Islam Is America’s Enemy

Justin Smith may be embarking on an annual remembrance of the Islamic terrorist attack on American soil that occurred September 11, 2001 (aka 9/11). Last year’s remembrance exercise was entitled “The Lessons of September 11th”.


This year’s remembrance exercise takes as a look at Islamic ideology and Leftist Multicultural enablement.


JRH 8/29/19

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Islam Is America’s Enemy

September 11th: A Day Like No Other


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 8/28/2019 1:13 PM


A day like no other, the pain and the hurt from the September 11th 2001 Islamic attack on the United States and the destruction of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon — the murders of 2977 Americans [Blog Editor: Other sources may list the number as 2,996 as the number of deaths. This number adds the Islamic terrorist hijackers to the dead] — is still just as fresh in the minds of many Americans, as if it had only happened yesterday. The sun shone bright and the sky was blue and clear, and a beautiful September morning was transformed into horror and death, with nearly 3,000 innocents murdered for simply loving the freedom of living and working in America, and the anguish remains.


I learned everything I needed to know about Islam on September 11th 2001, to use a coined phrase, even though I was already well versed in the Koran and the cultural proclivities of the adherents of Islam, and I suspect this sentiment is still firmly held by a vast majority of Americans. We all watched as Evil kicked in America’s door with one swift blow that morning, and the images of this horrific tragedy have remained with us for these past eighteen years, as we recall hundreds of Americans jumping to their deaths to escape the inferno unleashed inside the Twin Towers, forever searing the harsh realities of that infamous day into our memories.


News networks across the board carried live footage, as bodies began falling from the blazing, smoke-filled North Tower, hit by American Airlines Flight 11 at 8:46 A.M. (EST), and  shortly followed by the image of US Airlines Flight 175 flying into the South Tower at 9:03. The South Tower collapsed at 9:59, and the North Tower collapsed at 10:28, with the unforgettable incandescence of the images, acts of war, forever burned into America’s memories. The images of the Towers of the World Trade Center collapsing into a pile of smoke and rubble, within only 102 minutes shocked all the world and shook America to its core.


Today, too few Americans have held onto the righteous anger and fury they felt on 9/11.


In the face of destruction everywhere and much work ahead, for many Americans life simply moved on. The president was still alive, the global balance of power hadn’t shifted and the terrorism threat was the same as it was on September 10th, and the Muslim bastards had just been lucky. And from then ’til now, this day was mourned, commercialized and finally trivialized to the point that amnesia has set in, evidenced by thousands of Muslims still immigrating into our country and the fact that hundreds of Muslims are being supported in runs for public office and hundreds more are being appointed, as one Islamic terrorist plot after another unfolds, in an America where the memory of 9/11 has apparently died.


Many Americans promised each other they would never forget. Memorials to that defiant pledge echo the words “Never Forget”. But America has forgotten, and it is a shame that must be cleansed away.


Due to the 1993 attempt to destroy the World Trade Center, by the Blind Sheikh and his band of Islamic terrorists, on September 11th, 2001, my eyes were already wide open to the existential threat of Islam. Most of America still chose to close their eyes to the threat, as hard as they could, even after the horror of September 11th 2001. They now say “Oh … I remember that day” as if it’s just another day from eighteen years ago.  And it’s time to remind America again.


American Airlines Flight 11 flew into the North Tower at 440 miles per hour, and within minutes, searing heat coursed through the Tower at roughly 1600 to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. Americans were trapped inside, and they died in sheer torment and agony as their flesh was burned away from bone.


At 9:37 American Airlines Flight 77, from Dulles International Airport, flew into the Pentagon, the command center of our military forces. Minutes later, at 10:03, United Airlines 93 went down, in a field near Shanksville, PA, killing all aboard, as heroic passengers fought with their Islamic hijacker terrorists.


As fate would have it, the ringleader of 9/11, Mohammed Atta, was overheard in a radio transmission just before Flight 93 went down. Quoting the Koran, Atta said, “No prophet should have prisoners until he has soaked the land with blood.” As the fight continued inside the airliner, shouts of “Allahu Akbar” are heard.


By all accounts, in the aftermath, anyone close to the smoldering ruins of the towers could taste the air, and breathing felt strange, since the air had a texture, and it felt as if one were breathing particles of sand and glass mixed with the oxygen. The air tasted like burning rubber, putrid and toxic.


Millions of Americans watching the horror of it all unfold had the same thought, that “this can’t be happening in America — don’t these terrorists know this is the most powerful nation on earth?”


At the 59th Street bridge, Manhattan looked like a scene from the movie ‘Deep Impact’, with crowds of shocked people walking across the bridge and trying to leave the tiny island of Manhattan as quickly as possible. No matter where one looked, that scene was the same on other New York City bridges, and all of a sudden, the United States of America, the “Shining City On The Hill” seemed vulnerable.


As our people trudged over bridges or went uptown to escape danger, millions of Muslims delighted in the massacre of our brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, friends and fellow countrymen, and all across the Islamic world they cheered the strike that these Sons of Allah had made against this America I love so well, seen in videos and firsthand, from Gaza and the West Bank, Egypt, and right here in America where large crowds of Muslims were cheering “Allahu Akbar“, dancing and handing out candy. Celebrations occurred on John F. Kennedy Blvd. in New Jersey and on Atlantic Ave. in Brooklyn, and they were confirmed by Peter Gallagher, then a police sergeant, and former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, as well as former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani.


And everyone surely recalls, that it wasn’t long before our houses of God filled with the faithful, from “sea to shining sea”, and they stayed packed for months thereafter.


In the years between then and now, and despite having a president who understands the terrorists must be defeated, our nation is still largely led by people not too concerned with defending America against all enemies, and America’s leadership, especially in the Democratic Party, wrings its softened hands in fear of offending the mullahs, ayatollahs, sheikhs and imams of Islam and the Islamic world that brought so much death and destruction to our shore eighteen years ago; House Democrats have forgotten the collective national pain and the reasons America was attacked, and they would return to the appeasement that gave way to Islam’s most recent ascendancy, if the American people allow it.


