Blogger Naughty List, PART FIVE

Islamic Fact: Deceive with Peace – Kill to Enforce Rule

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

June 15, 2023

Well, to those followers who enduring me being cantankerous about Blogger censorship (as in unpublishing) aged posts from my SlantRight archive site, I have 13 more censored posts to share. As I type, I’m uncertain how many will show in PART FIVE. The censored/unpublished posts in PART FIVE shows Islamic revered writings make it okay to deceive about peace but kill to maintain authority. Ergo, Islam is peace like hell is paradise – NOT!

Parts so far: ONE, TWO, THREE & FOUR.

PART FOUR ended with the seventeenth unpublished post. Battling onward, here we go.

18. Kromberg and Patton and the Enemy

August 2008

Unpublished Link:


Photo: General George S. Patton

The greatest war movie ever made by Hollywood was “Patton [Updated Link] starring George C. Scott as General George S. Patton. That is my opinion but I think I can back that up with the fact that the 1970 movie won seven Oscars. I highly recommend you buy or rent this movie. Although it was edited for dramatization and for the day and time of the year the movie was released, Scott’s rendition of General Patton is spot on from the information I have read of the good General. (Scott’s characterization of Patton’s famous Third Army speech [Updated Link] – sanitized [kind of] for the ‘70’s from the actual speech)

I know you are thinking, “What does Patton have to do with what I usually write about?”

Be patient I will segue from Patton to the point.

In the movie “Patton” the General same to be plagued with bad press which got him relieved of his Command twice. The essence of the bad press was the brilliant General could not keep his big mouth shut concerning personal feelings that were considered politically incorrect for his day. [Original “Not secure” link still functions – “The Press and General Patton” by Jeffrey St. John]

I immediately thought of Patton when I read New York Sun article [Updated NY Sun archive link] about Federal Prosecutor Gordon Kromberg being attacked by critics for pursuing relentlessly the enemies of America – Islamist terrorists.

The basis for the attacks on Kromberg is not because he is incompetent, rather American Islamists and the Left are upset that Kromberg is doing his job too successfully. In stead of attacking his competency Kromberg’s critics are trying to portray him as a racist bigot of Muslims and thus should not be in a position of Prosecutor due to bias.

How are Islamists and Leftists pulling the racist Muslim victim card? They are using Kromberg’s big mouth to dilute his brilliant and relentless pursuit of the enemies of America during the Global War on Terror.

Thus you see why I thought of Patton when I read about Kromberg.

All Kromberg wants to do is nail the enemies of America which he is doing even with the restraints and legal loop-wholes of Islamists and Leftists taking advantage of America’s legal system.

As far as I am concerned Kromberg is an American hero in the mold of General Patton. Unfortunately Kromberg may have to watch his mouth because the concept of Political Correctness is a more powerful tool used by Islamists and Leftists today than in Patton’s day.

JRH [Embedded defunct SlantRight Website link removed] 8/5/08 (Hat tip to Political Islam [Updated link – “Debating About Islam – Part 2” added as cross post to CPCR/NCCR])


19. An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam #9

June 2008

Unpublished Link:

NCCR/CPCR Link: [Includes June 3, 2008 Political Islam cross post. NOT updating links at CPCR]

Photo: Sword Stabbing Bk (Can’t tell if Quran or Bible)

I found this website called Political Islam [Updated link]. I signed up to receive a weekly e-newsletter which is also posted on the website. I pretty much agree with Political Islam’s purpose which is to expose and educate about Political Islam as well as to advocate ways or thoughts to with stand the death cult.

I like the website because it is definitely not Politically Correct. Frankly I suspect it is just a matter of time that American fifth column organizations [Updated link to Anti-CAIR website] like Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) will denounce the truth from the website as racist and bigoted.

So what! Sometimes you have to slap someone to wake them up!

I did post the last e-newsletter which is part of a series [Embedded link was to defunct SlantRight website]. I don’t know if it is in the middle or nearing the end of the series for the one I am posting today is Part 9.

JRH [Embedded link was to defunct SlantRight website] 6/8/08


20. Study Islam to Understand its Threat

August 2008

Unpublished Link:


Photo: CAIR & al taqiyya

The essence of Islam is evil with the framework of Western standards. It is especially evil compared to Christian ethics; however it is evil also in the face of Western secular ethics.

It is doubtful an egalitarian secular humanist would agree that secular Western ethics would find Islam evil. The fact the Secular Humanism believes all humanity are equal regardless of race, creed, religion (or lack of religion), sexual persuasion et al; forces a view that disparaging the religion of Islam as abhorrent.

And thus I am frequently called a “hater,” “hatemonger,” “bigot” and whatever disparaging epithet because I learning to understand Islam (or Mohammedanism after the theo-political cult’s founder) and to share the information on blogs.

