South Africa’s White Genocide

After South Africa independence from Great Britain the Afrikaner White minority descendants of the Boers consolidated power. The Afrikaners created a society that was entirely beneficial to the heritage of the White Boer legacy. Native African inhabitants and immigrant non-Whites (primarily of Asian origin) became second class citizens much like Muslims treated non-Muslim dhimmis – NOT WELL.


Understandingly the South African majority grew extremely weary of being treated as a disparaged class or race of people. Unsurprisingly the politics that largely became attractive to the oppressed Black majority was Marxism. The Marxist utopian promise of a classless society perpetrated by a violent revolutionary transformation became to modus operandi of Black Activist Communists. In essence a Marxist/Leninist terrorism.


Undoubtedly to the chagrin of traditional Marxist globalists, the South African Black majority turned to nationalism rather than globalism. After Western pressure of further and further isolated the Apartheid racist ideology to White Minority South African government, Afrikaner elites bowed to reform and ended Apartheid rule to a representative government.


The result: a century of discrimination against Blacks placed the onus of power with the beloved Marxist leadership. Despite Mandela promises of a conciliatory society between Blacks and Whites, revenge inspired by years of oppression became ingrained among Black society egged on by Black Nationalist Marxists.


The worst-case scenario: an ever-growing genocide against the Afrikaner White Minority. A genocide almost totally neglected by a Left oriented Western Media. Even to the point of denying the statistics indicating a WHITE GENOCIDE.


JRH 3/17/18

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South Africa’s White Genocide

Black Hearts and Racial Hatred


By Justin O. Smith

Sent: 3/16/18 12:21 AM


The war is on right now against White South Africa, and the violence currently directed at whites by the black majority population and South Africa’s radical communist African National Congress (ANC) and Economic Freedom Fighters parties is at near genocide level. Open displays of racial hatred by South Africa’s leaders have fed a black and bloody tide of pent up rage, that has revoked Mandela’s pledge, if it was ever upheld; and, today in South Africa, white people are being ground into dust and forced to flee or prepare for civil war.


Many South Africans, such as my good friends, Herman and Sonaret Myburgh, owners of Pretoria Engineering in Murfreesboro, TN, recognized the warning signs early, and they left for America shortly after South Africa ended Apartheid in 1994. Even then, the violence against whites had begun, as the Myburghs often explained.


Nelson Mandela was a despicable communist, who allowed three-quarter of a million people to be slaughtered under his regime, but since his death, the violence against whites has become worse. In Johannesburg specifically, close to 60,000 white people have been reported murdered [This source claims 70,000], since Mandela fell from power, along with an estimated half a million more who have vanished without a trace, and while many human rights groups are calling this a “white genocide”, the mainstream media seems not to notice.


The rapid rise of this tragic situation can be largely attributed to the passage of the Expropriation Bill of 2008, which empowered the ANC and “any organ of state at any level of government” to take ownership and possession of property “simply by giving notice to the expropriated owner”. However, the most incendiary bill was passed (241 to 83) just this March 1, 2018 by Parliament, which authorizes the seizure of land from white farmers without paying compensation, as they amended section 25 of their constitution, on the insistence of the radical leftist EFF, and used their majority to legalize state theft from the politically powerless white minority.


In the wake of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s and the ANC’s tyrannical change to the constitution, the black majority has interpreted this move to mean “We have permission to kill white people”. And the violence has been further stoked by Julius Malema, leader of the EFF, who regularly leads crowds to chant “Kill the Boer, kill the white man”.


Malema claims his violent rhetoric is not really intended to move his followers to murder whites, when he shouts “hit them hard — go after the white man … We are cutting the throat of whiteness”. His followers didn’t get the memo and have taken his message to heart, as black gangs are roaming the countryside slaughtering entire white families.


On the West Cape in Stellanbosch, Susan Joubert, an eighty year old woman, was repeatedly stabbed and murdered by a marauding gang of blacks, and Leftists and the world news outlets ignore this and thousands of other similar slaughters of whites, because they are the wrong color. They claim race isn’t a factor, but even Ms. Joubert’s dogs were stabbed to death.


Lauren Southern, an independent journalist has been in South Africa preparing a documentary on this unbelievable crisis of humanity, this white genocide. Upon her recent return Ms. Southern offered the following condemnation:


“It’s being covered up. The government has stopped collecting all data based on race … so they can’t even show these brutal murders are happening disproportionately to whites. They are covering up all these murders as burglaries gone wrong … That is what’s being reported by the government and by the media.”


Now, the bloody handwriting is on the wall of many a Boer farmhouse, and thousands of white crosses bear testament to their murders at the Plaasmoorde (Farm Murders) Monument. Atrocities so wicked they strain the credulity of civilized men are being committed upon white people, by savages filled with racial hatred and more monster than human — evidenced by the raped, tortured and mutilated bodies of men, women and children and these crimes against humanity.


Whites have been made nearly helpless too, by the Firearms Control Act of 2000, which requires everyone to show an overriding need for a firearm. If one is not black or a member of the ANC or EFF, in other words if one is white, one is often arbitrarily denied a firearms license, which out of necessity leads whites to arm themselves “illegally”; and if they even minimally defend themselves, they are regularly punished, since self-defense itself verges on an offense, under the Marxists’ “constitution”.


The ANC controlled government has also enacted “laws” that ensure black people are given first choice for any job over a white person, which has made it almost impossible for most whites to live. Many have already been forced into private camps operated by charities, by a government policy that keeps them from working and takes everything from them. The government is systematically eliminating the white race from South Africa.


Can government and ANC operated internment camps be far behind?


Isn’t this the very same sort of operation the Nazi Einsatzgruppen socialists implemented in Germany to take property from the Jewish people and “cleanse” German society of Jewish people?


As Leo Hohmann renown author, recently noted (March 13th), provisions exist in the Refugee Act of 1980 and precedents are found in the 1990 Lautenberg program, that give the president and Congress some great latitude, if they wish to assist the white Afrikaners. The current situation in South Africa is well within those parameters, and a mass exodus of white Afrikaners on an emergency basis can be handled in an expedited and rapid fashion, especially if the U.S. can get help from the U.K, New Zealand, and Australia, too.


Hopefully, some concerned philanthropists, from across the free world, and benevolent expatriate South Africans will soon start raising funds to purchase supplies of food and medicine, from numerous sources, and arms and ammunition from overseas dealers for delivery to the white Afrikaners, who surely will welcome them. If handled properly, this need not violate any laws, other than South Africa’s “laws” of tyranny.


It was not supposed to be this way. Post-Apartheid South Africa was supposed to be the Rainbow Nation, throwing off their past of racism and injustice. It was supposed to be the model for the Brave New World that was promised by those on the Left, who peddle multiculturalism, diversity and identity politics.


The West convinced the White Minority Government of F.W De Klerk to end Apartheid in 1994. It is the West that now turns a blind eye to the crimes committed, aided and abetted by a regime even more reprehensible than the Apartheid it replaced.


Will the slaughter of the white Afrikaners go unnoticed, unreported and unavenged?


Will the death inflicted on them be dismissed as retribution for past injustices under Apartheid or decried for the horrific racist genocide that it is?


If the colors were reversed, the Leftist of the world, such as former UN Ambassador Samantha Power and Susan Rice, former Obama advisor, would be screaming “bloody murder” at the top of their lungs and protesting in the streets, and yet, they are not. They would rather fight for LGBT trendy causes, than be seen helping to save the lives of white Afrikaners. In their heart of hearts, they agree and are one with the ANC, and this genocide is seen only as a normal and acceptable path towards the “restoration of dignity“, in the words of Cyril Ramaphosa.


However, the Boers and Uitlanders will not go quietly into that night, once the hell and conflagration of war rises against them. They are the descendants of the voortrekkers and the 470 of Blood River, led by Andries Pretorius, who successfully withstood the onslaught of over 100,000 Zulu warriors in 1838, and they will not meekly submit to their own extinction. I hope they stand astride the graves of their ancestors and howl in defiance into the teeth of those who seek their blood.


