Question the Science Before Trusting

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

September 21, 2023

When you hear or see this terminology on TV or some form of digital print: “Trust the science” or “Safe and Effective”. The odds are you are witnessing brainwash lies being jammed down your thought processes!  BELOW ARE A COUPLE OF CRITICAL THINKING SCIENCE shares that I pray leads you to reject science brainwashing. Particularly in regard to mRNA Jab science.

JRH 9/21/23


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90% of “COVID” deaths in past year occurred in fully or triple vaccinated individuals

Natural News Telegram Photo

September 20, 2023 5:05:50 PM

Post Link:

Natural News Telegram Channel

The latest data out of England shows that a whopping nine out of 10 Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in the past year occurred in people who were fully, or triple, “vaccinated.”

An astounding 91 percent of all COVID deaths in the United Kingdom since the beginning of 2022 occurred in people whom the government promised were “protected” against the Fauci Flu. Even worse, 94 percent of all COVID deaths since April 2022 have been in the fully jabbed.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS), a UK government agency, published a dataset on July 6 of this year covering deaths based on vaccination status up to May 31, 2022. Entitled “Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022,” the document unpacks what many of us have long known: that the jabs are death jabs, not healing jabs.

If you want to live, DON’T get jabbed for COVID

The worst month up until now for deaths occurring in the fully jabbed was January 2022, during which 3,914 COVID deaths were recorded among the fully jabbed compared to just 693 deaths among the unvaccinated. Comparatively, June 2021 saw the lowest number of fully jabbed deaths with just 224.

“However, the lowest number of deaths among the unvaccinated population occurred in May 2022, with 82 deaths,” explains The Exposé, which closely tracks ONS data.

“For context, the vaccinated population recorded 1,282 deaths during the same month. This means the vaccinated accounted for 94% of all Covid-19 deaths during the most recent month.”

All in all, there were 29,915 COVID deaths recorded in England between June 2021 and the end of May 2022. Of this, 25,280 deaths occurred in the fully jabbed population while the remaining 4,635 deaths occurred in the non-jabbed.

“This means the fully vaccinated population have accounted for 85% / 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths over the past twelve months,” The Exposé explains.

What is worse, the Winter 2022 “booster” shot campaign only made things worse. Instead of alleviating the huge number of deaths occurring among the fully jabbed, the boosters only increased the number of fully jabbed deaths.

“Overall, there were 15,113 Covid-19 deaths by 31st May 2022, and a shocking 13,666 of those deaths were among the vaccinated population,” The Exposé reports. “But what’s even more shocking than this is that 12,442 of those deaths were among the triple / quadruple vaccinated population.”

“This means the triple / quadruple vaccinated population have accounted for a frightening 91% of all Covid-19 deaths among the vaccinated since the beginning of 2022.”

The fourth “booster” shot that was released in the UK this past spring is only further driving the fully jabbed death rate. In short, the more COVID jabs a person takes, the greater his or her likelihood of succumbing to death by “COVID.”

Recognizing that the data shows all this, the ONS has become increasingly quieter with its data releases. One of the most recent data drops shows that 94 percent of all COVID deaths in April and May 2022 occurred in those who had taken all available COVID jabs.

“These aren’t the kind of figures you would expect to see if the Covid-19 injections really are up to 95% effective at preventing death, are they?” The Exposé asks. “With news like this being swept under the rug by the mainstream media, it makes you wonder what else you are not being told.”

In the comments at Natural News, one of our own added that all of this is why Pfizer wanted to hide its clinical trial data – or lack thereof – for many decades.

“They knew all along,” this person wrote. “And yes, the government was complicit. The jab never should have been released.”

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35,618,602 Victims Dead From the Covid-19 Vaccine. Is This a Genocide Yet?

Some VAERS URF philosophical debates…

35,618,602 VAERS Dead


SEP 20, 2023 – WelcomeTheEagle88

This analysis is based on the VAERS Under Reporting Factor (URF) study known as the 2010 Harvard Pilgrim Study aka The Lazarus Report. It is very interesting that immediately after this study was published, CDC made a gargantuan change to VAERS where “Only primary/Initial reports are published”. It’s very important to understand this Harvard Pilgrim Study did not have to contend with this paradigm shift we deal with today. What’s worse, it seems like most of our so called experts do not even recognize this paradigm shift even exists?

I want to be exact as I can on what this actually means and what the VAERS system was doing prior to 2011 with respects to adding follow-up data. Exactly speaking VAERS would append follow-up data to initial reports. They would NOT delete initial reports to add or create a new appended report with a different VAERS ID#. I will mention that Dr. Jessica Rose in her Oct 2021 Critical Appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance – IPAK paper seems to believe that VAERS deletes reports to then add new info/report when a victim subsequently dies? I don’t know if she still feels this way or if I even understand here paper correctly? I did a critical appraisal of her critical appraisal here, just click the image [Blog Editor: Probably because Substack does not embed Bitchute, the video link was embedded in the photo. Other than my Substack page, I’m embedding the video itself]:



[Posted by welcometheeagle88

First Published June 16th, 2022 23:32 UTC


So any who, here is the up close print where CDC tells us five times that only initial reports are published, contrary to Dr. Rose’s opinion.

CDC ScreenGrab

I wonder how many victims are now since DEAD, but were alive when reports were submitted? How many reports started out as Office Visit or Emergency, but are now a seemingly permanent disabilities in reality? I know many people in who would now like their reports upgraded to serious or permanent. God bless them but that won’t happen. It’s super super rare.

VAERS Data 9/8/23

So what do you think, do you think we can take the almost 18K dead and double the count based the information available? Do you think any hospital CEO’s got a Fauci memo stating if you must file a VAERS report, at least make sure the victim has a heartbeat when you hit the submit button? Brain dead people are still alive so you don’t need to report them dead anyways.

I have also studied the pre-2011 VAERS reports and explained the data “addendum” process here.:

VAERS biggest paradigm shift in 2011 everyone missed!


Substack ScreenGrab toVAERS biggest paradigm shift in 2011 everyone missed!

I probably said this in one hundred of my five hundred Bitchute videos, but who’s counting? I guess I will bury this factoid here and wait for a celebrity analyst freedom fighter to catch on. So check out blurb #4: “Since January 2011, only primary reports are included in the data.” Read full story

Doubling the death stats, based on the paradigm shift of 2011 is still conservative even before we begin attempting to calculate a URF for the following reasons.

1. There is still about ~50 clearly dead victims per the summary narrative, because the “died” box is not checked off. See Here.

2. There is at least 100-150 Covid vax deaths in the UNKNOWN VAX TYPE. The clue is in the lot# and/or the summary narrative.

3. The bundled deaths on one report. There is as many 1,500-2,000 more deaths if we could ethically unbundle.

4. ~1,400 fetal demise, stillborns, spontaneous aborts, etc.. but NOT classified as death. Kids in the womb is a big debate, kids out the vag canal for a month are struggling to be counted as a person, and pretty soon you might not be counted as a person if you haven’t grown pubic hairs or hair on your chest. Seems like they want to abort everybody?

VAERS Data 9/8/23 (Table 2)

5. By CDC’s own admission VAERS had received 19,476 DEATH reports by March 1, 2023 when they stopped making these alerts:

VAERS Data 9/823 (Table 3)


I conservatively doubled Kirsch’s 41x for all the reasons listed above but for shits and giggles (nobody is laughing) let’s extrapolate this 19,476 deaths up to March 1.

35,618,602 VAERS Dead

What if we apply a URF of 88x instead of 82x to 19,476 CDC’s March 1st benchmark? From here forward I want the world to know this as The Eagle’s URF based on doubling Kirsch’s URF and adding a few points to compensate for the Tom Foolery the troglodytes at CDC are pulling with these Vegas card tricks.

41,456,009 Extrapolated VAERS Dead

God Bless. Please support The Eagle!

© 2023 WelcomeTheEagle88 – WelcomeTheEagle88 HOMEPAGE


Intro to Justin Smith COVID Despotism & Questionable Gates-Involved Vaccine

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Submissions by Justin O. Smith

Posted October 18, 2020


While I have been focusing on the Dem-Marxists supporting the Biden Crime Syndicate, Justin Smith submitted two persuasive articles on Dem-Marxist COVID despotism and Bill Gates’ involvement with faulty Globalist scientists/doctors forcing their errors on America (and the world for that matter). Of particular interest in the second submission is the dubious efficacy a rapidly created COVID vaccine might have on recipients.


In full disclosure I’ve never been an anti-vaxxer. However before I consider taking any COVID vaccination I am going to wait and see how it affects the sheeple before I allow an unknown to be injected in my body. (Just as an aside, you might be amused to know my wife is an anti-vaxxer. You can imagine the interesting family discussions in today’s COVID despotic society.)


ALSO due to the lateness of sharing this important info from Justin Smith, I did not do my typical diligence making sure Justin’s info is backed up. Justin is a trustworthy individual but if you question an assertion, do some of your own sleuthing.


JRH 10/18/20

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Violating Our Rights Cannot Be Justified

Americans Aren’t Subjects To Be Commanded


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 10/13/2020 11:59 PM


It’s a new morning in hell, America.


Many of my countrymen now know that which they long suspected was in fact correct. The response to COVID-19, from health officials in the federal government, specifically the CDC, and many state and local governments, including here in Tennessee and Nashville, has been the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public, and now the people who love freedom and liberty want the intentional manipulations and fear-mongering to facilitate a political agenda, from the earliest stages of this “plandemic”, to carry a heavy penalty, including prison time. This sort of egregious criminal nonsense that predicted 2.2 million deaths based on fraudulent models and used emergency declarations to ignore our inalienable rights, harming us all financially, physically and mentally, must never again be possible under any government presiding over the American people; and, along with the Truth, my countrymen demand that our rights be restored.


Although the World Health Organization (WHO) has just recently reversed itself on mask mandates and acknowledged that the constant wearing of masks is harmful, incredibly, there are some in America who still wish to force them on us all, such as Professor Michael Osterholm of Minnesota’s CDC and Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari, and even worse, they are calling for a second lockdown to help fight “the Virus”, Covid, that is nowhere near the existential threat they have presented it to be. They are joined by WHO spokesperson, Dr Margaret Harris, as she suggested on September 22nd 2020 that a “second wave of Covid” is on its way this winter, and America and the world would need to shutdown once again, in preparation for it.


This is sheer asinine bull-pucky and insane given the data and the real facts of the matter, but given that so many are still so intent on raising themselves up to the level of a King and a dictator, however malevolent or benevolent a picture they present, it is good to recall our War for Independence, when the American people arose as a body of men and women against a multitude of grievances.


Fortunately a few good men and women can still be found within the ranks of litigators and the judiciary, and in several states now, the fight against lockdowns and mask mandates is growing and yielding some great success:


In Michigan, on October 2nd 2020, Justice Stephen Markham of the State Supreme Court wrote the majority opinion noting that Governor Gretchen Whitmer didn’t have the authority to arbitrarily extend the Covid Lockdown after April 30th 2020, although she claimed the authority under two emergency acts from 1945 and 1976. Whitmer illegitimately delegated legislative authority to the executive branch, according to Markham.


Judge Mike McHaney from Clay County, Illinois, recently delivered a ruling that Governor JB Pritzker did not have the authority to extend his emergency orders beyond their original 30 days, stating that any emergency powers stemming from the Covid virus outbreak terminated on April 8th 2020. And staying true to his malevolent, high-handed, despotic nature, Pritzker ignored McHaney’s rulings and appealed them, whereupon August 14th, McHaney ordered Pritzker to appear in court to face contempt of court charges.


