Refuting Atlantic Fake News Trump Hit Piece

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 6, 2020


It appears The Atlantic used Trump grumbling out of context to villainize him with a made-up unsubstantiated story á la Christopher Steele-style fabricated dossier which smeared Trump. OF NOTE to me: I find it interesting that Trump has begun a poll surge even with a Leftist poll with questions designed to skew the polls negatively against Trump. Then suddenly – a story from 2018 manifests making Trump to wear mud. IT SMACKS OF FAKE NEWS LIES!


I heard even Fox News stand with Jennifer Griffin story in which she also cites ANONYMOUS sources as credible. Obamagate [Obamagate/Spygate is remarkably documented and yet quite unsurprisingly ignored by the Leftist MSM. The triple asterisks (***) below highlight the lies to bring down President Trump] and Ukrainegate (multiple detailed Ukrainegate documentary videos) show when “anonymous” is sworn under oath, the story mysteriously disappears in a puff of smoke. Here are quite a few stories questioning the reliability of “anonymous sources”. AND if you are a voter with a brain, you should question the reliability of a story allegedly occurring in 2018 becoming news in election year 2020.


*** The Atlantic hit piece is reminiscent of these Obamagate/Spygate stories:






JRH 9/6/20

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Anatomy of A(nother) Fake Scandal

The Atlantic does it Again


Clarice’s Pieces- Analysis in a Crunchy Shell


By Clarice Feldman

September 6, 2020

American Thinker

(H/T: Carla at


The Atlantic published a tale based on anonymous sources that the President referred to veterans who had lost their lives in battles as “ suckers” and losers” and refused to go to a French cemetery honoring WWI American veterans because he feared his hair would be mussed. The magazine is now majority owned by Steve Jobs’s very rich widow, Laurene, who contributed $500,000 to the Biden campaign and who seems to have reshaped it as the Biden sleazy propaganda arm .


It previously published a pro-defund the police article — supposedly a firsthand account of witnessing a police officer shoot an unarmed youngster for ignoring a basketball sign-in sheet — which, as the extensive Federalist investigation showed, was utter poppycock.


While the Atlantic was the ringleader, the usual media wizards copied and pasted the unsupported claims by Jeffrey Goldberg and megaphoned them,


Sean Davis of the Federalist noted the series of fake scandals  promoted by the same journalists “who bought and peddled the Iraq WMD hoax, the Rolling Stone UVA rape hoax, the Russian collusion hoax, the Covington Kids hoax, the Kavanaugh hoax, and the latest Atlantic hoax.” Immediately a “Vote Vets” slickly produced ad repeating the charges hit the airwaves

Real reporters took a closer look. Mollie Hemingway said the fast pickup was suspicious:


Replying to @tomselliott
Either that is a stunning and record-setting turn-around for a genuine ad and resulting ad buy … or a media group is blatantly collaborating with a political campaign operation


J.E. Dyer  rather conclusively nailed the blatant collaboration:


A mere 24 hours after the story was published at Atlantic, the Democratic fundraising outfit ActBlue is soliciting donations via the façade of the leftist group VoteVets.  (In fact, the tweet with the VoteVets video was posted at 9:04 AM EDT on 4 September, substantially less than 24 hours after the first archive of the Atlantic post at Wayback, which shows an Atlantic website time stamp of 5:32 PM EDT on 3 September.) [snip] This video was quite obviously not just thrown together, uncued (and overnight!), in the space of less than 24 hours.  This had to be in the works beforehand.


Which means, from the sentient being’s analytical perspective that a bunch of people other than Jeffrey Goldberg knew what he was going to publish on 3 September 2020.  Not just any people either, but a network of PAC activists and fundraisers for the Democratic Party.


As regards Mr. Goldberg and his story, there seem to be two likely scenarios.  One is that he shared the findings of his diligent journalism with Democratic operatives before he published the story.


The other is that this was a packaged story supplied to him by one of the leftist media “war rooms” that now concoct so much of the outline copy, and so many of the talking points, for the visible front-men and women of the mainstream media.


Hovering his cursor over the video clip he saw a notice “Visit“ Act Blue, of course, is a Democrat fundraising arm.