I am indebted to websites such as Jihad Watch [Updated], Dhimmi Watch [Robert Spencer combined Dhimmi Watch with Jihad Watch in 2009 – EXPLANATION], CAIR Watch [Americans Against Hate sponsored CAIR Watch – Both sites still up but haven’t been updated for years and now are on the “Not secure” list], Anti-CAIR [Updated], Apostates of Islam [Dead link – Redirects to suggestion domain might be for sale], Answering Islam [Updated], [Updated], Sharia Finance Watch [Update might take you through a security check before loading. As of this posting the website appears last updated 5/19/20], Faith Freedom International [Updated], Counterterrorism Blog [Site still up “Not secure”. Also last post 3/11/11 notifies the blog has ended], Gates of Vienna [Original link “Not secure” still functions but it is to the old GoV last updated 1/22/13. The new Gates of Vienna is a .net and updated frequently], MEMRI [Updated] and I could name more.

These websites give a stark portrayal of Islam in action (so-called moderate and Islamist).

The website that has been beneficial lately is Political Islam [Updated]. Bill Warner has provided an understanding as to why Muslims can say Islam is peaceful and yet be guilty of such reprehensible acts of violence.

The latest post I have from Bill Warner is “The Doctrine of Deceit.” Here Warner explains how a duality system of ethics allows a Muslim to lie with a sense of guiltlessness or that the concept of “Greater Jihad” (Murdering Kafir) and “Lesser Jihad” (the so-called inner struggle) are equally valid concepts to a Muslim and are non-contradictory.

You should really Read “
The Doctrine of Deceit.” [Updated]

JRH [Defunct SlantRight website link removed] 8/9/08 [Adding “The Doctrine of Deceit” as an update addition to CPCR]


21. My Ex-husband was a Good Muslim

June 2009

Unpublished Link:


Photo: Muhammad (pbuh) toon by Devereaux 2006

My cousin Mary was not pleased with this YouTube video [Updated link] I posted at my Facebook [The Facebook profile I originally had was terminated by Facebook for violating their !GASP! Community Guidelines. I have created a new FB page to stay connected to Class of 1975 HS graduates. It is used sparingly compared to yesteryears.] profile page.

[Blog Editor: Back in 2009 I was not adept at embedding videos. So what the heck, since that 2009 video has miraculously survived Youtube censors, I’m embedding it:

Youtube VIDEO: CAIR caught selling Jihadist & anti-Judeo-Christian books to public

Posted by J. Mark Campbell

Posted on Apr 17, 2009

The Council on American Islamic Relations CAIR is caught red handed selling Sayyid Qutb (the father of Jihad) books and anti-Judeo-Christian material which state that those who wrote the Bible should “burn in hell for blasphemy.”]

Here is Mary’s rebuke:

Not all muslims are bad, I married one! He had gone to Bible College when I first met him. He mixes Judaism with Christianity and Islam. Ishmael (?) was Abraham’s son.

Mary, I understand the reason you may defend Muslims because of your past matrimony with a Muslim and having two wonderful children with him.

Just to be clear I am fully aware that all Muslims are not evil. Indeed statistics report that 90% of Muslims consider them self as moderate and that the Islam practiced by Islamic terrorists place a bad name on Islam. However it must be kept in mind that the 90% who consider them self as a moderate also believe in the infallibility of Mohammed, his Quran and the near infallibility of the Hadith, Sunna, Sira and the developed Sharia Law.

It is the 10% of radical Muslims who actually follow this infallibility ideology to a tee. So in effect according to the Muslim holy writings the so-called radical Muslims are actually the good Muslims. The 90% that knowingly or unknowingly pick and choose the part of Islam that is not violent would not be considered good Muslims according to their own holy writings.

Because of this one rarely hears about a Moderate Muslim from the 90% being critical amongst their brethren about the 10% who are following the Theo-political tenets of Islam to the tee.

Now there is a good reason for this kind of self-justification among Muslims. The goal of Islam as set forth by Mohammed was to subjugate all humanity to Islam whether humanity appreciates Islam, Allah and Mohammed or not. So there is set of dualistic ethics that pertains to Muslims and other ethics that pertain to kafir (or house of war – aka dar al-harb).

Bill Warner says it best at his website Political Islam [Updated link].

The dualistic ethical system of the Islamic Trilogy prepares the foundation of jihad with one set of ethics for Muslims and another set of ethics for the kafirs. So, there are two ways to deal with the kafirs. One is to think of them as inferiors but act in a kindly way. The other is jihad.

The following hadith summarizes all the key elements of jihad. (Notice that only the fourth item, the Day of Resurrection, is purely religious in nature). It tells us that the whole world must submit to Islam; kafirs are the enemy simply by not being Muslims. To achieve this dominance, Islam may use terror and violence. It may use psychological warfare, fear, and theft. It may take the spoils of war from kafirs. Violence and terror are made sacred by the Koran. Peace comes only with submission to Islam.

Bukhari 1,7,331 Mohammed: “I have been given five things which were not given to any one else before me:

Allah made me victorious by awe, by His frightening my enemies for a distance of one month’s journey.