In the case of Dane County, Wisconsin, the State Supreme Court properly ruled four to three that the county’s Emergency Order #9, issued on August 21st 2020, did not have the weight of law behind it. The court noted that “local health officers do not appear to have statutory authority to do what the Order commands”, i.e. to carry out the “broad closure of schools.” This same line of reasoning should be applied state by state and county by county, where many other similar abuses have occurred.


To their credit, a board of supervisors in Placer County, California unilaterally lifted the state of emergency in their county, because they used good common sense and logic. Their county had experienced only 39 deaths from Covid between February 2020 and July 1st 2020, which placed their overall infection rate at 0.0008%, and so, it did not make any good sense to force any sort of lockdown and added burden on its people.


And in September, upholding a principle many politicians choose to ignore or forget, U.S. District Judge William Stickman, in Pennsylvania, put all of our so-called “leaders” on notice, as he stated “the Constitution sets certain lines that may not be crossed, even in an emergency.” He further noted that lockdowns violate the right of assembly guaranteed by the First Amendment and the 14th Amendment’s guarantees of due process and equal protection.


So one can readily see the problems that arise, when “the law” becomes whatever some bureaucrat says it is.


There is also a push against “the Virus” hoax by thousands of doctors and medical professionals who have recently circulated a petition, as part of [JOS] The Great Barrington Declaration, a study completed by Dr. Martin Kulldorff of Harvard, Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford and Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya of Stanford. They recently announced their concerns on October 5th, as they consented to an interview with Laura Ingraham at Fox News. [Blog Editor: Justin provided this Youtube link: GASP! Youtube censored the video with the lame excuse of violating Fox News copyright. HOWEVER my suspicion the Ingraham interview included people provided medical science anathema to control-freak Dem-Marxist Globalist discredited science. So I looked around and found on the Brighteon video format which I believe Justin tried to share:


Brighteon VIDEO: Urgent: 80,000 top professionals oppose shutdowns


Posted by Liberatte

October 7, 2020


The corporate media refuse to publish this news, so, it is necessary that you verify it or find other sources of information to spread it and thus prevent evil from gaining control over our planet.

2020 10 07 Top infectious disease epidemiologists along with over 80,000 supporters including scientists, medical practitioners, politicians and the general public have all signed the viral Great Barrington Declaration. Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Sunetra Gupta and Jay Bhattacharya join Laura Ingraham to make their case for herd immunity strategy and a return to a free society. You can read and sign the declaration here:

Origin: MSM Doesn’t Want You to Know about Top Epidemiologists Opposing Lockdown – Fox News

20 10 07 Thousands of the world’s top scientists are finally speaking out against lockdown. Let’s pray it’s not too little, too late:]


Part of the study states that Covid is not a “death sentence”, since very nearly one-hundred percent of those people under age 70 survive it and nearly ninety-five percent of those who are older than 70 survive Covid.


During the course of the interview with Laura Ingraham, Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya stated: “I think we’ve created this idea in the public mind that it is something so unique and so deadly that we should utterly end all normal existence as a result of it. That’s not right. We have a much better way. Protect the vulnerable. Shield them for a short period of time until we reach a level where there is a population immunity. And for the rest of the world, let us live our lives.”


Just as Americans were aggrieved and infuriated by the Intolerable Acts, the New Englander Restraining Act, the Stamp Act of 1765, the Townshend Act of 1767 and the Proclamation of 1763, so too does the actions of our governments today represent atrocious and despicable acts against the people, whether it was forcing them to stay home unable to work and care properly for their families, wrecking entire businesses and industries irresponsibly and most unnecessarily, damaging their health through the demand they constantly don a mask and too often arresting them without any just cause, like the time Alecia Kitts was arrested for not wearing a mask outdoors in Ohio. Just as King George III pushed the Colonists to the very edge and beyond, our own petty despots and wannabe kings are doing the very same thing to the American society who see through their arbitrary and tyrannical machinations that serve no real purpose other than expanding the power of governors and other petty bureaucrats, with no respect for the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


At issue in the late 1700s was freedom and liberty, and all the Stamp Act and the Tea Act did was to illuminate the fact that the Colonists were actually receiving less rights than a subject on mainland Britain was, These acts revealed the extent of the corrupt ideas being forced upon them by an all-powerful, supposedly “divine”, king, and they were already run ragged by years of war, experiencing a credibly massive wealth gap, much as today, having a really hard time to make ends meet.


And so too, the issue remains the same today, one of freedom and liberty, and “the Virus” has dragged our own government’s corruption and deceptions into the limelight. Just as the Stamp Act sought to impose government control, a middle man, over literally every aspect of the new colonial life, so too did the agents facilitating this Covid hoax aspire to control our lives; just as the Stamp Act dictated which items people could purchase for both businesses and pleasure or entertainment, from household items and necessities to methods of communication, magazines and newspapers, and everything necessary for the proper management of societies contracts, marriage licenses, mortgages and the like.


Isn’t this exactly what we have been experiencing and living under, as mayors and governors have picked winners and losers, arbitrarily allowing big corporate businesses, like Walmart, to stay open, while demanding that small Mom and Pop businesses close their doors? Forcing some bars and restaurants to close, while allowing others to remain open, without any real rhyme or reason?


Isn’t this precisely what Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania did?


Basically, Wolf arbitrarily decided which businesses could operate during his lockdown, but the distinctions he made were not based on logic or anything resembling a well thought plan; and they had absolutely nothing to do with the transmission of Covid in any readily visible or authentic manner. Small businesses were banned from selling appliances, groceries, hair products, liquor and furniture among other items, while the Big Corporate Retailers were deemed “life-sustaining” and “essential” and allowed to sell the very same products. Wolf’s decree shifted transactions from one place to another without placing any restriction on the people to stop them from going to these stores. So Wolf and his team must not have thought Covid was all that much a problem — no — it was merely a great fabricated “crisis” to be used to their own ends, and damn the people.


This in part motivate Judge Stickman’s conclusion that such capricious dictates cannot pass any inspection even under the highly deferential “rational basis” test, as applied to economic regulations and equal protection claims outside of cases involving race and religion. Stickman noted, “Distinctions cannot be arbitrary or irrational and pass scrutiny.”


By the Stickman Rule, it can be concluded that the entire national lockdown, the mask mandates and every other measure coming from this Covid Hoax doesn’t pass scrutiny.


Patrick Wright, from the legal department at Mackinac Center for Public Policy, finely placed this time in proper perspective, when earlier this month, he told NewsOne, the following: “The United States Constitution was created at a time of conflict. It isn’t something that is meant to be turned off every time the situation gets difficult. It is a process that is meant to serve us, both in times of calm and in times of emergency.”


Just as our ancestors rose up during the Boston Tea Party of 1773 or rejected the Stamp Act in 1765, Americans today must now and forever more reject the notion that it’s acceptable and permissible for government officials from any quarter to assume the right and authority to suppress or suspend our Constitution and Inalienable Rights in any manner whatsoever, at anytime, anywhere and any place, crisis or not.


Even though we have seen some few judges uphold our nation’s founding virtues and principles and attempt to defend and protect American’s inalienable rights, there have been many all too willing to also uphold the tyranny decreed by numerous governors and mayors, regarding specific aspects of certain lockdown edicts, such as the recent ruling handed down by Federal District Judge Kiyo Matsumoto, that upheld New York Governor Cuomo’s restrictions limiting indoor gatherings in severe “red” Covid-19 areas to ten people; I won’t beat the statistics to death again, since they have long been addressed and shown to be hyped to an unbelievable measure, that descends to the lowest, most devious sort of deception, but regardless of how one sees the danger of Covid, even if it is ten times as deadly as stated, it does not justify or warrant the violation of our religious liberties, as guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution, and for the life of me, it goes beyond the pale that any judge could say with a straight face that this does not violate our inalienable rights.


The government is either attempting the impossible, by trying to remove all risk from life, or it is moving towards a great reset and a “new normal”, wherein the Bill of Rights means nothing at all. Whatever the case may be, it is taking away our absolute right — Our Freedom to Choose — where and when to go wherever we wish, regardless of any perceived danger. If I wish to enter a worship hall filled to the rooftop with congregants, whether every single one of them is infected with Covid, that Is My Choice — That IS MY RIGHT.


As the King James Bible reads in Isaiah 41:10:


Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”


Americans can take an assortment of actions to stand for freedom and liberty across our nation, however, the legal process isn’t always effective as we are witnessing far too often today, since many times, the judiciary is more corrupt than words can describe and the courts are rigged, presided over by corrupt, bought judges who don’t want to rock the boat, or disturb the political hierarchy. The most powerful solution lies in a peaceful mass refusal to comply with illegal and illegitimate executive orders and edicts, by such a massive critical gathering of Americans in a region, that they become too big to ignore. A gathering of sufficient size refusing to acquiesce, cooperate or obey makes it clear to the few tyrants that we are not their subjects to command.


Freedom-loving Americans, who seek to have their children and their children’s children, and generations beyond, always living free with the greatest amount of personal liberty, must never again accept or allow such moves against our inalienable rights by “experts” and advisors, who hold no exclusive authority in this realm. None of our leaders have ever been elected with the prospect of the severe restriction of our individual liberty in mind, and yet, they have moved against the entire Bill of Rights on the basis of a “crisis”, which has now been proven to have been grossly exaggerated and long been gone, done and over, for all practical purposes and intent. And as such, we must pass legislation limiting our executive’s power in all areas across the board, all states, preventing future abuses of power and lockdowns in America, where lockdowns were never a part of our national identity or thought to be principled for the most part.


Reject, rebuke, censure, impeach and remove all politicians and eradicate all government entities and bureaucracies that make light of freedom and liberty within America and think crises or any other excuse for an “emergency” make Constitutional restraints and the Bill of Rights irrelevant. Never again let anyone so bastardize, twist and manipulate U.S. code to the point that any future generation is forced to endure another dramatic inversion of the concept of liberty, in our supposedly free society, as Americans have endured for months now: Restore our liberty and freedom.


By Justin O. Smith


“The Virus” Vaccine Foreshadows America’s Future

America’s New Surreal and Dystopian Reality? 


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 10/16/2020 3:19 AM


“The Virus” hit American towns like the Big Top Circus blowin’ into town and had its final show, for now, culminating with President Trump catching COVID-19 on October 2nd and admitted into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on October 5th, and in the meantime, [JOS] there was a World Vaccine Congress that had just wrapped up a four day virtual conference on October 1st. It showcased 300 speakers, and it was attended by thousands, including representatives from Big Pharma, the military, the Department of Health and Human Services and many Non-Governmental Organizations, with Dr. Anthony “Dr Doom” Fauci opening the meeting as one of the first keynote speakers, certain to place his imprimatur on anything Bill Gates has proposed for him to advance as an acceptable vaccine for America and the world. [Bold text Editor’s]


All America remembers President Trump’s assurances that any vaccine forthcoming from this recent virus “crisis” would be a voluntary matter, for anyone to accept or reject. I won’t be taking the vaccine, come hell or highwater, but that’s just me. The evidence suggests that it is not going to be something beneficial to us, and that in fact, it will arrive to a point where it is used as a means of control over all society, and there is already a movement underway to eventually require everybody across the globe, including here in America, to take the vaccine; and, I would recommend avoiding taking it like it contained the plague.


Does anyone recall President Trump stating the “military would be used to distribute the vaccine in a very powerful way”?


