WEF: The New Fascist-Corporatist-Leftist Tyranny

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© May 30, 2022

Have you ever heard of Antifa? That Communist anti-American violent organization was in the news often while Trump was President. In case you were unaware, Antifa is the short of Anti-Fascist (A Brief History of Antifa, Parts ONE & TWO). It had its beginnings as a Soviet plant in Germany to resist Hitler’s Nazism which history paints incorrectly as an extremist Right-Wing ideology. HELLO! “NAZI” was an acronym of the German which in English is National Socialism. So duh … Socialism is Left-Wing. The Nazi and Fascist twist of Socialism is the involvement of Marxist oriented Corporatism managed by the Elitist State. The added Nazi Leftist twist is racial superiority eugenics aspect in the Elitists which groups of people are worthy to live based on race and economics. The less worthy will serve the more worthy and the very less than worthy will be eliminated.

Kind of sounds like present day World Economic Forum (WEF) ideology with the motto that goes something like, “You will nothing and love it.”

On the Bitchute video platform I am a subscriber to Americans United Against The New World Order who puts together interesting snippets of videos that are a focus of that Channel. Along the frame of thought I began, here are two short videos and one 34-minute video pointing to the 4th Industrial Revolution (or is it actually a 4th Reich) tyranny stealthily thrust on gullible America (and world) Sheeple:

JRH 5/30/22

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Intro to ‘The Lessons of September 11th’

Intro by John R. Houk

By Justin O. Smith

Intro © September 5, 2018

How old were you on September 11, 2001? Were or are you old enough to remember what happened that Tuesday morning? I was 44.


I was off work that morning and was sleeping while most of New York City was going full bore with their work day. My wife and I were enjoying the cuddling of blissful sleep.




I got a phone call from a friend of mine. He told me to turn on my TV to any channel. I was shocked to hear a passenger airline had crashed into one of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (WTC).


I can’t recall how long I was watching the television report and with the cameras on the smoking building – BOOM! Another passenger airliner crashed into Twin Tower.


TV reports began to filter in. This was no tragic accident. Passenger jets had been hijacked and deliberately flown into the WTC. Two other passenger jets were hijacked. One flew into the Pentagon and the other crashed in a field near Shanksville, PA.


Nearly 3,000 Americans died rapidly on 911 at the WTC, the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA. You can add to those deaths the thousands who died due to the effects of rescues and New Yorkers returning to affected area when the EPA or CDC should have warned of health hazards that brought on tragic illnesses:


The WTCHP has certified 37,000 people as suffering from serious respiratory or digestive illnesses, cancer, or a combination.



The Manhattan borough president, Gale Brewer, told the Guardian she had “heard very high numbers” of people were at risk of dying from exposure to World Trade Center-related toxins.


“Many more than 3,000 or 4,000,” she said. “It’s very sad. I believe it will eclipse the number who died on 9/11 itself, because so many people were on the pile, or came to help, and so many people worked in the area. We are going to be dealing with this for years and years.” (Bold Text by Blog Editor9/11 health crisis: death toll from illness nears number killed on day of attacks; By Joanna Walters; The Guardian; 9/11/16 06.00 EDT)


911 is the day Quranic, Hadith and Sira based Islamic ideology were honored by Muslim followers.






JRH 9/5/18

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The Lessons of September 11th


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 9/2/2018 4:04 PM


It has been seventeen years, since Islamic terrorists used jet airliners as guided missiles to bring down the World Trade Center Towers and six years since Islamic terrorists overran the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya and murdered four fine Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Most of us remember these days clear as a bell ringing out in the dead of night, and we swore that we would never forget what transpired on these days. We swore we would make certain it could never happen again.


And yet, through a multitude of continued Islamic inspired terror attacks, from those days to the present, America does not stand united in this war between civilizations or stand shoulder to shoulder in the war against Islamic terrorism and the evil ideology inherent to its core doctrines. Try reporting on the five Muslims in New Mexico, who were recently caught abusing and training children to become Islamic jihadi terrorists or the 35 similar and verifiable Islamic jihadi terrorist camps, along with a possible 200 more such camps, scattered across America, and just watch how fast the slurs of “racist” and “bigot” are thrown at any reporter’s good name.


