Intro: Jim Kouri Writing about Hillary

Editor John R. Houk

July 2, 2015

VIDEO: Carly Fiorina For President Video

I don’t know if I’m a Carly Fiorina supporter yet, but what I do know is I’m loving Ms. Fiorina’s castigation of the Benghazigate liar Hillary Clinton. Jim Kouri wrote a post yesterday about Fiorina’s criticism of candidate Hillary.

In reading Kouri’s article I discovered he also wrote a piece on Taya Kyle’s awesome criticism of Hillary’s aspiration on being a Liar-in-Chief successor to President Barack Hussein Obama.

JRH 7/2/15

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Carly Fiorina to GOP: Keep bashing Clinton over her Benghazi cover up


By Jim Kouri

July 1, 2015 5:52 PM MST

The only female presidential candidate running for the GOP nomination, the former CEO of Hewlitt(sic)-Packard, Carly Fiorina told the nationally-syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt on Tuesday that the GOP’s eventual nominee in 2016 should stop listening to commentators and drive home the facts regarding the deadly terror attack in Benghazi “over and over and over.”

Almost three years after the Sept. 11, 2012, massacre at a U.S. diplomatic mission in the large Libyan city, and government watchdogs, inspectors general and lawmakers in both houses of Congress are still trying to obtain documents from then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Department of State, the Obama White House and others in order to understand the “who, what, when, where, how, and why” of the slaughter.

For example, it was recently discovered that the one of the Clinton family “lackeys,” Sidney Blumenthal, was emailing then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton advice on diplomatic matters in Libya much earlier than she first claimed. Clinton had used him as a member of the staff from her and Bill Clinton’s charity, the Clinton Foundation. She used him even after the White House was on record blocking Blumenthal from becoming a part of her staff, according to emails released late Tuesday by the State Department.

Fiorina appearing with radio host Hugh Hewitt said that the Benghazi Islamist attack’s aftermath looked like a cover up was taking place especially with the emails between President Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton having been extensively redacted.

The public-interest watchdog Judicial Watch reported this week that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama on the night of the Benghazi attack and murders were exchanging emails which had not been turned over to the Oversight Committee, and which have in fact been redacted.

“[I]t certainly appears that Mrs. Clinton and President Obama — Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama — knew immediately that these were terrorist attacks, that they had been preplanned, that this was not a casual demonstration. And yet, both of them… stood over coffins and told the American people for many weeks following that, that this was a demonstration, that we couldn’t have predicted this,” Fiorina told Hewitt.

Fiorina reminded the listening audience that Clinton angrily exclaimed during a congressional hearing, “What possible difference could it make why or how these Americans were murdered.” Fiorina said many thought in 2012 that the Benghazi tragedy and the cover up were going to derail the Obama campaign. “[I thought it would] be Obama’s great Achilles’ heel in the 2012 election. It turned out not to be the case,” she said.

Fiorina then placed the blame on the GOP’s 2012 candidate, Mitt Romney, for not pushing this case of an executive branch cover up. “Our nominee wouldn’t drive the point home, which is why no matter how bad Benghazi looks now, we’d better have a nominee next summer who will drive this point home over and over and over in the debates, because otherwise, I fear Mrs. Clinton will get away with Benghazi just as President Obama did,” Fiorina said.


‘American Sniper’ widow Taya Kyle blasts Hillary Clinton’s leadership, morality


By Jim Kouri

June 29, 2015 11:23 AM MST

The widow of the iconic the American warrior and subject of a blockbuster motion picture, Chris Kyle, unlike too many so-called conservative commentators, has been quite blunt in describing her thoughts and feelings about the media darling and presidential heir apparent, Hillary Clinton. For example, on a radio talk show appearance on Friday, Taya Kyle tore into Mrs. Clinton, especially about her role in the Benghazi massacre and her actions and statements in the aftermath of that Islamic terrorist attack, that displayed Clinton’s lack of leadership and her moral deficiency.

