Did Our Founders Create a Republic for a Dystopian Tyranny?

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© November 2, 2023

I am concerned for the existence of the existence of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. In my near 67 years of life (birthday on 11/20), I’ve noticed a slow shredding of our Founders’ Original Intent Constitution and a Leftist relegation of America’s Founding Documents (including the influences on our Founders) to a historical dust bin of revision, condemnation, or just darn erasure. Documents to read they probably don’t teach your children or are revamped in colleges: Short List, UShistory.org List, The Patriot Post List, AND constitutioncenter.org ‘Intellectual Foundations of the American Founding’ List. Some of the documents on these lists I was taught even in Elementary School, some I became aware in College (I have a BA in History), and admittedly some I still need to examine. I suspect most of today’s academic dissemination of American history is belittling. As an American, YOU should take at least a brief look at one or more of the above lists to see if you were taught patriotically or taught under the stigma of propaganda or even taught at all.

These introductory thoughts lead to what will be considered a long post of mostly THE EXPOSÉ articles on Globalist/Medical Tyranny infecting not only American culture but the one-time Free Western World. For those unaware, THE EXPOSÉ is a UK-based Online publication that dedicated to exposing the assault on Freedom primarily in the UK sphere of influence which means an inclusion in the expanse of what once the British Commonwealth of Nations. Every once in a while THE EXPOSÉ includes the USA in its reporting.

In full disclosure, I’m not on board with some of the views of THE EXPOSÉ. Yet typically, the Online journal’s reporting on Globalist/Medical Tyranny creep is something I appreciate. And so, over the last couple of days THE EXPOSÉ has three posts on Globalist designs for a world-wide dystopian future that will eradicate Freedom and incentivize some of form of government control undoubtedly under the Globalist hope of a One-World Government.

After the first THE EXPOSÉ cross post I’m sharing a copy of Dinesh D’Souza’s Documentary “Police State” from the Bitchute video platform. The D’Souza Documentary was released to the Big Screen theaters and now is available to purchase the DVD. D’Souza is a movie producer is obviously to both earn a buck and recoup funds for production costs and probably to fund future documentary projects. AS SUCH, I am unsure how long the video will be available on the Bitchute Channel I’m sharing. A copyright complaint could get it removed. Either way you should support D’Souza by purchasing the DVD which can be found on the “Police State” website HERE.

The Epoch Times has a 58-second “Police State” trailer to the Documentary which includes a link to purchase the DVD. HERE is the EPOCH TV description to that trailer posted on 10/30/23:

“Is the United States becoming a police state? The answer would seem to be yes, because many of the features of a police state—such as widespread surveillance of citizens, censorship and suppression of free speech, ideological indoctrination in schools and the media, political targeting of dissidents, and political prisoners—are now present and observable in the United States.

Indeed, both sides of the political aisle agree that America is in danger of losing its democracy and its liberty. The only difference is that each accuses the other of seeking to establish a police state. So who’s right? This film resolves that question by helping define what the police state is, and showing how it got started and how it operates—both behind the scenes and out in the open.

The film shows how the police state emerged out of the ashes of 9/11, when citizens gave their government a whole new set of police powers, intending that those be used against Islamic terrorists from abroad. Over time, remarkably, those same powers were turned against American citizens—patriots, Christians, and conservatives—who are accused of being domestic terrorists.

The film also identifies Donald Trump as the primary target of the police state, and the January 6 protesters—some serving long sentences for peacefully entering the Capitol to make their voices heard—as the first political prisoners in U.S. peacetime history. Working in collaboration with Dan Bongino—former NYPD officer, Secret Service Agent, and now political commentator—Dinesh D’Souza burrows deep into the bowels of the police state, interviewing insiders and whistleblowers, as well as ordinary citizens who have been hounded, raided, and targeted by an expansive police state apparatus that stretches across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.

This is Dinesh D’Souza’s most terrifying and most timely film. It is an urgent warning to all Americans to protect our basic liberties—before it’s too late.

🇺🇸Police State DVD: https://www.epochtv.shop/policestate

[LIVE] Exclusive Q&A With Dinesh D’Souza on ‘Police State’ https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/exclusive-live-qa-with-dinesh-dsouza-oct-30-1040am-et-crossroads-5519119

AND NOW THE CROSS POSTS. If it’s too lengthy for you, you should bookmark the post and go back and read as your time permits. FRIENDS AND READERS – DO SOMETHING TO RESIST TYRANNY! Do not rely on outside help, you are a free individual. Find other free individuals.

  • The Psychological Playbook: Brainwashing Techniques to Increase “Vaccine” Uptake
  • Police State Documentary
  • Is Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Nightmare Unfolding?: A Startling Correlation with Shocking Quadruple Vaccinated Mortality Rates Certainly Suggests So…
  • Bill Gates Pushes Digital ID for Newborns in Kenya

JRH 11/2/23


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The Psychological Playbook: Brainwashing Techniques to Increase “Vaccine” Uptake

Psychological Playbook – Brainwash to Obey (THE EXPOSÉ Photo)


November 1, 2023


Dr William Makis has reviewed 8 published papers that clearly show the techniques employed by governments world wide to ensure vaccine uptake. From punishments and threats to employment and reputation, to rewards for complying, studies show that the Covid vaccine rollout was aided by the greatest psychological fear campaign in human history using tried and tested brainwashing techniques.

Propaganda Series – Brainwashing Techniques Used to Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake – 8 papers reviewed, looking at the psychological manipulation of the masses.

This article originally appeared on makismd.substack.com by Dr. William Makis

COVID & Jab Brainwashing toon (THE EXPOSÉ Photo)

Papers Reviewed:

  • 2023 Jun – Steffens et al – “Testing persuasive messages about booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines on intention to vaccinate in Australian adults: A randomised controlled trial”
  • 2023 Jan – Fisher et al – “Impact of a physician recommendation on COVID-19 vaccination intent among vaccine hesitant individuals”
  • 2021 Sep – Kachurka et al – “Persuasive Messages Will Not Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance” (Polish people say f**k you to propaganda)

2023 Jun – Steffens et al – “Testing persuasive messages about booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines on intention to vaccinate in Australian adults: A randomised controlled trial”

  • four propaganda messages were tested:
  • Personal health benefits – booster gives you protection
  • Community health benefits – booster reduces your risk of giving virus to your family, or people in the community who could get sick and die
  • Non-Health Benefits – travel, go to weddings, see family and friends, getting a booster reduces chance that restrictions will return
  • Personal agency – getting booster is a personal choice that give you control of your health and lets you protect people you care about.
  • “messages emphasizing non-health benefits of getting a COVID-19 booster dose, like travelling, enjoying family occasions like weddings, and seeing family and friends, may increase intention to vaccinate, especially in hesitant populations.”
  • “At the time, the Australian population had endured almost two years of public health restrictions, including lockdowns and international and domestic border closures. Being able to live more normally, free from restrictions, may have been top of mind, and hence what participants found the most persuasive.”
  • “messages emphasizing personal agency may have negative impacts, especially with hesitant individuals.”
  • “Hesitant individuals may have reacted negatively (psychological reactance) to suggestions about how they ought to behave, and what others approve or disapprove of regarding vaccination decisions”

2023 Apr – Kleitman et al – “The Psychology of COVID-19 Booster Hesitancy, Acceptance and Resistance in Australia”

  • Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) identified three subgroups: Acceptant (61%), Hesitant (30%) and Resistant (9%).
  • Hesitant and Resistant groups were less worried about catching COVID-19, used fewer official sources of COVID-19 info, checked the news less, were lower on the agreeableness personality dimension and reported more conservatism, persecutory thinking, amoral attitudes and need for chaos.
  • Hesitant group (30%) also reported checking the legitimacy of information sources less, scored lower on the openness to new experiences personality dimension and were more likely than the Resistant and Acceptant groups to report regaining freedoms (e.g., travel) and work requirements or external pressures as reasons to get a booster
  • Resistant group (9%) were higher on reactance, held more conspiratorial beliefs and rated their culture as being less tolerant of deviance than the Hesitant and Acceptant groups

Booster Chart – Acceptance, Hesitancy & Resistance

Booster Chart – Finding & Policy Recommendations

2023 Mar – Limbu et al – “Why Some People Are Hesitant to Receive COVID-19 Boosters: A Systematic Review”

  • COVID-19 Booster Vaccination Hesitancy Rate:
  • North America is highest at 41%
  • Europe 35%
  • Asia 28%
  • South America 28%
  • younger people more reluctant to take boosters
  • single or never married adults were more likely to be booster hesitant
  • research on education and men vs women is mixed
  • Compared to other occupations, health care workers, allied health professions, housewives, administrative staff & service workers were more likely to be booster hesitant.
  • Vaccine Adverse Events were the most frequently reported predictor of hesitancy
  • Reduced booster hesitancy: government mandates, booster recommendations from family or health care and community workers
  • Increased booster hesitancy: when social networks or social media served as an important info source, or other factors:
  • political messages discouraging boosters
  • belief in natural immunity
  • boosters are unnecessary
  • personal health is in God’s hands
  • COVID-19 is similar to seasonal flu
  • “interventions that can harness normative social influence should be powerful. For example, information campaigns that rely on recommendations from celebrities, political figures, or groups trusted by the target audience should be more effective at reducing hesitancy”
  • “Additionally, campaigns can explain how to overcome booster hesitancy among family and friends by providing information and strategies for effective normative influence on the booster hesitant from those close to them.”

2023 Jan – Fisher et al – “Impact of a physician recommendation on COVID-19 vaccination intent among vaccine hesitant individuals”

  • Physicians and other healthcare providers are the most trusted source of information about the COVID-19 vaccine
  • Recommendation from a physician has consistently been associated with higher rates of vaccine uptake for other vaccines such as the human papillomavirus (HPV) and influenza vaccines
  • strong recommendation from a physician or healthcare provider may be influential in increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake and an important tool in fostering COVID-19 vaccine acceptance
  • A presumptive style recommendation (e.g., “you are due for a flu shot”) is associated with increased vaccine uptake compared with a participatory style recommendation (e.g., “are you interested in getting a flu shot?”)
  • Results: 33% became less hesitant following a doctor message
  • 39% “as safe as the flu shot” message was most effective in reducing hesitancy
  • 36% “I acknowledge your concerns, I’ve reviewed the studies” message
  • 35% “protect others” message
  • 34% “I recommend that you get it”
  • 20% “What do you think?” message was least effective in reducing hesitancy
  • Conclusion: “Encouraging physicians to provide an explicit recommendation is a promising means of increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the US”

2021 Dec – Erin James et al – “Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions”

  • “Vaccination is both a self-interested and pro-social action – people protect themselves, but they also reduce chance of spreading disease to others”
  • “people view vaccination as a social contract and are less willing to cooperate with the unvaxxed
  • “highlighting the reputational costs of choosing not to vaccinate could be an effective strategy for increasing uptake”
  • appeals to herd immunity and the pro-social aspect of vaccination have been shown to increase uptake”
  • “messages that explain herd immunity increase willingness to receive a vaccine”
  • “effective public health messages would also increase people’s willingness to encourage those close to them to vaccinate and to hold negative judgments of those who do not vaccinate
  • “by encouraging those close to them to vaccinate, people are both promoting compliance with social norms and increasing their own level of protection”
  • by judging those who do not vaccinate more negatively, they apply social pressure to others to promote cooperative behavior.”
  • free riders should be punished or ostracized for their past actions, to encourage pro-social outcomes” (a FREE RIDER is an unvaxxed person who is getting a “free ride” by getting protection from herd immunity that was created by the vaccinated around them who did the right thing”)


  • baseline info = to end COVID-19 outbreak, must get jabbed, stops transmission, safe and effective, save millions of lives
  • self-interest = reduces your risk of getting sick and dying, or long term disability
  • community interest = reduces risk that members of your family and community could get sick and die (vaccination is a cooperative action to protect others)
  • community interest + guilt = how guilty would you feel if you didn’t jab and gave COVID to someone you care about? (invoke emotion)
  • community interest + embarrassment = how embarrassed and ashamed would you be if you didn’t jab and gave COVID to someone you care about? (emotion)
  • community interest + anger = how angry will you be if you didn’t jab and give COVID to someone you care about? (invoke emotion)
  • not bravery = military, doctors, firefighters risk their lives to serve others, that’s bravery. Not getting jabbed is reckless, you risk health of your family, friends and community. To get jabbed is to show strength. (reputation, social image concerns)
  • trust in science = unvaxxed are ignorant or confused about science, and you’ll show others how ignorant or confused you are (reputation, social image concerns)
  • personal freedom = unvaxxed increase risk we lose our freedoms or govt lockdowns will return. We all keep our freedom by getting jabbed.
  • economic freedom = unvaxxed increase risk of govt lockdowns returning, getting jabbed means we all keep our ability to work and earn a living.
  • community economic benefit = getting jabbed strengthens national economy

Most effective brainwashing techniques:

  • to increase your willingness to jab: embarrassment, community, not bravery
  • Guilt and embarrassment were most effective to increase your willingness to advise a friend to vaccinate
  • Not bravery message was most effective to increase your negative judging of the unvaxxed.
  • women responded more to the Trust in Science and Embarrassment, than men
  • men responded more to the Not Bravery and Community Interest (without embarrassment) messages.
  • Democrats were most easily brainwashed and responded to all messages
  • Republicans appeared to react only to Community Interest, embarrassment
  • Those high in vaccine confidence responded to all messages (all types of brainwashing)
  • those low in confidence responded only to the Community Interest messages
  • CONCLUSION: Experiment findings support the “idea that vaccination is often treated as a social contract in which people are expected to vaccinate and those who do not are sanctioned”
  • “messages that invoked reputational concerns were successful at altering judgment of those who would free ride on the contributions of others”
  • propaganda must be tailored to target women differently than men

2021 Sep – Kachurka et al – “Persuasive Messages Will Not Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance” (Polish people reject propaganda)

  • 6000 Polish internet users were sampled
  • Propaganda Messages tested:
  • reputation of vaxx makers: they’re American Pfizer and German Biontech
  • efficiency: over 90%
  • safety: European Medicines Agency confirms they’re safe, mild side effects
  • others want it: 75% of people want to get jabbed as soon as possible
  • Science authority: scientists say it’s the only rational choice
  • vaccine passport convenience: vaxxed will be able to travel, not wear mask, not quarantine, will make everyday life easier
  • scarcity: not enough jabs for everyone
  • thoroughly tested: over 100,000 people were tested in clinical trials
  • Price (they show you one): jab is free, free and you get 15 Euro, costs 2 EUR, costs 15 EUR
  • RESULTS: 45% of respondents were unwilling to get vaccinated
  • none of the messages were effective in reducing this hesitancy
  • politically aligned left or center meant 60-80% were willing to get jabbed
  • politically right or “ultra-right” or “none” or “other” 30-50% were willing to get jabbed
  • up to 70% said they didn’t trust the government.


  • Focus on individual reasons – have their doctors try to convince them.
  • Turn those willing to be jabbed into “champions of the campaign” – through facebook stickers and physical stickers – and encourage them to talk to family and friends
  • Use reminders to ensure those who want to vaccinate actually follow through.

2021 Jun – Scott Ratzan et al – Missing the Point — How Primary Care Can Overcome Covid-19 Vaccine “Hesitancy”

  • Among unvaccinated patients, there is a spectrum of vaccine “hesitance,” ranging from being “vaccine ready” to “vaccine neutral” to “vaccine resistant
  • vaccine ready” – must have ready access to vaccine to get them vaccinated
  • “vaccine neutral” – may accept vaccination when seeking care for other problems, if vaccine is available and they get a “nudge” from a trusted clinician
  • “vaccine resistant” – they must have “regularly scheduled doctor visits” – family doctors have a “core responsibility” to make preventive services including vaccination available, and persuade patients.
  • Primary care clinicians and trusted health care organizations often have the working relationships with community leaders to create solutions that fit local needs and preferences.”
  • when boosters come, must put more focus on doctors, nurses, and community leaders who know how to create access, convey persuasive messages, and deliver care.

2021 Feb – Stacy Wood et al – “Beyond Politics — Promoting Covid-19 Vaccination in the United States”

  • Any successful marketing strategy will be multifaceted
  • “Consumer research and behavioral economics suggest 12 key strategies for an effective vaccine-promotion effort”
  • Segment public by identity barriers – must tailor propaganda to various groups (some incorporate masks into self-image as symbol of community responsibility, others see wearing masks as cowardice or weakness)
  • Find a common enemy – try to make the virus threat the common enemy
  • Use analogy – “war against COVID”
  • Increase observability – make vaccine status observable – vaxxed should wear tokens, bracelets, stickers, pins (like those given to voters), or “DIGITAL BADGES” – such as frames or banners for one’s social media profile photo – consumers’ ability to observe others’ choices can increase rate of adoption
  • Leverage Vaccine Scarcity – frame early access to vaccines as a mark of honor or respect for people we want to protect (first responders, older Americans, medical staff, teachers, essential workers). First responders who are healthy – getting vaccine priority is a sign of respect awarded to them.
  • Predict Negative Attributions – delays can be seen as govt incompetence, deployment in poor neighbourhoods can be seen as “experimentation” – must address these
  • Prompt Anticipated Regret – push fear that someone you love will die from the illness, potential guilt of losing a family member, or guilt of getting Long COVID
  • Avoid conveying piecemeal risk info – get bad info out there in one piece, instead of an ongoing trickle of information
  • Promote compromise options – coffee shops use three serving sizes because consumer research shows it helps people make decisions – make vaccination a three option choice to avoid depicting jabs as the most extreme of two.
  • Create FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) – employees can offer incentives like a day off, Universities can offer tickets to sports events or cultural events, tax benefits, insurance rebates, etc. Create “fear of missing out” on perks and benefits.
  • Combat Uniqueness Neglect – many people believe they’re unique, so a once-size-fits-all option to mass vaccinate may not appeal to them – train medical professionals to identify these people, offer them unnecessary modifications to vaccine delivery (create “special treatment” to trick them into vaccination)
  • Neutralize the Case versus Base-Rate Heuristic – people put more weight on anecdotes, especially on vaccine injury – force medical personnel to counter this with their own anecdotal stories (the pregnant woman who died because she didn’t get vaccinated

My Take….

I wish I had read this literature early on in the pandemic, to realize and understand how truly evil and psychopathic the COVID-19 Propaganda and the Psychological Warfare on the population was.

From the brainwashing techniques outlined here, some of my observations:

  • The appeal to “protect the community” was probably the most effective brainwashing technique – mainly to protect family, friends, the community, the healthcare system – they knew that this would pressure many vaccine hesitant to get the shots (especially concern about family members with medical conditions)
  • this worked even better when they attached an emotion to it
  • “The increased observability” was the most effective brainwashing technique to get people to adopt a brand new technology (LNP/mRNA), a technique that was used by Apple and its Ipod – and this was employed via “DIGITAL BADGES” on facebook that we now use to identify vaccine status of the thousands who are dying suddenly from COVID-19 Vaccine injuries.
  • This also involved “PHYSICAL BADGES” which were in the form of vaccine cards that people proudly photographed and displayed on social media
  • Finding a common enemy – went from a “novel Coronavirus” to the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and this was tied in with:
  • judging negatively those who refused to be vaccinated, the “free riders” who benefited from the herd immunity created by the vaccinated
  • the unvaccinated once identified as “the common enemy” were punished and sanctioned by being excluded from society
  • the poor treatment of the unvaccinated undoubtedly forced some to get vaccinated to avoid such a fate
  • reputation concerns – doctors and scientists who did not conform to the Propaganda had their reputations smeared and destroyed and were made examples of by mainstream media to keep other doctors scared and sticking to the narrative, even at the cost of their or their own patients’ lives
  • Justin Trudeau created a smear campaign of the unvaccinated, calling them names such as “fringe minority” and claiming that they were racists and misogynists
  • thus “reputation destruction” was a strong brainwashing tool that probably forced some to get vaccinated
  • vaccine scarcity was leveraged as first responders were given “hero” status and were the first ones lined up to get the vaccines as a sign of honor and a reward
  • they were basically held up as examples for the rest of the population to follow
  • REWARDS – ability to travel, go to restaurants, go to stadiums, concerts, participate in physical activities and sports – that, for a time, were only given to the vaccinated as “rewards” for being “good citizens”
  • donuts, burgers & fries, ice cream for kids – predatory behavior
  • $100 incentive or entry into a million dollar lottery
  • PUNISHMENTS – vaccine mandates, employment termination, removal of unemployment benefits, decreased ability to travel, inability to find new employment, etc.
  • Fear of loss of freedoms – this was another major driving factor, people didn’t want to lose the freedom to travel, the freedom to enjoy life (restaurants, concerts, sports, stadiums), the freedom to take care of loved ones
  • this is now being contemplated as one of the key fear tactics in getting people to take COVID-19 boosters again.
  • people will be reminded of lockdowns and the message will be: “you don’t want us to bring lockdowns back, do you? Then get vaccinated
  • Brainwashing by a trusted doctor – this is currently seen as one of the few plausible avenues to bring the COVID-19 vaccine hesitant back into the fold and get them to start taking mRNA vaccines regularly again.
  • There will be huge pressure on doctors to get COVID-19 vaccine uptake up to 85% again
  • this will be tied to regular doctor visits, physicals, annual doctor visits, etc.

In the next part I will closely examine the DIGITAL BADGES that were used as propaganda to convince and pressure others into getting COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated.

Dr. Makis’ Substack





Posted by TRUTH MEDIAViral Myth

First Published October 31st, 2023 05:40 UTC

Is the United States becoming a police state? This film resolves the question by defining what a police state is, how it got started, how it operates, and who’s in charge.

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Is Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Nightmare Unfolding?: A Startling Correlation with Shocking Quadruple Vaccinated Mortality Rates Certainly Suggests So…


October 31, 2023


In April 2021, the enigmatic intelligence firm Deagel.com quietly erased its staggering 2025 global depopulation forecast, a document forecasting a dramatic decline in populations of key countries like the United Kingdom, United States, Germany etc.

This drastic prediction, which vanished from the public eye after garnering huge attention during the alleged COVID-19 pandemic, has since been shrouded in whispers and theories, only to resurface amidst startling new health data.

Gates in Deagle.com Depopulation Photo (THE EXPOSÉ Photo)

The latest official Government figures suggest an alarming pattern: significantly higher mortality rates in vaccinated individuals compared to the unvaccinated, echoing the ominous tones of Deagel’s predictions. But what’s even more concerning is that the disparity in mortality rates increased ten-fold the more Covid-19 vaccinations that an age group was given.

This means we are now seeing quadruple vaccinated teenagers up to 318% more likely to die than unvaccinated teenagers,

As we delve into this mysterious intersection of prediction and present reality, a question arises:

Could the once-dismissed forecast of Deagel.com be an unfolding truth hidden in plain sight?

Big Pharma & Depopulation Coincidence? (THE EXPOSÉ Photo)

The Shocking Forecast of 2025 by Deagel.com and Its Disappearance

In an age where forecasting and data analysis hold significant sway over public perception and policy, Deagel.com, a renowned global intelligence and consulting firm, made headlines with its startling prediction concerning global depopulation.

Particularly, its 2025 population forecast captured widespread attention. This prediction, which was suspiciously removed from their website in April 2021, once it garnered attention in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic has thankfully been preserved by Nobul Art, allowing continued access to this troubling piece of depopulation forecasts.

The Stark Numbers: United Kingdom and Germany’s Predicted Plight

According to Deagel’s 2020 forecast, the United Kingdom was on course to witness an extraordinary decrease in population by 77.1% by the year 2025.

United Kingdom Population Change Map (THE EXPOSÉ Photo) SOURCE

Similarly, Germany was expected to see its population diminish by 65.1% within the same timeframe.

Germany Population Change Map (THE EXPOSÉ Photo) SOURCE

Meanwhile Deagel predicted in 2020 that the United States would see its population decline by 68.5 % by the year 2025.

USA Population Change Map (THE EXPOSÉ Photo) SOURCE

While predicting that Australia would see its population decline by 34.6% by the year 2025.

Australia Population Change Map (THE EXPOSÉ Photo) SOURCE

Such figures, unsurprisingly, sparked intense debate and speculation regarding the underlying causes and the accuracy of these predictions.

A Chilling Correlation with Vaccine-Related Mortality?

In an unexpected twist, recent health data appears to lend a disturbing credence to Deagel’s dire predictions.

According to a dataset released by the UK Government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), there’s an alarming trend observed in mortality rates among different vaccination statuses.

This data indicates that Four-Dose COVID-19 COVID-19-vaccinated teens and young Adults have up to a 318% higher likelihood of death compared to their unvaccinated counterparts.

Chart Mortality Rate Ages 18 – 39 Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed UK Govt (THE EXPOSÉ Photo) SOURCE-Excel Doc from UK ONS Download

In every single month, four-dose vaccinated teenagers and young adults were significantly more likely to die than unvaccinated teenagers and young adults.

Chart Mortality Rate Ages 18 – 39 4-DOSE Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed UK Govt (THE EXPOSÉ Photo) SOURCE-Excel Doc from UK ONS Download

The difference in mortality rates was so stark that the unvaccinated only managed to reach a mortality rate of 31.1 per 100,000 person-years in January, whereas the four-dose vaccinated managed to reach a shocking mortality rate of 106 per 100,000 person-years in the same month.

For the remaining months, unvaccinated teens and young adults mortality rate remained within the 20-something per 100,000 person-years. Whereas four-dose vaccinated teens and young adults’ mortality rates only went as low as 80.9 per 100,00 in April and remained within 85 to 106 per 100,000 for the remaining months.

Moreover, the mortality rate for one-dose COVID-19 Vaccinated Adults aged 40 to 49 shows a 185% higher risk of death than those unvaccinated within the same age group.

Chart Mortality Rate Ages 40 – 49 One-DOSE Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed UK Govt (THE EXPOSÉ Photo) SOURCE-Excel Doc from UK ONS Download

While the mortality rate for four-dose COVID-19 COVID-19-vaccinated adults aged 40 to 49 shows a 104% higher risk of death than those unvaccinated within the same age group.

Chart Mortality Rate Ages 40 – 49 4-DOSE Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed UK Govt (THE EXPOSÉ Photo) SOURCE-Excel Doc from UK ONS Download

Both one-dose and four-dose vaccinated adults aged 40-49 were significantly more likely to die than unvaccinated adults of the same age every single month since the beginning of 2023.

January was the worst month for both vaccinated groups as a mortality rate per 100,000 of 411.3 was recorded among the one-dose vaccinated and a mortality rate of 258.5 per 100,000 was recorded among the four-dose vaccinated.

Whereas a mortality rate of just 144.5 per 100,000 was recorded among the unvaccinated.

Chart Mortality Rate Ages 40 – 49 One-DOSE, 4-DOSE Vaxxed & UnVaxxed UK Govt (THE EXPOSÉ Photo) SOURCE-Excel Doc from UK ONS Download

The January to May average mortality rates were 132.08 per 100,000 among the unvaccinated, 264.14 per 100,000 among the one-dose vaccinated and 225.2 per 100,000 among the four-dose vaccinated. Meaning, on average, over five months the one-dose vaccinated were 100% more likely to die than the unvaccinated, and the four-dose vaccinated were 71% more likely to die.

These startling statistics have led to rising concerns and debates regarding the safety and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 vaccines. The correlation between the increased mortality rates among the vaccinated and Deagel’s prediction of a drastic population reduction presents a scenario that is as concerning as it is controversial.

Unraveling the Truth Behind the Numbers

The emergence of such data inevitably leads to questions about the nature of COVID-19 mRNA and viral-vector vaccines and their role in public health.

While correlation does not necessarily imply causation, these figures undeniably demand a thorough and unbiased investigation into the vaccine’s impact on health and mortality.

The idea that COVID-19 vaccines could potentially increase mortality and be harmful, as implied heavily by the official Government data, adds a complex layer to the already heated debate surrounding vaccine efficacy and safety.

Navigating a Path Forward

This scenario underscores the necessity for transparent, rigorous scientific inquiry and open discourse. It challenges the global community to look beyond the surface of public health policies and predictions, urging a deeper understanding of their potential implications.

As we edge closer to 2025, the predictions of Deagel, though shrouded in controversy, call for a vigilant examination of emerging health trends and a critical assessment of our responses to global health crises.

In conclusion, while the correlation between the reported increased mortality among the vaccinated and Deagel’s grim depopulation forecast for 2025 remains a subject of intense debate and scrutiny, it highlights a pivotal moment in our contemporary history.

It beckons us to navigate these complex times with a balanced approach, grounded in scientific integrity and a commitment to uncovering the truth.

And even if Deagel’s 2025 depopulation forecast turns out to be largely overstated, we still have to worry about the fact that U.S. Centers for Disease Control data officially confirms that COVID-19 vaccination can reduce your lifespan by at least 24 years.

This means billions of people have been injected with a poison that is killing them slowly.




Bill Gates Pushes Digital ID for Newborns in Kenya


October 31, 2023


Bill Gates Pushed Newborn Digital ID in Kenya (THE EXPOSÉ Photo)

Bill Gates is still pushing his digital ID programmes that are essentially tools to that make “governments more efficient at what they are already doing,” according to the Financial Times, “and can be used as a tool to suppress or discriminate against certain citizens.” This time the Gates development and rollout of a government-backed digital ID programme was announced in Kenya after a recent series of “closed-door meetings” with President Ruto. It includes a biometric vaccination system for newborns to replace birth certificates while also helping to track children from birth to 5 years old to ensure all children receive their vaccines.

Michael Nevradakis says “We have to wake up many more folks with truth from the non-conspiratorial trenches. The wireless devices that folks are adamant they unequivocally require to count their steps, run their — and their children’s — lives and homes, and keep them current with society are the same devices from which society is already set up for techno-totalitarianism.”

The following article was originally published in the Defender by senior reporter Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

Bill Gates Pushes Digital ID for Newborns in Kenya as Critics Warn of Surveillance Risk

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is continuing its global push to support government-backed digital ID programs — this time setting its sights on Kenya, where it will advise the government on that country’s “Maisha Namba” digital ID initiative currently under development, Reclaim the Net reports.

According to the Kenyan Daily Post, Gates’ role in assisting the Kenyan government in its development and rollout of Maisha Namba was announced after a recent series of “closed-door meetings” with Kenyan President William Ruto.

“The billionaire, who is known to champion GMO [genetically modified organism] foods, has met Ruto in a series of meetings since he came to power with most of the engagements shrouded in secrecy,” the Kenyan Daily Post wrote.

“The deal will connect the government to key technical experts and partners who will offer professional advice to guarantee a smooth rollout,” Kenyans.co.ke reports.

Alexis Hancock, director of engineering for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told The Defender that such secrecy between governments and private entities is common.

“Outside companies often pitch solutions to various governments that they can solve their problem with their product,” she said. “If governments are to implement this, the technology involved should be allowed scrutiny by the people first before anything is deployed, and delayed if it is not considered safe and equitable.”

According to Biometric Update, Maisha Namba is “expected to address different challenges such as identifying and authenticating citizens, safeguarding primary registration documents such as birth certificates and national identity cards and improving the management of social programmes and government operations.”

The identification number attached to Maisha Namba “will also be used to register for government services, including education, health insurance, tax and social security.”

But some experts said they believe the Maisha Namba program has other, unannounced, aims. Dr. Wahome Ngare, chairman of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, told The Defender that Maisha Namba will operate as a vaccination tracking program.

“Maisha Namba — Kiswahili for ‘life number’ — is a biometric vaccination system for newborns that will replace birth certificates and help track children from birth to 5 years of age,” Ngare said. “It will be used to monitor and ensure all children receive their vaccines.”

Ngare said the Maisha Namba trial was conducted between February and March and is now being rolled out by the government, most likely as part of Universal Health Coverage.

He attributed Gates’ involvement with Maisha Namba to the involvement of entities such as Microsoft and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.

Gavi says it “helps vaccinate almost half the world’s children against deadly and debilitating infectious diseases.” It was established in 1999, with the Gates Foundation as one of its co-founders and one of its four permanent board members.

Gavi maintains a core partnership with UNICEF, the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), which includes Gavi in its list of “relevant stakeholders.”

“On a deeper level and based on my understanding, Maisha Namba and the Maisha card are part of the larger international ID2020 initiative, sponsored by Gates through Gavi and Microsoft and their failed vaccine passport,” he said.

“For this reason, the full value and pain of the digital ID system will become known when the next pandemic is announced by the World Health Organization, especially if the International Health Regulations are adopted next year,” Ngare added.

Ngare was referring to amendments to the existing International Health Regulations, currently under negotiation by WHO members alongside a proposed “pandemic treaty.”

The ID2020 Alliance previously promoted the development of digital ID and vaccine passports. Microsoft is a founding member of the ID2020 Alliance, as are Gavi, the Gates Foundation, the World Bank, Accenture and the Rockefeller Foundation.

“If all goes according to plan, Bill Gates will not only inject billions of Africans with his mRNA vaccines,” Ngare said. “He has created a digital ID system for governments around the world to ensure nobody misses their vaccines and that those who refuse vaccination can be restricted from traveling or from accessing government services.”

Gates supported biometric digital ID initiatives around the world, including the first such program, Aadhaar, launched in India in 2009. Aadhaar enrolled over 99% of all Indian adults, linking them with many public and private services. The program has generated controversy, which Gates has dismissed.

Other experts also expressed concerns similar to those of Ngare. California-based privacy attorney Greg Glaser told The Defender, “Vaccine passports were a test run for global biometric ID,” adding:

“Biometric ID is to future dystopian society as batteries are to your TV’s remote control. Without the batteries, the remote control does nothing. Without biometric ID, dystopian technology fails: social credit scorescentral bank digital currencies [CBDCs], smart devices in the Internet of Things.

“All of these are rendered useless without the ability to integrate the masses into new technology systems through biometric identification.”

According to Glaser, there is a larger purpose to such efforts.

Transhumanism is the endgame, and biometric ID is its Achilles heel,” Glaser said. “All of these things in our lives fundamentally depend on ID today: rights, citizenship status, affiliations, standing in court, accounts, privileges, services, land title and more. A person can hardly access any of the above without some form of ID, mostly meaning name but often numbers, which are increasingly linked to biometrics,” he said.

“Controlling people means controlling ID,” he added. “Even national governments are now wholly dependent on their organizational and corporate IDs.”

Similarly, Irene Polansky, a citizen who routinely participates in the National Call for Safe Technology hosted by Wired Broadband Inc. and Virginians for Safe Technology, told The Defender that COVID-19 was “a beta (compliance) test for what’s to come,” and to be wary of the touted benefits of new technologies such as digital ID.

“Otherwise, we — and our children’s lives and bodily autonomies and innate rights — and our pieces of the planet, our properties and our civil rights and our wallets — our hard-earned monies and financial means — will be collectively and tyrannically coerced and devoured to our objection or surprise,” she said.

Digital ID for newborns part of ‘vast opportunities’ Gates sees in Africa

Mark Suzman, CEO of the Gates Foundation, told Business Daily Africa that his organization will connect the Kenyan government with technical experts and partners.

“Our role is always as an adviser. We can connect the government to key technical experts and partners, but we’re very encouraged by what we see and by the President’s commitment. We have a number of specific investment support on digital identity. We actually provide it to broader platforms,” he said.

According to Business Daily Africa, such assistance to the Kenyan government is part of what the Gates Foundation sees as “vast opportunities that can be unlocked through the existence of a digital identity in Kenya.”

“This is a huge priority of President Willam Ruto, and we think very appropriately so because a strong, robust, open-source digital identity system actually becomes a platform that not only leverages financial inclusion, where Kenya is already a global leader, but can be a platform that actually drives important advances in health care, in education and other services,” Suzman said.

But the Gates Foundation is not the only global actor involved in the rollout of Maisha Namba. According to Kenya’s Capital News, the Kenyan government and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) signed a memorandum of understanding in August to support the fledgling digital ID program.

According to Reclaim the Net, “The plan envisages every newborn being assigned a Maisha Namba, which stays with them throughout their life.” Nyandarua County Deputy Commissioner Rukia Chitechi said, “The system shall be run through schools by ensuring every child born is assigned a maisha namba.”

Target 16.9 of the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) calls for the provision of a digital legal identity for all, including newborns, by 2030.

According to Glaser, “The UN’s SDG Target 16.9 confirms that governments will be issuing everyone biometric ID by the year 2030, including babies … That means the UN is partnering with corporations and local governments to issue you and your children a biometric ID by 2030, whether you want the IDs or not.”

In a tweet, Julius Kibet Bitok, Kenya’s principal secretary for immigration and citizens services, said, “The digital identity system will provide Kenyans with a secure and reliable way to verify their identity for a variety of purposes, including accessing gov’t services, opening bank accounts, and traveling.”

“It will also help to reduce fraud and corruption, and improve efficiency,” he added.

Ngare questioned that theory. “On face value and if the government is the holder of the data and not third parties such as Microsoft or its minors, it may improve service delivery and reduce fraud as stated by government operatives,” Ngare said, adding that he doubted this would be the case.

Similarly, Hancock said, “If [digital ID is] done correctly, a factor of convenience may benefit people from having to travel long distances for renewing important documents, or issue temporary credentials as they await their official documentation. There are other methods, like ‘selective disclosure,’ where you do not have to display the entirety of your information but only what is required for a certain transaction.”

Hancock said she was concerned about how a “long-term, persistent identifier” could “be used to track people and create a surveillance state or be compromised over time by a bad actor looking to leak information tied to these unique identifiers.”

“Every time a digital ID holder uses their ID, there is an opportunity for the ID issuer and the ID verifier to gather personal data about the ID holder,” she added.

Concerns digital ID will lead to ‘permanent structure for state-level surveillance’

According to Biometric Update, “As the government seeks to win the trust and confidence of the population with regard to the Maisha Card, it has also clarified that its issuance will not be compulsory,” but will instead be accepted as proof of legal ID alongside existing identification documents.

Yet, a separate Biometric Update report states, “A two-to-three-year transition is planned, with legacy national IDs being phased out.”

Hancock said she prefers “ephemeral IDs for transactions and the ability to discard them or change them when they get compromised.” She is “also concerned about mandates around digital ID and it possibly leading to a permanent structure for state-level surveillance.”

“People should have the ability to opt-out of digital first systems and a right to paper if they are not comfortable,” Hancock said.

Similar claims regarding optionality had been made about India’s Aadhaar digital ID program, according to The Economist, which wrote, “Though Aadhaar was supposed to be optional, it is hard to function without it.”

The Kenyan government claims the implementation of Maisha Namba is also intended to bring the country into compliance with international standards on global travel as determined by the International Civil Aviation Organization and other agencies.

Maisha Namba is funded with a budget of 1 billion Kenyan shillings (approximately $6.8 million), Biometric Update reports. The program was initially set to launch on Oct. 2, according to Business Daily Africa, but its rollout was postponed on Sept. 29.

According to Reclaim the Net, Kenyan officials “stress that the new system is aimed at addressing a host of issues such as the authentication of citizens, protection of primary identification documents, improved governance of social programs and operations, and simplification of access to services such as healthcare, education, taxation, and social security,” but public concerns may have contributed to the postponed launch.

“Despite these concerns, government officials have made attempts to assure its citizens of their commitment to privacy protection and the inclusivity promised by the Maisha Namba,” Reclaim the Net added.

Glaser called into question such claims of “inclusivity.”

“‘Inclusivity’ is … a fake talking point politicians use on camera,” he said. “The reality is that biometric ID brings everyone down to the lowest common denominator of government welfare recipients … Inclusivity is political-speak for the government forcing itself on your family and treating your children like wards of the state.”

Glaser also criticized public-private partnerships. “As I researched biometric ID, I learned that governments are not at the top of the food chain. It’s actually private companies at the top — such as Microsoft, Oracle, Accenture — because they create and own the technology and they manage the data at the top.

Some Kenyans ‘very worried and suspicious’ of Gates’ endeavors in Kenya

Kenyan officials have sought to reassure the public that their personal information would be safe on the new digital platform.

Kenyan National Registration Bureau Registrar for the Kipipiri region, Joel Muchunu, said the Maisha Namba program will incorporate advanced security features, including cryptographic technology for data security, Kenya News Agency reported.

Irungu Houghton, executive director of Amnesty International, “applauded” the Maisha Namba program and the Kenyan government’s digital transformation efforts, according to Biometric Update, but “raised concerns about the safety of data that will be collected for the Maisha Namba scheme” and said it is important Kenyans are “comfortable they understand and are aware of the opportunities of this digital platform.”

Such reassurances have not convinced all Kenyans, however. According to Reclaim the Net, “There is an evident wave of skepticism,” with activists from certain regions “expressing concerns about inadequate infrastructure, unreliable network access, and privacy and civil liberties concerns.”

Some activists argued that the Maisha Namba is indistinguishable from a previous digital ID effort attempted by the Kenyan government, the Huduma Namba, according to Kenyan outlet The Star. That program was declared unconstitutional by Kenya’s High Court in October 2021, for conflicting with the country’s Data Protection Act.

Ngare said Huduma Namba “failed because [the government] intended to include DNA.”

Other activist groups, led by the Kenyan Human Rights Commission, are “calling for a stronger legislative basis” and “warn of the possibility of discrimination and the erosion of privacy,” warning that public engagement has been “lacking,” as have “procedural and legal safeguards,” Biometric Update reported.

Other activists “accused the government of backtracking on its promise to do away with vetting for persons seeking identification cards” and claimed “rogue government officials were using the vetting exercise to demand bribes,” according to The Star.

Kenyan officials claimed the country “is lagging behind” in digital implementation, “putting Kenya at risk of non-compliance with international enforcement agencies’ standards.”

Ngare said the Kenyan public at large isn’t highly familiar with Gates, but those who are familiar with him “are very worried and suspicious.” He said there isn’t extensive opposition to Maisha Namba “because at face value, it sounds like a good idea.”

“Most people don’t know the dark side of Bill Gates and his link to the depopulation agenda,” he said. “To the beneficiaries of the NGOs [non-governmental organizations] his foundation supports and some beneficiaries of his philanthropy, he is admired. To those who know the deeper undertones of the eugenics agenda, he is loathed.”

According to The Financial Times, Gates “acknowledges that digital ID could be abused,” saying that “Anything that makes the state more effective is good for the things you like the state to do, and bad for the things you don’t like the state to do.”

“But, if you believe in a state that should provide you education and should let you vote and should give you health services, there’s got to be some notion of, ‘Who are my citizens and are they eligible for this benefit?’” he added.

Ngare said that Gates’ involvement with Maisha Namba is just one of his many interests in Africa, having previously been involved with “The clandestine administration of fertility regulating Tetatus [sic] vaccines to Kenyan women in 2014-2015, facilitated by Gavi and the WHO,” which he says “is still fresh in our minds.”

“He has many interests in Africa, including health and nutrition, gender equality, disease prevention, treatment and research, water, sanitation and hygiene, agriculture and financial services for the poor,” Ngare said, adding that the Gates Foundation announced in 2022 that its African headquarters will be located in Kenya.

The Gates Foundation is also “spearheading the funding to fight HIV, tuberculosis and malaria” in Africa, Ngare said, and is “injecting more funds ‘to advance access to mRNA research and vaccine manufacturing technology that will support low- and middle-income countries’ … capacity to develop high-quality, lifesaving vaccines at scale.”

“He is heavily invested in vaccine development, production and distribution through Gavi … and makes the vaccines ‘available’ to ‘low-income countries’ at affordable or subsidized prices,” Ngare added. “The U.S. and European governments fund the vaccine development that enriches the developers and sponsors such as Gates.”

“Expanding the mRNA technology to tuberculosis, malaria and HIV would afford Gates an opportunity to develop vaccines specifically targeted at Africans,” Ngare said.

Kenyan author Nanjala Nyabola, author of “Digital Democracy, Analogue Politics: How the Internet Era is Transforming Politics in Kenya,” said “Digital identity systems will only make governments more efficient at what they are already doing,” according to The Financial Times, adding that digital IDs could be used as a tool to suppress or discriminate against certain citizens.

Polansky said digital ID technology helps facilitate “a centralized, government- and corporate-accessible database network already built into the wireless network.”

“We have to wake up many more folks with truth from the non-conspiratorial trenches. The wireless devices that folks are adamant they unequivocally require to count their steps, run their — and their children’s — lives and homes, and keep them current with society are the same devices from which society is already set up for techno-totalitarianism.”

Source Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. senior reporter for The Defender