Vatican Demonstrates Antisemitism


John R. Houk
© May 15, 2015
I am sure many of you politically savvy readers have already heard that the Vatican under Pope Francis’ leadership has recognized the Palestine Authority as a sovereign nation with full diplomatic relations.
I first found out about this from Breaking Christian News (BCN) which cross posted a partial article from Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) News.
I understand the Roman Catholic Church is more about the authority of Tradition than the authority of the Holy Bible as the Word of God, but come on! Throwing the Land of the Jews under the bus to a group of people whose sole reason to exist is to destroy Israel and murder Jews is either an idiotic act or an insane act:
Future: A world without Israel
The PA promises its people that in the future, the State of Israel will be completely erased and replaced by a State of Palestine. A Fatah member of Palestinian parliament, Najat Abu Bakr, told PA TV that the PA supports and adopts the “stages plan.” To the world, the PA claims that the Palestinians seek the West Bank and Gaza Strip, when in fact the goal is all of Israel: “It doesn’t mean that we don’t want the 1948 borders, but in our current political program we say we want a state on the 1967 borders.” [PA TV (Fatah), Aug. 25, 2008] (PA depicts a world without Israel; Palestine Media Watch)
And from for all intents and purposes an independent Hamas Islamic terrorist organization:
Vowing to destroy Israel, Hamas paraded some 2,000 of its armed fighters and truck-mounted rockets through Gaza on Sunday, marking its 27th anniversary with its biggest show of force since the end of the Gaza war this summer.
At the parade, a senior Hamas leader reaffirmed the Islamist movement’s founding charter’s pledge to destroy Israel.
“This illusion called Israel will be removed. It will be removed at the hands of the Qassam Brigades,” said Khalil al-Hayya, a top Hamas leader, referring to the movement’s armed wing.
Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 from Fatah forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Both groups signed a unity deal in April but are divided over how to administer the Gaza Strip. (Hamas holds Gaza military parade, vows Israel’s destruction; By Nidal Al-Mughrabi; Reuters; 12/14/14 11:47am EST)
Here are two CBN News articles dated 5/14/15 and 5/15/15 which shows a Vatican decision that is in my opinion a demonstration of ANTISEMITISM.
JRH 5/15/15

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Vatican Officially Recognizes ‘State of Palestine’
CBN News Internet Producer – Jerusalem
May 14, 2015
JERUSALEM, Israel — Israeli leaders expressed disappointment with the Vatican’s decision to officially recognize a Palestinian state.
“This move does not promote the peace process and distances the Palestinian leadership from returning to direct and bilateral negotiations,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry responded. “Israel will study the agreement and will consider its steps accordingly.”
One former Israeli diplomat told CBN News, “There was no need for the Vatican to jump ahead.”
“Given their record in World War II, they should be more careful,” he said. “The Vatican should show more responsibility and not interfere with the future of the Jewish people.”
Does this move by the Vatican mean the Catholic Church is taking sides against Israel? Dr. Paul Bonicelli, a professor of government at Regent University, addressed that question and more with CBN’s Efrem Graham. Click play to watch.

A statement released by the Vatican Wednesday said the decision “deals with essential aspects of the life and activity of the Catholic Church in Palestine.”
The treaty replaces the Palestine Liberation Organization as the address for its diplomatic interaction with the Palestinian Authority unity government, made up of Fatah in Ramallah and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
“We have recognized the state of Palestine ever since it was given recognition by the United Nations and it is already listed as the state of Palestine in our official yearbook,” Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said.
Pope Francis referred to Mahmoud Abbas as the president of the Palestinian state last year during his visit to Israel. The Pope will receive Abbas at the Vatican Saturday, a day before bestowing sainthood on two Arab nuns who lived during the Ottoman occupation.
Meanwhile, several American Jewish groups also expressed disappointment with the Pope’s decision. The American Jewish Committee called the move “counterproductive.”
“Formal Vatican recognition of Palestine, a state that, in reality, does not yet exist, is a regrettable move and is counterproductive to all who seek true peace between Israel and the Palestinians,” AJC Executive Director David Harris said.
“There is a reason why the U.S., the European Union and others have long agreed that statehood can only be achieved through direct, bilateral negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority,” he continued.
“Meanwhile, the West Bank [Judea and Samaria] is ruled by the Palestinian Authority, whose leader, Mahmoud Abbas, just marked the tenth anniversary of what was meant to be a four-year term, and Gaza is governed by Hamas, a terror organization. What and where exactly is the ‘State of Palestine’ today?” Harris queried.
“We are fully cognizant of the Pope’s good will and desire to be a voice for peaceful coexistence, which is best served, we believe, by encouraging a resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, rather than unilateral gestures outside the framework of the negotiating table,” Harris concluded.
What Vatican’s Move May Mean for Jerusalem’s Future
CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief
May 15, 2015
JERUSALEM, Israel — Critics say the Vatican’s decision to recognize a Palestinian state could have profound consequences for negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and the future of Jerusalem.
In a new treaty, the Vatican switched its diplomatic recognition from the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the state of Palestine. Palestinian officials celebrated the decision.
“We are indeed extremely encouraged by the Vatican recognition of the state of Palestine. We also see this as a very positive development, not just politically but in moral terms, human terms, in legal terms, and it prepares for a whole new era in which Palestine will be seen by the whole world as a state,” senior Palestinian official Hanan Ashrawi said.
Israeli sources told CBN News they believe the Vatican’s decision will not lead the Palestinian Authority back to the negotiating table or promote the peace process. They plan to study the agreement and decide what possible steps to take.
Other groups like the Zionist Organization of America criticized the decision.
“Because what they are instructing the Palestinians is that they can accomplish their ends by being in violation of accords by pursuing unilateral accords as opposes to bilateral negotiations,” Jeff Daube, with the Zionist Organization of America, said.
Some say the historic diplomatic move puts the Vatican and Pope Francis in the position of supporting a corrupt and terrorist entity.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is in the tenth year of a four-year term and he presides over a unity government that includes Hamas in the Gaza Strip, a terror organization sworn to Israel’s destruction.
The Palestinian Authority also sees Jerusalem as its future capital. That means most all of Jewish and Christian holy sites in the city would be in the hands of a Muslim Palestinian state.
The Vatican’s decision also adds to the diplomatic momentum to recognize a Palestinian state. The U.N. Security Council looks to be the next forum soon when France is expected to introduce a resolution to recognize a Palestinian state.
Vatican Demonstrates Antisemitism
John R. Houk
© May 15, 2015
Vatican Officially Recognizes ‘State of Palestine’
What Vatican’s Move May Mean for Jerusalem’s Future
© Copyright 2015 . The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

One thought on “Vatican Demonstrates Antisemitism”

  1. The Pope is a dope. Harris is full of feces. Genocidal murderers should be in prisons or graves, not a state of their own. There are plenty of Arab/Muslim states; no need for more.

    The path to peace winds to and terminates in the Muslim Cemetery. While there are Muslims there is no peace.


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