Question the Science Before Trusting

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

September 21, 2023

When you hear or see this terminology on TV or some form of digital print: “Trust the science” or “Safe and Effective”. The odds are you are witnessing brainwash lies being jammed down your thought processes!  BELOW ARE A COUPLE OF CRITICAL THINKING SCIENCE shares that I pray leads you to reject science brainwashing. Particularly in regard to mRNA Jab science.

JRH 9/21/23


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90% of “COVID” deaths in past year occurred in fully or triple vaccinated individuals

Natural News Telegram Photo

September 20, 2023 5:05:50 PM

Post Link:

Natural News Telegram Channel

The latest data out of England shows that a whopping nine out of 10 Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in the past year occurred in people who were fully, or triple, “vaccinated.”

An astounding 91 percent of all COVID deaths in the United Kingdom since the beginning of 2022 occurred in people whom the government promised were “protected” against the Fauci Flu. Even worse, 94 percent of all COVID deaths since April 2022 have been in the fully jabbed.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS), a UK government agency, published a dataset on July 6 of this year covering deaths based on vaccination status up to May 31, 2022. Entitled “Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022,” the document unpacks what many of us have long known: that the jabs are death jabs, not healing jabs.

If you want to live, DON’T get jabbed for COVID

The worst month up until now for deaths occurring in the fully jabbed was January 2022, during which 3,914 COVID deaths were recorded among the fully jabbed compared to just 693 deaths among the unvaccinated. Comparatively, June 2021 saw the lowest number of fully jabbed deaths with just 224.

“However, the lowest number of deaths among the unvaccinated population occurred in May 2022, with 82 deaths,” explains The Exposé, which closely tracks ONS data.

“For context, the vaccinated population recorded 1,282 deaths during the same month. This means the vaccinated accounted for 94% of all Covid-19 deaths during the most recent month.”

All in all, there were 29,915 COVID deaths recorded in England between June 2021 and the end of May 2022. Of this, 25,280 deaths occurred in the fully jabbed population while the remaining 4,635 deaths occurred in the non-jabbed.

“This means the fully vaccinated population have accounted for 85% / 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths over the past twelve months,” The Exposé explains.

What is worse, the Winter 2022 “booster” shot campaign only made things worse. Instead of alleviating the huge number of deaths occurring among the fully jabbed, the boosters only increased the number of fully jabbed deaths.

“Overall, there were 15,113 Covid-19 deaths by 31st May 2022, and a shocking 13,666 of those deaths were among the vaccinated population,” The Exposé reports. “But what’s even more shocking than this is that 12,442 of those deaths were among the triple / quadruple vaccinated population.”

“This means the triple / quadruple vaccinated population have accounted for a frightening 91% of all Covid-19 deaths among the vaccinated since the beginning of 2022.”

The fourth “booster” shot that was released in the UK this past spring is only further driving the fully jabbed death rate. In short, the more COVID jabs a person takes, the greater his or her likelihood of succumbing to death by “COVID.”

Recognizing that the data shows all this, the ONS has become increasingly quieter with its data releases. One of the most recent data drops shows that 94 percent of all COVID deaths in April and May 2022 occurred in those who had taken all available COVID jabs.

“These aren’t the kind of figures you would expect to see if the Covid-19 injections really are up to 95% effective at preventing death, are they?” The Exposé asks. “With news like this being swept under the rug by the mainstream media, it makes you wonder what else you are not being told.”

In the comments at Natural News, one of our own added that all of this is why Pfizer wanted to hide its clinical trial data – or lack thereof – for many decades.

“They knew all along,” this person wrote. “And yes, the government was complicit. The jab never should have been released.”

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35,618,602 Victims Dead From the Covid-19 Vaccine. Is This a Genocide Yet?

Some VAERS URF philosophical debates…

35,618,602 VAERS Dead


SEP 20, 2023 – WelcomeTheEagle88

This analysis is based on the VAERS Under Reporting Factor (URF) study known as the 2010 Harvard Pilgrim Study aka The Lazarus Report. It is very interesting that immediately after this study was published, CDC made a gargantuan change to VAERS where “Only primary/Initial reports are published”. It’s very important to understand this Harvard Pilgrim Study did not have to contend with this paradigm shift we deal with today. What’s worse, it seems like most of our so called experts do not even recognize this paradigm shift even exists?

I want to be exact as I can on what this actually means and what the VAERS system was doing prior to 2011 with respects to adding follow-up data. Exactly speaking VAERS would append follow-up data to initial reports. They would NOT delete initial reports to add or create a new appended report with a different VAERS ID#. I will mention that Dr. Jessica Rose in her Oct 2021 Critical Appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance – IPAK paper seems to believe that VAERS deletes reports to then add new info/report when a victim subsequently dies? I don’t know if she still feels this way or if I even understand here paper correctly? I did a critical appraisal of her critical appraisal here, just click the image [Blog Editor: Probably because Substack does not embed Bitchute, the video link was embedded in the photo. Other than my Substack page, I’m embedding the video itself]:



[Posted by welcometheeagle88

First Published June 16th, 2022 23:32 UTC


So any who, here is the up close print where CDC tells us five times that only initial reports are published, contrary to Dr. Rose’s opinion.

CDC ScreenGrab

I wonder how many victims are now since DEAD, but were alive when reports were submitted? How many reports started out as Office Visit or Emergency, but are now a seemingly permanent disabilities in reality? I know many people in who would now like their reports upgraded to serious or permanent. God bless them but that won’t happen. It’s super super rare.

VAERS Data 9/8/23

So what do you think, do you think we can take the almost 18K dead and double the count based the information available? Do you think any hospital CEO’s got a Fauci memo stating if you must file a VAERS report, at least make sure the victim has a heartbeat when you hit the submit button? Brain dead people are still alive so you don’t need to report them dead anyways.

I have also studied the pre-2011 VAERS reports and explained the data “addendum” process here.:

VAERS biggest paradigm shift in 2011 everyone missed!


Substack ScreenGrab toVAERS biggest paradigm shift in 2011 everyone missed!

I probably said this in one hundred of my five hundred Bitchute videos, but who’s counting? I guess I will bury this factoid here and wait for a celebrity analyst freedom fighter to catch on. So check out blurb #4: “Since January 2011, only primary reports are included in the data.” Read full story

Doubling the death stats, based on the paradigm shift of 2011 is still conservative even before we begin attempting to calculate a URF for the following reasons.

1. There is still about ~50 clearly dead victims per the summary narrative, because the “died” box is not checked off. See Here.

2. There is at least 100-150 Covid vax deaths in the UNKNOWN VAX TYPE. The clue is in the lot# and/or the summary narrative.

3. The bundled deaths on one report. There is as many 1,500-2,000 more deaths if we could ethically unbundle.

4. ~1,400 fetal demise, stillborns, spontaneous aborts, etc.. but NOT classified as death. Kids in the womb is a big debate, kids out the vag canal for a month are struggling to be counted as a person, and pretty soon you might not be counted as a person if you haven’t grown pubic hairs or hair on your chest. Seems like they want to abort everybody?

VAERS Data 9/8/23 (Table 2)

5. By CDC’s own admission VAERS had received 19,476 DEATH reports by March 1, 2023 when they stopped making these alerts:

VAERS Data 9/823 (Table 3)


I conservatively doubled Kirsch’s 41x for all the reasons listed above but for shits and giggles (nobody is laughing) let’s extrapolate this 19,476 deaths up to March 1.

35,618,602 VAERS Dead

What if we apply a URF of 88x instead of 82x to 19,476 CDC’s March 1st benchmark? From here forward I want the world to know this as The Eagle’s URF based on doubling Kirsch’s URF and adding a few points to compensate for the Tom Foolery the troglodytes at CDC are pulling with these Vegas card tricks.

41,456,009 Extrapolated VAERS Dead

God Bless. Please support The Eagle!

© 2023 WelcomeTheEagle88 – WelcomeTheEagle88 HOMEPAGE


Depopulation by mRNA Jab

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© May 4, 2023

The pseudonymous Elgato Weebee is on many Social platforms so you may have ran into him in one fashion or another. I’m about to share a video he shared on the MeWe Social Platform but is from his UGETube video channel.

I suspect the video was borrowed and then posted, a practice I also do. I wish Elgato was more forthcoming source-wise. In the video description there is no source link but only this source notification: “INDEPENDENT BRITISH TV CHANNEL”.

The video is a collage Jab injuries and Jab deaths which includes commentary and there are many insertions of pro-Jab propaganda (from lying Leftists, lying RINOs, deceived Conservatives, and some people you might even admire such as President Trump or Dolly Parton) FOLLOWED by the outcome many have faced from being Jabbed.

I’ll be upfront in admitting a vast majority of those Jabbed have not experienced injury or death – at least in the immediate sense. BUT THE NUMBERS of who have experienced injury and/or death far exceed any vaccine il-effects from other illnesses vaccinated by  traditional non-mRNA medicines. AND to make matters worse, the mRNA Jab is so ineffective against COVID that the lying science encourages multiple mRNA boosters which are magnifying Jab-injuries and the potential for Jab-death.

SO, watch the result of lying science which eerily looks more and more like a part of a DEPOPULATION AGENDA.


[Blog Editor: Unfortunately UGETube still does not embed on WordPress. CLICK THE LINK TO EDUCATE YOURSELF (the photo below is a screen capture):]

Posted by Elgato Weebee

Published on 03 May 2023


JRH 5/4/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

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Science Data NOT Political Science

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© April 12, 2023

Have you heard, “Follow the science”?

Following “science” to the non-science listener or reader evokes the sense of something settled. If you are actually a science person (full disclosure – I am not), you KNOW science is NEVER settled. New discoveries and/or new data are always developing meaning science is fluid not static.

The problem TODAY is governments and Corporatist Big Pharma have injected Political Science into once upon a time empirical science to push political narratives on one hand and Corporatist (as in Stakeholder Fascist rather than shareholder) profits on the other hand. The dysfunctional problem is both hands are on the LEFT.

ERGO today, rather than “follow the science,” YOU as an individual and WE THE PEOPLE as a whole, should question the “who” (there might be a pun there if the word is capitalized as an acronym) and the “what is the motive” behind the science society is being told to follow.

I am going to share some Dr. Mercola shared science-data the Political Science scientists would rather you not read after which I’m sharing two Bitchute videos which are Parts one & two of a documentary (H/T Russ Tanner of Wimkin Group Orbis Vitae who shared an Orbis Vitae post) entitled “Payload” all having to do with the observations showing the mRNA Jab is more harmful than beneficial.

JRH 4/12/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

READER SUPPORTED! I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is appreciated. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT via buying women’s menstrual health, healthy collagen, vitamin supplements/products, coffee from my Online stores: My Store (please use referral discount code 2388058):

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How Many Millions Are Disabled or Injured From the Jab?

Judging mRNA

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

April 11, 2023


  • The 2022 U.S. Vaccine Damage Report revealed a sobering glimpse into the true carnage that occurred at the hands of the COVID-19 shot campaign
  • COVID-19 shots resulted in 300,000 excess deaths, 26.6 million injuries and 1.36 million disabilities
  • Total economic costs due to the shots are estimated at $147.8 billion, including $89.9 billion from related injuries, $52.2 billion from disabilities and $5.6 billion from excess deaths
  • A preprint systematic review found the mRNA-based COVID shots increased the risk of myocarditis, with a mortality of about 1 to 2 per 200 cases
  • Evidence of serious neurological harms, including Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, myasthenic disorder and stroke, which are likely due to an autoimmune reaction, was also found from the shots

We’re beginning to see the fallout from the mass COVID-19 shot campaign, which has been referred to as the “greatest violation of medical ethics in the history of medicine, maybe humanity.”1

Former BlackRock analyst and fund manager Edward Dowd is one of the few trying to get the word out about COVID-19 shot risks, and he’s been using data and statistics to prove his point and publicize the undeniable increase in deaths and disability among young, healthy adults that has occurred since the shots’ widespread rollout.2

This group — the 148 million employed Americans between the ages of 18 and 643 — is typically a healthy crowd. This is why private insurance companies love to sell group life insurance policies to large Fortune 500 corporations and mid-sized companies —they hardly ever have to pay out on a claim. But this is changing.

Dowd’s 2022 U.S. Vaccine Damage Report4 revealed a sobering glimpse into the true carnage that occurred at the hands of the COVID-19 shot campaign, and its results are striking.

300K Excess Deaths, Millions of Injuries, Billions in Costs

Dowd and colleagues published their 2022 Vaccine Damage Project at their website, Phinance Technologies.5 It revealed the following estimated human and economic costs:6

Jab Injuries Cost Chart screen capture

To put this into perspective, John Leake writes on Courageous Discourse, “Note that this death count in one year is 5.2 times the number of men killed in 10 years of combat in Vietnam,” adding:7

“Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about this state of affairs is that most Americans don’t know it’s happening. Every day, young people are dying from heart attacks, strokes, and seizures caused by COVID-19 vaccines. Most of their families and friends are led to believe that they just died — suddenly and unexpectedly — of acute conditions that were extremely rare in young people prior to 2021.”

The report included data from employed individuals between the ages of 16 and 64, and categorized the impact into four broad groups:

1. No effect or asymptomatic

2. Mild to moderate outcome including a temporary or short-term, long-term or permanent injury

3. Severe outcome that leads to a disability

4. Extreme outcome leading to death

While group 1 was the largest, comprising an estimated 82% of the population, the authors pointed out that these groups are dynamic, and individuals in one group could move into another, particularly in the case of progressing from no or minor injury to severe injury, such as we’ve seen with elite athletes suddenly dropping dead on the field:8

“While these groupings characterize different levels of damage from the inoculations, they are not static and could interact with each other. For instance, there might be individuals who had no visible effects after vaccination but nonetheless could still be impacted from the inoculations and could therefore be represented in the sub-group of injured individuals.

In a similar way, individuals with mild injuries from the inoculations could, over time, develop severe injuries to the extent of being disabled, or an extreme outcome such as death. The likely path of outcomes would be from injury to disability to death.

We need to consider, however, that to a lesser extent there could be individuals who suffer extreme outcomes when they had previously only experienced mild injuries until then. We can relate this with the anecdotes of otherwise healthy athletes suffering heart attacks during sports competitions at an alarming rate since the 2021 inoculations.”

‘The Multiplier Effects Are Massive’

The effects in the report are only what can currently be measured, and are likely to also be fluid. In terms of economic effects, for instance, the report notes that mortuary companies are likely to benefit while life insurers will be harmed, leading to a reallocation of resources.

Meanwhile, in terms of economic costs, milder damage is associated with greater cost, since a larger portion of working age individuals are affected. For instance, those with mild to moderate injury made up a sizeable 18% of the population. According to the report:9

“We make the assumption that the pool of potentially vaccine-injured individuals is about 18% of the population, which is, the rate of related adverse events reported in the Pfizer clinical trial (minus the baseline rate). These injuries will likely manifest a loss of productivity since, as these individuals are likely to have higher absentee rates and, consequently, higher lost worktime rates, than the pre-2019 baseline.

In fact, we performed an analysis of absence rates and lost worktime rates10 in full time workers (using data provided by the BLS). We observed a large increase in absence rates starting in 2020, but accelerating in 2022. Absence rates in 2022 were about 28.6% higher than in 2019, representing a 11 standard deviation variation.”

Further, many other economic costs are harder to account for, such as a worker who’s still at work but not able to work to their full potential. When these types of scenarios are factored in, the damages could be even more massive. Dowd tweeted:11

“Our economic damage estimates are what we can measure. The knock effects such as lost productivity due to a worker being present but working at say 50%-75% of capacity is missed plus burn out from those picking up slack. Also supply chain delays are not captured etc and etc. The multiplier effects are massive.”

Systematic Review Reveals Serious Harms

A preprint systematic review of papers with data on serious adverse events associated with COVID-19 shots again points to significant risks.12 The review was conducted by Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., a former medical scientist with the University of Adelaide and former reporter for ABC News in Australia and Professor Peter Gøtzsche, a Danish physician-researcher who co-founded the Cochrane Collaboration in 1993.

