The Rape of Lady Justice

Blind Justice Raped

Justin Smith expresses the same outrage every American should feel that Director Comey, AG Loretta Lynch and the Obama Administration is not going to make any effort whatsoever to prosecute Crooked Hillary:


Everyone is “innocent until proven guilty” in America, but the evidence in Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of information is so overwhelming that it leaves no doubt that she is guilty on several levels. This is the reason that Director Comey’s recommendation that she not be prosecuted was so shocking to so many Americans; it is unfathomable that this case was not at the very least presented to a Grand Jury for inspection. –Justin O. Smith


JRH 7/12/16

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The Rape of Lady Justice

The Day the Rule of Law Died


By Justin O. Smith

Sent July 9, 2016 2:03 PM


The rule of law died on July 5th and the tide turned against freedom in America, after FBI Director James Comey delivered the news that Hillary Clinton, a crooked, corrupt and accomplished liar, would not face charges for her criminal mishandling of top secret information. This day will be marked in infamy in the annals of American history as the day that Comey, Loretta Lynch and Obama, who all swore oaths to uphold justice, worked to annihilate justice and limit and destroy rights. Their actions to this point and after the fact remove all doubt that one standard of law does in fact exist for the political aristocracy and another standard of law applies to the average, common U.S. citizen, as this administration pushes America down the dark path of tyranny.


Coincidences of the magnitude of Bill Clinton’s and Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s “chance” meeting on the tarmac of a Phoenix airport in late June are no coincidence at all, especially once one discovers the July 3rd New York Times story that revealedMrs. Clinton … may decide to retain Ms. Lynch, the nation’s first black woman to be attorney general“. This story confirmed to Lynch that her message had been received by Hillary’s staff. A pact — a collusion and a conspiracy — was shaped: No indictment in return for reappointment.


Comey outlined the facts that 110 emails in 52 email chains contained classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained top secret information, at the time they were sent, thirty-six contained secret information and eight other email chains contained confidential information at the time.


Now, at the very least, America understands that Hillary Clinton lied last July, when she confidently claimed “I never sent or received any information that was classified at the time it was sent or received.” This one statement supports a charge under 18 U.S.C. 1001.


So why wasn’t Hillary interviewed under oath by the FBI? And why wasn’t Clinton’s testimony recorded?


After thousands of investigative hours and more than a year it came down to Comey stating: “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgement is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges.”


Really? This appears to have great potential to be prosecuted, unless one has been bought or intimidated away.


Comey said that he and his team “cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts.” This does not have the ring of truth for several reasons.


The Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers of information under the 1917 Espionage Act than all prior administrations combined, with five subsequently sent to prison. Secrecy in D.C. is such that the slightest mishandling or disclosure can result in a felony charge and months or years of prison. Stephen Kim was sentenced to 13 months in prison for speaking with reporter James Rosen on “sensitive” information about North Korea, most of which was already released in several news sources. If one is sufficiently important in D.C., as in the cases concerning Leon Panetta and David Petraeus, they are usually spared and let off with the lightest of consequences, while powerless nobodies without any intent to leak or mishandle information face criminal prosecution, career destruction and the permanent loss of security clearance.


A Naval investigation into Bryan Nishimura’s 2007-2008 service in Afghanistan revealed that he did not intend to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel. He had downloaded and carried classified materials on his “personal, unclassified electronic devices and storage media”. Upon his return to the U.S., he continued to maintain this information at several unauthorized locations and on several unclassified systems, which resulted in his prosecution, two years of probation and a $7500 fine.


If someone, who was obscure and unimportant and powerless, recklessly and secretly used a shoddy home server, as well as several other unsecured servers, to work with Top Secret information in the same manner that Hillary Clinton did, they would have been criminally charged and placed under the jail long ago. This was all criminal behavior, as Huma Abedin’s recent sworn testimony before Congress has shown.


Comey tried to give Clinton a pass by suggesting she didn’t have the requisite intent, but the law doesn’t require intent. The law requires merely “gross negligence” under 18 U.S.C. 793, which, among other things, makes it a federal crime punishable by 10 years in prison, for any official entrusted with classified information relating to national defense to “permit … the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted or destroyed” — all of which Hillary Clinton did.


