When ACTUAL History is Forgotten, Antisemitism Resurges

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© May 11, 2024

At age 67, I remember younger days watching old WWII movies and Documentaries showing the atrocities Jews went through via The Final Solution agenda of German Nazis and their leader Adolf Hitler. The scenes of atrocities are embedded in my mind evoking disgust at the sight of seeing Jews rounded up across Europe as the Nazi war machine spread like a deadly demonic cancer: Violence, murders, rapes, thefts, Concentration Death Camps, Medical Experiments – just off the top of mind-recollection. IT WAS HORRIFIC!

I am appalled people in Western Societies are allowing a resurgence of such Jew-Hatred. ESPECIALLY at the hands of Muslims and Arabs-Who-Call-Themselves-Palestinians (no such historical people ever existed) who have encoded Jew-Hatred in their revered writings (Quran, Hadith & Sira – SEE HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE) from the days Jews rejected Muhammad as a Prophet. Muhammad then proceeded to slaughter Jews in the Arabian Peninsula [SA: HERE & HERE] in Muslim conquests first usage of ethnic cleansing to those refusing conversion to Islam. This was over a thousand years before Hitler and his Mein Kampf racial superiority creed.

How does a Jewish identity survive when history AND the Holy Bible shows thousands of years of efforts to exterminate people who identify themselves (whether Observant, non-Observant, Atheistic-yet-cling-to-identity, or etc.) as associated with Judaism. A religion in this present time so-called after the largest surviving Hebrew Tribe after the Babylonian Captivity.

(If one does the math, one probably wonders why traditionally there are 12-Tribes of the Hebrews instead of 13. Part of that reason is the Priestly Tribe of Levi were never allotted Land. The Levite Tribe was to be dedicated to Temple Service. The Tribe that would have been “Joseph” was then divided into two separate Tribes yet often called the half-tribe of Ephraim and the half-tribe of Manasseh. Those two tribes were a part of the Ten northern Tribes lost in history after Assyrian conquest and deportation.)

The Kingdom of Judah conquered by Babylon consisted of Judah and Benjamin and the Temple Levites. From Judah comes the term Jew. I’m not going to waste my time arguing between ethnicity and religious faith. That argument probably has been a thorn in the flesh of Jewish people and culture especially since the Romans forced a mass deportation of the faithful after the last Jewish revolt to Roman Rule circa 130s AD (or CE for you secular fanatics).

I have no doubt the flux of Jews settling in foreign lands contributed to a bit of assimilation to the gene pool of those foreign lands while retaining a Rabbinical Judaism. Shucks pilgrim, I can even speculate an infusion of non-Hebraic converts to Judaism occurred willing to undergo the rigor needed to becoming Jewish. Not an easy task since for male converts, that meant completing the conversion with the Covenant of Circumcision (Covenant-Keeping Orthodox Explanation at Chabad.org and lesser requirements of “Liberal” [I read Left-Wing Torah compromising] conversion that are Conservative and Reform Judaism).

It is my belief (some might say theory) all Jews as God’s Chosen by Abrahamic Covenant (re-affirmed via the lineage of Isaac and Jacob then the Law-Giver Moses) and will have a special dispensation to recognize or (sadly) reject Jesus as their Messiah by the time of the Lord’s Return. Whereas Gentiles only have to one-time option of hearing the Gospel and Believing or rejecting in the present span of their lives.

Certainly Jew-Haters will disagree with my belief (theory) about Jewish Redemption in Christ. But at least dwell on a bit of honesty, trusting in Jews having an Abrahamic Covenant last minute choice in finding their Messiah in Jesus is far better than brutalizing all Jews with hate in this life.

Seek to be a Christ Follower in this Life toward all humankind, to the Jew First, then the non-Jew (Biblically labeled as Gentiles) and toward those claiming to be Christ-Follower.

Consider Romans 5: 1-6, 8-11 (NKJV):

[1]Therefore, having been justified by faith, [a]we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces [b]perseverance; and perseverance, [c]character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

For when we were still without strength, [d]in due time Christ died for the ungodly.


a. Romans 5:1 Some ancient mss. let us have

b. Romans 5:3 endurance

c. Romans 5:4 approved character

d. Romans 5:6 at the right time

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. 10 For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. 11 And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.

The inspiration for these thoughts are some email subscriptions: The first source is ACT FOR AMERICA Substack and the is Simon Wiesenthal Center + Moriah Films. I’m sharing three videos providing historical context on Antisemitism.