It included 18 systematic reviews, 14 randomized trials and 34 other studies, noting that “most studies were of poor quality” and additional randomized trials are needed. Still, their review revealed multiple red flags, including:13

  • Adenovirus vector vaccines increased the risk of venous thrombosis and thrombocytopenia
  • mRNA-based shots increased the risk of myocarditis, with a mortality of about 1 to 2 per 200 cases
  • Evidence of serious neurological harms, including Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, myasthenic disorder and stroke, which are likely due to an autoimmune reaction, was found
  • Severe harms, defined as those that prevent daily activities, were underreported in the randomized trials
  • Severe harms were very common in studies of booster doses after a full round of shots and in a study of vaccination of previously infected people

Further, not only have drug regulators and public health authorities been slow to follow up on safety signals showing serious harms from the shots, Demasi notes, but, “Population-wide recommendations for COVID vaccination and boosters ignore the negative benefit to harm balance in low-risk groups such as children and people who have already recovered from covid-19 (natural immunity).”14

Australian Safety Report — 24-Fold Increase in Adverse Events

It’s can be difficult to parse out adverse effects from COVID-19 shots and those due to COVID-19 infection. The Western Australia Vaccine Safety Surveillance (WAVSS) 2021 Report, however, shows a unique viewpoint that made this possible. At the time, there was virtually no COVID-19 circulating in the community, yet the area had a 90% vaccination rate among those 12 years and over.15 Umbrella News reported:16

“There are few regions in the world where most of the population was vaccinated before the spread of Covid in the community. Sealed off from the rest of Australia, and the world, for 697 days, WA’s closed border earned it the moniker of the ‘hermit kingdom’.

State Premier Mark McGowan noted WA’s unique role in the global vaccination trial, remarking to a press conference in early 2022, You see, Western Australia is an experiment. We basically have had very few Omicron cases, we have very high vaccination levels, and we have a very compliant population.”

So, what happened in an area of the world that had very few COVID-19 cases and very high rates of COVID-19 shots? An “exponential increase” in reports of adverse events following immunization (AEFI), such that it necessitated changes to the vaccine safety surveillance program at the department in order to manage them.17 According to the report:18

The number of AEFI reported to WAVSS was significantly higher in 2021 than in previous years (10,726 compared with an average of 276 per year for the 2017-2020 period) due to the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccination program.”

As Umbrella News reported, the peak of AEFI reports coincided with the rollout of shot mandates, culminating in a rush of hospitalizations that strained area hospitals:19

“In 2021, AEFIs for Covid vaccines were reported at almost 24x the rate of AEFIs for all other vaccines combined … In the latter half of the year, as AEFIs peaked, the media regularly reported that WA hospitals were under strain, despite the lack of Covid cases.

The highest month for AEFI reports was October, the same month that vaccine mandates were announced for most of the workforce, the vaccine eligibility criteria were expanded to people aged 18 and over, and walk-in vaccinations became available.”

Other standouts from WA’s report include a 35% increase in myocarditis and a 25% increase in pericarditis compared to background rates. “Shockingly,” Umbrella News noted, “the risk of pericarditis in the age group in the age group 25 to 29 years old was 53.5 cases per 100,000 doses of Spikevax. It is perhaps unsurprising that chest pain was the fifth most common reported AEFI for COVID vaccines in 2021.”20

COVID Shot Efficacy ‘Grossly Overestimated’

While the risks of adverse effects have been downplayed, the efficacy of COVID-19 shots has been overstated from the beginning. Writing in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, a research team revealed that multiple biases, including background infection rates and cross-overs from unvaccinated to vaccinated in the early days of the campaign, led to an overstatement of COVID-19 shots’ effectiveness.21

“We conclude that “real-world” studies using methodologies popular in early 2021 overstate vaccine effectiveness,” the study notes.22 Board-certified internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough explained that from the lack of efficacy alone, the shots should be removed from the market. And the case gets even stronger when you factor in the significant number of related disabilities and deaths:23

“Multiple sources of bias created illusion that vaccines worked as they failed in the real world … claims that the COVID-19 vaccines worked to reduce spread of infection, hospitalization, and death must be rejected.

The burden of proof has not been met and threats to validity have not been overcome. All of the COVID-19 vaccines should be removed from the market and we should begin the investigative phase into how this massive program failed to stop COVID-19.”

Think Globally, Act Locally

National vaccine policy recommendations in the U.S. are made at the federal level but vaccine laws are made at the state level. It is at the state level where your action to protect your vaccine choice rights can have the greatest impact.

It is critical for EVERYONE to get involved now in standing up for the legal right to make voluntary vaccine choices in America because those choices are being seriously threatened.

Not only are lobbyists representing drug companies, medical trade associations and public health officials trying to persuade legislators to strip all vaccine exemptions from public health laws, but global political operatives lobbying the United Nations and World Health Organization are determined to take away the human right to autonomy and protection of bodily integrity.

We must take action to defend our constitutional republic and civil liberties, including the right to autonomy, in America. That includes reforming oppressive mandatory vaccination laws and stopping the digital health ID that will make vaccine passports a reality for us, our children and grandchildren if we don’t take action today.

Signing up to use the free online Advocacy Portal sponsored by the National Vaccine Information Center at gives you immediate, easy access to your own state and federal legislators on your smartphone or computer so you can make your voice heard.

NVIC will keep you up to date on the latest bills threatening to eliminate — or expand — your legal right to make vaccine choices and give you guidance about what you can do to support or oppose those bills. So, please, as your first step, sign up for the NVIC Advocacy Portal.


Share Your Story With Your Legislators and People You Know

If you or a family member has suffered a serious vaccine reaction, injury or death, please talk about it. If we don’t share information and experiences with one another, everybody feels alone and afraid to speak up.

If you want to protect your legal right to say “no” to vaccines you do not believe are safe or effective, make an appointment to personally talk with someone you have elected to office at the local, state and federal level or write a letter in your own words stating your concerns.

Attend school board and city council and town hall meetings in your community that will impact your right to know and freedom to make decisions about how you or your children will live and stay healthy. If you have a different perspective on a story about vaccination that appears in your local newspaper, write a letter to the editor.

I must be frank with you: You have to be brave because there is a lot of censorship of conversations that challenge “official” narratives about vaccination. You likely will be strongly criticized for daring to talk about the “other side” of the vaccine story and for defending your informed consent rights. Be prepared for it and have the courage to stand your ground.

Only by sharing our perspective and what we know to be true will the public conversation about vaccination open up so people are not afraid to talk about it.

While our rights are being threatened, the vaccine injured are being swept under the carpet and treated like nothing more than statistically acceptable “collateral damage” of one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination laws. Way too many people are being put at risk for injury and death and there is nothing scientific or moral about that. We should not be treating human beings like guinea pigs.

Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More

I encourage you to visit the four websites of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), at, a nonprofit charity that has been educating the public about the need to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths since 1982. The information you get on their websites is fully referenced and will help you become an effective vaccine choice advocate in your community:

  • — This website was established in 1995 and is the oldest and largest consumer operated website publishing information on diseases and vaccines on the internet. Learn about vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths and the history and current status of vaccine science, policy, law and ethics in the U.S. on more than 2,000 web pages.
  • — This communications and advocacy network, established in 2010, is your gateway to taking action to protect your right to make vaccine choices where you live.
  • — This weekly journal newspaper published by NVIC since 2015 is dedicated to encouraging an “enlightened conversation about vaccination, health and autonomy.”
  • — This is a user-friendly search engine for the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) established under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and sponsored by NVIC since 2006. Search for descriptions of vaccine injuries and deaths reported to VAERS on this popular website.

Find a Doctor Who Will Listen and Care

If your doctor or pediatrician refuses to provide medical care to you or your child unless you agree to get vaccines you don’t want, I strongly encourage you to have the courage to find another doctor. Harassment, coercion and refusal to provide medical care to someone declining one or more doses of government recommended vaccines is a violation of the informed consent ethic.

Unfortunately, it is becoming routine among members of the medical establishment to be reluctant to share vaccine decision-making power with patients and parents of minor children, especially during the aggressive push for all Americans to get COVID shots.

There are doctors out there who respect the precautionary and informed consent principles, so take the time to locate a doctor who treats you with compassion and is willing to listen and respect the health care choices you make for yourself or your child.

Sources and References

1 Rumble February 27, 2023, 1:00

2 Bitchute, Tucker Carlson Interviews Ed Dowd February 25, 2023, 10:00

3, 7, 21, 23 Substack, Courageous Discourse March 29, 2023

4, 5, 8, 9 Phinance Technologies, The Vaccine Damage Project March 2023

6 Zero Hedge March 28, 2023

10 Phinance Technologies, US absence rates and lost worktime data March 2023

11 Twitter, Edward Dowd March 28, 2023

12 medRxiv March 22, 2023

13 medRxiv March 22, 2023, Results

14 Substack, Maryanne Demasi, reports March 28, 2023

15 Twitter, Dystopian Down Under March 28, 2023

16, 19, 20 Umbrella News March 28, 2023

17 Western Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance Report 2021, Page 29

18 Western Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance Report 2021, Page 8

22 Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice March 26, 2023, Lessons Learned

© 1997-2023 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved. HOMEPAGE



Posted by Xray_911

First Published March 22nd, 2023 02:18 UTC

The link between the Covid vaccine, 5G weaponized towers and AI.
How the vax was intended to work – as part of an AI, 5G – human herd track, control and social credit enforcement culling grid.



Posted by Xray_911

First Published March 22nd, 2023 06:40 UTC

Taking a deep dive into why the vaccine NANOCAPSULES are prematurely failing. Why athletes are more susceptible to cardiac arrest, why stage performers and presenters are dropping dead and what the connection to 5G is. Also explained is the “Twitcher” / “Fish-out-of-Water-Syndrome”, and the cause of the cancer explosion – 50 minute documentary.


(The first few frames are the THUMBNAIL)

High Res @ 720p here:

1080p also available on request.

THE LIE – ‘Safe & Effective’

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 13, 2023

If you watch television, I am certain you have heard the so-called science on mRNA Jabs of “Safe and Effective” or “Trust the Science”. HOWEVER, if you pay attention to the statistics that every government tries to sweep under the proverbial carpet, YOU SHOULD comprehend what is being told about mRNA Jabs is pure brainwashing propaganda!

That propaganda is still being perpetrated upon the public. If you are AWAKE enough, YOU should ask the big question: “WHY or WHAT is the purpose behind the constant lying to get YOU to be injected with an UNSAFE and INEFFECTIVE and statistically DANGEROUS mRNA Jab?

Hopefully the actual science in the below cross post helps you ask or ponder some self-preservation questions about lying governments and lying science propaganda.

From The Exposé: Tragic Cost of Profit, Secrets & Lies: Half a Million American Youth have “Died Suddenly” due to COVID Vaccination; Secret CDC Report Confirms (Lots of sourced charts to drive home actual truth.)

From Steve Kirsch (Substack): New paper: An estimated 13 million people worldwide killed by the COVID vaccines **[The link to the Paper provided Kirsch did not work in my browser. Be sure to read Blog Editor details I provide in an alternative link to the Science Paper.]

AND a video produced by Children’s Health Defense on their Rumble Channel: Dr. Meryl Nass and James Corbett take about an hour discussing W.H.O./Government corruption in Pandemic responses (as in more than just COVID) which appears to be a control-the-people mechanism: WHO’s Sordid History of So-Called Pandemics.

Here’s a summary of the video from Dr. Nass’s Substack page:

We discuss how corruption in government contracting works, how there was a gold rush to produce pandemic products, and how WHO wants a major piece of this action, with surveillance, propaganda, censorship, vaccine passports, travel restrictions. We discuss the many so-called pandemic scares declared by the W.H.O. during the last 20 years, including avian flu, swine flu, polio, 2 Ebola outbreaks, Zika, COVID, monkeypox.

JRH 2/13/23

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Tragic Cost of Profit, Secrets & Lies: Half a Million American Youth have “Died Suddenly” due to COVID Vaccination; Secret CDC Report Confirms


February 12, 2023


Amidst growing concerns over the safety of Covid-19 vaccines, a shocking report from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveals the devastating impact of the injections on children and young adults.

The data shows a staggering increase in mortality rates among vaccinated children, with triple-vaccinated children being 45.23 times more likely to die from any cause than unvaccinated children. Meanwhile, mortality rates per 100,000 are lowest among unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds and highest among vaccinated 19 to 39-year-olds.

This alarming trend is echoed by a secret CDC report, which confirms that half a million American children and young adults have died following the Covid vaccine roll-out, resulting in nearly 118,000 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average.

These staggering figures raise serious questions about the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines, the impact they are having on our youth, and why they were ever granted emergency use authorisation for use among children and young adults in the first place.

mRNA Lies

Despite the U.S. Government’s reputation for poor publication of relevant and up-to-date data regarding the consequences of rolling out Covid-19 injections, a surprising discovery has been made through the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEC).

The OECD, an intergovernmental organization with 38 member countries founded in 1961 to promote economic growth and global trade, houses a treasure trove of information on excess deaths.

Thanks to figures provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and found in the OEC database, a chart has been created to showcase the excess deaths among children and young adults aged 0-44 across the USA by week in 2020 and 2021.

Chart- Excess Deaths Ages 0-44 2020-21

Source Data

The grim reality of the situation has been revealed through official figures.

When the alleged Covid-19 pandemic struck the United States in early 2020, there was only a slight increase in excess deaths among children and young adults. However, with the advent of a Covid-19 vaccine, one would have expected a decrease in the number of deaths in this age group. Unfortunately, the opposite occurred.

The year 2021 saw significantly higher excess deaths among children and young adults every week, with the exception of weeks 29 and 30. But then, in week 31, a shocking event took place that caused excess deaths to skyrocket among children and young adults.

Tragically, official figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveal that this trend has persisted into 2022.

Chart 2- Excess Deaths 0-44 Week one to Week 40 2022

Source Data

The CDC’s latest publication would spark major concern among the public if the mainstream media bothered to publicise it.

This is because the numbers paint a grim picture of the impact the Covid-19 vaccine has had on children and young adults.

But as it happens, they and the authorities have instead chosen to sweep the data under the carpet.

The data, which goes as far as the week ending October 9th, 2022, shows an alarming increase in excess deaths within the age group.

Chart 3- Excess Deaths 0-44 Wk-1 to WK-40 2020-2021-2022

Source Data

Comparing the figures from 2020, the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, to 2022, the increase in excess deaths is undeniable. In 2022 alone, there were 7,680 more deaths among children and young adults compared to the same time frame in 2020.

However, the year 2021 stands out as the worst year for deaths in this age group, with a staggering 27,227 more excess deaths by week 40 following the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine.

The official CDC data provides a sobering look at the effects of the vaccine, with the figures showing a continuous rise in deaths after its rollout on December 14th, 2020.

Chart 4- Excess Deaths 0-44 (Pre-Jab vs Post-Jab)

Source Data

The grim figures reveal a haunting reality – the year 2022 saw a staggering 1,352 more deaths among 0-44-year-olds by week 40 compared to the same period in 2020, despite the latter being at the height of the alleged COVID pandemic.

But the most concerning aspect of the data is the overall number of deaths and excess deaths since the roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.

With millions of Americans being coerced into getting the injections, and millions of parents being forced to get their children vaccinated, the truth of the matter lies in the mounting number of deaths among young Americans.

Nearly half a million people aged 0 to 44 have lost their lives and this has resulted in a devastating 117,719 excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019 average.

The average life expectancy in the US in 2020 was 77.28 years, which begs the question – how can the staggering number of deaths, including 231,987 children and young adults up to the age of 44 and 40,365 excess deaths, be explained as an unfortunate consequence of COVID-19?

However, the real shocker lies in the further increase in death among children and young adults in both 2021 and 2022, despite the official narrative that Covid-19 injections are safe and effective. The data provided by the CDC, and even further data published by the UK Government, reveals a sinister truth.

Because the official narrative that Covid-19 injections are safe and effective has been debunked by a report quietly published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics on July 6th, 2022.

A report that proves beyond doubt the Covid-19 vaccines are not what authorities claim them to be.

The report is titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022’, and it can be accessed on the ONS site here, and downloaded here.#

According to the data in Table 2 of a report by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, the consequences of the mass Covid-19 vaccination campaign are shocking.

The report contains the monthly age-standardized mortality rates by vaccination status among 18 to 39-year-olds for Non-Covid-19 deaths from January to May 2022. The data shows that in every single month of 2022, partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds were more likely to die than unvaccinated individuals in the same age group.

Chart 5- Mortality Rates Jabbed vs Unjabbed England January-May 2022

To put it into perspective, the data shows that in February, triple-vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds were 27% more likely to die than unvaccinated individuals, with a mortality rate of 26.7 per 100,000 among the triple-vaccinated and 21 per 100,000 among the unvaccinated.

