Mueller/Dem Horse-Pucky

John R. Houk

© May 30, 2019


I was not surprised Dems – especially in the House – reacted to Robert Mueller’s news conference with “impeach Trump”. The Dems and their propaganda MSM wing have twisted, misrepresented facts and downright lied about President Trump before, after and right up to the very present.


Mueller was forced to admit there was no crime of Donald Trump working with the Russians to insure a 2016 election victory. Mueller did inform what everyone has known for a long time – the Russians made an evil effort to influence the 2016 election cycle. MUELLER’S EPIC FAILURE of what is probably closer to the truth: The Russians gave aid to the Clinton campaign to influence the election and aid to the Dems to make the effort to impeach President Trump after the election.


Trump committed NO election crime but because the President wouldn’t fall for the perjury trap set for others involved in the 2016 campaign with a personal interview, Mueller implied Trump made an effort to obstruct an investigation where no crime existed.


AND THAT MY FRIENDS is why Mueller, Mueller’s 13 angry Dem/Hillary donating Prosecutors AND the Dems are full of horse-pucky.


Since it is doubtful most news sources – spoken or written – will let you know about Mueller/Dem horse-pucky, here are a series of commentaries on the Mueller news conference.


JRH 5/30/19

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Special Counsel Mueller Gives Final Back Stabbing To Trump In Press Briefing To Help Democrats


By Jim Kouri

May 30th, 2019

News With Views


Special Counsel Robert Mueller held a special news conference on Wednesday saying he couldn’t reach a conclusion on whether Donald Trump obstructed justice, as he stopped short of delivering a full exoneration of the president. Mueller, using the craftiness of a career lawyer and political operative chose his words to allow Democrats in Congress to continue their deranged pursuit of destroying the President using the criminal justice system and the impeachment process.


“If we had had confidence the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so,” Mueller said. His briefing — which denied questions from reporters — on the investigation showed he was disappointed in not proving anything against Trump.

“That’s why Mueller left open the obstruction question, something the Democrats are using to harass a President they despise,” said political strategist Mike Barker. “The only good news I heard was Mueller announcing that he was closing his office and resigning from public service,” he added.


Mueller sent a clear signal to House Democrats who have demanded his testimony that he won’t provide any information that hasn’t already been made public. “Any testimony from this office would not go beyond this report,” he said.


The special counsel also said he found “insufficient evidence to charge a broader conspiracy” on election interference.


President Donald Trump’s newly appointed Attorney General, while keeping a relatively low profile in his first days on the job, now appears to have hit the ground running in his investigation of what many are now calling The Trump-Russia Hoax.


On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Trump-hating Democrats and news media were taken-aback when they discovered Barr had already begun his probe of the now-famous Hillary Clinton bought and paid for “dirty dossier.”


Barr selected U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham to investigate the origins of the Justice Department’s and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s probe of — and spying on —

the Trump presidential campaign in 2016. The questionable investigation continued into the Trump transition and his early weeks as Commander-in-Chief.


John Durham, who is the U.S. Attorney in Connecticut, was appointed by Attorney General Bill Barr. He will examine the FBI’s decision to open a counterintelligence investigation into the actions and motives for interfering in the election and “chasing” members of President Donald Trump’s campaign team using arguably misleading or false evidence to obtain warrants. The now famous “dirty dossier” is based on lies and innuendo provided by a foreign agent, a former British MI6 officer Christopher Steele.


Deep State Suspects in Conspiracy to Overthrow an Elected President


Robert Mueller is the leader of the Trump ouster who are now trying to defend the Deep State’s control over American politics from Donald Trump’s assault on its tyrannical vision. In the process Mueller also hopes to atone for the firing of his friend and fellow conspirator, James Comey.  Unfortunately many Americans cannot see that this man is not a “pillar of impartiality” as the corrupt media paint him. He is deeply committed to Deep State corruption while impersonating a Republican.


Rod Rosenstein is the Deputy Attorney General appointed by Obama. This is one reason for his insistence on appointing Robert Mueller as a Special Counsel to investigate Trump for alleged collusion with the Russians. His agenda is preservation of the Deep State as is Mueller’s. He would have been much happier if Hillary had won. In fact he was surely expecting it, as were FBI personnel such as Andrew McCabe.


Andrew Weissmann is the primary “witch hunter” on the Mueller team assembled to investigate Russian collusion. He is a notorious pit bull prosecutor with a record of suppressing exculpatory evidence in overreaching prosecutions that have been overturned by judges. He was a “Gung-Ho” Obama supporter. He is known to use questionable tactics in bullying a target’s underlings to force their testimony.


Peter Strzok was another Obama-loving FBI agent employed by Mueller because of his experience in counterintelligence. He is known as a devout Hillary Clinton supporter and one of the agents who interviewed Hillary about the email scandal, which turned out to be a phony powder-puff interview. He also edited Comey’s Clinton investigation resolution by replacing the words “grossly negligent” with “extremely careless” because the former action can be prosecuted in the handling of classified information while the latter cannot. His investigation gave almost all of Clinton’s subordinates blanket immunity even though none of them testified against Clinton.


Is this, as the media claims, a professional and objective team of crimefighters committed to solving an alleged crime? or was this is a coup d’etat to destroy the election of Donald Trump and and move to impeach him, which Mueller and his cronies had hoped would discredit the “people’s revolution” against the Deep State that Trump has fashioned.


“This horrendous nightmare is taking place because of the collectivist corruption of the DOJ and the FBI under Obama, Clinton and the two Bushes. Corruption in practice takes place in men’s institutions only after corruption of ethics and ideology takes place in their minds. Moral relativism (along with political collectivism) took over the minds of our professors, politicians and prosecutors in the aftermath of World War II and exploded throughout our culture from the 1960s to today. The chickens are now coming home to roost and usher in an authoritarian society,” said Jeffrey Longeran, a former criminal/civil investigations manager.


Conservatives in Congress should show they have spines and they should counterattack Hillary Clinton a[t] the Deep State with an investigation of the egregious “Uranium One” money grab in which she authorized the sale of 20% of America’s uranium to Russia, which brought tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation from Russian sources.


The fingerprints of Mueller, Weissmann and Rosenstein are also on the Uranium One deal, for they worked assiduously to facilitate and protect its completion, knowing full well but not caring that it compromised American security. Because their stalwart political horse, Hillary Clinton, was benefiting. Thus the Deep State’s aggrandizement was benefiting.


“This scenario is unbelievable. The Mueller Probe corruption is something we would expect to find in an African or Latin American country, or one of the Nazi Show Trials under judges who took an oath to serve Adolph Hitler in the 1930’s. It is the result of obsessively partisan FBI leaders that have let their ideology and hatred influence their role as policemen.


Mueller: ‘I couldn’t find a Trump-Crime…so it’s Time to Impeach him!’




By Sher Zieve 

May 30, 2019

Canada Free Press


I have never before witnessed such a sham of a legal system or—even worse—experienced the horror that the real criminals were the ones running it.  The additional horror is that other gangsters have and/or are replacing those who have been fired (some likely awaiting the day when they will be arrested) or have run for the proverbial hills upon realizing what may soon be revealed.  Having personally experienced this lifetime for not quite—but getting closer each day—a century, I do have some small perspective with regards to history.  Mueller—with all of the Trump-haters on his staff—could find that President Trump committed no crime.  So, in his own rather sleazy way, he turned it over to Congress to impeach him.  This is the caliber of human being we currently have in upper management within the bowels of the US government.


I, and certainly others, have written about Robert Swan Mueller III and his apparent crimes committed over the years under the color of law.  One of these was sending 4 innocent people to prison, in order to protect the murderer Whitey Bulger who had been designated “an informer” to and for Mueller’s FBI.  Mueller had also interviewed with President Trump to get his old job as FBI Director back.  But, President Trump didn’t choose him.  Uh-oh!  However, Mueller was chosen by Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as “Special Counsel” to head up the investigation of President Trump; whom he at the very least intensely disliked.


To briefly recap, this investigation was built upon a foundation of sand which included the following:


  • A self-proclaimed Trump-hater and (former?) British MI-6 agent who worked with some Russians to create (out of whole cloth) the now-infamous “Trump Dossier”:


  • The Clinton Campaign and DNC funded the “dossier”:  “The DNC and Clinton campaign-funded research continued through the end of October 2016, according to the Post’s report.


  • The “dossier” was requested and paid for by the Clinton Campaign.  Excerpt:  “According to the report, lawyer Marc E. Elias, who represented both Clinton’s campaign and the DNC, and his law firm Perkins Coie retained the firm Fusion GPS in April 2016 to investigate any connections, according to the Post. Before then, a still-unknown Republican client funded Fusion GPS’ research during the Republican primaries. Fusion had hired former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to conduct the research.”


  • The Mueller investigation began as a counter-intelligence investigation which metastasized into a full-blown criminal investigation…with NO CRIME mentioned!  As a stated crime is required by law before this type of investigation may begin, Mueller’s investigation…was illegal from its inception.  As a very large side-note “collusion” is still not a crime.


  • If there is no underlying crime…there can be no “obstruction of justice!”


The crimes which were committed by members within our own governmental agencies (DOJ/FBI, CIA, NSA etc.) are the greatest uncovered in the history of our country and are vast to the point that the uncovering of the worldwide Deep State conspiracy against POTUS Trump continues.  Note:  Within the UK, it appears to reach the very highest levels of government.


IMO, Mueller has been a dirty cop for decades (also remember his “Uranium One” activities indicating alleged treason) and he doesn’t appear to have any intention of changing.  Our country was close to demise before Donald J. Trump was resoundingly elected to the presidency of the USA.  Considering all of the blocks placed in his way by the DNC, RINOs and US government “intelligence” agencies Trump’s accomplishments are nothing less than remarkable…and legendary.  Think what he will accomplish in his second term of office…


“There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers”—Proverbs 6:16-19



Judicial Watch President Calls for Investigation Into Mueller


By TTN Staff


Trump Train News


VIDEO: Tom Fitton Discusses Mueller Statement With Lou Dobbs

[Posted by TheDC Shorts

Uploaded on May 29, 2019] 


The president of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, who investigates government corruption, is calling for an investigation into Robert Mueller.

According to The Daily Caller:


Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton called for an investigation into Robert Mueller for suggesting “wrongdoing by an innocent person without any foundation.”

“Well, I don’t know what reputation he had that deserved any credence until now, but it’s no longer there,” Fitton told Dobbs. “He’s really destroyed whatever reputation he’s had with this political attack on the president, turning the rule of law on its head, suggesting the president is guilty and, because he can’t prove otherwise, we should conclude that he should be impeached.”

Calling it “an abuse of power,” Fitton said that Attorney General Barr has been “too deferential” to Mueller and should have “shut down” the “report before it was even written.”

“[I]t’s been abuse piled on top of abuse targeting President Trump,” Fitton said. “And this Mr. Mueller, he needs to be investigated as well. The office of professional responsibility should be asking, ‘Why did this Justice Department prosecutor come out and suggest wrongdoing by an innocent person without any foundation?’ Because there is no foundation. If there was a foundation, there would have been indictments or requests for an indictment while highlighting that. Outrageous.”


Fitton claims that there is a strong possibility that Mueller and Comey could have colluded in order to direct the investigation in a negative way against the president.



