Will Hillary Clinton Get Your Vote After Watching This Viral Video?

Bill-Hillary Screen Caprture - The Real Clintons

Wayne Dupree posted a Facebook parody of Bill and Hillary’s scandalous career. The video was created by the Facebook page America’s Finest. I am going to post it to my Youtube page, but if America’s Finest objects and rejects the share I will end up having to take it down. Given Mark Zuckerberg’s penchant to be anti-Conservative I have to wonder how long he will allow the parody to remain on Facebook. So get your belly laughs in quickly just in case.


I actually found the Dupree share on the Facebook group Conservative America.


JRH 5/20/16

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Wayne Dupree

5/20/16 9:54 am

Conservative America Facebook Group


How many Hillary supporters will vote for her after watching this?


Will Hillary Clinton Get Your Vote After Watching This Viral Video?


By Wayne Dupree

May 20, 2016

WayneDupree.com (actually: www.newsninja2012.com)


When liberal voters start mocking your candidacy, then you know you are in trouble! This video has been seen by 7,689,952 and counting.


How and why should the American people respect someone who disrespects us at every turn and has sold us out? I guess in Hillary’s eyes to be qualified is to be hip deep in foreign government campaign “donations” and a failure at every public service job held. She couldn’t even be a lawyer in Arkansas without screwing that up and hiding the evidence until after the statute of limitations gave out.


Facebook VIDEO
She’s a terrible politician, no matter how you look at it.


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Don’t forget to follow the Wayne Dupree Show on FacebookGoogle Plus, & Twitter. You can also listen to replays of the Wayne Dupree Show via Spreaker and iHeartRadio.



Blog Editor: Below is the Youtube version that I placed in the Comedy category.


VIDEO: Bill & Hillary Parody – Americas Finest 


Posted by John Houk

Published on May 20, 2016


This video was created by the Facebook page America’s Finest (https://www.facebook.com/164119457131612/videos/428610680682487/). It is a parody of Bill and Hillary’s scandalous career. Dems will hate it. Most Conservatives will love the humor.


About Wayne Dupree


My name is Wayne Dupree or as most of you know me by, Newsninja2012. I am and have been committed to exposing the Democrats in a way that has been frowned upon by some conservatives and cheered by many more.


More details about Wayne Dupree.


© Copyright 2016.Wayne Dupree is a member of Liberty Alliance. All rights reserved.


WayneDupree.com Mission


WayneDupree.com / Newsninja2012.com was created for people who believe in the United States of America and its ideals, as expressed in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Emancipation Proclamation. It is a community that believes in the American Dream: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. One that believes being an American is an honor, as well as a great responsibility – and a wonderful adventure.


When developing this website, I wanted it to be a place for people who believe we live in a great country, a welcoming refuge for legal immigrants who want to contribute their talents and abilities to make our way of life even greater, just like I believe. I believe we should enjoy the company and support of each other, delighting in the creativity, ingenuity, and work ethic of one and all, while observing the rules of civility and mutual respect and, most importantly, strengthening our diverse society by striving for unity.


I put together a group of strong patriots and I called them #TeamNinja. I did this because I wanted to bring along like-minded Americans who wanted to reach out and spread the message of constitutional conservatism like I do. They are committed to the core principles of tolerance, open debate, civil discourse, and fair and balanced coverage of the news. It is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship.


We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Wayne Dupree.com / Newsninja2012.com.


Hillary the Liar & the KKK

Will Quig - CA KKK

John R. Houk

© April 27, 2016


American Action News has found a video that may or not be from the Ku Klux Klan endorsing, wait for it … crooked Hillary Clinton for President.


Vocative claims the spokesman in the video is Will Quig, Grand Dragon of the California KKK.


I have no doubts the Clinton campaign will refute any acceptance of a KKK endorsement; nonetheless there are some half-truths in the video.


The age old political party of KKK choice is the Democratic Party:



History reveals that the Republican Party was formed in 1854 to abolish slavery and challenge other racist legislative acts initiated by the Democratic Party.


Some called it the Civil War, others called it the War Between the States, but to the African Americans at that time, it was the War Between the Democrats and the Republicans over slavery. The Democrats gave their lives to expand it, Republican gave their lives to ban it.



History reveals that Democrats lynched, burned, mutilated and murdered thousands of blacks and completely destroyed entire towns and communities occupied by middle class Blacks, including Rosewood, Florida, the Greenwood District in Tulsa Oklahoma, and Wilmington, North Carolina to name a few.


After the Civil War, Democrats murdered several hundred black elected officials (in the South) to regain control of the southern government. …



Congressional records show that Democrats were opposed to passing the following laws that were introduced by Republicans to achieve civil rights for African Americans:


** Civil Rights Act 1866


** Reconstruction Act of 1867


** Freedman Bureau Extension Act of 1866


** Enforcement Act of 1870


** Force Act of 1871


** Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871


** Civil Rights Act of 1875

** Civil Rights Act of 1957


** Civil Rights Act of 1960


** And during the 60’s many Democrats fought hard to defeat the 1964 Civil Rights Act


** 1965 Voting Rights Acts


** 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act [Bold text and bullets by the Blog Editor]


… It was also the racist Jim Crow practices initiated by Democrats that brought about the two landmark cases of Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v. The Board of Education.


At the turn of the century (1900), Southern Democrats continued to oppress African Americans by placing thousands in hard-core prison labor camps. According to most historians, the prison camps were far worst than slavery. The prisoners were required to work from 10-14 hours a day, six to seven days a week in temperatures that exceeded 100 degrees and in temperatures that fell well below zero. …


History reveals that it was three white persons that opposed the Democrat’s racist practices who started the NAACP. Dr. Martin Luther King, several Civil Rights leaders and many historians reported that during the first two years of his administration, President John F. Kennedy ignored Dr. King’s request for Civil Rights. The chronicles of history reveal that it was only after television coverage of riots and several demonstrations did President Kennedy feel a need to introduce the 1963 Civil Rights Act. At that time, experts believe the nation was headed toward a major race war.


History reveals that it was Democratic Attorney General, Robert Kennedy that approved the secret wire taps on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and it was Democratic President Lyndon Johnson that referred to Dr. King as ” that nigger preacher.”


… You get the Dem Party picture – READ ENTIRETY (The Racist History of the Democratic Party; By Wayne Perryman; History News Network; 2/14/04)


California KKK spokesman Quig claims Hillary’s views that disagree with KKK ideology is simply political hype to get votes to be elected. In other words, Hillary is lying for political gain. Hillary is a proven liar!




Hillary Clinton has a long history of tall tales.  Some designed to make her appear brave, such as her lie about coming under sniper fire during a trip to Bosnia in 1996.  Others connectED her to someone famous, such as her claim to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary.  Except that Sir Edmund, at the time of Hillary Clinton’s birth, was simply Ed, an obscure New Zealand beekeeper.



Mrs. Clinton lied about a video causing the Benghazi terror attack and is now doubling down, denying she lied to the victims’ families about the video, blaming her fabrication on the “fog of war.”  There’s also her emails, which she lied about to Congress and the American people.  These aren’t the inconsequential fabrications about whom she was named after, but serious false statements involving loss of American life and compromised U.S. foreign policy and national security.



But lying is not a recent phenomenon for Mrs. Clinton.  William Safire, of the NY Times, wrote in 1996 that Hillary “is a congenital liar.”  He noted a string of deception beginning in Arkansas and following her to the White House – cattle futures, Travelgate, Whitewater, lost billing records, and missing FBI files, to name some of her most prominent deceptions and cover-ups.


Going even farther back in history to the 1970s, Hillary Clinton was fired from her staff position on the Watergate House Judiciary Committee over “lies and unethical behavior.”


Is a pattern of compulsive lying by a presidential candidate a legitimate concern?  Are Mrs. Clinton’s lies about Benghazi and emails part of a longstanding pattern?  Are they READ ENTIRETY (Is Hillary Clinton a compulsive liar? By Brian C Joondeph; American Thinker; 1/26/16)


More articles documenting crooked Hillary, the liar:


Hillary Clinton’s million little lies; By Michael Walsh; New York Post; 11/26/15 2:26pm

Liar, Liar, Pantsuit on Fire: 27 Hillary Fibs, Obfuscations, and Lies; By

BEN SHAPIRO; Breitbart; 10/14/15)

The truth (and lies) behind why Hillary is unfit to be president; By LISA BOOTHE; Washington Examiner; 3/23/16 1201 AM

Top 50 Hillary Clinton Benghazi Lies; By Peter Andrew; ConservativeAmerica.org; 9/16/14

The Hillary Clinton Lies List; By David Kraemer; ConservativeAmerica.org; 8/17/14


If you did a little looking yourself, I am confident a treasure trove of Hillary can be discovered by you too.


JRH 4/27/16

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How the KKK is Helping Hillary


American Action News

Source: Vocativ

Vocative Date: Apr 25, 2016 at 6:11 PM ET


VIDEO: KKK Claims $20K In Clinton Donations



Posted by Vocativ

Published on Apr 25, 2016


A Grand Dragon of the California Klan claims to have raised about $20K for her campaign.



Hillary the Liar & the KKK

John R. Houk

© April 27, 2016


How the KKK is Helping Hillary

American Action News

203 S. Union St., Suite 300

Alexandria, VA 22314

(571) 293-0941

Hillary Clinton for Prison

Hillary for Prison Inmate 2016

Hillary is a crook so crooked that she makes Richard Nixon look like an amateur. Justin Smith pointed these thoughts out to me in a submission intro of the post below:


How can any self-respecting American cast a vote for such a wretched human as Hillary, especially for the Office of the President of the United States?

I don’t know if Justin meant for to share that above quote, but I think that it is a great intro on Hillary’s crooked nature in this exposé opinion piece.


JRH 4/23/16

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Hillary Clinton for Prison


By Justin O. Smith

Sent: 4/23/2016 1:41 PM


Beyond sad and heartbreaking, many millions of patriotic Americans watch in dismay and anger, as millions of other citizens of our nation cast votes to make Hillary Clinton the next U.S. President, even though she is the consummate Machiavellian liar and takes to anti-American agendas, corruption and treason like a bear to a honey pot. But FBI scrutiny intensified in March, and according to statements made by U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova and former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey, Hillary’s lies have paved the path towards a criminal prosecution. And, the surfacing truth concerning many of Clinton’s past and present activities suggests Hillary must be given a prison cell, rather than handed the most powerful position in the world.


Although Obama is trying to minimize the serious national security implications and ramifications of Hillary Clinton keeping top secret information on her personal phone, BlackBerry and server, making light of the “top secret” classification, the beginning of her end, if it comes around, may be found in this reply to a July 2014 Freedom of Information Act request from the House Select Committee on Benghazi: “no records responsive to your request were located.”


Last month, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post and the New York Times reported that FBI immunity was granted to Bryan Pagliano, former Hillary staffer, who implemented her illegal national security breaching email scheme. It is also highly likely, given the circumstances, that Department of Justice prosecutors have already convened a grand jury, as the FBI prepares to interview top senior Clinton aides.


During her tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton used her private server in Chappaqua, NY exclusively, in a self-serving act motivated by her desire to hide questionable and illegal acts, like the approximate $3 million in kickbacks the Clinton Foundation received after Secretary Clinton signed off on a deal between Uranium One, Rosatom and the Russians. She established this entire system to avoid the law, and she might have succeeded, if not for the efforts of groups like Judicial Watch and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and their numerous unanswered FOIA requests that opened suspicion of official misconduct and criminal activity by Secretary Clinton.