And by May, the situation had significantly worsened, with triple-vaccinated individuals 52% more likely to die, with a mortality rate of 21.4 per 100,000 compared to 14.1 per 100,000 among the unvaccinated.

However, the most concerning figures are among the partially vaccinated, with May seeing partially vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds 202% more likely to die than unvaccinated individuals.

These findings raise serious questions about the safety and effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines, and it’s imperative that further research is conducted to understand the impact of these vaccinations on public health.

The report on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status in England up to May 2022 would have raised alarm among the public if it was publicised.

But yet again it wasn’t and was instead swept under the carpet.

Because the same data contained in Table 2 of the report, gathered by the Office for National Statistics, also reveals the dire consequences of the mass Covid-19 vaccination campaign on children.

Chart 6- Child Mortality by Jab Status England Ages 10-14 January-2021 to May-2022


The figures are horrific.

The mortality rate for unvaccinated children equated to 0.31 for Covid-19 deaths, however, for one-dose vaccinated children the rate skyrocketed to 3.24 per 100,000 person-years.

The rate is even more concerning for triple-vaccinated children, with a staggering 41.29 per 100,000 person-years.

The report also revealed the impact of the vaccinations on non-Covid-19 deaths, with unvaccinated children having an all-cause death mortality rate of 6.39 per 100,000 person-years, and partially vaccinated children having a slightly higher rate of 6.48.

However, the rates rapidly increased following each injection, with double-vaccinated children having a 97.28 all-cause death mortality rate and triple-vaccinated children having an alarming 289.02 per 100,000 person-years.

These figures, which are age-standardised and rates per 100,000 population, provide conclusive evidence of the devastating impact of Covid-19 vaccination.

Double-vaccinated children are at least 15.22 times more likely to die from any cause compared to unvaccinated children, and triple-vaccinated children are a staggering 45.23 times more likely to die.

The numbers don’t lie, and they paint a disturbing picture of the devastating effects of the Covid-19 vaccines.

This information, therefore, proves that the vast majority of the 118,000 excess deaths among half a million deaths suffered by children and young adults – in the secret report given to the OECD by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – are a shocking and tragic consequence of Covid-19 vaccination.

Chart 7- Excess Deaths USA 0-44 by Jab Status 2020-2022




New paper: An estimated 13 million people worldwide killed by the COVID vaccines

That’s twice as many as were killed by the virus. In the US, the estimates are 670K Americans killed. Perhaps it’s time to declare that the vaccines are a worldwide emergency?

By Steve Kirsch

February 12, 2023

Steve Kirsch’s newsletter

Executive summary

The paper suggests you can take the number of vaccine doses delivered, divide by 1,000 to get an estimate of the number of people killed by the COVID vaccine.

The tweet directly from the author sums it up:

The details

The paperAge-stratGateified COVID-19 vaccine-dose fatality rate for Israel and Australia [Blog Editor: This original link provided by Kirsch who I suspect found on a Tweet by Denis Rancourt redirects to ResearchGate Publications Directory ( So I did a DuckDuckGo search which led me to Tweet by Jayne Potvin ( which provides a GlobalResearch link with the same title. On my browser a “WARNING” popped up claiming link might be harmful. I clicked it anyway and my computer did not explode. My suspicion the warning is to keep people from reading actual science. HERE is that GlobalResearch link:]

The full story about how universities undermine people like Denis Rancourt who tell the truth

The main result

The paper finds that the vDFR (vaccine-dose fatality rate) is exponential with respect to age.

vaccine-dose fatality rate by Age

The paper points out that “it is not unreasonable to assume an all-population global value of vDFR = 0.1 %”

For the US, 670M doses have been given, so the estimate is 670,000 people have been killed by the COVID vaccines in the US.

I have said for a long time that the URF in VAERS is 41, and there are 16,300 excess US deaths in VAERS (subtracting 250 background deaths per year which gets reported into VAERS) which comes to 668K.

668K is very close to 670K, isn’t it?

What an amazing “coincidence”!

A third method gives a similar result

Marc Girardot Reply to Steve Kirsch screengrab


The paper gives a simple way to estimate the number of people a country has killed by deploying the COVID vaccines: 0.001*# of doses.

In short, you can just take the number of vaccine doses in millions and just change “millions” to “thousands” to estimate the number of people killed by the vaccine.

Using data from Israel and Australia, the paper estimates 13 million deaths worldwide from the COVID vaccines:

The COVID-19 vaccines did not only not save lives but they are highly toxic.

On the global scale, given the 3.7 million fatalities in India alone, having vDFR = 1 % (Rancourt, 2022), and given the age-stratified vDFR results presented in this work, it is not unreasonable to assume an all-population global value of vDFR = 0.1 %. Based on the global number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered to date (13.25 billion 24 doses, up to 24 January 2023, Our World in Data),3 this would correspond to 13 million deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. By comparison, the official World Health Organization (WHO) number of COVID-19 deaths to date is 6.8 million (6,817,478 deaths, reported to WHO, as 3 February 2023),4 which are not detected as COVID-19 assignable deaths in ACM studies.

© 2023 Steve Kirsch


Rumble VIDEO: WHO’s Sordid History of So-Called Pandemics

Posted by childrenshealthdefense

Published Streamed on: Feb 11, 10:00 am EST

James Corbett and Meryl Nass continue their efforts to unpack the WHO’s vast bureaucratic overreach toward a global biosecurity state. Interpreting recently drafted amendments to the International Health Regulations for future pandemics, Nass and Corbett remind us of the sordid history of so-called pandemics, from Smallpox, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Zika, Ebola, Monkeypox to COVID, pointing out the failures of the WHO at dealing with nearly every one of them. Yet one area continuously prevails, curiously evading public questioning — the demand for toxic products and the success of selling pharmaceuticals, and the sleeper contracts which activate the WHO’s financial fangs. Don’t miss this quintessential duo on today’s ‘Good Morning CHD’.

Watch FULL EPISODES of ‘Good Morning CHD’ on CHD.TV

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Died Suddenly

A Stew Peters Documentary on mRNA Sudden Deaths & Depopulation Agenda

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© November 22, 2022

Stew Peters has produced a Documentary entitled “Died Suddenly”. The premise is about the mRNA Jabbed and mysterious deaths. I write “mysterious” because any science controlled by Big Pharma (AND THAT INCLUDES GOVERNMENT SCIENCE AGENCIES) refuse to admit a Jab/Death correlation. This is the case even though that otherwise remarkably healthy people (young-to-elderly) are dying suddenly. The Big Pharma science explanation: It’s a mystery, cause unknown and such brainwashed denials.

So … I’m cross posting the Rumble version. If you are a critic and your response is “unfounded” or “unexplainable” or “it’s mysterious”; and fail to offer concrete data refuting the Documentary data that leads to the Sudden Death theory associated mRNA Jabs and Boosters, I will assume you’ve been brainwashed or are an active brainwasher.

Beyond the premise is theme that a DEPOPULATION Agenda exists. Much of the second half of the video utilizes the very words of Globalists demanding depopulation. Also there are examples of the propaganda utilized in active brainwashing to mold a compliant populace.


Rumble VIDEO: World Premiere: Died Suddenly

Posted by Stew Peters Network

Published November 21, 2022

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.

They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

This documentary was made possible by Goldco. Protect your wealth by investing in precious metals, and use THIS link to receive up to $10,000 in free silver for qualified accounts:

THE REST OF THE DESCRIPTION SECTION is devoted to pay-the-bills advertising. This kind of info needs to be supported so if you have the cash, keep freedom flowing and go to the description and make a purchase.

JRH 11/22/22

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YOU’VE Been Lied to About the mRNA Jab

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 31, 2022

The UK Online info-source known as The Exposé is a great source that posts actual science data that is not twisted by CONTROL-MINDED Globalist science. True The Exposé leans toward exposing UK science hypocrisy, but they also add a good deal of U.S. and Canadian science hypocrisy.

Today I am sharing two articles from The Exposé. The later of which I noticed is actually from the Dr. Mercola website (The Exposé failed to include the all important cited footnotes. Sometimes Dr. Mercola archives his posts so while it is up you can check the footnotes under the title, “Why the COVID Jab Should Be Banned for Pregnant Women.”). The Exposé articles:

Then I have a couple of Bitchute videos. The first video actually uses some the charts found in The Exposé post I am sharing. The Video: VAX DEATHS: 691% INCREASE IN DEATH AMONG CHILDREN !! – WE MUST STOP THIS NOW!!

The second video is from Bitchute’s of The New American. A big chunk of this video takes Tucker Carlson commentary on the growing evidence of mRNA Jab damage that Global science is still trying to say is “safe and effective” when the data is becoming glaringly clear the Jab is neither safe nor effective. If you get to this video you will notice Carlson repeatedly calls the mRNA Jab “Donald Trump’s vaccine.” The video title: EVIDENCE OF DEPOPULATION

Too be clear, as long as the Left hates President Trump, he’s my hero. But this Jab thing – as long as Trump supports it – IT WILL COME BACK TO BITE HIS BUTT. Ergo, when even the Left cannot deny the data, you begin to see a “Blame-Trump-for-genocide” approach by the Left and their propagandists.

I’m not going to post it, but Wayne Allyn Root has a great Pro-Trump rebuttal to the blame Trump for Jab injuries and deaths emerging as fact rather than theory at The Gateway Pundit posted 8/28 entitled, “Here is Who is to Blame for the Covid Vaccine Disaster and Coverup. Hint: It’s Not President Donald J. Trump.

JRH 8/31/22

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Proof your Government is manipulating data to cover-up the lethality of COVID-19 Vaccination

Posted by THE EXPOSÉ [Staff]

By Dr. Wilson Sy

August 30, 2022

The Exposé

Despite widespread anecdotal and research evidence of severe disease and death closely associated with COVID-19 injections, their link to COVID mortality has been dismissed as rare and coincidental, because comprehensive statistical evidence has not been obvious in official mortality data.

Sweeping Truth Under Rug

A recent paper [1] solves this puzzle by identifying a systemic data flaw in the reporting convention which obscures the immediate fatal impact of COVID-19 injections, where substantial “vaccine” deaths have been wrongly attributed to the “unvaccinated”.

Recently, Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force (WHCTF), who set the strategies for early US COVID responses copied by much of the world, has publicly lamented the poor quality of US COVID data and said [2] “It was a pandemic driven by assumptions and perceptions, rather than data and science”.

On health agencies, she also said: “Data for publication, not data for implementation change.” That is, COVID data are collected, not to inform, guide and implement policy changes, but to manage public perception, which could mean that data may be manipulated to mislead the public, as will be shown below.

The official claim that “policy follows the science” is the opposite of reality: “science follows the policy” i.e., the policy is first supported later by fake science and manipulated data. Data analysts may not realize that they could be aiding and abetting misinformation by publishing misleading statistics of manipulated data. We provide evidence for the dramatic consequences of the flaw in COVID data reporting [3] specified by the US CDC.

The CDC defines “vaccination status” as a 14-day lag from the last COVID injection, with the rationale that it takes at least 14 days for the injection to take effect. For example, a “breakthrough case” of a person “vaccinated with a primary series” is specified by:

Vaccinated case with a primary series: SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen detected in a respiratory specimen collected ≥14 days after verifiably completing the primary series of an FDA-authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine.”

Such data collected are not raw data but manipulated data because the adjusted data may distort the interpretation of the results. The adjusted data is a data flaw in plain sight, because the adoption of a time lag of 14 days, while widely accepted, has not been justified by scientific research or by debate on its potential to mislead.

Scientifically, the concept of “vaccination status” is entirely unnecessary in the raw data; all that is needed is simply to record the “Date of injection” [4]. It has been impossible to determine scientifically when the injections actually take effect when it is already pre-judged by the “vaccination status” of the collected data.

The important distinction between raw data and manipulated data, in this case, comes from the fact that adverse events and deaths have occurred frequently soon after COVID injections, much less than 14 days, as the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database reported by OpenVAERS [5] shows.

FG 1 VAERS Reported Deaths by Days After Injection

The VAERS data, which are reliant on voluntary reports, therefore underreported and incomplete, clearly show the existence of an immediate lethal effect of COVID injections, most likely in less than 14 days. This evidence has been ignored as unrepresentative due to insufficient fatalities compared with the large number of injections.

However, the evidence shows the 14-day time lag has a confusing and significant impact on definitions of “vaccination status”, which could have important ramifications. For example, if someone dies immediately after a Pfizer booster, then the data would not be reported as the death of a boosted person, but as the death of a double-dosed person. The recorded data would mask the lethal effects of the booster since the death would not be attributed to the booster.

The cited paper [1] has investigated this data flaw and has shown that it is clearly evident in COVID data and that the data error has a substantial impact on COVID mortality statistics and on our assessment of the safety of COVID injections.

This article intends merely to describe the method of analysis, summarize the main finding and indicate how the data flaw significantly distorts the view on safety and the conduct of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main purpose is to urge others to replicate similar studies and to seek further details of our method in the original paper [1].

Datasets requiring both numbers for populations and deaths according to injection dosages or “vaccination status” are not often available. Fortunately, there is a small amount of such data for a population of 8.2 million in New South Wales (NSW) in Australia, from early September 2021 to 2 July 2022 [6].

However, this NSW dataset is even more distorted [7], as a person may be considered “unvaccinated” up to 21 days after the first injection. The data will be shown to suggest many people died within this 21-day window but were all classified as deaths of the “unvaccinated”.

Our method to expose the data flaw analyses the increases and decreases in the populations of different dosages as shown in the following table. After the first major injection campaign in NSW for several weeks, the double-dosed population (second column) increased by a few million, at the expense of both the single-dosed and un-dosed populations (negative numbers are in brackets).

Dosed & Undosed Chart

The two yellow columns highlight a data anomaly: the new death counts for the “vaccinated” appear disorderly and potentially erroneous (grey columns), with some resurrections (outside Easter) of the single and double-dosed populations.

New deaths for the “unvaccinated” are consistently large, for a shrinking population. Why should the dwindling “unvaccinated” population have systematically large numbers of new deaths?

Over this period, the “unvaccinated” population reduced by more than a million persons getting one or two doses of injection, the double-dosed population increased by over three million, while the single-dose population suffered a net loss of about two million.

When the combined one and two-dosed population is plotted against the new deaths in the un-dosed, a very high correlation (>98%) is observed in the following figure. In early 2022, the plunge in the combined population of single and double-dosed persons, was due to the arrival of booster shots, when the three-dosed population increased rapidly, reducing the double-dosed.

New South Wales Dosed & Undosed Chart

The pattern of data anomaly has occurred in every subsequent injection campaign from the first booster (third dose) and then to the second booster (fourth dose). The empirical evidence for these subsequent campaigns is described in the original paper [1].

All data examined suggest that COVID injections systemically have a significant and immediate lethal impact in agreement with the evidence of the OpenVAERS report cited above.

Significant numbers of deaths within 14-21 days after injections were reported not as caused by, or related to, the injections, but rather reported as COVID deaths of those who have not yet had those injections. The collected COVID data led to two false and misleading claims to drive the injection campaigns.

  • The new injections were safe and associated with few reported deaths;
  • The new injections were necessary, because of the “waning” of previous injections with rapidly rising numbers of COVID deaths.

The truth is just the opposite: new injections were unsafe and associated with many deaths, but attributed wrongly to those yet to be injected, creating an illusion of a deadly plague for the fearful to get the first jab and subsequently an illusion of “waning” or “new variants” for the “vaccinated” to get more jabs.

It is likely that first-hand experiences of health workers who witness the immediate consequences of COVID injections may distrust official reports and leave the industry rather than risking their own health by submitting to “vaccine mandates”.

Initially, this scheme has worked wonderfully to drive the uptake of billions of doses among world populations, but in recent times it has started to fail because it has become evident that most COVID deaths were among the “vaccinated”. Why?

Adjusting for larger “vaccinated” populations than ‘unvaccinated” populations, recent data still show that the “vaccinated” are multiple times more likely to die than the “unvaccinated”.

The reason is that the proportions of the two populations have stabilized, with relatively few first doses being administered and therefore erroneous attribution of deaths to the “unvaccinated” has largely ceased.

New injections have been given to the “vaccinated” as boosters. Deaths from these new injections can now only be attributed to the “vaccinated” populations. On a “vaccinated” versus “unvaccinated” mortality comparison, the risk of dying for the “vaccinated” has been seen to rise sharply, because those deaths could no longer be palmed off to the “unvaccinated”.

