What Was That BHO Fundamental Transformation About?

BHO Godlessness Exposed by Gay LoverIs it True? Probably! It Will be Fascinating if Dems Decry or Praise Obama Bisexuality

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 8, 2023

God Almighty is the Creator and HIS Word tells us this about homosexual sex from Romans 1: 18-20, 26-28 (NKJV):

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who [a]suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is [b]manifest [c]in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and [d]Godhead, so that they are without excuse,


a. Romans 1:18 hold down

b. Romans 1:19 evident

c. Romans 1:19 among

d. Romans 1:20 divine nature, deity

26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their [a]women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the [b]men, leaving the natural use of the [c]woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;


a. Romans 1:26 Lit. females

b. Romans 1:27 Lit. males

c. Romans 1:27 Lit. female

This old Bible-thumper is bringing up The Creator’s attitude toward homosexuality because Tucker on X Episode 22 delivered to America on 9/6/23 informs his viewers that past Deceiver-In-Chief Obama actively participated in homosexual activity.

It’s only my opinion: Voters put lying Dem and Islam-sympathizing and Marxist-oriented Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) into POTUS largely so they could say they voted for the first Black-American President.

It boggles my mind that a person devoted to the so-called Community Organizing that came from election-fraud central ACORN, had a Marxist past [HERE, HERE & HERE], obviously hates White-people (check out BHO’s race-baiting former Pastor Jeremiah Wright), even to this day has sealed information-records about his past and constantly lied to the American people would be a person Voters would vote for. THE SIMPLE ANSWER: BHO is an articulate Black man.

As evil incarnate I consider BHO, my opinion has nothing to do with his race AND everything Anti-American he represents: Transform America into godless Dem-Marxist Society, more pro-Islam and a pretend-Christian, Anti-American Liberty, Anti-Constitution Originalism and that’s just off the top of my thoughts.

THEN ENTER TUCKER ON X (formerly Twitter)

Tucker Carlson interviews alleged and self-proclaimed Gay-lover Larry Sinclair of Barack Obama.

The homosexual subject of that interview brings some clarity to me on the militant push of acceptance of GODLESS LGBTQ+ culture upon once prominently Christian America. Diluting Christian values enables American acceptance of the current tyranny being rammed down the throat of Americans.

If Sinclair is not lying – AND I BELIEVE HIM – Obama at the very least is a bisexual. Get ready for another host of queries questioning whether or not wife Michelle might actually be a transgender Michael. Too be fair, here’s a recent MSM post addressing the Michelle/Michael accusation with a typical pro-Obama denial all based on the Sinclair-Tucker interview. I don’t know about you, but after the last three years of proven MSM lies, if the MSM claims one thing – my first instinct is to believe the opposite.

Does anyone find it interesting the same lying MSM Press and lying Dem-Marxists have been trying to paint the actual 2020 election winner Donald Trump as a criminal with now proven lies between 2016 – 2020 Impeachment proceedings. AND NOW they are trying to toss the actual President Trump in jail with twisted lawfare accusations which every fair-minded legal scholar I’ve read is saying is ludicrous manipulated law interpretations. Indeed, if the same interpretations were applied to Dems, they’d have been prosecuted long ago.

AND ANOTHER POINT OF INTEREST… Dementia Joe’s own daughter has pedophile implications recorded in her diary about dear Dad. AND dear Dad is implicated multiple illegal political payoffs with his Crack and Whore addicted son Hunter – also covered up by MSM.

This is ALL part of godless Obama’s Fundamental Transformation of America turning America into a lawless Banana Republic Despotic Cesspool.

Youtube VIDEO (1:37): Obama: “Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America” Long Version

Posted by jbranstetter04

Posted on May 21, 2011


AND NOW Episode 22 of Tucker on X uploaded to my Bitchute Channel.


Bitchute VIDEO: Tucker on X Ep. 22 – Larry Sinclair Interview

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 7th, 2023 16:01 UTC

This an upload of Tucker on X Episode 22 originally posted 9/6/23. The episode is an EXPLOSIVE interview with homosexual Larry Sinclair who claims to have been a Gay lover of Barack Hussein Obama. You’ll probably see this video on many platforms because it is that explosive. Original X/Twitter link: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1699543001473900670.

I first became aware of the interview via the Vigilant News which posted the entire interview (41:47-minutes) and a series of shorter embeds for low attention span viewers. Vigilant News link (tiny url):  https://tinyurl.com/yc23t6aa.

Vigilant News Opening Paragraph:

Tucker Carlson just broke the internet with his latest episode of “Tucker on X.” Larry Sinclair, the man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999, tells all in an eye-opening interview.”

X/Twitter Summary:

“Ep. 22 Larry Sinclair says he had a night of crack cocaine-fueled sex with Barack Obama, and that Obama came back for more the next day. Assess for yourself. Here’s our interview.”

JRH 9/8/23


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Joe Biden Divides and Fractures America

I see America slipping-slipping further into the black hole of Communist tyranny. Just as the Dem-Marxists manipulated a 99% survival rate COVID-19 into a stolen election and medical tyranny, it appears that COVID variations might secure a Dem-Marxist dictatorship. Justin Smith looks at the historical tipping point of Communist infiltration in America and wonders if Americans will ever rise up against the increasing Communist darkness that actually infects America.

JRH 7/9/21

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Joe Biden Divides and Fractures America

America: Half Patriots and Half Traitors

By Justin O. Smith

Sent 7/6/2021 3:31 AM

The nation is divided, half patriots and half traitors, and no man can tell which from which.”  ~ Mark Twain

It’s purely an astounding thing to watch, and quite unbelievable for the most part, to see Joe Biden in the White House, when half the time, depending on what time of day it is, he can’t even string two coherent sentences together. The entire absurdity of this man supposedly having actually “won” the 2020 Election becomes ever more stark with each passing day, and it leaves those of us in opposition to his illegitimate regime wondering just who is running the federal government from behind the scenes, while understanding that everything enacted to date exhibits they are intent on abrogating the entire Constitution, suppressing our Inalienable God-given Rights and imposing a hardcore authoritarian communist or heavy-handed fascist form of government.

Biden and his regime can call themselves anything they see as a fitting description of their destructive political machine and its associated beliefs and oft stated ideological perspectives, but whatever name one ascribes to them, without a doubt, they are in fact quite similar to Germany’s National Socialists of the 1930s and 1940s and Mao’s Chinese Communists and its subsequent Cancel Culture that grew from the Great Leap Forward. Biden’s and Commie Central run the gamut and embrace the worst of all previous spawns of Marx, including class warfare and race warfare aimed at all who oppose his regime and the Democratic Party’s agenda, which is why we see the hard push to demonize all White people — especially Conservative White people — as “racists”, “white supremacists” and even “potential domestic terrorists”, while his administration moves to conscript Big Business and America’s workers into a more deeply entrenched form of Crony-Capitalism, i.e. Fascism, putting the nation’s banks and the U.S. Treasury in service to him and his authoritarian Socialist state, with compulsory mandates in all segments of life accepted and advocated by his followers and inner circle as a necessary tact to achieve their ends. 

As one can easily find, through the **declassified Venona Files, Soviet messages intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies, Senator Joe McCarthy was absolutely one-hundred percent right when he tried to warn America in the 1950s, of a massive movement by communists to infiltrate the U.S. government, that was being aided by the media, labor unions, Hollywood, the New York Times and communist sympathizers in every state, just like we see happening today. And unlike when commies like Alger Hiss, aide to FDR,  and Henry White, Assistant Secretary of Treasury under FDR,  were attempting to keep their true political nature secret, today’s communists simply own it and proudly proclaim their intentions of transforming America and eradicating the Founding and the Republic. 

**[Blog Editor: declassified Venona Files examination:

Badly outnumbered, McCarthy died at forty-eight years old, despised, censured and ridiculed, but he got the last laugh, if from the grave, when the Soviet Union finally collapsed thanks to President Reagan’s efforts and its over-extension of its economy while trying to maintain an empire. Declassified KGB files revealed there were 221 Communists working in J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI in 1931 alone [Blog Editor: I wish Justin would have provided a citation about Communists working in the FBI. That is a huge piece of info that needs corroboration. I couldn’t locate it myself. Perhaps the info could be located in the 1,000-plus pages of notes taken in two-years-worth of work by former KGB Agent Alexander Vassiliev], so just imagine how many were in place through the 1950s; just imagine how many holding Marxist/Maoist sympathies are in place today, within the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Justice, or even the United States Department of Defense.

Van Jones, Green Jobs Czar under President Obama, was a self-avowed Communist, and if we can accept that the term “progressive” has today become largely recognized as meaning “Socialist” or “Communist”, this places a huge array of former and current Democratic Party leaders into the category of known Communists, including our Dictator-in-Chief Joe Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, although Sen Bernie Sanders, Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep Rashida Tlaib, Rep Keith Ellison, Rep Luis Gutierrez and former CIA Director John Brennan, among many others, wouldn’t run from such a description. Today’s Socialists and Communists are pretty much out in the open all throughout our government institutions, loudly proclaiming their hatred for Capitalism and America and everything that came before their heroes, Marx and Mao.

With America’s Founding and the Declaration of Independence, the world saw a young nation reject the sort of authoritarianism of kings and tyrants, that left them no say in the direction of their lives and the lives of their family, in favor of a brand of independence, self-determination heretofore unseen in a world run by authoritarians. This remarkable joining of equality under the law and liberty and the concepts of limited government, free markets and individual Freedom and Liberty is still the last, brightest hope for our people and for humanity itself. 

Since Her Founding, America has largely been the exception to the tyranny currently trending across the globe, whether one speaks of Fascism or Communism or some other “ism” that kills Liberty, until these last few years with a hard push by the Socialists and the Communists of Antifa and Black Lives Matter and many other lesser known organizations. 

It’s purely disgusting, despicable and tragically sad to witness people tout the ideas of Marx as some beautiful utopian philosophy, when it has been nothing less than a death-dealing concept that has enslaved and impoverished one nation after another, and it has approximately 160 million murders to its credit in the 20th century. How can anyone be so blind as to want this over the capitalist system joined with the concepts of the rule of law, equality and liberty that liberated millions from slavery and poverty, much less depict America’s Founding as evil?

Our nation’s Communists, the Democratic Party, aren’t interested in honest dialogue and true compromises on the issues. They seek nothing less than capitulation and surrender to their demands and agenda, and they currently believe they have the momentum to push forward without caution or care for what any opposition may think or want. And for the moment, they may be right, in that they have currently been able to temporarily neutralize the rules-based Republic and render its mechanisms harmless to their anti-American agenda, just as we see in regard to their Open Border operations.

These Communists have based their lives and careers on scamming all America to believe they care about them, but everything they do is self-serving and centered on advancing their agenda and “the revolution”. They don’t care about civil rights, LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights (see Kamala’s miserable border performance) or anything of any real use to ‘We the People’. Their position on any issue of the day is based on its usefulness to their goal of seizing and holding power, and too many of our compassionate countrymen fail to see the Democratic Party’s malevolence that is dividing and fracturing America, as they work to consolidate their power and line their own pockets with ill-gained wealth stolen from America’s coffers.

Honorable Americans with deep integrity deal in facts, but these Marxists/Maoists deal in strategy and they are waging an asymmetrical war against traditional America that is focused on the conquest of Conservative and Christian America, in a manner that abandons all truth as they seek only to discredit their opponents badly enough to ensure they are able to keep power and continue bleeding our U.S. Treasury and the American taxpayers dry.

Through “vaccine passports” emerging from the hyped Covid Event and charges of “racism” and “white supremacy” and Cancel Culture tactics seen espoused in Critical Race Theory, they are using psychological warfare against America’s citizens, as they lie to our faces, threaten us, censor and silence us; and in the process, they attempt to alter reality, revise our history and punish those of us who resist and refuse to comply with their idiotic racist bullshit, steeped in its own brand of anti-Semitism, by costing us our jobs when any respective company acquiesces to their tyranny. They seek to make all Conservative and Independent Americans afraid to sing America’s praises or exhibit pride in America and our love for Her. 

If people cannot speak the truth and the truth cannot be heard through open dialogue, freely exchanging ideas and information, it makes it harder for them to maintain their freedom. 

As observed a year ago by [JOS] Emily Ekins, Vice President and Director of Polling at the Cato Institute:

Nearly two-thirds (sixty-two percent) Poll: 62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share of Americans say the political climate these days prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive. The share of Americans who self-censor has risen several points since 2017 when (fifty-eight percent) of Americans agreed with this statement.”

In other words, the past four years of violent Communist activism and the arson and burning of our cities and murders of our citizens have done their job. America is being threatened and intimidated to a large degree to stay silent, even when the future of Freedom and Liberty is at stake. And for many long months now, too many months, it has seemed that the Democrat Communists are more committed to their agenda of transforming America than Conservatives are to preserving those virtues, ideas and principles that built America from Her very beginning. 

Many in the media and Congresswomen, such as Rep Maxine Waters and Rep Cori Bush, and several other public figures, including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, actually stoke the fires of sedition and treason, and it cannot be too much longer before we see even greater mass civil upheaval, as unrest continues to run rampant in many parts of America, like Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago, New York and all points in between. The professional domestic terrorist groups of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, CAIR and La Raza are already posing significant national security threats, and they are acting at the behest of the Democratic Party, that can now be honestly named as an existential threat to all America. 

There is no longer any question that Biden and his handlers — the Deep State Agents behind the curtain — are attempting to transition America into a Communist political and social system complete with the censuring and ostracization of certain individuals through Chinese style social credit scores and massive, sweeping wholesale Big Tech surveillance that is sure to have Xi and the Chinese Communist Party reveling at the entire tragic comedy unfolding that has befallen America through Her people’s failure to jealously guard and defend the principles that brought Her to life.

Our American “Progressive”/Communists of the Democratic Party have more in common with Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Che, Castro and all the tyrants and murderers of all history than they do with Jefferson and Madison and the rest. 

As Thomas Jefferson once noted:

Of Liberty I would say that, in the whole plenitude of its extent, it is unobstructed action according to our will. But rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’, because law is often the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.”

Too dumb, too impaired and too controlled, Biden most likely will not be dissuaded from his current agenda for the destruction of America, and the unrest that is certain to follow as a result of more crackdowns on civil liberties –already being suggested in the wake of the new Delta Variant Virus — and our Inalienable God-given Rights, i.e. gun rights and freedom of assembly and speech and more, and opposing forces will once more be seen in violent confrontations in the streets of America. And as the situation devolves further and the economy soon worsens due to Biden’s moronic lack of any real economic plan other than spend and tax, no one should be surprised if and when America’s own death squads appear and Democratic Party Communists from all walks of our society and all across the country are killed by the thousands, in the streets and in their sleep at home.

In the meantime, Biden and Marx Inc are in a fine, protected position for the moment without a care in the world or real fear of reprisal for their treason from the Obama era ’til now, since most of the Upper Echelon Command in the Joint Chiefs of Staff, such as General Mark Milley and General Robert Abrams, are weak ineffective commanders, who are in their positions largely from kissing President Obama’s Communist ass rather than from their military prowess and ability to defeat the enemy on the battlefield, and seem to support the ideas of Marx over our Founding principles. They certainly aren’t likely to mount a coup in the remotest sense of the word, after the fashion of Chile’s General Augusto Pinochet in 1973 or Spain’s General Francisco Franco in 1939; but that doesn’t negate the possibility of some lower echelon Conservative cadre forming a power base to take action to save the country from falling into a full blown Communist dictatorship.

The Patriots of America must act decisively sooner rather than later, while time remains, in order to counter, avoid and neutralize a cruel malevolent dictatorship in the making, under Biden and his Communist cronies. More than some massive chaotic revolt, they must organize and prepare now under knowledgeable and capable men and women, from one community to the next community, county by county and state by state, in large militia groups, for the purpose of deposing and removing an incompetent and dangerous tyrant should he take more forceful action against Conservative and Independent Americans and continue to disregard the Constitution, the rule of righteous law, and especially the Bill of Rights. We must act to immediately restore our nation’s founding principles and the people’s Inalienable God-given Rights, in their defense and the defense of their families and America, even if it means a civil war and burning the current system to the ground, as we fight to see those ideas most conducive and most precious to freedom and individual liberty defended and acted upon in a manner that ensures they are more than just pretty words given a bit of lip-service by some fat bureaucrats with each passing election.

America’s Democratic Party Communists and their Fascist allies are working day and night to end every good and decent notion or achievement of America’s, as they also assault and suppress our Inalienable God-given Rights and shove America past the point of no return and towards many dark years of tyranny.

For Us to remain Free and ensure our children and their children’s children continue to live Free, we had all better start doing significantly better in regard to our obligations and duties to preserve our Freedom and Liberty than we have done to date. And we better start today, now, for the tomorrows are getting fewer and fewer, and before we know it, we will have waited too late and the sun will have set on our Liberty, as our tears fall like rain.