Statement ‘worse’ than Comey’s regarding Hillary scandal


May 29, 2019



Then-FBI Director Robert Mueller, left, acknowledges applause during then-President Barack Obama’s remarks on June 21, 2013. Obama had announced James Comey, right, as his nominee to succeed Mueller as FBI director (Official White House photo)


Special counsel Robert Mueller’s statement Wednesday that “if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said that” is worse than then FBI Director James Comey’s statement about the FBI’s probe of Hillary Clinton, said Alan Dershowitz, emeritus professor at Harvard Law School.


“Comey was universally criticized for going beyond his responsibility to state whether there was sufficient evidence to indict Clinton,” he wrote Wednesday in The Hill. “Mueller, however, did even more.”


Comey declared in a July 2016 press conference that “although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive highly classified information.”


Dershowitz said Mueller, at his news conference at the Justice Department announcing his resignation as special counsel, “went beyond the conclusion of his report and gave a political gift to Democrats in Congress who are seeking to institute impeachment proceedings against President Trump.”


“By implying that President Trump might have committed obstruction of justice, Mueller effectively invited Democrats to institute impeachment proceedings,” he said.


Dershowitz noted that obstruction of justice is a “high crime and misdemeanor” which, under the Constitution, authorizes impeachment and removal of the president.


WND reported earlier Wednesday Mueller’s claim that the Office of Legal Counsel guidance specifying that a sitting president cannot be indicted was the reason for not coming to a conclusion about obstruction conflicts with Attorney General William Barr’s testimony.


Barr told Congress on May 1 that at a March 5 meeting with Mueller, the special counsel told him “that he emphatically was not saying that, but for the OLC opinion, he would have found obstruction.”


No longer defending Mueller


Dershowitz said he no longer is defending Mueller against the accusations that he is a partisan.


“I did not believe that he personally favored either the Democrats or the Republicans, or had a point of view on whether President Trump should be impeached. But I have now changed my mind.”


The law professor said Mueller revealed his bias by putting his “elbow” on the scale of justice.


Mueller also has distorted the role of a prosecutor who “should never go beyond publicly disclosing that there is insufficient evidence to indict.”


“No responsible prosecutor should ever suggest that the subject of his investigation might indeed be guilty even if there was insufficient evidence or other reasons not to indict,” Dershowitz said.


He pointed out that federal investigations by prosecutors, including special counsels, are by nature one sided, hearing only evidence of guilt.


“They are not in a position to decide whether the subject of the investigation is guilty or is innocent of any crimes.”

Dershowitz said he “cannot imagine a plausible reason why Mueller went beyond his report and gratuitously suggested that President Trump might be guilty, except to help Democrats in Congress and to encourage impeachment talk and action.”


“Shame on Mueller for abusing his position of trust and for allowing himself to be used for such partisan advantage,” he wrote.


Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law

At a hastily arranged Wednesday press conference, Special Counsel Robert Mueller proved that he was never interested in justice or the rule of law.


Robert Mueller


By Sean Davis

May 29, 2019

The Federalist


If there were any doubts about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s political intentions, his unprecedented press conference on Wednesday should put them all to rest. As he made abundantly clear during his doddering reading of a prepared statement that repeatedly contradicted itself, Mueller had no interest in the equal application of the rule of law. He gave the game, and his nakedly political intentions, away repeatedly throughout his statement.


“It is important that the office’s written work speak for itself,” Mueller said, referring to his office’s 448-page report. Mueller’s report was released to the public by Attorney General William Barr nearly six weeks ago. The entire report, minus limited redactions required by law, has been publicly available, pored through, and dissected. Its contents have been discussed ad nauseum in print and on television. The report has been speaking for itself since April 18, when it was released.


If it’s important for the work to speak for itself, then why did Mueller schedule a press conference in which he would speak for it weeks after it was released? The statement, given the venue in which it was provided, is self-refuting.


Let’s start with the Mueller team’s unique take on the nature of a prosecutor’s job. The standard American view of justice, affirmed and enforced by the U.S. Constitution, is that all are presumed innocent absent conviction by a jury of a specific charge of criminal wrongdoing. That is, the natural legal state of an individual in this country is innocence. It is not a state or a nature bestowed by cops or attorneys. Innocence is not granted by unelected bureaucrats or federal prosecutors.


At one point in his remarks, Mueller seemed to agree. Referring to indictments against various Russian individuals and institutions for allegedly hacking American servers during the 2016 election, Mueller said that the indictments “contain allegations and we are not commenting on the guilt or innocence of any specific defendant.”


“Every defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.”


Had he stopped there, he would have been correct. But then he crafted a brand new standard.


“The order appointing the special counsel authorized us to investigate actions that could obstruct the investigation. We conducted that investigation and kept the office of the acting attorney general apprised of our work,” Mueller said. “After that investigation, if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”


According to Mueller and his team, charged Russians are presumed innocent. An American president, however, is presumed guilty unless and until Mueller’s team determines he is innocent. Such a standard is an obscene abomination against the rule of law, one that would never be committed by independent attorneys who place a fidelity to their oaths and impartial enforcement of the law ahead of their political motivations.


The contradictions and double standards didn’t stop there, though.


“It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge,” Mueller said, after all but stating that Trump committed a crime for which Mueller never charged him. Just as Mueller’s own words and actions at the Wednesday press conference prove that he didn’t want his team’s report to speak for itself, the report itself proves that Mueller and his team don’t believe it’s unfair to accuse somebody of something a court cannot resolve.


If they actually believed that, then the 240-page volume II of their report on their obstruction investigation of the president would never have been authored. After all, according to Mueller’s own statement, such an operation would be patently unfair. And if it’s unfair to air dirty laundry against a target who was never charged, surely it’s doubly unfair to do so in writing and on camera during a press conference whose mere existence refutes the very claims of its host.


Mueller revealed himself as little more than a clone of James Comey—the smarmy, scheming politician who replaced Mueller as the head of the FBI. Recall that it was Comey who assumed for himself powers that did not belong to him by law when he declared at a 2016 press conference no “reasonable prosecutor” would charge Hillary Clinton with criminal wrongdoing in her mishandling of classified information and unsanctioned use of a secret, private email server to evade public records laws. Just as Mueller did in his report and Wednesday press conference, Comey followed up his declaration that Hillary would not be charged with statement after statement after statement of all the awful things Hillary Clinton did.


“There is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information,” Comey said of Clinton. He excoriated her for repeatedly sending and receiving top secret information on her unsecured server which had never been authorized to process classified information. He even said it was possible, due to her “extreme” carelessness, that hostile foreign actors had penetrated her system and obtained highly classified information about U.S. national security programs.


Regardless of how you feel about Clinton, Comey’s display at that press conference was an embarrassment. He did an extreme disservice to the nation and the rule of law by unilaterally declaring himself the primary arbiter of prosecutorial decisions in the federal government when that authority belongs solely to the Department of Justice. And he did an extreme disservice to Clinton herself by dragging her through the mud in such a manner that clearing her name would be impossible.


In fact, DOJ guidelines expressly prohibit the actions of both Comey and Mueller in naming and shaming individuals who were never formally charged with any wrongdoing.


“As a series of cases makes clear, there is ordinarily ‘no legitimate governmental interest served’ by the government’s public allegation of wrongdoing by an uncharged party, and this is true ‘regardless of what criminal charges may . . . b[e] contemplated by the Assistant United States Attorney against the [third-party] for the future,’” states DOJ’s formal policy manual on the duties of federal prosecutors and principles of federal prosecutions.


Nationwide bar rules governing all practicing attorneys in the United States also explicitly prohibit Mueller’s display during Wednesday’s press conference.


“The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused,” states Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct.


Multiple federal agents and prosecutors reached out to The Federalist after Mueller’s press conference to express dismay at the former FBI director’s behavior.


“I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.”


“I wish these former FBI directors would learn their lessons: keep your mouths shut unless you’re referring a case for prosecution,” Jeff Danik, a retired FBI supervisor, said during a phone interview with The Federalist on Wednesday.


Mueller’s performance made it clear for all to see that what he ran for the last two years wasn’t an independent investigation pursuant to the rule of law so much as an inquisition motivated by political animus. Mueller and his team refused to charge prominent Democrats for crimes he charged against Republicans. Paul Manafort was charged with unregistered lobbying for foreign governments, while Mueller left alone long-time Democrat donor Tony Podesta and former Obama White House Counsel Greg Craig.


George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn were charged with making false statements to federal investigators, while Clinton campaign cronies Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele’s false statements to Congress and the FBI were ignored. Trump’s nonexistent Russian connections were plumbed while a dubious Clinton campaign-funded dossier sourced directly to Russian officials was used as a prosecutorial roadmap rather than rock-solid evidence of actual campaign collusion with the Kremlin.


Mueller claimed his report spoke for itself, then put together a completely unnecessary press conference more than a month after his report’s public release, in which he not just spoke for the report, but expounded on the new legal standards he created to govern its conclusions.


These are the actions not of an impartial and independent investigator, but of a scheming political operative. None of this is any surprise to anyone who has followed Mueller’s tenure in government. As FBI director, Mueller repeatedly misused and abused the authority granted to him by Congress.


Mueller and Comey utterly bungled the federal investigation into the 2001 Anthrax attacks, resulting in a $5.8 million judgment against the government after the two men falsely accused an innocent man of being behind the attacks.


Even after the court judgment against him, Mueller was defiant.


“I do not apologize for any aspect of the investigation,” Mueller said afterward. He then doubled down and said it would be wrong to say there were any mistakes in how he handled the investigation.


Then there was Mueller’s handling as FBI director of a case in which FBI agents framed innocent men of murders the FBI knew had been committed by their own informants. One of the innocent men died in prison awaiting justice for a crime he never committed.


Then, as special counsel to investigate Russian collusion during the 2016 campaign, Mueller promptly hired partisan Democrats to run his investigation. He tapped as investigators FBI personnel who openly discussed their hatred of Trump and his voters, as well as their plans to keep him out of office.


There’s no longer any doubt about who Robert Mueller is or why he conducted himself the way he did. As abominable as his press conference was, we should in many ways be thankful that Mueller so willingly displayed for all to see his disdain for basic rules of prosecutorial conduct, his total lack of self-awareness, and his naked desire to stick it to Trump.


Sean Davis is the co-founder of The Federalist.


Other voices noting the horse-pucky:


Bogus Mueller Investigation Ends With His Sudden Retirement; By Judi McLeod; Canada Free Press; 5/30/19


Mueller is a Coward; By M. Noonan; Blogs For Victory; 5/29/19




Bob Mueller Runs and Hides in Eight Minutes to Avoid Having to Answer One Key Question; By ROGER L. SIMON; PJ Media; 5/29/19


Limbaugh on Mueller Remarks: ‘Do You Realize What an Abomination of the Justice System That Is?’ By JEFF POOR; Breitbart; 5/29/19


Robert Mueller’s abuse of our legal system continues – He didn’t need to speak Wednesday; By Tom Del Beccaro; Fox News; 5/29/19


Mueller/Dem Horse-Pucky

John R. Houk

© May 30, 2019


Special Counsel Mueller Gives Final Back Stabbing To Trump In Press Briefing To Help Democrats


© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved


Mueller: ‘I couldn’t find a Trump-Crime…so it’s Time to Impeach him!’


Content is Copyright 1997-2019 the individual authors. Site Copyright 1997-2019 Canada Free Press.Com 


Judicial Watch President Calls for Investigation Into Mueller


© 2016 TrumpTrainNews




© Copyright 1997-2019. All Rights Reserved.


Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law


Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved.


35 Key People Involved In The Russia Hoax Who Need To Be Investigated

The House Dem majority are ramping up investigations against Trump to perpetuate their highly unsubstantiated witch hunt. As Willis L. Krumholz of The Federalist points out, there should be further investigations about conspiracy in the 2016 election. Yet the people that should be investigated are the Obama and Crooked Hillary connections.