Hillary’s first known BlackBerry communication through her basement server was a January 28th, 2009 exchange with Gen. David Petraeus, then Chief of U.S. Central Command, and yet, she falsely testified before Congress under oath that she didn’t use “clintonemail.com” prior to March 18th, 2009. She did not want Americans to know that she had been warned on February 13th, 2009, her BlackBerry and email were not secure.


Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security Eric Boswell had explained to Hillary and Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s Chief of Staff, on several occasions that her BlackBerry and private server were vulnerable to security breaches. State Department security officials, including Clinton, were also aware of a February 24th, 2009 speech by Joel Brenner, Chief Counter-Intelligence Officer at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, that explained a BlackBerry can be easily tagged, tracked, monitored and exploited as one moves about in public; Brenner also observed the technological fact that this malware can migrate to one’s home server.


On March 10th, 2015 at a news conference, Hillary, in flat denial, stated “There is no classified material” [on her server]. Cheryl Mills audaciously filed a letter with the State Department and U.S. District Judge Emmett Sullivan (overseeing Judicial Watch lawsuit) that states, in part, “On matters pertaining to the conduct of government business, it was her practice to use the officials’ government email accounts.” Both statements have proven to be false, and along with numerous other false statements from Clinton and Huma Abedin and Mills, her co-conspirators, they are felonies under 18 United States Code Section 1001.


Twenty-two Clinton emails were so highly classified that they were withheld in their entirety from public release and elicited this response from Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, who told The Post, “… sensitive and obviously classified. This information should have been maintained in the most secure, classified, top secret servers.”


Hillary’s assertion that these 22 emails were not “marked top secret” is dishonest, and the State Department clarified and certified on April 15th that they were in fact marked “top secret”, having been sent to or received from Pres. Obama. Marked top secret or not, the oath Hillary took on January 22nd, 2009, charges her under the law to recognize state secrets when she sees them by assessing an email’s potential to harm the government’s national security mission.


On March 4th, 2015, CBS News reported that Clinton’s private email was reconfigured two on two separate occasions in 2012 and 2013, to provide a backup server, in case her server failed. However, using this system at MX Logic, her emails were open to being read, tapped or forwarded to anyone across the globe without anyone knowing, since MX decrypted them to check for viruses before reencrypting them and sending them on.


The transmission and removal of information relating to the national defense from its proper place of custody is a criminal offense under the Espionage Act. So too is the abstraction and willful destruction of such information. See also 18 U.S. Code 2071 — prohibiting destruction of records.


Time and again, Hillary Clinton flouted U.S. law through her blatant refusal to follow the guidelines of the Federal Records Act and her impediments to numerous FOIA requests; and, she and her co-conspirators, Abedin, Mills and others, violated the Espionage Act, as they removed all Clinton email records from the State Department from the beginning. Clinton’s willful and arbitrary destruction of thousands of other emails compounds her crimes, since they more than likely contained incriminating evidence that pertained to the Benghazi investigation.


Lt. Col. Ralph Peters bluntly and boldly told Fox News, “Hillary Clinton is a criminal.”


Hillary Clinton’s numerous devil-may-care violations of the Espionage Act are criminal acts and an arrogant abuse of power, which warrant the appointment of a Special Counsel and Hillary’s prosecution, if only Americans will generate a public outcry and a demand for her indictment. Obama’s administration saw fit to prosecute nine lesser cases involving state secrets, so certainly Hillary should not be allowed to escape prosecution simply by virtue of her popularity with those citizens, who do not value honor and integrity and who do not care about national security and that her gross negligence and Muslim appeasement policy at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi resulted in the murders of four brave Americans, or that a conspiracy in the Obama administration sought to hide the truth afterwards. Rather than chant “Hillary Clinton for President”, many Americans are now chanting “Hillary Clinton for Prison.”


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Source links are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith

2016 — The Math That Matters Most

Trump v Hillary - who do you vote 4

Don Moore posted an interesting analysis focused on Donald Trump. The article is written by Mark Alexander of The Patriot Post. I actually also receive a Patriot Post subscription but I thought I’d give credit to where I read Alexander’s thoughts which Don Moore’s group on the Blind Conservative Group on IO.


It appears to me that Mark Alexander is not a Trump supporter; nonetheless Alexander provides a fairly decent examination that if Trump wins the GOP nomination and the Dem nominee is Hillary Clinton. Which is to say Trump loses unless these set of circumstances emerge …


JRH 4/8/16

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2016 — The Math That Matters Most

A Trump v Clinton Matchup


By Mark Alexander

Sent: 4/6/2016 2:09 PM

Post Date: April 6, 2016

Original link: http://patriotpost.us/alexander/41763

Sent by Blind Conservative Group on IO


Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the spot of every wind. With such persons, gullability [sic] takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck.” -Thomas Jefferson (1822)


The 2016 general election will determine not just our next president; it will also determine which political party controls the Senate and House.


While the House is securely in Republican hands, Senate control is most assuredly in play1. That’s because Republicans will be defending 24 Senate

seats2 while Democrats only need defend 10. Currently, Republicans hold a narrow 54-46 majority in the Senate.


Consequently, this election is not just a four-year decision but a generational one, because the next president will nominate the Supreme Court justice who will fill the swing-vote vacancy created by the death of Antonin Scalia3, and perhaps three additional seats – those of Justices Ginsberg, Kennedy and Breyer. If Hillary Clinton4 holds off the challenge from Socialist Bernie Sanders5 and is then elected president on November 8, only a Republican Senate would stand between her and the progressive dream of a statist-controlled Supreme Court for the next quarter-century.


We elect our presidents every four years, but those presidents nominate Supreme Court justices for life.


This is what Ronald Reagan meant when he said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”


Let me be clear: If Republicans lose both the presidential election and control of the Senate, the Socialist Democratic Party6 will control the despotic Judicial Branch7 for the foreseeable future, and the tyranny of the so-called living constitution8 will reign supreme.


Thus, those of us who support Liberty and First Principles9 should engage in a vigorous debate about the qualifications of presidential candidates, and the consequences of who will run against Hillary Clinton this November. We should consider with great deliberation the character of our presidential candidates10.


For the record, that debate among those of us who advocate for Liberty by way of the ballot box, among other means, is not restrained by Ronald

Reagan’s11 admonition about fratricidal attacks – his “Eleventh Commandment12.”


In his 1990 autobiography, “An American Life,” President Reagan wrote of that brother-against-brother fratricide in his first campaign for the California governorship: “The personal attacks against me during the primary became so heavy that the state Republican chairman, Gaylord Parkinson, postulated what he called the Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican. It’s a rule I followed during that campaign and have ever since.”


Reagan fared well by following that rule, and after soundly defeating Jimmy Carter for the presidency in 1980, he won 49 of 50 states during his re-election campaign of 1984 – losing just Minnesota, the home state of his opponent Walter Mondale, by a mere 3,800 votes. (Oh, and he also lost the District of Columbia – an outcome that speaks for itself.)


Unfortunately, Republican presidential contenders since, most notably the 17 GOP candidates13 who began this primary, have taken the art of fratricidal attacks to new lows.


In every respect, this election cycle is like no other I have ever witnessed

– or read about – and primarily for one reason: The “establishment politicians,” the professional political class, are disconnected from those of us who live outside the Washington Beltway.


It’s no wonder that Bernie Sanders is nipping at Hillary Clinton’s heels, having thumped her in seven of the last eight contests – including last night’s double-digit win in Wisconsin14 – and I totally understand the popular appeal of Donald Trump15. According to the most recent (and reliable) Quinnipiac University political poll16, 57% of Americans agree that “America has lost its identity.” The same percentage say that they are “falling further and further behind economically,” and 53% say they want “a leader who is willing to say or do anything to solve America’s problems.”


These findings are consistent with our analysis and what we hear from our fellow grassroots Patriots17, most of whom have expressed their support for Ted Cruz or Donald Trump over the more centrist John Kasich.


But unlike each of these remaining three candidates who have broken their

pledges18 to support the eventual GOP nominee, I will support that nominee because I know for certain the perilous threat that “President Hillary Clinton” poses to the future of Liberty.


Last night’s Wisconsin win for Ted Cruz notwithstanding, Mr. Trump still has a commanding delegate lead in the race to see who will likely face Hillary Clinton.


But there are serious questions about the election math – not of the GOP convention math19 as determined by the delegates20, but of the general election math.


That is the only math that matters.


Until recently, Donald Trump has frequently referenced his “lead in the polls.” I tend not to reference most media polls because of what we define as the “Pollaganda Effect21,” which is: Outcome-based opinion samples (polling instruments designed to generate a preferential outcome), which in large measure reflect prior-opinion indoctrination or cultivation by the same media conducting the poll. The incestuous results are then used to manipulate public opinion further by advancing the perception that a particular candidate or opinion on an issue enjoys majority support.


But that being said, there are some very distressing research polls assessing a matchup between Clinton and Trump in the general election.


Notably, the results of these polls have been affirmed consistently for several months now. Allow me to reference a couple of the most recent findings below, and, of course, you determine what to make of these findings.


On Monday, there was a report from Whit Ayres, president of the conservative polling firm North Star Opinion Research and author of “2016 and Beyond: How Republicans Can Elect a President in the New America.”


According to Ayres’s research, “A Trump nomination has as much chance of success in the general election as Trump University, or Trump Mortgage, or Trump Shuttle, or Trump Vodka, or Trump Casinos. Trump is an electoral disaster waiting to happen.” He then notes the demographic trends22 that will have enormous impact in 2016: “A Republican nominee who hopes to win a majority of the popular vote in 2016 must gain either 30% of the nonwhite vote or 65% of the white vote, a level not seen since President Ronald Reagan’s 49-state landslide sweep in 1984.” There are more women than men voters, and “Trump’s favorable to unfavorable ratings among white women are 29% to 68%. . Millennials have now passed baby boomers to become the largest generation. Trump’s ratings among millennials are now 18% favorable to 80% unfavorable, with 70% strongly unfavorable.” (Trump’s unfavorable ratings with women are even higher in the latest Wall Street Journal/ABC News poll23.)


Ayres continues, “Since 1984, no victorious Republican presidential candidate has received less than 91% support from Republicans. Trump’s favorable to unfavorable ratings among Republicans are 52% to 47%, with 34% strongly unfavorable. A candidate beginning a general election campaign with almost half of his party holding unfavorable views is a non-starter.


Contrast that with Hillary Clinton’s favorable to unfavorable ratings among Democrats of 78% to 20%. A Trump nomination would put a Democrat in the White House, seriously threaten Republican majorities in Congress and leave the Republican Party in shambles.”


For the record, Trump’s GOP unfavorable ratings are on par with those24 of George W. Bush at his presidential low point.


Next up is the most recent research from Public Policy Polling25 on the most popular Republican in the race – Donald Trump – unless Kasich drops out.


According to this and similar polls, 42% of Republican voters would support Trump if the election were held now. About 33% would support Cruz and 22% Kasich. However, when asked if Kasich were to drop out, 51% of his supporters go to Cruz while only 23% support Trump. That would put Trump and Cruz in a statistical dead heat.


Notably, the latest Reuters rolling averages26 today put Cruz ahead of Trump nationally. These numbers have significant implications for the general election, particularly since Mr. Trump has yet to collect more than 49% of the votes in any primary.