By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Embedded links are by the Editor except by the indication of “JOS”. Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Bold text indicates Editor agreement.

© Justin O. Smith

Destroying America Through Propaganda and Lies

I know there is a group of American Patriots who have placed their trust in behind-the-scenes political Patriots and Military Patriots who will oust this current election coup and restore Constitutional integrity. For me that has all the appearance of a pipe-dream. ONLY We-The-People willing to actively resist (peace first – might when necessary) the Dem-Marxist fundamental transformation away from American Freedom and Liberty will be able to preserve the Founders’ Republic. I for one am prepared to be labelled one of Beijing Biden’s domestic terrorists for simply refusing to obey godless laws AND refusing to allow my Natural Rights to be infringed. CONSIDER:

Justin Smith writes about the Dem-Marxist deception thrust upon Americans coupled with a dose of DEFEND America or live in Amerikka.

JRH 6/27/21

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Destroying America Through Propaganda and Lies

Shout the Truth to the Skies – Give America a Chance to Survive

By Justin O. Smith

Sent 6/26/2021 12:48 AM

Why offer herds their liberation? Their heritage each generation, the yoke with jingles, and the whip.”  ~ Alexander Pushkin [From poem “Forth went the sower to sow his seeds…”] 

Truth is always the first casualty in the war for Freedom and Liberty, and while many are still fighting to disseminate the hard truth surrounding current events in America, the Biden regime is going all out in a massive propaganda campaign built on nothing but lies that are designed to build momentum for a final push to permanently end America’s fundamental principles and the Republic. Too many Americans are also all too willing to live the lie, under a new emerging Marxist/Maoist, Cancel Culture Communist tyranny, so long as the Biden regime can continue to redistribute the country’s wealth; however, Americans wishing to live unbothered and free must not live the lie, and we must convince most of America to follow our lead, if America is to be given the slightest of chances to survive in the coming years.

One certainly cannot help but wonder just how long the nation will go under such a regime, that goes out of its way to paint Conservatives and Christians as “domestic terrorists” and “white supremacists”. Every policy Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Marx Inc are currently implementing are aimed at weakening us, making us ashamed and afraid to take a stand and destroying the core of our spiritual heart and resolve, making the masses huddle like sheep, ceding their humanity, afraid they might be ostracized and deprived of the government largesse, or a nice new Party membership card and a D.C. driver’s license.

One massive lie remains in Biden’s continued assertion the 2020 Election was fair and honest and he actually won it, and that our current election system is honest. Oh sure, some Conservatives might win a few local elections in the coming four years, but as long as the same mechanisms remain in place that allowed the Biden campaign to steal the 2020 election in numerous states, with millions of invalid mail-in ballots and unverifiable signatures and identities, a Conservative will virtually never be elected President of the United States (these Disunited States) for many decades to come, possibly the rest of the century.

Uncle Joe and his main radical squeeze, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and their bagman, Climate Czar John Kerry, want Americans in fear of a mythical climate catastrophe that they claim will destroy America over the next twelve years or so, when, in truth, everything about their Climate Change Policy is simply one huge Communist redistribution of wealth scheme that hands U.S. funds to the poor of the world, to the detriment of all Americans. And in the process, they also are moving aggressively to place punitive handicaps on our own economy and our Freedom, as we have already witnessed Biden arbitrarily, unilaterally and illegally mandate the end of the Keystone Pipeline.

And, as if Trump’s $4.8 trillion Budget Bill wasn’t bad enough, in its structure to balance by 2035, this will never happen now that the Democrats control the reins of government, since these Marxists deceptively profess to believe massive spending and debt causes no short or long term damage to a nation, as they suggest it is irrelevant because we owe it to ourselves. They are disciples of the Modern Monetary Theory and a spend ’til you drop philosophy, which explains the recent push by the Biden regime for both a $1,2 trillion “infrastructure” bill and a $6 trillion Budget Bill, as the nation already witnesses rising costs and retail prices and inflation, largely due to many trillions of Stimulus already spent from 2008 to the present. With America spending more than at any other time in history and a $30 trillion national debt, people should be preparing for the next economic collapse in the near future.

Everything about Biden Economics is built on a Marxist and Keynesian Lie and it’s certain to do great damage to America in the not too distant future.

More deception is seen in the Biden regime’s advocacy and facilitation of a hard push for all Americans to take the Covid Vaccine, that they call “safe”, even though there are many serious and sometime deadly consequences from spike proteins associated with the experimental medical treatment, that doesn’t meet scientific standards for a real vaccine. While Biden said he wouldn’t try to mandate it, behind the scenes, he and his administration are tacitly approving Corporate America’s mandate of the vaccine, as even U.S. Army commanders, such as Major General Joseph McGee of the 101st Airborne Division, use coercion to make their soldiers take the vaccine; we see federal and state institutions, banks, schools and many left-leaning businesses telling Americans that they can’t do business with them or enter their establishments unless they can prove they have been vaccinated against the Covid virus, with many demanding employees take the Vaccine in order to remain employed.

Even worse, what if the Covid Virus was absolutely a Chinese biological attack and the real lethal attack vector is the mRNA technology used in America’s vaccines? What if the real attack is being delivered through the vaccine? More importantly — Most Importantly — Why, in fact, are the Chinese and Russians not using mRNA vaccines? None of America’s current enemies are using the mRNA technology at home to fight this Covid virus, that has largely been made to appear much more deadly than it actually is. I have what I believe to be the answers, but I ask these questions to make the reader search for them on their own, just so they can see it for themselves.

We also see all White people depicted as “racists” and “White supremacists” — whether they know it or not —  as a justification for attacking Conservatives and Christians in the education system and the U.S. military. All America is being depicted as a “racist nation” and “systemic racism” supposedly runs rampant throughout every U.S. police department.  And yet, the White Marxists present themselves to be incorruptible and above the same prejudices they claim are inescapable by others, as they use any dubious justification to attack America’s heritage and founding. 

In February of this year, Paul Craig Roberts observed:

The United States has had its own Kristallnacht with lootings and burnings of businesses in many American cities [by most people of color, under the guise of Black Lives Matter] encouraged and forgiven by Democratic administrations that instead of punishing the criminals defunded the police and brought prosecutions against white people who defended their property. White Americans are so intimidated that it is not only the South that permits monuments to Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson to be removed, but also the entire country where all monuments even to Lincoln, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson are obliterated.” 

Furthermore, at the heart of the Black Lives Matter organization responsible for much of the destruction of America over the past five years is a Marxist core, as evidenced by the June 5th 2020 [JOS] Movement for Black Lives statement:

We are anti-capitalist. We believe and understand that Black people will never achieve liberation under the current global racialized capitalist system.”

And this from Black Lives Matter co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, on July 22nd 2015, who stated:

We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia (Garza) in particular, we’re trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories.”

All across America’s institutions and the corporate board rooms Marxism and Maoist Cancel Culture hides behind the manipulations and bastardization of the English language and words such as “Inclusion” and “anti-racism”, to build a platform to pursue the agenda that attacks the “toxic masculinity” of White men as it also works to silence or censor Christians as “homophobes”. And the Communist inspired 1619 Project further serves as a weapon in the hands of America’s enemies to facilitate racial hatred of America’s White majority and dismantle and destroy America’s founding and the Republic, through a detailed plan to destroy the independence of the federal and state legislatures, the Supreme Court, all police organizations and transfer the loyalty of the Army from the Constitution to Uncle Joe and his tyrannical regime. 

This anti-American crap has actually found its way into our military academies, through the hiring of so-called “professors” who embrace Marxism like a long-lost lover and then spread their mental delusions and deceptions to the young cadets, as witnessed in a [JOS] forty page policy proposal to West Point entitled ‘West Point Fails to Teach Anti-Racism’, that was written last year by fairly recent West Point graduates. They essentially stated there is no such thing as non-racist whites, and they demanded West Point “normalize anti-racism” and “radical inclusion”. 

And further illustrating the dangers this sort of mentally deficient thinking carries with it, one young fool, Joy Schaeffer, the White 2018 Valedictorian of her 950 member West Point class, wrote the following in her portion of the letter:

I graduated without an understanding of how I could still be a racist, despite my best intentions and the fact that I have always espoused equality of all people.” 

Schaeffer bemoaned her failure “to identify and call out microaggressions (which) enables greater acts of racism“. What a disgusting display of self-loathing and the demonization of White people this radical gutter trap represented, and in such an esteemed institution as West Point.

Rather than instilling pride in serving America, members of the U.S. Armed Forces are now being taught that America is founded and rooted in racism and evil and that its entire history amounts to nothing more than a long series of crimes. Even the Geneva Convention prohibits the use of brainwashing techniques and intimidation against prisoners of war, and yet, our own Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is subjecting them to intense scrutiny and investigations for “right wing” or “white supremacist” leanings and intimidating them through Marxist propaganda themes every day

One lie after another, with each larger than the previous lie, all designed to ultimately destroy and erase America’s principles and virtues to make way for a monstrosity that will be unrecognizable to older Americans, and without proper guidance and information, along the lines of a true and factual historical account of America’s past failings and numerous triumphs, from those who know the truth, our youth will be left to the mercy of those who mean to enslave them forever.

The elite oligarchs behind the Democratic Party Communists are intensely and extremely aggressively demanding all Americans submit to their New World Order and their Marxist/Maoist inspired Cancel Culture program and mechanisms that are certain to end the Republic and complete America’s fundamental transformation into something foreign and repugnant to all Freedom-loving people, and we are on the front lines of a war to save our civil society based on our Inalienable God-given Rights, the rule of law and individual liberty.

America’s soul is under attack by an evil, godless ideology and its foot soldiers and generals are currently holding the seats of government hostage, representing a very real and existential threat to Freedom and Liberty and threatening to take our children and future generations, while too many sit by complacent and apathetic and afraid to choose between the truth and the lies in their servility to the rising Marxist/Maoist Cancel Culture, lacking the courage to save their own souls. For all practical intents and purposes, they may as well be holding signs that read, “I am a coward and a serf waiting to be fed by Uncle Joe”.

Freedom-loving Americans can stop a large part of this anti-American agenda by refusing to live the lie and by shouting the truth to the skies in every public arena they can find, as millions of us join, hand-in-hand, to expose the Biden regime’s lies and to reject them outright and refuse to give them space or support to grow. Refuse to allow the lie to replace the truth and solidify the Communists’ illegitimate power within the halls of our federal government, as everyone reaches deep within one’s self to renew their individual spiritual and physical independence and find the courage necessary to fight as hard as they can to stop this egregious assault against America, Her traditions and principles and Her founding, saving themselves and their families and America from a complete Communist takeover.

And should the worse come to pass, as seen in former authoritarian and totalitarian Communist regimes, it’s better to win the day or die on one’s feet, a brave American fighting for Freedom and Liberty, than die on one’s knees, a worthless, spineless coward pleading for mercy from “amerikkans” worth nothing more than a bit of spittle in one’s mouth and the weight of a bullet.

By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Except by the indication of “JOS”, embed links are by the Editor. Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Bold text is this Editor’s agreement with Justin’s expressed thought.

© Justin O. Smith

2021: The Invasion of America

With COVID despotism, an election coup and Dem-Marxist totalitarianism on the rise; unbridled illegal immigration festering on America’s southern border has nearly become an after-thought. Americans need to awaken that the ILLEGALS invasion and distribution is a long standing part of the fundamental transformation of American culture. Justin Smith lays the groundwork.

JRH 6/20/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via – credit cards, check cards

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account:

Please Support NCCR

Or if donating you can support by getting in the Coffee from home business earning yourself extra cash – OR just buy some FEEL GOOD coffee, that includes immune boosting products. Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


2021: The Invasion of America

America Must Secure Her Borders Soon 

By Justin O. Smith

Sent 6/18/2021 10:42 PM

Americans have the absolute right to defend themselves, America Herself, their states and their communities from the detrimental effects of illegal immigration and the illegal aliens, who are currently flooding across the border in record numbers. Those of us who love this country have the right and the duty to determine who enters under existing immigration law found in 8 USC 1151, that is currently being mocked and broken by the Biden regime, and as such, Governor Gregg Abbott is one-hundred percent within the purview of federal and state law in [JOS] his recent declaration that he will build a wall along the border to halt the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens[JOS] 180,034 in May alone — who do not have any virtuous right to enter America just because they arrive at the border, especially in light of the Biden regime’s malfeasance on the U.S. Southern Border. 

During his recent Border Security Summit Meeting in Del Rio on June 10th, Governor Abbott stated:

“President Biden’s open-border policies have led to a humanitarian crisis at our southern border as record levels of immigrants, drugs, and contraband pour into Texas. While securing the border is the federal government’s responsibility, Texas will not sit idly by as this crisis grows. The state is working collaboratively with communities impacted by the crisis to arrest and detain individuals coming into Texas illegally.

Our efforts will only be effective if we work together to secure the border, make criminal arrests, protect landowners, rid our communities of dangerous drugs, and provide Texans with the support they need and deserve. This is an unprecedented crisis, and Texas is responding with the most robust and comprehensive border plan the nation has ever seen.”

This same statement should be issued by every Governor in the nation who opposes this Open Border Policy of the Biden regime. It is their absolute right as governors of Sovereign States and as understood through the prism of our Tenth Amendment Rights***. To date, America has only seen a weak and futile response from [JOS] twenty GOP Governors in a May 11th 2021 letter to Biden that only “urged” him “to end the humanitarian crisis and secure our southern border immediately”.

***[Blog Editor: In looking at “Tenth Amendment Rights” it appears to me those Rights of late are dependent upon SCOTUS interpretations that seem to ebb and flow according to the dominant legal doctrine of the day. That concerns me since I am convinced the power of SCOTUS has been corrupted. Here are some posts for your consideration:

Reported by Fox News on June 17th [Blog Editor: I found Governor Abbot on Fox News 5/14/21 corroborated by Leftist Newsweek 5/25/21], the State of Texas has documented an eight-hundred percent increase in the quantity of fentanyl confiscated at the border, from January through May. That’s more than enough of the deadly drug to kill over twenty-one million Americans. 

Just prior to the election, all the media and all America heard the promises from Biden and Harris both that they would stop Trump’s wall, suspend deportations for 100 days and provide a way for all illegal aliens currently living in America to receive citizenship, and it didn’t take a genius to understand that a Biden or Harris administration would pursue an open border policy. All of Central America was listening too, and the message was heard loud and clear. 

Recently, in a meeting with Kamala Harris, America’s new border expert, Guatemala’s President Alejandro Giammattei noted that almost immediately after Biden took office, U.S. immigration policy did a complete turnaround from President Trump’s firm stance on the border. Giammattei stated:

The message changed to ‘We’re going to reunite families, we’re going to reunite children’. The very next day, the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States.”

This makes it all the more difficult for good, decent law-abiding Americans to accept Kamala Harris, the Biden regime’s “Border Czar”, and her words at face value or consider them to be honestly spoken, when she recently stood next to Guatemala’s President Alejandro Giammattei, on June 7th, and abandoned her previously held assertion in 2017 that “an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal”, as she stated:

If you come to our border, you will be turned back. … Do not come. Do not come. The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border.” 

Please note that on February 1, 2021; eleven Iranian citizens were caught at the border, and almost every week the Border Patrol catches a drug cartel member or members, a pedophile or rapist, murderers and even people known to have terrorist ties, along with a large array of Other Than Mexicans, from countries such as Romania, China, Nigeria, Ghana, Yemen and elsewhere

If a state cannot defend itself and its people against foreign violence, just what can it do and what good is it?

Although states and States’ Rights bring a certain amount of decentralization to the federation, the Founders and most Americans, until recent times, understood we had to share a common cause and goals regarding our national security and borders, and that not everybody could be welcomed into our domain with open arms, for any number of reasons centered on crime and subversion from within and abroad. As such, it has been incumbent upon every U.S. president to faithfully execute and uphold U.S. law, as noted in Article 2, Section 3 [Full Text], Clause 5 of the Constitution that states the president “shall take care that the Laws be carefully executed”, along with Article 4, Section 4 that supposedly ensures the president and our government will protect us “against Invasion” and “against domestic Violence“.

The devious criminal deception of the Biden regime becomes all the more clear, once one discovers that Biden’s administration is now actually flying [and bussing] illegal aliens all across America to major population hubs, where they depart and board buses for parts unknown. We recently saw some of this play out right here in Tennessee, as four planes loaded with [JOS] illegal aliens arrived at Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center between May 14th and May 19th 2021. 

How does any of this make sense to anybody of sound mind? This is the policy of an idiot, a walking, mumbling imbecile, who simply wants to be remembered as the anti-Trump. Nobody other than the Biden regime and the Democratic Party Communists is going around saying, “Hey … let’s bring in plane loads of Romanians, Guatemalans, Yemenis, and Iranians”.

America is not morally bound to take everyone into the country for permanent settlement, and the entire world isn’t entitled to live in America.