The Dutch Boers arrived in southern Africa in 1652, and they gradually spread inland, taking possession of a virtually empty land. Historical revisionism notwithstanding, one-hundred and fifty years passed before the first significant encounters occurred between white and blacks, when Boers moving north clashed with Zulus moving south. Today’s white South Africans can rightfully claim South Africa to be their ancestral home, and if they wish, they would be right to stand and fight to retain their homes and their land.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Text enclosed by brackets and source links are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith

Obama Forgets Mandela’s Anti-American Side of the Coin

Barack Obama Eulogizing Mandela 12-10-13

John R. Houk

© December 10, 2013


I posted “Mandela is Deserving of Praise in South Africa, but NOT USA” a few days ago. In that post I had to admit that Nelson Mandela was and should be a Civil Rights hero for the Black Majority of the nation South Africa. Mandela’s political struggle was as a bona fide freedom fighter for Black South Africans that were treated as second class citizens ever since Europeans began exploiting the area for economic gain and colonialism roughly around the 1650s. The other side of the coin is not so praise worthy.


Mandela was a Marxist that sided with the goals of Radical Islam to destroy Israel and was Anti-American in his rhetoric. An American President should be honest enough to publicly show both sides of the Mandela coin. In eulogizing Mandela in South Africa President Barack Hussein Obama praised the one side of the coin and in effect castigated Western nations about economic inequality between rich and poor with the implication the good President was including the USA. Here is a WaPo quote (For those who don’t know “Madiba” is a term of endearment for Mandela):


There are too many of us who happily embrace Madiba’s legacy of racial reconciliation, but passionately resist even modest reforms that would challenge chronic poverty and growing inequality,” Obama said, less than a week after delivering a broad warning over the consequences of rising economic inequality in the United States. “And there are too many of us, too many, who stand on the sidelines, comfortable in complacency or cynicism when our voices must be heard.” (Italics addedEulogizing Mandela, Obama celebrates and scolds; By Scott Wilson; Washington Post; 12/10/13 8:28 am)


Here is the typical eloquence of President Obama eulogizing Nelson Mandela. It is a little over 18 minutes long courtesy of ABC:


VIDEO: Nelson Mandela Memorial: President Obama Honors Legacy of South African Leader


President Obama failed completely to show the Marxist, Anti-American and pro-Islamist nature of Nelson Mandela. Of course if Obama actually demonstrated truthful courage he would not be making the public eulogy in South Africa.


Joseph Farah provides a good dose of truth about Nelson Mandela – primarily in Mandela’s own words – that few American politicians and Mainstream Media elites would dare to tell because the politically correct thing to do now is to only talk about the Liberty provided for the majority of Black South Africans who suffered under the White Minority.


JRH 12/10/13

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The real Mandela in his own words

Exclusive: Joseph Farah shares quotes from late South African president

By Joseph Farah

December 9, 2013



I noticed over the weekend that lists of quotes from Nelson Mandela had gone viral on the Internet.


None of the lists I saw included any of these – which say more about the man and the myth than you could have learned by reading all the reports in the international establishment press.


1) “If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings.”


2) “Long live the Cuban revolution. Long live comrade Fidel Castro … Cuban internationalists have done so much for African independence, freedom and justice. We admire the sacrifices of the Cuban people in maintaining their independence and sovereignty in the face of a vicious imperialist campaign designed to destroy the advances of the Cuban revolution. We too want to control our destiny. … There can be no surrender. It is a case of freedom or death. The Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people.”


3) “[T]he people of Asia and Africa have seen through the slanderous campaign conducted by the USA against the socialist countries. They know that their independence is threatened not by any of the countries in the socialist camp but by the USA, who has surrounded their continent with military bases. The communist bogey is an American stunt to distract the attention of the people of Africa from the real issue facing them, namely, American imperialism.”


Experience more of Joseph Farah’s no-nonsense truth-telling in his books, audio and video products, featured in the WND Superstore


4) “Under a Communist Party government, South Africa will become a land of milk and honey. Political, economic and social rights will cease to be enjoyed by whites only. They will be shared equally by whites and non-whites. There will be enough land and houses for all. There will be no unemployment, starvation and disease. Workers will earn decent wages; transport will be cheap and education free.”


5) “Yasser Arafat was one of the outstanding freedom fighters of this generation, one who gave his entire life to the cause of the Palestinian people.”


6) “The cause of communism is the greatest cause in the history of mankind!”


7) “Those who feel irritated by our friendship with President Khadafy can go jump in the pool.”


8) “There’s one place where (Fidel Castro’s) Cuba stands out head and shoulders above the rest – that is in its love for human rights and liberty!”

9) “The victory of socialism in the U.S.S.R., in the People’s Republic of China, in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and Rumania, where the living conditions of the people were in many respects similar and even worse than ours, proves that we too can achieve this important goal.”


10) “Communists everywhere fight to destroy capitalist society and to replace it with socialism, where the masses of the common people, irrespective of race or color, will live in complete equality, freedom and happiness. They seek to revolutionize society and are thus called revolutionaries. Those who support capitalism with its class divisions and other evils and who oppose our just struggles to end oppression are called counter revolutionaries.”


11) “In our own country, the struggles of the oppressed people are guided by the South African Communist Party and inspired by its policies. The aim of the S.A.C.P. is to defeat the Nationalist government and to free the people of South Africa from the evils of racial discrimination and exploitation.”


By the way, I did find one quote from Mandela that I really like. I don’t think he meant it. I do. In fact, if he got his wish on this one, the international media’s reporting about Mandela’s death would have been much different.


“A critical, independent and investigative press is the lifeblood of any democracy. The press must be free from state interference. It must have the economic strength to stand up to the blandishments of government officials. It must have sufficient independence from vested interests to be bold and inquiring without fear or favor. It must enjoy the protection of the constitution, so that it can protect our rights as citizens.”


Amen to that last one.


You know what they say: Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Obama Forgets Mandela’s Anti-American Side of the Coin

John R. Houk

© December 10, 2013


The real Mandela in his own words


© Copyright 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved.

Mandela is Deserving of Praise in South Africa, but NOT USA

Nelson Mandela

John R. Houk

© December 8, 2013


I have been amazed about how devoted American politicians and the American media has been giving Nelson Mandela a singular picture of praise. It is established that Mandela was a Marxist despite personal denials of Communism. Columnist Trevor Loudon has done a little digging and found out in Mandela’s death the South African Communist Party praised him asserting Mandela’s early membership and SACP joint political support with the African National Congress. Here is an excerpt of Loudon’s discovered quote from the SACP on Mandela’s passing:


At his arrest in August 1962, Nelson Mandela was not only a member of the then underground South African Communist Party, but was also a member of our Party’s Central Committee. To us as South African communists, Cde Mandela shall forever symbolise the monumental contribution of the SACP in our liberation struggle. The contribution of communists in the struggle to achieve the South African freedom has very few parallels in the history of our country. After his release from prison in 1990, Cde Madiba became a great and close friend of the communists till his last days…. (South African Communists Finally Admit Nelson Mandela’s Party Leadership Role; By Trevor Loudon; New Zeal; 12/7/13 3:47 am EST)


Honestly though Nelson Mandela does deserve some exemplary credit. Even with Mandela’s association with the old Soviet Union during the days the ANC was illegal, emerging as the President of the new post-Apartheid South Africa Mandela literally prevented a blood bath between the former White Rulers and the new ruling Black majority. Here is a list of seven legacy moments I have derived from Alastair Jamieson writing for World News from NBC.


1.  ANC figurehead Chris Hani was assassinated by extreme Afrikaner Right Wingers in 1993. Mandela called for interracial calm with his reputation as the then symbolic national leader against the White Supremacism of Apartheid:


Now is the time for all South Africans to stand together against those who, from any quarter, wish to destroy what Chris Hani gave his life for – the freedom of all of us.”


Mandela was elected President in 1994.


2.  Forsaking bloodshed: Mandela representing Black Majority and F. W. de Klerk representing the White Minority took mutual stands to stave off a bloodbath.


3.  Forging a political path: Mandela led South Africa into full enfranchisement for all citizens – Black, White and Brown (i.e. Asian Indians and other smaller racial factions).


4.  Mandela reintroduced South Africa to the Global Stage: Western Powers had engaged in sanctions due to Apartheid. Mandela ended Apartheid thus removing sanctions from the South African economy.


5.  Peace and forgiveness:


Mandela’s biggest influence on the new South Africa was his personal determination that anger over the crimes of the past, including his 27 years as a political prisoner, should not motivate future laws and actions. Key to this was his 1995 establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission that investigated historic human rights violations and gave vent to grievances.


6.  A cultural power: Mandela’s “rainbow nation” politically enabled sports on an international basis to again occur in South Africa, including sports that have typically White appreciated sport in South Africa such as Cricket and Rugby.


7.  Mandela’s “A generous soul”:


“… (E)xtensive charitable work, including the creation of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and 46664 – the HIV-AIDS initiative named after his prison number.”


Clearly Mandela has room for significant praise for his accomplishments in South Africa. And yet still I have a problem with the complete whitewash that Mandela’s anti-American politics in relation to his Marxist affinity for running South Africa politically.


In the spirit of not whitewashing anti-Capitalist and thus anti-American politics here is another update from Cliff Kincaid’s USA Survival News as a part of the America’s Survival, Inc. via email.


JRH 12/8/13

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Our New Video Exposing Mandela


By Cliff Kincaid

Sent: 11/6/13 11:08 PM

Sent from: USA Survival News


Dear Friend of America’s Survival:


We have posted a short video highlighting Nelson Mandela’s secret membership in the South African Communist Party and involvement in communist terrorism.


Watch it here:  Comrade Mandela’s Secret Life


You won’t find this information anywhere else. We will be posting a column on this topic on


In addition to the evidence of Mandela’s secret membership in the Communist Party, there is what he said openly. A good source is the book, In the Words of Nelson Mandela, edited by Jennifer Crwys-Williams. The Mandela quotations include:


“For many decades communists were the only political group in South Africa who were prepared to treat Africans as human beings and their equals; who were prepared to eat with us; talk with us, live with us and work with us.”


These words by Mandela were spoken from the dock at the Rivonia treason trial in 1964. It was at this same trial, however, that he categorically denied being a member of the South African Communist Party (SACP). He lied.


·         Other famous quotations from Mandela, included in the book, include:


·         “Islam has enriched and become part of Africa; in turn, Islam was transformed and Africa became part of it.”


·         “The people of Libya shared he trenches with us in our struggle for freedom.” (Spoken at a banquet in Tripoli, Libya in 1997).


·         “He [Moammar Gaddafi] helped us at a time when we were all alone, when those who are now saying we should not come here were helping our enemies.” (Spoken at the start of his 1997 trip to Libya).


·         “My brother leader.” (about Gaddafi).


Gaddafi was the terrorist leader who killed 189 Americans, most of them college students, on Pan Am 103. The year was 1988.


 Mandela and Gaddafi 1997

Mandela praised Gaddafi nine years later.


At the time, the New York Times noted:


Mr. Mandela had twice visited Libya before, this is his first trip since becoming President [of South Africa] in 1994. No Western leader has visited Libya since the sanctions were imposed after Colonel Qaddafi refused to turn over suspects in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.


Richard V. Hurley, President of the University of Mary Washington (Virginia), sent out a message declaring that flags on campus will fly at half-staff in honor of Nelson Mandela.


He said: “Mandela, former president of South Africa and revolutionary leader, activist, freedom fighter, and heroic icon in the fight against apartheid, represented to many the moral voice of a nation, a political movement, and served as the soul of change—creating equality and freedom where none existed.”


This secret communist who lied about his commitment to communism was a freedom fighter?


Hurley went on, “Mandela’s experience shared a common spirit with the U.S. civil rights movement of the ‘50s, ‘60s, and beyond, yet for Mandela his voice and activism resulted in 27 years of imprisonment by the apartheid government in control of South Africa at the time.”


Of course, he was imprisoned for communist terrorism targeting civilians and innocent people.


This guy Hurley is an “educated” man. Watch out.


Be sure to watch our new short video on Mandela and send it to your friends.


Support our efforts to tell the truth. Click here – Donate please.


Send me your thoughts at


For America’s Survival,


Cliff Kincaid, President


Mandela is Deserving of Praise for South Africa, but NOT USA

John R. Houk

© December 8, 2013


Our New Video Exposing Mandela


Cliff Kincaid, President.
America’s Survival, Inc.

Mandela Dies – Afrikaner (White) Genocide Looms Larger

SA Black on White Genocide[Yeah I know StormFront is an evil Nazi-like group, but the pictures are accurate.]

John R. Houk

© December 6, 2013
I subscribe to Cliff Kincaid’s USA Survival News which is a part of America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI).  The ASI publication sent an email yesterday concerning the death of former South African President Nelson Mandela. Kincaid does not write a pretty picture of Mandela. Kincaid’s image of Mandela is in direct contrast to the profile given by major U.S. news outlets including Fox News.
For the most part U.S. Mainstream Media glorified Nelson Mandela’s life as a black liberator of the majority population of South Africa from the oppression of the White minority population who ruled through the racist policies of Apartheid.
Without going into in depth analysis of Apartheid let us simply say it was a political system in which the White minority received every benefit of White Supremacism while the Black majority (and various other non-white racial groups) were politically treated as inferiors and second class citizens. (Somewhat like conquering Muslims used dhimmitude to change the non-Muslim populations into Muslims via oppressive and bloody policies – EXCEPT in South Africa the White minority intended White Supremacism in perpetuity for the Black majority).
The premise of Kincaid’s email was to explain that Mandela was a Communist and that Mandela’s legacy for South Africa was more than ending the oppression of Apartheid. That legacy is a Black elitist leadership governing under the principles of Socialist-Marxism incorporating Black Empowerment that is leading to the genocide of the White Minority. I am going to post Cliff Kincaid’s email at the end of my thoughts, but I thought I’d share some information I briefly dug up in verifying the White genocide accusation.
I have been aware of Mandela’s association to Communism for some time. Indeed after Apartheid collapsed and the once illegal African National Congress became the leading Political Party and Marxist in orientation, it had been shown that the old Soviet Union was a supporter, especially in the ANC’s illegal days. I found that the genocide accusation is not new, but there have been critics of the White genocide accusation. Those that criticize the existence of White genocide say the statistics used are inflated. Even if the criticism is correct (and I am not completely satisfied that this is so), the fact remains the current percentage of Whites is only 10% of South Africa (In Apartheid days it was 20% of population). The critics’ statistical numbers still demonstrate a genocidal factor still occurring in South Africa. The list of Black on White gruesome murders and rapes is growing. Here is a list provided on 8/27/11. Here is a 2013 list through November.
Published on Mar 18, 2012
President Jacob Zuma singing a variation of shoot the boer in Bloemfontein early 2012 during a celebration by the African National Congress. Note that this song or variations on it have been banned by an South African Court as Hate Speech. (Yes, it took a court ruling to declare incitement to Genocide a crime) Previously Julius Malema sang this song and was taken to Court by Afriforum.
Genocide Watch is a non-profit and non-politically affiliated (Important because most of the decriers of White Genocide to this point have been what can be described as far Right Wing adding a lack of credulity from the Center and Left). Genocide Watch is quoted as saying this:
Following a fact-finding mission to South Africa in July, Dr. Gregory Stanton, head of the non-profit group Genocide Watch, announced his conclusions: There is an orchestrated genocidal campaign targeting whites, and white farmers in particular. The respected organization released a report about its investigation shortly afterward. On a scale the group developed to identify the phases of genocide, South Africa has been moved to stage six: the preparation and planning phase. Step seven is extermination. The eighth and final stage: denial after the fact.

Among the startling discoveries, long known to South Africans and analysts monitoring the powder keg, was evidence pointing to the ANC regime itself. “There is thus strong circumstantial evidence of government support for the campaign of forced displacement and atrocities against White farmers and their families,” Genocide Watch leaders said in their report, entitled Why Are Afrikaner Farmers Being Murdered in South Africa? “There is direct evidence of SA [South African] government incitement to genocide.” (READ ENTIRE POSTGenocide and Communism Threaten South Africa; By Alex Newman; New America; 10/24/12 12:20)  

I’ll go with Genocide Watch debunking the debunkers.
On the other hand there the reality of the egregiousness of Apartheid. The Black majority of South Africa suffered immensely under the rule of the White Minority, especially when the Black Majority began to display physical and political dissatisfaction with the White minority.
I gave a simplistic definition of Apartheid above. Here is a good summary of how Apartheid operated:
[Apartheid] It means “apartness” in Afrikaans, the Dutch-derived hybrid language that developed in the course of European conquest in southern Africa. Apartheid was an era of extreme, legalized racism that systematically subjugated the region’s black majority to white rule. Under this system, black Africans — along with the smaller populations of Indians and people of mixed-race — were fired from their jobs, forced onto reservations, removed from the political process, stripped of their citizenship, denied freedom of movement and speech and education and routinely humiliated by white “masters.” (YOU CAN READ ALL THE PAGES of the essayHow Apartheid Worked; by Julia Layton; How Stuff Works)
There is a whole lot of majority cultural rage over hundreds of years of White minority oppressive discrimination against the Black majority.  On the other hand my Momma taught me two wrongs do not make a right. Is there a solution for racial mutual abusiveness between Blacks and Whites? History has shown that is a tough nut to break. How did Hitler desire to create a racial purity under Nazi ideology toward Jews in particular and non-Germanic people in general? Will the Marxist ideology being pushed on the Black majority of South Africa come to the same conclusions that Hitler chose against the Jews? A defeated Nazi Germany was repatriated into the European Community and NATO with the ideology of the Nazis being outlawed in the post-WWII constitution. Will a military defeat of the Marxist oriented ruling Black elites of South Africa be the only catalyst for racial normalization between Blacks and Whites in South Africa? Frankly I have no idea. BUT I do know genocide is evil whether it is perpetrated by Blacks or Whites. With the Marxist elites currently ruling South Africa there seems little hope for the Afrikaner culture planted there by the Dutch in the mid-1600s (See Also this on Afrikaners).
JRH 12/6/13

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The Truth About Nelson Mandela
By Cliff Kincaid
Sent: December 5, 2013 5:24 PM
Sent by USA Survival News
Dear Friend of America’s Survival:
Convicted terrorist Nelson Mandela, the former leader of South Africa who always denied that he was a member of the South African Communist Party, has died. It turns out he was a member of the South African Communist Party. He lied.
Nelson Madela - middle, Joe Slovo - SAComParty.png
The African National Congress (ANC) rules South Africa in an alliance with the Congress of South African Trade Unions and the South African Communist Party.
Mandela had lied consistently for decades, in order to mask the communist seizure of power in this critical African country. Although he was not in control of the South African government in recent years, his comrades are in charge. Equally significant, Obama wrote the forward to his book and regards him as a role model.  That’s appropriate, since Obama concealed the facts about his own communist connections.
The facts about Mandela, though sure to be controversial and rejected by many “progressives,” have to be told, and we will tell them.
If we don’t understand the con job perpetrated by Nelson Mandela, we will never come to grips with what Obama is doing to OUR country.
South Africa today is where genocide is being committed against white people. Go to Genocide Watch.
White Genocide in South Africa Screen Capture Article
The publication of the book, External Mission by Stephen Ellis, provides documentary evidence of Nelson Mandela’s membership in the South African Communist Party. Ellis had actually written about this evidence in July of 2011. He wrote, “A recently discovered document shows that Nelson Mandela was a member of the South African Communist Party (SACP) in the early 1960s, when he became the first commander of the guerrilla organisation Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation). Mandela, the first president of post-apartheid South Africa (1994-99) after his release from twenty-seven years’ imprisonment, has always denied having been a communist.”
However, Ellis wrote, “The revelation that Mandela was a prominent Communist Party member does not detract from his historic stature.”
This is his opinion. It is not mine.
Do you think Fox News will report that Mandela was a Communist? Not likely. This goes to show that the “conservative” media are not that different from the liberal media. They embrace the myth, not the facts.
We are considering a special America’s Survival Roku TV show early next week on this topic, laying out all of the evidence. Do you think we should go ahead? Or should we stick our heads in the sand?
Send me your thoughts at
For America’s Survival,
Cliff Kincaid, President
Mandela Dies – Afrikaner (White) Genocide Looms Larger
John R. Houk
© December 6, 2013
The Truth About Nelson Mandela
Cliff Kincaid, President.
America’s Survival, Inc.
Cliff Kincaid Biography
A veteran journalist and media critic, Cliff concentrated in journalism and communications at the University of Toledo, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree, and came to Washington through a national journalism program headed by conservative author and journalist M. Stanton Evans. At his college newspaper, Cliff won an award for editorial writing from the Society of Professional Journalists. He also serves as director of the Accuracy in Media (AIM) Center for Investigative Reporting.
Cliff Kincaid’s books include: … READ THE REST