America said, “We will never forget”, but from the manner in which we approach Islam and our Muslim population, it seems that many, especially the Democrats, have already forgotten, so anxious are they to appease Muslims and Islam in general and be seen as “enlightened and loving” and willing to “coexist”. They do not understand that “coexist” is simply a synonym for “surrender”.


Each time there is a new terror attack carried out on our homeland or a terror threat is neutralized and another Muslim terrorist is taken down by Homeland Security, or some other U.S. agency, the media goes into action, and it is ludicrous to watch. We stand united, we are not cowed, the terrorists will never win are repeated over and over by Congressmen, police chiefs, mayors and former U.S. presidents such as Obama, Carter, Clinton and Bush — the mantra of multicultural acceptance and tolerance, the same script, time and time again.


The truth is that life has not proceeded as normal, since American Airlines Flight 11 slammed into the side of the north tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 a.m.. Our sons and daughters were obliterated, burned alive and left crumpled in pieces inside the collapsed rubble of the Twin Towers, and the terror attacks have continued, largely unabated, from Boston to Chattanooga to San Bernardino.


Let’s not forget, as recent as December 11, 2017 an Islamic terrorist from Bangladesh attempted to murder Americans with a homemade pipe bomb in New York’s Port Authority Bus Terminal. Akayed Ullah was a Muslim who pledged his loyalty to the Islamic State. And then there’s U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Ikaika Kang, who just plead guilty in August to providing the Islamic State with military information and equipment, a drone, and training.


America must never forget September 11th and its lessons, so long as American mothers and fathers are still burying their sons and daughters, due to Islamic terrorism on our own soil. If September 11, 2001 was anything, it should have been a wake-up call and an in-your-face moment of realization that despite all the multiculturalist, socialist and communist Democrat and RINO assurances that Islam is “a religion of peace”, it is, in fact, and evil ideology that hates all others to the point of not resting, until all outside of Islam either submit and enter its sphere or die fighting, or until Islam itself is no more. Islam hates the “other”, the Christians and Jews, the Europeans and Americans. If anything, America should never forget September 11th and Benghazi, when Ambassador Chris Stevens’ body was dragged through the streets, by a crowd of howling, screaming Muslims, and just how deep Islamic hatred goes for all outside Dar al- Islam, the House of Islam. Whether in America, Europe or the streets of Cairo or Benghazi, wherever “peace missions” are pursued, Americans can never “coexist” with Islam and they should not even try.


I am constantly attacked by the Left, for failing in the commandment “forgive your brother as you forgive yourself”. Muslims are not my “brother” in any Christian sense of the word, because they themselves reject such a brotherhood based in love,  and they are not seeking forgiveness, as their repeated attacks on the West clearly demonstrate; but rather they embrace a supremacist ideology based in hate and founded on conquest and subjugation. God might forgive evil deeds, but even Satan was still condemned to a lake of fire. I can forgive honest mistakes and deeds done in the heat of passion, by normally good people, but as far as evil perpetrated with clear purpose and a longtime strategy aimed at ending my people’s way of life and eradicating Judeo-Christian principles, I will never forgive such evil.


Is American life carrying on as normal, when now we see Christians attacked in Muslim “no go zones” like Dearborn, Michigan, for the “crime” of proselytizing near an Islamic festival?


How normal has life been for young Americans, such as Wyatt and Lucy Paterson, twins, who lost their dad in the Twin Towers, at the age of four? What about the survivors from the families of the other 2996 Americans murdered on that day? What about Genelle Guzman, the last survivor pulled from the rubble of the Twin Towers, who spent six weeks in the hospital undergoing surgeries on her crushed legs?


How normal has life been for Dorothy Woods, widow of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi, or Kate Quigley, whose brother Glen Doherty died fighting alongside Woods?


Life in America will never return to normal, as long as we fail to learn the lessons of 9/11 and keep buying the Leftists’ assertion that Islam is “a religion of peace” and the fool’s errand of “coexistence” with Islam, allowing Islam and the Muslim population to grow in America. Each time we remember the events surrounding 9/11/2001 and 2012 and all the Islamic terror and chaos that has followed, all Americans, who love America, must not only reject Islam’s status as a “religion”, but we must vow and work to eradicate Islam from America, by enforcing section 212 (f) of the 1952 McCarran Act, which focuses on any group like communists whose presence proves detrimental to the United States; and, we must halt all mosque construction and all Muslim immigration, since Islam is an evil and violent ideology focused on either America’s subjugation under Sharia Law or her ultimate destruction.