Let us remember too, that immediately after the 9/11/12 Islamic terrorist attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, Libya, Pres. Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told America it wasn’t a terror attack. They hid behind the lie that an angry mob rioted over a Youtube video that insulted Islam. During that despicable tragic attack that resulted in the murders of four more fine Americans, our “leaders” tried to make it seem as if America was to blame.


There are still those — the “Coexist” nutcases in our government and the media — who insistently suggest that it’s intolerant to suggest the most intolerant vile and evil ideology of Islam is in any way, shape or form the problem. Heaven forbid that anyone reveals the cry of “Allahu Akbar” means that Allah is greater than the gods of non-Muslims; the people must not be forced to reflect on the evil of Islam and the terrorists responsible for 9/11, and Heaven forbid America offends them now.


Muslim delight was rubbed quite literally in the face of all America, at the very moment our people were in shock and mourning in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. And yet, so many Americans still don’t dare to draw cartoons, make speeches, or even offhand remarks, or pen articles that might offend Islam.


If anything, America should place a ban on all Muslim immigration , since nothing good comes of bringing Islam into a Western nation; nobody with any sense of love for America wants any new Muslim immigrants, while those anti-Americans in the Democratic Party who thrive on the disruption Muslims and Islam bring to America demand millions more be granted entry.


For America’s sake, stop falling for the damnable lie that Islam is “a religion of peace” or that we can “coexist” with Islam, especially when the historical record and the empirical data prove otherwise. Muslims are only concerned with justice for all and minority rights, when they are in the minority; after their numbers grow sufficiently, through immigration and procreation, and they become the majority, minority rights cease to exist, and all are forced to submit to Islam and the will of Allah. And this is reason enough to sever our country from all Middle Eastern entanglements and leave the Muslims with fair warning to leave us be and in peace, or suffer the heat of a thousand suns, in a manner suggested by Lt Colonel Matthew Dooley, in June 2011 at the War College. [Blog Editor: Very informative article related to LTC. Dooley – Off with their heads! By Tabitha Korol; Renew America; 11/25/13]


This fateful day of September 11th should be a day to reflect on what America is becoming, when so many of Her people continue to reject absolute truths and the very idea of self-evident truths and inalienable rights, and so many decision makers have been neutered and emasculated by multiculturalism. The evil done in the name of Allah and Islam on that day and the heroic response of America’s Ground Zero heroes calls us to assess the direction of the nation, regarding the continuing menace from the evil ideology of Islam, our war with Islam.


The Islamic attack on 9/11 and the subsequent Islamic attacks that followed taught me everything I needed to know about Islam, without ever having to peek at the first page of the Koran, whether one looks at Boston, Ft Hood, San Bernardino, Orlando or New York and on to Islamic terrorism like Charlie Hebdo and the Bataclan. Muslims see liberal democracy and America and the West as evil, and they hate everything about us, seeking to murder us not by the dozens, but by the thousands — without any regard for human life — all in the name of Islam, at the end of rifles, a suicide bomb and the bloody, shining edge of a beheader’s blade, in their certain belief and zealotry that they will save the world for their children and Islam, and as such, this is a war between Islam and the United States, and it’s just beginning.


America came together in unity that day, to fight the long war, after witnessing Islam’s soulless savagery, with many awakened to the reality of Islam’s intent to murder us all when it could. However, eighteen years later and still faced with this evil ideology, that is still growing and spreading and focused particularly on Christians and Jews in America, with murder in mind, far too many people have forgotten the chaotic sights and sounds of 9/11, the taste of the air, the curtain of black smoke, the scenes of horror and the acts of bravery, and the impenetrable black cloud that replaced the Towers, as our world was changed forever.


September 11th 2001 only reaffirmed for me the truth I reached on my own, after the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Iran, hardening my resolve to keep my white-hot fury burning, until this war with Islam is decisively won. I became more certain than ever that Islam is the enemy of all non-Muslims and infidels, of all Americans. And that is something no one can afford to forget.


[Blog Editor:



  • The Jawa Report on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Controversy in 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis]


Edited by John R. Houk

Text enclosed by brackets and all source links are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith


America Clearly Remembers September 11

Sixteen years ago, on September 11, 2001 Americans awoke to the morning news reporting a hijacked airline was flown into one of the then existing towers of the World Trade Center. Then if you were watching your TV a certainty was realized it was no accident when another airline flew into another tower of the World Trade Center.


All of a sudden the news was reporting other airlines had been hijacked and we later learned that one flew into the Pentagon and another mysteriously crashed in Pennsylvania.


Then the news reported that Islamic terrorists belonging to a group of terrorists called al Qaeda perpetrated the attack. Then we were told the Muslim in charge of these terrorists was Usama (aka Osama) bin Ladin. Bin Ladin was holed-up in a nation most Americans barely knew about called Afghanistan. If you did know about Afghanistan it was because you were a news hound in the ‘80s aware that our Intelligence services were helping a group of Muslims rebel against their Soviet controlled Communist government. The irony of our aid to these Muslim rebels: Usama bin Ladin – a Saudi national – learned or earned his chops fighting the Soviets propping up the Afghan Communist government.


Justin Smith has submitted a bit of a memorial which will give the reason why we are at war with Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan who too often sneak across the border to Pakistan to regroup.


JRH 9/6/17

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America Clearly Remembers September 11

The Depths of Inhumanity


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 9/6/2017 12:36 PM


Sixteen long years have passed, since the clear blue sky above New York City exploded in a fiery inferno, toxic smoke and the stench of burning flesh and death on September 11, 2001, and for many, the memories of the murder of nearly three thousand Americans, friends and relatives and fellow countrymen, remains as fresh as this morning’s dew. Those of us, who remember all too well, have the solemn obligation and duty to ensure America’s future generations do not soon forget, that Islamic jihadists struck the single deadliest attack on U.S. soil by any foe since the War of 1812.


