A Hum of Hate

Has anyone noticed the Dems and the Mainstream Media (MSM) constantly call President Trump and his Conservative supporters violent racists? But on the contrary it is the Dems and MSM either inciting Leftists to be violent or angering Conservatives to the point of violence. Justin Smith looks at the true origins of hate inspired violence.


JRH 8/18/19

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A Hum of Hate  

A Steady Erasure of America’s Culture


By Justin O. Smith

Sent Sun 8/18/2019 12:09 AM


Contrary to what anyone might think, including the hardcore Democratic Party communists and their Antifa buddies, there is absolutely nothing socially redeeming, insightful or advanced and “forward thinking” in the “progressive” ideas that advocate “kill whitey” and set forth the fallacy that all conservative Christian whites must also be “white supremacists”, who must be punished for slavery and the crimes of their ancestors. Although their identity politics agenda has always been a grift, a con, and cover for their anti-white agitation, in times when they couldn’t simply be in the open with their hatred for “whitey” as they are now, whether the hate comes from self-loathing Leftist whites or from people of color, the hardcore Democrat socialists and communists and Antifa fascists currently inject hatred of whites into every conversation and keep a quiet low-grade riot, a hum of hate, boiling just under the surface waiting to explode and destroy America’s domestic tranquility.


I’m guilty of nothing except loving America, so I won’t be checking my “white privilege” anytime soon, and I suggest any other white people should stop buying into this racist nonsense, that somehow we are guilty for having benefited from our Forefathers’ sins of slavery. I accept none of it.


Far from “white supremacy”, the average white male has consistently been denied equality for decades. They have been discriminated against in university admissions and employment, and especially most recently, free speech is denied to them. Google fires white males for stating facts. The ridiculous overused charge of white supremacy is now being used like a club to beat the white people to the back of the bus, in a dangerous machination to propagandize white people out of existence.


I’ve always been proud of who I am, a strong willed American patriot — who also just happens to be white. But for me, race has never been something I concerned myself with too much, other than times I have addressed some inconsiderate and insulting bigoted and racist remark or action aimed at any person, regardless of their color, white, red, yellow or black. And I always looked more at the content of one’s character, their race being secondary to everything and of little importance to any interaction I might have with them, unless it was an issue for them.


The 1965 Immigration Act was signed on October 3rd, before an entirely white audience on Liberty Island, with Ellis Island in the background, after extensive promises that it wouldn’t alter America’s demographic, political or cultural sectors. However, it proved to be a revolutionary bill that has gutted our immigration quota system, blocking most Europeans’ efforts to immigrate to America, a contrived ploy by “progressive Democrats” such as Senator Ted Kennedy, who claimed our system was “discriminatory”; they understood that most of the Third World would vote Democrat when any of their members reached our shores. And look at America’s diseased multicultural socialist population today, from Black Lives Matter to the New Black Panthers and Antifa to CAIR [SA DTN, National Review, IPT, Anti-CAIR to name a few aware exposés] and the Muslim Brotherhood [SA DTN: ‘THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD’S “GLOBAL PROJECT FOR PALESTINE”’, DTN: ‘THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD’S “GENERAL STRATEGIC GOAL” FOR NORTH AMERICA, CEP: ‘THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD’S TIES TO EXTREMISTS’, Gatestone Institute: ‘History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government’ and CIRC: ‘Barack Obama’s Support for the Muslim Brotherhood’], and even La Raza [La Raza Unida and National Council of La Raza (as of 7/11/17 aka UnidosUS)].


For the past fifty-five years, Americans have watched a steady erasure of their culture occur right in front of them, with even their art being deemed “racist” due to its depiction of Historical FACT, in a blatant and arbitrary manner, as Third World hordes of invaders, often socialists and anarchists, swarm the nation and revise our history in their attempts to obliterate our cultural identity, that was once indisputably European and First World in nature. There was absolutely no moral imperative to pursue such a destructive agenda and this purge, but the anti-American, anti-freedom and anti-liberty forces within our own Congress and federal government decided to weaponize immigration, as a means to circumventing and eventually eradicating our U.S, Constitution and the very Founding of America.


Thomas Jefferson once said: “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.” [Blog Editor: In researching this quote, I discovered many quotes attributed to Jefferson used in relation to the 2nd Amendment and rebellion were not ever written or spoken by our 3rd President. That includes Justin’s quote used above. BUT many of those falsely attributed quotes of Jefferson reflect Jeffersonian sentiments. For example here is an excerpt from Jefferson to Madison dated January 30, 1787 reads:


“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.1 Unsuccesful rebellions indeed generally establish the incroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medecine necessary for the sound health of government.”


And an excerpt from Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright dated June 5, 1824 reads:


“the constitutions of most of our states assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent, (as in electing their functionaries executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, both fact and law, in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved) or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person; freedom of religion; freedom of property; and freedom of the press.” (Underlined emphasis is mine)]


It is not justice when our government abdicates its primary responsibility to defend and protects the people and culture that placed it in power, and it chooses to codify into law the forces that will annihilate us, just as is currently also evidenced in unconstitutional “legislation” by sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. We also see this through the Democratic Party’s refusal to secure the border. It is primarily due to this injustice and such egregious “laws” as the 1965 Immigration Act, among others, and the refusal of the current House to hear our grievances, that all Americans must take a new and more forceful stance, to see this destructive madness end.