A military panel was present at the WVC, and it discussed challenges and the strategies required to successfully handle them. People such as myself, those who might resist taking the vaccine, whether from religious reasons or concern over its safety, given its rushed schedule to production, were labeled extremists and Nazis.


But would our government really go so far as to force us to take the vaccine? The answer is yes, and there’s also a greater agenda underlying their involvement, once one considers the nanotechnology employed by Moderna.


Last year, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) called for the U.S. to adopt an AI-driven mass surveillance system far beyond anything seen anywhere else in the world, in order to ensure American hegemony in artificial intelligence [Blog Editor: Justin provided the pdf link to the NSCAI study referenced. Without even reading the 124 page pdf, the title should tell all the nefarious intent you should know: “Chinese Tech Landscape Overview”]. Now, with the advent of “the Virus”, many of the obstacles that had previously prevented its implementation have been swiped away in a single motion under the pretense of combating “the Virus”, a non-threat “threat” and an excuse to grow government power and further diminish the average person’s individual liberty and ability to withstand and reject the too often deep intrusions of government authority upon us all.


This makes studies like the one Yale University did in July even more the worrisome, as its researchers looked at strategies using one’s trust in science, government paid financial incentives [rewards/ bribes] and even guilt and embarrassing non-compliant individuals into taking the vaccine. They were striving to move participants to persuade others to receive the vaccine, by using fear of being treated as a second class citizen and less than a desirable member of society, essentially attempting to create a successful propaganda program to prompt everybody to willing line up to be injected.


On September 16th 2020, the CDC released their initial report [JOS link to CDC report entitled, “COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook for Jurisdiction Operations” – 57 pages] detailing a possible phased progression, on page 11, to complete delivery of the vaccine, starting with healthcare workers. Once enough vaccines are manufactured, a partnership between government and corporations will emerge to facilitate the total distribution of the vaccine, even using churches as focal points for the Community Emergency Response Teams and mobile vaccine units.


Some quaking Covid Cowards, with a string of letters from the alphabet behind their names, wrote an article on June 26th in the New England Journal of Medicine, entitled, [JOS] Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2” (i.e. COVID). And it readily becomes apparent that Michelle M. Mello, J.D., Ph.D., Ross D. Silverman, J.D., M.P.H., and Saad B. Omer, M.B., B.S., M.P.H. care nothing for one’s liberty and freedom or basic personal freedoms as they join the authoritarians one might see in a fiction novel like 1984 and Brave New World, as they write: “… noncompliance should incur a penalty [and] relatively substantive penalties could be justified, including employment suspension or stay-at-home orders for persons in designated high-priority groups who refuse vaccination.” Continuing, these mouthpieces for the new age of tyranny also suggested that fines should be discouraged due to their legal shaky ground, and the fact they “may stoke distrust without improving uptake.”


In June, one reporter from Wired set up a question for Bill Gates: “President Trump has made no secret of his desire to see a vaccine soon, ideally before the November elections. How worried are you, Bill, that the approval process is being hijacked by politics?” Gates responded: “Well that would be a tragedy, and any suggestion that … a politician helped create the vaccine or hasten it is a very dangerous thing.” But somehow, it does appear Gates or the reporter missed the irony of Gates reply. How is a private billionaire, such as Gates, doing the same thing any better?


What about the FDA? the CDC? America has already witnessed several sets of flawed information and science emanating from both agencies, from people, such as Dr Fauci, who is as tight as a tick on a hound with the Director General of WHO Tedros Adhanom and Gates, who have politicized “the Virus” and the hoped for vaccine, to the point they have damaged the public’s confidence in anything they now say. Polls reveal a third of Americans will refuse to get vaccinated — intelligent folks, I’d say — and a majority of Americans believe a vaccine is being rushed.


At this point in time, with the fact that COVID-19 is, in fact, a non-threat for the most part, to the greatest majority of Americans, having an approximate 99.62% survival rate, the entire country should be up in arms and asking why are we still in a nationwide State of Emergency, with most of the states taking even more stringent measures than the federal government ever initially recommended? And just why is the Covid Vaccine still be rushed forward so swiftly? From all the current unfolding events and information, it would seem the answers are money and governmental and societal control.


Taking a closer look at the World Vaccine Congress, one notices that top executives from Janssen, Pfizer, Merck, Moderna, GSK and other pharmaceutical developers and manufacturers were in attendance, and one of the most sensitive topics centered on their intention to use messenger ribonucleic acid — mRNA technology — for the vaccine’s delivery. mRNA carries genetic instructions that act as blueprints for every cell to become a specific type of cell, in its final development stage, whatever that might create.


At the front of the pack, in the race to create this vaccine, one finds Moderna, founded by Derrick Rossi, in 2010, who accidentally discovered mRNA technology, which he explained as a way to “reprogram” the molecules that carry genetic instructions for the cell development in the human body, [and] all biological lifeforms. This represented a new way to produce any kind of a cell within a biological organism, radically changing the course of modern medicine and science, and as it was such a cutting edge technology, it attracted almost a half billion dollars in federal award monies to be directed at creating vaccines using this technology.


Over the years, this technology has expanded and led to more sophisticated implantable technologies and the creation of hydrogel and nanotechnology, advanced by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and its Biological Technologies Office, with the goal of gaining FDA approval, so consumers may soon get the sensors implanted to monitor any number of body functions, as its ultra-advanced design even allows it to interact with a wireless network, like 5G.


Profusa, Inc is the private company created using millions of dollars from Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Health and DARPA for the purpose of marketing this technology. In March 2020, Profusa made “the Virus” scene, when it announced an injectable biochip for detection of viral respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.


There’s been an extreme shift in our government, and over the past decade, too many corrupt dealings have been the rule of the day, but for 2020, the primary focus has been on “the Virus” and Bill Gates has been pushed to the forefront as the face of those supposedly leading the charge against it, the one to “save the day” for America and the world.


However, whenever Gates isn’t spending billions of dollars on projects to develop a global surveillance system, geo-engineer blocking the sun’s rays, recycle feces into water [and actually expecting people to drink it] or have comic book artists paint him as a super-hero, he’s been spending billions on experimental vaccines and birth control technologies, up to and including a remote-controlled micro-chip implant.


That all may sound crazy, but it has actually already happened. These aren’t theories. They’re just the plain fact of the matter.


Why is any of this important one might wonder. It’s important to know who Gates is and what he intends, since most of those companies, researchers, scientists and corporate pharmaceutical heads involved in the current search for a COVID-19 vaccine are all directly tied to Gates, in one fashion or another.


President Trump’s main man behind “Operation Warp Speed” and the vaccine initiative is Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the former head of pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline’s vaccine division, who had to quit the board of directors at Moderna to take the job, as he dumped over $10 million in Moderna stock, after it briefly skyrocketed in price following the announcement of promising early vaccine trial results. Currently he sits on several boards of companies involved in vaccine development and bioelectronics.


Unfortunately, this makes the President seem to be out of touch with the reality of what is transpiring under his nose, or he is actually advancing the agenda of Big Pharma for some inexplicable reason.


Dr Slauoi and GSK have a long twenty-seven year history of working with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [JOS] Trump Appoints Big Pharma Exec Connected to Bill Gates to Head Vaccine Developments on projects such as the development of anti-HIV compounds used as microbicides and a malaria vaccine, and they ultimately partnered with Gates on a $600 million malaria vaccine. Shortly after Slauoi took the helm at GSK, his predecessor, Tachi Yamada, joined the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, noted by Derrick Broze on May 15th in The American Vagabond.


Screen Capture from JOS email – Donald Trump – Moncef Slaoui


Look at Gates, a billionaire worth $106 billion, and supposedly the second wealthiest man on the planet. His wealth is greater than that of thirty-eight countries. And, with President Trump starting a year long process of removing the United States from the World Health Organization and halting U.S. funding for the WHO, in April 2020, Bill Gates is left as the WHO’s number one financial donor. This largesse gives Gates an undue and extraordinary influence over the WHO’s agenda.


And no one exactly saw the media jumping all over themselves to report the fact that this man also is the guy who government officials are running to — left and right — to promote everywhere they can, in the face of this situation. And the media was supposed to be our unofficial Fourth Branch of Government … right? The protection of who’s press freedom was protected in the First Amendment, spelled out in the Bill of Rights has been solidly undermined by billionaire philanthropies over the last century.


Gates, through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has been funding everything from our media outlets to journalism institutes around the globe for years, giving money over time to big names like ABC, NBC, National Public Radio, BBC, London Guardian, Al Jazeera, Univision Medium, the Atlantic, Financial Times, that’s just naming a few, and not to mention organizations like the Investigative Center for Reporting, or charitable organization outlets affiliated with major news organizations like BBC Media Action or the New York Times Media Cases Fund.


The man, who once paid to have himself portrayed as a comic book super-hero, has also funded media companies, that then went on to create so-called “documentaries, that then depicted Gates in a positive light. See how that worked?


Gates recently told NBC that “a lot of people” will eventually need to take a second “super-effective” vaccine to combat the Covid Virus that might be years away. He and others seem intent on eliminating it altogether, as so many authoritarian types seem to suggest it is government’s and society’s obligation to remove all risk from life, before life can return to normal, here in America and across the globe, and yet, what they propose is so far from “normal” as to present a new reality that is both surreal and dystopian.


Consider that a person may find their computer inoperable, unless one accepts the ever insistent “upgrades” we are constantly deluged with from the internet cloud and Windows. There’s just not a lot of alternative choices. And similarly, the current movement, largely from the corner of America’s leftists and outright communists hope to use this vaccine to usher in the same sort of Social Credit system utilized in China. Without a vaccine and an associated micro-chip implant in one’s body, or at the very minimum an actual digital certificate of some type to be presented everywhere one goes in the public arena, those new authoritarians hope to be able to tell each of us, either we comply with their every demand or we suffer, pushed to the fringe of society as second class citizens, or worse.


Quite telling and perhaps a bit foreshadowing even, one of the intro screens to Windows 10 even uses a visual metaphor that likens its users to sheep.


So this man, this ordinary man, an unelected nobody despite his wealth, has become one of the main faces of the so-called “health crisis of 2020. He’s made all these media rounds, where breathless pundits and “journalists” promote him everywhere as our “savior”, asking “why didn’t we listen to him”, and in the meantime, it’s also glaringly apparent this year that Gates believes himself to be at a level of authority, where he can actually get by with telling us all, that we’re going to “have to be approved”, after this non-crisis “crisis” is over, to be granted permission to enter businesses again. And such “permission” will be received after one accepts one of his novel vaccines that he’s funded, complete with its digital code to prove we’ve received it.


In a March 18th 2020 Reddit “Ask Me Anything” session, Gates is quotes saying: “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently, or when we have a vaccine, who has received it.”


Gates is saying that everybody is going to be required to have authorization through a new system put in place, as described in one area as a “digital certificate”, that he asserts we will be expected to use in the real world. So everybody will “NEED” the vaccine.


So, the large majority of people in the world are going to go from using windows to access their computer and the internet to now being required to use whatever this new digital certificate will be, as a portal, a pass card, to transact business and participate in society in the physical world.


So let’s think about this.


Though these modern new age devices and technologies offer benefit and innovation, they are not necessary, for the most part, nor should they become necessary to our lives. Men and women managed to live just fine long before these systems and devices were placed in our hands, and we certainly don’t require any new age overseers using technology to drive us down into a condition of serfdom.  That these systems and platforms would act as a check to our access to many avenues of that necessary and preexisting portion of life and connection in physical society is repugnant and reprehensible. These suggested controls directed against society and individuals and any new vaccine emanating from this current vaccine drive must be rejected solidly by the people, who need to become free-thinking enough again to recognize what’s really at stake here.


