Tony Newbill Emails 7-4 to 7-24-13

Sustainable Trouble Tyranny

August 18, 2013


This is another part of some collected emails sent over time under the pseudonym Tony Newbill. The Conspiracy issues Tony looks at in this post relate to Obama continuing to send aid to Egypt which is in civil turmoil between the Egyptian Military and the devotees of the Radical Islamic Muslim Brotherhood. Also examined is Population Control via food control, Fed Policy drowning America with Qualitative Easing (QE), Abortion and the Clinton involvement in Population Control through the auspices of the Club for Rome which has become the United Nations Agenda 21.


JRH 8/19/13

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How’s this Obama foreign Policy and BILLIONS working out???

7/4/2013 10:48 AM


Egypt and Obama: 5 Stunning Pictures Banned by the Mainstream Media


From Tahir Square to US Media & MB


[Editor: I am posting the first of the five here. You really should click the link below to see the other five pictures which are very uncomplimentary of President Hussein Obama from Egypt]


CNN: Protestors ‘Anti-Obama’ As Well As Anti-Morsi


Posted by National Review

Published Jul 3, 2013



101 Million People are on food assistance

7/9/2013 8:20 AM


More people on food assistance in the USA than are working full time jobs!!


101 Million People are on some form of food assistance in the USA what Kind of Opportunity is this???


We do not need excuses we need POLICY ANSWERS!!!



7/12/2013 9:12 AM


POPULATION CONTROL WORLDWIDE is the GOAL of the Governments and the Simple little Minds who suggest that this is all just a Minor Corruption of the paper money markets has their Head in the Sand!!!

Notice that the subject of Abortion is spreading around the world:


Ireland set to allow abortion for first time under ‘historic’ new law

July 12, 2013 5:31am, EDT

By Ian Johnston, Staff Writer, NBC News


Irish lawmakers voted to allow abortion in limited circumstances for the first time in the deeply Catholic country’s history Friday, following a bitter debate that saw letters written in blood sent to the country’s Prime Minister Enda Kenny.


Under a new bill, doctors will be allowed to end the life of an unborn child if there is a threat to the life of the pregnant woman.


Lawmakers passed the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill by a substantial margin — with 127 votes for and 31 against — after a marathon debate began Thursday and ran into Friday morning.


A pro-abortion rights campaign group said … (READ THE REST)

And along with the way Obamacare cuts treatment to the elderly. They can shorten the start and end of life and ZERO growth is accomplished. And this leaves the FREE Market and Money that represents it USELESS when the collapse of the value of this ZERO Growth Phenomenon is REALIZED. And this will come as soon as enough GDP Quarters are recorded as stagnate growth evolves and the current Federal account Deficit is seen. And as Zero Growth is seen to be unserviceable by the International Bond Holders they will leave the dollar.

Watch this Video and see how this Plays out:


[Editor: Here is a Daily Motion Video of the same thing that is less of a marketing tool]

Family Survival Course


Go to frame 4:20 and Listen forward to Ron Insana’s Admission

7/20/2013 10:33 AM


Go to frame 4:20 and Listen forward to Ron Insana’s Admission that the Equity markets are strong because of the FED Policy and this will continue for as Long as It takes … Incredible prospect that says there is No Reason for Real Supply Side growth just print that extra cash and inject it into the markets and Like magic we have GROWTH. Is this real???


Regarding the Ron Insana Claim that Fed Policy is Great for the Markets

7/20/2013 12:49 PM


This is a great read by Bill Fleckenstein regarding the Ron Insana claim that Fed Policy is Great for the markets.


Bunk from central bankers


History teaches us that the Federal Reserve has been the root cause of our biggest, most harrowing financial problems.–bunk-from-central-bankers



Thus, when I contemplate the damage that will be done by four years (and counting) of quantitative easing, I just shudder at how big the disaster might be — and there is no doubt this experiment will be a disaster.


The Fed has expanded its balance sheet to $3.5 trillion, and it now owns more than 20% of outstanding U.S. debt. Either it is going to continue buying bonds forever, which is impossible, or there is going to be a massive dislocation at some moment, because someone else is going to have to buy that debt when the Fed ultimately stops, even if it doesn’t choose to sell anything (and just lets the debt run off).