It’s pure nonsense from the party to the “media war room.”


Not a single person with the President on that trip, not even John Bolton, no ally of the President, confirms this story on the record, and not a single anonymous source has come forward to confirm it either.


Indeed, those with the President on that trip utterly deny it. And, of course, if he had said what the anonymous sources said he did, I can’t imagine this is the first we’d have heard of it.


You have to be a dope to fall for the claim that a president who has spent so much time praising our troops, raising their salaries, visiting the wounded and honoring dead soldiers and their families would ever say such a thing. On the other hand, please bear in mind, that the DNC (whose titular head now is Joe Biden) gave a prime convention speaking spot  to John F. Kerry, whose political career began with him  disparaging the soldiers and vets in the very worst way possible, calling them war criminals who engaged in horrendous acts in Vietnam.


It looks as though this is just a way to milk more money out of the idiots who fell for the earlier scandals. Lynn Chu thinks the vets are not buying it:


A lot of outraged military guys called in to radio shows today saying that the Obama administration treated the military with undisguised contempt and that the difference between those 8 years and these 4 is night and day. I think anyone sensible knows this is a cheesy lie. Like the Kavanagh lies.


Sharyl Attkisson describes the matter as standard political scandalmongering.

As Richard Poe reminds us, this is an old Democrat trick, which General George McClellan used when he ran against Lincoln in 1864 and accused him of disrespecting the Union dead. McClellan used the same false report on Lincoln.


It didn’t work for McClellan and it won’t work for Biden, who’s reduced to having a handful of citizens reading pre-prepared questions to him while he reads (poorly) off his teleprompter the pre-prepared answers. Someone compared it to Johnny Carson’s Carnac the Magnificent act where the answer preceded Carnac’s (Carson’s) divining the question. Once in a while reporters even get to question him, and they put on a pitiful performance, treating the candidate like an idiot child and asking only the dumbest softball questions, like Ed O’Keefe of CBS news asking Biden why he wasn’t even more angry at Trump.


Covering for Biden and Pelosi’s Gaffes


The President’s most significant achievements are ignored or buried deep in other trivial media accounts. His approval rating is back at the pre-COVID 52%.  Employment is up, beating all expectations.


A new Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report released at 8:30 AM, revealed stunningly positive news on the state of the jobs market: the economy added 1.4 million jobs in August. But there’s bigger news: the unemployment rate dropped nearly 2 percentage points from 10.2 percent in June to an astonishing 8.4 percent. That’s massively better than  economists surveyed by Refinitiv, who were expecting a drop to 9.8 percent.


If the Nobel Peace Prize actually honored someone who furthered world peace, Trump would win it hands down.


He brokered a peace deal between Kosovo and Serbia, which ends two decades of conflict. He has induced the Gulf States to recognize Israel and in so doing deflated both the Iranians and the Palestinians responsible for so much of the carnage in the Middle East.  So stupid or biased is the press corps they ignore these momentous successful shifts in U.S. foreign policy. Ambassador Richard Grenell was rightfully dismissive of the White House press corps’ performance this week, roasting them to their face,  “I don’t know if you could find [Kosovo and Serbia] on a map. This is atrocious… maybe it’s too complicated of an issue for you all.”


For those of you wondering why this story was orchestrated now and not, as usual, in October, there are several explanations: Biden’s crashing in the polls, the Democrats’ Speaker of the House is on the hair salon rocks, the job numbers are stunning, and there is a desire to influence early voters as quickly as possible before their Potemkin candidate spends more time out of the basement.


Sharyl Attkisson reminds us in a tweet that “Scheduled scandals will be rolled out regularly between now & Nov. 3. The media, politicos, propagandists pretend it’s organic & pretend to be aghast. Most of America understands what’s going on.”


Fasten your seatbelts, gird your loins. With nothing but a demented, weak candidate at the top of their ticket and no agenda any normal voter could support, this — well-orchestrated scandals based on pure fakery — is what they are left with.




FAKE NEWS: Atlantic Story of Trump Calling War Dead “Losers” Disproven Through FOIA Documents of France Trip

The trip to a World War I cemetery was cancelled on account of the weather.


By Richard Moorhead

Sep 4, 2020

Big League Politics

(H/T NWO Report)


Trump Saluting Troops


A sensational, borderline ridiculous story reported by the Atlantic on Thursday alleging that President Trump called American war dead buried in France “losers” appears to be disproven through FOIA documents which reveal a trip to a World War I graveyard was cancelled because of inclement weather.


Navy FR Weather FOIA


Navy FR Weather FOIA 2


Navy FR Weather FOIA 3


Navy FR Weather FOIA 4


Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic made the accusation, citing no more than four completely anonymous individuals who claimed to be familiar with the situation. None of the supposedly outraged whistleblowers had the integrity to publicly identify themselves.


The FOIA’ed emails demonstrate quite clearly that President Trump’s helicopter transport to the Belleau Wood site was grounded by the weather. Being the President, Trump cannot simply get into a motorcade and drive down a highway in a foreign country for a great distance without considerable advance preparation on the part of law enforcement.


Goldberg’s report had supposedly quoted these anonymous government officials, who allegedly claimed that President Trump declined to visit the American Cemetery of the Belleau Wood battleground, the site of a battle between American and German soldiers in World War I.


According to the fake news report, Trump had declined to visit the graveyard out of fear that his hair would become disheveled, calling the war dead who are buried there “losers.” Seems a lot more like liberal fanfiction, akin to the laughably fake Steele Dossier that accused President Trump of urinating on prostitutes in Moscow.


These fake news hacks and tremendously dishonest, and pay little to no mind to the most basic standards of journalistic integrity.


Donald Trump: ‘The Atlantic’ Story ‘Reminds Me of the Dirty Dossier’ John McCain Pushed


Suspicious Trump – Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images


By Charlie Spiering

5 Sep 2020



President Donald Trump continued reacting Saturday to the Atlantic story claiming he referred to American fallen soldiers as “suckers” and “losers.”


“This reminds me of the Dirty Dossier, which was pushed hard by John McCain, and then with a thud turned out to be a total fraud,” Trump wrote on Twitter.


The president was referring to the infamous Christopher Steele dossier of salacious, unproven allegations about Trump that were paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


Journalists and top-level political figures passed the dossier around during the 2016 election and released it in full after Trump was elected president.


Trump said the Atlantic article was the product of “a slimeball reporter, maybe working with disgruntled people” to “make up” a bad story.


Current and former officials continue waging war against the article, which was based entirely on anonymous sources. Trump also criticized the story in a press conference on Friday.


“There is nobody that feels more strongly about our soldiers, our wounded warriors, our soldiers that died in war than I do,” he said. “It’s a hoax, just like the fake dossier was a hoax, just like the “Russia, Russia, Russia” was a hoax.  It was a total hoax.”


The president urged his supporters to keep fighting the left’s narrative.

“The Radical Far Left is VICIOUS, they will do or say anything to win,” Trump wrote. “But they won’t, we will WIN, and have four great years!”:


Refuting Atlantic Fake News Trump Hit Piece

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 6, 2020


Anatomy of A(nother) Fake Scandal

© American Thinker 2020


FAKE NEWS: Atlantic Story of Trump Calling War Dead “Losers” Disproven Through FOIA Documents of France Trip

Copyright Big League Politics. All rights reserved.


Donald Trump: ‘The Atlantic’ Story ‘Reminds Me of the Dirty Dossier’ John McCain Pushed


Copyright © 2020 Breitbart


Will House Select Committee Finally have Subpoena Power to find Benghazi Truth

BHO Benghazi Lie & Susan Rice toon

John R. Houk

© May 2, 2014


I have grown weary hearing from Dem Party talking – especially President Barack Hussein Obama – that Benghazigate is one of those phony scandals AND the proof is that after months of House investigations from several House Committees zero evidence of wrongdoing or a cover-up has turned up!


I am hardly a journalistic expert or an expert in the law or even an expert political talking heard; NEVERTHELESS I was not born yesterday either. The White House, the State Department, the Defense Department, the CIA, the U.S. Military have all stalled in answering questions in the House investigations. Documents that have been subpoenaed have either failed to be delivered and those that were delivered are redacted to the hilt so that no one could make heads or tails of a sentence let alone a context in a document.


So DUH!!!!!!!!!!!! House Committees have not turned up results because of Executive Branch obfuscation and probably other Government Departments and Agencies have willingly joined in the obfuscations to cover their own hind-quarters perhaps for various different reasons.


WELL! Thanks largely to Judicial Watch – a private NGO-blog and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a White House memo has shown up, that had previously been redacted to the hilt before the House received it, that shows that the White House had directed Susan Rice to tell the public on Sunday News shows that the Benghazi Islamic terrorist attack was a spontaneous Muslim riot egged on by a sophomoric movie trailer on the Internet poking bad taste fun at Mohammed the founder of Islam. (Admittedly bad taste and offensive to Muslims even the humor was based on actual nefarious actions recorded about Mohammed in the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah.)


NOW and FINALLY, House Speaker John Boehner is going to form one Select Committee to investigate a Benghazigate cover-up!


JRH 5/2/14

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Boehner to Convene Benghazi Special Committee


By Keith Koffler

MAY 2, 2014, 2:36 PM

White House Dossier


House Speaker John Boehner announced Friday that he will convene a select committee to investigate Benghazi, ending months of resistance to conservative demands that the laser focus of a special panel be brought to bear on perhaps the worst scandal surrounding the Obama administration.


In doing so, Boehner rejected White House claims that a newly uncovered email, withheld from Congress, did not apply to Benghazi. The email not only mentions Benghazi specifically, it refers to “protests,” which by definition included the Benghazi attacks, which the White House considered the result of a “protest” at the time of the email.


Meanwhile, House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa Friday issued a subpoena to force Secretary of State John Kerry to testify about Benghazi.


According to reports, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), is being considered to lead the new committee.


From a written statement by Boehner:


Americans learned this week that the Obama Administration is so intent on obstructing the truth about Benghazi that it is even willing to defy subpoenas issued by the standing committees of the People’s House. These revelations compel the House to take every possible action to ensure the American people have the truth about the terrorist attack on our consulate that killed four of our countrymen.


In light of these new developments, the House will vote to establish a new select committee to investigate the attack, provide the necessary accountability, and ensure justice is finally served.


The administration’s withholding of documents – emails showing greater White House involvement in misleading the American people – is a flagrant violation of trust and undermines the basic principles of oversight upon which our system of government is built. And it forces us to ask the question, what else about Benghazi is the Obama administration still hiding from the American people?


This dismissiveness and evasion requires us to elevate the investigation to a new level. I intend for this select committee to have robust authority, and I will expect it to work quickly to get answers for the American people and the families of the victims.


Four Americans died at the hands of terrorists nearly 20 months ago, and we are still missing answers, accountability, and justice. It’s time that change.


Boehner has been in more hot water than usual with conservatives lately, particularly over remarks mocking them for not wanting to move ahead with immigration reform. The special panel may in part be a move to appease them.


But Boehner is also reportedly genuinely furious with the White House.


The committee will also ensure that Benghazi is continually in the headlines during the months leading up to the election.


Will House Select Committee Finally have Subpoena Power to find Benghazi Truth?

John R. Houk

© May 2, 2014


Boehner to Convene Benghazi Special Committee


Copyright 2010-2011 by Keith Koffler. All rights reserved.


About White House Dossier


White House Dossier, written by veteran White House reporter Keith Koffler, is the only 24/7, totally independent, and fully unauthorized White House news website.  It delivers a unique blend of White House reporting, commentary and analysis – with frequent doses of humor and satire – to carry forward journalism’s traditional mission of holding the powerful to account. The website focuses mainly on President Obama, his administration, and his antagonists.


Award winning journalist Keith Koffler has 16 years of experience covering Washington. As a reporter for CongressDaily, National Journal magazine, and Roll Call, Keith wrote primarily from the White House, covering three presidents and learning as few have the intricacies of the West Wing and the behavior and motivations of its occupants. While mainly stationed at the White House, he also extensively covered Congress and READ THE REST