THEN after those videos, I’m cross posting an insight I found interesting from New American Prophet entitled, “The Sovereignty of God and the Choosing of Israel” by DR. MICHAEL BROWN.

JRH 5/11/24


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Rumble VIDEO: Genocide in Gaza?

Posted by Brigitte Gabriel

Published May 3, 2024

No VIDEO Description


[Blog Editor: I watched video first at Substack Act For America. The download from there was not a good quality, hence I’m using the Rumble version.]

Genocide in Gaza?

The Truth You Won’t Hear from Lamestream Media!


May 10, 2024


We are all watching the keffiyeh-wearing, terrorist-sympathizing, blithering idiots demonstrating on US campuses, disrupting daily lives, and calling for a final solution.

Genocide in Gaza is a fabrication by Hamas, a terrorist group, that is throwing out numbers without any facts to support them and the Muslim Brotherhood operating under the Muslim Student Association, indicted in the Holy Land Trial, pushing this lie across every campus where they have a presence.

Where is the outrage from these sympathizers when…

  • Five and a half million people massacred in Congo and Sudan?
  • Millions of Sudanese currently displaced and more than 14,000 people killed while eight convoys are blocked from getting aid to their people?
  • 400,000 Yemenis killed and more than half the population is now in need of humanitarian assistance because of war in Yemen?
  • 500,000 people killed in Syria?
  • 300,000 people killed in Iraq?
  • 250,000 people killed in Afghanistan?
  • Tens of thousands of Burmese forced to flee and 25% of the population is facing hunger and illness due to war in the region?

Where is your outrage over true genocides happening worldwide?

Do these people have zero value to you?

The reality is what we’re seeing right now in America is pure Jew-hatred.

It has nothing to do with genocide.

This is about their desire to see a Holocaust in our lifetime. This is their end goal.

They hate Jews so much that they are calling out loud in America in 2024 for the final solution.

We are not going to allow them to get away with this.

Defund Extremist, Pro-Hamas Organizations!

We at actforamerica.org are working on many bills right now but we need your support. Stand with us as we fight this madness.

Together, we stand up against hatred, bigotry, and violence.

Free Gift with Subscription! For the price of a $5 cup of coffee a month, you can help us dispel hate! I wrote my book to help educate Americans about the threat we are facing right here in America! Get your free autographed copy of my NY Times Best Seller “Because They Hate” with your annual subscription while supplies last.


© 2024 Act for America Education


[Blog Editor: I discovered this Documentary via an email subscription to Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Moriah Films. At Moriah Films the Documentary is entitled, “Genocide” and shows the release date as 1981. Moriah Films shows a Documentary summary then links to various platforms to watch or download. Some of those platforms cost money or had a dissatisfactory download. So, I searched Youtube. On Youtube the same Documentary has the release date as 1982. I’m not going to verify which date is correct. On Youtube the Documentary was posted on 3/10/23. I’m sharing the Youtube version. BUT in case of Youtube censorship for whatever reason (copyright or Leftist complaints), I’m also uploading to My UGETube Channel.]

Youtube VIDEO: Genocide (1982) | Full Movie | Elizabeth Taylor | Orson Welles | Simon Wiesenthal

Posted by Grapevine Documentaries

Posted on Mar 10, 2023

Academy Award Winner – Best Documentary Feature 1982 – Genocide

Orson Welles and Elizabeth Taylor compassionately narrate this harrowing documentary about Jewish persecution in Nazi Germany, which soon turned into a notoriously industrious plan to wipe them from existence.

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[Blog Editor: I discovered this Documentary via an email subscription to Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Moriah Films. At Moriah Films the Documentary is entitled, “The Long Way Home” and shows the release date as 1997. Moriah Films shows a Documentary summary then links to various platforms to watch or download. Some of those platforms cost money or had a dissatisfactory download. So, I searched Youtube. On Youtube the Documentary was posted on 3/18/23. I’m sharing the Youtube version. BUT in case of Youtube censorship for whatever reason (copyright or Leftist complaints), I’m also uploading to My UGETube Channel.]

Youtube VIDEO: The Long Way Home (1997) | Full Movie | Morgan Freeman | Israel Lau | Livia Shacter

Posted by Grapevine Documentaries

Posted on Mar 18, 2023

This Oscar-winning documentary examines the conditions for Jewish refugees after World War II, from their aspirations to emigrate to the reality of continued antisemitism.