VIDEO: 9/11~September 11th 2001-Attack on the World || Trade Center

Two thousand nine-hundred and seventy-seven (CNN Library) Americans never could have imagined the horror they would soon face the morning of 9/11, as they headed to work at the Twin Towers. Their thoughts were filled with work, schedules, and perhaps returning home to play softball with their children or having dinner with a fiancée, or a husband or wife.


It was 8:46 a.m. (EST), when nineteen Muslim terrorists, following the edicts of the evil ideology of Islam and their false “prophet” Mohammed, flew American Airlines Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Seventeen minutes later, 9:03 a.m., Muslim terrorists hit the South Tower with United Airlines Flight 175, and 34 minutes later American Airlines Flight 77 flew into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.


People jumped and fell from all four sides of both towers. There’s no way of accurately telling how many people died this way, but the horror they experienced just before their deaths is unimaginable, as they plummeted towards the earth at 150 miles per hour.


The end to this heinous attack and the final blow arrived, with the horrifying news that United Airlines Flight 93 crashed, while its passengers bravely fought the terrorists. From start to finish, nearly an hour and a half had elapsed. By 10:03 a.m. nearly 3000 innocent Americans — loved ones, friends and neighbors — were dead.


Set aside any emotional impulse to block 9/11 from one’s mind and embrace the gut-wrenching memory. Remember that America was attacked because of Her freedom and liberty and Her stand against oppression and tyranny worldwide. And there are many other things America should never forget, while we lower the flag, lay wreaths and ring bells in memory of the dead this September 11th.


Never forget, America received many warnings that a clash between Islam and the West, a clash of civilizations, was on the way, with tragedies like the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon and the U.S. Embassy in Kenya and the suicide bombing attack on the USS Cole. We were even informed ahead of 9/11 that it was coming soon.


The first real warning occurred on February 26, 1993, when Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, master bomb-designer, detonated a bomb under the World Trade Center, on orders from Al Qaeda’s Blind Sheikh, that carved out a stories deep crater, injured a thousand people and killed six. The bomb was supposed to kill thousands by releasing a cyanide cloud, however, the explosion incinerated the gas.


Omar Abdel Rahman, the ‘Blind Sheikh’


Never forget, since 9/11, at least thirteen Islamic inspired terrorist attacks have been carried out across America, by Muslims following Mohammed’s “perfect” example, such as we witnessed in the Boston Bombing, the D.C. sniper murders, the shootings at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, San Bernardino, Chattanooga and several others. There have been numerous attacks by Muslims that the press refuses to call “terrorism”, and there have been scores of terror plots and attempted terrorist acts foiled by the authorities.


Never Forget, the nineteen Muslim terrorists were able to attack America on September 11, 2001, because they were trained and funded by Wahhabist imams and members of the Saudi Royal Family, as revealed by the 9/11 Commission Report. And recall, that they also had some large degree of help from Shiite Muslims in the Islamic Republic of Iran, having spent significant time in Iran between October 2000 and February 2001.


The fires of that September morning burned for 100 days and moved America to seek an accounting from these Sons of Allah in wars we are still fighting. Islam is at war with Western civilization, Europe and America, just as Islam fought us (infidels and Westerners) under the Ottoman Empire, or a thousand years ago, now that Islam is in a new ascendancy.


America is still in an ongoing war against us, being waged by Islam, its imams and jihadi terrorists, who want to do the very same thing today that they did sixteen years ago, except on a grander scale.


The United States intelligence community acknowledges that all Al Qaeda and the Islamic State have had some recent, if limited, success in acquiring chemical weapons, like anthrax, VX nerve agents and ricin. More troubling and dangerous, they seek nuclear weapons, as Graham Allison notes in a policy brief for Harvard’s Belfer Center; and though many may see any success towards this as unlikely, it is certainly not implausible, given Iran’s, Pakistan’s and Saudi Arabia’s duplicitous, self-serving roles in the “war on terror”.


No one ever envisioned jet airliners would be used as Muslim terrorist’s instruments of death against us, however, September 11th brought a new visual reality, as officials sworn to protect America were forced to stare into a vast, smoking pit scooped out of lower Manhattan. As then National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice repeatedly stated: “If you were in the White House that day … every day since has been September twelfth. And your great fear is that it may be September tenth.”


In his book ‘The Field of Fight’, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Michael Flynn wrote: “We’re in a world war, but very few Americans recognize it, and fewer still have any idea how to win it.”


Americans have the agonizing images of the horrible and unimaginable calamity of September 11th seared into their minds and hearts. We never forgot the lives so brutally and callously cut short, the children who lost mothers and fathers, and the sorrow that followed; and, we clearly remember the depths of inhumanity to which these Islamic terrorists are willing to sink, as we ring the bells, read the names and honor our dead: September 11, 2001 forced many Americans to the understanding, that America must gather the strength and courage to stop Islam’s violent ascendancy and expansion, at home and abroad, by driving their “holy warriors” into the ground, killing them, and even killing their families, until they grow weary of death and make war no more, if that is the only way to end their insanity.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk


Most source links are by Justin Smith, a few are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith

Trump and the End Times

Trump v Hillary

Tony Newbill and Yurki have a comment exchange on the NCCR post “Hillary More Crooked than Anyone Realizes”.


JRH 5/23/16

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Trump and the End Times

Tony Newbill and Yurki1000

May 23, 2016



May 20, 2016 at 12:35 AM


Great Post John!!!!!! Now ask why did Hilary say all this before she said she regrets what she said??????


MUST SEE: ‘Hillary’s Business Opportunity In Iraq’





A very powerful clip that runs just 35 seconds. The entire point of the clip is the ending, so don’t skip that part.


Hillary explains why we should begin to view Iraq as a business opportunity with economic growth projected to be faster than China.




VIDEO: Newly surfaced footage of Hillary Clinton could damage her on ISIS/Terror/Iraq



Posted by Maurice Lawerence

Published on Dec 25, 2015


2014 – Hillary Clinton laughs about the “hard choices” of sending US soldiers to the Middle East, while admitting she made a mistake voting to authorize the Iraq War.

2011 – Hillary Clinton is excited about Iraq’s promising future as a business opportunity for US companies and Oil.