Americans are not serfs, not yet. We are not victims. We are free born men and women. And we must unite in one voice against these new age tyrants, stating in no uncertain terms that we are still a free and independent people, unwilling to relinquish our bodies to their experiments and control or to be subjugated by any means, period.


Refuse to legitimize these new controls over all society and the “ruling elite”, the petty tyrants, who seek to use them for their own ends, and refuse to consent to any fundamental shift away from our Inalienable God-given Rights. Revoke their presumptive authority and deny them any further bond with the people. And in essence, reset the balance of power, even should that reset one day require “Watering the Tree of Liberty with the Blood of Tyrants”.


These things are supposed to be benefitting our lives, not stripping us away to abject submission to digital slavery. And though it seems as though people are nonchalant in giving away their consent and abandoning their individual sovereignty, we need to once more recall that our own freedom and liberty is a precious jewel, the essential heart of our existence here on earth, graced by our God. All people are, and have a right to be, sovereign and free. And nobody has any right to separate us — to cut us away — from that condition of our life. As much as we have scorned those who have attempted to do so in previous centuries, we should vehemently scorn any such attempt today. Although it may occur without the literal implementation of intimidation and chains; nonetheless revoking the natural state of God-given inherent freedom on the modern half-digital, half-physical frontier is unacceptable, and it can only be answered by way of the strongest refusal to comply, no matter how that manifests itself.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Most embedded links are by Justin O. Smith the rest by the Blog Editor. Text enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith

Combat ALL Forms of COVID Totalitarianism

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Posted October 7, 2020

I continue to be amazed on the degree of COVID fearmongering has affected sheep-minded brainwashed gullible people who follow disputed science mandates. I am also surprised President Trump who in a previous livelihood became famous for telling the incompetent, “YOU’RE FIRED!” – and yet the President retains flip-flopping heads of government science/medical institutions in their positions. Screw the lying Dems and their propaganda machine MSM. Place scientists/doctors who have science that lines up with Trump’s vision in leadership to open America responsibly in the quickest manner possible.

With those thoughts in mind here are a couple of posts that contradict fearmongering COVID-science with commonsense science.

JRH 10/7/20

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OR just buy some FEEL GOOD coffee, that includes immune boosting products.


Lockdown: The New Totalitarianism


Posted by Tyler Durden

10/05/2020 – 18:20


By Jeffrey A. Tucker 

Originally: American Institute for Economic Research

Originally posted October 1, 2020

Every political ideology has three elements:

  1. a vision of hell with an enemy that needs to be crushed,
  2. a vision of a more perfect world, and
  3. a plan for transitioning from one to the other.

The means of transition usually involve the takeover and deployment of society’s most powerful tool: the state. For this reason, ideologies trend totalitarian. They depend fundamentally on overriding people’s preferences and choices and replacing them with scripted and planned belief systems and behaviors.


An obvious case is communism. Capitalism is the enemy, while worker control and the end of private property is the heaven, and the means to achieve the goal is violent expropriation. Socialism is a softer version of the same: in the Fabian tradition, you get there through piecemeal economic planning.

The ideology of racism posits something different. The hell is ethnic integration and race mixing, the heaven is racial homogeneity, and the means of change is the marginalization or killing off of some races. Fascism imagines global trade, individualism, and immigration to be the enemy while a mighty nationalism is heaven: the means of change is a great leader. You can observe the same about certain brands of theocratic religious traditionalism.

Each of these ideologies comes with a primary intellectual focus, a kind of story designed to occupy the mind. Think about exploitation. Think about inequality. Think about race theory. Think about national identity. Think about salvation. Each comes with its own language to signal one’s attachment to the ideology.

Most of the above ideologies are well worn. We have plenty of experience to draw on from history to observe the patterns, recognize the adherents, and refute the theories.

This year has given us a new ideology with totalitarian tendencies. It has a vision of hell, of heaven, and a means of transition. It has a unique language apparatus. It has a mental focus. It has signaling systems to reveal and recruit adherents.

That ideology is called lockdown. We might as well add the ism to the word: lockdownism.

Its vision of hell is a society in which pathogens run freely. Its heaven is a society managed entirely by medical technocrats whose main job is the suppression of all disease. The mental focus is the viruses and other bugs. The anthropology is to regard all human beings as little more than sacks of deadly pathogens. The people susceptible to the ideology are the people with various degrees of mysophobia [Blog Editor: I had to look up that phobia. If you too are uninformed: The Free Dictionary], once regarded as a mental problem now elevated to the status of social awareness.

This year has been the first test of lockdownism. It included the most intrusive, comprehensive, and near-global controls of human beings and their movements in recorded history. Even in countries where the rule of law and liberties are sources of national pride, people were put under house arrest. Their churches and businesses were closed. The police have been unleashed to enforce it all and arrest open dissent. The devastation compares with wartime except that it was a government-imposed war on people’s right to move and exchange freely. We still cannot travel.

And remarkably, after all of this, what remains missing is the empirical evidence, from anywhere in the world, that this shocking and unprecedented regime had any effect on controlling much less stopping the virus. Even more remarkably, the few places that remained fully open (South Dakota, Sweden, Tanzania, Belarus), points out Will Jones, “lost no more than 0.06% of their population to the virus,” in contrast to high deaths lockdown New York and Britain.

Early on, most people went along, thinking that it was somehow necessary and short term. Two weeks stretched to 30 days which stretched to 7 months, and now we are told there will never be a time when we don’t practice this new public-policy faith. It’s a new totalitarianism. And with all such regimes, there is one set of rules for the rulers and another for the ruled.

The language apparatus is now incredibly familiar: curve flattening, spread slowing, social distancing, targeted layered containment, non-pharmaceutical intervention. The enemy is the virus and anyone who isn’t living their life solely to avoid contamination. Because you can’t see the virus, that usually means generating a paranoia of The Other: someone unlike you has the virus. Anyone could be a super spreader and you can recognize them by their noncompliance.

If Robert Glass or Neil Ferguson deserve to be called the founders of this movement, one of its most famous practitioners is Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes for Health. His vision of the future is positively shocking: it includes restrictions on who you can have in your home, the end of all large events, the end of travel, perhaps an attack on pets, and the effective dismantlement of all cities. Anthony Fauci explains:

“Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as well as other radical changes that may take decades to achieve: rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence, from cities to homes to workplaces, to water and sewer systems, to recreational and gatherings venues. In such a transformation we will need to prioritize changes in those human behaviors that constitute risks for the emergence of infectious diseases. Chief among them are reducing crowding at home, work, and in public places as well as minimizing environmental perturbations such as deforestation, intense urbanization, and intensive animal farming.


Equally important are ending global poverty, improving sanitation and hygiene, and reducing unsafe exposure to animals, so that humans and potential human pathogens have limited opportunities for contact. It is a useful “thought experiment” to note that until recent decades and centuries, many deadly pandemic diseases either did not exist or were not significant problems. Cholera, for example, was not known in the West until the late 1700s and became pandemic only because of human crowding and international travel, which allowed new access of the bacteria in regional Asian ecosystems to the unsanitary water and sewer systems that characterized cities throughout the Western world.


This realization leads us to suspect that some, and probably very many, of the living improvements achieved over recent centuries come at a high cost that we pay in deadly disease emergencies. Since we cannot return to ancient times, can we at least use lessons from those times to bend modernity in a safer direction? These are questions to be answered by all societies and their leaders, philosophers, builders, and thinkers and those involved in appreciating and influencing the environmental determinants of human health.”

Fauci’s entire essay reads like an attempted lockdown manifesto, complete with the fully expected longings for the state of nature and an imagined purification of life. Reading this utopian plan for a society without pathogens helps explain one of the strangest features of lockdownism: its puritanism. Notice that the lockdown particularly attacked anything that resembles fun: Broadway, movies, sports, travel, bowling, bars, restaurants, hotels, gyms, and clubs. Still now there are curfews in place to stop people from staying out too late — with absolutely no medical rationale. Pets are on the list too.

If an activity is fun, it is a target.


There is a moral element here. The thinking is that the more fun people are having, the more choices that are their own, the more disease (sin) spreads. It’s a medicalized version of Savonarola’s [a bio] religious ideology [a perspective] that led to the Bonfire of the Vanities [Two perspectives: HERE & HERE].


What’s remarkable is that Fauci was ever in a position to influence policy through his closeness to power, and he did in fact have a strong influence over the White House in turning an open policy into a lockdown one. Only once the White House caught on to his real agenda was he removed from the inner circle.

Lockdownism has all the expected elements. It has a maniacal focus on one life concern – the presence of pathogens – to the exclusion of every other concern. The least of the concerns is human liberty. The second least concern is the freedom of association. The third least concern is property rights. All of this must bow to the technocratic discipline of the disease mitigators. Constitutions and limits on government do not matter. And notice too how little medical therapeutics even figure in here. It’s not about making people get better. It’s about controlling the whole of life.

Note too that there is not the slightest concern here for trade-offs or unintended consequences. In the Covid-19 lockdowns, hospitals were emptied out due to restrictions on elective surgeries and diagnostics. That suffering from this disastrous decision will be with us for many years. The same is true of vaccinations for other diseases: they plummeted during the lockdowns. In other words, the lockdowns don’t even achieve good health outcomes; they do the opposite. Early evidence points to soring drug overdoses, depression, and suicide.

This is sheer fanaticism, a kind of insanity wrought by a wild vision of a one-dimensional world in which the whole of life is organized around disease avoidance. And there is an additional presumption here that our bodies (via the immune system) have not evolved alongside viruses for a million years. No recognition of that reality. Instead the sole goal is to make “social distancing” the national credo. Let us speak more plainly: what this really means is forced human separation. It means the dismantlement of markets, cities, in-person sports events, and the end of your right to move around freely.

All this is envisioned in Fauci’s manifesto. The entire argument rests on a simple error: the belief that more human contact spreads more disease and death. In contrast, Oxford’s eminent epidemiologist Sunetra Gupta argues that globalism and more human contact has boosted immunities and made life vastly safer for everyone.

The lockdowners have had surprising success in convincing people of their wild views. You only need to believe that virus avoidance is the only goal for everyone in society, and then spin out the implications from there. Before you know it, you have joined a new totalitarian cult.

The lockdowns are looking less like a gigantic error and more like the unfolding of a fanatical political ideology and policy experiment that attacks core postulates of civilization at their very root. It’s time we take it seriously and combat it with the same fervor with which a free people resisted all the other evil ideologies that sought to strip humanity of dignity and replace freedom with the terrifying dreams of intellectuals and their government sock puppets.

[Blog Editor: Text and embedded links enclosed by brackets in the above cross post are by the Blog Editor.]


Covid-19: The Lies And The Reality – Covid-19 Is A False Flag Pandemic Designed For Political Purposes – The Creation Of A Global Dictatorship With A Sanitary Excuse 


‘Without the Mainstream Media running cover 24-7 for them, this criminal conspiracy attack would have ended by now’


The Bill Gates Plannedemic- Ben Garrison toon


By R.X. Kendrick

October 4, 2020

All News Pipeline

It is time for the immediate end to COVID mandates and the total restoration of unrestricted civil liberties NOW!