JRH 3/8/19

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Obama & Crooked Hillary. Photo Nathan Forget  Flickr


35 Key People Involved In The Russia Hoax Who Need To Be Investigated

As their desperate search for collusion continues, Democrats want to interview 81 people. Try this list instead.


By Willis L. Krumholz

MARCH 8, 2019

The Federalists


Funny how things change. The Washington Post couldn’t say a nice thing about congressional Republican efforts to investigate the Obama administration and FBI shenanigans that occurred before and after the 2016 election. That’s if they even covered these efforts at all.


But with Democrats controlling the House, and that legislative body’s subpoena power, the establishment media’s line has changed. Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee have just sent letters to 81 people, all associated with President Trump or the Russia probe, demanding answers on Russian election interference.


This is part of Democrats’ effort to continue their hunt for proof of Russia collusion—although they are already sure that Trump is guilty—as Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation appears to be winding down. To cover these events, the Post’s Philip Bump wrote an article titled: “The 81 people and organizations just looped into the Trump probe—and why they were included.” Of course, the article is totally unquestioning of the House Democrats’ desired narrative and motivations.


Investigated, But Not for the Reasons Dems Give


It isn’t worth it to go through Bump’s whole article, but even the commentary about the first name on the list—Rinat Akhmetshin—omits glaring and important facts. Bump says Akhmetshin “joined his colleague Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer linked to the Kremlin, at the June 9, 2016, meeting in Trump Tower predicated on providing information that would undermine Hillary Clinton’s campaign.” But, Bump says, “the focus of the meeting instead reportedly focused on the Magnitsky Act—a law that resulted in sanctions on numerous prominent Russians.”


Bump somehow forgets to tell us that Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm hired by Hillary Clinton to create nefarious ties between Trump and Russia, was working with Akhmetshin and Veselnitskaya to lobby for the Russian government. Fusion GPS even provided the documents that were handed out at that Trump Tower meeting. Fusion GPS head Glenn Simpson also met with the Russians both before and after that Trump Tower meeting. Yet Simpson isn’t on the Democrats’ list.


So there’s a few people on the Democrats’ list who should be investigated, but not for the reasons Democrats say. Some should also be charged with crimes.


The following all played a part in the stunning and successful effort by Hillary Clinton’s campaign to infect the executive branch of the federal government with Trump-Russia conspiracy theories. Various writings—either authored by a Brit with ties to the Kremlin who was indirectly paid by Clinton’s campaign, or directly written by Hillary Clinton cronies—were funneled into the federal government through multiple avenues.


Partisan Democrats in the Obama administration were all too willing to believe the allegations, and use them as an excuse for bad behavior whether they believed them or not.


The documents have been called “dossiers,” but that really just attaches a fancy term to a Word document full of unverified mumbo jumbo that alleged Trump-Russia collusion. Those Word documents were then used to spy on the opposing political party’s presidential campaign, and to plant stories in the media right before the election insinuating that Trump had nefarious ties with Russia.


Here are 36 people who should be interviewed under oath, if they have not been interviewed already, some of whom should be subjected to criminal prosecution.


Obama and Comey’s FBI People


Gregory Brower was Jim Comey’s FBI congressional liaison, and left the agency in 2018. Brower was in Comey’s inner circle, and like many in Comey’s inner circle, Brower played the game of claiming things were classified when they were not, in order to label Republican investigators as leakers and hide how the FBI used the “dossiers.” Brower was called out by Sens. Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham for that.


Kevin Clinesmith, a former FBI lawyer, wrote anti-Trump texts with former top FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. According to the Washington Times, Clinesmith “worked on the 2016 probe into Hillary Clinton’s email use [known as Mid-Year-Exam], then worked on the FBI’s original investigation into the Trump campaign [known as Crossfire Hurricane] and, eventually, with the special counsel’s investigation into Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign.”


But Clinesmith, like Strzok, was let go from Mueller’s investigative team once his anti-Trump texts were uncovered by the FBI inspector general (IG), who is tasked with uncovering wrongdoing at the FBI. “Viva le resistance,” Clinesmith said in one text.


Joseph Pientka, an FBI official, was the go-between for Fusion GPS and the FBI. Pientka interviewed Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr on at least 12 occasions, who passed on the information Ohr’s wife Nellie (who worked for Fusion GPS) was receiving from Christopher Steele (who also worked for Fusion GPS), and who was using Edward Baumgartner, a British national with ties to Moscow, to compile the dossier for the Clinton campaign.


Steele was originally the direct FBI source, despite his ties to the Clinton campaign through Fusion GPS, but when Steele was caught leaking to the media to paint Trump as a Russian stooge just before the election, official FBI rules said that Steele’s use as an FBI source had to be discontinued. The FBI top brass worked around these rules, which are in place to prevent this very kind of abuse, by using Pientka to interview Ohr, who was getting his information from Steele.


Pientka also played a role in the interview of former Trump national security advisor Mike Flynn, where Pientka and Strzok interviewed Flynn, and Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI officials (including former deputy attorney general Sally Yates) used that interview to entrap Flynn for a completely non-nefarious conversation with the Russian ambassador. The pretext for the interview was the Logan Act, a 200-year old law that has never led to a conviction and is probably unconstitutional. Plus, it is violated by every incoming administration, as they seek to begin conducting foreign policy during the transition period.


All Flynn did was talk to the Russian ambassador and try to get Russia to not retaliate against sanctions Obama placed on Russia right before leaving the White House, and to not allow an anti-Israel vote at the United Nations. The Obama administration was going to allow this vote in the final days of Obama’s presidency, an unprecedented move.


Although Flynn was never charged with violating the Logan Act, he was later charged with lying to the FBI investors sent to interview him, under the pretext of a possible Logan Act violation—even though the agents didn’t think he was lying at the time, and even though the FBI had wiretapped access to the record of Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador.


What happened to Flynn is a disgrace, and a total perversion of our justice system. And it is just one example in the dangerous trend of the left using our justice system to take out political opponents, where Democrat politicians point out a target or a supposed crime, and the federal bureaucracy dutifully moves into action.


Obama’s DOJ People


Tashina Gauhar is a Department of Justice attorney who was deeply involved in applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Court, which were used to spy on the Trump campaign using the dossiers. Gauhar was also one of the few people to see or be notified of the existence of missing Hillary Clinton emails found on Anthony Weiner’s computer. Weiner was being investigated for pedophilia and was married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.


Gauhar and Andrew McCabe sat on those emails, and a cursory investigation—led by anti-Trump FBI agent Strzok—was only conducted when FBI field agents in New York threatened to go public. Gauhar later played a role in recommending former attorney general Jeff Sessions’ recusal from overseeing Mueller’s probe.


John Carlin is the head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division, and got out of the DOJ in late 2016. He was the former chief of staff to Mueller, when Mueller led the FBI in the 2000s. Carlin was involved in the FBI’s systemic abuse of the FISA surveillance laws, which included spying on the Trump campaign.


This included omitting information on FBI wiretap abuse to the FISA court, and omitting information when applying to spy on Trump campaign official Carter Page to the FISA court. Carlin was also regularly briefed on and involved with the FBI’s overall investigation into the Trump campaign, called Crossfire Hurricane.


David Laufman is a high-level DOJ official in the national security division. Laufman worked with FBI counterintelligence guy Strzok on both the Clinton email investigation and the investigation into the Trump campaign based on the still-unproven, Clinton-paid, and Russian-sourced “dossier.”


Mary McCord was the acting assistant attorney general for a time, replacing Carlin as the head of the DOJ’s national security division. She left the DOJ in 2017. McCord played a role in Yates’s plan to spy on Flynn and entrap him with the Logan Act.


George Toscas, a senior official in the Justice Department, was in charge of the “Mid-Year-Exam” investigation into Clinton’s email abuses. Toscas had a front seat to both McCabe and Comey’s efforts to hide the fact that Clinton’s emails were found on Weiner’s computer, and former Obama attorney general Loretta Lynch’s efforts to stymie the Clinton email investigation.


The importance of Hillary’s emails wasn’t just her flouting security rules. Many have speculated that Hillary’s 30,000 missing emails, which were stored on her home-brew server, would have shown pay-to-play activities Clinton conducted while Obama’s secretary of state.


Obama’s State Department People


Victoria Nuland was a top Obama State Department official, and potentially Clinton’s secretary of state. Nuland had a role in pushing Fusion GPS conspiracy theories in the State Department, and in the broader Obama administration.


She received the Steele dossier just after it was created, via Jonathan Winer, in July 2016. That was possibly two months before the document was in the hands of the FBI, unless the FBI had it sooner than we currently know. She then ultimately gave permission for the FBI to make the contact with Steele, which was initiated by Michael J. Gaeta, an FBI agent based in Rome who became Steele’s handler.


Steele even came to the State Department to directly brief officials on his work, paid for by the Clinton campaign. Nuland had an awkward exchange with Sen. Richard Burr, where she claimed she “actively” avoided this Steele briefing, but also said she didn’t hear about the briefing until after it occurred.


Safe to say that if Nuland was tied to the Trump campaign, she would already be indicted for perjury by Mueller’s team of angry Democrats.


Jonathan Winer was a top Obama State Department official. Winer received documents alleging Trump-Russia collusion from notorious Clinton guy Cody Shearer, through another even more notorious Clinton guy named Sidney Blumenthal, and received the Steele dossier from Steele in summer 2016.


Winer shared the contents of these documents with his boss, Nuland, and prepped a summary of these docs for the State Department. He also gave the Shearer document to Steele, who then gave it to the FBI. That both Shearer and Blumenthal are known Clinton cronies and hatchet-men never seemed to be important to Winer. Winer was also a source for at least two journalists who wrote articles prior to the election based on the Steele dossier.


Jonathan Finer was another Obama State Department official, and the chief of staff to former secretary of state John Kerry. Finer got the so-called dossier from Winer, and gave it to John Kerry. This of course, among several other pieces of information, raises questions as to whether President Obama saw the dossiers and knew about what was being done to the Trump campaign.


Elizabeth Dibble was the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. embassy in London. She was reported to be one of the State Department officials who received information from Australian ambassador to the U.K. Alexander Downer, who has ties to the Clinton Foundation, about George Papadopoulos saying to Downer that Joseph Misfud—a European professor with potential ties to western intelligence agencies—told Papadopoulos that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton.


Misfud allegedly told Papadopoulos this in April 2016, and Papadopoulos allegedly told Downer what Misfud had said in early May. It is entirely possible that Papadopoulos was set up by Misfud, who has now disappeared and is hopefully just in hiding and not at the bottom of some body of water.


This chain of events became important when the FBI began using the Papadopoulos tip as an excuse for its “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation into the Trump campaign, in order to say why they didn’t rely on the Clinton-funded dossier.


But the FBI didn’t open Crossfire Hurricane until several months after the Dibble-Downer tip was received, and that tip, if it ever even occurred, didn’t go through the normal and proper chain of intelligence (others have claimed that the tip wasn’t taken seriously until the Democratic National Committee hack was made public).


More damning for the FBI’s Papadopoulos excuse was that they didn’t interview Papadopolous until after the 2016 election, and went after Carter Page for FISA surveillance instead. This was no damning piece of firsthand information, or emergency. It was hearsay, and what Papadopoulos said to Downer, and what Misfud said to Papadopoulos, is still disputed.


