Do Americans Vote for Benghazi Liars?

Remind Hillary Supporter Benghazi

John R. Houk
© May 24, 2015
In case you haven’t been keeping up with the news here’s real Benghazigate info on the dishonesty of the current Dem Party frontrunner for its POTUS nomination – Hillary Clinton – and the dishonesty of the Administration of President Barack Hussein Obama (Actually Benghazi is just one of many cover-ups by these two).
Americans voted Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 brainwashed by the Left oriented American media that his Marxist and Black Liberation Movement influences were either irrelevant or racist lies. Obama was the Liar. In 2012 Obama and his cadres fabricated a story Benghazi lie and American voters bought the lie again. NOW co-liar conspirator Hillary Clinton is denying Benghazi wrongs, her cadres are lying for her AGAIN and the Left oriented media is AGAIN soft pedaling Hillary lies.
Will a majority of Americans AGAIN put a liar in Office just to say they voted for a woman?
The first news report below is by veteran news journalist Sharyl Attkisson and the second news report is by a person who simply goes by “shawn”.
JRH 5/23/15

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Newly Released Emails Cast Doubt on Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Claims
World News - Oct. 13, 2009
May 22, 2015
Newly reported emails indicate Hillary Clinton was personally made aware of security dangers in the months leading up to the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya. That’s according to the House Benghazi Committee, which has obtained 300 long-sought emails from the State Department among tens of thousands under subpoena.
The Benghazi Committee says there are a number of emails in which State Department personnel specifically passed along security issues to Clinton in 2011 and 2012 before the attacks. An August 2012 email to then-Secretary of State Clinton from one of her top aides, Jake Sullivan, referred to “some warning signs” regarding the deteriorating security situation.
Clinton has long denied being in the loop about mounting dangers in Benghazi and her agency’s rejection of security requests from U.S. personnel, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was killed in the attacks. Though Clinton was sent multiple cables about security prior to the assaults, she explained that she got far too many to read.
“They are all addressed to me,” Clinton told the House Foreign Affairs Committee in January 2013. “They do not all come to me. They are reported through the bureaucracy.”
The newly reported emails differ from the cables in that they were sent directly to Clinton’s personal email server and, in some cases, were from one of her top aides.
Another question raised by the newly provided emails is whether there was any improper handling of sensitive government information on her personal server. Experts say personal servers lack the strictest level of security and risk being compromised by U.S. enemies.
Last March, Clinton told reporters, “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.”
But today, it was reported that a portion of at least one email provided to Congress is considered so sensitive that the FBI has since classified it to prohibit its public release.
Today, Clinton responded by saying, “I’m aware the FBI has asked that a portion of one email be held back … but that doesn’t change the fact that all of the information in the emails was handled appropriately.”
Clinton also told reporters today, “I’m glad the emails are starting to come out. … I’ve asked to be done for a long time. … I want people to be able to see all of them … it is the fact that we have released all of them that have any government relationship whatsoever.”
Gowdy says he is not confident the committee will get all relevant material, because Clinton has acknowledged deleting 30,000 emails that she said were personal in nature.
“To assume a self-selected public record is complete, when no one with a duty or responsibility to the public had the ability to take part in the selection, requires a leap in logic no impartial reviewer should be required to make and strains credibility,” said Gowdy in a statement today.
Gowdy added that there are “inexplicable gaps” in the secretary’s emails during key times of her involvement in Libya policy including:
·         June 10-Aug. 8, 2011—Time period where Clinton was heavily involved in Libya policy.
·         Sept. 14-Oct. 21, 2011—Dates of Clinton’s trip to Libya, when the now-famous picture of Clinton on her blackberry was taken
·         Oct. 21, 2011-Jan. 5, 2012—Time period when the State Department was extending the Benghazi mission for another year
·         April 27- July 4, 2012—Time period of increased security during which an IED was thrown at the compound blasting a hole through the wall and during which the British ambassador was attacked
Four Americans, including Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty and Sean Smith, were killed in the Benghazi attacks.
Benghazi: The Truth Trickles Out
BHO-Hillary Benghazi Liars
Allegations that the Obama administration lied to the American people about the Benghazi terrorist attack have been in the air for the last three years, but new information shows that these allegations have a lot more bite to them than Obama and Hillary Clinton would like the public to believe.
Two days after terrorists besieged the U.S. embassy in Libya, Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal sent her a memo that repudiated the idea that the attack was the result of a video critical of Islam. According to the memo, there was ample evidence that the attack had been planned by an Al Qaeda affiliate that was merely using the protests as a coverup.
“We should get this around ASAP,” Clinton reportedly told a close adviser after reading the memo. But there was apparently a change of heart, because U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice went on the Sunday shows a few days later, still spreading the story that the Benghazi attack was an outgrowth of the protests.
Later, of course, the State Department and the president were forced to acknowledge that there had been no protests in Benghazi on the day of the attack. Officials and analysts continue to debate how much of a role – if any – the video played in the attack, but it is known to a certainty that it was not the whole catalyst. There is, in fact, much more evidence that the attack was planned as a retaliation for a drone strike that killed an Al Qaeda strategist in Pakistan.
The American people deserve to know why the Obama administration tried to silence the truth about this attack. Were they trying to deflect blame? Avoid allegations of incompetence? Or was it something more sinister? Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and perhaps even Barack Obama himself need to answer for these discrepancies, and Congress should accept nothing less than their full cooperation with the investigation. The more we dig beneath the surface on this tragedy, the more it stinks.
It is most unfortunate that the word Benghazi has come to be associated with a right-wing witch hunt in the eyes of the public. Democrats have been successful in denying any culpability, insisting that this is nothing more than political gamesmanship. With the full compliance of the mainstream media, they have brainwashed the voters into believing a lie. And that lie deserves to be exposed.
We’re used to a certain amount of shadiness when it comes to Washington politics, but when American military men and women are dead, we must not stop until we get to the bottom of this coverup. This is about much more than emails, private servers, and multiple devices. This is about secrecy and deception at the highest levels of the U.S. government. And until we know why it happened, no one should think for a moment about voting for Hillary Clinton.
Do Americans Vote for Benghazi Liars?
John R. Houk
© May 24, 2015
Newly Released Emails Cast Doubt on Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Claims
Sharyl Attkisson, an Emmy award-winning investigative journalist, is a senior independent contributor to The Daily Signal. She is the author of “Stonewalled.” Send an email to Sharyl.
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Benghazi: The Truth Trickles Out
Copyright 2014 [The TC webmaster needs to update his copyright info] –
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A boy gets to go backstage at the circus. Amidst all the wonders, it is the circus’s elephant that surprises him the most. Out there, under the big top, the elephant had appeared mighty and glorious. To see him now, tied to a weak railroad stake in the ground by nothing more than a frayed length of rope, the boy is confused.
“Why does he stay?” the boy asks the handler.
“He doesn’t know his own strength,” the handler replies. “He’s been tied to that spike since he was just a little fella. He learned a long time ago…that’s just the way it is. He don’t try to escape now.”
Our government is like that railroad spike. We’ve grown so accustomed to the great might of the federal government that we hardly question it anymore. Some of us may not even understand that we are being held captive at all.
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Today’s liberal government goes well beyond READ ENTIRETY

Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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