I will never forget 9/11, and neither should you.


By Justin O. Smith


Intro to ‘The Lessons of September 11th

Intro by John R. Houk

Intro © September 5, 2018


The Lessons of September 11th


Edited by John R. Houk

Source links by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith

WAKE-UP to the Danger of Islam

Voting for Trump is a good first step to waking up!


John R. Houk

© August 11, 2016

Wake up America

I found a couple of videos while doing my G+ Community surfing thing. One is addressed to Americans from a former Muslim who has definitely found the fire of Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. The second video is addressed to the Finnish people in particular and to Europeans in general. The guy giving a speech in Finland is speaking English with Finnish subtitles.


BOTH videos are about the dangers Islam presents to America and the West in a John10:10 kind of fashion:


The thief [i.e. the devil] does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I [i.e. Jesus Christ the Son of God] have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (NKJV)


JRH 8/11/16

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VIDEO: They are coming to kill you!’ Former Muslim warns America of the dangers of Islam



Posted by Lisa’sRaptureReady

Published on Jun 27, 2016


Message from Her



I made my choice. What about you?

I came to a point that I had to make a decision. Whether I have to please Christ or people. Whether I had to open my mouth to expose evil or stay quiet and watch the devil at work. There is a price tag to please God. There is also a price tag to stand up and speak up. The hate messages I receive daily are the evidence of I am not a people pleaser. When I was a Muslim, I was addicted to approval of others. I had a serious problem with rejection. Who doesn’t? I used to be a people pleaser. I was a slave of a false religion and under oppression. That all got me to a position of a door mat Until I said, ” No more”. Enough is enough. I prefer to speak the truth and please God than serve the enemy by being quiet. And it is so much easier to please God than people. It feels good to be in His will even though you are persecuted and insulted by many. There is freedom in Christ. Use your freedom to serve God rather than man. Wake up! Stand up! Speak up! The time has come!

The Messiah is coming

Prepare the way for Holiness
(Hebrews 12:14) • R • E • P • E • N • T •


VIDEO: ‘I Know You’ Anti-Islam Finnish MP tells the TRUTH about Muslim immigrants in Europe



Posted by Liam Liam

Published on Aug 8, 2016


The Rape of Lady Justice

Blind Justice Raped

Justin Smith expresses the same outrage every American should feel that Director Comey, AG Loretta Lynch and the Obama Administration is not going to make any effort whatsoever to prosecute Crooked Hillary:


Everyone is “innocent until proven guilty” in America, but the evidence in Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of information is so overwhelming that it leaves no doubt that she is guilty on several levels. This is the reason that Director Comey’s recommendation that she not be prosecuted was so shocking to so many Americans; it is unfathomable that this case was not at the very least presented to a Grand Jury for inspection. –Justin O. Smith


JRH 7/12/16

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The Rape of Lady Justice

The Day the Rule of Law Died


By Justin O. Smith

Sent July 9, 2016 2:03 PM


The rule of law died on July 5th and the tide turned against freedom in America, after FBI Director James Comey delivered the news that Hillary Clinton, a crooked, corrupt and accomplished liar, would not face charges for her criminal mishandling of top secret information. This day will be marked in infamy in the annals of American history as the day that Comey, Loretta Lynch and Obama, who all swore oaths to uphold justice, worked to annihilate justice and limit and destroy rights. Their actions to this point and after the fact remove all doubt that one standard of law does in fact exist for the political aristocracy and another standard of law applies to the average, common U.S. citizen, as this administration pushes America down the dark path of tyranny.


Coincidences of the magnitude of Bill Clinton’s and Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s “chance” meeting on the tarmac of a Phoenix airport in late June are no coincidence at all, especially once one discovers the July 3rd New York Times story that revealedMrs. Clinton … may decide to retain Ms. Lynch, the nation’s first black woman to be attorney general“. This story confirmed to Lynch that her message had been received by Hillary’s staff. A pact — a collusion and a conspiracy — was shaped: No indictment in return for reappointment.


Comey outlined the facts that 110 emails in 52 email chains contained classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained top secret information, at the time they were sent, thirty-six contained secret information and eight other email chains contained confidential information at the time.


Now, at the very least, America understands that Hillary Clinton lied last July, when she confidently claimed “I never sent or received any information that was classified at the time it was sent or received.” This one statement supports a charge under 18 U.S.C. 1001.