Starring: Morgan Freeman, Israel Lau, Livia Shacter Directed by: Mark Jonathan Harris

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The Sovereignty of God and the Choosing of Israel

Israel – Apple of God’s Eye (New American Prophet Photo)


MAY 9, 2024

New American Prophet

Why did God choose the people of Israel to be a “royal priesthood” and a “holy nation” (Exodus 19:5)? Was it because of something inherently good in them? Was it because they were better than other peoples? The Lord answered this question directly, saying, “The LORD did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. But it was because the LORD loved you and kept the oath he swore to your ancestors that he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt.” (Deuteronomy 7:7–8)

Paul addressed this as well, writing, “For he says to Moses, ‘I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.’ It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.” (Romans 9:15-16)

In short, Israel was chosen because of the sovereignty of God, not because of Israel’s own merit.

He set His love on Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and determined to bless the world through their offspring, meaning through the people of Israel and ultimately, through the seed of Abraham par excellence, Jesus the Messiah. And because He made unconditional promises to the patriarchs, He has kept His word through the generations, preserving the people of Israel, disciplining them, scattering them, and regathering them.

That’s the only reason we are still here (I say this as a Jewish person myself), and that’s why we are back in the Land today. This is by the sovereign will of God.

As He stated explicitly, “This is what the LORD says, he who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar— the LORD Almighty is his name: ‘Only if these decrees vanish from my sight,’ declares the LORD, ‘will Israel ever cease being a nation before me.’ This is what the LORD says: ‘Only if the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth below be searched out will I reject all the descendants of Israel because of all they have done.’” (Jeremiah 31:35–37)

There you have it. Israel will be preserved as a people no matter what.

We have been (and will be) judged and punished for our sins. But we will be preserved. So says the Lord.

As for Israel boasting in its own righteousness, the Lord actually said to the prophet Ezekiel, “You are not being sent to a people of obscure speech and strange language, but to the people of Israel— not to many peoples of obscure speech and strange language, whose words you cannot understand. Surely if I had sent you to them, they would have listened to you. But the people of Israel are not willing to listen to you because they are not willing to listen to me, for all the Israelites are hardened and obstinate.” (Ezekiel 3:5–7)

In short, He said, “If I sent you to prophesy to the nations, they would listen. But not My own chosen people!”

Paul reiterated this in the clearest possible terms, writing to Gentile Christians in Rome, “As far as the gospel is concerned, they [meaning the people of Israel who rejected Jesus as Messiah] are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.” (Romans 11:28–29)

Israel remains elect and chosen for God’s sovereign purpose and plan. Israel still has a mission in the earth.

This does not mean that individual Jews are guaranteed salvation. Not for a moment. All of us, Jew and Gentile alike, have fallen short because of our sins, and all of us need mercy through the cross.

But this does mean that, despite Israel’s failings, God’s giftings to them remain intact and His election of them remains secure. He does not change His mind.

This should be a great comfort to Christians, a visible demonstration in the earth of the faithfulness of God. If He makes a promise, He will keep it, despite our failings and sins and shortcomings.

We stand by His goodness, not our own, by His mercy, not our righteousness. We, too, live by grace.

Unfortunately, many Christians take umbrage at the idea that the Jewish people are still chosen in any way, despite the explicit testimony of Scripture. They see this as somehow unfair.

To the contrary, God’s choosing of Israel is a reminder of His sovereignty, a testimony to His perseverance, and an ongoing, real-life example of the promise-keeping nature of our Lord.

Rather than grumbling about this, we should rejoice, recognizing that if God could break His promises to Israel, He could break His promises to the Church.

Thank God that is not who He is, and when you look at Israel today – the people worldwide and the nation in the Middle East – you’re looking at the sovereignty of God in action, right until this moment.

He can be trusted – fully.

Dr. Michael Brown

Photo: AI generated

To read more articles by Dr. Michael Brown click here.

Dr. Michael Brown (https://thelineoffire.org/) is the host of the nationally syndicated The Line of Fire  radio show. He is the author of over 40 books, including Can You be Gay and Christian; Our Hands are Stained with Blood; and Seizing the Moment: How to Fuel the Fires of Revival. Dr. Brown is dedicated to equipping you with hope, engaging your faith, and empowering you to become a voice for Moral Sanity and Spiritual Clarity. You can connect with him on FacebookX, or YouTube.


