Biden To Destroy the Republic

There was a time when the old American motto E Pluribus UnumOut of many, one – was an apt description for the American immigration process that included assimilation to American culture and our historical significance. Justin Smith correctly observes the Dem-Marxist transformation agenda is creating a transformed Latin motto – Ex Uno, Multis or OUT OF ONE, MANY.

JRH 10/25/21

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Biden To Destroy the Republic

Out of One, Many – The Biden Formula for America’s Transformation

By Justin O. Smith

Sent 10/24/2021 9:46 PM

The Biden regime is tracking right along utilizing one destructive policy after another to destroy the Republic that has stood for over two hundred years, and one of the worse is the policy whereby Biden has allowed his handlers to simply throw open the gates at the border. He’s let the barbarians enter unimpeded, to the tune of a confirmed 1.7 million; and these Illegal Aliens aren’t held to the same standards or actually required to adhere to the same laws as any U.S. citizen, with a small number of these illegals being returned to their country of origin, which has ordinary Americans wondering what are the benefits of being a U.S. citizen today, as the Democratic Party Communists and their supporters actively work to destroy our language, culture and national sovereignty.

The real Americans who get up each morning and go to work have all the responsibility of financing this mess under the coercive and subversive tactics of the Biden regime, even as our Inalienable God-given Rights are being regularly violated through Covid Vaccine Mandates and many other federal government power grabs, while Illegal Aliens go back and forth across the border, no testing and no requirements to be vaccinated, at will and seemingly with more rights than a U.S. citizen. And in the aftermath, as the Biden regime moves them into U.S. neighborhoods from Tennessee to New York, violating our sacred spaces — even shooting across the border at Border Agents — we find our crimes rate climb, along with massive amounts of drug related crime, and our language and common history eroded and  traditions delivered one more damaging blow.

At the heart of many of the current policies is Biden’s rejection of the concept of the Westphalian System [Blog Editor: Short & Long Westphalian explanation] utilized by most of the Free World for approximately 350 years, in favor of their version of a New World Order, in which traditional America no longer exists, and the United States acts in a subservient role to the United Nations and the International Criminal Court.

As bad as this is, one sees how terrible any continuation of Biden’s insanity at the border will be for America, once one is made aware that forty-five million people within the lower 48 states were not born in America and twenty-seven percent of the entire population of California wasn’t born in America either. When we see such an imbalance of people who have been born and raised here and have a strong affinity for America’s traditions juxtaposed with so large a number who do not really love America’s traditional culture, it becomes very nearly an impossible task to assimilate, integrate and inculcate these “new residents” to the point that they are on the same intellectual and cultural plane with a shared love of traditional America. 

All of this works to further divide our populace into tribes, especially now that we see a strong advocacy of Critical Race Theory from the nation’s Communists at all levels of U.S. government and throughout America’s schools. These anti-American race-baiters are using open borders and CRT as weapons to destroy American civilization, to revert to something akin to the savagery that existed prior to Western Civilization, based on their notions that most Americans are more concerned with one’s race rather than one’s character, ability, or skills; and so they now move to cancel White people, whether by simply silencing them and making them unemployable or by actually replacing them, as some actually advocate for killing White people

It’s incredible to watch so many in America step backwards in time and reject Dr Martin Luther King’s wish for all people of all colors to one day live and work side by side in peace, love and harmony, as they now try to facilitate and advance the notion the skin color is more important than character in our society, and skin color should be the foremost factor in deciding all matters in our society. This is a recipe for further catastrophe and disaster for America, based on pre-civilizational idiocy steeped in foolish, racist gibberish and ideas that many ordinary Americans thought were long abandoned.

Under the Biden Marxist-Maoist Cancel Culture Formula, one need not be a U.S. citizen for anything, or so it does seem to be the case today. No U.S. citizenship is required to join the U.S. Armed Forces or receive entitlements; foreigners, aliens are even being allowed to vote in some parts of America, especially in local school board elections, and as we are currently witnessing on every broadcast channel these days, if one wants to cross our border without a passport or visa — Well Hell — No Problemo, Señor, Señorita

Welcome to America. Where the new motto is now “Ex Uno, Multis“, “Out of One, Many”.