The visibly angry and disgusted wife of the man known as “American Sniper” blasted the former First Lady, U.S. Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s inadequacies for the position of Commander in Chief, especially in light of her responses to the Benghazi attack. Mrs. Clinton — who, unlike Taya, is married to a draft-dodger — began her alleged cover up by first blaming an obscure anti-Muslim Internet video, but then admitted the attackers were Islamic terrorists days after just about everyone else in Washington, D.C., knew it was a planned terrorist ambush.

Born April 8, 1974, in Odessa, Texas, Christopher Scott Kyle signed up with the U.S. Navy soon after watching the events following two terrorist attacks on U.S. Embassies in 1998. A crack shot since a young boy he was quickly assigned to the Navy’s elite SEALs unit. As a Navy SEAL, Kyle served four one-year tours of duty in Iraq as a sniper and was credited with killing 160 enemy fighters thereby saving countless American lives. His own story, American Sniper, became a bestselling book that was turned into a big-budget Hollywood film by another American icon, Clint Eastwood.

Among terrorists and insurgents he was called “The Devil of Ramadi.” Al-Qaida in Iraq also placed a $20,000 bounty on his head. Kyle’s earned two Silver Stars and five Bronze Stars. His murder — by a former Marine whom he was attempting to help with his Post-Traumatic-Stress Disorder — drew an enormous outpouring of support, especially in Texas, where an estimated 7,000 people attended a public service for the late SEAL at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington. Sadly, President Barack Obama did not attend Kyle’s memorial.

During the Herald Radio interview on Friday, Taya Kyle discussed the subject of Benghazi and what she believes is a grand cover up. She told the listening audience she was “appalled that [Hillary] Clinton had the audacity to sit there and say, ‘Look people die in America every day, what’s the big deal.’ It’s almost like the real world doesn’t apply to her anymore, it doesn’t affect her, she doesn’t care.”

“The fact that we’re talking about Hillary Clinton doing anything, especially leading our country, is so frustrating to me, because of her lack of morality, because of her lack of concern and compassion… God forbid if she got elected [President of the United States],” said Taya. She also sounded disgusted that the U.S. government failed to send in help during the Benghazi attack. But to Mrs. Kyle’s sensibility the worst offense is Clinton’s handling of the situation. “Maybe [Hillary Clinton] has been in the system so long that she’s lost sight of it,” Taya said.

Taya Renae Kyle was born September 4, 1974, the same year as her beloved husband Kyle. She is now an author and veteran family activist. In the movie by Clinton Eastwood, she is portrayed by actress Sienna Miller. Kyle’s first book, “American Wife: A Memoir of Love, Service, Faith, and Renewal” is a bestseller.


Edited by John R. Houk


Carly Fiorina to GOP: Keep bashing Clinton over her Benghazi cover up


‘American Sniper’ widow Taya Kyle blasts Hillary Clinton’s leadership, morality


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About Jim Kouri


Jim Kouri, CPP, the fifth Vice President and Public Information Officer of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, has served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. Contact Jim. What others are saying about Jim Kouri: picked up an article Jim wrote about the FARC guerrillas being charged with conspiracy.

Benghazi Bombshell: Allen West’s Stunning Report

Obama's Terrorism Failures banner

The Conservative Campaign Committee (CCC) sent a donation request via email and in doing so talked about the subject of Benghazigate. Just a heads up about donations to this particular Tea Party connected PAC is that there appears to be a lineage questionable spending of those donations. Apparently this lineage of Tea Party organizations spend most of their donated money on salaries than they do on the causes they promote. Of course donation mismanagement accusations might be an attack job by the Republican Establishment elites growing weary of Tea Party organizations telling voters they can make a difference by not voting for RINOs and/or Republicans with a semi-Conservative agenda but refuse to change the air of political corruption plaguing Congress. A lot of fiefdoms would topple among Dems and the GOP Establishment that maintain the power structure of do-nothing to solve budget and debt crises in America (Perhaps there is a suggestion GOP elite response HERE and HERE.)


At any rate whatever you think of the massive CCC (and affiliates) spending of donations, the CCC email pertaining to Benghazigate is informative and should inspire voters to mobilize against the lies of Obama Administration not only against the Benghazigate cover-up but also the multiple obfuscating cover-ups plaguing Obama at this present time. So I am cross posting this email below more for information awareness than for CCC promotion. It is information being provided by CCC that should inspire the grassroots rank and file of the Tea Party movement to become at least a letter writing activist. Shoot! Even if certain Tea Party organizations are mismanaging their donations, the massive public rallies they organize should by supported on an activist level – SHOW-UP to those rallies in person at the very least. Feet on the ground is the next best thing to voting that gets the attention of politicians on the Left and the Right alike.


JRH 5/26/14

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Benghazi Bombshell:  Allen West’s Stunning Report


By Conservative Campaign Committee

Sent: 5/26/2014 9:56 AM

Sent by CCC PAC


Obama’s Terrorism Failures


The Washington Times [Blog Editor: Title and link to Washington Times story – “Allen West: Source told me ‘truth’ on Benghazi; operations ‘shrouded in a fog of lies’”] has an explosive report from former Congressman Allen West on what really happened in Benghazi – and how Barack Obama’s administration has engaged in a massive effort to deceive the American people:


Wash. Times Excerpt - 5-24-14


Please, do not let those four Americans who lost their lives on that fateful night of September 11, 2012 be forgotten, swept under the rug by Democrat politicians like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama who don’t want the American people to know about the lies and cover ups surrounding that horrific terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

Please review our TV ad below demanding that Barack Obama be held accountable for the Benghazi cover up, and if you want us to keep the pressure on the Obama administration for this scandal, make a contribution to our TV ad campaign – HERE.


VIDEO: TV Ad: Hold Obama Accountable for Benghazi Scandal


You can help us keep these ads running on the airwaves by making a contribution of any amount from as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000. 

To make a contribution online – JUST CLICK HERE.

Ever since the Benghazi terrorist attack the Obama administration, with significant backing from the liberal media, have attempted to hide the truth about what happened.  To cover their failures in combating terrorism, they told lies saying it was not a preplanned terrorist attack, even when they knew that to be an absolute falsehood.


Rice Lying to Public banner


Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and countless members of the Obama administration have lied, concealed and attempted to cover up not only the truth but their failures.  As has been his pattern of appeasement in the face of Islamic terrorism, Obama himself would not even call this an act of terrorism.


USA Today by-line banner


Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said it didn’t matter whether Benghazi was a terrorist attack or whether she and the Obama administration had lied about it.


What Difference does it make banner


The Obama administration has dishonored those who lost their lives on that fateful night of September 11, 2012 and now they say it doesn’t matter because it happened “a long time ago.”


Carner 'a long time ago' banner


It’s time to hold the Obama administration accountable for their misdeeds.

We know the media will try to whitewash the seriousness of this issue.  We need to get the truth out as soon as possible, so please make a contribution to our TV ad campaign that holds Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton accountable – CONTRIBUTE HERE.


Again, you can contribute any amount from as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed amount of $5,000.


You can also make a contribution online here:


Conservative Campaign Committee
ATTN:  Benghazi Ad Campaign

P.O. Box 1585

Sacramento, CA 95812


Paid for and authorized by the Conservative Campaign Committee.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


Hillary on Benghazi - 'What difference does it make'

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testifies before he Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Jan. 23, 2013 – “What difference does it make?”

Yesterday I cross posted the James Rosen article summarizing what Obama was actually aware of pertaining to the Benghazigate Scandal. To summarize what knowledge Obama had about the Islamic terrorist attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Steven with one word – LIAR. Obama lied AND the President told his Administration surrogates to lie (such as Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Jay Carney).


Undoubtedly the Mainstream Media will twist some propaganda to make lite of one these so-called Obama phony scandals so below is another perspective based on an interview with Rep. Steve King (R-IA) conducted by WND’s Garth Kant that focuses on the next Dem Party darling in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


JRH 1/16/14


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‘I heard her with my own ears’


January 14, 2014



WASHINGTON — President Obama has problems with credibility, as the world well knows after he disingenuously insisted, “If you like your health-care plan, you can keep your health-care plan” about two dozen times in public.