Hamas is Wicked-Evil & There is NO Palestinian People

Actual Islam toon

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© November 6, 2023

Undoubtedly with Leftist incitement to cause chaos in a Christian-oriented culture; Pro-(Pseudo)-Palestinian protests/riots against Israeli reprisal to Hamas Islamic Terrorist brutal-outrageous murders of Jews (and any Western non-Jew who happened to be in the way) have been under way in the USA, Europe and the one-time Free World.

I’m about to rile all the Antisemites, the Jew-Haters, Those who can’t distinguish between Covenant-breaking Leftist Jews and Covenant-Keeping Chosen-People Jews, the Conservatives I admire yet unwittingly believe there are peaceful Pseudo-Palestinian civilians and anti-Medical Tyranny folks ALSO believing there are peaceful Pseudo-Palestinian civilians. TO THE RILED: YOU ARE SUPPORTING EVIL – SHAME-SHAME ON YOU!

It is true that there are (essentially) Leftist Self-Loathing Jews who are more interested in Leftist ideology and Globalist agendas than the Covenants made between the ALMIGHTY and Abraham (and sealed by Moses). It is true European Ashkenazi Jews who immigrated to their HOMELAND from Ottoman days and British control days were more secular Left-Wing than Covenant-Religious. Zionism began as a Leftist movement. It should fascinate non-Jews that God utilized counter-Covenant movements to facilitate a Jewish Return much like Nebuchadnezzar (HERE, HERE & HERE) was used to punish Covenant-Breaking Jews and Cyrus restored (HERE & HERE) Covenant-Keeping Jews to their Promised Land. NEITHER Nebuchadnezzar nor Cyrus were Jewish but used by the ALMIGHTY. Ergo, even though Zionism – past and present – may have involved Covenant-Breaking Jews, it is my opinion the Jewish Return and restored nationhood reflects the operation of the ALMIGHTY.

I could go on about issues Jew-Haters like to bring up. For Example the idiocy of the proven forgery of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for World domination and the existence of the Jewish Khazarian Mafia with Globalist intentions. Heads up: Jew-Haters try to associate Khazarian Jews with Ashkenazi European Jews which is unlikely because they were more likely Turkic converts to Judaism. Khazarian FACTS Jew-Haters like to dismiss with Antisemitic narratives – SEE HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE.

A)  There is no such as a historical people of Palestinians. The Arab descendants of those who adopted that name are largely immigrants to the area at about the same time European Jews who immigrated to the historical Homeland PROMISED to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (NOT TO ISHMAEL – SEE HERE & HERE).

Actual Philistines & Fake Palestinians

B) The name Palestine was given to the area by irritated Latin Romans weary of Jewish rebellion after Roman conquest. The name derives from Israel’s traditional enemies of Philistines. I read a Pro-Palestine commenter on THE EXPOSÉ claim the Greeks gave the area the name “Palestine” to the area by historian Herodotus in the 5th Century BCE. The error in the Herodotus assertion to “Palestine” is that the Greek historian was talking about the old Israelite enemies the non-Arab Philistines and NOT the Arab immigrants who adopted the name to steal the land from Jews. SEE THE QUOTE:

“During the Persian period, the area that is now Israel and Syria was referred to as Coele-Syria. A derivative of the name Palestine first appears in Greek literature in the 5th Century BCE when the historian Herodotus used the word “Palaistine” to refer to the coastal strip inhabited by the Philistines.” Origins of the Name “Palestine” and Palestinian Nationalism; Jewish Virtual Library.

C) The Pseudo-Palestinians who are actually Arabs who are overwhelmingly Muslims (the few Arab Christians have been brainwashed by centuries of Islamic Dhimmitude to join Muslims in Jew-Hatred) are taught from the cradle to the grave to hate and kill Jews for the glory of the demon-moon-god Allah.

D) Because of Pseudo-Palestinian academic and media indoctrination to hate  Jews and Westerners (and by Westerners – especially non-Muslim Americans), those people are willing human shields under the under the idiocy to protect Hamas murderers and their weapon arsenals. MEANING: They are NOT innocent civilians being injured and killed in the Israeli reprisals to eliminate Hamas as a political and paramilitary Islamic terrorist force.

