Meanwhile Back in Oz – UFOs & UAPs Oh My

If the Government Says It, There’s a Nefarious Purpose Behind It!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 10, 2023

Okay…Hmm… Before I share a Glenn Beck exploration (posted 8/9/23) of the validity or invalidity of Whistleblowers crying the U.S. Government has covering up the existence of Extraterrestrials (as in UFO or UAP), I need to be upfront on a personal issue.

I’m 66-years-old and going to hit 67 in November. My childhood, teenage days and even through adulthood prior to becoming ensconced in Conservative politics; I was immersed in Science Fiction entertainment beginning with Comics – graduating to novels – then to big and small screen.

IN FACT, I was devoted to the X-Files and fictional Fox Mulder’s tagline: “I WANT TO BELIEVE”.

ERGO, you can imagine when I first heard these UFO/UAP Whistleblowers, my first thoughts went something like, “I KNEW IT!”

BUT some honest questioners who have experience a now axiomatic fact largely exposed by the unfolding documented facts from COVID, Lockdowns, Mandates, tainted mRNA and so on; WHICH IS the government lies to We The People. AND the science owned by the government and Globalist Stakeholder Big Pharma LIES.

So the question Beck touches on runs something like: Why would a government that called UFOs/UAPs nonsense for decades SUDDENLY imply yup, those Greys & Reptilians are really out there?

Could it be the government is LYING AGAIN and is setting We The Gullible for some more impending tyranny in the name of National Security?

As much as I want to BELIEVE, I know our government is corrupt thus I suspect a setup for impending tyranny.

To be honest, I still believe that it is lunacy that in all of God’s infinite Creation that ONLY on our tiny little blue ball called Earth is the total sum of intelligent life. BUT if there are super-intelligent beings not of this Earth capable of flying here, then suddenly after a millennium they are a threat to human existence. That SCREAMS impending GOVERNMENT LIES and more Government Tyranny.

I still want to believe the Ufology; HOWEVER unless some near revolutionary changes occur in our current government corruption, I WILL NOT TRUST OR BELIEVE ANY REASON OR EXCUSE OUR GOVERNMENT USES TO REMOVE LIBERTY!

Saying that, you should watch this Glenn Beck episode posted on 8/9/23.

JRH 8/10/23


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Youtube VIDEO: Are Aliens & UFOs a Government Psyop? | Ep 295

Posted by Glenn Beck

Posted on August 9, 2023

Glenn takes an honest look at the latest revelations about UFOs. This is either the biggest news story in history or the biggest hoax in history. Is there any truth to the recent whistleblower testimony before Congress? Or is this just the latest in a long history of UFO psyops by our government? The recent congressional hearing on UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena) is historic because of the mind-blowing testimony from whistleblower David Grusch. It’s the first time that a former federal intelligence officer has admitted under oath that activity related to potentially alien craft is being performed by a secret government program in cooperation with defense contractors. Grusch also alleges that this has been going on for decades and that he has been briefed on these details by multiple high-level intelligence officers and personnel with firsthand knowledge of the program. Oh, and it all happens to be going down outside the purview of Congress. Glenn interviews Michael Shellenberger, investigative journalist and founder of “Public” on Substack. Michael interviewed several high security clearance intelligence officers who corroborate much of Grusch’s testimony about the U.S. government possessing alien spacecraft and say the government has located more than a dozen non-human craft since WWII. “The idea is so shocking that you kind of have to be like there’s some big chance that’s not true,” Michael says, “but if this is true, this means we’re not alone and we haven’t been for a long time.”