If the scheme of inflating deaths of the “unvaccinated” were to continue, then recruitment of more “unvaccinated” to get first jabs is necessary. Perhaps campaigning against “vaccine hesitancy”, legislating “vaccine mandates” and recommending childhood injections are all attempts to keep the scheme going to inject the “unvaccinated”.

However, since those attempts have failed to convert enough “unvaccinated” to accept COVID injections, COVID mortality risk among the “vaccinated” has climbed visibly in the official data. A simple solution for improved optics, at least temporarily, is to reduce the COVID death counts, by shunting them off as non-COVID deaths, which is easy to do, given the ambiguous definition of a “COVID death”.

A collateral consequence of the scheme has been a strong correlation between new COVID injections and a rapid rise in non-COVID deaths, eventually seen in the all-cause mortality data [8]. This observation solves a puzzle raised in a recent PSI article [9] about ONS data, which appears more accurate in small samples rather than in large samples [10]. The explanation here is that the further back the data go, the more inflated and distorted the mortality numbers of the “unvaccinated” due to the data flaw.

In conclusion, we have shown a data flaw exists in plain sight in an official data collection. We have advanced Occam’s razor hypothesis that the lethality of COVID injections, not officially recognized, can explain several important, but puzzling, observations.

We encourage others to investigate this data flaw urgently. For further details please see [1].


[1] Sy, W, Data reporting flaw in plain sight distorting COVID-19 mortality statistics,

[2] Igoe, M. Deborah Birx: US COVID-19 data was ‘worse than what I found overseas’, Devex 15 July
2022, (See video, quotes at 11.32 and 8.16 min); available at: worse-than-what-i-found-overseas-103640

[3] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Case Investigation and Reporting (Updated June 23, 2022), (accessed 15 August 2022).

[4] Yamamoto, K, Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them. Virology Journal 2022, 19(100),

[5] OpenVAERS, VAERS COVID Vaccine Mortality Reports, (accessed 15 August 2022).

[6] COVID-19 in Australia (accessed 10 August 2022).

[7] NSW Health, IN FOCUS Vaccination among COVID-19 cases in the NSW Delta outbreak Reporting period: 16 June to 7 October 2021, (see p.9),

[8] Australian Bureau of Statistics, Provisional Mortality Statistics (accessed 26 August 2022).

[9] Kirsch, S, Why UK ONS data shouldn’t be used to justify public policy,

[10] Sy W, Mortality risk of COVID-19 injections: evidence from New South Wales and England,,



Doctors are lying to you about the safety of Covid-19 Vaccination during Pregnancy; 90% of Pregnant Women lost their babies during the Pfizer Clinical Trial

By Dr. J Mercola & THE EXPOSÉ 

August 31, 2022

The Exposé

Since the rollout of the experimental COVID shots, your Government, your Medicine Regulator and your Health Officials have adamantly claimed the shots are safe for pregnant women and their unborn babies.

But they have been lying to you.

CDC-sponsored study that was widely used to support the claim that the shot is safe during pregnancy misreported the data. The actual miscarriage rate in that paper was 82%.

Now-released Pfizer court-ordered, released data — which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration wanted to hide for 75 years — reveals the miscarriage rate among women whose pregnancy outcomes were known was 87.5%.

And as of August 12, 2022, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting (VAERS) database listed 4,941 miscarriages post-COVID jab. But only 1% of adverse events are actually reported to the system. And for comparison, the fetal death reports for all other vaccines reported to VAERS in the last 30 years is 2,239.

Pregnant & Jab Lies

Since the rollout of the experimental COVID shots, U.S. health officials have adamantly claimed the shots are safe for pregnant women, and have been urging all pregnant women to get the jab “to protect themselves and their babies.” To this day, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the COVID shot for:1

“… people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future.”

The CDC further recommends:2

“People who are pregnant should stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines, including getting a COVID-19 booster when it’s time to get one.”

And claims:3

“Evidence continues to build showing that:

  • COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is safe and effective.
  • There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems in women or men.”

All the while, they’ve had Pfizer data showing the shots cause shocking rates of miscarriage which, adding insult to injury, have been blatantly miscategorized as a “recovered/resolved” adverse effect.4 Who in their right mind would consider DEATH a resolved side effect unless they had a depopulation agenda in mind all along?

I don’t see how this could be described as anything but a criminal cover-up. The only reason we know any of this is because U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman ordered the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to release Pfizer documents at a rate of 55,000 pages per month. The FDA and Pfizer had asked to release the documents at a pace of 500 pages per month, which meant it would take 75 years to disclose them all.5

Criminal Cover-Up

Dr. Naomi Wolf recently reported that an analysis of Pfizer data revealed 44% of the women in the trial suffered miscarriages.6 That statistic turns out to have been the result of a miscalculation,7 as Pfizer listed the miscarriages in two separate columns, resulting in them being counted twice.

We’ve repeatedly found Pfizer’s data collection and reporting to be all over the place, and seemingly on purpose, to make hazards more difficult to ascertain. Wolf admitted the error and took down the original report. However, while fact-checkers are gloating over the perceived victory, there’s plenty of other evidence in the Pfizer material to demonstrate these shots should be banned for all time.

In a May 9th, 2022 investigation conducted by The Expose, they discovered absolutely horrifying findings in the Pfizer data dump on the consequences of administering the Covid-19 injection during pregnancy.

The Expose wrote:

The confidential Pfizer documents that the FDA have been forced to publish by court order reveal that 82% to 97% of women who were mistakenly exposed to the mRNA Covid-19 injection either suffered a miscarriage or suffered having to witness the death of their newborn child upon giving birth.

But Pfizer claimed – “There were no safety signals that emerged from the review of these cases of use in pregnancy.

Description of Missing Information

One of the documents contained in the Pfizer data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 12 of the confidential document contains data on the use of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection in pregnancy and lactation.

Pfizer state in the document that by 28th February 2021 there were 270 known cases of exposure to the mRNA injection during pregnancy.

Description of Missing Information (2)

One-hundred-and-forty-six of those mother cases did not immediately report the immediate occurrence of any clinical adverse event. But 124 of the 270 mother cases did. Meaning 46% of the mothers exposed to the Pfizer Covid-19 injection suffered an adverse reaction.

Of those 124 mothers suffering an adverse reaction, 49 were considered non-serious adverse reactions, whereas 75 were considered serious. This means 58% of the mothers who reported suffering adverse reactions suffered a serious adverse event ranging from uterine contraction to foetal death.

Pregnant Mothers Pfizer Document

A total of 4 serious foetus/baby cases were reported due to exposure to the Pfizer injection. The 4 serious cases involved the following events –

  • Foetal growth restriction x2
  • Premature baby x2
  • Neonatal Death x1

4 Serious Foetus Baby Cases (Pfizer)

But here’s where things get rather concerning. Pfizer state that of the 270 pregnancies they have absolutely no idea what happened in 238 of them.

Pfizer Document – No Pregnancy Outcomes Tracked

But here are the known outcomes of the remaining pregnancies –

  • Spontaneous Abortion (miscarriage) x23,
  • Outcome pending x5,
  • Premature baby with neonatal death x 2,
  • Spontaneous Abortion with intrauterine death x2,
  • Spontaneous Abortion with neonatal death x 1
  • Normal outcome x1

Pfizer Jab Known Pregnancy Outcomes Chart

Pfizer Document – Spontaneous Abortions

There were 34 outcomes altogether at the time of the report, but 5 of them were still pending. Pfizer note that only 1 of the 29 known outcomes were normal, whilst 28 of the 29 outcomes resulted in the loss/death of the baby. This equates to 97% of all known outcomes of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy resulting in the loss of the child.

When we include the 5 cases where the outcome was still pending it equates to 82% of all outcomes of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy resulting in the loss of the child. This equates to an average of around 90% between the 82% and 97% figures.

To be perfectly clear, the failure to record and report the outcomes of 238 out of 274 pregnancies during a drug trial is simply unheard of. It’s shockingly unethical. And the fact that both the Food and Drug Administration and the CDC accepted this, and claim there’s “no evidence” of harm to pregnant women and their babies is proof positive of reprehensible maleficence.

There’s no fixing what’s gone wrong at the FDA and CDC. Their credibility with the public is ruined beyond any possible recovery. The CDC can review and reorganize itself all it wants, but it changes nothing. They are, to this day, urging pregnant women to take a shot that they KNOW will cause babies to die. Calling it a dystopia of epic proportions is a profoundly serious understatement.

CDC-Sponsored Study Also Tried to Hide Data

Need more evidence? How about the fact that the CDC-sponsored study9 published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in April 2021 — which was widely used to support the U.S. recommendation for pregnant women to get injected — also obfuscated data to hide a shockingly elevated miscarriage rate.

According to this paper, the miscarriage rate within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy was 12.5%, which is only slightly above the normal average of 10%. (Looking at statistical data, the risk of miscarriage drops from an overall, average risk rate of 21.3% for the duration of the pregnancy as a whole, to just 5% between Weeks 6 and 7, all the way down to 1% between Weeks 14 and 20.10)

However, there’s a distinct problem with this calculation, as highlighted by Drs. Ira Bernstein, Sanja Jovanovic and Deann McLeod, HBSc, of Toronto. In a May 28, 2021, letter to the editor, they pointed out that:11

“In table 4, the authors report a rate of spontaneous abortions <20 weeks (SA) of 12.5% (104 abortions/827 completed pregnancies). However, this rate should be based on the number of women who were at risk of an SA due to vaccine receipt and should exclude the 700 women who were vaccinated in their third trimester (104/127 = 82%).”

In other words, when you exclude women who got the shot in their third trimester (since the third trimester is after week 20 and therefore should not be counted when determining the miscarriage rate among those injected before week 20), the miscarriage rate is 82%. (The errors in that NEJM article were also reviewed in a Science, Public Health Policy and the Law paper12 published in November 2021.)

Of those 104 miscarriages, 96 of them occurred before 13 weeks of gestation, which strongly suggests that getting a COVID shot during the first trimester is an absolute recipe for disaster. So, here was yet another attempt to hide the fact that more than 8 in 10 pregnancies may be terminated as a result of the jab.

As of August 12, 2022, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting (VAERS) database listed 4,941 miscarriages post-COVID jab.13 For comparison, the fetal death reports for all other vaccines reported to VAERS in the last 30 years is 2,239.14

Birth Rates Are Suddenly Plummeting Worldwide

In addition to miscarriages, we’re also looking at abruptly plummeting birth rates, suggesting the COVID jabs are having an adverse impact on future fertility as well.

“They are large drops, and they are occurring, almost like clockwork, approximately 9 months after pregnant women around the world started to be vaccinated,” Kory notes.15

For example, Germany recently released data showing a 10% decline in the birth rate during the first quarter of 2022.16


The live birth rate graph for Sweden looks much the same, with a 14% drop:17,18 According to Gunnar Anderson, a Swedish professor in demographics at Stockholm University, “We have never seen anything like this before, that the bottom just falls out in just one quarter.”19


Between January and April 2022, Switzerland’s birth rate was 15% lower than expected, the U.K.’s was down by 10% and Taiwan’s was down 23%.20,21,22 In Hungary, MP Dúró Dóra has expressed concern about a 20% drop in the birth rate during January 2022, compared to January 2021.23

The U.S. is also showing signs of a drop in live births. Provisional data from North Dakota show a 10% decline in February 2022, 13% reduction in March and an 11% reduction in April, compared to the corresponding months in 2021.24

In a July 5, 2022, Counter Signal article, Mike Campbell reported that in the five countries with the highest COVID jab uptake, fertility has dropped by an average of 15.2%, whereas the five countries with the lowest COVID jab uptake have seen an average reduction of just 4.66%. Below is a chart from Birth Gauge25 on Twitter comparing live birth data for 2021 and 2022 in a large number of countries.

Birth Data 2022 Chart

Many Women Report Menstrual Irregularities Post-Jab

High rates of menstrual irregularities post-jab are also a warning sign that reproductive capacity may be impacted. As of August 12, 2022, there were 31,443 VAERS reports of menstrual disorders.26

Changes include heavier and more painful periods27 and changes in menses length, as well as unexpected breakthrough bleeding or spotting among women on long-acting contraception or those who are postmenopausal and haven’t had a period in years or even decades.28

Health officials have tried to brush off the reports, but a study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology — funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Research on Women’s Health — confirmed an association between menstrual cycle length and COVID-19 shots.29

According to the authors, it’s possible that the immune response created by the mRNA shots affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, which plays a well-known role in the timing of a woman’s cycle:30

“Our findings for individuals who received two doses in a single cycle supports this hypothesis. Given the dosing schedule of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in the United States (21 days for Pfizer and 28 days for Moderna), an individual receiving two doses in a single cycle would have received the first dose in the early follicular phase.

Cycle length variability results from events leading to the recruitment and maturation of the dominant follicle during the follicular phase …”

Other Disturbing Evidence

A Japanese biodistribution study for Pfizer’s jab also showed the COVID spike protein from the shots accumulate in female ovaries and male testes,31,32 and there’s credible concern that the COVID jabs will cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may impair fertility and reproductive outcomes.

A Pfizer-BioNTech rat study33 revealed the injection more than doubled the incidence of preimplantation loss (i.e., the risk of infertility), and led to mouth/jaw malformations, gastroschisis (a birth defect of the abdominal wall) and abnormalities in the right-sided aortic arch and cervical vertebrae.34,35 As noted by The Exposé:

“With this being the case, how on earth have medicine regulators around the world managed to state in their official guidance that ‘Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy’? And how have they managed to state ‘It is unknown whether the Pfizer vaccine has an impact on fertility’?

The truth of the matter is that they actively chose to cover it up. We know this thanks to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request36 made to the Australian Government Department of Health Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).”

You can read more about that in The Exposé’s July 19, 2022, article, “FOIA Reveals Pfizer & Medicine Regulators Hid Dangers of COVID Vaccination During Pregnancy After Study Found It Increases Risk of Birth Defects & Infertility.”37

We’re also seeing a sudden uptick in infant mortality. The Exposé38 highlighted data from Scotland, showing neonatal deaths were 119% higher above the annual norm in March 2022.

COVID Jab Affects Male Fertility Too

Rumble VIDEO: Amy Kelly Reveals Shocking Discoveries of Male Fertility from the Pfizer Documents

[Posted by DailyClout

Published August 19, 2022


Male fertility is also under attack by these bioweapons. Israeli research39,40 published in the journal Andrology found the Pfizer COVID jab temporarily but significantly impairs male fertility, dropping sperm concentration by 15.4% and total motile count by 22.1%, compared to baseline pre-jab.

Both eventually recovered, some three months after the last jab, but if you destroy a man’s sperm for three months every time he gets a COVID shot, you’re significantly reducing the probability of him fathering a child for a good part of any given year and the stats reviewed above support this.

Remember, the mRNA shots are recommended at three-month intervals for the original series, and boosters are now being recommended at varying intervals thereafter. In the video above, Amy Kelly, project director for the Daily Clout’s Pfizer document analysis team, reviews this study and other post-jab male fertility concerns.41

End the COVID Shots Now, Before It’s Too Late to Recover

In October 2021, when the FDA was voting on whether to authorize the COVID jab for children aged 5 through 11, Dr. Eric Rubin, an FDA advisory panel member, Harvard professor and editor-in-chief of the NEJM, stated:42

“We’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes … And I do think we should vote to approve it.”

So, in this and other instances, they’ve openly admitted that anyone who takes the jab is part of an experiment. Yet at the same time, the FDA and CDC have insisted that the jabs are perfectly safe — all while in possession of data showing they’re anything but! In conclusion, I agree with Kory, who writes:43

“… when a new medicine or device is introduced, you must first assume any adverse effects or deaths reported to be related to the intervention until proven otherwise. That is what I am doing here.

We must assume the vaccines are impacting fertility unless some other provable or credible explanations for a sudden drop in month-to-month birth rates. So stop the shots until you can prove they are not …

Too many young people dying,44 too many becoming disabled, too many pregnancies resulting in fetal or neonatal death as above, and now we find out that if we continue with this vaccine obsession, they will not be replaced. This is a humanitarian catastrophe heaped atop the one caused by dangerous gain-of-function research.

When will the world wake up to this rapidly unfolding horror? For those of us who know what is going on, it is hard not to feel helpless as we are forced to watch increasingly apparent and widespread needless death. But we will continue to try to get these truths out despite the massive censorship and propaganda overwhelming the globe.