In despicable fashion, the Biden regime is refusing to enforce immigration laws as written, taking a page from the Obama administration, leaving States’ borders unprotected against illegal aliens that should not be granted entry at all. And no matter what anyone says or tries to spin the issue, the sovereign States are not at the mercy of the Biden regime’s refusal to enforce United States immigration law. Our Constitution is not a suicide pact.

In 1833, Justice Joseph Story wrote:

If aliens might be admitted indiscriminately to enjoy all the rights of citizens at the will of a single state, the Union might itself be endangered by an influx of foreigners, hostile to its institutions, ignorant of its powers, and incapable of a due estimate of its privileges.” [Scope of the Story quote: Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution 3:§§ 1098—99]

This is the exact current modus operandi of the traitors and criminals in the top echelons of California’s state government, who seek to increase the numbers of those desirous of greater socialist programs while increasing their representation at the expense of the rest of the country; and, in the meantime, these illegals are also left free to travel state to state at will and making Americans suffer from coast to coast.

Many Democrats and other radicals are now trying to say that only the federal government has the right or authority to act in any regard on the border situation, because it is in their interests and aligned with their agenda to grow their voter base and power, to do nothing to stop the current invasion of illegal aliens. Nothing is further from the truth, and many of America’s earliest leaders addressed any conflict between a state’s authority and the federal government’s authority in some great specificity.

During the Virginia State Convention in 1788, John Marshall, who would become the fourth Chief Justice of the United States in 1801, stated the following in regards to the constitutional prohibition on State power, although Alexander Hamilton had previously stated it months earlier in a much lengthier manner in the Federalist Essay #32:

The truth is, that when power is given to the general legislature, if it was in the state legislatures before, both shall exercise it, unless there be an incompatibility in the exercise by one to that of the other, or negative words precluding the state governments from it … All the restraints intended to be laid on the state governments (besides where an exclusive power is express given to Congress) are contained in the 10th section of the 1st article.”

The Constitution recognizes the sovereignty of the States and their authority and power to police their own borders. Sovereignty includes the authority to fiercely defend one’s own borders absent any valid federal prohibition; and once one reviews all the constitutional prohibitions on State power in Article 1, Section 10, it is readily apparent that there are absolutely no restraints on States that prevent them from acting decisively to halt illegal aliens from crossing the Southern Border into their State.

Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 (also often referred to as the Compact Clause) states:

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, … engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”

If a State has the power to engage in war through independent action when the danger is deemed “imminent”, it should stand to reason that the States also have the civil authority to protect their borders.

The Founders acknowledged the necessity of prohibitions on the States’ ability to wage war, but much like Justice Joseph Story, they also recognized that exceptions certainly needed to be noted, when the safety of all the States were involved and those exceptions were “not justly open to the objection of being dangerous to the Union.” In his commentary on the Compact Clause, Story wrote [(JOS) § 1398]:

Still, a state may be so situated, that it may become indispensable to possess forces, to resist an expected invasion, or insurrection. The danger may be too imminent for delay; and under such circumstances, a state will have a right to raise troops, for its own safety, even without the consent of Congress.”

Bearing this very thing in mind, I wrote the following, in an article on June 6th:

If the Federal Government and the Biden regime are not going to secure our borders, pray tell, just what is wrong with armed America militias within the border states stopping the illegal alien hordes at the border and forcing them back towards Tijuana, Nuevo Laredo or wherever from whence they came?

Whether these folks have rifles or duffel bags of drugs or toddlers and babies in their arms, if hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens crossing the border each month and on track to hit a total of two million by year’s end doesn’t constitute an invasion, I don’t know what does. Samuel Huntington, chair of Harvard Academy of International and Area Studies (1996-2004), wrote much the same in The Clash of Civilizations in 1996.

If able, every American, who loves this country and all it has traditionally represented across the ages, should be reaching deep within their pockets to send funds for the construction of the Texas border wall. And if that’s not an option, abled-body men seeking honest employment should be placing their names on the list of candidates for all jobs available in the construction of the Abbott Wall.

Far from a crisis in any normal sense of the word, no one should mistake the situation on America’s southern border for anything other than Biden’s Open Border policy and manufactured “crisis” that is a part of the Democratic Party’s Marxist agenda to complete the “fundamental transformation of America” through aliens who hold no real loyalty to America and Her traditions, to be used to erode and subvert the fabric of democratic mechanisms in local communities, while drawing checks from taxpayer funded welfare programs.

If America doesn’t soon secure Her borders in a sane, logical manner, we won’t have a nation any longer, because, regardless of Joe Biden’s attempt to purge our language of words such as “illegal” and “assimilation”, without a common language and common cultural norms brought forth through picking and choosing good candidates for U.S. citizenship, who will assimilate and uphold and defend America and Her principles, America will be torn apart by increasing tribalism and balkanization, while the nation’s traitors and imbeciles grow in power, and She will fall into ruin and shambles. Biden’s Open Border Policy and unrestrained illegal immigration will change America from the Shining City on the Hill that holds forth a river of hope into a sewer of despair. 

By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Except when indicated by “JOS”, embedded links are by the Editor. Text embedded by brackets are by the Editor. Bold text indicates this Editor’s complete agreement with Justin.

© Justin O. Smith

The Biden Regime Threatens All of America

Justin Smith is hard at work utilizing his pen as a sword to wake up the hearts of Americans. Specifically, the faux-President Beijing/Dementia Joe Marxist Oligarchy is at the very brink of the utter destruction of the American way of life. A combination of brainwash-propaganda backed by tyrannical laws is numbing the minds of Americans into dark compliance. NOT ME! What about you?

(I noticed versions of this submission all over the Internet. I pray that is a sign Americans are waking up to the threat to Liberty. Another Justin Smith post is in the works on this blog.)

JRH 4/15/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via – credit cards, check cards

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account:

Please Support NCCR

Or if donating you can support by getting in the Coffee from home business making yourself extra cash – OR just buy some FEEL GOOD coffee, that includes immune boosting products. Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


The Biden Regime Threatens All of America 

Salt, Bullets and American Freedom and Liberty – American Patriots Don’t Shrink From Their Duty

By Justin O. Smith

Sent 4/12/2021 11:32 PM

There is nothing worse than an American, an American, mind you, that would shrink from his or her duty and obligation to preserve, protect and defend freedom and the Constitution of the United States. There is nothing worse than an American who refuses to acknowledge the approaching danger and does nothing to protect his or her spouse and children from that danger. Why do Americans look the other way when their own freedom hangs in the balance?”  ~ Ron Ewart, April 4, 2021 

The American mind has been largely turned into a maladjusted thing over the past century, in too many segments of society, the halls of all levels of government and our education system, by the communists and radicals of America, who offered a failed set of ideas from the Marxist and Maoist Cancel Culture ideologies, that far too many Americans have bought, to the detriment of America on the whole. They’ve bought the Communists’ lies that government and Congressional figures, faithless to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution itself, have the right to take their property and liberty, in exchange for providing them “government care” from cradle to grave. And as such, the American mind has set the country spiraling towards its own extinction. 

In this country, our Freedoms and Liberties have always allowed for the inspection and study of all ideas, even such evil propositions as found in the likes of Marx, Mao and Mohammed, and that is as it should be. However, the mechanisms set forth within our Constitution were never intended to be used for our own demise, by evil, immoral men and women who have no respect or love of Liberty and would rather take power to press their will upon all, to bring forth a new era of tyranny in America and across the globe, and yet, we find ourselves within the ever-tightening grip of Communists who are literally reshaping the Constitution to support whatever evil they seek to impose, essentially ignoring its original form and intent and completely eradicating it. 

The Cancel Culture Communists within the Biden Regime are breaking U.S. law with impunity, in any area one cares to review, and when called to account for their actions, they just deny any wrong doing. And remarkably, nothing is done; no one is charged or prosecuted and justice goes unserved, as the rule of law in America is undone.

One need only look at the current border crisis that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Alejandros Mayorkas call a simple “challenge”. They are willfully allowing the border to be flooded with illegal aliens, as they speak out of the other side of their mouths to suggest they are actively and successfully controlling and safeguarding the border, a despicable and damned outright lie. 

Or look at Hillary Clinton and Benghazi and the pay for play schemes of the Clinton Foundation and her numerous acts of sedition and treason; and look at Obama and his administration’s sedition, espionage, and treason against President Trump and his administration. And, take an especially hard look at the 2020 Stolen Election and the absolute known criminal acts committed by election officials and supported later by activist judges who advocate for the Democratic Party Communist agenda, despite all the evidence on hand; they smoothly call their lies “the Truth”, and the destruction of America proceeds.

Just look at Hunter Biden and Ol Uncle Joe’s own numerous pay-for-play schemes that are set and ready to sell America out and betray Her further to the Communist Chinese, to Chairman Xi’s delight.

Biden and the Democratic Party Communists are waging a cultural war against all that it means to be an American, with the white-hot intensity of a Pittsburgh steel furnace, that hits at every institution of society, in their supposed efforts to ensure “equity and equality” for all, through measures that are completely antithetical to the ideas of freedom and liberty, and in far too many regards, measures that are immoral in their construct and intent. In the name of equity and equality, they have moved with intent and purpose over the past fifty years — over a hundred years if considering only the Democratic Party — to complete the destruction of our current social compact, “by any means necessary”.

Biden and his handlers are shoving America into dark, deep dangerous waters in order to achieve their flawed understanding of equality, which is far removed from the original intent of the Founders. The Founders used the word “equality” only within the concept of all men being equal before the law, a shining idea that emanated from the Western principles they embraced. But today, equality has been reduced from its pristine early meaning to mean only material equality, an equality of income, property and whatever spoils one can take from society directly or indirectly from the system, whether by way of a government handout or a new pair of Nikes and a color TV taken during a night of rioting, looting and burning an American city to the ground, supposedly justified by any convenient and manufactured wrong. 

America now witnesses the further mangling of the English language and the meaning of “infrastructure” and even “marriage”, as Biden and his Communist Czars change words to mean whatever they wish as they move to expand America’s welfare system to something exponentially far greater than anything ever seen during FDR’s New Deal or Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. Not only does the Biden regime seek to “care” for all Americans in some fashion or another, unless they are white, they seek to federally mandate paid time off work and to force the Federal Reserve Bank to become involved in the “racial justice” business/scams and grifts, in order to compel local governments to discriminate on the basis of race when disbursing public benefits. They’ve even gone so far as to redefine classic definitions of gender to allow mentally imbalanced and gender dysphoric men, so-called “transgender women”, to compete on girls’ sports teams, even though well documented facts prove the damage this does to biologically female athletes.

As David Stockman [and Veronique de Rugy] recently noted:

‘A crony anti-infrastructure plan’ is, sadly, the best description of the Biden administration’s proposed $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan. It’s insanely expensive and unnecessary, especially coming, as it does, on top of last year’s fiscal insanity. … They’ve driven local, state and federal government spending up to 43.5 percent of GDP, meaning that we’re already in financial trouble. Now they want to top it off with trillions more of wasteful spending, which arguably everyone likes. But once you look at what’s in the bill, you realize that the label is mere marketing for more handouts to politicians’ friends and payments for pet projects.

From sea to shining sea, America has constantly and ever more increasingly witnessed the rise of the red, radical Communists (progressives) in all fifty states and all of Her territories too. So, in essence, we find a massive subversion of the Judeo-Christian and Western principles, upon which America was founded, even in the thirty Republican majority held states that currently exist, which is part and parcel of any explanation for how we see the Democratic Party advancing, just as they did in Virginia, by way of steady, persistent attacks that eventually flipped Virginia into the hands of the Democratic Party — Virginia, a state that had voted Republican in 11 of 12 presidential elections from 1948 to 2004, and now has gone so far left, due to the squishy, weak “center right” liberal Republicans, who have no problem voting for a supposed “moderate Democrat, even though no such animal exists, that its new Communist inspired leadership has succeeded to some large degree in advancing abortion and Baby Murder to even more incredible extremes, while it has also suppressed Free Speech and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, much as we saw homosexual “marriage” advanced under Obama, for a lack of strong opposition in the ranks of the supposed “conservative” Republican Party, and at times their complicity. And we see the very same plans to destroy the Bill of Rights and suppress Freedom and Liberty unfolding in every state, especially those that primarily swear allegiance to the Democratic Party Communists over any allegiance to America herself.

The following words are even more true today, than when Robert Lewis Dabney wrote them in 1871, in Southern Magazine:

American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted?

America is staggering from one blow after the next, blows delivered by the hands of the Enemy From Within — the Democratic Party Communists and all their supporters — and, in response to each blow, liberty-minded conservatives and independents of all creeds and colors have witnessed too little for too long by way of any effective response or counterattack from the Republicans. In fact, we have regularly witnessed Republicans still react as if they can find “compromise” with this evil, from fear of what, one must wonder? Too often, time and again, we find that the Republican Party itself has moved too far left to be responsible guardians of the Freedom and Liberty we, the few or many, conservatives hold most dear.

The Biden regime stands poised to take whatever it wishes from those Liberty-minded Conservatives and Independents, regardless of their faith or creed, who devoutly value limited government, private property and individual liberty.

Democrats are free to express any idea they wish and to live as free as anyone else. They are not free to use those ideas as a vehicle for our subjugation and taking of our Freedom and Liberty under any pretense of providing greater security for the people, whether we speak of Covid or firearms, or any other threat they wish to create. If there is any current real threat to the American way of life and our safety, it is coming from the Democratic Party, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Senators Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and AOC’s Squad of anti-American, anti-God, anti-Liberty Communists.

It’s important to understand that although the Democratic Party Communists have gained control of the reins of power through the mechanisms of our democratic republic, they will not be so easily unseated through those same mechanisms, not now that they are consolidating power and changing the system to serve their agenda. It will eventually take bullets, rather than the ballot to end what has been started. 

America is being broken to Her knees as this very moment, under Biden’s newly applied tyranny. The Democratic Party Communists and their RINO globalist comrades, at all levels of government today, are acting as if they are occupiers, and this demands a response that would be equal to one Americans might mount, if faced with any foreign enemy. 

Americans will soon have to see the moves of the Democratic Party anti-American radicals and communists for the very real existential threat and all-out attack on America, that they are. This is no different than if America were being attacked by the Nazis or Stalin’s Communists of yesteryear, and Americans who still love this country will necessarily need to act accordingly, as their conscience and their will to survive allows and demands.

Although one may hate to sound cliche, nevertheless, it is true that our Founders went to war over much less, and they would quite likely have already been shooting by now and engaging in a very real revolution against all the emerging tyranny we are currently experiencing today. Americans currently suffer the many abuses of a government that serves tyranny over the people’s inalienable rights and regularly engages in criminal acts, as though its officials are above the law, and this, in and of itself, demands rebellion at every level across the land. 

Many millions of Americans, who subscribe to the beliefs, ideas and principles that most jealously guard Freedom and Liberty in its purest forms, need not be convinced of the truth surrounding the threat posed by the Biden regime to America. We see the current dismal and dire state of affairs within our nation, and we know what must be done to prevent the complete suppression of our inalienable God-Given Rights and the eradication of what is left of the Constitution of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands; and although many Conservative pundits make pleasant little chirping noises offering hope for the restoration of America, one can’t help but to hear them as death dirges for America, unless America’s Patriots fiercely rise in a force of arms soon.

By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Embedded links and text enclosed by brackets are by the Editor. Bold text indicates this Editor’s agreement with Justin.

© Justin O. Smith

Don’t Let The Sun Set On Freedom

[Intro updated 1/25/21]

Watch and read even the unfiltered MSM headlines. A Ministry of Truth is in preparation to educate you how to think, talk and believe. Will you join the Sheeple in submission or resist when they POUND on your door? Justin Smith lays out the scenario below.

JRH 1/24/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via – credit cards, check cards 

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account: 

Please Support NCCR

Or support by getting in the Coffee from home business making yourself extra cash – OR just buy some FEEL GOOD coffee, that includes immune boosting products. Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


Don’t Let The Sun Set On Freedom

With A Cleansing Of The MAGA Movement and The Silencing of America 


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 1/22/2021 7:33 PM

You and I Have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.” If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.”  ~ President Ronald Reagan

Americans cannot yet say that they have done “all that could be done”. In a moral, sane and logical country there isn’t any way the Democratic Party lunatics and a multitude of Communists should now have control of the United States’ reigns of power. However, today we see these red, radical Democrats moving to implement a system through an emerging cooperation between corporations and this rising socialist government, that controls and cancels Conservatives, Christians, “deplorables” and “Trump supporters” en masse, while also seeking to implement a sort of “social credit” system, that intends to make America more closely resemble totalitarian Communist China; and before we fail our children any further, now more than ever, those who love this country must resist and fight harder than ever, to prevent the sun from setting on Freedom and Liberty.