I am not so concerned myself, with being “replaced” by people of color, as many whites are obsessed with the issue; however, I am concerned that an overwhelming number of the people of color who are immigrating to America hold to ideologies that are antithetical to Western Principles and the Founding Principles that made America great, i.e. communism and Islam, and that they now openly speak of erasing the white race from the face of the earth, through violence and murder, just as one should expect from all good Marxists, especially now that their ranks have grown so large in America among the Millennials, and especially once they attain the majority.


In July of 2016. Micah Johnson, a black nationalist and the murderer of six Dallas police officers, told the hostage negotiator that he was angry on the behalf of Black Lives Matter and he “wanted to kill white people, especially police officers”. [Johnson liked a] Facebook page [from the Black Nationalist group known as African American Defense League] encouraged followers to “Attack Everything In Blue Except the Mailman”.


Over the past decade, King Samir Shabazz, leader of Philadelphia’s New Black Panthers, has stated on numerous occasions, that “You want freedom, you gonna have to kill some crackers [white people] … You gonna have to kill some of they (sic) babies.” The rules of behavior seem to be non-existent and these new radicals have zero respect for the rule of law and anyone’s Constitutional rights, not even one’s right to life, the most sacred of all things.


Tom Curry, a black man and an associate professor of philosophy at Texas A & M, in a 2014 interview entitled ‘White People Are the Problem’, essentially denied that people can reason logically despite their race. He even criticized Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. and other black theologians and theorists for suggesting that white people can be reasonable, and revealing his own racism and intolerance, he stated, “[for blacks] to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people might have to die.”


[Blog Editor: In full disclosure, the Left (e.g. Left-Wing Fact Checkers like Snopes) claim Curry was smeared and taken out of context. Rod Dreher (that I embedded link in the name “Tom Curry,” takes the Conservative position Curry was advocating killing White people. The podcast interview pointed to by Justin Smith (transcript embedded above in the title) actually has Curry saying, “… some white people may have to die” speaks so fast that I am unsure Curry is advocating killing White people or if he is advocating African-Americans have as much right to bare arms as a White person to protect themselves from an angry White person. I’ll let you make the call:


VIDEO: Dr. Tommy Curry on killing whites


Posted by Rob Redding

Published on Dec 27, 2012] 


We can also thank useful idiots like Frank Zappa and songs similar to ‘Trouble Every Day’, for the racial environment we have inherited, that enshrines the Watts Riots in Los Angeles in August of 1965. In part and in self-loathing style, it serenades one with the disturbed words, “… I’m not black, but there’s a whole lot of times I wish I could say I’m not white”.


Noel Ignatiev, an academic and a son of Jewish Russian immigrants, has campaigned for whiteness to be abolished, once stating: “The goal of destroying the white race is simply so desirable, it boggles the mind trying to understand how anyone could possibly object to it.” Ignatiev has stated that white people are a cancer and should kill themselves; and I say to him, “You First.” [Blog Editor: The quote Justin is referencing never took place. It derives from a satirical website called Diversity Chronicle which published a fake interview with Ignatiev claiming a Harvard retirement speech to his White students. Part of the problem is at the time in question Ignatiev had not retired. (according to The Blaze 11/26/13)  BUT in my opinion, even the words spoken and the interview never happened, it’s not difficult to extrapolate such an offensive story from Noel Ignatiev based on his anti-White legacy which is entirely accurate.]


Heavy Democrat controlled areas of the United States, such as Baltimore, Oakland, Los Angeles and Portland, are now permanent riot zones. There may not be a riot today in any of these Leftist communities and their ghettos, but tomorrow may not say the same, given the Democratic Commies’ tireless efforts to rile blacks and anti-white poor whites to mobilize to action outside of their designated riot zones. It can only be a matter of time, before all hell breaks loose in America, if we stay this course.


Americans will not have a nation without a sovereign identity and there can be no sovereign identity without a nation. This is the key insight of multiculturalist Marxists, and their agenda that has always been focused on America’s destruction. To have a multicultural society is to have no culture whatsoever, and once a people’s historical identity — their heritage —  is destroyed, the nation is not far behind. And this is precisely what is currently unfolding in America, as the various ideologies struggle against one another — socialism and tyranny vs capitalism and freedom — and as the bureaucrats attempt to perform basic duties as the turmoil envelopes them.


I could give a good damn less if I am replaced at some point, since I expect to die sometime within the next forty years or so, maybe even tomorrow, but I am concerned that those who follow may not — probably won’t from all indications — have the same respect and love for America that I hold for Her deep within my breast. I am concerned that those who follow seek to tear the Founding asunder “by any means necessary”, including violence, and although I have defended all races in my lifetime, at one point or another, whenever a group of any people come to murder me and mine, simply due to the fact that I happen to be white, I will spill their blood ’til I grow tired or am killed myself.


Any man of any color who stands for those principles of truth and honor, our nation’s Judeo-Christian and Western principles and the U.S. Constitution is one of my kin, one of my tribe, if tribalism is to be the rule of the day. And anyone seeking to destroy our culture and heritage and usher in something foreign is my enemy. Color never enters the equation, since I subscribe to the belief that all who are here legally are simply Americans, and my primary goal is to leave a nation behind me whose people and leaders ensure freedom and liberty for all, not just for people of color, not just for whites.