The earth has been made for me and for my followers a place for praying and a place to perform rituals; therefore, anyone of my followers can pray wherever the time of a prayer is due.

The spoils of war has been made lawful for me yet it was not lawful for anyone else before me.

I have been given the right of intercession on the Day of Resurrection.

Every prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I have been sent to all mankind.”

The story of the Trilogy culminates in the dominance of political Islam. The Trilogy teaches that Islam is the perfect political system and is destined to rule the entire world. The governments and constitutions of the world must all submit to political Islam. If the political systems of the kafirs do not submit, then force, jihad, may be used. All jihad is defensive, since refusing to submit to Islam is an offense against Allah. All Muslims must support the political action of jihad. This may take several forms-fighting, proselytizing or contributing money.

The Trilogy lays out the complete strategy, tactics, and vision of political Islam and jihad. Much of the Trilogy is about how Mohammed dealt with those people who disagreed with him. Violent political action with a religious motivation was taken against kafirs. Under Islam, their only political freedom was to submit. This legal inferiority is sacred, eternal and universal.

Duality of ethics was the basis for Mohammed’s greatest single innovation-jihad. Jihad is dual ethics with sacred violence. The key religious element of the dual ethics is that Allah sanctifies violence for complete domination. The kafirs must submit to Islam.

In Mecca, Mohammed demonstrated the initial practice of jihad when Islam was weak: persuasion and conversion. When he moved to Medina, he demonstrated how jihad worked when Islam was strong: using immigration against inhabitants, creating political power by struggling against the host, dominating other religions, using violence, sowing division among the tribes, and establishing a government.

Jihad is civilizational war for two reasons. First, jihad uses every aspect of civilization as an element of war. Violence, education, fear, psychology, sociology, sex, population, immigration, public relations, corruption and religion are all used in jihad. Military force and terror are the smallest aspects of jihad. The second reason that jihad is civilizational war is that the purpose of jihad is to annihilate every aspect of the non-Islamic civilization. Art, history, law, dress, manners, names, education, customs, government, foreign policy, economics, and every other detail must become Islamic.

Islam has been waging civilizational war for centuries. Before the Muslims arrived, Egypt and North Africa and the southern coast of the Mediterranean were Christian. There was a Buddhist monastery in Alexandria Egypt. Turkey was Buddhist and Christian. Persia-now Iran-was Zoroastrian. The Hindu culture covered an area of the world twice as large as it is now. Languages disappeared to be replace (sic) by Arabic.

Mohammed encouraged the rape of female captives after battles. This is reported in the Sira and Hadith and approved in the Koran. In jihad it is not considered rape to have forced sex with a woman as long as she is a kafir captive or slave. This is true even if she is married. In the Muslim world, the act is only rape when committed against a Muslim. Again, the dual ethics of Islam prevail.

Bukhari 3,34,431 One of the captives was a beautiful Jewess, Safiya. Dihya had her first, but she was given to Mohammed next.

4:24 Also forbidden to you are married women unless they are your slaves or captives.

Rape was one of Mohammed’s tactics of conquest because it worked. Forced sex with women whose protectors had been killed was considered supreme domination. It was also a humiliation to the women’s male relatives and husbands who had not been killed. If a woman is captured, raped and absorbed into the captor’s environment, her helplessness renders her totally compliant and her submission is complete. To protect her children from slavery, many widows and rape victims readily agreed to conversion and their children were raised as Muslims.

Forced sex is far more than rape in political Islam. It is a method of war, a tactical strike which is not a crime because it is jihad. It is not a sin. It is practiced against the kafir and is sanctioned in the Trilogy of the Koran, the Sira, and the Hadith. (Excerpts from Bill Warner
[Updated – Title of excerpted quote: “An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 4”; By Bill Warner; 8/29/08])

Thus it is my position that all Muslims may not be evil, but the potential to be evil is in their holy writings and the example of their prophet.

Bill Warner has a series of essays that exposes Islam as not a cool religion for humanity. The series is called, “An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam [Updated].”

As to Ismael being a son of Abraham. That is absolutely true; however the Muslim version is absolutely false!

The Muslims call Ishmael the preferred son because he was the oldest. Yet the Old Testament (the true Word of God written before Mohammed was born) clearly shows that Abraham was to have a child of promise through his wife Sarah. Ishmael is the son of Abraham and the slave girl Egyptian Hagar.

The child of promise was Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarah. It is from this bloodline that leads up to the incarnated birth of Jesus the Christ the Son of God and the son of Mary.

The New Testament portrays Ishmael as the son of the bondwoman Hagar. Isaac is portrayed as the son of the free woman Sarah. The promises of God flow the son of the free woman – Sarah – culminating in the Savior of the world Jesus. Salvation is by faith rather than by the sword. Deviated from Christianity is handled at the Last Judgment and not by execution in this life.


Blog Editor: A good place to end PART FIVE. The other censored blogger posts will be in the undetermined future.

JRH 6/15/23


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Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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