A soft sort of fascism has always been present within our government and institutions, since the days of President Woodrow Wilson, but now, emboldened by the lack of any counters against the Communist backed Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Joe Biden and the socialists and Communists of the Democratic Party are merging government and corporations in a massive cooperative effort that is also implementing a hardcore style of fascism aimed at destroying any and all who fail to fall completely in line with their dystopian view of America and the “solutions” they believe to be necessary, flawed as they are.

All most Americans have ever really wanted was for the government to leave us alone and let us live our lives. The Americans that are worth a damn, I should say.

The Communists of America are rejoicing, even as a few thousand Antifa continue to riot, burn, loot and destroy in Portland, Seattle, Denver and elsewhere across the country, and every single government agency and bureaucratic institution is currently being further weaponized and politicized by Joe “Not My President” Biden, the Imposter, to exert an extreme control in public education, the media and our workplaces in a manner that will go after Conservative America without one hint of mercy.


John Brennan, CIA killer and liar, tweets about the necessity for re-education camps for Conservatives and Trump followers. At the same time, America hears major media outlets crying out for “a cleansing of the (Make America Great Again) movement.

If anything good came from President Trump’s term, he actually served as a useful conduit that laid bare just how corrupt the DC Establishment really is. He revealed the U.S. government’s manipulation by corporations that left the ordinary American without any real representation, along with exposing an utterly corrupt judiciary, where even the President of the United States cannot get a fair hearing. And then of course, if nothing else, his term exposed the fact that the two-party paradigm is one huge, monstrous lie.

The curtain was completely slashed away from the illusion of Freedom recently with the unconscionable, dastardly squashing and removing of the free speech social media site Parler in recent days, through a coordinated effort from the Big Tech oligarchy of Apple, Amazon, Twitter, Google and Facebook, because Parler was giving them a hard run for their money. Although this was a clear example of anti-trust collusion, these amoral tyrants understood they had the nod to do whatever they wanted, since all had suppressed Hunter Biden’s criminal activities regarding China, and Zuckerberg had handed Democrats $400 million in swing states to ensure a Biden victory.

Millions of Conservative and Christian Americans have been banned from the various Big Tech social media sites, during this election season. America even witnessed a sitting U.S. President — President Donald J. Trump — forced to bear a historical first and the censorship of the President. Freedom of speech no longer exists on these fascist websites, and the Democratic Party leadership, arrogant as always and full of themselves in their arrogance, are now also calling for an end to free speech in America, at least an end for “Conservative Free Speech”.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to create a “media literacy initiative” whereby the Democratic controlled Congress, under Speaker Nancy Pelosi, determines what Americans are allowed to say — think EU-style “hate speech” laws on the horizon — hear, watch and think. It is Orwellian by nature to hear her propose what amounts to a “Ministry of Truth” that would target anyone who spreads “misinformation”, with the Democratic Party Communists getting to say what is or isn’t true, even if that means calling a bare-faced lie that supports their communist agenda “the Truth”, as they silence everybody else.

Who is going to head this committee to find and identify “the Truth”? Adam Schiff? Eric Swalwell? Both of these Democrats have been exposed as the worse sort of liars and traitors to America, during their Congressional terms. Schiff — one of the most dishonest, militaristic and authoritarian members of Congress — has also had a bill proposal in play for over a year to expand the Patriot Act mechanisms for use against “domestic terrorists” in America.

To exhibit where this is headed, the Democratic Party sponsored violence of Antifa and Black Lives Matter that has raged and destroyed American cities everywhere, from months back to this day, is called their “Free Speech Right” and “Peaceful Protest”, by Democrats, while the mostly peaceful one day January 6th rally for President Trump to fight against a stolen election was called an “Insurrection”, because many Antifa provocateurs and actual insurrectionists initially wreaked havoc inside the Capitol, and a few Trump supporters unfortunately followed, giving the Democrats cannon fodder to use against Republicans.

Shortly after January 6th, speaking on MSNBC, Jeremy Bash, Chief of Staff for the CIA under Obama, demanded that “we reset our entire intelligence approach” including “looking at greater surveillance of them (Conservatives, “deplorables”, MAGA), as he added, “the FBI is going to have to run confidential sources.”

Even worse, we are also seeing a hard push to turn the Patriot Act into a one-shoe-fits-all solution to “domestic terrorism” as the designation of a “domestic terrorist” is redefined under Commie Joe to mean only the Conservatives, Christians, independents and other “Deplorables” who oppose him and his total restructuring of the government’s structure away from the Founding Principles and under a command control from a massive centralized government. Just days ago, Biden assured his followers that he intended to advocate for harsh laws against “domestic terrorism” [Blog Editor: In case you missed it, domestic terrorists are now defined as Trump supporters, Conservative-Patriots and Bible-Believing Christians]. This follows numerous accusations of sedition, treason and terrorism against sitting members of Congress and hundreds of U.S. citizens, driven by a radical expansion of the definition of “incitement to violence”.

Don’t we already have enough aggressive criminal “laws” that cover any and all criminal acts? Just what else needs to be criminalized under an expansion of the Patriot Act and a new set of “domestic terrorism” laws that are not already considered a criminal act? More than an act to stop any real crime, their actual intent is to criminalize those principles that heretofore have been protected under our Bill of Rights, in order to more effectively suppress speech, association and freedom of assembly, dissent and opposition to their emerging authoritarian Marxist/Maoist regime.

And as the Leftstream Media zoomed their cameras in to focus on the Mummy reading a teleprompter — “president” Joe Biden, America hears his angry ominous words, shortly after January 6th: “Don’t dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists.”

And now, Americans find themselves deep into a hardcore class warfare, largely directed at wiping out America’s Middle Class, with the Big Tech and Democratic Party radicals in full control. The path ahead is filled with danger and more chaos, as the remains of the Republic are disposed of by people who are preparing to engage in a ruthless purge, and an extended crackdown, blanket surveillance and the smashing of our civil liberties and the Bill of Rights, as the employ the mechanisms found in their cancel culture doctrine.

With an ideology set in stone, guised as “fundamental progressivism”, the Communists have the Big Tech oligarchy establishing the Marx/Mao ideology as a new religion, with all its orthodoxies, rituals and harsh penalties for all who oppose the faith’s strictures and its psychopathic narratives, and the Commie Mobs are now interfering in every aspect of our daily lives, silencing, battering and ruining the heretics and blasphemers. Now corporations and companies emboldened by the Democratic Party’s political victories are ruining people’s lives, by refusing to give them jobs, firing them from career positions, withholding credit and any assorted method one may imagine preventing Conservatives from stopping their agenda. And all who stand against this Communist agenda, this new anti-American anti-God religion, Conservative and independent and all others alike, must stand firm and strong together on all fronts and all public arenas or we will be the new members of an American gulag.

First – they come for the President of the United States and then they come for the rest of us, not aligned with The [Dem-Marxist] Party. Anyone in the country refusing to follow Big Tech’s feudalistic diktat will face re-education camps and cancellation, of one sort or another, perhaps even to eventually become the ultimate cancellation as witnessed in the old Soviet Union when men and women were disappeared, never to be heard from again.

Too many so-called Conservatives, such as the duplicitous Senator Mitch McConnell and Representative Liz Cheney, still act as if they are dealing with Democrat Representatives and Senators who actually still uphold the Constitution and that they are honorable men and women, even though they know better. This makes them [i.e., backstabbing treasonous RINO and Establishment Republicans] complicit for whatever the reason, whether it’s ploy of appeasement or a knowing complicity in the subversion of the Constitution, the Republic and the American people’s Inalienable Rights. Their choices of appeasement and compromise leave us no real choice between peace and war, and rather, pushes us to decide between fight or surrender.

Too many other Americans are nothing but complacent, apathetic, do-nothing cowards, who go along to get along with whoever is in power on any given day. They hold to a belief beyond foreign and ugly to me and so many patriots, that makes them plead for peace at any price [Blog Editor: The “any price” a repressed life devoid of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness – Sheeples kiss it goodbye], as though they admit they’d rather be Red than dead. These are the cowards that they would rather live on their knees than die on their feet, as free men and women, and therein lies the road to the next civil war, because those voices don’t speak for me and mine and so many other good and decent Americans.

So many of my Brethren, My Fellow Countrymen, reject such cowardice, for we do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet that is must come at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life moves us to recognize something bigger than ourselves worth dying for, at what juncture in history did this begin? Just recently in the face of these Democratic Party enemies from within? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the Pharaohs?

If you believe there is a compromise to be found with this new Communist run Democratic Party, that demands a fundamental transformation of our very Founding, and in essence its ultimate destruction, you are blind to the reality of our situation. Our situation has become even more dire over the decades, in that so many within the Republican Party are Republicans In Name Only and just as likely to go along with the Marxists as they are to stick with their Party’s block.

Short of an all-out civil war, if one opposes what the Democrats are doing, at the very least, stop doing business with any corporation that advocates and supports their agenda. Withhold taxes. Form a parallel economy that caters to conservatives, with only dependable Conservative wholesalers and supply chains and manufacturing bases to ensure a predictable stable economy within this failing one, for all participants. Essentially, if one isn’t keen on resorting to a violent defense of one’s Liberty, simply pull a John Galt and hurt the Democrats’ purse; stop feeding the Takers with the hard-earned products of the Producers, and let these red, radical Commies either produce something themselves or starve to death. [Blog Editor: John Galt is fiction from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged (a great read – perhaps a manual for the new civil war). He is fictitious BUT, WE need a John Galt figure. Galt in the book: HERE & HERE]

Americans, who want to leave this world with a clear conscience and the knowledge that they truly did do all that could be done to preserve Freedom and Liberty for America’s Children and Their Children’s Children, must fight these red, radical Communists in the legislative and judicial halls at the local and state levels — in Congress itself — whenever possible; we must face them as occupiers, since that is how they present themselves — as conquerors rather than government servants in service to all America, who are rolling out their pacification plans as we speak. And we must meet them in the streets wherever and whenever they come to burn and destroy, as we also refuse to submit to any illegal diktat, refuse to comply with any illegitimate, unconstitutional order, nullify and reject their ant-American, anti-God agenda, and yes, even pick up a rifle should that final act be forced upon us, in order that we may finish our lives here on earth as Free men and women.

Don’t allow these Communist Democrats to dispossess Us and our descendants of their birthright to an America founded on Judeo-Christian and Western principles. Don’t let them suppress our Inalienable God-Given Rights in any manner they deem “necessary”. Don’t let them destroy the Founding, just because they have stolen the keys to the Kingdom and sing a death chant for its passing, as they believe they are already dancing on the ghost of America. Instead, exact a price from them and send them on a fast path to hell.

By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk


Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Embedded links are by the Editor. Bold text indicates Editor agreement with Justin Smith.


© Justin O. Smith

Westall Interviews Byrne – CCP Election Meddling

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Posted January 4, 2021


Patrick Byrne


Billionaire Patriot and former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne is interviewed in two parts by Sarah Westall about CCP hacking of Dominion Voting Machines to favor Biden over President Trump. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer proved live before a Georgia Senate session that he could hack an operating Dominion machine. Pulitzer in a stressed podcast also claims proof CCP election meddling.


Below are both Byrne interviews originally posted on Bitchute on January 1 and 3 respectively on the Sarah Westall Channel. I am cross posting the Bitchute pick-up of the videos from Bitchute Free Your Mind both posted on January 3 (and whence I discovered the interview).


Both videos have Westall preliminaries because we all have bills to pay. You can be patient or fast forward to the interview.


JRH 1/4/20

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Posted by Free Your MindEUMELs Media Library

40144 subscribers – January 3rd, 2021 23:31 UTC



Patrick Byrne joins the program to discuss the seriousness of our time. We must fight and make a stand. He discusses his meeting in the Oval Office and the disgraceful leaks to the New York Times. He also vows to expose the blackmail over Mark Meadows if he does not do his duty by supporting the president and the country. We discuss the courts and the depth of corruption throughout the country including the Supreme Court; where Chief Justice Roberts sits as a blackmailed judge compromising the entire court and the country, he should step down immediately. Lastly he stresses the importance of going to Washington D.C. on January 4, 5, and 6th to #StopTheSteal and to support election integrity, the President, and freedom for future generations.


You can see more of Patrick Byrne at https://DeepCapture.com


See the exclusive extra interview with Patrick Byrne by Joining Patreon or at SarahWestall.tv and watch on Roku, Apple TV, Google TV and more


Consider supporting this channel by joining Patreon at Patreon.com/SarahWestall – See interview exclusives, receive discount coupons, and more!





Posted by Posted by Free Your MindEUMELs Media Library

40144 subscribers – January 3rd, 2021 23:31 UTC




No Simple Battle – The Dawning of the Day

My fellow Patriotic Americans, you are witnesses to a treasonous election coup by Dem-Marxists, RINOs and even way too many Sheeple Republicans. January currently holds the greatest hope to preserve the Republic if Vice President bucks the convention consensus if he joins RINO-dom to betray America. Justin Smith points out there are Trump options beyond January 6, but that will take courage on the President’s part and courage by his narrowing government supporters AND his immense Patriot Supporters.


JRH 1/2/21

I need your generosity in 2021 via – credit cards, check cards 

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account: 

Please Support NCCR

Or support by getting in the Coffee from home business making yourself extra cash – OR just buy some FEEL GOOD coffee, that includes immune boosting products. Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


No Simple Battle – The Dawning of the Day

President Trump: Carry Out Your Duty – However Dark the Future, Never Give Up


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 1/1/2021 11:18 PM


Abide in what remains ’til the shadows end and we meet again on the dawning of the day.”  ~ Mychael Danna & Mary Fahl, from The Dawning of the Day [Blog Editor: a song in the movie The Guys]


America sits on the cusp of watching the nation thrown over a precipice and into the jaws of ravenous hungry Communists, who are hungry for raw, total power and everything they can steal from America’s treasury, and much of what transpires into the coming years hinges on what takes place on January 6th, when Congress meets to certify or hear challenges to the 2020 election results. Any certification that places Joe Biden in office essentially guarantees the end of America, as we know it, especially if the two Georgia senate seats fall to the Democrats on January 5th, and it will be the start of our descent into a hundred, perhaps a thousand, years of darkness, as we watch freedom and liberty disappear from our landscape, replaced by a God-awful tyranny.


We aren’t watching a simple battle between two opponents who are simply working within the same system using different methods to govern. The Democratic Party advocates for something totally antithetical to the Founding Principles and operates completely outside the confines of the Constitution, as evidenced by the Democratic Party election officials in the seven states that came under scrutiny for election fraud during the November election and the numerous Democratic Party supporting activist judges who have interfered arbitrarily in state law and created illegal diktats going against state laws, in order to facilitate election fraud and a win for Joe Biden, who could not win without the support of their criminal Democratic Party machines working overtime on his behalf.


And should Joe Biden actually be seated in the White House on January 20, 2021, just as Senator Chuck Schumer stated, the Democratic Party will immediately move to completely change the entire system and the manner in which the American people are governed, as they continuously bleat about “democracy” and the tools of the communist mobs, rather than acknowledge that the system built by our Founders is a Republic. They will also continue to weaken election protections, in such a manner as to ensure that they never lose an election again, sealing America’s fate under an emerging Communist totalitarian regime led by the youthful anti-American radicals of the Democratic Party, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.


For too long, the good and decent hardworking American patriots have inadvertently neglected their duty to keep a vigilant eye on their government and, as such, allowed unprincipled, corrupt people to hold high office, to which these criminals bent to their own will, motives and agendas, while also passing “law” that benefitted their illegal schemes. Rather than being a “nation of laws, not of men”, America has been manipulated into a country of bad laws made by corrupt people, at every level, vile, evil things unworthy of the name “human”.


[JOS] Mark Levin so brilliantly explains in his December 30th commentary:


“The 2020 presidential election was, in several targeted battleground states, an unconstitutional electoral exercise. … Specifically, Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the federal Constitution could not be more explicit. It states … ‘Each state shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature therefore may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress …’ This language was purposeful. ….. The problem for the Democrats was that in several of these battleground states, the Republicans controlled the legislatures, while the Democrats controlled the state executive offices. The Constitution was not on their side. Therefore, they used the two branches of government that were to have no role in directing the appointment of electors to eviscerate the role of the Republican legislatures.”


Reported by Jake Tapper on New Year’s Eve, at least 140 Republican Representatives are now on board with challenging the 2020 election results, given the massive fraud that has been put into evidence, seen on videotapes and even acknowledged by some courts, even as they reject cases brought forth to challenge the results. God Bless these American Patriots, such as Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama and Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri, along with all the rest. There would be more, if Congress weren’t so corrupt and filled with anti-American statists, globalists and outright Communists.


How can anyone believe the election was conducted fairly, when Pres. Trump’s lawyers were denied a suit in Minnesota to stop fraudulent election processes prior to November 3rd, because they “had suffered no harm” as yet? And then, after November 3rd, Trump’s lawyers were told they didn’t sue soon enough — that they should have sued prior to the election. What sort of double-dealing crap is that? Just one case of many, with Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia now the four main states whose results are in question, the Catch-22 is obvious and a no-win game stacked against President Trump from the beginning, as the fight to oust him began even before his own Inaugural Day, with no “peaceful transition” ever making the slightest of appearance in DC.