But just as we witnessed today, August 17th 2019, in Portland, Oregon where Mayor Ted Wheeler and the police seemed to once again give preferential treatment to Antifa over conservatives and Christians, the hardcore socialists and their multicultural race-baiters have largely attempted to de-platform, silence and marginalize conservative speech and any counter to their anti-American agenda, pushing us to resist however we can and however we must [See Townhall.com and Washington Examiner: HERE and HERE]. We have a moral right, a duty and an obligation to future generations to resist what we are currently witnessing and experiencing, a moral right firmly based on the duty to preserve and safeguard the world created by our ancestors and the Founding Fathers, coupled with the sense that we must pass this legacy of freedom and liberty forward to our children and their children’s children and beyond. And however repugnant we might find violence as the solution, past honorable men, moral men, once found it necessary to use violence to secure our freedom and liberty.


[Blog Editor: In the process of researching Antifa violence a mere one day ago, I am appalled by the lack of respectable Conservative sources reporting on the Antifa perpetrated violence. I also found it interesting that there was a lack of reporting on groups typically described as White Supremacist (e.g. The Proud Boys) being attacked by Antifa thugs. Sources I consider to Left-Wing biased MSM were all over the place on three different search engines. Unsurprisingly Google did not even have one Conservative site (that’s all that Duck Duck Go and Bing had) in their search engine listings that stopped at 10 levels as of 6:30 PM 8/18/19. Duck Duck Go had Townhall.com and Bing had two similar listings both the Washington Examiner. Does that mean the Conservatives didn’t report? I DON’T BELIEVE IT! I just believe their websites were ostracized.]


I hope and pray that civil war really isn’t quite as possible as I know it is. And more than any “race war”, this will be a war between the forces of tyranny and freedom, as old as time itself.


The Left doesn’t share this view, and it seems to welcome such a coming death dealing conflagration and the unleashing of the dogs of war, especially since the instigators think they will be unscathed by it, when the violence and killing starts in earnest. But, their names are on lists, and those with their names on lists, when such firestorms ignite usually end up in a garbage dump or hung from a pole, regardless of who wins.


This path will not end well, for the nation as a whole, and it especially will not end well for the socialists and racists; but it will end, one way or another, with the good and decent patriotic Americans actively confronting and impeding the machinery of our destruction.


Americans must engage this conflict with everything within their being, and with all the love they hold for our country, because this truly is a struggle for the very survival of America, our nation-state and our culture. There is nothing more important this very moment, than this domestic existential threat to country, since this represents the struggle of our century. Nothing will ever be more honorable than fighting for the survival of our people, and the very laws of nature demand it, since only a perverse fool could believe that “being on the right side of history” means capitulating to one’s own extinction.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Text enclosed by brackets and all source links are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith


Racism Visits Murfreesboro

Intro to ‘Racism Visits Murfreesboro’

Posted October 26, 2017

Edited by John R. Houk

By Justin O. Smith


On October 28 Right-Wing extremist racists plan a trip to Murfreesboro and Shelbyville, TN. Their reason sounds noble to Conservatives, that being protesting refugee resettlement and a Church shooting. Here is a White Supremacist website description:


Description: The purpose of the White Lives Matter rallies will be to protest the ongoing problem of refugee resettlement in Middle Tennessee and to draw attention to the recent Emanuel Samson church shooting in Antioch and the way this explosive story has been buried by the national media. The tragic events in Antioch, which was retaliation for the Dylann Roof shooting in Charleston, illustrated that the national media only cares about pushing its false narrative of White racism and black victimhood. (Revised: White Lives Matter Event Page; Posted by Hunter Wallace; Breaking News Blast; 10/23/17)


Logically and correctly, the Mainstream Media (MSM) are condemning these White Supremacist rallies in Tennessee:






Those four links are just samples. I find it interesting the MSM has little problem listing the White Supremacist groups and frankly they should be named and exposed for their racism. What I find interesting though is the MSM doesn’t specifically name those coming to confront the White Supremacists. The Leftist organizers are called counter-protesters as if they are a valiant lot standing up against racism. They are not valiant! The Leftist organizers hate the Constitution yet use it for their benefit, they hate the Free Enterprise system that has America great, and even more ironic they are as much racists as the White Supremacist.


Justin Smith writes about the Left’s ugly face as much as the White Supremacists’ ugly face.


JRH 10/26/17

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Racism Visits Murfreesboro


By Justin O. smith

Sent 10/24/2017 8:52 AM


In light of White Lives Matter, including some white supremacists and racist nationalists, and Black Lives Matter and Antifa, including some racist Communists and black supremacists, converging on Murfreesboro, TN and Shelbyville, TN, on October 28th, 2017, with nearly all of these “protesters” driving in from other parts of the country, one must note that racism cuts across all segments of society; however, typically and most generally, racism is not and has not been a significant problem in Murfreesboro, until outsiders decided to make trouble in our town. And this is a growing problem across the nation.

The Nationalist Front, the organizers of this protest out of Michigan, claim to seek to bring “unity and solidarity to the White Nationalist Movement in North America”. They supposedly planned this event as an “anti-immigration rally” to bring nationalists and Neo-Nazis together.