The general election results, and the likelihood that Republicans will lose their Senate majority with Trump on the ticket, are upheld by both conservative and liberal media research, as noted both in New York Times poll summaries27 and Washington Post poll summaries28. They are also affirmed by the 30-day rolling average of polls29.


Perhaps most ominously, Larry Sabato, a seasoned election forecaster at the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, concludes that in a Clinton v Trump contest, Democrats will go into Election Day with a whopping 347 electoral votes in their pocket or strongly leaning30 toward Clinton. They only need 270 to win. And by way of affirmation, Clinton leads Trump by double digits in six of the most comprehensive polls taken in the last month.


The fact is, whether the polling source is Left, Centrist or Right, Trump takes a beating in a head-to-head general election matchup with Clinton.


Based on the total number of primary votes cast to date, about 5% of all eligible voters have checked ballots for Donald Trump. That means an even smaller percentage have cast primary votes for Ted Cruz and others – because until a few weeks ago, the field was still flooded with GOP candidates. But, the percentage of primary votes cast for a candidate is of less importance than the percentage of total eligible voters supporting a particular candidate.


All that having been said, as utterly perplexing as the current primary cycle is, it remains possible that once Trump and Clinton debate each other mano a mano (yes, the masculine applies to Hillary), Trump might pull enough blue-collar and rustbelt Demo support away from Clinton to defeat her. This will be especially true if the momentum generated by Sanders does not transfer to Clinton. (She is, after all, a historically weak, unpopular and untrustworthy candidate.)


And where can Clinton attack Trump31 without undermining her own campaign?


Not Wall Street connections, not personal integrity, not honesty, not wealth, not marriage infidelity, etc. Raising any of those issues with Trump will draw fire on her own record. Of course, there is that wild card: A Clinton indictment32.


Unfortunately, she is coated with as much non-stick Teflon as Bill Clinton33. Even under the most unfavorable circumstances for Clinton, a Trump victory would still be a long shot.


If Trump is the nominee, I hope he can defeat Clinton – but I don’t base my reasoned, critical analysis on popular opinion or “hope,” and neither should any of us.


Again, this is not just a four-year decision but a quarter-century decision.


If Hillary Clinton wins and Republicans lose control of the Senate gauntlet against her judicial nominees, batten down the hatches.


Ultimately, the math that matters is the poll taken on November 8th of this year. I care less about the name of the GOP candidate than I do that candidate’s ability to defeat Clinton at best, or leave the GOP Senate majority intact at worst.


(Finally, a request for prayer: This morning, our nation lost another great Patriot. Sandy McMillan served with SEAL Team 2 and was a fellow Navy Leaguer. He was a family man, a long-time colleague and friend. Please pray for his wife and their family. Fair winds and following seas, my friend! We will miss you.)


Pro Deo et Constitutione – Libertas aut Mors Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis









































































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Hillary Indictment Trouble?

Bill laughs at jailed Hillary

John R. Houk

© April 5, 2016


It appears that FBI Director James Comey is the first lynchpin hurdle on whether or not Hillary Clinton is indicted for using a private home server to receive and send classified information. (The second lynchpin would be Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the third lynchpin President Barack Hussein Obama.)


Director Comey is providing at least the appearance of a vigorous FBI investigation into Hillary with unverified reports that over a hundred FBI Agents are involved in combing server data.


Also apparently Director Comey seems to have earned the respect of both Dems and Republicans as a non-political civil servant serving in both the Bush Administration and the Obama Administration. Based on that journalist evaluation I have read about I thought it might be interesting to provide an excerpt from one of today’s Salon.com articles. Salon should be evaluated as a committed Leftwing Internet rag:


This is how the FBI destroys Hillary: The 10 questions that could end her White House dreams

These questions, if answered honestly, would most likely hand the Democratic nomination to Bernie Sanders


The FBI’s upcoming interview of Hillary Clinton will be a turning point in the race for Democratic nominee, especially since Clinton won’t be able to speak to James Comey and his FBI agents in the same manner her campaign has communicated with the public. Unlike loyal Hillary supporters who view the marathon Benghazi hearings to be a badge of courage and countless prior scandals to be examples of exoneration, the FBI didn’t spend one year (investigating this email controversy) to give Clinton or her top aides parking tickets. …


Imagine if you had 22 Top Secret emails on your computer?


Would you be able to claim negligence?


Also, the issue of negligence is a canard. Clinton and her top aides were smart enough to understand protocol. For every legal scholar saying that indictment isn’t likely (because it’s difficult to prove Clinton “knowingly” sent or received classified intelligence), there’s a former attorney general and former intelligence officials saying that indictment is justified.



I explain three possible scenarios in my latest YouTube segment regarding how the Clinton campaign would react to the reality of indictment. No doubt, certain supporters would still vote for Clinton, even with the possibility of criminal behavior.



Therefore, below are ten questions the FBI should ask Clinton and her top aides. These questions, if answered honestly, will most likely hand the Democratic nomination to Bernie Sanders. Remember, the issue of convenience or negligence won’t be enough to circumvent repercussions from owning a private server as Secretary of State. FBI director James Comey and his agents aren’t Democratic superdelegates or beholden in any way to a political machine. They’ll demand answers to tough questions and below could be some of the topics discussed in Clinton’s FBI interview.

1. What was the political utility in owning a private server and never using a State.gov email address?



An editorial from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel titled “Clinton’s abysmal record on open government” explains the possible political motive …


In addition, regardless of Clinton’s excuses, the only believable reason for the private server in her basement was to keep her emails out of the public eye by willfully avoiding freedom of information laws. No president, no secretary of state, no public official at any level is above the law. She chose to ignore it, and must face the consequences…

And donations to the foundation from foreign governments have raised conflict of interest questions for Clinton as secretary of state, an office with power over foreign affairs and favors second only to the president’s.


2. Were all 31,830 deleted private emails about yoga?


ABC News


…  “This review did not involve opening and reading each email. Instead, Clinton’s lawyers created a list of names and keywords related to her work and searched for those. Slightly more than half the total cache — 31,830 emails — did not contain any of the search terms, according to Clinton’s staff, so they were deemed to be ‘private, personal records.’” 


There was no government oversight, therefore the FBI has every right to ask why Clinton’s staff was allowed to pick and choose (through keyword searches) private emails from others that could have contained classified intelligence.

3. Why didn’t you know that intelligence could be retroactively classified?


This leads to the issue of negligence; a zero-sum proposition. Either Clinton wasn’t smart enough to know protocol, or breached protocol. Both scenarios aren’t good for a future presidency. Both scenarios won’t prevent legal repercussions, given the 22 Top Secret emails.

4. Why did you use a Blackberry that wasn’t approved by the NSA?


An article in Madison.com titled “Emails: Clinton sought secure smartphone, rebuffed by NSA” explains the issue of Clinton’s Blackberry:


WASHINGTON (AP) — Newly released emails show a 2009 request to issue a secure government smartphone to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was denied by the National Security Agency.

A month later, she began using private email accounts accessed through her BlackBerry to exchange messages with her top aides.


Clinton used a Blackberry that wasn’t approved by the NSA. Along with the issue of political motive, and why she deleted tens of thousands of emails, the unsecured Blackberry use could easily lead to an indictment.

5. What did you say to Bryan Pagliano? 


Mr. Pagliano recently received immunity. He’s told the FBI, most likely, about his conversations with Hillary Clinton. Any discrepancy in stories could lead to a felony charge for Hillary Clinton or Pagliano’s immunity to be revoked. Both have every incentive to tell the truth.

6. Why were 22 Top Secret emails on a private server?


This is a simple question with no logical answer circumventing political repercussions. If Clinton and her staff are able to evade this issue, future government officials will also be able to have Top Secret intelligence on unguarded private servers.

7. Was any information about the Clinton Foundation mingled with State Department documents? 


The answer to this question could lead to hundreds of other questions.

8. Did President Obama or his staff express any reservations about your private server?


President Obama’s White House communicated with Clinton via her private server. If anyone in the White House said anything about Clinton’s server, this could lead to new controversy.

9. Did Bill Clinton send or receive any emails on your private network?


The server was located in their home, so it’s a valid question.

10. How was your private server guarded against hacking attempts?


Foreign nations and hackers already tried to compromise Clinton’s server.


These questions could easily give Bernie Sanders the nomination. I explain that Clinton faces possible DOJ indictment in the following appearance on CNN International. Although Bernie can win without Clinton’s indictment, the email controversy will most likely become a giant story very soon. With READ ENTIRETY (This is how the FBI destroys Hillary: The 10 questions that could end her White House dreams; By H. A. GOODMAN; Salon.com; 4/5/16 10:12 AM CDT)


Did I mention that Salon was a Leftist rag? AND Salon is throwing Hillary under the bus in favor of Bernie Sanders. Did you notice the author Goodman mentioned “22 Top Secret emails” – as in classified – more than a few times?


Regardless of this refreshing bluster from Salon.com, I have noticed that pundits on the Left and the Right do not think Hillary will ever be indicted although not really for agreeing reasons. Most Leftist pundits toe the line that this is all a Right Wing conspiracy of the usual smoke and mirrors with no proof of a fire. Right Wing pundits tend to believe that neither Loretta Lynch nor President Barack Hussein Obama will allow Hillary to be indicted on their watch.


Lloyd Billingsley of FrontPageMag.com offers a scenario that doesn’t really fit the usual Left-Right talking points about Hillary Clinton. Billingsley throws the ball in Director Comey’s court and some interesting facts connected to history between Comey and Hillary in the view Hillary received some interesting passes in some questionable legal issues. Below is the article in entirety.


JRH 4/5/16

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By Lloyd Billingsley

April 5, 2016



Hillary Clinton’s email problems, going back to her time as Secretary of State, have not drawn heavy coverage from the old-line establishment media. As the investigation nears its final stages, FBI director James Comey’s past dealings with the Clintons may prove of interest.


Detail on those dealings emerged in American Evita: Hillary Clinton’s Path to Power, a 2004 book by Christopher Andersen, a former contributing editor to Time magazine who has written for Life, the New York Times, and Vanity Fair. None could be described as conservative but Andersen is candid about Hillary’s political past.


Hillary’s friends Robert Treuhaft and wife Jessica Mitford were “avowed Stalinists” who opposed the Hungarian uprising of 1956 and remained committed to the Communist cause. American Evita charts Hillary’s admiration for Marxist theoretician Carl Oglesby and Rules for Radicals author Saul Alinsky, from whom Hillary learned that “the only way to make a real difference is to acquire power.”


After Bill Clinton left the White House, one staffer told Andersen, the entire focus was on “getting Hillary back in.” The road led through New York, where Hillary took aim at the Senate seat vacated by Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Hillary was not from New York and had never spent more than a few days there, so she needed creative ways to attract votes.


New Square, a Hasidic enclave 30 miles northwest of Manhattan, had voted as a bloc in previous elections and campaign workers urged Hillary urged to stop there. In New Square, four members of the Skver sect had been convicted in 1999 of bilking government aid programs for some $30 million. During her visit, Hillary denied that any pardon was discussed.


The day before the election, in a letter to New Square’s main synagogue, president Bill Clinton said he looked forward to visiting the village. As Andersen noted, New Square delivered Hillary’s biggest victory margin of any community in New York state, 1,359 votes to only 10 for her opponent Rick Lazio.