The reality is that the Clinton-funded dossier started the FBI’s investigation into Trump, at least the official Crossfire Hurricane investigation.


Finally, Thomas Williams is another State Department guy in the London embassy. Colin KahlKathleen Kavalec, and Lewis Lukens were all State Department officials who had some sort of interaction with the dossier, or Fusion GPS people.


People Tied to the DNC or Clinton Campaign


Perkins Coie, a law firm, was paid by the Clinton campaign to serve as a go-between to hide the fact that Hillary’s campaign was paying Fusion GPS to push the Trump-Russia smear.


Marc Elias is a lawyer at Perkins Coie, who hired Fusion GPS for the Clinton campaign.


Michael Sussmann is another lawyer at Perkins Coie, who received a story about a Russian bank, Alphabank, communicating with a server in Trump Tower from Fusion GPS. Sussmann went directly to the FBI with that story—to James Baker, who was general counsel of the FBI under Comey—prompting reports midway through the 2016 campaign that hinted Trump had nefarious ties with Russia.


Although it was widely debunked, the server angle again showed up in media stories, including in New York Times and Slate articles, right before the election in September of 2016. Hillary Clinton even tweeted that Slate article when it posted.


Robbie Mook was a top Hillary Clinton campaign official. As Fusion GPS was working on the dossier, Perkins Coie was getting the information from Steele and briefing Mook. It is important to note that Mook was the first Hillary official to publicly say that Russia wanted to help Trump win. Mook said this right before the Democratic National Convention.


This is more evidence that Clinton’s campaign is the entity that started the Russia investigation, by alleging that Trump had nefarious ties with Russia to distract from the DNC and Clinton campaign’s mistreatment of Bernie Sanders, as was revealed by the DNC email theft that was leaked by WikiLeaks right before the Democrats’ 2016 national convention.


Jake Sullivan is another top advisor in Clinton’s campaign, who played a role in forming the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.


Cody Shearer is a longtime Clinton dirty tricks guy, with a record of smearing the Clintons’ political opponents. He authored a “dossier,” largely based on Steele’s work, that was picked up by Winer at Obama’s State Department.


Sidney Blumenthal is an even more infamous Clinton stooge. “Sid” is so infamous that Obama told Hillary that he didn’t want Blumenthal associated with the Obama administration. Blumenthal got the Trump-Russia conspiracies written by Shearer into the Obama State Department, when only the Clinton campaign was talking about Trump-Russia collusion.


Fusion GPS People


Fusion GPS is a D.C. based opposition research and public relations firm with a history of representing less-than-savory actors, including Planned Parenthood, the Venezuelan dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro, and Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Fusion has been shown in court documents to have paid still-unknown journalists, likely for the placement of stories or to push a certain narrative.


Rinat Akhmetshin is the aforementioned Russian spy guy who was working with Fusion GPS when he showed up in Trump Tower. Get him under oath and ask him how much he knew about Fusion’s work for the Clinton campaign.


Edward Baumgartner is the British national, fluent in Russian and with ties to the Kremlin, who actually worked on most of Steele’s dossier. To compile the dossier, Baumgartner used unknown Russian sources that were paid and totally unverified, possibly tied to the Kremlin.


Peter Fritsch is a partner at Fusion GPS.


Mary Jacoby is the wife of Fusion GPS head Simpson, and has bragged publicly that her husband started the Russia investigation.


Shailagh Murray was a senior advisor to the Obama administration. Her husband is Neil King Jr., who works at Fusion GPS.


Neil King Jr., a Fusion GPS guy married to Murray, was also Obama’s top communications advisor. On a related story, Politico quoted King without mentioning he worked for Fusion GPS. This is just one of many examples of the endless ties between reporters and Fusion GPS, and between so-called journalists and prominent Democrats.


Thomas Catan is a Fusion GPS executive. He pled the Fifth in front of Congress when asked questions about the role of the dossier for the Hillary campaign.


Daniel Jones, a former staffer to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, heads the Penn Quarter Group, a D.C. “consulting firm.” He also heads a “nonprofit” called the “Democracy Integrity Project.” Jones’ groups have received millions from the likes of George Soros and Tom Steyer, two leftwing billionaires, to continue investigations into Trump via Fusion GPS. It appears as if Jones began picking up the tab for Fusion to continue its work as soon as the Clinton campaign and the DNC stopped paying Fusion after the election.


Glenn Simpson is the head of Fusion GPS. There are lots of indications that he lied to Congress during his testimony about Nellie Ohr, the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr, before it was publicly known that Nellie worked for Fusion GPS. Specifically, Simpson told Congress that only Baumgartner spoke Russian at Fusion. But Nellie spoke Russian, and she was largely hired because she was a Russia expert (and because her husband worked at DOJ).


Simpson also lied about the timing of his contacts with Bruce Ohr. Again, if he were associated with Trump, he would have been indicted by Mueller already.


The Big Fish


Of course, there’s also former director of national intelligence Jim ClapperComey and Andrew McCabe at FBI, and former CIA director John Brennan.


Comey and McCabe are leakers, and should be prosecuted as such. Brennan is a particular bad actor, and did much to spread the dossiers around the federal government and our intelligence community. It is also thought that Brennan pushed the FBI to investigate Trump, or at least increase the intensity of its spying on Trump’s campaign.


Will any of these guys ever be prosecuted? Better said, does new Attorney General Bill Barr care about the rule of law or not?


So Many Questions Yet to Be Answered


Was the Kremlin behind this whole thing, in order to sow distrust in the American political process? If so, that would make far too many Democrats their “useful idiots.” Why isn’t there more uproar about the fact that Fusion GPS was working for Russia while it was working for the Clinton campaign?


The other gnawing problem is the timeline to all of this. In early June 2016, the DNC publicly said that it had been hacked, two days after WikiLeaks announced that it had information that showed Clinton and the DNC were mistreating Sanders. Right away, Steele began his work for Fusion GPS in June.


The DNC says it first noticed that it was hacked on April 28, 2016. But DNC staffers weren’t forced to turn over their presumably infected equipment until June 10, 2016. And numerous set-up attempts of Trump campaign people occurred during 2016, possibly as early as April 2016.


You don’t have to think that the Clintons killed Seth Rich to think something stinks to high heaven here. Justice has been grossly miscarried, on a high and far-reaching level. If this is what America is to be like going forward, it will be only a shell of what it once was in the past. The only hope is for Barr’s DOJ to swing into action.


Willis L. Krumholz is a fellow at Defense Priorities. He holds a JD and MBA degree from the University of St. Thomas, and works in the financial services industry. The views expressed are those of the author only. You can follow Willis on Twitter @WillKrumholz.


Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved.


The Obama Uranium-1 Story even FOX News Won’t Speak About!

The next time you hear a Leftist radical – er, I mean Democrat – tell you that Crooked Hillary did not approve Uranium One because she was just one of nine who gave unanimous support OR that President Barry Soetoroer, I mean Barack Hussein Obama – was the greatest President in U.S.; then direct them to this very informative essay by Andrew Benjamin.


JRH 11/18/17

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The Obama Uranium-1 Story even FOX News Won’t Speak About!


By Andrew G. Benjamin —— Bio and Archives

November 17, 2017

Canada Free Press



Midday on November 14th, FOX News talking head Shepard Smith, whom we might charitably label as a liberal non-heterosexual who may not like Donald Trump, meaning his politics have everything to do with his sexual preferences and whom he would vote for, and very little to do with reality, gave the nation a much-needed reality check.


Hillary Clinton is innocent of all charges. As Shepard opened his mouth, we saw former FBI Director James Comey’s eyes peeking out.


Shepard’s was a monologue over which the liberal press went bananas. Or “ape” if you will.


You see, the Clinton-Uranium-1 Story is, according to Shepard and the Kool Aid his media mates at CNN and MSNBC drink, a fairytale. Or given the much overused cliché, “a nothing burger”, a fabrication of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.


The line is the line according to Smith and his media mates on every other channel that would give the death penalty to Team Trump and his family at the earliest opportunity, for the mere outrage of winning an election, with the stories of every Democrat calling for impeachment.


“The accusation is predicated on the charge that Secretary Clinton approved the sale. She did not. A committee of nine evaluated the sale, the president approved the sale, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and others had to offer permits, and none of the uranium was exported for use by the U.S. to Russia.” said Smith.




VIDEO: Fox News’ Shep Smith Methodically Debunks Uranium One Conspiracy Theories [Blog Editor: Leftist Shep Hogwash]


Smith’s monologue was meant to dispel any suspicion still hanging in with FOX viewers about the Clintons who have, throughout their illustrious careers, only benefited the nation. It was meant to reinforce in liberal minds the fact that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin who made them pull 63 million levers across America for Donald Trump. It is meant to fix in one’s mind the notion that the entire Trump Team is guilty of perjury and even treason. And the idea that Barack Obama colluded with Hillary and the Russians about anything is preposterous, since their suspected collusion is not reported on any channel except for Shepard’s, and therefore does not exist.


The gist of Shepard’s historical “innovation” is that Hillary Clinton is wholly innocent of accusations about how and why the $145 million wound up in her family’s slush fund AFTER the sale took place. It is to dispel the notion of a possible RICO (organized crime) investigation into the Clinton Matter. Shepard’s spin suggests that the Clintons are hardly greedy, in fact, never; or self-dealing and treacherous. Donald Trump is, for questioning the Clinton Matter in tweets.


The bottom-line of Shepard’s astonishing Aesop’s Fables and the non-contextualization of history (as well as the record of the players), was that there were nine cabinet members of CIFUS, The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, who had unanimously, of their free will, approved the “good deal” that was ultimately approved by the president himself. The same president who appointed the self-same cabinet.


Clearly, as in law, precedent must rule in this matter, the same as the precedent for the Iran Nuke Deal which was a Good Deal for America (that was the line our past president from some central African nation told us); as the North Korean Nuke Deal was a Good Deal for America (which was the line the husband of the last female Democrat presidential candidate told the nation over two decades ago); as is the Uranium-1 good deal from which ONLY the Clinton Family Foundation profited. It had to be a Good Deal for America, and the $145 million slush fund the Clintons can do with as they will happens to be a sidebar.


Every deal from which America’s enemies profit has to be a Good Deal for America.


Or charity – if you will.


Especially with all the Good Deals in which Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama got involved.


For example:


  • The BenghaziGate Good Deal in which the United States got run out of North Africa by a band of extremist religious thugs, got Americans killed just to make the deal better, and made certain that that nation was taken over by ISIS.



  • The Iran Nukes Good Deal which insured that Iran will not only continue to develop IBCM’s – Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles– but in less than eight years arm them with MIRVs – Multiple Re-entry Vehicles tipped with nuclear bombs. that Good Deal was meant to make Americans happy.


  • The Eric Holder Fast & Furious Good Deal in which 55,000 Mexicans and some Americans were murdered by weapons seized by Barack Obama and Holder from American citizens, and given to the Mexican drug cartels. Hillary was SecState at the time dealing “diplomatically” with Mexico for America’s benefit.


  • The IRS-gate Good Deal in which American organizations and groups with words in their names such as “American,” “Patriot,” “Constitution,” and similar suggesting a faith in law and allegiance to the nation, were targeted for examination – and then deliberately paralyzed from raising funds for political campaigns.


  • The DNC-Clinton Primary Fix-Gate Good Deal in which a year prior to the presidential primaries one candidate received, by written agreement from the Party itself, full control of the party, its activities and decision-making, and all the money the party raised. Funds which she promptly redirected to her own campaign and into her own pockets. Clearly, she was never greedy and self-dealing and never had any interest in uranium.