In June, hundreds of illegal aliens and La Raza members tried to ban U.S. citizens from a city council meeting in Cudahy, CA. Shouts of “white supremacists back to Europe” were fired across the halls and outside.


In an August 2013 New Black Panther Broadcast, Samir Shabazz said, “You’re going to have to kill some of these babies, just born three seconds ago … go into the God damn nursery … and just kill everything white in sight …”. His hate-filled rant called for bombing white churches and “[burning] up some cracker white supremacy”, if blacks wanted to be free.


In January 2017, a Black Lives Matter activist in Seattle, a preschool teacher, calling for reparations and the confiscation of white property, said, “We need to start killing people … F**k white supremacy, f**k the U.S. empire”. Chanelle Helm, leader of Louisville BLM, was at least a bit nicer about it, as she suggested, in part, in August 2017, that if white people are inheriting property they intend to sell upon acceptance, they should give it to a black or brown family. Helm added: “You’re bound to make that money in some other white privileged way.”


Charlottesville, VA Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy is a black supremacist racist and a member of the New Black Panthers, who tweeted, “I don’t like whit[e] people so I hate snow” on December 20th, 2009, and “I hate seeing white people in Orangeburg”, on February 13th, 2011.


There’s already signs of the impending trouble in Murfreesboro. Graffiti has been found on Two-Tone Tattoo Parlor and Art Gallery’s back wall that suggests sympathy for the white supremacists and Aryan Brotherhood. And with names like the National Socialist Movement and Traditionalist Worker Party, both part of the Nationalist Front, one knows immediately that these organizers of this protest are aligned with the worst aspects of anything ever witnessed by humanity.


Corey Lemley, from East Nashville, is an Antifa member who makes a habit of attending these protests and counter-protests. He plans on being in Murfreesboro, and although he claims to be fighting “fascism”, in defense of immigrants, blacks, Muslims and LGBT people, he is the same thug who recently struck a helpless photo-journalist during the protest in Charlottesville, VA and also threatened Nashville’s 99.7 WTN talk show host Phil Valentine with bodily harm.


One cannot ascribe varying degrees of blame to the radical groups in Charlottesville or Murfreesboro or Shelbyville, or anywhere else in the country, where they rear their ugly heads. The Neo-Nazis’ venomous racism is no more or less contemptible than Antifa and BLM’s belief that offensive speech, other than their own, must be banned at any cost, as they endeavor to destroy our republic. These young fascists and communists have far more in common with each other, than they do with decent conservative and classical liberal thinkers and patriotic Americans, which is always true of violent radicals and totalitarian minded petty tyrants.


These protesters do not want an honest discussion on race relations and initiatives and solutions that diminish racist attitudes, leading by example and teaching all America the importance of one’s good character. They do not seek “social justice”; they want numerous unreasonable demands to be met and victory for their authoritarian and intolerant ideology, and racism is the excuse they use to tear apart the system.


Whether it is the Aryan Brotherhood, Neo-Nazis, the KKK and White Lives Matter or Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the New Black Panthers Party and La Raza – “the Race”, all of these groups are racist and two different sides of a Leftist ideology, that is anti-American, and they stand against every good and decent principle, that America has represented from its earliest beginnings. They are the very sort of fascists that my father and many of Murfreesboro’s grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought and defeated during WWII, and it is beyond despicable and reprehensible to see them here in our town.

Can there be black and white nationalists who are simply proud to be black and proud to be white, and both proud to be American? Certainly. But I do not believe this is what Tennesseans and the citizens of Murfreesboro will see this coming Saturday. Aside from the National Front’s violent past, let us not forget that Black Lives Matter initiated the violence that destroyed large segments of Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD, based on lies.


One needn’t be combative or argumentative to voice one’s concerns, so hopefully many of Murfreesboro’s finest citizens will be on hand and voicing their opposition to the inherent racism on display in both groups. Stand against the egregious racist remarks one is certain to hear, that strike at our very humanity.


Silence is consent. I hope and pray a few of Our Better Angels appear on the 28th too, and all will remain calm.


Regardless of what transpires, even should violence be the case, our local Murfreesboro Police Department and Rutherford County Sheriff’s Department should be able to handle it well. The State Highway Patrol will be standing by and ready to render assistance, if necessary, so Patriots should not attend that day and plan to “help” or intercede; but, they can certainly show up with Bibles and Constitutions in hand and shame these FOOLS off every corner in town.


If we are to survive as a republic, we must condemn the violence and evil philosophy of those members of the National Front, Neo-Nazi and KKK groups; we must condemn the violence of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, and La Raza and their communist ideology. We must also stop allowing the mainstream media to falsely label all conservatives as bigots and racists and all left-wing activists as moral crusaders. Otherwise, with our honesty as a society in question at the moment, America will soon cease being a free society.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Source Links are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith


Witness the Radicals

Nuslim bribes Hillary toon

Justin Smith was no supporter of Donald Trump for President. Neither was I. But as I reasoned, voting for Trump is the ONLY way to keep Crooked Hillary out of the White House. Here Justin shows how the info from the MSM and Never Trump Conservatives are quite twisted to vilify Trump worse than he does to himself by sticking his foot in his own mouth.


[As usual I felt the need to source the info. There is a chance Justin would not necessarily approve of the links I provided.]