So why wasn’t Hillary interviewed under oath by the FBI? And why wasn’t Clinton’s testimony recorded?


After thousands of investigative hours and more than a year it came down to Comey stating: “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgement is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges.”


Really? This appears to have great potential to be prosecuted, unless one has been bought or intimidated away.


Comey said that he and his team “cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts.” This does not have the ring of truth for several reasons.


The Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers of information under the 1917 Espionage Act than all prior administrations combined, with five subsequently sent to prison. Secrecy in D.C. is such that the slightest mishandling or disclosure can result in a felony charge and months or years of prison. Stephen Kim was sentenced to 13 months in prison for speaking with reporter James Rosen on “sensitive” information about North Korea, most of which was already released in several news sources. If one is sufficiently important in D.C., as in the cases concerning Leon Panetta and David Petraeus, they are usually spared and let off with the lightest of consequences, while powerless nobodies without any intent to leak or mishandle information face criminal prosecution, career destruction and the permanent loss of security clearance.


A Naval investigation into Bryan Nishimura’s 2007-2008 service in Afghanistan revealed that he did not intend to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel. He had downloaded and carried classified materials on his “personal, unclassified electronic devices and storage media”. Upon his return to the U.S., he continued to maintain this information at several unauthorized locations and on several unclassified systems, which resulted in his prosecution, two years of probation and a $7500 fine.


If someone, who was obscure and unimportant and powerless, recklessly and secretly used a shoddy home server, as well as several other unsecured servers, to work with Top Secret information in the same manner that Hillary Clinton did, they would have been criminally charged and placed under the jail long ago. This was all criminal behavior, as Huma Abedin’s recent sworn testimony before Congress has shown.


Comey tried to give Clinton a pass by suggesting she didn’t have the requisite intent, but the law doesn’t require intent. The law requires merely “gross negligence” under 18 U.S.C. 793, which, among other things, makes it a federal crime punishable by 10 years in prison, for any official entrusted with classified information relating to national defense to “permit … the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted or destroyed” — all of which Hillary Clinton did.


And the Far Left, those like Representatives Elijah Cummings and Nancy Pelosi, are celebrating this recent obstruction of justice. Obama too made it clear he was Hillary’s Black Knight and protector, as he gave her use of Air Force One at the expense of the American people. He took her to her North Carolina campaign event, where they both laughed and smiled like pumpkin-eating possums, as she gave her speech behind the presidential seal.


The Obama administration and an entire segment of U.S. society, millions of people, are turning a blind eye to this travesty of justice, acting as if it’s nothing. They are offering an immoral defense of Hillary Clinton — an elitist, oligarchic ideologue and a smug sociopath — who was a treacherous Secretary of State, responsible for the murders of four fine Americans at Benghazi, and who lied repeatedly about compromising U.S. secrets.


Unless Americans are willing to submit to the arbitrary whims of rulers for generations to come, we must stop this rape of Lady Justice and free Her from the chains imposed by the FBI and the Department of Justice, which have been corrupted by Obama and Hillary. This administration became illegitimate the second it stopped operating through just and impartial laws, applied equally to everyone in society, including its own. This dark course towards systemic privilege and a different application of the “law” between the powerful and the powerless must never become common place in America. Stopping Hillary’s ascent to the presidency will stop our slow slide towards such tyranny, and prosecuting her, no matter how long it takes, will stop Lady Justice’s outraged screams and start the healing of America’s soul.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk


© Justin O. Smith

When Jews Stand Silent

Concentration Camp Murdered Jews

Result of Jew-Hatred – My GOD Don’t Forget!



After Hitler’s Holocaust was discovered by the winning Allied

armies, the West experienced a collective guilt on how badly Jews were treated in a horrific Jew-hatred manner. In Ari Bussel’s essay he expresses the very legitimate concern that the pre-Holocaust days are here again – even in America.


JRH 10/23/14

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When Jews Stand Silent


By Ari Bussel

Sent: 10/21/2014 6:23 PM


Allow me to start with a bit of family history.


During WWII, among the Allied forces, my grandfather was in General Anders’ (Polish) army fighting the Nazis.  At the end of the War he was in Italy.  After the war, my grandfather joined his brother in NY and remarried (my grandmother had been murdered by the Nazis). 


To his last day, my grandfather lived on the Upper West Side, whereas his brother lived on the Upper East Side.  NYC was his favorite city, a magical place with much to do.  He regularly attended operas and concerts at the Lincoln Center.  I remember when my father and I were packing his things, after my grandfather passed away, and found stacks of programs of performances he had attended.  We may still have some of them.


My grandfather is buried in NY, where he is likely turning in his grave, at how—after seventy-five years—we have come full circle backward.  Not just in Europe, but in the USA as well.


Today, everything is permissible, even in America.  Acceptable now, first and foremost, is Jew-hatred.


Once we knew how to differentiate between right and wrong, good and evil.  Today, the lines are blurred, terrorists become “freedom fighters,” and the blame always lies with someone else, most readily and easily with Israel and the Jews. 


Metropolitan Opera of the pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel opera “Death of Klinghoffer.”


Tonight at the Met is the opening night of Death of Klinghoffer.  So what is all the fuss about?  “Munich” humanized the terrorists who targeted and murdered Israeli athletes because they were Jewish.  Its director was none other than Schindler’s List director, Steven Spielberg, himself a Jew.


Many movies in recent years that vilify Israel and glorify her enemies are made in Israel and are supported by funding from the Israeli government.


So why is everyone up in arms against yet another such occasion, one that happens to be at my grandfather’s favorite city and performing arts center?


Those who do not understand the premise we must fight all these instances may stop here.  Others will dwell into the following questions:


* Who stands up and takes action?


* What type of action is sufficient to effect change?


* Can we even fight modern-day anti-Semitism?


I will attempt to answer these three questions.


Good people are expected to fight back but seldom do.  A major shock to the system is necessary before they spring to action and for its effects to remain etched in memory.  The Holocaust was a drastic shock and its effects lasted some seven decades but now have almost faded away.


Short of a major system-wide tsunami, as we learned time and again, “money talks.”  To effect change, one must get to the major source of funding.  Then those at the helm pay attention.  For change to be meaningful and lasting, rather than passing, pressure must be sustained. 


Thus the call for major funders of the NY Met to withhold their donations must be a consideration. 


Experience, though, teaches us that such efforts rarely work.  Ha’Aretz, Israeli leading intellectual paper, is still up and running, none of its advertisers has backed off, despite its working tirelessly to bring about the fall of the Jewish state.


Not only in Israel.  The NY Times, LA Times and other major papers still exist and their main advertisers (many Jewish) have not backed off, despite a systematic anti-Israeli approach.


And this experience extends well beyond the printed media.


To effect change, there has to either be a major groundswell or the major benefactors behind an operation must take a stand (i.e. stop the flow of funds) and remain firm on their convictions. Either one will create the necessary shock effect.  Yet, this is as rare as a major earthquake here in California.


There are instances when we must stand up and take action, not just hope that a storm will pass and everything be forgotten.  These shocks have positive effects, for they force us to change the status quo.  And what is happening today is not good, by any stretch of one’s imagination.


So allow me to highlight a friend, who is now on a plane to NYC, to participate tonight in the demonstration in front of the Lincoln Center.  She will be sitting in a wheelchair this evening at the Klinghoffer Demonstration against the Met.  It is inspiring, but not enough.


Several years ago, a professor from Ben Gurion University, the head of the Poli-Sci department, wrote an op-ed that was published by the Los Angeles Times.  It was not personal musings, rather the professional presentation of a person very established in this field.  He called to “Boycott Israel.” 


Jews were outraged.  The University President flew in to Los Angeles to meet with the major donors who were very upset.  She refused to meet with anyone else; they were of no concern or value to her.  The major donors were appeased, and nothing much has changed since.  Post-Zionism is alive and well at BGU.


The Jews have persuaded themselves that everything is OK, someone else is to blame (clearly noise created by some troublemakers) and there is nothing the university president can actually do.  Life continues.


The same happened when J Street, the self-proclaimed “pro-Israel, pro-peace” (anti-Israel, undermine-AIPAC) organization came into being.  The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles was gravitating toward supporting it, until Newt Becker went from one friend to another (all major donors) and made it an issue.


Then, and only then, the Federation paid attention.


Promises were made.  The Federation resorted to legalities and ultimately confused the issue.  “It depends what ‘supporting’ really means,” they said, and the shenanigans continued.  United we stand, divided we fall, and J Street continues to bring about the fall of the walls of Jerusalem.  Alas, it happened before, we will survive it again.


Newt’s actions were a necessary, but not a sufficient condition. 


In Orange County, activist Dee Sterling has been fighting the Olive Tree Initiative (and the world-wide travel intifada) for years. Philanthropist Dr. Shelley Ventura Cohen arranged several meetings at the Federation here in LA, alongside a major contributor.  The president of the Federation had to make time for these meetings, but not much has resulted.  Shelley passed away, the philanthropist spends her time abroad and the Olive Tree Initiative goes from strength to strength, having expanded now to numerous other universities.


Major Met Donors Deafening Silence Is An Operatic Kristallnacht- If Bloomberg, Annenberg, Neubauer, Toll Bros. Spoke Out, Anti-Semitic “Klinghoffer” May Have Been Cancelled


Mort Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, in a press release this morning, calls the Deafening Silence of major Met donors “an Operatic Kristallnacht.”  He names names – Bloomberg, Annenberg, Neubauer, Toll Bros – and points out that had they spoken out, the anti-Semitic Klinghoffer may have been cancelled.


He recognizes a necessary, but not necessarily sufficient condition.


But I am a simple, practical person, and I know that ZOA’s calls will not bear fruit.  Not yet at least.  Tomorrow is another day, and life continues.  Today’s “noise” becomes tomorrow’s history, thus must be relegated to oblivion.  That is exactly what we learned with the President, the Democrats and Benghazi.  The 2012 “Spontaneous” attacks did happen, whether because of a video or not.  “Who really cares?  Get on with your lives, Republicans, you are just starting trouble” has been the prevailing attitude.


ZOA’s call is a call to action.  It follows James 2:14-26.  It expects the obvious, which is simply too much.


The Annenbergs were Jewish, but their main focus was the arts.  Alas, Jews in the USA were not very concerned about their brethren in Europe.  Life here was somewhat isolated.  Life was good.


That was then.  It evolved into an anti-Israel sentiment coming first and foremost from American Jewry today.  It is well concealed under layers of “just criticism of Israel,” “disagreeing with policies,” “love and strength to tell the truth,” “the overarching community tent,” and on and on as a never-ending list of excuses that permits Israel hatred to blossom.


A few years ago, Wallis Annenberg opened her “Space for Photography” in Century City with a National Geographic exhibit about water.


Covered with the most beautiful dress of “National Geographic” and a brand new “museum,” hatred became the new truth.  Israel became the guilty party.  20% of the exhibit was focused on Israel.  But rather than highlighting all the good Israel has bestowed on the region and the world in terms of water (including conservation, reclamation, desalination, development of drought resistant crops, drip irrigation, regional cooperation and assistance), Israel was highlighted and portrayed as the wasteful thief and the source of all evil.


Reality was obfuscated in favor of baseless attacks and a most amazing portrait of lies, most befitting the new Annenberg Space.


Apparently, this sells.  More accurately, it is acceptable.  It spreads like bacteria on a Petri dish.


Where were the Israelis and the Jews?  Where were the State of Israel and her local representatives?  How about other sane and rational people?


Were there any demonstrations?  Was the exhibit scrapped or corrected?  Annenberg definitely has the clout to achieve it, had she only wanted.


Some people remember work done “behind the scenes.”  Alas, the exhibit continued as planned, and the many thousands of visitors were exposed to one of the worst viruses ever to dwell on earth – the purest form of anti-Semitism, blood libels distilled to such high proof, their potent strength alone is dangerous.


Wallis Annenberg was being courted at that time for money for the new Beverly Hills Cultural Center.  Money, it seems, is the solution for all the world’s ills.  One would ignore evil for a payment of $25 million.  Oh, how satisfying.


Israelis in Israel were busy too, and the National Geographic special issue was allowed to stand, thus remaining a testament to a new reality.  Students in the near future will study water shortage and its aftermaths, and they can always refer back to an amazing pictorial presentation, accompanied by some of the most horrific lies; “it is all Israel’s fault.”


Likewise, the President of Iran’s Conference on the Holocaust-that-never-was also remains a factual resource for future generations, of history that was re-written while the world, Jews and Gentiles alike, stood silent.


Mort, salvation will not come from Wallis Annenberg.


From her fellow mega-donors?