2002 – Hillary Clinton parrots Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld as she votes “with conviction” to give Bush the authorization to invade Iraq.




She laughs about the death of thousands of young Americans. (MUST SEE: ‘Hillary’s Business Opportunity In Iraq’; The Daily Bail; 5/19/16 5:03 AM)




May 20, 2016 at 12:13 PM


Simpsons- Screw Rules I got Money

Simpsons- Screw Rules I got Money


Thanks n3angus. I Think Frank Zappa Knew Something Back In “Those Days”

– As with the band’s previous two albums, We’re Only in It for the Money is a concept album, and satirizes left and right-wing politics, particularly the hippie subculture, as well as the Beatles’ album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. It was conceived as part of a project called No Commercial Potential, which produced three other albums: Lumpy Gravy, Cruising with Ruben & the Jets and Uncle Meat. –




From the beginning, Frank Zappa cultivated a role as voice of the freaks — imaginative outsiders who didn’t fit comfortably into any group. We’re Only in It for the Money is the ultimate expression of that sensibility, a satirical masterpiece that simultaneously skewered the hippies and the straights as prisoners of the same narrow-minded, superficial phoniness. Zappa‘s barbs were vicious and perceptive, and not just humorously so: his seemingly paranoid vision of authoritarian violence against the counterculture was borne out two years later by the Kent State killings. Like Freak OutWe’re Only in It for the Money essentially devotes its first half to satire, and its second half to presenting alternatives. Despite some specific references, the first-half suite is still wickedly funny, since its targets remain immediately recognizable. The second half shows where his sympathies lie, with character sketches of READ THE REST (AllMusic Review; By Steve Huey)




May 20, 2016 at 12:50 PM


I’m sure you were aware of the threats to Mr. Trump made last year? And put it together with the Hillary Video [Same as Youtube – “Newly surfaced footage of Hillary Clinton …” above]: 


And you can see what is said here makes sense.


With Donald Trump’s policy positions on the Middle East mirroring Russia’s:


Donald Trump is much derided – but he is right about the Middle East

World View: The candidate is demo[n]ised as an exotic celebrity but he knows more about Iraq and Syria than his critics



I remembered Trump and his anti-noise campaign when watching him in recent weeks being repeatedly interviewed as presidential candidate about the Middle East. The interviewers for television and newspapers were generally hostile, or at least patronising and incredulous, when Trump spoke positively about Russian intervention in Syria, the need to combat Isis and the disastrous state of Iraq and Libya. Most of what he was saying was common sense, but it is a measure of the degree to which propaganda slogans have replaced realistic discussion of these problems that his remarks were immediately dismissed or derided by politicians and the media.


Asked by an NBC news presenter if Iraq and Libya had been better off when Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were in power, a question most politicians would have dodged, Trump said: “Iraq is a disaster … Libya is not even a country. You can make the case, if you look at Libya, look at what we did there – it’s a mess. If you look at Saddam Hussein with Iraq, look what we did there – it’s a mess.”



Speaking about the White House’s policy of supporting the Syrian armed opposition, Trump truthfully said the administration “doesn’t know who they are. They could be Isis. Assad is bad. Maybe these other people are worse.” He said he was bothered by “the concept of backing people they have absolutely no idea who they are”. Again, US officials admit that they have armed opposition fighters who, on entering Syria promptly handed their weapons over to Jabhat al-Nusra, the local representatives of al-Qaeda. Trump added: “I was talking to a general two days ago. He said: ‘We have no idea who these people are.’”



Trump discounts the widespread belief that Putin wants to destroy these mythical moderates and for some unexplained reason will not attack Isis. He has objected strongly to long discredited nostrums such as “nation-building”, suggesting in another interview that it is wrong “to tell people who have [had] dictatorships or worse for centuries how to run their own countries”.


It is worth viewing or reading these interviews with Trump and taking them seriously, because in Britain and much of the United States, Trump is demonised as an exotic celebrity with no understanding of what is happening in the world. Also noticeable is the depressing degree to which the interviewers parrot an acritical establishment line on developments in Iraq, Libya and Syria. This media blindness compounds government misjudgements and prevents lessons being learned from previous disasters.


It is not that Trump shows any great clairvoyance, but his words resonate because there is such a vacuum of clear thinking in Washington and Western Europe about the wars that are sweeping the Middle East and North Africa. Most politicians are …


It should by now be clear that defeating Isis and bringing an end to the Syrian and Iraqi civil wars can only be brought about by agreement between the five main outside powers involved in the war: the US, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey. … It is a measure of the failure of Western leaders to understand the crisis in the Middle East that, in speaking of it, none of them show the same clarity of mind as Donald Trump. READ ENTIRETY (Donald Trump is much derided – but he is right about the Middle East; By Patrick Cockburn; Independent; 10/17/15 20:07)


However, this report says, he has been reviled by the warmongers in the United States (of both parties) since July, 2000, when he released his book titled “The America We Deserve”: 


Which a full 14 months prior: 


Donald Trump predicted 9/11 fourteen months in advance, named bin Laden?


Two hundred millions Americans can be wrong, but maybe in this case not entirely. Put somewhat differently, maybe real estate mogul Donald Trump is not quite as full of it as many observers of the current political landscape have observed.


The latest kerfuffle in which Trump is embroiled is his seeming to blame George W. Bush for allowing 9/11 to happen, an insinuation that has created fresh bad blood between Trump and Jeb Bush, who has risen to his brother’s defense.


But it turns out that Trump authored a book titled “The America We Deserve,” which hit the bookstores in July 2000, 14 months before 19 Islamic terrorist commandeered jetliners and crashed them into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.


The blog PC Graveyard notes that Trump foretold the attack and even mentioned Osama bin Laden by name:


“I really am convinced we’re in danger of the sort of terrorist attacks that will make the bombing of the Trade Center look like kids playing with firecrackers…. No sensible analyst rejects this possibility, and plenty of them, like me, are not wondering if but when it will happen.”