BHO Secures Border toon

JRH 8/9/16

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Witness the Radicals


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 8/8/2016 12:26 PM


Any American who truly loves this country will not give one good damn about being called “racist” by the party of hypocrisy, the Progressive Democrat Party, for standing for Donald Trump’s policies to control our borders, halt illegal immigration, and safeguard U.S. sovereignty and national security. We reject the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party that uses little children to promote lies concerning illegal aliens and separating families. We reject the hypocrisy of the Far Left movement that screams “Baby Killer” at our Veterans any other time that they aren’t carting out loser generals, such as General John Allen [Blog Editor: Could General Allen have been extorted into endorsing and supporting Crooked Hillary at the DNC? Read this entire article for context!], and Gold Star parents, like Khizr and Ghazala Khan, who promote Sharia law in America and unrestrained Muslim immigration ]Blog Editor: Damning news Khizr Khan you won’t see from MSM on TV or Print – Shoebat.com, Conservative Tribune & WND]. And if America does not get behind Donald Trump’s immigration policies to halt the Progressive Democrats’ insanity, America, as we have known Her, will cease to exist.


A quick look at these people and groups who support illegal aliens and open borders for the U.S. shows that Donald Trump has been right to respond to the attacks aimed at him. He just has not responded forcefully enough.


Socialist billionaire George Soros is currently funding 187 anti-Trump and largely anti-American organizations, through the Open Society Institute. Included in these groups, one finds the Alliance for Justice, which regularly depicts Republican judicial nominees as “extremists”. One finds America’s Voice, which advocates open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens. One finds the American Civil Liberties Union which supports open borders and has defended suspected terrorists and their supporters. And for all America to see, the Brookings Institute is on the list, consistently working with internationalists and state-sponsored programs toward the establishment of a U.N. dominated world government.


Soros also now funds the racist Hispanic organization LA RAZA, which is pertinent on all levels of the illegal alien question. This also places a new light on why Trump questioned Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s ability to remain unbiased in the Trump University case, since Curiel, the son of illegal aliens, is a member of LA RAZA Lawyer’s Association of California and philosophically aligned with LA RAZA’s cause.


Initially funded by the Ford Foundation, the National Council of Churches and the United Auto Worker’s Union, the National Council of LA RAZA (“the race” in Spanish) formed as a Mexican-American activist group. Several of its chapters, including the Southwest Council of La Raza and the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan, are violent in nature. They have often been led by members of the Communist Party, such as Maclovio Barraza, and they seek to carve out a racist Hispanic nation in the American West, in what is called the “Reconquista” [reconquest].


Focusing on Progressive assertions that Republican immigration policies separate families, it must be said that normal civilized families make every effort to stay together, and children go wherever their parents lead. If any illegal aliens are deported under a Trump presidency due to their own abuse of U.S. hospitality and immigration law, taking their children with them or leaving them behind in proper care will be their own free choice, just as they chose to break U.S. law. They will split their family, not Americans or the U.S. government.


And, the same Far Left group of Commie-pinko fascists who wipe their collective asses on the U.S. Constitution and trash the families of the men Hillary and Obama left to be murdered in Benghazi, calling Foreign Officer Sean Smith’s mother a liar, are the same Hillary supporters who used the Khan family’s Gold Star status to vilify Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims. But Khizr Khan’s own background proves that once gain Trump is right.


Isn’t it curious that although Ghazala Khan wore the hijab at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, advancing a portrait of Muslim victim-hood, she is pictured with Obama at the 2012 DNC without it?


Khizr Khan has deep ties to international Islamist investors and controversial immigration programs that enable foreigners, including Iranian agents, to buy their way into the U.S., according to Sen. Jeff Sessions. Khan is a promoter of sharia law and co-founder of the ‘Journal of Contemporary Issues in Muslim Law [sharia]. He also supports the recruitment of young people to jihadism/holy war, as detailed by Said Ramadan, the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna who founded the Muslim Brotherhood — a terrorist organization to which Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s aide, is tied.


Khan’s service to Hogan and Hartson law firm, a mega-D.C. firm, from 2000 to 2007, illustrates perfectly the extreme political motivations behind his and Ghazala’s appearance on the DNC stage. This firm, now Hogan Lovells LLP, works for the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, an exporter of the violent Wahhabi Islamic ideology, and its deep Saudi ties forced it to declare itself an agent for Saudi Arabia, under the Foreign Agent Registration Act of 1938. Hogan and Hartson/Lovell has also long represented the Clinton Foundation, and it facilitated the recent $25 million Saudi Arabian donation to Hillary, that Trump has called for her to return.


The Khan’s son, Capt. Humayun Khan, may have served honorably, but he was not any more of a “hero” than the other 6,834 Americans killed in Afghanistan and Iraq. Given his father’s strong anti-American sentiments, the potential and probability that he would someday and somehow betray America was high, just as so many Muslim Americans serving in the U.S. Armed Forces have previously done. From Nidal Hassan to Ali Mohammed, the triple agent who penetrated the John F. Kennedy Warfare Center at Ft. Bragg, I addressed this problem in ‘The Muslim U.S. Military Experience‘ (November 2011) in similar fashion to Michelle Malkin’s August 3rd ‘Not All Muslim Soldiers Are Equal‘.