Sydney Powell, nationally renowned attorney, has brought several challenges to the 2020 election and released hundreds of pages of evidence that detail the massive election fraud that occurred at multiple levels. Ms. Powell calls the election a “Machiavellian” masterpiece of deception, and she readily explains that the evidence has not been debunked, as so often asserted by the Marxist mainstream media, since the judges dismissed cases on unrelated points of order and never even reviewed the mass of evidence on hand.


What could and should unfold is a fight in Congress that results in the Better Angels of Congress winning the fight to force a vote from the States’ Delegates, as they reject the flawed and fraudulent votes of States in question that were handed to the Electoral College, if one follows the letter of the Constitution. Each state would get to cast one vote for President of the United States, and if this scenario does come to fruition, it favors President trump’s re-election, since 27 of the delegations are in Republican hands.


But, in many respects, the aforementioned scenario may be a longshot. So many Republicans holding office today are not strong supporters of the Constitution, or even liberty really, and it is sad to watch as they wet their pants, wail and wring their hands, as mass confusion over what the Constitution actually states seems to overtake their senses; some, such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Ben Sasse have already caved [Blog Editor: As such contributors to lawless treason!!!] and recognized Biden as the next president. And then, of course, there are still those in the GOP who are secretly, some not so secretly, gleefully relishing the chance to remove Trump from office, since he was upsetting their own greedy globalist machinations as well.


Incredibly shocking as it is to many Americans, it does appear that some Republicans in Congress intend to aid and abet the election fraud, shirking their Constitutional duties and stripping 74 million [Blog Editor: Probably more but hidden by treasonous election crimes] Americans of a free election and the inauguration of the rightful President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.


However dark the future may appear, never give up.


President Trump’s position isn’t necessarily as weak or a hopelessly foregone conclusion as so  much of the mainstream media would have all America believe. Some DC rumblings suggest that President Trump and his people may have a few 11th hour surprises forthcoming and a hand full of aces, since it’s somewhat hard to believe that President Trump would be calling on all his supporters to join him in DC on January 6th, just to watch him humiliated.


The [JOS] recent public demonstration by Jovan Hutton Pulitzer of the easy manner in which Dominion Voting Systems can be hacked, in real time, sure threw Georgia lawmakers a curve-ball they never saw coming, and that demonstration is certain to send some hard reverberations into the Congressional fray on January 6th.


[Blog Editor: Justin’s embedded link in the above paragraph is a Youtube version of Pulitzers demonstration before a Georgia Senate panel hacking a Dominion voting machine in real time. Something Dominion has publicly testified is not possible. The video is about 48-minutes long and worth watching for yourself. So much so I am bet surprised Youtube hasn’t censored it. Here’s the video:


VIDEO: Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Testimony @ GA Senate Judiciary Committee

Posted by Freedom Flash Point

8.13K subscribers – Dec 30, 2020


Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, expert and patent owner in barcode and QR code technologies, gives expert testimony before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee on ballot kinematic artifacts.


December 30, 2020]


And America still hasn’t heard from Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, who is surely sitting on something, perhaps something as explosive as evidence of CIA meddling in the election, hinted at Langley for weeks now. Something certainly sent Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller into action to take over all the CIA’s field operational functions, prior to Christmas, as we recall there have been rumors of CIA Director Gina Haspel coming under suspicion of dark deeds and questioned intensely, along with the fact that in the weeks following the election there was strong infighting between Miller and the CIA over certain documents.


Now it is time to plainly state that the Democratic Party is an entity that represents Communism, an ideology that has no place in America, and, in fact, and ideology and a movement whose sole intent and purpose is to destroy and replace the Founding and Our Republic.


Our U.S. Constitution plainly guarantees the States and all true Americans a “Republican Form of Government” in Article IV Section 4, not a Marxist regime led by authoritarian diktat and corrupt Communists. And, given Section 3 of the 20th Amendment, that additionally calls on Congress to verify that the President Elect and the Vice-President Elect have qualified for office, Congress has the sacred duty under Article IV Section 4 to disqualify Biden and Harris, due to the arbitrary, illegal and illegitimate changes made in the election process, by several states’ officials, in violation of their own states’ laws and constitutions and Article I Section 4 Clause 1 and Article II Section 1 Clause 2 of the U.S Constitution, that made possible the blatant, brazen, criminal election fraud and the theft of the Presidential Election for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


A Congressional failure of duty will leave President Trump as America’s last hope, as he follows his own Oath of Office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” and to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”, as viewed in Article II Section 1 and Article II Section 3. Both of these provisions require him to act to preserve our Republic, as it was created by our Founding Fathers and the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.


President Donald J. Trump does, in fact, has the constitutional and statutory authority to carry out his duty to America and the Constitution, and he may be preparing to do that very thing, as the nation witnessed him leaving his holiday break in Florida early to return to DC before New Year’s Eve, while his legal teams continue to exhaust all legal means to end this election nightmare and the Marxist assault on America. The evidence to date of the Biden family’s influence-peddling schemes overseas, via emails and Hunter’s laptop, are enough by themselves to move President Trump to his duty to prevent Joe Biden from grasping hold of the presidency, and so, with all other constitutionally mandated processes having failed, or set to fail, President Trump must take some emergency executive action, in order to save the Republic and preserve what is left of freedom and liberty in America.


Freedom has always come at a high cost, largely due to the great evil so ever present within the ranks of the human race. It’s been a constant war between Good and Evil, as seen in the Bible, our cities and now our Congress. 


Many of President Trump’s supporters are hoping and praying that he will declare martial law temporarily, should all else fail, in order to completely bring this evil Marxist scheme into the full light of day and stop the illegal seizure of the country by anti-Americans who hold no love for America’s traditions, Founding or virtues and principles.  Will he do it? What happens next is anybody’s guess and anything is possible. I didn’t really think the Democrats would be so reckless as to attempt to steal the election in so open a fashion, rigging voting machines and mail-in ballots, at least not at this stage of our history; but they did.


Just wait for it. And buy lotsa ammo. 2021 is going to get real ugly, real quick.


Then I called my men to follow me, knowing well that the view was dim. Though tired and worn, how they fought all morn’ as time was closing in. And my heart was sad though sore with pride, for brave lads all were they. As the angels fly, how they climbed so high, on the dawning of the day.” [Blog Editor: Lyrics sang by Mary Fahl]


By Justin O. Smith


[Blog Editor: Here is 3:53 minutes of Mary Fahl sing the tune “Dawning of the Day” which includes the above quote:


VIDEO: Dawning of the Day by Mary Fahl (former lead singer of October Project)

Posted by Mary Fahl (former lead singer of October Project)

5.25K subscribers – Sep 13, 2013




Edited by John R. Houk

Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Unless indicated by “JOS”, embedded links are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith


Commie and Criminal Election Interference

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

(c) December 19, 2020

I am EXTREMELY displeased the crimes perpetrated Dem-Marxists, a huge majority of America’s Media (once known as the Free Press or Mainstream Media), RINOSs, Establishment so-called Conservatives AND Cowardly once respected Republicans have publicly acquiesced to a political coup that if proceeds to its perceived conclusion will terminate the Republic of the United States of America. A Republic once a shining beacon of Liberty and Freedom on a hill of Christian Principles. A Creepy-Crooked Joe (and eventual Commie Kamala) Administration left unchecked will complete Obama’s fundamental transformation of America.

TO BE CLEAR that transformation will terminate Christian Liberty and tenets, steal your guns once guaranteed as a citizen vehicle against corrupt government by America’s Founders, AND establish all manner Socio-Political Cultural Humanist Socialist-Marxist State control over every single person’s life and destiny.

President Trump still has vehicles to prevent or at least stall this treasonous future. To date – I have only heard rumors and speculation Trump will act. Rumors and speculation DO NOT fill me with confidence.

If Trump fails to act, are there enough Americans committed to the legacy of our Founding Fathers’ legacy to rise up as they did to THROW OFF government tyranny?

The Dem-Marxist and Cultural Marxists think not believing their Communist dawn will rise in the East under the globalist direction of the Chinese Communist Party. The very CCP that set the conditions for American treason by unleashing their CCP-COVID Virus on the world allowing closet Marxists to by-pass Representative governments with totalitarian rules that definitely violated the U.S. Constitution. I suspect other Western nations had their Constitutional laws by-passed as well.

Americans used to Liberty are not used to be Sheeple herded by Big Brother’s all-seeing-Big-Tech-Commie-Eye. If President fails to use the apparatus at his disposal (even temporarily suspending the Constitution to protect the Constitution), WHAT WILL YOU DO about this Dem-Marxist coup?

Below is some lengthy information and Trump speculated options you will not read or hear about from any source dedicated to Dem-Marxist propaganda meant to guide compliant Sheeple. (Come back to read a few times – it’s that long.)

JRH 12/19/20

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Posted by Free Your MindEUMELs Media Library

December 17th, 2020 23:14 UTC


🇺🇸 All credit to “Dr. Steve Turley” – Original video: http://bitly.ws/aQ2f


2020 Election Fraud Is CCP ‘Assassin’s Mace’: Patrick Byrne


Patrick Byrne on Dec. 15, 2020. (Otabius Williams/The Epoch Times.)



Originally Posted December 16, 2020

Updated: December 18, 2020

The Epoch Times


Election fraud is the secret “assassin’s mace” of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that has long confounded security hawks, according to tech billionaire and entrepreneur Patrick Byrne, who back in August assembled a cyber intelligence team to analyze the U.S. voting system.

“For 10 years or more, there have been references to a coming ‘assassin’s mace’ in the Chinese literature—where they take out the United States with one stroke,” Byrne told The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders” program. “The national security community in the United States has been trying to figure this out: Is it their new aircraft carrier? Is that the hypersonic missile? Is it this, that, is it an EMP?”

“I don’t think so,” he told host Jan Jekielek. “The one stroke that takes the United States out is what we’re experiencing right now.”

The 2020 vote involved “massive election fraud,” he says. “Not voter fraud, but election fraud.”

Byrne has been a driving force in the research for lawsuits filed by attorneys Lin Wood and Sidney Powell. He has also been working together with ASOG, the company that recently carried out the forensic audit on voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan.

Byrne said he started investigations back in August, and that as a result, he anticipated the very irregularities which he later observed in the November election.

He says his team of online security experts now believes Chinese developers are “under the hood” of the software that has infiltrated at least two of the main voting systems in the United States.

Suppliers of such election software and systems involved in the U.S. election have responded to allegations of voting irregularities with consistent denial that their systems can be manipulated or that they have any such connection to foreign governments.

‘Reverse-engineering the Coup’


Byrne described the election as a soft coup.

“We are basically reverse-engineering this coup,” said Byrne, in reference to his team of 30-40 people.

Byrne says that he fell in with cyber experts who had been looking at election manipulation since 2018 when they were hired as part of a blue-ribbon commission set up to examine potential election fraud in Texas.

“That group has had two years to really reverse engineer what the rest of America has had a couple of weeks to understand,” he said. “They had already figured out really about a dozen different ways you could defeat an election or hack an election—in a broad sense of hack, not necessarily just electronic cyber guys hacking.”

According to Byrne, they found cheating was possible “at an industrial level, in terms of generating hundreds of thousands of fake votes.”

Byrne says the pattern of manipulation can be identified through examining three key points—what he calls “three buckets of facts.”

“One bucket is understanding the systems themselves and how they were built: the functionality that was built into them and the vulnerabilities that exist.”

The second bucket, he says, relates to how the election process played out. “[In the event of fraud] you would expect people to have certain experiences when they either go in and vote or if they volunteer and work in the precincts.”

A Georgia Republican Party poll watcher looks over voting machine transporters being stored at the Fulton County Election Preparation Center in Atlanta, Ga., on Nov. 4, 2020. (Jessica McGowan/Getty Images)

He gives the examples of vote tabulating being shut down, of poll watchers being denied entry, and of the video of election workers pulling out cases of ballots from under a table after observers had gone home and then scanning them.

The third bucket, he says, is the extreme statistical outliers that would be thrown up by such a manipulation process.

“Things like that happened—these statistical outliers: Having 123,000 votes in a row going to one candidate; or in Pennsylvania, I believe it was 580,000 votes got processed that were 99.4 percent for Biden… and they came through exactly when all the Republicans had been told they had to leave.”

“They’re on the order of you winning the Powerball lottery this week, and next week and the week after—and that happening in dozens of places around America at the same time.”

“When you put those three different narratives together, they also just come together perfectly. They all reinforce each other.”

Traced to China


Byrne says that the manipulation of the voting systems can be traced back to China.

“There’s a chain of command basically from China through Iran to Cuba and Venezuela,” he said. “The Chinese are funding Smartmatic through the Panamanian division of Smartmatic, but it bounces through Venezuela.”

“There is code buried within the Dominion machines that has been turned up that seems to show Chinese provenance.”

“There are Chinese developers under the hood of this stuff back in China who are actually getting their software into the Smartmatic systems which have infiltrated at least two of the main voting systems used domestically.”

Smartmatic’s headquarters located in Boca Rotan, Fla., on Dec. 2, 2020. (The Epoch Times)

“I say this as a guy who loves China,” he adds. “I speak Chinese, I have a great affection for China and the Chinese people—but I’m not such a big fan of the CCP.”

Smartmatic says its products were used only in one LA county in the U.S. 2020 election and has consistently denied any claims of wrongdoing or involvement in voter or election fraud past or present. It says it has no involvement with any governments or political parties or with Dominion.

Dominion Voting Systems has also consistently denied any wrongdoing or vulnerabilities in its systems and said that it does not use software owned by Smartmatic and that it has no ownership ties to the governments of China, Cuba, or Venezuela. Dominion products are used in 28 states.

Byrne, however, says that software created by Smartmatic went through a series of corporate mergers, acquisitions, divestments, and licensing agreements before ending up in at least two of the main commercial voting systems being used in the United States, including Dominion. “Its genetic lineage [goes] back to the software,” he says.

A number of other analysts have signed affidavits to the same effect.

Dominion has also come under scrutiny for its ownership structure after its parent company raised funds with the help of a Swiss bank before the 2020 U.S. presidential election. The transaction, peculiar in several ways, has led some to speculate that a Chinese entity could be an indirect investor in the company.

Byrne says that stealing the national election doesn’t require cheating across the board. “There are six counties that you need to steal. If you steal these six counties around the country, that flips the six states they’re in, which flips the electoral college votes that come with them, which flips the nation,” he said. “You’ve got to take six places and cheat like crazy there.”

He says that some online security experts, who he describes as white hat hackers, say that they would give the election systems a rating of just one or two out of 10 for security.

Follow Simon on Twitter: @SPVeazey

Follow Jan on Twitter: @JanJekielek

Copyright © 2000 – 2020 – The Epoch Times


‘Theft By A Thousand Cuts’ Report Conclusive On Election Fraud, Slams Media Cover Up



December 17, 2020

The National Pulse

A new report detailing massive fraud plaguing the 2020 election alleges there was a widespread, “theft by a thousand cuts” strategy “across six dimensions and six battleground states.” The report cites comprehensive evidence, and blasts the media for its failure to cover the matter accurately.

In the report, Peter Navarro, also a White House Trade Adviser, outlines a “coordinated strategy to effectively stack the election deck against the Trump-Pence ticket” occurring in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The full report is embedded at the bottom of this article.

SUMMARY [Voter Fraud Chart 1]

The Navarro Report also notes how President Trump’s leads in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were reversed by “a flood of mail-in and absentee ballots”:


The report explains how “outright voter fraud,” including “the large-scale manufacturing of fake ballots, bribery, and dead voters” and “ballots cast by ineligible voters such as felons and illegal aliens, ballots counted multiple times, and illegal out-of-state voters,” plagued swing states:


Navarro also alleges that “‘ballot mishandling” via a “lack of adequate voter ID check,” “signature matching abuses,” “backdating of ballots,” a “broken chain of custody,” and more jeopardized election results:


Contestable process fouls, such as the “abuse of poll watchers and observers,” allowing improperly registered people to vote, and illegal ballot curing also plagued every swing state:


All six states also violated the Equal Protection Clause by carrying out varying standards for ballot curing, poll watcher treatment, and certification of in-person and mail-in ballots:


Machines used to conduct elections also contributed to the fraud, experiencing “large-scale inaccuracies together with inexplicable vote switching and vote surges, often in favor Joe Biden”:


Citing excessively high voter turnout, unusual vote surges, and statistically unlikely results given counties’ partisan history and voting registration, Navarro also highlights statistical anomalies infecting battleground states:



Navarro concludes, “the weight of evidence and patterns of irregularities uncovered in this report are such that it is irresponsible for anyone – especially the mainstream media – to claim that there is “no evidence” of fraud or irregularities.”