“One day we’re told that a shadowy figure with no fixed address named Osama bin-Laden is public enemy number one, and U.S. jetfighters lay waste to his camp in Afghanistan…. He escapes back under some rock, and a few news cycles later it’s on to a new enemy and new crisis.”


READ THE REST (Donald Trump predicted 9/11 fourteen months in advance, named bin Laden? By Ben Bowles; Liberty Unyielding; 10/20/15)


To the 11 September 2001 (9/11) attacks predicted not only this horrific crime would happen, but actually stated that Osama bin Laden would be blamed.
In fact, this report warns, so feared is Donald Trump by his nations warmongers should he take power and uncover all of their secrets, top establishment Republican consultant Rick Wilson in an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes last week actually called for his assassination, and as, in part, one can read from the transcript:

“Trump is still a very powerful force right now” because he appeals to part of the of the conservative base that Wilson said was activated by his “nativist” message. Wilson insisted that the donor class “can’t just sit back on the sidelines and say, ‘oh well, don’t worry, this will all work itself out.’”



“They’re still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump,” Wilson said. “And that’s a fact.”

The Oligarchy is very Ideologically Strung out and it’s going to take being aware of this for the nation to be rejoined with its citizens and their Liberties which have been Usurped like what was shown in Burns the beginning of this year, which Arnold Law has Now filed for a Motion for Dismissal under, 43 U.S. Code § 1068 – “Lands held in adverse possession , and if you listen to this report:




MOTION TO DISMISS: Adverse Possession & Ammon Bundy’s Constitutional Challenge ~ Courtesy of The Arnold Law Firm


Ammon Bundy’s peaceful protest at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge was an act of civil disobedience and a calculated legal maneuver through adverse possession (43 U.S. Code § 1068 – “Lands held in adverse possession”). The protest was in part designed to force the federal government into court to address the constitutionality of its federal land management policy. The very legal issue that Mr. Bundy sought to clarify – which remains unresolved from a constitutional basis – provides the foundation for the criminal prosecution of Mr. Bundy. He contends that the constitutional challenge to the federal government’s jurisdiction over the land in question must be resolved before proceeding with the prosecution of Ammon Bundy – if indeed any grounds remain upon which to mount a legitimate prosecution.


An individual has a direct interest in objecting to laws that upset the constitutional balance between the National Government and the States when the enforcement of those laws causes injury that is concrete, particular, and redressable [sic].” Bond v. United States, 564 U.S. 211, 221-22, 131 S. Ct. 2355, 2364 (2011).


Defendant Ammon Bundy organized his fellow citizens in protest of the expansive and unsupported interpretation of the Constitution that READ THE REST (GOVERNMENT HATES IT WHEN THIS HAPPENS – THE OCCUPATION IS FAR FROM OVER;; 5/16/16)



Arnold Law Firm

May 9 at 2:12pm 


MOTION TO DISMISS: Adverse Possession & Ammon Bundy’s Constitutional Challenge


Contrasted with shallow and uninformed media portrayals and government hyperbole, Ammon is not an “extremist” and is not a member of any militia, patriot group, or political land protest organization. With this motion, the hyperbole stops now. Mr. Bundy is not a militia member or a so-called “sovereign citizen,” and he does not hold anti-government views. Ammon is a well-established and well-res… See More

Ammon Bundy - Photo by Justin Sullivan-Getty Images

Ammon Bundy – Photo by Justin Sullivan-Getty Images


Ammon Bundy is an ‘originalist’ just like Antonin Scalia, says defense


Motion to dismiss charges against Oregon standoff leader call him a peaceful protester sharing constitutional views with the late supreme court justice



We the People are Under Siege by a VERY EVIL Oligarchy!!!!!! Take care and Good Luck in Fighting to Make America Great Again!!!!!



May 21, 2016 at 1:09 PM


Thanks n3angus. You are very informative

Everything around us tells us that we are in the end times. So. What’s important? To save our souls. The Bible tells us that after the Rapture there will be hard times. As I understand there will be beheadings of those people who won’t take the Mark of the Beast. Their souls will be saved. Others will take the “mark”. They will go to Hell.


Revelation 13:16-17 (KJV) 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [Parallel verses of Rev. 20:4. Yurki uses the KJV in the quote below]


And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.


The guillotines are there already. [Finland Google Search of fema guillotines]


VIDEO: After the Rapture! Left Behind? IMPORTANT VIDEO! MUST WATCH!



Posted by The Rapture is Imminent!

Published on Feb 21, 2013


This video is a part dramatization / part explanation for those people who are living before & after the rapture:
PLEASE SHARE: Email, MSN, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc…


¹ Download this movie on your computer. Go to (
² Burn this movie onto a DVD (if possible)
³ Leave a copy in your house for your unsaved loved ones LEFT BEHIND

Make other copies for your family, friends, neighbors, etc…

Getting Yourself Prepared for the Rapture:

“Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12)

ATTENTION: All Rapture Doubters And Fighters!

“The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.” (Isaiah 24:20)

“When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the LORD thy God, and shalt be obedient unto His voice; (For the LORD thy God is a merciful God), He will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which He sware unto them.” (Deuteronomy 4:30-31)

“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” (Matthew 24:42-44)

“And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and the cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” (Luke 21:34-36)

“Because thou hast kept the Word of My patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” (Revelation 3:10)

“I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” (Luke 17:34-36)

“Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead. Come, My people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, until the indignation is past. For behold, the LORD comes READ THE REST




Edited by John R. Houk

Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor.


Tony Newbill & Yurki1000

Saudi Arabia: The Golden Chain and The Missing 28 Pages

Golden Chain

There are a lot of voices on both the Left and Right side of aisle calling for Obama to declassify the infamous 28 pages of a report that may link Saudi Arabia in some fashion or another to the al Qaeda attack on American soil on September 11, 2001. The Saudis are now saying they either don’t want the declassification or at the very least not allow the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) Bill to become law. JASTA would allow surviving victims of the 9/11 attack to sue Saudi Arabia in civil court for any culpability in financing the al Qaeda attack.