And the Far Left, those like Representatives Elijah Cummings and Nancy Pelosi, are celebrating this recent obstruction of justice. Obama too made it clear he was Hillary’s Black Knight and protector, as he gave her use of Air Force One at the expense of the American people. He took her to her North Carolina campaign event, where they both laughed and smiled like pumpkin-eating possums, as she gave her speech behind the presidential seal.


The Obama administration and an entire segment of U.S. society, millions of people, are turning a blind eye to this travesty of justice, acting as if it’s nothing. They are offering an immoral defense of Hillary Clinton — an elitist, oligarchic ideologue and a smug sociopath — who was a treacherous Secretary of State, responsible for the murders of four fine Americans at Benghazi, and who lied repeatedly about compromising U.S. secrets.


Unless Americans are willing to submit to the arbitrary whims of rulers for generations to come, we must stop this rape of Lady Justice and free Her from the chains imposed by the FBI and the Department of Justice, which have been corrupted by Obama and Hillary. This administration became illegitimate the second it stopped operating through just and impartial laws, applied equally to everyone in society, including its own. This dark course towards systemic privilege and a different application of the “law” between the powerful and the powerless must never become common place in America. Stopping Hillary’s ascent to the presidency will stop our slow slide towards such tyranny, and prosecuting her, no matter how long it takes, will stop Lady Justice’s outraged screams and start the healing of America’s soul.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk


© Justin O. Smith

We Don’t Need Obama’s Inept Foreign Policy

Hillary Wink - BHO Wink

John R. Houk

© October 1, 2012


Let Freedom Ring has sent out an email that they desire to be shared. The question behind the email: “Is violent Islamic extremism at war with us?


LFR then links to a website with a 30 second video called an advertisement entitled “At War?” LFR wants to run “At War?” as a TV ad to let people know how out of touch the Obama Administration is in Foreign Policy.


The email links to watch the video ad at a website called: Why Mr. President, Why?


You can the ad then go to the DONATE link to support the ad.


Then you will find a link to a petition. You should really consider signing. The petition’s purpose is “Tell President Obama to stop our taxpayer money from going to the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egyptian government.


VIDEO: At War?

Published on Sep 30, 2012 by letfreedomringusa


I put all these links on one page so you do not have to navigate as much as I did. Below is the wording of the LFR email:


At War?


By Colin Hanna, President LFR

Sent: 10/1/2012 9:54 AM


Dear Friend,


Is violent Islamic extremism at war with us?


The Obama Administration’s public answer, featured in our new advertisement, was NO, they are NOT at war with us. Click here to watch our new advertisement, “At War?” and share with as many people as possible that Obama refuses to recognize that our enemies are at war with us!


Obama STILL hasn’t personally called the recent attack on our Libyan consulate a terrorist attack, but this should be no surprise, as our advertisement points out that he refused to call terrorist Carlos Bledsoe’s attack that killed Army Private Andy Long in Little Rock, Arkansas a terrorist attack. He called it a criminal act.


How can we defeat our enemies if we don’t recognize them for who they are and why they want to destroy us?


Every American should see this advertisement. Please share it and donate to help us run it if you can!




Colin Hanna


Now in the course of preparing to post the “At War?” message which I highly hope all participate I ran into a Website called Losing Our Sons: An American Tragedy. This is a title of movie protesting the Obama Administration and the U.S. Army not providing Purple Hearts for American soldiers that have died on American soil in the line of duty under Islamic Terrorism because of the Left Wing fear that it is politically incorrect that tragedies like what happened at the Ft Hood Massacre and a recruiting office in Arkansas were acts of war by Islamic terrorists.


This all goes to Obama’s refusal to admit America is at war with Radical Islam because God forbid that we non-Muslims of America (of whom which a majority call themselves Christians) say we are at war with a religion that openly hates Jews, Christians AND Americans.


Frankly friends that is just plain stupid. I pray American voters wake-up to just how much stupidity exists to not understand that Radical Muslims consider themselves at war with America.