During the final days of his presidency, Bill Clinton opted to reduce the prison terms of the New Square offenders, and after 9/11 that sparked an investigation. As Anderson notes, “Hillary received an unexpected gift in late June when, without explanation, U.S. Attorney James B. Comey closed the New Square clemency case.


Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich also drew an investigation and Andersen finds it odd that the Bush administration would “help the Clinton’s out” by refusing to release documents related to the pardons. And “in accordance with his boss’s wishes, U.S Attorney James Comey gave Bill and Hillary a pass.”


On September 4, 2013, James Comey became director of the FBI. In that role, Comey oversees the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified material on her private email and server. Whether she gets a pass this time is uncertain, but Comey’s history with the Clintons is worth media attention. So is Hillary’s history on the subject of terrorism.


“At Hillary’s urging,” Andersen writes, “the President granted clemency to 16 Puerto Rican terrorists who have been sentenced to prison following a wave of bombings from 1974 to 1983 that took the lives of six Americans and wounded scores of others. Incredibly, the terrorists had not even asked for clemency.”  The worst attack was the January 24, 1975 bombing of Fraunces Tavern in Manhattan. The Puerto Rican FALN exploded a bomb during the lunch hour, “hurling body parts into the street and killing four people.”


The terrorists accepted President Clinton’s offer of clemency but expressed no regret for their actions. Former U.S. Attorney Joseph Di Genova went on record that “the Puerto Rican terrorists were pardoned because they were a political benefit to the president’s wife. Make no mistake about it.” As Anderson notes, FBI director Louis Freeh opposed the pardons, as did New York major Rudy Giuliani, senator Charles Schumer and former Puerto Rico governor Carlos Romero Barcelo who, says Andersen, “pleaded with the president not to release the bombers.”


Stories on the Clinton pardons have not been a staple of the current campaign, in which Republicans have been the targets of choice on the terrorism issue. Perhaps a bit more balance is in order. Reporters, meanwhile, will find American Evita: Hillary Clinton’s Path to Power a worthy refresher course on the Democratic frontrunner.



Hillary Indictment Trouble?

John R. Houk

© April 5, 2016




Lloyd Billingsley is the author of Bill of Writes: Dispatches from the Political Correctness Battlefield and Hollywood Party: Stalinist Adventures in the American Film Industry.








The DHFC is dedicated to the defense of free societies whose moral, cultural and economic foundations are under attack by enemies both secular and religious, at home and abroad.


The David Horowitz Freedom Center combats the efforts of the radical left and its Islamist allies to destroy American values and disarm this country as it attempts to defend itself in a time of terror.  The leftist offensive is most obvious on our nation’s campuses, where the Freedom Center protects students from indoctrination and intimidation and works to give conservative students a place in the marketplace of ideas from which they are otherwise excluded.  Combining forceful analysis and bold activism, the Freedom Center provides strong insight into today’s most pressing issue on its family of websites and in the activist campaigns it wages on campus, in the news media, and in national politics throughout the year.


David Horowitz began the Center for the Study of Popular Culture in 1988 to establish a conservative presence in Hollywood and show how popular culture had become a political battleground. Over the next 18 years, CSPC attracted 50,000 contributing supporters and established programs such as The Wednesday Morning Club, the Individual Rights Foundation, and Students for Academic Freedom.


FrontPage Magazine, the Center’s online journal of news and political commentary has 1.5 million visitors and over 870,000 unique visitors a month (65 million hits) and is linked to over 2000 other websites.  The magazine’s coverage of and commentary about events has been greatly augmented over the last two years by the presence of four Shillman Fellows in Journalism underwritten by board member Dr. Robert Shillman. FrontPage has recently added a blog called “The Point,” run by Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield, which has tripled web traffic.


DiscoverTheNetworks.com, launched in 2005, is the largest publicly accessible database defining the chief groups and individuals of the Left and their organizational interlocks.  It is a full service encyclopedia of the left providing an intellectual diagram of its institutional power in American culture and politics. DTN has had more than 8 million visitors so far this year and is a key resource for students, scholars and members of the media.


Since 2003, the Center has promoted an Academic Bill of Rights to support students’ academic freedom, and free the American university from political indoctrination and renew its commitment to true intellectual diversity. This campaign has had a permanent impact on American higher education.


In 2007, the Center undertook an READ THE REST


Obama is not Slowing Down Dinesh D’Souza

Dinesh D'Souza 3

John R. Houk

© March 14, 2016


Dinesh D’Souza (Wikipedia Bio) was convicted fair and square of breaking campaign finance law. He admits this. What is astonishing about D’Souza is that Obama’s Justice Department came after D’Souza as if he was a hardened criminal that needed put away for the protection of American citizens. Isn’t it interesting that Barack Obama also broke campaign finance laws while he received a paltry 375 thousand dollars fine and no felony conviction while D’Souza had to pay a 500-thousand-dollar bond to wait trial then had a felony added to his life. It cost D’Souza eight months in a low security half-way house designed for long term prison inmates about to be freed to have a readjustment time from prison to freedom for time served.


In 2013 Obama was levied this fine by the FEC because he accepted around 1,300 contributions to the tune of 1.8 MILLION dollars as a sitting President. D’Souza’s infraction was laid out by Andrew McCarthy:


… Wendy Long, his good friend and Dartmouth classmate, was waging a futile campaign against incumbent U.S. senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.). With the press of business leaving him unable to be more of a campaign presence, D’Souza decided to provide financial support. He had, however, already donated the personal maximum of $10,000. So he convinced two friends to be nominal contributors, with D’Souza reimbursing them the combined $20,000. (How Dinesh D’Souza Became a Victim of Obama’s Lawless Administration; By ANDREW C. MCCARTHY; National Review; 12/19/15 4:00 AM)


Why did the Obama Justice Department want to spank Dinesh D’Souza so badly? Perhaps the reason is similar to why the IRS targeted Conservative and Tea Party organizations. There was a lot work to expose Obama as one of the most nefarious Presidents in U.S. history. In D’Souza’s case he made a documentary movie based on a 2010 book exposing Obama entitled “The Roots of Obama’s Rage”. The documentary is entitled “2016: Obama’s America”.


So what’s D’Souza up to these days? He’s preparing to expose Hillary Clinton and the cycle of Democratic Party nefarious activities that have served the Clinton family for decades. PJ Media quotes D’Souza and has a one sentence description:


“If that film got me eight months in the slammer, this new movie is going to earn me life in prison,” he said at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). “It’s time to take the gloves off.”


D’Souza described the film, Hillary’s America, as a sordid history of the Democratic Party from the very beginning all the way through Hillary Clinton. (D’Souza: Hillary Film Could Earn Me ‘Life in Prison’; By Nicholas Ballasy; PJ Media; 3/13/16)


Below is the cross post of the entire PJ Media post.


JRH 3/14/16

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D’Souza: Hillary Film Could Earn Me ‘Life in Prison’



MARCH 13, 2016

PJ Media


Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza said his upcoming film about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is going to result in a lifelong prison sentence.


D’Souza said he was locked up for 8 months in a “federal confinement center” for a “relatively minor campaign finance infraction” following the release of his film,2016, about President Obama.


“If that film got me eight months in the slammer, this new movie is going to earn me life in prison,” he said at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). “It’s time to take the gloves off.”


D’Souza described the film, Hillary’s America, as a sordid history of the Democratic Party from the very beginning all the way through Hillary Clinton.


“The Democrats want us to believe they’re the party of equal rights and human rights and civil rights. The truth is the Democrats are the party of slavery, and Indian removal, of broken treaties and the Trail of Tears, they’re the party of segregation and Jim Crow and lynching and the Ku Klux Klan, they’re the party of Japanese internment, and opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968,” he said. “This is their actual history so what they do is they try to cover it up.”


D’Souza said Democratic politicians attempt to hide their party’s past connections to segregation by “blaming America” as a whole.


“The reality is America didn’t do it, the Democrats did. Now, another story from the Democrats is they changed, that somehow recently they became enlightened and they became the good guys and the bad guys all became the Republicans. This is the story of the so-called switch,” he said. “But the truth of it is there never was a switch. The Democrats now are the same as they always were.”


D’Souza said former President Abraham Lincoln described slavery as “you work, I eat.” According to D’Souza, that defines the modern Democratic Party.


“This concept of ‘you work, I eat’ is still the center of the politics of the Democratic Party. They were playing plantation politics back then and they are playing plantation politics right now,” D’Souza said.


His documentary Hillary’s America is set for release the week of the Democratic Party convention.


“We’re going to be telling the story they don’t want you to know. Here’s how you can help us: Go see the film the opening weekend,” he said, explaining that the film will be shown in more theaters if it does well the first week. “This is how you affect the politics of Hollywood.”


D’Souza appeared on a panel at the conference called “Hollywood, Media and Education: The Three Strongholds Of The Left.”


D’Souza pointed out that filmmaker Michael Moore’s documentary films have been so successful because they are entertaining.


“No one goes to the movies for messaging. You go to the movies for entertainment,” he said. “You’ve got to give it to the guy [Moore]. Out of the top 10 documentaries of all time he has 5.”


He called for conservatives in Hollywood to produce more than documentaries, such as animated films, thrillers and romantic comedies.


“Ultimately, we’ve got to do that kind of stuff too because they [the left] tell their worldview through stories,” he said.


Moderator Mary Katharine Ham, a conservative political commentator, encouraged the audience to see the Broadway play Hamilton.


“The beauty of this play is it is truly unironically a celebration of Alexander Hamilton, pulled himself up from his bootstraps, came from nothing, fought with just his brain and got to the top of American society and really shaped this beautiful thing we have,” she said. “It is serious about that message.”


VIDEO: D’Souza: New Hillary Film Might Earn Me ‘Life In Prison’



Posted by Nicholas Ballasy

Published on Mar 8, 2016


Story by Nicholas Ballasy featured on The Drudge Report: https://pjmedia.com/election/2016/03/13/dsouza-hillary-film-could-earn-me-life-in-prison/



Obama is not Slowing Down Dinesh D’Souza

John R. Houk

© March 14, 2016


D’Souza: Hillary Film Could Earn Me ‘Life in Prison’


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Since its inception in 2005, PJ Media has been focused on the news that matters — from the insightful commentary provided by our all-star lineup of columnists to our writers’ quick takes on breaking news and trending stories. The media company’s founders — Academy Award Nominee Roger L. Simon, Charles Johnson (Little Green Footballs) and Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit) — brought together a tightly knit band of bloggers into an integrated website that has evolved into a reliable source for original, unique, and cutting-edge political news and analysis.


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Judicial Watch Weekly Update 2-26-16

Hillary- No inappropiate Relations Server

America owes a debt of gratitude to Judicial Watch for staying on the Dems and Hillary Clinton for underhanded activities and coverups. In an email update from JW dated February 26, Hillary is exposed as a duplicitous liar with her nefarious minion Huma Abedin. Although I’m less interested the last article in the email exposes the anti-Christian attitudes in the U.S. Air Force Academy via the hypocrisy of allowing a witchcraft religion to practice yet shuts down Christianity.