A virus did not do this. No virus did this to planet earth and mankind. To worldwide civilian populations. Extended lockdowns and restricted travel? No virus did this to international freedoms, national freedoms or local freedoms.

No virus forced mandatory mask-wearing on little children and the elderly. No virus caused isolation or social distancing. It wasn’t a virus that forced all these things on our worldwide economic community of nations. No virus did all of this. There has been something else going on. This has not been a real worldwide “pandemic” threat. This has been “a colossal Biggest Medical Scam Ever” control measure attack on world civilizations. Committed by a vast consortium of corrupt people with extreme ill will and intent by multiple forms of attack to sell their product: “Fear.”

To deceive everyone into believing their health is really at risk from a scary pandemic that never was. Their children’s health is at risk too. Mandatory compliance is enforced if you don’t follow the unsafe economically insane rules made up by politicians with no credentials, license or authority to play doctor with anybody else’s health. Complying to these health-endangering “impromptu medical rules” is not the right response.

Belgian doctors and health professionals recently wrote an open letter to Belgian authorities and media addressing the entire topic. Demanding ”immediate” comprehensive changes:

“We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore. The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.


“We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties… A cure must not be worse than the problem.”


Doctors and health professionals should be heard before politicians make up impromptu health rules with no medical training or experience to justify what they demand. Like 49th Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer deciding all children in youth sports must wear masks in youth competitions.

How many pediatricians believe this would be healthy for a child? None.

Masks are unsafe. This has been exposed by many sources all over the world now. A casual online search will bring up more articles than need be referenced here. It is a fact of medical science everyone used to go by as standard practice and protocol. Something everybody is supposed to already know, in other words.

Here is a link that presents the mask-is-unsafe reality at a user-friendly glance. In summarized bullet statements and quotes with main points listed for easy skim-reading.

The Health American on Face Masks

Here’s another link to a short video with Dr. Ted Noel showing how funny it looks trying out all the common masks with a vape. Inhaling first, then putting the mask over his mouth and nose and exhaling. The viewer gets to cackle in laughter as each mask is proven to be ridiculously inefficient. So we get to SEE just how poorly the masks are not doing anything to protect anybody around you when you’re wearing a mask.

[Blog Editor: All News Pipeline uses a Brighteon video version of Dr. Ted Noel exposing futility of wearing masks. BUT for embedding purposes I found a Youtube version that hasn’t been censored yet which I will embed here. In case censorship catches up, here’s the Brighteon link:]




[Posted by John Caleb Warren

31.2K subscribers – Aug 8, 2020

Doctor Ted Noel, an anesthesiologist with 36 years experience wearing masks in operating rooms explains why masks don’t work.]


The world already learned from the 1918 Spanish Flu how masks don’t work but are actually unhealthy to users and should not be worn by the public.

Dr. Fauci and the WHO had to know about the Spanish Flu mask trial of US health and medical history. That is probably why Fauci, the HHS and the WHO all agreed: “There is no need for the public to wear masks.” Announcing in the first quarter of 2020 universally as the traditional position that has been followed ever since 1918.

The HHS, Department of Health and Human Services took this same position that masks were not recommended. Not customarily and not now, they told us. Their mission statement says their purpose is to “enhance the health and well-being of all Americans.”

“The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans, by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services.” 

So the HHS was following the traditional protocol health officials have followed for the past 100-years, so they knew the right advice to tell us. Masks are not effective, not needed, but a real threat to human health and dangerous.

So, why did they collectively decide to all change their positions on masks? With the WHO in the lead flip-flopping too. For no known reason abruptly going against their own traditional practice and protocol of not recommending masks. Changing their stories to tell us the unprecedented. Masks are not only needed but should be mandatory in many situations.

Tossing a century’s-long run of protecting the public by not requiring the public to wear masks, the primary agencies and individuals all did this about-face turn around on us in early April of this year. Does that make any sense? Talk about suspicious! Turnabouts where standards and protocols are reversed overnight rarely happen without ulterior motives lurking in the shadows.

Changing their own recommended guidelines to contradict decades-long practices does not make sense. All of them agreeing to the wholesale sell-out of their own standards, then talking the Surgeon General of the United States into flip-flopping against his better judgment. Who acquiesced in a written statement that sounded like he was trying to justify something he knew wasn’t really right.

Thanks again to the Belgian doctors and health-profession friends for seeing through it all. Because I’ve always known something wasn’t right about this PLANDEMIC. It has always seemed like was being way too orchestrated by a hidden hand behind the scenes. I appreciate how these Belgians rallied into a force to go after one of the main players they allege to have been behind it all: The WHO.

Belgian Health Plague Info

Elsewhere we find out why the WHO is getting challenged so directly by doctors and health professionals from different countries. Because just as the entire event has shown signs of not being legit all along. We now know it was indeed preplanned and not legit by any means in any way.

It is actually a criminal operation being carried out by a desperate international deep state cabal who have chosen this hour to make or break their plans for us. They believe this is their hour of opportunity. Right now today. What they did not expect is how fast people with new technology would unravel and reveal what they’re doing in real time as it happens.

The digital warriors of today are doing a great job of exposing things that don’t make sense about what is happening in an unrelenting pursuit of the truth. Without the Mainstream Media running cover 24-7 for them this criminal conspiracy attack would have ended by now.

“A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference:


‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’


“This large group of medical experts publishes a medical newspaper on 500,000 copies every week, to inform the public about the massive misinformation in the mainstream media.


“They also organize mass protests in Europe, like the one on August 29, 2020 where 12 million people signed up and several million actually showed up.


“In Spain a group of 600 medical doctors called ‘Doctors for Truth’ made a similar statement during a press conference.


“Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation, by spreading the truth.”


Do these 1,100-strong professionals from Germany and Spain know something we don’t know? How can they say this virus outbreak was premeditated and criminal?

The reason they can call it a premeditated “global crime” is because their advance preparation has been uncovered. A post was made to social media September 6, 2020 that shared evidence to prove two years before the fake COVID-19 SCAMDEMIC arrived, countries all around the world were already preparing for it! Imagine that.

Long before the crisis arrived. The USA, EU, China and many other nations were all buying and/or selling large quantities of… Guess what?

COVID-19 Test Kits!!

Can you see why the source document on the Internet was changed on the site the next day after the post to expose the scam was made? They did it to hide the evidence that everything was well in play years ago.

Buying huge quantities of COVID-19 test kits for millions of dollars years in advance. The EU went all-in committing $17-million-plus for COVID-19 test kits in 2017 alone. Betting the virus would be Coming Soon! Nations across the globe were buying tons of test kits that have since been found to be contaminated by the very coronavirus to be they were supposed testing for.

Tainted CDC Coronavirus Test Kits

How did the test kits get contaminated with the COVID-19? How could that possibly be an accident? And how many billions of dollars in profit did the test kits already make the sadistic perpetrators over two years before the PLANDEMIC even hit?

Wouldn’t you like to know who the real faces and individuals are and from what companies they are buying and selling these test kits for over 2-years before the boogeyman-virus “escaped” Wuhan. When nobody in the world needed the test kits. This whole thing is sloppy stinky joke.

What if these bandits had bet on the wrong horse like happens at the racetrack! What if a cure was found first so no COVID-19 would ever happen!! What would these countries do with all the outdated test kits they paid so much money for? How would they defend their overt waste of public funds by such a risky gamble?

Unless they already knew it was a good bet in advance. Mm-hmmm

What has happened was intended to happen. What did not happen is because it was STOPPED by good-hearted people who don’t even know each other all around the world working together to end the BS narrative and BS measures, orders and restrictions. The digital warrior private-eye computer sleuths who are working 24-7 to expose what’s happening in real time. As it happens discerning it, testing their insights and ideas in the moment and running with their guesstimates to keep pushing till they find it.

Then they report it right then online. If anybody gets it right everybody else knows it immediately and the process is in motion again always like this constantly. Worldwide Crimes Against ALL Humanity do not happen that often. But the scale of this “Crime of Crimes Against Humanity” is so vast there are an endless number of directions the digital sleuths can target and run with. And that’s just what they’re doing. And that’s what’s causing the Dark Cabal Agents so much trouble.

How do you keep up a fake spirit of riot and plunder attitude if you’re just a paid conscript acting for the New World Dark Forces. You don’t have any real passion but it’s great pay and really an easy job. Even entertaining and interesting traveling from riot city to riot city. The total opposite of the Digital Sleuths. Who almost fiendishly keep digging like their lives depended on it. Or the lives of their family and friends depended on it.

They never bother to concern themselves with the fact the sheer number of them is a force beyond intimidating. But the fact that they never stop goes beyond the fact that they never give up. They target the next thing to look into and away they go. But everything is being targeted at once there are so many of them. Multiple sleuths are looking into the same thing at the same time always and always. Right now they’re doing it.

When any one of them figures something out they post it. If anybody gets it right everybody knows it immediately and this process stays in motion always constantly.

The list of complicit perps is too expansive to deal with in this article. But I like speaking out against our common enemies. Life coaches say it’s a good idea to verbalize your will, wishes and dreams. It is good to speak out loud about them. So I gladly speak outload and say, I believe it is true. It is just a matter of time before all involved in this SCAMDEMIC will be fully exposed and dealt with by God or Man if the Digital Sleuths don’t beat everybody to it. Bring it on.

Let Freedom Ring!

Working together without knowing each other all over the world, but in their hearts loving the truth and living the good. Living the truth and loving the good. Being the lights set on a hill that shine through the darkness to overcome the evil.

And all liberty-lovers said: The gig is up. Bring it on.

Let the fat lady sing!

We know who you are and more of us will be fighting to bring you to justice and reclaim our lives and futures than ever before. You woke us up. We won’t be so gullible anymore. It’s time to start taking back our lives from the maniacs who so freely abuse their powers against us.

UN Chief Guterres Calls for Global Governance

We know what this fake pandemic was really about. We know the end-goal of the NWO twerps is to overthrow us. We know what you want UN and we don’t like you or your agenda.

The free world would rather remain free with sovereign nations keeping their customs and faiths and independent existence. We don’t want your bad bag of goods UN help or interference. We proudly appreciate and honor nationalism and will fight to protect our civil liberties and freedoms.

We do not want One World Government. Period. We will fight for what is already ours by God-given right and never bow to your will against us. Even when you try to scare us by pitching the coronavirus like it was really a frightening pandemic destined to take the lives of millions.

We will not bow to any supranational entity that has its own interests ahead of ours. Even when you use your own attacks on us as your reasoning to call for our submission to your will.

Supranational: A supranational organization is a multinational union or association in which member countries cede their authority and sovereignty on at least some internal matters to the multinational hierarchy, whose decisions are binding on its members.

We know where this is all leading if we don’t stop you. We know your end goal intent.

In response to almost all nations on earth struggling with the COVID-19 threat the UN Chief came out and announced HE WANTED TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

This “body” of global governance is THEM and whoever they want to bring with them.

You know, that’s what I was thinking on New Year’s Eve 2020. “Thank you Lord for the UN wanting a Body of One World Government to be in power over me! Yes, maybe it could happen this year?”

Let us remember the clear WARNING of the medical professionals from Germany and Spain. And may we “spread the truth” until this “Global Crime Syndicate” behind the 2020 coronavirus threat is crushed into the dust. Into the past.

“The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.”


“Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation, by spreading the truth.”