The only thing an illegal alien can’t do right now is run for public office, but even that is being debated right now in areas where the Democrats hold a strong backing. 

The absurdity and surreal nature of these anti-American, anti-rule-of-law policies are never so brightly illuminated as in the recent case of the illegal alien who harassed Senator Krysten Sinema all the way to a bathroom stall over “rights” for illegals to stay in America and committed a felony by filming the confrontation and releasing it into the public. [Blog Editor: And again on airline.]

Most Illegal Aliens are just like the young lady, a Dreamer, who harassed the Senator in the bathroom. They first commit the crime of crossing the U.S. border illegally and then they reside here illegally for any number of years, jumping ahead of millions of decent, honest, skilled and intelligent foreigners seeking to come to America through proper and legal channels. They apply and receive identification cards from their respective states, as though that somehow justifies their illegal residency, leaving normal law abiding U.S. citizens both angered and confounded that any administration could allow such to exist unimpeded and unrestrained. 

And all across the globe, these Illegals are seen to be romanticized by America’s Leftists, the Useful Idiots, giving real hope to any foreigner, no matter their intentions upon arrival, that they too can come to America and receive exemptions and preferential treatment not even afforded Americans who were born here.

People look on in amazement as they come to see that there’s no real difference between an Illegal Alien and a sitting U.S. Senator. In fact, an Illegal Alien who breaks numerous U.S. laws seems to be exempt from all the rules. 

Since Biden and Marx Inc are intent on letting America be overrun by hordes of Illegal Aliens with hundreds of thousands of foreigners from around the globe still on the way, Governor Abbott of Texas and Governor Ducey of Arizona are moving to secure their state’s borders through their own initiatives, giving some great leeway to private militias working with local sheriffs and deploying the National Guard to stop and detain any Illegal at the border. Although they are still severely undermanned on this front, they are taking charge and control of their own situation to protect and defend their states and America from this unprecedented wave of Illegal Aliens that is beginning to more closely resemble an invasion force, as the [JRH] Republican governors of the [JRH] Red States also jump in to help their mission.  

However, one must expect the unexpected from the Democratic Party Communists who have thrown all their chips into the pot on the Biden Formula for the success of their transformation agenda, and after years of infiltrating every U.S. institution and public venue from Hollywood to Wall Street and back to Silicon Valley, they will not settle easily for anything less than the complete eradication of our Republic by changing America’s demography through the destruction of citizenship and borders. In conjunction with this, all comers will be allowed, despite their lack of skills, finances or understanding of the English language, in order that they will be immediately reliant on the U.S. social services and welfare system and left beholden to the Democratic Party Communists, who will demand their loyalty in return.

Americans are a tolerant bunch overall, but no red-blooded tried and true American has to tolerate a Communist movement and enemies from within mounting an overt and blatant attempt to take down the nation and the Republic in broad daylight, before their very eyes. And as the Biden regime facilitates this mess, it calls for a stronger response from people than has been exhibited to date, or at the very least, it demands the good and decent Americans living along the border and thousands or millions more from the contiguous forty-eight states to convene and descend on the most troubled areas with pistols and rifles in hand, in order to do whatever it takes to turn these hordes back from our border and stop this disgusting invasion of America.

Let’s hope the most recent lack of response from the American people isn’t a sign that the worse is yet to come. Let’s hope Americans don’t simply let this Marxist Juggernaut of an Illegal Alien invasion to continuously roll over them from here on out, year after year, until America no longer exists and has become just another in a long list of failed nation states throughout history and one more Third World nation whose people bow before their tyrants. 

By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Embedded source links are by Justin Smith excepted by the “JRH” indication. Content embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Bold text indicates Editorial agreement.

© Justin O. Smith

Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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