JRH 2/27/16

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Judicial Watch Weekly Update

Sent: February 26, 2016 4:55 PM

Sent by Tom Fitton


This Week’s Headlines



  • Federal Court Grants Judicial Watch Discovery on Clinton Email Issue




  • History Comes Full Circle as Judicial Watch Releases New Document in Whitewater Criminal Corruption Case against Hillary Clinton




  • Air Force Academy Celebrates Witchcraft and Voodoo While Demeaning Christianity



Federal Court Grants Judicial Watch Discovery on Clinton Email Issue


Your Judicial Watch has achieved another remarkable breakthrough in our tireless efforts to get to the bottom of the Clinton email scandal. Earlier this week, U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan granted Judicial Watch’s motion for discovery into whether the State Department and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton deliberately thwarted the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for six years. The developments come in a Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit that seeks records about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit was reopened because of revelations about Clinton’s separate email records.


Judge Sullivan initially announced his ruling from the bench during a hearing this week and, over the objections of the State Department, authorized Judicial Watch to submit a plan for “narrowly-tailored discovery.” Judge Sullivan is also considering whether to order the State Department to subpoena all the emails on the clinton.com email system.


I issued the following statement on behalf of JW in response to the ruling:


Judge Sullivan’s ruling granting Judicial Watch’s request for discovery is a major victory for the public’s right to know the truth about Hillary Clinton’s email system. The court-ordered discovery will help determine why the State Department and Mrs. Clinton, even despite receiving numerous FOIA requests, kept the record system secret for years. Our proposed discovery, which will require court approval, will include testimony of current and former officials of the State Department. While Mrs. Clinton’s testimony may not be required initially, it may happen that her testimony is necessary for the court to resolve the legal issues about her unprecedented email practices.


The full transcript of the historic court hearing can be found here. I encourage you review the transcript to see how Judge Sullivan approached the issue. Here’s a taste:


Here you have Mrs. Clinton and Abedin and their private counsel deciding, after neither Mrs. Clinton nor Ms. Abedin were government employees, what e-mails are federal records, and what e-mails are not. It just boggles the mind that the State Department allowed this circumstance to arise in the first place. It’s just very, very, very troubling. And I think that whatever opinion the Court writes, the first sentence will be: This is a very troubling case, for a host of reasons.


Rather than accept graciously the court’s ruling, Hillary Clinton instead attacked Judicial Watch this morning as “right wing.” She made the comments during a MSNBC interview. She endorsed the nasty comments of her spokesman on CNN and elsewhere in response the court ruling.


Hillary Clinton is clearly upset that Judicial Watch has once again stymied her email cover-up. We won’t be deterred by Mrs. Clinton’s attacks. (You can check our recent interview with the Wall Street Journal here for a reality check on what this all means.)


Shortly after April 15, Judicial Watch discovery will commence into the Clinton email system. This is a major achievement and I can’t say enough about all my JW colleagues who secured this court victory. And I can’t say enough about the generous financial support of our Judicial Watch members who make our work possible. Thank you!


History Comes Full Circle as Judicial Watch Releases New Document in Whitewater Criminal Corruption Case against Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton’s current legal predicaments caused by her email misconduct may be a surprise to some Americans. But it isn’t surprising to Judicial Watch.


This week we released an unprecedented accounting of the evidence that would have been used at a criminal trial against Hillary Clinton in the Whitewater case. The April 1998 memo by the Office of Independent Counsel, titled “HRC Order of Proof,” includes the names of 121 witnesses, discussions of evidence, and aspects of grand jury testimony to be used at trial, forming a virtual road map to the sweeping criminal case against the Whitewater conspirators.


Prosecutors ultimately decided not to indict Mrs. Clinton, calculating that they could not win the complicated, largely circumstantial case against such a high-profile figure. But while the general outline of the case is known, the “Order of Proof” is definitive and highly detailed, nailing down a number of disputed issues. Among them:


  • The cover-up of Clinton financial misdeeds in Arkansas began in earnest on a specific date: March 7, 1992.


  • Documents from the Rose Law Firm-Mrs. Clinton’s former empl the firm’s “parking lot that night,” demonstrating that Mrs. Clinton and oyer at the center of the growing scandal-were passed to a campaign aide inher Rose Law Firm Partners-Webster Hubbell and Vincent Foster-were early participants in the cover-up.



  • Media coverage of the Clintons led to renewed interest by the Resolution Trust Corp. in the corrupt bank at the center of the story, Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan. Madison was “already on the list of S&Ls to be revisited,” having been the subject of earlier probes and a prior criminal case.


  • Tulsa-based senior Resolution Trust Corp. investigator Jean Lewis-later the subject of a vituperative campaign of personal destruction by the Clinton side-was dispatched “by her local supervisor and someone in Washington to go to Little Rock to determine if Whitewater had caused [Madison] a loss.”


  • Lewis visited Little Rock in April 1992, and drew up Criminal Referral C-0004, which was sent “directly to the Little Rock U.S. Attorney and Little Rock FBI on 9/1/92.”


  • U.S. Attorney Paula Casey-a Clinton associate-and the Little Rock FBI office agreed to hold the criminal referral “in abeyance until after the election.” Meanwhile, the FBI and RTC investigations moved forward. Nine more RTC criminal referrals involving Madison-related schemes were drawn up.


  • A Justice Department probe was underway on July 20, 1993, when search warrants were obtained in Little Rock for Whitewater-related investigations. That night in Washington, Vincent Foster, the former Rose Law Firm partner serving as both the Clintons’ personal lawyer and White House deputy counsel, committed suicide.


  • Two senior Justice Department officials-David Margolis and Philip Heymann-are on the “Order of Proof” witness list. In the immediate aftermath of Foster’s death, Margolis and Heymann received White House Counsel Bernard Nussbaum’s consent to search Foster’s office. Then Nussbaum “reneged.”


  • Heymann-the Deputy Attorney General of the United States-was “[v]ery upset over the matter” and “[a]sked Bernie what he was trying to hide.


  • Numerous witnesses would testify they saw documents being removed from Foster’s office, including papers that resembled the Rose Law Firm billing records-under subpoena at that time and nowhere to be found.


Micah Morrison, our chief investigative reporter, first reported on this document in the Daily Caller.


This is an important and timely document. It shows that there was significant evidence against Mrs. Clinton in Whitewater. The parallels with the email scandal-the stonewalling of document production, the ‘missing’ documents, the lies and evasions-are striking.


The new document follows on the heels of JW’s release last month of 246 pages of previously undisclosed Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) internal memos on criminal charges against Hillary Clinton in the Whitewater investigation.


Then, a few weeks ago, JW reporter Morrison provided even more details on the case, based upon a newly obtained confidential document. The document included a description of the case against Mrs. Clinton “in the legal terms of an indictment.”


This detailed memo adds considerably to our understanding of Mrs. Clinton’s unethical-and likely criminal-past. The wealth of material uncovered by Judicial Watch in recent months strongly suggests that if she weren’t First Lady at the time, she would have been successfully prosecuted in federal court. We also proved that an actual draft indictment of Mrs. Clinton is being held by the National Archives, a document the agency refuses to turn over in response to our Freedom of Information Act requests. Our battle to get that document is now in federal court, so stay tuned for more.


Air Force Academy Celebrates Witchcraft and Voodoo While Demeaning Christianity


There’s something seriously amiss in the United States Air Force Academy. We received documents from the Air Force Academy revealing that in 2014 and 2015, the Academy used its “Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund” to pay for cadets to participate in worship services featuring witchcraft, “Faery Magick,” and voodoo. The records reveal that the Air Force Academy paid to send cadets to a Wiccan festival in Denver in May 2014 and a Denver Witches Ball in October of the same year.


The Tithes and Offering Fund, though funded by “free-will donations,” is also defined as “an instrumentality of the United States Government.” So, yes, all taxpayers have an interest in this issue.


According to a promotional brochure obtained by Judicial Watch, a group called “Spiritual Programs in Religious Education” hosted events at the Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel Falcon Circle on the Academy campus. The Academy website describes Falcon Circle as “The worship area [for]… an umbrella of traditions that includes Wicca, Paganism and Druidism.”


The Air Force Academy documents were unearthed thanks to our intrepid investigators, who filed an October 8, 2015, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for:


Any and all records regarding, concerning or relating to “Earth-based” worship service events occurring at the [Air Force Academy] campus in the 2013/14 academic years, including but not limited to, programs, hand-outs, proposals, agreements, contracts, invoices, budget documents, and related materials.


The response included an invoice from a vendor called “Living Earth,” indicating that in March 28, 2014, the Academy was billed $260 for “worship-supplies-fellowship” for activities described as a “Festival.” According to a purchase request, the $260 to pay Living Earth was drawn from the Academy’s Church Tithes and Offerings Fund under the accounting class “Wiccan.”


Chapel Tithes and Offering Funds were used to pay for registration and meals for two cadets to attend the May 10-11, 2014, Earth Centered Beltania festival.” According to the Living Earth website, the Beltania Festival is “a retreat and festival for all who follow Earth-honoring religion or spiritual path.” At the festival, attendees are encouraged to “dance with ecstasy around the maypole,” “drum with the heartbeat of Mother Earth,” and “conjure Springtime within nature and yourself.”


The documents also contained an October 24, 2014, purchase request for $120 for the Academy to send four cadets to the “23rd Annual Denver Witches Ball.” The ball was held at a masonic temple in Denver, and the four attendees were described in the purchase request as “Earth Centered/Pagan Cadets.”


The Air Force Academy documents also included an October 22, 2014, email from the DFGL [Distinctive Faith Group Leader] at the Air Force Academy to an Academy official who apparently had asked for copies of any advertisements for earth-based worship services in order to fulfill the Judicial Watch FOIA request. In the email, the Distinctive Faith Group Leader strongly argued that he/she had “not used any kind of advertising” to promote the pagan/wiccan/voodoo ceremonies in which Academy cadets participated.


Despite the group leader’s claim that the Earth-Centered Services “does NOT proselytize,” the material from the Academy FOIA office included a promotional brochure from the Spiritual Programs in Religious Education group with which the group leader acknowledged he works. According to the Spiritual Programs in Religious Education brochure, the organization encourages festival participants to engage in “Earth Centered paths,” including:


  • Wicca


  • Witchcraft


  • Faery Magick


  • Druidism


  • Heathenism


  • Native American traditions


  • Voodoo


  • African Orishas


  • Goddess Spirituality


Compare and contrast these revelations with the Air Force Academy’s hostile approach to traditional Christianity. In 2013, the Air Force Academy made “so help me God” optional to its cadet oath. Since 2014, the Air Force has allowed airmen to omit “so help me God” from enlistment oaths. Our friends at the Family Research Council have been keeping a record of incidents of hostility to traditional religion within the armed services: “Unfortunately, pressures to impose a secular, anti-religious culture on our nation’s military services have intensified tremendously during the Obama Administration. This pressure exists across the armed services, but it has become extremely acute in the United States Air Force.”


The Air Force Academy leadership is attacking traditional Christian beliefs, but will fund witchcraft and “faery magick”? These records show the misplaced priorities in the Air Force and why traditional Christians increasingly feel unwelcome in the Air Force Academy.


This is a deeply troubling situation and your JW will keep on top of it.


Until next week…


Tom Fitton



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About Judicial Watch


Judicial Watch, Inc., a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Through its educational endeavors, Judicial Watch advocates high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people. Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations, and public outreach.


The motto of Judicial Watch is “Because no one is above the law”. To this end, Judicial Watch uses the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to investigate and uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities.


Litigation and the civil discovery process not only uncover information for the education of the American people on anti-corruption issues, but can also provide a basis for civil authorities to criminally prosecute corrupt officials. Judicial Watch seeks to ensure high ethical standards in the judiciary through monitoring activities and the use of the judicial ethics process to hold judges to account.