Authors Millard Burr and Rachel Ehrenfeld of the American Center for Democracy (ACD) have posed further incrimination against Saudi Arabia that beyond the 28 pages. Evidently a Bosnian police raid on a Muslim charity group in Sarajevo turned up some evidence of fund raising for Usama (or Osama – depending who you read) bin Laden’s al Qaeda. That Burr and Ehrenfeld suggest that evidence points to numerous Saudi families of wealth that were sugar-daddies to al Qaeda. Al Qaeda called these sugar-daddies the Golden Chain. The problem: The U.S. Government has made much of that evidence classified just as the 28 pages. Here is a teaser paragraph from the Burr-Ehrenfeld essay:


How much of the Sarajevo material remains classified and unpublished is debatable. However, like the missing Congressional report, substantial material that covers the genesis and expansion of al Qaeda in the 1990s has never been released. What we do know is that one note taken from the Sarajevo hoard that surfaced at the trial is a bin Laden note saying: “we took very huge gains from the country’s people in Saudi. We were able to give political power to the Mujahideen, gathering donations in very large amounts…”


Just think if there are some names on the 28 classified pages that are also on the Golden Chain. That could finally reveal just how involved the Saudi government or policies that can be associated with wealthy Saudis that are today considered legitimate global business partners. A civil trial could then open some cans of worms that the Intelligence communities of both the USA and Saudi Arabia that might lead to some criminal investigations. AND there you have it – My guess is neither the U.S. Government nor the Saudis want those cans of worms opened. What do you think?


Bosnia-Herzegovina map 1-1995


Just a brief aside: I heard on Fox News that Obama might declassify some of those 28 pages today. However, Google is fairly silent on the today thing. Google searches do point to former Senator Bob Graham reporting that a partial declassification of the 28 pages (e.g. AP, Fox News and Esquire) Hmm … Do you think the U.S. Intelligence community might be pressing Obama on what the public can see?


JRH 4/24/16

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Saudi Arabia: The Golden Chain and The Missing 28 Pages


By Millard Burr and Rachel Ehrenfeld

April 23, 2016 6:32PM

American Center for Democracy


Bin Laden Golden Chain al Qaeda list - Arabic

Arabic UBL-al Qaeda writing discovered at Bosnia-BIN office


The American media, which continues to concentrate on a bill making its way through Congress that would allow American citizens to sue the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for losses suffered as a result of the 9/11 attacks, paid no attention to the Golden Chain.


The victims claim that the release of the 28 pages missing from the 9/11 Commission Report is of crucial importance to their case. Those pages, they say, would show the interrelationship that ties the hijackers to the Saudi regime itself and therefore would offer a damning indictment of the Kingdom. But President Obama, like President Bush before him, refuses to make it public. And the Saudi Royal Family that vehemently denies funding al Qaeda threatened that if the 28 pages are released, they would sell more than $750 billion of Saudi investments in the U.S.


Of equal if not of greater importance than the missing 28 pages, is the forgotten investigation of the Bosnia-BIF office. Crucially, among the boxes and files was found a note ostensibly written by Osama Bin Laden that lists a “Golden Chain” of twenty Arab plutocrats who were and remain suspected of financing international terrorism, including the funding of al Qaeda.




The Golden Chain was established about the time of al Qaeda’s founding in 1988. Bin Laden’s notes on efforts to recruit wealthy Saudi Arabian families who could fund his group were also found at Sarajevo. Much of the information derived from the Sarajevo came to light during the 2003 trial of an al Qaeda financier, Enaam Arnaout, in Chicago.


In March 2002, a search of the Benevolence International Foundation (the Bosanska Idealna Futura, or BIF) in Sarajevo, Bosnia, would provide the West with the most significant trove of information ever to be found on the Genesis and growth of the al Qaeda organization.


In fact, Bosnian investigators unearthed an intelligence mother lode: Not only did they seize weapons, false passports, plans for making bombs, jihadist videos and literature, their search also yielded material of great historic value. On a computer file titled “Tareekh Osama” (Osama’s History), there were found documents, letters, and photos relating to the birth and early days of al Qaeda, some of it in bin Laden’s handwriting. Included in the haul was an organizational chart, and notes on al Qaeda activity reportedly prepared by bin Laden, and his mentor Sheikh Abdallah Azzam. The file had been kept by Bin Ladin confidant Enaam Arnaout, who clearly obviously thought the BIF office in Bosnia was safe from intrusion. Ironically, before 9/11 Arnaout and the BIF were under investigation in the United States for operating the charity as a racketeering enterprise. One that provided material support to al Qaeda. Following 9/11, it seemed only a matter of time before Arnaout would be indicted.


Why the raid took place when it did, and who sponsored the raid (in Sarajevo and Washington), remains something of a mystery. As a result of the Dayton Accords, Bosnia-Herzegovina had been governed by a unique tripartite power-sharing arrangement since 1996; a rotating presidency allowed Muslim Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats to share power. Importantly, in 2002 Alija Izetbegović, the powerful Islamist Muslim Brother, was no longer first among equals. The West’s bete-noire had stepped down after serving as Chairman of the Presidency from October 1996 through October 2000. Thus, given the power structure that existed in Sarajevo in early 2002 (and in the aftermath of 9/11 2001), it is posited that the CIA either took part in or at least was instrumental in, the raid on the BIF location.


Incredibly, the trove of information discovered in that raid was given publicity in Bosnia itself. No effort was made by the Bosnia intelligence agency to tailor, redact, or eliminate information found in the Bosanska, and thus, the information itself proved to be a bombshell both inside and out of Bosnia. Unlike Washington where the most astounding intelligence is immediately classified secret and squirreled down some intelligence rat hole, the Bosnian services shared their find with the world. And in an order issued on 6 March 2003 by the Supreme Court of Bosnia, the computer files that had been seized were delivered to the U.S. Embassy. The documents were then translated into English. Later, some appeared in a trial of a BIF official Enaam Arnaout.


