Blogger Naughty List, PART TWO

Abbreviated Censored Posts Directed to CPCR or to ORIGINAL Websites

By John R. Houk

© June 3, 2023

This is continued from PART ONE.

Some of the Blogger email notifications of reasons for unpublishing were typically one of two lame quoted reasons:

“Your post titled ‘WHATEVER THE TITLE WAS’ was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and deleted the post, previously at …REMOVED LINK


 “Why was your blog post unpublished? Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy.” INCLUDING & ORIGINAL BLOGGER LINK

Remember the time was over a decade ago. I find it CRAZY WOKE that an updated guideline triggers past censorship.

It turns out some of the Blogger unpublished posts are so old they did not even make it to the old NCCR (now CPCR). Some where an intro pointing to the now removed website. Since has ceased to exist, I’m not going to try and find the original text on a computer that may not exist. I did not even know what Cloud storage was over a decade ago.

BUCKLE UP FOR ANCIENT CENSORSHIP RIDE – In order of censorship rather actual posting order

1. “Mass slaughter in our schools: the terrorists’ chilling plan” [The Blogger version of this post will attempt to obscure words that I can guess rubs WOKE censors the wrong way.]

January 2007

Unpublished Link:

No post on NCCR/CPCR

Photo of Mourners Perhaps Family

This essay is something I have never considered would happen as a terrorist act in America: Children as the target of Islamofascist terrorists. Of course it was unfathomable that the murders of 9/11 would occur.

Here is the theme: Islamofascist terrorists will develop a modified plan of something similar to Russia in taking over a school. Part of the plan is to rape the women (teachers) and girls (students) followed by forced labor of male students in fortifications followed by summary executions.

Friends I know it is politically incorrect to utilize religious profiling (this is beyond racial profiling), however it is better to fall on the side of safety in a war in which the enemy is convinced about its means and has zero moral constraint to execute those means.

Then a Link to defunct followed by another photo deceased child victims of Muslim terrorists.


2. An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, Part 11

June 2008

Unpublished Link:

Could not locate “Part 11” on NCCR/CPCR

Photo: Divided Flag- USA & Islam

Here is the last installment from Political Islam [Updated embedded link] educating Americans about being more offensive rather than the politically correct notion of defensive, passive or darn right ambivalent toward Islam.


Website (CSPII):

JRH [ embedded link] 6/28/08

CSPII links to all Eleven parts:

  An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 11

  An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 10

An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 9

  An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 8

  An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 7

  An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 6

  An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 5

  An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 4

  An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 3

  An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 2

  An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam, part 1


3. Warner: The Fruit of Islam

September 2009

Unpublished Link:

Could not locate on NCCR/CPCR

Photo: Muslim Holding Sign- Freedom Go To Hell

Have you heard of the Islamic Golden Age [Updated Link]? The phrase implies an age of dynamic growth of intelligence and technology. Indeed the Muslim to this day considers Islamic civilization to be the best that ever has existed on planet earth. Why? Islamic civilization is derived from Islam and Islam exists from the direct mouth of Allah as recorded in the Quran.

Let us see just how superior Islamic civilization is. Think of the continuing growth of Western Civilization and compare the so-called perfect Islamic civilization that has grown from the so-called Golden Age.

Bill Warner provides [Updated link] some statistics and thoughts to solidify your mental comparison.

JRH [Defunct link] 9/18/09


4. Debating About Islam, Part 1

July 2008

Unpublished Link:


Photo: No to Islam

Are you a Muslim? If you answer that you are not a Muslim, then this essay about responding to pro-Muslim points will be of interest to you.

Do you have a friend (or even a very good friend) that is a Muslim? If you do then Bill Warner’s Political Islam [UPDATED LINK] essay is of interest to you.

Are you critical of Islam and Muslims come down on you defending their faith as a religion of peace [UPDATED LINK]? Then this essay entitled Debating About Islam, Part 1 [UPDATED LINK] is for you.

JRH [defunct link] 7/30/08

The NCCR/CPCR post has the 2008 version of the Political Islam post which will links that need updated.


5. Barbary Pirates and Somali Pirates

April 2009

Unpublished Link:


Photo: Barbary Pirates – 911 Islamic Terrorists Twin Towers

John R. Houk
© April 16, 2009

D. L. Adams writes about the similarities between the Islamic Barbary Pirates of our Founding Fathers and the Islamic Somali Pirates of today.