Judicial Watch’s investigation, legal, and judicial activities provide READ THE REST


JW Weekly Update: A New Clinton Computer Scandal?

Hillary Clinton is a liar. She uses the old Nazi Joseph Goebbels adage:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

When it comes to the FBI probe of criminality in relation to classified material on her unsecured email server, Hillary sticks to the line I did nothing wrong because anything marked classified was done retroactively. Only an idiot or a Democrat would believe that lie. (Begin about 2:33 mark)

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton 100% Confident Nothing Will Come From FBI Email Investigation – Special Report

Posted by Tech News | IT World

Published on Feb 6, 2016

Hillary Clinton defiantly claimed at Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate that she is “100 percent confident” nothing will come of the FBI’s investigation of her email practices and has no concerns about the controversy’s impact on her chances in the race.

“I have absolutely no concerns about it whatsoever,” the former secretary of state said at the MSNBC-hosted debate in New Hampshire.

If wasn’t for Judicial Watch the Hillary lie about classified material would undoubtedly disappear into history for historians to tell the truth when the Clinton/Obama cabal of transforming America into something our Founding Fathers would not have recognized. Below is an email I received from Judicial Watch yesterday that highlights the obvious. Hillary is hiding something. What she is hiding has nothing to do with National Security. Rather her hiding and erasing has more to do with covering her butt so the Teflon keeps letting crimes slip away.

JRH 2/6/16

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Weekly Update: A New Clinton Computer Scandal?

Sent by Tim Fitton

Sent: 2/5/2016 4:51 PM

Email from: Judicial Watch

JW Uncovers another Hillary Clinton Computer Scandal

This is unbelievable. We have just received records from the Department of State disclosing plans by senior State Department officials to set up a “stand-alone PC” so that Clinton could check her emails in an office “across the hall” through a separate, non-State Department computer network system. Referencing the special Clinton computer system, Under Secretary for Management Patrick F. Kennedy, writes Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, “The stand-alone separate network PC is a great idea.” The emails are from January 23-24, 2009, a few days after Clinton was sworn in as Secretary of State.

The new emails were obtained by Judicial Watch in response to a court order in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for State Department records about Hillary Clinton’s separate email system.

In the email chain, Lewis Lukens, former deputy assistant secretary of state and executive director of the secretariat, responds to a request from Mills by informing her, top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, and Kennedy that the new personal computer “in the secretary’s office” would be “connected to the internet (but not through our system).” Abedin responds, “We are hoping for that if possible.”

The email exchange discussing plans to provide Clinton a separate computer to skirt the internal State Department computer network begins with a message from Mills to Lukens in which she requests Clinton being able to access her emails through “a non-DOS computer.” The email discusses how the stand-alone computer can be set up and why it is “a great idea’ and “the best solution”:

From: Cheryl Mills
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 6:45 AM
To: Lukens, Lewis A
Subject: Re: Series of questions

Lew – who can I talk to about:

1.Can our email be accessed remotely through the web using a non-DOS computer like my laptop?

2.I am traveling to the M-E – will my DOS bb work there and is there a cell phone attached?

3.Spoke to Dan [Daniel B. Smith, former DOS executive secretary] re: bb for HRC (and reports that POTUS is able to use a super encrypted one)

4.Spoke to Dan re: setting up Counselor office for HRC so she can go across hall regularly to check her email

From: Lukens, Lewis A
To: cmills [REDACTED]
Cc: Habedin [REDACTED]; Kennedy, Patrick F; Smith, Daniel B
Sent: Saturday, Jan. 24, 19:10:33 2009
Subject: Re: series of questions

We have already started checking into the NSA bb. Will set up the office across the hall as requested. Also, I think we should go ahead (but will await your green light) and set up a stand-alone PC in the Secretary’s office, connect to the internet (but not through our system) to enable her to check her emails from her desk. Lew.

From: Kennedy, Patrick F KennedyPF
To: Lukens, Lewis A <LukensLA>; Cheryl Mills
Cc: Huma Abedin; Smith, Daniel B <SmithD2>
Sent: Sat, Jan 24 19:48:25 2009
Subject: Re: Series of questions

The stand-alone separate network PC is [a] great idea

From: Huma Abedin
To: Kennedy, Patrick F; Lukens, Lewis A; Cheryl Mills
Cc: Huma Abedin; Smith, Daniel B
Sent: Sat Jan 24 19:48:27 2009
Subject: Re: Series of questions

Yes we were hoping for that if possible so she can check her email in her office.


From: Lukens, Lewis A
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 8:26 PM
To: Kennedy, Patrick F
Subject: Re: Series of questions

I talked to Cheryl about this. She says a problem is hrc does not know how to use a computer to do email – only bb [Blackberry]. But, I said would not take much training to get her up to speed.

In separate litigation, the State Department told Judicial Watch and federal courts that Hillary Clinton was never issued secure State Department computing devices.

These emails are shocking. They show the Obama State Department’s plan to set up non-government computers and a computer network for Hillary Clinton to bypass the State Department network. The fact that these records were withheld from the American people until now is scandalous and shows the criminal probe of Hillary Clinton’s email system should include current and former officials of the Obama administration.

Our legal team filed these new emails with U.S. District Court Judge Emmett Sullivan, who is now considering whether to grant discovery in a lawsuit seeking information on the “special government employee” status of Abedin. In our filing, we state:

[Judicial Watch] just recently received additional evidence that demonstrates that senior management at the State Department was well aware that Mrs. Clinton was using a “non-state.gov” system to conduct official government business. This evidence also shows that the senior management at the State Department knowingly aided Mrs. Clinton in establishing and using a “non-state.gov” system.

[T]his newly discovered email demonstrates that there is at least a “reasonable suspicion” that the State Department and Mrs. Clinton deliberately thwarted FOIA by creating, using, and concealing the “clintonemail.com” record system for six years.

The media took up this story (which was reported first by Fox News.) The Obama gang responded with careful word parsing. The State Department spokesman John Kirby told CBS News:

“I will say, a computer was not set up for Secretary Clinton,” he said in an email to CBS News State Department Correspondent Margaret Brennan.

Because “these matters are under review generally,” Kirby declined to comment further.

Was a computer set up for Cheryl Mills (who evidently had the Counselor’s office across the hall)? It will take another lawsuit or court-ordered discovery to get past this obfuscation.

We will continue our investigation – we hope with the support of the courts. In the meantime, you can see that email isn’t the only Clinton computer scandal.

Hillary Clinton Discussed Prosecuting Republicans for Classification Violations

There are a lot of twists and turns in this one, but pay close attention to what a Hillary Clinton confidant advised her to do in response to some of the actions by congressional Republicans. When you have Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton, Eric Cantor and David Petraeus mentioned in one government document, it’s time to pay close attention.

Back on January 7, 2016, we obtained a new batch of documents from the Department of State, including a “Confidential” memo from Clinton advisor Sidney Blumenthal to the former secretary of state suggesting that a grand jury and the Senate Judiciary Committee should investigate whether former Rep. Eric Cantor or his staff violated the Espionage Act by disclosing classified information related to the FBI investigation of former CIA Director David Petraeus.

According to the Blumenthal-to-Clinton email, if classified information was discussed by Cantor, his staff, or anyone “inside or outside the bureau,” it “is a felony” in violation of the Espionage Act. Blumenthal’s fantasy prosecution of Cantor aside, it is for sure true that if Clinton kept classified information on her non-state.gov server, that also may be a criminal violation of the Espionage Act. (And, of course, Petraeus eventually was forced to plead guilty in a slap-on-the-wrist plea deal.)

The documents also contain an email to Clinton in which Blumenthal sent a copy of a “Confidential” memo to top Obama 2012 presidential debate advisor Ron Klain warning that GOP candidate Mitt Romney would “falsify, distort, and mangle facts” in the final campaign debate. The Blumenthal memo was sent to Klain and copied to Clinton just four days before the final debate.

The documents include an email sent after the Benghazi attack in which Blumenthal informs Clinton of his “Latest Libya intel” regarding the turmoil in that country. Though barred by the Obama administration from being an official State Department advisor to Clinton, Blumenthal – who at the time was also employed by the Clinton Foundation – claimed to have “a very sensitive source” providing him “internal govt discussions high level” concerning Libyan internal security.

The new emails, also available on the State Department website, were obtained by Judicial Watch in response to a court order. The Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on May 6, 2015, asked for the following:

• Communications between officials, officers, or employees of the Department of State and members of Congress, Congressional staff members, or Congressional members or staff members of the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi concerning the use of non-“state.gov” email addresses by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

• Emails of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton regarding the September 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The timeframe for this request is September 11, 2012, to January 31, 2013.

The State Department’s records include the November 13, 2012, email from Blumenthal to Clinton in which he speculates about former Rep. Eric Cantor’s dealings with then-FBI Director Robert Mueller concerning the agency’s investigation of former CIA Director David Petraeus. In the email, Blumenthal raises the possible need for both a grand jury and a Senate Judiciary Committee investigation of possible violations of the Espionage Act by Cantor and his staff if classified information was made public:

From: Sidney Blumenthal
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2012 9:13 AM
Subject: More questions. Sid

Who else in the Congress besides congressmen Reichert and Cantor knew of the Petraeus investigation before it became public? How many congressional staffers were informed? What roles did they play in deciding who to inform about it? What were their communications among themselves and with others outside their offices if any? Did any of them discuss the matter with anyone in the Romney-Ryan campaign?

Why was Cantor intent on informing FBI Director Mueller of the existence of an FBI investigation that was already resolved?…

What were the internal discussions between Cantor and his staff on his referral to Mueller?…

Was the supposedly rogue FBI agent, described in the Washington Post as motivated by his “worldview,” acting alone? Did he discuss the investigation with any individual either inside or outside the bureau before he went to Reichert and Cantor?

Disclosure of an espionage investigation is a felony. Will a grand jury be empaneled by the Justice Department?

When will Senator Patrick Leahy, chair of the Judiciary Committee and a former FBI agent, begin an investigation of this matter?

Clinton, the United States Secretary of State, responded not with a “you are crazy, why are you writing this to me” but with a request for more info:

What was his “worldview” and why would he think hurting P furthered it? Why would Cantor want to hurt P (beloved by Rs)?

The other major find is an another unhinged October 19, 2012, email from Blumenthal to Clinton in which he sends a copy of a lengthy “Confidential” memo to Klain expounding upon how to defeat Mitt Romney in the third and final 2012 presidential debate:

From: Sidney Blumenthal
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 10:32 AM
To: H
Subject: H: fyi, see especially point about bush. Sid

1.Romney will inevitably falsify, distort and mangle facts on a range of subjects from Libya to the defense budget. But why is this debate different from all other debates? In the dedicated foreign policy debate, the stakes are higher-America’s role in the world. That makes Romney’s errors even more consequential and potentially threatening. And that must be an essential predicate of Obama’s point when he exposes Romney’s falsehoods. When Romney lies on domestic policy it’s shameful, but when he lies on foreign policy it’s dangerous.

3.Romney’s attack line on Libya is not only false, as exposed in the last debate. (Obama here can joke that Romney apparently wants to rerun the last debate but this time without Candy Crowley present to call him out. Romney will become angry and nonplussed.) His attack line is a reheated leftover of the Bush era attacks on Democrats designed by Karl Rove as weak on terrorism, which were themselves repackaged old Republican attacks from the Cold War. It’s all nostalgia….