Now, it turns out, the Democrat most political observers believe will try to replace Obama as president apparently also has problems telling the truth.


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi, a congressman who recently returned from a fact-finding trip to Libya told WND.

He said she also lied to Congress.


Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, was unequivocal when WND asked him, “What makes you so certain that Hillary Clinton lied?”


“Because,” King replied, “I heard her with my own ears.”


And, what contradicted her?


“The facts.”


King also had a blistering response to a famous question posed by Clinton.


During a Senate committee hearing Jan. 23, 2013, when asked what caused the death of four Americans in Benghazi, Clinton responded indignantly, “At this point, what difference does it make?”


WND asked King if he had an answer for her.


“The reason it makes a difference, Hillary Clinton, is because this administration lied to the American people. Her voice was one of those voices that lied to the American people.”

WND VIDEO: Part 1 Kant Interviewing Rep. King


The congressman related how Clinton and other administration officials were dishonest when they briefed Congress within a week of the terrorist attack at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, in which U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, computer specialist Sean Smith and CIA security contractors Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed.


King said he could not divulge what was said during a classified briefing he attended, but, “I will just tell you that the administration’s officials told the same lies to members of Congress in a classified setting that they told the public five times on Sunday.”


He was referring to appearances on five political talk shows by then-Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice on Sept. 16, 2012, during which she claimed the attack was a spontaneous protest inspired by anger over an obscure anti-Muslim video on the Internet.


“We know that’s false,” King told WND. “On top of that, we know they knew it was false. They knew within three hours that it was a calculated, strategized attack by an organized enemy on that compound and that annex in Benghazi.”


Strong confirmation of King’s version of events has just come to light, as newly declassified documents show top defense officials briefed Obama that a terrorist attack was underway in Benghazi not long after it began.


During a classified, closed-door hearing last year, Gen. Carter Ham, who was responsible for U.S. forces in North Africa, testified that he very quickly got to the point and told then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that it was a terrorist attack and not a protest.


Panetta and Dempsey then met immediately with Obama.


Last February, Panetta told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he told Obama “there was an apparent attack going on in Benghazi.”


Panetta said, “There was no question in my mind that this was a terrorist attack.”


And yet, for the next few weeks, as the 2012 presidential election reached the crucial home stretch, a number of aides to both Clinton and Obama repeatedly insisted there was no evidence the attack on Benghazi was planned, but it appeared to be protest that turned violent.


That was contradicted by testimony on May 8, 2013, by U.S. diplomat Gregory Hicks, who was in Libya at the time of the Benghazi terrorist attack.


He, and two other key witnesses agreed, there was no basis for Rice to claim the attack began as a protest of an anti-Islamic film. And yet, Obama and Clinton repeatedly made that claim in the hours and days after the incident.


Hicks pointedly said he was “stunned” by Rice’s response to the Benghazi attack.


“My jaw dropped, and I was embarrassed,” he said.


Hicks was asked if there was any indication of a protest in Benghazi in response to the Internet video.


“The YouTube video was a non-event in Libya,” he said.


“We know from the testimony,” King told WND. “We know it wasn’t the movie. It is a fact that it wasn’t the movie.”


He also pointed out that people who worked in the intelligence community as well as the State Department have testified under oath that they knew the movie did not trigger the attack.


“And they (administration officials) have not retracted them. They were dishonest,” King flatly stated.


The congressman made the blunt assertions to WND in his first published remarks following a recent trip he organized to hotspots in North Africa and the Middle East, with Reps. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.

WND VIDEO: Part 2 Kant Interviewing Rep. King


The Iowan had more answers to Clinton’s question, “What difference does it make?”


He said, of course, the loss of Ambassador Stevens and the three other Americans “who stood there bravely to defend that compound” was a “significant tragedy.”


But, he called the truth an even bigger casualty.


“[T]he biggest tragedy of this is this administration came forward within days and began to misinform the American people on what took place in Benghazi.”


That’s because, King insisted, “It’s a tragedy when the integrity of the presidency and the administration of President Obama, or any president of the United States, can be sacrificed for a political agenda.”


The congressman noted that former Defense Secretary Robert Gates described in his new book how then-senator and presidential candidate Clinton took a position against the surge in Iraq in the presidential primary contests in 2008 for political reasons.


“If political decisions are made on war policy in Iraq when you’re campaigning for office, and if political conditions were part of the decision as to whether there would be a surge in Afghanistan, that’s also part of Gate’s book, then those two things all but confirm that the story that the administration promoted coming out of Benghazi was a political story, designed to cover,” charged King.


And why did they need cover? Because they were in the peak of the president’s re-election campaign, said the congressman.


He said the administration “should have told the American people the straight-up truth as soon as they knew it,” but instead, “they continue to cover-up Benghazi and the only reason they’ve been allowed to do it is a media that is, for a large part, complicit.”

Conceivably, that could derail presidential ambitions Clinton might harbor.

Judge Andrew Napolitano says the former secretary of state could be prosecuted if she did, in fact, lie.


“Lying to Congress carries the same criminal liability and the same punishment as lying under oath to Congress. I’m not suggesting that Mrs. Clinton lied, but I’m saying that a case could be made out, either legally in a courtroom if a prosecutor wanted to, and certainly politically in a public sphere should she decide to seek higher office,” Napolitano said, the day after Hicks testified to Congress that the video played absolutely no role in the Benghazi attack.

WMD VIDEO: Judge Andrew Napolitano on Benghazi Lies


When WND asked King if those he spoke with in Libya share his observations about the attack on Benghazi, he said it depends on who you talk to.


He had nothing but praise for U.S. Ambassador to Libya Deborah Jones, calling her “excellent” and “terrific.”


“She’s in a very dangerous place, and she has a very difficult task. She’s upbeat, she’s knowledgeable,” and King said all of their discussions encouraged him that “we’ve got a good State Department operating in Libya.”


Follow Garth Kant on Twitter @DCgarth


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Benghazi Scandal Told To Keep Quiet – NDA Given…

In light of Lara Logan being fooled by Dylan Davies about his false whistleblower status in order to publish a false expose book on Benghazigate it is refreshing that actual whistleblowers are coming forthwith to expose Obama and his Administration as a bunch of Cover-up liars.


JRH 11/15/13 (Hat Tip: Bill Bissell – Patriot Action Network)

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VIDEO: Benghazi Scandal Told To Keep Quiet – NDA Given To Benghazi Survivors At Memorial


Posted by: Mass Tea Party

Published: Nov 15, 2013

“Benghazi Cover-Up Medal of Shame" to be awarded…

Benghazi Liars banner

Mat Staver via Liberty Counsel Action has come with an amusing fund raiser. LCA will send an award lf dishonor labeled Benghazi Cover-up Medal of Shame (BCMS) to the Benghazi liars Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Jay Carney and President Barack Hussein Obama. The catch is to contribute to the fund raiser. Each time a specified donation is made to LCA in the name of the BCMS, postcards will be sent out to the each Benghazi liar. I’m almost willing to participate just because I find it amusing that a medal of shame could be sent to the Benghazi liars in volumes. The egos that Obama and Clinton possess will drive those two crazy to keep receiving medal of shame postcards.


JRH 11/15/13

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“Benghazi Cover-Up Medal of Shame” to be awarded…


Sent by Matthew D. Staver

Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

Sent: Nov 14, 2013 6:26 PM

Sent by: Liberty Counsel Action


From the Desk of:

Mat Staver


The Benghazi cover-up has gone on far too long. We refuse to overlook this gross injustice!


My team at Liberty Counsel Action has created a powerful reminder of the deception and dereliction of duty committed by Obama administration operatives.  Join us as we demand the truth about the Benghazi attacks and award the “Benghazi Cover-Up Medal of Shame” to deserving recipients.


Please see my very important update below for more details – Mat.





The quote, “A lie repeated enough becomes the truth,” is often attributed to both Vladimir Lenin, the first Premier of the Soviet Union, and Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda.


The original basis of Lenin’s and Goebbels’ thought is believed to have come from William James, known as the father of modern psychology…


“There’s nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it.”


That notion now serves as the unofficial motto of the Obama administration. 


++They desperately want us to believe their Benghazi lies…


From the beginning, the Obama administration has shrouded the facts concerning the September 11, 2012, Benghazi attack with deception and dismissive double-speak.


President Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney perpetuated the initial Benghazi lies that blamed the attacks on a radical reaction to an anti-Islam film posted on You-Tube. It wasn’t true and they all knew it. 


They further honed and refined their deceptions to ensure the truth behind the carefully planned and vicious Al Qaeda terrorist attack would remain concealed. (Bold Emphasis Editors)


To the watching world, their lies have been painfully obvious, yet these prominent figures continue in their attempts to force their deceptive fabrications on the American people. Their acts have been shameful and are a complete disgrace to the offices they hold and duties they are sworn to uphold. 


++For their lies, deceptions, and derelictions of duty, we want to give these four “leaders” something they truly deserve.


One day before the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on our Benghazi facility, Hillary Clinton received the Liberty Medal from the National Constitution Center. It’s given to those who have “furthered the ideals of freedom, democracy, and equality.”


We, along with millions of other Americans, questioned the timing and validity of the award.


In response, the Liberty Counsel Action team decided to award Mrs. Clinton and the other Benghazi liars and derelicts a more appropriate commendation.




This isn’t a medal to proudly wear, as former Secretary of State Clinton did in parading her Liberty Medal from the liberal “progressive” National Constitution Center.  In fact, the BCMS is far better than a single appropriate medal that the recipients would quickly throw in the nearest trash can. 


In addition to high quality vinyl stickers you can obtain, we are preparing “Benghazi Medal of Shame” notification post cards bearing the image of the medal that will alert the recipients of their award – over and over and over again!


These postcards will be delivered to President Obama, Susan Rice, Jay Carney, and Hillary Clinton each time a friend of Liberty Counsel Action orders a flight of four postcards.  These postcards – hopefully hundreds of thousands of them – will serve as direct reminders that their lies, treason, and deadly actions are now being given an appropriate award: A Medal of Shame.


++Benghazi is NOT forgotten!


Here is how it works: For your gift of $30, we will send the four recipients the notification post cards bearing the image of the shameful medal.


We will also send you four Benghazi Cover-Up Medal of Shame stickers to use however you would like. These colorful heavy vinyl stickers are similar in weight to quality bumper stickers and stand about 4 inches tall.


They are for you to place in any conspicuous place to tell your friends and neighbors that you hold the “shameful four” of the Benghazi deception accountable, and are demanding the truth about Benghazi.


You can doubtless think of appropriate places to apply a sticker to remind large numbers of Americans that Benghazi is NOT forgotten!  The BCMS speaks for itself and every post card and sticker will serve as that reminder. 


This is a very unique campaign that has the potential to set the record on the disastrous events of 9/11/12 straight! Click here now to place your order:

[Send them a Medal of Shame!]


It has been fourteen months since the terrorist attack on our Benghazi facility on 9/11/12. Four Americans were brutally slain in the attacks, and not one of the terrorists responsible has been arrested or in any way brought to justice.


Further, not a single person who witnessed the events in Benghazi has been called to testify before Congress.


President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Jay Carney have assisted in keeping the terrorists at large with their continual lies and deception that have seriously impeded the investigation. 


With every month that has passed since the 2012 attack, the Benghazi liars have emboldened their stance, and have reached a point of complete disregard for the entire incident and the four American lives lost.


We will continue to demand that everyone responsible at every level of government be held accountable!


Liberty Counsel Action has been calling for a thorough and unobstructed investigation into the muddied Benghazi attack. We are now going one step further, and will be awarding the four chief liars in this grand cover-up scheme, the Benghazi Cover-Up Medal of Shame.


Please join us in our demand for the truth and accountability for the families of the Benghazi victims by sending the four principal Benghazi liars – President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Jay Carney – their “Benghazi Cover-Up Medal of Shame” post card notifications today. Plus, we will send you four Benghazi Medals of Shame vinyl stickers to post as you like.  


Other options are available. Go here to make your order or to browse the other options:

[Send them a Medal of Shame!]



Thank you for standing with us in defense of virtue and duty, and for demanding accountability from America’s leadership.


God bless you!


Mathew D. Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action


P.S. Our message cannot be overstated! We demand the truth for each of the families of the four Americans killed in the Benghazi attack, and for every American to whom this administration has repeatedly lied.


Go here now to order four Benghazi Cover-Up Medal of Shame stickers and to send your four “Benghazi Cover-Up Medal of Shame” postcards to the Benghazi liars, notifying them that we have not forgotten their cowardly and shameful actions:

[Send them a Medal of Shame!]



P.P.S. If you haven’t already done so, please remember to add your name to our petition calling for Congress to establish a Select Committee to investigate the Benghazi cover-up:

[Help expose the outrageous cover-up of the Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attacks! Our LCA petition is calling for a complete congressional investigation!]


About Us


Liberty Counsel Action represents a rich heritage of more than three decades, dating back to the 1979 founding of The Moral Majority by Dr. Jerry Falwell. In 1986, Dr. Falwell launched The Liberty Alliance to expand the outreach and continue the impact of The Moral Majority. In 2004, The Liberty Alliance was renamed to Liberty Alliance Action, and in 2010 Liberty Alliance Action was renamed Liberty Counsel Action joining in partnership with Liberty Counsel, the nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization founded by Mat and Anita Staver in 1989.


As a 501(c)(4) nonprofit “grassroots” lobbying organization, Liberty Counsel Action advances religious and civil liberties, the sanctity of human life, the family, limited and responsible government, national security, and support for Israel.  In other words, Liberty Counsel Action adheres to the original four tenets of The Moral Majority, which are:  Pro-America, Pro-Life, Pro-Family and Pro-Moral.  These tenets also include recognizing and upholding the special bond that has always existed between the United States and Israel.


Today Liberty Counsel Action is breaking new ground as a part of the Freedom Federation, joining forces with other pro-family organizations to bring together millions of Americans across racial, ethnic and generational lines united around our core values.


For regular updates about how you can READ THE REST

SlantRight Thoughts on ‘McCain, Graham, Rice Will Meet – An Apology Is Owed’

Benghazi Liars

By John R. Houk

© November 27, 2012


Burr Deming is my Liberal friend (no I did not choke those words – Burr is a Christian man) in which obvious reigns true; i.e. we rarely agree on a point of view.


Burr is taking the view that Susan Rice can be excused for lying to the Senate oversight committees and the American Public about what the cause actually was for the Benghazigate murder and atrocities to a diplomatically protected Ambassador and three other Americans.


The liberal logic runs that Republicans are to blame because they voted to decrease Embassy security. Let’s never mind that Obama is slashing the military budget to unconscionable lows for the security of America. Never mind that regardless of Embassy security cuts it was probably a compromise to not cut the military budget even further. Never mind that a budget cut does not mean the Obama Administration through the State Department leaves an American Ambassador unprotected in a volatile nation that had glaring evidence of al Qaeda activity. Never mind that was security that was told to hold on help for Ambassador Stevens and a couple of ex-Navy SEALs dispatched themselves to aid Stevens after hearing no help was forth coming. Never mind that took the State Department spin about an insignificant anti-Muslim movie that was made on the scale of garage home videos and that only a trailer was posted on Youtube.


Yes, my fellow Conservatives it is smoke and mirrors to deflect the truth that Susan Rice was the mouthpiece for Obama/Clinton lies to Americans to exonerate their hind quarters for a dishonorable travesty that could have been prevented.


That is my two cents. Here is Burr Deming’s nickel that he sent by email that is published by now on the blog Fair and UNbalanced.


JRH 11/27/12

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