Having Khizr Khan, an Islamofascist, wave a pocket Constitution at the Democratic National Convention doesn’t automatically suspend our immigration laws or require America to relinquish its sovereign right to determine who is permitted entry into our country. By this same logic, the fear induced tears of a little Hispanic girl, a direct result of Progressive propaganda and fear-mongering, should not be allowed to hold all America hostage to Progressive open borders policies.


Trump may not be liked by some. But I’ll vote for Trump, “the imperfect vessel”, over Hillary, “the overflowing chamber pot”, because he will eradicate most of Obama and Hillary’s nation destroying policies.


I witness anti-Trump. pro-Bernie and pro-Hillary radicals across the nation burning the American flag. I witness the Islamic State flag waving openly in Ferguson, Missouri. I witness the Hispanic racist fascists of LA RAZA waving the Mexican flag, as they bludgeon young white men unconscious from San Diego to San Jose — pelting one young white woman exiting a Trump rally with eggs and bottles. I see the sudden appearance of honor killings and hijabs across America. I recall the most devastating terrorist attack in world history on September 11th, 2001, followed by Ft. Hood, Boston, Chattanooga, San Bernardino and Orlando. And I enter the voting booth and cast my vote for Donald Trump, in order to ensure that America has a fighting chance to be the America that Our Founders envisioned.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Text enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith

A Ticket to Mexico

S. 744 - Scamnesty sign

Intro: A Ticket to Mexico
John R. Houk
© July 16, 2013
Justin Smith writes about the negative effects the Senate Immigration Reform Bill will have on America.
Here are some subjects within the article that I was not clear on thus I am going to assume many readers may have a lack of clarity as well. I add them for the reader’s benefit; however if you are confident about the terminology simply skip right to Justin’s article below this intro.
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) said in a statement about the CIS analysis that this is yet another sign the Schumer-Rubio amnesty legislation is not good policy. “This report from CIS is a bombshell,” Sessions said.
To my surprise, and no doubt the surprise of many, the Gang of Eight Immigration doubles the annual number of guest workers from today’s levels – a much larger increase than any of us had imagined. It adds four times more guest workers than the rejected proposal from 2007. Yet today’s employment situation is far worse than when Congress considered the 2007 proposal.
This large increase in guest workers guarantees that Americans’ wages will remain stagnant and that the unemployed will remain unemployed. This legislation surges the number of low-wage workers at the expense of the poor and middle class.
Sessions’ Senate colleague, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), expressed concerns with the guest worker program during a Senate floor speech on Wednesday. He argued that the bill’s visa programs for foreign workers are a ploy by big corporations to depress wages of American workers. Sanders particular attention to h-1b visas, and how middle-class Americans cannot find white collar jobs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. (ANALYSIS: IMMIGRATION BILL WILL BRING 600K MORE GUEST WORKERS PER YEAR; By MATTHEW BOYLE; Breitbart; 6/5/13)
Corker-Hoeven Amendment
A new 1,000-plus-page bill has just been filed incorporating the changes from the Corker–Hoeven amendment. Initial reports indicate that the amendment calls for:
·         A Comprehensive Southern Border Security Strategy to be deployed and operational, including the minimum technology and equipment listed in S. 744;
·         An additional 20,000 Border Patrol agents to be deployed, maintained, and stationed along the southern border;
·         The Southern Border Fencing Strategy to be implemented and at least 700 miles of fencing to be completed;
·         An entry/exit system to track visa overstays to be fully implemented at all airports and seaports; and
·         E-Verify to be fully implemented by all employers.
This may all sound great on paper, but dig a little deeper and you’ll see that, just like in the language of the bill, none of the border security measures in the Corker–Hoeven amendment have to be in place until illegal immigrants with registered provisional immigrant status are to receive green cards 10 years down the road. (Corker–Hoeven Immigration Amendment: Far from a Game Changer; By Jessica Zuckerman and David Inserra; The Foundry [a Heritage.org blog]; 6/21/13 4:14 pm)
Reconquista (Movement)
… We noted the rise of radical Latino identity groups composed of both naturalized immigrants and illegal aliens. These groups are being organized by World Communist Party apparatchiks, who are providing the ethnic incitement behind protests in Los Angeles and other cities from coast to coast.
What are illegal alliens (sic) demanding in protests on U.S. soil?
These were protests not just on behalf of “amnistia” — demanding amnesty and all rights shared by U.S. citizens; for many, they were a means of promoting the reunification of the southwestern United States with Mexico.
The “reconquista” movement is marked by the flying of the Mexican flag over the American flag and has all the elements of a violent nationalist movement with the terrorist implications. … (Reconquista: The Movement; The Patriot Post)
There is a plan, called The Plan Of Aztlan, that’s been in effect for about four decades. The goal, being pursued vigorously by radical, racist Chicano (Mexican-American) groups and the Mexican government, is to reconquer (Reconquista) land lost to America in the Mexican-American War that ended in 1848 with the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.
Mexicans and many Mexican-Americans have never accepted the loss of their land, inhabited long before the gringos (white Europeans) arrived. Chicano groups like MEchA (Chicano Student Movement Of Aztlan) want to reconquer seven states in the Southwestern United States called Aztlan, the mythical home of the Aztecs. They include: California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, plus parts of Colorado, Nevada and Utah.
The road to success is based on infiltration (illegal aliens from Mexico) and demographic dominance (like-minded Chicanos being elected to political office by a region overwhelmingly of Mexican origin). What would exist is a de facto alien nation, with loyalty to their Mexican homeland. Efforts would be made to establish a separate government or to rejoin Mexico. Note that Mexico has granted dual citizenship to Mexican immigrants with U.S. citizenship as well as to their children. Kind of speeds the process along. No repatriation needed. (Reconquista: the Invasion of America; TheLastGringo.com; 4/20/06)
La Raza
It is past time for all Americans to know what is at the root of this outrageous behavior, and the extent to which the nation is at risk because of “La Raza” — The Race.
There are many immigrant groups joined in the overall “La Raza” movement. The most prominent and mainstream organization is the National Council de La Raza — the Council of “The Race”.
To most of the mainstream media, most members of Congress, and even many of their own members, the National Council of La Raza is no more than a Hispanic Rotary Club.
Radical ‘Reconquista’ Agenda
Behind the respectable front of the National Council of La Raza lies the real agenda of the La Raza movement, the agenda that led to those thousands of illegal immigrants in the streets of American cities, waving Mexican flags, brazenly defying our laws, and demanding concessions.
Key among the secondary organizations is the radical racist group Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA), one of the most anti-American groups in the country, which has permeated U.S. campuses since the 1960s, and continues its push to carve a racist nation out of the American West.
One of America’s greatest strengths has always been taking in immigrants from cultures around the world, and assimilating them into our country as Americans. By being citizens of the U.S. we are Americans first, and only, in our national loyalties.
This is totally opposed by MEChA for the hordes of illegal immigrants pouring across our borders, to whom they say:
“Chicano is our identity; it defines who we are as people. It rejects the notion that we…should assimilate into the Anglo-American melting pot…Aztlan was the legendary homeland of the Aztecas … It became synonymous with the vast territories of the Southwest, brutally stolen from a Mexican people marginalized and betrayed by the hostile custodians of the Manifest Destiny.” (Statement on University of Oregon MEChA Website, Jan. 3, 2006)
MEChA isn’t at all shy about their goals, or their views of other races. Their founding principles are contained in these words in “El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan” (The Spiritual Plan for Aztlan):
“In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal gringo invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny. … Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans. … We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlan. For La Raza todo [all or everything]. Fuera [Against or Out of] de La Raza nada [nothing].”
… (Bold Emphasis Mine – EXCLUSIVE: THE TRUTH ABOUT ‘LA RAZA’; By cnorwood; Human Events; 4/7/06 09:03 AM)