I think the underlying point Adams is making is that President Barack Hussein Obama is telling Muslim leaders, “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own country.”

Adams points out two things about BHO’s statement:

• BHO did not mention those Islamic contributions to America.

• The only very real contribution of Islam to America was the inspiration to build a Navy that could operate in international waters rather than just mere coastal and river patrols.

The point made about BHO not mentioning those Islamic contributions is because there are none [Link Redirects to The Global Politician. A search for the link produced no results]. The second point about the U.S. Navy is because the Barbary Pirates kept raiding American ships and taking captives for ransom or slavery. Because of information Thomas Jefferson acquired as an Ambassador, when he became President he astutely realized paying tribute (a form of dhimmi tax that we can call jizya) would be perpetual. So he built up the Navy and sent the Marines to the shores of Tripoli to fight our nation’s battle.

The Somali Pirates are not typical thugs or even peg legged sailors with an eye-patch. There is plenty of evidence that the Somali Pirates are radical Islamic terrorists with a huge connection with the likes of al Qaeda.

For years, I’ve decried–on this site and elsewhere–the use of the term “pirates” in connection with the Somalians who seize ships [SECURE LINK VERSION TO SAME POST] off the coast of Africa and demand ransom. They are violent, they are Muslim, and they are tied to Al-Qaeda.

And, yes, they are TERRORISTS. Islamic terrorists. You know, the “Religion of Peace.” (Debbie Schlussel

The issue more than just piracy, it is the act of Muslims following the tenets of their holy books. I am convinced attacking the kafir owned ships does not affect Islamic raiding pirates. It is their right and obligation just as old Mo provided the example for them.

Just as our Founding Fathers came to this conclusion, let us pray that the Obama Administration perceives as a big picture and not as an opportunity to use his agenda of compartmentalizing trouble global trouble spots [defunct link].

JRH 4/16/09
Below this point I cross posted a 2009 version of Political Islam article by D.L. Adams posted on SlantRight. I tried to update by adding the SlantRight 2009 format to NCCR/CPCR but had WordPress formatting issues. I guess my tech education is still lacking. You can view my lacking WordPress effort HERE. The tech people of CSPIII/Political have preserved the post but in my opinion did a poor job distinguishing quoted material from D.L. Adam’s content. Below is the title and attribution post credit from CSPII, but you’ll have to click the link to read it.

Those Who Ignore History Are Condemned – Somali Piracy in Context

Posted by Bill Warner

By D.L. Adams

Apr 14 2009 

CSPII/Political Islam


6. David Bukay on Islamic Abrogation

June 2008

Unpublished Link:

Could not locate on NCCR/CPCR

Truth About I-S-L-A-M photo

John R. Houk
© June 21, 2008

Well I am still trying to catch up on my e-newsletter reading. I am a bit behind.

I just finished reading a Political Islam [SECURE UPDATED CSPII/Political Islam LINK] e-newsletter posted by Bill Warner; however the essay is by Dr. David Bukay (Ph. D.), a teacher of Political Science at the University of Haifa in Israel.

I’ll let Bill Warner continue the introduction of Dr. Bukay.

Dr. Bukay’s theme is the Mohammedan concept of “Abrogation.” I was enthralled by the reading because the essay has brought further clarity about the Mohammedan propaganda that Mohammedanism is a religion of peace. Dr. Bukay is specific on how the “Abrogation” doctrine in Mohammedanism demonstrates that Mohammedans that tell Westerners that “Jihad” is an inner struggle for peace and not an outer violent struggle to violently spread Mohammedanism to the Kafir (infidels) or enslave them or kill them.

When I read this essay I thought of a clear difference between Mohammedanism and Christianity. That difference being Mohammedans “Abrogate” certain (considered) holy writings to abrogate other holy writings. I’ll allow Dr. Bukay to enlighten you on the specifics which he does way better than I could.

Being a Christian Right kind of guy this Biblical Scripture leaped into my mind:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13: 8 NKJV)

From a Christian Trinitarian perspective is three persons in ONE GOD. Much like a human being is a spirit that has a soul (mental faculties of emotions) and lives in a body: that existence is a three in one proposition.