Included in the files were “scanned letters” between Arnaout and bin Laden (using their nom de guerre) and letters concerning other al Qaeda principals. The letters revealed that al Qaeda leaders were paid, and weapons for the group were purchased from funds provided by Muslim charities. There were also letters authorizing the purchase, and purchase orders for rifles, RPGs, mortars, and other weaponry, with instructions to distribute the weapons to camps operated by al Qaeda.


Other memoranda provided a chronology of events from the founding of al Qaeda in Khost to the movement’s activity in Peshawar, Pakistan, during its first months of existence. There were reports on al Qaeda activity in the various jihad on-going in Bosnia, the Sudan, and Chechnya. An article published in 1988 in Arab News outlined bin Laden’s activity and included a photo of Arnaout and Bin Laden walking together at “Masada”, an Arab-Afghan camp for mujahideen.


In the search of the BIF’s Sarajevo offices, “law enforcement authorities” discovered conclusive evidence that tied the BIF Chief Executive Officer Enaam Arnaout to al Qaeda, and to its leader Osama Bin Laden. One letter even allowed Arnaout to sign an authorization on bin Laden’s behalf. Though the Sarajevo documents remained secret for months, they included the minutes of an 11 August 1988 meeting during which bin Laden discussed the creation of what would then be known as the al Qaeda. It is recalled that in the decade following the founding of al Qaeda 1988 only a few hundred jihadists had been permitted to take the oath of allegiance (the baya’t) to Osama bin Laden. Arnaout was thus a member of a very select body of mujahideen.


The evidence unearthed in Sarajevo was sufficient to charge Arnaout with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. Arnaout, who was born and raised in Syria and was a member of a Saudi family of Albanian heritage, was also an American citizen and had been a resident of the U.S. since 1992. Thus, in the end, there would be no escaping U.S. justice.


Concerning the BIF, a “charity” incorporated in the State of Illinois in March 1992, the arrest of Arnaout was soon followed by the closure of BIF operation in Canada and Bosnia, and then by most of its offices located overseas; namely, in Pakistan, Bosnia, Yemen, Sudan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Dagestan, Soviet Georgia, China, and Ingushetia (moved from Chechnya).


In December 2001, and shortly after 9/11 but before the indictment of Arnaout himself, BIF funds had been blocked in the USA, Canada, and Bosnia. At that time, it was reported that the US government had in its possession substantial evidence proving that the Arnaout-bin Laden intimate relationship dated from the mid-1980s. The relationship was in fact fixed well before the creation of the al-Qaeda organization in August 1988 in Khost, Afghanistan.


Given the evidence uncovered at the BIF office in Sarajevo (and, reportedly additional evidence of BIF’s terrorist ties discovered by Bosnian police in a later raid on local charities on 3 June), it was not surprising that Arnaout was soon indicated in the United States.


See UNITED STATES of America v. Enaam M. ARNAOUT, a/k/a “Abu Mahmoud”, a/k/a “Abu Mahmoud al Suri”, a/k/a “Abu Mahmoud al Hamawi”, a/k/a “Abdel Samia”, U.S. v. ARNAOUT, No. 02 CR 892, 231 F.Supp.2d 797 (2002), U.S. District Court, N.D. Illinois, Eastern Division. November 22, 2002, Patrick J. Fitzgerald,, United States Attorneys.


The Trial


On March 2003 the Chicago trail [sic] of Enaam Arnaout was truncated just before it began == much to the dissatisfaction of most observers. Arnaout had been charged with racketeering conspiracy, providing material support to organizations engaged in violent activities, money laundering, mail fraud and wire fraud. He faced a possible 90-year sentence. However, before the charges could be tried Arnaout pleaded guilty in federal court to a single count of illegally funding and supplying military assistance to mujahideen in Bosnia and Chechnya.


The federal case, which focused on the Arnaout-Bin Laden relationship, was blown to smithereens when a federal judge ruled that evidence was spotty at best. Prosecutors dropped all charges after Arnaout pled guilty to a single felony count. For reasons still not clear, the government settled for a penalty less than the twenty years that Arnaout could have received. As an editorial in the New York Sun put it, “The government’s decision to accept a plea to a single, and relatively minor, count [transpired] so as to avoid a risky trial.” Nonetheless, federal prosecutors were “unwilling to credit [Arnaout] for cooperating.”


True or false, and despite the congressional testimony of then-FBI Director Robert Mueller before a U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on 14 September 2006, the Arnaout imbroglio was not one of the FBI’s finest hours.


Indeed, in February 2006, a federal judge had reduced the Enaam Arnaout sentence from 11 years and four months to 10 years, after the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that his original sentence was improperly enhanced.


The Golden Chain


The Golden Chain was established about the time of al Qaeda’s founding in 1988. Bin Laden’s notes on efforts to recruit wealthy Saudi Arabian families who could fund his group were also found at Sarajevo. Much of the information derived from the Sarajevo came to light during the 2003 trial of an al Qaeda financier, Enaam Arnaout, in Chicago.


How much of the Sarajevo material remains classified and unpublished is debatable. However, like the missing Congressional report, substantial material that covers the genesis and expansion of al Qaeda in the 1990s has never been released. What we do know is that one note taken from the Sarajevo hoard that surfaced at the trial is a bin Laden note saying: “we took very huge gains from the country’s people in Saudi. We were able to give political power to the Mujahideen, gathering donations in very large amounts…”


Within the Sarajevo trove, there was found the essential minutes of a meeting held on 11 August 1988 during which Bin Laden initiated actions that established a jihadist movement loyal to himself. A week later the organization was officially established, and a copy of the oath of allegiance taken by some 40 participants was included in the file. The minutes of that seminal conclave end on 20 August.


Also recorded were bin Laden’s “own statements on the efforts to recruit members from Saudi Arabia for his network and to raise money.” Also included in the Bosnia find was a letter on Saudi Red Crescent/Peshawar letterhead and with it a note added by Osama Bin Laden to his money-manager Wael Jalaidan citing “an extreme need for weapons.” (John Solomon, “Bosnia Raid Yields al-Qaida Donor List,” Miami Herald via AP, Feb. 19, 2003.)