 Raheem Kassam is the Editor in Chief of the National Pulse. Natalie Winters is a Senior Writing Fellow.

The National Pulse.


[Blog Editor: Numerous supporters of President Trump have urged Martial Law or some kind of temporary or partial suspension of the Constitution rightly perceiving corruption in all Branches of government are cooperating with this Marxist Coup. Retired Air Force Lt. Gen Thomas McInerney has called for Martial Law to address Election Coup. Unjustly persecuted retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has been calling for Martial Law:


VIDEO: Targeted by the deep state: Flynn tells all

Posted by Newsmax TV

1.72M subscribers – Dec 17, 2020


Here is an examination of the details found in the above video:


Flynn: Trump Needs To Seize Voting Machines, Could Use “Military Capabilities” To “Rerun” Elections In Swing States; By Ian Schwartz; Real Clear Politics; 12/17/20


Since the Courts all the way up to SCOTUS have refused to even examine the tons of Election Fraud, independent lawyers such as Lin Wood called for Martial Law probably due to Courts continuously refusing to look at evidence:


Attorney Lin Wood, patriot group, call on Trump to use wartime executive powers like Lincoln did and order new, fair elections under military authority; By JD Heyes; Originally Natural News – cross posted at The Daily Coin; 12/4/20


A good description of how martial law could work is by Stephen B. Meister on the JamesFetzer.org website:]


Case for President Trump Invoking Insurrection Act to Restore Election Integrity


Posted by James Fetzer

By Stephen B. Meister

December 9, 2020




During the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, the Tenth Congress enacted the Insurrection Act of 1807, which was then signed by Jefferson into law, to foil the plot of Revolutionary War hero Aaron Burr—following the destruction of his political career after he shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel—to raise an army to establish his own dynasty in what was then the Louisiana Territory.

The Insurrection Act empowers the president of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, and rebellion. Section 252 of the Act, states:

“Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.”

Generally, the U.S. military remains free of civil conflicts on U.S. soil, as no one wants U.S. armed forces using physical force against U.S. civilians. Indeed, when President Donald Trump threatened to invoke the Insurrection Act, and send the National Guard in response to the George Floyd riots, including, for example, to address Seattle’s failure to restore law and order over the so-called “autonomous zone,” then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper openly stated his disagreement with the president.

Ultimately, President Trump did not then invoke the Insurrection Act. But considering the possibility of the Act’s invocation now, to address “unlawful obstructions” to an attempt to verify ballots, and an “insurrection” surrounding the 2020 election generally, two powerful distinctions must at the outset be noted: (1) Esper is no longer Defense Secretary, Trump having fired and replaced him with Christopher Miller, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, and (2) troops could be deployed to take control over ballots and voting machines in swing states, not to suppress and disperse rioting civilians.

The president’s invocation of the Insurrection Act is not a declaration of martial law. The Constitution is not suspended. The writ of habeas corpus is not suspended. The president would be using troops to enforce the law, not override it.

To understand the case for Trump’s potential invocation of the Insurrection Act, we must consider more broadly the 2020 election and surrounding historical circumstances.

Election Integrity Was Shattered by Numerous Badges of Fraud


At law, fraud is often proved by what are known as “badges of fraud”—telltale signs that a fraud has taken place—short of positive proof of the actual fraud, because fraudsters have a tendency of covering their tracks.

Case in point: Harry Markopolos. At least 7 years before the lid was blown off the $65 billion Ponzi scheme run by Bernie Madoff, Harry Markopolos, a money fund manager, blew the whistle on Madoff’s decades-long Ponzi scheme. Markopolos’ “proof” was a single compelling badge of fraud: in his words, Madoff’s “impossibly smooth” returns over decades. Markopolos, who made investments for a living, knew no one could have such a consistent record, with no downturns, no volatility, and for so many years on end. Markopolos published a book titled “No One Would Listen,” remarking, after exposure of Madoff’s enormous Ponzi scheme, “the math was so compelling.”

Badges of Fraud in the 2020 Election: The ‘Math Is So Compelling’


  • Consider now—away from the mountains of direct evidence of voter fraud—the “math” involved in the 2020 election:
  • Shortly after midnight (eastern), President Trump was leading in all six of the swing states still in issue: Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada, and had racked up, apart from those six states, 232 electoral votes to Biden’s 227.
  • During the early morning hours of Nov. 4, not one or two, but all six states flipped for Biden.
  • The early-morning-Nov. 4 “blue-shift” took place only in the six swing states (nowhere else), through a series of “spikes,” almost entirely consisting of mailed ballots (made possible due to radical changes in voting laws following the CCP virus pandemic), in which Biden received the vast majority of the votes. According to an analysis published through substack, these spikes include:
  • “An update in Michigan listed as 6:31 a.m. Eastern Time on Nov. 4, 2020, which shows 141,258 votes for Joe Biden and 5,968 votes for Donald Trump”
  • “An update in Wisconsin listed as 3:42 a.m. Central Time on Nov. 4, 2020, which shows “143,379 votes for Joe Biden and 25,163 votes for Donald Trump”
  • “A vote update in Georgia listed at 1:34 a.m. Eastern Time on Nov. 4, 2020, which shows 136,155 votes for Joe Biden and 29,115 votes for Donald Trump”
  • “An update in Michigan listed as of 3:50 a.m. Eastern Time on Nov. 4, 2020, which shows 54,497 votes for Joe Biden and 4,718 votes for Donald Trump”
  • Those four spikes yielded 426,241 Biden votes but only 64,964 Trump votes.
  • Somehow Biden did very poorly in all parts of the country except, only and exactly, where it mattered. Out of the 3,000 counties in the United States, 19 so-called “bellwether” counties have had a perfect record, since 1980, of voting for the winner. Donald Trump won 18 of these 19 counties. For example, Vigo County, Indiana, and Valencia County, New Mexico, each have perfect records voting for picking the winning candidate since the 1952 election famously gotten wrong by the Chicago Tribune, which ran a cover declaring “Dewey Defeats Truman.” Barack Obama won these two bellwether counties in 2008, yet Trump handily defeated Biden in both and 16 other bellwether counties.
  • In 2008, Obama garnered 69,498,516 votes, the most ever until Biden slashed his record with over 80 million votes in 2020, yet, Trump this year won the highest share of non-white voters of any Republican since 1960: Roughly one-quarter of non-white voters cast their ballots for Trump, according to an Edison exit poll.
  • Trump improved his 2016 performance (just shy of 63 million votes) by 20 percent in 2020 (over 74 million votes). No incumbent president in U.S. history has ever improved his original performance that much and lost. For example, Barack Obama garnered 3.5 million fewer votes in 2012, yet won a second term.

In sum: six swing states were won by Trump on Election Day, and all six shifted to Biden by virtue of early morning Nov. 4 spikes in mailed-in ballots overwhelmingly favoring Biden; but somehow Biden did not win elsewhere in the country; Trump won nearly all (18 of 19) of the historically accurate bellwether counties; Biden, campaigning from his basement, after obvious signs of cognitive decline and the hugely damaging Hunter Biden scandal breaking, running with a vice-presidential candidate who had to drop out of the race at 5 percent of the vote, somehow topped Obama, the first black U.S. president, by over 10 million votes, even though Trump won more of the non-white vote than any GOP candidate in the last 60 years.

As Markopolos said of Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, the “math was so compelling” but no one would listen. The same is true of the 2020 election.

Mountains of Proof of Fraud


Aside from these compelling badges of fraud, mountains of direct evidence of widespread voter fraud have been uncovered:

  • Radical change to universal mail-in ballots—a weaponization of the CCP virus pandemic.
  • Dramatic ease of mail-in restrictions.
  • A dramatic drop in mailed ballot rejection rates.
  • Sworn affidavit of “perfect black bubbles” filled in on mailed ballots.
  • Sworn affidavits of ballots counted multiple times.
  • Refusal of election authorities to perform simple signature checks on mailed ballots.
  • Sworn affidavits of mailed ballots backdated.
  • Sworn affidavits of “pristine ballots.”
  • Sworn testimony of a Pennsylvania trucker concerning massive numbers of ballots shipped from Babylon, New York to Pennsylvania.
  • Ballots from out-of-state voters.
  • Ballots from voters listing fraudulent addresses.
  • Poll watchers denied access in violation of the law.
  • Video evidence of cases of hidden ballots.

Dominion Software


On top of the badges of fraud, compelling math, and actual proof of voter fraud, powerful evidence has emerged that the Dominion vote-counting software, in use in 28 states, has been compromised:

  • Sworn testimony that Dominion is linked to Smartmatic, which was allegedly developed at the request of Hugo Chavez to ensure his election victories.
  • Evidence that in many cases the Dominion machines were connected to the internet and thus vulnerable to hacking, including by foreign actors.
  • Evidence that Dominion machines were not “hardened” (secured against hacking).
  • Evidence that Dominion components were made in China.

Election Officials Are Partisan Political Hacks


No objective observer would contend that the election officials are anything but partisan political hacks. They have no interest in a fair and honest election and are only concerned with a Biden win, no matter how fraudulently procured.

Sadly, this sort of hyper-partisanship has extended to elected officials, including some Democratic governors, such as Pennsylvania’s Tom Wolfe, who has shown he’s set on certifying Pennsylvania’s fraudulent results—which now have Biden winning despite a nearly 800,000 vote Trump lead on Election Day, and despite mountains of evidence of fraud.

Courts Demonstrate Reluctance to Intervene


Many court cases have been started in response to the widespread voter fraud, some by the president and others by disenfranchised voters represented by independent lawyers and lawyers who work for public interest groups.

In some cases, the courts have, tragically, operated as partisan appendages of the Democratic executive branches of state governments. For example, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in a split 4–3 decision, overrode the GOP-majority controlled Pennsylvania Legislature’s duly enacted law setting 8 p.m. on Election Day as the deadline for mail-in ballots. That decision was a brazen violation of the U.S. Constitution, as Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has already suggested, which grants the state legislatures the exclusive authority to determine the manner of selecting electors.

In other cases, courts have demonstrated a reluctance to get involved. While I don’t agree with this approach, it’s understandable given the separation of powers inherent to our constitutional republic. Many judges simply don’t want to tell the executive branch of a state government how to run their elections even if they see compelling evidence of rampant fraud.

Can Biden Run Out the Clock?


The Electors’ Clause of the U.S. Constitution grants each state legislature the exclusive power to decide the “manner” in which the state’s presidential electors are chosen. That means the state legislatures have the constitutional power to select Trump-pledged electors if they believe a fraudulent vote was certified or to disavow the Biden-pledged electors certified by the state’s governor.

What’s less clear is whether the state lawmakers can do either at any time up until the Jan. 20 inauguration, or whether they are foreclosed from doing so after the Electoral College is convened, which this year will be held on Dec. 14. The Electoral College date is set by Congressional statute, not by the Constitution, and to the extent that statute, as applied, constrains constitutional powers of the state lawmakers, it may be adjudged unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

Still, in the absence of timely clarification from the Supreme Court, the state lawmakers may be persuaded that they lack a constitutional power they truly possess, or they just may be frustrated in exercising that power by Democratic governors refusing to call a special session of the state legislature.

President Trump: Election System Under ‘Coordinated Assault and Siege,’ Left Wants ‘Communism’


While being careful never to say he will resist a peaceful transition of power, the president in a pre-recorded speech—he dubbed the “most important” he has ever made—declared that our election system was under “coordinated assault and siege.”

Later, the president proposed “landmark election reform” and overhaul of election security systems, but that would only occur if and after Republicans won the Senate, and presupposes a Trump victory.

Speaking at his recent rally supporting the GOP candidates in the Georgia Senate run-off (businesswoman Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and former business executive Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.)), Trump said, “These people want to go further than socialism, they want to go into a communistic form of government, and I have no doubt about it.” The president warned “as Chuck Schumer said rather infamously, ‘First we take Georgia, then we take America.’”

The DOJ and FBI Have Demonstrated a Reluctance to Get Involved


Although the Department of Justice (DOJ), through special counsel Robert Mueller, and the FBI, spent years and interviewed over 500 witnesses to investigate the phony Russia-Trump collusion hoax, Attorney General William Barr took a few weeks to go out of his way to state to the press that he had not found evidence of voter fraud on a scale that would overturn the result.

According to the president’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, the FBI is “missing in action.” Of course, it strains credulity that the DOJ could possibly have conducted any sort of real investigation into a national election involving 150 million voters in anywhere near the timeframe Barr took to make his comments.

64 Pennsylvania Lawmakers Send Letter to Congress Asking Congress to Void Biden Electors


In light of the profound evidence of fraud in Pennsylvania (whereby Trump’s 800,000 vote Election Day lead was overcome), including the unlawful blocking of GOP poll watchers, one trucker’s shocking testimony regarding a delivery of thousands of ballots from Bethpage, New York, to Pennsylvania, and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s unconstitutional and hyper-partisan overriding of the Pennsylvania Legislature’s 8 p.m. Election Day deadline for mailed ballots, 64 Pennsylvania state senators, representatives, and members-elect of the General Assembly, including Speaker of the House Bryan Cutler and majority leader Kerry Benninghoff, issued a letter (pdf) on Dec. 4 asking Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation to object to the 20 Electoral College votes certified by Gov. Tom Wolf for Biden.

Mainstream Media and Social Media Have Been Corrupt Co-conspirators


No objective person would say the mainstream media and social media, have been journalistically objective. Indeed, no objective person would deny they have been active co-conspirators in stealing the election.

Long before Election Day, Twitter and Facebook were aggressively suppressing factual articles adverse to Biden, including Twitter’s having blocked the New York Post’s breaking news story about the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop, and later having shut down the Post’s Twitter account for weeks. The New York Post was founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) railed against Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

The mainstream and social media also repeatedly suppressed news of Biden’s mental acuity and frequent stunning gaffes.

Mainstream media voting polls suppressed Trump voters by reporting a Biden win was a foregone conclusion.

On Election Day, the mainstream media displayed obvious bias calling states for Biden prematurely and delaying interminably calling Trump’s victories in Florida, Texas, Ohio, and South Carolina. Even former conservative cable news outlet Fox News shamefully called Arizona for Biden on Election Day, when no objective observer would have done so.

Almost all news outlets “called” the election weeks ago, and repeatedly refer to Biden as “the president-elect.” Very few outlets—The Epoch Times the most notable—have refused to call the election while six swing states remain in dispute.

The actions of the media and social media are more than bias, they amount to the active and substantial assistance of a co-conspirator. Consider this recent gem from the New York Times in a supposed hard news story, the clear object of which is to stop the lawmakers and the courts from considering the evidence of fraud:

“The final days of the Trump presidency have taken on the stormy elements of a drama more common to history or literature than a modern White House. His rage and detached-from-reality refusal to concede defeat evoke images of a besieged overlord in some distant land defiantly clinging to power rather than going into exile or an erratic English monarch imposing his version of reality on his cowed court.”

Biden, Empty-Vessel Instrumentality of Insurrection?


Few objective voters could or would even try to make a case for Biden truly possessing the leadership abilities to serve as the leader of the free world.

Biden graduated at the very bottom of his law school class. He has held political office for 47 years with virtually no accomplishments to speak of. He was forced to withdraw from the 1987 presidential race after admitting to plagiarism, and lost to Obama in 2008.

Biden is on tape bragging about having successfully threatened the president of Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company Burisma, which had employed his son Hunter, for over $50,000 a month, and Ukraine knuckled under, fired the prosecutor, and dropped the investigation.

Shortly before the election, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal broke, during which evidence emerged that Hunter had taken millions from the Chinese Communist Party, which emails allegedly show he committed to share with his father, the “big guy.”

What Biden really offers, everyone knows, is a pliable empty vessel that the left can do with what they please. He serves as a figurehead and nothing more.

While this alone is not a reason to overturn the election, it draws a highlighter through the risk of civil war, because it makes Biden’s fraudulent election part of a broader scheme—i.e., an insurrection.

US Polls Show Half US Voters Believe the Election Was Stolen; Foreign Press and Officials Have Openly Recognized Widespread US Voter Fraud


Rasmussen poll shows that 47 percent of U.S. voters believe “Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states to ensure that Biden would win.” This is a staggering result. It’s one thing for voters to say they have no confidence in the winner. It’s another for them to say the election was stolen. And, I believe, like the “shy Trump” voter, the true percentage of voters who believe the election was stolen has to be much higher. Indeed it’s hard to understand how any well-informed Democrat could come to any other conclusion.

President Trump has claimed he has been privately called by many foreign leaders who have expressed similar sentiments.

Australia’s Sky News has repeatedly reported aggressively on the obvious fraud in the U.S. election.

A Compelling Case That an Insurrection Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes


The confluence of events now evident, it can be cogently argued, presents a compelling case for the president’s invocation of the Insurrection Act.