Keep that in the back of your mind when you read this essay on “Abrogation” or when a Mohammedan might try and tell you his “Allah” is just as never changing and thus the same as the Christian God.

One more thing: This essay is lengthy. Take your time to read it. You might to come back to it two or three times to finish it. The post is so long that I believe Political Islam poster Bill Warner’s Blog could not handle the entirety of the post. The post is incomplete at the link I will provide. Now the e-newsletter has the entirety of Dr. Bukay’s essay which I hope my blog can fit all in one post.

JRH 6/21/08
[Blog Editor: The information from David Bukay is of paramount importance for non-Muslims (ESCPECIALLY CHRISTIANS & JEWS] to digest! The point: The violent hate portions written late (or in Muhammad’s case – spoken) later render the peaceful portions written earlier to overturned as a warring Muslim seems fit to use. Propaganda-wise, non-Muslims MUST understand this when they are proselytized with such lies as “Islam is peace”. Because the Political Islam is lengthy, I’m truncating it here. Hopefully CSPII keeps the content up.]

Abrogation and the Koran

Posted by Bill Warner

Guest content by David Bukay

June 18, 2008

CSPII/Political Islam

Guest Columnist

Dr. Bukay and I have differing opinions about abrogation and how it fits into the concept of duality. But we both agree that knowledge about the foundational doctrine of Islam is essential for having any rational discussion about Islam. This idea is denied by the FBI, Homeland Security, politicians, universities and the media. They advocate asking a Muslim and believing whatever he says. You just need to find the right Muslim and then say the others are not “real” Muslims. Our authorities are Muslim-ologists, while Dr. Bukay and I are foundationalists. We study the doctrine found in the Koran, Sira and Hadith. We know that Islam makes Muslims. It is simple cause and effect.

You should know as you read this article, that it is the final word. There are no more subtle arguments or intricate intellectual moves that can refute it. Dr. Bukay deals with the very DNA of Islam and his work is authoritative. This article lacks one thing that would make it academically proper–footnotes. The footnotes did not move from his Word document to our HTML editor and I just did not want to put in the hour needed to do that work. This is a political newsletter, not an academic paper. My apologies, but if there is any source you want, let me know by email.

David Bukay (Ph.D.), teaches at the School of Political Science in the University of Haifa. His main fields are: International Terrorism and Islamic fanaticism; al-Qaeda and World Jihad; Inter-Arab Relations and the Arab Israeli Conflict; State and Conflict in the Middle East; the Arab State: Militarism vs. Islamism; Syria, Lebanon and Israel: the Politics of Power Politics.

His last two books are: Yasser Arafat: the Politics of Paranoia (Mellen Press, 2005) and From Muhammad to Bin Ladin (Transaction, 2007). He has written numerous articles (mostly in Hebrew). his forthcoming book is Arab-Islamic Colonialist Expansionism: Islamization and Arabization of the Dar al-Islam

Mekkan Peace or Medinan Jihad? Abrogation in Islam

David Bukay
School of Political Science – The University of Haifa

In his e-mail to Robert Spencer on February 14 2005, Dr. Jamal Badawi, one of the best known Muslim speakers in the West for the last two decades, wrote: The Qur’an prohibits compulsion in religion [2:256]. It teaches the Oneness of God, acceptance and respect of all prophets [2:285], broad human brotherhood [49:13], acceptance of plurality [5:48; 11:118], universal justice and fair dealing [4:134, 5:8]. It demands just, kind and respectful treatment of those who co-exist peacefully with Muslims [60:8-9]. Peaceful dialogue with the People of the Book and the emphasis on common grounds with them is a repeated theme in the Qur’an [3:64; 29:46, 5:5]. Those who erroneously claimed that all such definitive verses have all been “abrogated” by what they called “the verse of the sword” were mistaken and failed to give any definitive evidence of their claims. There is no single verse in the Qur’an properly interpreted in its context and historical circumstances that ever allowed the Muslim to fight non-Muslims simply because they are non-Muslims…

This list sums up most of the contemporary Islamic propaganda in hundreds of internet sites and thousands of various publications. Muslim propagandists purposely quote verses from the Qur’an that were written in the early days of Islam at Mecca, where Muhammad was weak and his followers were few and vulnerable, passages that make Islam appear a religion of peace. However, the Islamic propaganda that claims that the Meccan verses are dominant in Islamic teaching, is either ignorant of actual Islamic doctrine and tidings, or it practices a sophisticated deception. The second option is a possibility, since Muhammad is quoted to have saying: “war is deceit,” and it is also sanctioned in the Qur’an that Allah deceives the unbelievers and the hypocrites:

The hypocrites try to deceive Allah, but he deceives them…
Remember, when the infidels contrived to make you a prisoner, or murder or to expel you, they plotted, but Allah also plotted, and Allah’s plot is the best. [wa-Allah jabur-l-micriun]

It is not only because there are so many aggressive verses that incite for killing, slaughtering and decapitations from the Medina period, the second era of Muhammad’s career when he became strong and victorious, but also mainly because the Meccan verses were nullified, abrogated, and rendered void. The problem is the Western politicians, many members of the academia and communication media who are not only unaware and perhaps ignorant of this reality, but also disseminate, intentionally or unintentionally, the tidings of the Islamic propaganda. This behavior is contrary even to the basic interests of the Free World, but also exacerbates the reality as it is seen by contemporary Islamic terrorism, violence and aggressiveness.

Indeed, Medinan verses are totally different from the Meccan’s, concerning treatment, the relationship and the practical policies toward the infidels, or actually all the non-Muslims. Nevertheless, GO TO CSPII/Political Islam TO FINISH READING


7. Intro to Warner Critique of Sharia Law

February 2009

Unpublished Link:


Photo: Political Toon- Sharia Interference a Hate Crime

There is NO doubt as to where Bill Warner stands relating to what adherents call Islam (I usually prefer the politically incorrect ‘Mohammedan’).

Warner of [UPDATED TO SECURE LINK] views Islam in a black and white mode. Either a Muslim follows that which is deemed perfect (e.g. Quran and Sharia Law) or he is not a good Muslim.

I’m a little less harsh. Judaism is roughly divided into Orthodox, Conservative and Reformed. Reformed is really Judaism light.

Christianity even has more strains, yet the strains of thought are basically Conservative (some call Fundamentalist or Biblical), Conservative yet more into Christian tradition than Biblical authority and the various divisions of progressive Christians (which actually seek a secular humanist spirituality that runs counter too much of the Bible).

So my reasoning is certainly a reform movement is possible for Mohammedanism. A good place to see a reform of Islam beginning is at the website Muslims Against Sharia [Blog Editor: This link to Reform Islam is NOT the same site as 2009. It goes to an anti-gambling page and browser popped up a warning. A Duck-Duck-Go search found no website ‘Muslims Against Sharia’. Searching for “Reform Islam” led me to this website: Muslim Reform Movement. As the next sentence in this post indicates, reforming Islam would mean Muslims abandoning the so-called believed divine nature of their prophet Muhammad. That’s a difficult proposition for devoted Muslims to embrace.]. Bill Warner would call such Mohammedans “hypocrites.” Warner’s thinking is that if a Mohammedan does not follow that which is called perfect (as in an incorruptible divine sense) cannot be reformed but only practiced.

But hey, if a Mohammedan movement brings Islam out of the medieval history into a 21st century mindset that violence is not justified as a continuation of da’wa [Blog Editor: Clicking this link redirected to a secure link on Atheism and Agnosticism, which I am convinced was not my intention in 2009. Searching Duck-Duck-Go the more anglicized word “dawah” led me to a post that was probably closer to my thinking in 2009: Dawah: The Call to Islam is Deceptive, Dangerous and Deadly; By John Guandolo; Understanding The Threat; 8/29/16] (Christians would call this evangelism) by means of violent jihad.

I am with Warner in his criticism of Mohammedans who indeed call the Quran and Sharia Law perfect and out of the same mouth say they are moderate peaceful Muslims. If I was a sci/fi robot I would have to say, “That does not compute.”

Now I say all this to get you ready for a critique of Sharia Law by Bill Warner. It is a harsh critique that is true for all Muslims that believe in the perfection of their considered holy writings. Read it!

JRH [INOPERATIVE LINK] 2/23/09 [Old post shared at CPCR updated post]IP

Photo: Break Sharia Law-Bosch Fawstin toon


JRH 6/3/23


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Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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