We have a moral and ethical obligation and take that responsibility seriously no matter what befalls us. Stop the vaccines, now. And if we can’t stop them, we must try to convince everyone we know to no longer agree to get vaccinated. Their lives and our future depend on it.”




Posted by 99Percent

First Published August 31st, 2022 08:37 UTC

Josh Sigurdson reports on recent data showing an increase of 691% in excess deaths among children SPECIFICALLY only following the vaccine itself as the weeks are counted starting the week children were allowed to inject themselves with the death shot versus the daily average previous to this.

This must be dealt with and justice must prevail. We already know that children who are vaccinated have a 303 times increased risk of getting so-called “covid” which basically means they’re 303 times more likely to get sick in general.

We’ve already gone over the studies showing that children are 6.1 times more likely to have a heart related condition if they’re jabbed than be hospitalized with so-called “covid” and that was an average. They’re 22.8 times more likely at low “covid” rates. That study was from a year ago. We now have even lower rates.

A Taiwan study also recently revealed that 29% of teens who’ve been jabbed have a heart related condition.

This is evil!

The decisions we make next will decide the future of humanity itself.




Posted by The New American

First Published August 29th, 2022 21:15 UTC

The vaccine is working, if you want less people on the planet. If you ignore this information and get another jab, you will regret it.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

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Video Sources:

1. Exposé – Official Government reports prove COVID-19 Vaccination is causing mass Depopulation

2. Fox News, Tucker Carlson – Democrats alerted us the COVID-19 vaccine wasn’t properly tested

3. Exposé – UK Gov. confirms 9 in every 10 COVID Deaths over the last year have been among the Fully/Triple Vaccinated

4. Real America’s Voice, Dr. Peter McCullough with Dr. Gina

There is Lying Science AND Actual Data Science

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 2, 2022

Today I am sharing a Dr. Mercola post certain to aggravate Big Tech and the larger monopolistic Social Media Platforms which I suspect censorship or platform jail could be in my future. The title: “Testimonies From COVID Jab Injured.”

Dr. Mercola straight off begins with an Odysee platform video that is an hour and a half of graphic examples of mRNA Jab injuries (For blog embed purposes I’ll be using the Rumble version). Then Dr. Mercola dissect Dem-Marxist controlled government lies and Big Pharma lies of “safe and effective” in relation to the mRNA Jab. And toward the end of the post, Dr. Mercola provides potential remedies for mRNA adverse Jab side effect events the Jabbed might be experiencing.

Here is a list of post subtitles that might interest the gullible brainwashed and critical thinkers alike:

  • The Great Lie
  • COVID Jab Victims Deserve To Be Acknowledged
  • The Guilty Must Be Held to Account
  • Global Campaign to Raise Awareness of COVID Jab Injuries
  • Disability and Death Statistics Tell the Tale
  • If You’re Injured, What’s Next?
  • Strategies to Eliminate Spike Protein
  • Strategies to Boost Immune Function and Quell Inflammation
  • Other Helpful Remedies

I pray you get the picture and stop believing the liars or if you are among the wise critical thinkers comparing actual data to the twisted data of manipulated science continue NOT to trust lying science.

JRH 8/2/22

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Testimonies From COVID Jab Injured

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

August 2, 2022

[Blog Editor: Dr. Mercola uses the Odysee Video, “MRNA ‘VACCINE’ GENOCIDE 2021-2022: TESTIMONIES FROM THE VICTIMS AND MEDICAL STAFF” posted 3/16/22 providing the embed link on his post. The non-embed Odysee Link. I’m using Rumble because it embeds on both my blogs. WARNING! This is not a pleasant watch and some sounds and images can be disturbing.]

Rumble VIDEO: Global mRNA vaccine genocide 2021-2022 with testimonies from the victims and medical staff

[Posted by Towards The Light

Published July 29, 2022



  • “mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff,” tells the stories of people around the world who have been injured by the COVID jab
  • Their struggle, their pain, their deaths deserve to be acknowledged for what they are — the result of medical malfeasance, regulatory corruption and societal “mass formation” insanity driven by media fearmongering and outright lies
  • A common thread in these stories is the consistent dismissal by the medical community. Even in cases where the doctors do suspect a COVID jab injury, they still have no idea how the symptoms are caused or how to treat them, so they just send the victims home. Successful treatments appear to be extremely rare, which adds insult to injury
  • The COVID shot is the most dangerous drug in the history of modern medicine, and these dangers were foreseen and predicted by many respected and well-educated doctors and scientists, whose voices were censored
  • All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable measure from which we can detect true catastrophic events, and all-cause mortality started spiking AFTER the COVID jabs were rolled out. These increases also correlate to a nation’s COVID jab rate

If you or someone you love still does not understand the risks of the COVID jab, watch the video “mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff,” above. I don’t care if you already well understand the risks, I am beyond confident you will benefit from watching what these shots are doing.

Most of us, including me, have no direct contact with people who have been killed or injured by the COVID jabs. These clips help each of us understand just how truly morally reprehensible these jabs are. They have killed hundreds of thousands and disabled millions more. I strongly encourage you to watch this video and share it with everyone you know.

But you must be forewarned. The imagery is emotionally disturbing, so prepare yourself. However, we need to start looking at reality with eyes wide open. The victims of these experimental gene transfer injections deserve to be seen to help us better understand the nefarious bioweapon that has been unleashed on the helpless.

The Great Lie

In early 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris, among many others, publicly urged everyone to get the COVID jab, which she promised was “safe and effective.” We’re called to love our neighbors, “and getting vaccinated is truly an extension of that,” Harris insisted.

At best, she was misinformed. At worst, she lied. The facts are that the COVID shot is the most dangerous drug in the history of modern medicine, and these dangers were foreseen and predicted by many respected and well-educated doctors and scientists. Alas, their voices were censored — in some cases, it appears, at the direction of the White House administration itself.

COVID Jab Victims Deserve To Be Acknowledged

The victims’ struggle, their pain, their deaths deserve to be acknowledged for what they are — the result of medical malfeasance, regulatory corruption and societal “mass formation” insanity driven by media fearmongering and outright lies to support the shift to global tyranny and slavery.

Celebrities, politicians, health agency officials, news anchors, doctors, nurses, academics and countless others pushed, shamed and threatened as many as they could into getting the shot, and everyone now needs to see what the result of that was and how these unsuspecting individuals around the world have suffered.

There are so many stories included in the video, I won’t try to summarize them. I really encourage you to watch the video. A common thread in these stories that is worth noting, however, is the consistent dismissal by the medical community.

Even in cases where the doctors do suspect a COVID jab injury, they still are beyond clueless as to just how the symptoms are caused or, even more importantly, how to treat them. So, they just send the victims home, or refer them out to other specialists whose knowledge is just as lacking. Successful treatments appear to be extremely rare, which only adds insult to injury.

The Guilty Must Be Held to Account

[Blog Editor: Dr. Mercola uses an Odysee video and tried really hard to locate the video on a different platform without success. I even tried to upload to my Bitchute channel but Bitchute refused all thumbnail images and that is required for posting. That was disappointing. So, Odysee will embed on one of my blogs but typically not on WordPress, but perhaps Odysee is on the approved WordPress list now – we’ll see.]

Odysee VIDEO: Greg Reese: The Covid Genocide

[Posted by Adverse Reactions from Covid Jabs Exposed

Posted July 19, 2022


In the short video above, Greg Reese, who created “The COVID Genocide” documentary, shares his reasons for making it. “They want to destroy the world,” he says, referring to the globalist cabal that are the planners, if not actual orchestrators, of this medical genocide.

“’They want to destroy the world … They’re like a wildfire that needs to be put out,’ Reese says. ‘We need some serious war crime tribunals.’ ~ Greg Reese in reference to the globalist cabal responsible for the COVID jab genocide”

They believe they will get away with it by ignoring the evidence and censoring anyone who claims to have been injured, or anyone who openly grieves the death of a loved one who was killed by the shot. We cannot let that happen. “They’re like a wildfire that needs to be put out,” Reese says. “We need some serious war crime tribunals.”

Global Campaign to Raise Awareness of COVID Jab Injuries

Others are also taking up the fight to ease the COVID jab victims plight. There’s now a global online campaign underway to raise awareness and break the silence around COVID jab injuries.

The founders of the campaign, #CanWeTalkAboutIt, encourage people who have been injured by the jab to share their personal stories everywhere they can. As reported by The Defender,1 “The campaign also seeks to help people injured by the vaccines network and locate resources and information in their own countries and communities.”

To participate, post a black-and-white photo, with your right sleeve rolled up and wearing a Band-Aid to illustrate that you got the jab, on your social media network with the #CanWeTalkAboutIt hashtag, along with a short description of the injuries you experienced. Agnieszka Wilson, one of the campaign founders, told The Defender:2

“If you take a headache pill and you see that there’s a side effect that makes your skin blue, then you obviously might say ‘okay, it might be from that, right?’ But when it comes to vaccines, you can’t really talk about these things.

We all heard and knew that the rollout [of COVID vaccines] was starting and we were going to see a lot of damage done by these vaccines. But people were really scared, and especially [scared of] being associated with … organizations that were stamped as anti-vax organizations.

We all also knew that media was silencing it. These people were denied that these were vaccine injuries [but] we were seeing all of these things happening. So I thought, we need to do something, we need to start making people aware that these are actually dangerous vaccines.

There’s no disease in the world [that you cannot talk about] … you can talk about cancer, you can talk about any kind of disease out there, but not this. They have scientists that are willing to do research on this, scientists from the big institutions, and they’re just being ignored.

There’s something more going on … Why is media being silent? Why are we not talking about this? There’s never been a drug in history that has had so many side effects and no one is talking about it.

I always work globally; I thought now we need to do something globally, we need to do a campaign that’s going to start breaking the silence around this issue because people need to know. We don’t want any more people to take the shot, especially after what I’m seeing in all of these groups.”

Disability and Death Statistics Tell the Tale

In addition to the many thousands of personal stories shared on social media, a variety of statistics also support the experiences shared:

•Hospitalizations are up — In January 2022, the Indiana Hospital Association reported Indiana hospitals were seeing a dramatic increase in both deaths and hospitalizations for a wide variety of conditions.3 Not only are the number of hospitalizations in Indiana higher than it was before the COVID shots were rolled out in in 2021, it’s the highest it’s been in five years.4 Meanwhile, the daily deaths from COVID-19 are less than half that of 2020.

•Disability claims are up — For example, OneAmerica, a national mutual life insurance company based in Indianapolis, reports an uptick in disability claims. Initially, there was a rise in short-term disability claims, but they were soon overtaken by claims for long-term disabilities. The company expects the rise in claims will cost them well over $100 million, an unexpected expense that will be passed on to employers buying group life insurance policies.5

•Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is skyrocketing — A previously rare medical phenomenon called SADS is being blamed for deaths in otherwise healthy adults in what appears to be a clear effort to obscure the reality of COVID jab deaths.6,7

•Some of the healthiest in the world are dying without discernible cause — An analysis8 of sudden deaths among competitive athletes between 1980 and 2006 in the U.S. found the annual average was 69. Data9 compiled by the International Olympic Committee put that annual average at 29, across all sports.

Meanwhile, between January 2021 and July 2022 alone — 18 months — at least 1,204 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest or collapse, and 804 have died, typically on the field, worldwide.10 Among EU FIFA (football/soccer ball) athletes, sudden death increased by 420% in 2021.11 Historically, about five soccer players have died while playing the game each year. Between January and mid-November 2021, 21 FIFA players died from sudden death.

•All-cause mortality is spiking — All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable measure from which we can detect true catastrophic events, and all-cause mortality started spiking around the world AFTER the COVID jabs were rolled out. These increases also correlate to a nation’s COVID jab rate.12,13,14

For example, OneAmerica reported the death rate of working-age Americans (18 to 64), in the third quarter of 2021, was 40% higher than prepandemic levels15 — a rate increase that is completely unheard of. Other sources report similar increases, including:

◦The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India reported a 41% rise in death claims in 202116

◦The city of Phoenix, Arizona reported a 100% rise in the death rate among city employees in 2021, compared to the 10-year average17

◦Data from the public funeral home company Carriage Services reported a 28% increase in services rendered during September 2021 compared to September 202018,19,20

◦Lincoln National’s death claims rose by 54% in the fourth quarter of 2021, compared to 201921

◦Excess mortality figures in Europe also show younger people are dying faster than the elderly, and children under 14 died more frequently in the second half of 2021, compared to the first22

If You’re Injured, What’s Next?

If you’ve been injured by the COVID jab, first and foremost, never ever take another COVID booster, other mRNA gene therapy shot or regular vaccine. The same goes for anyone who has taken one or more COVID jabs and had the good fortune of not experiencing debilitating side effects.

Your health may still be impacted long-term, so don’t take any more shots. As for treatment, there still aren’t many doctors who know what to do, although I suspect we’ll see more doctors specializing in COVID jab injuries in the future.

Doctors who have started tackling the treatment of COVID jab injuries in earnest include Dr. Michelle Perro (, whom I’ve interviewed on this topic. Perro is a pediatrician who over the past couple of years has also started treating adults injured by the jab. Another is Dr. Pierre Kory (

Strategies to Eliminate Spike Protein

Both Perro and Kory agree that eliminating the spike protein your body is now continuously producing is a primary task. Perro’s preferred remedy for this is hydroxychloroquine, while Kory typically uses ivermectin. Both of these drugs bind and thereby facilitate the removal of spike protein.

Kory also believes there may be ways to boost the immune system to allow it to degrade and eventually remove the spike from your cells naturally, over time. One of the strategies he recommends for this is TRE (time restricted eating), which stimulates autophagy, a natural cleaning process that eliminates damaged, misfolded and toxic proteins. Another strategy that can do the same thing would be sauna therapy.

Strategies to Boost Immune Function and Quell Inflammation

Inflammation and lowered immune function must also be addressed in most jab-injured patients. Remedies in Perro’s toolbox include:

  • Quercetin and zinc to boost immune function
  • Fibrinolytic enzymes like lumbrokinase to prevent blood clots and digest existing clots, especially if your D-dimer level is elevated, as this is a biomarker for clotting. For this to work, however, you must take it on an empty stomach. When taken with food, it acts as a digestive aid, but when taken an hour before food, or two hours after, you get the systemic benefits
  • N-acetylcysteine (NAC), which inhibits expression of proinflammatory cytokines, improves T cell response, benefits a variety of lung problems, and inhibits the hypercoagulation that can result in stroke and/or blood clots
  • Pine needle tea, which has antioxidant, antimutagenic and antitumor benefits
  • Curcumin, to quell inflammation
  • Zeolite
  • Whole foods such as garlic and ginger
  • Symptom-specific homeopathic remedies
  • Nebulized hydrogen peroxide

As a member of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), Kory helped develop the FLCCC’s post-vaccine treatment protocol called I-RECOVER. Since the protocol is continuously updated as more data becomes available, your best bet is to download the latest version straight from the FLCCC website at covid19criticalcare.com23 (hyperlink to the correct page provided above).

Other Helpful Remedies

Other remedies that can be helpful for COVID jab injuries include:

  • Pharmaceutical grade methylene blue, which improves mitochondrial respiration and aid in mitochondrial repair. At 15 to 20 milligrams a day, it could potentially go a long way toward resolving some of the fatigue many suffer post-jab. It may also be helpful in acute strokes. The primary contraindication is if you have a G6PD deficiency (a hereditary genetic condition), in which case you should not use methylene blue at all.
  • Near-infrared light, as it triggers production of melatonin in your mitochondria24 where you need it most. By mopping up reactive oxygen species, it too helps improve mitochondrial function and repair. Natural sunlight is 54.3% infrared radiation,25 so this treatment is available for free.

 Sources and References

1, 2 The Defender July 22, 2022

3, 4, 5, 15 The Center Square January 1, 2022

6 Euro News Weekly June 8, 2022

7 Daily Mail Australia June 8, 2022

8 Circulation February 16, 2009; 119: 1085-1092

9 European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation December 2006; 13(6): 859-875

10 Good Sciencing Athlete Deaths

11 Americas Frontline Doctors November 18, 2021

12 Rumble Highwire with Del Bigtree April 22, 2022

13 Twitter TexasLindsay April 25, 2022

14 Twitter TexasLindsay April 23, 2022

16 Fortune India December 30, 2021

17 Steve.kirsch.substack January 3, 2022

18, 19 Zero Hedge February 5, 2022

20 Twitter, Ed Dowd February 2, 2022 Account Deleted by Twitter

21 ZeroHedge January 3, 2022

22 Data as of Week 52, 2021


24 Physiology February 5, 2020 DOI: 10.1152/physiol.00034.2019

25 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology February 2016; 155: 78-85

My latest book, “The Truth About COVID-19,” is an instant bestseller. After thousands of reviews it has a nearly perfect 5-star rating, so grab your copy today before it’s too late!

© 1997-2022 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.

The Science YOU Are Not Supposed to See

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

July 13, 2022

Well … It’s time to look at some actual (though repressed or censored) science in contrast to the lying science disseminated by Marxist-Globalists, American Dem-Marxists (and their control-the-people bureaucrat science alphabet agencies), Dem-Marxist Propagandists AKA the MSM and probably more WEF-infiltrating national government and international stooges which I cannot recall.

The only cross post that is highly speculative but probably accurate is when you run into the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The assassination is actual – caught on video. The speculation is the CCP was the field manager of murder.

JRH 7/13/22

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Rumble VIDEO: Naomi Wolf: The CCP Has Infiltrated The American Health System, Covid Injections Produced By CCP

Posted by Bannons War Room

Published July 12, 2022


[Blog Editor: The above video was either uploaded as a direct video-post by The Vigilant Fox (who is all over many Social and Web Platforms) or he/she (I actually don’t know which) has figured out how to embed Rumble videos on Substack – I have not. So I’m using a screen captured photo where TVF has a video.]

China Has INFILTRATED the American Health System: COVID Injections Produced by the CCP

“Our adversaries are the ones manufacturing and distributing this, not just in America but also in ten other Western countries.”

Dr. Naomi Wolf – CCP Injections

By The Vigilant Fox

July 12, 2022

The Vigilant Fox

On a Tuesday segment on the War Room, Dr. Naomi Wolf of Daily Clout dropped a bombshell.

From an earlier report by Dr. Naomi Wolf, we already knew that at the end of 2021, there was a 100% “tech transfer” from BioNTech to China.

Now Fosun Pharmaceuticals, which is Shanghai-based and owned by a senior member of the CCP, they were producing these Pfizer vaccines. They weren’t going to China, so where were they going?

Well, no mainstream journalist has asked this question, and it turns out it is bad news. “The CCP is manufacturing these injections in the United States.”

Dr. Naomi Wolf breaks it down.

“Fosun Shanghai has now opened They’ve got a press release announcing, Fosun pharma 2021 annual results announcement excelling the globalization of their products.’

And the bottom line is that they’ve opened a facility in Boston, Massachusetts, and a facility in Princeton, New Jersey, where they’re manufacturing and distributing Pfizer products, and Fosun Pharmaceuticals is owned by Sinopharm, which is owned by the Chinese Communist Party.

And not only that, but their shareholders in Sinopharm, which is a state-run, state-owned pharmaceutical company; there’s no such thing as a private industry in China. So our adversaries are the ones manufacturing and distributing this, not just in America but also in ten other Western countries.”

She then proceeds to read a press release from Fosun Pharma USA, and over a third of their total revenue for 2021 came from outside China. “It’s us!”

Press Release: “Globalization capability is continuously strengthened. The second headquarters in the United States helps to build a global business landscape with full coverage of research and development, manufacturing, and commercialization.”

Naomi: “They are making the Pfizer injection and the Pfizer COVID Pill.”

Press Release: “By the end of 2021, Fosun pharma overseas commercialization team, with over 1200 employees, has built marketing platforms in the UNITED STATES, Africa, and Europe and has achieved direct sales of formulations to the U.S. market.

Naomi: “This is China! This is the CCP! This is the CCP-run Sinopharm, which essentially owns Fosun pharmaceuticals.”

Truly shocking. If Americans knew their COVID shots were coming from China, they’d probably pass and say, “no thanks.”

Follow the link below to watch the entirety of this critical segment with Dr. Naomi Wolf.

© 2022 The Vigilant Fox


The Global Vaccine Nightmare Has Just Begun

What happens when 3 billion vaccinated people have undiagnosed myocarditis?

By Emerald Robinson

July 12, 2022

Emerald Robinson’s The Right Way

I went to the nail salon this week, and there was a young women working there who started weeping inconsolably in a corner. I asked the manager what was wrong. “She just lost her mother” was the reply. She had died in her sleep suddenly though she was perfectly healthy.

This last weekend, I had attended the funeral of an old friend. He was perfectly healthy too, and then he got late-stage pancreatic cancer — and he was gone a few months later.

Jab Injured Collage

That was the exact same story for another friend. He was healthy as a horse, until he wasn’t — because he too had suddenly developed late-stage pancreatic cancer.

Not to mention a young (and very fit) mother I know who just got a check-up, and was told that she too has suddenly developed aggressive cancer in her early 40s.

The perfectly healthy are getting bad cancers much too frequently now.

The perfectly healthy are dying suddenly.

What all of them shared was being vaccinated.

Steve Kirsch on Substack has conducted a survey (done by a third party) and the results are so disturbing that nobody in the corporate media will touch it.

Ten million Americans have heart injuries.

Ten million Americans had to be hospitalized after taking the vaccines.

Five million Americans can’t work after being vaccinated.

At least 600,000 Americans died after getting vaccinated.

Steve Kirsch Poll Results on Jab Injuries

More than 5 billion people have been injected with at least one dose of a COVID vaccine — so if we extrapolate a 6% heart injury/hospitalization rate from the survey, that would mean 300 million people have been effected.

If Dr. Malone is correct and a majority of vaccinated people have undiagnosed myocarditis, that would mean 3 billion people are at serious risk of sudden cardiac death.

You can’t imagine it (and I can’t imagine it ) but if that really happens to even a tenth of 3 billion people in the next few years, then we are talking about a world-altering event.

If you’ve being paying attention on social media — or, most of all, on Substack — then you already know that this man-made disaster was happening on a vast scale because you’ve seen far too many posts of soccer players suddenly collapsing on the field, or young people hooked up to machines at the hospital after getting their first clot shot, just like me.

ICU After The Jab – Lucky 2B Alive

In fact, mortality rates for young people across Europe are rising dramatically — in yet another sign that the use of the experimental COVID vaccines should be halted immediately.

[Blog Editor: Screen Capture Below is from this Substack title: all cause mortality effects of covid vaccines in european children and kiwi adults: perhaps we see why so many countries are losing enthusiasm for this project]

bad cattitude screen capture

Healthy people are now dying so frequently and suddenly from heart failure that the totally corrupt corporate media has invented names like Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (“SADS”) to account for these obviously vaccine-related deaths.

Suddenly, toddlers are now having seizures after getting vaccinated as well.

As for vaccinated women who are pregnant, they are experiencing miscarriages and still births at much higher rates than in the past.

Jessica Rose Tweet Screen Capture – Jab Abortions

What has the American medical community done about this catastrophe? They have aided and abetted it the entire way.

They have taken the Big Pharma blood money and the Federal government’s blood money — and they have stayed silent while they injected your friends and family with these deadly vaccines and watched them die.

You know it — and I know it.

When their patients asked for ivermectin to treat COVID, they denied them those prescriptions and treated them like deviants for asking — and they strongly recommended they get vaccinated instead.

When injured people had the audacity to complain about their vaccine injuries, our doctors and nurses gaslighted them, or told them to stay silent, or told them they had no clue why they were having problems.

It’s the most shameful episode in the history of American medicine.

Sudden deaths. Infant seizures. Blood clots. Miscarriages. Heart attacks. Skyrocketing mortality rates. Declining birth rates.

You might think that the COVID virus has gone away, but the global vaccine nightmare has just begun.


© 2022 Emerald Robinson


BANNED.VIDEO: Panel of Doctors Warn Covid Vax Is Alternating Your DNA

Posted by War Room With Owen Shroyer

Posted on Jul 11, 2022

Owen comments on a talk show that actually featured doctors willing to discuss the truth about the dangers of mRNA and the human DNA.

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Shinzo Abe opposed COVID vaccines and promoted ivermectin: Was he targeted for supporting health freedom?

Shinzo Abe

By Ethan Huff 

July 12, 2022

News Target

By now, you have probably already heard about the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was shot dead during a recent campaign rally. But what you may not know is that Abe was a fierce health freedom fighter who opposed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines,” lockdowns, and other forms of medical tyranny, as well as supported the right of people to use ivermectin and other prohibited remedies.

Japan’s longest-serving prime minister, Abe is described as “a titan of anti-communism.” During the final months of his premiership back in 2020, he famously resisted the implementation of COVID authoritarianism, which also just so happened to leave Japan in much better shape, public health-wise, than much of the rest of the world that dove headlong into tyranny.

“Abe resisted border controls and the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics and, prior to leaving office, wished for COVID’s official infectious disease categorization to be lowered to the same level as influenza,” writes Michael P. Senger on his Substack. “For this, Abe increasingly came under fire both domestically and internationally.”

Abe was hated by communists because he was a staunch defender of freedom, including health freedom

Ever since Abe left office, Japan’s covid response has moved increasingly closer to the international standard – meaning it became much more of a medical police state. Even though he was not technically in office throughout the plandemic, Abe is considered to be “a figure of considerable ongoing influence in Japanese politics.”

“Most mandates are still enforced socially rather than legally, but coupled with severe international entry requirements, some expats have dubbed this ‘lockdown in all but name,’” Senger explains about how the loss of Abe both from office and now from life itself has been a terrible thing for Japan, which was doing quite well without covid restrictions.

While the motives of Abe’s assassin are not fully known, we do know that Abe was hated by communists, including those in communist China. Many of them were seen celebrating Abe’s assassination on social media, seeing it as a critical move for chipping away at the ideals of freedom that he long upheld and pushed to preserve in Japan.

“Though the assassination’s political consequences remain to be seen, Abe was one of the staunchest anti-communists in Asia and one of NATO’s most reliable partners,” Senger further writes.

“Under his premiership, Japan gained geopolitical significance on the world stage, especially as a counterweight to China. For that reason alone, his death carries considerable symbolic import.”

As you may recall, former Tanzanian president Dr. John Magufuli suffered a mysterious death back in April 2021 that appears to have been for similar reasons as Abe’s assassination. Magufuli was staunchly anti-communist, having at one point barred China from taking over his country. Like Abe, Magufuli also resisted COVID tyranny.

“Ask any African what happened to him, and they will immediately tell you that he was assassinated,” wrote one of Senger’s readers about Magufuli’s death. “The mainstream Western press loved to paint him as a kook.”

Another pointed out that Magufuli was also the first to demonstrate to the world that PCR tests are fraudulent and not in any way an accurate indicator of illness. He openly mocked the tests, in fact, showing that papaya and various inanimate objects tested “positive” for COVID using PCR tests.

“We have cousins who live there and they visited us this summer,” wrote another about the situation in Tanzania.

“They feel like they’re visiting an insane asylum when they come here as life is being lived quite normally in Tanzania. When the interim president Hassan came to their village, she was met with a crowd chanting ‘no vaccines.’”

To keep up with the latest news about plandemic tyranny, be sure to check out

Sources include: © 2021 All Rights Reserved.

Say Nay to Jab Tyranny

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© April 21, 2022

I recently know of a family member who decided to get the Jab. Why the choice? It’s none of my business and neither is it your business.

What is interesting the family member passed out and was taken to the hospital soon thereafter being released.

The family member was assured the Jab and the unconsciousness had no relationship. The guess was perhaps a new diet and lack of food caused the family member to pass out.

Here’s where it gets interesting to me. The blood sugar was checked AND FOUND NORMAL. The blood pressure level was checked AND FOUND NORMAL.

Interestingly, with otherwise normal vitals an EKG was performed. I wondered to myself if the family member passed out from the guess of a bad dietary intake, why was an EKG performed?

Here’s my non-medical guess based on the massive Jab injuries documented (yet underreported). Whoever the medical staff was (doctors and/or nurses – I really don’t know), they probably lied about a dietary related fainting. My guess is the EKG was related to Jab related concerns of Myocarditis.

The MSM lies about Jab safety. Our government science-agencies lie about Jab safety. Our government forces questioning doctors to lie about Jab safety or lose their license to practice. As a whole, WE THE PEOPLE should be disgusted about these lies and as awareness (as opposed to Leftist Wokeness) grows, WE THE PEOPLE must begin some vocal demands for accountability. AND if demands are ignored, WE THE PEOPLE need to gain some 1776-style courage to resist tyranny.

Below are science-truth cross post challenging the science-lies of the Globalist-Fascist-Marxist New World Order.

JRH 4/21/22

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mRNA Vaccines Produce Persisting Spike Protein, Likely Causing Clots, Heart Inflammations, Cancers: Dr. Ryan Cole

By Harry Lee and Roman Balmakov

April 18, 2022 Updated: April 20, 2022

The Epoch Times

Dr. Ryan Cole in an interview with The Epoch Times during the Global COVID-19 Summit at Houston, Texas, on April 8, 2022. (York Du/The Epoch Times)

According to Dr. Ryan Cole, messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines produce persisting spike protein that may cause severe damage to the recipient’s health, such as unusual clotting, heart inflammation, or cancer.

Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are the only mRNA vaccines approved or authorized for booster use in the United States. Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines use a viral vector, a modified version of a virus, to give cells instructions.

Cole is a pathologist who has operated a lab for 18 years. He has seen, mostly through the microscope, about 500,000 patients in his career.

“[In] normal mRNA, you have cells making messages all day long … mRNA is generally broken down within minutes to maybe an hour or two. mRNA should not persist,” Cole told EpochTV’s “Facts Matter” program during the Global COVID Summit held in Houston, Texas, on April 8.

Cole said mRNA is a message that tells your cell to make a certain protein for different body reactions.

“But when you put this synthetic pseudouridine [in your body],” said Cole. “The body doesn’t know what to do with it, and it looks at it and says, ‘Hmm, I don’t know what to do. So I’m not going to break it down.’ And so it evades that breakdown process, and it also evades an immune response. But it also turns down our immune system, which is not a good thing because other things—cancers, viruses—get to wake up.”

In a February interview with The Epoch Times, Cole said that he had seen an uptick in cancers that he shouldn’t be seeing. In addition, he has seen elevations and clotting factors persisting for a long time post-vaccination. However, when he voiced his concerns, no government agencies were willing to look into this finding.

Currently, Cole examines about 40,000 biopsies a year.

Cole’s view aligns with Dr. Robert Malone, a key contributor to mRNA vaccine technology. Malone, in an article published by The Epoch Times on April 11, said the “mRNA” from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is not really mRNA. “These molecules have genetic elements similar to those of natural mRNA, but they are clearly far more resistant to the enzymes which normally degrade natural mRNA, seem to be capable of producing high levels of protein for extended periods, and seem to evade normal immunologic mechanisms for eliminating cells which produce foreign proteins which are not normally observed in the body,” said Malone.

Dr. Robert Malone in Washington on June 29, 2021. (Zhen Wang/The Epoch Times)

Dr. Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician, also said the spike protein from the COVID-19 vaccines is to blame for the severe organ damage.

“Science demonstrated that it wasn’t the virus causing endothelial damage that led to organ damage, such as was found in the heart, liver, and kidney of COVID-19 patients. Rather, it was the spike protein that was also being injected in a genetic therapy shot program,” wrote Mercola in a recent article.

Some studies showed the vaccine-induced spike protein persists in human bodies, said Cole, but “we have no idea how long that synthetic sequence is persisting.”

Stanford study by Katharina Röltgen and others showed that the synthetic sequence persists for at least 60 days. A Harvard study by Alana Ogata and others showed that the spike protein could circulate for weeks.

Cole said a German professor, Dr. Arne Burkhardt, found in his autopsy study that the spike protein could persist in the human body for as long as 128 days.

“And the spike [protein] that [mRNA vaccines] make induces pathologic changes in the body. It can cause clotting,” said Cole. “We hear these young people dying from clots, micro clots, not normal types of clots. These are a unique type of clot that persists, chokes off the body of oxygen, chokes up body parts, inflames the heart, causes heart attacks, causes strokes, causes cancers in young age groups … Unusual things that shouldn’t be happening and are likely related to a synthetic, genetically modified sequence that we’re putting into the bodies of billions of people.”

