Biden: Stained With Blood

I am a bit late in locating this Justin Smith submission in my inbox. The last plane sponsored by the U.S. left Afghanistan yesterday. Last week there were reports of thousands stranded Americans in Afghanistan, yesterday as the last plane left the Daily Journal reports 200 stranded Americans and thousands of stranded Afghan allies left behind. As the Taliban tightened their grip on Afghanistan, and even as the last planes departed AND no doubt the virus of Islamic Supremacism begins the process Quranic and Sharia Law – the tyranny of brutal murders continue:

Even though post from Justin Smith is late on details, these details on the FAKE-Administration management of the U.S. Military departure from Afghanistan is a blood-stain on Stolen-Election Biden will NEVER be washed away. Justin points to a new nickname to add to an already long list of pejorative descriptors – TALIBAN BIDEN.

JRH 8/31/21

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Biden: Stained With Blood

Biden Leads a Full Blown Retreat From Afghanistan

By Justin O. Smith

Sent 8/27/2021 1:21 AM

The American Flag is flying at half-staff in the aftermath of two bombs being detonated in Kabul on Thursday, August 26th 2021, around 8:30 AM CST our time, one at the airport and one at the nearby Baron Hotel, and all Taliban Joe can do is continue denying any real responsibility for what has unfolded, since he ordered U.S. troops to close down Bagram Air Base and seven other installations in the first week of July. Everything from that point on facilitated an increase of terrorist attacks around the country and the fall of the Afghan government, emboldened the Taliban, and resulted in the “A Team” of terrorists being assembled and placed in the Afghan seat of government and a predictably dangerous situation and a worst case scenario for the evacuation of American citizens and the terrorist attacks that left thirteen U.S. Marines dead and eighteen wounded, along with scores of Afghan casualties.

This is the worst U.S. policy failure in all American history.

Joe Biden owns this bloody, deadly attack on our U.S. Marines, since his evacuation of Bagram Air Base and the retreat of our forces allowed the Taliban to release some of the worst Al Qaeda and Isis terrorists known to the free world and put them back on the battlefield. He owns this because he has allowed the Taliban to dictate to him the terms of America’s retreat, essentially America’s surrender, as well as following such an incredibly weak security plan for the Kabul Airport that it boggles the mind.

Biden actually left the U.S. evacuations operations and process reliant upon the Taliban for help in assuring the security of Hamid Karzai International Airport, which is putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Whether one speaks of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS Khorasan or the Haqqani, they are all one in the same and interchangeable in their hatred for America and their desire to kill Americans, and one can rest assured that the Taliban allowed this bomber to creep through the perimeter unnoticed until he got to his target and unleashed hell and death all about him.

Does anyone really believe the Taliban were sincere in their condemnation of this terrorist attack? They are ecstatic and jumping for joy on the inside, no matter how well they disguise their outward facial appearances in somber concern for the dead and wounded, as they continue to demand all U.S. forces must be out of Afghanistan, with or without our fellow countrymen.

As reprehensible and disgusting as it is to note, the Biden administration had warning of impending ISIS Khorasan attacks on Hamid Karzai International Airport for several days, which made specific note of a bomb being carried or placed outside the airport gates, so it’s hard to understand why more wasn’t done to tighten security and even to step out and neutralize these terrorists, to kill them with extreme prejudice. 

Please note that the Biden Administration had even released an official warning the very day before the explosive devices unleashed their destruction and the horrific deaths that followed. The Level 4 Travel Advisory from “The U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan” [operating from the airport now] read in part:

Because of security threats outside the gates of Kabul airport, we are advising U.S. citizens to avoid traveling to the airport and to avoid airport gates at this time unless you receive individual instructions from a U.S. government representative to do so.”

We haven’t had anyone killed in Afghanistan since February of 2020, and now, after Biden’s hasty retreat and policy of appeasement, America has suffered the worst loss since the Extortion 17 tragedy [Blog Editor: Mostly Left-Wing fact checkers will tell Dementia-Joe had nothing to do the Extortion 17 travesty, but it has been my discovery these fact checkers blatantly to protect Leftist interests and agendas – especially Dementia-Joe. I suspect there is no smoking gun Dementia-Joe leaked SEAL names due to Leftist efficiency in covering their tracks, suspicions persist: Noisy Room article from 8/7/2020] on August 6th 2011, when we lost 30 Americans — Special Warfare Operators/ Seal Team Six — to the terrorists in Wardak Province. And we more than likely would have stopped this attack on Kabul, if our Afghan allies and eyes on the ground, local intelligence operatives, weren’t having to deal with thousands of newly released Al Qaeda and ISIS, fighting as they also run for their lives. 

Looking tired and defeated, Biden insisted his decisions to this point were correct and necessary, but nothing could be more false. This is the man who has overturned every single Trump policy that he possibly could, whether we speak of the Keystone Pipeline or the border and our nation’s overall security. Nothing prevented him — the “President” and Commander-In-Chief — from demanding a feasible, effective evacuation plan from his Top Military Brass and telling the Taliban we would withdraw our military after we had seen all our American citizens safely home.