There will be no painless extrication from QE and, as I have said, I don’t believe the Fed will be able to leave ZIRP (zero-percent interest rate policy) willingly.



More money, more problems

Printing money has never worked. The only questions are how big the consequences are going to be and when they are going to hit. This is as true today as it was 80-plus years ago, when our young central bank made its first forays into monetary mismanagement.


While the current mainstream view, with Chairman Ben Bernanke its leading proponent, holds that it is the Fed’s response to the Crash of 1929 that helped worsen and prolong the Great Depression, the fact is that the Fed deserves the blame much earlier. The Fed (even on the gold-bullion standard) actually had a very large role in causing the boom, which got out of control (Bernanke, please note).



“Domestically and internationally they constantly pumped more credit into the system, and whenever the economy showed signs of flagging they increased the dose. The most notorious occasion was in July 1927, when Strong and (Bank of England Gov. Montagu) Norman held a secret meeting of bankers at the Long Island estates of Ogden Mills, the U.S. Treasury Under-Secretary, and Mrs. Ruth Pratt, the Standard Oil heiress. Strong kept Washington in the dark and refused to let even his most senior colleagues attend. He and Norman decided on another burst of inflation and the protests of (German banker Hjalmar) Schacht and of Charles Rist, Deputy-Governor of the Bank of France, were brushed aside.”



“ . . . Strong’s last push, in fact, did little to help the ‘real’ economy. It fed speculation. Very little of the new credit went through to the mass-consumer. . . . Strong’s coup de whiskey benefited almost solely the non-wage earners: the last phase of the boom was largely speculative. . . . The 1929 crash exposed in addition the naivety and ignorance of bankers, businessmen, Wall Street experts and academic economists high and low; it showed they did not understand the system they had been so confidently manipulating. They had tried to substitute their own well-meaning policies for what Adam Smith called ‘the invisible hand’ of the market and they had wrought disaster. Far from demonstrating, as Keynes and his school later argued — at the time Keynes failed to predict either the crash or the extent and duration of the Depression — the dangers of a self-regulating economy, the dégringolad indicated quite the opposite: the risks of ill-informed meddling.”


The main point to understand is that the “ill-informed meddling” on the part of the Fed in the mid-1920s was infinitesimally small compared with what it has done in the past five years, and the ultimate damage will be correspondingly horrendous. (READ ENTIRETY Bunk from central bankers; By Bill Fleckenstein; MSN Money; Jul 19, 2013 11:27AM)



And just to make sure you DIE a Little Quicker

7/24/2013 1:12 PM


And just to make sure you DIE a Little Quicker a New Rule is released to make your food more Toxic!!!!


Another win for Monsanto: US raises allowable levels of company’s pesticide in crops


Biotech giant Monsanto has been awarded yet another victory by the federal government thanks to a recent Environmental Protection Agency decision to allow larger traces of the herbicide glyphosate in farm-grown foods.


Despite a number of studies linking exposure to the chemical with diseases including types of cancer, the EPA is increasing the amount of glyphosate allowed in oilseed and food crops.


The EPA announced their plans on May 1 and allowed critics two months to weigh in and object to the ruling. Following little opposition, though, the EPA is on path to soon approve of levels of glyphosate being found in crops several times over the current concentration.


Glyphosate, a weed-killing chemical developed by Monsanto in 1970, is the key ingredient in the company’s “Roundup” label of herbicides. In the decades since, Monsanto has created and patented a number of genetically-modified organisms and genetically-engineered crops resisted to glyphosate that are sold worldwide under the company’s “Roundup Ready” brand. Those GMO products are then planted in fields where glyphosate, namely Roundup, is used en masse to eliminate weeds from taking over harvest. With scientists linking that chemical to cancerous diseases, though, critics decry the EPA decision and caution it could do more harm than good.


Through the EPA’s new standards, the amount of allowable glyphosate in oilseed crops such as flax, soybeans and canola will be increased from 20 parts per million (ppm) to 40 ppm, which GM Watch acknowledged is  over 100,000 times the amount needed to induce breast cancer cells. Additionally, the EPA is increasing limits on allowable glyphosate in food crops from 200 ppm to 6,000 ppm.


Just last month, The Cornucopia Institute concluded a study by finding glyphosate “exerted proliferative effects in human hormone-dependent breast cancer.” A similar study released in April concluded (READ THE RESTAnother win for Monsanto: US raises allowable levels of company’s pesticide in crops; By Russia Today [RT]; July 23, 2013 17:14 – Edited July 24, 2013 18:12)


[Editor: RT is an English language Russian media outlet. I don’t know just how independent RT is. Left Wing HuffPo on herbicide glyphosate marketed as Roundup. Monsanto: Is it an Ag Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) hero for mass food production or is the company a toxic food producer poisoning consumers with genetically enhanced foods? Two sides from]


Do ya think it is all part of a Plan????


Hillary Clinton: Population Control Will Now Become The Centerpiece Of U.S. Foreign Policy


During remarks that she made for the 15th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the launch of a new program that according to Clinton will now become the centerpiece of U.S. foreign policy.  This new program is known as the Global Health Initiative, and it is being incredibly well-funded at a time when the U.S. government is drowning in debt.  According to Clinton, 63 billion dollars will be spent by the U.S. to prevent pregnancies and to improve “family planning” services around the globe over the next six years.  In other words, the new centerpiece of U.S. foreign policy is all about eugenics and population control.


The following is an excerpt from Clinton’s remarks….


In addition to new funding, we’ve launched a new program that will be the centerpiece of our foreign policy, the Global Health Initiative, which commits us to spending $63 billion over six years to improve global health by investing in efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality, prevent millions of unintended pregnancies, and avert millions of new HIV infections, among other goals. This initiative will employ a new approach to fighting disease and promoting health.


You see, whenever the global elite want to launch another new eugenics operation, they announce it as a great “humanitarian program” that will save millions of lives.  But their real goal is to control the population and prevent millions of lives from being born.


This was also reflected in Clinton’s remarks about the United Nations Population Fund.  The United Nations Population Fund has been promoting abortion, forced sterilization and radical population control measures around the globe for decades, and Hillary Clinton was super excited to talk about how the U.S. government recently renewed funding for (READ THE RESTHillary Clinton: Population Control Will Now Become The Centerpiece Of U.S. Foreign Policy; By Michael; Save The Environment; February 1st, 2010)



Population Control


Possibly one of the most heinous of Bill Clinton’s foreign policies dealt with population control. World Population Organizations were requiring that Third World countries accept their population control agenda in order to qualify for financial assistance. The United Nations, International Planned Parenthood Federation, World Health Organization, U.S. Aid, World Bank, and other population control groups used hundreds of millions of U.S. tax dollars to kill babies around the world in the effort of controlling the population and to advance the depopulation agenda of The Club of Rome.


They have stated the priorities of their common agenda:


·         Generalize worldwide sex education among youth.


·         World wide (sic) legalization of abortion.


·         World legalization of sterilization.


Abortion as Family Planning

Pro-abortion groups do not admit to promoting abortion “as a method of family planning.” Rather, they say they promote legalization of abortion and/or provide abortion to protect women’s health from illegal abortion, or as a “contraceptive backup,” or because it is necessary to bring about equal status of women in society, etc.



United Nations Conference on Population and Development

A Special Report EIR (Executive Intelligence Review) March 10, 1981, reported a Club of Rome planning apparatus operating outside the control of the White House whose sole purpose is to reduce the world’s population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease and any other means necessary. The targeting agency for the operation is the National Security Council’s Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy. Its policy-planning group is in the U.S. State Department’s Office of Population Affairs, established in 1975 by Henry Kissinger.

The Clinton administration perceived an “approaching disaster” of world overpopulation. The problem, as they see it, is human beings – far too many human beings. They think the world is awash in babies. To remedy this problem, Vice President Al Gore and U.S. Undersecretary of State Tim Wirth led an American delegation of 45 members to the United Nations Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt, September 5-13, 1994.


(READ ENTIRETYWilliam Jefferson Clinton Memorial Library; Note: The website by this name is not connected to any tribute for Slick Willie, rather this is an expose Clinton website.)



© Tony Newbill

Edited by John R. Houk