Cole said our cells have DNA-repair mechanisms, but the DNA can’t repair itself when the spike protein gets into the nucleus of the T-cells, one of the important white blood cells playing a central role in the immune system.

“A study out of Sweden shows this,” said Cole, referring to a recent study showing that mRNA from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine can enter human liver cells and be converted into DNA inside the nucleus. “Now the cell, the DNA can’t repair itself. So the cell is going to do one of two things, it’s either going to blow itself up, that’s called apoptosis, or it’s going to mutate. And now it becomes an atypical malignant cell.”

“To that question as well, the immune suppression because of the spike [protein], because of the pseudouridine, it changes patterns of receptors on cells,” said Cole, adding these receptors could enable T cells to fight off all kinds of viruses.

“Now, you don’t have a defense system. This cancer cell can invade over the wall. This pathogen can invade over the wall because your immune system has been suppressed to a degree that allows that to happen. When does that stop? We don’t know. How do we reverse it? We don’t know. Is it happening to everybody? No, thank heavens. Is it happening to a degree that’s alarming? You bet.”

peer-reviewed study published on Apr. 15 also found that mRNA vaccines “promote sustained synthesis of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein” and “the spike protein is neurotoxic, and it impairs DNA repair mechanisms.”

Neither Pfizer nor Moderna has responded to a request for comment.

On its website, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states COVID-19 mRNA vaccines won’t affect or interact with DNA, nor will the mRNA and the spike protein last long in the body.

“mRNA never enters the nucleus of the cell where our DNA (genetic material) is located, so it cannot change or influence our genes,” states the CDC. “Our cells break down mRNA and get rid of it within a few days after vaccination. Scientists estimate that the spike protein, like other proteins our bodies create, may stay in the body up to a few weeks.”

Intertwining Government-Corporate Interests

Cole said the vaccine manufacturers and government health agencies knew about mRNA vaccines’ problems but hid it due to their intertwining interests.

“We have known the immune modulation problems of this back since 2006, at the very least some papers there,” said Cole. “There is a reason Moderna had never brought an mRNA product to the market. And they had trials for genetic disorders. They were going to use this modality for gene modification. It never got to market because there were always too many animal models’ side effects. They knew about this. Did Pfizer know about this? Yes.”

“[The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)] is corporate-captured. Almost half of the FDA’s income and engrossing revenues come from Pharma,” said Cole. “CDC has 57, 58 vaccine patents … Do you think they have any interest in speaking ill of any vaccine? Of course not.

“The [National Institutes of Health (NIH)] holds the patent to the spike protein and the sequence, and they licensed that to Moderna. Every billion that the Moderna coffers get, so does the NIH. Is that intertwining government-corporate interest? You bet.”

The Epoch Times has contacted the FDA, CDC, and NIH for comments.

According to the FDA fact sheet, for fiscal year 2019, 54 percent of its budget was provided by federal budget authorization. The remaining 46 percent, or $2.8 billion, was paid for by industry user fees.

The CDC lists over 60 “vaccine and therapeutic candidates” technologies for licensing and collaboration on its website. The FDA has its own technology transfer program as well.

“Each year, hundreds of new inventions are made at NIH and CDC laboratories. Nine NIH Institutes or Centers (ICs) transfer NIH and CDC inventions through licenses to the private sector for further research and development and eventual commercialization,” NIH said.

Model licensing agreements show these health agencies ask for royalties to transfer their technologies.

According to Axios, in May 2020, then-NIH Director Francis Collins said, “We do have some particular stake in the intellectual property” behind Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine.

“Talking to the companies, I don’t hear any of them say they think this [vaccine] is a money-maker,” Collins said. “Nobody sees this as a way to make billions of dollars.”

Dr. Francis Collins, (L) director of the National Institutes of Health, and Dr. Robert Redfield (R), director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, testify at a Senate hearing in Washington on July 2, 2020. (Saul Loeb-Pool/Getty Images)

“So nobody’s going to vote themselves out of a job in these agencies,” said Cole. “By denying these applications and application fees and drug reviews for all these large companies, they won’t have enough revenue to keep their agency going either. It’s really a paradoxical lose-lose.”

“Truth plus transparency equals trust,” said Cole. However, the government agencies are “destroying the public’s trust” in them.

Even the left-leaning New York Times recently reported that the CDC is withholding critical COVID-19 data on boosters, hospitalizations, and other analyses.

Cole said if he were in charge, he would have managed the COVID response in line with the Great Barrington Declaration.

“We protect the vulnerable. We knew who this was going to affect right away. We keep the schools wide open. We lock nobody down. We focus on early treatments. We knew from SARS COVID-1 that chloroquines work against this family of viruses. We go to old repurposed drugs like we always do with any new and emerging disease. We treat early. We recognize those who are COVID-recovered with natural immunity. And we don’t do what we did. You never let the cure be worse than the disease itself.”

Harry Lee is a New York-based reporter for The Epoch Times. Contact Harry at

Roman Balmakov is a Reporter with The Epoch Times and host of the show, “Facts Matter.” He has travelled around the country (as well as overseas) covering protests, riots, and elections. He is also the producer of many Epoch Times’ commercials, both on TV and social media.

Copyright © 2000 – 2022 The Epoch Times


1000% Increase in Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Following Pfizer COVID-19 EUA Vaccine for 5 to 11 Year Olds


By Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News

April 16, 2022

Vaccine Impact

Pfizer announced this week that they were asking the FDA to issue an emergency use authorization (EUA) for a “booster” COVID-19 vaccine for children between the ages of 5 and 11. (Source.)

The FDA issued an EUA for the first Pfizer COVID-19 shots for this age group of children in October of 2021. (Source.)

At the time, a doctor on the FDA Advisory Committee deliberating on whether or not an EUA should be given for this age group, stated that the only way to find out if the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines were safe for this age group was to start injecting them with it.

We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it, and that’s just the way it goes.”

Rumble VIDEO: Dr. Ruben on the FDA panel can’t verify the vaccine’s safety

[Posted by Red Watch News

Published October 27, 2021


So now that we have almost 6 months of data since the first EUA was issued for this age group to be injected with Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots, just how safe is it?

So far over 10,000 cases have been filed to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) of deaths and injuries among children in this age group following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. (Source.)

VAERS Data for ages 5 – 11 (4/8/22)

By way of contrast, there have been 939 cases of vaccine adverse events during this same time period for all of the FDA approved vaccines for children in this age group. (Source.)

That means there has been an increase of over 1000% of vaccine injuries and deaths for this age group following the COVID-19 vaccines.

VAERS Data for ages 5 – 12 (4/8/22)

I could not find any data on how many children in this age group have been injected with the Pfizer COVID-19 shots, but news reports have stated that it is a small percentage of those eligible.

In California, for example, the LA Times reported that only 34% of children in this age group have taken the shots. (Source.)

For FDA approved vaccines in the childhood immunization schedule, this age group receives the following vaccines: Diphtheria, tetanus, & acellular pertussis vaccines, Inactivated poliovirus vaccine, Influenza (one each year), Measles, mumps, rubella vaccines, Varicella vaccine, Tetanus, diphtheria, & acellular pertussis vaccines, Human papillomavirus vaccine, and the Meningococcal vaccine. (Source.)

I think it is safe to conclude, therefore, that these children are receiving more FDA-approved vaccines than EUA COVID-19 vaccines.

Not only should the FDA not authorize a booster shot for this age group, they should immediately suspend the original 2-dose Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for this age group.

As I have previously reported, however, it appears that Pfizer is now in control of the FDA committing their crimes against humanity with COVID-19 shots that are neither safe, nor effective.

Here are a few stories of children from this age group who are now dead or crippled after taking one of these Pfizer shots.

Photos & Summaries of Jab Victims from this Point

Copyright 2022 Health Impact News 

Vaccine Impact HOMEPAGE


More Than 1 Million COVID Vaccine Injuries, Nearly 27,000 Deaths Reported to VAERS, CDC Data Show

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included a total of 1,226,314 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 26,976 deaths and 219,865 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 8, 2022.

By Megan Redshaw


The Defender

Jab Vial & Syringe

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,226,314 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 8, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

The data included a total of 26,976 reports of deaths — an increase of 277 over the previous week — and 219,865 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 2,564 compared with the previous week.

Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 805,921 adverse events, including 12,471 deaths and 79,811 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 8, 2022.

Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.

Of the 12,471 U.S. deaths reported as of April 8, 17% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 21% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 59% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 564 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of April 8, including 334 million doses of Pfizer, 212 million doses of Moderna and 19 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

VAERS Chart thru 4/8/22

Every Friday, VAERS publishes vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to April 8, 2022, for 5- to 11-year-olds show:

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to April 8, 2022, for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

  • 67 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds where the reaction was life-threatening, required treatment or resulted in death — with 96% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 166 reports of blood clotting disorders, with all cases attributed to Pfizer.

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to April 8, 2022, for all age groups combined, show:

  • 20% of deaths were related to cardiac disorders.
  • 54% of those who died were male, 41% were female and the remaining death reports did not include the gender of the deceased.
  • 2,373 reports of anaphylaxis where the reaction was life-threatening, required treatment or resulted in death.

Woman develops fatal brain disease after second Moderna dose

Carol Beauchine died from sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), a rapidly evolving, fatal degenerative brain disorder she developed after her second dose of Moderna’s COVID vaccine.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Carol’s son, Jeffrey Beauchine, said it was excruciating to watch his 70-year-old mother — who was healthy until she got the vaccine — die from a disease he believes the vaccine caused.

Beauchine said Carol received her first dose of Moderna on Feb. 16, 2021, and didn’t report any complaints. After getting the second dose on March 17, Carol immediately said she “felt different.” She developed numbness that spread throughout the entire left side of her body, blindness and hearing loss. She lost the ability to walk and communicate, and her brain degenerated until she passed away on Aug. 2, 2021 — just five months after receiving her second dose of Moderna.

The family submitted a report to VAERS, but the CDC has not followed up on Carol’s death. The Defender has received numerous reports of people who died from sporadic CJD after receiving a COVID vaccine — all women who were between the ages of 60 and 70, including Cheryl Cohen and Jennifer Deason Sprague.

Biden administration extends COVID public health emergency needed to keep vaccines under EUA

The Biden administration on Wednesday extended the COVID public health emergency, now two years old, for an additional 90 days — allowing vaccines and other drugs to remain under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Keeping COVID vaccines and other countermeasures under EUA shields pharmaceutical companies from liability for the harms caused by their products.

According to Reuters, a public health emergency was initially announced in January 2020, when the COVID pandemic began. It has been renewed each quarter since and was due to expire on April 16.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said in a statement it was extending the public health emergency and will give states 60 days’ notice prior to termination or expiration. This may be the last time HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra extends it, according to policy experts.

Pfizer to seek authorization from FDA for COVID booster shot for kids 5 to 11 years old

Pfizer and BioNTech Thursday said they plan to apply for EUA of a COVID booster dose for healthy 5- to 11-year-olds based on the results of a small study that has not been published or analyzed by independent experts.

Pfizer said in a press release the third dose of its vaccine produced significant protection against the Omicron variant in children 5 to 11 in a small Phase 2/3 clinical trial. The study was based on data from only 140 children 5 through 11 years old who received a booster dose six months after the second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID vaccine as part of the primary series.

Pfizer claimed a closer look at 30 children showed a 36-fold increase in virus-fighting antibodies — levels high enough to fight the Omicron variant, and that a third dose was “well tolerated with no new safety signals observed.”

Although Pfizer said more than 10,000 children under the age of 12 have participated in clinical trials investigating Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, only 140 were selected for the study forming the basis for the company’s EUA request.

CDC launches internal review over failed COVID response

The CDC announced Monday it was launching a month-long comprehensive agency-wide review following widespread criticism of the agency’s response to the COVID pandemic.

The agency plans to evaluate its structure, systems and processes, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told staff in an email obtained by The Washington Post. Walensky said the goal of the review is to “modernize” the agency and “to position CDC, and the public health community, for greatest success in the future.”

The review will be conducted by Jim Mcrae, associate administrator for primary healthcare at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The HRSA and the CDC are part of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Last month, the CDC’s decision to remove from its data tracker website tens of thousands of deaths linked to COVID — including nearly a quarter of the deaths the agency said had occurred among children — eroded public trust in the CDC’s handling of case counts.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.

Megan Redshaw is a staff attorney for Children’s Health Defense and a reporter for The Defender.

© 2016 – 2022 Children’s Health Defense® • All Rights Reserved.

The Defender HOMEPAGE

RFK Jr Undue Critics & Govt Science Liars

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Posted January 28, 2022

I recently became aware that some Jewish organizations (without checking I can guess they are Leftist self-loathing Jewish organizations who have abandoned their Torah-tenets to favor Biblical-hating Leftist principles) have criticized Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s Defeat The Mandate speech by twisting his words (Leftist-style) to claim Jab-Mandates are like herding Jews to Holocaust death – HE DID NOT SAY THAT! Rabbi Michael Barclay sets the record straight.

THEN Dr. Mercola has a post entitled, “Health Officials Deny Even a Single Death From COVID Shots.” The focus is government science agencies lying to American beginning with CDC Director Walensky lies and NIAID Director Fauci lies. TAKE NOTE: When Dr. Mercola writes about VAERS statistics, those numbers are skewed by under reporting which make Jab deaths and injuries even more horrific.

JRH 1/28/22

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Is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Right?

Recent attacks on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. are unwarranted as his speech expressed a valid opinion about how technology has advanced in ways that make hiding or fleeing from a nation’s imperious actions significantly more challenging now than 80 years ago.

RFK jr Defeat The Mandates Speech

By Rabbi Michael Barclay


The DefenderChildren’s Health Defense

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. recently was taken to task in the media and by many Jewish organizations for supposedly comparing the Holocaust to the current events involving personal rights violations.

If he had indeed said that, it would have demonstrated a lack of awareness about the horrors of the Holocaust, the single worst example of hatred and evil by a government in human history.

But that’s not what he did, and not what he said!

Unlike Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who specifically compared the border detainment facilities for illegal aliens to concentration camps, Kennedy never even brought up the Holocaust or its horrors.

Whereas Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) co-sponsored a clearly anti-Semitic bill that morally equates Israel with both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany’s Holocaust, Kennedy did not equate the uniquely evil events of the Holocaust with anything in today’s world.

So what is all the hullabaloo about and why is Kennedy being so castigated in the public forum?

Kennedy is a student of history, and his bachelor’s degree from Harvard is actually in American history and literature.

As such, he sees political and cultural patterns in an historical perspective, and it is from this understanding that he made the remark that has been so taken out of context.

The first thing to realize is that there is a difference between the Holocaust per se and Nazi Germany as a national government. Nazi Germany was an oppressive political regime whose evil practices resulted in the Holocaust.

Not all oppressive governments end up with a Holocaust-type event (thank God), and there is a qualitative difference between the foundational organization and the ultimate results of the beliefs of that organization. This is a primary understanding that every historian, including Kennedy, knows.

Nazi Germany made authoritarian demands that separated and degraded segments of the population. As this happened in the 1930s, Jews and others went into hiding and/or escaped from the Nazi regime, often by fleeing through Spain or Switzerland.

The most famous examples of hiding or fleeing are the Von Trapp family (the basis of “The Sound of Music”) and Anne Frank, who wrote her famous diary about her time in hiding from the Nazis in a “secret annex.”

While the Von Trapps ultimately escaped to America, Anne Frank ended up being caught by the Nazis and dying in Bergen-Belsen. But her fame is due to her ability to successfully hide from the Nazis for two years, and her understanding about that time as expressed through her diary.

It was this ability to hide that Kennedy was specifically referring to in his recent speech.

He clearly states:

“Even in Hitler’s Germany you could cross the Alps into Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did.”

Kennedy goes on to speak about how because of technology, we now have challenges that will prevent anyone from fleeing or hiding from an authoritarian regime.

Nowhere does he reference the death camps or horrors of the Holocaust.

Kennedy’s comparison to the current state of affairs, where personal liberties are being lost and where privacy is being destroyed, is valid.

And there is a truth to the fact that the ability to flee or hide if you want to avoid a government’s edicts and mandates is even more difficult in some ways than it was in Nazi Germany.

But that is extremely different than making a comparison to the Holocaust, which included such infamous names as AuschwitzDachauTreblinka and Babi-Yar.

So why is there such a media frenzy of attack on Kennedy? Could it be because of his vocal attacks on the establishment regarding vaccinations, required papers and the media’s collusion with the Biden administration?