A virus didn’t do any of this. The virus was just the scapegoat used to make people believe they should fear, so they would follow ridiculous unconventional protocols intended to herd us into the globalist trap of being our own prison Cell Guards. In our own Prison Homes. In our own Solitary Confinement. In Restricted Isolation isolated from one another. Separated. Subdued. If we obeyed the insane mandates willingly and played along with the charade to stay afraid long enough.

The virus was a ploy to fool us into playing along compliantly instead of resisting aggressively.

Brighteon VIDEO: Medical Tyranny Lockdown/Mask is Permanent, says U.N.

[Blog Editor: The Brighteon embed probably won’t take on WordPress, ergo here is the video link:]


[Posted by InfoWars – Alex Jones Channel

Posted October 1, 2020

Alex Jones breaks down the push to lockdown the global population permanently under unelected global authoritarian control systems. MORE TO READ]

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this story are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of ANP.)

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Lockdown: The New Totalitarianism


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Covid-19: The Lies And The Reality – Covid-19 Is A False Flag Pandemic Designed For Political Purposes – The Creation Of A Global Dictatorship With A Sanitary Excuse 


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For COVID Pandemic: Forget Double-Blind Pipedreams & Examine Global HCQ Results

John R. Houk

© August 8, 2020


Dr. Fauci and his cohort of Globalist Scientists demand random double-blind placebo trials to measure the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) treatments for COVID-19. Telling Americans essentially: No double-blind means no scientific proof.


SO YOU SHOULD ASK YOURSELF: “How exactly does a random double-blind placebo trial function? Here is some excerpts from explaining the process of which I will provide the link if you think you need the entire context:


Double Blind


In the context of a clinical trial, double-blind means that neither the patients nor the researchers know who is getting a placebo and who is getting the treatment. Because patients don’t know what they’re getting, their belief about what will happen doesn’t taint the results. Because the researchers don’t know either, they can’t hint to patients about what they’re getting, and they also won’t taint results through their own biased expectations about what the results will be.



Placebo and Control Groups


A placebo is an inactive substance (often a sugar pill) given to a patient in place of medication.


In drug trials, a control group is given a placebo while another group is given the drug (or other treatment) being studied. That way, researchers can compare the drug’s effectiveness against the placebo’s effectiveness.2


Placebo-controlled refers to a control group receiving a placebo. …


Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial


Thus, a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial is a medical study involving human participants in which neither side knows who’s getting what treatment and placebo are given to a control group.



The highest-quality studies are also randomized, meaning that subjects are randomly assigned to placebo and intervention groups. … (Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial Basics; By Adrienne Dellwo – Medically reviewed by Claudia Chaves, MD;; Updated on 1/23/20)


So get this straight! The doctors distributing trial medicine and the patients participating in the trial are UNAWARE who is getting medicine with hoped for curative results and who is getting a sugar pill which will have zero medical affect. Imagine how this process would work with infected COVID patients with some receiving HCQ and others a sugar pill. Sounds like the double-blind condemns sugar pill recipients to severe illness potentially leading to death – WITH CERTAINTY.


AND YET today is there has been a huge amount of COVID patients treated by doctors GLOBALLY with significant recovery results that a long-term double-blind may or may not have ran its clinical course to make Globalist Scientists stamp of approval or failure.


INDEED, it is becoming quite evident Big Pharma seeing no big dividend in positive HCQ double-blind trials has actually had the trials hindered with false information. Big Pharma desires big dividends from expensive drugs with hoped for positive results.


Hydroxychloroquine has been around for over 65 years with no serious side affects in play UNTIL the inexpensive anti-malarial drug showed promise against a COVID pandemic unleashed by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) incompetence or designed purpose (YOU decide which).


Yesterday I posted on Dr. Ramin Oskoui of Johns Hopkins Medicine sharing data of nations outside the USA using HCQ having a 79% COVID lower death rate. HCQ is effective that in the pocket of Big Pharma Scientists and Medical Doctors should at least be exposed to Civil Penalties AND due to unnecessary COVID deaths perhaps a criminal investigation is warranted.


Thanks to a Facebook Friend (Col Holtzinger) on yesterday’s post, here’s a Washington Times post by Everett Piper who enumerates positive HCQ results from sources who until validating HCQ where quite scientifically respected. Yet now the disinformation Marxists and Crony Capitalist concerned about political control and/or profits are disparaging.


JRH 8/8/20

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How Democrats’ Trump Derangement Syndrome is literally killing people

Abundant evidence that hydroxychloroquine has great benefit


Illustration on the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times


By Everett Piper

August 7, 2020

The Washington Times


I’ve generally tried to stay out of the hydroxychloroquine debate. My hesitation has been for one reason and one reason only: I have no degree in medicine, and I don’t want to pretend otherwise. As my youngest son has said of my Ph.D., “Dad’s not a real doctor. He can’t really help anybody.”


With my lack of medical credentials noted, however, I have decided it is time to get off the sidelines and engage this issue.




Put simply, the Democrats’ Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is literally killing people.


Consider the following from the recent news cycle.


On July 23, 2020, the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS) provided the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration copious amounts of data showing, among other things, that countries using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) are attaining far lower mortality rates than the United States. “The mortality rate from COVID-19 in countries that allow access to HCQ,” said the AAPS, “is only one-tenth the mortality rate of countries where there is interference with this medication, such as the United States.”


Did you catch that? One-tenth the mortality rate means that our country’s current death count of about 160,000 could be and perhaps should be, as low as 16,000.


Oh, but I assume you’ve been told that the AAPS is a “fringe group” of “conservative” doctors who should be discredited?


Well, aside from the fact that such a claim is a textbook example of the Socratic fallacy of an ad hominem attack, i.e., “shooting the messenger rather than attending to the message,” there’s more, lots more.


First, there’s the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan, which recently published a study involving thousands of patients where HCQ proved to be both very safe and highly effective in treating COVID-19. This study reports reducing mortality by 50%. Did you catch that? Fifty percent.


Then, there’s the Palmer Foundation report published last week highlighting the Indian slum of Dharavi. This is Asia’s biggest and densest slum, housing more than a million people. In the early days of the pandemic, Dharavi suffered a cluster outbreak. Doctors report containing it by using proactive measures, “including the use of hydroxychloroquine for prophylaxis (preventive) treatment.” As a result, Dharavi’s COVID-19 infection rate dropped drastically from April through June, and in July, new infections were very low, almost reaching zero on July 9.”


Yes, you read that correctly. “Almost reaching zero.”


Still the stuff of right-wing nut jobs, you smirk?


Well, there is Harvey, A. Risch, MD, Ph.D., professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health (generally not known as a bastion of conservative political thought), who recently wrote in Newsweek magazine: “I am … flummoxed to find that, in the midst of a crisis, I am fighting for a treatment that the data fully support but which, for reasons having nothing to do with a correct understanding of the science, has been pushed to the sidelines. As a result, tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily.”


Yes, you read that correctly. “Tens of thousands of patients are dying unnecessarily.”


Dr. Risch then goes on to cite study after study showing the efficacy of HCQ. There is a study involving 400 high-risk patients treated by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, with zero deaths. There are four studies totaling almost 500 high-risk patients treated in nursing homes and clinics across the U.S., with no deaths. There is a controlled trial of more than 700 high-risk patients in Brazil, with significantly reduced hospitalization and two deaths among 334 patients.


There is another study of 398 matched patients in France, also with significantly reduced hospitalization. And there is the reverse natural experiment in Switzerland where on May 27 the Swiss national government banned outpatient use of hydroxychloroquine. By June 10, COVID-19 deaths had increased four-fold and remained elevated. On June 11, the Swiss government revoked the ban, and on June 23, the death rate reverted to what it had been beforehand.


Like many of you, I may not have a degree in medicine. But, as with tens of thousands of you, I do have enough of an education to recognize that when any government politicizes medicine, that far from “just saving one life,” that same government likely just took the lives of tens of thousands.


There is abundant evidence that HCQ has great benefit.


If we would have started using it in March as President Trump suggested, we would potentially be talking about 16,000 deaths right now rather than 160,000. That means that our arrogant little despots such as Govs. Andrew Cuomo of New York, Gavin Newsom of California and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan have killed more than 120,000 people so far.


Put entire populations out of work and under quarantine where they are forced to spend 24/7 confined in close quarters with others who may or may not have brought the virus into the home. Then force sick senior citizens into nursing homes where they are likely to contaminate the entire facility. Then refuse to let doctors prescribe medication shown to be beneficial in treating the disease. Now that’ll fix the surplus human population and save the planet, won’t it?


What a deal. What a Green New Deal.


Everett Piper (, @dreverettpiper), a columnist for The Washington Times, is a former university president and radio host. He is the author of “Not a Daycare: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth” (Regnery).


For COVID Pandemic: Forget Double-Blind Pipedreams & Examine Global HCQ Results

John R. Houk

© August 8, 2020


How Democrats’ Trump Derangement Syndrome is literally killing people


All site contents © Copyright 2020 The Washington Times, LLC


Globalist Science Lines Pockets – Real Science Saves Lives

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© July 15, 2020


HCQ [i.e. Hydroxychloroquine] has been off patent for decades, is available from a dozen U.S. generic manufacturers, and is also produced in China, India, Israel, and other countries. HCQ costs the patient on average less than $10 (range 37-63 cents per tablet), for the usual 5-7 day course of treatment. Remdesivir costs upwards of $1,000 per dose, plus the added costs of having to be hospitalized to receive it. (Tale of Two Drugs: Money vs. Medical Wisdom; By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.; The New American; 5/7/20)


As an American looking for effective ways to confront COVID-19 until an actual vaccine is developed (DO NOT take anything connected to depopulation Bill Gates supported labs), cost and efficacy come to mind. Globalist scientists are pushing extremely expensive Remdesivir as an alternative treatment as opposed to scientifically proven much less expensive treatments. Even Remdesivir’s primary advocate Dr. Anthony Fauci admits a 30% effective rate.


One now proven treatment publicly condemned by Globalist agenda scientists is Hydroxychloroquine that has shown marvelous success against COVID-19 especially when combined with azithromycin and zinc. The Globalists lied, the Dems lied and the Mainstream Media propaganda machine has been lying.


It is apparent Globalist scientists are Crony Capitalist Communists, actual science seeks to benefit individuals. Although Globalist Marxist will call a non-MSM media outlet such as News Target a Conspiracy Theiry source, this news story utilizes actual science that the lying MSM can’t stand.


JRH 7/15/20

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The Great COVID-19 Deception … and What You Need to Know to SURVIVE


By Mike Adams


News Target


Today we feature a contributed article by Gary Heavin, who has been intimately involved in working with doctors and hospitals to document the most effective treatments that can halt covid-19 and put an end to lockdown tyranny.


Here’s his full article, which contains priceless information on a cure for covid-19 that exists today (but that the medical establishment is deliberately suppressing to maximize fatalities and create demand for high-profit vaccines).


The Great COVID-19 Deception … and What You Need to Know to SURVIVE


by Gary Heavin


I’ve been speaking with my friends who include medical doctors and other highly educated people about the treatments that they would seek if they were diagnosed with Covid 19. Most of them had no idea what course of treatment they or their families might seek. This conundrum is in part due to the massive volume of information that is being thrown at us. Much of this information is deliberately deceptive. I am writing this article to cut through the deception so that you and your physician can make informed decisions if and when the time comes.


This article has two purposes. First, it’s imperative that you understand the great deceit that Big Pharma, their minions at the FDA, CDC, NIH, the WHO, the MSM and officials in high government positions are perpetrating on you, your family and likely your doctor.