On the one hand, there’s a statistically impossible election outcome coupled with vast evidence (over 1,000 sworn affidavits) demonstrating specific voter fraud and vote-counting software and hardware—designed for communists to permit voter fraud through voter-intention changing algorithms—containing Chinese components and using foreign-based servers, connected to the internet.

And, on the other hand—following a nearly four-year-long attempted non-violent coup (including the bogus Mueller investigation and failed impeachment attempt)—there’s a conspiracy unfolding in the days following Election Day of political hacks, corrupt and complicit news and social media outlets, and partisan or gun-shy courts, working together to bring about a massive, fraudulent post-Election Day “blue-shift” only where it mattered, and the conspirators then collaboratively “running out the clock” without the truth about election fraud ever having been determined.

Add in to the equation an electorate at least half of which (likely far more) see the election as having been stolen, foreign leaders saying the same, and formerly mainstream Democrats threatening to pack the Court, end the filibuster, make D.C. and Puerto Rico into states, and finally to pack the electorate through amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, all for the purpose of achieving a one-party communist totalitarian state, and it’s no longer a stretch to say that the country is facing a coordinated insurrection that presents an existential threat to the republic.

The outcomes are binary: Either some combination of the courts and the state legislatures will take steps that result in either a Trump win or a contingent election in the House, which Trump then wins, or the statistical anomalies and proof of voter fraud is never addressed because the conspirators run out the clock, and Biden wins.

Either outcome is fraught with danger. If Trump wins by either overturning election results in court, or through a contingent election following state lawmakers’ sending dueling electors or simply disavowing their own election results, Democrats, including radical groups such as Antifa, could, and likely would, revolt openly and violently.

Conversely, if Biden successfully runs out the clock, and the fraudulent results are certified, without any real audits having taken place or the evidence addressed or explained, the silent majority is not likely to remain silent a moment longer. Trump supporters could take the streets, and violence doubtless would erupt.

Either way, massive property damage and deaths would ensue. The CCP virus would likely spike further.

If U.S. election integrity is not restored, the standing of the United States as the greatest democracy the world has ever known would come to an immediate end. We could never again wag our finger at the likes of communist China, Venezuela, or Cuba, because we could be guilty of exactly the same rigged elections.

On the other hand, if election integrity is restored, the risk of civil war could be averted, and our international stature could be salvaged—no matter who is determined to be the winner.

What Would Invocation of the Insurrection Act to Restore Election Integrity Look Like?

As students of U.S. history know, in 1878 Congress enacted the Posse Comitatus Act aimed at preventing federal troops from interfering with elections in the Southern states during the period of Reconstruction following the end of the Civil War.

But the Posse Comitatus Act did not repeal the above-quoted section 252 of the Insurrection Act. Regardless, Trump could invoke the Insurrection Act surgically, not to redo the election in all 50 states, or even in the six swing states in dispute.

Instead, he could simply invoke the Insurrection Act to have U.S. armed forces seize control of crucial electoral evidence—ballots, envelopes, and Dominion voting machines and servers—and order the military to conduct an immediate and thorough forensic audit of the votes, so that all lawful ballots are counted, and all unlawful ballots are disqualified, in strict accordance with prevailing state law.

Notably, this would be a very surgical and non-tactical use of the armed forces. No force would be used against any U.S. citizens. The armed forces would merely be taking hold of crucial evidence before it’s destroyed or otherwise tampered with, and running an independent forensic audit to both determine lawful versus unlawful ballots—again in strict accordance with prevailing state law—and to manually count those ballots. Given our experiences of the last four years, neither the DOJ nor FBI should be anywhere near this process. They simply cannot be trusted.

The object of such a surgical military intervention would be to take the burden off the struggling courts and state legislatures to make sure all legal votes were counted and no illegal votes were counted—in the six involved states. The president would presumably pledge to be bound by the results of the military audit. Hopefully, Joe Biden would as well.

The object of the military intervention would be to stop the insurrection, which very well may involve foreign actors given the voting machine vulnerabilities, prevent the disenfranchisement of lawful voters, and restore the U.S. voters’ (and the world’s) confidence in the integrity of U.S. elections.

Without this limited military intervention, a cloud would hang over whomever is ultimately elected president, and the United States could never again complain, on the world stage, of a rigged communist election.

Invocation of the Insurrection Act Could Force the Supreme Court’s Hand, and That’s a Good Thing


Were the president to invoke the Insurrection Act in this or some similar surgical manner, that would doubtless spawn lawsuits by Biden and the Democrats. Some or at least one of these lawsuits would undoubtedly make its way to the Supreme Court. The high court would then have two interesting options:

  • Decide in favor of Trump on some of his challenges, but rule that his invocation of the Insurrection Act was an unconstitutional infringement of the states legislatures’ powers under Article II, Section 1, to control the manner of choosing their electors, or
  • Decline to consider either Trump’s challenge to the election or his invocation of the Insurrection Act, effectively leaving all parties where they stand.

Interestingly, option 1 could have the effect of empowering those state legislatures—moved by the evidence of fraud at the legislative hearings—to “de-certify” a Biden win in their states or to send a dueling set of electors.

In other words, invoking the Insurrection Act would serve as a test to the power of the state legislatures under the Electors’ Clause and, therefore, could—even if it were overturned by SCOTUS—prove instrumental in un-stealing the 2020 election.

Stephen B. Meister is a lawyer and an opinion writer. Twitter @StephenMeister. Opinions expressed here are his own, not his firm’s.


Copyright © jamesfetzer.org All rights reserved.


[Blog Editor: Georgette Walrath provides specifics on President Trump’s Executive Order 13848 signed in 2018 that the President’s supporters are clamoring for Martial Law to end political election crimes that ALL three Branches of Government are failing to prevent.]


Get Ready: There’s A Reason Trump Isn’t Worried… And It All Boils Down To 13848 E.O.

A very important thing happened during Trump’s “most important speech” last week… and this brilliant man always knew what was coming.


By Georgette Walrath

December 12, 2020 1:15 PM

UPDATED 12/13/20 4:55 PM

Conservative Daily Post

Have you wondered why President Trump doesn’t seem defeated or worried about the recent legal set backs?

Sure, we know that China has bought and sold our American legislators and many judges… and President Trump knows that too.

But, there’s something that only a few people are talking about that is the key to this whole election rig: Executive Order 13848.

Understand that Donald Trump is not an idiot. In fact, he’s a brilliantly shrewd man. He was elected because he garnered more support than these election riggers ever suspected… it was a miracle in 2016… and he’s about to be put back in office because of another.

Sure, it would have been great if the Supreme Court had intervened, but it wasn’t really a hope.

The Constitution carefully lays out that method for rejecting an election rig, and we must all pray that the uncompromised representatives in Washington D.C. are forced to do their duty… but because of Chinese corruption, President Trump has always had a fall back plan to save the nation.

He wrote it very carefully in 2018…. And his “most important speech” carefully fulfilled the requirements.


Bear with me, this is a lot of information to understand, but it’s so worth it. And it explains why Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are warning of jail time for these crooked politicians… and why President Trump is not defeated.

Beach Broadcast explained on November 15 about this executive order and what is happening:

EO 13848

The crooked election thugs are not just crooks, they are financially done! Foreigner involved in election interference are included!

This EO and a recent EO covers EVERYTHING…and I mean EVERYTHING! Including donations to any of these election thugs.

Does this mean that the thug AG’s and SOS that changed their state laws/rules get this punishment? What about those that ditched the ballots / changed the votes/ or fed the machines with fake ballots and ballot harvesting?

Or what about the people that got ballots under the name of their dead cats / dogs and we always know, dead people always vote democrat.

Prior to President Trump taking office, our votes did not matter for decades, the crooked politicians decided for us! We never ever had a voice in the matter, until 2016 happened and the power and will of the American people fought so hard and it caused the greatest government shakedown ever!

Think about this, we were competing with foreign voters, illegals voting, ballot harvesting, election fraud and President Trump still won! Does that mean he won by more than 12M popular votes (NSA numbers are 57M for the witch – includes dogs, cats, deceased ppl and illegals / 70M for President Trump).


Trump-Clinton 2016 Election Results Revisited

According the desperate media that is fighting for their lives and freedom have declared creepy criminal Joe as the Criminal Elect President! Then they recently changed it to Projected Winner. They will play their dirty games but…what happened on Friday, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Louise Gohmert, and Mike Pompeo were all sending strong messages about the fate of Joe and the Election thugs.

These thugs are going to throw everything they can now, because they will more than likely have a brand new home waiting for them.

President Trump was pushing for justice reform. Many people that have committed a misdemeanor were serving years in prison while the real crooks in government, were getting away with murder. Not any more.

Was President Trump sending these thugs a huge message and was he clearing the path to get new inmates in prison? Remember, the 4 low profile people that got charged with felonies, they are facing 6 months to 99 years in prison. How about all the Antifa and BLM thugs? They need room for those pink hat soy boys / girls!

EO 13848 Signed 9/12/2018 imposes certain Sanctions of Foreign Interference in an USA Election:

EO 13848 extended from 9/12/2020 to 9/12/2021:

EO 13848 screen capture 1

EO 13848 screen capture 2

EO 13848 screen capture 3

Brand New EO quietly signed on 11/10/2020 on CCP Involvement and how the DOD / DHS plays a vital role in this EO:

Trades, securities trading, etc. in connection with the CCP or CC Military is prohibited. Effective 11/11/2020 – 11/11/2021. Even donations are prohibited. Remember when Biden’s received $3.5M from the Russian Mayor’s Billionaire wifey? Then monies were transferred to Hunter’s company and many others and Loser Barry turned a blind eye to the sanction avoidance scam. According to this recent EO, that cannot be done!


Now these DOD and DHS Terminations make so much more sense to enforce the above referenced EO’s:

DOD and DHS Terminations screen capture 1

DOD and DHS Terminations screen capture 2

CISA has Terminations / Resignations as well…4 people gone!

Do you see it now? All those involved in ElectionFraudGate are going to suffer big time!

Secretary Pompeo knew and even said this at a Governor’s meeting last year!

Tweet Capture Pompeo Speaking Governors Assoc

Posted by @jonahjonas77

Lin Wood knows too:

Lin Wood Tweet screen capture

Sidney Powell Said this:

Sidney Powell Tweet screen capture

Now, check out the increased flights to GITMO:

VIDEO: 12/5/2020 – EO 13848 and NESARA! GITMO Flights are constant!

[Posted by BeachBroadcast

27.3K subscribers – Dec 5, 2020]

Merrilee Beazley explained how this all falls into place with the Speech President Trump gave on December 3:

Ask yourself this question: What was the purpose of yesterday’s White House speech about election fraud and vote rigging?

If you think it was all about Trump communicating to the people, think again. This speech was really about Trump communicating with Chris Miller and the DoD about foreign interference in the U.S. election while laying out the key national security justifications that are necessary to invoke what I’m calling the “national security option” for defending the United States against an attempted cyber warfare coup.

In this article, I present details from 10 USC, Section 394. Subtitle A, Part 1, Chapter 19, “Authorities concerning military cyber operations” as well as National Security Presidential Memoranda (NSPM) #13, covering “offensive cyber operations.” See below. In today’s Situation Update (Dec. 3rd), I lay out all the details of how Trump just invoked the legal framework — and national security provisions — necessary to allow the Secretary of Defense (Chris Miller) to activate military processes that lead to a tactical takedown of domestic enemies and active traitors. Here’s the full podcast for Dec. 3rd. Tomorrow’s podcast (Dec. 4th) will provide even more details on the NSPM and other efforts put in place by Trump’s DOD intelligence team to trap the Democrats in acts of treason and warfare against America. Brighteon.com/85eb594a-046e-48b7-989d-25a1d868ba67


Decoding President Trump’s Dec. 2nd speech

Consider what Trump said in yesterday’s speech. You can watch the full speech here, but if you don’t know what to listen for, you’ll miss all the important language. About 95% of this speech was filler. Only 5% really matters, as I detail below:

First, he lays out that he has a sworn oath to defend the United States Constitution against the wartime “siege” that’s under way: As President I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the constitution of the United States. That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege. He then explains that the vote was criminally rigged with “fraud” (which is a crime) and that it’s now time to overturn the election results and correct them: Millions of votes were cast illegally in the swing states alone, and if that’s the case, the results of the individual swing states must be overturned, and overturned immediately.

Then he explains that China was part of this entire plan from the very beginning, via their engineering and launching of the coronavirus, which Democrats used to justify mass mail-in ballots which were used to steal the election. This statement specifically invoked national security elements of our defense protocols: The Democrats has this election rigged right from the beginning. They used the pandemic as an excuse to mail out tens of millions of ballots, which led to a big part of the fraud… and there is no one happier than China. Trump then calls for a “full forensic audit,” which can obviously only take place under military authority, since the local elections officials are corrupt, fraudulent criminals.

He explains this himself: Dramatically eroding the integrity of our elections was the Democrats’ number one priority. For a simple reason: They wanted to steal the 2020 presidential election. All of the Democrat efforts to expand mail-in balloting laid the groundwork for the systematic and pervasive fraud that occurred in this election. Then, about 30 minutes into the speech, he invokes legal language that clearly references Trump’s Sep. 12, 2018 executive order which describes remedies for foreign interference in U.S. elections. Here’s what Trump says: The only conceivable reason why you would block commonsense measures to verify legal eligibility for voting, is you are trying to encourage, enable, solicit or carry out fraud. It is important for Americans to understand that these destructive changes to our election laws were NOT a necessary response to the pandemic. The pandemic simply gave the Democrats an excuse to do what they were trying to do with many many years. Note carefully the phrase, “…trying to encourage, enable, solicit or carry out fraud.”


Where have we heard something very similar before? In the 2018 EO, which describes who will be subjected to having all their assets seized by the United States government — and note that this applies to corporations, individuals, partnerships and even non-profits: (emphasis added) Sec. 2. a (ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i) Sec. 2. a (i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election; Thus, Trump just invoked the 2018 EO and sent an undeniable signal to Chris Miller at the DoD (as well as many other groups) that the Democrats, the treasonous media and the complicit Big Tech giants have all engaged in concealing, advocating or supporting “foreign interference” in the U.S. election.

Treason, rendition flights and military tribunals

What is the remedy for such actions of treason against the United States? Under existing U.S. law, it’s a felony crime to try to rig votes. Under military law during a time of war, it’s treason. And under the 2018 EO, each of the entities engaging in this behavior will have all their assets seized by the U.S. Treasury. Translated into plain language, this means that Twitter, Facebook, CNN, the Washington Post, Google, MSNBC, etc., are all now able to be completely seized, shut down or taken over by the Trump administration, as they all engaged in the defined behaviors outlined in the 2018 EO, which Trump just cited. Consider that as I list all the evidence that Trump’s attorneys and DoD “white hat” team members now possess, much of which will surely be presented to SCOTUS, most likely by Sidney Powell, once one of her cases reaches that level of the judicial system:

  • CIA director Gina Haspel admitting to election interference in a full confession which has now been acquired. (This is covered in the Dec. 3rd Situation Update podcast, above.)
  • Dominion executives confessing to engineering backdoors into the systems, which has also been acquired.
  • Packet analysis results from “white hats” who intercepted all the real-time vote rigging traffic, which includes the specific instructions from CIA servers to add the hundreds of thousands of votes in real time to Dominion tabulation machines in swing states. This is now publicly confirmed by Col. Phil Waldron.
  • Log files and software evidence from the seized CIA servers in Frankfurt, which provides physical and intellectual proof that the CIA inserted hundreds of thousands of votes into the Dominion tabulation machines.

All this evidence exists right now. Trump has it all. His speech lays the official groundwork that can now be cited by other officials (namely, in the DoD and Treasury, which runs the US Secret Service), in order to justify their own initiation of orders for further arrests, rendition flights and wartime activities necessary to defend the United States of America against foreign enemies who are waging cyber warfare against the United States.

10 USC 394: Authorities concerning military cyber operations

In case you’re wondering whether the U.S. military under Trump really has the authorization to respond to acts of cyber warfare with coordinated conventional military actions, read 10 USC, Section 394. Subtitle A, Part 1, Chapter 19, which is available via uscode.house.gov: (I’m bolding the especially important sections): §394. Authorities concerning military cyber operations (a) In General.-The Secretary of Defense shall develop, prepare, and coordinate; make ready all armed forces for purposes of; and, when appropriately authorized to do so, conduct, military cyber activities or operations in cyberspace, including clandestine military activities or operations in cyberspace, to defend the United States and its allies, including in response to malicious cyber activity carried out against the United States or a United States person by a foreign power. (b) Affirmation of Authority.- Congress affirms that the activities or operations referred to in subsection (a), when appropriately authorized, include the conduct of military activities or operations in cyberspace short of hostilities (as such term is used in the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93–148; 50 U.S.C. 1541 et seq.)) or in areas in which hostilities are not occurring, including for the purpose of preparation of the environment, information operations, force protection, and deterrence of hostilities, or counterterrorism operations involving the Armed Forces of the United States. (c) Clandestine Activities or Operations. – A clandestine military activity or operation in cyberspace shall be considered a traditional military activity for the purposes of section 503(e)(2) of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3093(e)(2)). f) Definitions.-In this section: (1) The term “clandestine military activity or operation in cyberspace” means a military activity or military operation carried out in cyberspace, or associated preparatory actions, authorized by the President or the Secretary that- (A) is marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy, where the intent is that the activity or operation will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly; and (B) is to be carried out- (i) as part of a military operation plan approved by the President or the Secretary in anticipation of hostilities or as directed by the President or the Secretary; (ii) to deter, safeguard, or defend against attacks or malicious cyber activities against the United States or Department of Defense information, networks, systems, installations, facilities, or other assets; or (iii) in support of information related capabilities.

