A Devil’s Pact

Justin Smith joins the long list of Conservatives – like the ones of the National Review – who believe Trump is swindling Conservatives through manipulation of voter anger with Obama’s policies and agenda.

On a personal level I am a Ted Cruz supporter. Nonetheless, I think I understand Trump’s popularity among Conservative-Republican voters. People are fed-up with Obama’s immigration policies whether they are illegal aliens from south of the border or refugee imparted status to Muslims fleeing conflicts originating with the Islamic Terrorists of ISIS-ISIL-IS-Daesh. Also Trump offers a Make-America-great theme. However, Trump is rather obscure on how that path will be achieved concretely. Yet angry Americans don’t care about the obscurity is long as there is the appearance someone intends to move heaven and earth to make America great again as in BEFORE Obama.

Ted Cruz is truly a Conservative. Offers a more concrete path to American greatness without making a bargain with a deal that validates his leadership more than upgrading America.

I could probably ramble on but this is Justin Smith’s time to share.

JRH 1/25/16

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A Devil’s Pact

Destroying the Heart of America

By Justin O. Smith

Sent: 1/24/2016 2:06 PM

Donning a conservative persona, Donald Trump is cleverly pandering to American conservative’s and presenting his utopian hell as a Trump paradise, in which America is made “great again.” And, while America’s many virtues and time honored principles are still largely intact — while suffering constant Progressive and fascist assaults — Trump voters and fools are not concerned that Trump’s policy plans shift with each successive speech, because they only want a strongman who shares their values. Their disregard for circumspect scrutiny and their failure to demand policy details from Trump will serve to further demolish constitutional governance in America.

Yes. In some instances, Trump has correctly identified certain areas of crisis in America, such as immigration and refugee policies, in a manner similar to that of any average ten-year old in the country, with a sincerity that is highly questionable. He rarely makes clear statements regarding America’s problems, while stating that he will do “great things, without providing specifics, facts, details, substance or principles.

Trump is a dangerous anti-free market, crony capitalist, big government, statist demagogue, who never makes any arguments for libertarianism, conservatism or the Constitution. But he does brag of his own corrupt nature and just how easily he “buys” corrupt politicians.

Why on earth would any liberty loving, honest, selfless American, with an unshakable inner faith in God and America, want to replace Obama’s corrupt administration with an equally corrupt Trump administration?

The few times Trump has managed a coherent thought, Americans have heard Trump brag about how he’ll “get things done” with the Democrats, in compromise. Compromising the founding principles that built America with the foreign ideas of Marxism is the reason we’re in this mess now. Conservative Americans do not want any more of such “compromise” — “compromise” — a Progressive code for “let’s destroy the U.S. Constitution.”

Representing big trouble for America, we recently witnessed statist Progressive Republicans, under Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, give Obama a larger spending bill than even the Democrats had asked to receive. And Senator Ted Cruz notes: “Why is a Republican majority leader fighting to accomplish the priorities of the Democratic minority?”

With such an enormous Progressive presence in both parties inside the D.C. establishment and Trump’s own acknowledged affinity to the Democratic Party and New York values [i.e. abortion and gun control], what can America really expect from Trump? It certainly won’t be less government and more individual liberty.

In 2009, Trump told Neil Cavuto (Fox News) that Obama’s stimulus “had to be done”, which isn’t accurate in light of U.S. bankruptcy laws and propagates the Marxist myth of financial institutes “too big to fail.” Trump would later elaborate to the Conservative Review: [The stimulus was] “pork, as we call it, or … gifts to certain people. But overall, I think he’s [Pres. Obama] doing very well.”

When the Tea Party Patriots asked Trump to commit to the Penny Plan and cut $0.01 per year from every dollar of Federal spending, Trump refused and stated: “I will propose budgets that freeze overall spending levels until such time as the budget comes into balance.” [Scroll down to point 4]

This guarantees the continuation of trillion dollar budgets; and necessarily, the only way that the budget can be balanced is by increasing tax revenues by more than half a trillion dollars annually. This will happen only by raising taxes.

Most of the best known economic experts, the Tax Foundation [a nonpartisan tax research group], the Brookings Institute and the Tax Policy Center [TPC Details] contend that Trump’s tax plans will increase the national debt by $10.14 trillion over a decade and $24.5 trillion in two decades, unless it includes huge spending cuts. This debt will eventually have to be paid, so Trump’s tax cuts are only temporary at best; and payment will fall on the shoulders of the next generation of Americans.

Americans will also find Trump unsympathetic to their desire to protect their private property. He loves the Supreme Court’s Kelo decision, which allows the transfer of less prosperous landowners’ private property to wealthy private developers in a reprehensible abuse of eminent domain, if it provides a financial boost to the local community. Trump has utilized this maneuver several times in the past, starting with Vera Coking in the 1990s.

And can America trust Trump to lead a Congressional repeal of Obamacare, since he has often expressed his admiration for Sweden’s single-payer healthcare system and the socialized systems of Canada and the U.K.?

Do we really want a President Trump, who has said he would like to appoint his partial-birth abortion supporting sister, Federal Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, to the U.S. Supreme Court? — who once supported partial-birth abortion himself? [Charisma News weighs in by showing waffling back and forth on Obama. So question should be, “Can Conservatives trust a guy who pleases the audience listening to him?”]

Then one must consider Trump’s protectionist trade philosophy. It is similar to the 19th century guild socialism that mutated into fascism and then Nazism, and, while I subscribe to a certain degree of “protectionism” to counter current continuing currency manipulations and regularly fume over the damage that the World Trade Agreement and NAFTA did to the U.S. economy, Trump’s proposal of a 25% tax on foreign goods will surely result in a global trade war and punitive economic measures aimed at products made in America. America will see an untold number of U.S. firms leaving the country, as trade grinds to a halt along with our economy.

And, concerning the horrible Iran nuclear deal — a simple agreement between two heads of state and unratified by Congress — Presidential candidate Ted Cruz has said he would “rip it up” on entering office; and yet, Trump calls it a “contract” America must honor, but he would “renegotiate harder terms”. It is not a contract or a treaty, and Trump’s statement is one more example of his gross lack of knowledge and understanding of our U.S. Constitution.

Trump’s brand of statism may not meet the classic text book definition of “fascism”, but his statements echo an authoritarianism similar to fascism. He rarely speaks of working through Congress and he seems to assume he can accomplish his goals through his own will and the demands he will make upon his own authority, with or without Congress, just as he thinks he can force foreign powers to do his bidding. His administration will be heavy with crony capitalism, privilege for the few and bureaucracies controlling everything.

Donald Trump is manipulating the current political environment and conservative America’s justifiable anger over the damage to U.S. domestic and foreign affairs, that resulted from Obama’s Progressive Democrat policies; and in the process, through his populist message, insolent lies and glib propaganda, Trump is perpetrating a political swindle on America, second only to the one Obama managed. If conservative Americans give Trump the Republican nomination, they will be further destroying the principles that founded this nation — the heart of America — and entering a devil’s pact with a fascist.

By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

All links are by the Editor. Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith