The Evil Empire Reborn

2nd Treatise of Govt. John Locke 1689 quote

Due to limitations on free speech, telling people they must accept the foreign culture of refugees, accept Islamic Sharia in their Justice system and the governance of unelected oligarchical elites over the people; The European Union is becoming more despotic than representatively democratic. An essay by Fjordman believes this is evidence the EU is becoming the new Evil Empire.


U.S. President Ronald Reagan angered many in 1983 when he dubbed the Soviet Union the “evil empire.” Yet he was telling the truth. It was an Evil Empire. The European Union is the Evil Empire reborn. It increasingly resembles a political mafia, with threats and blackmail. Yet U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama actively supports the new Evil Empire. He even intervened in the British campaign in 2016 and encouraged Britain to remain in the EU. –Fjordman


This essay reminds me of recent posts I made on my primary blog SlantRight 2.0:


Multiculturalism Destroying Europe’s Culture – 6/3/16

European Union Declares War on Internet Free Speech – 6/3/16

For God, Country, Family and Queen – 6/13/16

Everything But Terrorism – 6/13/16


Now to the new Evil Empire.


JRH 6/15/16 (Hat Tip: Tundra Tabloids)

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The Evil Empire Reborn

Fjordman logo 

By Fjordman

Posted by Baron Bodissey

Posted on June 9, 2016 9:25 pm

Gates of Vienna


If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using the button at the bottom of this post.


Evil Empire Reborn - euss rimmigrants

Modern Multicultural European Union


The Czech politician Vera Jourová is the European Union’s Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality in the Juncker Commission. In October 2015, Commissioner Jourová indicated that the EU will clamp down even harder on so-called “hate speech” directed against immigrants:


“If freedom of expression is one of the building blocks of a democratic society, hate speech on the other hand, is a blatant violation of that freedom. It must be severely punished. As some of you noted, over the past few weeks, we have witnessed a lot of solidarity towards refugees. But we have seen a surge of xenophobic hate speech. Some of you advocated enrolling the help of online intermediaries such as Google or Facebook to take down hate speech from the web. Other participants rather underlined promoting the use of counter-narratives. You also highlighted the need for clearer procedures to prosecute those who spread hate speech online. I was pleased to hear media and Internet providers’ experiences and to hear their commitment to work with us. I fully agree with you on these lines of action. As was said this morning, Internet knows no borders. I intend to bring together IT companies, business, national authorities and civil society around the table in Brussels to tackle together online hate speech.”[1]


These statements were not empty words. On May 31, 2016, the European Commission — the unelected “government” for over half a billion people from the Black Sea to the North Sea — together with the major companies Facebook, Twitter, YouTube (owned by Google) and Microsoft unveil a code of conduct. This includes a series of commitments to combat the spread of racism and xenophobia in Europe. EU Commissioner Vera Jourová in partnership with these major Internet companies unveiled a “code of conduct” to combat the spread of “illegal hate speech” online.[2]


Stalin centered in EU flagStalin Embedded in EU Flag


Free speech advocates have warned that the definition of “hate speech” is so vague the EU could end up with the power to get postings critical of the Brussels project removed from the Internet forever in what constitutes a “frightening path to totalitarianism”. The former UKIP MEP Janice Atkinson blasted: “It’s Orwellian. Anyone who has read 1984 sees it’s very re-enactment live.”[3] The Internet firms must work with EU officials to build a “network” of “trusted reporters” who can flag up instances of ‘hate speech’ to be removed within 24 hours. The EU’s definition of “hate speech” is so vague that it could potentially include virtually anything deemed politically incorrect by European authorities, including criticism of mass migration, Islam or even the European Union itself. The analyst Soeren Kern warns that the EU has declared war on Internet free speech.[4]


Free Speech Gagged - EU

EU Free Speech Gagged


The EU authorities have previously demonstrated that they consider so-called “Islamophobia” to constitute hate speech and racism. These new EU regulations will presumably make it even more difficult for Europeans to voice their opposition to Muslim immigration and the Islamization of their countries. American websites such as Jihad Watch or Gates of Vienna still enjoy some free speech protection from the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. If they had been based in the EU, they would now have run the risk of being banned outright. There is a chilling totalitarian impulse behind these censorship efforts.


While the EU clamps down harder on alleged Islamophobia, the Islamic terror threat in Europe has never been greater. Repeated attacks and Jihadist massacres in Copenhagen, Paris, Brussels and elsewhere prove this. Some of this terror threat is directly caused by the immigration policies and open borders promoted by the EU.


In early June 2016, a plot by the Islamic State (IS) to murder many people in Düsseldorf, Germany was revealed. A suspect in police custody has admitted to the authorities that ten Muslim terrorists were supposed to be involved in the plot to murder Europeans with bombs and guns.[5] A number of Islamic Jihadists have entered Europe as alleged “refugees” with the flow of migrants in 2015 and 2016. This is now a documented fact.


The massive influx of more than one million illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean in 2015 caused great internal tensions within the EU. While some came from Libya and headed towards Italy, a striking number of the predominantly Muslim migrants came in boats from the Turkish coast, heading for Greece and the rest of Europe. The authorities in the Muslim NATO country Turkey have cynically exploited this flow of migrants to squeeze concessions of out European authorities. This behavior essentially amounts to demographic warfare. It is certainly not the behavior of a friendly, supposedly allied country.


The European Commission has in 2016 given conditional backing for Turkish people to gain visa-free travel inside Europe’s passport-free Schengen area. Yavuz Baydar, a liberal Turkish journalist, said Turkey had all the power because it could break off the migrant deal at any moment. He said EU leaders let the Turkish government “play them like a yoyo.”[6] Turkey has taken the EU hostage, with migrants used as blackmail.


The EU’s ruling oligarchs indicate that millions of Muslims from Turkey may soon get easy, visa-free access to Europe.[7] In reality, the number of Muslims will probably be higher than this. Most of Turkey is geographically a part of the Middle East. The country borders Syria, Iraq and Iran. Once Turks have free access to the EU, the sale of Turkish passports and people smuggling from other Islamic countries to Europe will likely increase.


Turkey will soon have a larger population than Germany. Several million people of Turkish and Kurdish origins already live in Germany, plus rapidly increasing numbers of other Muslims. Hundreds of thousands of Afghans and others entered Germany just in 2015.


Armenian Genocide

Armenian Genocide


Anatolia, currently known as Turkey, was populated by Christians a thousand years ago, especially Greek-speaking Christians. Constantinople, now called Istanbul, was for centuries the largest city in Christian Europe. When Turks came from Central Asia, they began a thousand-year-long campaign of Jihad and ethnic cleansing. The result is that there are very few Christians left in Anatolia today. The genocide of Christian Armenians between 1915 and 1917 was just one part of this. A century later, Turkey still refuses to recognize the Armenian genocide.


Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his AKP party have largely dismantled the secular reforms instituted by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Erdogan has pushed Turkey in a more authoritarian and aggressively Islamic direction. Why do we still treat the Turks as allies? Turks have been enemies of European civilization for over a millennium, apart from a few decades during the Cold War.


Erdogan speech

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Speech


Will the EU cave in to Turkish blackmail? It is insane to pay for aid in stopping hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants, and in exchange for this give millions of Muslims easier access to Europe. Any rational leader would not do such a thing. Unfortunately, it has been a long time since Western European leaders acted in the rational interests of their nations. EU leaders have for years developed the habit of caving in to Muslim demands.


In early June 2016, British Prime Minister David Cameron said there would be a recession, years of uncertainty and weaker trade in the event of Brexit. “Add those things together — the shock impact, the uncertainty impact, the trade impact — and you put a bomb under our economy,” he said.[8] Peace in Europe could be at risk if Britain votes to leave the European Union, PM Cameron previously warned.[9]


Margot Wallstrom

Margot Walström


Apparently, if you don’t surrender your freedom to a group of bureaucrats in Brussels, all kinds of disasters and plagues will rain down from the heavens. In 2005, the Swedish EU Commissioner Margot Wallström warned Europeans that they should support the EU Constitution or risk a new Holocaust.[10]


Prime Ministers must stop listening so much to their voters and instead act as “full time Europeans,” according to the powerful Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. Elected leaders are making life “difficult” because they spend too much time thinking about what they can get out of EU and bowing to public opinion. Mr. Juncker has warned the British people that they will be treated as “deserters” if they leave the EU.[11] That is a shockingly aggressive statement from a top EU oligarch to the citizens of a previously free nation. In most conflicts, deserters are dealt with harshly, and often executed.


The unelected Juncker has also publicly insulted Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, ironically calling him a “dictator.”[12] Orban defends European civilization and the interests of his own nation. That is what his supporters and free citizens elected him to do. Juncker brags about using lies and subterfuge to force further EU integration upon European citizens, whether they want this or not.[13] Jean-Claude Juncker is so arrogant and insufferable that he turns thousands of people against the EU every time he opens his mouth. If Britain leaves the EU, Mr. Juncker’s extreme arrogance and authoritarian mindset will surely have contributed to this outcome.


EU birds-wire & UK bird leaves

EU Birds on a Wire – UK Birds Leave


The ruling EU elites are afraid that a Brexit could lead to a domino effect, causing other countries to leave the EU. Almost half of all Italians would vote to leave the EU if given the opportunity, according to one poll.[14]


If the British vote to leave the European Union, this would be a tremendous blow to the EU. The British resisted Napoleon’s attempts at subjugation in the nineteenth century. They also led the fight against Hitler in the twentieth century. It would be perfect historical symmetry if the British dealt a crushing blow to an increasingly dangerous and totalitarian EU in the twenty-first century.


However, Britain is no longer the same country as it was 200 years ago, or even 50 years ago. London now has a Muslim mayor. It is increasingly hard to find an actual Englishman is the English capital city. The Great Displacement of the native population through mass immigration continues at full speed, in the UK as in the rest of Western Europe. Muslim immigrants routinely gang rape white girls in towns across England. In a healthy Britain, the campaign to leave the EU should have won by a landslide.


I have spent a lot of time analyzing the EU. Whatever hopes I might have had in the early 1990s that it was a positive project have long since evaporated. A decade ago, my conclusion was that the organization is flawed beyond repair.[15] Perhaps the EU will be remembered as the alleged “peace project” that once again plunged Europe into conflict. This was my view already before the debt crisis in the Eurozone, and before the more recent migration crisis. Since then, things have deteriorated even further. The EU actively causes tensions within the North and South, East and West of Europe.


Africa is projected to grow with over one billion people in the coming 30 years. That is more than twice the population of the entire European Union today. If the Islamic world and Africa were to send a quarter of a billion migrants to Europe merely in the next decade, the population of these regions would still continue to grow. The EU responds to this unsustainable population explosion at its southern doorstep by making it easier to migrate from African countries to Europe.[16]


EU Flat Line

Flat Line EU


Europe has probably never throughout its entire, turbulent history been weaker than in the early decades of the twenty-first century. Europe is now the sick man of the world. Other countries can simply dump their failed cultures and unsustainable population growth in our lands.


The EU elites act in a nearly dictatorial manner. They ignore widespread popular opposition and open the continent up for millions of Muslims. The same EU elites want to punish formerly independent European nation states that refuse to take in Muslim immigrants.[17]This happens at a time when a disturbing number of immigrants harass Europeans in their own streets or plot murderous attacks in various European cities.


Forcing Muslims on European local communities while Muslims harass Europeans is not merely wrong. It is evil.


U.S. President Ronald Reagan angered many in 1983 when he dubbed the Soviet Union the “evil empire.” Yet he was telling the truth. It was an Evil Empire. The European Union is the Evil Empire reborn. It increasingly resembles a political mafia, with threats and blackmail. Yet U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama actively supports the new Evil Empire. He even intervened in the British campaign in 2016 and encouraged Britain to remain in the EU.[18]


EU Skull Dragon

EU Skull Dragon


The EU has become the anti-European Union, a cultural wrecking ball that is destroying European civilization. Through a toxic mix of stupidity, cowardice, lust for power and ideological fanaticism, European ruling elites promote suicidal immigration policies that are destabilizing much of the European continent. The organization does not solve any of Europe’s fundamental problems. It makes some of them worse, and adds new ones.


Of the EU’s key institutions, the European Parliament is the only one that is directly elected by the peoples of Europe. Current Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) should get paid for the period in which they have been elected, but not more. All institutions of the EU should be formally dismantled and abolished as soon as possible. That includes the European Commission, the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Central Bank and the European Court of Auditors.


Europeans need to get rid of the EU, before the EU inflicts irreparable damage on European civilization.




  • eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-15-5765_en.htm European Commission — Speech Commissioner Jourová ‘s concluding remarks at the Colloquium on Fundamental Rights — Tolerance and respect: Living better together. Brussels, 2 October 2015


















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For a complete archive of Fjordman’s writings, see the multi-index listing in the Fjordman Files.



Gates of Vienna


History of the Counterjihad


Blog Editor: a bit of info on Fjordman


Info from when Fjordman’s anonymity was exposed due to the Norwegian terrorism of Anders Breivik:


… Among other studies Fjordman has been an anti-Jihadist writer warning of the dark side of the religion Islam. …



At any rate the man I consider one of the most scholarly of non-Muslim intellectuals willing to shed political correctness is being scrutinized by the Norwegian police for inciting Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik to execute his Norwegian Massacre.



Breivik put together this 1500 page or so manuscript of which very little was actually original. Breivik borrowed from numerous notable anti-Jihadist writers to extrapolate a warped vision of Crusader Christians modeled after his interpretation of the Knights Templar. Breivik’s warped version of Christianity was to be the uniting symbolism to bring in a New European Order that would force Muslim immigrants to leave. The problem with Breivik’s New European Order was his plan adopted terrorist tactics against the ruling elite or to make the ruling elite to look bad to inspire ordinary Europeans to rise up to throw Liberal-Multiculturalist ruling elites out. Thus Norway experienced the slaughter of seventy or so Norwegians of young and old as part of a plan to terrorize the New European Order into existence.



I learned in an Andrew Bostom article that the police interviewed and confiscated his computer. It looks to me like the persecution of free speech is beginning to take on a police state motif in Norway. Hmm … It could be Breivik’s massacre might actually lead to a test of free speech between free speech limiting Multiculturalists and the few Liberty-minded European Conservatives that exist. …


The one tragedy you should be aware before you read about Fjordman interviews with the police and a Norwegian media outlet is that Fjordman is no longer an anonymous writer. Because of police investigations Fjordman gave an interview to Verdans Gang in which he publicly reveals his actual name believing the police investigation would eventually reveal it anyway.


MY Literary hero Fjordman is Peder Jensen. —Fjordman the Victim



Another SlantRight post:



The writer and author Peder Are Nøstvold Jensen, better known as Fjordman, is a European treasure and a near extinct rarity unfortunately. I have admired and followed him for many years.


He’s been an inspiration to me personally as a writer and essayist. In fact, his book Defeating Eurabia was the catalyst for my own book No Apologies which will be released on Amazon for the Kindle this spring.


Fjordman has paid the price for having the courage to stand up for what is right and true. It is incredible, that in today’s Europe, one can hardly dare to stand up ones culture and country without undergoing intense scrutiny, harassment, and sometimes even persecution from the authorities. Not to mention risking death at the hands of the Muslims hordes who those same authorities have allowed to overrun the borders and flood the continent in their millions.



… After the 2011 Norway attacks by Anders Behring Breivik (see Is Anders Behring Breivik the Nordic Che Guevara?) Peder was ‘outed’ as Fjordman (a dangerous thing in Europe), lost his job, came under intense scrutiny from the government, and had his personal computer confiscated by the police. He is currently in exile from his native Norway and has paid the price for speaking out for the truth.


… — Meet Fjordman: Europe’s Most Infamous Anti-Islamist Writer; By DAVE THE SAGE; 2/11/15


Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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