TO BE CLEAR: There was a time I would have been behind any form of military support to be given to Israel. NOT SO MUCH TODAY! The current nation of Israel is as dominated by Globalist Agenda bureaucrats as the U.S. Government is. It’s only opinion, but it’s my opinion: Globalists are striving for a WWIII as part of a population culling agenda. ERGO, I don’t have a problem with sending military hardware to Israel to push the unbiblical Arabs out of the Jewish Homeland, BUT I do have a problem with sending American Taxpayer cash the USA cannot afford and I have a problem with sending American military personnel to a Globalist inspired conflict to engage in a WWIII. I have transformed into something Globalists would not appreciate – A TRADITIONAL/HISTORICAL AMERICAN ISOLATIONIST. Here are some historical Isolationist tidbits, some of which I like and some not so much: HERE & HERE. I guess I’m a cherry-picking Isolationist but definitely an ANTI-Globalist Isolationist.

And to drive points A – D HOME, below are two November 4 cross posts that I am convinced the Leftist-CIA-Globalist Mockingbird Media have not shared or twisted with propaganda if it was shared:

  • Hamas Latest Statement Puts The Far Left In A Corner
  • Global Rise Of Antisemitism: A Harbinger Of The Approaching Tribulation

JRH 11/6/23


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Hamas Latest Statement Puts The Far Left In A Corner

Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas – MOAB Report Screenshot 11/1/23

By Johnny Merchant

November 4, 2023

MOAB Report

Amid escalating tensions in the Middle East, Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas, has issued a call for Palestinian civilians to sacrifice their lives in response to Israel’s recent strikes against Hamas terrorists in Gaza. In a televised speech on Thursday, Haniyeh accused Israel of perpetrating a “new holocaust” against the people of Gaza, urging “free people” and “friendly countries” to exert pressure on Israel to cease the attacks.

“This brutal aggression must stop. This new holocaust must stop,” Haniyeh stated, referring to Israel’s military strikes in retaliation for a recent terrorist attack by Hamas that killed 1,400 Israelis, wounded more than 5,200 others, and took hundreds hostage. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]

The terrorist attack that took place on October 7th was described as an unprecedented act of violence. Disturbing accounts reported children being beheaded, babies burned alive, and women brutally raped by Hamas terrorists. Despite these horrifying acts, Haniyeh called for even more bloodshed, stating that the blood of innocent Palestinian civilians should ignite the revolutionary spirit within us and propel us forward.

Hamas, a designated terrorist organization by the United States and other countries, has a long history of using civilians as human shields in its attacks against Israel. The group has also been known to twist and distort the truth to further its own agenda.

Amidst the ongoing conflict, Hamas has made false allegations of Israel bombing a hospital, exploiting this misinformation to gain sympathy and support on the global stage. However, video evidence provided by the Israeli Defense Forces has revealed Hamas’ utilization of civilian areas to launch rockets and their exploitation of public buildings as operational bases, thereby endangering innocent civilians.

In the midst of these events, Israel asserts that its military actions are imperative to safeguard its citizens against the relentless onslaught of terrorist attacks orchestrated by Hamas. The nation has endured persistent threats and assaults from Hamas for years, necessitating proactive measures to ensure the protection of its people.

The world watches on with growing concern as the conflict between Israel and Hamas shows no There are no signs of slowing down. Israel remains committed to protecting its people from terrorist threats, while Hamas persists in advocating for more violence and bloodshed.



Global Rise Of Antisemitism: A Harbinger Of The Approaching Tribulation

Pro-(Pseudo)-Palestinian Protest  – Harbinger’s Daily Photo

By Mark Hitchcock

November 4, 2023

Harbinger’s Daily

There is an alarming rise of global antisemitism. The global surge of venomous hatred of the Jewish people and the nation of Israel is palpable in our world today. 

Just this week, Jewish leaders told US Officials, “We’ve never seen anything like this ever.”

In the United States, there has been a 400% increase in antisemitic incidents just since October 7th. This time last year, in 2022, antisemitic incidents were up 36%, which was the highest on record. In 2023, the number rose again before going dramatically higher in the wake of the Hamas attack and Israel’s response.

A Reuters headline on Tuesday read, “Open hatred of Jews surges globally, inflamed by Gaza war.” An article from CNN announced, “A new wave of antisemitism threatens to rock an already unstable world.” 

“History is flashing warnings to the world,” the article begins by stating.

“Outbursts of antisemitism have often been harbingers of societies in deep trouble and omens that extremism and violence are imminent,” they described. “Recent antisemitism is also a reflection of destructive forces tearing at American and western European societies, where stability and democracy are already under pressure.”

The rise of antisemitism is a warning sign that something bad is coming. In this case, it’s a warning sign that the tribulation may be in the not-too-distant future.