The second purpose is to assure that you are armed with the necessary information to insure that you receive the best treatment options from your health care provider. Knowledge is power.


Allow me to repeat, you need to know you are being duped and you need a plan for you and your family if you become infected with Covid 19. So let’s get to it.


Let me begin by stating that I’m not a medical doctor and I’m not offering medical advice. I do have a bachelors of science degree in health, nutrition and counseling. I’ve written two NY Times bestselling books on women’s health and fitness and I have been awarded an honorary doctorate degree. However, you will need to determine your treatment options with your personal physician.




When it comes to safe, effective and affordable therapies for Covid 19, Big Pharma and its agents, i.e. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx and many others, appear to have an agenda to lie to you and your physician.


The most obvious example is their ongoing effort to ridicule the treatment option of Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin and Zinc. We’ve all watched the harsh criticism that President Trump received when he promoted this protocol for Covid 19.


So, Hydroxychloroquine has been around for almost 70 years as a treatment for Malaria, Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. The WHO has designated it as a safe and effective medication akin to taking an aspirin. A survey of 6,000 medical doctors affirmed it as their treatment of choice for Covid 19.


The treatment works like this. Hydroxychloroquine is an ionophore, which means it can transport material through the cellular wall. Zinc is a mineral that stops the replication of the Covid 19 virus within the cell. Hydroxychloroquine transports Zinc into the cell so that it can stop the replication of the virus. The Z-pak antibiotic is given to prevent opportunistic bacterial infections like pneumonia that can occur while your immune system is engaged in Righting your viral infection. The key to its effectiveness is to start this treatment at the early onset of Covid 19 so that it has time to work.


How much effort has Big Pharma put into subverting this treatment regimen? In addition to denouncing its effectiveness, from Dr. Fauci and company, constant MSM hit pieces, the censoring of medical doctor’s articles and videos from the internet, there has also been a number of “studies” done that were literally sabotaged from the onset.


The VA hospital system reported in March that they had given Hydroxychloroquine to a number of patients. Following their release of information, the MSM ran the story with the headlines, “VA hospital found that Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work and increases the fatality rate of Covid 19.” However, if you actually read the study (see link) you will Find that only the sickest of the cohorts were given the drug. They got the drug only after they were so far along that it would not have a chance to work and they were not given zinc. None of these details made the MSM articles.


Another example of the Great Deception came from the British medical journal, The Lancet. The Lancet reported that a meta study showed that Hydroxychloroquine was ineffective. As a result of this published study, France, Italy and other European countries immediately prohibited the use of this treatment option. Within a few weeks, it was found that the study was so badly designed and that the results were literally fabricated. The Lancet was forced to make a retraction of the “study.” Of course in the meantime the MSM ran the original Lancet story and mislead millions of people and their physicians.


The Corruption of Science. The Hydroxychloroquine Lancet Study Scandal. Who Was Behind It? Anthony Fauci’s Intent To Block HCQ on Behalf of Big Pharma


So what could possibly be the motive behind Big Pharma’s Great Deception. Well there’s three answers, money, money and money.


That brings up the treatment option that Big Pharma is promoting, Remdesivir. This lovely experimental drug, costs above $3,000 per regimen, must be given intravenously in a hospital (Rive days stay around 15 grand) and evidence shows it doesn’t really work.


The other treatment option is the promised Covid 19 vaccine that they allege is forthcoming. The NHS in Great Britain has committed to purchase a vaccine for the entire population of Great Britain. That’s a commitment of 65,000,000 doses at an agreed price of around $600 for each vaccination. That’s about $40,000,000,000. (40 Billion) That’s a lot of incentive to mislead people. This week, a US pharmaceutical company received $1.6 billion dollars towards their efforts to make this vaccine which in the opinion of many experts, won’t work on a coronavirus and will be untested and experimental.


How does Big Pharma have so much control over the dissemination of this information or should I say propaganda? Well, the same answer pops up again, money. Big Pharma gave $2 billion dollars during the last election cycle to US politicians. Big AG, the military/security complex and big oil each gave only a paltry $1.0 billion dollars to buy the votes of our political leadership.


The MSM counts Big Pharma’s advertising revenue at up to 80% of their income. The internet’s “masters of the universe” also kowtow to Big Pharma’s influence and advertising dollars by censoring anyone who tries to tell the American people the truth about Covid 19.


It certainly appears that anyone who is complicit in this Great Deception, a deception that is designed to kill and terrify enough people to ultimately beg for an experimental vaccine, well, these people would be accessories to murder.




Now, for some good news. There are several therapies that are being offered that appear to be safe, effective and affordable. However, these therapies must be utilized early in the disease progression.




Japan, Taiwan and other Asian countries have maintained a much lower fatality rate with Covid 19 then we have here in America, in spite of the fact they live in densely populated communities. Many people believe that it is due to their preferred method of treatment. They use a steroid medication that is inhaled in a mist through a home use nebulizer. I’m familiar with this since my 2 year old granddaughter needed this treatment with a similar drug for an upper respiratory issue that she had recently. That speaks to the safety and the commonality of this treatment. Watch the link of a Texas doctor who shares his patient’s experiences with this therapy method using the drug Budesonide and a course of antibiotics.


VIDEO: Dr. Richard Bartlett | ACWT Interview 7.2.20

[Posted by America Can We Talk?

Jul 3, 2020


Dr. Richard Bartlett Joins me to talk COVID CURES


Follow Debbie Georgatos!





America Can We Talk is a show with a mission — to speak up for the extraordinary and unique greatness of America. I talk about the top issues of the day facing America, often with insightful guests, always from the perspective of furthering that mission, and with the goal to inspire listeners to celebrate and embrace the liberty on which America was founded.]




Another treatment option that appears to be safe and effective is the use of the anti- parasitic drug Ivermectin with the antibiotic Doxycycline. Just one Ivermectin pill and then the course of antibiotics for ten days resulted in a 100% cure rate for Covid 19 patients according to the attached study. Ivermectin has been widely used on the continent of Africa for many years as an anti-parasitic and is believed to be a primary reason that Covid 19 has not severely impacted the African population.




As we’ve seen above, this therapeutic regimen should be considered simply due to the efforts to prevent you from knowing the truth about it. As Shakespeare wrote, “Methinks the lady do protest too much?”


The challenge with this therapeutic is both finding a doctor who will prescribe it and finding a pharmacy that will sell it. This should be between you and your doctor. Not the governors of certain states. Considering that 20% of all drugs are prescribed “off label”, meaning that they are prescribed for a use other than intended, you and your doctor should have the liberty and the responsibility to make this health care decision.


Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Sues FDA for “Irrational” Interference of Access to Life-Saving Hydroxychloroquine


There are several other therapies that appear to be safe, effective and affordable. You may want to research Chlorine Dioxide, intravenous ozone, high dose intravenous vitamin C and another, Glutathione which are popular treatments in the homeopathic communities.


(Author’s note) I’ve received a number of questions regarding supplementation with vitamins and minerals. I regard these as preventative rather than therapeutic. However, my personal daily regimen is 2,000 mg of vitamin C, 2,000 iu of vitamin D3, 250 mg of magnesium and 25 mg of zinc.


As for me and my family, we are going to make informed and responsible decisions regarding our health care. I hope the information I’ve given to you today along with the links for further information will help you, your family and your doctor make the best decisions as well.


Gary Heavin and his wife Diane are the founders of Curves, the world’s largest fitness franchise. Gary is the author of two NY Times bestselling books, Curves and Curves on the go. Gary co-wrote and starred in the movie Amerigeddon. Gary is a pro-life libertarian and serves on the advisory board of Dr. Ron Paul’s Institute for Peace and Prosperity. Gary and his wife are philanthropists who feed 10,000 children a day in Haiti and operate an orphanage outside the slums of Mumbai. Most importantly, they are bible believing Christians.


Globalist Science Lines Pockets – Real Science Saves Lives

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© July 15, 2020


The Great COVID-19 Deception … and What You Need to Know to SURVIVE © 2020 All Rights Reserved. All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. is not responsible for content written by contributing authors. The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms and those published on this site. All trademarks, registered trademarks and servicemarks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners.


Intro to Documentary ‘Who Is Bill Gates?’

John R. Houk

© June 15, 2020


I’d like to begin with I AM NOT an anti-vaxxer. I AM anti-Leftist science utilized to bring a New World Order emphasizing an anti-Christian social transformation leading to a One World Government that would terminate the Liberty in the U.S. Constitution and the Natural Rights endowed by the Creator of all that exists.


That little preamble leads to the purpose of this post. The Corbett Report has evidently released the entirety of its expose on Bill Gates meddling with science with an obvious Globalist agenda.


Gates is a notorious Depopulation advocate to in his view save planet earth. You will see in this documentary that Gates sponsored vaccinations have been related to the deaths of thousands (which of course he and his Foundation scientists deny).


Gates and many Globalist oriented scientists interestingly tried to cover for Communist China when COVID-19 was unleashed on the planet in which the primary recipients of COVID deaths hit the elderly and any person with an underlying health issue. Hmmm… MASS DEPOPULATION!





Gates suspiciously wants to track COVID survivors. How? One method might be nano-tracking in the so called Gates sponsored vaccination. Like I wrote earlier, I am not an anti-vaxxer. BUT there is no way I am cooperating with a Gates maneuver to institute Big Brother monitoring to end my Liberty!


JRH 6/15/20

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Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary, 2020)


Who is Bill Gates


By The Corbett Report

June 13, 2020

Activist Post


Just in time for #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action, The Corbett Report is releasing the full Who Is Bill Gates? documentary in a single upload.


Please help to spread the word about this documentary, including the audio and video downloads and hyperlinked transcript at


[Blog Editor: The Activist Post uses the video platform while listing video platforms the documentary is posted. On this blog I’m using Youtube for ease of use, but who knows when Youtube’s ugly Leftist censorship will show up.]


VIDEO: Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary, 2020)

[Posted by Corbett Report Extras

70.5K subscribers – Jun 13, 2020




Just in time for #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action, The Corbett Report is releasing the full Who Is Bill Gates? documentary in a single upload. Please help to spread the word about this documentary, including the audio and video downloads and hyperlinked transcript at]


Watch this video on BitChute / LBRY / / YouTube


Visit James Corbett at Subscribe to his channel on YouTube and Bitchute, and support him on Patreon.


Intro to Documentary ‘Who Is Bill Gates?’

John R. Houk

© June 15, 2020


Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary, 2020)


Activist Post – ALTERNATIVE INDEPENDENT NEWS – Creative Commons 2019


The End Game of ‘the Virus’ Hoax and the End of Liberty

Justin Smith submitted this post in the wee hours of May 11. I got around to reading it Monday May 12. I have an editing process in which I link trains of thought to corroborate the post. It has taken two days for me to be pleased with an edited piece. Sorry about that Justin.


In this day and age in which the Mainstream Media twists facts or down right lies to the American people to promote a transform America agenda, it is well to submit info disagreeing with the lies. I wouldn’t believe anything the MSM says today even if the news from them was the sun will shine in the morning.


When Justin writes about the COVID pandemic the MSM will label the info Conspiracy Theory lies even if documentation is available. As you check many of the embedded links in Justin’s submission, many of the sources will be pooh-poohed as conspiracy fake science primarily because it will not line up with Globalist transform society science.




(As an aside explanation of Justin’s title. This Editor’s belief is that the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic is not a hoax. BUT I DO BELIEVE the death rate is a hoax. It is the fear of death that is robbing American Liberty.)