Under the greatest president ever, Barack Obama, and his former SecState Hillary, Good Deals for America were almost a daily occurrence and even Settled Science.


In 2009 and 2010, in a bid to corner and dominate the global uranium market, Russia’s atomic energy agency, Rosatom, was anxious to take over a majority stake in the uranium mining company UrAsia formerly owned by Clinton ally and benefactor, Canadian Frank Giustra.


After the board members of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States appointed by Barack Obama with Hillary Clinton’s nod approved the sale, as well as managing the approval of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission leadership appointed by Barack Obama at Clinton’s behest, Russia bought the rest of Uranium One in 2013. Clearly, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with this Good Deal to benefit the American People and put America’s uranium assets in Russian hands.


As the CFIUS includes the State Department as one of the regulatory body’s members, Hillary asserted that she had nothing to do with “massaging” the deal because she never had any interest in money, uranium, or even her own agency at State. She kept insisting that a number of agencies had agreed to the good deal for America because they too, had no interest in making the Clintons fabulously wealthy. According to the latest reports from insider sources on the inside speaking anonymously behind closed doors at an undetermined date and place, she did not go so far as to suggest that selling off America’s assets and wealth was also a good deal, but we might presume that she was thinking it.


What Shepard Smith failed to disclose is that the “friendly” – as opposed to hostile – Uranium One takeover began in 2005. Meanwhile behind the scenes we presume Hillary Clinton was the senator at the time pushing the deal. And Frank Giustra still owned the company.


The Clintons were at his side for no reason at all all this time. For example, no reason like this, reported by the Times:


“The $500,000 (speaking) fee (in Moscow)—among Mr. Clinton’s highest—was paid by Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin…”


Meanwhile, as Team Clinton reportedly spent $1.2 Billion on getting her elected to the presidency mostly so no investigation will ever be launched into the Clinton Good Deals (that $1.2B represents One Thousand Two Hundred times a Million dollars) CNN gave you updates 24/7 for months about the Russians using FACEBOOK to infringe on American democracy and turn an American election in Donald Trump’s favor.


With the $6500 that FACEBOOK reported the Russians spent.

An amount that would not buy a used steel, never mind, gold, Rolex.


According to the Times:


The two men had flown aboard Mr. Giustra’s private jet to Almaty, Kazakhstan, where they dined with the authoritarian president, Nursultan A. Nazarbayev. Mr. Clinton handed the Kazakh president a propaganda coup when he expressed support for Mr. Nazarbayev’s bid to head an international elections monitoring group, undercutting American foreign policy and criticism of Kazakhstan’s poor human rights record by, among others, his wife, (Hillary Clinton) then a senator.


Within days of the visit, Mr. Giustra’s fledgling company, UrAsia Energy Ltd., signed a preliminary deal giving it stakes in three uranium mines controlled by the state-run uranium agency Kazatomprom.


If the Kazakh deal was a major victory, UrAsia did not wait long before resuming the hunt. In 2007, it merged with Uranium One, a South African company with assets in Africa and Australia, in what was described as a $3.5 billion transaction. The new company, which kept the Uranium One name, was controlled by UrAsia investors including Ian Telfer, a Canadian who became chairman. Through a spokeswoman, Mr. Giustra, whose personal stake in the deal was estimated at about $45 million, said he sold his stake in 2007.


Soon, Uranium One began to snap up companies with assets in the United States. In April 2007, it announced the purchase of a uranium mill in Utah and more than 38,000 acres of uranium exploration properties in four Western states, followed quickly by the acquisition of the Energy Metals Corporation and its uranium holdings in Wyoming, Texas and Utah. That deal made clear that Uranium One was intent on becoming ‚Äúa powerhouse in the United States uranium sector with the potential to become the domestic supplier of choice for U.S. utilities,” the company declared. ‚Ķ The Times published an article revealing the 2005 trip’s link to Mr. Giustra’s Kazakhstan mining deal. It also reported that several months later, Mr. Giustra had donated $31.3 million to Mr. Clinton’s foundation.


What Shepard Smith neglected to disclose among all the good deals going down among his media mates at CNN and MSNBC, The NY Times and WashPo, is the timing and the timeline, and that 1 + 1 may actually equal 2. Possibly 3.


The Times:


“Mr. Telfer’s (the chairman of UrAsia) undisclosed donations came in addition to between $1.3 million and $5.6 million in contributions, which were reported, from a constellation of people with ties to Uranium One or UrAsia, the company that originally acquired Uranium One’s most valuable asset: the Kazakh mines. Without those assets, the Russians would have had no interest in the deal…..”


At least no interest in the deal until a former president who made previous Good Deals that armed North Korea with nukes and ICBMs, came to the rescue with a $500,000 speech that lasted at most 10 minutes, with “guarantees” for millions more to arrive shortly for which no speeches will will [sic] be made. And a box of cigars.


Bill Clinton, with Hillary at his side in the early years, made sure that the Kahakh mines would become Russian mines. And the American mines become Russian mines. She was SecState at the time, and if you’re seeing a conflict of interest and self-dealing, you are seeing things.


It appears Shepard deliberately neglected the obvious for political reasons of his own, in a speech that LeftMedia is now celebrating thinking that FOX News, just like they, are now in the tank with the Clinton narrative. Look, $145 million goes a long way to persuade the reluctant that the sky is not blue.


For after all, there are no more deserving people to benefit from all the Good Deals than the ones who made them: Barack Obama and the Clintons.


Theirs is the Good Deal that stipulated that:


  1. The $145,000,000 that wound up at the Clinton Family Foundation for no reason at all got there for no reason at all.



  1. That, for no reason at all Barack Obama appointed ALL the voters at CIFUS and the other agencies under his command who approved the Good Deal without ANY dissent. And then Barry approved the sale himself according to Smith.


For absolutely no reason at all.


Not even the $145,000,000 reason and a genuine replica of the Reset Button.




[Blog Editor: Title to PDF of above link: The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS); By James K. Jackson; Congressional Research Service; 54 pgs.; 10/11/17]



© Andrew G. Benjamin


Andrew G. Benjamin is a real estate and tax specialist, equities trader, a former economic advisor to New York city mayor Rudy Giuliani; serving on the transition team’s Subcommittee on Taxation, Finance and the Budget. Benjamin also wrote extensively about intelligence, economic issues, the Mideast, terrorism, technology, high end audio and transnational politics.


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Looking at Leftist Deep State

Crooked Clintons, Dems, Obamunists, Uranium One, Fusion GPS, Russia Collusion and Probably MORE


John R. Houk, Editor

Posted November 13, 2017


It’s time to look at some anti-Trump Deep State horse pucky the Leftist Mainstream Media (MSM) is ignoring and yet still fabricating Trump/Russia collusion and calling for President Trump’s impeachment based on ZERO legal reasoning.


Let’s begin with a Wikileaks TV video posted on 11/10/17. (Hat Tip: G+ Community Conservative Against Liberal Media (C.A.L.M.) on 11/12/17)


JRH 11/13/17

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Posted by wikileaks tv

Published on Nov 10, 2017


Fusion collusion with Veselnitskaya proves Trump, Jr. meeting was a set up


By press

November 7, 2017

Americans for Limited Government


Nov. 7, 2017, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement reacting to the revelation that Fusion GPS CEO Glenn Simpson met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya both before and after her meeting with Donald Trump, Jr. in June 2016:


“Today’s report that Fusion GPS CEO Glenn Simpson met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya both before and after her meeting with Donald Trump, Jr. in June 2016 is breathtaking. It is clear the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign paid for a consultant who was using Russians in an attempt to create the appearance of collusion through false offers of dirt on Hillary Clinton. Even the Closseau-like Robert Mueller should be able to piece this together and see that Fusion GPS is at the center of his investigation into the 2016 election.


“It is also reasonable to assume that the Clinton campaign did not receive any information from that meeting that they deemed relevant in the campaign, except for the meeting itself, or else they would have used it. If taking a meeting with Russians is deemed a criminal act, then Simpson and everyone else who used Russian sources for the dossier, including the Clinton campaign since they paid for it, should apparently be in jail. It should also be clear to anyone with an ounce of honest blood flowing through their veins that the entire foundation of the Mueller investigation is based on a manufactured concept. If taking a meeting is criminalized, no one in Washington, D.C. can be exempt from Mueller’s witch hunt. It’s time to close Robert Mueller’s desperate search for criminality where none exists.”




“Why did the Russians try to deliver ‘dirt’ on Hillary Clinton to the Trump campaign—three times? And what did Fusion GPS know about it? Was the Trump campaign being set up?” By Robert Romano, Oct. 31, 2017 at


Interview Availability: Please contact Americans for Limited Government at 703-383-0880 ext. 100 or at to arrange an interview with ALG experts.




I want Truth. Hillary- I deleted Truth


Is the Clinton Cartel about to take a fall?

FBI Provides Necessary Documents to Prosecute Crooked Hillary Clinton


Posted by Dee Fatouros

Posted on November 8, 2017 5:51:00 AM   

The Realistic Observer


Original Posting:

By Kevin Jackson

Nov 7, 2017

The Blacksphere


It’s finally underway. The unraveling of the Clintons.
With no James Comey to protect her, and a complicit crooked president to provide cover, Hillary Clinton finds herself naked and standing before the man.


“Spread your butt-cheeks,” yells her jailer, as he waters her down, and checks for a “keestered” weapon.


According to The Hill, the unraveling of the Clinton Cartel has begun:


The FBI has begun turning over to Senate investigators hundreds of pages of memos regarding the bureau’s probe into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, sources told The Hill.

The sources said the Justice Department notified the Senate Judiciary Committee late Friday and the FBI began transmitting memos soon after to assist Congress in its review of former Director James Comey’s handling of the Clinton email case.

The memos detail how and when the bureau’s leadership declined to pursue criminal charges against Clinton for transmitting classified information on her private email server as secretary of State, an investigation that has remained controversial since the 2016 presidential campaigns.

FBI officials declined to comment. “We don’t have any information for you,” spokeswoman Carol Cratty told The Hill.

The Senate committee has been seeking the memos for some time as it investigates whether Comey chose to absolve Clinton of criminal liability before the election-year probe was complete and before she was even interviewed. Comey ultimately concluded that while Clinton’s handling of classified emails was careless, there was not enough evidence of intent to warrant criminal charges.


Despite David M. Hardy running interference for the Clintons, the records are now available.




Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down


By Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne, Cyd Upson

November 7, 2017

Fox News


The co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm behind the unverified Trump dossier, met with a Russian lawyer before and after a key meeting she had last year with Trump’s son, Fox News has learned. The contacts shed new light on how closely tied the firm was to Russian interests, at a time when it was financing research to discredit then-candidate Donald Trump.


The opposition research firm has faced renewed scrutiny after litigation revealed that the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid for that research. Congressional Republicans have since questioned whether that politically financed research contributed to the FBI’s investigation of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign – making Fusion’s 2016 contacts with Russian interests all the more relevant.


The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting involving Donald Trump Jr. and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya occurred during a critical period. At that time, Fox News has learned that bank records show Fusion GPS was paid by a law firm for work on behalf of a Kremlin-linked oligarch while paying former British spy Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump through his Russian contacts.


But hours before the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, Fusion co-founder and ex-Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson was with Veselnitskaya in a Manhattan federal courtroom, a confidential source told Fox News. Court records reviewed by Fox News, email correspondence and published reports corroborate the pair’s presence together. The source told Fox News they also were together after the Trump Tower meeting.


Simpson’s presence with Veselnitskaya during this critical week in June — together with revelations about Fusion’s simultaneous financial ties to the DNC, Clinton campaign and Russian interests — raise new questions about the company’s role in the 2016 election.




Podesta Email: “And Then The Bundys Showed Up”



NOVEMBER 9, 2017

Freedom Outpost


In the pile of emails released by Wikileaks, there was one from American Progress Action to Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that contained a brief reference to the Bundys.


The email address sent Podesta an email on January 11, 2016 with the subject line: And then the Bundys showed up.


The text of the email read as follows: After years of conflict, residents of Harney County, Oregon had finally begun to rebuild ties between ranchers and the federal government. Then the Bundys showed up. And, President Obama is leaving a seat open for shooting victims at tomorrow’s State of the Union address. In case you missed it, gun violence survivors speak out in this powerful video (editor’s note: tissues recommended).Additionally, there was a list of articles linked to Think Progress and at the top of the list was one titled How The Bundy Standoff Could Screw Over Ranchers. The article has been removed and has not been archived. [Blog Editor: web cache version courtesy Google]


Keep in mind, this email was sent less than 2 weeks before Oregon State Troopers, alongside the FBI shot and killed LaVoy Finicum, also a rancher who stood alongside the Bundys at Bundy Ranch in Bunkersville in 2014 and at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon in late 2015 and 2016.


This may also be insightful since we know from texts and emails that the White House, at the time, was in communication with the Oregon governor and helping to orchestrate the takedown of men who were simply exercising their constitutional rights, even to the point of killing one of them.


I reported on those documents in March 2016:


…Northwest Liberty News radio show, a bombshell from documents Jim White and I obtained indicates that the entire operation of January 26, 2016 goes up not only to Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s office, but even to the White House. Because of the language that was used in the documents by the officers, we speculated along with Red Smith of and Paul Preston of that the White House orchestrated the entire thing and that when it comes to calling the shots, we don’t look to Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, but rather to Obama’s mama, Valerie Jarrett.


First, let me remind you that there are over 600 emails and texts that indicate the Governor Brown was in the loop on everything that was going on in Oregon during the protest at the Malheur Refuge, including some emails and texts that were directly from her. Second, due to newly released documents, we know that at least one Oregon State Trooper specifically acknowledged that the county to which the protesters were traveling on the day of LaVoy Finicum’s murder was a well-known “UN free zone.” The officer made the statement as though it was common knowledge, so does that mean that Harney County is not a “UN free zone”?


However, in those same documents, we have run across even more chilling and telling statements concerning where the command for the roadblock and the ambush came from.


If you pick up the radio show at the 7:00 mark here, then you will hear Red Smith detail what is in the documents.



Additionally, I would encourage you to watch this video by Lo K and check out the documentation below listed in the video and connect that dots.




  • Mueller is planning to conspire in the cover-up of James Comey, Peter Comey, The Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Loretta Lynch, Ron Wyden, Adam Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Steven E Grasty, Brent Grasty, Neil Kronze, Gregory Kronze, Harry Reid, Rory Reid, George Soros, Barrack Hussein Obama and others for TREASON. Mueller Hires 13 Lawyers, Including One Who Represented Hillary! – BB4SP











Grassley: Special Counsel Should Investigate ‘Potentially Criminal’ Uranium One Deal


As seen on Fox & Friends

Oct. 26, 2017 9:10am

Fox News Insider


Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is calling for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate the Obama-era Uranium One deal.


Uranium One refers to the name of a Canada-based company with mines in the U.S. that was bought by Rosatom, a company backed by the Russian state. The State Department, then led by Hillary Clinton, was one of nine U.S. government agencies that had to approve the controversial 2010 deal, which gave Russia control over more than 20 percent of U.S. uranium supplies.


Republicans have raised concerns about Russian efforts to influence Clinton to sign off on the deal – citing donations to the Clinton Foundation as well as a $500,000 speaking fee received by former President Bill Clinton.




On “Fox & Friends,” Grassley said that if a special counsel was necessary to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 election, then one is also necessary to look into these “potentially criminal, fraudulent money laundering activities.”


He said he’s looking forward to hearing from a former FBI informant, who claims to have information about efforts to bribe the Clintons involving the uranium deal.


The Justice Department said Wednesday night that it had lifted a gag order the informant, clearing the individual to speak to Congress.


“We ought to know about [what he knows], because transparency brings accountability,” Grassley said, explaining that READ THE REST


Surprise! Big Media Ignores the Real Russian Scandal


By Susan Stamper Brown

Oct 23, 2017 6:57 AM




Additionally, the chairman of Uranium One is a close friend of the Clintons and is on the board of the Clinton Foundation, according to Peter Schweizer, author of “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.”


Fast forward to now.


Enter: Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, Robert Mueller and James Comey –the same folks investigating the so-called Trump-Russia collusion investigation were also involved in Uranium One.


DOJ documents disclose the investigation was ultimately supervised by Rosenstein and  McCabe. Robert Mueller was FBI director when the probe began and James Comey was director until Trump fired him.


We now know the FBI was aware of multi-faceted Russian wrongdoing long before the Uranium One nuclear deal was approved.


The Hill reports the “FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.”


Investigators also knew “Russians were compromising American contractors in the nuclear industry with kickbacks and extortion threats, all of which raised legitimate national security concerns,” The Hill reports.


Apparently, the Obama administration was desperate to keep this under wraps and allegedly threatened an FBI informant to remain silent. Fox News reports that Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa has asked the DOJ to “lift an apparent ‘gag order’ on the FBI informant who “allegedly was ‘threatened’ by the Obama administration to stay quiet.”


All that, while we were told there was nothing to see here.




New Memos Reveal Obama Admin Lied About “Uranium One” Exports


By Brian Thomas

November 3, 2017

The Federalist Papers


Despite the mainstream media’s best efforts to dismiss and ignore the Uranium One bribery scheme, newly released memos show that the Obama Administration worked hard to deceive Americans into thinking the sale wouldn’t result in uranium exports.


The Uranium One deal landed the Clinton Foundation roughly $145 million, but former President Obama approved of the obvious bribe.



But the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission repeatedly assured Congress that U.S. uranium reserves wouldn’t be exported.

From the Hill:


“No uranium produced at either facility may be exported,” the NRC declared in a November 2010 press release that announced that ARMZ, a subsidiary of the Russian state-owned Rosatom, had been approved to take ownership of the Uranium One mining firm and its American assets.


A year later, the nuclear regulator repeated the assurance in a letter to Sen. John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican in whose state Uranium One operated mines.


“Neither Uranium One Inc. nor AMRZ holds a specific NRC export license. In order to export uranium from the United States, Uranium One Inc. or ARMZ would need to apply for and obtain a specific NRC license authorizing the exports of uranium for use in reactor fuel,” then-NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko wrote to Barrasso.



The 2011 Barrasso letter makes it clear that Rosatom didn’t have an export license and explained why such a liscense is of value to the “common defense and security of the United States.”



Freshly released Nuclear Regulatory Commission memos, however, prove that exports were approved.


Yellowcake uranium was exported from the U.S., regularly between 2012 and 2014.


To cover their tracks, Obama signed a waiver which allowed the uranium to be first driven to Canada, where it would then be exported to Europe.


The Hill continues:


Yet NRC memos reviewed by The Hill show that it did approve the shipment of yellowcake uranium — the raw material used to make nuclear fuel and weapons — from the Russian-owned mines in the United States to Canada in 2012 through a third party. Later, the Obama administration approved some of that uranium going all the way to Europe, government documents show.


NRC officials said they could not disclose the total amount of uranium that Uranium One exported because the information is proprietary. They did, however, say that the shipments only lasted from 2012 to 2014 and that they are unaware of any exports since then.


NRC officials told The Hill that Uranium One exports flowed from Wyoming to Canada and on to Europe between 2012 and 2014, and the approval involved a process with multiple agencies.


Rather than give Rosatom a direct export license — which would have raised red flags inside a Congress already suspicious of the deal — the NRC in 2012 authorized an amendment to an existing export license for a Paducah, Ky.-based trucking firm called RSB Logistics Services Inc. to simply add Uranium One to the list of clients whose uranium it could move to Canada.


The license, reviewed by The Hill, is dated March 16, 2012, and it increased the amount of uranium ore concentrate that RSB Logistics could ship to the Cameco Corp. plant in Ontario from 7,500,000 kilograms to 12,000,000 kilograms and added Uranium One to the “other parties to Export.”


Uranium left U.S. shores after all, and the efforts to cover up the move left Congress in the dark for years.


The Hill received an email from “Uranium One’s American arm” admitting that uranium was trucked to Canada to be exported throughout Europe and Asia. According to the letter, the move technically complies with federal law.




Mueller Now Connected to a Covered-Up Bribery Scheme Involving Hillary Clinton


By amorgan

November 11, 2017


Well, well, well.  It looks as if former FBI director Robert Mueller, who is now special counsel in charge of the Justice Department’s Russia investigation, allegedly hid evidence that was collected as early as 2009 which shows Russian officials were involved in a bribery scheme with Hillary Clinton’s charity in order to expand their atomic energy business within the U.S.


According to The Hill:


Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.


Rather than bring immediate charges for the scheme though, the FBI and Justice Department decided to continue “investigating” the issue for four more years – leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefiting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions.


The details were revealed in a report earlier this week.  Apparently, the evidence was withheld from lawmakers while they were questioning the Obama administration’s approval of the sale of Uranium One to Russia’s nuclear giant Rosatom in 2010, which ultimately led to Russian control of 20% of U.S. uranium supply.


Then, in 2011, the administration approved Tenex, a subsidiary of Rosatom, in partnership with the United States Enrichment Corp., to sell commercial uranium to U.S. nuclear power plants.  Prior to that, Tenex was only allowed to sell reprocessed uranium recovered from dismantled Soviet nuclear weapons under the 1990s “Megatons to Megawatts” peace program U.S. nuclear power plants.


An anonymous person who worked on the case informed The Hill, “The Russians were compromising American contractors in the nuclear industry with kickbacks and extortion threats, all of which raised legitimate national security concerns. And none of that evidence got aired before the Obama administration made those decisions.”




Ned Ryun: Stronger Evidence Of Russian Collusion Between Fusion GPS, DNC, And Clinton Than Trump


By Ian Schwartz 

November 8, 2017

Real Clear Politics


[Blog Editor: RCP post a 56 second video of Trish Regan and Ned Ryun discussing the issue of a criminal cover-up in the Obama Administration. There was no embed at RCP. But I did find a Facebook on Trish Regan’s video page. I’ll embed that first followed by a more detailed similar version I found a Youtube video of Regan and Ryun on the same subject but four-minutes in length.


Trish Regan Facebook VIDEO: RPT. Russian Lawyer Met with Fusion GPS Before & After Trump Jr. Meeting


VIDEO: What did Russia do with US uranium imports?


Posted by Fox Business

Published on Nov 3, 2017


American Majority CEO Ned Ryun on the Uranium One deal and Russia reportedly exporting U.S. uranium to Canada and Europe.]


American Majority CEO Ned Ryun talks to FOX Business Network’s Trish Reagan about the Russian connection between Fusion GPS, DNC, and the Clinton presidential campaign. Ryun also said the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer smells like a setup.

“This Russian lawyer we will discover that she was actually one of the unnamed sources for the Russian dossier,” Ryun said Wednesday on FOX Business. “The thing that is amazing to me in all of this is we have seen harder and stronger evidence over the last two weeks for Russian collusion between Fusion GPS, the DNC and Hillary Clinton with Russia than we have any evidence for the Trump campaign and Russia for the last year.”

“The reason I think the Intelligence Committee is trying to get ahold of all of their bank records — I think Fusion GPS was actually paying journalists to promote their manufactured news,” he said. “And so you asked if there was anything illegal. We’ll have to find that out and that’s why I want to see the DOJ to go under the RICO statutes and look what Fusion GPS has done. It’s highly unethical.”


Uranium One and New START


By Bill Gertz

November 1, 2017

Washington Times


Some U.S. national security officials are urging an investigation of the burgeoning Uranium One scandal to focus on whether the New START arms treaty with Russia was compromised by Moscow payoffs and not just by Obama administration policies that sought to curry favor with the Kremlin.


The Obama team, through the Treasury Department-led Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), approved the 2010 sale of 51 percent of Canada-based Uranium One to JSC Atomredmetzoloto, or ARMZ, the mining arm of Rosatom, the Russian state nuclear energy agency. The merger gave Russia control of some 20 percent of U.S. uranium extraction capability.


In 2015, it was revealed that nine lobbyists for Uranium One paid the Clinton Foundation, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable organization, $145 million before, during and after the deal was approved. Bill Clinton also traveled to Moscow, where he was paid $500,000 by a Russian government-linked bank for a speech.


Last month, the Uranium One case resurfaced when news reports revealed that the FBI apparently covered up information about illegal Russian attempts to lobby then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


The deal was approved by senior Obama officials, including Mrs. Clinton, apparently without knowledge of an FBI probe that led to the conviction of a Russian lobbyist linked to the deal who was found guilty of bribery and kickbacks. A confidential source used in the prosecution was forced to remain silent and only recently revealed details of the payoffs.


Since the disclosures, Congress has jumped on the Uranium One deal and is investigating, including potential links between conciliatory policies toward Moscow by the Obama administration and the New START treaty.



Mark Schneider, a former Pentagon nuclear official, said there are national security implications to the Uranium One deal — but not much linkage to New START.


“Russia has enough plutonium and highly enriched uranium for a nuclear force vastly larger than the one it can possibly produce in the next two decades,” he said.


“We have killed our uranium enrichment capability, which in turn has killed our tritium production capability. The emerging tritium crisis eliminates any potential to hedge against a greater-than-expected threat, and we will soon start losing capability that even the Obama administration thought was necessary.”


Uranium One will solidify Moscow’s hold on the uranium enrichment market and will increase leverage on nations that use low-enriched uranium-powered reactors.


“Uranium One is a symptom of Third World corruption coming to the United States,” Mr. Schneider said.


“The Russians bought the secretary of state with massive bribes — $500,000 for a speech and $145 million for the Clinton Foundation, their personal piggy bank,” he said. “The Democrat leadership in the Congress does not care. Unless they are punished, this is just the beginning.”




Edited by John R. Houk

Any information enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.


Typically, I display the copyright of each cross post. Not today. Go to the linked webpage to realize I did not write it. 😊


Mueller Indictments- Manafort, Gates & Papadopoulos

John R. Houk

October 31, 2017


This is a cross post of Western Journalism and WND about the indictments of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates as well as an apparent plea deal for George Papadopoulos squeezed for lying about his interaction with Russians that perhaps Papadopoulos should have registered as a foreign agent. The Papadopoulos plea deal is a bit sketchy because he was a volunteer with a bit of uncertainty if acting on his own volition or was coached by someone to contact Russians.


Before posting this morning, I was watching Fox and Friends inattentively. A gal was interviewed in which I didn’t catch her profession. However, I saw her again on my DVR recorded premiered show called Fox News at Night with Shannon Bream. On Bream’s news show I discovered her name is Sidney Powell a former Prosecutor and author of Licensed to Lie. She criticized the wording of the indictment as being weak citing laws and statutes that she believes have a sketchy application. Powell also criticized Mueller’s lead prosecutor Andrew Weissmann for sketch prosecutorial practices. Here is a quote about Weissman similar to what Powell said on Fox and Friends:


“Andrew Weissmann, the prosecutor tapped by Mueller to help lead the investigation, has also received criticism. Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor recently wrote about Weissman in a piece titled, ‘Judging by Mueller’s staffing choices, he may not be very interested in justice.’” (Gowdy slams Mueller team over leaks about charges in Trump-Russia probe; By Joseph Weber; Fox News; 10/30/17)


But I did find another person – J. Christian Adams –  who had a similar criticism of the weak indictment put together by Mueller and Dem-oriented Special Prosecutor team:


VIDEO: J. Christian Adams: Mueller’s charges are a ‘weak debut’


Posted by Fox News

Published on Oct 30, 2017


New questions surrounding the future of the Russia probe; reaction on ‘The Story.’


I need to note that when I Googled the indictments against Paul Manafort and Rick (Richard) Gates, the Google search results went primarily to Leftist news sites and the Left oriented Mainstream Media (MSM). The headlines of those searches indicate disgusting glee that the indictments against Manafort and Gates will soon bring down President Donald Trump. This Fake News glee was related even though the loosely worded indictments are focused on Manafort/Gates business dealing with Russia before Barack Obama was even President.


How in the world is that Trump/Russia collusion in the November 2016 election?


Fire Mueller! Get a different Special Prosecutor. Begin looking at Crooked Hillary and husband, Dem leadership – particularly involved in Crooked Hillary’s campaign, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Loretta Lynch and I have no doubt – into former President Barack Hussein Obama. For what? The real Russian Collusion for starters.


JRH 10/31/17

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Paul Manafort Surrenders to Feds as Subject of First Indictment In Mueller’s Russia Probe


By Jack Davis 

October 30, 2017 6:32am

Western Journalism


Paul Manafort, the former campaign chairman for President Donald Trump who left the Trump campaign under a cloud amid allegations of improper dealings involving the consulting business he had previously operated, turned himself in to the FBI on Monday, according to multiple reports.


Manafort and longtime associate Rick Gates, who joined and left the Trump campaign at the same time as Manafort, were indicted as part of the investigation headed by special counsel Robert Mueller.


Mueller was appointed to head up a wide-ranging investigation into allegations that there had been collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.


Manafort and Gates were indicted on 12 charges, including “conspiracy against the United States,” “conspiracy to launder money” and “false statements.”


Manafort/Gates Indictment Document



The New York Times reported Manafort “had been under investigation for violations of federal tax law, money laundering and whether he appropriately disclosed his foreign lobbying.”


NBC News Tweet


Washington Examiner Tweet


Chris Hayes Tweet


Manafort arrived at the FBI’s field office in Washington on Monday morning. Gates turned himself in shortly afterward.


Manafort’s home was raided by the FBI in July, and a number of documents were seized at that time.


Manafort, who piloted Trump’s campaign between June and August 2016, has been under investigation by the FBI and Justice Department for his relationship with former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.


At the time of Manafort’s departure from the Trump campaign, The Associated Press reported that from 2012 to 2014, Manafort and Gates had been involved in a lobbying effort to increase American support for a pro-Russian Ukrainian government and did not disclose that they were working for a foreign government as required under federal law.


Under the Foreign Agent Registration Act, Manafort retroactively registered in June with the Justice Department for the work he did during that time, for which he was paid more than $17 million.


“Paul’s work ended well before he joined Candidate Trump’s campaign,” spokesman Jason Maloni said in a statement at the time, according to Politico. “Paul was not simultaneously working as a foreign agent while he was working for Trump.”


White House attorney Ty Cobb has said Trump has no fears that Manafort might trade damaging testimony against Trump for a lighter sentence in some sort of deal.


“The president has no concerns in terms of any impact, as to what happens to them, on his campaign or on the White House,” Cobb said.


Trump has said that his campaign never colluded with Russia.




Former Trump chairman charged with conspiring to defraud U.S. in dealings with Ukraine


10/30/17 7:13 AM – Updated: 10/30/2017 4:13 PM



Fox Video on WND


WASHINGTON – Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and an associate surrendered to federal authorities Monday on felony charges of conspiracy against the United States and other charges in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian influence on the 2016 election.


Meanwhile, a former campaign adviser to President Donald Trump, George Papadopoulos, entered a guilty plea in the investigation, admitting he lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russians.


The indictment swept up Manafort’s onetime business partner and protégé Rick Gates, but it makes no allegations about the 2016 election. Both pleaded not guilty.


It alleges 12 counts, including conspiracy against the U.S., conspiracy to launder money, being an unregistered foreign agent, misleading statements and failing to file reports of foreign bank accounts. The charges relate to overseas business operations.


Read the full indictment here.


Watch Manafort walking into FBI headquarters with his attorney: [Blog Editor: You’ll have to go WND to watch. I can’t find the embed or the Fox News link.]


Papadopoulos, whose Oct. 5 guilty plea was unsealed Monday, admitted lying to FBI agents about the nature of his interactions with “foreign nationals” offering “dirt” on Clinton who allegedly were attempting to line up a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.


According to Mueller’s filing, Papadopoulos met with a female Russian national on March 24, 2016, shortly after learning he had become a campaign adviser. Papadopoulos believed the Russian had connections with the Russian government and could arrange a meeting with the Trump campaign. The next month, he met with a professor in London who said operatives in Moscow had “thousands” of Hillary Clinton’s emails. The filing, however, does not specify whether the reference was to the emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee’s computers.


Responding to reporters at the White House press briefing Monday, press secretary Sarah Sanders said Papadopoulos didn’t have an influential role in the campaign, describing him as a volunteer on an advisory council that met one time during the year.


“Any actions he took would have been on his own,” Sanders said.


In a tweet Monday morning, Trump emphasized the Manafort indictment had nothing to do with Russian collusion.


“Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign,” Trump tweeted. ‘But why aren’t Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus?????”


“Also, there is NO COLLUSION!” he said.


Mueller was appointed to investigate claims of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign after the Democrats’ 2016 election loss, but now there are allegations against Democrats.


Last week, the Washington Post reported Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for the research for the largely fabricated anti-Trump dossier. Late Wednesday, a complaint was filed with the Federal Election Commission charging Clinton’s campaign and the DNC violated campaign finance law by failing to disclose payments for the dossier. Also last week, a source claimed that the Podesta Group, run by John Podesta’s brother Tony, is a target of Mueller’s investigation. And The Hill reported that before a government panel in which Hillary Clinton was a member approved the sale of a company controlling 20 percent of U.S. uranium reserves, the FBI was sitting on evidence Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to expand Moscow’s nuclear business in the U.S.


In addition, a congressional inquiry led by Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., is focusing on how aides to President Obama “unmasked” individuals caught up in government surveillance.


Manafort has denied wrongdoing. Many of the charges date back as far as 2006.


Understand what makes a liberal tick. “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness” by Dr. Lyle Rossiter explains it all.


Among the allegations is that Manafort moved $75 million to offshore accounts without declaring the income for taxation purposes. He then allegedly used $18 million to “fund a lavish lifestyle,” as the London Daily Mail described it.


FBI agents staged an early morning raid on Manafort’s home last summer, confiscating records.


According to the New York Times, Gates’ name appears on documents linked to companies that Manafort’s firm established in Cyprus to receive payments from his clients in Eastern Europe.


President Trump’s lawyer, Ty Cobb, assured reporters last week Manafort does not have damaging information about the president to offer prosecutors.


“The president has no concerns in terms of any impact, as to what happens to them, on his campaign or on the White House,” Cobb said.


Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March 2016 and developed a strategy that convinced delegates not to break with Trump in favor of establishment candidates. Trump then appointed the veteran Republican strategist as chairman and chief strategist of his campaign.


Months later, Trump fired Manafort after learning his chairman received more than $12 million in undisclosed payments from former Ukrainian president Victor F. Yanukovych, who he spent years working for as a political consultant.


The case advanced amid claims Russian President Vladimir Putin colluded with Trump campaign officials to rig the 2016 presidential election against Hillary Clinton.


Mueller was appointed by the Justice Department in May to lead the investigation into Trump campaign officials’ relationships with Russian operatives. But the focus now actually may be turning to the Democrats.


President Trump contends the “real Russia story” is the sale of 20 percent of U.S. uranium assets to a Russian company under Clinton’s watch.


Critics also have pointed to Mueller’s relationship with fired FBI chief James Comey and the fact that he stacked his team of investigators with lawyers who had openly supported Hillary Clinton in the election. The Mail reported it was unclear if Mueller still has a strategy to “squeeze” Manafort” for information about the 2016 election “and Russian’s possible interference with it.”


The allegations concern actions that all predate the Trump campaign, and Trump’s name doesn’t appear in the 31-page indictment by Mueller, who in the document makes no allegations of collusion with Russia.


The case has been assigned to Judge Amy Jackson, an Obama appointee.


Understand what makes a liberal tick. “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness” by Dr. Lyle Rossiter explains it all.





NO CHARGES OF TRUMP COLLUSION: Here’s What You Need To Know About The Manafort Indictment; By BEN SHAPIRO; Daily Wire; 10/30/17


Mueller Indictments- Manafort, Gates & Papadopoulos

John R. Houk

© October 31, 2017


Paul Manafort Surrenders to Feds as Subject of First Indictment In Mueller’s Russia Probe


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CNN’s Undisclosed Ties To Fusion GPS

Fusion GPS has been used by both Dems and GOP as a source of Oppo Research by political candidates. Fusion GPS is not alone in this political function. Oppo Research is essentially mudslinging that might be the truth but often is mixed with half-truths. If there is a half-truth, then there is a half-lie.


Pertaining to Fusion GPS and President Trump, Oppo Research was first requested by a yet undisclosed Republican candidate for the GOP nomination for President (perhaps via Washington Free Beacon). The MSM reports this but fails to inform readers – whoever that candidate was – dropped their involvement with Fusion GPS when Donald Trump wrapped up the GOP nomination.


THEN Fusion GPS shopped out the Oppo Research to the Dems. That is where the now proven fraudulent so-called Trump Dossier was fabricated by an ex-MI6 British agent (Christopher Steele) probably with Russian help.


Now unsurprisingly, it is being reported Fusion GPS has a close relationship with the Communist News Network – aka CNN, the very network that has been pushing Fake News Trump/Russia collusion rather telling the truth of Crooked Hillary/DNC/Fusion GPS/Russian collusion in the November 2016 U.S. election.


JRH 10/29/17 (Hat Tip: Digg Deeper Email from


CNN’s Undisclosed Ties To Fusion GPS



10/28/2017 1:07 AM 

The Daily Caller


CNN’s reporting on the Trump-Russia dossier has left out at least one crucial fact: the close ties between the network and the opposition research firm at the center of the dossier controversy.


CNN’s reporting on the dossier, led by justice correspondent Evan Perez, has been favorable to the firm, Fusion GPS, and hyped the dossier’s credibility. Left out of Perez’s reporting, which has relied largely on unnamed sources, is his personal closeness to Fusion GPS’ operatives. Fusion has repeatedly been described in Senate testimonies as a smear-for-hire operation that manufactures misleading or false media narratives for its clients.


Glenn Simpson, the Fusion co-founder most often associated with the dossier, is used to working on stories with Perez. As reporters at The Wall Street Journal, Perez and Simpson regularly co-authored stories on national security.


Another Fusion founder, Tom Catan, worked as a reporter for the Journal at the same time as Perez and Simpson. The third Fusion co-founder, Peter Fritsch, worked above Perez and Simpson as the senior national security editor.


Simpson and Fritsch left the WSJ in 2011 to launch Fusion. Perez jumped from the paper to CNN in 2013. Another longtime Journal reporter, Neil King, left the paper to join Fusion in December 2016.


Photos posted to Facebook underscore the personal closeness between Perez and the Fusion GPS operatives. One photo posted by Perez shows King, who left the Journal for Fusion in December 2016, and another man posing for a picture at The Bullpen, an outdoor bar right outside of the Washington Nationals’ stadium.


The Bullpen is a popular fan destination before baseball games. King is shown wearing a shirt with the Nationals name and logo across the front. The photo was posted in August 2016, four months before King joined Fusion GPS.


Neil King is seen on the left, in a photo posted by CNN reporter Evan Perez. (Screenshot/Facebook)


Another photo, from September 2015, shows Perez, King and Fusion co-founder Peter Fritsch.




In 2011, the same year that Fritsch co-founded Fusion, Perez posted two photos on Facebook from an apparent fishing trip with Fritsch. The photos show the Wall Street Journal alum holding a fishing rod and standing ankle-deep in a lake. In one of the photos, Fritsch can be seen flipping the camera his middle finger.






At no point in Perez’s reporting did he disclose his close ties to the Fusion GPS operatives.


The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board sounded the alarm about its former reporters in a remarkable editorial earlier this month, accusing Beltway media of being complicit in a coverup with Fusion. “Americans don’t need a Justice Department coverup abetted by Glenn Simpson’s media buddies,” the editors wrote in a scathing takedown of the firm.


Simpson’s wife, Mary Jacoby, bragged about his role in the dossier in a lengthy June 2017 Facebook post reviewed by The Daily Caller.


Jacoby claimed that “some people still don’t realize what Glenn’s role was in exposing Putin’s control of Donald Trump,” referencing the dossier’s thesis. The dossier claimed that Russians had evidence of damaging information on Trump that they would use to blackmail him, an explosive accusation for which there remains no public evidence.


CNN’s coverage of the dossier has been relatively soft. CNN anchor Jake Tapper, usually known for his aggressive coverage, gave Fusion a pass while reporting on the story Wednesday evening.


“Certainly some of the more lurid charges in that dossier remain uncorroborated, but some of the details have been proven accurate,” Tapper said. But the newsman failed to mention reporting he did back in January that called the dossier’s credibility into question.


On Jan. 10, the day that BuzzFeed published the dossier, Tapper cited a government source who told him that a key claim in the dossier about Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, was false. The dossier alleged that Cohen traveled to Prague last August to meet with Kremlin operatives. But Tapper reported that government officials believed that a different Michael Cohen had actually traveled to the Czech Republic. Tapper has not acknowledge[d] that reporting since that initial segment. (RELATED: Jake Tapper’s Dodgy Dossier Reporting)


CNN’s reporting on the dossier has similarly muddied the waters with incorrect information on multiple other occasions.


CNN did not respond to The Daily Caller’s request for comment about Perez’s ties to Fusion’s partners.


Fusion GPS, currently at the center of the Russia investigation, has a reputation for working misinformation into the media for political clients.


Thor Halvorssen, founder of the Human Rights Foundation, described Fusion GPS as “highly paid smear experts” in written testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. He says that the firm went after him several years ago because he criticized a corrupt Venezuelan company Derwick Associates that counted Fusion as a client.


Alek Boyd, a former associate of Halvorssen’s, says he was also targeted in a similar smear campaign because he drew attention to Derwick’s alleged financial misdeeds. He said he also faced false allegations of being a pedophile, sexual deviant and drug addict.


“Fusion is basically a pen-for-hire shop, whose owners are prepared to concoct completely spurious stories that are fed to media contacts developed over years of legitimate work in reputable outlets,” Boyd told TheDC.


Bill Browder, a renowned human rights activist and top Putin enemy, offered similar testimony before the committee.


Browder described how Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, the same attorney that met with Donald Trump Jr. last year, used Fusion GPS to conduct a smear campaign against him.


“Veselnitskaya, through Baker Hostetler, hired Glenn Simpson of the firm Fusion GPS to conduct a smear campaign against me and Sergei Magnitsky in advance of congressional hearings on the Global Magnitsky Act,” Browder stated in his written testimony.


“He contacted a number of major newspapers and other publications to spread false information that Sergei Magnitsky was not murdered, was not a whistle-blower, and was instead a criminal. They also spread false information that my presentations to lawmakers around the world were untrue,” Browder said.


Browder’s testimony drew bipartisan praise, with California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, praising Browder’s account as “some of the best testimony I’ve ever heard.”


CNN has faced scrutiny in the past for its reporting on the Russia probe. Two prominent CNN reporters and an editor were forced to leave the network after repeated mistakes in covering the Russia probe, including one report that CNN retracted entirely(RELATED: CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Humiliates Colleague Over Quality Of Her Sources)


This article has been updated to include Tapper’s full quote, in which he neglected to mention his previous reporting calling the dossier’s credibility into question.


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Dem & Establishment Criminality Emerging?

John R. Houk

October 25, 2017


Ever since Donald Trump won a smashing Electoral College victory over Crooked Hillary Clinton in November 2016, the Dems wept in hysterical despair.


VIDEO: anti-Trump protester screams ‘no’ as Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th US President


This kind of Leftist hysterical breakdown is behind the Dems to do every nefarious act possible to remove the duly Constitutionally elected President Donald Trump from Office. This attempted removal is faking a Trump/Russia collusion story when it is becoming more evidentially tangible that Crooked Hillary (and family), the Dem Party and probably even President Obama and his Administration comrades were colluding with Russia to undermine America and the election.


Briefly here is a list of criminal activities of Dems in general, Clinton Crime Syndicate and the Obama Administration:


  • Massively, more undisclosed classified emails on Huma Abedin’s ex-husband Anthony Weiner’s laptop surround the culprits Crooked Hillary, Abedin and sex-offender Weiner.


  • Former Crooked Hillary Campaign Manager John Podesta’s brother Tony Podesta is under investigation for Russia/Ukraine collusion by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. (I’m not sure what will come of this because Mueller may be connected to an FBI cover-up.)





  • An Offended America investigation has revealed that Robert Mueller’s holdings in a fund of funds expose him to Russian investments and to hedge funds tied to George Soros. Mueller’s exclusive hedge funds were not open to the general public, but rather wealthy private accredited investors. The minimum investment in several of the funds is $10 Million.


  • Speculative Guess Work but worthy of mentioning about Attorney General Jeff Sessions: Jeff Sessions recused himself from all things Russian because of election campaign conflicts, but perhaps he recused himself to be insulated from having to divulge what he knew about Uranium One and the people who at the very least knew about the deal, some who approved the deal, including past and present members of the FBI, the DOJ, and Special Counsel Robert Miller’s team. Is Jeff Sessions part of the Uranium One cover-up? If not, then he needs to explain why he is thus far is refusing  Chuck Grassley’s request to lift the gag order imposed by the Obama administration. 




Friends this is huge! If Donald Trump truly acts to drain the swamp, this is his opportunity. There is a enough criminal dirt here to not only toss Crooked Hillary in the slammer, but also to disembowel the entire Leftist complex of the Democratic Party. Which return the Dems – hopefully – to former years of yore to such leaders as Senator Henry Jackson. Those Democrats of yore would cringe to how much the current Democratic Party has really transformed into a Communist-Democratic Party. What a deceptive oxymoron that has become!


In the coming days I’m going to attempt to cross post the sources for these points which should be indictments for prosecution. However, the Dem House of Cards is falling so rapidly to exposure, I will probably move off-point to deliver more relevant updated info.


JRH 10/25/17

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