Antisemitism is metastasizing all over the world. Many of you have seen reports regarding college campuses in the United States. On one of the message boards of Cornell University was a statement calling for people to slit the throats of Jews.

In America, 3 out of 10 of the 18-24 age group believe that the US should support Hamas in this conflict rather than Israel. 26% believe that the solution to this problem is for Israel to be destroyed and the land to be given to Hamas and the Palestinians. So we see, especially among younger Americans, a growing wave of antisemitism.

Another place where this is mushrooming is in Turkey. There was a massive antisemitic gathering in the city of Istanbul. Turkey’s President Recep Erdoğan accused Israel of war crimes and vehemently insisted that Hamas is not a terrorist organization. Israel has pulled their diplomats and announced that they are reassessing their relationship with Turkey.

Turkey is one of the main nations mentioned in the Ezekiel 38 coalition that will invade Israel in the end times. Their relationship with Israel has done a 180˚ just since October 7th.

There are also significant protests in Paris and London, with signs such as “Gas the Jews,” “Hitler should have finished the job,” and the most virulent kind of antisemitism you can imagine. We’ve all heard the report about the airport in Dagestan, which is a Muslim area of Russia. People were tearing through the airport when a flight arrived from Tel Aviv, searching for Jews to Lynch.

It’s Irrational, And It’s Demonic

These are chilling echoes of the 1930s and the 1940s. What we should keep in mind, as we see all of this, is that there is much more to antisemitism than meets the eye. What we’re seeing is the unveiling of an ancient satanic conspiracy. Antisemitism has been rightly called “the oldest hatred.” It goes all the way back to the time of God’s calling of Abraham.

Some of you may be wondering what antisemitism means. The main definition I’ve read is “prejudice against or hatred of Jews,” but there’s another definition. A friend of mine named Olivier Melnick, who is a Messianic Jew, defines antisemitism as “the demonic irrational hatred of the Jewish people and Israel, characterized by thoughts, words, and actions.” [Blog Editor’s Bold Text Emphasis]

It’s irrational, and it’s demonic. God chose Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants to be the forebears of the Messiah. Therefore, Satan wants to destroy them because he hates what God loves.

The problem is our world today is blind to the demonic component of antisemitism. They look at this and think, why does the world hate the Jews so much? They don’t understand that Satan takes irrational things, such as the hatred of the Jewish people and the land of Israel, and makes them appear rational.

Satan tried to wipe out the Jewish people so that the Messiah couldn’t come. Once Jesus was born and began His ministry, Satan incited the Jewish leaders and the Romans to kill Him. Since Jesus’ death and resurrection, Satan has now been trying to wipe out the Jewish people so that God cannot fulfill His purposes and program with them.

Revelation chapters 12-13 tell us that the ultimate antisemite will be the Antichrist. He’s going to persecute the Jewish people in the end times to a degree with which they have never been persecuted before.

The Antichrist will initially act like a friend of Israel and make a peace agreement with them. We can see that on the horizon as the world desires peace in the Middle East, unlike any other time in history. The Antichrist will ultimately betray them and become their greatest persecutor.

What we see today is also a preview of Zechariah 12:2-3, which states, “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”

As the world turns against the Jewish people, you and I need to love them, support them, and pray for them.

100-Year Prayer Meeting For The Jewish People

Most of you have heard of Corrie Ten Boom, who hid Jews during World War Two, resulting in her family being taken captive and the death of her sister and father.

The previous generation Ten Boom family started a weekly prayer meeting for the Jewish people in 1844. After a moving worship service in a Dutch Reformed Church, a man named William Ten Boom felt the need to pray for the Jewish people. People would stop by, and they would have a weekly meeting where they would pray Psalm 122:6 for the peace of Jerusalem.

These meetings took place every week for 100 years, until February 28th, 1944. The Ten Booms were gathered together for their weekly prayer meeting for the Jewish people when Nazi soldiers came to the house and took them away for helping local Jews and hiding them in a secret room. 

That is the least that you and I can do in the times we find ourselves in is to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for the Jewish people, for God to bless them, and for God to help them.

What we’re seeing happening right now is unlike anything that we’ve seen since the time of the Holocaust.

Many pieces and players are prophetically moving into place today. You and I should be living on the tip of expectancy for the coming of Jesus Christ. Make sure you are ready.

Dr. Mark Hitchcock is an author, associate professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, Senior Pastor of Faith Bible Church in Oklahoma, and hosts the weekly program “Marking The End Times.”

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