Article 1 – The Legislative Branch
Section 3 – The Senate


The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, (chosen by the Legislature thereof,) (The preceding words in parentheses superseded by the 17th Amendment, section 1.) for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.


Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; (and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointmentsuntil the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies.) (The preceding words in parentheses were superseded by the 17th Amendment, section 2.)


No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and … (U.S. Constitution – Article 1 Section 3; U.S. Constitution Online)


17th Amendment


The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislatures.


When vacancies happen in the representation of any state in the Senate, the executive authority of such state shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, that the legislature of any state may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.


This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution. (17TH AMENDMENT; Legal Information Institute [LII], Cornell University Law School)

JRH 7/16/13

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A Ticket to Mexico
By Justin O. Smith
Sent: 7/15/2013 12:01 AM
Much of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act was designed in the 11th hour and presented America with a wasteful and poorly reasoned policy, of which any U.S. Senator should be ashamed to be known as one of the “yes” votes. This recent action in conjunction with the Corker-Hoeven Amendment perfectly illustrates the need to repeal the 17th Amendment and return to the Founder’s Original Intent under Article I: Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, as the majority of Americans in opposition to giving provisional legal status to 30 million plus illegal aliens saw their Senators side with leftist academics, the likes of Reconquista and LARAZA advocates, uneducated do-gooders who have thrown common sense out the window and antinational organizations.

Today in America, some would have us believe that “nationalism”, love of one’s nation and a desire to protect one’s American heritage and a belief in our nation’s right to sovereignty, is somehow comparable to a vulgar swear word. Immigration can be beneficial to the immigrant and the nation, under the right circumstances; however, the U.S. must act through its right and responsibility to ensure only responsible levels of immigration that promote assimilation, self-sufficiency and rising wages. And to date, Congress and the Executive have not remotely accomplished this.

I never thought I would offer the European Union as an example of anything that the U.S. should follow, but even in Europe, the EU nations such as Switzerland [*SlantRight Editor: Switzerland is not an EU member but has set up economic treaties that allows an EU-Swiss interface across borders], Britain and Spain are now realizing the folly of unrestricted movement across borders, as they now fight the guidelines of the Schengen Agreement, which eliminated internal boundaries in 1995. The poorest of immigrants from Bulgaria and Romania have tested the boundaries of most EU nations’ economies in the midst of exploding unemployment, and now many are re-imposing border controls and making it easier to deport foreigners.

Some have suggested that a shortfall for H1B visas for workers exists in many professional fields. If this is indeed the case, it can be addressed independently in the House through a series of smaller bills that focus on the various components of our immigration system, much as suggested by Speaker John Boehner on July 11, 2013. And, as they attempt to play on America’s emotions, the liberals dredge up images of desperate immigrant families who want nothing more than a chance to work and feed themselves without fear of deportation; the H2B visa currently allows temporary workers to stay virtually uninterrupted for three consecutive years, and the Diversity Visa Lottery gives green cards to thousands of foreign nationals annually.