The Losing Our Sons video is produced by Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) which at first glance might be Center-Left but with a great disdain for the unnamed Radical Islamic war on America.


Trailer to Losing Our Sons:


VIDEO: Daris Long and Melvin Bledsoe on Huckabee


Losing Our Sons is a documentary and here is the descriptive summary:


A searing true story from America’s heartland, Losing Our Sons tells of two American families whose lives intersected through a shattering act of violence. Melvin Bledsoe, a small business owner in Memphis, watched with pride as his son Carlos went to Tennessee State University in Nashville to better his life through education. Daris Long, an ex-Marine, felt honored that his son, Andy, chose to follow in his footsteps by joining the military. But when Carlos Bledsoe murdered Andy Long in Little Rock, Arkansas, both fathers are forced to confront a new kind of American nightmare. As Melvin traced the trail that led Carlos from Nashville to Yemen and then to Little Rock, Daris confronted an American government that seems to be in denial about what happened to his son. This powerful documentary provides a moment of clarity for Americans who care about their families and their country’s future.


Executive Producer, Director and Co-Writer
A.R. Maezav


Producer, Co-Director and Co-Writer
Ilya I. Feoktistov


Brian Keith


3G Music




Feature run time approx.: 
68 minutes/color/2012

Dolby Digital sound


Americans for Peace and Tolerance © copyright – All rights reserved


Warning: This DVD is for private viewing only. It is not licensed for any other use. All other rights reserved. Federal law provides severe criminal and civil penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution or exhibition of copyrighted motion pictures, videotapes, or video discs. Manufactured in the U.S.A. (About the Film page of Losing Our Sons)


VIDEO: Petition the Army



On June 1, 2009, Private William “Andy” Long was killed and Private Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded outside a Little Rock Army recruitment center in a terror attack. It was the first Al Qaeda murder on US soil since 9/11. Andy’s killer, Carlos Bledsoe, who changed his name to Abdulhakim Mohammed when he converted to Islam, admitted to targeting US soldiers as part of what he termed his jihad.


Andy and Quinton were denied the Purple Heart award by the U.S Army because of “insufficient evidence”.  The Justice Department decided not to bring federal terrorism charges and classified Andy’s murder as a street crime. 


We call upon the U.S. Army to recognize the sacrifice made by Andy Long and Quinton Ezeagwula and award them the Purple Heart.




We have to fire Obama, his Czars and his Administration bureaucrats on November 6, 2012 – VOTE ROMNEY/RYAN!


JRH 10/1/12

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Report: Obama Administration Removed 9/11 Threat Memo From Website After Libya Attack


By Fox and Friends

October 1, 2012 9:03 am ET

Fox News Insider


A new report alleges that the State Department removed from its website a memo from Sept. 6 that advised U.S. personnel overseas that there was no credible threat of a terror attack to coincide with the anniversary of 9/11.


The memo was reportedly scrubbed from the website by the State Department’s Overseas Security Advisory Council sometime after the Libya consulate attack.


Chris Horner, author of “Liberal War On Transparency,” joined Steve Doocy on Fox and Friends to discuss the bombshell allegation. He said the move is not surprising, given what he calls the Obama administration’s lack of transparency over the last four years.


“They’re not into transparency beyond it being a talking point. By destroying records, generally, and I’ve shown there is a cyber bonfire going on in this administration, they’re covering up,” said Horner, who pointed out that the Obama administration has moved increasingly toward using private email instead of government accounts.


Watch the full interview here


See Also:


Mark Levin: Obama Is in Full-Fledged Cover-Up Mode Over Murder of Ambassador in Libya 9/20/12


Cheney: Cairo, Benghazi and Obama Foreign Policy 9/12/12


How Has President Obama Failed with Foreign Policy?


Egypt, Yemen challenge some U.S. ideas 9/29/12


We Don’t Need Obama’s Inept Foreign Policy

John R. Houk

© October 1, 2012


Report: Obama Administration Removed 9/11 Threat Memo From Website After Libya Attack


© 2012 FOX News Network, LLC. All rights reserved.