings me to Alexandra Chalupa who went off as a DNC contractor to Ukraine to try to gather dirt on the Trump people. So, bringing this around, Mr. Chairman, I’ll conclude with this: the trail leads also to Barack Obama and we need to investigate all of this.”



Steve King Bio on House Page


Steve King grew up in a law enforcement family in Storm Lake, Iowa. He attended Denison Community High School, where he met Marilyn Kelly, whom he married in 1972. They have lived in Kiron since 1976 and are members of St. Martin’s Church in Odebolt. Steve and Marilyn have three grown sons and seven grandchildren.

King studied math and science at Northwest Missouri State University. He started King Construction in 1975 and built the business up from one bulldozer. He brings valuable knowledge to Congress as an agribusinessman and a small business owner for 28 years. King’s oldest son now owns the construction business.

He served in the Iowa State Senate for six years. He was a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Judiciary Committee, Business and Labor Committee, the Commerce Committees, and chair of the State Government Committee. He worked in the State Senate to successfully eliminate the inheritance tax, enforce workplace drug testing, enforce parenting rights, including parental notification of abortions, pass tax cuts for working Iowans, and pass the law that made English the official language in Iowa.

King was elected to Congress in 2002 to represent Iowa’s Fifth Congressional District. During the 2012 election cycle, Iowa was redistricted to four districts. King now represents the Fourth Congressional District in the 114th Congress which includes: Ames, Fort Dodge, Mason City, Sioux City and Spencer. He brings personal experience, Constitutional principles, traditional marriage and family values and the perspective of representing one of the top producing agriculture districts in the nation to the people of Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District.

King serves on the Agriculture Committee. He has long been dedicated to adding value as close to the corn stalk and bean stem as possible, as …



King is also a member of the House Judiciary Committee, where he sits on the Constitution and Civil Justice Subcommittee and the Immigration and Border Security Subcommittee. He believes the Constitution means what it says and that it should be read with the intent of our Founding Fathers in mind. King is never caught without a copy of the Constitution in his coat pocket. He is a strong advocate of the Rule of Law and enforcing our borders. King is a full-spectrum, Constitutional Conservative.


King, for more than a decade, has chaired the Conservative Opportunity Society, a powerful and legendary House caucus that has become the conscience of Constitutional conservatives in the U.S. Congress. (READ ENTIRETY)