Ex-President George W. Bush has entered the debate again, as he recently called for Americans to “keep a benevolent spirit in mind and…understand the contributions that immigrants make to our country.” This seems to align with David Brooks’ (NY Times) agreement with the American Action Forum’s finding that the Senate bill will increase per capita income by $1700 after ten years.

If these illegal aliens are such entrepreneurs and such a potential economic boon to our economy, why doesn’t that show in the economies of the nations of their origin? Why haven’t they stayed and fought to improve conditions in their native land? Why hasn’t America already experienced great economic improvements, since millions of illegal aliens have been here for decades? Does anyone really believe that the majority of this current massive group of illegals will fight any harder for the salvation of America, politically and economically or otherwise, than they did for their own country?

While I generally believe all people are assets with something to offer any workforce, I must agree with Ms Ann Coulter’s assessment in April 2013, when she stated that legalizing the current illegal alien population would only be an economic boon to people who “benefit from slave labor.” In 2010, Raul Hinojosa-Ojeda at the Center for American Progress released an analysis concluding that unskilled workers in the U.S. would make $400 more annually, if the illegal immigration population were reduced by one-third; another analysis by the Federal Reserve revealed that as illegal immigrant labor increased from 4% to 7% in Georgia, between 2000 and 2007, wages dropped 2.5% overall and 11% in construction jobs during this period.

Typically, low-skilled immigrants do entry-level work, and they do not directly compete with the native born U.S. citizen. But, the current economic recession has changed the jobs market, as 100 million Americans now receive food subsidies and close to 20 million are unemployed, with millions more under-employed. The labor participation rate has dropped from 63% in 2007 to 54% currently, and competition for jobs has increased from 1.5 job seeker per job to 5.0, without accounting for under-employed or discouraged workers. Under these conditions, it is unethical for any Congressman or Senator to grant full job market access and permanent legal status to 30 million largely unskilled illegal aliens at the expense of the American taxpayer and the American worker!

Times have changed, and yet, in many respects, they have stayed the same, as seen in this 1995 quote from the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform, still applicable today: “It is not in the national interest to admit unskilled workers, because the U.S. economy is showing difficulty in absorbing disadvantaged workers.” And, eighteen years later, U.S. politicians continue to ignore this warning, as they bow to every corporation and special interest rather than listen to their constituents and taking a realistic look at the illegal alien effect on poverty and the American worker.

Even should I or millions of Americans be compassionate or stupid enough to accept the dire economic consequences for decades that will follow any legitimacy or amnesty granted these illegal aliens, we should not accept Chuck Schumer’s and Harry Reid’s massive pork-spending measures that they placed in the Senate bill, and we should not cower in the face of blackmail and threats, such as the civil unrest and violence Senator Robert Menendez promised would be delivered, if the bill was not passed; many Americans would be more inclined to respond to a request for immigration reform based on humanitarian reasoning, than demands from foreigners holding signs that read in Spanish, “Cuidadania para los 11 millones” and United We Dream activist Lorella Praeli’s statement, “We have come today to claim our citizenship”: As far as I’m concerned, they can claim their damn ticket home to Mexico, Guatemala or wherever!

George W recently echoed the thoughts of Amnesty/Reward proponents, when he stated on July 10, 2013, “The laws governing the immigration system aren’t working. The system is broken.” In 1986 Congress, for the first time, enacted legislation that made it illegal for businesses to hire illegal aliens, and they combined it with border control and de facto amnesty for the illegal alien population, that had been in the U.S. for five years, as Congress hoped to initiate effective immigration control. The system is not “broken”. Congress and the Executive have simply refused to enforce the law, and they have failed the nation and the American people. We have been here before; we are here once again.

Obama does not represent the American people or the Office of the President, as he refuses to uphold his oath to the U.S. Constitution and to enforce any law he does not like. In a July 2011 speech to LARAZA, Obama stated that he would like to “bypass Congress and change the (immigration) laws. So, the House Republican leaders have good reason not to trust any promises emanating from this administration.

As White House directed pressure mounts in the House, the next few months will prove critical in whether or not Amnesty/Reward is stopped. Speaker Boehner has already said that the Republican majority did not intend to even consider the Senate bill. The “comprehensive immigration” issue should eventually die from a lack of new momentum, as long as Republicans approach any immigration legislation in segments and facets of the issue. And actually, doing nothing is better than completely changing immigration law and policy by ingraining “amnesty” into our legal foundation and rewarding thirty (11?) million illegal aliens, who broke U.S. law; allowing any House bill to go to conference with the Senate bill will only result in amnesty, and it will send the message, “If you can get here and stay here, the U.S. will eventually give you provisional legal status.”  Not one single American should be able to acquiesce to the legalization of illegal aliens and placing the illegals’ interests ahead of all legal applicants and the best interest of these United States, in good conscience: Christian compassion should not aid the Leftist “open borders” agenda, and it should not dictate that we all commit national economic suicide!

Confirm thy soul in self-control, thy liberty in law.” – ‘America the Beautiful’

By Justin O. Smith
© Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
Explanatory links added by Editor