Trump announced “offensive cyber operations” just one week after signing his Sep 12, 2018 Executive Order

As you ponder all the implications of that, note carefully that just 8 days after President Trump signed his September 12, 2018 executive order, the Trump administration announced the launch of “offensive cyber operations” against foreign enemies. This was reported by the Washington Post, which explained, “The strategy incorporates a new classified presidential directive that replaced one from the Obama administration… It allows the military and other agencies to undertake cyber operations intended to protect their systems and the nation’s critical networks.” What would be considered “offensive cyber operations?” Kraken, of course.

The 305th military intelligence battalion. Of course, just 8 days earlier, President Trump had designated elections infrastructure as “critical infrastructure.” So now the pieces fit. The circle is complete. The election theft was cyber warfare against critical U.S. infrastructure. This authorizes all kinds of national security activities, such as using U.S. Army Special Forces units to raid the CIA server farm in Frankfurt, which took place shortly after the election. Also in 2018, President Trump had authorized the National Security Presidential Memoranda (NSPM) #13, covering “offensive cyber operations.” Here’s a list of all the NSPMs, but notably, “offensive cyber operations” is a secret and is not publicly shown. In fact, the Trump administration fought to keep this document hidden from Congress, given that in 2018, the House was run by Pelosi and other treasonous actors who had just pulled off the 2018 cyber attack on the U.S. elections infrastructure, stealing dozens of House seats in order to “win” a majority in the House, from which Adam Schiff could launch his impeachment scheme to try to remove Trump from power.

Trump was able to prevent the House from reading NSPM #13 for 17 months, according to Fifth Domain, which reported: “On a bipartisan basis some of us sent a letter to the Trump administration demanding that they share with, at least some of the leadership on the Armed Services Committees, the rules of engagement for certain cyber contingencies,” Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, said at the time. “The Obama folks did give us that information, the Trump people changed it, but then they were reluctant to show us.”

What we now know is that Trump was planning the 2020 election sting / cyber warfare “trap” in 2018, and that these cyber warfare response protocols were intentionally kept from Congress for as long as possible while plans were put in place to catch the Democrats stealing the next election (the 2020 election). I will discuss this in greater detail in tomorrow’s Situation Update (Dec. 4th), which will be posted at the HRR channel on Brighteon.com: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hrreport Rest assured, what we now know with absolute certainty is that Trump, Miller, Cohen-Watnick and other key players put the cyber warfare infrastructure in place in 2018 that would allow them to unleash a domestic military response to arrest, detain and prosecute all those who were complicit in the attack on America. The patriots, in other words, really are in charge. And they planned all this since 2018, putting in place the framework to trigger the appropriate national security resources once the Democrats took the bait and tried to steal the 2020 election. GITMO must be getting close to full capacity at this point, with lots more detainees on their way.

The mass arrests are coming. Trump is in charge, and the Dems who know what’s really happening are beyond terrified. They know they’ve been caught. Some will be charged with treason. Many will face military tribunals. A few will likely be executed after found guilty of treason.

So, patriots…. Pray.

Pray that Congress does its job, the job they by-God have been elected to do, so that the military solution will not have to be carried out.

However, if it does come to this… be ready. Stock up on supplies, get ready to hunker down, because evil will not surrender without a fight.

Disclaimer: These actions are suspected, not personally verified. But, knowing this option is available, considering the current state of the country, makes many people glad that Trump is still in charge.

©2017 Conservative Daily Post. All rights reserved.

The Democratic Party: An Existential Threat to America

The Dems have been wicked evil for decades in the name of transforming America away from the Founders’ vision of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness based on Christian thought. The Hunter-Joe Biden crony treason is merely a continuation of Dem envisioned totalitarianism. If you want to stall the Dem vision VOTE TRUMP! Justin Smith elaborates.


JRH 10/28/20

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OR just buy some FEEL GOOD coffee, that includes immune boosting products. My Facebook account has been completely disabled. I never incite violence (unlike the Left). Facebook allowed me to re-sign as a beginner with Group memberships absent. Other than likes, I’ll not be posting. YOU should Combat censorship by sharing voluminously. NEVER cave to the Left! VOTE TRUMP!


The Democratic Party: An Existential Threat to America

Vote For President Trump: He Loves America


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 10/28/2020 12:51 AM


Plenty of valid, factual reasons exist to criticize and even oppose today’s Republican Party and President Trump, but none of them warrant abandoning the country to the waiting arms of the Democratic Party Communists and former Vice-President Joe Biden, who has done more to harm America than any other politician, any person, other than President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and their criminal cronies, in eighty-eight years. In fact, for Americans hoping to restore the nation and lead it back toward our ***Founding Principles, President Donald J. Trump, a man who loves traditional America and Her values, may be the best bulwark over the next four years against the encroachment of an all-consuming Marxist/Maoist Communist, counter culture ideology into virtually every aspect of American public and private life, preventing Biden and the militant radicals of his party from putting the final nail in the coffin of America’s Republic and destroying freedom and liberty for all.


***[Blog Editor: Among Conservatives there is general agreement on America’s Founding Principles. Depending on a Conservative’s emphasis on secularism or Christian faith, the degree of importance for those Principles may vary. From these articles you might discover your emphasis:






I’ll have to admit that I’ve been so angry with Trump over the USMCA and the $4.8 trillion “Budget Bill” that doesn’t balance ’til 2035 and his illegal ban on bumpstocks by executive order, as well as other massive bills, that I simply intended to not vote for him, and instead, I was going to vote for great conservatives down the ticket. However, President Trump has done more good than harm in his first four years, once one considers his support for the UnBorn Children, the Newborn and Vulnerable, ending the individual mandate of the ACA [aka Obamacare], and his nomination of two fine Supreme Court Justices and one truly great Justice and the Abraham Accords, along with a strong effort on immigration reforms and halting illegal aliens; and, his leadership is certainly exhibiting flashes of brilliance and greatness that will not soon be forgotten.


With that said, vote for President Trump like the future of the nation depends on it, since it does. Vote often and hope for “twelve more years” for Trump (just jokin’ folks .. four more will be just fine).


Whatever gripes and grievances true conservatives may have over the Trump administration’s handling of domestic and foreign policy, they can wait until he’s re-elected, at which time, we should all support those viable plans he presents and oppose him when he is obviously presenting anything detrimental to the Bill of Rights, national sovereignty and individual freedom and liberty. And, with no room left for compromise any longer with the Democratic Party, we will simultaneously be charged with trying to draw many young socialists back to the conservative ideas that built America and made Her strong, no matter how hopeless the pursuit may seem, while preparing for a tumultuous decade of civil upheaval, quite probably civil war.


But make no mistake. America’s Democratic Party isn’t just an urgent existential threat to freedom and liberty, it is an existential threat to our very existence as a society and our own personal physical safety, too. Go ahead. Name a city, any major city from California to Illinois to Oregon and Washington and on to Georgia and New York and all points in between, and one finds that from the start, long before Trump even announced he was running for president, leftists have been attacking conservatives physically, for disagreeing with their declarations in support of Marxist tenets and ending American society as we have known it. And it only grew worse upon Trump’s announcement that he would seek the Presidency of the United States.


In their efforts to implement the Great Unraveling of our nation, the supporters of the Democratic Party are pushing the nation towards a terrible “new” yet old Bolshevik Marxist vision, as they demand a fantastic, unattainable country; and, the police are being defunded, statues are coming down, cities are being burned and real scandals and crimes committed by their leaders, such as Joe Biden, and the recent revelation of bribes from China simply for access to Biden are ignored and buried. And Antifa and BLM continue in their combined assaults against everything good and decent that has ever been created and brought forth from our Founding to the present.


And aren’t people the outcasts if they fail to sufficiently bow to the new racist paradigm being advocated by the Left and the Democratic Party? Now Black Lives Matter reading materials and propaganda are mandatory in the halls of universities and far too many state and local governments, and America hears Joe Biden praising the Black Lives Matter organization in Atlanta, Georgia on October 27th, even though it is known to have been organized by Marxists in 2013 and continues to be funded by Communist organizations from around the globe.


The proponents of Cancel Culture edicts will most certainly cast an anti-American vote for Biden. They’re addicted to the power they feel it gives them to destroy an individual’s livelihood and reputation for expressing the “wrong opinion” or telling a joke, or asking someone in one’s office for a date. It’s the advent of an “anything goes” society and nothing matters but that their power continues to grow and conservatives are increasing silenced and canceled, as they now move to bring about a Social Credit System much as seen in modern day China, whereby people are totally controlled and coerced for no productive purpose, but only to intimidate, harass and penalize people for nothing less than vengeance over personal losses and slights.


A Biden administration will trample free speech to hell and back. Think “trigger words” and the simpering university students who have had to be shielded from anything unpleasant that a conservative person might state, no matter how true it might be. Prepare to find new legislation implementing “hate speech” laws that are designed to suppress free speech and any speech that might hurt some poor little Communist’s feelings. And people should prepare to see their ideas excluded in the classroom and business offices, if they go against the current crony-capitalism and the push towards full blown Marxism, on the grounds that they are “offensive” or somehow “racist”.


A Biden administration will represent everything the Greatest Generation fought against over the decades, the Socialist and Communist freedom killing global agendas. But please do vote for Biden, if one wishes to see the CIA, FBI and Department of Justice, the IRS and every other federal institution, including the Department of Homeland Security, politicized and used against anybody who disagrees with Biden’s new Czars. Look for exculpatory evidence to regularly be withheld from federal court proceedings and other acts of obstructing justice, as RussiaGate hoaxes will become the rule to discredit conservatives and deflect attention from real crimes and treason committed by the Democratic Party, leaking lies and propaganda to the proponents of “Fake News” in the Leftstream media for political advantage. And if one does vote for Biden, please do understand that this undermines the basis of political rectitude, the Founding Principles, of our Republic, this thing where civilization supposedly lives.


Expect to see business as usual, when it comes to dealing with America’s enemies and selling Her out. Just as we are finding out more about Hunter Biden selling access to then Vice-President Joe Biden and Joe’s obvious complicity in the matter, especially regarding Burisma, Ukraine and China, America can expect to witness more acts of betrayal, such as, when Obama and VP Biden sold out thirty-six U.S. CIA informants to the Chinese Communists of the Xi Jinping regime, including one pregnant woman, twenty associates, and, in total, 60 CIA agents, who were all cruelly and brutally executed. Expect an undoing of all of Trump’s Middle East successes and more appeasement and bribes to the Iranian Mullahs for “peace” and deals similar to Hillary’s Uranium One debacle and the deal that facilitated and “authorized” transfers of US secret computer technology to Russia’s Skolkovo Project, that further enabled Russia’s development of hypersonic nuclear weapons.


Ironically, many of the same plotters and traitors, who have been involved in every anti-American scheme over the past twelve years, from the politicization of the IRS, FBI and CIA to the +++Benghazi Betrayal and on to the coup against President Trump, those demented red, radical Commie bastards, such as Obama, Hillary Clinton and former CIA Director, John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, are at it again, as they attempt to discredit the revelation of the Biden Family’s criminal and treasonous activities, by the New York Post, as more “Russian disinformation”, no matter there exists tapes and documentation, as well as sworn first hand testimony from those involved.  Clapper and Brennan went so far as to sign a letter, along with a long list of former Intelligence officers, who hate Trump, aimed at discrediting the story, in a move that speaks to the desperation of the Democratic Party, that is reminiscent of the not too distant RussiaGate Hoax that came up empty after two years of deflecting from real crimes and treason against America, by the Mueller “Special Counsel” team — the Obama Hit Squad, comprised largely of Democrats and Never Trumpers.


+++[Blog Editor: The Benghazi Betrayal is not really part of this KEEP CROOKED BIDEN out of POTUS narrative, but it is an evil that never received justice. Electing Biden places these crooks back in power. So here some Benghazi Betrayal info through the years culminating with a 56 minute video posted October 2020:





Posted by Dr Drums

149 subscribers – Oct 12, 2020


https://vosizneias.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/loftus.pdf His testimony is given more credence due to his contacting a whistle blower lawyer in 2011.


Until proven not to be a LARP, I am reserving my vote of confidence no matter how much I want it to be true. The men killed due to these evil people are all my brethren. That being said, no one wants Justice for them more than I. Story of Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) and how he was lied to by the Obama administration after Benghazi at AMP Fest in Florida on October 11th, 2020. Charles received Intel about what truly happened that terrible day. He explains with Nick Noe, Benghazi whistle-blower, explosive NEW information about Benghazi, Osama Bin Laden, Seal Team 6, and its connection to the 152 Billion Dollar Iran “nuclear deal”. ALL of the documents and audio proof is coming out shortly!]


As if all of this isn’t bad enough, every American who cares about a productive and free future for their descendants must also consider that Biden and the Squad, comprised of Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley, are proposing a minimum of $11 trillion in brand new spending over the next ten years, including two trillion dollars for his version of a Green New Deal, far less than the $60 trillion the Squad wants, and $1.4 trillion to expand Obamacare; Biden is also fine with continued massive “stimulus spending” that only further destroys American opportunity and chances for a full economic recovery and future prosperity, such as the current demands from the House and Senate Democrats for a $3.3 trillion stimulus plan.


And contrary to Biden’s claims that Americans making under $400,000 a year would not pay “one red cent more in taxes”, this simply isn’t true, given his plans to reinstate the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, and, according to Richard Rubin in the Wall Street Journal:


“… the corporate tax increases would indirectly affect households at all income levels. That’s because the burden of that tax is borne by shareholders and, over the long run, by workers. So anyone owning stocks could be affected and eventually, companies may raise wages less than they otherwise would.”


Starkly different and a hundred and eighty degrees opposed, President Trump has assured voters that he will perform the largest tax cut ever, if he’s re-elected. One aspect that has been suggested was permanently cutting the payroll tax. Although it’s unclear precisely what his cuts would include, President Trump has previously stated that he would cut the top capital gains tax to fifteen percent, down from twenty percent, give tax breaks to U.S. companies that bring back their operations from China, and help codify changes made in the previous tax overhaul that are on schedule to sunset in 2025.


Worse yet, Biden’s proposals, especially concerning new regulations focused on energy and healthcare, will put some hard brakes on our economy over the next decade, killing nearly five million jobs and causing the Gross Domestic Product to drop $2.6 trillion. By the end of the decade, U.S. consumption will be down $1.5 trillion and median-income households will make $6500 less, according to calculations made by the Hoover Institute.


Today’s Democratic Party and Joe Biden are devoid of the morality necessary and required for the proper administration of a democratically elected republican form of constitutional governance, since they reject the virtues and the principles of the Founding itself, seeking instead to impose the politics of fear, such as are found in despotic Third World Banana republics. They are devoid of any scruples and honorable moral code, and they would sell everything and anything America creates to the highest bidder, even Her enemies, since even they are for sale. They have no honor. They have no love for America.


No American who truly loves this great nation of ours should want to witness a Democratic Party Communist regime take control of our government, a regime that supports all this pernicious mendacity and bad faith governance, rejecting “by consent of the people”. Nor should they want an international grifter suffering from cognitive decline, such as Joe Biden, in The Power Seat, so easy to manipulate, although his mental state is not his fault. And so, if a true patriot wishes to stop a reliably dishonest, criminal and treasonous cabal from running America further into the ground and under the control of our enemies, they should vote for President Donald J. Trump, since despite his flaws, he has managed to hold America together during the greatest disruptions of American society and normal life any of us have witnessed over the past eighty years, acting defiantly and bravely in the face of a dastardly opposition intent on using any foul deed to destroy him.


America simply won’t withstand even the first four years of a Biden administration’s agenda that would bring an untold level of tyrannical and sadistic insanity to the governmental process that will certainly reduce us all to “equality” in the lowest common denominator of poverty, as serfs, and an American public forced to suffer terrible abuses. And, although President Trump won’t “Make America Great Again” in the manner so many of his supporters seem to take the slogan, simply because too much was working against him, from decades previous to his administration, another four years, under President Trump’s guidance and love and loyalty for America, may give us a bit of a respite to regroup and figure out a plan that will end forever the Communist movement within America.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Text embraced brackets and embedded links are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith