Intro to Fatouros Post on Mass Acceptance of Globalist Totalitarianism

Intro by John R. Houk

Posted October 10, 2018


Dee Fatouros is a blogger I’ve always enjoyed following. I don’t know if Dee is a pseudonym, male or female. I read other blogs speak of the person as a female and a good friend. Yet if you Google the name “Dee Fatouros,” you find profile info or a photo. The person if a gal, really is protective of her anonymity. Yet her posts are quite prolific within the blogosphere. These days I find her posts primarily at The New Realistic Observer blog. (“New” because there was a “Realistic Observer” which last time I visited was having technical issues probably the result of some kind of hack. Just guessing. A recent visit today shows the old blog has been turned into an archive site.)


Some recent posts by Dee gives clues to her anonymity. The post “We are officially on the highway to Hell. Is there an off-ramp?” is very clear why all people who mistrust the government should all do something to protect their privacy which may lead many dissenters both Conservative and Liberal may choose anonymity.


The article Dee posts is by Brandon Smith and his post was originally found at as “How Globalists Plan To Use Technology And Poverty To Enslave The Masses”. The post is about tyranny via technology and managed economics. Specifically the tyranny is a totalitarian government of which its citizens are fooled en masse to actually support. Here is a brief quote:


There are two tools that make this outcome possible: The first is controlled economic decline, the second is the integration of a technological gulag into every aspect of public life.


Interestingly as I was posting this, I ran into the exact same post entitled, “HOW GLOBALISTS PLAN TO USE TECHNOLOGY & POVERTY TO ENSLAVE THE MASSES” posted at the blog Sovereign Nations.


You may have read this post because Dee Fatouros promotes her posts quote effectively via social media (Hey, I do that too). As a result, my usual promotion efforts are going to be limited, so if this post engages the wonder of the old grey matter – do some of your own sharing.


JRH 10/10/18

In this current state of media censorship & defunding, consider chipping in a few bucks for enjoying (or even despising yet read) this Blog.

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We are officially on the highway to Hell. Is there an off-ramp?


Posted by Dee Fatouros  

October 07, 2018 

The New Realistic Observer

By Brandon Smith


The Key


The following article may not be as surreal as it seems. The censorship via the social media tech giants has become obvious.

Unfortunately, that is only the beginning. We are well on the road toward a dystopian society in which the “average” person will be regarded as a robot to be programed into endless servitude “for the greater good”.

Can the dynamics discussed in the following article be stopped? 


How Globalists Plan To Use Technology And Poverty To Enslave The Masses
by Brandon Smith


Tyranny is often seen as a sudden and inexplicable development in a society; the product of a singular despot that rockets to power for a limited window of time due to public fear or stupidity. This is one of the great lies of the modern era.

The truth is that for at least the past century almost every historically despised “tyrant” was merely a puppet of a larger managerial cabal, and the construction of each totalitarian state was accomplished slowly and quietly over the course of decades by those same financial elitists. From the Bolsheviks, to Hitler and the Third Reich, to Mao Zedong, to most tin-pot dictators across the Middle East and Africa, there has always been an organized group of money men and think tanks fueling the careers of the worst politicians and military juntas of the epoch.

The rise of a tyrannical system takes extensive time, planning and staging. Human beings do not simply jump right into the arms of a dystopian nightmare regime impulsively at a moment’s notice. We have been told by popular media that this is how it works; that during hard economic or social conditions men with charismatic personalities and evil intentions suddenly rise to the surface and take power by promising a better world in exchange for public fealty. But where did those economic and social crises come from to begin with? Were they a natural consequence of the era, or were they deliberately engineered?

The reality is that people must be psychologically conditioned to trade freedom for the illusion of safety. Sometimes this takes generations. Every attempt at a totalitarian framework inevitably elicits a rebellion. Therefore, the most successful tyranny would be one that the public DEMANDS. They have to think it is their idea, otherwise they will eventually fight it.

Globalist financiers and power addicts need something more than mere military might or bureaucratic force to obtain their ideal slave society. They need 4th Generation warfare tactics. They need to con the masses into accepting their own servitude.

There are two tools that make this outcome possible: The first is controlled economic decline, the second is the integration of a technological gulag into every aspect of public life.

Economic Weapons Of Mass Distraction

It is no coincidence that dictatorial governments gain prominence as the global economy suffers; it is extremely difficult for people to remain vigilant to tyranny when they are completely distracted by their own survival. This is why my focus as an analyst has always been primarily on economics and solutions to fiscal disaster; it all begins and ends with the economy. If the public can be prepped to develop their own alternative economic systems before a crisis occurs, then they will be less distracted by the chaos and more apt to notice when the globalists offer tyranny as a fix-all.

Without alternative markets at the local level there is no redundancy, no protection from a crash. With most people dependent on the existing system for their livelihoods, the economy becomes a very useful weapon for the globalists.

Holding the economy hostage creates numerous advantages. Through deflationary pressure wages can be kept low while higher paying jobs disappear. Manufacturing can be phased out or outsourced overseas, as in the U.S. Small business ownership becomes difficult as taxes generally rise while financial conditions decline.

Through inflationary or stagflationary pressures, low wages and the inadequate job market are combined with exploding prices. This makes survival for many people untenable without government aid.

In this environment, the working public becomes reliant on the service sector, which provides no useful skill sets. Soon, you have entire generations of people with no production abilities whatsoever. They become drones working in meaningless office and retail jobs squandering away their days knowing that they are accomplishing nothing beyond a meager paycheck.

The lack of a greater purpose or mission in life and the nagging realization that the average person has no productive capacity creates a palpable atmosphere of desperation. They do not own their own work, and they have nothing much to show for their labor; nothing to point at and say, “I built that.” The public gets to the point that they may even welcome an economic collapse simply to escape the drudgery.

This is where movements to support totalitarianism come from — the subset of citizens that are fed up with fighting against the economy and have no sense of independence. These people do not know how to solve their own problems, they are always looking for someone else to do it for them. The globalists are happy to suggest their own predetermined solutions to the public once the financial structure hits a point of maximum pain.

However, after the economy is repaired in exchange for the submission of the citizenry, people might still decide one day that the trade was unfair. Thus, a deterrent is needed to keep them in line.

The Technological Fish Tank

It is important to understand that there is no major country in the western OR eastern world that is not building a digital control grid, and this helps to support my position that eastern nations are just as subservient to globalist demands as western nations. All the geopolitical drama surrounding events like the trade war, the Syrian war or various elections, etc.; none of this matters in the end. When determining if the strings of a particular government are being pulled by the globalist cabal, all you have to do is look at how quickly they are implementing oppressive systems that serve globalist interests.

For example, India’s government has been hitting the news feeds lately as their supreme court recently ruled that the controversial Aadhaar biometric program is legal. In a nation of 1.3 billion people, around 1 billion have already been biometrically profiled in a national database. This data can include fingerprints, iris scans and face scans.

I have heard it argued that India is a rather odd place to experiment with such a database, considering 60% of the population is under the poverty line and most people barely have basic amenities. But I would point out that this is why it is a PERFECT place for the globalists to start cataloging the world population on larger scale.

Again, financial desperation and a lack of productions skills tends to produce subservience. Hundreds of millions of poverty stricken people in India’s sprawling urban sewers are voluntarily giving up their biometric data in exchange for government aid programs.

For the people not anchored down by the poor economy India has instituted other measures, including requiring anyone accessing government services, opening a bank account or signing up for a mobile phone service also give up their biometrics to the government. In nations not yet impoverished at India’s level, more subversive measures have been instituted for surveillance of the population. Data is simply taken rather than traded.

In Russia, Vladimir Putin has put the Yarovaya laws he signed in 2016 into effect. All digital data from phone conversations to emails is now recorded and stored by telecoms for government access for a minimum of six months, this includes Facebook and Twitter posts. The 2014 bloggers law also requires any blogger with over 3,000 followers be put on government file and they cannot remain anonymous. Any business operating a public Wi-Fi network is required by law to identify users by ID, which is also stored for at least six months.

Russia’s FISA-style surveillance grid is vast, yet, many people in the liberty movement seem to ignore this reality with misplaced Putin-worship. As I have noted in numerous articles, Russia is heavily influenced by international financiers.

Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are the largest investment banks in the country. Their central bank works closely with the IMF and the BIS. The Kremlin has in the past called for a global currency controlled by the IMF. And Putin even admits in his own biography First Person that he has been friends with New World Order salesman Henry Kissinger since before he became president of Russia. In a latest show of how globalist Russia really is, the Russian Foreign Minister recently criticized the U.S. in a speech to the U.N. general assembly over its “attacks” on the “international order,” including undermining the World Trade Organization and global climate change agreements.

With the above in mind, it should come as no surprise to anyone that Russia is playing right along with globalist efforts to identify and track every single living person. It should also come as no surprise that Donald Trump, surrounded by globalists within his own cabinet, is continuing and expanding FISA surveillance under his administration.

At the beginning of 2018 Trump signed a bill renewing the National Security Agency’s warrantless FISA mass surveillance of the American population. Leading Democrats happily supported the action. Despite all of Trump’s rhetoric against FISA recently, it was Trump that made FISA’s continuation possible.

Major social media companies are cooperating wholeheartedly with mass surveillance efforts as they share personal data with governments around the world regularly. Facebook alone saw an increase in government requests for data of over 33% in 2017, and the nature of most of this data sharing is not open to public scrutiny.

This is one reason why I’m rather bewildered by the recent conservative fury over social media discrimination – it’s as if personal liberty activists are being tricked with reverse psychology to DEMAND unhindered participation in media sites that spy on them. Why does anyone still want to sign up for these websites?

But where is this all going? How does the combination of poverty and digital surveillance translate to tyranny? I believe China’s “social credit” program is the answer. The system is based on the idea of “maintaining trust”, but whose trust? Well, the government’s trust, of course. Trust is measured using a social credit score that is tracked over a citizen’s life. Punished behaviors include anything from smoking in a no smoking area to publishing internet content that the powers-that-be disapprove of.

China is representative of the end game for the globalist ideal for civilization. With mass economic struggle leading to dependency on government welfare programs and employment opportunities, few citizens can afford to be “blacklisted.” China’s social credit system creates an environment in which any and every action on the part of citizens is tracked and then “rated” for acceptance or consequence. This includes how people express attitudes toward the government itself. Obviously, this is the ultimate control mechanism, very similar to the Cheka established by Lenin and Stalin in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution, but on a massive digital scale.

This is why mass surveillance is evil, regardless of whether someone is breaking the laws or not. It gives government the power to dictate and mold behavior by inspiring self-censorship rather than holding people directly at gun point. It is tyranny enforced in a less obvious way; a prison in which the prisoners maintain the locks and the chains and the bars. Individuals do not dare do anything outside of collective norms for fear that it could be interpreted as socially negative. Punishment might include loss of access to the economy itself, and when most people are living from paycheck to paycheck, this could mean death.

Original article


You can contact Brandon Smith at:


Knowledge Is Power: The New Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.

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Intro to Fatouros Post on Mass Acceptance of Globalist Totalitarianism


Intro by John R. Houk

Posted October 10, 2018


We are officially on the highway to Hell. Is there an off-ramp? -Dee Fatouros


How Globalists Plan To Use Technology And Poverty To Enslave The Masses -Brandon Smith


About The New Realistic Observer


We are being lied to on every front, both foreign and domestic. 


“We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” Ayn Rand


While it is true that our “leaders” have been lying to us for decades, the current administration has elevated it to Orwellian proportions. The doublethink, news speak, prevarication, obstructionism, and outright perfidy that comes out of Washington D.C. is heart stopping.

Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Extortion 17 are just a few of the major lies and cover-ups pushed by D.C.

Executive overreach and Congressional abdication of authority over to the bureaucratic alphabet agencies is in itself a scandalous breach of trust with its constituents.

The unbridled national debt wrought upon us by those in office is Cloward Piven on steroids, and its ramifications will be devastating.

Last but not least is the use of the IRS as a tool for punishment and harassment of those who are on the wrong side of the administration’s political fence.

The harsh reality is that the America many of us grew up in and took for granted has now become a fascist state. We need to do our best to climb out of any boxes we may be in, thoroughly examine any assumptions we may be carrying, and search for the truth, bitter though it may be.

Knowledge is power. Even though we may feel powerless and may not see a restoration of our great country within our lifetime, we will hold and guard the truth so as to pass it on to future generations. They will then have the necessary knowledge to reclaim America when the time presents itself…

Brennan squirming over the fallout from his seditious rhetoric?

My fellow Trump supporters, I’m certain you have been upset as much I for Deep State Leftists openly threatening the President of the United States for his swamp emptying efforts (which is not moving fast enough). The Leftist hubris truly showed its ugly head when the lying (coup encouraging) criminal Andrew McCabe was not only removed from the position of Deputy Director of the FBI but was also fired when lying under oath and criminal leaks to the Leftist MSM became undeniable.


Enter former CIA Director John Brennan (one-time devotee CPUSA voter of Gus Hall (SEE ALSO HERE) and rumored Muslim convert). Brennan not only criticized President Trump in a vile manner but also hinted at a coup to remove the President from Office.


Dee Fatouros cross posted a very erudite exposition of Brennan treachery from The American Spectator. I am crossing Fatouros’ post because I like her introduction.


(As an aside note, I usually promote blog posts extensive on Social Media, but Fatouros has already done so. By all means go to her post on The Realistic Observer and like it!)


JRH 3/22/18

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Brennan squirming over the fallout from his seditious rhetoric?


Posted by Dee Fatouros

March 22, 2018 7:14:00 AM

The Realistic Observer


John Brennan


Well John, for someone in your position, openly calling for a coup is not the brightest of ideas. Your iniquities have gone far beyond “just” lying under oath.  Like most dwellers in the DC muck and mire, the more exposed you are, the more unhinged you become.

Ten years ago, the lawlessness and treason which occurred under the previous administration was unfathomable.

With the election of the new president, we now have well funded seditious activity to a degree not ever seen before.

Is this now the new normal? Will every newly elected administration face rebellion, anarchy and chaos if the “powers that be” do not agree with the electorate?

If the lefty elites have their way, you, you betcha.

The following article adds another chapter to the Chronicles of John Brennan.


As his plot to destroy Trump backfires, his squeals grow louder.


Facebook It was the Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky who coined the phrase the “dustbin of history.” To his political opponents, he sputtered, “You are pitiful, isolated individuals! You are bankrupts. Your role is played out. Go where you belong from now on — into the dustbin of history!”

It is no coincidence that John Brennan, who supported the Soviet-controlled American Communist Party in the 1970s (he has acknowledged that he thought his vote for its presidential candidate Gus Hall threatened his prospects at the CIA; unfortunately, it didn’t), would borrow from Trotsky’s rhetoric in his fulminations against Donald Trump. His tweet last week, shortly after the firing of Andrew McCabe, reeked of Trotskyite revolutionary schlock: “When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America… America will triumph over you.”

America will triumph over a president it [sic] elected? That’s the raw language of coup, and of course it is not the first time Brennan has indulged it. In 2017, he was calling for members of the executive branch to defy the chief executive. They should “refuse to carry out” his lawful directives if they don’t agree with them, he said.

Trump has said that the Russians are “laughing their asses off” over the turmoil caused by Obamagate. No doubt many of the laughs come at the sight of Brennan, a supporter of Soviet stooges like Gus Hall, conducting a de facto coup from the top of the CIA and then continuing it after his ouster. Who needs Gus Hall when John Brennan is around? This time the Russians don’t even have to pay for the anti-American activity.

Another hardcore leftist, Samantha Power, who spent the weeks after Trump’s victory rifling through intelligence picked up on his staff, found Brennan’s revolutionary tweet very inspiring. “Not a good idea to piss off John Brennan,” she wrote. Sounded pretty dark and grave. But not to worry, she tweeted later. She just meant that the former CIA director was going to smite Trump with the power of his “eloquent voice.”

Out of power, these aging radicals can’t help themselves. They had their shot to stop Trump, they failed, and now they are furious. The adolescent coup talk grows more feverish with each passing day. We have a former CIA director calling for the overthrow of a duly elected president, a former attorney general (Eric Holder) calling for a “knife fight,” a Senate minority leader speaking ominously about what the intelligence community might do to Trump (“they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer has said), and assorted former FBI and CIA officials cheering for a coup, such as CNN’s Phil Mudd who says, “You’ve been around for 13 months. We’ve been around since 1908. I know how this game is going to be played. We’re going to win.”

In all this unhinged chatter, the partisan origins of Obamagate become clearer. The same anti-Trump hatred on display in their tweets and punditry drove the political espionage. James Kallstrom, the former FBI Assistant Director, notes that the “animus and malice” contained in Brennan’s tweet is “prima facie exposure of how he felt about Trump before the election.”

All the key figures in the decision to open up a probe on Trump wanted him to lose — from Brennan to Peter Strzok, whose anti-Trump machinations included, according to the latest batch of texts with his mistress, plotting to manipulate a buddy on the FISA court. In one text, he wonders if he can finagle a meeting with his friend by inviting him to a “cocktail party.” The impropriety aforethought on display in that tweet is staggering, but of course the media has paid no attention to it, preoccupied as it is with Andrew McCabe’s retirement income.

McCabe, by the way, has removed all doubts about his capacity for partisan lying with his post-firing statement, which rests entirely upon it. With all of its anti-Trump special pleading, the statement reads like it was cobbled together by Rachel Maddow. Like so many other ruling-class frauds, McCabe seeks absolution for his perjury and leaking through liberal politics. I stand with the liberal powerful against Trump, you can’t touch me — that’s the upshot of his defense. Comey has taken the same tack. The title of his forthcoming book should be: How the Law Doesn’t Apply to the Self-Appointed Ruling Class.

What an amazing collection of entitled creeps, who long ago convinced themselves that the “rule of law” is identical to what they see as their sacred right to exercise power in any way they see fit. All the blather about Trump’s violation of the law is simply a projection of their own lawlessness. So far the coup has been thwarted. They had hoped to stop him in the campaign through political espionage. But that didn’t work. Then they tried to upend him through spying during the transition, holding out hope until the very last moment, as evidenced by Susan Rice penning her sham exculpatory note only after Trump’s swearing-in. Now they join Brennan in seeking to bury Trump in Mueller’s dustbin.

Trotsky would have understood the shorthand of all the tweets, polemics, and posturing perfectly. Nothing in this show trial bears any relationship to reality or justice. It is simply an expression of power politics, which doesn’t always end well for its exponents. As even an old Gus Hall supporter like John Brennan must know, and perhaps his fulminating panic indicates a dawning awareness of it, those who talk the loudest about their enemies heading for the ash heap of history often end up in it.

Wikimedia Commons 

Original post: The American Spectator 


Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.


About The Realistic Observer


Simply Finding The Truth

We are being lied to on every front, both foreign and domestic. 


“We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” Ayn Rand


While it is true that our “leaders” have been lying to us for decades, the current administration has elevated it to Orwellian proportions. The double think, news speak, prevarication, obstructionism, and out right perfidy that comes out of Washington D.C. is heart stopping.

Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Extortion 17 are just a few of the major lies and cover-ups pushed by D.C.

Executive over reach, and Congressional abdication of authority over to the bureaucratic alphabet agencies is in itself a scandalous breach of trust with its constituents.

The unbridled national debt wrought upon us by those in office is Cloward Piven on steroids, and its ramifications will be devastating.

Last but not least is the use of the IRS as a tool for punishment and harassment of those who are on the wrong side of the administration’s political fence.

The harsh reality is that the America many of us grew up in and took for granted has now become a fascist state. We need to do our best to climb out of any boxes we may be in, thoroughly examine any assumptions we may be carrying, and search for the truth, bitter though it may be.

Knowledge is power. Even though we may feel powerless and may not see a restoration of our great country within our life time, we will hold and guard the truth so as to pass it on to future generations. They will then have the necessary knowledge to reclaim America when the time presents itself… 


The Underground Against Trump Has Now Fully Surfaced

Dee Fatouros examines what she calls “The Underground” against President Trump. I call it Obama’s Leftist Shadow Government against America’s constitutional Republic.


JRH 2/20/17

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The Underground Against Trump Has Now Fully Surfaced


Posted by Dee Fatouros

February 19, 2017 4:35:00 PM 

The Realistic Observer


underground-secrets Sedition: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority


There is much work to do for this new administration.   Everyone expected that snowflakes and cupcakes would emerge to protest and grieve over Hillary’s loss.  They did and gloriously so to the point of drawing ridicule rather than sympathy.

Then, of course we had the usual Soros funded useful idiots blocking traffic, breaking windows, assaulting trump supporters, etc. All attention was being focused on them, perhaps by design so as to deflect from Obama’s underground, underhanded activities.  He was creating a more sinister operation—that of a shadow government meant solely to discredit and remove Trump. A few had sounded the clarion of such seditious activity in the making, but it had not become so blatantly obvious until recently.

The usual leftist arrogance did not take into account that the entire American public was not as stupid as had been portrayed. The clear mined citizenry, who dwell in reality land, can see through the curtain of lies by the politicians, leftist talking heads, and the MSM.  They continue to support Trump’s agenda, which is their own. They want America back. Those who want America to return to the Constitution and cherish The Bill of Rights are coming into action by organizing several pro Trump demonstrations in March.

That is a start, but unfortunately, it will probably take much more. The left is relentless and dangerous, and as Trump stated on the campaign trail, will stop at nothing to achieve their goal.

Those who are funding and driving this obviously seditious movement must be arrested, tried and given the proper penalty. Once the head of the snake is cut off it will eventually die. However, its directionless body will continue to thrash until its final death.  Rest assured the dead snake’s spawn will lay low and arise when the opportunity presents itself.

Obama’s hatred of America is most obvious to many. Unfortunately, many useful idiots are all too willing to crown him the Messiah. Those of us who see through him just want to crown him. His connections are many and for an excellent insight and background on this man, go here.

Excerpts from the articles below address the issues raised above.

Let’s take a look at some of his present activities:

On January 7, 2017, Daniel Greenfield published the article Obama Quietly Hiring New OFA Staff to Fight Trump.  in which he also referenced that back in November he had written Obama was plotting to use OFA to set the agenda. and that that he just might get away with it. Greenfield’s articles were most prescient and affirmed what many believed–Obama had no intention of going into the night quietly. more

Here are a few links specifying what OFA means to recruits:

Get Updates on OFA Training Programs


“Organizing for Action is training the next generation of progressive organizers as they work on important issues across the country. OFA’s hands-on fellowship and training programs provide the skills and tools necessary to empower grassroots organizers to make a difference in their communities.” more

Your voice can change a room. 

OFA is committed to mobilizing and training the next generation of progressive organizers and leaders, because real, lasting change doesn’t just happen on its own—it requires a program, it requires organizing, and it requires people like you.

With grassroots chapters in neighborhoods across the country, OFA volunteers are building this movement from the ground up, person to person, community by community—because democracy isn’t a spectator sport. more

Take a deep breath. Then take action.


It’s troubling to see years of progress and hard work on the line, but here’s how community organizers get through it: We take action.

Keep in mind that progress never comes served on a silver platter; we’ve always had to work for it. From marriage equality to climate change to health care reform, it’s taken years—sometimes decades—of sustained effort from a broad base of citizens to bring these issues to the forefront and persuade decision-makers to move us forward. So in that sense, this new political climate is no different. We’ve been here before. more

All of the above sounds innocuous, but make no mistake these are training camps for upending the American way–either by persuasion or by insurrection.

A financial coup for OFA:

Obama RELAUNCHES Efforts to “Fundamentally Change America”! by Hardworking1

While researching and writing my article last week about organizations like Black Lives Matter (BLM) getting a tax exempt IRS 501(c)3 designation I discovered that the Obama Administration went even farther than that with some liberal/progressive organization’s tax exempt designations!  Obama’s “Organizing for Action” (OFA) got a 501(c)4 designation, This is even more “troubling” than BLM getting the tax exempt designation, 501(c)3, because the OFA tax exempt designation 501(c)4 allows organizations to “engage in substantial lobbying activities”!  …

Why did I say that OFA having this tax exempt designation is “troubling”?  All you have to do is look at OFA’s history to answer that question. OFA is an organization that evolved out of Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, which evolved out of “Organizing for America”, which was part of Obama’s 2008 election campaign. OFA was formed and is operated by former Obama campaign and administration staff. It is an organization whose “Mission Statement” is to fulfill Obama’s dream of “Fundamentally Changing America”, which is to ultimately make America part of George Soros’ “one world order”.

How did a group like OFA get a tax exempt designation like this?  As you can see from the information above there is ample opportunity for racist and corrupt IRS or DOJ personnel to make a BIASED DECISION regarding a group’s eligibility for tax exempt designation, or if they can keep their tax exempt designation if they already have one. more


AMAC Calls for Peaceful Opposition to Violent Protesters Bent on Anarchy

WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 17 – “Anti-government protesters seek to disrupt the work of our nation’s elected officials on a scale never seen before,” says Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens.  “And former President Obama says he approves,”

In fact, Weber notes, 10 days after he left office Mr. Obama’s spokesman issued a statement saying, “President Obama is heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities around the country,”

The AMAC chief points to the fact that the protesters appear to be well organized, earning the moniker, Obama’s Army.  That’s how the New York Times described the phenomenon. more

Orwellian categorization and excoriation of those who fight for true freedom:

The Globalist Long Game – Redefine Liberty Activism As Evil “Populism” 

Since early 2016 (according to globalists and the mainstream publications featuring their opinions), there has been a rising tide of nationalists and “populists” in western nations.  This sudden surge in “populism” is inexorably tied to the Brexit movement and the support for candidates like Donald Trump.  Populism will overrun the existing “stability” of globalism and cause severe economic crisis in numerous countries.  It finds its roots in the “less educated” portions of the population, as well as in older generations that think they have something to lose if globalism succeeds.  It is also driven by an “irrational fear” of economic change, global interdependence and multiculturalism.  Populists are predominantly naive and desperate for “strongmen” leaders to fight for them.  Some of them are motivated by self interest, while others are motivated by racism.

It is well worth the read to go here for the entire article.

Traitors within:

In her article  Flynn, Trump, and Countering The Four Horsemen of the Liberal Apocalypse, Susan Swift of Politichicks discusses the political assassination of Flynn by the shadow government set up by Trump’s predecessor.

Eli Lake called it a political assassination.  The New York Times steadfastly maintains there is “no evidence” that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians to influence the election.  But that didn’t stop the Four Horseman of the Liberal Apocalypse from taking down General Micheal [sic] Flynn.

Who are the Four Horseman of the Liberal Apocalypse? The Media, the Establishment RINOs, Elected Democrats, and Obama’s shadowy unelected bureaucrat operatives embedded within the DeepState.   These Four Horsemen continue to work in coordination to weaken and delegitimize President Trump’s election triumph over of Hillary Clinton.  Former President Barrack Obama appears to be leading the Horsemen’s charge.

Author Ed Klein told Pete Hegseth on Fox and Friends Weekend in December that former President “Barack Obama is setting up a shadow government in Washington DC to undermine President Trump after Inauguration Day.”

Is this not sedition? entire article 

A very gloomy view of what is to come:

Paul Craig Roberts writes, “The effort of Americans to bring govt back under their control via Trump has been defeated by the deep state”


Former National Security Agency (NSA) spy John Schindler tweeted on Twitter that a senior intelligence community colleague sent him an email stating that the deep state had declared nuclear war on Trump and that “He will die in jail.”

It is possible that this will be the case…

Those at work overturning the 2016 presidential election are so confident of their success that they publicly declare their preference for coup over democracy. The Zionist neoconservative warmonger Bill Kristol has expressed his preference for a deep state coup over democratically elected President Trump.

The effort of the American people to bring government back under their control via Trump has been defeated by the deep state.

Chris Hedges argument that revolution is the only way that Americans can reclaim their country continues to gain credibility.

The words that doomed Trump when he declared war before he had his army assembled:

“There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense. The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government.”

Truer words were never spoken   entire article

Bryan Dean Wright pens,  I’m a Democrat (and ex-CIA) but the spies plotting against Trump are out of control.

Over the past few months, America has lurched from partisan warfare to the cliffs of an existential crisis.

Multiple reports show that my former colleagues in the intelligence community have decided that they must leak or withhold classified information due to unsettling connections between President Trump and the Russian Government.

Said an intelligence officer: “I know what’s best for foreign policy and national security
… And I’m going to act on that.

Some of us might applaud this man, including a few of my fellow Democrats. In their minds, this is a case of Mr. Smith Goes to Langley to do battle against a corrupt President Trump.

One small problem. The intelligence officer quoted above was actually Aldrich Ames, a CIA traitor whose crime of treason in the 1980s and 1990s resulted in the compromise of more than 100 assets. Many were tortured and executed as a result.

Ames’ flawed logic is eerily similar to that of his present-day colleagues who are engaged in a shadow war with their commander in chief. They, too, have decided that their superior judgment is more important than following the law.   continue

The public catching on is this nation’s only hope:
Again, Daniel Greenfield:  Why the Media’s Trump Lie Machine is Failing

Every five minutes the many mouths of the media broadcast, type, post and shriek that President Donald J. Trump is a liar. After months of this treatment, more voters find him truthful than them.

49% of voters believe that Trump and his people are telling the truth. Only 39% believe that the media is.

The media’s war on President Trump isn’t hurting him. It is destroying the media’s own credibility.

After Trump’s win, the media came to the conclusion that its biased attacks on him had been too subtle and understated to connect with the “dumb” voters. So it decided to be far more overt about its smears.

The New York Times, which used to be the best at disguising its biases in the omnipotent voice of professional journalism, called President Trump a liar in its headlines.  The media cheered this descent into naked partisanship by the paper of record. But it didn’t hurt Trump. It hurt the Times.

Headlines blasting President Trump as a “liar” are easy enough to find on the Internet. The New York Times derives much of its influence from its appearance of serious professionalism.  Calling Trump names made it hard to distinguish the New York Times from the Huffington Post. …

Truth is not who you pretend to be. It’s who you are…

…The media wanted the authority to determining who was lying without the responsibility of telling the truth. As the media made its partisan bias more obvious, it lost the credibility it needed. The more the media called President Trump a liar, the more the public believed that the media was lying. continue

Patriots, be prepared. Events can go many different ways, all out civil war, a faux peace, or a leftist temporary retreat waiting for another opportunity.  Much depends not only upon the Trump administration’s ability to manage the chaos, but upon the citizens who support him as well.

Edited by John R. Houk


Knowledge is power. The Realistic Observer is a non-partisan, non-profit blog dedicated to keeping our readers as informed as possible. 


Understanding The Communist Role In Driving The Current Chaos In America

Dee Fatouros provides an intro to some G. Edward Griffin info on Communism in America pointing out the similarities of the present to the Marxist agenda of the past. Look at today’s street chaos and the obstructionism of the Dems in Congress.


There is an hour and fifteen-minute video seminar conducted by Griffin in 1968 at the end. I mention this because you will notice a portion of the monologue would be politically incorrect today. AND YET a very informative seminar.



Edward Griffin 1969


Edward Griffin present day




JRH 2/12/17

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Understanding The Communist Role In Driving The Current Chaos In America


lenin-communist-america Lenin-Communist Revolution


Posted by Dee Fatouros

By G. Edward Griffin

February 11, 2017 10:12:00 AM

The Realistic Observer


A fairly brief, but most informative read. I’m sure the reader will recognize much of what is being said as occurring today, class warfare, racial strife, big government, disinformation, (fake news), “protests” etc.

Like Jihad, Communism has its stages and its soldiers. The CPUSA is quite powerful in America and many members of Congress are followers. They are but one of the more effective occupants in the toolbox of the globalist drive for world domination. Many see Globalism as rebranded Communism, and indeed, there are undeniable similarities, but that is another discussion. The end game by any other name is world domination, loss of national sovereignty, and world wide totalitarian oppression of the world citizenry.

At the end of this write up is a video (made in 1969) discussing Communism in America, and its approach to fomenting internal revolution.  It is prescient, an hour long, but can be listened to. By the way, this video was made when Blacks were politically correctly referred to as Negros. Do not be offended.

At 21 minutes into it, he discusses African American Manning Johnson’s awakening as to the true motives of the using Black Americans as cannon fodder for the beginning revolution which resulted in his leaving the Communist Party.

Johnson wrote an insightful book, “Color Communism And Common Sense”, in 1935 in which he exposed the truth of the Communist purported “concern” for the American Negro and its attempted manipulation of them into becoming the spearhead of the  revolution in America. He also discussed the created racial divide and its intended purpose. This book is as pertinent today as was in 1935.


“Color Communism And Common Sense”.


I In the Web
II Subverting Negro Churches 
III Red Plot to Use Negroes 
IV Bane of Red Integration 
V Destroying the Opposition 
VI The Real “Uncle Toms” 
VII Creating Hate 
VIII Modern Day Carpet Baggers 
IX Race Pride Is Passé 
X Wisdom Needed



by G. Edward Griffin


This week’s news is dominated, once again, with reports of violent demonstrations against the Trump administration. We have seen violent demonstrations before, but something new has been added that is profoundly significant. It is the rhetoric of civil war and revolution. 

The organizations spouting civil-war rhetoric are following a playbook taken from the writings of Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Communist Party. It is a rhetoric that demonizes all enemies as ‘capitalist exploiters’ (in America, where there still is a latent affinity to capitalism, the word ‘Fascism’ is preferred.) and calls for an overthrow of the government. Followers are not supposed to think about what would replace it but, for those who are curious, the answer is a ‘socialist’ government responsive, not to big business, but to the people. 

You may think that, boisterous as these demonstrators are, and although they can draw a few thousand youngsters to their events, they are but a tiny fraction of the population and could never pose a serious threat to any government. But how wrong you would be. 

Major political changes always are achieved by minorities. All revolutions are the work of less than three percent of the population, and the American Revolution was no exception. It’s not how many people there are, but how well organized they are and where they are. If the three percenters are influential in a nation’s power centers (political parties, government agencies, courts, military, schools, activist groups, labor unions, etc.), then the odds are in their favor. The masses will follow the winners. 

When you look at the rag-tag bunch carrying placards and shouting obscenities, you may be comforted thinking that they have no influence in the real power centers, but be mindful that street theater is only half the picture. Classic communist strategy involves, not one, but two types of revolution. The first is by force and violence (they call it a war of national liberation), but the other is political and peaceful (what they call a proletarian revolution). 

The two are designed to work together, one from the bottom (masses in the streets) and the other from the top (agents inside government waiting for an excuse to introduce legislation that will move the nation closer to the Leninist ideal. The strategy is, not to conquer in one fell swoop, but to do so by a series of steps, each one seen by the public as a necessary compromise to end the violence. 

In 1969, I delivered a lecture on this subject, entitled More Deadly than War. That was in the day when I was hanging out at the communist book store in Los Angeles doing research on collectivism, so I was loaded with communist publications to illustrate my message. The presentation was recorded on black-and-white film, released in VHS format, and then forgotten. Someone put it on YouTube about five years ago so, when we created our Reality Zone YouTube channel last year, we copied it to that collection. 

It has been almost fifty years since I gave much thought to that lecture so, when I started to write this commentary, I decided to watch it again to see what I said. Frankly, I was blown away by how every point applies directly to what is happening today.

If you are interested in my analysis, here is the link. (video below)


VIDEO: More Deadly Than War – A Lecture by G. Edward Griffin [1:14:36]


Posted by Reality Zone

Published on Oct 8, 2016 


…The Blueprint for Revolution in America….

This address by G. Edward Griffin, given in 1968, is as current as today’s headlines. Mr. Griffin shows that the Leninist strategy for conquest involves two kinds of revolution: One is violent; the other is non-violent.

While most people think only of violent revolution, the non-violent phase is where most of the action has been in the United States. Leninists call it the Proletarian Revolution and it involves the gradual transition to Marxism (which is merely one form of collectivism) by use of the ballot box. Control is achieved through economic pressures rather than guns and executions.

This program shows how Leninists utilize mass-membership organizations, politicians, and the parliamentary process to bring about totalitarianism with little opposition from those who are being subjugated.

For more information, visit



EDWARD GRIFFIN – Non-Real Observer Bio


EDWARD GRIFFINis a writer, documentary film producer, and Founder of Freedom Force International. Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is well known because of his talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand.


He has dealt with such diverse subjects as archaeology and ancient Earth history, the Federal Reserve System and international banking, terrorism, internal subversion, the history of taxation, U.S. foreign policy, the science and politics of cancer therapy, the Supreme Court, and the United Nations.


His better-known works include The Creature from Jekyll Island, World without Cancer, The Discovery of Noah’s Ark, Moles in High Places, The Open Gates of Troy, No Place to Hide, The Capitalist Conspiracy, More Deadly than War, The Grand Design, The Great Prison Break, and The Fearful Master


Ed is a graduate of the University of Michigan where he majored in speech and communications. He is …  READ ENTIRETY


Obama’s Gone – Learn About Stealth Jihad

John R. Houk

© January 5, 2017


President Barack Hussein Obama has gone to great lengths to lie to Americans about the dangers of Islam. He has even invited Islamists that wholly believe in bloody Jihad into the White House. On January 20th, HE IS GONE! Let us pray Trump’s America exposes the agenda of Islam in America.


Most Americans by now there are numerous followers of Islam – globally – that use Muhammad’s call of violent Jihad for Islam to dominate every single person on earth. I am a Counterjihadist that understands via the Muslim revered writings of the Quran (and HERE), Hadith and Sira (which encompasses the Sunnah) call for global Islamic domination to the glory of Allah and his pseudo-prophet Muhammad.


Here’s something you may or may not heard of pertaining to Islam: a Muslim apologist propagandizing to the tune of “Islam is Peace” will tell you there is a Greater Jihad and a Lesser Jihad. One Jihad is to wage war for Allah and prophet to spread the ummah (community) worldwide. The other Jihad is an inner struggle to be a good Muslim in the light of the Quran.


The Muslim apologist will tell you the Greater Jihad is the inner struggle to be a better Muslim and the Lesser Jihad is violence for Allah and prophet.


From the Muslim revered writings I have read, the Greater and Lesser distinction is poppycock invented for Muslims wanting to wake up in the 21st century rather than the 7th. And Western non-Muslims trained in the Western developed concept of Religious Liberty.


If a majority of observant Muslims would take a reform stand and publicly deny the obligations of the Quran, Hadith and Sira by making the Inner Struggle (cough – Greater Jihad) the principle of Islam, then I would buy into the Muslim Apologist claim of Islam is Peace. To an Inner Struggle Jihad as principle would go against Islam’s perfect example to be followed and imitated – the warmongering, booty-raiding, merchandiser of slavery and sex-slavery – MUHAMMAD.


Now that I have made my feelings clear about the practice of Jihad in Islam. I found a very educational post on The Realistic Observer. Dee Fatouros has posted what she calls a “compendium of links” on the subject of Stealth Jihad.


The term “stealth jihad” is a bit misleading.  The stealth jihad groups may be stealthy, but they don’t operate underground.  They have offices, spokesmen, PR people, legal teams, and impressive websites.  They present themselves as moderate mainstream groups, and for the most part the media and administration officials accept them as such.


How do they operate?  In general, they advertise themselves as civil rights advocates working to protect the rights of the “Muslim community.”  Using the cover of civil rights activism, the stealth jihadists have been able to score some spectacular successes. READ ENTIRETY – Bold text mine (THE WAR AGAINST STEALTH JIHAD; By William Kilpatrick;; 9/23/16)


VIDEO: Robert Spencer – Stealth Jihad: What It Is and Why It Matters (56:04)


Posted by TJ Singh II

Published on Jul 22, 2016


Robert Spencer delivered a talk on “The Stealth Jihad: What It Is and Why It Matters.” In his remarks he addressed the Obama administration’s recent announcement that it will no longer use language that points to a “war on terrorism.” Mr. Spencer responded to questions from audience members.


JRH 1/5/17

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Pertinent Information Regarding Stealth Jihad


Posted by Dee Fatouros

January 4, 2017 7:29:00 PM 

The Realistic Observer


This post is more or less a compendium of links and excerpts detailing the entire subject of stealth Jihad and its progress in the U.S.

Unlike the violent attacks of the militant Islamists, stealth jihad is just that, a stealthy penetration of all of our social institutions.

Under the aegis of the present administration, not only has this been allowed, but encouraged and protected. Those who are concerned are, sigh, labeled Islamophobes. No discussion/disagreement allowed. Of course the Soros controlled MSM leads the way on this road of suicidal denial.

There is a great deal of information from the sites below which the MSM has deliberately [sic] failed to convey. 

Discover The Networks: Stealth Jihad


Terrorist attacks that involve bombings and shootings are just one component of the jihad, or holy war, that Islamists are actively waging against infidels all over the world. Another component of that jihad consists of nonviolent initiatives which can be classified as stealth (or “soft”) jihad, whose goal is the imposition of Islamic law, Sharia, over every region of the earth by non-confrontational means. Under the banners of “tolerance” and “civil rights,” stealth jihadists introduce, in piecemeal fashion, elements of Sharia into Western societies and then demand that non-Muslims make allowance for those elements. Moreover, stealth jihadists smear those who dare to discuss the negative aspects of Sharia (and Islam) as “racists” and “Islamophobes.”  continue


Some examples of how stealth jihad has made inroads into U.S. and Western culture include the following: 
 Frontpage Mag: The War Against Stealth Jihad


The term “stealth jihad” is a bit misleading. The stealth jihad groups may be stealthy, but they don’t operate underground. They have offices, spokesmen, PR people, legal teams, and impressive websites. They present themselves as moderate mainstream groups, and for the most part the media and administration officials accept them as such.

How do they operate? In general, they advertise themselves as civil rights advocates working to protect the rights of the “Muslim community.” Using the cover of civil rights activism, the stealth jihadists have been able to score some spectacular successes. In 2012, for example, more than 1,000 documents and presentations were purged from counterterror training programs for the FBI and other security agencies. This was done in response to pressure from Islamic advocacy groups who complained that the training policies were biased and offensive to Muslims. In effect, these Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups were given veto power over national security policy, and, as a result, investigative agencies were forced to limit themselves to politically correct policing.

America’s commitment to the dogma of political correctness is, in fact, the chief factor that accounts for the success of stealth jihad. The stealth jihadists are well-versed in the rules of political correctness, and they know how to use them to their own advantage. And if they can bend the federal government to their will by using these methods, they can certainly do the same to average citizens. continue


Americans warned: Invisible jihad occurring under our noses


“They use violent jihad, but they also use civilization jihad, which is a long-term form of sort of cultural jihad, so to speak, in which they infiltrate a country, a government from within … use the liberal immigration laws to their advantage and have their people not assimilate into the culture, but live in enclaves and sort of stick to themselves until they get enough numbers, until they build up their numbers, and then we see more violent jihad unfold at that point,” Hohmann explained to Elder.

Hohmann, author of the forthcoming book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and the Resettlement Jihad,” said the Obama administration has facilitated civilization jihad by importing tens of thousands of Muslim refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. And he doesn’t believe there’s anything he could say to Obama that would convince the president to change his refugee policy.

“He’s going right down to the bitter end with pummeling our cities and towns with more and more refugees,” Hohmann noted. “They’re trying to get in as many as possible before he leaves office to the point where they’re even running out of money now, I hear, at the Office of Refugee Resettlement.”

To Hohmann, it looks like Obama has accomplished exactly what he set out to do.


Said the author: “I don’t know what I could tell President Obama other than, ‘A job well done! If your goal was to destroy America, to degrade America, to bring our cities down a notch and saddle them with a heavy burden, you’ve done a good job.’” continue


The Clarion Project: How Many Methods of Islamist Radicalization Remain Hidden

Many would not agree with my statement that Islamic radicalization is a hidden and still an ignored phenomenon especially in the West.

This is especially true as these terrorists are adapting newer and newer techniques and ways to influence and hence pollute the upcoming young minds.

The West has made a grievous mistake by allowing these Islamic extremists to settle, grow and even prosper on its soil in the name of human rights, and freedom of speech and liberty.

Most of the focus has been on the mosques and other religious gathering places, but that is not the whole side of the story. Living in Europe for only six months until now, I see many types of Islamic radicalization growing in new, systematic and subtle ways, unheard of via newspapers. continue


The Clarion Project: The Hidden Costs of Jihad

One of the objectives of Islamic State’s “attack and polarize” strategy in France is to hit the economy, an objective that was successfully attained in the aftermath of the November 2015 and January 2016 attacks, which were immediately followed by a slump in retail sales and tourism.


Throughout 2016, hotels in Paris were offering discounts of up to 65% on room rates to attract tourists who began to shun the city in the wake of the jihadist operations.

Another economic cost is the massive increase in expenditure on intelligence, law enforcement and security. In 2016 the DGSI, the domestic intelligence service, increased its staff by 35% from 3,500 to over 4,700. Law enforcement officers, who have accumulated millions of hours in overtime, have to be paid.

Three days after the November 13 attacks, the government announced that it would recruit an additional 5,000 police officers. Tens of millions have been allocated to deradicalization programs, reorganization of prisons and other initiatives aimed at countering jihad at home. continue


We have now moved from stealth to overt Jihad.

The attacks upon individual citizens, gathered groups, and our Churches are increasing.

Let us hope that the incoming administration will call things as they are and take steps to protects America. That IS the job of the President Of The United States Of America! 


Obama’s Gone – Learn About Stealth Jihad

John R. Houk

© January 5, 2017


Pertinent Information Regarding Stealth Jihad


Knowledge is power. The Realistic Observer is a non-partisan, non-profit blog dedicated to keeping our readers as informed as possible.


The Hijra: Conquest Of The West By Colonization

Blog Editor Intro to Fatouros Post on Ann Corcoran

Editor John R. Houk

Intro date: April 25, 2016

Ann Corcoran screen capture from Youtube

Ann Corcoran

Dee Fatouros sources The Counter Jihad Report in turn sources the Center for Security Policy (CSP). How’s that for a Counterjihad pedigree? The key for all is the expertise of Ann Corcoran who blogs at Refugee Resettlement Watch. Corcoran has recently released a book entitled “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America”.


The term “Hijra” has many Arabic spellings and apparently meanings depending on the part of the Muslim world is culturally from. The original meaning refers to the Muslim false prophet Mohammed – Courtesy Wikipedia:


The Hegira or Hijrah (Arabicهِجْرَة), also romanized as Hijra and Hejira, is the migration or journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina, in 622 CE.[1] In June 622 CE, after being warned of a plot to assassinate him, Muhammad secretly left his home in Mecca to emigrate to Yathrib, 320 km (200 mi) north of Mecca, along with his companion Abu Bakr.[4] Yathrib was soon renamed Madīnat an-Nabī, literally “the City of the Prophet”, but an-Nabī was soon dropped, so its name is “Medina”, meaning “the city”.[5]


The Hijrah is also often identified erroneously with the start of the Hijri calendar which was READ ENTIRETY at Wikipedia


Wikipedia also provides a brief page of other meanings and Western World uses of the word “Hijra”.


Ann Corcoran focuses on a meaning that use migration as a form Muslim Jihad to conquer the Western World for Islam. This Hijra Jihad sounds something a bit similar to the Muslim Brotherhood agenda for the West in a discovered document entitled “The Project”: The Patrick Poole explanation and the IPT PDF that includes the English Translation after the original Arabic.


READ THE Fatouros explanation of Ann Corcoran’s position that watch her on a Youtube video which Fatouros posts afterword.


JRH 4/25/16

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The Hijra: Conquest Of The West By Colonization


Posted by Dee Fatouros

April 24, 2016

The Realistic Observer


Catholic Charities ... helping refugees

Catholic Charities has targeted services for helping refugees. (FOX 8 Photo)


Ann Corcoran has been a leader in sounding the clarion regarding what has happened to and what is really behind our so called “refugee resettlement program”.

There is much information and some pertinent links as well as her concise 4 minute video at the end of this post.

Citizen awareness concerning this issue is vital to the survival of our American way of life.


Washington, DC — Last week, the chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security, Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, wrote the Department of State demanding that it halt the resettlement of refugees in the city of Spartanburg in his district. In his letter dated April 15, 2015, Congressman Gowdy objected to the “lack of notice, information and consultation afforded to me and my constituents” and posed seventeen pointed questions, including (as paraphrased by Politico):

  • Why and when was his district approved [as a refugee resettlement site]?


  • What steps were taken to notify local government officials and whether they approved the plan, and where funds for the office and the refugees will come from?


  • When are the first refugees expected to arrive?


  • What benefits are they entitled to?


  • How many will be resettled?


  • What is their country of origin?


  • Who is responsible for housing, employment and education services for them?

Rep. Gowdy was particularly concerned about the security implications of this immigrant migration. He asked: “Do any of the refugees to be resettled in the Spartanburg area have criminal convictions? If so, for what crimes has each been convicted?” And “Please explain the background-check process performed on refugees scheduled to be resettled in Spartanburg.

The necessity for such congressional oversight has been underscored by an important new monograph by Ann Corcoran entitled, Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America, which was published today as part of the Center for Security Policy’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series. Ms. Corcoran documents that Muslim immigration as a form of jihad via colonization called hijra dates back to the time of Mohammed. In fact, she quotes hadith sources that assert that migration is a religious obligation for Muslims to spread Islam and build the Islamic state. She also cites longtime Libyan leader, Muammar Qaddafi, who once said that Europe would be conquered without guns and swords, but with Muslim migrants overrunning the continent. A powerful new documentary by Martin Mawyer called “Europe’s Last Stand; America’s Final Warning” illustrates just how accurate this prediction is proving to be.

As practiced today, the hijra strategy is an important part of a covert, pre-violent “civilization jihad” pursued by the Muslim Brotherhood. The UN High Commission on Refugees – which, like the rest of the United Nations, is dominated by the dictates of the Islamic supremacist organization known as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – is complicit in the process of bringing Muslim refugees to America. Interestingly, no Muslim refugees are ever resettled in wealthy, low-population density Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia.

Particularly troubling is the evidence that Ms. Corcoran compiles concerning the secrecy surrounding this U.S. refugee resettlement program. She provides estimates of how many Muslim immigrants have been quietly resettled in American communities with no local input. And she discusses the State Department’s primary targets in the United States for Muslim resettlement and showcases models to be found in communities that are resisting this program.

In her book, Ms. Corcoran recounts her personal trajectory from typical, uninformed citizen to a national authority on refugee resettlement policies and programs, the focus of her highly acclaimed blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch. It began in 2007, when large numbers of Muslim Meskhetian Turks were quietly resettled by the U.S. State Department in her hometown in Western Maryland, prompting her to research intensively what was afoot.

Although the author and other concerned local residents succeeded in that instance in blocking the dumping of immigrants that are, as a practical matter, unlikely ever to assimilate, the episode led Ms. Corcoran to the discovery of a frightening pattern: Across the United States, the federal government is attempting stealthily to relocate Muslim immigrants into unsuspecting and often unsuitable rural communities. She found that the affected locals, and even states, are totally by-passed in a resettlement process effectively driven by the United Nations, with U.S. agencies playing a clearly subordinate and non-sovereign role.

In addition, Ms. Corcoran has documented how U.S. officials stubbornly refuse to answer affected communities’ questions about Muslim resettlement. In fact, the State Department went so far as to stop holding townhalls and meetings in Washington, DC to discus after local community representatives began to attend.

Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney said of the new Civilization Jihad Reader:

Ann Corcoran’s report is required reading for anyone worried about the threat to America from the global jihad movement. She has provided shocking details of how a stealth effort by jihadists to advance their stated goal of “destroying Western civilization from within” is being abetted by the U.S. government. 

It is to be profoundly hoped that Ms. Corcoran’s analysis will raise awareness of this problem and that, especially with the concern being expressed by influential legislators like Congressman Trey Gowdy, it will help force U.S. officials to halt a dangerous refugee resettlement program. Her suggestions about what average citizens can do to catalyze such changes amounts, moreover, to a real public service.

An excellent site for further reading and information can be found at, Center For Security Policy.

For further information on the threats shariah poses to our foundational liberal democratic values, see more titles from the Center for Security Policy’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series at

Center for Security, Jihad Reader Series

Citizen researcher: Get “the plan” for your community before it goes to Washington

Ann’s Book Release: Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America [Blog Editor: Here is the CSP pdf link]


VIDEO: Ann Corcoran on Refugee Resettlement



Posted by securefreedom

Published on Apr 20, 2015


Buy Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America on


Source: The Counter Jihad Report


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White Guilt: A Globalist Tool Used To Spur Western Suicide

Westerners have been branded with White Guilt for the negative aspects of their history, YET Islam and Muslim brutal conquests get a pass from Western Leftist Multiculturalists and Muslim Apologists. What is the deal with that? Dee Fatouros addresses this issue on Fix Bayonets.

JRH 1/11/16

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White Guilt: A Globalist Tool Used To Spur Western Suicide


By Dee Fatouros

Posted by Danny Jeffrey

January 10, 2016 4:38 AM

Fix Bayonets

For far too long, the white western world has been bullied into bearing the cross of white guilt which symbolizes the responsibility for all of the iniquities of the world. Two big sins, imperialism and slavery are NOT the creation of white western culture.

Both have been endemic to every society since the rise of human civilizations. Thus the question becomes, why do so many fall prey to the white guilt meme? To anyone standing back and looking at the facts, the answer is obvious. The Western World is being manipulated into believing that it alone is responsible for the woes and agonies suffered by all non-western nations past and present. One may ask why. The answer is that in order for the globalists to achieve their goals, the more powerful western world nations must be brought to their knees by any means necessary.

How do do this? Attack on both the sociological and psychological fronts surpass overt assault for maximum effectiveness. Convince individuals that they are personally guilty of racism as well as all forms of prejudice and that their nation is responsible for all the world wide upheaval and misery endured by third world countries. Thus they must acquiesce in their own destruction so as to atone for all sins, both personal and national.

An armed invasion would be met by armed resistance. Thus, a covert approach has been chosen. The erosion of the Western national psyche has been slow and insidious. Generation after generation has been indoctrinated and the war is being won without firing a shot. Only those in the latter stages of conquest i.e. Europe are now becoming aware, but it is far too late unless the apparently complicit Powers That Be do an about face and change the dynamics to the advantage of rational civilization.

Excerpts from the following posts are examples of what is happening in Europe and America courtesy of White Guilt.


German police reports estimate that 7,500 Germans have been murdered by ‘aliens’ (this refers to mainly Muslim immigrants) since the Berlin wall fell in 1990. The German media and politicians are silent about this. In a backlash nine immigrants were killed in Eastern Germany between 2000-2006. The deaths of a few kebab sellers has gained objection and shock through the country, and condemnation from politicians while 7,500 names of victims to Muslim violence is kept fully silent – and no one objects. But it doesn’t end there. Apart from approximately 7,500 murders there are 3 million violent attacks by German Muslim immigrants on the natives since 1990. Each week 7 are killed by mainly Muslim immigrants and about 3,000 Germans are subject to some form of physical abuse or assault per week by Muslims. Needless to say, the Muslim violence against Germans is fueling support for right-wing groups. More

The media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred, while engaging in a systematic pattern of misinformation and blatant suppression of facts surrounding the perpetrators and victims of crime. As a result, so-called “criminal justice reform” is now being proposed to release more criminals from jails, supposedly to make amends for the unjust “mass incarceration” of black men.The figures come quickly but are never subjected to the necessary scrutiny. Last fall, for example, the George Soros-funded ProPublica published a claim that black youths are killed by the police at a rate 21 times higher than white youths. Mass media parroted that claim, but the data are incomplete and biased. They represent just 1.2 percent of police departments nationwide, and most reports come from urban areas, where the population is disproportionately black.More reliable data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) suggest that in 2012, 123 blacks were killed by police using firearms while 326 whites, including 227 non-Hispanic whites, were killed. These data, however are also not entirely reliable, but represent a larger data set than the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR). More

Suicidal Racial White Guilt, the Principal Cause of National Suicide …Because whites believe–as modern liberalism has taught them to believe–that all groups have equal inherent abilities,… However expressed, it all comes down to the idea that black failure is caused by white racism–the transcendent sin of the modern world. ….The final result of this woefully mistaken thought process is the paralyzing racial guilt which makes whites feel that they have no right to defend and preserve their civilization….This self-sacrifice takes numerous forms, including denial of the truth of black anti-white violence, denial of the tyrannical and murderous reality of Islam, and unquestioning acceptance of the mass Third-World immigration that is steadily turning America into a non-European country in which whites and their civilization will be steadily weakened, dispossessed, and destroyed.

Police in this major city admit it’s “lost” to Muslim immigrants
Immigrant Fatima Tetouani says that ‘Gronland is more Muslim than Morocco.’”Readers should remember that Aftenposten, which is the largest newspaper in the Oslo region, is normally pro-Islamic and very Multicultural. The women are being raped at night in Oslo, and the men are robbed more than ever.”Two things came to mind as I read this post. First, we are welcoming a scourge into Western civilization under the guise of multiculturalism. I find it unbelievable that we fail to understand the concept of Al Hijra and are allowing these “no-go zones” to be established in our respective countries. More

The fact that what is happening is an outright war against the West is obvious. Do the either the MSM or the “Authorities” EVER call out the whining, demanding Muslims over their sordid history of brutal conquest, slave holding and forced conversion? The following is a brief list of what those who were conquered had to endure.


Christians and Jews could not bear arms — Muslims could;

Christians and Jews could not ride horses — Muslims could;

Christians and Jews had to get permission to build — Muslims did not;

Christians and Jews had to pay certain taxes which Muslims did not;

Christians could not proselytize — Muslims could;

Christians and Jews had to bow to their Muslim masters when they paid their taxes; and

Christians and Jews had to live under the law set forth in the Koran, not under either their own religious or secular law.

The conquered Christian and Jewish people were made to pay a tribute to the colonialist Muslims. In addition, Baghdad used the imperialist, colonialist, bloody wars of conquest throughout the life of its empire to provide the Caliphate with a steady stream of slaves, many of whom were made eunuchs. More

The above, non-sensational article, is but one of many sources on Islamic conquest. However, we hear nothing of it because the globalist narrative must be stated, supported, and seen to be the truth.
This link will take you to the write up detailing the entire Globalist Agenda. The first page gives an overview and a directory on the left gives classifications. It is lengthy, but can be read in stages. I recommend you cut and paste the link for future reference.

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Suggested Reading…Click the red link to read.

Are We Warriors Or Babes In The Woods Submitted by Dee Fatouros

Is Our Oblivian Allowing Our Leaders To Push Us Into The Gates Of Hell – Submitted by Dee Fatouros

Can America Save Itself From Its Enemies Within? – Submitted by Dee Fatouros

Unicorns And Fairies In The Land Of The Eagle Submitted by Dee Fatouros


Some see, few know, many choose to wander aimlessly in a fog, devoid of sunlight. I seek the light of day and leave the others to their chosen realm of ignorance. They are the ones who have brought this great nation down. I write only for the benefit of those who possess the courage required to restore our birthright. – Fix Bayonets Homepage Intro



Founding Fathers Political Spectrum

The Leftist paradigm to reinvent America different from the intentions of America’s Founding Fathers:


The most effective weapons of assault are divide and conquer, and distraction. (From a Fix Bayonets post)


Danny Jeffrey has presented a brilliant post which he attributes as submitted by Dee Fatouros. The thing is this post has a lot of the flavor of Danny’s work so I am a bit uncertain if this is the entire work of Dee Fatouros or if Danny Jeffrey collaborated in the content. Frankly it is irrelevant if this post is collaborative or the work of a sole author. Although essay wise the wording may be lengthy, the journey is quite concise in its layout.


This essay is entitled “PLANNED CHAOS PART V, THE POLITICAL INSTITUTION”. I originally wrote that I haven’t examined or did a search on Fix Bayonets to see if parts one through four are. However in trying to checkout some info on Dee Fatouros I discover that Danny Jeffrey placed all parts on a Blogger page with a Fix Bayonets look: DeeFatourosWorkUpSite. In your own investigations of the potential collapse of the America we know, it might behoove you to find parts one through four in your own research.


The essay begins with the foundation of a great civics lesson on American politics from inception to the present. THEN the author (or authors) explains how the American Left with George Soros as the current Leftist puppeteer deceptive pulling the strings of politics and money to transform America to a member of global totalitarian One World Government under the paradigm of Leftist altruism that is absolutely void of real Liberty and independent entrepreneurship.


JRH 5/11/15

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Submitted By Dee Fatouros

May 11, 2015 6:39 AM

Fix Bayonets


Political Institutions:

Institutions that pertain to the governance of a society, its formal distribution of authority, its use of force, and its relationships to other societies and political units. The state, an important political institution in modern societies, is the apparatus of governance over a particular territory.

Here is a rundown of the various forms of government, with definitions provided by “The World Factbook.”


Absolute monarchy – a form of government where the monarch rules unhindered, i.e., without any laws, constitution or legally organized opposition.


Anarchy – a condition of lawlessness or political disorder brought about by the absence of governmental authority.


Authoritarian – a form of government in which state authority is imposed onto many aspects of citizens’ lives.


Commonwealth – a nation, state or other political entity founded on law and united by a compact of the people for the common good.


Communist – a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single — often authoritarian — party holds power; state controls are imposed with the elimination of private ownership of property or capital while claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people (i.e., a classless society).


Confederacy (Confederation) – a union by compact or treaty between states, provinces or territories that creates a central government with limited powers; the constituent entities retain supreme authority over all matters except those delegated to the central government.


Constitutional – a government by or operating under an authoritative document (constitution) that sets forth the system of fundamental laws and principles that determines the nature, functions and limits of that government.

Constitutional democracy – a form of government in which the sovereign power of the people is spelled out in a governing constitution.

Constitutional monarchy – a system of government in which a monarch is guided by a constitution whereby his/her rights, duties, and responsibilities are spelled out in written law or by custom.

Democracy – a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but which is usually exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed.

Democratic republic – a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

Dictatorship – a form of government in which a ruler or small clique wield absolute power (not restricted by a constitution or laws).

Ecclesiastical – a government administrated by a church.

Emirate – similar to a monarchy or sultanate, a government in which the supreme power is in the hands of an emir (the ruler of a Muslim state); the emir may be an absolute overlord or a sovereign with constitutionally limited authority.

Federal (Federation) – a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided — usually by means of a constitution — between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies or provinces) so that each region retains some management of its internal affairs; differs from a confederacy in that the central government exerts influence directly upon both individuals as well as upon the regional units.

Federal republic – a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their governmental representatives.

Islamic republic – a particular form of government adopted by some Muslim states; although such a state is, in theory, a theocracy, it remains a republic, but its laws are required to be compatible with the laws of Islam.

Maoism – the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism developed in China by Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), which states that a continuous revolution is necessary if the leaders of a communist state are to keep in touch with the people.

Marxism – the political, economic and social principles espoused by 19th century economist Karl Marx; he viewed the struggle of workers as a progression of historical forces that would proceed from a class struggle of the proletariat (workers) exploited by capitalists (business owners), to a socialist “dictatorship of the proletariat,” to, finally, a classless society — Communism.

Marxism-Leninism – an expanded form of communism developed by Vladimir Lenin from doctrines of Karl Marx; Lenin saw imperialism as the final stage of capitalism and shifted the focus of workers’ struggle from developed to underdeveloped countries.

Monarchy – a government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of a monarch who reigns over a state or territory, usually for life and by hereditary right; the monarch may be either a sole absolute ruler or a sovereign – such as a king, queen or prince – with constitutionally limited authority.

Oligarchy – a government in which control is exercised by a small group of individuals whose authority generally is based on wealth or power.

Parliamentary democracy – a political system in which the legislature (parliament) selects the government – a prime minister, premier or chancellor along with the cabinet ministers – according to party strength as expressed in elections; by this system, the government acquires a dual responsibility: to the people as well as to the parliament.

Parliamentary government (Cabinet-Parliamentary government) – a government in which members of an executive branch (the cabinet and its leader – a prime minister, premier or chancellor) are nominated to their positions by a legislature or parliament, and are directly responsible to it; this type of government can be dissolved at will by the parliament (legislature) by means of a no-confidence vote or the leader of the cabinet may dissolve the parliament if it can no longer function.

Parliamentary monarchy – a state headed by a monarch who is not actively involved in policy formation or implementation (i.e., the exercise of sovereign powers by a monarch in a ceremonial capacity); true governmental leadership is carried out by a cabinet and its head – a prime minister, premier or chancellor – who are drawn from a legislature (parliament).

Presidential – a system of government where the executive branch exists separately from a legislature (to which it is generally not accountable).

Republic – a representative democracy in which the people’s elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.

Socialism – a government in which the means of planning, producing and distributing goods is controlled by a central government that theoretically seeks a more just and equitable distribution of property and labor; in actuality, most socialist governments have ended up being no more than dictatorships over workers by a ruling elite.

Sultanate – similar to a monarchy, a government in which the supreme power is in the hands of a sultan (the head of a Muslim state); the sultan may be an absolute ruler or a sovereign with constitutionally limited authority.

Theocracy – a form of government in which a Deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the Deity’s laws are interpreted by ecclesiastical authorities (bishops, mullahs, etc.); a government subject to religious authority.

Totalitarian – a government that seeks to subordinate the individual to the state by controlling not only all political and economic matters, but also the attitudes, values and beliefs of its population.


The excerpts from the following article are detailed at the end with a link, but they are all part of the same excellent overview.



The United States is – by size of electorate – the second largest democracy on the globe (India is the largest and Indonesia comes third) and the most powerful nation on earth, politically, economically and militarily, but its political system is in many important respects unlike any other in the world. This essay then was written originally to inform non-Americans as to how the American political system works.

What has been striking, however, is how many Americans – especially young Americans – have found the essay useful and insightful. There is considerable evidence that many Americans know and understand little about the political system of their own country – possibly more than is the case with any other developed democratic nation.

In the U.S., the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) tests what American students are learning. It has found that the two worst subjects for American students are civics and American history. One NAEP survey found that only 7% of eighth graders (children aged 13-14) could describe the three branches of government.

On a recent trip to the United States, I was eating cereal for breakfast and found that the whole of the reverse side of the cereal packet was devoted to a short explanation of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the American government. I find it hard to imagine that many democratic nations would feel it necessary to explain such a subject in such a format.


To understand any country’s political system, it is helpful to know something of the history of the nation and the background to the creation of the (latest) constitution. But this is a fundamental necessity in the case of the American political system. This is because the Constitution of the United States is so different from those of other nations and because that Constitution is, in all material respects, the same document as it was over two centuries ago…



Unlike Britain but like most nation states, the American political system is clearly defined by basic documents. The Declaration of Independence of 1776 and the Constitution of 1789 form the foundations of the United States federal government. The Declaration of Independence establishes the United States as an independent political entity, while the Constitution creates the basic structure of the federal government…

Further information on the thinking expressed in the Constitution can be found in the Federalist Papers which are a series of 85 articles and essays published in 1787-1788 promoting the ratification of the Constitution…


What is the Presidency?

The President is the head of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States. He – so far, the position has always been held by a man – is both the head of state and the head of government, as well as the military commander-in-chief and chief diplomat. He presides over the executive branch of the government, a vast organisation numbering about four million people, including one million active-duty military personnel…


What is the House of Representatives?

The House of Representatives is the lower chamber in the bicameral legislature known collectively as Congress. The founders of the United States intended the House to be the politically dominant entity in the federal system and, in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the House served as the primary forum for political debate. However, subsequently the Senate has been the dominant body…


What is the Senate?

The Senate is the upper chamber in the bicameral legislature known collectively as Congress. The original intention of the authors of the US Constitution was that the Senate should be a regulatory group, less politically dominant than the House. However, since the mid-19th century, the Senate has been the dominant chamber and indeed today it is perhaps the most powerful upper house of any legislative body in the world…


What is the Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. Originally it had five members but over time this number has increased. Since 1869, it has consisted of nine Justices: the Chief Justice of the United States and eight Associate Justices. They have equal weight when voting on a case and the Chief Justice has no casting vote or power to instruct colleagues. Decisions are made by a simple majority.

Below the Supreme Court, there is a system of Courts of Appeal, and, below these courts, there are District Courts. Together, these three levels of courts represent the federal judicial system.


To an extent quite extraordinary in democratic countries, the American political system is dominated by two political parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party (often known as the ‘Grand Old Party’ or GOP). These are very old and very stable parties – the Democrats go back to 1824 and the Republicans were founded in 1854.

In illustrations and promotional material, the Democratic Party is often represented as a donkey, while the Republican Party is featured as an elephant. The origin of these symbols is the political cartoonist Thomas Nast who came up with them in 1870 and 1874 respectively.

The main reason for the dominance of these two parties is that – like most other Anglo-Saxon countries (notably Britain) – the electoral system is ‘first past the post’ or simple majority which, combined with the large voter size of the constituencies in the House and (even more) the Senate, ensures that effectively only two parties can play. The other key factor is the huge influence of money in the American electoral system. Since effectively a candidate can spend any amount he can raise (not allowed in many other countries) and since one can buy broadcasting time (again not allowed in many countries), the US can only ‘afford’ two parties or, to put it another way, candidates of any other party face a formidable financial barrier to entry…


Understanding the federal nature of the United States is critical to appreciating the complexities of the American political system.

Most political systems are created top-down. A national system of government is constructed and a certain amount of power is released to lower levels of government.
The unique history of the United States means that, in this case, the political system was created bottom-up.

First, some 240 years ago, there were were 13 autonomous states who, following the War of Independence against the British, created a system of government in which the various states somewhat reluctantly ceded power to the federal government. Around a century later, the respective authority of the federal government and the individual states was an issue at the heart of the Civil War when there was a bloody conflict over who had the right to determine whether slavery was or was not permissible. With the exception of Switzerland, no other Western democracy diffuses power to the same degree as America.

So today the powers of the federal government remain strictly limited by the Constitution – the critical Tenth Amendment of 1791 – which leaves a great deal of authority to the individual states.

Each state has an executive, a legislature and a judiciary.

The head of the executive is the Governor who is directly elected.

The legislature consists of a Senate and a House of Representatives (the exception is the state of Nebraska which has a unicameral system).

The judiciary consists of a state system of courts.

The 50 states are divided into counties (parishes in Louisiana and boroughs in Alaska). Each county has its court.

Although the Constitution prescribes precisely when Presidential and Congressional elections will be held, the dates and times of state and local elections are determined by state governments. Therefore there is a plethora of elections in the United States and, at almost all times, an election is being held somewhere in the country. State and local elections, like federal elections, use the ‘first past the post’ system of election.

The debate about federalism in the US is far from over. There are those who argue for a stronger role for the federal government and there are advocates of locating more power at the state level.
The recent rise of the electorally-successful Tea Party movement owes a good deal to the view that the federal government has become too dominant, too intrusive and too profligate.

Meanwhile many states – especially those west of the Rockies – have what has been called “the fourth arm of government”: this is the ballot or referendum initiative. This enables a policy question to be put to the electorate as a result of the collection of a certain number of signatures or the decision of the state legislation. Over the last century, some 3,000 such initiatives have been conducted – in some cases (such as California) with profound results.


In all political systems, there is a disconnect between the formal arrangements, as set out in the constitution and relevant laws, and the informal arrangements, as occurs in practice. Arguably, in the United States this disconnect is sharper than in most other democratic systems because:

The US Constitution is an old one (late 18th century) whereas most countries have had several constitutions with the current one typically being a 20th century creation.

The US Constitution is relatively immutable so it is very difficult to change the provisions to reflect the reforms that have come about over time from the pressure of events.

Since the US adopted its Constitution, the US has become the pre-eminent world economic and political power which has brought about major changes in how the Presidency operates, most especially in the international sphere.

What this means is that, in the last century and most especially since the end of the Second World War, the reality of how the American political system operates has changed quite fundamentally in terms which are not always evident from the terms of the Constitution (and indeed some might argue are in some respects in contravention of the Constitution). The main changes are as follows:

The balance of power between the Congress and the President has shifted significantly in favour of the President. This is evident in the domestic sphere through practices like ‘impoundment’ (when money is taken from the purpose intended by Congress and allocated to another purpose favoured by the President) and in the international sphere through refusal to invoke the War Powers Resolution in spite of major military invasions. Different terms for this accretion of power by the Presidency are “the unitary executive” and “the imperial presidency”.

The impact of private funding of political campaigns and of lobbyists and special interest groups in political decision making have increased considerably. Candidates raise their own money for campaigns, there is effectively no limit on the money that can be spent in such campaigns (thanks to what is called super Political Action Committees), and the levels of expenditure – especially in the presidential primaries and election proper – have risen astronomically… this has led to some observers describing the American political system as a plutocracy, since it is effectively controlled by private finance from big businesses, which expect certain policies and practices to follow from the candidates they are funding, and big donors, who often expect preferment such as an ambassadorship from a candidate elected as President.

There has been a growth of what is called “pork barrel” politics through the use of “earmarks”…  appropriations are achieved through “earmarks” which can be found both in legislation (also called “hard earmarks” or “hardmarks”) and in the text of Congressional committee reports (also called “soft earmarks” or “softmarks”).

The nature of political debate in the United States has become markedly more partisan and bitter… US domestic politics has become polarized and tribal. As a result, the political culture is often more concerned with satisfying the demands of the political ‘base’ rather than attempting to achieve a national consensus.

One final trend worth noting is the frequency of the same family to provide members of Congress. Low polling in elections, the high cost of running for election, and the focus on the individual more than the party all mean that a well-known name can work successfully for a candidate. Everyone is familiar with the Kennedys, Clintons and Bushs in American politics but, in 2014, there are no less than 37 members of Congress who have a relative who has served in the legislature….continue.

Since 2004, a clear majority of Americans have told Gallup that they are dissatisfied with the way they are governed… This disillusionment is reflected in the falling number of Americans who even bother to vote….

The debate about the effectiveness of the US political system is a part of the wider debate about whether or not the United States is in relative decline on the world stage. In his book “Time To Start Thinking: America And The Spectre Of Decline” [for my review click here], Edward Luce writes: “Sometimes it seems Americans are engaged in some kind of collusion in which voters pretend to elect their lawmakers and lawmakers pretend to govern. This, in some ways, is America’s core problem: the more America postpones any coherent response to the onset of relative decline, the more difficult the politics are likely to get.”

To read the entire presentation, go here


Enter the primary enabler of the movement to accelerate destruction of the American ethos:

George Soros is one of the most malicious individuals on the face of planet Earth. He uses his immense fortune to undermine the political and financial systems of nations not only to line his pockets but to remake the world to his liking. He has used his wealth and influence to build a lethal network cloaked in social justice to fuel his agenda. Once America has been brought to its knees, nothing will stand in the way of the globalist agenda. His biography is far too lengthy to discuss in this writing, but go here to read much more.


From The Shadow Party And The Shadow Government


If George Soros were a lone billionaire, or if the Shadow Party consisted of a few disgruntled billionaires, these facts and achievements would not be so ominous. But the Shadow Party is far more than a reflection of the prejudices of one special interest or one passing generation. The Shadow Party has united the forces of the radical and “liberal” left while expelling moderates from the Democratic Party coalition. The Shadow Party is the current incarnation of a socialist movement that has been at war with the free market economy and the political system based on liberty and individual rights for more than two hundred years. It is a movement that has learned to conceal its ultimate goal, which is a totalitarian state, in the seductive rhetoric of “progressivism” and “social justice.” But its determination to equalize outcomes, its zeal for state power and for government control as the solution to social problems, and its antagonism to America as a defender of freedom are the tell-tale signs of a radical movement whose agenda is to change fundamentally and unalterably the way Americans have lived.  


For further detail on exactly how he and others have been working for decades to change the face of the American political system, go here and here. The information is both detailed and extensive in the links connected with this section, but well worth the time since they are an excellent illustration of the stealth attack on America. After reading the material, one will no longer need to ask, “How did we get here?”

The most effective weapons of assault are divide and conquer, and distraction.

The strategy of pitting various categories of the citizenry against each other is a most effective emotional technique. Minorities, women, and those comprising the LGBT aggregation are the favorite targets in the current attack in which to implant a narrative of discrimination and victimization by the created straw man of  a white, male dominated, capitalist America.

Take a grain of truth and build upon it until it becomes an an iron clad falsified structure with a siren call to the targeted groups. When such a dynamic is set into motion, it is nearly impossible to counter because currents of such beliefs often flicker below the surface and, in difficult times, can be easily ignited often leading to riots and violence between the different classes of victims as well as against the perceived enemy. The violence, if stoked long enough and hard enough by those seeking to destroy the system, could eventually lead to martial law and an outright totalitarian usurpation of governing power.

Such a takeover would be long and bloody and best avoided by the power masters. It would be far better and more easily managed if a state of collective anomie could be induced resulting in the despair of the national psyche leaving it vulnerable to such promises as “Hope And Change”, world peace (UN government), economic security (redistribution of wealth), a classless society where all are equal, (all are equally poor due to the elimination of entrepreneurship) and discrimination (free speech) is a crime.

The above is precisely what has been happening to America over past century via the gradual erosion of our major social institutions. The pillars of our culture have been infested with the corrosive elements of political mendacity as well as disinterest of the electorate, educationally induced intellectual laziness, spiritual rot, and the false promise of a benign central governmental structure that will do everything in its power to care for the cultivated dependence and/or the hedonism of its citizenry.

Total control by a world government has been inching along and is now going full throttle, unnoticed by the collective I.Q. due to decades of conditioning. Great civilizations have risen and fallen due to the ambitions of the ever increasing totalitarian, expansionist, and expensive tendencies of the governing power. The unawareness and often complicity of the citizenry contributed to the downward spirals because the governed were not fully attentive to the true meaning of the events unfolding before their eyes.

Between a sense of false victimization and bread and circuses lavished upon certain groups via the largess of the central government’s bleeding of the taxpayers, America will eventually collapse. The set up will then be complete for the UN to step in. A stifling darkness will descend upon humankind until the dormant embers of awareness, safely secured by their guardians, slowly become nascent and begin to glow once again. We must be those guardians and pass our precious treasure to future generations so that they will be ready to “Fix Bayonets” for the combat to come.


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Suggested Reading…


Planned Chaos–The Relentless Undermining Of Our Social Institutions Part One

Planned Chaos–The Relentless Undermining Of Our Social Institutions Part Two

Planned Chaos, Part III, The Attack On Our Religious Institutions

Planned Chaos Part IV, The Economy

The Captivity Of Illusion


Some see, few know, many choose to wander aimlessly in a fog, devoid of sunlight. I seek the light of day and leave the others to their chosen realm of ignorance. They are the ones who have brought this great nation down. I write only for the benefit of those who possess the courage required to restore our birthright. – Danny Jeffrey