Then, really stick in the shiv by having Obama say that he was somewhat surprised that Romney in the last debate did not give President George W. Bush credit where credit is due-for example, breaking with the neoconservatives around Vice President Cheney by adopting the surge in Iraq led by current CIA director David Petraeus that prepared the groundwork for Obama’s own policy in Iraq.

An email from Blumenthal to Clinton contains a lengthy “Confidential” memo in which he provides his “latest Libya intel” from “internal govt discussions high level.” The memo, later forwarded by Clinton to then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan, reveals that more than a year after the Obama/Clinton assisted overthrow of Qaddafi, ostensibly intended to bring about a peaceful transition, the country remained at the mercy of the same terrorist groups that attacked the Benghazi consulate. Claiming that his information comes from a “very sensitive source,” Blumenthal informed Clinton of the following:

From: Sidney Blumenthal
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 11:20 AM
To: H
Subject: H: latest Libya intel; internal govt discussions high level. Sid

1. On the morning of January 15, 2013 Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zidan was informed by Interior Minister Ashour Shuwail and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mohamed Abdulaziz that Italy plan to close its consulate in Benghazi and reduce the size of its embassy in Tripoli following attacks on the consulate itself and the Italian consul general. Shuwail reported that the attacks were carried out by Eastern militia forces associated with Ansar al Islam, which, although put under pressure by the National Libyan Army (NLA) following the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in September 2012, continues to operate in and around that city.


6. According to a very sensitive source, General Hassi disagrees with the NLA analysis that the Sabha attack was not aimed at Magariaf specifically, noting that there were five prior assassination attempts against Magariaf in 2012, and that he is a target for a diverse collection of enemies, including former Qaddafi forces, groups like Ansar al Sharia, and even his political adversaries in the GNC. Accordingly, Hassi intends to establish new programs to train a detachment of presidential bodyguards, and his own anti-terrorism personnel.

It is beyond ironic that Hillary Clinton and Sidney Blumenthal, her secret Clinton Foundation adviser at the State Department, discuss criminal prosecutions of Republicans for the handling of classified information over the Petraeus scandal. And it is disturbing that then-Secretary of State Clinton was involved in advising the Obama reelection campaign on how to continue lying about the Benghazi attack. No wonder Hillary Clinton tried to hide these email records rather than disclose them years ago as required by law.

Federal Judge Orders State Department Answers on New Clinton Documents

The Obama administration continues to provide cover for Hillary Clinton, but some in the judiciary are running out of patience with the gamesmanship. We are pleased to report to you this week that Judge Rudolph Contreras ordered the State Department to explain how and when new records from the office of Hillary Clinton were located and why they were not identified previously.

The court order comes in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking records about the State Department vetting of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s potential conflicts of interest. The explanation was initially due on Monday, but Judge Contreras granted the State Department an extension to Friday, February 5, 2015, due to the federal government shutdown because of the recent blizzard. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00688)).

Last month, we learned that the Obama State Department recently found “thousands” of new records from Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State. According to information provided to Judicial Watch by various Justice Department attorneys, the new documents appear be “working” records in electronic format located on both “shared” and “individual” drives accessible to or used by persons identified as being relevant to our various FOIA lawsuits on the Benghazi scandal and controversies from Clinton’s term at State. The State Department admitted to Judge Contreras on January 14 that the new records include the files of two of Clinton’s top aides:

The newly identified files that need to be searched in this case consist of office files that were available to employees within the Office of the Secretary during former Secretary Clinton’s tenure as well as individual files belonging to Jake Sullivan and Cheryl Mills.

Judge Contreras responded with a January 15 order that states:

Defendant [State Department] shall complete its additional search and file a status report (1) disclosing the volume of potentially responsive documents that must be reviewed, (2) containing a detailed description of how and when these files were located and why they had not been previously identified, and (3) proposing a revised schedule for the production of the non-exempt portions of responsive documents subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

At a July 9, 2015, hearing the judge was “concerned” about the preservation of Clinton’s records and warned that the State Department will “have to answer for” any destruction of Hillary Clinton email records.

The lawsuit stems from a Judicial Watch FOIA request on March 17, 2015, and a subsequent lawsuit filed on May 6, 2015, seeking:

• Records that identify the policies and/or procedures in place to ensure that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal or charitable financial relationships with foreign leaders, foreign governments, and business entities posed no conflict of interest to her role as Secretary of State; and

• Records concerning the State Department’s review of donations to the Clinton Foundation for potential conflicts of interest with former Secretary Clinton’s role as Secretary of State.

The State Department is protecting Hillary Clinton and has a history of illegally hiding documents from the courts and the public about her record. These newly found Hillary Clinton records show the State Department needs special policing from the courts, federal investigators, and Congress.

A separate and ongoing Judicial Watch lawsuit, one of nearly 23 active Judicial Watch lawsuits in which the Clinton email system is at issue, forced the disclosure last year of documents that provided a road map for over 200 conflict-of-interest rulings that led to $48 million for the Clinton Foundation and other Clinton-connected entities during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. Previously disclosed documents in this lawsuit, for example, raise questions about funds Clinton accepted from entities linked to Saudi Arabia, China and Iran, among others.

I wish I could tell you the State Department’s explanation has arrived, but it has not. I expect it will come after hours in order to keep the new scandal out of the news. But we will spread the details far and wide, so be sure to check back here next week.

Until next week…

Tom Fitton


425 3rd St, SW Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20024

About Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch, Inc., a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Through its educational endeavors, Judicial Watch advocates high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people. Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations, and public outreach.

The motto of Judicial Watch is “Because no one is above the law”. To this end, Judicial Watch uses the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to investigate and uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities.

Litigation and the civil discovery process not only uncover information for the education of the American people on anti-corruption issues, but can also provide a basis for civil authorities to criminally prosecute corrupt officials. Judicial Watch seeks to ensure high ethical standards in the judiciary through monitoring activities and the use of the judicial ethics process to hold judges to account.

Judicial Watch’s investigation, legal, and judicial activities provide the basis for strong educational outreach to the American people. Judicial Watch’s public education programs include READ THE REST

More Hillary/Bill Clinton Scandals

(Thanks to The Patriot PostSupport The Patriot Post)

Edited by John R. Houk

Posted January 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton is a crook. Her husband is a skirt chasing part time rapist who undoubtedly has his share of cover-ups that I can confidently say, “He’s crook too.” AND YET Dem-loving voters are still enamoured by Hillary Clinton even though she is a crook. Hillary, Slick Willy and the majority of Dems will say or tell you to prove she is a crook. Her history (and Bill’s) does not have any convictions; however, the length of investigations against Hillary has enough political clout to bury the evidence and successfully obfuscate investigators demonstrating that political power creates criminal Teflon.

With Hillary’s obvious to me criminality, I going to post some articles about Hillary that will crisscross often with Slick Willy’s own Teflon criminality.

JRH 1/21/16

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Clinton emails may have been classified above top secret


1/19/16 2:40 PM

Washington Examiner

Hillary Clinton’s private emails may have contained information classified above “top secret.”

A Jan. 14 letter from Charles McCullough, inspector general for the intelligence community, indicated “several dozen” private emails contained information ranging from “confidential” to “special access programs,” or SAP, a unique kind of intelligence that is considered more sensitive than top secret.

Access to SAP is highly restricted and fiercely protected by the intelligence community.

Officials from an unnamed intelligence agency must now work with the State Department to decide how the SAP emails will be handled in an open Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that will require State to publish all of Clinton’s emails by Jan. 29.

McCullough sent the letter to lawmakers last week after receiving a sworn declaration from intelligence officials involved in the process of screening emails for release through the high-profile FOIA case. One official told NBC News that McCullough and members of his staff had to receive a higher security clearance just to read the declaration given its high level of classification.

The discovery of such sensitive material on Clinton’s private server may heighten scrutiny in an already high-profile security probe of the personal network Clinton established while serving as secretary of state.

McCullough said his office’s recommendation to the State Department that the emails be handled on a secret-level server, given the presence of information classified at that level and above, “remains unresolved.”

While the letter was addressed to the chairmen of both the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Foreign Relations Committee, several other congressional committees received a copy, as did the State Department inspector general and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.


Officials: Clinton e-mails contained info beyond top secret

America’s Newsroom – Fox News

Catherine Herridge reports from Washington, D.C.

Jan. 21, 2016 – 3:24 [minutes]

VIDEO Fox News

http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=4715070584001&w=466&h=263Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com

Rudy Giuliani: Hillary Can’t Avoid Indictment in Email Scandal

By Sandy Fitzgerald

20 Jan 2016 11:17 AM


VIDEO from Fox Friends [top of Newsmax Article]
http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=4713296302001&w=466&h=263Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
Former New York City Mayor and U.S. Attorney Rudy Giuliani said Wednesday he doesn’t think there is any way Hillary Clinton should be able to avoid facing an indictment for the “secretive and highly classified” government information found on the private email server she used while secretary of state.

“[There are] 13 violations of federal law that she arguably committed,” Giuliani told Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” program. “This is about as clear as it gets. It is a crime to negligently handle top secret material.”

Giuliani said READ THE REST


Woman Steps Forward With Bombshell Claim: AFTER Clinton Raped Me He Had ‘The Audacity To…’

“I can’t take this.”

By Jack Davis

January 18, 2016 at 12:30pm

Western Journalism

A woman who has accused former President Bill Clinton of rape said Sunday night that Clinton was trying to strike up a date with her weeks after he had sexually assaulted her. She also described an interaction with Hillary Clinton that she interpreted meant Hillary Clinton knew about the incident and was covering it up.

Juanita Broaddrick, who said Clinton raped her in 1978, recounted the incident on Aaron Klein Investigative Radio. She has said that the rape took place in the spring of 1978, when she met him at a Little Rock, Ark., event while he was running for governor of Arkansas. She has gone public with her story again as Clinton has emerged to play a role in the campaign of his wife, Hillary Clinton, as she pursues the Democratic nomination for president.

On Sunday, she disclosed for the first time that after the rape, Bill Clinton called her to get together again.

“He called the nursing home that I owned and they patched the call through to my office and I didn’t know that it was him. And he immediately said, ‘Hi, this is Bill Clinton. I was just wondering when you were coming back to Little Rock again,’” she said.

“This just caught me so off guard. I had not expected anything like this at all. And I told him I would not be coming back to Little Rock again and definitely would not ever be seeing him again. And I hung up,” she said.

Apparently, Clinton did not give up. Broaddrick said Clinton placed several calls to her over the next six months, and that she had her staff field them and tell Clinton she was not available.

“I think he thought, well this is just a usual occurrence. I probably was with him and I am wondering whether I can get with this woman again. I was shocked to say the least that he would have the audacity to call me after what he did to me,” she said.

Klein said that two other women who have accused Clinton of sexual assault said they also continued to receive calls after their assaults.

Hillary Clinton’s role as an enabler of Bill Clinton’s behavior is an issue that has been raised by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. On that point, Broaddrick Sunday night recounted an interaction with Hillary Clinton that took place three weeks after the alleged sexual assault.

Broaddrick said Hillary Clinton approached her “and said, ‘It’s so nice to meet you’ and all of the niceties she was trying to say at the time. And said, ‘I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him.’ And I just stood there … . I was sort of you might say shell-shocked. “And she said, ‘Do you understand. Everything you do,’” Broaddrick said.

“She tried to take a hold of my hand and I left. I told the girls, ‘I can’t take this. I’m leaving.’ So I immediately left,” she said.