My experience has taught me that until something affects them directly, we can talk and shout until we fall exhausted out of breath, and nothing will happen.


A case in point:  A member of the Board of Regents for the University of California system was kind enough to hear my ranting about what was happening at the UC Irvine campus with dangerous activities of the Muslim Student Union, the threat to Jewish students and the implications to all of us.


She was kind not to me, but to a close friend of hers, whose guest I was year after year after his wife died.


Except, nothing was internalized.  I talked and was gently dismissed as the “Meshugane” (the crazy one, not really in possession of his faculties).


This continued until Israeli Ambassador to the US, Prof. Oren, came to give a talk at UCI.  Until the pressure on Jewish students and others intensified so much that people started taking notice. Everything I had described time and again happened, and everyone was shocked at the “discovery.”


It happened right under their watch.  They enabled it.


We can continue with other examples.  I seem to carry a bag full of them.  But allow me to return to my own family history.


I am the son and grandson of Holocaust survivors.  Not much was left of our family, and all of us here and now have an obligation:  Not to Forget. 


When we remember, we know that our true mission is to protect Israel, thus protecting the Jewish people.


Remembering, the essence of “Never Again,” does not translate to the fanfare usually connected with “remembering” the Holocaust.  Rather, it is off the well-traveled road that we venture. 


In Israel, one started “remembering” the survivors when the deplorable living conditions of many were highlighted for all to see.  It shamed Israel into action.


While survivors are struggling in their last years, there is a robust and thriving “Claims Conference.”  Many years ago, they told my mother they did not reach her mother’s year of birth.  They did not reach it until my grandmother passed away.  But throughout the years, they enjoy their salaries, benefits and other perks, like clockwork.  It became their “entitlement,” not the survivors’.  


For those who wonder, not much has changed with the Claims Conference.


In Los Angeles, I regularly pass the statue of Raoul Wallenberg and stop to salute.  The plaque reads “he restored our faith in humanity,” signed “the survivors.”  (For those who may want to read more, here is the link to “The Angel of Faith” I wrote in 2010: http://newsblaze.com/story/20100404083512buss.nb/topstory.html)


Not long ago, LA Councilmember Paul Koretz held a major event at the intersection where the statue stands.  There were numerous Holocaust survivors in attendance, yet not a single child from all the religious day schools or the high school (Fairfax High) just a few blocks walking distance from there.


No one bothered to clean the square where the statue stands, daily the sleeping place for homeless people.


The act of “remembering” has to translate to action, and that action must be meaningful.  I found the ceremony lacking, since it did not translate into meaningful action.  No one thought of bringing children, and I stood at shock and wept.


Somewhat like the neighborhood itself, once the heart of Jewish LA, turned into a heap of eateries and trendy t-shirt, shoes or skateboard stores, the generation of survivors is slowly disappearing into the memory bins of history.  A sad story, for who may remember the past? Should we even bother with it? Will it ultimately be rewritten out of existence completely?


My grandfather, Newt, Shelley, Atara, Roz’s mother and so many others are up there, in council, looking down, advocating on behalf of the Jewish people. Hoping now is the time for all sane, rational beings to ponder.


They understand well when good people stand silent, evil is triumphant, and tonight will be no different.


This is the latest in the series “Postcards from America – Postcards from Israel,” a collaboration between Zager and Bussel, a foreign correspondent reporting from Israel.


Ari Bussel and Norma Zager collaborate both in writing and on the air in a point-counter-point discussion of all things Israel-related.  Together, they have dedicated the past decade to promoting Israel.


© Israel Monitor, October 2014


First Published October 20, 2014

Contact:  bussel@me.com


Eric Allen Bell – "Islamophobia or Islamo-Reality?"

Eric Allen Bell speaking at ACT Corona,CA

Eric Allen Bell is a Leftist that has had a career in Leftist media documentaries. If you are a Conservative this is where you cross your forefinger from each hand with the idea of warding off evil. Bell though has had an awakening that I wish all Leftists would discover. In preparation for a documentary to support the building of a Mosque in Murfreesboro, TN his research led him to understand that the political aspect of Islam is evil, Anti-American and Anti-Constitutional (my summation and not Bell’s).


Below is a video that finds 30 minutes of a talk Bell gave for ACT for America in Corona, CA. Below the video is the text that goes with the video.


JRH 10/28/12

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Eric Allen Bell – “Islamophobia or Islamo-Reality?”


Added by Eric Allen Bell

October 1, 2012 at 7:21pm

Global Infidel TV


VIDEO LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZxBLJP0t03w#!



Eric Allen Bell discusses his conversion from Liberal documentary filmmaker, out to “expose Islamophobia” to committed Counter Jihadist, fighting Political Islam. Find out what happened, why the media doesn’t get it and how to talk about the threat of Political Islam with others. Go to: http://www.EricAllenBell.com

Footage from an Act for America meeting, Corona, CA / Summer 2012


STATUS UPDATE: I have been moved to a safe house while the FBI investigates numerous death threats against me, 4 Pakistani newspapers wrongfully published that I was “the filmmaker” behind “The Innocence of Muslims”. An Islamic terrorist organization has ordered my death, and a bounty has been placed on my head. This rumor, associating me with the film, was intentionally planted by those who wish to silence me, after I published several articles, naming names and making connections between THE ISLAMIC CENTER OF MURFREESBORO, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. PLEASE SUPPORT ME AS I’VE GONE UNDERGROUND: http://www.EricAllenBell.com – I will not be silenced. I may have physically gone underground, but I will continue to write these articles, use radio, and any and all media to expose the truth about Political Islam and those who try to advance this brand of tyranny in America.



© 2012   Created by Eric Allen Bell.


Eric Allen Bell and Global Infidel TV, in the strongest terms possible, condemn acts of violence, hate speech, taking the law into your own hands, or using threats, harrassment (sic) or any other method that is inhumane or violates another person’s civil rights, as a means to speak out against Islam.


The true enemy of Islamic brutalty (sic) and deception is information. Spread it far and wide!

Americans be Silent NO Longer

jmOneNationUnderSocialism 001

John R. Houk

© June 4, 2012


CJ from America Conservative 2 Conservative sent me a personal message asking to check out a couple of AC2C links. The first link is humongous and is a PDF file that represents two Websites:


§  Veteran Defenders of America: A US Patriots Union (USPU) Division


§  The United States Patriots Union (USPU)


CJ’s rendition is kind of mangled I suspect due to copying and pasting from the PDF document.


I truly admire the effort to mobilize Americans on a grassroots level to such a mass of people that the Federal Government (Executive, Congressional and Judicial) would have to either listen to demands of Constitution believing American or create law ex nihilo to forcefully shut down the right to peaceful assembly and free speech.


A lot of people envision the U.S. Government under the Obama Administration will choose repression to shut down opposition even to the point creating a crisis to suspend the 2012 election and/or institute an unconstitutional Martial Law which would be a rule by fiat Marxist style.


I for one would rather envision a Gandhi-style massive grassroots mobilization to confront America’s Left of the their manipulation of the Constitution to the so-called living document that can be molded to the vision of a carved out manipulated society that is slipping into moral deviancy and the slow restriction of American innovation and Liberty.


If the repression follows to the point that slaughter begins to occur then and only then should a Declaration of Independence style proclamation be issued to free American from ruling despots.


Below is the comment I made according to the conversation of the previous comments and the reading of the posted PDF document:


I am afraid I am not really a member of this club so I am unaware of the inside knowledge that seems to be the conversation of the comments. This is an extremely long post, has anyone read it all the way to the end? I got about half way through and began skimming through the post instead of carefully reading it.


It seems the goals of the “Call to Action” are quite laudable. However, there is a hint of using unconstitutional methods in an effort to restore our Republic back to the Original Intent of the Constitution. If I am incorrect, forgive me.


However by using the auspices of the First Amendment it would be awesome for a massive grassroots movement to arise in the streets utilizing our right to peaceful assembly and to free speech to inundate the government of the Leftist Dems and the Establishment Republicans.


If such a scenario emerges, let me know. I will be in. I will participate on a local basis. If such a scenario is not imminent, then keep me posted on the how leaders are trying to unite and overcome the minor disagreements that impede a full grassroots movement that attracts Americans to preserve America.


If I missed the point I truly want to be set straight. If I didn’t miss the point, I stand by my thoughts.


Below I am going to make the valiant effort to clean up CJ’s version of the PDF document. As she mentions at the end there are links inherent in the document that she did not capture for posting. You can go HERE to search out those links.


JRH 6/4/12


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