Maybe it’s because of the success of his most recent bestselling book about Anthony Fauci?

Whatever the reason, the attacks are unwarranted as his speech expressed a valid opinion about any government’s authoritarian actions, and how technology has advanced in ways that make hiding or fleeing from a nation’s imperious actions significantly more challenging now than 80 years ago.

Before unjustly castigating Kennedy for something he did not say, the media needs to be more intellectually honest and condemn those people like Omar, Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez for their actual acts of comparing modern events to the Holocaust.

There has never been a man in human history as evil as Hitler, who desired the final solution of the eradication of Jews, Gypsies and other minorities.

Yet Democratic leadership (including House Whip ClyburnJerry NadlerMichigan Attorney General Dana NesselGeorgia Congressman Hank Johnson among others) repeatedly compared former President Trump to Hitler, and even Joe Biden directly compared Trump to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propagandist and one of the architects of the Holocaust.

Should we ever compare anything to the horrors of the Holocaust and the evil leaders of that stain in human history? The unequivocal answer is no.

Is it appropriate to compare the patterns of one government, in this case Nazi Germany, with modern situations?

If there is truth to the comparison, which there clearly is in the aspects that Kennedy was referencing, then we must make the comparison so that we never have a repetition of the outcome.

More importantly, we need to all expose and reject any leader’s comparison of anyone with Adolf Hitler, and never allow anyone to compare the evils of the death camps and persecutions with the challenges we face today.

May we all call out true evil in every circumstance, and never allow others to minimize the evils of the Holocaust through comparisons for political gain.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.

BUY TODAY: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s New Book — ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’

Rabbi Michael Barclay is the spiritual leader of Temple Ner Simcha and the author of “Sacred Relationships: Biblical Wisdom for Deepening Our Lives Together.”

© 2016 – 2022 Children’s Health Defense® • All Rights Reserved


Health Officials Deny Even a Single Death From COVID Shots

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

January 27, 2022 [48-hr public access]


[Posted by HealthImpactNews

First Published January 13th, 2022 18:49 UTC 

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and Anthony Fauci appeared before a Senate Committee Hearing this week and lied under oath.

They both claimed that they “didn’t know” how many deaths were recorded in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines, and Walensky stated the COVID-19 vaccines are “incredibly safe” and “protect us against Omicron, they protect us against Delta, they protect us against COVID.”

She also stated that all reported COVID-19 vaccine deaths have been “adjudicated,” when in fact not a single COVID-19 vaccine injury, let alone a death, has been tried in the Government CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program.]


  • As of January 7, 2022, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has received 9,936 reports of death following the COVID jab in the U.S. When you include foreign reports received by VAERS, the death toll stands at 21,745
  • A total of 1,541 miscarriages have also been reported post-jab in the U.S., or 3,594 if you include foreign reports. Despite these shocking statistics, U.S. health officials and “fact checkers” insist not a single death can be attributed to the shots
  • According to OneAmerica, a national life insurance company, in the third quarter of 2021, working age Americans (aged 18 to 64) died at a rate that is 40% higher than the prepandemic rate, and they didn’t die from COVID
  • The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India also reports a 41% rise in death claims in 2021, and teens’ mortality in the U.K. shot up 47% in the three months after they became eligible for COVID shots
  • A recent histopathologic analysis of the organs from 15 patients who died within seven days to six months’ post-jab, ages 28 to 95, found 14 of the deaths — 93% — were caused by the jab

As of January 7, 2022, just over a year into the campaign to inject every human being with a gene transfer product to protect against COVID, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has received 9,936 reports of death following the COVID jab in the United States’ territories alone.1 When you include foreign reports received by VAERS, the death toll stands at 21,745.

A total of 1,541 miscarriages have also been reported post-jab in the U.S., or 3,594 if you include foreign reports. Despite these shocking statistics, U.S. health officials and “fact checkers” insist not a single death can be attributed to the shots.

During an early January 2022 Senate committee hearing on the nation’s Omicron response (see video above), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, and director for the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, testified — under oath — that they “did not know” how many deaths had been reported to VAERS following COVID “vaccination.”2,3

Walensky referred to the shots as “incredibly safe,” claiming — against all science — that they “protect us against Omicron, they protect us against Delta, they protect us against COVID.” She also falsely claimed that all reported COVID-19 vaccine deaths have been “adjudicated.”

No, VAERS Is Not a Repository of Fake Reports

Worse yet, both Walensky and Fauci claim any and all adverse events following vaccination get reported to VAERS, including accidental deaths and car accidents. They both actually claim that if a person gets the COVID shot and gets hit by a car afterward, that is reported as an adverse reaction.

Nothing could be further from the truth. First of all, adverse events are not automatically reported and, certainly, obvious accidents are not entered into the system as a suspected vaccine side effect.

As reported by Health Impact News,4 there are about 18 reports in VAERS that include “road traffic accident,” but most if not all relate to an adverse event, such as a heart attack, occurring while driving. They were not hit by someone else and entered into the system. As noted by Pam Long in a January 12, 2022, Twitter thread:5

“If anyone in public health utters ‘a person can get hit by a car & report their death to VAERS’ you need stop them, in any public meeting, and demand they explain what motive would a physician have to inflate VAERS reports with car accidents or any unrelated mortality?

Despite Walensky’s & Fauci’s cliché testimony to Congress. Not one person ‘got hit by a car’ & reported their own death to VAERS as a vaccine injury. Most reports are filed by medical professionals, using diagnostic language about drug reactions.”

VAERS was designed and created as an early warning system. It’s true that anyone can file a report, but it’s time-consuming, requires the knowledge of medical details a patient oftentimes won’t have, and carries penalties for filing a false report. There’s absolutely no reason to suspect, let alone assume, that people are filing false reports just to make the shots look bad.

Fact Checker Outs Himself as a Pharma Propagandist

Walensky and Fauci aren’t the only ones lying about the lethality of the COVID jab. Mainstream media are all-in as well. In a USA Today fact check,6 Daniel Funke claims that “COVID-19 vaccines [are] safe for children” and “not linked to deaths.”

“… online, some claim children face more risk from the vaccine than COVID-19 itself,” Funke writes. “USA TODAY previously rated False a claim that children are 50 times more likely to die from the COVID-19 vaccine than the virus. This claim is similarly wrong.

Public health officials say the vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech is safe and effective at preventing COVID-19 in children ages 5-11. As other independent fact-checking organizations have reported, the benefits of the vaccine outweigh its known and potential risks.

‘Over 700 children have died due to COVID-19 in the United States,’ Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, a professor in the departments of pediatrics and epidemiology at the University of Florida, said in an email.

‘I am not aware of any deaths in children that have been attributed to the COVID-19 vaccine’ … The benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine for children outweigh its known and potential risks, according to the CDC. The shot does not cause death.”

Funke cites data from Pfizer’s clinical trials, “which found the vaccine was safe” for children, as “no deaths were reported” in Pfizer’s trials for 12- to 25-year-olds, and those for 12- to 17-year-olds. Funke dismisses the rationale for looking at VAERS data on the basis that anyone can file a report and that reports are unverified, and therefore cannot be used to determine causation.

All Opinion and No Data

There are so many issues with this “fact-check,” no wonder Facebook attorneys are using the legal defense that fact checks are “opinion” only and not actual assertions of fact.7,8 There’s nothing but opinions in this piece. As “evidence” that the COVID shots are safe and have caused no deaths, Funke presents:

Another opinion piece by USA Today

The supposed opinion of unnamed “public health officials”

Biased opinion assertions by other pharma-funded propaganda organizations (aka, “fact checking organizations”)

The opinion of a single professor who admits she is unaware of publicly available data

The unsupported opinion of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a captured agency that has repeatedly been caught manipulating data and changing definitions to fit the pandemic narrative

Pfizer’s preliminary trial data, which whistleblowers warn may have integrity issues9

The unsupported claim that VAERS data are unreliable because anyone can file, the implication being that people can file fake reports

The debatable claim that VAERS data cannot tell us anything about causation, hence it’s useless looking at it

It’s hard to come up with a less compelling list of evidences for safety, but then again, propagandists have to work with what they have, and in this case, they have nothing. Funke presents zero actual data to support his opinion.

Explain the Rise in Mortality if You Can

There are many data-driven reasons to suspect, predict and even assume that the COVID shots are killing more people than they’re saving — regardless of the age group in question. It would take an entire book to cover it all, so I will only review a few of those reasons here.

One very telling clue that recently came to light is life insurance data. According to OneAmerica, a national life insurance company based in Indianapolis, in the third quarter of 2021, working-age Americans (aged 18 to 64) died at a rate that is 40% higher than the prepandemic rate, and they didn’t die from COVID.10

And, according to CEO Scott Davidson, this catastrophic abnormality is consistently seen “across every player” in the life insurance industry.11 A 40% increase in mortality is simply unheard of, and as of yet, they claim to have no clue as to what’s causing young and middle-aged people to die prematurely at such an astounding rate.

Looking at it from a sleuth’s point of view, one might ask, “What environmental factor with unknown safety was introduced in 2021 to people in this age group?” Sure, pandemic restrictions have led to spikes in drug overdoses and suicides, which affects this cohort in particular. But “deaths of desperation” cannot account for all of it.

The one wild card is the COVID jab. More than 173 million working-age Americans (18 to 64) got these experimental gene transfer injections,12 and doctors and scientists have elucidated several mechanisms by which they might injure or kill.

What’s more, the rise in deaths began AFTER the rollout of the shots, and whatever the causative factor, it is not only national but likely international in scope. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, for example, also reports a 41% rise in death claims in 2021.13

Excess deaths (exceeding prepandemic norms) are also reported in the U.K.14 Among teens (aged 15 to 19), mortality spiked right after teens became eligible for the COVID shot.15 Between the week ending June 26 and the week ending September 18, 2020, and that same period of time in 2021, teenage deaths rose by 47%.16

A rise in disability claims17 also suggests that many who aren’t killed by this novel lethal threat are seriously injured, often long-term. For all of these reasons, the COVID jabs cannot be taken off the table. Logic demands that they be looked into as a potential causative factor.

Can VAERS Data Demonstrate Causality?

One person who has taken a strong stance against the claim that VAERS data cannot tell us anything about causation is Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund. In the video “Vaccine Secrets: COVID Crisis,”18 he argues that VAERS can indeed be used to determine causality.

It’s important to realize that the idea that VAERS cannot show causality is part of how and why the CDC can claim none of the deaths is attributable to the COVID shot. Kirsch argues that this premise is in fact false, and that causation can be determined using VAERS’ data.

To prove his point, Kirsch gives the following analogy: Suppose you give a two-dose vaccine. After the first dose, nothing happens, but after the second dose, people die within 24 hours of a deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

When you look at the VAERS data, what you would find is no reports associated with the first dose, and a rash of deaths after the second dose, all within the same timeframe and with the same cause of death.

According to the CDC, you cannot ascribe any causality at all from that. To them, it’s just random chance that everyone died after the second dose, and from the same condition, and not the first dose or from another condition.

Kirsch argues that causality can indeed be identified from this kind of data. It’s very difficult to come up with another explanation for why people — many who are young, in perfect health with no predisposing conditions — die exactly 24 hours after their second dose. It’s even difficult to come up with another explanation for people who do have underlying conditions.

For example, is it reasonable to assume that people with, say, undiagnosed heart conditions, would die from DVT exactly 24 hours after getting a second dose of vaccine? Or that people with undiagnosed diabetes would die from DVT exactly 24 hours after their second dose?

Why not after the first dose, or two months after the second dose, or any other random number of hours or days, or for other random cause of death? Why would people randomly die of the same condition at the exact same time, over and over again?

At bare minimum, as an early warning system, VAERS is designed to flag potential causation. It’s by looking for repeated patterns of side effects that you would begin to identify a potentially problematic vaccine. Once a pattern is identified — and there’s no denying death within 24 hours to one week is a pattern seen for the COVID shots — an investigation should be launched.

But no such investigation has been launched for the COVID jabs. Clear-cut patterns are simply ignored. As an early warning system, VAERS is performing as intended, despite severe underreporting (the CDC recently published a paper in which they admit COVID jab adverse effects in children are underreported by a factor of 6.519). It’s the follow-up that’s lacking. But lack of investigation and follow-up is not evidence that the shots can’t cause death.

‘Bad Batches’ Are Another Clue


[Posted by Thetruthlight2020

First Published January 3rd, 2022 03:02 UTC]

Another clue that hints at SOME of the shots being able to cause rapid death is the “bad batch” phenomenon. Independent investigations have revealed that some lots of the shots are associated with very severe side effects and death, whereas other lots have no adverse events associated with their use.

According to, a site that matches up vaccine lot codes with reports in the VAERS system, approximately 5% of the lots are responsible for 90% of all adverse reactions. Some of these batches have 50 times the number of deaths and disabilities associated with them, compared to other lots.20

Another website that basically does the same thing is TheEagle’s VAERS Dashboard. (A video explaining how to use the dashboard can be found on Bitchute.21)

“According to Fuellmich and Wodarg, this lot-dependent data shows vaccine makers are conducting secret experiments within the larger public trial. They appear to actually be doing lethal-dose testing on the public.”

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, cofounder of the German Corona Investigative Committee, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a former member of the German parliament, discuss this “smoking gun” evidence in the video above. According to Fuellmich and Wodarg, this lot-dependent data shows vaccine makers are conducting secret experiments within the larger public trial.

They appear to actually be doing lethal-dose testing on the public. Wodarg argues that the evidence for this is very clear from the data. They also appear to be coordinating these lethal-dose experiments, so that they’re not all releasing their most toxic lots at the same time, or in the same areas, so as to avoid detection through clustering.

More Data Showing COVID Jabs Can Kill

In closing, I will raise just two more pieces of evidence that speaks to COVID jabs having the ability to kill large numbers of people:

  • A recent histopathologic analysis of the organs from 15 patients who died within seven days to six months’ post-jab, ages 28 to 95, found 14 of the deaths — 93% — were caused by the jab.22,23 None of the original coroners’ reports implicated the shots, however.

The association was only established through autopsy, which revealed a “process of immunological self-attack” that is “without precedent.” “Because vaccination was the single common denominator between all cases, there can be no doubt that it was the trigger of self-destruction in these deceased individuals,” Drs. Sucharit Bhakdi and Arne Burkhardt wrote.

  • According to researchers at Columbia University, the real number of people killed by the COVID jabs is about 20 times the reported rate, based on their analysis of two publicly available databases (VAERS in the U.S., and another in Europe).24,25,26 That analysis was published in October 2021, but few ever heard a peep about it. According to the authors:

“Comparing our age-stratified VFRs [vaccine-induced fatality rates] with published age-stratified coronavirus infection fatality rates (IFR) suggests the risks of COVID vaccines and boosters outweigh the benefits in children, young adults and older adults with low occupational risk or previous coronavirus exposure.

We discuss implications for public health policies related to boosters, school and workplace mandates, and the urgent need to identify, develop and disseminate diagnostics and treatments for life-altering vaccine injuries.”

Based on the ever-mounting data, the claim that COVID shots have not, cannot, and/or will not cause death simply isn’t credible. And the longer these shots continue to be used, the greater the likelihood that they will indeed kill far more than the actual virus ever did. We also need to remember that the disabilities and long-term chronic ill health these shots are causing will prematurely kill many more, even if it takes 10 or 15 years, and we have no data on any of that yet.

Sources and References

1 OpenVAERS Data through January 7, 2022, US territories selected

2 BitChute “Walensky and Fauci Lie Under Oath” January 13, 2022

3, 4 Health Impact News January 13, 2022

5 Twitter Pam Long January 12, 2022

6 USA Today December 2, 2021

7 John Stossel Lawsuit against Meta Platforms (PDF)

8 WND December 10, 2021

9 The BMJ 2021;375:n2635

10, 11, 17 The Center Square January 1, 2022

12 USA Facts Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker, Percentage of people in each age range received the COVID vaccine

13 Fortune India December 30, 2021

14 Financial Times November 23, 2021

15, 16 The Exposé September 30, 2021

18 Lew Rockwell October 11, 2021

19 Steve Kirsch Substack January 6, 2022

20 Robert Malone Substack January 13, 2022

21 Bitchute December 29, 2021

22 Doctors4CovidEthics, On COVID Vaccines

23 Steve Kirsch Substack December 28, 2021

24 ResearchGate October 2021 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28257.43366

25 WND December 15, 2021

26 Newstarget December 27, 2021

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