“What really went through my mind at that time is ‘She knows. She knew. She’s covering it up and she expects me to do the very same thing,’” Broaddrick said.

h/t: Breitbart



Claims Bill Clinton ‘had thousands of women’

January 18, 2016


Monica Lewinsky in the May 8, 2014, online issue of Vanity FairBill

Clinton’s affairs numbered in the “thousands,” and Hillary Clinton’s responsewas to “disseminate information and destroy the women with whom he dallied,” according to Linda Tripp, a key figure in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

“Everyone knew within the West Wing, particularly those who spent years with him, of the thousands of women,” Tripp told Breitbart.com’s Aaron Klein in a an interview Sunday night on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.”

“But as to the hundreds or thousands, remember I worked closely with the closest aides to the president,” she said. “And it was a loosey-goosy environment so there was not a lot of holding back. So it was common knowledge, let’s put it this way, within the West Wing that he had this problem. It was further common knowledge that Hillary was aware of it.”

Listen to Linda Tripp’s interview with Aaron Klein:

Aaron Klein – Linda Trip Interview Parts 1-4

[Blog Editor: You will have to click above link to listen to the audio at WND]

Tripp, wkho secretly recorded telephone calls from Lewinsky regarding her meetings with Bill Clinton, said she knew of another White House staffer who was having an affair with Clinton.

Klein previously interviewed Juanita Broaddrick, who alleges she was raped by Clinton while he was attorney general in Arkansas.

Tripp cited some of the many Clinton scandals during the 1990s, “Filegate, Travelgate, Whitewater, Vince Foster,” noting the Clintons handled them all.

Hillary for prosecution, not president! Join the sizzling campaign to put Mrs. Clinton where she really belongs

“I watched a lying president and a lying first lady present falsehoods to the American people,” she said. “So my dismay predated the January 1998 period when the Monica Lewinsky scandal surfaced. To me it was very important that the American people see what I was seeing. My years with the Clintons were so disturbing on so many levels.”

She said Hillary Clinton “personally” targeted Bill’s women and accusers.

“In my case, for instance, right after the Lewinsky story broke, she was heard directing her staff to get anything and everything on Linda Tripp. So the defamation of character and the absolute assurance that my credibility would be destroyed began right away. And it happens with any woman who is involved in any way, either with him in a physical relationship or an assault or anything that can endanger their political viability,” she said in the interview.

When the Lewinsky escapade became public knowledge, she said she feared for her life and Lewinsky’s.

“I say today and I will continue to say that I believe Monica Lewinsky is alive today because of choices I made and action I took. That may sound melodramatic to your listeners. I can only say that from my perspective I believe that she and I at the time were in danger, because nothing stands in the way of these people achieving their political ends,” she said on the radio interview. “I think that had it not become public when it did, particularly in light of the Paula Jones lawsuit, which was coming to a head with President Clinton’s deposition, that we may well have met with an accident. It’s a situation where unless you lived it as I did you would have no real framework of READ THE REST



Does America really want ‘2 Clintons for price of 1’ back in White House?

05/18/2015 at 7:57 PM


During his 1992 campaign for the presidency, Bill Clinton was fond of promising America, “You get two for the price of one,” indicating Hillary Clinton would act as his co-president.

But the nation got much more than it bargained for, as the top power couple brought a load of baggage with them into the White House from their days in Arkansas.

After the Clintons moved into the presidential mansion, the political scandals multiplied – from use of the IRS and FBI to target political opponents to stalking and harassing subjects of Bill Clinton’s sexual advances and even attempts to loot taxpayer-funded items from the White House. Americans also witnessed capers such as Travelgate, Chinagate, Filegate and Pardongate.

Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades and subsequent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice consumed more than a year of American public life and bitterly divided the nation.

In the years since the memorable Clinton presidency, Hillary has brought America Emailgate and the Benghazi scandal, among others. New developments in the Clinton Foundation scandals emerges almost daily.

Now, it’s Hillary’s “turn” to be president, according to her Democrat supporters.

What do YOU think? Is Hillary fit to be president? Sound off in today’s WND poll!

But in 2015, America is still apparently suffering from “Clinton fatigue.” Results from a Quinnipiac poll published in April revealed between 49 and 56 percent of voters in three significant swing states – Colorado, Virginia and Iowa – believe Hillary is neither honest nor trustworthy.

Rubio told Fox News Sunday, “Unfortunately, both under her husband’s presidency, her time in the Department of State, her campaign for the president last time and even now, there seems to be this cloud of constant scandal and things that distract us from the core issues of the moment.”

Hillary’s “drama” could become a distraction, Rubio warned, at a time when the stakes are high for America in the 2016 election.

“I just think that at this hinge moment in our history, where we are asked to make a transition from the past into this new future, with all the challenges and the opportunities of our time that we really – the American people are not at a point now where they are going to be supportive of more drama surrounding the political process,” he said.

With Hillary making another run for president, don’t get caught up in the lies and spin! In “Hillary Unhinged: In Her Own Words,” find out who the true Hillary is with this raw and humorous collection of quotes that pitilessly underscores her hypocrisy

With the prospect of another “two-for-one” Clinton presidency looming, is America ready for a repeat of the Bill and Hillary “drama” in the White House?

If, as psychologists say, “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior,” then a fresh look at the top 20 scandals involving Hillary is in order.

1) Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

Few federal agencies are more feared and loathed by Americans than the Internal Revenue Service – especially when corrupt presidents abuse the power of the IRS to harass and exact revenge on political enemies. As WND has reported, during Bill Clinton’s terms in office, IRS audits were conducted against individuals and groups who caused problems for the administration. Several prominent conservative groups found themselves facing IRS audits following their criticism of the president and his policies. Among the conservative groups targeted for audits were the Heritage Foundation, the National Rifle Association, Concerned Women of America, Citizens Against Government Waste, National Review, American Spectator (which was burglarized three times), the National Center for Public Policy Research, the American Policy Center, American Cause, Citizens for Honest Government, Progress and Freedom Foundation, David Horowitz’s Center for the Study of Popular Culture and the Western Journalism Center.

Individuals singled out for audits during the administration included Clinton paramours Gennifer Flowers and Liz Ward Gracen, sexual assault accusers Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick, fired White House Travel Office Director Billy Dale and attorney Kent Masterson Brown. Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, an outspoken critic of both Bill and Hillary Clinton, said he was audited three times during the Clinton presidency.

A 1996 survey by the Washington Times could not identify a single liberal public policy organization that had been audited during the entire Clinton administration.

2) Covering Bill’s dirty deeds

The Clintons have been accused of hiring private investigators to not only dig up dirt on perceived adversaries – such as Juanita Broaddrick, the woman allegedly raped by Bill, and other abused women such as Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones – but to stalk, scare and threaten them. Willey asserts Hillary was behind a campaign of intimidation and harassment against her that fit a pattern employed against numerous other women whose claims of sexual impropriety or assault by Bill Clinton threatened the couple’s political fortunes.

As WND reported,Willey and her husband, Ed, were Democratic activists who founded Virginians for Clinton and helped send Bill and Hillary to the White House in 1992. While serving as a volunteer in the White House and facing financial hard times, Willey says she met with Bill Clinton in the Oval Office to request a paying position. But instead of getting help, she says, she was subjected to “nothing short of serious sexual harassment.” Distraught, Willey fled Clinton’s presence, only to discover that her husband Ed had committed suicide that same tragic afternoon. Later, she READ ENTIRETY


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’13 Hours,’ Outnumbered, Andrea Tantaros & Hillary Clinton

John R. Houk

© January 19, 2016

I’m 59 years old. I remember the days when the cost of a movie ticket was 35 cents until I was 12. Then the price of a ticket was 75 cents then inflation drove the price to – wait for it – $1.25.

I say all this memory land about the movies because there is a movie I’d really like to go see but will probably have to wait for the Twelve Bucks or more it will cost to watch “13 Hours”. Here’s a three-minute trailer courtesy of Zero Media:

VIDEO: 13 Hours The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi Official Trailer #1 (2016) Michael Bay Movie HD


Posted by Zero Media

Published on Jul 28, 2015

13 Hours The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi Trailer 1 (2016) Michael Bay Movie HD [Official Trailer]

Now to the reason I’m blogging about “13 Hours”.

I received an email update from BizPac Review about a segment in the Fox News show Outnumbered. The segment was about “13 Hours” and the theme of, if you have seen the movie and still vote for Hillary Clinton for President then you are an IDIOT.

BPR zeroes onto the passionate comments by Andrea Tantaros but the Outnumbered program is about discussions between four women and a random male guest which in this episode was former Senator Scott Brown from Massachusetts.

Here is the Youtube version of that “13 Hours” segment:

VIDEO: Tantaros: If you see ’13 Hours’ and vote for Clinton…


Posted by Fox News

Published on Jan 18, 2016

‘Outnumbered’ co-host blasts former secretary of state and Democratic presidential frontrunner’s handling of Benghazi.

I made sure to post the Youtube version because the three blogs I post to don’t always accept embedded videos from other places other than Youtube. In the BPR article cross posted below a link to the Fox News website portraying this Outnumbered segment is linked early. However, when you get to the end of the article it tells you to scroll “below” to watch Andrea Tantaros. Unfortunately, no such video existed at the time I read the article. So at the end I will embed the Fox News video version.

JRH 1/19/16

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Tantaros on ‘13 Hours’: I’ll take word of Benghazi survivors over ‘liar’ Hillary any day!

By Frieda Powers

January 19, 2016

BizPac Review

Andrea Tantaros minced no words in blasting Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for her handling of Benghazi.

In discussing the new movie “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” on Monday, the co-host of Fox News Channel’s “Outnumbered” said anyone who sees the movie and still votes for Clinton is “a criminal.”

Clinton, who was secretary of state at the time of the Benghazi terror attack in 2012, has recently dismissed the film as a dramatization.

Tantaros noted that the movie would hurt Clinton’s campaign, “because this isn’t just not a movie that’s based on fiction when you can look at four gravestones, four tombstones, and know that this is real.”

As Clinton attempts to discredit the movie, Tantaros believes it has become a question of credibility: “If she wants to speak out now and try to discredit the film,” she said, “she is speaking out against the survivors who we’ve seen on this news channel and elsewhere, talk about how she stood and looked victims’ families in the eyes and lied.”

Tantaros said Clinton should be in prison for the part she played, and anyone who could not see that deserved the same. “If anyone sees this movie, and everyone should go see it,” she said, “and goes on to vote for Hillary Clinton they’re a criminal, in my estimation.”

With questions that still remain unanswered by Clinton and the administration, Tantaros said Clinton has “zero credibility.”

“A majority of Americans when polled, the number one word that they associate with Clinton is ‘liar,’” said Tantaros. “Frankly, I’ll take the word of the men who survived that attack at that embassy over her word any day.”

Watch the video below.

VIDEO: Tantaros: If you see ’13 Hours’ and vote for Clinton…

http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=4710279006001&w=466&h=263Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com


Jan. 18, 2016 – 4:59 – ‘Outnumbered’ co-host blasts former secretary of state and Democratic presidential frontrunner’s handling of Benghazi


‘13 Hours,’ Outnumbered, Andrea Tantaros & Hillary Clinton

John R. Houk

© January 19, 2016


Tantaros on ‘13 Hours’: I’ll take word of Benghazi survivors over ‘liar’ Hillary any day!

Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved. BizPacReview

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