He didn’t have to stick to any timetable that leaves Americans behind, as he now insists on doing. With incredible gall and temerity, he stood before the cameras today and mumbled about continuing to try to get any and all Americans out, “who want to leave”, AFTER U.S. troops completely withdraw by August 31st, essentially signing many of these Americans’ death sentences and ensuring that those who aren’t murdered right away will become the Taliban’s hostages, to be done with as they wish and used as leverage against the Biden administration for God only knows what.

But every day, each time he takes to the podium, it’s as if he is unsure of whether or not he is actually in charge of anything, much less the most powerful office in the entire world, and this was made painfully obvious as he suggested he “was instructed to call on” certain reporters for the question and answer segment that followed his national address. He is heading at the head of the United States of America, still the most powerful nation on earth; but, all that power means absolutely nothing, if it’s not properly put to use.

It’s important to tell America that Afghanistan fell because Taliban Joe made sure it had to fall. He undermined the Afghan government at every step, violating President Trump’s original withdrawal agreement by excluding Ashraf Ghani’s government from talks the Biden administration had with the Taliban. He pulled much needed funds to maintain air support from the Afghan Security Forces, which gave them their edge over the Taliban in July, and when he pulled most of the U.S. military out too and closed down Bagram, our Afghan forces saw the writing on the wall. 

Many operatives who kept our own intelligence agencies appraised of the situation on the ground in various parts of the country went dark, as they had to find new ways to hide, run and fight, yes fight. Many Afghanis are still fighting in Afghanistan despite what Joe has asserted, especially in Northern Afghanistan. 

And, even though we have spent $2 trillion in Afghanistan over twenty years, the sum spent had dropped to a pittance of the $6 trillion Taliban Joe plans to spend on absolutely NOTHING here stateside for his “woke” Marxist “social infrastructure” programs; $40 billion has been given to many Afghan governments since the days of Representative Charlie Wilson’s War against the Soviets in Afghanistan, and that was the amount we have spent for several years after the heavy front loaded expenditures on equipment, some $83 billion worth, that has now simply been left in the hands of the terrorists of the Taliban to use against all opposition, including U.S. soldiers.

The environment in Afghanistan had been largely stabilized and the Taliban couldn’t have mounted so successful a campaign and seized so many provinces so rapidly, if not for actions by Joe Biden. It was almost as though he was their ally much more than an ally to President Ashraf Ghani and the Afghan National Army. And such as it was, we would have been significantly better served by keeping a military presence there to fill the power vacuum in Afghanistan and retain leverage over China and Russia in the region and our own influence in the Near East Theater, for a litany of reasons that do, in fact, serve America’s vital national security interests, in light of both China’s and Russia’s most recent aggressions against America.

On August 26th, Biden swore he would hunt down those behind the bombings and extract vengeance for America, but he didn’t go into any details on how he proposed to do so. However, it’s a certainty that he won’t be able to do so without boots on the ground or, at the very least, the Afghan intelligence network that had been nurtured by our soldiers through the years. 

Rather than continue down this path of folly and continued defeat, Biden, or whoever is pulling his strings, must reverse course and tell the Taliban we will leave in our own good time and not until every last American has been evacuated safely; and then Biden must reinsert whatever number of soldiers necessary to successfully complete this mission, with orders to enter the streets of Kabul and kill anybody carrying a rifle, who isn’t an ally or an American trying to leave Afghanistan.

Exhibiting some of the most dishonorable actions seen from any Commander-In-Chief in many long years, Joe Biden is essentially handicapping our U.S. Armed Forces right out of the starting gate, but all need not be lost. Except it is going to be for the lack of any real leaders in his administration and the lack of a capable president. 

Biden’s stubborn belief that he is right above all the military strategists who say he is more than just wrong has already enabled the growth of a stronger and more capable Terrorist Association led by former Gitmo prisoner, Khairullah Khairkhwa [released in 2014 by Obama], armed with U.S. weapons, and an Al Qaeda that’s much stronger than when we first invaded Afghanistan, and his callous indifference to the lives of our Afghan allies and American lives has set the stage for thousands of Americans to be left behind to be held hostage or murdered. And, his numerous lies, told with an air of self-righteousness, has set the stage for another attack similar to 9/11 in the not too distant future, as he attempts to wash his hands of Afghanistan, with the blood and sacrifice of American soldiers and citizens alike.

However, despite all Biden’s disingenuous talk of getting America out of “a forever war”, no one should believe that leaving Afghanistan will end Islam’s and the new, improved Terror Association’s war against America. He’s just surrendered to the Taliban and ensured that Afghanistan will once again become a way station for terrorists and Islamic jihadis who want to bring harm to America.

It was a disgusting sight to see, as Biden referenced the Book of Isaiah and called upon the Lord with his usual false piety, so much so as to make one physically ill. The irony of hearing him say “Send me” even as he leads America in a misguided and ill-conceived full blown retreat was just too much. 

Aside from all this, there isn’t a detergent or solvent strong enough to remove the blood of our good and decent young Marines from Biden’s hands. His hands will remain stained with their blood ’til his own dying day. 

By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Embedded source links are by Justin. Bold text are points of agreement or emphasis by this Blog Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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