Many questioned why bin Laden, a member of one of Saudi Arabia’s wealthiest family, searched for funds outside his fortune to fund al Qaeda. But Osama was not rich enough to fund the expensive jihad he had in mind. Though the bin Laden family was wealthy, Osama could not easily access the $300 million that some analysts felt he had squirreled away. His accounts were blocked in the United States and Saudi Arabia, and his family was watched closely and warned not to assist him financially. Still, during his stay in the Sudan (1991-1996) he probably invested more than $50 million (including $30 million deposited in the al-Shamal Bank). But when bin Laden departed the Sudan in 1996, he had little to show for his investments. By the admission of those al Qaeda members who knew him best, his personal wealth had been squandered. To carry out his jihadist agenda he had to continue to call on wealthy Gulf plutocrats, viz., the Golden Chain, to finance al Qaeda.


Included in the US government indictment of Enaam Arnaout on 9 October 2002 (02 CR 892) was an interesting memorandum, “Clarifying the Mujahideen’s situation to the world and keeping the spirit of Jihad alive.” (Exhibit 17, Department of Justice, “Government’s Evidentiary Proffer Supporting the Admissibility of Coconspirator Statements” in the case of USA v. Arnaout, USDC, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, filed 29 January 2003.) Of even more explosive power, however, was a memorandum that appeared as Exhibit 5: With regard to that piece of evidence the Justice Department noted: “Among the recovered files was a copy of a 1988 handwritten draft listing wealthy financiers of UBL’s mujahideen operation in Afghanistan, referred to within al Qaeda as the ‘Golden Chain.’” The information presented on lined paper and translated from the Arabic by the U.S. Department of Justice was headed by a verse in Arabic from the Koran: “And spend for God’s cause.” (“Government’s Evidentiary Proffer Supporting the Admissibility of Coconspirator Statements” in the case of USA v. Arnaout, USDC, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division) filed on January 29, 2003.)


The Golden Chain memorandum, it included twenty-five names, including twenty very wealthy Saudis. (N.B: at the time of the discovery only two names on the list remained unidentified.) Of the twenty Saudis, six were bankers, and they were tied to the big three of Saudi banking: the National Commerical [sic] Bank of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh Bank, and Al Rajhi Banking and Investment Corp. Ther[e] twelve Saudi businessmen on the list, and the bankers owned or controlled sixteen of the top 100 Saudi companies. The list included eight individuals charged by the families of victims of 9/11 with being complicit in aiding and assisting al Qaeda. Also included were the names of two former government Ministers.


After each name, there was a second name, in parenthesis, of the al Qaeda operative who received money from the donor. “Osama” appeared after seven entries. The donors [sic] names included Saudi Arabia’s most prominent citizens including the bin Laden family, the al Rajhi, Sharbatly, al Naghi, bin Mahfouz, and Adel Faqih. The corporate net worth of the Golden Chain, as calculated more than a decade later accounted for more than $85 billion, or approximately 42% of Saudi Arabia’s GDP.


Whether or not bin Laden personally wrote the Golden Chaim memo, it is indisputable that he was in a position to know the family fortunes of the individuals named. In some cases, they were allied directly or tangentially with his family. They included Saleh Kamel, head of third largest Saudi company, and Suleiman Abdulaziz al Rajhi, head of 4th largest Saudi commercial bank. The “bin Mahfouz” family was in charge of Saudi Arabia’s most important bank. Also on the list, Abdel Qader Faqeeh (Adel Faqh) head of Savola Group, the 13th largest Saudi company. Mohammed al-Issa was head of the powerful al-Issa group, itself the 20th largest Saudi Company. Issa himself was a board member of the Saudi Research & Marketing Company (along with Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi, Saleh Abdullah Kamel, Abdullah Bin Khaled bin Mahfouz, among others.) He was also Deputy Chairman of the Arab Cement Company whose shareholders included the Binladin Group, the bin Mahfouz and the al Rajhi, and whose chairman was Turki Bin Abdulaziz al Saud. That the individuals listed would be asked to assist Osama bin Laden in his jihadist mission is not surprising. It was all one big happy family.


Wael Julaidan, the al Qaeda moneyman and former Secretary-General of the Muslim World League, and of the well-funded Rabita Trust of Pakistan, was charged with collecting donations from four wealthy individuals. Mohammad al-Amin Khalifa, Osama’s wealthy brother-in-law, was another collection agent, who was known to have close ties to bin Laden’s two money men, Julaidan, and Yasin al-Qadi.


As could be imagined, the list which included such luminaries as “bin Mahfouz,” created a furor in Saudi Arabia, where the memorandum appeared to implicate a score of the Kingdom’s wealthiest citizens. Nearly all were either indirectly or directly involved in the Royal Family’s charity organizations as founders or board members.


Years later, following the September 2001 attacks on the U.S., the “9/11 Commission” issued a report in which a chapter devoted to “The Foundation of the New Terrorism, acknowledged that Osama bin Laden sought financial assistance from wealthy Muslims in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, and that “the eventual success of the jihad in Afghanistan depended on an increasingly complex, almost worldwide organization.” Unfortunately, the report was long on implication and short on names.


The Golden Chain list included names of persons who were friendly to the Afghan-Arab movement and later to bin Laden himself. The Golden Chain gained importance after 1990 — when Osama bin Laden escaped house arrest in Saudi Arabia and a year later emerged in the Sudan. Indeed, the name al Qaeda came into vogue and the need for funding expanded after Osama move to the Sudan and al Qaeda’s expanding activities first in Somalia, and later in the Balkans.


Why then should anyone believe that any individual whose name appears on the Golden Chain memorandum, and who, like Khalid bin Mahfouz, claims he “never knowingly made any donation to al Qaeda or any organization or person acting on al Qaeda’s behalf or to any other terrorist organization,” is telling the truth?


It is unknown if any of those whose names appeared on the Golden Chain memo has ever been interrogated, charged with a crime, or chastised by the Saudis. It is safe to assume that In the Dessert Kingdom, where jihad is paramount and ‘silence is golden,” the Golden Chain members have little to worry about.


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