JRH 5/13/20

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OR just buy some FEEL GOOD coffee, that includes immune boosting products.


The End Game of ‘the Virus’ Hoax and the End of Liberty

The Technocrats: America’s True Enemies


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 5/11/2020 2:48 AM


The recent events Americans have witnessed being birthed by “the Virus” hoax have shown, without any doubt, that our freedom and liberty is ever so fragile and our elected officials, by and large, are not to be trusted to uphold their oaths to defend and protect the same.


Whether it’s the arrests of Shelley Luther, a salon owner and hair-stylist in Dallas, or Gabrielle Ellison, the owner of Big Daddy’s Bar in Odessa, who had armed SWAT agents swoop in on her establishment, and many other such tyrannical abuses and overreaches of authority, resulting from “violations of social distancing orders”, it’s ever more clear that those in power are working hand-in-hand with private industry and Big Pharma towards the goal of growing their wealth and power and suppressing our natural rights and liberty in America. This is a war against liberty by the globalists and communists and statists of this country.


At her court hearing, Judge Eric V. Moye, an Obama loyalist, stood prepared to forego any jail time, if only Shelley would “apologize for being selfish”, which she promptly declined in the best form of a true American patriot telling the judge that she did not see her actions to keep her business open so her children and her employees’ children could be fed as being selfish; and she concluded by saying she would stay open in defiance of the order.


[Blog Editor: Sadly if you are a Dem, you support tyrannical Communist-like tactics used by Judge Eric Moye:






I’m certain the petty tyrants of America applauded Comrade Moye’s decision to allow children to go hungry, after he jailed Shelley Luther, rather than let her and her employees and other “despicable riff-raff of society” to reopen their businesses and feed their families. Moye fits right in with Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, and Idi Amin, who were applauding him from the grave.


If this were a true pandemic, even then, the cure should not be worse than the disease. From the very beginning, most American Patriots have been much more greatly concerned over the government’s response to “the Virus” and the public’s reaction to it in the form of a mob mentality, than they were fearful of the Virus itself.


In this war against our liberty, a war that is supposedly aimed at eradicating “the Virus”, those who have let fear of a minimal risk and threat from exposure to the COVID-19 virus are scarier than the fear facilitators within government and are no laughing matter. Big Government and the Communist and Globalist Mainstream Media know they are advancing a Big Lie to advance their own economic and political interests. But it’s the True Believers who are increasingly demanding everybody wear masks, hoarding goods after raiding grocery stores, and attempting to shame people, as they attack anyone not sufficiently following the “Social Distancing” protocols, all in the name of keeping everybody “safe”.


[Blog Editor: Allow the above paragraph to sink in while reading these posts –








Liberty-minded Americans must turn the tables on these totalitarian-minded folks in our midst and call this for exactly what it is — economic and medical terrorism and tyranny, wherever it is deployed, regardless of who implements it or how noble a name they put to it. COVID-19 didn’t cause anything.


Government is responsible for our current misery, which is why I am sickened each time a talking head reiterates the same decades old Newspeak, such as “We’re all in this together” — “Alone, together — “New normal” — “COVID-19 caused …” — “Stay home, save lives”, all slogans of Big Brother and his Party.


These COVID psychopaths do not care that any future expansion of the shutdown will destroy the Constitutional liberties gained by the sacrifices of generations of liberty-loving American patriots and millions more Americans will be forced into unemployment to beg the government for relief. These True believers are oblivious to the dreams, American Dream, of men and women who have their entire lives, blood, sweat and tears, in their businesses, or that law-abiding citizens are being portrayed as “criminals” and social outcasts for refusing to shutter their doors and leaving their homes for “non-essential” activity”.


Now Americans have recently learned that medical “professionals” are basically lying about the number of COVID deaths, because the States are receiving federal stimulus dollars, read “taxpayers’ money”, for each case of “the Virus” reported. Based on some strange alternate universe bureaucratic Medicare formula, the amounts each state receives vary wildly, as seen state by state, with Alabama receiving $158,000 per case; Alaska receiving $306,000; Arizona, $23,000; California, $145,000; Colorado, $58,000; and Montana, Nebraska, and Minnesota each receiving over $300,000. These hospitals are being rewarded for reporting COVID cases and deaths, whether real or not.


And worse than this, so-called “experts” such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, footsoldier for the Communists and the Globalists, CDC Director Robert Redfield, and Bill Gates, [one-time] head of Microsoft and One-Worlder, have issued warnings that America and all nations of the world must prepare for the “Second Wave” of “the Virus”, in what can only be the set-up for an ongoing cycle of shutdowns and re-openings, since Gates is on the record as stating that long-term shutdowns will be necessary until every citizen of America and every person across the globe are vaccinated, adding that “they have no choice.”


[Blog Editor: If your only source of information is Mainstream Media you are sorely deprived of documents and documented speeches of One-Worlders of which Bill Gates is the biggest name recognized but certainly not the only one. Consider these reports in which Gates is a prime mover:



Posted by What’s going on?

587 subscribers – Apr 7, 2020






Just who in the Hell is Gates to be so presumptuous and arrogant? Last I heard, Donald Trump is still President, isn’t he?


On April 28th, Dr Fauci stated: “(The Virus isn’t) gonna disappear from the planet … it’s inevitable we will have a return of the virus … If we have the capability of identifying, isolating and contact tracing in a highly effective way, then the numbers will stay low.”


This little tyrant, Fauci, and New World Order Wizard himself, Bill Gates, have positioned themselves to make billions of dollars in profits from government mandated and enforced vaccinations. And make no mistake, Anthony Fauci knows exactly what he is doing, as both he and Gates currently sound like the front men for Big Pharma and forced vaccinations of all Americans.


Gates Foundation funded projects have taken the lives of seven Indian girls, injuring hundreds more, in 2009, in tests of an HPV vaccine, and later investigations revealed pervasive ethical violations by the Foundation’s researchers. Additionally, a 2010 experimental malaria vaccine killed 151 African infants, causing paralysis and convulsions in 1048 others. One should also note that during Gates’ 2002 MenAfiVac campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates’ people forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis.”


On April 9th, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote: “In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that manufactures vaccines and is donating $50 million to 12 pharmaceutical companies to speed up development of a coronavirus vaccine. In his recent media appearances, Gates appears confident that the COVID-19 crisis will now give him the opportunity to force his dictatorial vaccine programs on all American children – and adults.”


On Thursday, April 30th 2020, President Trump announced the creation of Operation Warp Speed, that he would oversee himself, and its charter to manufacture and effective vaccine and “cure” for COVID-19. And, according to The Hill: “Over a dozen potential COVID-19 vaccines are currently under development that could be candidates for a Trump administration program to fast-track for widespread inoculation by January 2021, senior officials within the administration told NBC News.”


If anyone recalls, in the rush to get a swine-flu vaccine in production, one test vaccine proved to be dangerous, ineffective in 1976, and it caused 50 test subjects to contract Guillan-Barre syndrome, a potentially fatal form of paralysis. It was also later discovered that the incidence of this rare syndrome was four times higher in the test subjects than in the general population.


Fauci and Gates both have stated that people will need to receive a “certificate” with a chip, or an actual implant, to prove they have received the vaccine. They have taken it a step further in suggesting that the economy cannot “go back to normal” until everybody is vaccinated. 20


Another side effect of “the Virus” has been the creation of a new jobs base opening up across America. Cities and states are currently seeking contact tracers and disease investigators to find and identify anyone who may have COVID-19 or come in contact with anyone who has COVID-19.


[Blog Editor: The effect of Commie Dems on America –






These represent an expansion of invasive and meddlesome government bureaucracy being filled with people who will be granted a certain degree of power over our society and ‘We the People’, that we know without a doubt is going to be abused, in light of the events we have just witnessed over the last two months, that left many Americans purely outraged.


[Blog Editor VIDEO: OUT OF TOUCH/Kevin James Short Film



961 subscribers – May 13, 2020


Two days ago I was in a grocery store. I don’t wear a mask and never will. Some dweeb comes up to me and says ‘Sir, you’re supposed to be wearing a mask’. I ignored him. Yesterday I walked into a Valu Homestore and the manager met me at the door saying next time please wear a mask. ‘My response was ‘why not this time?’ He said it was mandated so just wear it next time. I just said ‘next time I’m still not wearing a mask and if this whole thing was real you would insist that I wear it this time. He had no response and I said I don’t have to listen to you. Did my shopping and said ‘have a nice afternoon’ when I left.


Masks don’t work and It’s all planned and fake. Time you stop being a dweeb like these dumb downed snitches in this film.


Or it will get this bad.]


There is also an entire array of dystopian Big Brother technology being rapidly developed to monitor anyone and everyone in public. Apple and Google are in the middle of trying to develop a phone application that will be capable of monitoring one-third of the world’s population, in the name of “protecting” us and “saving lives”.


[Blog Editor: Big Bro Tech Monitoring –


Apple, Google bring Covid-19 contact-tracing to three billion people; via Bloomberg; The Hindu Business Line; 4/11/20


UK Rejects Apple-Google Contact Tracing Approach; By John P. Mello Jr.; Tech News World; 4/29/20 4:00 AM PT]


Even the U.S. Department of Defense has jumped in with thermal imaging technology that can detect carriers of “the Virus”.


And there it is in plain view for all who seek and question to see. The End Game is forced vaccinations and total surveillance of each individual’s life, tracking each of us every minute of each day, through cellphones, drones and thermal imaging devices, under the guise of protecting us all from COVID-19, as they prepare us for total control over our jobs, our families, our education, our worship of God, our medical care and our travel.


Nothing less than total and complete obedience and compliance is expected from all, in order to be deemed a responsible American, by the proponents of this New World Order, and to see that President Trump is enthusiastically joining in the mad rush to restructure our way of life should give everybody some great deal of anxiety.


If the U.S. government can force medical treatment upon us against our will, they can force us to do anything. It stands to reason that nothing is safe, certainly not one’s ability to keep and bear firearms, one’s employment, and even the food we ingest. And it also follows that even the core family unit is endangered, since the door is wide open for government to usurp parental authority over medical treatment for the children — already seen in some socialist leaning states like Maryland — and to dictate precisely what sort of education children will receive, whether or not the parent agrees with the curriculum.


In their war against liberty, they have no limits and will readily close down God’s churches, whenever they choose to do so, in order to appease those who worship at the altar of the Leviathan, until men, such as Fauci and Gates say they can open again. For the sake of a virus that is about as lethal as the seasonal flu, acknowledged to have a 99 percent recovery rate by CDC Director Redfield, the True Believers are willing to spare no economic expense or cost to human life.


Taken in its totality, everything America has witnessed has been an orchestrated dance of collusion and cooperation between the technocratic tyrants within the current administration, spanning three previous administrations, as they move to build a Technocratic State on the fear campaign they created, and Americans from all walks of life must continue to take a firm and defiant stand together against this COVID-1984 Big Brother tyranny presented as our “new normal”, or the America many of us fondly remember from our own childhoods will soon only exist as a twinkle of our memory in our mind’s eye, a relic of a past era. Our duty and our path demands that the fine American patriots of this country protect and defend our traditions and defeat the COVID-19 fear campaign and the Faucis and Gates technocrats, America’s true enemies, who seek to profit from our fear and enslave us and future generations, so that our children and future generations truly live free, physically, mentally and spiritually.


[Blog Editor: The tyranny becoming transfixed by Big Brother’s COVID-1984 –







By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Embedded links and text embraced by brackets are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith