What’s Being Hidden in Lahaina?

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

September 17, 2023

Does anyone besides me find it striking that the Lahaina/Maui death toll oddly seems to “officially” decrease while simultaneously the listed THOUSANDS missing is still a glaring unaccounted amount on an island that is not really that large to justify missing people?

AND it occurs to me at this point with an odd coverup underway, that the only thing “WILD” about the Lahaina/Maui Fires is that they mysteriously occurred (a lot of denials and finger pointing going on) and once ignited safety measures failed to save lives or put out Fires.

Below is a NWO REPORT posted 9/17/23 and an expose video from James O’Keefe I found originally X/Twitter on 9/14/23 but uploaded to my Bitchute Channel (O’Keefe also posted it on Youtube).

JRH 9/17/23


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Maui Wildfires Update: Death Toll Drops to 97, Thousands Still Missing – Democrat Governor Expresses Relief

Lahaina Torched

Posted by Terra | NwoReport

September 17, 2023


In a significant update on the Maui wildfires, the death toll has been revised down to 97 from the initial report of 115 casualties. However, a staggering number of people, numbering in the thousands, remain unaccounted for. Amid this tragedy, the Democrat Governor expressed a sense of relief, stating, “Thank God, fewer people passed away.”

The wildfires on Maui had initially caused widespread devastation, both in terms of property damage and loss of life. The authorities had been working tirelessly to account for the missing individuals, and while the reduced death toll is a positive development, the situation remains dire with thousands still missing.

The decrease in the death toll can be attributed to the diligent efforts of search and rescue teams who have been combing through the affected areas, looking for survivors, and identifying victims. It’s a testament to the dedication of these first responders who have been working around the clock to bring some closure to the affected families.

The Democrat Governor’s statement reflects a shared sentiment of relief among the local community and the nation at large. While the situation is far from resolved, the drop in the death toll is a glimmer of hope in an otherwise devastating crisis.

As the search for the missing individuals continues, the focus remains on providing support and aid to those affected by the wildfires. The Maui community has rallied together, offering assistance to those in need and demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity.

In conclusion, while the Maui wildfires’ death toll has been reduced, the crisis is far from over. Thousands of people are still unaccounted for [Bold Text Emphasis Blog Editor’s], and the recovery efforts continue. The Governor’s expression of relief serves as a reminder of the importance of unity and support in times of disaster. The nation stands in solidarity with the people of Maui as they navigate this challenging ordeal.




Posted by SlantRight2

First Published September 16th, 2023 17:07 UTC

H/T: The Right Scoop (https://tinyurl.com/2padhuks). James O’Keefe is tackling the government Free Press/Free Speech violations in Hawaii, specifically in the torched city of Lahaina on Maui. The State is claiming safety restrictions but it is apparent from local residents who have successively leaked actual stories, the coverup is hide the villainy Democidal deaths which we can only use logical and educated guessing behind the reasoning to allow massive fires to kill people and property.

The ORIGINAL O’Keefe X/Twitter Video Feed: https://twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1702472782385140042

O’Keefe X/Twitter video summary:

“O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

Hawaii National Guard says Maui police and Sheriffs are “assholes” who are “puffing chests”

OMG files lawsuit against Hawaii Gov to invalidate the criminalization of protected First Amendment activity and to also strip Maui County of any ability to criminally charge anyone who exercises their First Amendment rights.”